Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Credits
S.No Course Name
Code (L:T:P:C)
1. 17EC2070 Linear and Digital IC 0:0:4:2
2. 19EC2004 CAD for electronics Engineers 3:0:0:3
3. 19EC2005 Fiber Optic Communication 3:0:0:3
4. 19EC2006 Advanced Microprocessor Architecture 3:0:0:3
5. 19EC2007 Embedded System Design 3:0:0:3
6. 19EC2008 ARM Processors 3:0:0:3
7. 19EC2009 Telecommunication Switching Networks 3:0:0:3
8. 19EC2010 IoT for Communication Engineering 3:0:0:3
9. 19EC2011 High Speed Networks 3:0:0:3
10. 19EC2012 Wireless Sensor Networks 3:0:0:3
11. 19EC2013 Optoelectronics 3:0:0:3
12. 19EC2014 Basics of Satellite Communication 3:0:0:3
13. 19EC2015 Principles of Digital Image Processing 3:0:0:3
14. 19EC2016 Multimedia Compression Techniques 3:0:0:3
15. 19EC2017 Information Theory and Coding 3:0:0:3
16. 19EC2018 System Verilog for Functional Verification 3:0:0:3
17. 19EC2019 ASIC design 3:0:0:3
18. 19EC2020 Analysis and Design of Digital IC 3:0:0:3
19. 19EC2021 Low power techniques in VLSI design 3:0:0:3
20. 19EC2022 Nanoelectronics 3:0:0:3
21. 19EC2023 RF Integrated Circuit Design 3:0:0:3
22. 19EC2024 Machine Learning Techniques 3:0:0:3
23. 19EC2025 Semiconductor Device Modelling 3:0:0:3
24. 19EC2026 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 3:0:0:3
25. 19EC2027 MATLAB programming for Engineers 3:0:0:3
26. 19EC2028 Fundamentals of Wireless Communication 3:0:0:3
27. 19EC2029 Data Science and Data analytics 3:0:0:3
28. 19EC2030 Cloud Computing 3:0:0:3
29. 19EC2031 IoT Edge Computing 3:0:0:3
30. 19EC2032 Communication Quality of Service 3:0:0:3
31. 19EC2033 Cryptography and Network security 3:0:0:3
32. 19EC2034 Fundamentals of Hardware IP protection 3:0:0:3
33. 19EC2035 Fault Tolerant architectures for hardware security 3:0:0:3
34. 19EC2036 Neural networks and Deep learning 3:0:0:3
35. 19EC2037 Real Time Operating System 3:0:0:3
36. 19EC2038 IoT based data acquisition systems and protocols 3:0:0:3
37. 19EC2039 Augmented reality 3:0:0:3
38. 19EC2040 Internet of Intelligent Things 3:0:0:3
39. 19EC2041 Cellular Mobile Computing 3:0:0:3
40. 19EC2042 Wearable and Implantable devices 3:0:0:3
41. 19EC2043 Testing of VLSI circuits 3:0:0:3
42. 19EC2044 Electromagnetic interference and Compatibility 3:0:0:3
43. 19EC2045 SoC Design 3:0:0:3
44. 19EC2046 Speech Processing 3:0:0:3
45. 19EC2047 Fundamentals of Electronics 3:0:0:3
46. 19EC2048 Communication Engineering 3:0:0:3
47. 19EC2049 MATLAB Programming 3:0:0:3
48. 19EC2050 Sensors for IoT Applications 3:0:0:3
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To provide an introduction to the fundamentals of Computer-Aided Design tools for the
modelling, design, Analysis, test, and verification of digital systems, Xilinx, LabVIEW, and
advanced MATLAB.
2. To design, code, and test programs that meet requirements expressed by engineers. This
includes a basic Understanding of top-down design.
3. To illustrate the role of computer programming in solving engineering problems.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Develop working skills with GUI in MATLAB, and Learning advanced features in MATLAB
2. Do graphical code that can solve the engineering problems – LabVIEW
3. Familiarize with XILINX tool and be able to programme in all levels of modelling.
4. Acquire basic knowledge of Python programming concepts and to equip them to write robust
codes to solve complex problems.
5. Develop codes with advanced features of MATLAB tool.
6. Built Schematics using Lab VIEW for measurement, data acquisition and control.
Module 1: NI LabVIEW (8 hrs)
Introduction to LabVIEW - Modular Programming – Repetition and Loops – Arrays – Clusters -
Plotting of Data – Structures - String and File I/O - Application Programme – Exercises
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To expose the students to the basics of signal propagation through optical fibers, fiber
impairments and signal degradation factors.
2. To understand the different kinds of optical sources, detectors, modulators, amplifiers and their
operation and configuration.
3. To learn the basics of optical links and networks, configurations and system design.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Explain the basics of optical communication and to recognize the structures and types of
optical fiber.
2. Discuss the channel impairments, and parameters of different types of optical fibers.
3. Classify the optical sources and detectors and to discuss their principles.
4. Explain the working of optical couplers, modulators, amplifiers and analyse the performance
of optical amplifiers.
5. Design optical links, know the concept of WDM, and to discuss different optical components
of WDM.
6. Discuss various types of optical networks and to gain knowledge about standards regarding
fiber optic systems.
Text Books:
1. Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communications”, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2013.
2. Mishra and Ugale, “Fibre Optic Communication”, Wiley, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. John M. Senior,” Optical Fiber Communications” 3rd Ed., Pearson Education, 2009.
2. Chakrabarthi, “Optical Fibre Communication” McGraw Hill, 2015.
3. Hebbar, “Optical Fibre communication” Elsevier, 2014.
4. Govind P. Agrawal, “Fiber Optic Communication Systems” 3rd Ed, Wiley, 2002.
5. Joseph C. Palais, “Fibre Optic Communications” 5th Ed., Pearson, 2013.
6. Paulo P. Monteiro and Atilio Gameiro, “Next Generation Wireless Communications using
Radio over Fiber” Nathan J. Gomes Wiley, 2012.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge in advanced microprocessors
2. To understand the concepts of parallel and multiprocessors
3. To analyze various architectures of advanced microprocessors
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Explain the basics of computer architecture & concepts of various pipeline architectures
2. Distinguish various parallel architectures
Text Books:
1. John L Hennessey and David A Patterson, “Computer Architecture
A Quantitative Approach”, Morgan Kaufmann/ Elsevier, 6th Edition, 2017.
2. Daniel Tabak , “Advanced Microprocessors” McGraw Hill.Inc., 2012
3. James L. Antonakos, “The Pentium Microprocessor”, Pearson Education , 1997.
4. Steve Furber, “ARM System –On –Chip architecture” Addision Wesley , 2000.
5. Rajiv Chopra “Advanced Computer Architecture” S.Chand Publication 2010.
Reference Books:
1. James L.Antonakos, “An Introduction to the Intel family of Microprocessors”, Pearson
Education 1999.
2. Kai Hwang and Faye Briggs, “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”, Mc Graw-
Hill International Edition, 2000.
3. Sima D, Fountain T and Kacsuk P, “Advanced Computer Architectures: A Design
Space Approach”, Addison Wesley, 2000.
4. Kai Hwang, “Advanced computer architecture”, McGraw Hill Education, 2nd Edition, 2010.
5. Behrooz Parhami, “Computer Architecture”, Oxford University Press, 2006.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of Embedded System architecture
2. To acquire knowledge in the hardware and software design of Embedded system
3. To be able to design a closed loop real time system
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart basic knowledge about architecture of ARM processor.
2. To get familiarized with the instruction sets in ARM processors
3. To explore the necessity of ARM processors in real time applications
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Summarize ARM7TDMI assembly instructions and their formats and usage.
2. Write ARM7 based assembly level programs.
3. Describe the architecture of ARM Processors.
4. Express their knowledge in cache design, virtual memory and memory protection concepts.
5. Discuss AMBA bus architecture, various HW peripherals.
Reference Books:
1. Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan, Dr. Peter Friess, “Internet of Things: Converging Technologies for Smart
Environments and Integrated Ecosystems”, River Publishers 2013.
2. Jean-Philippe Vasseur, Adam Dunkels , “Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP: The Next
Internet”, Morgan Kuffmann Publishers, 2010.
3. Lu Yan, Yan Zhang, Laurence T. Yang, Huansheng Ning, “The Internet of Things: From RFID
to the Next-Generation Pervasive Networked”, 2008.
4. Vijay Madisetti , Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”, 2014.
5. Adrian McEwen , Hakim Cassimally , “Designing the Internet of Things”, Wiley, 2013.
6. Waltenegus Dargie, Christian Poellabauer, "Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks:
Theory and Practice”, Wiley 2010.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To gain knowledge on ATM and Frame relay.
2. To acquire knowledge on the developments in High Speed Networks.
3. To understand and analyze the techniques involved to support real-time traffic and congestion
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Summarize on ATM and Frame Relay
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart the basic concepts of Sensor Networks
2. To explore the overview of communication Protocols of wireless sensor networks
3. To introduce the principles of tracking techniques, sensor database and energy management
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of sensor network architecture
2. Categorize the different types of protocols
3. Acquire knowledge in IEEE 802.15.4 standards for Wireless Sensor Networks
4. Understand different tracking techniques
5. Express the functions of sensor database
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To design and understand various types of display devices.
2. To design optoelectronic detection devices, modulators and other networking components for
optical communication.
3. To design optoelectronic integrated circuits and to understand various applications of
optoelectronic integrated circuits in the field of electronic/optical communication.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the nature of light and to analyse various semiconductor physics and
semiconductor junction characteristics.
2. Explore electronic displays with its working principle & characteristics.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic elements of satellite communication systems.
2. To understand the modulation techniques for satellite communication.
3. To understand launch systems and analyze their effect on satellite and payload design.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the satellite orbits, elements of satellite and operation of satellite communication.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. Learn digital image fundamentals.
2. Understand the image enhancement and restoration techniques.
3. Explore image segmentation methods
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Grasp the basics of digital image acquisition and processing system
2. Select methods for enhancing an image
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the characterization of speech and image waveforms
2. To learn about the various compression techniques for text data, audio, image and video
3. To know about the speech and video coding standards
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Recall the basic concepts of multimedia data
2. Demonstrate knowledge about the principles of various coding techniques
3. Assess lossy and lossless compression systems
4. Choose suitable compression algorithm for signal processing
5. Analyze the performance of various compression algorithms
6. Apply the appropriate coding technique for real time applications
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the basics of information theory
2. To calculate channel capacity and other measures
3. To understand the source coding techniques for text, audio and speech
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts of probability and random variables
2. Understand the basics of information theory
3. Gain knowledge to calculate channel capacity and other measures
4. Compare the source coding techniques for text, audio and speech
5. Analyze the different error control techniques
6. Calculate the coding rate and error probabilities.
Module 1: Probability and random variables (8 hrs)
Probability Concepts, distribution and density functions, moments, independent, uncorrelated and
orthogonal random variables; Vector-space representation of Random variables, Vector quantization,
Tchebaychef inequality theorem, Central Limit theorem, Discrete &Continuous Random Variables.
Random process: Expectations, Moments, Ergodicity, Discrete-Time Random Processes Stationary
process, autocorrelation and auto covariance functions, Spectral representation of random signals,
Properties of power spectral density, Gaussian Process and White noise process.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the types of ASIC s and design flow.
2. To acquire knowledge on programmable ASICs and programmable ASIC logic cells.
3. To study the concepts of programmable ASIC interconnect and programmable ASIC design
software and to develop algorithms for physical design ASICs.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Define the types of ASICs, combinational and sequential logic cells, concepts of design rules
and logical effort.
2. Describe the programmable ASICs and programmable ASIC logic cells.
3. Demonstrate programmable ASIC interconnect and programmable ASIC design software.
4. Illustrate the goals and objectives of partitioning, floorplanning and placement.
5. Develop algorithms for various types of routing and explain the concepts of circuit extraction
and DRC.
6. Develop the HDL logic synthesis skills.
Module 1: Fundamental to ASICs- CMOS Logic (8 hrs)
Types of ASICs – Design flow – CMOS transistors, CMOS design rules – Combinational logic cell –
Sequential logic cell –Logical effort.
Modele 2: Programmable ASICs– Programmable ASIC Logic Cells and Programmable ASIC
I/O block (7 hrs)
Anti-fuse – static RAM – EPROM and EEPROM technology – Actel ACT – Xilinx LCA –Altera FLEX
–Xilinx I/O blocks.
Module 3: Programmable ASIC Interconnect– Programmable ASIC Design- Software and Low
Level Design Entry (8 hrs)
Actel ACT –Xilinx LCA – Xilinx EPLD – Altera MAX 5000 and 7000 – Altera MAX 9000 – Altera
FLEX – Half gate ASIC –Schematic entry –EDIF– CFI design representation.
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To learn about the basic concepts of MOS transistor.
2. To learn the concept of designing CMOS inverter and analysing its static and dynamic
3. To illustrate the concept of designing combinational and sequential circuits using different
logic styles and its timing issues.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts of MOS transistor.
2. Illustrate different second order effects in MOS transistor.
3. Analyse static and dynamic behaviour of CMOS inverter
4. Design combinational logic circuits in CMOS.
5. Interpret different logic style to design sequential logic circuits and its optimisation.
6. Comprehend the significance of timing issues in logic circuit design.
Module 1: MOS Transistor (8 hrs)
Physical structure of MOS transistor – threshold voltage – body effect – dc equations – second order
effects – MOSFET regions of operation – MOS as switch - MOS Models – Interconnect parameters –
capacitance – resistance – inductance – Electrical wire model: ideal wire – lumped model – RC model
– transmission line – switching characteristics : Analytical delay model – empirical delay model - case
study: study of technology development in MOS.
Module 2: CMOS Inverter (7 hrs)
Static CMOS inverter – DC Characteristics – combinational logic gate implementation – CMOS gate
transistor sizing –Static behavior: switching threshold – noise margin – Dynamic behavior: computing
capacitance – propagation delay - power dissipation – case study: Technology scaling and its impact on
inverter metrics.
Module 3: Combinational Logic Circuits in CMOS (8 hrs)
Static CMOS logic Design : complementary CMOS – Ratioed logic – pass transistor logic – CPL –
transmission gate logic – Dynamic CMOS logic design : Basic principles – speed and power dissipation
- signal integrity issues – Cascading dynamic gates - domino logic – np CMOS logic – NORA logic.
Module 4: Sequential Logic Circuits in CMOS (7 hrs)
Introduction – timing metrics for sequential circuits – classification of memory elements – static and
dynamic latches and registers – C2MOS approach – TSPCR.
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To understand the fundamentals of Nanoelectronics.
2. To design nano electronic devices
3. To understand the fabrication techniques and applications of Nanodevices.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Demonstrate the basic concepts of nanotechnology and the processes involved in making
nano components and material
2. Use the fundamental concepts of nano-electronics.
3. Explore various structure and operation of various MOS nano devices
4. Compare Tunneing devices and SET transistors in nano regim.
5. Investigate the emerging nanodevices and its applications.
6. Choose various fabrication methods of nano-devices
Module 1: Overview of technology scaling (6 hrs)
Introduction to nanoelectronics, basic CMOS process flow, MOS scaling theory, issues in scaling MOS
transistors: short channel effects, requirements for non-classical MOS transistor.
Module 2: Fundamentals of nanoelectronics (6 hrs)
Basics of Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger equation, Density of States. Particle in a box Concepts,
Degeneracy. Band Theory of Solids. Kronig-Penny Model. Brillouin Zones.
Module 3: Non-classical FETs (8 hrs)
Nano-scale MOSFETs, FinFETs, and Vertical MOSFETs. Transport in nano-scale devices, velocity
saturation, ballistic transport, injection velocity, velocity overshoot, I-V characteristics.
Module 4: Synthesis of nanomaterials (8 hrs)
Nano materials: preparation plasma arcing, chemical vapour deposition, Sol-gels, electro deposition,
ball milling, applications of nano materials.
Module 5: Emerging nanoelectronic devices (9 hrs)
Introduction to Tunneling Diode, Resonant Tunneling Diode, Coulomb blockade, Single electron
transistors and applications. Carbon nanotube-band structure and transport, CNTFETs and I-V
characteristics, Nano-composite materials, 2D Semiconductors, Graphene and atomistics device
Module 6: Fabrication and measurement techniques (8 hrs)
Nanofabrication – Crystal Growth techniques, Diffusion, Oxidation, Dip pen lithography – Thin Flim
Deposition and Etching, Self assembled Inorganic/Organic layers.
Text Books:
1. Karl Goser, Jan Dienstuhl and others “Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems” From Transistor to
Molecular & Quantum Devices, Springer, 2004
2. G.W. Hanson, Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Pearson, 2009.
3. Robert Puers , Livio Baldi , Marcel Van de Voorde , Sebastiaan E. van Nooten,
Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, Applications, 2 Volumes, Wiley 2017.
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. Analyze transmission-line circuits at RF frequencies
2. Use the Smith chart for solving impedance matching problems
3. To study the basics and design process of power amplifiers.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Acquire basic knowledge of general RF circuits, components and systems.
2. Summarize the transmission line model theory
3. Utilize the smith Chart in RF subsystem design.
4. Design passive RF filters.
5. Analyze the characteristics of biasing and matching networks
6. Design RF power amplifiers using biasing and matching networks
Module 1: Introduction (2 hrs)
RF Behavior of Passive Components, Chip components and Circuit board considerations: Chip
resistors, chip capacitors, surface mounted inductors, and RF circuit manufacturing process.
Module 2:Transmission Line Analysis (7 hrs)
Example of Transmission Lines, Equivalent Circuit Representation, Circuit Parameters for a Parallel-
Plate Transmission Line, Summary of Different Transmission Line Configurations, General
Transmission Line Equations, Microstrip Transmission Lines, Terminated Lossless Transmission Line-
Special Termination Conditions. Introduction to ADS / NI AWR (Simple Examples)
Module 3: Network Parameter Measurements (10 hrs)
The Smith Chart (From Reflection Coefficient to Load Impedance, Impedance Transformation,
Admittance Transformation, Parallel Series Connection), Single-and Multi-port Networks
(Interconnecting networks, Network properties and Applications, Scattering Parameters), Design and
Analysis of multi-port network using Simulation- Introduction to ADS / NI AWR (Simple Examples).
Module 4: RF Filter Design (10 hrs)
Filter types and parameters, Low pass filter, High pass filter, Bandpass and Band stop filter, Insertion
Loss. Special Filter Realizations: Butterworth type filter, Chebyshev type filters, Denormalization of
standard low pass design. Examples of Microstrip Filter Design. Coupled Filters: Odd and Even Mode
Excitation, Bandpass Filter Design, Cascading bandpass filter elements, Design examples- ADS / NI
AWR (Simple Examples) - Vector Network Analyzer and Simple Calibration Approach
Module 5: Matching and Biasing Networks (8 hrs)
Impedance Matching Using Discrete components-Microstrip Line Matching Networks-Amplifier
classes of operation and Biasing networks- ADS / NI AWR (Simple Examples)
Module 6: RF Amplifier (8 hrs)
Active RF Components (RF Field Effect Transistors, MOSFETs, HEMTs), Biasing and Setting
Operating Points, Power Flow of RF Active and Passive Devices, Stability considerations-Constant
Gain-Noise Figure circles- constant VSWR circles, One-Stage RF Amplifier Design –MMIC
technology- ADS / NI AWR (Simple Examples).
Text Books:
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the concepts of machine learning algorithms
2. To understand the performance and limitations of various machine learning algorithms
3. To get familiarized with the use of neural networks in pattern recognition
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the techniques, mathematical concepts of machine learning
2. Select the appropriate machine learning algorithm to solve real time problems.
3. Compare the data and efficiently execute the algorithm to solve the problem
4. Analyze and compare the results of different machine learning algorithms
5. Comprehend the statistical techniques to analyze the results
6. Acquire knowledge about the artificial neural networks.
Module 1: Introduction to machine learning (8 hrs)
Application of machine learning - types of learning- supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement,
classification learning, representations.
Module 2: Learning Algorithms (7 hrs)
Hypothesis space, inductive bias, under fitting and over fitting, evaluation of learning algorithm, cross
validation, limitations.
Module 3: Regression (8 hrs)
Linear regression and decision tree, LMS algorithm, Delta rule, Entropy, information gain, splitting
rule, model selection. Logistic regression.
Module 4: Support Vector Machine (7 hrs)
Introduction to support vector machine, Dual, maximum margin with noise, non-linear SVM and kernel
function, SMO algorithm.
Module 5: Artificial Neural Networks (8 hrs)
Neural Networks, perceptron, multilayer network, Hopfield neural network, Kohonen neural network.
Module 6: Applications (7 hrs)
Applications-machine learning for pattern recognition-biometrics-natural language processing.
Text Books:
1. Ethem Alpaydin, “Introduction to machine learning”, MI T Press, 2010.
2. Robert Schalkoff, “Pattern Recognition-Statistical, Structural and Neural Approaches”, John
Wiley & sons,Inc, New York, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. David Barber, “Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning”, Cambridge University Press,
2. Duda, R. O, Hart, P. E., and Stork, D. G, “Pattern Classification”, 2nd edition, John Wiley &
Sons, NewYork,2001.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To Know about the physics of Electrostatics
2. To know about the physics behind semiconductor devices
3. To know about the practical applications of Semiconductor Devices
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Formulate new mathematical models for
2. Learn the physics behind the semiconductor devices
3. Deep understanding of PN Junction theory, heterojunctions and Contacts in the devices.
4. Explore the BJT, MOSFET and other semiconductor devices from semiconductor device
5. Understand short channel effect and leakage mechanism in MOSFET devices.
6. Advantages and applications of various SPICE models in the MOS devices.
Module 1: Semiconductor Physics and Materials (8 hrs)
Semiconductor Materials and Structures- Band Structures – Electron-Hole Statistics – Carrier Mobility
and Conductivity– Carrier Diffusion, Generation/Recombination – Avalanche Multiplication – Hall
Effect, P-N Junction Theory – Built-In Potential – Current-Voltage Relation In P-N Junction –
Diffusion Capacitance – Diode Equivalent Circuit – Breakdown Voltage – Transient Behavior -Metal-
Semiconductor Junctions – Schottky Diode and Ohmic Contact Hetero- Junctions
Module 2: Bipolar Junction Transistors (9 hrs)
BJT Current- Voltage Relation – Current Gain – Band Gap Narrowing – Auger Recombination – Early
Effect – Punch-Through In BJT – Breakdown Voltage In BJT – Small Signal Equivalent Circuit – Cut-
Off Frequency – Switching Behavior – HBT.
Module 3: Semi-Classical Bulk Transport Models (7 hrs)
Basic Ebers-Moll Model – Basic Gummel-Poon Model – Model Derivation – Moll-Ross Equation –
High Injection Effect – Knee Current – Early Effect – Base Widening Effects.
Module 4: MOSFET Characteristics (7 hrs)
Basic Concepts Of MOSFET – Capacitance- Voltage Characteristics – Threshold Voltage of MOS
Capacitor – Flat-Band Voltage – Current-Voltage Relation of Long Channel MOSFETS – Drain
Conductance – Transconductance – Drain Current Saturation – Body Effect
Module 5: MOSFET Structures (7 hrs)
Drift- Diffusion Model – Sub-Threshold Conduction, Slope And Mobility Models in MOSFETS –
Temperature Effect – Equivalent Circuit of MOSFETS- Tailoring of MOSFET Parameters – Charge
Sharing Model – Narrow Width Effect – Hot Carrier Effects. LDD MOSFET – VMOS, MESFET –
Module 6: MOSFET Model: Equations, Boundary conditions and Approximations (7 hrs)
Level-1 model of MOSFET Level-2 model of MOSFET: Mobility modeling, Sub-threshold current-
Channel length modulation- Short channel effect- Velocity saturation- Narrow width Effect- Gate
capacitance- Junction capacitances – Level-3 model of MOSFET: Slope discontinuity Gate
capacitances, BSIM model.
Text Book:
1. S.M. Sze, K. N. Kwok, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Reference Books:
1. S. M. Sze, “Semiconductor Devices: Pioneering Papers”, World Scientific Publishing
Company, 2004.
2. D. P. Foty, “MOSFET Modeling with SPICE, Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall PTR,
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of MEMS devices and materials for MEMS devices;
2. To impart knowledge about the fabrication processes in MEMS Design;
3. To know the essentials of SMART devices and its applications.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Acquire knowledge on the basic concepts of MEMS Design;
2. Understand the mechanics behind MEMS devices;
3. Demonstrate on the rudiments of Micro fabrication techniques;
4. Develop MEMS structures based on various Micromachining techniques;
5. Design and model Smart devices;
6. Apply smart materials to intelligent systems.
Module 1: Introduction to MEMS and Characteristics of MEMS Materials (7 hrs)
Historical Background of MEMS – Typical MEMS products – Evolution of MEMS – Market Survey.
MEMS materials: Silicon Compounds- Silicon Piezoresistors- Gallium Arsenide-Quartz-Piezoelectric
Module 2: Mechanics of Solids in MEMS/NEMS (7 hrs)
Deformation Strains and Stresses – Residual Stress and Stress Gradients – Hookes’s law - Poisson effect
- Linear Thermal Expansion - Bending Modeling of coupled Electrostatic Microsystems (Case study).
Module 3: Micro System Fabrication Processes ((8 hrs) hrs)
Photolithography- Ion Implantation- Diffusion- Oxidation- CVD – PVD - MBE- Chemical Etching
(DRIE Process).
Module 4: Micromachining (7 hrs)
Basic surface micro machining processes –Problems in surface Micromachining – LIGA process (Case
Module 5: Smart Sensors and Smart Actuators (8 hrs)
MEMS Switches – Circuit model and electromagnetic modeling of MEMS switches - Sensors and
actuators based on HBLS materials – Application of ferroelectric materials in energy harvesters (Case
Study) – NEMS.
Module 6: Smart Materials and Intelligent Systems (8 hrs)
Modelling mechanical and electrical systems –SMA – Piezoelectric - Electrostrictive materials –
Magnetostrictive materials – patterning of piezo, pyro and ferroelectric polymers - Case studies on
PVDF, Terfenol D, NiTiNOL.
Text Books:
1. G. K. Ananthasuresh, K. J. Vinoy, S. Gopalkrishnan K. N. Bhat, V. K. Aatre, “Micro and Smart
Systems”, Wiley India, 2012.
2. M. Madou, “Fundamentals of Microfabrication”, CRC Press, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. S. E.Lyshevski, Nano-and Micro-Electromechanical systems: Fundamentals of Nano-and
Microengineering” (Vol. 8). CRC press, (2005).
2. M.H. Bao, “Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure sensors, accelerometers, and
Gyroscopes”, Elsevier, New York, 2000.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To enable the students to understand the fundamentals and programming knowledge in
2. To provide the deeper understanding of the tools and processes that enable students to use
MATLAB for the engineering problems.
3. To assist the students with computational tools to design their own analysis and interpretation
strategies when facing different engineering applications.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the process of converting computational problems into a series of simple steps.
2. Develop programs in the MATLAB language for engineering applications.
3. Analyze numerical data and perform input and output operations on it.
4. Illustrate the concept of toolboxes for practical applications
5. Summarize the concepts of various data visualization techniques.
6. Design Graphical User Interfaces for practical applications
Module 1: Introduction to MATLAB (8 hrs)
Advantages of MATLAB – MATLAB Environment – Using MATLAB as a Scratch Pad –Variables
and Arrays – Multidimensional Arrays – Scalar and Array Operations – Hierarchy of Operations –
Built-in MATLAB Functions – Branching Statements and Program Design– Loops and Vectorization
– User Defined Functions – Introduction to Plotting – Examples – Errors – Debugging MATLAB
Module 2: Input and Output Functions (8 hrs)
Input / Output Functions: Text, Audio, Image and Video Read Functions – Load and Save –MATLAB
File Processing – File Opening and Closing – Comparing Formatted and Binary I/O Functions – File
Positioning and Status Functions – The text scan Function – Function uimport.
Module 3: Programs of Matrices and Polynomials (8 hrs)
Vectors and Matrices – Mathematical Operations with Matrices – Polynomial Evaluation – Rots of a
Polynomial – Mathematical Operations with Polynomial – Formulation of Polynomial Equation –
Differentiation and Integration – Polynomial Curve Fitting – Evaluation of Polynomials with Matrix
Arguments – Ordinary Differential Equation Solvers – Symbolic Mathematics.
Module 4: Data Visualization (7 hrs)
Data Visualization and Statistics – 2D Graphics: Plot and fplot COMMAND– Plotting Multiple Graphs
in the Same Plot –Formatting a Plot. Logarithmic Axes – Error Bars – Special Graphics – Histograms
– Putting Multiple Plots on the Same Page – Multiple Figure Windows – 3D Graphics: Line Plots –
Mesh and Surface Plots – Examples of MATLAB Application.
Module 5: Graphical User Interface (7 hrs)
Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces in MATLAB – Designing GUI interfaces using MATLAB’s
GUIDE interface – MATLAB Handle graphics primitives – Cell-array – Structure of a Callback
Subfunction – Get/Set Interface –Object Properties – Graphical User Interface Components –
Additional Containers:Panels and Button Groups – Dialog Boxes – Menus – Creating Efficient GUI
Module 6: Applications using MATLAB Toolboxes (7 hrs)
Control System toolbox, Neural Networks tool box, Signal/image processing tool box, optimization
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of wireless communication.
2. To make the students to know about the various propagation methods and Channel models.
3. To enhance the understanding of various transceivers and its multiple access schemes.
Course Outcome:
The Student will be able to
1. Explain the concepts of wireless communication.
2. Interpret the various propagation methods and channel models.
3. Identify various transceivers and its multiple access schemes.
4. Model multichannel response
5. Develop design of wireless system
6. Analyze wireless channel capacity
Module 1: Review of Wireless Systems (8 hrs)
History of Wireless Systems-Wireless Vision- Technical Issues-Current Wireless Systems-Cellular
Telephone systems-Cordless Phones-Wireless LAN-Wide Area WDS-Broadband Wireless Access-
Paging Systems-Satellite Networks-Low Cost-Low power Radio-Bluetooth-Zigbee-Ultraband Radio.
Module 2: Wireless Spectrum (8 hrs)
Wireless Spectrum: Methods of Allocation-Spectrum Allocation of Wireless System-Cellular System
Fundamentals: Frequency Reuse-Channel Assignment strategies-Handoff Strategies-Interference and
system Capacity-Interference and Capacity-Improving Coverage and Capacity in Cellular system.
Module 3: Path Loss and Shadowing (8 hrs)
Path Loss and Shadowing: Radiowave propagation-transmit and Receive signal Model-Free Space path
loss-Ray Tracing: Two ray Model-Simplified Path loss Model-Shadow Fading-Combined path loss and
shadowing-Outage Probability under path loss and shadowing.
Module 4: Statistical Multipath Channel (7 hrs)
Statistical Multipath Channel Models: Time varying channel impulse response-Narrow band Fading
Models: Level Crossing Rate –Average Fade Duration.
Module 5: Wideband Fading Models (7 hrs)
Wideband Fading Models: Power Delay Profile-Coherence Bandwidth-Doppler Spectrum –Coherence
Time-Capacity of Wireless Channel: Capacity of AWGN Channel-Capacity of Frequency Selective
Fading Channels.
Module 6: Signal Encoding and Multi Carrier Modulation (7 hrs)
Digital Signal encoding techniques, multi carrier modulation, orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing, orthogonal frequency division multiple access
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the statistics and machine learning concepts that are vital for data science
2. Learn to statistically analyze a dataset
3. Critically evaluate data visualization based on their design and use for communicating stories
from data
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the key concepts in data science, its applications and the toolkit used by data
2. Realize how data is collected, managed and stored for data science;
3. Apply various machine learning techniques in real-world applications
4. Implement data collection and management
5. Apply visualization tools for data visualization
6. Possess the required knowledge and expertise to become a proficient data scientist
Module 1: Introduction to Data Analytics (7 hrs)
Introduction, Terminology, data science process, data science toolkit, Types of data, Introduction to
Python, Data Analysis in Excel, Analytics Problem Solving, Exploratory Data Analysis, Example
Module 2: Data collection management and Statistics (7 hrs)
Introduction, Sources of data, Data collection and APIs, Exploring and fixing data, Data storage and
management, Advanced SQL using multiple data sources, Statistics and Hypothesis Testing, Inferential
Statistics, Big Data Storage and Processing Framework, Hadoob.
