BEAMPlus New Buildings v2 0 (2021edition)
BEAMPlus New Buildings v2 0 (2021edition)
BEAMPlus New Buildings v2 0 (2021edition)
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Framework 5
IDCM 5 Commissioning 62
MW 3 Prefabrication 187
9. Appendix 369
The proponent is cautioned that the supporting information for credit claim has to be
taken at the material time, which needs to be captured during the process and cannot
be done retrospectively.
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
Owned and operated by the BEAM Society Limited (BSL), BEAM Plus New
Buildings is one of the BEAM Plus rating tools that cover the design and
construction of new buildings.
BEAM Plus The upgraded BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 (NB v2.0) aims to be
New Buildings practical, clear and standardised in defining the key elements of green
Version 2.0 buildings including health and wellbeing, hygiene, site impacts, use of
(NB v2.0) materials, water quality, energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, etc.
During the upgrade process, the following fundamentals were established:
It is envisaged that these fundamentals form the basis of the holistic green
building performance indicators which suitably integrate different green
features into a user-friendly assessment tool.
BEAM Society BEAM is owned and operated by BSL, an independent non-profit public
Limited body whose membership is drawn from many professional and interest
(BSL) groups in Hong Kong’s building construction and real estate sectors. BSL
is committed to developing and implementing the BEAM assessment tools,
assessing green buildings and training professionals.
Hong Kong Green HKGBC was established in 2009 as Hong Kong’s industry body that
Building Council coordinates efforts towards green building. HKGBC certifies BEAM Plus
(HKGBC) projects, accredits BEAM Professional (BEAM Pro), BEAM Affiliate (BA) and
BEAM Assessors (BAS).
Development of The development of BEAM Plus NB v2.0 was led by a BSL Steering
BEAM Plus NB Committee comprising industry practitioners and experts. Industry
Version 2.0 stakeholders have been consulted via engagement workshops for feedback
and opinion on areas including but not limited to the overall framework,
performance categories and their relative emphasis, assessment criteria,
submission requirement and grading methodology. The Steering
Committee comprises:
Disclaimer BEAM Plus has been prepared with the assistance and participation of
many individuals and representatives from various organisations. The
outcome represents a general consensus, but unanimous support from
each and every organisation and individual consulted is not implied. The
BEAM Plus documentation shall be revised on a regular basis and as
frequently as necessary. BSL reserves the right to amend, update and
change this Manual from time to time without prior notice. Where changes
in regulations necessitate changes to the assessment criteria, they will be
issued to all parties involved in an assessment and will be announced in
the BSL’s website. An appropriate transitional period shall be allowed for
projects undergoing assessment process.
It should be noted that none of the parties involved in the funding of BEAM,
including BSL and its members, provide any warranties or assume any
liability or responsibility to the users of BEAM, or any third parties for the
accuracy, completeness or use of, or reliance on, any information contained
in BEAM, or from any injuries, losses, or damages arising out of such use
or reliance.
As a condition of use, users covenant not to sue, and agree to waive and
release BSL and its members from any and all claims, demands and causes
of actions for any injuries, losses and damages that users may now or
hereafter have a right to assert against such parties as a result of the use
of, or reliance of BEAM.
Limitations BSL does not endorse any self-assessed grading awarded by the use of
BEAM Plus for New Buildings.
Application and BEAM Plus NB v2.0 covers the design, construction and associated testing
Eligibility and commissioning of all types of new buildings, from small single building
to large buildings, including but not limited to commercial, educational,
BEAM Plus does not assess any unauthorised or any unauthorised portions
of any buildings, i.e. any buildings or building works not complying with the
Buildings Ordinance. In case any non-compliance works or unauthorised
portions in a building are reported, both HKGBC and BSL reserve the right
to deprive the awarded rating from the Applicant.
Assessment The Applicant shall define the project boundary to undergo the BEAM Plus
Boundaries assessment. The project boundary needs not necessarily follow the site
boundary of the development, which however, should be consistent
throughout the project assessment.
Certification Assessment under BEAM Plus for New Buildings covers the demolition,
Framework planning, design, construction and commissioning of a building and should
be initiated in the early stages of project development. BEAM Plus for New
Buildings aims to reduce the environmental impacts of new buildings while
improving the quality and user satisfaction, by the adoption of the best
techniques available within reasonable cost.
A notable attribute of BEAM Plus for New Buildings, as compared with other
mostly used schemes elsewhere, is that an assessment for new buildings is
not finalised until a building is completed, ensuring that ‘green’ and
‘sustainable’ design features are actually implemented, and construction
practice meets the required performance standards. Besides being in the
interests of the Client and tenant in certifying the actual performance of the
finished product, this approach also serves to ‘dovetail’ assessment with
BEAM Plus Existing Buildings and Interiors. It would be expected that a
building graded under BEAM Plus for New Buildings and suitably operated,
maintained and renovated would achieve a similar grade under other BEAM
Plus certification schemes.
Certification Process Independent BEAM Assessors (BAS) or BSL inhouse BAS would be
assigned to each project to undertake the assessment works. The
Technical Review Committee (TRC) of BSL will review the assessment
reports done by the BAS and endorse the assessment results, followed by
the issuance of certification by the HKGBC. Detail assessment procedures
can be found in the BEAM Plus Project Assessment Procedures Manual
which is available in HKGBC and BSL websites.
BEAM Professional/ BEAM Professional (BEAM Pro)/ Affiliate mentioned in this manual should
Affiliate process the valid credential for BEAM Plus New Buildings version 2.0 for
facilitating the certification process and to ensure the compliance of relevant
credit requirements.
Site Audit BSL shall, in due course after consultation with stakeholders, institute a
random site audit mechanism as part of the verification processes. Details
will be given in an Audit Manual yet to be issued. Audit will be conducted
only after the official publication of the Audit Manual and formal
implementation of the audit mechanism.
Documentation The Applicant has the obligation to provide evidence to demonstrate credit
compliance. In NB v2.0, only sufficient amount of material (by way of
example) is required to be submitted. However, the Applicant must make
sure all supporting information is timely collected and properly documented.
Just in case when the BEAM assessor considers it necessary to demand
additional material of the same sort for clarification, the Applicant is
obligated to produce such material upon request.
Certification Fee BEAM Plus certification fee comprises 2 parts, namely Registration Fee and
Assessment Fee which are payable to HKGBC and BSL respectively.
Details on the fee structure can be found in the HKGBC and BSL websites.
Appeal The Applicants may submit an appeal on an individual credit if they disagree
to and/ or do not accept the decision made by the BSL. More details can be
found in the HKGBC and BSL websites.
1.2 Framework
Credit Performance Different assessment methods assign their credits under different categories
Categories according to the preferences of the tool developer. In BEAM Plus NB v2.0, credits
are grouped into the following categories:
While BEAM Plus NB v2.0 adopts similar categories in other BEAM Plus tools, the
number and nature of credits within each category are specific to the context of
Hong Kong and new building projects.
Integrated Design IDCM focuses on the integration between design and operation, integrated design
and Construction between design team members and client, and integration throughout the
Management development process from design to construction. The core objectives of IDCM
(IDCM) are as follows:
Sustainable Sites SS focuses on the design and planning issues, and the integration of
(SS) neighbourhood and site location. The core objectives of SS are as follows:
i. Neighbourhood Integration;
ii. Biodiversity Enhancement;
iii. Bioclimatic Design; and
iv. Climate Resilience and Adaptability.
Materials and Waste MW focuses on the minimisation of operational materials and waste. The core
(MW) objectives of MW are as follows:
Water Use WU focuses on the reduction of water consumption. The core objectives of WU
(WU) are as follows:
i. Water Conservation;
ii. Effluent; and
iii. Water Harvesting and Recycling.
Health and Wellbeing HWB focuses on the human environmental quality. It is designed to expand the
(HWB) scope of previous indoor environmental quality (IEQ) category and absorb human
centric design elements. The core objectives of HWB are as follows:
Credit Allocation Credits have been broadly allocated to each assessment criterion by taking into
account the other internationally recognised green building assessment tools as
well as the sensitivity analysis and the comments received during the stakeholder
engagement workshops.
Category Weighting Having reviewed the local and international assessment schemes and other
relevant information, a percentage of weighting for each environmental
performance category has been assigned to reflect its importance and the global
trends as follows:
Category Weighting
IDCM 18%
SS 15%
MW 9%
EU 29%
WU 7%
HWB 22%
Prerequisites The Applicant must demonstrate that all the pre-requisites are achieved.
Otherwise, the project will be graded as “Prerequisite(s) Not Achieved”.
BONUS Credit & The BONUS credits and additional BONUS credits in NB v2.0 are counted under
Additional the corresponding categories. A factor of 1.2 is applied in score calculation for
BONUS Credit the attainment of BONUS credits and additional BONUS credits.
Bonus credits are independent from the normal credit(s) under the same credit
item. They can be achieved regardless of the success or failure in attaining the
normal credit(s). Whereas the additional BONUS credits are dependent on the
normal credit(s) under the same credit item. The award of normal credit(s) is the
prerequisite for attaining the additional BONUS credits.
IA Credit The IA credits in NB v2.0 are counted towards the total number of credits qualifying
for an award classification. A maximum of 10 IA credits could be submitted for
achieving a higher score in the assessment.
Determination of The final certificate grading for projects certified under BEAM Plus NB v2.0 is
Overall Grade subject to the following conditions:
i. Satisfying all pre-requisites;
ii. Achieving overall score required; and
iii. Obtaining minimum percentage (%) for each category listed below.
If a project can comply with all the applicable pre-requisites but cannot reach the
threshold of Bronze rating, it will be graded as “Pre-requisites Achieved”. In case
the project fails to demonstrate compliance with any one of the applicable pre-
requisites, it will be graded as “Pre-requisite(s) Not Achieved”.
2 Integrated
25 + 14
Design and
IDCM P3 Timber Used Prerequisite achieved for demonstrating All buildings Required
for Temporary that no virgin forest products are used for
Works temporary works.
IDCM 1 Sustainability 1 credit for at least two (2) members from at All buildings 1+1
Champions - least two (2) applicable core design additional
Design disciplines shall be accredited BEAM BONUS
Professionals with valid credentials for
BEAM Plus New Buildings.
At least two (2) additional members, of an
applicable core design discipline different
from the disciplines counted in the above
credit, shall be accredited BEAM Affiliates
with valid credentials for BEAM Plus New
IDCM 2 Complimentary (a) BEAM Plus Neighbourhood (ND) All buildings that 3 BONUS
Certification 1 BONUS credit where the project is are applicable
certified by BEAM Plus for respective
Neighbourhood (ND) certification. BEAM Plus
(b) BEAM Plus Interiors (BI)
1 BONUS credit for preparing the
Project for BEAM Plus Interiors (BI)
IDCM 4 Life Cycle 1 credit for conducting life cycle costing All buildings 1
Costing for active systems.
IDCM 6 Sustainability 1 credit for at least two (2) accredited All buildings 1
Champions - BEAM Professionals with valid credentials
Construction for BEAM Plus New Buildings are
engaged by the main/ lead contractor of
the project.
1 credit for at least one (1) accredited
BEAM Professional and two (2)
accredited BEAM Affiliates, with valid
credentials for BEAM Plus New Buildings
are engaged by the main/ lead contractor
of the project.
IDCM 13 Digital Facility 1 BONUS credit for providing a digital All non- 1 BONUS
Management interface in addition to the project design residential
Interface metering provision for future facility buildings and
management team to review the building common areas
operation performance. of residential
IDCM 14 Occupant 1 BONUS credit for providing a digital All non- 1 BONUS
Engagement platform to engage building occupants. residential
Platform buildings.
IDCM 16 BIM Integration (a) Coordinated Use of BIM within Design All buildings 1+1
Teams additional
1 credit for the coordinated use of BIM BONUS +
among the design team. 2 BONUS
(b) Coordinated Use of BIM within
Design and Construction teams
1 additional BONUS credit for coordinated
use of BIM among the design team and
the contractors.
(c) BIM for time
1 BONUS credit for using the BIM model
for scheduling, cost and quantity,
schedules preparation and tracking the
project budget.
(d) BIM for Facility Management Use
1 BONUS credit for updating the BIM
model to as-built condition.
IDCM 17 Design for 1 credit for providing any two (2) All buildings 1+1
Engagement education elements from the following list additional
and Education of green building design measures and BONUS
on Green provisions accredited by BEAM Plus and
Buildings implemented in the project. The Project
must achieve a rating of Bronze or above.
3 Sustainable 20 + 19
SS P1 Minimum Prerequisite achieved for demonstrating All sites with a Required
Landscaping compliance with minimum planting site area of
Requirements provisions in terms of viability and site 1,000 m2 or
coverage of greenery of at least 20% of more.
the site.
SS 4 Neighbourhood 1 credit for the designs which the access to All buildings 1
Daylight daylight of neighbouring sensitive
Access buildings is maintained to the prescribed
SS 5 Noise Control 1 credit for demonstrating that the level of All buildings 1
for Building the intruding noise at the facade of
Equipment potential noise sensitive receivers is in
compliance with the criteria
recommended in the Technical
Memorandum for the Assessment of
Noise from Places Other than Domestic
Premises, Public Places or Construction
SS 11 Stormwater 2 credit for demonstrating that adequate All sites with site 2+1
Management stormwater management design area of 1,000m2 additional
measures have been provided to cater or more. BONUS
the total volume of runoff for one hour
corresponding to a design rainfall of at
least 30mm/event for the site in its post-
developed conditions.
1 additional BONUS credit for
demonstrating that adequate stormwater
management measures have been
provided to cater the total volume of
runoff corresponding to a design rainfall
of at least 40mm/event for the site in its
post-developed conditions.
SS 12 Design for 1 BONUS for studying the projected All buildings 1 BONUS +
Climate variation in temperature and rainfall and 1 additional
Change water level rise/storm surge of adjacent BONUS
Adaptation water bodies due to climate change and
its impact on the development and
prepare mitigation proposal to improve
the climate resilience of the building.
1 additional BONUS credit for including
quantitative calculation to support the
resilience design which is technically
eligible and cost effective.
Compliance Method 2
1 BONUS credit for the reuse of 25% or
more (by surface area) of superstructure
elements (including at least floor, roof
decking) & enclosure materials
(including at least skin, framing).
2 BONUS credits for the reuse of 50% or
more (by surface area) of superstructure
elements (including at least floor, roof
decking) & enclosure materials
(including at least skin, framing).
For exemplary performance, 1 additional
BONUS credit for the reuse of 90% or
more (by surface area) of superstructure
elements (including at least floor, roof
decking) & enclosure materials
(including at least skin, framing).
Copyright © 2021 BEAM Society Limited. All rights reserved. 19
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Summary of Credits
(b) Façade Elements
1 credit when 10% of facade elements
has been prefabricated off-site.
1 additional BONUS credit when 20% of
facade elements has been prefabricated
(c) Architectural/ Internal Building
1 credit when 10% of architectural/
internal building elements has been
prefabricated off-site.
1 additional BONUS credit when 20% of
architectural/ internal building elements
has been prefabricated off-site.
(b) Building Façade and Structural
1 credit where at least 10% of all
materials used for facade and structural
components are materials with recycled
the use of Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) as
a partial cement replacement in concrete
that the PFA content is not less than
Copyright © 2021 BEAM Society Limited. All rights reserved. 21
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Summary of Credits
MW 8 Regional 1 credit for the use of regional materials All buildings 1+2
Materials meeting prescribed requirement, which additional
contributes at least 10% of all building BONUS
materials used in the project.
1 additional BONUS credit for the use of
regional materials meeting prescribed
requirement, which contributes at least
20% of all building materials used in the
For exemplary performance, 1 additional
BONUS credit for the use of regional
materials meeting prescribed
requirement, which contributes 50% or
above of all building materials used in
the project.
(b) Flexible Engineering Services
1 credit for flexible design of services that
can adapt to changes of layout and use.
(c) Structural Adaptability
1 credit for designs providing flexibility
through the use of building structural
systems which allow for change in future
use, and which is coordinated with interior
planning modules.
1 additional BONUS credit for compliance
with requirements listed in sub-item (a), (b)
and (c).
EU 1 Low Carbon Passive designs that can reduce building All buildings 6
Passive HVAC load, facilitate natural ventilation except for
Design and maximise daylight will be rewarded in Option 2 part (5)
this credit under either prescriptive path
or performance path.
WU 1 Annual Water (a) Further Potable Water Saving All buildings 3+1
Use 1 to 3 credits for demonstrating that the additional
use of water efficient flow devices leads BONUS
to an estimated annual saving from 20%
to 30%.
WU 5 Twin Tank 1 credit for providing twin tank for All buildings 1
System potable water supply system and (including
flushing water supply system. buildings with
shared tank that is
outside the
WU 6 Cooling Tower 1 credit for achieving 7 or more cycles of All buildings 1
Water concentration with acceptable water equipped with
quality. cooling tower
using potable
water as makeup
WU 7 Effluent 1 credit for demonstrating a reduction in All buildings 1
Discharge to annual sewage volumes by 20% or
Foul Sewers more.
WU 8 Water (a) Harvested Rainwater All buildings 2+1
Harvesting 1 credit for harvesting of rainwater that BONUS
and achieve a reduction of 5% or more in the
Recycling consumption of potable water.
7 Health and 19 + 10
Wellbeing BONUS
HWB P1 Minimum (a) Measure outdoor air pollutants on- All buildings Required
Ventilation site prior to building design to
Performance understand the site conditions.
(b) Demonstrate the project is in
compliance with the minimum ventilation
quantity with respective to its designed
ventilation mode.
HWB 1 Healthy and 1 BONUS credit for scoring at least 3 All buildings 1 BONUS
Active Living items of all applicable design measures
for healthy and active living.
HWB 2 Biophilic 1 BONUS credit for demonstrating visual All Buildings 1 BONUS +
Design connection with nature and/ or biophilic 1 additional
design features at an assessment space BONUS
with Visual Quality Score of 2 or above.
1 additional BONUS credit for
demonstrating visual connection with
nature and/ or biophilic design features
at an assessment space with Visual
Quality Score of 3 or above.
