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Super-High-Speed Switched Reluctance Motor For Automotive Traction

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Super-High-Speed Switched Reluctance Motor for

Automotive Traction
M. Besharati, J. Widmer, G. Atkinson, V. Pickert Jamie Washington
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Höganäs AB
Newcastle University Höganäs
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Sweden

Abstract— This paper presents a Switched Reluctance Motor correct specification, the SRMs can replace PM motors even
(SRM) capable of running up to 50,000rpm whilst producing an in automotive industry.
output power of 60kW. The high speed operation allows for a The SRM presented in this work is capable of running up to
smaller overall size, which in turn leads to lower manufacturing 50,000rpm whilst producing an output power of 60kW.
costs. It is demonstrated that, at very high speeds, merely
Therefore, compared to an equivalent motor with the same
shrinking the motor is not enough and certain mechanical
considerations should be taken into account. A rotor with a output power running at a lower speed the required torque is
flywheel type design that uses bolts to secure the laminations considerably smaller, allowing a smaller frame size.
rather than feeding them onto a central shaft is introduced. Furthermore, robustness, a simple structure and the capability
Electromagnetic and mechanical simulation results for the motor of operating at a wide range of speeds makes SRMs a suitable
are presented for key operating points, the results confirm that research area for future electric and hybrid electric vehicles.
the stresses on the rotor in the proposed topology are below the Additionally, simple control methods are available for SRMs
yield strength of the material with a safety factor of 1.2. This including the use of pulse width waveforms [16, 17].
combined with high output power might make a viable design for Nonetheless, the high mechanical stresses acting upon the
use in mass production hybrid electric vehicles.
rotor while running at high speeds necessitates special
Keywords—— Automotive applications, Electric Vehicles, consideration in the design process. These forces are result of
Robustness, Electric Motors, Voltage control the high radial and tangential forces caused by the centripetal
force at high speed along with the normal electromagnetic
I. INTRODUCTION forces [7].
The interior permanent magnet synchronous motor The centripetal forces acting upon rotating objects generate
(IPMSM) has been the prime choice for the automotive radial and tangential stresses. The higher the rotational speed,
industry. However, significant fluctuations in the price of rare- the higher the stresses. The maximum stress can be found
earth materials used in magnet production such as around the sharp corners and at the location of the shaft bore.
Neodymium and Dysprosium has created a need for research In applications where running at high speeds is required, the
for alternative solutions. Hence, permanent magnet free vibrations and natural frequencies of the motor become
electrical motors such as switched reluctance motors (SRM) important as they affect acoustic noise, bearing loss and risk of
have started to receive plenty of interest especially in failure. Furthermore, short shafts are preferable in high speed
automotive traction technologies [1-8]. operations as the natural frequency is in direct relation with
The SRM has several advantages including a simple length of the rotor.
structure, mechanical robustness and low cost [9, 10]. The The proposed motor for comparison with the SRM is an
copper loss in SRMs can be reduced by having concentrated IPMSM used in the third generation of Toyota Prius, with the
winding which provide short end-windings. The simple and final motor being able to achieve the same output power. It is
robust structure of the rotor in particular makes the SRM good shown that, at very high speeds, merely shrinking the motor is
choice for high speed applications [11]. The main not enough and certain mechanical constrains should be
disadvantages relative to permanent magnet and induction carefully considered. The simulations presented in this paper
machines are a high torque ripple, increased acoustic noise are used to investigate the electromagnetic and mechanical
and vibration, and a requirement for a non-standard converter, aspects of the design. Electromagnetic analysis and
all of which have been extensively discussed [12, 13]. mechanical analyses are carried out using the commercially
Numerous works have been carried out to design an SRM available finite element software packages Infolytica
motor with the same frame size as IPMSM used in the Toyota MagNet™ and Ansys™ respectively.
Prius with similar torque and output power [14, 15]. To obtain In the next step the choice of a suitable cooling system for
this, several different approaches, such as tapering the poles, the motor and the practical tests will be carried out.
optimizing the motor specification and using different
electrical steels have been taken. Therefore, by using the

978-1-4673-7151-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 5241

The rotor pole pitch, ߣ, willl be used in identifying the rotor
tooth width according to (3) annd (4).
ߨ ‫݋ܴ כ‬‫ݎ݋ݐ݋‬ை஽
ߣൌ Ǥ (3)