Module 3: Data analysis (8 hrs)
Introduction, Terminology and concepts, Introduction to statistics, Central tendencies and distributions,
Variance, Distribution properties and arithmetic, Samples/CLT, Basic machine learning algorithms,
Linear regression, SVM, Naive Bayes.
Module 4: Data visualization (8 hrs)
Introduction, Types of data visualization, Data for visualization: Data types, Data encodings, Retinal
variables, Mapping variables to encodings, Visual encodings, Data Visualization in Python-Superset or
in Microsoft Power BI
Module 5: Computing and Applications (8 hrs)
Using Python for Data Science - Using Open Source R for Data Science - Using SQL in Data Science
- Software Applications for Data Science. Applications of Data Science, Technologies for visualization
like Data Visualization in Microsoft Power BI.
Module 6: Trends and Technologies (7 hrs)
Recent trends in various data collection and analysis techniques, various visualization techniques,
application development methods used in data science, NYC Parking Case Study: Apache Spark
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the concepts of virtualization and its application in cloud
2. Learn an overview of the concepts, processes, and best practices needed to successfully secure
information within Cloud infrastructures.
3. Develop real world design constraints
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Infer the concept of virtualization in the cloud computing
2. Use the concepts of cloud storage, cloud networks and its management
3. Identify security aspects of each cloud model
4. Develop a risk-management strategy for moving to the Cloud
5. Infer the advantages of Cloud Services.
6. Learn about optimization of cloud storage.
Module 1: Virtualization (8 hrs)
Virtualization, Hypervisors, Types of hypervisors. Virtualization techniques - para virtualization - full
virtualization, - hardware assisted virtualization - hybrid virtualization, what is virtual machine, server
virtualization models, server virtualization platforms Architecture - KVM - Citrix Xen Server -
Microsoft Hyper-V - VMware ESx, physical to virtual conversion - VMWare converter - Microfocus
Platespin - Microsoft conversion tools - Case Study Open Source p2v conversion tools.
Module 2: Cloud Computing (8 hrs)
Overview of Cloud Computing, Characteristics of Cloud, Benefits, limitations, Cloud Deployment
Models, Cloud service models-Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software
as a Service (SaaS), Anything as a Service (XaaS). OpenStack Private Cloud Architecture, Deployment
models, Basic Services - Keystone - Glance - Nova - Cinder - Swift - Horizon, Case Study OpenStack
optional services.
Module 3: Security Issues in Cloud Computing (8 hrs)
Infrastructure Security: The Network Level, The Host Level, The Application Level, Data Security and
Storage, Aspects of Data Security, Data Security Mitigation Provider Data and Its Security.
Module 4: Security and Access Management in the Cloud (7 hrs)
Security Management Standards, Security Management in the Cloud, Availability Management: SaaS,
PaaS, IaaS, Trust Boundaries and IAM, IAM Challenges, Relevant IAM Standards and Protocols for
Cloud Services, IAM Practices in the Cloud, Cloud Authorization Management.
Module 5: Cloud of Things (7 hrs)
Cloud computing-Grid/SOA and Cloud Computing-Cloud Middleware-NIST’s SPI Architecture and
Cloud Standards-Cloud Providers and Systems-Internet of Things and Cloud Computing-Mobile Cloud
Computing-MAI versus XaaS-Cloud of Things Architecture.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the fundamentals of IoT and Edge Computing Devices
2. To develop IoT architecture and protocols.
3. To implement the IoT based systems.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Infer the structure of IoT systems
2. Critically evaluate cloud services and edge computing.
3. Implement software using standard open-source cloud and edge computing software for data
4. Identify security issues of edge devices
5. Develop and execute a project related to data analytics and edge computing
6. Apply edge computing techniques for various applications
Module 1: Introduction (8 hrs)
Organisation and primary components of IoT systems, Structure of IoT systems, IoT backend modules,
IoT gateways, IoT edge devices, Edge Computing and Fog Computing, Information Data Management:
Handling and Security, Compliance, Audit
Module 2: Cloud Computing (7 hrs)
Cloud Computing, Cloud databases, Cloud computing analytics pipeline Coordination of Cloud
Services, Usage of Private/public cloud, Hybrid cloud, connected car
Module 3: Edge architectures and protocols (8 hrs)
Edge Computing, Security and Performance, Load Balance, Streaming data: Collection and Sharing of
data, Edge Computing authentication, Edge Architectures, Sensors and actuators for IoT systems,
Algorithms, BAN/WSN Architectures and Characteristics for Sensor Networks and IoT Devices,
Communication protocols and protocol stacks for the edge device, Edge servers, data security and
manipulation, 3GPP (LTE-M, NB-IOT, EC_GSM, 5G & IoT), LPWAN, LORA, SIGFOX
Module 4: Hardware security and issues (7 hrs)
Hardware security for edge devices, Design issues for the IoT edge, Interoperability and reliability
issues, Identity and access management, Implementing Security control, data plan, SDN, Dynamic QoS,
Data generated from device, Life cycle of Edge device.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To develop understanding of some fundamental techniques used to model communication
2. Analyze the various advanced networks.
3. Design and simulate innovative networks and topologies.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Illustrate the flow control and congestion control in Transmission control protocol.
2. Distinguish best effort service and QoS.
3. Explain Quality of Service mechanisms in networking.
4. Demonstrate the challenges in packet classification and scheduling algorithm.
5. Develop QoS framework for wireless IP networks.
6. Formulate IP/ATM integration
Module 1: Overview of Internet (7 hrs)
Evolution of network, Internet, overview of ATM, overview of IP based wireless communication,
TCP/IP - Congestion and Flow Control, TCP for high bandwidth delay networks, Fairness issues in
Module 2: Real Time Communications over Internet (8 hrs)
Current state of Internet, QOS, architectures for resource allocation – IETF solutions, Integrated
Services Model (IntServ), architecture, reference model, Characterization of Traffic - Linearly Bounded
Arrival Process (LBAP), Leaky bucket, token bucket algorithm, QOS parameters, RSVP.
Module 3: Packet Scheduling (7 hrs)
Basic requirements, Design choices, approaches, GPS, WFQ, WFQ variants and Rate proportional
algorithms. Active Queue Management – Goals, RED, WRED.
Module 4: IP address lookup-challenges (8 hrs)
Flow Identification – Hashing based schemes, Packet classification, Classification algorithms –
Caching approach, IP lookup problem & longest prefix matching, Grid of Tries approach, Cross
producting algorithm and controlled prefix expansion algorithms.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of the course are
1. To provide a conceptual understanding of security issues and challenges
2. To impart knowledge on classical and modern encryption standards and algorithms
3. To provide an insight on network security applications
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. List and describe the various security risks and mechanisms for handling them
2. Understand the mathematical concepts involved in cryptography
3. Classify symmetric and asymmetric ciphers
4. Handle data integrity using hash functions and fulfil message authentication requirements
5. Describe key management and user authentication techniques
6. Apply algorithms to handle network security issues
Module 1: Introduction to Cryptography (67 hrs)
OSI Security Architecture, Security Attacks, Services and Mechanisms, Model for Network Security,
Simple Cryptosystems – Shift Cipher, Substitution Cipher, Permutation Cipher, Steganography, Block
Module 2: Modular Arithmetic (7 hrs)
Groups, Rings, Fields, Finite Fields of the Form GF(p) and GF(2n), Testing for Primality, Chinese
Remainder Theorem, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem, Discrete Logarithms, Shannon’s Theory
Module 3: Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers (8 hrs)
Data Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption Standard, Triple DES, RC4, Principles of Public Key
Cryptography, RSA Algorithm, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Elgamal Cryptographic System,
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Module 4: Cryptographic Data Integrity (8 hrs)
Applications of Hash Functions, Hash functions based on Cipher Block Chaining, Secure Hash
Algorithm (SHA), Whirlpool, HMAC, CMAC, Message Authentication Requirements and Functions,
Digital Signal Schemes and Algorithms
Module 5: Key Management and User Authentication (8 hrs)
Key Distribution using Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption, Distribution of Public Keys, X.509,
Remote User Authentication, Kerberos
Module 6: Network Security Applications (8 hrs)
Email Architecture and Security, PGP, S/MIME, IP Security Overview, IP Security Architecture,
Encapsulating Security Payload, Web Security Considerations, SSL and TLS, Secure Electronic
Transaction, Wireless LAN Security Standards, Intrusion Detection, Firewalls
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To demonstrate DRM concept in SoC platform.
2. To design on-chip locks by modifying circuit under data protection schemes.
3. To know the techniques and challenges of Hardware Obfuscation in hardware application for
the Detection of Hardware Trojan.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Manage hardware digital rights (DRM).
2. Modify a design to make it lockable.
3. Change the circuit harder to reverse-engineer.
4. Identify IP identification embedded in a digital device.
5. Hamper IP piracy and technological espionage
6. Make a novel partial hardware for reverse engineering methodology
Module 1: Introduction (8 hrs)
Smart Lock DRM IP Principle - State of the Art : PUF Principles, Fingerprint and IP Protection - DRM
Flow - DRM Integration in SoC.
Module 2: On-Chip Locks (7 hrs)
Features Usable as Locking Means - Practical Transformation into On-Chip Locks - Implementation
on FPGA and Results
Module 3: IP Protection Methods (8 hrs)
A Formal Foundation for Logic Protection Schemes - Proposed Graph Analysis-Based Logic Locking
Scheme - Implementation Results - Evaluation - Security Analysis - Architecture of a Complete Design
Data Protection Scheme
Module 4: Side Channel Analysis (7 hrs)
Introduction - FSM Watermarking Verification Scheme Using Power Consumption Analysis -
Electromagnetic Communication of IP Data
Module 5: Hardware Obfuscation (8 hrs)
Layout-Level Obfuscation - Camouflage Gates - Obfuscating the Connectivity - Further Obfuscation
Techniques - Reverse-Engineering Camouflage Gates - Netlist-Level - Netlist Reverse-Engineering
Techniques - Control Flow Obfuscation - Combined Data and Control Flow Obfuscation -
Reconfiguration Obfuscation
Module 6: Hardware Trojan (7 hrs)
Integrated Circuits, Malicious Hardware Modifications and Base of Retro-Engineering - Accessing
Information by Microscopy Means - Proposal of a Novel HT Detection Methodology - Methodology
Advantages - The Three Different Detection Scenarios - Applying the Methodology to a Real Detection
Text Book:
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand functional differences between real time and real time operating systems.
2. To Examine and evaluate the hardware functionality required by embedded systems to achieve
real time operations.
3. To demonstrate the concept of real time programming using tasks, gain knowledge and skills
necessary to design and develop embedded applications using real time operating systems.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the fundamental concepts of real-time system and real-time operating system.
2. Analyze given requirements, design hardware & software for real time systems.
3. Apply modern engineering tools for real time firmware development & performance analysis.
4. Verify the specifications of various real time operating systems used for meeting timing
constraints of given problem.
5. Apply their understanding to develop and implement device drivers
6. Apply their understanding in handling in handling real time problems through some case
Module 1: Introduction (8 hrs)
Overview, Architecture Real Time Systems, Real Time Services, Real Time Standards,Hard Real time
and Soft Real-time, Differences between General Purpose OS & RTOS System Resources: Resource
Analysis, Real Time Service Utility, Cyclic Executives Basics of RTOS: Kernel Features, Real-time
Kernels: Polled Loops System, Co- routines, Interrupt-driven System, Multi-rate System; Processes,
Threads, Tasks, States, Context Switching: Cooperative Multi-tasking, Pre-emptive Multi-tasking
Module 2: Processing (8 hrs)
Scheduling Classes, Scheduler Concepts, Pre-emptive Fixed Priority Policy, Feasibility, Rate
Monotonic LUB, Necessary & Sufficient Feasibility, Dead Line Monotonic, Dynamic Priority
Policies I/O Resources: WCET, Intermediate I/O, Execution Efficiency Memory: Physical Hierarchy,
Cache, Memory Planning, Memory shadowing – I/O Buffering
Module 3: RTOS Services (8 hrs)
Task Creation, Inter Task Communication: Pipes, Message Queues, Mail Box, Memory Mapped
Objects; Critical Section, Shared Data Problem, Synchronization: Signals, Semaphores Mutex; Remote
Procedure and Sockets, Real Time Memory Management: Process Stack Management, Dynamic
Allocation Memory Technologies-Need for memory Hierarchy-Memory allocation strategy-
Hierarchical Memory Organization-Virtual Memory-Cache Memory- Mapping Functions-Cache
Design-Unified or split cache-multiple level of caches-ARM cache features
Module 4: Real Time Kernel & Timer Services (7 hrs)
Converting a normal Linux kernel to real time kernel, Xenomai basics. Overview of Open source RTOS
for Embedded systems (Free RTOS/ ChibiosRT) and application development. Real Time Clocks &
System Clocks, Programmable Interval Timers, Timer Interrupt Service Routine, Soft-timer Handling,
Soft Timers elated TaskSynchronization Issues: Resource Classification, Racing, Deadlock –
Deadlock Avoidance – Deadlock Prevention – Deadlock detection – Producer Consumer problem, Live
lock, Starvation, Priority Inversion, Priority Ceiling & Inheritance. POSIX standards, RTOS Issues –
Selecting a Real-Time Operating System.Basic design using RTOS.
Module 5: VXWORKS / RTOS Zephyr (7 hrs)
VxWorks/ RTOS Scheduling and Task Management – Realtime scheduling, Task Creation, Intertask
Communication, Pipes, Semaphore, Message Queue, Signals, Sockets, Interrupts I/O Systems –
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. The students understand the concepts of Internet of Intelligent Things.
2. The students to get familiarized with the applications of neural networks and computing
connected to intelligent machines.
3. The students to choose appropriate technologies for implementing various prototypes
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of intelligent things
2. Articulate the structure of Neural Networks in IoT
3. Understand the need of FOG computing services
4. Design and build IoT systems using Raspberry Pi
5. Be able to demonstrate various prototypes
6. Examine various real time applications and case studies
Module 1: Intelligent Things (7 hrs)
Introduction, IOT Challenges, Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent Sensing, Social Networks and IIOT,
Pervasive Intelligent Robots, Intelligent Large-Scale Sensing, Natural Language Processing and
Automatic Speech Recognition.
Module 2: Neural Networks (8 hrs)
ANN for IoT Health Care, CNN- GCNN and FCNN, Deep Learning Basics, Deep Neural Networks,
Deep Neural Processing Units, Feedforward DNN Accelerator, Applications of DNN.
Module 3: Fog Computing (7 hrs)
Fog Computing Basics, Fog Computing Services, Fog Computing Architecture, Self-Aware Fog
Computing, Health Monitoring, Patient Safety Monitoring, Intelligence Surveillance.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the Cellular concept, Frequency reuse, Hand-off strategies, Co-channel and Non-
Co-channel interference
2. Apply wireless and mobile cellular communication system techniques over stochastic fading
3. Define Mobile Computing, types of mobility and acquire solid knowledge on cellular
networks and mobile computing
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand impairments due to multi path fading channel,
2. Apply fundamental techniques to overcome the different fading effects, Co-channel and Non-
Co-channel interference
3. Familiar with cell coverage for signal and traffic, diversity techniques and mobile antennas.
4. Analyze advanced data communicating methods and networking protocols for wireless and
mobile environments
5. Utilize and employ application frameworks for developing mobile applications including
under disconnected and weakly connected environment
6. Critically analyze security issues of mobile and wireless computing systems
Module 1: Fundamentals of Cellular Radio System Design (7 hrs)
Concept of Frequency Reuse, Co-Channel Interference, Co-Channel Interference Reduction Factor,
Desired C/I From a Normal Case in a Omni Directional Antenna System, System Capacity, Trunking
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students to get familiarized with various wearable and implantable devices
2. To enable the students to understand various fabrication techniques
3. To make the students understand the requirements of practical design and optimal
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Experiment with wearable and implantable devices
2. Build antenna structures for Body Area Networks
3. Explain various fabrication techniques
4. Design intelligent based devices
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide an introduction to the SoC Design.
2. To provide theoretical and practical aspects of SoC design.
3. To understand the memory design concepts in processors.
4. To understand interconnect architectures for SoC and NoC.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts of SoC System Architecture.
2. Understand the concepts of choosing the processor for the SoC Design.
3. Design processors keeping area, power and speed as constraints.
4. Analyze memories using reconfigurable architectures.
5. Develop interconnect architectures for SoC and NoC.
6. Analyze reconfigurable architectures for real time applications.
Module 1: Introduction to System on Chip (7 hrs)
System Architecture - Components of the System - Hardware and Software - Processor Architectures
An Approach for SoC Design - System Architecture and Complexity.
Module 2: Chip Basics (7 hrs)
Introduction - Cycle Time - Die Area and Cost - Power - Area–Time–Power Trade-offs in Processor
Design - Reliability – Configurability.
Module 3: Processors (8 hrs)
Introduction - Processor Selection for SoC - Basic Concepts in Processor Architecture - Basic Concepts
in Processor Microarchitecture - Basic Elements in Instruction Handling - Branches: Reducing the cost
of branches - Robust Processors - Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Processors.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn about various electronic components, its applications and circuit design.
2. To understand the basic digital system and microprocessor.
3. To impart the basic knowledge on recent advancements in sensors and communication
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the design concepts of electron device architecture
2. Select the op-amp ICs based on their characteristics
3. Comprehend the digital system design
4. Explain the architecture of Microprocessor
5. Choose suitable transducers and sensors for the applications
6. Acquire knowledge of recent advancements of communication systems
Module 1: Introduction to Semiconductors and electron device architectures (7 hrs)
P type Semiconductor – N type Semiconductor – Diodes - PN Junction, Zener, LED– BJT
Configurations, FET - JFET, MOSFET, UJT.
Module 2: Operational Amplifiers (7 hrs)
Op-Amp – Applications – Inverting amplifier, Non-Inverting amplifier, Adder, Subtractor,
Differentiator, Integrator – Fabrication steps of Integrated Circuits.
Module 3: Digital System (7 hrs)
Combinational circuit – Design of Half Adder, Full Adder, Decoder, Encoder – Sequential circuit –
Flip-Flops – Latches – Memory – Types of Memory.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To enable the students to understand the fundamentals and programming knowledge in
2. To provide the deeper understanding of the tools and processes that enable students to use
MATLAB for the engineering problems
3. To assist the students with computational tools to design their own analysis and interpretation
strategies when facing different engineering applications.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the process of converting computational problems into a series of simple steps.
2. Develop programs in the MATLAB language for engineering applications.
3. Analyze numerical data and perform input and output operations on it.
4. Illustrate the concept of toolboxes for practical applications
5. Summarize the concepts of various data visualization techniques.
6. Design Graphical User Interfaces for practical applications
Module 1: Introduction to MATLAB (8 hrs)
Advantages of MATLAB – MATLAB Environment – Using MATLAB as a Scratch Pad –Variables
and Arrays – Multidimensional Arrays – Scalar and Array Operations – Hierarchy of Operations –
Built-in MATLAB Functions – Branching Statements and Program Design– Loops and Vectorization
– User Defined Functions – Introduction to Plotting – Examples – Errors – Debugging MATLAB
Module 2: Input and Output Functions (7 hrs)
Input / Output Functions: Text, Audio, Image and Video Read Functions – Load and Save –MATLAB
File Processing – File Opening and Closing – Comparing Formatted and Binary I/O Functions.
Module 3: Programs of Matrices and Polynomials (8 hrs)
Vectors and Matrices – Mathematical Operations with Matrices – Polynomial Evaluation – Rots of a
Polynomial – Mathematical Operations with Polynomial – Formulation of Polynomial Equation –
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic theories behind IoT and sensors.
2. To describe the wireless sensor network and security issues in IoT.
3. To analyze applications of IoT and sensors in real life situations.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the characteristics of IOT systems.
2. Describe the security issues in IoT.
3. Relate the various basic ideas behind sensors with respect to IOT.
4. Choose appropriate sensors for measuring various parameters.
5. Demonstrate the wireless sensor network in the aspects of IOT.
6. Appraise sensors used in IOT for real life situations.
Module 1: Introduction to IoT (8 hrs)
Defining IoT, Characteristics of IoT, Physical design of IoT, Architecture of IoT, Logical design of
IoT, IoT enabling technologies, Difference between IoT and Machine to Machine, Body Area Network,
Module 2: Security in IoT (8 hrs)
IoT attacks and Countermeasures, Common IoT attack types, Security Architecture in Internet of
Things, Security Requirements in IoT, Data privacy and trust, Access Restriction and control,
Ownership management, Data Audit, Device software update.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students to understand the advanced digital system concepts.
2. To make the students to understand the need for Verilog HDL programming
3. To enable the students to get familiarized with the FPGA implementation
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts in combinational logic design
2. Design sequential circuit design
3. Understand the basic concepts in Verilog HDL
4. Understand the various levels of modeling
5. Design and simulate combinational and sequential circuits using Verilog HDL
6. Implement combinational and sequential circuits in FPGA
Module 1: Basic concepts and Combinational Circuit Design (8 hrs)
Binary code–Simplification of logic functions using Karnaugh Map-Logic gates –Implementation of
Combinational logic functions – Half adder-Full adder -Encoders & Decoders – Multiplexers &
Demultiplexers – Comparator
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students understand the concept Digital circuit design
2. To enable the students to get familiarized Verilog HDL coding
3. To make the students understand how to do FPGA implementation
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Get recall the concepts of logic gates
2. Design Combinational circuits and sequential circuits
3. Get familiarize with Verilog HDL
4. Design Combinational and sequential circuits using Verilog HDL
5. Make knowledge about FPGA and PLD
6. Implement circuit on FPGA
Module 1: Minimization Techniques and Logic gates (8 hrs)
Logic Gates: NAND–NOR implementations. Boolean postulates and laws –Boolean expression
Minimization of Boolean expressions – Minterm –Maxterm - SOP – POS – Karnaugh map
Minimization -Binary Codes - Gray Code – BCD Code -– Multi level gate implementations - Multi
output gate implementations -
Module 2: Design of combinational circuits and synchronous sequential circuits (8 hrs)
Combinational circuit design procedure: Half adder – Full Adder – Half subtractor – Full subtractor –
Parallel binary adder – Multiplexer -Demultiplexer – decoder - encoder – parity checker – parity
generators – code converters - Magnitude Comparator.
Latches, Flipflops Characteristic table and equation-excitation table, Design of Moore model and mealy
model circuit
Module 3: Verilog HDL (7 hrs)
Design Methodology – Module – Ports – Basic concepts – Operators – Number specification – Data
types – Arrays – Parameters – Gate delays – Operator types – Conditional statements – Multiway
3 0 0 3
Course Outcomes:
1. To understand the basic concepts of MEMS devices and materials for MEMS devices;
2. To impart knowledge about the fabrication processes in MEMS Design;
3. To know the essentials of SMART devices and its applications.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Acquire knowledge on the basic concepts of MEMS Design;
2. Understand the mechanics behind MEMS devices;
3. Demonstrate on the rudiments of Micro fabrication techniques;
4. Develop MEMS structures based on various Micromachining techniques;
5. Design and model Smart devices;
6. Apply smart materials to intelligent systems.
Module 1: Introduction to MEMS and Characteristics of MEMS Materials (8 hrs)
Historical Background of MEMS – Typical MEMS products – Evolution of MEMS – Market Survey –
MEMS materials: Silicon Compounds- Silicon Piezoresistors- Gallium Arsenide-Quartz-Piezoelectric
Module 2: Mechanics of Solids in MEMS/NEMS (7 hrs)
Deformation Strains and Stresses – Residual Stress and Stress Gradients – Hookes’s law - Poisson effect
- Linear Thermal Expansion - Bending Modeling of coupled Electrostatic Microsystems (Case study).
Module 3: Micro System Fabrication Processes (7 hrs)
Photolithography- Ion Implantation- Diffusion- Oxidation- CVD – PVD - MBE- Chemical Etching
(DRIE Process).
Module 4: Micromachining (7 hrs)
Basic surface micro machining processes –Problems in surface Micromachining – LIGA process (Case
Module 5: Smart Sensors and Smart Actuators (8 hrs)
MEMS Switches – Sensors and actuators based on HBLS materials – Application of ferroelectric
materials in energy harvesters (Case Study) – NEMS.
Module 6: Smart Materials and Intelligent Systems (8 hrs) Modelling mechanical and electrical
systems –SMA – Piezoelectric - Electrostrictive materials – Magnetostrictive materials – patterning of
piezo, pyro and ferroelectric polymers - Case studies on PVDF, Terfenol D, NiTiNOL.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart the basic knowledge about various components of bioinstruments.
2. To understand the fundamentals of sensors and protocols of IoT techniques.
3. To get the knowledge about the basic concept of AI, Microcontroller and python programming.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the basic principles of passive components and transducers.
2. Apply engineering mathematical concepts in electron devices and bioinstruments.
3. Analyze and design the concepts in various types of sensors.
4. Employ appropriate and understanding the concepts in Internet of things.
5. Choose suitable applications for AI.
6. Acquire knowledge of basic concepts of Microcontroller and Python programs.
Module 1: Introduction to Passive components (7 hrs)
Resistors – Types of resistors – colour coding, Capacitors – Types of capacitors, Inductors – Types of
inductors. Covalent bond – N type & P type semiconductor – conduction in semiconductor-
Transducers-Active-passive-Resistive-Loading effect.
Module 2: Electronic Devices (7 hrs)
PN diode –Application: Half wave rectifier, Zener diode - Application: Zener Voltage Regulator-
Bipolar Junction Transistor – Thermocouple-LVDT-Strain gauge.
Module 3: Sensors (7 hrs)
Data acquisition-ADC/DAC-Sensor characteristics-Transfer function-Physical principles of sensing-
Piezoelectric Effect-Pyroelectric Effect-Hall Effect-Pressure Sensors-Chemical Sensors-Humidity and
Moisture Sensors-Temperature Sensors-Light Sensors-Photodiode-Tactile Sensors-Real time
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the fundamentals of neural networks
2. To gain an understanding about training methodologies of neural networks
3. To get familiarized with the different architectures involved in neural networks
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Summarize the pros and cons of different artificial neural networks.
2. Discuss the principles of training methodologies of neural networks.
3. Develop novel artificial neural networks.
4. Formulate neural networks based expert systems.
5. Analyze the single layer and multi-layer neural networks.
6. Apply artificial neural networks for solving engineering problems.
Module 1: Introduction to Neural Networks (8 hrs)
Humans and Computers - Organization of the Brain - Biological Neuron, Biological and Artificial
Neuron Models - Characteristics of ANN - McCulloch-Pitts Model - Historical Developments -
Potential Applications of ANN.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. Choose the transforms based on the application.
2. To analyze biomedical signals
3. Design and implement filtering solutions for applications
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Analyze the relations among time and Fourier domain representation of signals and systems
2. Describe the characteristics of biomedical signals and the need for their analysis.
3. Apply filtering, spectral estimation for processing biomedical signals.
4. Explore the applications of wavelets and wavelet packets in transient analysis, biomedical
signal processing, speech, audio, signal denoising.
5. Apply filter banks in Signal Processing applications
6. Design and develop optimum adaptive filtering solutions for real life applications
Module 1: Introduction (9 hrs)
Fourier analysis of discrete-time signals : Discrete Fourier series, Discrete time Fourier transform and
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) – DFT of complex sinusoids; DFT of real sinusoids - Properties of
the transforms; Interpreting the DFT and approximation of Fourier transform through DFT - Fast
algorithms for DFT computation: The Raddix-2 DIT and DIF FFT algorithms, Computation of inverse
DFT using FFT algorithms
Module 2: Fourier Transforms (9 hrs)
Analysis of simple periodic signals and complex sounds; Analyze a sound using the DFT. Generating
sinusoids and implementing the DFT. Computation of spectrogram of sound. Analysis of sound using
them STFT equation; analysis window: FFT size and hop size; time-frequency compromise; inverse
STFT. Non-stationary signal analysis using STFT.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic elements of satellite communication systems.
2. To understand the modulation techniques for satellite communication.
3. To understand launch systems and analyze their effect on satellite and payload design.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the satellite orbits, elements of satellite and operation of satellite communication.
2. Interpret the concepts of space segment, propulsion, payload, and TTC.
3. Analyze the design requirements and the performance of earth station.
4. Develop the multiplexing techniques, modulation techniques, and multiple access techniques
for satellite communication.
5. Illustrate the concepts of link design, rain fading and link availability and perform interference
6. Design various satellite applications.
Module 1: Elements of Satellite Communication (8 hrs)
Kepler’s laws and equations of motion- Newtons’s law, Orbital parameters, Orbital description and
Orbital mechanics of LEO, MEO and GSO, launching satellites in to orbits, Range to satellite, Satellite
– description of different Communication subsystems, Bandwidth allocation.
Module 2: Space Segment (8 hrs)
Spacecraft Technology- Structure, Primary power, Attitude and Orbit control, Thermal control and
Propulsion, communication Payload and supporting subsystems, Telemetry, Tracking and command-
Transponders-The Antenna Subsystem.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. Get clear idea about implant design and its parameters and solution
2. Understand the in depth and quantitative view of medical sensors and its characteristics
3. Apply the tools to design and development of antennas for the medical applications
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Understand the key concepts about implant design
2. Asses implant design and its parameters
3. Articulate the concepts about blood interfacing implants
4. Infer the applications of implants in medical field
5. Asses about medical sensors
6. Design various implantable antenna for Medical applications
Module 1: Principles of Implant Design (7 hrs)
Principles of implant design, Clinical problems requiring implants for solution, Permanent versus
absorbable devices, the deceased organ and its replacement, Tissue Engineering, scaffolds, cells and
regulators, criteria for materials selection, Case study of organ regeneration.
Module 2: Implant Design Parameters and Its Solution (8 hrs)
Biocompatibility, local and systemic effects of implants, Design specifications for tissue bonding and
module matching, Degradation of devices, natural and synthetic polymers, corrosion, wear and tear,
Implants for Bone, Devices for nerve regeneration.
Module 3: Blood Interfacing Implants (7 hrs)
Neural and Neuromuscular implants, heart valve implants, heart and lung assist devices, artificial heart,
cardiac pacemakers, artificial kidney- dialysis membrane and artificial blood.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of Embedded System architecture.
2. To acquire knowledge in the hardware and software design of Embedded system.
3. To be able to design a closed loop real time system.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Acquire knowledge about the embedded system architecture
2. Gain knowledge on the types of memories.
3. Design the hardware required for embedded systems
4. Develop good programming skills to develop embedded software
5. Demonstrate the OS design for embedded firmware
6. Apply the acquired knowledge to develop closed loop embedded system
Module 1: Introduction to Embedded System Design (8 hrs)
Introduction, Characteristics of Embedding Computing Applications, Concept of Real time Systems,
Challenges in Embedded System Design, Architecture Design. Embedded System Architecture: Co-
Processor & Hardware Accelerators, Processor performance Enhancement: Pipelining, Superscalar
Execution, Multi Core CPUs
Module 2: Designing Embedded System Hardware-I (7 hrs)
Memory systems: Memory organization, Error detecting and correcting, memory Access times, DRAM
interfaces, Cache, unified versus Harvard caches, Cache coherency, Cache, Dual port and shared
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students understand the requirements of Industrial automation standards
2. To enable the students to get familiarized with the concepts of IoT connecting the mechanical
3. To make the students apply IoT concepts in mechanical systems
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Interpret the Essentials of IoT for Modern Engineers
2. Examine the importance of Smart and Digital Factories
3. Make use of IoT in Manufacturing Process and Applications
4. Model IoT for Cyber-Physical Systems, Virtual Reality and Data Analytics
5. Interpret the IoT Challenges in Mechanical Systems
6. Apply IoT concepts in various applications
Module 1: Essentials of IoT for Modern Engineers (8 hrs)
The IoT revolution, The smart product mechanical engineer, Consumer IoT, Industrial IoT, Sensor,
Analysis, Connectivity, Exchange. Data characteristics, The IoT process, Product components, External
sources, Data Visualization, Closed loop design, Performance metrics, statistical data, Future design,
Edge/Cloud computing.
Module 2: Smart and Digital Factories (7 hrs)
Big data, Predictive Analytics, Virtualized Processes, Modelling and Simulation, High-performance
computing, Robotics, Code Halo Thinking, 3D Printing, Informed Manufacturing, Additive
Module 3: IoT in Manufacturing Process and Applications (8 hrs)
Supply Chain Management, Operating Efficiency, Predictive Maintenance, Inventory Optimization,
Intelligent Supply, Maturity Scale for Smart Manufactured Products.