HWB 5 Waste Odour 1 credit for installing odour sensor at all All buildings with 1
Control discharge points from enclosed waste RS&MRC(s)
disposal and recycling spaces. and/or
HWB 6 Acoustics and (a) Room Acoustics All buildings with 4+1
Noise the spaces BONUS
1) 1 credit for demonstrating that mid- specified in the
frequency reverberation time in assessment
applicable spaces of landlord’s- criteria, with
controlled area meets the spaces where
prescribed criteria of different types speech
of premises. intelligibility is
2) 1 credit for demonstrating that mid- important, and
frequency reverberation time in without rooms of
applicable rooms of non-landlord a special
meets the prescribed criteria of acoustical nature
different types of premises. for parts (a) (1),
(b) (1) and (c)
(b) Noise Isolation
All buildings with
1) 1 credit for demonstrating airborne tenanted spaces
noise isolation between, spaces of the type(s) of
fulfills the prescribed criteria. premises specified
in the assessment
2) 1 BONUS credit for demonstrating criteria, with
impact noise isolation between spaces where
floors fulfills the prescribed criteria. speech
intelligibility is
(c) Background Noise important, and
1 credit for demonstrating background without rooms of a
noise levels within the prescribed criteria special acoustical
HWB 8 Indoor Air (a) Indoor air quality in occupied spaces All buildings 4+1
Quality for part (a) additional
Path 1 BONUS
All buildings with
2 credits for demonstrating compliance
enclosed and/ or
with the prescribed limits for Carbon
monoxide (CO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2),
car park of areas
Ozone (O3), Carbon dioxide (CO2),
more than 10%
Respirable suspended particulates
of Construction
(PM10), Total volatile organic compounds
Floor Area for
(TVOCs), Formaldehyde (HCHO) and
part (b)
Radon (Rn) in the sampled occupied
1 credit for demonstrating compliance
with the prescribed limits for Airborne
bacteria and conduct the Mould
assessment in the sampled occupied
Path 2
3 credits for submitting a valid IAQ
Certification Scheme (Good Class)
certificate issued by the Environmental
Protection Department (EPD) covering
the whole building.
8 Innovations Maximum
and Additions 10 BONUS
IA 1 Innovations Present evidence of the application of All buildings, for Maximum
and Additions new practices, technologies and/ or innovations that 10 BONUS
techniques that are (1) not described in have not been
this manual; or (2) not market addressed in
mainstream implementation; or (3) respective
multiple aspect achievement; and the categories of the
associated benefits in addressing NB certification.
sustainability objectives for new
Copyright © 2021 BEAM Society Limited. All rights reserved. 33
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Integrate Design and Construction Management - IDCM
Background This part sets out the minimum requirements for integrated design
management in terms of engaging the Project BEAM Professional (BEAM
Pro) to facilitate the certification, non-virgin timber used for temporary works,
Environmental Management Plan and Waste Management Plan during
2.4 Design for IDCM 17 Design for Engagement and Education on Green Buildings
Engagement and
Education on Green
Objective Facilitate the application of the BEAM Plus certification process and to
ensure the compliance of relevant requirements of the BEAM Plus Manual.
2.2 Select the BEAM Plus credits to meet the targeted certification
level; and
3) Provide a copy of the meeting minute (date and content of the minute
will be reviewed for compliance) showing the participation of the Project
BEAM Pro. Confidential or sensitive project information on the minute
is not required and could be covered:
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
1 Environment, Transport and Works Bureau (ETWB), Technical Circular (Works) 19/2005, Appendix C. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
2 Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA), Best Practice Guide for Environmental Protection on Construction Sites, 3.2.3.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
3 Environmental Protection Department (EPD), Environmental Monitoring and Audit - Guidelines for Development Projects in Hong
Kong Appendix D2. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April
4 Buildings Department, PNAP ADV-19, Construction and Demolition Waste. [ONLINE]. Available at:
[Accessed April 2021].
5 Project Administration Handbook for Civil Engineering Works, Section 4.1.3, Construction and Demolition Materials. [ONLINE].
Available at:
[Accessed April 2021].
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as indicated
on the leftmost column below.
Credit Requirement Prerequisite achieved for demonstrating that no virgin forest products
are used for temporary works.
Assessment 1. Timber used for all temporary works (falsework, formworks and
hoarding works) shall originate from sustainable forestry or re-used
existing material, unless exceptional circumstances occur.
5. Provide records (e.g. invoices and delivery notes for new timbers
used / transfer notes for reused timers) if construction (demolition
and foundation to be included, if any) has commenced before the
submission of PA.
1 Forest Stewardship Council. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
2 American Forest and Paper Association. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
3 Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
4 Architectural Services Department, General Specifications for Building 2017, Section 13, Carpentry and Joinery. [ONLINE].
Available at:
building/general_specification_for_building_2017_edition-20191223.pdf. [Accessed April 2021].
If the old timber products are from the same project site, a detailed
usage record or inventory prepared by a site representative in
respect of the timber products being used/reused at the project site
shall suffice to prove the reuse.
8. In the event the timber products are not purchased from a supplier
who is an "accredited company”, the following basic evidence
should be produced to demonstrate the products:
(i) Invoice plus Delivery Note (DN) from the supplier of the timber
products purchased - on the invoice & DN, it should be marked
with the reference Certificate No.; a note which has the effect of
confirming the products in the invoice and delivery note are
certified; the pack no. of the timber products (samples are
available on BSL’s website [5] [6]);
(ii) A copy of the CoC Certificate of the certified timber supplier;
(iii) Photographic evidence of the timber products.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Credit Requirement 1 credit for at least two (2) members from at least two (2) applicable core
design disciplines shall be accredited BEAM Professionals with valid
credentials for BEAM Plus New Buildings.
The Design BEAM Pros (and Affiliates, if any) may also assume other
roles in the consultant team of the Project. (The Design BEAM Pros
and Project BEAM Pro under IDCM P1 must be different personnel)
2. If there is any change of Design BEAM Pro/ Affiliate during the period
from project inception to completion of detailed design and
specifications stage of the Project, supporting documents should be
provided to document the hand-over
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Extent of Application All buildings that are applicable for respective BEAM Plus certification tools
1 BEAM Society Limited – BEAM Plus Interiors Manual v1.0. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Credits Attainable 4
The report should at least have the sections below with no less
than 500 words for each identified issue:
i. Executive Summary
ii. Project Program
iii. Workshop arranged for integrated design process (with date of
workshop, number or arrangement of attendances)
iv. Selected consideration, each with:
2) Spreadsheet calculations; or
2.1 Participants:
a) Developer/ owner representative;
b) User representative (if users are known in design stage);
c) Operation and maintenance team representative (if
identified in schematic design stage);
d) Members from core design disciplines as defined in
1 BC Green Building Roundtable. Roadmap for the Integrated Design Process. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
4. For item (b) 1.3, provide report with completed prescribed form to
demonstrate implementation of at least 75% of listed 3S concept
2 Development Bureau – Guidelines for Enhancement of Productivity of Skilled Workers in Public Works Projects. [ONLINE].
Available at:
[Accessed April 2021].
For IDCM 3c
Buildings Department – PNAP ADV-14, Facilities for External
Inspection and Maintenance of Buildings. [ONLINE]. Available at:
[Accessed April 2021].
SS 7 Biodiversity Enhancement
The related credit encourages strategies to preserve and/or enhance
the ecological value of the site in terms of habitat and biodiversity.
Objective Encourage the use of life cycle costing to facilitate investigation of potential
design options, specifications, operation and maintenance.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for conducting life cycle costing for active systems.
Assessment Conduct life cycle costing analysis with design options for each of the below
active system, if present in the project construction scope:
1) Hot water system;
2) Interior lighting system; and
3) Air-conditioning system;
The life cycle costing exercise can be non-discounted and should include
the following costs:
1) Acquisition;
2) Operation (utilities); and
3) Maintenance (replacements, planned maintenance and management
Indicate cost of each design option of active system over 20, 30, 40 and 50
years and highlight which design option will have the lowest life cycle cost
at the 50th year.
Prepare a life cycle costing report including all the assumptions made and
the results of life cycle costing.
Note that the costing exercise imposes no obligation for implementation but
encourages consideration of the costs of systems throughout their life
The life cycle costing report should include at least the below items with a
minimum of 8 A4 pages:
1. Executive Summary
2. Project Description with Construction scope
3. System options to be considered
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
IDCM 5 Commissioning
Objective Ensure the building systems perform as design specified and buildings
operate as design intended.
Credits Attainable 4
Credit Requirement 2 credits for demonstrating (a) the appointment of commissioning authority
(CxA) before tender stage and (b) providing a commissioning plan.
3. The CxA should have direct experience with at least two similar
projects and must have been involved before the start of schematic
design stage to countercheck that the systems will meet the design
4. The CxA must not be responsible for any aspect of the project
design, construction or installation of any building services
installations of the project.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
IDCM_05_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template
for IDCM 5.
in FA if (i) the credits are achieved in PA; and (ii) there is no change of
the CxA after PA.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for at least two (2) accredited BEAM Professionals with valid
credentials for BEAM Plus New Buildings are engaged by the main/ lead
contractor of the project.
1 credit for at least one (1) accredited BEAM Professional and two (2)
accredited BEAM Affiliates, with valid credentials for BEAM Plus New
Buildings are engaged by the main/ lead contractor of the project.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
IDCM_06_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for
Objective Minimise pollution (air, noise, water discharge and light) during the
demolition (if any), construction of buildings and the infrastructure serving
Credits Attainable 4
1) Partial credit shall be awarded for individual construction stage (i.e.
demolition, foundation and superstructure in a default ratio of 1:1:3).
The Applicant may submit justification and propose an alternative
ratio based on the relative pollution control extent and resource
demand in various construction stages. For a project that covers
all 3 stages, the partial credit attainable for demolition, foundation
and superstructure are 0.2, 0.2 and 0.6 respectively. Similarly, for
a project where demolition is not required or not under the Client’s
control, the partial credit attainable for foundation and
superstructure are 0.25 and 0.75 respectively.
1 Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA), Best Practice Guide for Environmental Protection on Construction Sites.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
or prosecution;
3.3. Implementation of proactive noise control provisions with the
completed prescribed form; and
3.4. Noise levels that complied with the noise level limitation
according to IDCM P2, Assessment 1) 1.3.
2 Environmental Protection Department – Practice Note for Professional Persons ProPECC PN 1/94. Construction Site Drainage.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021]
Extracts of tender documents (e.g.
specifications) specifying the
requirements of Monthly
environmental management / EM&A
report(s) (if applicable)
Extent of Application IDCM 8a – All buildings requiring demolition which are under the Client’s
IDCM 8b – All buildings
1 Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA), Best Practice Guide for Environmental Protection on Construction Sites.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
2 Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)'s Project Administration Handbook, Chapter 4, Paragraph 4.1.3.
[ONLINE]. Available at:
pdf. [Accessed April 2021].
Extent of Application All areas to implementing a Construction IAQ Management Plan; and All
areas with central air-conditioning and ventilation systems for
undertaking a building ‘flush out’ or bake out’ and replacement of all filters
prior to occupancy.
Objective Ensure that project materials and ventilation systems are not contaminated
by construction activities.
Credits Attainable 1
1 Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA), ANSI/SMACNA 008•2008 Guidelines for Occupied
Buildings Under Construction, Chapter 3. [ONLINE]. Available at:
occupied-buildings-under-construction. [Accessed April 2021].
2 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2012,
Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Submittals PA FA
Supporting Documents
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as indicated
on the leftmost column below.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for demonstrating considerate measures to the neighbourhood, passers-
by and workers. Good tree protection practices where tree preservation within
the project site is required, should also be carried out.
1) Partial credit shall be awarded for individual construction stages (i.e.
demolition, foundation and superstructure in a default ratio of 1:1:3). The
Applicant may submit justification and propose an alternative ratio based
on the relative pollution control extent and resource demand in various
construction stages. For a project covering all 3 stages, the partial credit
attainable for demolition, foundation and superstructure are 0.2, 0.2 and
0.6 respectively. Similarly, for a project where demolition is not required or
not under the Client’s control, the partial credit attainable for foundation
and superstructure are 0.25 and 0.75 respectively.
1 Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council. Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme Guideline for Non-Public
Works Site Participation, Appendix V Scope of Assessment Criteria. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April
2 Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council. Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme Guideline for Public Works
Site Participation, Appendix V Scope of Assessment Criteria. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April
3 Development Bureau - Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section. Guideline on Tree Preservation during
Development. [ONLINE]. Available at:
. [Accessed April 2021].
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for providing a fully documented Operations and Maintenance
Manual and Energy Management Manual.
2.1. The EMM for all energy-related systems shall include the following:
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Objective Encourage the provision of training for operations and maintenance staff to
the minimum specified and demonstrate adequate maintenance facilities
are provided for chemical storage and mixing.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for providing training for operations and maintenance staff to the
minimum specified; and demonstrating that adequate maintenance facilities
are provided for chemical storage and mixing.
area is exempted for the domestic parts of the building given that
the habitant will be responsible for the operation and maintenance
of their personal domestic space.
3 Non-domestic refers to the part of a composite building that is
constructed or intended for use otherwise than for habitation. This
may include clubhouses, offices, hotel rooms, shopping arcade,
cinema, common entrance.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Extent of Application All non-residential buildings and common areas of residential buildings
Credit Requirement 1 BONUS credit for providing a digital interface in addition to the project
design metering provision for future facility management team to review the
building operation performance.
Assessment Develop and implement a digital interface for future facility management
team to review data collected by the electricity metering system installed in
the building. The assessment focuses on the interface provision for
providing vision regarding operation characteristics. This is for future
implementation of first class (Cat I) energy management opportunities
(EMOs), with reference to the Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit
2018 [1]. Metering system design and hardware quality is not assessed in
this credit.
1 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department – Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit 2018. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Ventilation System
- Carpark
Ventilation • Electricity (kW and kWh)
- Toilet • Operation Hour
(≥ 2.5kW • CO / NOx concentration level
each) (if applicable)
Lift and
Escalators Each Lift and
Escalators • Electricity (kW and kWh)
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
This credit may act as a platform gathering and processing the data
collected in EU 4 Metering and Monitoring.
In conjunction with IDCM 3c Design Consideration for Operation and
Maintenance, it is recommended to consult the facility management
team while specifying the document management system
Credit Requirement 1 BONUS credit for providing a digital platform to engage building occupants.
Assessment Develop a digital platform for future occupants to understand the building
status. The platform shall contain information to be reviewed by the
respective occupant only. The digital platform should contain data
referenced to the EU 4 part (a) requirement and provide the following
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
IDCM_14_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template
for IDCM 14
Objective Encourage tidy and digital documentation throughout the design and
construction process for the ease of handing over to facility management
Credits Attainable 2
Hong Kong Green Building Council – Hong Kong Green Office Guide.
[ONLINE]. Available at:
office-guide/index.jsp. [Accessed April 2021].
Hong Kong Green Building Council – Hong Kong Green School
Guide. [ONLINE]. Available at:
school-guide/index.jsp. [Accessed April 2021].
Hong Kong Green Building Council – Hong Kong Green Shop Guide.
[ONLINE]. Available at:
guide/index.jsp. [Accessed April 2021].
Hong Kong Green Building Council – Green Tenancy Driver For
Office Buildings. [ONLINE]. Available at:
tenancy-driver/index.jsp. [Accessed April 2021].
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors - Green Property Management
Practices. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Objective Encourage the design team to discuss and work through the design
platform and deliver holistic solution using Building Information Modelling
1 The Hong Kong Construction Industry Council – CIC BIM Standards. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
2 The American Institute of Architects (AIA) - The American G202™ – 2013, Project Building Information Modelling Protocol Form
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April
Copyright © 2021 BEAM Society Limited. All rights reserved. 108
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Integrated Design and Construction Management - IDCM 16
Objective Encourage public education that focuses on strategies and solutions applied
to the green buildings.
Credit Requirement 1 credit for providing any two (2) education elements from the following list
of green building design measures and provisions accredited by BEAM Plus
and implemented in the project. The Project must achieve a rating of Bronze
or above.
1) Provide users with manuals for all green building design measures
and provisions.
Assessment Present evidence of the education elements provided to the users and/ or
visitors that focuses on strategies and solutions applied to the project.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as indicated
on the leftmost column below.
Introduction This section focuses on the planning and design to harness the sustainable
design potentials of a site for its occupants and neighbours, preserve/
enhance its ecological capacity, optimize its microclimate and create better
climate resilience. Site attributes and scale of development have been
taken account of in the formulation of the assessment criteria.
Site locations/ Site planning and design strategies in the following aspects
will be assessed for their sustainable design quality and performances:
• Building disposition, orientation and form;
• Spatial relationship of the building(s) to the immediate built and
natural environment;
• Relationship of the building(s) to the site topography and ground
• Overall massing of the proposed development;
• Site coverage of greenery, choice of plant species, tree coverage/
• View factors and ambient forces;
• Balance of built-up and landscaped/ open area;
• Environmental enhancement to the surroundings of the site; and
• Master landscaping strategy; and
• Conservation and protection of archaeological remains, historic
buildings and monuments.
Background This part sets out the minimum requirements of greenery coverage on site
and provisions for viability of planting for all buildings with site area of 1,000
m2 or above.
Background Hong Kong is located along the common track of tropical cyclones and
hence experiences very heavy rainstorms at times. In the New Territories,
the area is characterised by its wide floodplain and low-lying terrain. In the
past decades, rapid urbanisation has turned natural ground to hard paved
impervious areas. In the old built-up areas in Kowloon and in parts of Hong
Kong Island, insufficient drainage capacity and dense land development
aggravate the potential for flooding in the neighbourhoods. The climate
change brings further challenges such as sea level rise and increased
occurrence of extreme weather.
Site photos / aerial photo showing that
there is no existing tree on the project
SS_P1_02 Landscape plans and sections showing
soft landscape layout, irrigation
provisions, maintenance access, soil
volumes/ depths of all planted areas for
trees, shrubs and grass/ groundcover
SS_P1_03 Planting plans, planting schedules and
extracts of relevant literature or
reference demonstrating plant species -
with shade tolerance are used for any
covered greenery
SS_P1_04 Summary for the total and breakdowns
of areas and site coverage of greenery
of accountable greenery areas and
greening features
SS_P1_05 Drawings and planting schedules for soft
landscape works highlighting the
locations, areas and dimensions of
accountable greenery areas and
greening features, plant types and
highlighting plant species with shade
tolerance that are used for any covered
SS 11 Stormwater Management
The related credit considers the softscape provided with the site for
infiltration and detention in stormwater management.
1 BONUS credit for providing cycling facilities within the Site and
integrating with the public cycling network if a public cycling network
exists or has been planned nearby.
(d) Charging Facilities for Electric Vehicle (EV)
3.1. Use service frequency data at peak periods for the calculation
of waiting time.
3.2. Adopt a walking speed of 80m per minute for the calculation
of walk time.
1 Public transport includes railways, bus (franchised bus/ non-franchised public bus), green minibus (GMB), tram and ferry
2 Transport for London. Public Transport Accessibility Levels. [ONLINE]. Available at:
transport-accessibility-levels. [Accessed April 2021].
3 Planning Department. Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. Chapter 8: Internal Transport Facilities. [ONLINE].