ܴ‫ݎ݋ݐ݋‬௧ ൌ ሺͲǤ͵̱ͲǤͶሻ ‫ߣ כ‬Ǥ (4)

As rotor and stator can have equal tooth width, there is no
need to calculate the stator tootth width separately.
Since only 50% of the flux in each tooth contributes to the
flux in the stator core back, thee stator yoke can be made equal
to 60% of the rotor tooth widthh [23].
Fig. 1. Torque vs speed curve of proposed highh-speed SRM.
‫ݐ‬௬ ൌ ͲǤ͸ ‫ݎ݋ݐ݋ܴ כ‬௧ Ǥ (5)

II. PROPOSED HIGH-SPEED SRM This work started with a conventional

c SRM proposed to
run at 13,500 while providinng 60kW output power this is
Investigating new SRMs to replace thee IPMSM of the known as SRM 1 and is shownn in Fig. 2 and is an 18/12 type.
Toyota Prius has been carried out extensiveely [9, 14, 15, 18- The new scaled down machinee is a 6/4 type, this is to reduce
21]. It is proposed that these SRMs be repplaced by an SRM the switching frequency and irron loss associated with higher
that runs at the significantly higher speed of 50,000rpm, whilst speed operation and is knownn as SRM 2, a comparison of
maintaining the maximum output power of 60kW 6 using (1): these two motors (SRM 1 and SRM
S 2) is displayed in Table 1.
ܲ ൌ ߱ܶǤ (1)
where ܲis the output power in Watts, ߱ is the rotational
velocity in rad/s, and ܶ is the torque in  [22].
The specifications in Table 1 show how thhe SRM that is the
subject of [3] should be scaled in a waay to meet those
requirements. It is shown that by increasinng the speed from
13,500rpm to 50,000rpm the motor should be b scaled down by
a ratio of 3.7:1.
Table 1. Comparison between SRM1, SRM2.
SRM 1[99] SRM 2
Stator Outer Diameter [mm] 264 150
Rotor Outer Diameter [mm] 182 89
Stack Length [mm] 87 95
Fig. 2 Design Scchematic of SRM1
Maximum Power [kW] 60 60
Maximum Speed [rpm] 13,500 50,000 The maximum required sw witching frequency of the 6/4
machine is 3333.33Hz significaantly reduced from the previous
Torque [Nm] 207 56
designs. However due to reduction in pole numbers, the output
DC Link Voltage [V] 650 600 torque is reduced to 53Nm, as shown in Fig. 3. The reduction
Fill Factor 0.54 0.5 in output torque can be com mpensated by making the rotor
Stator/rotor teeth combination 18/12 6/4 longer (from 89mm to 95mm).
Weight [kg] 25.2 9 80
Iron Loss [kW] 1.3 1.1 70
Copper Loss [kW] 6.3 3.7 60
Torque [Nm]

Efficiency[%] 89 92.4
The torque-speed characteristic of the proposed
p motor is 20
shown in Fig. 1 to give an insight on the operating
o points of 10
the motor. The SRM has been designeed according the 0
following rules [23]. Equation (2) describbes the rotor and
0 90 180 270 360
stator outer diameter relationship
Rotor Angle (Electrical
( Degrees)
ܴ‫ݎ݋ݐ݋‬ை஽ ൌ ͲǤ͸ ‫ݎ݋ݐܽݐܵ כ‬ை஽ Ǥ (2) Fig. 3. Transient torque waveform of SRM
S 2 at the base speed of 10,250rpm,
the averagee torque is 53Nm.