Intelligent Product Enhancements, Dynamic Response to Market Demands, Waste Reduction, Product
20EC2004 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Impart knowledge on
1. To impart basic concepts computer architecture
2. To study the basic concepts of microprocessor 16 bit (8086).
3. To introduce interfacing devices, programmable peripheral devices and applications
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to
1. Illustrate the basics of computer organization.
2. Outline the architecture of 8086 microprocessor
3. Implement micro operations and micro programming concepts.
4. Formulate Memory hierarchy
5. Demonstrate the concepts of I/O devices
6. Outline the importance of pipelining
Basic Structure of Computers: Register Transfer -Bus and Memory Transfers - Arithmetic
Microoperations - Logic Micro operations -Shift Micro operations - Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.
20EC2008 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Impart knowledge on
1. To learn the latest in the 4G evolution to 5G, 5G use cases and coexistence of 4G & 5G.
2. To provide a sound understanding of RF front end for 5G and 5G New Radio Waveforms.
3. To expose the students to the key technologies of 5G standard, components of 5G network
along with 5G applications.
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to
1. Describe the key part of the evolution to 5G, requirements of 5G, building blocks of 5G and
5G spectrum.
2. Explain the Millimeter Wave Communications and massive MIMO.
3. Discuss the 5G Radio Access Technologies and Modulation Techniques.
4. Outline the significance New Radio Air Interface and wireless propagation channel models
5. Analyze the multi-point transmission and network coding in 5G.
6. Acquire basic knowledge on 5G applications like Machine-type communications.
Historical trend and evolution of LTE technology to beyond 4G – An Overview of 5G requirements
– Key building blocks of 5G – 5G use cases – Regulations for 5G – Spectrum Analysis and Sharing
for 5G – The 5G Architecture – IoT: relation to 5G
20EC2010 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. Basic concepts in digital circuit design
2. Exposure to CMOS IC Design
3. Familiar with FPGA Architecture and Design flow
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on changing needs of electronic system design and IC design for IoT
based applications
2. To get familiarized with thecircuit and system design techniques for the emerging
applications of IoT.
3. To identify the appropriate sensor and compute components of IoT framework
Course Outcomes:
20EC3001 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. To understand the design procedureof the digital circuits.
2. To learn the circuit design using VHDL and Verilog HDL
3. To get familiar with implementation using PLDs.
Course Outcome:
On successful completion of the subject, students can be able to
1. Design Digital circuits
20EC3002 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. To expose the students to the basic principles of low power design.
2. To make the students to acquire knowledge on circuit ,logic ,architecture and system level
power reduction techniques
3. To make the students to understand low power clock networks, bus , SRAM and adiabatic
circuits .
Course Outcome:
On successful completion of the subject, students can be able to
1. Understand the various sources of power dissipation.
2. Acquire the knowledge on simulation power analysis and Probabilistic power analysis
3. Learn the various low power reduction techniques at circuit and logic level.
4. Analyze the various low power techniques at Architecture and system level.
5. Design low power clock Networks, bus and low power SRAM circuits.
6. Design various adiabatic logic circuits
Need for Low Power VLSI Chips- Charging and Discharging of Capacitance- Short Circuit Current-
Leakage Current- Static Current- Basic Principles of Low Power Design.
20EC3003 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Impart knowledge on
1. To develop a fundamental Computing in the concepts of device modeling.
2. To know the essentials of analog systems including ADC and DAC.
3. To impart the knowledge of circuit design and modeling and compute in CMOS amplifiers,
Oscillators and Comparators.
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to
7. compute the characteristics of MOS transistors and analyze the circuit characteristics
through device modeling
8. utilize the analog design concepts in data converters
9. illustrate different types of switched capacitor circuits
10. perform analysis in CMOS amplifiers
11. perform analysis in Oscillators
12. design and develop various comparators and illustrate the performance of analog circuits
using EDA tools.
Design process for analog Integrated circuits-Approach to Device Modeling: MOS Models-dc
MOSFET Model-Bipolar Models-dc BJT Model-Small Signal BJT Model-High Frequency BJT
Model-Noise and mismatch.
20EC3004 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Impart knowledge on
1. To impart basic concepts of Solar cells
2. To impart the knowledge of different types of solar cells
3. To understand the design concepts of solar cells for space applications
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to
1. Demonstrate the basics of solar cells
20EC3006 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Impart knowledge on
1. To understand the various VLSI architectures for digital signal processing.
2. To know the techniques of critical path and algorithmic strength reduction in the filter
3. To enable students to design VLSI system with high speed and low power.
4. To encourage students to develop a working knowledge of the central ideas of
implementation of DSP algorithm with optimized hardware.
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to
1. Understand the overview of DSP concepts and design architectures for DSP algorithms.
2. Gain exposure to retiming, folding and unfolding concepts.
3. Improve the overall performance of DSP system through various transformation and
optimization techniques.
4. Gain Knowledge on pipelining and parallel processing on FIR and IIR systems to achieve
high speed and low power.
5. Optimize design in terms of computation complexity and speed.
6. Understand clock based issues and design asynchronous and wave pipelined systems
Module: 1 6 Hours
An overview of DSP concepts, Pipelining of FIR filters. Parallel processing of FIR filters. Pipelining
and parallel processing for low power, Combining Pipelining and Parallel Processing.
20EC3007 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Impart knowledge on
1. To train the students in the design aspects of Bio MEMS devices and Systems.
2. To make the students aware of applications in various medical applications.
3. To expose the students to the emerging Bio-MEMStechnology .
Course Outcomes:
20EC3008 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Impart knowledge on
Reference Books:
1. A. H Robbins, W.C. Miller, “Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice”, Fifth Edition, Delmar.
Cengage Learning, New York, 2013.
2. Robert B, Northrop, “Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements”, CRC press, Taylor
and Francis group, Second Edition 2011
3. J Larminie J, Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained”, John Wiley, & Sons, New
York 2013
4. Haitham Abu-Rub, Mariusz Malinowski, Kamal Al- Haddad, “Power Electronics for
Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications, John Wiley & Sons
Limited, Sussex, 2014.
Reference Books:
1. A. H Robbins, W.C. Miller, “Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice”, Fifth Edition, Delmar.
Cengage Learning, New York, 2013.
2. Robert B, Northrop, “Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements”, CRC press, Taylor
and Francis group, Second Edition 2011
3. J Larminie J, Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained”, John Wiley, & Sons, New
York 2013
4. Haitham Abu-Rub, Mariusz Malinowski, Kamal Al- Haddad, “Power Electronics for
Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications, John Wiley & Sons
Limited, Sussex, 2014.
5. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory", 11th
Pearson new International Education, 2013.
6. Thomas Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall, 10th Edition, 2011.
7. Tony Givargis Frank Vahid, “Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware / Software
Introduction”, Wiley, 2006.
8. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Pearson Education Asia Ltd., Second edition,
2 0 0 2
Course Objective:
The main objective of the course is
1. To make the students understand the requirements of Industry 4.0 standards
2. To enable the students to get familiarized with the concepts connected to intelligent machines
3. To make the students understand the need for data transformation in intelligent machines
Course outcomes:
1. To compare the different industry standards
2. To articulate the structure of an Intelligent machine
3. To illustrate the m2m interface needed in intelligent machining
Reference Books
1. The creativity code by Marcus Du Sautoy March 7,2019, Fourth Estate Publishers
2. Intelligent Machining by Tugrul Ozim and Paulo Davim , First Edition, Wiley ISBN :
9781848211292, May 2009
3. M2M Communications: A Systems Approach by David Boswarthick , Omar
Elloumi , Olivier Hersent, ISBN: 978-1-119-99475-6 April 2012
4. Handbook of Modern sensors by Fraden, Jacob, Springer-2010
5. Handbook of Research on Cloud Computing and Big Data Applications in IoT, by Gupta, B.
B., Agrawal, Dharma P, IGI publishers
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To learn various VHDL modeling and Verilog HDL modeling.
2. To familiarize with VHDL sub program and packages technique.
3. To design transistor level modeling using Verilog
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Design for combinational and sequential circuits using VHDL and Verilog HDL
2. Develop package for digital circuits using VHDL
3. Develop test bench for digital circuits using VHDL and Verilog HDL
4. Design gates using transistor level modeling using Verilog HDL
5. Synthesize the circuits after programming.
6. Implement circuit on FPGA using VHDL and Verilog HDL.
List of experiments
1. Design and Simulation of Combinational Circuit using VHDL
2. Design and Simulation of Sequential Circuit using VHDL
3. Design and Simulation of Combinational Circuit using Verilog
4. Design and Simulation of Sequential Circuit using Verilog
5. Design and Simulation of Memory Module using HDL
Course Code Name of the Course
18EC1001 CAD tools for Electronics Engineers 0:0:2:1
18EC1002 PCB Design and Fabrication Laboratory 0:0:1:1
18EC2001 Electronic Devices 3:0:0:3
18EC2002 Electronic Devices Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2003 Digital System Design 2:1:0:3
18EC2004 Digital System Design Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2005 Signals and Systems 2:1:0:3
18EC2006 Analog and Digital Communication 3:0:0:3
18EC2007 Analog and Digital Communication Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2008 Analog Circuits 3:0:0:3
18EC2009 Analog Circuits Laboratory 0:0:3:1.5
18EC2010 Microcontrollers 3:0:0:3
18EC2011 Microcontrollers Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2012 Linear Integrated Circuits 3:0:0:3
18EC2013 Electromagnetic Waves Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2014 Computer Architecture 3:0:0:3
18EC2015 Digital Signal Processing 3:0:0:3
18EC2016 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2017 Computer Network 3:0:0:3
18EC2018 Computer Network Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2019 Digital IC Design 3:0:0:3
18EC2020 Antenna Theory and Wave Propagation 3:0:0:3
18EC2021 Microwave and Optical Communication 3:0:0:3
18EC2022 Object Oriented concepts using C++ 3:0:0:3
18EC2023 Electromagnetic Waves & Wave guides 2:1:0:3
18EC2024 Internet of Things (IoT) 3:0:0:3
18EC2025 Machine learning Techniques 3:0:0:3
18EC2026 Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing 3:0:0:3
18EC2027 Biomedical Signal Processing 3:0:0:3
18EC2028 Microprocessor and Microcontroller 3:0:0:3
18EC2029 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2030 Digital Electronics 3:0:0:3
18EC2031 Digital Electronics Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2032 Electron Devices and Circuits 3:0:0:3
18EC2033 Electron Devices and Circuits Laboratory 0:0:2:1
18EC2034 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors 3:0:0:3
18EC2035 Sensors and Signal Processing 3:0:0:3
18EC3001 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3:0:0:3
18EC3002 Advanced Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 0:0:4:2
18EC3003 Wireless and Mobile Communication 3:0:0:3
18EC3004 Optical Networks and Photonic Switching 3:0:0:3
18EC3005 Antennas and Radiation Systems 3:0:0:3
18EC3006 Advanced Communication Laboratory 0:0:4:2
18EC3007 Antenna and Radiation Systems Laboratory 0:0:4:2
18EC3008 Advanced Communication Networks Laboratory 0:0:4:2
18EC3009 DSP Architecture 3:0:0:3
18EC3010 Global Positioning System 3:0:0:3
18EC3011 Computational Intelligence and Optimization Techniques 3:0:0:3
18EC1001 CAD Tools for Electronics Engineers
0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To understand and study of Express PCB and it’s applications
2. Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
3. To create learning, development and testing environment to meet ever challenging needs
of the electronic industry
18EC1002 PCB Design and Fabrication Laboratory
0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To give hands-on learning with PCB design simulation tool.
2. To understand steps involved in PCB fabrication process.
3. To develop skills in basic electronic component testing, assembly and soldering practices.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to:
1. Construct the circuit schematic for single layer PCB using simulation tool.
2. Develop the relevant routing procedures in the PCB board layout.
3. Prepare the pre requisite materials and solutions for the PCB fabrication process.
4. Examine the bare board PCB for open and shorts.
5. Assemble the electronic components in the prepared PCB board.
6. Conduct prototype board testing with necessary measuring equipments.
1. Study of PCB Simulation Tool
2. Study of Schematics of PCB Simulation Tool
3. Design of PN Junction Diode as a switch using simulation tool
4. Design of Zener Diode as voltage Regulator using simulation tool
5. Design and study of ON/OFF characteristics of LED
6. Design and study of Transistor as a switch using simulation tool
7. Fabrication of PCB Circuit (Diode/ZENER/LED/BJT)
8. Assembling and Testing of PCB
18EC2001 Electronic Devices
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To explain the mechanisms of current flow in semi-conductors.
2. To familiarize on the principle of operation, capabilities and limitation of various advanced
semiconductor devices and its practical application.
Text Books
1. 1.D. Neamen , D. Biswas "Semiconductor Physics and Devices," 4 th edition, McGraw-Hill
Education, 2012.
2. M.S. Tyagi, “Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices” John Wiley & Sons,
3. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, ―Electron Devices and Circuit Theory‖ Pearson,
Prentice Hall, 10th edition, July 2008.
Reference Books
1. S. M. Sze and K. N. Kwok, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” 3rd edition, John Wiley
&Sons, 2006.
2. G. Streetman, and S. K. Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices,” 7th edition,
3. C.T. Sah, “Fundamentals of solid state electronics,” World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc,
4. Y. Tsividis and M. Colin, “Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor,” Oxford
Univ.Press, 2011.
5. Jacob Millman & Halkias,"Electronic Devices & Circuits",Tata McGraw Hill second
6. David.A.Bell, "Electronic Devices & Circuits ", 5th edition, PHI, 2008.
18EC2002 Electronic Devices Laboratory
0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
1. To understand the characteristics of semiconductor and special purpose electron devices.
2. To design rectifiers, amplifiers and regulators.
18EC2003 Digital System Design
2 1 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To learn basic postulates of Boolean algebra and to study formal procedures for the analysis
and design of combinational and sequential circuits.
2. To learn about logic families, semiconductor memories and implementation of digital circuits
in programmable logic devices.
3. To illustrate the concept of designing combinational and sequential circuits using HDL.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
1. illustrate the basic postulates of Boolean algebra and the operation of logic gates.
2. choose an optimal method for simplification of Boolean expressions.
3. design and distinguish various combinational logic circuits.
4. design and compare various sequential logic circuits.
5. illustrate different logic families; classify memory devices and identify methods for
implementation of logic circuits.
6. design simple logic circuits using HDL codes.
Text Books:
1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2008.
2. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”, Pearson Publication”, II Edition. 2003
Reference Books:
1. John F.Wakerly, “Digital Design Principles and Practices”, Fourth Edition, Pearson/PHI,
2. Charles H.Roth. “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, 6th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2013.
3. Donald P.Leach and Albert Paul Malvino, “Digital Principles and Applications”, 6th Edition,
TMH, 2006.
4. John.M Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Applications and Design”, Thomson Learning, 2006
5. Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, 10th Edition, Pearson Education Inc, 2011
18EC2004 Digital System Design Laboratory
0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To learn about the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
2. To design combinational and sequential circuits.
3. To design and simulate digital circuits using HDL.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1. Demonstrate the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
2. Illustrate different methods for realizing logic gates using universal gates.
3. Design and verify combinational logic circuits.
4. Design and inspect sequential logic circuits.
5. Design digital circuits for practical applications
6. Design and test digital circuits using HDL.
1. Realization of logic gates using universal gates
2. Design, implementation and verification of full adder and full subtractor
3. Design, implementation and verification of multiplexer and demultiplexer
4. Design, implementation and verification of encoder and decoder
5. Design, implementation and verification of flip flops
18EC2005 Signals and Systems
2 1 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To explain the basic properties of signal & systems and the various methods of classification
2. To introduce Fourier Series, Fourier transform, Laplace Transform and their properties
3. To paraphrase Z transform and their properties
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Analyze different types of signals for mathematical modelling
2. Realize the system properties to build basic model
3. Represent continuous time system using fourier series and fourier transform
4. Investigate the sampling process and Laplace Transform
5. Signify discrete time system using fourier series and fourier transform
6. Familiarize the frequency analysis of discrete time system using Z transform
Module 1: Classification of signals
Continuous Time (CT) signals – CT signal operations – Discrete Time (DT) signals – Representation
of DT signals by impulses – DT signal operations – CT and DT systems and discrete amplitude
Module 2: Classification of system
Linear Time Invariant(LTI)-Linear shift-invariant (LSI) systems, impulse response and step response,
convolution, input output behavior with aperiodic convergent inputs-System properties-
Characterization of causality and stability of linear shift-invariant systems. System representation
through differential equations and difference equations.
Module 3: Fourier Analysis of CT Signals And Systems
Fourier series representation of periodic signals – Properties – Harmonic analysis of LTI systems –
Convergence of Fourier series – Representation of a periodic signals by Continuous Time Fourier
Transform (CTFT) – Properties – Frequency response of systems characterised by Differential
Equations – Power and Energy Spectral Density – Parseval’s Relation.
Module 4: Discretisation of CT Signals Representation of CT signals by samples – Sampling
Theorem – Sampling Methods– Effect of under sampling – Aliasing Error –- The Laplace Transform-
properties- region of convergence, poles and zeros of system, Laplace domain analysis, solution to
differential equations and system behavior.
Module 5: Fourier Analysis of DT Signals And Systems
Discrete Time Fourier series representation of DT periodic signals – Properties – Representation of
DT aperiodic signals by Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) – Properties – Frequency response
of systems characterised by Difference Equations – Power and Energy Spectral Density concepts
related to DT signals – Parseval’s Relation.
Module 6 : Transform Operations of DT Signals and Systems
Z transform and its properties – Inverse Z transform – Solution of Difference equations –Z Transform
analysis of Recursive & Non-Recursive systems-
Text Books
1. Allan V. Oppenheim, S.Wilsky and S.H.Nawab, “Signals and Systems”, Pearson, Indian
Reprint, 2009.
2. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, “Signals & Systems”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2005
References Books
1. B. P. Lathi, “Principles of Linear Systems and Signals”, Oxford, Second Edition, 2009.
2. Samir S Solimon and Srinath M.D., “Continuous and Discrete Signals and Systems”, II
Edition, PHI, 2003.
3. Rodger E Zaimer and William H Tranter, “Signals & Systems – Continuous and Discrete”,
McMillan Publishing Company, 2002.
18EC2006 Analog and Digital Communication
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
Students will learn:
1. The fundamentals of basic communication system, types of noise affecting communication
system and noise parameters.
2. Need of modulation, modulation processes and different amplitude modulation schemes
3. Different angle modulation schemes with different generation and detection methods.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Distinguish different analog modulation schemes for their efficiency and bandwidth
2. Predict the behavior of a communication system in presence of noise
3. Investigate pulsed modulation system and analyze their system performance
4. Recognize various optimal detection schemes
5. Analyze different digital modulation schemes and can compute the bit error performance
6. Relate different digital demodulation techniques
Module 1: Analog Modulation Techniques
Principles of Amplitude Modulation Systems- DSB, SSB and VSB modulations. Angle Modulation,
Representation of FM and PM signals, Spectral characteristics of angle modulated signals.
Module 2: Noise in Analog Modulation
Review of probability and random process. Gaussian and white noise characteristics, Noise in
amplitude modulation systems, Noise in Frequency modulation systems. Pre-emphasis and
Deemphasis, Threshold effect in angle modulation.
Module 3: Pulse Modulation
Pulse modulation. Sampling process. Pulse modulation (PAM, PCM.PWM, PPM) Differential pulse
code modulation. Delta modulation
Module 4: Detection Theory and ISI
Elements of Detection Theory, Optimum detection of signals in noise, Coherent communication with
waveforms- Probability of Error evaluations. Baseband Pulse Transmission- Inter symbol Interference
and Nyquist criterion. Pass band
Module 5: Digital Modulation
Digital Modulation schemes- Phase Shift Keying, Frequency Shift Keying, Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation, Continuous Phase Modulation and Minimum Shift Keying. Digital Modulation tradeoffs.
Module 6: Equalization Techniques
Optimum demodulation of digital signals over band-limited channels- Maximum likelihood sequence
detection (Viterbi receiver). Equalization Techniques. Synchronization and Carrier Recovery for
Digital modulation.
Text/Reference Books
1. Haykin S., "Communications Systems", John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
2. Proakis J. G. and Salehi M., "Communication Systems Engineering", Pearson Education,
3. Taub H. and Schilling D.L., "Principles of Communication Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill,
4. Wozencraft J. M. and Jacobs I. M., ``Principles of Communication Engineering'',John Wiley,
5. Barry J. R., Lee E. A. and Messerschmitt D. G., ``Digital Communication'', Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2004.
6. Proakis J.G., ``Digital Communications'', 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2000.
18EC2008 Analog Circuits
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To know about the design and analysis of transistor biasing and amplifier circuits.
2. To understand the design and working of power amplifiers and feedback amplifiers.
3. To impart knowledge about the oscillators in various practical applications.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Summarize the application of diodes
2. Classify the characteristics of BJT and JFET amplifiers
3. Design and construct various amplifier circuits
4. Describe the function of power amplifier
5. Construct the differential amplifier for a given specification
6. Identify sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators
Module 1: Rectifier and Filter
Half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, capacitor filter, inductor filter and voltage regulator. Simple
diode circuits: clipper and clamper.
Module 2: Amplifier models
Voltage amplifier, current amplifier, trans-conductance amplifier and trans-resistance amplifier.
Biasing schemes for BJT and FET amplifiers, bias stability, various configurations (such as CE/CS,
CB/CG, CC/CD) and their features.
Module 3: Small signal analysis
Low frequency transistor models, estimation of voltage gain, input resistance, output resistance etc.,
design procedure for particular specifications, low frequency analysis of multistage amplifiers.
Module 4: Power amplifier
High frequency transistor models, frequency response of single stage and multistage amplifiers,
cascode amplifier, Various classes of operation (Class A, B, AB and Class C ), their power efficiency
and linearity issues.
Text Books
1. J. Millman and A. Grabel, Microelectronics, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 1988.
2. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press,
3. A.S.Sedra and K.C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Saunder's College115. Publishing,
Edition V.
4. Paul R. Gray and Robert G.Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, John
Wiley, 3rd Edition.
Reference Books
1. Millman.J. & Halkias.C, "Electronic Devices and Circuits", Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Robert L Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory”,
Eleventh Edition, PHI, 2015.
18EC2009 Analog Circuits Laboratory
0 0 3 1.5
Hands-on experiments related to the course contents EC09
Course Objectives:
1. To design and implement amplifier circuits using BJT and JFET
2. To analyze various configurations of feedback amplifiers and oscillators
3. To generate waveforms using Op-amp circuits.
Course outcomes:
1. Construct basic amplifier circuits using BJT,JFET and op-amps
2. Determine the frequency response of feedback amplifier.
3. Classify large signal amplifiers and oscillators.
4. Identify filters using op-amps
5. Differentiate op-amp based linear and non linear circuits
6. Design adc and dac using op-amps
List of Experiments:
1. Full wave rectifier with filters.
2. Clipper and clamper.
3. Frequency response of a single stage BJT amplifier.
4. Differential amplifiers-Transfer characteristics and CMRR measurement.
5. Frequency response of Voltage shunt feedback amplifier
6. Design of RC phase shift Oscillator
7. Design of Inverting and Non Inverting Amplifier
8. Design of Integrator and Differentiator
9. Design of Active Filters
10. Digital to Analog Converter
11. Analog to Digital Converter
Text Books
1. Kenneth J.Ayala “The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming & Applications”
Penram International Publishing –2008.
2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, R.D.Mckinlay, Danny Causey, “PIC Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems using Assembly and C for PIC 18”, Pearson Prentice Hall-2008.
Reference Books
1. Krishna Kant, “Microprocessor and Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and System
Design using 8085, 8086, 8051 and 8096”, PHI, 2011.
2. Ajay Deshmukh, “Microcontrollers: Theory and Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
3. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, J.G.Mazidi, R.D.Mckinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller and
Embedded Systems”, Second Edition Prentice Hall-2007.
4. John B Peatman, “Design with PIC Micro Controllers”, Pearson Education India Series, New
Delhi, 2005.
5. Brain Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, “The C Programming Language”, Second Edition-
Pearson Education India -2015
6. Yashavant P. Kanetkar, “Let Us C”, 15th Edition - BPB Publications India – July 2016
18EC2012 Linear Integrated Circuits
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To gain knowledge in IC 741 and its applications.
2. To develop a fundamental understanding about IC 555 and its applications.
3. To understand Integrated Circuit Fabrication.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Understand the fundamentals of OP-AMP and its characteristics.
2. Use OP-AMP to design circuits such as Amplifiers, differentiator and Integrator.
3. Infer the significance of OP-AMP in Multivibrators and Oscillators.
4. Design filters using OP-AMP.
5. Explore the usefulness of IC555 timer and Phase Locked Loop
6. Design ADC, DAC and understand the IC fabrication.
Text Book
1. Roy Choudhury.D., Shail Jain, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, New Age International
Publications, 5th Edition, 2018.
Reference Books
1. 1. Gayakwad.A.R., ”Op-Amps & Linear IC’s”, PHI, 4th Edition,2004
2. Robert F. Coughlin, Frederick F. Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated
Circuits”, PHI 6th Edition, 2001.
3. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifier and Analog Integrated Circuits”, TMH,
3rd Edition, 2002.
18EC2013 Electromagnetic Waves Laboratory
0 0 2 1
List of Experiments
1. Measurement of Standing Wave pattern, (Zo) Characteristic Impedance, (€) Dielectric
Constant of Transmission Line.
2. Measurement of Attenuation Constant, Reflection Coefficient, VSWR and Return Loss in
Transmission Line.
3. Design a lumped-element matching network to match 100Ω load to 50 Ω using
Electromagnetic Software tool
4. Design and simulate a Microstrip planar transmission line with Characteristic Impedance Z0.
5. Determine the frequency and guide wavelength inside a waveguide using slotted line.
6. Measurement of unknown load impedance Using Slotted Line & Smith Chart.
7. Measurement of Coupling factor, Isolation Loss, Insertion loss and Directivity in Directional
8. Study of Power Distribution in E/H Plane Tee, Magic Tee
18EC2014 Computer Architecture
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart basic concepts computer architecture and design of ALU
2. To study the basic concepts of microprocessor 16 bit (8086).
3. To introduce interfacing devices, Memory, programmable peripheral devices and applications
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Illustrate the basics of computer organization.
2. Compute Arithmetic and Logic Unit
3. Categorize the performance of memory systems.
4. Illustrate and Implement programs on 8086 microprocessor.
5. Compute I/O and Memory circuits and 8086 ALP.
6. Formulate Memory Interfacing circuits.
18EC2015 Digital Signal Processing
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart basic knowledge about digital time signals and systems.
2. To understand digital (IIR and FIR) filter design procedures.
3. To know about the finite word length effects and PDSPs.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Define signals and system mathematically in discrete time domain.
2. Formulate the Discrete-Fourier Transform (DFT) and the FFT algorithms.
3. Explain the various transformations for digital IIR filter design procedures.
4. Design FIR digital filters for various applications.
5. Demonstrate the signal processing concepts and the practical issues with the help of finite
word length effects.
6. Compare and select the DSP processor and techniques, suitable for the analysis of real-life
Text Books
1. John G Proakis and Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and
Applications”, Pearson, Fourth Edition, 2007.
2. Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, "Discrete-Time Signal Processing", Prentice
Hall,3rd edition, 2010.
Reference Books
1. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing – A Practical
Approach”, Wesley Longman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004.
2. Sanjit K.Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing - A Computer Based Approach”, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Johny R. Johnson, “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”, PHI, 2006.
4. D.J.DeFatta, J. G. Lucas and W.S.Hodgkiss, Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley & Sons,
5. 5.Lonnie. C. Ludemann,"Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing",Wiley India Pvt.
Limited, 2009.
6. 6.S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj and C. Gnanapriya, ‘Digital Signal Processing’, McGraw Hill
International, 2007.
18EC2016 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To gain skills in DSP concepts like FIR, IIR filters and FFT using software.
2. To impart knowledge on Texas TMS processors and work on real time applications.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Interpret the basic signal processing concepts (Convolution) using programming software
2. Assess the Discrete Fourier Transform using programming software
3. Design the digital filters by applying suitable techniques using programming software
4. Translate the basic signal processing concepts using DSP Processor
5. Implement the mathematical transforms using DSP Processor
6. Demonstrate the real time (FIR) filtering of audio signals using DSP Processor
List of Experiments:
Using Software
1. Generation of DT Signals and sample rate conversion
18EC2017 Computer Network
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To develop an understanding of modern network architectures from a design
and performance perspective.
2. To introduce the student to the major concepts involved in wide-area networks
3. (WANs), local area networks (LANs) and Wireless LANs (WLANs).
4. To provide an opportunity to do network programming
5. To provide a WLAN measurement ideas.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Demonstrate the functions of the different layers of the OSI protocol
2. Identify the performance of different kinds of switching in the network.
3. Design a network for a particular application using IEEE standards
4. Interpret the concepts of networking thoroughly.
5. Develop TCP/IP protocol for suitable application
6. Configure application layer protocol
18EC2018 Computer Network Laboratory
0 0 2 1
Course objectives:
1. To know the different functions/commands used in networking.
2. To learn about Flow /Error control protocols
3. To program different routing algorithms and able to analyze their characteristics
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Demonstrate the functions of the bit stuffing in HDLC
2. Identify the performance of stop and wait protocol.
3. Design a network which performs ARQ protocol
4. Interpret the concepts of IEEE standards thoroughly.
5. Configure a network with CSMA/CA channel accessing method
6. Develop routing protocolsTCP/IP protocol for suitable application
List of Experiments
I Matlab:
1. High-Level Data Link Control (Bit Stuffing)
2. Stop –and – wait protocol
3. Go-Back-N ARQ Protocol
4. Selective Repeat ARQ Protocol
II LAN Trainer Kit
5. Token Ring
6. CSMA with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA)
7. Distance Vector Routing Protocol
8. Link stste Routing protocol
18EC2019 Digital IC Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To learn about the basic concepts of MOS transistor.
2. To study about second order effects to analyse MOS transistor.
3. To learn the concept of designing CMOS inverter and analysing its static and dynamic
4. To illustrate the concept of designing combinational and sequential circuits using different
logic styles.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts of MOS transistor.
2. Illustrate different second order effects of MOS transistor.
3. Analyse static and dynamic behaviour of CMOS inverter.
4. Design combinational logic circuits in CMOS.
Text Book
1. Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits,David A.Hodges,Horace G.Jackson,Resve
A.Seleh,McGraw- Hill Series,2003
Reference Books
1. Weste and Haris ,CMOS VLSI Design 4e:” A circuits and systems perspective” Pearson
Education India; 4 edition (2015)
2. Michael John Sebastian Smith “Application specific integrated circuits.” Addison, Wesly
Longman Inc., 2006.
3. Charles H.Roth. “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, 6th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2013.
4. A.Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian, ―BASIC VLSI DESIGN Third edition, Prentice Hall of
India, 2007
5. 5.R.Jacob Baker, Harry W.LI., David E.Boyee, ―CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and
Simulation, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
6. Jan.M.Rabaey, AnanthaChandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits – A
Design Perspective”, Pearson Education India; Second edition 2016
18EC2020 Antennas and Propagation
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand basic terminology in an antenna.
2. To impart the knowledge of field distribution characteristics due to various types of antennas.
3. To familiarize on special antenna types and wave propagation.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
Text Books
1. John D Kraus and Ronalatory Marhefka “Antennas” Tata Mc Graw Hill 2002
2. C.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design, John Wiley, 2005.
Reference Books
1. R.E. Collins “Antennas and Radio wave propagation” Mc Graw Hill 1987
2. R.C. Johnson and H. Jasik, Antenna Engineering Handbook, McGraw ill, 1984.
3. I.J. Bahl and P. Bhartia, Micro Strip Antennas, Artech House, 1980.
4. R.K. Shevgaonkar, Electromagnetic Waves, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
5. R.E. Crompton, Adaptive Antennas, John Wiley
18EC2021 Microwave and Optical communication
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Students will learn
1. Waveguides and gain complete knowledge about Microwave Components.
2. Microwave tube Generators and Amplifiers, microwave measurements
3. The basic elements of optical fiber transmission link, fiberglass modes configuration s and
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
1. Recognize the operation of passive waveguide components.
Text Book
1. Samuel.Y.Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 3rd
Edition, Reprint 2011
2. 2.John Senior “optical communications” Prentice Hall India , Third Edition, 2009.