Available at [Accessed April 2021].
Main pedestrian pathways are defined as pathways of width not less
than 2m for pedestrian circulation from building main entrance(s) to
site entrance(s) or amenities within the site.
5.2. Simultaneous free flow of vehicles in and out of the car park
at the point of access; and
4 Planning Department. Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. Chapter 8: Internal Transport Facilities. [ONLINE].
Available at [Accessed April 2021].
5 Planning Department. Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. Chapter 8: Internal Transport Facilities [ONLINE].
Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
6 Technical Guidelines for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging-enabling for Car Parks of New Building Developments [ONLINE].
Available at:
df. [Accessed April 2021].
SS 2 Neighbourhood Amenities
The related credit promotes a good pedestrian accessibility to amenities
within and in the vicinity of the Site. Better integration of the surrounding
pedestrian networks and pedestrian pathways within the site will
achieve enhanced accessibility for building users and/ or the public.
SS 7 Biodiversity Enhancement
The related credit encourages strategies to preserve and/ or enhance
the ecological value of the site in terms of habitat and biodiversity.
SS 11 Stormwater Management
The related credit considers the hardscape and softscape provided with
the site for infiltration and detention in stormwater management that
may contribute to the design of a pleasant environment for pedestrians
and the pervious construction to avoid ground contamination from oil
run-off for open carpark.
SS 2 Neighbourhood Amenities
Objective Encourage building development that is integrated within, and an asset to,
the immediate neighbourhood.
Credits Attainable 2
Pharmacy (with registered license
and for retail purpose)
Laundry or dry cleaners
Community facilities
Nursery classes */ kindergartens */
day care/ child care facilities
C Core amenity for building type
Amenity relevant to building type
* Definition referred to in HKPSG Chapter 3/ Chapter 4 [2]
Building Types:
C1 Commercial Office / Retail /Mixed-use
C2 buildings Hotel
1 Public entertainment means any entertainment to which the general public is admitted with or without payment (ref. to Cap 172
Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance, HKSAR)
2 Planning Department. Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. Chapter 3: Community Facilities [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021]; Planning Department. Hong Kong
Planning Standards and Guidelines. Chapter 4: Recreation, Open Space and Greening. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
6.2. Mapping of the start and end points of the mechanical means
to be shown on a scaled drawing, and
2.12 Provide public open spaces of diverse shapes and sizes for
social and cultural events with prominent pedestrian
1 Planning Department. Hong Kong Planning and Standards Guidelines. Chapter 11: Urban Design Guidelines. Figure 2: Building
Free Zone to Preserve Views to Ridgelines. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
2 Planning Department. Hong Kong Planning and Standards Guidelines. Chapter 11: Urban Design Guidelines. Figure 3: Vantage
Points. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
3 Planning Department completed the "Urban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong" (the UDG Study) in 2003 and has suggested that
no additional high-rise nodes should be designated outside the southern tip of West Kowloon Reclamation and Tsim Sha Tsui
4 Development Bureau. Technical Circular (Works) No. 6/2009: Heritage Impact Assessment Mechanism for Capital Works
Projects. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
5 Antiquities and Monuments Office, Hong Kong. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed
April 2021].
SS 2 Neighbourhood Amenities
The related credit encourages building developments to provide
neighbourhood amenities and will help activate public realm.
SS 7 Biodiversity Enhancement
The related credit encourages habitat preservation/ enhancement that
may contribute to the landscape quality of the public realm.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for the designs which the access to daylight of neighbouring sensitive
buildings is maintained to the prescribed levels.
1.2 Unobstructed Vision Area (UVA) Method [1], the UVAs of the
windows on the lowest floors of the sensitive buildings most
affected by the proposed development are unchanged.
3.1 Types and locations of the sensitive buildings identified within the
Site and in the vicinity on an A3-sized scale drawing;
3.7 Simulation output results (raw data output files / render images);
3.8 If the simulation software is not on the list in Annex 4 of PNAP APP-
130, a software validation report from the software developer should
be provided to ensure the accuracy of the simulation by the
1 Buildings Department - PNAP APP-130 Lighting and Ventilation Requirements – Performance-based Approach. [ONLINE].
Available at:
letters/pnap/APP/APP130.pdf. [Accessed April 2021].
5.5 The terrain area shall be in a size of at least, 10H (H being the
building height (m) of the tallest building on the project site) or
1000m × 1000m, whichever is larger, with the project placed in the
centre. Where smaller terrain area is desired, the applicant should
propose a terrain area with justification and the terrain area should
be surrounded by a wall with a height of the average height of the
surrounding buildings.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
SS_04_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for
SS 4
SS_04_01 CV of the professional as described in #
credit requirement
SS_04_02 Site plan indicating the location of the #
sensitive receiver
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for demonstrating that the level of the intruding noise at the facade
of potential noise sensitive receivers is in compliance with the criteria
recommended in the Technical Memorandum for the Assessment of Noise
from Places Other than Domestic Premises, Public Places or Construction
Sites [1].
1.6 The major noise sources include chillers, water cooling towers,
fans (duct type and centrifugal) and ducts [2]. Only equipment
provided by the developer/owner is assessed.
1 Environmental Protection Department - Technical Memorandum for the Assessment of Noise from Places Other than Domestic
Premises, Public Places or Construction Sites. [ONLINE]. Available at:
[Accessed April 2021].
2 EPD - Good Practices on Ventilation System Noise Control (April 2006)
1.7 All fixed noise sources should be located and designed so that
when assessed in accordance with the Technical Memorandum,
the level of the intruding noise at the facade of the nearest
sensitive receiver should be at least 5 dB(A) below the
appropriate ANL shown in Table 2 of the Technical
Memorandum or, in the case of the background being 5 dB(A)
lower than the ANL, should not be higher than the background,
in accordance with paragraph 4.2.13, Chapter 9 of the Hong
Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines [3 ]. Applicants are
required to justify the selected Area Sensitivity Rating (ASR).
3 Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines, Chapter 9 Environment. [ONLINE]. Available
at: [Accessed April 2021].
Objective Ensure that the exterior lighting and building design do not create unwanted
and unnecessary light pollution.
Credits Attainable 2
1 Environment Bureau. Guidelines on Industry Best Practices for External Lighting. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Calculation Method
6. Demonstrate that the exterior lighting design complies within the
maximum figure for each parameter (light into windows, source
intensity, sky glow and building luminance), taken from Table 3,
Table 4, Table 6 and Table 8 respectively in ILP Guidance Notes [2].
Provide justification of the environmental zone as defined in Table 2
of ILP Guidance Notes [2] for the project. Note that it is a district-
scale consideration.
BUG Method
8. Demonstrate that the luminaire uplight, backlight and glare ratings for
the specific light source installed in the luminaire, taken from IES TM-15-
11 – Addendum A [3], based on mounting location and distance from the
property line (assessment boundary), do not exceed the criteria for the
corresponding lighting zone as defined in Model Lighting Ordinance
(MLO)[4]. Provide justification for the lighting zone adopted for the
project. Note that the lighting zone is a district-scale consideration.
11.2 Software calculation (if applicable) for the BUG rating with all
assumption adopted, screen capture of input parameters and
results of BUG rating.
2 The Institution of Lighting Professionals. Guidance notes for the reduction of obtrusive light, GN01:2011. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
3 Backlight, Uplight, and Glare (BUG) Ratings - IES TM-15-11 – Addendum A. [ONLINE]. Available at:
content/uploads/2017/03/TM-15- 11BUGRatingsAddendum.pdf. [Accessed April 2021].
4 Illuminating Engineering Society and International Dark-Sky Association (IES/ IDA) Model Lighting Ordinance User Guides.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April
12.2 Lighting for theatrical purposes for stage, film, and video
(i) Specular reflectance is the type of reflectance when light is
reflected away from the reflecting surface at the same angle
as it is incident.
achieved in PA
SS 7 Biodiversity Enhancement
Extent of Application All sites with existing tree except brownfield sites or sites on reclaimed
land for SS 7a
Sites with adjacent areas of medium or high ecological value for SS 7b
1 Sustainable Development Unit, Environment Bureau, HKSAR. 2009. Terrestrial Habitat Mapping and Ranking Based on
Conservation Value.
3. Retention of Trees
3.1 Provide a detailed tree survey of all trees on Site in accordance
with the Development Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No.
7/2015 of the HKSAR Government.
3.3 The individual girth of the retained trees counting towards the
20% (or 40%) shall not be less than 150mm and shall each have
no more than 25% of its crown pruned to enable construction
and operation of the Project.
2 Sustainable Development Unit, Environment Bureau, HKSAR. 2009. Terrestrial Habitat Mapping and Ranking Based on
Conservation Value.
3 Development Bureau, HKSAR, 2018 Street Tree Selection Guide “Chapter 9 – Complementary Vegetation Community Mix”
4 Development Bureau, HKSAR, 2018 Street Tree Selection Guide “Chapter 9 – Complementary Vegetation Community Mix”
5 Sheppard, C. 2011. Bird-Friendly Building Design. American Bird Conservancy, The Plains, VA. USA
6 Gunnell, K. et al. 2013. Designing for Biodiversity: A Technical Guide for New and Existing Buildings. Second Edition. RIBA
Publishing, London. UK.
SS 11 Stormwater Management
The related credit considers softscape provided with the site for
infiltration and detention in stormwater management.
Objective Encourage building design to adopt measures to mitigate urban heat island
2. Tree coverage is defined as the combined plan area under all tree
canopies, projected perpendicularly onto the ground/ floor
surface, within the Site, where tree canopies are drawn at their
estimated spread 10 years after the landscape installation.
4. EVA shall be excluded from the total site are for the purpose of
tree coverage calculation.
5. The site velocity ratio (SVR) and local velocity ratio (LVR) of all
test points should be reported.
2 Technical Circular No.1/06 Annex A - Technical Guide for Air Ventilation Assessment for Developments in Hong Kong, HPLB &
ETWB, the Government of HKSAR
9. Wind data, such as wind frequency, wind rose, wind profile should
be adopted from the appropriate and reliable sources, such as
simulated site wind data based on appropriate mathematical
models, such as RAMS from the Planning Department (PlanD) [3]
or experimental site wind data from wind tunnel test.
10. If wind profile is not provided from the above sources, applicant
can refine the ground roughness and model the wind profile using
power law or log law for each wind direction, based on:
Uz Zz u∗ Z
Power Law � � = � � Log Law Uz = ln � �
Ug Zg σ Z0
Terrain crossed by
Α Zg Z0
approaching wind
Sea and open space ≈ 0.15 ≈ 300 ≈ 0.1
Suburban or mid-rise ≈ 0.35 ≈ 400 ≈ 1
City centre or high-rise ≈ 0.50 ≈ 500 ≈ 3
16. The wind tunnel facilities should comply with the requirements of
internationally recognised guides such as the guidelines of the
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Manual of Practice
No.67 for Wind Tunnel Studies and the Quality Assurance
Manual, AWES-QAM-1-2001 by the Australasian Wind
Engineering Society (AWES).
17. The wind profile can be created by the Power Law or the Log
Law with appropriate coefficients.
20. Test point shall be placed 2m above pedestrian level within the
assessment area.
21. Perimeter test points are positioned on the project site
boundary. Typically about 30 perimeter test points well-spaced
out and located will suffice.
22. Overall test points are evenly distributed and positioned in the
open spaces, on the streets where pedestrians frequently
access. For areas that are not open to the public can be
exempted. For practical reasons, around 50 test points may be
adequate for typical development sites.
5 Santamouris M. 2001, ‘On the impact of urban climate on the energy consumption of buildings’, Solar Energy, vol. 70, pp. 201-
6 Oke TR. 1988, ‘The urban energy balance’, Progress in Physical Geography, vol.12, pp. 471-508.
7 Shashua-Bar, L. Hoffman, M. E. 2002, ‘The Green CTTC model for predicting the air temperature in small urban wooded sites’,
Building and Environment, vol. 37, pp. 1279 –1288.
8 Elnahas, M. M., Willimanson, T. J. 1997, ‘An improvement of the CTTC model for predicting urban air temperatures’, Energy and
Building, vol. 25, pp. 41–49.
Global Diffuse
Air Relative Horizontal Horizontal
Temperature, Humidity Irradiance Irradiance,
Hours at the
(°C) (%) (W/m2) (W/m2)
, (m/s)
1 28.5 83 0 0 0.5
2 28.3 84 0 0 0.4
3 28.1 85 0 0 0.4
4 28.0 85 0 0 0.4
5 27.8 86 0 0 0.4
6 27.7 87 0 0 0.4
7 27.8 86 0 0 0.4
8 28.1 84 154 93 0.4
9 28.5 82 298 161 0.6
10 29.0 79 449 216 0.7
11 29.8 76 573 259 0.8
12 30.3 74 622 272 0.8
13 30.7 73 638 285 0.9
14 30.9 72 602 287 0.9
15 31.0 72 525 254 0.9
16 31.0 72 429 210 0.8
17 30.5 73 290 154 0.7
9 Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau, and Environment, Transport and Works Bureau 2006, Technical Circular No. 1/06: Air
Ventilation Assessments. [ONLINE]. Available at:
[Accessed April 2021].
10 Hong Kong Observatory (Averaged data from 2009 to 2013)
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as indicated
on the leftmost column below.
For SS 8a with site area < 1000 m2, please provide the PA FA
For SS 8a(1) with site area ≥ 1000 m2, please provide the PA FA
# For SS 8a for project with site area < 1000 m2, the supporting document
is not required in FA if the credit is achieved in PA
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as indicated
on the leftmost column below.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as indicated
on the leftmost column below.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
SS_08d_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for SS
SS 7 Biodiversity Enhancement
The related credit encourages strategies to preserve and/ or enhance
the ecological value of the site in terms of habitat and biodiversity.
Objective Ensure the wind environment around and adjacent to buildings has been
adequately considered regarding wind amplification and, where
appropriate, suitable mitigation measures are provided.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for demonstrating that no pedestrian areas will be subject to
excessive wind velocities caused by amplification due to the site layout
design and/ or building design.
2. The annual wind rose (wind probability table) at 400 – 600m of the site
should be used. The annual prevailing wind used in the simulation
should have an accumulated percentage occurrence of over 75%
(accumulation starts in the order from the highest occurrence to the
6.3 The terrain area shall be in a size of at least, 10H (H being the
building height (m) of the tallest building on the project site) or
1000m × 1000m, whichever is larger, with the project placed in
the centre.
7. Wind data, such as wind frequency, wind rose, wind profile should be
adopted from appropriate and reliable sources, such as simulated site
wind data based on appropriate mathematical models (e.g. RAMS
8. If the wind profile is not provided from the above sources, applicant
can refine the ground roughness and model the wind profile using
power law or log law for each wind direction, based on:
Uz Zz u∗ Z
Power Law � � = � � Log Law Uz = ln � �
Ug Zg σ Z0
Terrain crossed by
α Zg Z0
approaching wind
Sea and open space ≈ 0.15 ≈ 300 ≈ 0.1
Suburban or mid-rise ≈ 0.35 ≈ 400 ≈1
City centre or high-rise ≈ 0.50 ≈ 500 ≈3
10. Detailed Study shall be carried out if it is required under the Technical
Circular No. 1/06 of Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau (HPLB) and
Environment, Transport and Works Bureau (ETWB). For the
Detailed Study, wind from all 16 directions and their probability of
occurrences must be accounted for, and wind profiles(s) obtained
from wind tunnel experiments should be used to conduct the study,
and when calculating the Wind Velocity Ratio.
14. The wind tunnel facilities should comply with the requirements of
internationally recognised guides such as the guidelines of the
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Manual of Practice No.67
for Wind Tunnel Studies and the Quality Assurance Manual, AWES-
QAM-1-2001 by the Australasian Wind Engineering Society (AWES).
15. The wind profile can be created by the Power Law or the Log Law with
appropriate coefficients.
16. Detailed Study shall be carried out if it is required under the Technical
Circular No. 1/06 of Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau (HPLB) and
Environment, Transport and Works Bureau (ETWB). For the Detailed
Study, wind from all 16 directions and their probability of occurrences
must be accounted for, and wind profiles(s) obtained from wind tunnel
experiments should be used to conduct the study, and when
calculating the Wind Velocity Ratio.
18. Test points shall be placed 2m above pedestrian level within the
assessment area.
19. Perimeter test points are positioned on the project site boundary.
Typically, about 30 perimeter test points which are well-spaced out
and well located will suffice.
20. Overall test points are evenly distributed and positioned in the open
spaces, on the streets where pedestrians frequently access. For
areas that are not open to the public can be exempted. For practical
reasons, around 50 test points may be adequate for typical
development sites.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Objective Ensure adequate thermal comfort of outdoor environment within the Site
Credits Attainable 2
1 Planning Department – Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines Chapter 4 : Recreation, Open Space and Greening
Warm ≥ 34 to < 38
Hot ≥ 38 to < 42 Too Hot
Very Hot ≥ 42
5 Hoppe, P. 1999, ‘The physiological equivalent temperature—A universal index for the biometeorological assessment of the
thermal environment’, International Journal of Biometeorology, vol. 43, pp. 71–75.
8. Alternative Route
8.1 The study may elect any widely accepted methodology to
demonstrate that the thermal comfort is in accordance with the
credit requirement.
8.2 Should any method other than the Thermal Sensation Index (TSI)
or Thermal Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) be
chosen to demonstrate thermal comfort in outdoor spaces (e.g. or
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
SS 11 Stormwater Management
Credit Requirement 2 credit for demonstrating that adequate stormwater management design
measures have been provided to cater the total volume of runoff for one hour
corresponding to a design rainfall of at least 30mm/event for the site in its
post-developed conditions.
V = 10 x H x ∑ᵩ x A / 10000
V: Stormwater storage volume on site required (in m3)
H: Rainfall intensity (30mm or 40mm for the credit/ bonus respectively)
per event
ᵩ: Runoff coefficients of various surfaces/ substrates (please refer to the
following table)
A: Areas of various surfaces/ substrates (in m2)
Water bodies 1
1) The above information has made reference to the design guides
for stormwater management/runoff control GB50014 and
DB11/685 of PRC.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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as indicated on the leftmost column below.
SS 7 Biodiversity Enhancement
The related credit encourages preservation/enhancement of existing
habitat within the site.
Objective Encourage reviewing the impact of the projected climate change scenarios
on the development and consider strategies to improve climate resilience.
Credit Requirement 1 BONUS credit for studying the projected variation in temperature and
rainfall and water level rise/ storm surge of adjacent water bodies due to
climate change and its impact on the development and prepare mitigation
proposal to improve the climate resilience of the building.