A list of the materials that are used in the manufacturing of As the motor runs at a high range of speeds, there is a
the proposed motor along with their respective yield stress is concern over the core loss and the switching capability of the
presented in Table 2. drive. Hence, in this work the number of poles is reduced to
Table 2. List of the materials used in the motor construction.
its possible minimum which is 6 stator poles and 4 rotor poles
(6/4). As mentioned, reducing the stator/rotor pole number
Part Material Yield Stress
affects the output torque (Fig. 3) resulting in the production of
Stator NO20 N/A only 53Nm. Therefore, at this stage, in order to produce the
Rotor Lams M250-35HS 450 adequate amount of torque, the axial length of the motor is
Bolts A286 580 increased.
It should be mentioned that the stator windings are excited
Cheek Plates Nitronic 50 690 by 333.33A in 15 turns in order to produce an MMF of
5000A-turns. The simulation results show that increasing the
III. ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALYSIS length by 6mm, will give the expected torque of 56Nm in
transient operation. Therefore, the proposed motor proved the
In order to produce 60kW output power at the base speed capability of producing 60kW at the base speed.
of 10,000rpm, an output torque equal to 56Nm is required. As
a result, the major concern at this stage of the analysis is the 80
output torque of the proposed motor. 70
Torque is directly dependent on the current and the rate of
change of the inductance with respect to rotor position.

Torque [Nm]
ఋௐ ᇲሺఏǡ௜ሻ
ܶሺߠǡ ݅ሻ ൌ . (6) 40
When there is no magnetic saturation, the Ȍ-i curves are 20
linear. Therefore, (6) can be rewritten as
ଵ ଶ ௗ௟
ܶൌ ݅ . (7) 0
ଶ ௗఏ
0 90 180 270 360
The torque in SRM motors can be calculated from the area
Rotor Angle (Electrical Degrees)
between aligned and unaligned curves in a flux linkage vs
MMF graph (Fig. 4). Fig. 5. Transient simulated torque of SRM 2 with improvements to increase
the torque.
5 35
4 30
Flux Linkage [mWb]

Torque [Nm]

2 15
1 10
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 90 180 270 360
Fig. 4. Flux Linkage vs MMF graph for an SRM Rotor Angle (Electrical Degrees)
Fig. 6. Transient simulated torque at 50,000 rpm.
The output torque can be improved by changing the
physical and electrical aspects of the motor. For the purposes The next step is to investigate full speed behavior.
of this project the dimensions of this machine are not According to (1), at 50,000rpm, the motor needs to produce
restricted, therefore it is possible to alter the size of different only 11.45Nm in order to maintain the 60kW output power.
parts of the motor enhancing the output torque. Increasing the The torque waveform at full speed is shown in Fig. 6 from
stator and rotor outer diameters will result in an increase in the which the average torque is calculated to be 11.14 Nm. This
output torque. Furthermore, tapering the rotor poles can also result was obtained using hard chopping in voltage control
help with reducing the saturation in tapered areas [18]. mode with a DC link voltage of 600V. It is shown that from
Advancing the switching angle can also further increase the electromagnetic aspects, the motor meets all the
torque. A range of angles have been evaluated, it was found requirements.
that an advance angle of 20° at the base speed and 30° at full In electromagnetic simulation both the stator and the rotor
speed maximised torque output. Fig. 5 shows the torque output are simulated using grade NO20 for the laminations which has
at 10,000rpm, in this case the average torque is 55.6Nm. the advantage of low iron loss.