Reference Books
1. Collin. R.E, “Foundation of Microwave Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, II Edition, 1992.
2. Annapurna Das, Sisir K. Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Co., Ltd., 1st
Edition, 1999. Reprint 2001.
3. Keiser.G. "Optical Fiber Communications”, McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2010
18EC2022 Object oriented concepts using C++
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The course will
1. Introduce standard tools and techniques for software development using object oriented
2. Enable the student to understand appropriate use of various concepts for specific applications.
3. Provide an appropriate framework for automated unit.
Course Outcome:
After taking the course, students will be able to:
1. Exhibit basic knowledge in object oriented programming for developing programming skills.
2. Recognize features of object-oriented design such as encapsulation, inheritance, and
composition of systems based on object identity for appropriate applications.
Text Books
1. Robert Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming in C++”, Third Edition, Galgotia
Publishers,Pune, Reprint, 2006.
2. Bronson , “C++ for Engineers and Scientists”, 4th Ed. ISBN: 978-1133187844, 2013
Reference Books
1. Herbert Schildt, “ C++, The Complete Reference” , Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2002
2. Owen L. Astrachan, “Programming with C++ - A Computer Science Tapestry”, Special
Indian edition 2007, Tata McGraw-Hill, Second reprint, 2008.
3. Abhishek Daya Sagar,”Expert Data Structures using C/C++”, BPB Publications, New Delhi
4. Al Stevens , “C++ Programming” , Wiley Dreamtech India (P) Ltd. , 7th edition, 2003.
18EC2023 Electromagnetic Waves and Waveguides
2 1 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart basic knowledge about static electric and magnetic fields.
2. To describe the electric and magnetic field in materials.
3. To learn the characteristics of guided waves and wave guides.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an ability to apply the co-ordinate systems and are familiar with the different
vector operators.
2. Formulate the electric flux density and define potential and potential gradient.
3. Describe the current and current density from ohm’s law and Design the capacitance using
Poisson’s equations and Laplace’s equations
Text Books
1. William H.Hayt Jr., John A.Buck, “Engineering Electro Magnetics”, Tata McGraw- Hill
Education India Private Limited, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2014.
2. E.C. Jordan and K.G.Balmain, “Electro Magnetic Waves and Radiating System”, 2nd Edition,
PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2011.
Reference Books
1. Joseph. A.Edminister, “Theory and Problems of Electro Magnetics”, Schaum’s Outline
2. Tata Mc Graw- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Revised 2nd Edition, 2015.
3. J.D. Ryder, “Networks, Lines and Fields”, 2nd Edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Matthew N.O. Sadiku, “Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics” Oxford University Press,
4th Edition, 2007.
5. Clayton R.Paul, Keith W.Whites, Syed A. Nasar, “Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields”,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
6. David M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, 4th Edition, John Wiley 2013.
7. R.E. Collin, “Foundations for Microwave Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
8. David K.Cheng, “Field and Waves in Electromagnetism”, New International edition, Pearson
Education, 2013.
18EC2024 Internet of Things (IoT)
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts of IoT and device connectivity.
2. To acquire Knowledge in Real time data logging and data analytics on cloud.
3. To explore the potential areas utilizing Wi-Fi enabled embedded controllers/processors in real
time systems.
Text Books
1. Perry Lea, ”Internet of Things for Architects: Architecting IoT solutions by implementing
sensors, communication infrastructure, edge computing, analytics, and security”, Packt
Publishing Limited (22 January 2018).
2. Olivier Hersent, “The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols”, Delmar
publishers, Wiley (2015).
Reference Books
1. Marco Schwartz, “Internet of Things with ESP8266”, Packt Publishing Ltd, 2016.
2. Cuno Pfister , “Getting Started with the Internet of Things”, Shroff; First edition-2015.
3. Marco Schwartz, “Internet of Things with Arduino Cookbook”, Packt Publishing Limited,
4. Arnold Berger, “Embedded System Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools, and
Techniques” CMP Books, 2006.
5. Andrew NSloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, “ARM System Developer’s Guide,
Designing and Optimizing System Software”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, 2004.
18EC2025 Machine Learning Techniques
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the concepts of machine learning algorithms
2. To understand the performance and limitations of various machine learning algorithms
3. To get familiarized with the use of neural networks in pattern recognition
Text Books
1. Ethem Alpaydin, “Introduction to machine learning”, MIT Press, 2010.
2. Robert Schalkoff, “Pattern Recognition-Statistical, Structural and Neural Approaches”, John
Wiley & sons,Inc, New York, 2005.
Reference Books
1. David Barber, “Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning”, Cambridge University Press,
2. Duda, R. O., Hart, P. E., and Stork, D. G,”Pattern Classification”, 2nd edition, John Wiley &
Sons, NewYork,2001.
3. Tou and Gonzales,”Pattern Recognition Principles”, Wesley Publication Company, Lon-don,
18EC2026 Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The student should be made to:
1. Learn digital image fundamentals.
2. Understand the image enhancement, restoration techniques.
3. Explore image segmentation techniques in practical cases
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to
1. Understand the image fundamentals
2. Perform color image processing
3. Apply image enhancement and restoration techniques
4. Relate different image processing algorithms
5. Analyze the images in spatial and frequency domain
6. Develop the algorithms for image processing
Text Books
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson, Education,
Inc., Second Edition, 2004.
2. Anil K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, Inc., 2002.
Reference Books
1. Kenneth R. Castleman, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson, 2006.
2. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven Eddins, “Digital Image Processing using
MATLAB”, Pearson Education, Inc., 2004.
3. D,E. Dudgeon and RM. Mersereau, “Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing”, Prentice
Hall Professional Technical Reference, 1990.
4. Alan C. Bovik, “Handbook of image and video processing”, Elsevier Academic press, 2005
5. S.Sridhar, “Digital Image processing”, Oxford University press, Edition 2011
18EC2027 Biomedical Signal Processing
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce biomedical concepts that are fundamental across different applications, and
captures the underlying commonalities across applications.
2. To study about signal processing and physiological signals through the application of signal
processing methods to biomedical problems.
3. Provide the students with mathematical and computational tools to design their own analysis
and interpretation strategies when facing different biomedical applications.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Gain knowledge to outline the theoretical and practical aspects of biomedical signals.
2. Appraise and get familiarized with the bioelectric potentials.
3. Evaluate various signal processing techniques to extract the characterisitcs of biomedical
4. Apply the signal processing techniques to remove the interference and artifacts of bio-medical
5. Analyze the given bio medical signal for diagnosis.
6. Design and develop the processing and analysis strategies for biomedical signal applica-tions.
Module 1: Introduction to biomedical signals
The nature of biomedical signals – Examples of biomedical signals ECG, EEG, and EMG– Objectives
of biomedical signal analysis – Difficulties in biomedical signal analysis – Computer-aided diagnosis
Text Books:
1. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, "Biomedical Signal Analysis", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons,
2. D.C.Reddy,“Biomedical Signal Processing: Principles and techniques”,Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2016.
Reference Books:
1. E.N. Bruce, "Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modelling", 2nd Edition, John Wiley
and Sons, 2007.
2. K. Najarian and R. Splinter, "Biomedical Signal and Image Processing", 2nd Edition, CRC
Press, 2016.
3. Willis J Tompkins, "Biomedical Signal Processing", 2nd Edition, Prentice -Hall, 1993.
4. Willis J. Tompkins, "Biomedical Digital Signal Processing", Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 2006.
5. M. Akay,"Time-Frequency and Wavelets in Biomedical signal Processing", Wiley, 1998.
6. Arnon Cohen, "Bio-Medical Signal Processing, Volume I and II ",CRC Press, 1986.
18EC2028 Microprocessor and Microcontroller
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart basic knowledge about architecture of processor & controller.
2. To get familiarized with the interfaces in processors and instruction sets in controller.
3. To explore the necessity of controller in real time applications.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Discuss the microprocessor organization and its evolution.
2. Describe the architecture of 8051 controllers.
3. Express their knowledge in designing a system using 8051
4. Differentiate controller / processor architecture and features.
5. Write processor / controller specific programs in Embedded C.
6. Simulate the real time system using integrated development environment.
Text Book
1. M. A.Mazidi, J. G. Mazidi and R. D. McKinlay, “ The8051Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems: Using Assembly and C” ,Pearson Education, 2007.
Reference Books
1. K. J. Ayala, “8051 Microcontroller”, Delmar Cengage Learning,2005.
2. R. Kamal, “Embedded System”, McGraw Hill Education,2009.
3. R. S. Gaonkar, “, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and Applications with the
8085” , Penram International Publishing, 1996
4. D. A. Patterson and J. H. Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design: The
Hardware/Software interface”, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2013.
5. D. V. Hall, “Microprocessors & Interfacing”, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 1991
18EC2029 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory
0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To enable the students to understand the programming techniques of Microprocessor.
2. To enable the students to understand the programming techniques of Microcontrollers.
3. To design suitable control application using Microcontrollers.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand and apply the fundamentals of assembly level programming of Microprocessor
and Microcontroller.
2. Work with standard realtime interfaces of Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
3. Generate signals with Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
4. Perform timer-based operation with Microcontroller.
5. Develop a motor control with Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
6. Troubleshoot interactions between software and hardware.
List of Experiments
1. Arithmetic Operations using 8085
18EC2030 Digital Electronics
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce number systems, binary codes
2. To explain the basic postulates of Boolean algebra, methods for simplifying Boolean
3. To explain the design procedure for combinational circuits and sequential circuits
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Compute The Number System Conversions.
2. Simplify The Boolean Expression Using Various Simplification Techniques.
3. Design Various Combinational Circuits
4. Design Various Sequential Circuits .
5. Implement Combinational Circuits Using Pld.
6. State And Compare Different Digital Logic Families.
Module 1: Number Systems & Boolean Algebra
Number Systems - Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Exclusive OR and Exclusive NOR
.Boolean postulates and laws – De- Morgan’s Theorem Principle of Duality Boolean expression
Minimization of Boolean expressions –– Minterm – Maxterm - SOP – POS- Canonical Forms.
Module 2: Simplification of logic functions & Binary Codes
Karnaugh map Minimization – Don’t care conditions – Quine Mc Cluskey method of minimization. -
Implementations of Logic Functions using gates, NAND–NOR implementations – Multi level gate
implementations - Multi output gate implementations. Representation of Signed Numbers -Floating
point number representation Binary Codes - BCD -ASCII-EBCDIC-Excess 3 codes-Gray code-error
detecting & correcting codes
Module 3: Combinational Logic Design
Implementation of Combinational Logic Functions – Half Adder and Full Adder – Half and Full
subtractor – Parallel Adder/Binary Adder – Encoders & Decoders – Multiplexers & Demultiplexers –
Code Converters – Comparator - Parity Generator/Checker – Implementation of Logical Functions
using Multiplexers.
Module 4: Latches, Flip Flops & Synchronous Sequential Logic Design
Latches, Different types of clocking , Clock Parameters: Pulse width, setup, hold, propagation delay
RS, JK, D&T flip flops – JK Master slave flip flop –Excitation tables – Basic models of sequential
machines – Concept of State Table – State diagram – State Reduction through Partitioning -
Implementation of Synchronous Sequential Circuits-Sequence Generator.
Module 5: Counters & Registers
Asynchronous Counters- Modulus Counters – Timing Waveforms-Counter Applications.-
Synchronous Counters–Synchronous Modulus Counters- Shift Register –Johnson Counter- Ring
Text Book
1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2008
Reference Books
1. John F.Wakerly, “Digital Design Principles and Practices”, Fourth Edition, Pearson/PHI,
2. John.M Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Applications and Design”, Thomson Learning, 2006.
3. Charles H.Roth. “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, 6th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2013.
4. Donald P.Leach and Albert Paul Malvino, “Digital Principles and Applications”, 6th Edition,
TMH, 2006.
5. Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, 10th Edition, Pearson Education Inc, 2011
6. Donald D.Givone, “Digital Principles and Design”, TMH, 2003.
18EC2031 Digital Electronics Laboratory
0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To learn about the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
2. To design combinational circuits.
3. To design sequential circuits.
4. To design and simulate digital circuits using Verilog code.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1. Understand the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
2. Illustrate different methods for realizing logic gates using universal gates.
3. Design and verify combinational logic circuits.
4. Analyze and inspect sequential logic circuits.
5. Design digital circuits for practical applications
6. Design and test simple digital circuits using Verilog code.
Experiments: [Any 8 experiment]
1. Verification of logic gates
2. Realization of logic gates using universal gates
3. Design, implementation and verification of half adder and full adder
4. Design, implementation and verification of half subtractor and full subtractor
5. Design, implementation and verification of multiplexer and demultiplexer
6. Design, implementation and verification of code converters
7. Design, implementation and verification of encoder and decoder
8. Design, implementation and verification of magnitude comparator
9. Design, implementation and verification of flip flops
10. Design, implementation and verification of counters
11. Design, implementation and verification of shift registers
12. Design and simulation of combinational and sequential circuit using Verilog
18EC2032 Electron Devices and Circuits
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To provide a basic introduction and an understanding of Semiconductor devices.
2. To design and analyze transistor and FET biasing circuits.
3. To know the design of amplifier and oscillator circuits.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Text Book
1. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, 9th Pearson
Education Edition, 2016.
2. Millman &Halkias, "Electronic Devices & Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2013.
Reference Books
1. V.K.Metha,“Principles of Electronics”,Chand Publications,2015.
2. Malvino.A P, “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2016.
3. David .A .Bell, "Electronic Devices & Circuits ", Oxford University Press, 5th Edition 2010.
18EC2033 Electron Devices and Circuits Laboratory
0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the characteristics semiconductor and special purpose electron devices.
2. To design rectifiers, amplifiers and regulators.
3. To understand the basic Network theorems.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Classify the basic properties and characteristics of semiconductor devices.
2. Identify, differentiate and construct the circuit of rectifiers, amplifiers and regulator.
3. Construct the experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
4. Analyze practically the response of various special semiconductor devices.
5. Explain the basic Network theorems.
6. Justify and simulate practical circuits using PSPICE software.
List of Experiments
1. Characteristics of PN diode and Zener diode
2. Characteristics of Shunt voltage regulator
18EC2034 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge on
1. The basics of logic families, Sequential and Combinational Logic circuits
2. The fundamentals of Apply the knowledge of Electrical machines in industrial applications
3. The concept of semiconductor memories and their application in microprocessor architecture
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Recall the concepts of logic gates and tri state logic
2. Design and implement Combinational and Sequential logic circuits.
3. Outline the process of Analog to Digital conversion and Digital to Analog
4. Apply PLDs to implement the given logical problem.
Module 1: Fundamentals of Digital Systems and logic families (8Hours)
Digital signals, digital circuits, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and Exclusive-OR operations,
Boolean algebra, examples of ICgates, number systems-binary, signed binary, octal hexadecimal
number, binary arithmetic,one’s and two’s complements arithmetic, codes, error detecting and
correctingcodes, characteristics of digital lCs, digital logic families, TTL, Schottky TTL and CMOS
logic, interfacing CMOS and TTL, Tri-statelogic.
Module 2: Combinational Digital Circuits (8Hours)
Standard representation for logic functions, K-map representation, simplification oflogicfunctions
using K-map, minimization of logical functions. Don’t care conditions, Multiplexer,De-
Multiplexer/Decoders, Adders, Subtractors, BCD arithmetic, carry look ahead adder,serialadder,
ALU, elementary ALU design, popular MSI chips, digital comparator, paritychecker/generator, code
converters, priority encoders, decoders/drivers for display devices, Q-M method of function
Module 3: Sequential circuits and systems (7Hours)
A 1-bit memory, the circuit properties of Bistable latch, the clocked SR flip flop, J- K-T and D- type
flipflops, applications of flipflops, shift registers, applications of shift registers, serial to parallel
converter, parallel to serial converter, ring counter, sequence generator, ripple(Asynchronous)
counters, synchronous counters, counters design using flip flops, special counter IC’s, asynchronous
sequential counters, applications of counters.
Module 4: A/D and D/A Converters (7Hours)
Digital to analog converters: weighted resistor/converter, R-2R Ladder, D/Aconverter, specifications
for D/A converters, examples of D/A converter lCs, sample and hold circuit, analog to digital
converters: quantization and encoding, parallel comparator A/Dconverter, successive approximation
A/D converter, counting A/D converter, dualslopeA/Dconverter, A/Dconverter using voltage to
frequency and voltage to time conversion, specifications of A/D converters, example of A/D
converter ICs
Module 5: Semiconductor memories and Programmable logic devices. (7Hours)
Memory organization and operation, expanding memory size, classification and characteristicsof
memories, sequential memory, read only memory (ROM), read and write memory(RAM), content
addressable memory (CAM), charge de coupled device memory (CCD), commonly used memory
chips, ROM as a PLD, Programmable logic array, Programmable array logic, complex Programmable
logic devices (CPLDS), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).
Text Books
1. R. P. Jain, "Modern Digital Electronics", McGraw Hill Education, 2009.
2. M. M. Mano, "Digital logic and Computer design", Pearson Education India, 2016.
3. R. S. Gaonkar, “, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and Applications with
the 8085”, Penram International Publishing, 1996
Reference Books
1. Kumar, "Fundamentals of Digital Circuits", Prentice Hall India, 2016.
2. M. Rafiquzman, Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design, Wiley-
Interscience, 2005.
3. M. A.Mazidi, J. G. Mazidi and R. D. McKinlay, “The8051Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems: Using Assembly and C”,Pearson Education, 2007.
108EC2035 Sensors and Signal Processing
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. The course provides knowledge on understanding the aesthetics and pre-requisites required
2. This course helps students to understand and utilize concepts of sensors interfacing with
3. Required for solving societal problems.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts of sensors
2. apply the interfacing techniques for designing and developing prototypes
3. Experiment and interpret the behavior of signal processing in sensors
4. identify and investigate a particular IDE to develop applications
5. visualize mechatronics case studies and simulate the same using IDE
6. integrate sensors with DSP for decision making capabilities for inspecting behavior of
kinematic objects
18EC3001 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To develop a fundamental understanding in the concepts of digital filter design and
2. To understand the methods of Power spectrum estimation, linear estimation and Prediction
3. To understand the concepts of multi-rate digital signal processing and adaptive filtering
applicable in the areas of signal processing, control and communications.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Compute the digital filter coefficients for given specification.
2. Recognize the need for Multi-rate signal processing applicable to communication systems
3. Distinguish various types of prediction methods
4. Explore the usefulness of adaptive filters in communication systems
5. Compute the power spectrum estimation using various methods
6. Infer the relevance and significance of Signal Processing in various applications.
Module 1: Overview of DSP, Characterization in time and frequency, FFT Algorithms, Digital
filterdesign and structures: Basic FIR/IIR filter design &structures, design techniques of linear phase
FIR filters, IIR filters by impulse invariance, bilinear transformation, FIR/IIR Cascaded lattice
structures, parallel realization of IIR.
Module 2: Multi rate DSP, Decimators and Interpolators, Sampling rate conversion, multistage
decimator & interpolator, poly phase filters, QMF, digital filter banks, Applications in sub-band
Module 3: Linear prediction & optimum linear filters, stationary random process, forward-backward
linear prediction filters, solution of normal equations, AR Lattice and ARMA Lattice-Ladder Filters,
Wiener Filters for Filtering and Prediction.
Module 4: Adaptive Filters, Applications, Gradient Adaptive Lattice, Minimum mean square
criterion, LMS algorithm, Recursive Least Square algorithm
Module 5: Estimation of Spectra from Finite-Duration Observations of Signals. Nonparametric
Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation, Parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation,
Minimum-Variance Spectral Estimation, Eigen analysis Algorithms for Spectrum Estimation.
Module 6: Application of DSP & Multi rate DSP, Application to Radar, introduction to wavelets,
application to image processing, design of phase shifters, DSP in speech processing & other
References Books
1. J.G.Proakis and D.G. Manolakis, “Digital signal processing: Principles, Algorithm
andApplications”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007.
2. N. J. Fliege, “Multirate Digital Signal Processing: Multirate Systems -Filter Banks –
Wavelets”, 1st Edition, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 1999.
18EC3002 Advanced Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To gain knowledge in DSP concepts like FIR, IIR filters and FFT using software.
2. To gain skill in power spectrum estimation and filter structure realization.
3. To gain understanding in transfer function design, multirate concepts
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Use various transforms in time and frequency domain
2. Observe the Discrete Fourier Transform using programming software
3. Design the digital filters by applying suitable techniques using programming software
4. Solve normal equations and analyze stability of a system
5. Implement the Power spectrum estimation concepts
6. Perform decimation and interpolation
List of Experiments:
1. Correlation Auto and Cross
2. Stability Using Hurwitz Routh Criteria
3. Sampling FFT Of Input Sequence
4. Butterworth Low pass and High Pass Filter Design
5. Chebychev Type I,II Filter
6. State Space Matrix from Differential Equation
7. Normal Equation Using Levinson Durbin
8. Decimation and Interpolation Using Rationale Factors
9. Maximally Decimated Analysis DFT Filter
10. Cascade Digital IIR Filter Realization
11. Convolution and M Fold Decimation & PSD Estimator
12. Estimation Of PSD
13. Inverse Z Transform
14. Group Delay Calculation
15. Separation of T/F
16. Parallel Realization of IIR filter
18EC3003 Wireless and Mobile Communication
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To gain knowledge in cellular communication
2. To understand spectral efficiency calculation
3. To comprehend the evolution of mobile communication technologies
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Distinguish various mobile communication systems.
2. Use frequency-reuse concept in mobile communications, and to identify its effects on
interference, system capacity, handoff techniques
3. Classify various multiple-access techniques for mobile communications e.g. FDMA, TDMA,
CDMA, and their advantages and disadvantages.
Reference Books
1. V.K.Garg, J.E.Wilkes, “Principle and Application of GSM”, Pearson Education, 5 th edition,
2. V.K.Garg, “IS-95 CDMA & CDMA 2000”, Pearson Education, 4th edition, 2009.
T.S.Rappaport, “Wireless Communications Principles and Practice”, 2nd edition, PHI, 2002.
William C.Y.Lee, “Mobile Cellular Telecommunications Analog and Digital Systems”, 2 nd
edition, TMH, 1995.
3. Asha Mehrotra, “A GSM system Engineering” Artech House Publishers Bosten,
18EC3004 Optical Networks and Photonic Switching
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn various components of optical networks.
2. To understand various generation and broadcast optical networks.
3. To study the importance of Photonic Packet Switching
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Illustrate the concept of telecom network
Module 1: Introduction
Telecom Network Overview – Telecom Business Models, Roles of Three fields in Optical
Networking, TE vs. NE v. NP; Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) – ITU Wavelength Grid,
WDM Networking Evolution.
Module 2: WDM Network Elements
Optical Network Components – Couplers, Isolators & Circulators, Multiplexers & Filters, Optical
Line Terminals, Optical Amplifiers, Switches, Wavelength Converters – Optical Cross Connects,
Optical OXC Configurations.
Module 3: Optical Network Architecutres
Introduction to Optical Networks; SONET / SDH, Metropoliton-Area Networks, Layered
Architecture ; Broadcast and Select Networks – Topologies for Broadcast Networks, Media-Access
Control Protocols, Test beds for Broadcast & Select WDM; Wavelength Routing Architecture.
Module 4: Wavelength Network Design
The optical layer - Node Designs, Optical layer cost trade-off; A Detailed Ring Network Example;
Routing and wavelength assignment - Virtual topology design, Wavelength Routing Test beds.
Module 5: Packet Switching And Optical Access Networks
Photonic Packet Switching – OTDM, Synchronisation, Broadcast OTDM networks, Switch-based
networks; Optical Access Network Architectures – PON Technologies, Ethernet PON (EPON), Fiber
to the Curb (FTTC).
Module 6: Network Design and Management
Transmission System Engineering – System model, Power penalty - transmitter, receiver, Optical
amplifiers, crosstalk, dispersion; Wavelength stabilization ; Control and Management – Network
management functions, Configuration management, Performance management, Fault management,
Optical safety, Service interface
Reference Books
1. Rajiv Ramaswamy& Kumar N.Sivarajan, "Optical Networks: A practical perspective",
Harcourt Asia Private Limited, Singapore, 2nd edition 2004.
2. C. Siva Ram Moorthy and Mohan Gurusamy, “WDM Optical Networks: Concept, Design
and Algorithms”, Prentice Hall of India, Ist Edition, 2002.
3. D.W.Smith, Ed., “Optical Network Technology”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1995.
4. Biswanath Mukherjee, "Optical Communication Networks", McGraw-Hill, 1997.
5. P.E.Green Jr, “Fiber optic network”, Prentice Hall, NJ 1993.
6. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117101002/27, http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117101002/25 & other
relevant materials from internet
18EC3005 Antennas and Radiation Systems
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the fundamental parameters of antenna radiation and its significance in antenna
design for specific applications.
2. To study different types of antenna and its design methodology.
3. To understand various numerical methods in antenna design and simulation.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Compute the far field distance, radiation pattern and gain of an antenna for given current
2. Estimate the input impedance, efficiency and ease of match for linear wire antennas.
3. Explain the array factor for an array of antennas.
Reference Books
1. Constantine A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design”, John Wiley & Sons, 4th
edition, 2016.
2. John D Kraus, Ronald J Marhefka, Ahmad S Khan, “Antennas for All Applications”, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2002.
3. J.D. Krauss, “Antennas”, McGraw Hill, 2005.
4. I.J.Bhal and P.Bhartia, “Micro-strip antennas”, Artech house, 1980.
5. R.E. Collin, “Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation”, McGraw Hill, 1985.
6. R.C. Johnson and H. Jasik, “Antenna Engineering Handbook”, McGraw Hill, 1984.
7. Ramesh Garg, I. Bahl, ApisakIttipiboon and P. Bhartia, “Microstrip Antenna Design
Handbook”, Artech house,2001
8. Hubregt.J.Visser, “Antenna Theory and applications”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York,
18EC3006 Advanced Communication Laboratory
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To study and experiment different Cellular concepts (GSM and CDMA) and various mobile
communication standards.
2. To demonstrate the concepts of Software Radio in real time environment.
3. To identify the different operational modes of GPS and Satellite.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Compare the Cellular concepts, GSM and CDMA networks
2. Assess the GSM handset by experimentation and fault insertion techniques
3. Describe the 3G communication system by means of various AT commands usage in GSM
4. Explain the CDMA concept using DSSS kit
5. Develop concepts of Software Radio in real time environment
6. Identify the different modes of GPS.
18EC3007 Antenna and Radiation Systems Laboratory
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To design and construct different types of antenna.
2. To explore and use tools for designing, analyzing and testing antennas. These tools include
Antenna design and analysis software, network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, and antenna
FAB machines.
Course Outcomes:
Upon Completion of the course, Student will able to
1. Design and simulate half wave dipole for the given specification.
2. Construct and analyse monopole antenna with and without ground plane.
3. Distinguish the effect of various parameters (distance between elements and phase difference
between the elements) of antenna array.
4. Recognize the designing of various Horn antennas
5. Identify various methods to design and test the Patch antennas.
6. Use the network analyser to test RF components and antennas.
List of Experiments
1. Simulation of half wave dipole antenna.
2. Simulation of change of the radius and length of dipole wire on frequency of resonance of
3. Simulation of quarter wave, full wave antenna and comparison of their parameters.
4. Simulation of monopole antenna with and without ground plane.
5. Study the effect of the height of the monopole antenna on the radiation characteristics of the
6. Simulation of a half wave dipole antenna array.
7. Study the effect of change in distance between elements of array on radiation pattern of
dipole array.
8. Study the effect of the variation of phase difference between the elements of the array on the
radiation pattern of the dipole array.
9. Design and testing of Horn Antenna (E-Plane and H-plane).
10. Design of Rectangular and Circular Patch Antenna.
11. Design of Impedance matching and Transformer network.
18EC3008 Advanced Communication Networks Laboratory
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To know the different functions/commands used in networking.
2. To learn about TCP Client-server communication model
3. To program different routing algorithms and able to analyze their characteristics
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify the different types of networking commands and Network Configuration Files.
2. Demonstrate client-server communication model
3. Implement the different wireless networking routing protocols.
4. Implement different topologies used in network.
5. Compare various wired networking protocols using LAN trainer kit
6. Develop socket programming
List of Experiments
1. Study of Networking Commands (Ping, Tracert, TELNET, nslookup, netstat, ARP, RARP)
and Network Configuration Files.
2. Linux Network Configuration.
a. Configuring NIC’s IP Address.
b. Determining IP Address and MAC Address using if-config command.
c. Changing IP Address using if-config.
d. Static IP Address and Configuration by Editing.
e. Determining IP Address using DHCP.
f. Configuring Hostname in /etc/hosts file.
3. Design TCP for Client and Server application to reverse the given input sentence to convert a
given text into upper case
4. Design UDP Client Server to transfer a file.
5. Creating Ring topology using NS2.
6. TCP Congestion Control analysis using NS2
7. Performance evaluation of AODV and DSDV routing protocols in ad-hoc networks using
8. Wireless LAN protocols. To create scenario and study the performance of network with
CSMA/CA protocol and compare with CSMA/CD protocols.
9. Comparative study of distance- vector and link-state routing protocol using LAN trainer kit
10. File Transfer using Sockets (LAN trainer kit)
18EC3009 DSP Architecture
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To study the fundamentals of Programmable DSPs.
2. To impart knowledge on the System Architecture of DSP Processors.
3. To develop a fundamental understanding in the advanced DSP architectures and some
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Identify and formalize architectural level characterization of P-DSP hardware
2. Distinguish the structural and architectural considerations for various DSP families.
3. Design, program (assembly and C), and test code using Code Composer Studio environment
4. Explain major areas and challenges in DSP based embedded systems.
5. Recognize the Limitations of P-DSPs in algorithm design for real-time DSP implementation.
6. Select DSP hardware for Control, Audio and Video Signal processing applications.
Reference Books
1. B.Venkataramani and M.Bhaskar,” Digital Signal Processor, Architecture, Programming and
Applications”,2nd Edition, McGraw- Hill,2010.
2. RulphChassaing, “Digital Signal Processing and applications with the C6713 and C6416
DSK”, John Wiley & sons,2005.
3. 1.M. Sasikumar, D. Shikhare, Ravi Prakash, “Introduction to Parallel Processing”, 1 st Edition,
PHI, 2006.
4. 2.Fayez Gebali, “Algorithms and Parallel Computing”,1st Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011
5. 3.Rohit Chandra, Ramesh Menon, Leo Dagum, David Kohr, DrorMaydan, Jeff
McDonald,“Parallel Programming in OpenMP”, 1st Edition, Morgan Kaufman,2000.
6. 4.Ann Melnichuk,Long Talk, “Multicore Embedded systems”, 1st Edition, CRC Press,2010.
7. 5.Wayne Wolf, “High Performance Embedded Computing: Architectures, Applications and
Methodologies”, 1st Edition, Morgan Kaufman, 2006.
8. S.Srinivasan and Avtar Singh, “Digital Signal Processing, Implementations using DSP
Microprocessors with Examples from TMS320C54X”, Brooks/Cole, 2004
9. S.M. Kuo and B.H.Lee,”Real-Time Digital Signal Processing, Implementations, Applications
and Experiments with the TMS320C55X”, John Wiley, 2001.
18EC3010 Global Positioning System
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce different Global Positioning Systems
2. To understand types of signals used in the GPS and accuracy limits
3. Latest versions of GPS and its application
Module 1: Introduction
GPS and GLONASS Overview - Satellite Navigation -Time and GPS - User position and velocity
Module 2: GPS Satellite Constellation and Segments
GPS - Satellite Constellation - Operation Segment - User receiving Equipment -Space Segment
Phased development
Module 3: Signal Characteristics
GPS signal components - purpose, properties and power level - signal acquisition and tracking -
Navigation information extraction – pseudo range estimation - frequency estimation – GPS satellite
position calculation
Module 4: GPS Receivers & Data Errors
Receiver Architecture - receiver design options - Antenna design - SA errors - propagation errors-
Methods of multipath mitigation - Ephemeris data errors - clock errors
Module 5: Differential GPS
Introduction - LADGPS - WADGPS, Wide Area Augmentation systems - GEO Uplink subsystem -
GEO downlink systems - Geo Orbit determination - Geometric analysis – covariance analysis - GPS
/INS Integration Architectures
Module 6: GPS Applications
GPS in surveying, Mapping and Navigation - Precision approach Aircraft landing system – Military
and Space application - Intelligent transportation system
Reference Books
1. MohinderS.Grewal, Lawrence R.Weill, Angus P.Andrews, “Global Positioning Systems
Inertial Navigation and Integration”, John Wiley& sons, 2nd Edition 2007.