1 Hong Kong Observatory - Climate Projections for Hong Kong. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Background This part sets out the minimum requirement for materials aspects in terms
of the provision of waste handling facilities.
Background Designs which enable users to modify the premise layout conveniently and
allow for dismantling during demolition can reduce resources consumption
and waste generation significantly.
Well-managed facilities for the recycling of solid waste encourage recycling
and result in reductions in the disposal at landfill sites. Buildings should be
designed with the provision of facilities for effective on-site sorting,
collection, and recycling/ reusing of waste.
Extent of Application All buildings except one-single family domestic building with not more than
3 floors, or domestic part of a composite building for one single family with
not more than 3 floors, or a building not normally occupied or for transient
stay (e.g. pump house, sewage treatment plant, carpark building).
Objective Reduce waste generation at source, reduce pressure on landfill sites and
help to preserve non-renewable resources by promoting recycling of waste
Credit Requirement Prerequisite achieved for meeting the minimum provisions of waste recycle
facilities for the collection, sorting, storage, recycling (recovered material)
and disposal (waste).
Assessment The assessment shall take into account how a system of waste collection,
storage, sorting, recycling and disposal can be managed for the buildings,
with consideration given to the adequacy of space provisions on individual
floors, within the building as a whole, and at local/ estate level. There
should be opportunities for the management of different waste types, such as
organic, non- recyclable and recyclable waste. Easy access to the facilities
shall be provided for cleaning staff, contractors, building users and waste
recycling and collection companies.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as indicated
on the leftmost column below.
MW 1 Building Re-use
2 BONUS credits for the reuse of 40% or more (by mass or volume) of
existing structures (sub-structure and superstructure).
For exemplary performance, 1 additional BONUS credit for the reuse of 90%
or more (by mass or volume) of existing structures (sub-structure and
Compliance Method 2
1 BONUS credit for the reuse of 25% or more (by surface area) of
superstructure elements (including at least floor, roof decking) & enclosure
materials (including at least skin, framing).
2 BONUS credits for the reuse of 50% or more (by surface area) of
superstructure elements (including at least floor, roof decking) & enclosure
materials (including at least skin, framing).
For exemplary performance, 1 additional BONUS credit for the reuse of 90%
or more (by surface area) of superstructure elements (including at least
floor, roof decking) & enclosure materials (including at least skin, framing).
Compliance Method 2
1. Provide all of the following supporting documents:
1.1 Outline the extent of reused major superstructure elements and
enclosure materials from the existing building;
1.3 Demonstrate that the quantity (by surface area) of the retained
and reused portions of the major superstructure elements and
enclosure materials from the existing building, as a percentage of
the quantity (by surface area) of the major superstructure elements
and enclosure materials in the new building. Credits will be
awarded where the prescribed percentage is achieved.
2.1 Floor,
2.2 Roof decking,
2.3 Skin and framing (exclude windows, doors and similar
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Extent of Application All buildings except for single one-storey buildings with total floor areas not
exceeding 230m2
Credit Requirement 1 credit for designing modular elements which contributed at least 50% (by
mass, volume, dollar value or surface area) of the major elements and
modules in the project.
2. The unit may be mass/ volume/ dollar value/ surface area but shall be
consistent throughout the assessment of this credit. For surface area,
only the exposed surface area shall be considered in the calculation
and the inner area shall be excluded.
MW 3 Prefabrication
1 additional BONUS credit for compliance with the requirements listed in above
sub-item (a), (b) and (c), i.e. 10% or more of structural façade and
architectural/ internal building elements have been prefabricated off-site.
utility platform
- Additional or alternative items may be proposed at the discretion of
the applicant.
2. The assessment shall take into account the number and quantities of
building elements in the building development that was prefabricated
off-site and credits will be awarded where the assessment criteria
have been met. Only off-site prefabricated portion (by mass or volume)
to be counted in semi-prefab components for quality control and
reduction of on-site waste.
1 Buildings Department. Code of Practice for Pre-cast Concrete Construction 2016. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
MW_03_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template
for MW 3
MW 8 Regional Materials
Prefabricated building elements are manufactured locally so as to reduce
the environmental impacts arising from transportation.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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on the leftmost column below.
MW_04a_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for
MW 4a
MW_04a_01 Appraisal report on selection of the
building material
Supporting Documents PA FA
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on the leftmost column below.
MW_04b_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for
MW 4b
MW_04b_01 Appraisal report on protection measures -
Extent of Application All buildings, except buildings with an insignificant amount of timber products
being adopted (e.g. all timber products used in the building consists of five
sets of doors only).
Credit Requirement 1 credit for demonstrating at least 30% (for residential development) and 50%
(for non-residential development) of all the timber and composite timber
products used in the project are from sustainable sources/ recycled timber.
For exemplary performance, 1 additional BONUS credit for demonstrating
90% or more of all the timber and composite timber products used in the
project are from sustainable sources/ recycled timber.
1 Forest Stewardship Council. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
2 American Forest and Paper Association. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
3 Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
4 Architectural Services Department, General Specifications for Building 2017, Section 13, Carpentry and Joinery.
[ONLINE]. Available at:
building/general_specification_for_building_2017_edition-20191223.pdf. [Accessed April 2021].
5. In the event the timber products are not purchased from a supplier who
is an "accredited company”, the following basic evidence should be
produced to demonstrate the products:
• conform to sustainable forestry practice guidelines;
• be accredited by recognised organisations; and
• in compliance with the specification set down by the organisation.
Provided that the timber products are sourced from a supplier already
accredited by the Approval Organisations, i.e. FSC, AFPA, PEFC or
other "known licensed sources” according to the respective protocol
(accredited company), and the timber products purchased are issued
with the Certificate under the CoC (Chain of Custody) system, it is
acceptable that the following documents as proof to demonstrate the
timber products as purchased from the timber supplier and used in the
project site are from a sustainable source:
(i) Invoice plus Delivery Note (DN) from the supplier of the timber
products purchased - on the invoice & DN, it should be marked with
the reference Certificate No.; a note which has the effect of
confirming the products in the invoice and delivery note are
certified; the pack no. of the timber products (see the samples on
BSL’s website [5] [6]);
(ii) A copy of the CoC Certificate of the certified timber supplier; AND
(iii) Photographic evidence of the timber products
Supporting Documents PA FA
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on the leftmost column below.
MW 6 Recycled Materials
Objective Promote the use of recycled materials in order to reduce the consumption
of virgin resources.
1.1 List the materials/ items/ products used that contain recycled
material (minerals, plastics, etc.)
1.1 List the materials/ items/ products used that contain recycled
4. Steel and glass which normally consist of recycled content will not
be considered as materials with recycled content for this credit.
1.1 List the materials/ items/ products used that contain recycled
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
MW_06_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for
MW 6
MW_06_01 Calculation Sheet on Materials Used
[Appendix A]
with endorsement from the main contractor -
Credits Attainable 2
Equipment Life
Window air-conditioner, heat pump 10 years
Unitary, split, packaged air-conditioner,
15 years
package heat pump
Reciprocating and scroll compressor,
20 years
reciprocating chiller
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
MW_07a_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for
MW 7a
MW_07a_01 Specifications specifying the use of
Supporting Documents PA FA
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on the leftmost column below.
Given that CFCs and HCFCs have been banned, except HCFC-123,
HFCs offer near-zero ODP but some have comparatively high GWPs.
MW 8 Regional Materials
Credit Requirement 1 credit for the use of regional materials meeting prescribed requirement, which
contributes at least 10% of all building materials used in the project.
1 additional BONUS credit for the use of regional materials meeting prescribed
requirement, which contributes at least 20% of all building materials used in
the project.
1.4 Supporting documents from the suppliers listing the name of the
manufacturer and the location of the manufacturing plant; and
1.5 Demonstration for the point of raw materials and manufacture within the
prescribed radius of the HKSAR.
2. The unit may be mass/ volume/ dollar value but shall be consistent
throughout the assessment of this credit.
3. Raw materials (constituents) used for making the claimed building materials
shall fulfill the assessment requirements.
4. In-situ concrete, which is unlikely imported outside the region, will not be
considered for this credit. The quantity of in-situ concrete shall be excluded
from the calculation of the total building materials for this credit.
6. Reused and salvaged material such as furniture may also be included. The
location from which they were salvaged may be used as the point of
7. The point of raw materials and manufacture shall be located within an 800km
radius of the HKSAR by road transportation; within a 1,600km radius by rail
transportation; or within a 4,000km radius by sea transportation.
The 800km radius should radiate from the default coordinates of HKSAR. For
simplicity, road travel distances within HKSAR are excluded in the
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as indicated
on the leftmost column below.
MW_08_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for
MW 8 with
Estimated Summary of Regional Materials
from Foundation Works (if any) [Form S- -
A] and Superstructure Works [Form S-B]
Objective Encourage the use of green products that have low environmental impacts.
1.4 For any green products, which have been certified under other
internationally recognised schemes, the applicant shall refer to the
list of worldwide recognised Green Building Product Certifications
and Standards under HKGBC’s Eco-Product Directory
( or provide the
product’s technical information with justification for BSL’s
2.4 For any green products, which have been certified under other
internationally recognised schemes, the applicant shall refer to the
list of worldwide recognised Green Building Product Certifications
and Standards under HKGBC’s Eco-Product Directory
( or provide the
product’s technical information with justification for BSL’s
i. Panel board
Interior Non- ii. Ceramic tile
structural iii. Plant-based fibre composite
Components iv. Furniture
v. Stone (Natural/ Artificial)
vi. Wall covering
vii. Paint & coating
viii. Adhesive & sealant
ix. Block for internal partition
x. Synthetic carpet
xi. Thermal insulation
xii. Alternative elements proposed by
the applicant.
3.4 For any green products, which have been certified under other
internationally recognised schemes, the applicant shall refer to the
list of worldwide recognised Green Building Product Certifications
and Standards under HKGBC’s Eco-Product Directory
( or provide the
product’s technical information with justification for BSL’s
4.4 For any green products, which have been certified under other
internationally recognised schemes, the applicant shall refer to the
list of worldwide recognised Building Product Certifications and
Standards under HKGBC’s Eco-Product Directory
( or provide the
product’s technical information with justification for BSL’s
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as indicated
on the leftmost column below.
MW_09a_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for
MW 9a
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Objective Encourage the design of structural elements and choice of materials that
results in lower embodied energy
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for demonstrating the embodied energy in the major elements of
the building structure of the building has been studied and optimised
through a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
2. The LCA should cover only the elements and materials used in the
building foundations, walls, primary and secondary structures and
building facade, and does not include the building services system.
3. The service life of the baseline and proposed cases should be the
same and at least of 50 years. The same software tools and data sets
should be used to evaluate both the baseline building and the
proposed building, and report all the listed impact categories. Data
sets must be compliant with ISO 14044. In lieu to these requirements,
the LCA tool developed by EMSD can also be used.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Objective Encourage the design of building interior elements and building services
components that allow modifications to space layout, and to reduce waste
during churning, refurbishment and deconstruction.
Residential Commercial
Spatial Adaptability Building
Buildings Buildings
Use of adaptable floor plans,
including large grids that can [●] ● ●
be subdivided, etc.
Spaces designed for a loose
[●] ● ●
fit rather than tight fit;
Inclusion of multifunctional
[●] ● ●
Design that allows interior
fitting-out to use modular and [●] ● ●
prefabricated components;
Spaces designed such that
minimum disruption will be
[●] ● ●
caused to occupants due to
physical change;
Easy relocation of partition
walls that causes minimum
● ● ●
damage to flooring or ceiling
Partition walls are fully
● ● ●
Separating long-lived
components from short-lived
components to\ reduce the
complexity of deconstruction [●] ● ●
and churning so as to facilitate
the collection process for
recycling; and
Use of interior partitions that
are demountable, reusable [●] ● ●
and recyclable, etc.
- ASTM provides guidance for various types of buildings and uses [1,
- Additions to the list may be proposed at the discretion of the
[●] This item only applicable to clubhouse/ amenity facilities of the
residential development
1 ASTM International. Designation E1692-95a Standard Classification for Serviceability of an Office for Change and Churn by
2 ASTM International. Designation E1679-13 Standard Practice for Setting the Requirements for the Serviceability of a Building or
Building-Related Facility and for Determining What Serviceability is Provided or Proposed.
Flexible Engineering Residential Commercial
Services Buildings Buildings
Design that allows interior
fitting-out to use modular
[●] ● ●
and prefabricated
Luminaires, including
electrical connection and
mechanical fixing, are
[●] ● ●
easily relocated within
ceiling grid or uplighters are
Air diffusers on flexible
ducts can be relocated at
minimum cost with [●] ● ●
minimum disruption to
Exhaust air ducts for
special exhausts are easy
to install, and space and [●] ● ●
capacity are available in
ceiling and duct shafts;
Pre-wired horizontal
distribution systems in
ceilings or floors, with spare
- ● ●
capacity and easy access
to accommodate change of
workplace layouts; and
Reducing the use of
embedded infrastructure for
[●] ● ●
power, data and HVAC
systems, etc.
- Additions to the list may be proposed at the discretion of the
[●] This item only applicable to clubhouse/ amenity facilities of the
residential development
Residential Commercial
Structural Adaptability Building
Buildings Buildings
Foundations allow for
potential vertical expansion - ● ●
of the building;
Installation of isolation
joints or other features
avoid the potential for
- ● ●
differential settlements and
for progressive collapse
due to accidental loading;
Reliance on a central core
for lateral load resistance
that allows for local
modifications to the [●] ● ●
structure while maintaining
complete structural
Wide structural grids [●] ● ●
Lower floors allow for
[●] ● ●
heavier live load;
Sufficient height to lower
floors to enable a range of [●] ● ●
Building envelope is
independent of the [●] ● ●
Versatile envelope capable
of accommodating changes [●] ● ●
to the interior space plan;
Means of access to the
exterior wall system from
[●] ● ●
inside the building and from
Structural floor system that
accommodates a number
of mechanical and electrical
service distribution - ● ●
schemes based on different
occupancies; and
Provision of more than the
minimum spatial areas and [●] ● ●
floor heights, etc.
- Reference may be made to various publications [3]
- Additions to the list may be proposed at the discretion of the
[●] This item only applicable to clubhouse/ amenity facilities of the
residential development
3 International Energy Agency. Annex 31. Energy-Related Environmental Impact of Buildings. 2005. [ONLINE]. Available
at: [Accessed April 2021].
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
MW_11_00 BEAM Plus NB submission template for
MW 11
Extent of Application All buildings except one-single family domestic building with not more than
3 floors, or domestic parts of a composite building for one-single family with
not more than 3 floors, or a building not normally occupied or for transient stay
(e.g. pump house, sewage treatment plant, carpark building).
Part (b) is applicable only when Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme
is activated.
1 credit for additional facilities for collection, sorting, storage and disposal
of recyclables in addition to those described in MW P1 and MW 12 part
1.2 The proposal should indicate the solid waste disposal rate, target
reduction rate, proposed features and the management
1.3 Demonstrate how the municipal solid waste disposal rate can be
reduced by the proposal. Target reduction for 10% in weight (kg)
or size (m3).
1.4 Demonstrate that the location and design of the facility have
considered accessibility of building users, and operation and
maintenance of the recycling facilities, cleaning staff/ contractors
and for waste recycling and collection companies.
1.2 Vessels for composting suitable organic waste resulting from the
building's daily operation and use; OR adequate space for storing
segregated food waste and compostable organic material prior to
collection and delivery to an alternative composting facility
1.2 Demonstrate with calculation that there are sufficient capacity and
spaces of the alternative recycling facilities for different waste
types generated in the development based on the waste stream
calculation; and
Supporting Documents PA FA
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on the leftmost column below.
MW_12a_00 BEAM Plus NB Submission template for
MW 12a
Supporting Documents PA FA
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on the leftmost column below.
MW_12c_00 BEAM Plus NB Submission template for
MW 12c
Supporting Documents PA FA
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on the leftmost column below.
MW_12d_00 BEAM Plus NB Submission template for
MW 12d
Introduction Electricity generation accounts for around 60% of the total CO2 emissions
from energy use in Hong Kong. Buildings account for 90% of our electricity
consumption. Ensuring buildings are designed for good energy performance
is a key factor to the conservation of energy.
Power stations operate under licenses issued by the Director of
Environmental Protection Department, requiring operators to employ the best
practicable means to control the emissions to acceptable levels. However,
there is a growth in demand which leads to an increasing power generation,
transmission and distribution capacity, because of the use of air- conditioning
where the buildings are responsible for much of the peak load in summer.
Demand side management can reduce the rate of expansion of supply-side
Background BEAM provides incentives to achieve energy performance better than the
minimum requirements of building energy codes. Therefore, compliance with
the up-to-date Building Energy Codes (BEC) is the mandatory requirement
governing the energy performance of building services installations. This is
taken as the energy performance prerequisite for BEAM certification.
Objective To establish the minimum level of energy performance for the building
services systems
Credit Requirement Demonstrate performance improvement against the latest edition of Building
Energy Code (BEC).
1 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation [ONLINE].
available at: [Accessed April 2021].
1.3. Project using district cooling system and project without any air-
conditioning installation (or not newly install an air-conditioning
system) are not assessed under this criterion.
Design case
Lighting power reduction percentage = �1 - � ×100%
BEC Case
3.2. The performance of the selected air conditioning unit types should
refer to the corresponding equipment COP tables stipulated in the
latest BEC.
3.4. Project using district cooling system and project without any air-
conditioning installation (or not newly install with any air-conditioning
system) are not assessed under these criteria.
4.2. For space that without a listed space type suitable for calculation
from the BEC code, LPD must be the same as the design value.
2 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Technical Guidelines on Building Energy Code 2018 Edition (TG-BEC 2018)
[ONLINE]. available at: [Accessed April 2021].
4.3. LPD requirements for this prerequisite follows the latest edition of
BEC. Exclude the lighting installations that are outside the scope of
application of BEEO/BEC as stated in the latest edition of BEC
Technical Guideline.
Objective Passive building design allows buildings to respond to the local climate;
reducing the reliance on active means to meet human comfort. This in turn
reduces energy consumption and its associated carbon dioxide emissions.
Credits Attainable 6
Credit Requirement Passive designs that can reduce building HVAC load, facilitate natural
ventilation and maximise daylight will be rewarded in this credit under
either prescriptive path or performance path.
Natural Ventilation
5) Space Layout for Natural Ventilation
1 credit for demonstrating that project space (both normally occupied
space and not normally occupied space) is designed to facilitate the
utilisation of natural ventilation with justification by simulation.