It should be mentioned that the AC loss in the stator provided by the manufacturer, which identifies the maximum
winding can be as high as the DC loss because of the high stress that the material can withstand without failure. In order
switching frequency of the current. In order to address this to avoid failure, the maximum stress should not exceed the
issue, stranded wire will be used in the windings. yield strength of the material. This can be set by specifying a
As can be seen in Table 3 a machine with 15 turns per coil is safety factor or by fatigue analysis which requires knowledge
considered. The DC copper loss for the motor will be 4.3kW of the duty cycle. The first has been adopted in this case as a
with an AC copper loss of 0.76kW and a 1.17kW iron loss for first step.
the whole motor. The mechanical losses (i.e. windage and The investigation of the mechanical stresses has been
bearing losses) are not considered at this stage although it is carried out using finite element analysis (FEA) software
known that they will be significant in this case. Therefore, an (ANSYS).
efficiency of 91.63% is estimated for this motor. The Von Mises criteria is the equivalent stress in all three
Table 3. Specifications of the proposed model.
directions (i.e. x,y and z) described by (8)
Parameter Value ሺܵ െ ܵ ሻଶ ൅ ሺܵ െ ܵ ሻଶ ൅ ሺܵ െ ܵ ሻଶ ൌ ʹܵ ଶ Ǥ (8)
ଵ ଶ ଶ ଷ ଷ ଵ ௘
Stator Outer Diameter 185mm where ܵଵǡଶǡଷ are the principal stresses and ܵ௘ is the equivalent
Rotor outer Diameter 91mm (Von Mises) stress. In this work, the focus is on determining
Stack Length 95mm the value of this stress.
Maximum Power 60kW In order to meet the requirements of an automotive
application the motor should be able to survive a 20% over
Teeth Combination 6/4 speed, therefore the stresses at 60,000rpm will be investigated.
Maximum Torque 55Nm For mechanical analysis, the laminated electrical steel used in
Maximum Speed 50,000 the rotor is grade M250-35HS manufactured by Cogent steel.
DC Link Voltage 600V This grade is particularly suitable for high speed applications,
with a guaranteed and typical yield strength of 400MPa and
Current Density 20.29‫ܣ‬Ȁ݉݉ଶ 450MPa, respectively [26].
Fill Factor 0.5 The initial simulations at 60,000rpm showed very high
Turn Number 15 stresses in some areas which exceeded the yield strength.
These areas are mainly the base of the rotor teeth and around
Iron Loss 1.17kW
the shaft bore.
Copper Loss 4.3kW The notch effect is the main reason for excessive stress at
Efficiency* 91.63% the base of teeth [17, 27]. Using tangential curves in between
*The efficiency is calculated at the base speed of every two adjacent teeth helps in eliminating the sharp corners
10,000rpm. The effect of the windage loss is not considered (Fig. 7) resulting in the reduction of the stresses. However,
in efficiency calculation. 512MPa is still greater than the yield strength of the material
and failure is certain [28].
The teeth of the rotor in SRMs can cause a significant
windage loss, therefore some authors suggest using a rib or
flux bridge on the rotor pole tips to make the rotor look similar
a cylindrical rotor. These ribs should be heavily saturated in
order to act practically like air [24, 25]. However,
manufacturing this topology is difficult and would not be
suitable for this speed and frame size of the rotor. It is
suggested that the diameter of the cheek plates that are
connected at the end of the rotor stacks be made the same size
as the outer diameter of the rotor, which may reduce the
windage loss. Also, any nuts used to bolt the assembly
together should be flush with the surface of the cheek plates to
eliminate any protruding parts. The value of the mechanical
losses will be measured during the spin test of the rotor.


It is known that all rotating objects experience some type of
physical stress which is induced on them by the centripetal
force. The higher the speed of rotation, the higher the
centripetal force and consequently the higher the physical Fig. 7. Equivalent stress using tangential curves. A peak stress of 512MPa was
stresses. The yield stress is a property of the material achieved

The next main reason for the high stress is the hoop stress. increase. The holes for bolts are located at 25.5mm radius
The hoop stress is the force applied circumferentially on every from the center where a balance between the tangential and
point within a rotating cylindrical body. In this work it is the radial forces induced upon the edge of the holes is
proposed that the hoop stress is dealt with by completely achievable. The diameter of the bolts is important because of
removing the shaft bore. The laminations are held together by the end load capability that it provides (the bigger the
bolts fed through them, with the torque being transferred diameter, the higher the end load capability), a diameter of
through shafts that are part of the rotor end plates rather that 6mm has been chosen. Stress analysis simulations for this
feeding the whole way through the machine. The whole rotor (Fig. 9) show that the maximum stress will not exceed
assembly is kept together by sandwiching the laminations 383MPa, which is 16% below the guaranteed yield strength of
between the end plates and bolting the whole arrangement the laminations.
together as shown in Fig. 8, this has previously been described It should be mentioned that the laminations are thin and
for a flywheel type arrangement [29]. therefore cannot sustain axial tensile stresses. Therefore all
laminations should behave the same way, conducting FEA on
a single lamination is sufficient to predict what will happen to
the whole lamination stack.