2. Elliott D. Kaplan, Christopher J. Hegarty, "Understanding GPS– Principles and
Applications", Artech House, 2nd Edition 2006.
3. G. S. Rao, “Global Navigation Satellite Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill publications, New
Delhi, 2010.
4. B. Hoffman – Wellenhof, H. Liehtenegger and J. Collins, "GPS – Theory and
Practice”,Springer – Verlag Wien GmbH, New York ,2001.
5. James Bao – Yen Tsui, ‘Fundamentals of Global Positioning receivers – A software
approach’, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition 2005.
18EC3011 Computational Intelligence and Optimization Techniques
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the key aspects of Artificial Neural Networks
2. To analyze the various modules of Fuzzy logic and Genetic algorithm
3. To gain insight on Neuro Fuzzy modeling and support vector machines
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1. Explain the principles of neural networks
2. Develop hybrid artificial neural networks
3. Frame fuzzy logic based expert systems
4. Determine the performances of hybrid neuro fuzzy algorithms
5. Distinguish the various evolutionary computation algorithms
Text Books
1. LaureneFausett, “Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and
Applications”, Fourth edition, Pearson Education India, 2006.
2. Timothy J Ross, “Fuzzy logic with engineering applications”, John Wiley & Sons, Third
Edition, 2010.
Reference Books
1. J.S.R.Jang, C.T. Sun and E.Mizutani, “NeuroFuzzy and Soft Computing”, PHI / Pearson
Education, Third edition, 2004.
2. Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks Comprehensive Foundation” Second Edition, Pearson
Education, 2005.
3. Mohamad Hasoun, “Fundamentals of artificial neural networks”, MIT Press, 2003.
4. A E Eiben and J E Smith, “Introduction to evolutionary computing” Springer, 2nd edition,
18EC3012 Data Compression Techniques
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To explore the special features and representations of different data types.
2. To analyze different compression techniques for text data and audio signals
3. To analyze various compression techniques for image and video signals
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1. Distinguish the pros and cons of lossy and lossless compression techniques.
2. Discriminate the compression algorithms of text data
3. Develop hybrid compression algorithms for audio data
4. Formulate methodologies for image compression approaches
Module 1: Introduction
Special features of Multimedia -Fundamental Concepts in Video and Digital Audio – Storage
requirements for multimedia applications Need for Compression - Taxonomy of compression
techniques - Overview of source coding, source models, scalar and vector quantization theory –
Evaluation techniques – Error analysis and methodologies
Module 2: Text Compression Techniques
Dictionary Techniques – Shannon Fano coding techniques - Huffmann coding – Adaptive Huffmann
Coding – Variations of Huffman coding - Arithmetic coding and decoding– LZ77 algorithm – LZ78
algorithm – LZW algorithm.
Module 3: Audio Compression Techniques
μ Law and A Law companding - Speech compression - Frequency domain and filtering – Basic
subband coding – Application to speech coding – G.722 –Application to audio coding – MPEG audio,
progressive encoding for audio – Silence compression, speech compression techniques – Channel
vocoders - Formant vocoders - CELP Vocoders.
Module 4: Image Compression Techniques
Image formats - Transform Coding – JPEG Standard – Design of Filter banks – Wavelet based
compression: Implementation using filters – EZW, SPIHT coders – JPEG 2000 standards – JBIG,
JBIG2 Standards.
Module 5: Video Compression
Video compression techniques and standards – MPEG Video Coding - Motion estimation and
compensation techniques – H.261 Standard – DVI technology – PLV performance – DVI real time
compression – Packet Video.
Module 6: Applications
Role of compression in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Satellite image compression,
Compression techniques for object tracking in digital videos and speech signal compression.
Text Books
1. Khalid Sayood, “ Introduction to Data Compression”, Morgan Kauffman Harcourt India, 5th
Edition, 2017.
2. David Salomon, “Data Compression – The Complete Reference”, Springer Verlag, 4th
Edition, 2007.
Reference Books
1. Yun Q.Shi, Huifang Sun, “Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering -
Fundamentals, Al-gorithms& Standards”, CRC press, 2003.
2. Peter Symes, “Digital Video Compression”, McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Mark S.Drew, Ze-Nian Li, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, PHI, 2003.
18EC3013 Advanced Digital Image Processing
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the image fundamentals and mathematical transforms necessary for image
2. To understand image analysis to extract features of interest.
3. To comprehend the concepts of image registration and image fusion
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, student will be able to
1. Explain the basic concepts of image formation and representation
2. Design techniques for enhancing the quality of the images
3. Frame morphology-based methodologies for image segmentation.
4. Assess the performances of various image registration approaches
5. Differentiate the concepts of 2D and 3D image processing approaches
6. Solve practical problems using image processing techniques
Text Books
1. John C.Russ, “The Image Processing Handbook”, CRC Press,2007.
2. Mark Nixon, Alberto Aguado, “Feature Extraction and Image Processing”, Academic Press,
Reference Books
1. ArdeshirGoshtasby, “2D and 3D Image registration for Medical, Remote Sensing and
Industrial Applications”, John Wiley and Sons,2005.
2. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, Inc.,
Second Edition, 2004.
3. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing', Pearson Education,Inc., 2002.
4. Rick S.Blum, Zheng Liu,“Multisensor image fusion and its Applications”, Taylor and
Francis, 2006.
18EC3014 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the basics of pattern recognition and machine learning
2. To learn the classifier used in different pattern recognition applications.
3. To know the concept of unsupervised learning and clustering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Explain the basics of pattern recognition and machine learning
2. Illustrate the linear models for classification
3. Select the neural network for classification
4. Summarize the concept of linear discriminant function.
5. Design algorithm independent machine learning
6. Develop unsupervised learning techniques and clustering.
Module 1: Introduction To Pattern Recognition
Introduction to Pattern Recognition: Problems, applications, design cycle, learning and adaptation,
examples, Probability Distributions, Parametric Learning - Maximum likelihood and Bayesian
Decision Theory- Bayes rule, discriminant functions, loss functions and Bayesian error analysis
Module 2: Linear Models
Linear models: Linear Models for Regression, linear regression, logistic regression Linear Models for
Reference Books
1. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, David G. Stork, “Pattern Classification”, 2nd Edition John
Wiley & Sons, 2001.
2. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome H. Friedman, “The Elements of Statistical
Learning”, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2009.
3. C. Bishop, “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, Springer, 2006.
18EC3015 MIMO Systems
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts of multi-antenna communication systems.
2. To understand the transmit and receive diversity techniques in MIMO communication.
3. To analyze MIMO multi user communications.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Demonstrate mathematical modeling and analysis of MIMO systems.
2. Explain channel modeling and propagation, MIMO Capacity, space-time coding techniques.
3. Design and Distinguish code book based MIMO beamforming.
4. Distinguish the principle behind MIMO receivers Vs MIMO for multi-carrier systems (e.g.
5. Illustrate the significance of multi-user MIMO communications.
6. Compare and contrast various types of Channel estimation techniques in MIMO
Module 1: Introduction to Multi-antenna Systems
Motivation, Types of multi-antenna systems, MIMO vs. multi-antenna systems.
Module 2: Diversity
Exploiting multipath diversity, Transmit diversity, Space-time codes, The Alamouti scheme, Delay
diversity, Cyclic delay diversity, Space-frequency codes, Receive diversity, The rake receiver,
Combining techniques, Spatial Multiplexing, Spectral efficiency and capacity, Transmitting
independent streams in parallel, Mathematical notation
Module 3: MIMO
The generic MIMO problem, Singular Value Decomposition, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
Equalising MIMO systems, Disadvantages of equalising MIMO systems, Pre-distortion in MIMO
systems, Disadvantages of pre-distortion in MIMO systems, Pre-coding and combining in MIMO
systems, Advantages of pre-coding and combining, Disadvantages of pre-coding and combining,
Channel state information.
Module 4: Beamforming
Codebooks for MIMO, Beamforming, Beamforming principles, Increased spectrum efficiency,
Interference cancellation, Switched beamformer, Adaptive beamformer, Narrowband beamformer,
Wideband beamformer
Reference Books
1. Claude Oestges, Bruno Clerckx, "MIMO Wireless Communications: From Real-world
Propagation to Space-time Code Design", Academic Press, 1st edition, 2010.
2. Mohinder Janakiraman, “Space - Time Codes and MIMO Systems”, Artech House Publishers,
3. Andreas Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press 2007
4. Arogyaswamipaulraj, Rohit Nabar and Dhanajay Gore, Introduction to space time wireless
Communications, Cambridge University Press 2007
5. E. Biglieri, A. Constantinides, R. Calderbank, A. Goldsmith, A. Paulraj and V. Poor.
Introduction to MIMO Wireless, Cambridge Univ. Press, Nov. 2006, Reprinted Japanese Ed.
18EC3016 Modern Digital Communication Techniques
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the various digital communication concepts like coherent and noncoherent-
band limited channels
2. To analyze block coded and convolution code and spread spectrum signals.
Course Outcomes:
1. Classify various coherent and non-coherent digital communication techniques.
2. Explain the significance of bandlimited channels
3. Compare various digital modulation techniques
4. Select block codes for digital communication
5. Use suitable convolution code
6. Illustrate spread spectrum signals
Reference Books
1. M.K.Simon, S.M.Hinedi and W.C.Lindsey, “Digital communication techniques; Signaling
and detection; Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1995.
2. BernadSklar, “Digital Communication – Fundamentals and Applications”, Pearson
Education, India, 2001.
3. Simon Haykin, “Digital communications”, John Wiley and sons, 1998
4. B.P.Lathi, “Modern digital and analog communication systems”, 3rd Edition,
OxfordUniversity press, 1998.
5. John G. Proakis, “Digital Communications” 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York,2003.
18EC3017 Communication Network Routing Algorithms
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To create in-depth awareness of packet routing in computer communication networks.
2. To provide comprehensive details of routing algorithms, protocols and architectures of routers
followed by the concepts of MPLS towards the next generation routing.
3. Introduction to Next Generation Routing
Course outcomes:
At the end of this course the student will be able to
1. Interpret the fundamentals and requirements for routing in computer communication
2. Determine the routing protocol for any level of complex network design.
3. Examine different IP routing protocols and distance vector protocols configured in real
routers along with the framework of the concerned routing algorithms.
4. 4 Compare the performance of OSPF and EGB protocols in the routing platform.
5. 5 Illustrate the internal architecture of routers.
6. Formulate new strategies towards next generation routing and in the domain of wireless
Module 5: Towards Next Generation Routing: QoS Routing, MPLS and GMPLS
Background of QoS and QoS Routing, QoS Attributes, Traffic Engineering Extension to Routing
Protocols, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Generalized MPLS, MPLS Virtual Private
Module 6: Router Architectures and Routing in Ad hoc Network
Functions of a Router, Types of Routers, Elements of a Router, Packet Flow, Packet Processing: Fast
Path versus Slow Path, Router Architectures
Routing in Ad hoc Network:
Introduction to Ad hoc Networks – Features/ Characteristics, Types and Applications, Limitations,
Advantages and Disadvantages, Classification of Routing Protocols in Ad hoc Networks – Proactive
Routing Protocols (DSDV, OLSR), Reactive Routing Protocols (DSR, AODV), Hybrid Routing
Protocols (ZRP)
Reference Books
1. Deepankar Medhi, Kartikeyan Ramasamy , “Network Routing – Algorithms, Protocols,
Architecture”, Morgan Kauffman Series Publication 2010
2. Subir Kumar Sarkar, T G Basavaraju and C Puttamadappa, “Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless
Networks – Principles, Protocols and Applications”, Auerbach publications , 2nd edition, 2016
3. Dharma Prakash Agrawal and Carlos De Morais Cordeiro, “Adhoc and Sensor Networks –
Theory and Applications”, World Scientific publication, 2nd edition , 2011
18EC3018 Satellite Communication
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To gain knowledge on satellite system architecture
2. To acquire skills to solve numerical problems related to link budget
3. To get understanding of various subsystems of satellite communication
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Explain the architecture of satellite systems as a means of high speed, high range
communication system.
2. Interpret orbital equations
3. Illustrate sub-systems in a satellite
4. Examine typical phenomenon in satellite communication
5. Calculate link budget
6. Select suitable modulation and multiple access schemes and compare few communication
Reference Books
1. Timothy Pratt and Others, “Satellite Communications”, Wiley India, 2nd edition,2010.
2. S. K. Raman, “Fundamentals of Satellite Communication”, Pearson Education India, 2011.
3. Tri T. Ha, “Digital Satellite Communications”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
4. Dennis Roddy, “Satellite Communication”, McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2008.
18EC3019 Wireless Sensor Networks
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the basic concepts of Sensor Networks.
2. To introduce the overview of communication Protocols
3. To introduce the Energy management and Security.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Design wireless sensor network system for different applications under consideration.
2. Understand the hardware details of different types of sensors and select right type of sensor
for various applications.
3. Understand radio standards and communication protocols to be used for wireless sensor
network-based systems and application.
4. Use operating systems and programming languages for wireless sensor nodes, performance of
wireless sensor networks systems and platforms.
5. Handle special issues related to sensors like energy conservation and security challenges.
6. Students will be able to understand the concepts of sensor networks, applications and
different types of protocols in WSN.
Reference Books
1. Mohammad Ilyas and Imad Mahgoub, “Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless
and Wired Sensing Systems” CRC Press, 2009.
2. Feng Zhao, Leonidas J. Guibas, “Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing
Approach” Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004.
3. Michel Banatre, Pedro Jose Marron, Anibal Ollero and Adam Wolisz, “Cooperating
Embedded Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks”, ISTE Ltd,2008.
4. H. Karl and A. Willig, “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks”, John
Wiley & Sons, India, 2012.
5. C. S. Raghavendra, K. M. Sivalingam, and T. Znati, Editors, “Wireless Sensor Networks”,
Springer Verlag, 1st Indian reprint, 2010.
6. YingshuLi, MyT. Thai, Weili Wu, “Wireless sensor Network and Applications”, Springer
series on signals and communication technology, 2008.
18EC3020 Software Defined Radio
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce software-defined radios architectures and the systems required by the SDR to
2. To understand how analog and digital technologies are used for software-defined radio.
3. To understand the basics of designing antenna systems to accommodate the needs of SDR.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Reconstruct the Software defined radio architectures.
2. Point out the purpose of analog RF components
3. Express the Trade-offs in using the hardware and development methods
4. Describe Digital Generation of Signals for system-level decisions
5. Appraise the ADC and DAC conversion for embedded wireless systems
6. Implement different Smart Antenna Algorithms of SDR
Reference Books
1. Jeffrey H. Reed, "Software-Defined Radio", Prentice-Hall, 2002
2. Joseph Mitola, "Software Radio Architecture: Object-Oriented Approaches to Wireless
Systems Engineering", Wiley-Interscience; 1st edition 2000.
3. C. Richard Johnson Jr., William A. Sethares,"Telecommunication Breakdown: Concepts of
Communication Transmitted via Software-Defined Radio", Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
4. Jeffrey H. Reed," Software Radio: A Modern Approach to Radio Engineering" Pearson
Education, 2002.
5. Wyglinski, Alexander M. Nekovee, Maziar, Hou, Y. Thomas, "Cognitive Radio Networks",
Elsevier, 2010.
6. K. Fazel, S. Kaiser, "Multi-carrier and Spread Spectrum Systems", John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
Publication, 2010.
7. Markus Dillinger, Kambiz Madani, Nancy Alonistioti, “Software Defined Radio”, John
Wiley, 2003.
8. Huseyin Arslan, “Cognitive Radio, SDR and Adaptive System”, Springer, 2007.
18EC3021 High Performance Networks
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. Study of internet protocols
2. Network security and example security systems
3. Network management and its protocols
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify various type of networks and the protocols used for various applications
2. Explain VoIP system function and its applications
3. Outline the functioning of VPN
4. Apply different traffic modeling techniques to evaluate the network performance
5. Recognize the required security techniques used in different layer of communication
6. Illustrate various infrastructure framework for network management
Reference Books
1. Kershenbaum A., “Telecommunications Network Design Algorithms”, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Larry Peterson & Bruce David, “Computer Networks: A System Approach”, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2003.
3. Douskalis B., “IP Telephony: The Integration of Robust VoIP Services”, Pearson Ed. Asia,
4. Warland J., Varaiya P., “High-Performance Communication Networks”, Morgan Kaufmann,
5. Stallings W., “High-Speed Networks: TCP/IP and ATM Design Principles”, Prentice Hall,
6. Leon Garcia, Widjaja, “Communication networks”, TMH 7threprint 2002.
7. William Stalling, “Network security, essentials”, Pearson education Asia publication, 4th
Edition, 2011.
18EC3022 Cognitive Radio
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To enable the student to understand the evolving paradigm of cognitive radio communication
and the enabling technologies for its implementation.
2. To enable the student to understand the essential functionalities and requirements in dynamic
spectrum access.
3. To expose the student to the evolving next generation wireless networks and their associated
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Discuss the fundamental concepts of cognitive radio networks.
2. Formulate different spectrum sensing techniques in cognitive radio for spectrum holes
3. Explain different optimization techniques for better spectrum exploitation.
4. Examine fundamental issues regarding dynamic spectrum access and the radio-resource
5. Point-out different spectrum trading techniques used in dynamic spectrum access.
6. Determine the associated challenges in cognitive radio network.
Module 1: Introduction to Cognitive Radios
Digital dividend, cognitive radio (CR) architecture, functions of cognitive radio, dynamic spectrum
access (DSA), components of cognitive radio, spectrum sensing, spectrum analysis and decision,
potential applications of cognitive radio.
Module 2: Spectrum Sensing
Spectrum sensing, detection of spectrum holes (TVWS), collaborative sensing, geo-location database
and spectrum sharing business models (spectrum of commons, real time secondary spectrum market).
Module 3: Optimization Techniques of Dynamic Spectrum Allocation
Linear programming, convex programming, non-linear programming, integer programming, dynamic
programming, stochastic programming.
Module 4: Dynamic Spectrum Access and Management
Spectrum broker, cognitive radio architectures, centralized dynamic spectrum access, distributed
dynamic spectrum access, learning algorithms and protocols.
Module 5: Spectrum Trading
Introduction to spectrum trading, classification to spectrum trading, radio resource pricing, brief
discussion on economics theories in DSA (utility, auction theory), classification of auctions (single
auctions, double auctions, concurrent, sequential).
Reference Books
1. Ekram Hossain, Dusit Niyato, Zhu Han, “Dynamic Spectrum Access and Management in
Cognitive Radio Networks”, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
2. Kwang-Cheng Chen, Ramjee Prasad, “Cognitive radio networks”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
3. Bruce Fette, “Cognitive radio technology”, Elsevier, 2nd edition, 2009.
4. Huseyin Arslan, “Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio, and Adaptive Wireless
Systems”, Springer, 2007.
5. Francisco Rodrigo Porto Cavalcanti, Soren Andersson, “Optimizing Wireless Communication
Systems” Springer, 2009.
6. Linda Doyle, “Essentials of Cognitive Radio”, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
18EC3023 Statistical Information Processing
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce advanced techniques in statistical information processing with applications in
the domain of telecommunication systems.
2. To acquire skills for applying theory of information methods, adaptative modulation and
channel coding as well.
3. to provide a broad and coherent treatment of statistical signal processing concepts, techniques
and algorithms, namely for discrete-time signal modeling, optimum estimation and filtering,
and power spectrum estimation.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Explain the principles of random variables and random process
2. Characterize and apply probabilistic techniques in modern decision systems, such as
information systems, receivers, filtering and statistical operations.
3. Demonstrate mathematical modelling and problem solving using such models.
4. Comparatively evolve key results developed in this course for applications to signal
processing, communications systems.
5. Develop frameworks based in probabilistic and stochastic themes for modelling and
analysis of various systems involving functionalities in decision making, statistical
inference, estimation and detection.
6. To use statistical information processing for few applications
Module 1: Review of random variables
Probability Concepts, distribution and density functions, moments, independent, uncorrelated and
orthogonal random variables; Vector-space representation of Random variables, Vector quantization,
Tchebaychef inequality theorem, Central Limit theorem, Discrete &Continuous Random Variables.
Random process: Expectations, Moments, Ergodicity, Discrete-Time Random Processes Stationary
process, autocorrelation and auto covariance functions, Spectral representation of random signals,
Properties of power spectral density, Gaussian Process and White noise process.
Module 2: Random signal modeling
MA(q), AR(p), ARMA(p,q) models, Hidden Markov Model & its applications,Linear System with
random input, Forward and Backward Predictions, Levinson Durbin Algorithm.
Module 3: Statistical Decision Theory
Bayes’ Criterion, Binary Hypothesis Testing, M-ary Hypothesis Testing, Minimax Criterion,
Neyman-Pearson Criterion, Composite Hypothesis Testing.
Parameter Estimation Theory: Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Generalized Likelihood Ratio
Test,Some Criteria for Good Estimators, Bayes’ Estimation Minimum Mean-Square Error Estimate,
Minimum, Mean Absolute Value of Error Estimate Maximum A Posteriori Estimate , Multiple
Parameter Estimation Best Linear Unbiased Estimator ,Least-Square Estimation Recursive Least-
Square Estimator.
Reference Books
1. Papoulis and S.U. Pillai, “Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes”,4th
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
2. D.G. Manolakis, V.K. Ingle and S.M. Kogon, “Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing”,
McGraw Hill, 2000.
3. Mourad Barkat, “Signal Detection and Estimation”, Artech House, 2nd Edition, 2005.
4. R G. Gallager, “Information theory and reliable communication”, Wiley, 1 st edition, 1968. F.
J. MacWilliams and N. J. A. Sloane, “The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes”, New York,
North-Holland, 1977.
5. Rosen K.H, “Elementary Number Theory”, Addison-Wesley, 6th edition, 2010.
Reference Books
1. Jean Wairand and Pravin Varaiya, “High Performance Communications Networks”, 2nd
edition, 2000.
2. Jean Le Boudec and Patrick Thiran, “Network Calculus A Theory of Deterministic Queueing
Systems for the Internet”, Springer Veriag, 2001.
3. Zhang Wang, “Internet QoS”, Morgan Kaufman, 2001.
4. Anurag Kumar, D. Manjunath and Joy Kuri, “Communication Networking: An Analytical
Approach” , Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2004.
5. George Kesidis, “ATM Network Performance”, Kluwer Academic, Research Papers, 2005.
18EC3025 RF and Microwave Circuit Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To develop high levels of technical competence in the field RF and Microwave circuit design
2. Be able to apply problem solving approaches to work challenges and make decisions using
sound engineering methodologies
3. Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Understand the behaviour of RF passive components and model active components.
2. Perform transmission line analysis.
3. Demonstrate use of Smith Chart for high frequency circuit design.
4. Justify the choice/selection of components from the design aspects.
5. Design and simulate microwave circuits
6. Select suitable measurement methodologies to characterize and verify the performance of RF
and microwave circuits
Reference Books
1. Matthew M. Radmanesh, “Advanced RF & Microwave Circuit Design: The Ultimate Guide
to Superior Design”, AuthorHouse, 2009.
2. D.M.Pozar, “ Microwave engineering” ,Wiley, 4th edition, 2011.
3. R.Ludwig and P.Bretchko, “R. F. Circuit Design”, Pearson Education Inc, 2009.
4. G.D. Vendelin, A.M. Pavoi, U. L. Rohde, “Microwave Circuit Design Using Linear and
Non Linear Techniques”, John Wiley 1990.
5. S.Y. Liao, “Microwave circuit Analysis and Amplifier Design”, Prentice Hall 1987.
6. Radmanesh, “RF and Microwave Electronics Illustrated”, Pearson Education, 2004.
18EC3026 Internet of Things
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the students to IoT technologies
2. To expose the students to application of IoT
3. To enable the students to choose appropriate technologies for implementing prototypes
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Summarize the evolution of IoT
2. Classify IoT technologies that are used now
3. Explain the requirement of IoT in certain scenarios
4. Choose appropriate technologies to tackle scenarios using experimental platform for
implementing prototypes
5. Use the types of technologies that are available to implement IoT solutions.
6. Examine IoT applications.
Module 1: IoT revolution
Smart cities and IoT revolution, Fractal cities, From IT to IoT, M2M and peer networking concepts,
Ipv4 and IPV6.
Module 2: Technologies supporting IoT
Software Defined Networks SDN, From Cloud to Fog and MIST networking for IoT
communications, Principles of Edge/P2P networking, Protocols to support IoT communications,
modular design and abstraction, security and privacy in fog.
Module 3: IoT Networks
Wireless sensor networks: introduction, IOT networks (PAN, LAN and WAN), Edge resource
pooling and caching, client side control and configuration.
Module 4: Building Blocks for IoT
Smart objects as building blocks for IoT, Open source hardware and Embedded systems platforms for
IoT, Edge/gateway, IO drivers, C Programming, multithreading concepts.
Module 5: OS for IoT
Operating systems requirement of IoT environment, study of mbed, RIoT, and Contiki operating
systems, Introductory concepts of big data for IoT applications.
Module 6: Applications of IoT
Applications of IoT, Connected cars IoT Transportation, Smart Grid and Healthcare sectors using IoT,
Security and legal considerations, IT Act 2000 and scope for IoT legislation.
Reference Books
1. A Bahaga, V. Madisetti, “Internet of Things- Hands on approach”, VPT publisher, 2014.
2. A. McEwen, H. Cassimally, “Designing the Internet of Things”, Wiley, 2013.
18EC3027 CMOS VLSI Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To develop a fundamental Computing in the design of CMOS VLSI circuits.
2. To know the essentials of stick diagrams and Layouts.
3. To impart the knowledge of arithmetic design and to compute the CMOS design concepts
with learn the concepts in data path circuits.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Compute the MOS transistor theory
2. Sketch the Stick Diagram and Layout of CMOS Logic Gates , analyze the DC Characteristics
of NMOS and CMOS Inverters and predict timing issues
3. Compute various CMOS Logic styles to construct Logic Circuits
4. Illustrate the performance of Sequential logic design
5. Determine and develop the various Arithmetic logic blocks based on CMOS design
6. Design various high speed building blocks based on CMOS design
Module 1: MOS Transistor Theory
MOS Transistor Theory: The Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Structure – The MOS System
under External Bias – Structure and Operation of MOS Transistor (MOSFET) – Threshold Voltage-
MOSFET Operation: A Qualitative View- MOSFET Current-Voltage Characteristics-Channel Length
Modulation- Substrate Bias Effect- Measurement of Parameters-MOSFET Scaling and Small-
Geometry Effects-MOSFET Capacitance: Oxide -related Capacitance-Junction Capacitance.
Module 2: CMOS Design & Delay Analysis
CMOS Design- MOS Transistor Switches - MOS Transistor Switches -Design logic gates using
CMOS devices- Stick Diagram- Layout-The Complementary CMOS inverter - DC Characteristics –
nMOS Inverter- Resistive-load Inverter-The Static Behaviour of CMOS Inverter: Switching
Threshold-Noise Margins-Performance of CMOS inverter: Dynamic behaviour: Computing the
capacitance -Propagation delay: First Order Analysis-RC Delay Model –Linear Delay Model
Module 3: Combinational Logic Design
Combinational Logic Design: Static CMOS Design: Complementary CMOS-Ratioed Logic-Pass
Transistor Logic- Dynamic CMOS Design : Basic Principles-Speed and Power Dissipation of
Dynamic Logic-Signal Integrity Issues in Dynamic Design-Cascading Dynamic Gates.
Module 4: Sequential Logic Design
Sequential Logic Design: Static Latches and Registers –Bi-stability Principle- Multiplexer based
Latches-Master -Slave Edge- Triggered Register-Low -Voltage Static Latches- Dynamic Latches and
Registers –Dynamic Transmission Gate Edge-triggered Registers-C2MOS-A clock skew Insensitive
Approach-True Single Phase Clocked Register-Alternative Register Styles: Pulse Registers-Sense
Amplifier based Registers –Pipelining: Latch-NORA-CMOS.
Module 5: Basic Arithmetic Building Blocks
Arithmetic Building Blocks: Binary Adder-Full Adder Circuit Design Considerations-Mirror Adder
Design-Transmission Gate Based Adder -Manchestor Carry-Chain Adder-The Binary Adder: Logic
Design Considerations
Module 6: High Speed Buliding Blocks
Carry-By Pass Adder-Linear Carry Select Adder-Square Root Carry Select Adder-Carry Lookahead
adder-Array Multipliers – Carry Save Multipliers-Tree Multipliers -Shifters-Barrel Shifters.
18EC3028 Solid State Device Modeling and Simulation
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To develop mathematical techniques for device simulations
2. To know the essentials of Bipolar Devices and MOS Capacitors.
3. To impart the knowledge of MOS Devices and CMOS Device Design.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Compute the Mathematical Techniques for Device Simulations
2. Predict the various Quantum Mechanical Concepts
3. Categorize the Bipolar Device Models
4. Compute the effects in MOS Capacitors
5. Illustrate the performance and characterize MOS Devices
6. Determine and develop CMOS design
Module 1: Mathematical Techniques For Device Simulations
Poisson equation-continuity equation-drift-diffusion equation-Schrodinger equation- hydrodynamic
equations- trap rate-finite difference solutions to these equations in 1D and 2D space- grid generation.
Module 2: Quantum Mechanical Concepts
Quantum Mechanical Concepts-Carrier Concentration-Transport Equation-Band gap- Mobility and
Resistivity-Carrier Generation and Recombination-Avalanche Process-Noise Sources- Injection and
Transport Model-Continuity Equation-Diode Small Signal and Large Signal (Change Control
Model)-Transistor Models: Ebber - Molls and Gummel Port Model-Mextram model-SPICE modeling
temperature and area effects.
Module 3: Bipolar Devices
n–p–n Transistors, Basic Operation of a Bipolar Transistor, Modifying the Simple Diode Theory
for Describing Bipolar Transistors, Ideal Current– Voltage Characteristics, Collector Current,
Base Current, Current Gains, Ideal IC–VCE Characteristics, Characteristics of a Typical n–p–
n Transistor, Effect of Emitter and Base Series Resistances, Effect of Base–Collector Voltage on
Collector Current, Collector Current Falloff at High Currents, Non-ideal Base Current at
Low Currents, Bipolar Device Models for Circuit and Time-Dependent Analyses Basic dc Model,
Basic ac Model, Small-Signal Equivalent-Circuit Model, Emitter Diffusion Capacitance, Charge-
Control Analysis, Breakdown Voltages, Common-Base Current Gain in the Presence of Base–
Collector Junction Avalanche, Saturation Currents in a Transistor, Relation Between BVCEO and
Module 4: MOS Capacitors
Surface Potential: Accumulation, Depletion, and Inversion, Electrostatic Potential and
Charge Distribution in Silicon, Capacitances in MOS Structure, Polysilicon-Gate Work
Function and Depletion Effects, MOS under Non-equilibrium and Gated Diodes, Charge in Silicon
Dioxide and at the Silicon–Oxide Interface, Effect of Interface Traps and Oxide Charge on Device
Module 5: Mosfet Devices
Long-Channel MOSFETs, Drain-Current Model, MOSFET I– V Characteristics, Subthreshold
Characteristics, Substrate Bias and Temperature Dependence of Threshold
Voltage,MOSFET Channel Mobility, MOSFET Capacitances and Inversion-Layer Capacitance
Text Books
1. Philip E. Allen, Douglas R. Hoberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, Third Edition, Oxford
University Press;2013.
2. S.M.Sze “Semiconductor Devices - Physics and Technology”, Wiley; Eighth edition 2015.
3. Kiat Seng Yeo, Samir S.Rofail, Wang-Ling Gob, “CMOS / BiCMOS ULSI - Low Voltage,
Low Power”, Pearson Education India; First Edition edition 2011 .
4. Arora, N., MOSFET Models for VLSI Circuit Simulation, Springer-Verlag, 2012(Reprint).
5. Selberherr, S., Analysis and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices, Springer-Verlag.,2011.
6. Fjeldly, T., Yetterdal, T. and Shur, M., Introduction to Device Modeling and Circuit
Simulation, Wiley-Interscience., 1997.
7. 7.Grasser, T., Advanced Device Modeling and Simulation, World Scientific Publishing
Company., 2003.