3.2 Demonstrate that the area of vegetation is at least 50% of the roof
area. Roof of non-conditioned area (e.g. mechanical plant rooms)
do not count towards the total roof area; OR
4.1 Provide cross ventilation for each normally occupied space of the
building with reference to the cross-ventilation requirement
stipulated in the latest edition of the Guidelines on Design and
Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential
Buildings [1] (For 2014 edition, refer to Part 3.2 Cross Ventilation
Requirement) (for residential buildings) OR ASHRAE 62.1:2016
Section 6.4 (for non-residential buildings).
1 Buildings Department, Guidelines on Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings.
[ONLINE]. Available at:
manuals/Guidelines_DCREERB2014e.pdf. [Accessed April 2021].
6) Daylighting Provision
Demonstrate each normally occupied space is daylit:
6.1 Provide window for each normally occupied space with each
window height > 50% of the corresponding normally occupied
space depth.
The simulation program used for energy modelling should meet the
following criteria. Compliance review for below criteria is required
except those already accepted for performance based on Building
Energy Code (BEC) by EMSD.
5.4 For buildings with 3 stories above grade or more, at least 3 typical
stories (covering high, mid and low levels of buildings) with
similar interior layout should be selected and studied for multi-
storey building. For buildings with less than 3 stories, the
simulation should cover all floors.
2 Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau Technical Circular No. 1/06 [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
3 CIBSE - LG10/14 Lighting Guide 10: Daylighting - a Guide for Designers - LG10
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Extent of Application All buildings for Option 1 and Option 2 Part (1.1), (1.2) and (2.2)
For Option 2 Part (2.1), buildings not using district cooling systems and with
newly installed air-conditioning system
For Option 2 Part (2.3), buildings with lift and/or escalator installation
Percentage of reduction of
annual CO2 emission / %
1 1%
2 3%
3 5%
4 7%
5 9%
6 11%
7 13%
8 15%
9 17%
10 19%
10 + 1B 21%
10 + 2B 23%
10 + 3B 25%
10 + 4B 27%
10 + 5B 29%
1 Buildings Department - PNAP APP-156 - Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings;
Buildings Department - Guideline on Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential
Buildings 2014
2 Buildings Department - PNAP APP-67 – Energy Efficiency of Buildings, Building (Energy Efficiency) Regulation; Code of Practice
for Overall Thermal Transfer Value in Buildings 1995
2.3 Lift and escalator installation (N/A for buildings with No Lift
& Escalator)
Simulation Software
Simulation program used for energy modelling should meet the following
3 Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation – Electrical and Mechanical Services Department HKSAR,
4 Environmental Protection Department. Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for
Buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional Purposes) in Hong Kong, 2010
2) Introduction
2.1 Methodology of energy performance assessment, including the
details of the energy simulation software and ECM (if any) used
4) Modelling Parameters
4.1 Operating schedule
6) Conclusions
6.1 Conclude the major reasons for achieving CO2 emission reduction
Project using district cooling system and project without any air-
conditioning installation (or not newly install with any air-
conditioning system) are not assess under these criteria.
Design case
Lighting power reduction percentage = �1 - � ×100%
BEC Case
For spaces that are not governed by the code, LPD baseline
should be developed per Appendix 9.2, Interior General Lighting
System section, Baseline case column.
5 Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation – Electrical and Mechanical Services Department HKSAR,
6 Code of Practice on Energy Labelling of Products - Electrical and Mechanical Services Department HKSAR, 2018
7 Technical Guidelines on Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation – Electrical and Mechanical
Services Department HKSAR, 2018
8 Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation – Electrical and Mechanical Services Department HKSAR,
1) Air-conditioning system
For spaces that are not governed by the BEC 2018 based on Cap. 610
Schedule 1 & 2, it is required to demonstrate the COP improvement
in percentage (%) for each air-conditioning equipment compared with
the corresponding minimum coefficient of performance (COP) at full
load at specific standard rating condition given from the code
requirement under Section 6.12 of BEC 2018 [10].
2) Lighting System:
Provide summary table of lighting power reduction in percentage (%)
for whole building lighting installation by area-weighted method
compared with the relevant space type as identified in Section 5.4 of
BEC 2018. (i.e. including carpark lighting system)
∑[LPD(Area A) × Area A + LPD(Area B) × Area B + …]
# Design Case: � �
∑[Area A + Area B + …]
Design case
Lighting power reduction percentage = �1 - � ×100%
BEC Case
Lighting power density (LPD) for baseline calculation should follow
BEC 2018 Section 5.4.
For spaces that are not governed by the code, LPD baseline should
be developed per Appendix 9.2, Interior General Lighting System
section, Baseline case column.
9 Technical Guidelines on Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation – Electrical and Mechanical
Services Department HKSAR, 2018
10 Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation – Electrical and Mechanical Services Department HKSAR,
11 Buildings Department - Guideline on Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings 2014;
PNAP APP-156 - Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings; PNAP APP-67 – Energy
Efficiency of Buildings, Building (Energy Efficiency) Regulation; Code of Practice for Overall Thermal Transfer Value in Buildings
12 Buildings Department - Guideline on Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings 2014;
PNAP APP-156 - Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings; PNAP APP-67 – Energy
Efficiency of Buildings, Building (Energy Efficiency) Regulation; Code of Practice for Overall Thermal Transfer Value in Buildings
Credits Attainable 3
Credit Requirement
Option 1 – Based on EU 2 Performance Path:
1 to 3 credits for peak electricity demand reduction by the following saving
1 5%
2 10%
3 15%
Option 1 – Based on EU 2 Performance Path:
Use the same whole building energy analysis of baseline and proposed
case buildings in EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Path) and provide Building
Peak Electricity Demand report that must be certified by a locally qualified
professional with building energy modelling experience.
The Building Peak Electricity Demand report should include the following
1) Introduction
3) Modelling Parameters
4.2 Identify the month with the highest electricity demand throughout
a year in the baseline case
4.3 Identify the month with the highest electricity demand throughout
a year the proposed case
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
1 Buildings Department - Guideline on Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings 2014;
PNAP APP-156 - Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings; PNAP APP-67 – Energy
Efficiency of Buildings, Building (Energy Efficiency) Regulation; Code of Practice for Overall Thermal Transfer Value in Buildings
Extent of Application EU 4a: All non-residential buildings and common area of residential
EU 4b: All non-residential buildings and common areas of residential
buildings and with tenanted areas
1 Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit – Electrical and Mechanical Services Department HKSAR, 2018
Table EU4-1:
Each Equipment in
HVAC (Air Side)
• Supply & Return
- Primary Air/ Air temperature
• Electricity
Air (oC)
(kW and
kWh) • Flow rate (m3/s)
Unit Fans
- Return Air • Pressure (Pa)
- Free
• Electricity
VRV and Unitary
(kW and • N/A
• CO / NOx
Ventilation System concentration
- Carpark level (if
Ventilation applicable)
- Toilet • Electricity
• Flow rate (m3/s)
Ventilation (kW and
(Jet Fan is
(≥2.5kW kWh)
• Pressure head
(m) (Jet Fan is
Lighting • Electricity
Lighting and
System (kW and • N/A
receptacle system
Each equipment in • Electricity
Plumbing and (kW and • N/A
Drainage kWh)
Lift and
• Electricity
Escalators Each Lift and
(kW and • N/A
System Escalators*
1 Credit 1 BONUS
2) Lighting; and
3) Small power
2 British Standard BS EN 62053-11:2003. Electricity metering equipment (a.c.). Particular requirements. Electromechanical meters
for active energy (classes 0.5, 1 and 2)
3 ASHRAE. Standard 114-1986: Energy Management Control Systems Instrumentation, American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc., USA. 1987.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
4 HKGBC. Green Tenancy Driver for Office Buildings. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
1 0.2%
2 0.4%
3 0.6%
4 0.8%
5 1%
1B 1.2%
2B 1.4%
3B 1.6%
4B 1.8%
5B 2%
4) Conclusions
4.1 Conclude whether the harnessing of solar energy is feasible for
the project
For systems that generate energy from on-site renewable sources, the
energy generated should count into the “annual energy generated by
on-site renewable energy systems” in the above equation.
Project building energy use could make reference the following default
figures if EU2 Performance path is not attempted [1],
Table EU5-1
# Building Type Total Energy use Controlled by
kWh/m2 Applicant
1 Office 222 40%
2 Enclosed and 268 50%
strip malls
3 Retail shop 180 50%
1 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) Building energy intensity Data
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Catalogues of on-site
renewable energy system
HKSAR Government, CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd. and Castle Peak
Power Company Ltd. Scheme of Control Agreement. [ONLINE].
Available at:
g.pdf. [Accessed April 2021].
EU 6 Air-Conditioning Units
Extent of Application All buildings using variable refrigerant flow (VRF) units, window or split-type
air conditioners as major source of air conditioning.
Objective To ensure that the installation of air-conditioning units is able to provide
near optimum performance.
Credits Attainable 2
Supporting Documents PA FA
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
(b) Related Credits
Objective Encourage wider use of natural means in lieu of gas or electricity for clothes
drying purposes.
5.2 Wind
Minimum wind velocity of 0.5m/s. Winter prevailing wind
with the highest wind frequency should be used.
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Credits Attainable 2
Credit Requirement 1 credit when 60% of total rated power of appliances are certified energy
efficient products.
2 credit when 80% of total rated power of appliances are certified energy
efficient products.
Assessment This credit assesses only the appliances provided by the developer.
The electrical appliances covered in this credit include the following items
covered by the EMSD Energy Efficiency Labelling [per January 2017 version
[1]. In other words, only appliances which are governed by the EMSD Energy
Efficiency Labelling will be included in the denominator for percentage
1) Refrigerating appliances
2) Washing machines
3) Dehumidifiers
4) Electric clothes dryers
5) Household Electric storage water heaters
6) Television sets
7) Electric rice-cookers
8) Electronic ballasts
9) Induction cookers
10) Microwave ovens
11) Photocopiers
12) Fax machines
13) Multifunction devices
14) Printers
15) LCD monitors
16) Computers
17) Hot / cold bottled water dispensers
18) Domestic gas instantaneous water heaters
19) Gas cookers
Provide a schedule of all electrical appliances including the location, quantity,
model and the rated power.
1 Hong Kong Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (EELS) website. [ONLINE]. Available at:
[Accessed April 2021].
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Introduction Water is known to be in scarce supply in many parts of the world. Globally,
water shortage is already a major issue. Hong Kong has been enjoying a
reliable and economic supply of most of its fresh water needs from the
However, with increased industrialisation of Guangdong Province there is
likely to be greater competition for water supply in the pearl river region,
meaning that water conservation may become a significant issue for Hong
Kong in the future. Hong Kong should look into ways to improve the
utilisation and conservation of water resources.
Background In Hong Kong, WSD ensures that the quality of drinking water provided to
customers complies fully with the Hong Kong Drinking Water Standards,
currently being the corresponding guideline values or provisional guideline
values in the fourth edition of the World Health Organization’s Guidelines
for Drinking-water Quality published in 2011 (WHO Guidelines). Drinking
water quality, however, can be affected by the condition of a building’s
inside service. To safeguard tap water quality, property owners and
building managers are advised to carry out proper maintenance of inside
service and regular cleaning of water storage tanks. While water quality
satisfying WSD’s requirement is the mandatory requirement, water
conservation is another focus area under water category.
Background While 80% of users in Hong Kong are supplied with seawater for flushing
purposes, there are environmental impacts associated with the treatment
and delivery of seawater, and the load imposed on municipal sewage
treatment plants. Measures taken to reduce volumes of effluent flows have
significant environmental benefits.
Background There are opportunities to recycle used water and rain water in order to
reduce the use of potable water. Additional benefits of potable water
conservation can reduce energy use on transport and treatment of raw
Objective Reduce the consumption of potable water through the application of water
saving devices with proven performance.
Credit Requirement Demonstrate that the use of water efficient flow devices leads to an
estimated annual saving of 10%.
Assessment Prepare a Potable Water Use Report which should include the following
1) Schedule including the types of fixture with the location and number
of each type of fixture
2) Calculation of potable water use following the guidance below
3) Percentage of annual potable water saving
1 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (January 2015) Feature Article – Persons with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases in
Hong Kong. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Number of
Operation Uses
Flow Rate
Fixture Type Time
(L/min) per Occupant
per day
(hotel and 12 300 1
(all buildings other 12 300 0.1
than hotel and
Type Water Taps
4 20 5
(bathrooms and
toilets )
Type Water Taps
7 20 5
(bathrooms and
Establish the project design case and identify the fixture flowrate
at 5bar:
If automatic controls such as proximity sensors are used in the
project to reduce the operation time, specification (for PA) and
product catalogues (for FA) are required to substantiate the
The same number of uses should be applied to both the baseline
case and the project design case.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
2 Water Supplies Department - Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Credit Requirement 1 to 2 credits for reducing potable water consumption for irrigation in
comparison with the baseline.
1 25%
2 50%
Assessment Specify the area of each landscape type making up the total area of greenery
in the project. For each landscape type, calculate the annual irrigation demand
using the following formula.
ET × KL × A × CE
ID = �
1 Hong Kong Observatory - Monthly Sea Surface Temperature Recorded at North Point and Waglan Island and Monthly
Total Evaporation and Potential Evapotranspiration Recorded at King's Park between 1961-1990
Tree 0.5
Shrubs 0.5
Groundcovers 0.5
Turfgrass 0.7
Manual 0.5
Rotor 0.7
Calculate the total irrigation demand that uses potable water in both baseline
and project design cases by the above formula. Sum up the calculated ID(s)
for all landscape types. The irrigation demand should cover all permanent
greenery in the project. For private garden not under the control of the
building management, irrigation demand for the design case should be
assumed the same as the baseline case.
1) Baseline
The composition of landscape type making up the permanent greenery in
the project should be the same as design case.
Assume all landscape types are irrigated manually (i.e. IE = 0.5) and no
controller is used (i.e. CE = 1).
2) Design
Specify the irrigation method and controller (if used) for each landscape
type and calculate the ID correspondingly.
The percentage reduction in annual irrigation demand that uses potable water
can be calculated as follow:
ID (design)
1− × 100%
ID (baseline)
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
2 Water Supplies Department, Technical Specifications on Grey water reuse and Rainwater Harvesting. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed
April 2021].
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for installing water efficient appliances that achieve Grade 1 under
the WSD’s Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme.
Assessment This credit assesses only those appliances provided by the developer. No
credits will be awarded if no appliances are provided by the developer.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
1 Water Supplies Department – Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for installing water leakage detection systems in all municipal
potable water tank rooms.
Assessment Demonstrate that water leakage detection systems are installed in all
municipal potable water tank rooms, including rooms comprising potable
water tank, irrigation tank and cleansing water tank, and flush water tank if
using fresh water for flushing.
Water tank rooms, which consists of only non-potable water tank and/ or
fire services tank, are not assessed.
Water tank rooms which have multiple water tanks should have at least one
leakage detection system.
The detection systems should have the capability to automatically alert the
operator or the security guard and identify the room with leakage when
leakage occurs.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Extent of Application All buildings (including buildings with centralised/ shared tank that is outside
the assessment boundary)
Objective To reduce the water wastage during the maintenance or cleaning of the
water tanks and provide an uninterrupted potable and flush water supply to
building users.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for providing twin tank for potable water supply system and flushing
water supply system.
Assessment Twin tanks are installed for potable and flushing supply water systems for
all buildings in the assessment boundary.
Two compartment tank and two separate identical tanks are accepted as
twin tank.
Each compartment / tank of the twin-tank shall be equipped with:
1) A duplicated set of inlet, outlet and associated overflow and drainage
2) A stop valve at the inlet of each tank compartment to ensure that water
will not get into the compartment when it is being cleaned; and
3) An automatic pump control switch at the downstream side of each
sump pump to protect the up-feed system particularly when the stop
valve for the tank compartment is closed.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on leftmost column
Extent of Application All buildings equipped with cooling tower using potable water as makeup
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for achieving 7 or more cycles of concentration with acceptable
water quality.
Assessment The ratio between the concentration of dissolved solids in the cooling tower
and the make-up water should be 7 or more. Demonstrate that the
corresponding make-up water pumps can provide sufficient flow rate and
pressure to sustain the specified cycle of concentration.
All cooling tower using potable water within the assessment boundary
should comply with this requirement.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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as indicated on the leftmost column below.
1 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department – Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers CoP (FWCT). [ONLINE].
Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for demonstrating a reduction in annual sewage volumes by 20%
or more.
2) Operational days
Specify the number of operational days per annum. Alternatively,
assume a full year operation (i.e. 365 days).
The same operational days should apply to both the baseline case
and the project design case.
3) Number of uses
The same number of uses should apply to both the baseline case and
the project design case.
1 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (January 2015) Feature Article – Persons with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases in Hong
Kong. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Urinal 4
Single Flush WC
Dual Flush WC
1 full and 4 low volume
4) Flushing Volume
Based on the above, establish a baseline case for flushing water
consumption by the following assumptions. While dual flush WC is
used, a single flush WC baseline can be adopted.
Urinal 2.5
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
1 Water Supplies Department, Technical Specifications on Grey Water Reuse and Rainwater Harvesting (1st Edition) May 2015.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed
Mar 2021].
2 Hong Kong Observatory, Monthly Meteorological Normals for Hong Kong. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Water bodies 1
1) The above information has made reference to the design guides
for stormwater management/runoff control GB50014 and
DB11/685 of PRC.
3 Water Supplies Department, Technical Specifications on Grey Water Reuse and Rainwater Harvesting (1st Edition) May 2015.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed Mar
4 Water Supplies Department, Technical Specifications on Grey Water Reuse and Rainwater Harvesting (1st Edition) May 2015.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed
April 2021].
5 Water Supplies Department, Technical Specifications on Grey Water Reuse and Rainwater Harvesting (1st Edition) May 2015.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed
Mar 2021].
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Supporting Documents PA FA
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Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Background This requirement ensures that ventilation systems of the premises have
been designed according to recognised procedures to provide a minimum
ventilation of sufficient quality and quantity.
Background Biophilic design provides users constant interaction with living things and
natural surroundings to nurture the innate human-nature connection and to
address human psychological need to be around life and life-like
processes. Design features and amenities, e.g. pedestrian amenities and
stairs promotion, can facilitate more healthy and active living.
Background Designs that allow users to enjoy spaces safely, easily and with dignity, and
ensure efficient services to meet their needs, etc. They enhance the quality
and efficiency of built environments and thereby ensure buildings to be
more sustainable.
Given that on average people in Hong Kong spend around 85% of their time
indoors, indoor environmental conditions have a significant impact on the
quality of life. Buildings should provide safe, healthy, convenient and efficient
Copyright © 2021 BEAM Society Limited. All rights reserved. 308
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Health and Wellbeing - HWB
Objective Assess the quality of on-site outdoor air and demonstrate that a minimum
quantity of outdoor air is supplied to all normally occupied spaces in the
project in order to safeguard the health and comfort of building users.