Fig. 8. Rotor lamination with no shaft bore (top) complete rotor arrangement
including end plates and bolts (bottom)

The shape of the holes is chosen to be circular as it

experiences the least amount of stress. The positioning of the
bolts is important, if they are too close to the air gap they will Fig. 9. Stress analysis of the proposed rotor lamination design, a peak stress of
383MPa was achieved (top).The areas with maximum stress (bottom)
experience a varying magnetic field and will therefore be
susceptible to eddy current induction and subsequent heating Fig. 10 shows the stress analysis for the assembled motor.
and loss. Conversely, if removed from this region, toward the In this simulation, the lamination stack is assumed to be a
center of the rotor, the mechanical stresses on the rotor

rigid body as the main purpose of the simulation is to study The modal analysis of the proposed motor shows the first
the behavior of the cheek plates and the bolts. It can be seen critical frequency to be 1250Hz (Table 4). Therefore, as the
that the maximum stress of 509MPa is experienced by the first critical frequency is above the frequency of the motor at
bolts, which are made from grade A286 solution annealed full speed and even 20% over speed, the risk of failure is
aged austenitic steel with a maximum yield stress of 586MPa eliminated.
and the cheek plates are made of grade Nitronic 50 austenitic
steel with a yield strength of 690MPa. Table 4. Modes of Vibration.
A comparison between the output torque of a conventional Mode of Vibration Frequency [Hz]
SRM and the proposed topology shows the bolts through the First 1250.9
rotor of the new design will not have any significant influence Second 3374.6
on the output torque of the motor.
Third 3377.4
Forth 3816.1
Fifth 3817.7
Sixth 4889.9

The proposed motor is designed to run at 60,000rpm (20%
over the design speed of 50,000rpm). The electromagnetic
analysis proves that the motor provides the expected 55Nm at
the base speed (10,000rpm). As a result, the target output
power of 60kW can be achieved. The results show a potential
for using the SRM in applications where high speed and high
power are required simultaneously, which will be further
developed for prototyping.
Fig. 10. Stress analysis of the assembled motor, a peak stress of 509MPa was The losses at such high speed will be a very important issue
achieved (this was found on the bolts). to solve. Therefore, choosing the right cooling system is the
next step in the development of this work. In the next step, the
The balancing of the system requires extra work
prototype will be built, which with such high speed, needs to
considering the unusual arrangements of the shafts and the
be carefully machined, taking into account the balancing of
sandwiching plates. Adding weight and shaving small parts of
the whole system.
the rotor can provide the required balance. In this case, the
plates provide extra margin, if removing material is required ACKNOWLEDGMENT
for balancing.
The author would like to acknowledge the Engineering and
Furthermore, running at high speed necessitates the
Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for supporting
application of a gearbox. The use of gear box is not
the Vehicle Electrical Systems Integration (VESI) project
considered in this paper. Also, as the S-N curve of M250-
35HS was not enclosed by the manufacturer, the fatigue
Also, the author would like to thank Prof Keith Pullen and
analysis is not carried out.
Dr Andy Steven for their help.
The mechanical frequency of the motor running at 20%
over speed (60,000rpm) can be calculated to be equal 1 kHz.

Switched Reluctance Motors With High-Quality Iron Steel and

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Takemoto, "Power and efficiency measurements and design Prof Volker Pickert is Head of the Electrical Power Research Group at
improvement of a 50kW switched reluctance motor for Hybrid Newcastle University, UK, co-ordinating 100 academic staff, research
Electric Vehicles," in Energy Conversion Congress and associates and PhD students. He has 20 years industrial and academic
Exposition (ECCE), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pp. 1495-1501. experiences in power electronics and electric drives for electric vehicles
[21] K. Kiyota, T. Kakishima, and A. Chiba, "Cylindrical rotor and hybrid electric vehicles. He studied Electrical and Electronic
design for acoustic noise and windage loss reduction in Engineering at the RWTH Aachen, Germany, and Cambridge University,
switched reluctance motor for HEV applications," in Energy UK, and after receiving his PhD from Newcastle University he worked in
Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2014 IEEE, Germany for Semikron as Product Manager and for Volkswagen as R&D
2014, pp. 1814-1821. Group Head for electric power drive train development for electric
vehicles. In 2003 he returned back to academia where he joined Newcastle
University. Prof Pickert published over 100 papers and book chapters, is

the Editor-in-Chief of the IET Power Electronics Journal, is the recipient of Zero Carbon, Clean Emission Electric Bike Grand Prix in 2009 and is the
the Denny Medal from IMarEST for contribution on power factor theme leader for Greener Transport at transport Newcastle at Newcastle
corrections, was the IET Technical Advisor for TTXGP - World's First University.


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