8. Chua, L.O. and Lin, P.M., Computer-Aided Analysis of Electronic Circuits: Algorithms and
Computational Techniques, Prentice-Hall., 1990.
9. 9.Trond Ytterdal, Yuhua Cheng and Tor A. FjeldlyWayne Wolf, Device Modeling for Analog
and RF CMOS Circuit Design, Wiley India ,2015.
18EC3029 Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To develop a fundamental Computing in the concepts of amplifiers
2. To know the essentials of frequency response of amplifiers and the association of poles and
3. To impart the knowledge of feedback analysis, stability and compensation.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Compute the single stage amplifiers
2. Identify various Differential amplifiers and current mirror circuits
3. Demonstrate the noise characteristics in amplifiers
4. Illustrate different types of feedback concepts in amplifiers
5. Determine the characteristics of operational amplifiers
6. Design various analog circuits for different applications
Module 1: Single Stage Amplifiers
Single stage Amplifiers-Common source Stage: Common Source (CS)stage with resistive load-CS
stage with Diode Connected Load-CS with Current source load- CS with Triode Load- CS stage with
source degeneration-Source follower-Common Stage Stage-Cascode Stage: Folded Cascode-Choice
of Device models.
Module 2: Differential Amplifiers and Current Mirrors
Differential Amplifiers-Single Ended and Differential Operation- Basic Differential Pair: Qualitative
Analysis-Quantitative Analysis-Common mode Response-Differential Pair with MOS Loads-Gilbert
Cell-Passive and Active Current Mirrors-Basic Current Mirrors-Cascode Current Mirrors-Active
current Mirrors: Large Signal Analysis-Small-Signal Analysis-Common-mode Properties.
Module 3: Frequency Response of Amplifiers
Frequency response of amplifiers-Miller Effect-Association of Poles and Nodes-Common source
stage-Source Followers-Common-Gate Stage- Cascode Stage-Differential pair-Noise-Statistical
Characteristics of Noise: Noise Spectrum-Amplitude Distribution-Types of Noise: Thermal Noise
Reference Books
1. BehzadRazavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, McGraw Hill Education;
Second edition,2017.
2. Willey M.C. Sansen, “Analog design essentials”, Springer, 2006.
3. Grebene, “Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated circuit design”, John Wiley &sons,Inc., 2003.
4. Phillip E.Allen, DouglasR.Holberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, Oxford University
Press; Third edition ,2013.
5. Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis and Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and Design of
Analog Integrated Circuits”, Fourth Edition, Wiley Student Edition, 2009.
18EC3030 Hardware Description Languages
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To know about the various Architecture styles in VHDL and Verilog.
2. To learn the circuit verification using VHDL and Verilog HDL
3. To get familiar with various Synthesis Techniques.
Course Outcomes:
1. After completion of the course, students will be able to
2. Compute basic terminologies and modeling types used in VHDL
3. Demonstrate combinational circuits and sequential circuits using VHDL
4. Compute a digital circuit test bench & packages using VHDL and Verilog HDL
5. Develop FSM using Verilog
6. Synthesis of digital circuits using VHDL
7. Synthesis of digital circuits using Verilog
Module 1: Basics of VHDL
VHDL Overview – FPGA Design flow Process -Software tools- Xilinx Tool Flow – Libraries – Data
objects - Data types – Data operators – Entities – Architectures. Basic Concurrent Statements – Signal
assignment statements – Conditional Signal assignment – Selected signal assignment – Usage of
Blocks in Dataflow modeling – Implementations of different digital circuits in Dataflow modeling .
Process – Delays – Basic Sequential Statements – if, if else statements, case statements – Loops– for
loop, while loop, next, exit, null statements – Usage of Variables inside the process – Implementation
of digital circuits using Sequential statements Multi Process statements.
Module 2: Implementation of Digital Circuits Using Structural Modeling
Component Declarations – Component Instantiation – Types of Component Instantiation- Examples –
Packages with Components declaration & Instantiation –– Generics – Operator Overloading –
Conversion functions – Attributes – File Concepts - Packages – Functions & Procedures – Predefined
& User defined library implementations. FSM implementation – Moore & Mealy Machines –
Reference Books
1. J. Bhaskar, “A VHDL Primer”, PHI Learning, III Edition, 2009.
2. Bhasker, “A Verilog HDL Primer”, Star Galaxy Publishing, 2010
3. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”, Pearson Education, 2004.
4. Charles H. Roth, Jr and Lizy Kurian John’s Digital Systems Design Using VHDL Cengage
Learning 2nd edition 2012.
5. Douglas L. Perry, “VHDL Programming by Example”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition,2017.
6. Michael D. Ciletti, "Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL”, Pearson Education;
Second edition , 2017.
7. 7.Stephen Brown, "Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design with VHDL", Tata Mcgraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited, McGraw Hill Education; 3 edition ,2017.
18EC3031 Signal Integrity for High Speed Devices
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the fundamental and importance of signal integrity.
2. To Illustrate and minimize cross talk in unbounded conductive media.
3. To study about the different types of Di-Electric materials.
4. To learn about differential cross talk and CMOS based transmission line model
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to
1. Implement signal integrity principles in the design of high speed circuits.
2. Illustrate about electrostatics
3. Illustrate about the different types of Di-Electric materials.
4. Perform signal modal analysis
5. implement ESSD protection Circuits.
6. Design various high speed devices by considering the signal integrity issues suitable for
various applications.
Reference Books
1. StephenHall,HowardL.Heck,“Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital
Designs”,Wiley Publishers, Wiley-IEEE Press; 1 edition (21 September 2011).
2. JamesEdgar Buchanan, “ Signal and power integrity in digital systems: TTL, CMOS, and
18EC3032 Digital System and ASIC Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To design combinational and sequential circuits using CPLDs
2. To Compute the types of ASIC s and design flow.
3. To acquire knowledge on Programmable ASICs and programmable ASIC logic cells.
4. To study the concepts of Programmable ASIC Interconnect and Programmable ASIC design
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the subject, students can be able to
1. Compute the steps to design combinational and sequential circuits.
2. Implement combinational and sequential circuits using PLDs and CPLDs
3. Construct the types of ASICs, Combinational and Sequential Logic Cells.
4. Demonstrate the Programmable ASICs and programmable ASIC logic cells.
5. Illustrate Programmable ASIC Interconnect and Programmable ASIC design software.
6. Compute the concepts of EDIF - CFI design representation.
References Books
1. Morris Mano, “Digital Logic & Computer Design 1/e”, Pearson Education India; First edition
2. Palmer, J.E., Perlman, D.E., "Introduction to Digital Systems", Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, Reprint 1996.
3. Nelson, V.P., Nagale, H.T., Carroll, B.D., and Irwin, J.D., "Digital Logic Circuit Analysis
and Design", PrenticeHall International, Inc., New Jersey, 1995.
4. Robert K Dueck, “Digital Design with CPLD applications and VHDL”, Thomson Asia, 2002.
5. Michael John Sebastian Smith "Application specific integrated circuits." Addison, Wesly
Longman Inc., 2006.
6. Kevin Skahill, “VHDL for Programmable Logic”, Pearson Education, First Indian Reprint,
7. FarzadNekoogar and FaranakNekoogar, “From ASICs to SOCs: A Practical Approach”,
Prentice Hall PTR, 2003.
18EC3033 VLSI Circuits for Bio Medical Applications
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on the basics of bio sensing units and implantable devices.
2. To impart knowledge on the essentials of interface circuits.
3. To design Interface circuits and CMOS VLSI circuits for bio medical applications.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1. Acquire knowledge on the basics of various bio sensing units
2. Identify various implantable devices in bio medical applications
3. Determine error coding techniques for wireless medical applications
4. Illustrate on the essentials of interface circuits
5. Compute Interface circuits for implantable bio medical devices
6. Design CMOS VLSI circuits for bio medical applications.
Module 1: Introduction
Circuits for Wireless Biosensing and Body Implants- Wireless Integrated Voltametric and
Amperometric Biosensing.
Module 2: Visual Cortical Neuroprosthesis: A Systems Approach
Circuits for Biomedical Implantable Devices.Towards Self-Powered Sensors and Circuits for
Biomechanical Implants.RF Circuits for Wireless Medical Applications. Error-Correcting codes for
In-Vivo Wireless Links.
Module 3: Biosensing Interfacing Circuits
Microneedles: A Solid-State Interface with the Human Body. Integrated Circuits for Neural
Interfacing: Neuroelectrical Recording, Neurochemical Recording, and Neural Stimulation.
Module 4: Circuits For Implantable Neural Recording And Stimulation
Neuromimetic Integrated Circuits. Interface Circuits for Amperometric Electrochemical Sensors.
ADC Circuits for Biomedical Applications.
18EC3035 HDL Laboratory
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. To learn various VHDL modeling and Verilog HDL modeling.
2. To familiarize with VHDL sub program and packages technique.
3. To design transistor level modeling using Verilog
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Design for combinational and sequential circuits using VHDL and Verilog HDL
2. Develop package for digital circuits using VHDL
3. Develop test bench for digital circuits using VHDL and Verilog HDL
4. Design gates using transistor level modeling using Verilog HDL
5. Synthesize the circuits after programming.
6. Implement circuit on FPGA using VHDL and Verilog HDL.
List of experiments
1. Design and Simulate Combinational circuits in all three modeling .
2. Design and Simulate 4-bit adder in structural and behavioral modeling.
3. Design and Simulate sequential circuits using VHDL.
4. Design and Simulate State machine using VHDL.
5. Design and Simulate Traffic Light Controller using VHDL.
6. Design and simulation of combinational circuit test bench.
7. Design and Simulate ALU using Packages and user defined data type.
8. Design and Simulate Flip-flops using VHDL
9. Design and Simulate Combinational circuits using Verilog HDL
10. Design and Simulate Sequential circuits using Verilog HDL
11. Design and Simulate logic gates using Switch level modeling
12. FPGA implementation of combinational circuit using VHDL and Verilog HDL
18EC3037 Low Power VLSI Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To compute basic principles of low power concepts.
2. To acquire knowledge on circuit and logic level power reduction techniques
3. To design low power latches flip-flops and SRAM devices.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the subject, students can be able to
1. Compute the basic principles and need for low power VLSI chips.
2. Summarize the various low power reduction techniques at circuit and logic level.
3. Demonstrate the application of probabilistic power analysis in VLSI chip design.
4. Design low power SRAM Architecture
5. Compute the energy recovery concepts to design low power circuits
6. Develop low power Latches and flip-flops.
18EC3038 Analog VLSI Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To develop a fundamental Computing in the concepts of device modeling.
2. To know the essentials of analog systems including ADC and DAC.
3. To impart the knowledge of circuit design and modeling and compute in CMOS amplifiers
and Comparators.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Compute the characteristics of MOS transistors and analyze the circuit characteristics
through device modeling
2. utilize the analog design concepts in data converters
3. Illustrate different types of filters and switched capacitor circuits
4. perform analysis in CMOS amplifiers
5. Solve the issues in output amplifiers
6. design and develop various comparators and Illustrate the performance of analog circuits
using EDA tools.
Module 1: Design Process For Analog Integrated Circuits
Design process for analog Integrated circuits-Approach to Device Modeling:MOS Models-dc
MOSFET Model-Bipolar Models-dc BJT Model-Small Signal BJT Model-High Frequency BJT
Module 2: Analog Systems
Analog Signal Processing-Digital-to-Analog Converters-Current Scaling D/A Converters-Voltage
Scaling D/A Converters-Charge Scaling D/A Converters-Serial D/A Converter-Analog-to-Digital
Converters-Serial A/D Converters-Successive Approximation A/D Converters-Parallel A/D
Module 3: Continuous Time Filters
Continuous Time Filters-Low Pass Filters- High Pass Filters- Band Pass Filters-Switched Capacitor
Circuits-Resistor Emulation-Design of a Parallel switched capacitor resistor emulation-Design of a
series parallel capacitor resistor emulation- Sampling Switches: MOSFETs as Switches-Speed
Considerations-Switched-Capacitor Amplifiers_ Unity-Gain Sampler/Buffer-Noninverting Amplifier-
Switched Capacitor Integrator-Switched Capacitor Common Mode Feedback.
Module 4: CMOS Amplifiers
CMOS Amplifiers: Active load Inverter-Performance of a current sink inverter-Push pull inverter-
Differential Amplifiers: CMOS differential amplifier using a current mirror load- CMOS differential
amplifier using a p-channel MOSFET-Current source load differential amplifier-Design of CMOS
Differential amplifier with a current mirror load- Cascode amplifiers: Simple cascode amplifier-
Design of a cascode amplifier-Current Amplifiers: Single-ended input current amplifier-Differential-
input current amplifier.
Module 5: Output Amplifiers:
Output Amplifiers -Class A amplifiers-Design of a simple class A output stage-Push Pull common
source amplifiers-High-Gain Amplifier Architectures: VCCS circuit-CCCS Circuit-CCVS Circuit
Module 6: Comparators:
Comparators: Characterization of a comparator-Two stage open-loop comparator performance-Design
of a two stage open-loop comparator-Non inverting autozeroing comparator-Inverting autozeroed
18EC3039 Testing and Testability
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To develop a fundamental Computing in the concepts of testing combinational and sequential
2. To know the essentials of various fault simulation techniques
3. To Compute the difference between DFT and BIST
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Identify the testing concepts at various levels of abstraction
2. Compute the knowledge of modeling of faults
3. Utilize the test generation algorithms for generating test vectors
4. Perform modal analysis for fault simulation techniques
5. Design and develop various architectures for DFT
6. Develop various BIST architecture
Module 1: Motivation Of Testing
Role of Testing-Testing and Diagnosis-Testing at different Levels of Abstraction-Errors and Faults-
Modeling and Simulation-Test Evaluation-Digital and Analog VLSI Testing-Failures and Faults
Module 2: Modeling Of Faults
Modeling of Faults: Stuck-at faults-Bridging faults-Stuck-open faults-Delay Faults-Temporary Faults-
Fault Detection and Redundancy-Fault Equivalence and Fault Location-Fault Dominance.
Module 3: Test Generation Algorithms
Test Generation algorithms-Test Generation For Combinational Logic Circuits-Fault Table-One-
Dimensional Fault Sensitization-Boolean Difference-D-Algorithm-Test Generation for Sequential
Logic Circuits: Testing of Sequential Circuits as Iterative Combinational circuits-State Table
Verification-Designing checking experiments-Random Testing.
Module 4: Fault Simulation Techniques
Fault Simulation Techniques -Simulation for Design Verification-Algorithms for Fault Simulation-
Serial Fault Simulation- Parallel Fault Simulation-Deductive Fault Simulation -Concurrent Fault
Module 5: Design For Testability
Design for Testability-Controllability and Observability-Ad Hoc Techniques-Scan-Path Techniques
for testable sequential circuit design-Level sensitive Scan Design (LSSD): Clocked Hazard-free
latches-LSSD Design Rules-Advantages of LSSD techniques-Random Access Scan Techniques-
Partial Scan-Boundary Scan.
Module 6: Built-In Self Test
Built-In Self Test-Test Pattern Generation for BIST: Exhaustive Testing-Pseudo exhaustive Pattern
Generation-Pseudo random pattern Generator-Output Response Analysis: Transition Count-Syndrome
Checking-Signature Analysis-BIST Architectures-Built-in Logic Observer- Specific BIST
Reference Books:
1. Vishwani D. Agarwal,“Essential of Electronic testing for digital, memory and mixed signal
circuits”, Springer, 2009
18EC3040 VLSI Technology
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To study the manufacturing concepts of VLSI devices.
2. To build a chip with the design rules or layout rules.
3. Fabrication process that allows this technology evolution is the minimum feature size that can
be printed on the chip.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Use the VLSI fabrication steps in detail.
2. Illustrate various oxidation techniques followed in the industry for every fabrication process.
3. Explain various fabrication steps to fabricate VLSI Devices.
4. Choose the various mechanisms for Diffusion and Ion Implantation process
5. Select proper metallization techniques in VLSI Technology.
6. Explore the application of technology customization for the chip design economically.
Module 1: Crystal Growth and Epitaxy
Introduction to VLSI fabrication, Crystal Growth – Electronic grade silicon, Czochralski Crystal
Growing, Silicon Shaping ,Processing conditions; Epitaxy – Vapor Phase Epitaxy:Molecular Beam
Epitaxy; Silicon on Insulators, epitaxial evaluation Silicon on Insulators, epitaxial evaluation;
Module 2: Oxidation
Kinetics of silicon dioxide growth for thick and thin films; Thinoxides; Oxidation techniques and
systems:Oxide properties, Redistribution of dopants at interface:Oxidation of Polysilicon and
oxidation induced effects
Module 3: Lithography, Etching & Deposition
Optical lithography-E-Beam lithography-X- Ray lithography -Ion Lithography-Reactive Plasma
Etching-Introduction to Plasma Properties,Feature-size control and anisotropic etch mechanisms-
Specific etch processes, Deposition Processes-Polysilicon Silicon di oxide, silicon nitride,Plasma
assisted depositions,
Module 4: Diffusion & ION Implantation
Models of Diffusion in solids’ Fick’s One Dimensional Diffusion equations, Atomic diffusion
mechanisms, diffusivities of B,P, As and Sb Measurement techniques, Diffusion in Polycrystalline
silicon, SiO2 Diffusion enhancements and retardations, Ion implantation equipment, Annealing and
shallow junctions, High energy implantation
Module 5: Metallization
Metallization applications and choices, Physical Vapor deposition, Patterning, Metallization
Module VI: VLSI Process Integration:
NMOS IC technology CMOS IC technology, MOS memory IC technology Bipolar IC technology and
IC fabrication VLSI Assembly technologies, Package Types, Packaging Design Considerations.
Text Books
1. S.M.Sze, “VLSI Technology”, McGraw Hill Second Edition. 1998.
2. James D Plummer, Michael D. Deal, Peter B. Griffin, “Silicon VLSI Technology:
Fundamentals, Practice and Modeling”, Prentice Hall India.2000.
Reference Books
1. Wai Kai Chen, “VLSI Technology” CRC Press, 2003.
2. Rajesh Agarwal and Dr.LaxmanSahoo, “VLSI Technology and Design”,Technical
Publications Pune, 2008.
18EC3041 IP based VLSI Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn about IC manufacturing and fabrication
2. To analyse the combinational, sequential and subsystem design
3. To study about different floor planning techniques and architecture design
4. To have an introduction to IP design security
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Summarize various CMOS technology, IC design techniques , IP based design and
Fabrication process.
2. Design static complementary gates and complementary gates
3. Demonstrate subsystem design
4. Illustrate about floor planning and architecture design
5. Demonstrate Low Power Design
6. Identify security VLSI IP based protection application
Module 1: VLSI and Its Fabrication
Introduction, IC manufacturing, CMOS technology, IC design techniques, IP based design,
Fabrication process-Transistors, Wires and Via, Fabrication Theory reliability, Layout Design and
Module 2: Combinational Logic Networks
Logic Gates: Combinational Logic Functions, Static Complementary Gates, Switch Logic, Alternate
Gate circuits, Low power gates, Delay, Yield, Gates as IP, Combinational Logic Networks-Standard
Cell based Layout, Combinational network delay, Logic and Interconnect design, Power optimization,
Switch logic network, logic testing.
Module 3: Subsystem Design
Sequential Machine-Latch and Flip flop, System design and Clocking, Performance analysis, power
optimization, Design validation and testing; Subsystem Design-Combinational Shifter, Arithmetic
Circuits, High Density memory, Image Sensors, FPGA,PLA, Buses and NoC, Data paths, Subsystems
as IP.
Module 4: Floor Planning And Architecture Design
Floor planning-Floor planning methods, Global Interconnect, Floor plan design, Off-chip Connections
Architecture Design- HDL, Register-Transfer Design, Pipelining, High Level Synthesis
Module 5: Architecture Of Low Power Design
Architecture for Low power, GALS systems, Architecture Testing, IP Components, Design
Methodologies, Multiprocessor System-on-chip Design
Module 6: Design Security
IP in reuse based design, Constrained based IP protection, Protection of data and Privacy constrained
based watermarking for VLSI IP based protection
Reference Books
1. Wayne wolf, “Modern VLSI Design:IP-based Design”, Pearson Education,2009.
2. Qu gang, Miodrag potkonjak, “Intellectual Property Protection in VLSI Designs: Theory and
Practice”, kluwer academic publishers,2003.
18EC3042 CAD for VLSI Circuits
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To design the circuit using Floor planning, Placement and Routing concepts.
2. To design and implement various algorithms onto FPGA.
3. To verify Simulation and Synthesis process in the circuit design.
Text Books
1. N.A. Sherwari, “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”, John Wiley, 2003.
2. Sabih H. Gerez,” Algorithms for VLSI design automation”, John Wiley, 2004.
3. M.J.S.Smith, “Application – Specific Integrated Circuits”, Addison, Wesly Longman
18EC3043 Data Converters
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the various techniques & architectures of D/A Converters.
2. To learn the various techniques & architectures of A/D Converters.
3. To study about the S/H circuit and testing of A/D and D/A Converters
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Compute the characteristics of D/A converters and A/D Converters and specifications of Data
2. utilize the basic specifications in high speed data converters
3. choose the various high resolution A/D Converters
4. Illustrate different types of sample-and -hold amplifiers
5. perform the analysis in delta sigma data converters
6. design and test various A/D and D/A data converters.
Module 1: Basic D/A and A/D Converter Function
Basic D/A and A/D converter function-Specifications of converters: Digital data coding-DC
specifications: Accuracy-Nonlinearity-Offset-Temperature dependence-Supply voltage-Dynamic
specifications: Signal-to-Noise Ratio-SFDR-ENOBs-Dynamic range-Required accuracy-Glitches-
BER-Maximum sampling-rate-Power supply rejection ratio-Settling time-Acquisition time-Aperture
time-Sample-to-hold step-Noise in sample-and -hold specifications-Figure of Merit.
Reference Books
1. Rudy van de Plassche, “CMOS Integrated Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog
Converters”, Springer International Edition, Second Edition, 2007.
2. R.Jacob Baker, Harry W.LI., David E.Boyee, ―CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and
Simulation, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
3. Randall L.Geiger, Philip E.Allen, Noel K.Strader, “VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and
Digital Circuits”, McGraw Hill International Co, 2010.
18EC3044 CMOS Mixed Signal Circuit Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on MOSFET models mixed signal design flow and data convertors.
2. To Illustrate CMOS based switched capacitor circuits and CMOS analog circuits.
3. To provide hands on using VLSI CAD tools to design and Illustrate mixed signal circuits.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1. Compute the concepts in current source and sinks
2. Design CMOS amplifiers to achieve performance specifications
3. Analyse Source coupled pair and op-amp
4. Identify the Non-Linear and Switched Capacitor circuits
5. Demonstrate the Performance and specifications of Data Converters
6. Compute VLSI CAD tools for design and analysis of mixed-signal circuits
Reference Books
1. CMOS Circuits Design, Layout and Simulation- Baker, Li, Boyce, 3rd edition., 2011, TMH.
2. Analog Integrated Circuit Design – David A. Johnes, Ken Martin, 1997, John &Wilney Sons.
3. Design of Analog CMOS Design- B.Razavi, MGH,2003, TMH
18EC3045 Analog Circuit Design Laboratory using CADENCE Tool
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. Design of Analog Circuits.
2. Design of various steps involved in Physical Design such as Placement, Routing, DRC,
Parasitic Extraction and Layout.
3. Analysis of Analog Circuits.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1. Illustrate the characteristics of CMOS Inverter
2. Design and simulate Differential amplifier
3. Design and simulate current mirror
4. Design and Simulate Comparator & Emitter Follower
5. Design and simulate various analog circuits
6. Demonstrate full ASIC Design flow for an CMOS inverter and CMOS Logic gates
List of Experiments:
1. Design and simulation of CMOS Inverter using Cadence Software.
2. Design and simulation of Differential Amplifier using Cadence Software.
3. Design and simulation of Current Mirror using Cadence Software.
4. Design and simulation of Single stage Op-amp using Cadence Software
5. Design and Simulation of Comparator using Cadence Software
6. Design and Simulation of Emitter Follower using Cadence Software
7. Design and Simulation of Sample and Hold circuit using Cadence Software
8. Design and Simulation of switched capacitor circuit using Cadence Software
9. Design and Simulation of Oscillators using Cadence Software
10. Design and Simulation of PLL using Cadence Software
11. Design and simulation of full ASIC Design flow of an inverter using Cadence Software
12. Design and simulation of full ASIC Design flow of CMOS logic gates using Cadence
18EC3046 ASIC Design Laboratory
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
1. Design of Digital Circuits for synthesis and simulation using HDL and Schematic Entry.
18EC3047 Hardware Design Verification Techniques
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To list functional design verification
2. To know about system verilog
3. To compute verification in various digital design.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Compute the various functional design verification
2. Generalize the basics of system verilog
3. utilize the advanced system Verilog in digital design
4. Illustrate the open verification methodology
5. Evaluate about Universal Verification Methodology
6. perform verification in various digital design circuits
Module 1: Introduction to functional design verification
The Verification Process - Directed verification - Methodology Basics - Randomize -Functional
Coverage - Layered Testbench - Building a Layered Testbench with example
Module 2 : Systemverilog - Basics
Data Types - Procedural Statements and Routines - Connecting the Testbench and Design -Basic
Object oriented concepts
Module 3: Systemverilog - Advanced
Randomization - Threads and Interprocess Communication - Object oriented concepts Functional
Coverage - Case studies
Module 4: Open Verification Methodology (OVM)
Introduction - Transaction-Level Modeling - OVM Mechanics - Testbench Fundamentals -Reuse -
Complete Testbenches - Sequences - Block-to-System - Case studies
Text Books
1. SystemVerilog for Verification : A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features by
Spear, Chris, Springer Publication
2. Open Verification Methodology Cookbook by Mark Glasser, Springer Publication
3. ASIC/SoC Functional Design Verification by Ashok B. Mehta, Springer Publication
4. The UVM Primer: A Step-by-Step Introduction to the Universal Verification Methodology by
Ray Salemi
18EC3048 Design of Semiconductor Memories
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To know the guidelines and design challenges in designing semiconductor memories.
2. To know about the functionality of different types of memories and the methods of testing it.
3. To Compute the effects of radiation and reliability issues while designing application specific
4. To know about the advanced memory technologies.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1. Design the architecture of Random Access Memory.
2. Choose the type of memory for a specific application.
3. Illustrate different types of faults that occur in memories.
4. Illustrate various reliability and radiation effects that occur in memories.
5. Prove the radiation effects that occur in memories
6. Comprehend the significance of technology development in memories.
Module 1: Random Access Memory Technologies
SRAM - Cell structures – MOS SRAM architectures - MOS SRAM cell and Peripheral Circuit
Operation - SRAM Technologies – Bipolar, BiCMOS and SOI - Application Specific SRAMs -
DRAM – Technology Development - DRAM cell theory - Advanced Cell structures - Soft error
failures in DRAM - Application Specific DRAMs.
Module 2: Non Volatile Memories
Masked Read only Memories (MROM) – Programmable ROM (PROM) – Erasable (UV)
Programmable ROM (EPROM) - Floating Gate EPROM cell - One time Programmable EPROM
(OTPEPROM) - Electrically Erasable PROM (EEPROM) - EEPROM Technology and Architecture -
Non volatile SRAM - Flash memories - Flash Architectures.
Module 3: Memory Fault Modeling And Testing
RAM Fault Modeling - RAM Electrical Testing – DC and AC Parametric Testing - Functional
Testing – Pseudo Random Testing - Algorithms - IDDQ Fault Modeling and Testing - Application
Specific Memory Testing.
Module 4: Semiconductor Memory Reliability
General Reliability Issues - RAM Failure Modes and Mechanism - Nonvolatile Memory Reliability
Module 5: Radiation Effects
Radiation Effects: Single Event Phenomenon (SEP) - Radiation Hardening Techniques – Radiation
Hardening Process and Design Issues - Radiation Hardened Memory Characteristics.
Module 6: Advanced Memory Technologies
Ferroelectric Random Access Memories (FRAMs) - Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) FRAMs – Analog
Memories – Magneto resistive Random Access Memories (MRAMs) - Experimental Memory
Devices – case study: Technology developments in semiconductor memories.
18EC3049 System On Chip Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To design combinational and sequential logic networks.
2. To learn optimization of power in combinational and sequential logic machines.
3. To study the design principles of FPGA and PLA.
4. To learn various floor planning methods for system design.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Summarize Combinational logic function, Switch logic
2. Illustrate Power optimization and combinational logic testing
3. Demonstrate Power optimization and sequential logic testing
4. Examine subsystem design
5. Outline system using various floor planning
6. Formulate Routing of Digital circuits
Module 1: Introduction to System on Chip
System Architecture - Components of the System - Hardware and Software - Processor Architectures
- Memory and Addressing - System-Level Interconnection - An Approach for SOC Design - System
Architecture and Complexity
Module 2: Chip Basics
Introduction - Cycle Time - Die Area and Cost - Ideal and Practical Scaling - Power - Area–Time–
Power Trade-Offs in Processor Design - Reliability - Configurability
Module 3: Processor
Introduction - Processor Selection for SOC - Basic Concepts in Processor Architecture - Basic
Concepts in Processor Microarchitecture - Basic Elements in Instruction Handling - Buffers:
Minimizing Pipeline Delays - Branches: Reducing the Cost of Branches - Robust Processors - Very
Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Processors -
Module 4: Memory Design
Introduction - Scratchpads and Cache Memory - Basic Notions - Cache Organization - Cache Data -
Write Policies - Strategies for Line Replacement at Miss Time - Multilevel Caches - Virtual-to-Real
Translation - On-Die AND Off-Die Memory Systems - Simple DRAM and the Memory Array -
Models of Processor–Memory
Module 5: Interconnect
Overview of Interconnect Architectures - Bus:Basic Architecture - SOC Standard Buses - Analytic
Bus Models - Beyond the Bus: NOC with Switch Interconnects and Examples - Layered Architecture
and Network Interface Unit - Evaluating Interconnect Networks
Module 6: Reconfigurable Technologies and Application Studies
Introduction - Reconfigurable Technologies : FPGA based design - Application Study: AES -
Application Study: 3-D Graphics Processors - Application Study: Image Compression - Application
Study: Video Compression
18EC3050 Solid State Device Modeling and Simulation-MOS Model
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
1. To Compute the principles of various device modeling
2. To Know about the physics of solid state device modeling and simulation.
3. To know about the models and its effects behind semiconductor devices
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Compute new mathematical models for various devices.
2. Demonstrate the physics behind the semiconductor devices
3. Illustrate various noise modeling and non-linearities in CMOS Devices
4. Summarize various BSIM4 MOSFET Models
5. Choose EKV MOSFET Models
6. Develop various SPICE models for MOS devices
Module 1: Semiconductor Device Physics And Operation
Band theory of solids, carrier transport mechanism, MOS capacitor - surface potential accumulation,
depletion, inversion, electrostatic potential and charge distribution, threshold voltage, polysilicon
work function, interface states and oxide traps, drain current model, sub-threshold characteristics.
Module 2: MOSFET RF Modeling
Basic modeling, SPICE Level-1, 2 and 3 models, Short channel effects, Advanced MOSFET
modeling, RF modeling of MOS transistors, Equivalent circuit representation of MOS transistor, High
frequency behavior of MOS transistor and AC small signal modeling.
Module 3: Noise Modeling
Noise sources in MOSFET, Flicker noise modeling, Thermal noise modeling, model for accurate
distortion analysis, nonlinearities in CMOS devices and modeling, calculation of distortion in analog
CMOS circuit.
Module 4: The BSIM4 MOSFET Model
Gate dielectric model, Enhanced model for effective DC and AC channel length and width, Threshold
voltage model, Channel charge model, Mobility model, Source/drain resistance model, I-V model,
gate tunneling current model, substrate current models, Capacitance models, High speed model, RF
model, Noise model, Junction diode models , Layout-dependent parasitic model.
Module 5: Other MOSFET Models
The EKV model, model features, long channel drain current model, modeling second order effects of
the drain current, modeling of charge storage effects,
Module 6: Simulation of MOSFET Models
Non-quasi-static modeling, Noise model, temperature effects, MOS model 9, MOSAI model, PSP
model and its simulations Influence of process variation, Modeling of device mismatch for Analog/RF
References Books
1. TrondYtterdal, Yuhua Cheng and Tor A. Fjeldly, Wayne Wolf, “Device Modeling for Analog
and RF CMOS Circuit Design”, Wiley India ,2015.