Credit Requirement (a) Measure outdoor air pollutants on-site prior to building design to
understand the site conditions.
Respirable suspended
<100 µg/m3
particulate (PM10)
To ensure projects with bare shell space meet the objective of the
credit, the project proponent shall ensure that there will be
adequate fresh air louvre(s) to draw outdoor air into the project’s
indoor space. The project proponent shall make reference to an
authoritative source, such as the criteria for louvre sizing specified
under ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, when determining the
actual number and size of louvre(s) to be provided at the façade
of the development.
Prescriptive Path
For residential buildings:
For normally occupied spaces, the total area of the windows /
primary openings provided in each space is not less than 7% of
the floor area of the space. Refer to Cap. 123F Building (Planning)
Regulations [5] for the requirements for windows or PNAP APP
130 [6] for the definition of primary openings.
5 Building (Planning) Regulations Cap, 123. Hong Kong e-Legislation. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
6 Buildings Department – APP-130 Lighting and Ventilation Requirements – Performance-based Approach. [ONLINE].
Available at: https:/
letters/pnap/APP/APP130.pdf. [Accessed April 2021].
Wind data, such as wind frequency, wind rose, wind profile should
be adopted from the appropriate and reliable sources, such as
simulated site wind data based on appropriate mathematical
models, such as RAMS from PlanD [7] or experimental site wind
data from wind tunnel test.
3) Methodology
4) Results
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Objective To encourage designing building environment for healthy and active living
by improving living and / or working experience of building users and
integrating physical activities in the design for an active lifestyle.
Credit Requirement 1 BONUS credit for scoring at least 3 items of all applicable design
measures for healthy and active living.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
SS 2 Neighbourhood Amenities
The related credit encourages building developments to have
adequate amenities for its users within or in the vicinity of the Site.
When relevant amenities are counted in SS 2a, they would not be
applicable for HWB 2.
Objective To encourage building occupants to have constant interaction with living things
and natural surroundings to nurture the innate human-nature connection and to
address human psychological need to be around life and life-like processes.
Credit Requirement 1 BONUS credit for demonstrating visual connection with nature and/ or biophilic
design features at an assessment space with Visual Quality Score of 2 or above.
1 additional BONUS credit for demonstrating visual connection with nature and/
or biophilic design features at an assessment space with Visual Quality Score
of 3 or above.
6) Projection Path
The Applicant shall produce images from the viewpoints by graphical
software at PA stage and produce images from single lens camera at FA
stage. The specification for camera is listed in point 7.2;
7) Simulation Path
The Applicant shall produce images from the viewpoints using viewpoint
in 3D model at PA stage and single lens camera at FA stage. The
specifications for camera or 3D model are as follows:
Option 1:
Vertical elevation of camera for 1,600mm above ground/
viewpoints in 3D model finished floor
Option 2:
Vertical elevation of camera for 1,600mm above ground/
viewpoints in 3D model finished floor
Equivalent lens focal length or focal 27mm
7.6 Methodology:
ii. Calculate the Visual Quality Score of the frame using Area
Weighting Methodology;
iv. Calculate the average Visual Quality Score for the viewpoint.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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the leftmost column below.
SS 2 Neighbourhood Amenities
The related credit encourages building developments to have adequate
amenities for its users within or in the vicinity of the Site. When relevant
amenities are counted in SA 2a, they would not be applicable for HWB 2.
SS 7 Biodiversity Enhancement
The related credit encourages strategies to preserve and/or enhance
the ecological value of the site in terms of habitat and biodiversity.
1 Buildings Department – Design Manual - Barrier Free Access 2008 – Codes of Practice and Design Manuals.
[ONLINE]. Available at:
manuals/BFA2008_e.pdf. [Accessed April 2021].
Wind speed can be determined from the wind profile diagram available
at PlanD’s Site Wind Data webpage [2]. For a semi-external communal
space facing a certain orientation, the wind profile for that orientation
at its proposed location (height above ground) shall be used.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
1 credit for demonstrating that all not normally occupied spaces in the
building are provided with adequate ventilation.
1.3 On-site measurements
1 American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers – ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016 Ventilation
for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
2 Buildings Department – APP-130 Lighting and Ventilation Requirements – Performance-based Approach. [ONLINE]. Available
[Accessed April 2021].
3 Site Wind Availability System. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
4 American Society for Testing Materials. ASTM E 2267-03. Specifying and Evaluating Performances of Single Family
Attached and Detached Dwellings – Indoor Air Quality. 2003.
5. American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers – ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111-2008
Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
6. ASTM International – ASTM E471-11 Standard Test Method for Determining Air Change in a Single Zone by Means of a
Tracer Gas Dilution
7. Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers – CIBSE Guide B Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Objective To reduce nuisance caused by odour leaving enclosed waste disposal and
recycling spaces.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for installing odour sensor at all discharge points from enclosed
waste disposal and recycling spaces.
Assessment Install an odour sensor at each discharge point from all enclosed waste
disposal and recycling spaces including refuse collection points (RCP),
refuse storage and material recovery chambers (RS&MRC) and refuse
storage and material recovery rooms (RS&MRR).
The sensors should have the capability to alert the operation station or the
security station and identify the room when 5 odour units (or equivalent
concentration level in ppm or mg/m3) based on an averaging time of 20
seconds [1] is detected.
Propose an alerting strategy (e.g. a sensing system) that could identify the
room smell condition while on an averaging time of 20 seconds [1] is
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
1 Environmental Protection Department – Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process. Environmental
Impact Assessment Ordinance. [ONLINE]. Available at:
[Accessed April 2021].
Extent of All buildings with the spaces specified in the assessment criteria, with
Application spaces where speech intelligibility is important, and without rooms of a
special acoustical nature for parts (a) (1), (b) (1) and (c)
All buildings with tenanted spaces of the type(s) of premises specified in the
assessment criteria, with spaces where speech intelligibility is important,
and without rooms of a special acoustical nature for parts (a) (2)
The average reverberation time for mid frequencies (500Hz, 1kHz and
2kHz) and noise assessment criterion, should be:
Compliance should be demonstrated by computer simulation, detailed
calculations, or measurements depending on the Applicant’s
preference. The performance of the weighted Sound Reduction Index
(SRI) or Level Difference should fulfill the requirements as stated in the
blow table. The computer simulation report, acoustic calculations or
the measurement report should be endorsed by:
For Part (1) and/or (2), submit a schedule of the spaces in the building,
the noise isolation criteria adopted, relevant partition or slab details
as they impact on noise isolation, the rooms/ premises subject to
laboratory/ field tests or for which detailed calculations or simulations
have been made, underlying assumptions, and the results of tests of
calculations or simulations demonstrating compliance with the criteria.
Laboratory Testing
Samples shall be chosen for at least one sample of each type of
normally occupied space. The laboratory testing shall follow the
methods give in ISO [5-7] or equivalent.
The laboratory testing report should be endorsed by:
• a Corporate Member of Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics; or
• a corporate/ certified/ full member of other international acoustic
institution; or
• a member of HKIE (Building Services, Mechanical or
Environmental discipline) with relevant experience in Acoustic/
Vibration Design.
On-site Measurement
The measurements shall be undertaken in at least one sample of each
type of normally occupied space, and shall include the worst case
circumstances likely to occur. Procedures for on-site measurement
shall follow the methods given in ISO [8], ASTM [9] or equivalent.
5 International Standard Organization. ISO 10140-1, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements
— Part 1: Application rules for specific products
6 International Standard Organization. ISO 10140-3, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements
— Part 3: Measurement of impact sound insulation
7 International Standard Organization. ISO 10140-5, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements
— Part 5: Requirements for test facilities and equipment
8 International Standard Organization. ISO 140-7. Acoustics - Measurement of sound Insulation in buildings and of building elements.
Part 7: Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors.
9 ASTM International. Designation: E 1007 – 97. Standard test method for field measurement of tapping machine impact sound
transmission through floor-ceiling assemblies and associated support structures.
Internal noise level (NR and NC value should be consistently used in
the project):
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for demonstrating vibration levels not exceeding the prescribed
1 International Standard Organisation. ISO 2631-2:2003. Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration – Part 2:
Continuous and shock-induced vibration in buildings (1 to 80Hz).
2 British Standard. BS 6472-1:2008. Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings Part 1: Vibration sources other
than blasting
3 British Standard. BS 6472-2:2008. Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings Part 2: Blast-induced vibration
4 Department of Environment and Conservation of NSW, Assessing Vibration: a technical guideline or equivalent standard 2006.
[ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Path 2
1 Indoor Air Quality Information Centre, Certificate Issuing Body Accreditation. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
2 Indoor Air Quality Management Group, A Guide on Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Spaces
2019. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Given the floor plan of the building has not been changed, the
sampling points agreed during Provisional Assessment will remain the
same for Final Assessment. Otherwise, if the floor plan has been
undergone major change, the sampling points will be re-assessed
during Final Assessment.
Path 2
Submit a valid certificate issued by the Environmental Protection
Department (EPD) covering the whole building. The whole building
should be fully furnished.
q°CO 1×106
QF = Dpc (idling)
3600 COlim
q°CO 1×106
QF = Dtc D (traveling)
3600 COlim
q°NO2 1×106
QF= Dpc (idling)
3600 NO2 lim
q°NO2 1×106
QF = Dtc D (traveling)
3600 NO2 lim
3 Environmental Protection Department, ProPECC PN2/96 Control of Air Pollution in Car Parks. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
4 Environmental Protection Department, Air Quality in Hong Kong 2016 Statistical Summary. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below..
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Objective Ensure that buildings and systems are tested practicable and the
specified thermal comfort conditions can be achieved under conditions of
normal occupancy and expected heat gains.
1 Standard Hong Kong weather data file from Energyplus. Weather Data by Region | EnergyPlus. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
2 American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers – ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2013 Thermal
Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy.
3 Lands Department - Survey and Mapping Office. [ONLINE]. Available at:
mapping.html. [Accessed April 2021].
3. Air-conditioned spaces
4 American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers – ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2013 Thermal
Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy.
5 International Standard Organization – ISO 7726:1998 Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Instruments for measuring
physical quantities.
3. Air-conditioned spaces
10% of the number of air-conditioned normally occupied spaces
included in the thermal comfort analysis in part (a) should be
Record the main physical parameters including indoor air
temperature, indoor mean radiant temperature, indoor relative
humidity and indoor wind speed. The indoor mean radiant
temperature can be assumed to be indoor air temperature. The
measurement should take note on the following:
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Objective Promote indoor lighting design which is comfortable for occupants’ indoor
Credits Attainable 2
1 The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) – The SLL Code for Lighting 2012
Ceiling 0.6
Walls 0.3
Floor 0.1
This credit only assesses indoor not normally occupied spaces and
unoccupied spaces with permanently installed lighting fixtures provided
by the project owner. Spaces with fixtures, which are temporarily
installed for Occupation Permit (OP) inspection purposes and out of
the project owner’s fit-out scope, are not assessed.
Demonstrate the achievement of the prescribed lighting performance
in not normally occupied spaces and unoccupied spaces regarding the
lighting performance criteria adopted based on The SLL Code for
Lighting 2012 Section 2.2 or equivalent.
Demonstrate compliance with the assessment criteria including
maintained illuminance, Unified Glare Rating limit and minimum
illuminance uniformity either by measurements using a standardised
measurement protocol appropriate to the parameter being assessed,
or by computer modelling.
For computer modelling, the following typical surface reflectance can
be adopted. If different values are adopted, supporting documents (cut
sheets / catalogues / laboratory reports) showing the corresponding
information are required for justification.
Table HWB 10-2
Ceiling 0.6
Walls 0.3
Floor 0.1
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
HWB 11 Daylight
Credit Requirement 2 BONUS credits for demonstrating at least 55% of the total area of the
studied normally occupied spaces achieves spatial Daylight
Autonomy300/50% (sDA300/50%) and no more than 10% of the same area
receives Annual Sunlight Exposure1000,250 (ASE1000, 250).
Assessment Conduct simulations to show that at least 55% of the total area of normally
occupied spaces can receive at least 300 lux of sunlight for at least 50% of
operating hours each year and no more than 10% of the same area can
receive more than 1,000 lux for more than 250 hours each year.
Follow IES LM-83-12 Approved Method: IES Spatial Daylight Autonomy
(sDA) and Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE). Annual sky file referencing a
local climate file, such as an EnergyPlus weather format data file (*.epw)
[1], should be used for the sky model. Surrounding buildings and terrain
included in the model should be based on the GIS information from Lands
Department [2]. The following simplifications are allowed:
1 Standard Hong Kong weather data file from Energyplus. Weather Data by Region | EnergyPlus. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April 2021].
2 Lands Department - Survey and Mapping Office. [ONLINE]. Available at:
mapping.html. [Accessed April 2021].
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
2) Related Credits
EU 1 Low carbon passive design
This credit considers health and wellbeing of occupants therefore
stipulate requirements for drawing natural light but neither too dim nor
too fierce. On the other hand, in EU 1 daylight is promoted as means
to replace artificial lighting.
SS 4 Neighborhood Daylight Access
This credit promotes building designs which allow the access to
daylight of neighboring sensitive buildings to be maintained at the
prescribed levels.
Credits Attainable 1
Credit Requirement 1 credit for complying with the recommendations given in the Code of
Practice for Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease 2016 Edition in respect of
Water Supply Systems, HVAC Systems and other Water Features.
HVAC Systems
Demonstrate compliance, if relevant items are present, with the following
sections of the Code of Practice for Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease
2016 Edition [1]:
1) Cooling Tower – Section 4.2.1;
2) Air Handling Unit / Fan Coil Unit – Section 4.3.1 Items (a) – (d);
3) Air Duct and Air Filters – Section 4.3.2 Items (a) – (c);
4) Humidifiers – Section 4.3.3 Items (a) – (c); and
5) Air Washers – Section 4.3.4 Items (a), (b) and (d).
1 Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease Committee, Hong Kong – Code of Practice for Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease 2016
Edition [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed April
Supporting Documents PA FA
Please provide softcopies with filename prefix as
indicated on the leftmost column below.
Introduction BEAM Encourage innovative and/ or new techniques that are yet to find in
the mainstream application in Hong Kong addressing sustainability
objectives for new buildings.
Background Any credits gained under this heading shall be regarded as ‘BONUS’ credits,
counting towards the total credits obtained, but not towards the total credits
obtainable. BEAM encourages application of new practices, technologies
and techniques together with the associated benefits in addressing
sustainability objectives for new buildings.
Extent of Application All buildings, for innovations that have not been addressed in the respective
categories of the NB certification.
Objective Encourage innovative and/ or new techniques/ practices/ design that are
yet to find in the mainstream application in Hong Kong addressing
sustainability objectives for new buildings.
The Assessor will refer the proposal to the BSL Technical Review
Committee who will consider each application on its merits.
Supporting Documents PA FA
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indicated on the leftmost column below.
The proportion of incident radiation reflected by a system. A perfect
reflector would have an albedo of 1, whereas a perfect absorber would
have an albedo of 0.
Biophilic Design
Designing for people as a biological organism, respecting the mind-body
systems as indicators of health and well-being in the context of what is
locally appropriate and responsive.
Bioretention Facilities
Bioretention facilities filter rainwater that becomes polluted as it flows over
hard surfaces like streets, parking lots, roofs, and driveways. The
bioretention facility retains the water and filters various pollutants.
Brownfield refers to previously developed land, or land that contains or
contained permanent structures and associated infrastructures.
Certificate Validity
Certificate Validity refers to the duration for which a BEAM Plus certificate
and grading remain effective and officially recognized by the HKGBC.
Charrette, a design workshop to quickly generate a design solution while
integrating the aptitudes and interests of project team and core design
disciplines, shall be held no later than design development phase and
preferably during schematic design.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.1 - Glossary
Commercial Building
Commercial Building means a building, or that part of the building, intended
to be used for business, trade or entertainment, for example office,
clubhouse and retail.
Construction Waste
Core Amenities
Basic services/ recreational facilities that are most vital and essential to the
subject development
Cultural Heritage
Demolition Waste
Educational Building
Educational Building means a building intended to be used to fulfill
educational purposes, for example kindergarten, primary school,
secondary school and universities.
Embodied Energy
Embodied energy is the energy used during the entire life cycle of a
product, including its manufacture, transportation, and disposal, as well as
the inherent energy captured within the product itself
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.1 - Glossary
External Shading
External shading is a device incorporated in the building facade to limit the
internal heat gain resulting from solar radiation.
Facade Zone
The projection of the curtain wall system from the outer face of the
structural elements does not exceed 200 mm for a domestic building and
250 mm for a non-domestic building
FSC Certification
A certification system for timber products which confirms that timber has
been harvested in a sustainable manner.
Functional Program
A functional program describes the requirements which a building must
satisfy in order to support and enhance human activities. The program also
defines the character, services, scope, functions and space requirements.
Diameter of a tree trunk measured at 1.3 m above ground; or refers as
Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.1 - Glossary
Height of Building
The height of a building refers to the delta mPD between street level and
the highest top roof as recorded in statutory documents
High Void
A high void is a space over 9m measured vertically by its clear height
between building structure. Any structures inside a void and the clear
vertical height between structures is over 9m, the space between structures
is regarded as a high void. For multi-building development, the calculation
of percentages of high voids to total building heights shall be considered
for individual buildings separately
Hotel Building
Hotel Building means a building intended to be used for habitation. The
entire building is under single ownership, for example hotel, service
apartment and dormitory.
HCFCs cause ozone depletion when released into the atmosphere.
HFCs are commonly used to replace HCFC refrigerants to reduce the OPD,
however HFCs refrigerants have a high GWP.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.1 - Glossary
Master Plan
The masterplan design that certified under BEAM Plus Neighbourhood
certification, that has a validity of 5 years and is “scheme sensitive”.
Modular Component
Materials which are manufactured with standardized dimensions, and can
be arranged or fitted together in various scenarios of design.
Non-renewable Resource
A resource does not renew itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable
extraction in meaningful human time-frames.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.1 - Glossary
Orientation is the compass direction the facade faces.
Permeability Coefficient
A measure of a material's capacity to transmit water. It is defined as a
constant of proportionality relating the specific discharge of a porous
medium under a unit hydraulic gradient. Hydraulic conductivity is another
term for coefficient of permeability.
