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MCQs in Tropical Medicine - Paper 5

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MCQs in Tropical Medicine

Rob Skelly DTM+H FRCP


Home page PAPER 5

MCQ technique 81. Legionnaires' disease:

a. can be acquired by drinking infected water
Paper 1 b. smokers are more susceptible
Paper 2 c. most cases are sporadic
d. hyponatraemia is typical
Paper 3 e. may cause rigors
Answer 81
Paper 4
Paper 5 82. Typical features of botulism include:
a. circumoral parasthaesia
Answers b. extensor plantars
c. diarrhoea
Further reading d. fever
Web resources e. post-tetanic potentiation on EMG (electromyography)
Answer 82

83. Concerning anti-tuberculous chemotherapy:

a. pyrazinamide causes hyperuricaemia
b. isoniazid causes a lupus-like syndrome
c. twice weekly regimens should be continued for at least 12 months
d. pyridoxine is only needed by slow acetylators
e. rifampicin can only be given orally
Answer 83

84. The following are recognised complications of meningococcal infection:

a. deafness
b. reactive polyarthritis
c. purulent monoarthritis
d. alopecia
e. pericarditis
Answer 84

85. The following may cause pulmonary cavitation

a. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
b. Aspergillus fumigatus
c. Staph. aureus
d. Klebsiella ssp
e. Strep. pneumoniae
Answer 85

86. The paralysis of polio virus infection

a. is upper motor neurone type
b. is asymmetrical
c. usually affects the lower limbs more severely than the upper limbs
d. is more severe if strenuous physical exercise occurred in the incubation period
e. may be caused by polio vaccination
Answer 86

87. Rickettsiae:
a. cannot be cultured on artificial media
b. may cause an eschar
c. are spread by arthropods
d. are usually sensitive to tetracyclines
e. cause melioidosis
Answer 87
88. Concerning cholera:
a. it has an incubation period of 1-5days.
b. it causes an inflammatory cell infiltrate in the lamina propria of the mucosa of the
small intestine
c. it causes muscle cramps
d. the diagnosis is confirmed by dark field microscopic examination of the stool
e. compared to the classical biotype, the El Tor strain produces more severe illness
Answer 88

89. The following are recognised features of onchocerciasis:

a. keratitis
b. diarrhoea
c "hanging groin"
d. Calabar swelling
e. eosinophilia
Answer 89

90. The following conditions and drug treatments are correctly paired:
a. onchocerciasis: ivermectin
b. schistosomiasis: praziquantel
c. visceral leishmaniasis: suramin
d. Rhodesian trypanosomiasis: pentavalent antimony
e. hydatid disease: albendazole
Answer 90

91. Fever, diarrhoea and eosinophilia in a returned traveller may be due to each of the
following as the sole causative agent:
a. Strongyloides stercoralis
b. Aeromonas hydrophila
c. Schistsoma mansoni
d. Capillaria philippinensis
e. Plasmodium falciparum
Answer 91

92. A positive VDRL (venereal disease research laboratory) test with negative TPHA
and FTA (Treponema pallidum haemagluttinin and fluorescent treponemal antibody)
tests is consistent with:
a. early infectious primary syphilis
b. treated syphilis
c. glandular fever
d. late syphilis
e. previous yaws infection
Answer 92

93. Diphtheria:
a. "bull neck" is diagnostic
b. it is caused by Gram positive bacilli
c. toxin absorption is greatest in pharyngeal disease
d. palatal paralysis is a recognised complication
e complete heart block is a manifestation of toxin-induced myocarditis
Answer 93

94. Leptospirosis:
a. usually causes a self-limiting disease
b. is caused by Gram positive bacilli
c causes leucopaenia
d. causes jaundice
e. causes meningitis
Answer 94

95. Praziquantel is used in the treatment of:

a. amoebiasis
b. toxocariasis (visceral larva migrans)
c. paragonimiasis (lung fluke)
d. trypanosomiasis (African sleeping sickness)
e. schistosomiasis
Answer 95

96. Loa loa

a. is confined to Central and West Africa
b. is spread by the vector Aedes aegypti
c. may cause a high eosinophilia (>10x10^9/L)
d. is diagnosed by histological examination of skin snips
e. is treated with DEC
Answer 96

97. Genital ulcers:

a. may be due to herpes simplex virus
b. are associated with an increased incidence of HIV
c. if painful and associated with lymphadenopathy, are likely to be due to chancroid
d are found in gonorrhoea
e. if well-defined and beefy red, are likely to be due to granuloma inguinale
Answer 97

98. HIV in Africa:

a. Circumcision is associated with lower rates of HIV infection amongst African men.
b. Infection rates are generally higher in rural populations.
c. Pneumocystis pneumonia is a more common presentation of AIDS than in Europe.
d. The provision of HIV testing kits is a priority for good case management.
e. Pulmonary tuberculosis is often associated with HIV infection.
Answer 98

99. The World Health Organisation's Expanded Programme for Immunisation (EPI)
includes immunisation against:
a. cholera
b. hepatitis A
c. rubella
d. smallpox
e. typhoid
Answer 99

100. The following infectious agents cause dementia:

a. gonococcus
b. HIV
c. Brucella abortus
d. Borrelia burgdorferi
e. HTLV-1
Answer 100

Copyright: Rob Skelly 2006

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