2. B. G. Streetman and S. Banarjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Pearson Education India;
Seventh edition ,2015.
3. A. B. Bhattacharyya, “Compact MOSFET Models for VLSI Design”, John Wiley & Sons
Inc., 2009.
Text Books
1. Hanson, G.W., “Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics”, Pearson, India., 2008.
2. Wong, B.P., Mittal, A., Cao Y. and Starr, G., “Nano-CMOS Circuit and Physical Design”,
Wiley, 2004
Reference Books
1. Lundstrom, M., “Nanoscale Transport: Device Physics, Modeling, and Simulation”, Springer.
2. Maiti, C.K., Chattopadhyay, S. and Bera, L.K., “Strained-Si and Hetrostructure Field Effect
Devices”, Taylor and Francis, 2007
3. Lavagno, L., Scheffer, L. and Martin, G., “EDA for IC Implementation Circuit Design and
Process Technology”, Taylor and Francis, 2005.
4. Shunri Oda, David K. Ferry, “Nanoscale Silicon Devices”, CRC Press; 1 edition (27 July
5. Sandip Kundu, Aswin Sreedhar, “Nanoscale CMOS VLSI Circuits: Design for
Manufacturability”, McGraw-Hill Education (1 July 2010).
Text Books
1. B. G. Streetman and S. Banarjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi, India, (1995).
2. W. Ranier, “Nano Electronics and Information Technology”, Wiley, (2003)
Reference Books
1. Charles p. Poole, Frank J. O “ Introduction to nanotechnology” Wiley Interscience , 2003.
2. Y. Taur and T. Ning, “Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices”, Cambridge University Press,
18EC3053 Photonics
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To introduce to the students the basic principles of Nanophotonics.
2. To design and Compute various types of photonics devices opertaions.
3. To Visualize various photonics structures.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Acquainted with the concepts of Nano photonics.
2. Describe the effects of quantization on the optical properties of semiconductors and metals.
3. Work on Plasmonic based structures and its applications.
4. Compute the importance of Quantum confined materials.
5. Illustrate the new approaches in Nano photonics.
6. Visualization of photonics structures and its applications.
Module 1: Introduction
Photons and electrons: similarities and differences, free space propagation. Confinement of photons
and electrons. Propagation through a classically forbidden zone: tunneling. Localization under a
periodic potential: Band gap. Cooperative effects for photons and electrons. Nanoscale optical
interactions, axial and lateral nanoscopic localization. Nanoscale confinement of electronic
interactions: Quantum confinement effects, nanoscale interaction dynamics, nanoscale electronic
energy transfer. Cooperative emissions.
Module 2: Quantum Confinement Structures And Super Lattices
Inorganic semiconductors, quantum wells, quantum wires, quantum dots, quantum rings.
Manifestation of quantum confinement: Optical properties nonlinear optical properties. Quantum
confined stark effect. Dielectric confinement effect, super lattices. Core-shell quantum dots and
quantum-dot-quantum wells. Quantum confined structures as Lasing media. Organic Quantum-
confined structures
Module 3: Plasmonics And Nano-Particles
Internal reflection and evanescent waves –Plasmon and surface Plasmon resonance –Attenuated Total
reflection – Grating SPR coupling –Optical waveguide SPR coupling-SPR dependencies and
materials –Plasmonic and nanoparticles.
Module 4: Photonic Crystal Fabrication
Important features of photonic crystals-Presence of photonic band gap-anomalous group velocity
dispersion Microcavity-effects in Photonic Crystals-fabrication of photonic Crystals-Dielectric
mirrors and interference filters photonic crystal laser-PBC based LEDs-Photonic crystal fibers
(PCFs)-Photonic crystal sensing.
Module 5: Photonic Microscopy
Near Field Optics-Aperture less near field optics-near field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM or
SNOM)-SNOM based detection of Plasmonic energy transport-SNOM based visualization of
waveguide structures
Module 6: Nano Photonic Structures
SNOM in nanolithography-SNOM based optical data storage and recovery-generation of optical
forces-optical trapping and manipulation of single molecules and cells in optical confinement-laser
trapping and dissection for biological systems.
Reference Books
1. H. Masuhara, S. Kawata and F. Tokunga, ―NanoBiophotoics”, Elsevier Science, (2007).
18EC3054 High Speed VLSI Design
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To develop a fundamental understanding in the concepts of Non clocked and Clocked
Logic Styles
2. To know the essentials of Latching Strategies.
3. To impart the knowledge in Asynchronous Clocking Techniques
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
1. Summarize the characteristics of Non-Clocked Logic Styles.
2. Illustrate the characteristics of Clocked Logic Styles.
3. Generalize the circuit design margin.
4. Categorize the latching strategies.
5. Outline the Interface techniques in high-speed VLSI Design.
6. Design and develop high speed CMOS VLSI design circuits.
Reference Books
1. Kerry Bernstein & et.al, “High Speed CMOS Design Styles”, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2012.
2. Evan Sutherland, Bob Stroll, David Harris, “Logical Efforts, Designing Fast CMOS
Circuits”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
Reference Books:
1. B.Razavi ,”RF Microelectronics” , Prentice-Hall , Pearson Education India; 2 edition (2013).
2. Bosco H Leung “VLSI for Wireless Communication”, Pearson Education, Springer; 2nd ed.,
3. Thomas H.Lee, “The Design of CMOS Radio –Frequency Integrated Circuits’, Cambridge
University Press ,2003.
4. Emad N Farag and Mohamed I Elmasry, “Mixed Signal VLSI Wireless Design - Circuits and
Systems”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
5. BehzadRazavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits” McGraw-Hill, 1999.
6. J. Crols and M. Steyaert, “CMOS Wireless Transceiver Design,” Boston, Kluwer Academic
Pub., 1997.
18MT2001 Technology of Digital Photography
2 0 4 4
Course Objectives
1. To enrich the students with the technology of Photography
2. To provide knowledge on the recent trends of Digital Photography
3. To impart knowledge on the image processing techniques.
Course Outcome
The students will learn to:
1. Observe the principles in digital photography.
2. Review the technical requirements in capturing photos.
3. Discover the new advancements in digital photography.
4. Compare and contrast various types of photography techniques.
5. Find a feasible lighting design for the requirement.
6. Manipulate the image based on standard parameters.
Module 1: Photography and Cameras
Basics of Photography, Types of DSLR Cameras, Accessories Used. [5 Lectures]
Module 2: Optics In Digital Cameras
The lens designer’s problems, Checking lens image quality, Understanding modulation transfer
function, Buying lenses, Special lens types, Influences on image sharpness, Using lenses created for
35 mm systems on DSLRs. [5 Lectures]
Module 3: Color Theory and Its Application
Light and colour, The human visual system, Light sources and their characteristics, Colour
temperature, Standard illuminants, Classification of colour, How we see colour. [5 Lectures]
Module 4: Basics of Image Sensors
An introduction to image sensors, Alternative sensor technologies, Image artefacts associated with
sensors [5 Lectures]
Module 5:Lighting control
Size of light sources, Direction and angle of light, Distribution of light, Contrast and exposure, Colour
and colour temperature ,Practical control of colour, Guidelines for lighting, Lighting equipment,
Lighting principles in practice. [5 Lectures]
Module 6: Digital image manipulation
Workflow, General considerations in determining workflow, Capture workflow, Digital image files,
Choosing file format, Image compression, Properties of common image file formats, Image
processing, Image processing workflow, Digital colour [5 Lectures]
0 0 4 2
Lab Outcomes:
The students will learn to:
1. To understand Basics of camera handling.
2. To Practice the lighting techniques.
3. To learn the composition principles.
4. To practice latest Techniques in photography.
5. To Practice Photo Manipulation Techniques.
6. To create new techniques in photography.
Tutorial 1: Three point lighting technique
Lab1: Portrait photography.
Tutorial 2: Rim, Top, Half, Silhouette Lighting techniques.
Lab 2: Creative lighting techniques.
Tutorial 3: Capturing miniatures.
Lab 3: Macro Photography.
Tutorial 4: Long Exposure Technique.
Lab 4: Blurry Effect.
Tutorial 5: High Speed Photography.
Lab 5: Action Photography.
Tutorial 6: Techniques in Motion Blur.
Lab 6: Motion Blur.
Tutorial 7: Composing a Dual tone image.
Lab 7: Black and White Photography.
Tutorial 8: Learning to capture Painting with Lights.
Lab 8: Painting with Lights.
Tutorial 9: Composing reflection or Mirror
Lab 9: Reflection/Mirror.
Tutorial 10: Techniques in Levitation.
Lab 10: Levitation Photography
Tutorial 11 & 12: Capturing and Composing HDR
Lab 12: HDR
Text Books
1. Digital Camera School: The Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Great Pictures, Ben Hawkins,
2. Creative Lighting: Digital Photography Tips and Techniques , Harold Davis, 2011
Reference Books
1. 40 Digital Photography Techniques, John Kim, Youngjin.com, 2007
Lab Objectives:
1. To understand the principles of design.
2. To ensure effective usage of principles of design.
3. To enrich the skill level of graphic design through the topic.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
1. Apply principles of design appropriately.
2. Enrich student’s creative component.
3. Increase their designing skills
4. understanding of the text forms and the quality of projects will be better
5. Visualize and demonstrate an idea and express it.
6. Demonstrate an understanding of principles of design and colors and apply them effectively
to various assignments.
Tutorial and Lab: (total 4 contact hours per week) (outline of topics)
Tutorial 1: Introduction to Image Editing
Lab1: Familiarization with basic tools
Tutorial 2: Setting up page layout
Lab 2: Creating a themed layout
Tutorial 3: Layers and Image Manipulation
Lab 3: Compositing various images into a single image
Tutorial 4: Filters
Lab 4: Adding filter effects and dimensionality
Tutorial 5: Blending Options and Modes
Lab 5: Blending text and Images
Tutorial 6: 3D visualization & Exporting
Lab 6: Adding a 3D perspective to an image.
Tutorial 7: Introduction to Page Layouts
Lab 7: Creating a page layout for different Mediums
Tutorial 8 : Adding Image and Text Content
Lab 8: Customizing text and images into a layout
Tutorial 9& 10 : Text Manipulation and Editing
Lab 9&10: Creating corporate identities including letter heads, visiting cards, etc
Tutorial 11: Compositing Text for Books and Magazines
Lab 11: Compositing a book, magazine and Newspapers.
Tutorial 12: Exporting to different Mediums
Lab 12: Exporting files based on different file formats.
Text Books
1. 1.“Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book”, Andrew Faulkner, Adobe Press, 2016.
2. 2.“Adobe Indesign CC Classroom in a Book”, Adobe Press, 2017.
Reference Books
1. The Adobe Photoshop CC Book for Digital Photographers, Scott Kelby, 2017 release.
18MT2003 Technical Video Production
2 0 4 4
Course Objectives:
1. To enrich the students with the technology of Video Production.
2. To provide knowledge on the recent trends of Cameras and lights.
3. To understand the working of light in different environments.
Technical Video Production Laboratory
0 0 4 2
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/ Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
18MT2004 Audio Engineering
2 0 4 4
Course Objectives:
1. To develop a theoretical and practical understanding of the fundamentals of audio engineering
2. To enhance problem solving skills in the field of audio engineering.
3. To develop practical and creative approaches to setup Live Sound/ Studio Recording.
Text Books
1. F.Alton Everest, Ken C Pohlmann, “Master Handbook of Acoustics”, McGraw Hill, Sixth
Edition, 2015.
2. Francis Rumsey, “Sound and Recording”, Elseiver, 5th edition, 2006.
Reference Books
1. Stanley R. ALten, Audio in Media, Wadsworth, 2005.
2. Michael Talbot-Smith, Sound Engineering Explained, Focal Press, 2002.
3. IAN R. SINCLAIR, Audio and Hi-Fi Handbook, Newnes, 1998.
Audio Engineering Lab
0 0 4 2
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/ Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
Text Books
1. Michael O’Rourke, “Principles of Three – Dimensional Computer animation”, 3rd
edition,W.W. Norton & company, 2003.
Reference Books
2. John Vince, “Essential Computer Animation”, Springer UK , FirstEdition 2000.
3. John Edgar Park, “Understanding 3D animation using Maya”, Springer Science & business
Media. Inc, 2005.
4. Marcia Kuperberg, Martin W. Bowman, “Guide To Computer Animation”, Focal press ,2002.
0 0 4 2
Lab Outcomes:
The students will learn to:
1. Relate the various 3D softwares
2. Identify the efficient modelling techniques
3. Apply lighting to modelled objects
Tutorial and Lab: (total 4 contact hours per week) (outline of topics)
Tutorial 1: Interface and Basic Interaction
Lab1: Modelling using basic primitives
Tutorial 2: Polygon Modelling and Nurbs Modeling
Lab 2: Creating basic Models using Polygon Modelling and Nurbs Modeling
Tutorial 3: Menu options for Polygon Modelling
Lab 3: Creating Models using Polygon Modelling
Tutorial 4: High and Low poly Modeling Techniques
Lab 4: Creating Organic Models
Tutorial 5:Texturing and Shading
Lab 5: Texturing Models using different Techniques
Tutorial 6: Lighting
Lab 6: Lighting up a modelled scene
Tutorial 7 : Rigging
Lab 7: Adding Skeleton and Constraints to the Models
Tutorial 8 : Cameras and Animation
Lab 8: Adding Interactivity to the scene using keyframing techniques
Tutorial 9: Rendering
Lab 9: Exporting the finished output into different forms
Tutorial 10: CAD Design
Lab 10: Understanding the basics of CAD and layout drawing
Tutorial 11 &12: Planning a 3D Animation in CAD
Lab 11 & 12: Implementing a architectural layout in CAD
Text Books
1. Kelly L. Murdock, “Autodesk Maya 2018, Basics Guide”, SDC Publications, 2018.
2. Chris Maraffi, “Maya Character Creation: Modeling and Animation Controls”, New Riders
3. Lee Lanier, “Maya Professional Tips and Techniques”, Autodesk Maya Press
2 0 4 4
Pre Requisite - 18MT2005 Introduction to 3D Animation
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic working of the human perception system and camera parameters to
better do compositing.
2. To examine the various tools of compositing and choose the right tool for the application.
3. Help the student visualize and comprehend the current state of the VFX industry.
Course Outcome:
The students will learn to:
1. Make better choices when making technical and creative decisions using the understanding of
human perception and camera parameters.
2. Manipulate image data using mathematical formulae to obtain the required result.
3. Compare the feature set available in various software and select the optimal set required.
4. Stabilize and get measureable data from images for use in Post Production.
5. Separate foreground from background and reconstruct the image using another background.
6. Compose a realistic image from various 2D and 3D source elements.
Module 1: Introduction
History and Evolution of VFX and Compositing, Basics of Human perception, Camera Basics, Nodal
Pans and Tilts, Camera Array, High Speed Photography, Motion Control, Multi pass Photography,
Text Books
1. Ron Brinkmann, The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, second edition, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2008.
2. S. Zwerman and J. Okun, The VES Handbook of Visual Effects. Burlington: Focal Press,
Reference Books
1. Steve Wright, Digital Compositing for Film and Video, Focal Press, 2006.
2. R. Ganbar, Nuke 101: Professional Compositing and Visual Effects, Second Edition, 2nd ed.
Peachpit Press, 2014.
3. Dough Kelly, Digital Composting in-Depth, Coriolis, 2000.
0 0 4 2
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/ Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
2 0 4 4
Course Objectives
1. The course provides knowledge on understanding the aesthetics and pre-requisites required
for game designing.
2. This course helps students to understand and utilize physics and mathematical concepts
required for game environments and game development.
Course Outcome
The students will be able to:
1. Infer and inherit capability of designing 2D /3Dgames.
2. Apply their skills on concepts like camera movement and dynamics of game designing.
3. Design and develop 2D/3D games on various platforms.
Text Books
1. Michael Moore, Basics of Game Design, CRC Press, 2016
2. Scott Rogers, “Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design”, John Wiley Publishers,
Reference Books
1. Jonathan S. Harbour, “Advanced 2D Game Development”, PTR Publishers, 2009.
2. Ernest Adams, “Fundamentals of Game Design”, Pearson Education, 2012.
3. Jesse Schell, “The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses”, Morgan Kauffman Publishers,
0 0 4 2
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/ Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
2 0 4 4
Pre Requisite - 18MT2005 Introduction to 3D Animation
Course Objectives
1. 1.To understand the basic working and the technical concepts of the graphical system
2. 2.To examine the various geometrical transformations
3. Help the student visualize and comprehend the graphic tools to create two dimensional
computer animation.
Course Outcome
The students will learn to:
1. Outline the two dimensional graphic production process
2. Classify the various algorithms for generating graphical components
Text Books
1. Rick Parent, Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann
publishers, 2002.
2. F.S.Hill,jr ,Computer graphics using Open GL,Prentice Hall of India,2006.
Reference Books
1. Peter Shirley, et al, Fundaments of Computer Graphics, AK Peters Ltd, 2005.
2. Issac Victor Kerlow, The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects, John Wiley, 2004.
0 0 4 2
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/ Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
0 0 4 4
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/ Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
0 0 2 1
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/ Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To define and understand principles of advertising
2. To translate skills making advertisements and Branding
3. To design and evaluate quality advertising output.
Course Outcome
The students will learn to:
1. Student will gain professional knowledge on advertising
2. Student will use the skills in designing advertising campaigns
3. Student will gain insight on the creative aspects of advertising
4. Students will evaluate the relation of public relations in advertising
5. Students will list and demonstrate ability to understand varied nuances of advertising in the
6. Students will learn the idea of social advertising
Text Books
1. Tony Yeshin, “Advertising”, McGraw Hill, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2006.
2. Otto Kleppner, “Fundamentals of Advertising”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.
Reference Books
1. Courtland L. Bovee, “Advertising Excellence” McGraw Hill Publications, Delhi, 2001.
2. Sean Brierley, “The Advertising and Hand book”, New York, 2000.
3. McGraw Hill, “Principles of Advertising and IMC”, McGraw Hill, 2000.
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To learn the various administrative structure of a video production studio
To study the standards and protocols in studio administration
To learn the essential logistics and safety standards.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
Outline the basic operational structure of a studio
Choose the best acoustic design of a studio
Estimate the ideal studio furniture and equipments needed
Categorize digital content and communicate with other employees
Formulate strategies for budgeting and staffing
Judge the right fire, safety and security issues.
Text Books:
1. Philip Newell, Recording Studio Design, Focal Press, 2007.
2. Ronald J. Compesi, Jaime S. Gomez, Introduction to Video Production: Studio, Field, and
Beyond, Pearson, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Don Davis, Sound System Engineering, Focal Press, 2007.
2. Alton Everest, Master Hand Book of Acoustics, McGraw Hill, 2001.
3 0 0 3
Course objective:
To overview the current and emerging trends in digital television.
To understand the different propagation channels in digital television transmission.
To apply the concepts in design of real-time broadcast television setup.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Observe the principles in digital television systems.
Review the advantages of digital over analogue televisions.
Discover the new advancements in digital television broadcast.
Compare and contrast various types of television standards.
Find a robust prorogation medium for television signals.
Evaluate the performance of the optimum medium.
Module 1: Introduction to Digital Television
Shannon’s Information Theorem - Digitizing a Video Signal - Measuring and Compressing Digital
Video Signals - Digital Video Broadcasting -Picture and Sound Quality - MPEG-4: HDTV
Compression [7 Lectures]
Module 2: Digital TV by Satellite
SatellitePositions and Power - Finding the Satellite - Positioning the Dish - Low Noise Block
Converters (LNBs) - The Satellite Receiver [7 Lectures]
Module 3: Modulation and Antennas
Modulating Digital Signals -Error Protection and Transmitted Bitrate -Dish Size - Multi-Satellite
Antennas -Installing Multi-Focus Antennas - Optimizing Parabolic Antennas [7 Lectures]
The Head end: The Heart of the Cable TV Network - Channel Capacity -The MATV (Master Antenna
TV) Network - UHF Coaxial Networks - Coaxial Cable TV Networks - Hybrid Fiber Coaxial
Text Book
1. Lars-Ingemar Lundstrom,“Understanding Digital Television-An Introduction to DVB
Systems with Satellie, Cable, Broadband and Terrestrial TV Distribution, Focal Press; 1
edition (august 30, 2006).
Reference Books
1. Michael Robin, Michael Poulin “Digital Television Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill 2nd Edition
2. Gerald W.Collins, “Digital Television Transmission”, John Wiley & Sons 2001
3. Marcelo S. Alencar, “Digital television Systems”, Cambridge University Press 2009.
4. Walter Fisher. “ Digital Video And Audio Broadcasting Technology”, Springer 2nd Edition
3 0 4 5
Course Objectives:
The course will
Introduce standard tools and techniques for software development using object oriented
Enable the student to understand appropriate use of various concepts for specific applications.
Provide an appropriate framework for automated unit.
Course Outcome:
After taking the course, students will be able to:
Exhibit basic knowledge in object oriented programming for developing programming skills.
Recognize features of object-oriented design such as encapsulation, inheritance, and
composition of systems based on object identity for appropriate applications.
Illustrate the concept of polymorphism and exceptions using object oriented approach.
Specify simple data types and design implementations, using functions to document them.
Identify the suitable data structure for the storage of data involved in the application and
develop applications using various linear data structures.
Choose the appropriate techniques in algorithmic design strategies for real time application
Module 1: Objects and Classes
A Simple Class- C++ Objects as Physical Objects - C++ Objects as Data Types - Object as
function argument -Constructors - - Returning Objects from functions - Structures and Classes –
Array fundamentals-Initializing arrays-Multidimensional arrays-Array as function arguments-Strings-
String variables-String constants-Reading Embedded blanks-Reading multiple lines [7 Lectures]
Module 2: Principles of Object Oriented Programming
Overloading Unary and Binary Operator - Data Type Conversion and its Pitfalls- Inheritance:
Derived Class and Base Class - Overloading Member Functions- Public and Private Inheritance -
Types of Inheritance.Pointers: Address and Pointers - Pointers and Arrays - New and Delete Operator
8 Lectures]
Module 3: Advanced Object Oriented Programming
Virtual Functions and Polymorphism - Friend Functions - Static Functions - this Pointer -
Text Books
1. Robert Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming in C++”, Third Edition, Galgotia
Publishers,Pune, Reprint, 2006.
2. Bronson , “C++ for Engineers and Scientists”, 4th Ed. ISBN: 978-1133187844, 2013
Reference Books
1. Herbert Schildt, “ C++, The Complete Reference” , Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2002
2. Owen L. Astrachan, “Programming with C++ - A Computer Science Tapestry”, Special
Indian edition 2007, Tata McGraw-Hill, Second reprint, 2008.
3. Abhishek Daya Sagar,”Expert Data Structures using C/C++”, BPB Publications, New Delhi
4. Al Stevens , “C++ Programming” , Wiley Dreamtech India (P) Ltd. , 7th edition, 2003.
0 0 4 2
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/ Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
2 0 4 4
Course objective:
To understand and use HTML tags for designing web pages.
To experiment with various CSS Styles
To learn Java-script for developing dynamic pages.\
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Evaluate the basic and advanced features in Server side scripting.
Create a complete webpage with responsive feature
Experiment about HTML programming and designing a web page
Practice basic web pages using HTML, HTML5 and CSS.
Recognize the JavaScript program as an aid for web design.
Reproduce the unique design problems involved in web design.
Module 1: Introduction to HTML
HTML: Introduction – Editors – Basic structure – Elements – Attributes – Headings – Paragraphs –
Styles – Formatting - Comments – Colors – Links – Images – Tables – Lists –Classes – Iframes –
Forms [7 Lectures]
Module 2:HTML 5
HTML 5 & CSS : Introduction – HTML 5 Elements – Semantics – Canvas - HTML Audio – HTML
Video – HTML Media – HTML API [7 Lectures]
Text Book
1. H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, “Internet & World Wide Web – How to program”, 3rd Ed.
Prentice Hall, 2003.Author, “Book”, Publisher, Year of Publishing
2. Thomas A. Powell, “HTML: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill, 2001.
Reference Books
1. 1. Danny Goodman, Michael Morison, Paul Novitski, “Java Script Bible”, Wiley Publication,
7th Edition Author, “Book”, Publisher, Year of Publishing
2. David Crowder and Rhona Crowder,“Web Design with HTML/Flash/Javascript &
Ecommerce BIBLE”, Wiley DreamTech India Pvt. Ltd,2001
3. Luke welling and Laura Thomson “PHP and MYSQL web development”, III Edition,, 2005
0 0 4 2
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/ Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
11 17EC2010 Digital Signal Processing 3:1:0
12 17EC2011 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 0:0:2
13 17EC2012 Communication Theory and Systems 3:0:0
14 17EC2013 Communication System Laboratory 0:0:2
15 17EC2014 Transmission Lines and Wave guides 3:1:0
16 17EC2015 Linear Integrated Circuits 3:0:0
17 17EC2016 Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory 0:0:2
18 17EC2017 Wireless and Networking Laboratory 0:0:1
19 17EC2018 Pulse and Wave Shaping Circuits 3:0:0
20 17EC2019 Antenna Theory and Wave propagation 3:1:0
21 17EC2020 Digital Communication 3:1:0
22 17EC2021 Microwave and Optical Communication 3:0:0
23 17EC2022 Microwave and Optical Communication Laboratory 0:0:2
24 17EC2023 VLSI Design 3:0:0
25 17EC2024 VLSI Design Laboratory 0:0:1
26 17EC2025 CAD for Electronics Engineers 3:0:0
27 17EC2026 Fiber Optic Communication 3:0:0
28 17EC2027 Advanced Microprocessor Architecture 3:0:0
29 17EC2028 Embedded System Design 3:0:0
30 17EC2029 ARM Processors 3:0:0
31 17EC2030 Embedded System Design Laboratory 0:0:2
32 17EC2031 Computer Communication 3:0:0
33 17EC2032 Telecommunication Switching Networks 3:0:0
34 17EC2033 Cellular Mobile Communication 3:0:0
35 17EC2034 Mobile Computing 3:0:0
36 17EC2035 IoT for Communication Engineering 3:0:0
37 17EC2036 High Speed Networks 3:0:0
38 17EC2037 Wireless Sensor Networks 3:0:0
39 17EC2038 Optoelectronics 3:0:0
40 17EC2039 Basics of Satellite Communication 3:0:0
41 17EC2040 Bio-Medical Signal Processing 3:0:0
42 17EC2041 Principles of Digital Image Processing 3:0:0
43 17EC2042 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems 3:0:0
44 17EC2043 Multimedia Compression Techniques 3:0:0
45 17EC2044 Machine Learning Algorithms for Image Processing 3:0:0
46 17EC2045 Information Theory and Coding 3:0:0
47 17EC2046 Digital System Design 3:0:0
48 17EC2047 Verilog HDL 3:0:0
49 17EC2048 VHDL 3:0:0
50 17EC2049 ASIC Design 3:0:0
51 17EC2050 Analysis and Design of Digital IC 3:0:0
65 17EC2064 MATLAB programming for Engineers 3:0:0
66 17EC2065 Digital system design using HDL 3:0:0
67 17EC2066 Artificial neural network 3:0:0
68 17EC2067 PCB design Laboratory 0:0:2
69 17EC2068 Fundamentals of Electronics 3:0:0
70 17EC2069 Fundamentals of Wireless Communication 3:0:0
71 17EC2070 Linear and Digital IC Laboratory 0:0:2
72 17EC2071 Communication Engineering 3:0:0
73 17EC2072 Electron Devices and Circuits 3:0:0
74 17EC2073 Electron Devices and Circuits laboratory 0:0:2
75 17EC3001 Statistical Digital Signal Processing 3:0:0
76 17EC3002 Data Compression Techniques 3:0:0
77 17EC3003 Optical Networks and Photonic Switching 3:0:0
78 17EC3004 Modern Digital Communication Techniques 3:0:0
79 17EC3005 Wireless Communication Networks 3:0:0
80 17EC3006 Advanced Radiation Systems 3:0:0
81 17EC3007 Satellite Communication 3:0:0
82 17EC3008 Error Control Coding 3:0:0
83 17EC3009 Computational Intelligence and Optimization Techniques 3:0:0
84 17EC3010 Communication Laboratory – I 0:0:2
85 17EC3011 Communication Laboratory – II 0:0:2
86 17EC3012 Advanced Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 0:0:2
87 17EC3013 Digital Communication Receiver 3:0:0
88 17EC3014 Detection and Estimation Theory 3:0:0
89 17EC3015 DSP Architecture and Programming 3:0:0
90 17EC3016 Global Positioning System 3:0:0
91 17EC3017 Optical Signal Processing 3:0:0
92 17EC3018 Advanced Digital Image Processing 3:0:0
93 17EC3019 Microwave Integrated Circuits 3:0:0
94 17EC3020 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 3:0:0
95 17EC3021` RF System Design 3:0:0
96 17EC3022 Telecom Network Management 3:0:0
97 17EC3023 RF MEMS 3:0:0
98 17EC3024 Neural Network for RF and Microwave Design 3:0:0
99 17EC3025 Smart Antennas 3:0:0
100 17EC3026 Communication Network Security 3:0:0
101 17EC3027 Communication Network Routing Algorithms 3:0:0
102 17EC3028 Wireless Communication for Sensor Networks 3:0:0
103 17EC3029 Mobile Communication Networks 3:0:0
104 17EC3030 Hardware Description Languages 3:0:0
105 17EC3031 Digital System and ASIC Design 3:0:0
119 17EC3045 Design of Semiconductor Memories 3:0:0
120 17EC3046 Hardware Design Verification Techniques 3:0:0
121 17EC3047 High Speed VLSI Design 3:0:0
122 17EC3048 Analog VLSI Design 3:0:0
123 17EC3049 CMOS Mixed Signal Circuit Design 3:0:0
124 17EC3050 VLSI Circuits for Bio-Medical Applications 3:0:0
125 17EC3051 VLSI for Wireless Communication 3:0:0
126 17EC3052 Data Converters 3:0:0
127 17EC3053 Signal Integrity for High Speed Devices 3:0:0
128 17EC3054 Nanoscale FET 3:0:0
129 17EC3055 Nanoscale Devices and Circuit Design 3:0:0
130 17EC3056 Photonics 3:0:0
131 17EC3057 Advanced Embedded Systems 3:0:0
132 17EC3058 Wireless and Optical Networks 3:0:0
133 17EC3059 VLSI Design Techniques 3:0:0
134 17EC3060 Embedded systems Laboratory 0:0:1
135 17EC3061 Advanced Signal Processing Laboratory 0:0:1
136 17EC3062 Scripting Languages and Verification 3:0:0
137 17EC3063 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3:0:0
138 17EC3064 Embedded Image processing 3:0:0
139 17EC3065 Software for Embedded systems 3:0:0
140 17EC3066 Embedded LINUX 3:0:0
141 17EC3067 Distributed Embedded Computing 3:0:0
142 17EC3068 Wireless and mobile communication 3:0:0
143 17EC3069 Embedded Open Source Software 3:0:0
144 17EC3070 Electronic product design 3:0:0
145 17EC3071 Embedded system networks 3:0:0
146 17EC3072 Speech and Audio Processing 3:0:0
147 17EC3073 Biological Signal Processing 3:0:0
148 17EC3074 Medical Image Processing 3:0:0
149 17EC3075 VLSI Digital Signal Processing 3:0:0
150 17EC3076 Advances in Electronics Applied to Hospital Engineering 3:0:0
151 17EC3077 Computer based Medical Instrumentation 3:0:0
152 17EC3078 Medical Signal Processing 3:0:0
19 17MT2019 3D animation Lab 0:0:2
20 17MT2020 Studio Acoustics 3:0:0
21 17MT2021 Media Laws and Ethics 3:0:0
22 17MT2022 Streaming Media 3:0:0
23 17MT2023 Video Editing 3:0:0
24 17MT2024 Principles of Cinematography 3:0:0
25 17MT2025 Advertising 3:0:0
26 17MT2026 Digital Music 3:0:0
27 17MT2027 Computer Based Music Production 3:0:0
28 17MT2028 Computer Based Music Production Lab 0:0:2
29 17MT2029 Live Sound Reinforcement Lab 0:0:2
30 17MT2030 Artificial Intelligence for Games 3:0:0
31 17MT2031 Game Design 3:0:0
32 17MT2032 VR Technologies and Applications 3:0:0
33 17MT2033 Game Production Lab 0:0:2
34 17MT2034 Advanced Animation Lab 0:0:2
35 17MT2035 Animatronics 3:0:0
36 17MT2036 Live Multi- Camera Production Lab 0:0:2
37 17MT2037 Broadcast Technology 3:0:0
38 17MT2038 Audio Signal Processing 3:0:0
39 17MT2039 Photography Theory and Practice 3:0:0
40 17MT2040 Electronic Media Management 3:0:0
Course objective:
To impart the basic knowledge about the passive components
To know about the fundamentals of electronics, some electronic devices and digital circuits
To get the knowledge about the various analog communication techniques and applications
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Understand the difference between active and passive components
Comprehend the basic physics behind the semiconductor devices.