Primary Zone
The 15m vertical zone of a site along the abutting street level. The greenery
in this zone is for providing visual contacts or access from a street through
common parts of the building for enhancing the walkability of urban space
to the public, visitors or occupiers. The top level of soil or similar base for
planting should be taken as the reference level for inclusion in the Primary
Public Realm
Public spaces within and surrounding the Site for socialization and
enjoyment by the community.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.1 - Glossary
Recycle Content
With reference to ISO 14021, recycle content is defined as the proportion,
by mass, of the recycled material in a product.
Regional Materials
Materials which are extracted and manufactured within an 800km radius of
HKSAR by road transportation; within a 1,600km radius by rail
transportation; or within a 4,000km radius by sea transportation.
Residential Building
Residential Building means a building intended to be used for habitation.
The building is under multiple ownerships.
Materials which can be used again with the same functions as their original
Roll-out Plan
The Rollout Plan describes the overall plan for the attaining BEAM Plus EB
certification. The plan is an increment-based approach that includes
specific tasks, actions, milestones, and action parties.
Runoff Coefficient
A dimensionless coefficient relating the amount of runoff to the amount of
precipitation received. It is a larger value for areas with low infiltration and
high runoff (pavement, steep gradient), and lower for permeable, well
vegetated areas (forest, flat land).
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.1 - Glossary
Site refers to the land, water, vegetation and developable area that
constitute the project application site within BEAM Plus assessment
Substructure is the part of the structure which is below ground level or
supporting superstructure loads, such as foundation and basement.
Superstructure is the part of the structure which is above ground level, and
which serves the purpose of its intended use.
Tree Coverage
Area covered by crown of design trees.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.1 - Glossary
Unoccupied Spaces
Unoccupied spaces are areas within the building where the primary
function is not intended for human activities. These spaces are occupied
by occupants for a short period of time and only occasionally. Refer to
Appendix 9.4 for examples of unoccupied spaces.
Whole-systems Thinking
A method of analysis and decision-making that looks at the
interrelationships of the constituent parts of a system rather than narrowly
focusing on the parts themselves.
Wind Tunnel
Wind tunnels are large tubes with air moving inside. The tunnels are used
to copy the potential air movement, pressure and turbulence around the
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Whole Building Energy Simulation is required for Path 1 compliance. Both the
baseline building model and the proposed building model must cover all
building energy components listed in this appendix. The simulation models for
calculating the baseline and proposed case building should be developed in
accordance with the modelling methodology and the requirements per
building category in the following Table-App 1 - 4.
Energy Modelling Methodology
The simulations for the proposed model and baseline model must be
calculated using:
(i) the same software
(ii) the same weather data
(iii) the same operating schedules; unless justification is provided
through Exceptional Calculation Method (ECM). Otherwise, default
operation schedule in Table-App 4 shall be used.
(iv) the same occupancy density
(v) the same building design in terms of shape
(vi) the same outdoor and indoor design conditions, and
(vii) the same internal illuminance levels (lux) for space lightings
(viii) the same thermal block based on similar internal load densities,
occupancy, lighting, thermal and space temperature schedules,
and in combination with the following guidelines:
• Separate thermal blocks should be assumed for interior and
perimeter spaces. Interior spaces should be those located
greater than 5m from an exterior wall. Perimeter spaces should
be those located within 5m of an exterior wall.
• Separate thermal blocks should be assumed for spaces adjacent
to glazed exterior walls; a separate zone should be provided for
each orientation, except that orientations that differ by less than
45 degrees may be considered to be the same orientation. Each
zone should include all floor area that is 5m or less from a glazed
perimeter wall, except that floor area within 5m of glazed
perimeter walls having more than one orientation should be
divided proportionately between zones.
• Separate thermal blocks should be assumed for spaces having
floors that are in contact with the ground or exposed to ambient
conditions from zones that do not share these features.
• Separate thermal blocks should be assumed for spaces having
exterior ceiling or roof assemblies from zones that do not share
these features
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Table-App 1 Modeling Requirements for Calculating Proposed and Baseline Building Performance
Building Envelope
a. Orientation: The baseline case shall be a. All components of the building envelope in the
generated by simulating the building with its proposed case shall be modelled as shown on
actual orientation and again after rotating the design documents (or as-built for existing
entire building 90, 180, and 270 degrees, then building envelopes)
averaging the results.
Exception: for multiple buildings project
applicant could consider not implement this
clause. Under this condition benefits from
orientation shall be demonstrated through
b. External Shading: No shading projections shall
be modelled; No manual window shading
devices shall be modelled.
c. Infiltration:
Operable window: 1L/s/m2, pressure at
75Pa accordance with NFRC 400 or ASTM
E283 [1]
Curtain wall and glazed shop
front:0.3L/s/m2, pressure at 75Pa
accordance with NFRC 400 or ASTM E283
1 ANSI/ASHRAEIES Standard 90.1-2016 – Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
2 Buildings Department – PNAP APP-156 – Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings;
AND Buildings Department – Guideline on Design and Construction Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
a. Above grade Walls & Roof: Create a baseline a. All components of the building envelope in the
that just meet the regulatory requirement [3] proposed case shall be modelled as shown on
design documents (or as-built for existing
OTTVtower: 21W/m2;
building envelopes). This included:
OTTVpodium: 50W/m2
Building geometry and window design
b. Below grade Walls: modelled identically with the
Albedo of the envelope
proposed case
Thermal properties for the external walls,
c. The baseline shall be developed from the
roof, floors and fenestrations (vertical
proposed building envelope design for the above
fenestration and skylight)
target with below steps:
SC and VLT for fenestrations
Step 1: Exclude any external shading
device b. No manual fenestration shading devices such
as blinds or shades shall be modelled.
Step 2: Exclude roof insulation
Automatically controlled fenestration shades or
Step 3: Adjust the window-to-wall area ratio blinds might be modelled with creditable
(WWR) to achieve the targeted OTTV documentation provided.
c. Permanent shading devices such as fins,
Step 4: If OTTV targeted value cannot be overhangs and light shelves may be modelled.
achieved under 80% WWR, relax the
glazing SC value. The final SC value shall
not be greater than 0.65.
d. Existing building envelopes shall reflect the
existing conditions prior to any revision that are
part of the scope of work being evaluated
3 Buildings Department - PNAP APP-67 – Energy Efficiency of Buildings, Building (Energy Efficiency) Regulation; Code of
Practice for Overall Thermal Transfer Value in Buildings 1995
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Lighting that provides a substantially uniform level of illumination through an area. General lighting shall not include
decorative lighting or lighting that provides a dissimilar level of illumination to serve a specialized application or feature
within such area. All installed lighting shall be modelled in each thermal block.
1. Lighting Power shall be determined in space-by-space method with same categorization as the proposed
2. Lighting system power shall include all lighting system components shown or provided for on the plans for
background lighting. Lighting system that solely use for emergency purpose is not in scope.
3. Lighting power shall include all power used by the luminaires, including lamps, ballasts, transformers and
control devices.
4. Any independently operating lighting systems in a space that are capable of being controlled to prevent
simultaneous user operation, the installed interior lighting power shall be based solely on the lighting system
with the highest wattage
5. Lighting equipment that additional to general lighting requirement for a space and is controlled by an
independent control device is not included.
6. Lighting that is integral to equipment or instrumentation and is installed by its manufacturer is not included in
this assessment methodology
7. For space that the completed fixed lighting installations in the space does not exceed 70W, baseline shall be
modelled as 70W in the space
8. Lighting installations in BEC TG-2018 ver.0 [4] clauses 5.1.2 are excluded.
9. Automatic lighting control shall be modelled in the baseline case in accordance with BEC2018 ver.0 [5] table
5.4 and clauses 5.6. Residential dwelling unit is excluded from this requirement.
Exceptions: emergency lighting that is automatically off during normal building operation; lighting that is specially
designated as required by a health or life safety statute, ordinance, or regulation
Residential Building
4 The lighting power density within the dwelling a. Dwelling Unit where a complete lighting system
unit shall be set equal to the below: designed (or installed) shall be consistent with
design documents (or actual equipment used).
Bedroom: 13 W/m2
b. Dwelling Unit where a lighting system neither
Living Room/ Dining Room: 15 W/m2
exists nor is specified in a space, lighting power
Kitchen: 13 W/m2 shall be modelled identically with the baseline
Bathroom: 13W/m2 case, unless a legal bounding agreement is
provided for the future users.
*For any other space type in the building,
please refer to BEC 2018 Table 5.4 c. For other spaces where a complete lighting
maximum allowable Lighting Power system designed (or installed) shall be
Density (LPD). consistent with design documents (or actual
equipment used)
5 Lighting Control shall be included to reflect the
mandatory control requirements in BEC 2018 d. For other spaces where a lighting system
for spaces other than dwelling units in a neither exists nor is specified in a space, lighting
building. power shall be modelled identically with the
baseline case.
6 Daylight responsive control shall be modelled
for the space (other than dwelling units) with e. For automatic lighting controls in addition to
fenestration area exceeding 5m2 and with those mandatory requirements in BEC 2018,
lighting electrical consumption at 150W and Exceptional Calculation Method (ECM) is
4 Technical Guidelines on Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation 2018 (Ver. 0) – Electrical and
Mechanical Services Department HKSAR
5 Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation (Ver.0) – Electrical and Mechanical Services
Department HKSAR
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
a. Lighting power shall be modelled with reference a. For spaces where a complete lighting system
to the maximum allowable LPD in BEC 2018 designed (or installed) shall be consistent with
Table 5.4 design documents (or actual equipment used)
b. For space that that cannot be determined from b. For spaces where a lighting system neither
the BEC 2018 Table 5.4, LPD could be advised exists nor is specified in a space, lighting power
by professional and justification shall be shall be modelled identically with the baseline
provided for advanced approval. case, unless a legally bounding document for
future use is provided to justify the input.
c. Daylight responsive control shall be modelled for
the space with fenestration area exceeding 5m2 c. For automatic lighting controls in addition to
and with lighting electrical consumption at 150W those mandatory requirements in BEC 2018,
and above. The control should be able to shut off ECM is required to justify the modification of
or reduce the lighting zone’s lighting power lighting schedules uses for the proposed case.
automatically to 50% or less in response to the Credible technical documentation for the
available daylight. modification shall be provided.
d. Automatic lighting control (occupancy sensor) for
space with lighting electrical consumption at
150W and above. The control should be able to
shut off or reduce the general lighting power by
at least 50% automatically of the lighting zone
being controlled.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Energy for receptacle and other loads (unregulated load) [a] shall be modelled with respect to building type. These
loads shall be input as per design information to reflect the expected energy consumption. Justification shall be provided
by the applicant through ECM. If no information could be provided, default power density shall be used for the below
space type:
Office: 25W/m2
Retail: 15W/m2
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
a. Receptacle and other loads shall be estimated a. Receptacle and other loads shall be input as
based on the building type or space type design information with supporting through
category and shall be assumed to be identical ECM; if no information could be provided,
in the proposed and baseline case, unless a default value shall be used.
narrative and calculation by ECM is provided.
b. Both baseline and proposed case shall be
modelled identically, including power, schedule
and control.
c. If both cases are not identical, submission of a
narrative and calculation by ECM is required for
Miscellaneous energy uses are defined as those that may be treated separately since they have little or no interaction
with the conditioned thermal blocks or the HVAC systems that serve them.
• Exterior Lighting System
• Services Hot Water System
• Lift & Escalator System
• Irrigation, plumbing and drainable, fire services
a. Where exterior lighting system has been a. When exterior lighting system has been specified
specified (or installed) in the proposed case, the (or installed) in the proposed case, the system
system shall be modelled identically with the shall be modelled consistent with design
proposed case. documents (or actual system information)
b. Where no exterior lighting has been specified in b. Where no exterior lighting has been specified in
proposed case, no exterior lighting shall be proposed case, no exterior lighting shall be
modelled modelled.
a. Where service hot-water system has been a. Where a service hot-water system has been
specified (or installed) in the proposed case, the specified (or installed) in the proposed case, the
system shall be sized identical to the proposed system shall be modelled consistent with design
case, where energy source shall be electrical documents (or actual system information).
heater. Efficiency for the water heater shall be
b. Where no service hot water system has been
specified but the building will have service hot
b. Where no service hot water system has been water loads, a service water system shall be
specified but the building will have service hot- modelled identical to the baseline case
water loads, a service water system using
c. For building that will have no service hot-water
electrical heater shall be used. Efficiency for the
loads, no service hot-water heating shall be
water heater shall be 80%
c. For buildings that will have no service hot-water
loads, no service hot-water heating shall be
d. Service hot-water energy consumption shall be
calculated explicitly based upon the volume of
service hot water required and the entering
makeup water and the leaving service hot-water
temperatures. Leaving temperature shall be
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
a. With reference to proposed design equipment a. Where lift and escalator system has been
rank, input by identifying each corresponding specified (or installed), the system shall be
maximum allowable electrical power according modelled consistent with design documents (or
to Section 8.4 in BEC 2018 ver.0. actual system information)
b. For controls in addition to those mandatory
requirements in BEC 2018, ECM is required to
justify the modification of lift schedules uses for
the proposed case. Credible technical
documentation for the modification shall be
a. No on-site power generation to be modelled a. Where an on-site power generation system has
been specified (or installed) in the proposed
case, the system shall be modelled consistent
with design documents (or actual system
HVAC System
1. General
- Weather conditions used in sizing runs to determine baseline equipment capacities maybe based either
on hourly historical weather files containing typical peak conditions or on design days developed using
99.6% heating design temperatures and 1% dry-bulb and 1% wet bulb cooling design temperature
- Outdoor condition to be used for both baseline and proposed case sizing shall reference to BEC 2018
Table 6.4.
- Indoor condition(s) to be used for both baseline and proposed case shall be identical. Justification shall
be provided else value in BEC 2018 Table 6.4 shall be used.
2. All conditioned spaces in the proposed design should be simulated as being both heated and cooled even if
no heating or cooling system is to be installed and temperature and humidity control set points and schedules
should be the same for proposed and baseline building designs unless justification is provided through ECM
3. The HVAC system(s) in baseline building design shall be of the type and description specified in Table-App 2
“Baseline HVAC System Setting Summary”.
4. Equipment Efficiencies
All HVAC equipment in the baseline case shall be modelled at the minimum efficiency levels, both part load
and full load, in accordance with BEC 2018 ver.0 Table 6.12a (Part 1) and Table 6.12b.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Residential Building
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
(iii) Commercial, hotels, educational and other buildings (iii) Commercial, hotels, educational and other buildings
with air-conditioned floor area < 14,000m2 with air-conditioned floor area < 14,000m2
a. Conditioned space should be modelled with a. Space where complete HVAC system has been
Unitary air-conditioner –split type unit designed (or installed), the model shall be
consistent with design documents (or actual
b. Non-conditioned space should be modelled with
system type used).
mechanical ventilation only, Mechanical fans
should be 1.1W/L/s of exhaust air flow rate b. Space where no HVAC system has been
designed (or installed) but AC platform is
*Calculation method refers to Section in
designed for future provision, the HVAC system
BEC 2018 ver.0.
should be identical to the system modelled in
baseline (Unitary air-conditioner – non-split type
Exception: if natural ventilation design and
provision is provided, justification is required
through ECM calculation to demonstrate the
number of non-AC hours that complied with
design condition (with reference to ASHRAE
55-2017) for natural ventilation. The
corresponding design shall be equipped with
automatic change over provision.
c. Space where no HVAC system has been
designed (or installed) and no AC platform is
designed for future provision, no HVAC system
has to be modelled.
(iv) Commercial, hotels, educational and other buildings (iv) Commercial, hotels, educational and other buildings
with air-conditioned floor area ≥ 14,000m2 with air-conditioned floor area ≥ 14,000m2
a. Conditioned space should be modelled with VAV a. Space where complete HVAC system has been
system with reheat. designed (or installed), the model shall be
consistent with design documents (or actual
b. Supply fan system shall be 2.1W/L/s
system type used).
*Calculation method based on description stated
b. Space where no HVAC system has been
in Section 6.7.3 and 6.7.5 in BEC 2018 ver.0.
designed (or installed) but AC platform is
designed for future provision, the HVAC system
should be identical to the system modelled in
c. Non-conditioned space should be modelled with
baseline (unitary/ split-type)
mechanical ventilation only, Mechanical fans
should be 1.1W/L/s of exhaust air flow rate Exception: if natural ventilation design and
provision is provided, justification is required
*Calculation method refers to Section in
through ECM calculation to demonstrate the
BEC 2018 ver.0.
number of non-AC hours that complied with
design condition (with reference to ASHRAE
d. Chiller configuration shall meet the specific 55-2017) for
requirements in Table-App 3
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
a. Set-up a virtual main plant based on building a. Based on actual efficiency performance; or
cooling load:
b. If project team cannot obtain actual performance
< 2000kW: 2 water cooled centrifugal chillers with data for main plant, it is permissible to use the
same capacity following default average performance values:
2000≤ cooling load< 9000kW: no chiller larger DCS cooling plant – COP of 4.4 for total cooling
than 1000kW & all sized equally plant average efficiency (including cooling
towers and primary pumps)
≥ 9000kW: no chiller larger than 3000kW & all
sized equally c. Seasonal Thermal distribution losses – including
minor leaks and condensate losses (but not
b. Performance of individual components refer to
pumping energy, which must be accounted for
BEC 2018 ver.0 Table 6.12b
separately where it applies): chilled water district
c. Virtual primary variable pumping system shall be cooling: 5%
Ventilation System
Carpark ventilation (if applicable) shall be operated with Carpark ventilation shall be consistent with design
staging of fans, provide down to 50% less of the design documents (or actual system installed)
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Heating Unitary air- Unitary air- Unitary air-conditioner Electric Resistance Electric
Generation conditioner – conditioner – –split type Resistance
non-split type split type
Performance BEC 2018 BEC 2018 BEC 2018 ver.0 Table BEC 2018 ver.0 Table BEC 2018
of Individual ver.0 Table ver.0 Table 6.12a (Part 1) 6.12b ver.0 Table
Components 6.12a (Part 1) 6.12a (Part 1) 6.12b
* For projects not under Fresh Water Cooling Towers (FWCT) Scheme or when there is a strong supporting evidence to
prove inappropriate of such baseline (e.g. hygiene requirement in hospitals), air-cooled chiller is allowed in baseline
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Assembly Occupancy
Schedule for Schedule for Lighting / Schedule for HVAC Schedule for Service
Schedule for Elevator
Occupancy Receptacle System Hot Water
Hour of Day
(Time) Percent of Maximum Percent of Maximum Percent of Maximum
Percent of Maximum Load
Load Load Load
Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun
1 (12 - 1am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 (1 - 2am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 (2 - 3am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 (3 - 4am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 (4 - 5am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 (5 - 6am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 (6 - 7am) 0 0 0 35/40 5 5 On On On 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 (7 - 8am) 0 0 0 35/40 30 30 On On On 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 (8 - 9am) 20 20 10 35/40 30 30 On On On 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 (9 - 10am) 20 20 10 65/75 40/50 30 On On On 5 5 5 0 0 0
11 (10 - 11am) 20 20 10 65/75 40/50 30 On On On 5 5 5 0 0 0
12 (11 - 12pm) 80 60 10 65/75 40/50 30 On On On 35 20 10 0 0 0
13 (12 - 1pm) 80 60 10 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 5 0 0 0 0 0
14 (13 - 2pm) 80 60 70 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 5 0 0 0 0 0
15 (14 - 3pm) 80 60 70 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 5 0 0 0 0 0
16 (15 - 4pm) 80 60 70 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 5 0 0 0 0 0
17 (16 - 5pm) 80 60 70 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 5 0 0 0 0 0
18 (17 - 6pm) 80 60 70 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 (18 - 7pm) 20 60 70 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 (19 - 8pm) 20 60 70 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 0 65 65 0 0 0
21 (20 - 9pm) 20 60 70 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 0 30 30 0 0 0
22 (21 - 10pm) 20 80 70 65/75 40/50 55/65 On On On 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 (22 - 11pm) 10 10 20 25 40/50 5 On On On 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 (23 - 12am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total/Day 710 750 700 1010/1155 660/800 745/845 1800 1700 1700 70 125 115 0 0 0
Total/Week 50.50 hours 64.55/74.20 hours 124 hours 5.9 hours 0 hours
Total/Year 2633 hours 3357/3869 hours 6465 hours 308 hours 0 hours
Wk = Weekday
1. Elevator schedules, except for restaurants, are from the U.S. Department of Energy Standard Evaluation
Techniques, except they have been changed to 0% when occupancy is 0%. These values may be used only if actual
schedules are not known.
2. Lighting profiles are modified to reflect the requirement for occupancy sensors in space
6 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Office Occupancy
Schedule for
Schedule for Schedule for Lighting / Schedule for HVAC Schedule for
Service Hot
Occupancy Receptacle System Elevator
Hour of Day Water
(Time) Percent of Percent of Maximum Percent of Percent of
Maximum Load Load Maximum Load Maximum Load
Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun
1 (12 - 1am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 5 4 0 0 0
2 (1 - 2am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 5 4 0 0 0
3 (2 - 3am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 5 4 0 0 0
4 (3 - 4am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 5 4 0 0 0
5 (4 - 5am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 5 4 0 0 0
6 (5 - 6am) 0 0 0 10 5 5 Off Off Off 8 8 7 0 0 0
7 (6 - 7am) 10 10 5 10 10 5 On On Off 7 7 4 0 0 0
8 (7 - 8am) 20 10 5 30 10 5 On On Off 19 11 4 35 16 0
9 (8 - 9am) 95 30 5 65/90 30 5 On On Off 35 15 4 69 14 0
10 (9 - 10am) 95 30 5 65/90 30 5 On On Off 38 21 4 43 21 0
11 (10 - 11am) 95 30 5 65/90 30 5 On On Off 39 19 4 37 18 0
12 (11 - 12pm) 95 30 5 65/90 30 5 On On Off 47 23 6 43 25 0
13 (12 - 1pm) 50 10 5 55/80 15 5 On On Off 57 20 6 58 21 0
14 (13 - 2pm) 95 10 5 65/90 15 5 On On Off 54 19 9 48 13 0
15 (14 - 3pm) 95 10 5 65/90 15 5 On On Off 34 15 6 37 8 0
16 (15 - 4pm) 95 10 5 65/90 15 5 On On Off 33 12 4 37 4 0
17 (16 - 5pm) 95 10 5 65/90 15 5 On On Off 44 14 4 46 5 0
18 (17 - 6pm) 30 5 5 35/50 5 5 On On Off 26 7 4 62 6 0
19 (18 - 7pm) 10 5 0 30 5 5 On Off Off 21 7 4 20 0 0
20 (19 - 8pm) 10 0 0 30 5 5 On Off Off 15 7 4 12 0 0
21 (20 - 9pm) 10 0 0 20 5 5 On Off Off 17 7 4 4 0 0
22 (21 - 10pm) 10 0 0 20 5 5 On Off Off 8 9 7 4 0 0
23 (22 - 11pm) 5 0 0 10 5 5 Off Off Off 5 5 4 0 0 0
24 (23 - 12am) 5 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 5 4 0 0 0
Total/Day 920 200 60 800/1040 280 120 1600 1200 0 537 256 113 555 151 0
Total/Week 48.60 hours 44.00/56.00 hours 124 hours 30.54 hours 29.26 hours
Total/Year 2534 hours 2288/2920 hours 6465 hours 1592 hours 1526 hours
Wk = Weekday
1. Elevator schedules, except for restaurants, are from the U.S. Department of Energy Standard Evaluation
Techniques, except they have been changed to 0% when occupancy is 0%. These values may be used only if actual
schedules are not known.
2. Lighting profiles are modified to reflect the requirement for occupancy sensors in space
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
2 (1 - 2am) 90 90 70 15 20 30 On On On 15 15 20 33 35 55
3 (2 - 3am) 90 90 70 10 10 20 On On On 15 15 20 33 35 43
4 (3 - 4am) 90 90 70 10 10 20 On On On 15 15 20 33 35 43
5 (4 - 5am) 90 90 70 10 10 20 On On On 20 20 20 33 35 43
6 (5 - 6am) 90 90 70 20 10 20 On On On 25 25 30 33 35 43
7 (6 - 7am) 70 70 70 40 30 30 On On On 50 40 50 42 40 52
8 (7 - 8am) 40 50 70 50 30 40 On On On 60 50 50 42 32 52
9 (8 - 9am) 40 50 50 40 40 40 On On On 55 50 50 52 45 65
10 (9 - 10am) 20 30 50 40 40 30 On On On 45 50 55 52 45 65
11 (10 - 11am) 20 30 50 25 30 30 On On On 40 45 50 40 42 53
12 (11 - 12pm) 20 30 30 25 25 30 On On On 45 50 50 51 60 60
13 (12 - 1pm) 20 30 30 25 25 30 On On On 40 50 40 51 65 53
14 (13 - 2pm) 20 30 20 25 25 20 On On On 35 45 40 51 65 51
15 (14 - 3pm) 20 30 20 25 25 20 On On On 30 40 30 51 65 50
16 (15 - 4pm) 30 30 20 25 25 20 On On On 30 40 30 51 65 44
17 (16 - 5pm) 50 30 30 25 25 20 On On On 30 35 30 63 65 64
18 (17 - 6pm) 50 50 40 25 25 20 On On On 40 40 40 80 75 62
19 (18 - 7pm) 50 60 40 60 60 50 On On On 55 55 50 86 80 65
20 (19 - 8pm) 70 60 60 80 70 70 On On On 60 55 50 70 80 63
21 (20 - 9pm) 70 60 60 90 70 80 On On On 50 50 40 70 75 63
22 (21 - 10pm) 80 70 80 80 70 60 On On On 55 55 50 70 75 63
23 (22 - 11pm) 90 70 80 60 60 50 On On On 45 40 40 45 55 40
24 (23 - 12am) 90 70 80 30 30 30 On On On 25 30 20 45 55 40
Wk = Weekday
1. Elevator schedules, except for restaurants, are from the U.S. Department of Energy Standard Evaluation
Techniques, except they have been changed to 0% when occupancy is 0%. These values may be used only if actual
schedules are not known.
2. Lighting profiles are modified to reflect the requirement for occupancy sensors in space.
Copyright © 2021 BEAM Society Limited. All rights reserved.
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Residential Occupancy
Schedule for
Schedule for Schedule for HVAC Schedule for Schedule for
Lighting /
Occupancy System Service Hot Water Elevator
Hour of Day
Percent of Maximum Percent of Maximum Percent of
Load Load Maximum Load
Use Sup Htg
Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun
% Stp Stp
1 (12 - 1am) 100 100 100 7 7 7 On On On 8 43 60 0 0 0
2 (1 - 2am) 100 100 100 7 7 7 On On On 4 43 60 0 0 0
3 (2 - 3am) 100 100 100 7 7 7 On On On 1 43 60 0 0 0
4 (3 - 4am) 100 100 100 7 7 7 On On On 1 43 60 0 0 0
5 (4 - 5am) 100 100 100 19 19 19 On On On 4 43 60 0 0 0
6 (5 - 6am) 100 100 100 39 39 39 On On On 27 43 60 0 0 0
7 (6 - 7am) 100 100 100 44 44 44 On On On 94 43 60 0 0 0
8 (7 - 8am) 85 85 85 39 39 39 On On On 1 43 60 35 16 0
9 (8 - 9am) 39 39 39 17 17 17 On On On 96 43 60 69 14 0
10 (9 - 10am) 25 25 25 12 12 12 On On On 84 43 60 43 21 0
11 (10 - 11am) 25 25 25 12 12 12 On On On 76 43 60 37 18 0
12 (11 - 12pm) 25 25 25 12 12 12 On On On 61 43 60 43 25 0
13 (12 - 1pm) 25 25 25 12 12 12 On On On 53 43 60 58 21 0
14 (13 - 2pm) 25 25 25 12 12 12 On On On 47 43 60 48 13 0
15 (14 - 3pm) 25 25 25 12 12 12 On On On 41 43 60 37 8 0
16 (15 - 4pm) 25 25 25 21 21 21 On On On 47 43 60 37 4 0
17 (16 - 5pm) 30 30 30 44 44 44 On On On 55 43 60 46 5 0
18 (17 - 6pm) 52 52 52 62 62 62 On On On 73 43 60 62 6 0
19 (18 - 7pm) 87 87 87 83 83 83 On On On 86 43 60 20 0 0
20 (19 - 8pm) 87 87 87 99 99 99 On On On 82 43 60 12 0 0
21 (20 - 9pm) 87 87 87 100 100 100 On On On 75 43 60 4 0 0
22 (21 - 10pm) 100 100 100 69 69 69 On On On 61 43 60 4 0 0
23 (22 - 11pm) 100 100 100 38 38 38 On On On 53 43 60 0 0 0
24 (23 - 12am) 100 100 100 16 16 16 On On On 29 43 60 0 0 0
Wk = Weekday
Schedule is referenced to U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Models of the National Building Stock
NREL/TP-5500-46861 February 2011 – Table B-6 Midrise Apartment Hourly Operation Schedules
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Wk = Weekday
1. Elevator schedules, except for restaurants, are from the U.S. Department of Energy Standard Evaluation Techniques,
except they have been changed to 0% when occupancy is 0%. These values may be used only if actual schedules are
not known.
2. Lighting profiles are modified to reflect the requirement for occupancy sensors in space. For parking garage lighting,
the schedule has been revised to accompany the office schedule: the lighting in the parking garage is set to be on at
100% for all hours when the building occupancy is 10% or greater, but reduced to 50% for all hours when the building
occupancy is less than 10%. For other uses, it is acceptable to modify the parking garage schedule to parallel that use.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Restaurant Occupancy
Schedule for
Schedule for Schedule for Lighting / Schedule for Schedule for
Service Hot
Occupancy Receptacle HVAC System Elevator
Percent of
Hour of Day Percent of Percent of
Percent of Maximum Load Maximum
(Time) Maximum Load Maximum Load
Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun
1 (12 - 1am) 15 30 20 15 20 20 On On On 20 20 25 0 0 0
2 (1 - 2am) 15 25 20 15 15 15 On On On 15 15 20 0 0 0
3 (2 - 3am) 5 5 5 15 15 15 On On On 15 15 20 0 0 0
4 (3 - 4am) 0 0 0 15 15 15 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 (4 - 5am) 0 0 0 15 15 15 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 (5 - 6am) 0 0 0 20 15 15 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 (6 - 7am) 0 0 0 35/40 30 30 Off Off Off 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 (7 - 8am) 5 0 0 35/40 30 30 On Off Off 60 0 0 0 0 0
9 (8 - 9am) 5 0 0 55/60 55/60 45/50 On Off Off 55 0 0 0 0 0
10 (9 - 10am) 5 5 0 55/60 55/60 45/50 On On Off 45 50 0 0 0 0
11 (10 - 11am) 20 20 10 85/90 75/80 65/70 On On On 40 45 50 0 0 0
12 (11 - 12pm) 50 45 20 85/90 75/80 65/70 On On On 45 50 50 0 0 0
13 (12 - 1pm) 80 50 25 85/90 75/80 65/70 On On On 40 50 40 0 0 0
14 (13 - 2pm) 70 50 25 85/90 75/80 65/70 On On On 35 45 40 0 0 0
15 (14 - 3pm) 40 35 15 85/90 75/80 65/70 On On On 30 40 30 0 0 0
16 (15 - 4pm) 20 30 20 85/90 75/80 65/70 On On On 30 40 30 0 0 0
17 (16 - 5pm) 25 30 25 85/90 75/80 55/60 On On On 30 35 30 0 0 0
18 (17 - 6pm) 50 30 35 85/90 85/90 55/60 On On On 40 40 40 0 0 0
19 (18 - 7pm) 80 70 55 85/90 85/90 55/60 On On On 55 55 50 0 0 0
20 (19 - 8pm) 80 90 65 85/90 85/90 55/60 On On On 60 55 50 0 0 0
21 (20 - 9pm) 80 70 70 85/90 85/90 55/60 On On On 50 50 40 0 0 0
22 (21 - 10pm) 50 65 35 85/90 85/90 55/60 On On On 55 55 50 0 0 0
23 (22 - 11pm) 35 55 20 45/50 45/50 45/50 On On On 45 40 40 0 0 0
24 (23 - 12am) 20 35 20 30 30 30 On On On 25 30 20 0 0 0
Wk = Weekday
1. Elevator schedules, except for restaurants, are from the U.S. Department of Energy Standard Evaluation
Techniques, except they have been changed to 0% when occupancy is 0%. These values may be used only if actual
schedules are not known.
2. Lighting profiles are modified to reflect the requirement for occupancy sensors in space.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
Retail Occupancy
Schedule for
Schedule for Schedule for Lighting / Schedule for Schedule for
Service Hot
Occupancy Receptacle HVAC System Elevator
Percent of
Hour of Day Percent of Maximum Percent of
Percent of Maximum Load Maximum
(Time) Load Maximum Load
Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun
Wk = Weekday
1. Elevator schedules, except for restaurants, are from the U.S. Department of Energy Standard Evaluation
Techniques, except they have been changed to 0% when occupancy is 0%. These values may be used only if actual
schedules are not known.
2. Lighting profiles are modified to reflect the requirement for occupancy sensors in space.
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.2 - EU 2 Path 1 (Performance Approach)
School Occupancy
Schedule for Schedule for Lighting Schedule for Schedule for Schedule for
Occupancy / Receptacle HVAC System Service Hot Water Elevator
Hour of Day Percent of Percent of Maximum Percent of Percent of
(Time) Maximum Load Load Maximum Load Maximum Load
Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun Wk Sat Sun
1 (12 - 1am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 3 3 0 0 0
2 (1 - 2am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 3 3 0 0 0
3 (2 - 3am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 3 3 0 0 0
4 (3 - 4am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 3 3 0 0 0
5 (4 - 5am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 3 3 0 0 0
6 (5 - 6am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 3 3 0 0 0
7 (6 - 7am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 5 3 3 0 0 0
8 (7 - 8am) 5 0 0 30 5 5 On Off Off 10 3 3 0 0 0
9 (8 - 9am) 75 10 0 60/85 15 5 On On Off 34 3 5 30 0 0
10 (9 - 10am) 90 10 0 65/95 15 5 On On Off 60 5 5 30 0 0
11 (10 - 11am) 90 10 0 65/95 15 5 On On Off 63 5 5 30 0 0
12 (11 - 12pm) 80 10 0 65/95 15 5 On On Off 72 5 5 30 0 0
13 (12 - 1pm) 80 10 0 55/80 15 5 On On Off 79 5 5 30 0 0
14 (13 - 2pm) 80 0 0 55/80 5 5 On Off Off 83 3 5 30 0 0
15 (14 - 3pm) 80 0 0 55/80 5 5 On Off Off 61 3 3 30 0 0
16 (15 - 4pm) 45 0 0 50/70 5 5 On Off Off 65 3 3 15 0 0
17 (16 - 5pm) 15 0 0 35/50 5 5 On Off Off 10 3 3 0 0 0
18 (17 - 6pm) 5 0 0 35/50 5 5 On Off Off 10 3 3 0 0 0
19 (18 - 7pm) 15 0 0 35 5 5 On Off Off 19 3 3 0 0 0
20 (19 - 8pm) 20 0 0 35 5 5 On Off Off 25 3 3 0 0 0
21 (20 - 9pm) 20 0 0 35 5 5 On Off Off 22 3 3 0 0 0
22 (21 - 10pm) 10 0 0 30 5 5 On Off Off 22 3 3 0 0 0
23 (22 - 11pm) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 12 3 3 0 0 0
24 (23 - 12am) 0 0 0 5 5 5 Off Off Off 9 3 3 0 0 0
Wk = Weekday
1. Elevator schedules, except for restaurants, are from the U.S. Department of Energy Standard Evaluation
Techniques, except they have been changed to 0% when occupancy is 0%. These values may be used only if actual
schedules are not known.
2. Lighting profiles are modified to reflect the requirement for occupancy sensors in space.
Copyright © 2021 BEAM Society Limited. All rights reserved.
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.3 – EU 2 Path 2 (Prescriptive Approach)
Copyright © 2021 BEAM Society Limited. All rights reserved.
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.3 – EU 2 Path 2 (Prescriptive Approach)
In each habitable area, total physical openings area (i.e. not aerodynamic
free area) should be double of that of the statutory requirement (i.e.1/8 of
openable window area to usable floor area);
When considering a single room, the openable window size located at each
wall should be at least 1/16 of the usable floor area;
To ensure cross ventilation can affect the majority of the habitable space, it
is required to have the windows a reasonable distance apart. To assess
this, draw the smallest box possible that covers the habitable area and
divide into equal halves through the longest side. The windows shall lie in
different halves of the habitable area. (Figure 4)
Assessment box
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.3 – EU 2 Path 2 (Prescriptive Approach)
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.3 – EU 2 Path 2 (Prescriptive Approach)
Copyright © 2021 BEAM Society Limited. All rights reserved.
BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.4 – Space Type
• Gymnasium
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.4 – Space Type
• Corridor • Pantry
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.5 – Stormwater Detention Systems
O&M Checklist
c No mosquito breeding
No clogging at inlet/outlet
structures/trash racks
No obstruction of maintenance
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BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 Appendix 9.5 – Stormwater Detention Systems
O&M Checklist
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