Select the electronics devices based on their characteristics.
Design basic structures using logic gates
Acquire knowledge of basic communication systems.
Apply the basic electronics concepts in real time systems.
Home, Smart Health care.
Text Book
1. Muthusubramanian ,R, Salivahanan S, Muraleedharan K.A, “Basic Electrical, Electronics & Computer En-
gineering “Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 2009.
Reference Books
1. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, 9th Pearson Education
Edition, 2009.
2. Anokh Singh, “Principles of Communication Engineering” S.Chand Co., 2001
3. V.K.Metha.”Principles of Electronics”, Chand Publications,2008
4. Rappaport.T.S., “Wireless Communication”, Pearson Education, 2003
5. Dr.Ovidiu Vermesan, Dr.Peter Friess, “ Internet of Things: Converging Technologies for Smart Environ-
ments and Integrated Ecosystems”, River Publishers 2013
Course objective
To learn about number systems, binary codes and the basic postulates of Boolean algebra.
To study formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational and sequential circuits.
To learn the concept of memories and implementation of digital circuits in programmable logic devices and
about different logic families.
To illustrate the concept of designing combinational and sequential circuits using VERILOG.
Course outcome
The students will be able to:
Understand the basic postulates of Boolean algebra and logic gates.
Illustrate different methods for simplification of Boolean expressions.
Design combinational logic circuits.
Analyze synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic circuits.
Design simple logic circuits using HDL codes.
Interpret different methods for implementation of digital circuits.
UNIT I Minimization Techniques And Logic Gates: Number Systems - Boolean postulates and laws – De-
Morgan’s Theorem Principle of Duality Boolean expression Minimization of Boolean expressions –– Minterm –
Maxterm - SOP – POS – Karnaugh map Minimization – Don’t care conditions – Quine Mc Cluskey method of min-
imization. Binary Codes - Gray Code – BCD Code - Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Exclusive OR
and Exclusive NOR - Implementations of Logic Functions using gates, NAND–NOR implementations – Multi level
gate implementations - Multi output gate implementations - TTL and CMOS Logic and their characteristics
UNIT II Combinational Circuits: Design procedure: Half adder – Full Adder – Half subtractor – Full subtractor –
Parallel binary adder – Carry Look Ahead adder – Serial Adder - BCD adder – Binary Multiplier – Multiplexer -
Demultiplexer – Implementation of logic functions using multiplexers - decoder - encoder – parity checker – parity
generators – code converters - Magnitude Comparator.
tional and Sequential circuits using VERILOG.
Text Book:
1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2008
Reference Books:
1. John F.Wakerly, “Digital Design Principles and Practices”, Fourth Edition, Pearson/PHI, 2008.
2. John.M Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Applications and Design”, Thomson Learning, 2006.
3. Charles H.Roth. “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, 6th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2013.
4. Donald P.Leach and Albert Paul Malvino, “Digital Principles and Applications”, 6th Edition, TMH, 2006.
5. Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, 10th Edition, Pearson Education Inc, 2011
6. Donald D.Givone, “Digital Principles and Design”, TMH, 2003.
Course objectives:
To understand the mechanisms of current flow in semi-conductors.
To familiarize on the principle of operation, capabilities and limitation of various advanced semiconductor
devices and its practical application.
To design practical circuits and to analyze various components.
Course outcomes:
The students will be able to
Demonstrate the flow of charge carriers in semiconductor and interpret the VI relations.
Gain the knowledge of physical fundamentals of semiconductor.
Analyze the basic properties of semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors.
Understand the fundamental operation principles, applications and limitations of special semiconductor de-
Analyze the behavior of semiconductor devices for designing VLSI circuits.
Design simple practical circuits using electronic components and to do the necessary analysis.
Text Books :
Donald A. Neamen, “ Semiconductor physics and Devices “,Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2012.
Jacob Millman & Halkias,"Electronic Devices & Circuits",Tata McGraw Hill second edition,2013.
Malvino A P, “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2016.
David.A.Bell, "Electronic Devices & Circuits ", Oxford University Press, 4th Edition 2010.
Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory", 9th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2016.
Course objectives:
To understand the basic properties of signal & systems and the various methods of classification
To learn Laplace Transform & Fourier transform and their properties
To know Z transform & DTFT and their properties
To categorize LTI systems in the Time domain and various Transform domains
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Recognize the continuous time, discrete time signal operations and system properties
Express the continuous time signals in Fourier transform and Laplace Transform domains.
Demonstrate the properties of discrete time- signals in the Fourier transform and Z transform domains.
Categorize the continuous time system in the time domain, Fourier Transform domain and Laplace Trans-
form domain.
Categorize the discrete time system in the time domain, Fourier Transform domain and Z-transform do-
Design and develop the continuous time and discrete time systems
Unit I - Classification of signals and systems: Continuous Time (CT) signals – CT signal operations – Discrete
Time(DT) signals –Waveform generation using software– Representation of DT signals by impulses – DT signal
operations – CT and DT systems – Properties of the systems – Linear Time Invariant(LTI) and Linear Shift Invari-
ant(LSI) systems – Continuous and Discrete Convolutions – CT system representations by differential equations –
DT System representations by difference equations.
Unit II - Fourier Analysis of CT Signals And Systems: Fourier series representation of periodic signals – Prop-
erties – Harmonic analysis of LTI systems – Convergence of Fourier series – Representation of a periodic signals by
Continuous Time Fourier Transform (CTFT) – Properties – Frequency response of systems characterised by Dif
ferential Equations – Power and Energy Spectral Density – Parseval’s Relation.
Unit III - Discretisation of CT Signals: Representation of CT signals by samples – Sampling Theorem – Sampling
Methods – Impulse, Natural and Flat Top Sampling – Reconstruction of CT signal from its samples – Effect of un-
der sampling – Aliasing Error – Discrete Time processing of CT signals
Unit IV - Fourier Analysis of DT Signals And Systems: Discrete Time Fourier series representation of DT peri-
odic signals – Properties – Representation of DT aperiodic signals by Discrete Time Fourier Transform(DTFT) –
Properties – Frequency response of systems characterised by Difference Equations – Power and Energy Spectral
Density concepts related to DT signals – Parseval’s Relation.
Unit V - Transform Operations of CT and DT Systems: Laplace Transform-Properties-System Analysis-Z trans-
form and its properties – Inverse Z transform – Solution of Difference equations –Z Transform analysis of Recursive
& Non-Recursive systems-System Properties using software tools.
Text books:
1. Allan V.Oppenheim, S.Wilsky and S.H.Nawab, ―Signals and Systems‖, Pearson, Indian Reprint, 2009.
2. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, “Signals & Systems”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2005
Reference Bookss:
1. B. P. Lathi, Principles of Linear Systems and Signals, Oxford, Second Edition, 2009.
2. Samir S Solimon and Srinath M.D., “Continuous and Discrete Signals and Systems”, II Edition, PHI, 2003.
Course objectives:
To learn about the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
To design combinational circuits.
To design sequential circuits.
To design and simulate digital circuits using Verilog code.
Course outcomes:
The students will be able to
Understand the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
Illustrate different methods for realizing logic gates using universal gates.
Design and verify combinational logic circuits.
Analyze and inspect sequential logic circuits.
Design digital circuits for practical applications
Design and test simple digital circuits using Verilog code.
1. Realization of logic gates using universal gates
2. Design, implementation and verification of half adder and full adder
3. Design, implementation and verification of half subtractor and full subtractor
4. Design, implementation and verification of multiplexer and demultiplexer
5. Design, implementation and verification of code converters
6. Design, implementation and verification of encoder and decoder
7. Design, implementation and verification of magnitude comparator
8. Design, implementation and verification of flip flops
9. Design, implementation and verification of counters
10. Design, implementation and verification of shift registers
11. Design and simulation of combinational circuit using Verilog
12. Design and simulation of sequential circuit using Verilog
Course Objective:
To understand the characteristics of semiconductor and special purpose electron devices.
To design rectifiers, amplifiers and regulators.
To design power control devices
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to
classify the basic properties and characteristics of semiconductor devices.
identify, differentiate and construct the circuit of rectifiers, amplifiers and regulator.
construct the experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
analyze practically the response of various special semiconductor devices.
relate the circuit models to perform parameter analysis.
explain the response of devices in power control.
List of experiments
1. PN diode – Characteristics and Applications – Full Wave Rectifier
2. Zener diode – Characteristics and Applications – Voltage Regulator
3. Characteristics of BJT (CE Configuration) and hybrid (h) parameters Evaluation
4. BJT as an amplifier and as a switch
Course Objectives:
To introduce the students the operational principle and the analysis of diode in analog circuits together with
the design of rectifiers and regulated power supplies.
To understand the various methods of biasing a transistor and to perform an analysis on BJT amplifiers.
To acquaint students with the list of improvements achieved on negative feedback amplifiers and the design
of various oscillator circuits.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Describe the impacts of negative feedback on gain, input impedance and output impedance of different
feedback configurations.
Identify suitable rectifier and regulator circuits to construct Regulated Power Supply.
Apply how positive feedback is used in the design of sinusoidal oscillators.
Analyze various transistor biasing configurations and to calculate the stability factor of different biasing
Design transistor amplifier circuits using discrete components.
Choose suitable passive and active components to design any electronic circuits.
Unit I - Regulated Power Supply: Half Wave Rectification: Derivation of Ripple Factor, Rectification Efficiency -
Full Wave Rectification: Center-Tapped Transformer, Derivation of Ripple Factor, Rectification Efficiency - Full
Wave Rectification with Inductor Filter: Derivation of Ripple Factor - Full Wave Rectification with Capacitor
Filter: Derivation of Ripple Factor - Voltage Regulation using Zener Diode.
Unit II - BJT and FET Biasing: BJT Biasing: Operating Point – Fixed Bias Configuration: Forward Bias of Base
Emitter, Collector - Emitter Loop, Load Line Analysis and Derivation of Stability Factor - Voltage Divider
Bias Configuration: Exact Analysis and Derivation of Stability Factor – FET Biasing: Fixed Bias Configuration –
Voltage Divider Biasing Configuration.
Unit III - BJT Amplifiers: BJT Single stage RC Coupled amplifier: The ac analysis of Mid-Frequency Small Sig-
nal Transistor Amplifier – Frequency Response: Logarithms, Decibels, General Frequency Considerations, Nor-
malization process – Multistage Cascaded R-C Coupled Amplifier: The Voltage Gain, The current Gain, Power
Gain, Multistage Frequency effects – Power Amplifiers: Transformer-Coupled Class A Amplifier: Transformer
Action, Operation of Amplifier Stage, Maximum Theoretical Efficiency - Class B amplifier Operation: Input DC
Power, Output AC Power, Derivation of Maximum Efficiency, Transformer-Coupled Push-Pull Circuits,
Complementary-Symmetry Circuits, Amplifier Distortion – Class C Amplifier- Class D Amplifier - Class E
Unit IV - Feedback Amplifiers: Feedback Concepts – Feedback Connection Types - Gain Derivations with Feed-
back – Input Impedance Derivations with Feedback – Output Impedance Derivations with Feedback – Reduc-
tion in Frequency Distortion – Reduction in Noise and Nonlinear Distortion – Effect of Negative Feedback on Gain
and Bandwidth.
Unit V - Oscillators: Oscillator Operation – RC Phase Shift Oscillator – Wein Bridge Oscillator – Tuned Oscilla-
tor Circuit: Colpitts Oscillator, Hartley Oscillator, Crystal Oscillator.
Text Books:
1. Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory”, Pearson Publications,
Eleventh Edition, 2016 Reprint.
2. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias, Satyabrata JIT., "Millman’s Electronic Devices And Circuits", Tata
McGraw Hill Publications, 3rd Edition, 2011 Reprint.
Reference Books:
1. Malvino A.P., “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill International, 2005.
2. Jimmie J Cathey., “Electronic Devices And Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 3 rd Edition, 2013
To simulate amplifier circuits .
To design oscillator circuits.
To analyze amplifier and tuned circuits.
Course outcomes:
The students will be able to
Apply engineering mathematical concepts to design basic circuitry and connections.
Express the practical knowledge of various electronic circuits.
Demonstrate skills by using modern tools to analyze problems.
Employ appropriate components by effective application of the knowledge gained.
Mathematically analyze and predict appropriate circuits.
Assess on power amplifier circuits.
1. Frequency Response of CE, CB amplifiers and its Spice simulation
2. Design of Differential amplifiers and its CMRR measurement
3. Design and analysis of feedback amplifiers
4. Design and analysis of RC phase shift oscillator
5. Design and analysis of Single tuned amplifier
6. Design and analysis of class A amplifier and spice simulation of class B power amplifier.
Course Objectives:
To impart basic knowledge about architecture of processor & controller.
To get familiarized with the interfaces in processors and instruction sets in controller.
To explore the necessity of controller in real time applications.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Discuss the microprocessor organization and its evolution.
Describe the architecture of 8051 controller.
Express their knowledge in designing a system using 8051
Differentiate ARM architecture and features from other processor.
Write ARM coding in Embedded C.
Apply the concept to simulate real time system using IDE.
Unit I - Microprocessor Organization & Evolution: Introduction to microprocessors, computer and its organiza-
tion, Programming system, address bus, Data bus and Control bus, Tri state bus, clock generation, Connecting mi-
croprocessor to I/O devices, data transfer schemes, Architectural advancements of microprocessors, Evolution of
Unit II - 8051 Microcontroller: Introduction to 8051 micro-controller, Architecture, Memory organization, Special
function registers, Port operation, Memory interfacing, I/O interfacing, Interrupts, Power down operation, Instruc-
tion set and Embedded C Programming, 8051 micro controller based system designs.
Unit III - ARM Architecture: Acorn RISC machine, Architecture inheritance, ARM Programming model, ARM
development tools, 3 and 5 stage pipeline organization, ARM instruction execution and implementation, ARM co-
processor interface.
Unit IV - Programming in ARM: ARM instruction types, Coprocessor instructions, Programming In Embedded C.
Unit V - Applications: Introduction to IDE, Interfacing of motor, interfacing of sensors, Real time applications.
Text Books:
1. Krishna Kant, “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers – Architecture, programming and system design
8085, 8086, 8051, 8096”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007.
Course Objectives:
To enable the students to understand the programming techniques of Microprocessor.
To enable the students to understand the programming techniques of Microcontrollers.
To design suitable control application using Microcontrollers.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Review the programming skills in Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
Develop coding in assembly language in 8051.
Practice the coding in Embedded C.
Use the programming skill to code for interfacing devices in 8051.
Compose the coding using Embedded C for ARM.
Write programs to interface with ARM.
Course Objective:
To impart basic knowledge about digital signal processing
To understand Digital (IIR and FIR) filter design procedures.
To know about the finite word length effects and PDSPs.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
Outline the digital signal processing concepts.
Analyze the discrete time signals for DSP applications.
Apply various transformations for Digital (IIR and FIR) filter design procedures.
Relate the signal processing concepts practically with the help of finite word length effects and PDSPs.
Compare and select the DSP processor suitable for a specific application.
Unit I - Introduction to DSP and Fourier Transform Review of Discrete Time LTI Systems – Linear, circular
and sectioned convolutions. Sample rate conversion. Discrete fourier transform. Fast Fourier transform computa-
tions using DIT and DIF algorithms.
Unit II - Infinite Impulse Response Filters: Calculation of IIR coefficients using pole –zero placement method-
Review of classical analog filters-Butterworth,Chebyshev and Elliptic filters–Transformation of analog filters into
equivalent digital filters using impulse invariant method and Bilinear transformation method. Realization structures
of IIR filters-Direct and cascade forms
Unit III - Finite Impulse Response Filters: Symmetric and Antisymmetric FIR filters – Linear phase response and
its implication – FIR filter design using window method – frequency sampling method – design of optimal linear
phase FIR filters – realization structures of FIR filters – transversal and linear phase structures.
Unit IV - Finite Word Length Effects: Representation of numbers in registers-ADC quantization noise-coefficient
quantization error-Product quantization error –Limit cycles due to product round-off error, Round –off Noise reduc-
tion scheme-Addition over flow errors-Principle of scaling.
Unit V - Adaptive filtering and DSP Processors: Adaptive filtering – basic wiener filter theory – LMS adaptive
algorithm. Introduction to general and special purpose hard ware for DSP – Harvard architecture –pipelining-Special
instruction-Replication-Hardware digital filter – Texas Instruments TMS320C6416 – Instruction set of
TMS320C6416 – Simple programs. Applications of DSP – Case studies.
Text Books:
1. John G Proakis and Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications”, Pear-
son, Fourth Edition, 2007.
2. Discrete-Time Signal Processing by Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, 3rd edition, 2010, Pren-
tice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Reference Books:
1. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing – A Practical Approach”, Wesley
Longman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004
2. SanjitK.Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing - A Computer Based Approach”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
2nd Edition, 2001
3. Johny R. Johnson, “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”, PHI, 2006
4. S.Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, “Digital Signal Processing”, McGraw Hill International, 2007
5. Venkatramani B, M. Bhaskar, ‘Digital Signal Processors Architecture, Programming and Applications’,
Tata McGraw– Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2002.
6. Texas Instruments Manuel for TMS320C6416 Processor.
Course Objective:
To gain knowledge in DSP applications like FIR,IIR filters and FFT using MATLAB
To gain knowledge on Texas instrument TMS320C6416/6713 DSK and work on real time applications.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
Translate the basic signal processing concepts using softwares
Analyze the various mathematical transforms using softwares
Design the digital filters by applying suitable transformations or techniques using softwares
Express the basic signal processing concepts using DSP Processor
Implement the mathematical transforms using DSP Processor
Demonstrate the real time filtering of audio signals using DSP Processor
List of Experiments:
Using Softwares
1. Generation of DT Signals and sample rate conversion
2. Convolution and its properties
3. Calculation of DFT of a Signal
4. Design of IIR Filters-1 (Butterworth)
Course objective:
To impart the basic concepts of communication systems, transmitter and receiver.
To understand analog modulation and demodulation techniques.
To analyze the adverse effect of noise on signals.
Course outcome:
Apply engineering mathematical concepts in various communication techniques.
Identify the required system for a better communication technique.
Analyze and interpret data considering the limitations of various modulation techniques.
Employ appropriate modulators and demodulators for transmitters and receivers
Predict and mathematically design an appropriate modulation technique.
Assesson the adverse effect of noise on signals.
Course Contents:
system block diagram –-Need for modulation – Types of Modulation-Amplitude Modulation: Theory of Amplitude
Modulation – AM power calculations – Need for suppression of carriers – Suppressed carrier systems (DSB SC,
SSB SC & VSB systems). Generation of AM signal–Square law diode modulation –Suppressed carrier AM genera-
tion Balanced Modulator. AM Demodulation: Square law detector, envelope detector – synchronous demodulation.
quency modulation, Mathematical analysis of FM and representation of FM – Narrow band FM and wide band FM -
Comparison of AM & FM. Frequency modulation: Generation - FM signal by Direct method (Varactor diode modu-
lator) – Indirect generation of FM-Armstrong method -FM Demodulation: Balanced slope detector, Foster Seeley
discriminator, Ratio detector, Theory of phase modulation.
Unit III - AM TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS: AM Transmitter and Receiver: AM transmitters block
schematic- high level and low level transmitters-SSB transmitters- ISB transmitters - Characteristics of Receivers -
Tuned radio frequency receivers – Super heterodyne receiver- Basic elements of AM super heterodyne receiver: -
Image frequency rejection – frequency conversion – IF amplifier.
Unit IV - FM TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS: Allocation of frequency for various services FM Transmit-
ter and Receivers: Block diagram of FM transmitter and methods of frequency stabilization – FM stereo-Pre-
emphasis. Block diagram of FM receiver – De-emphasis – Noise Limiter- Automatic Frequency Control.
Unit V - NOISE: Noise and Interference-Thermal and Shot noise-Signal to Noise ratio – Noise-figure – Noise
temperature – Noise figure of cascaded stage-Noise in AM- SSB SC calculation of output signal to noise ratio -
DSBSC Calculation of output signal to noise ratio - Figure of merit.
Text Book:
1. Anokh Singh, A.K.,“Principles of Communication Engineering”, S.Chand Co.,7th Edition, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Simon Haykins, “Communication Systems” John Wiley, 4th Edition, 2004.
2. G.Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2012.
3. Taub and Schilling , “Principles of Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 2ndEdition, 2003
4. Dennis Roddy & John Coolen, “Electronic Communication”, Pearson Education Limited, 4th Edition,
Course objective:
To understand analog communication systems and its channel characteristics
To implement various coding format schemes
To learn the digital modulation techniques
Course outcomes:
The students will be able to
define various modulation schemes .
discuss communication systems in system level and sub-block levels
design and simulate various modulation schemes
critically assess the performance of wired communication systems and filters
analyze the performance of digital MODEM to given specifications emphasizing the use of tools in engi-
neering practice
ability to write report on the design and implementation of the circuits and systems
List of Experiments:
1. Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation
2. Frequency Modulation and Demodulation
3. Time Division multiplexing
4. Equalizers
5. IF amplifier
6. Generation of various line coding formats
7. M-ary Signaling schemes (ASK,FSK,PSK)
8. Sampling, Quantization effects and error correction code in Pulse Code Modulation
9. Generation and detection of delta MODEM (Granular noise and overload noise)
10. Test and measurement of RF filters (LPF, HPF, BPF, BRF) using Spectrum analyzer
11. Design and simulation of Superheterodyne receiver
12. Study of wireless communication using WiCOMM-T/SDR platform or data communication trainer module.
Course objective:
To develop a fundamental understanding in the concepts of transmission lines.
To know the essentials of impedance matching using Smith chart.
To impart the knowledge of mode analysis in waveguides and to apply basic electromagnetic concepts for
Microwave resonators.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
recognize the characteristics of transmission lines.
summarize the knowledge of impedance matching through Smith chart and simulation tools.
apply the electromagnetic concepts in waveguides
analyze different types of waveguide and resonators
perform modal analysis to waveguide structures
design and develop planar transmission lines and waveguide structures for different frequencies.
Unit I - Transmission Line Theory: General Solution – Types – Primary and Secondary constants – Physical sig-
nificance of infinite line – reflection coefficient – wavelength and velocity of propagation - Waveform distortion –
distortion less transmission line – Reflection on a line not terminated in Zo – Short circuited and Open circuited line
– Loading - Input impedance – Transfer impedance – Reflection factor and Reflection loss – T and Π Section equiv-
alent to lines – Numerical Problems.
Unit II - The Line at Radio Frequencies: Parameters of open wire and coaxial lines at Radio Frequency- Standing
waves and standing wave ratio on a line – VSWR measurements - impedance matching - half wave line - One eighth
wave line – Quarter wave Transformer – The Smith Chart and its application – single stub matching and double stub
matching – Problems using Smith Chart.
Text Books:
1. J.D. Ryder, “Networks, Lines and Fields”, 2 nd Edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2011.
2. E.C. Jordan and K.G.Balmain, “Electro Magnetic Waves and Radiating System”, 2nd Edition, PHI Learn-
ing, New Delhi, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. David M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, 4 th Edition, John Wiley 2013.
2. R.E. Collin, “Foundations for Microwave Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
3. David K.Cheng, “Field and Waves in Electromagnetism”, New International edition, Pearson Education,
Cource Objectives:
To introduce the basic building blocks of linear integrated circuits.
To learn the applications of operational amplifier.
To introduce the theory of Filters and PLL.
To learn the theory of ADC and DAC.
To introduce the concepts of waveform generation and introduce some special function ICs.
Cource Outcomes:
Upon Completion of the course, the students will be able to:
Design linear and non linear applications of op – amps.
Design Filters using op-amp
Design ADC and DAC using op – amps.
Design Timer circuits using 555 IC
Generate waveforms using op – amp circuits.
Analyze performance of special function ICs.
Unit I - BASICS OF OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Current mirror and current sources- BJT Differential
amplifier with active loads- Basic information about operational amplifiers – Ideal Operational Amplifier - General
operational amplifier stages -and internal circuit diagrams of IC 741, DC and AC performance characteristics- In-
verting and non inverting amplifier
Unit II - APPLICATIONS OF OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Voltage Follower- adder- subtractor- Instru-
mentation amplifier- Integrator- Differentiator- Logarithmic amplifier- Antilogarithmic amplifier- Comparators-
Schmitt trigger- Precision rectifier- peak detector -clipper and clamper.
Unit III - ACTIVE FILTERS AND PLL: Low-pass- high-pass ,band-pass and Band elimination Butterworth
filters-Operation of the basic PLL- Voltage controlled oscillator- Monolithic PLL IC 565- application of PLL for
AM detection- FM detection.
Conversions, D/A converter – specifications - weighted resistor type, R-2R Ladder type, A/D Converters – Flash
type - Successive Approximation type - Single Slope type – Dual Slope type - A/D Converter using Voltage-to-Time
Conversion - Over-sampling A/D Converter
Text Books:
1. 1.Roy Choudhury.D., Shail Jain, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, New Age International Publications, 3rd Edi-
2. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits”, 3rd Edition, Tata Mc
Graw-Hill, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Gayakwad.A.R., ”Op-Amps & Linear IC’s”, PHI, 4th Edition,2004
2. Robert F. Coughlin, Frederick F. Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers & LinearIntegrated Circuits”, PHI 6th
Edition, 2001
3. B.S.Sonde, “System design using Integrated Circuits” , 2 nd Edition, New Age Pub, 2001
4. Gray and Meyer, “Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits”, Wiley International, 2005.
5. Michael Jacob, “Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India, 1996.
6. William D.Stanley, “Operational Amplifiers with Linear Integrated Circuits”, Pearson Education, 2004.
Course objective:
To design wave shaping circuits using opamps
To design multi vibrators using opamps
To design active filters using op amps
Course outcomes:
The students will be able to
Design linear and non linear applications of op – amps.
Discuss filters using op-amp
Design adc and dac using op – amps.
Employ linear and non linear circuits using ic 555
Generate waveforms using op – amp circuits.
Analyze performance of special function ics.
List of Experiments:
1. Design of Inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier, adder, and subtractor using Op-amp.
2. Design of differentiator and integrator using Op-amp.
3. Precision half wave and full wave rectifier using Op-amp.
4. Comparator, Zero crossing detector and Peak detector using Op amp
5. Design of Op amp Schmitt Trigger
6. Design of active Low Pass Filter and High Pass Filters
7. Design of active Band Pass Filter and Band Reject Filters
8. Astable and Monostable multivibrator using IC 555 timer
9. Voltage Controlled Oscillator
10. Digital to Analog convertor using R-2R ladder method
11. Analog to Digital convertor using R-2R flash method
12. Mini Project
Course objective:
To understand various protocols
To implement various modulation techniques
To learn the security issues in the wireless network
5. Performance Studies of Adaptive Modulation and Coding
6. Network Security Protocols and QoS analysis
Course Objective:
To acquaint students with the basic concepts of linear and nonlinear wave shaping circuits.
To design and analyze bistable multivibrator, Schmitt trigger circuit, monostable and astable multivibrators
using BJT.
To make the students learn the ideas behind time base generators, blocking oscillators and sampling gates.
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to
Describe the operation and application of blocking oscillator and sampling gates.
Classify different types of time base generators.
Sketch the response of linear and nonlinear wave shaping circuits to different input signals.
Analyze the operation of bistable multivibrator and Schmitt trigger circuit.
Design monostable multivibrator and astable multivibrator.
Choose the suitable wave shaping and pulse generator circuits for real time applications.
Unit I - Linear and Nonlinear wave shaping circuits: High pass RC circuit: Response of high pass RC circuit to
step input, square input, ramp input - High pass RC circuit as a differentiator- Low pass RC circuit: Response of
low pass RC circuit to step input, square input, ramp input - Low pass RC circuit as an integrator- Attenuator- Di-
ode Clipper circuits, Two level clipping circuits, Problems, Diode Clamper - Clamping circuit theorem.
Unit II - Bistable Multivibrator: Fixed Bias Transistor Bistable Multivibrator: Operation-Effects of loading –
Collector catching diodes - Applications- Self bias Transistor Bistable Multivibrator - Commutating Capacitor-
Triggering methods - Analysis and Design Problems - Schmitt trigger using BJT: Operation, Hysteresis and Appli-
cations - Design of Schmitt Trigger using BJT.
Unit III - Monostable Multivibrator and Astable Multivibrator: Collector coupled monostable multivibrator
using BJT: Operation, Waveforms, Applications-Gate width calculation - Design of monostable multivibrator -
Analysis and Design Problems - Collector Coupled Astable multivibrator using BJT: Operation, Waveforms, and
Applications - Time period calculation.
Unit IV - Time base generators: General features of a time base signal - Methods to generate time base waveform
- UJT sweep generator - Miller sweep generator - Bootstrap ramp generator – Basic concepts of Current time base
Unit V - Blocking Oscillators and Sampling Gates: Basics of Pulse Transformer- Blocking oscillators – Mono-
stable blocking oscillators: Base and emitter timing – Triggering circuits – RC controlled Astable blocking oscilla-
tors –Applications of Blocking Oscillators - Sampling gate: Basic operating principles of sampling gate-
Unidirectional sampling gate - Applications of sampling gates.
Text Books:
1. Millman & Taub “Pulse Digital and Switching Waveforms”, McGraw Hill, 3 rd Edition 2015.
2. David A Bell, “Solid State Pulse Circuits”, PHI, Fourth Edition, 2009.
Course objective:
To understand basic terminology in an antenna.
To impart the knowledge of field distribution characteristics due to various types of antennas.
To familiarise on special antenna types and wave propagation.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
Understand the antenna basic parameters
Estimate the array factor for uniform and non-uniform arrays
Apply the fundamental concepts to obtain field distributions of broad band antennas
Examine the field characteristics of special type antennas
Categorize the radio wave propagation regions
Design and analyze various types of antennas using simulation tools
Unit I - Antenna Fundamentals: Basic antenna parameters – Radiation Pattern - Radiation intensity-Directive
gain-Directivity Power gain-Beam area - Beam width-Bandwidth - Antenna Apertures - Effective Height and e
fective area – Efficiency – Beam Solid angle – Polarisation –Reciprocity theorem – Antenna Temperature - Concept
of retarded vector potential
Unit II - Wire Antennas and Antenna Arrays: Wire antennas : Short electric dipole – radiated fields – radiation
resistance – directivity – Half wave dipole- Monopole antennas – Small loop antennas – radiation resistance – Heli-
cal antenna. Antenna arrays: Broad side array – End fire array -Uniform linear array – array factor – Radiated fields
– Array synthesis - pattern multiplication – Non-uniform array: Binomial array – Assumed current distribution for
wire antennas - Use of capacity hat and loading coil for short antennas-array antenna design using simulation tools.
Unit III - Travelling Wave Antennas: Resonant and Non resonant antennas - Rhombic Antenna: Analysis and
design Coupled Antennas: Self and mutual impedence-2 and 3 element yagi antennas-Log periodic antennas-
feeding and transposing of lines- design using simulation tools.
Unit IV - Aperture and Lens Antennas: Radiation from Huygen’s source- Radiation from the open end of a coax-
ial line- Radiation from a rectangular aperture treated as an array of Huygen’s source-Equivalence of fields of slot
and complementary dipole- Relation between dipole and slot impedances. Feeding of slot antennas Thin slot in an
infinite cylinder-Field on E plane horn-Radiation from circular aperture-Beam width and effective area - Reflector
antennas-Lens antennas- design using simulation tools.
Unit V - Propagation: Sky wave propagation: Structure of ionosphere-Effective dielectric constant of ionized
region-Refraction-Refractive index-critical frequency-Skip distance-Effect of earth’s magnetic field-collisions-Max
usable frequency-fading-diversity reception
Space wave propagation: Reflection of polarized waves-Reflection characteristics of earth- Resultant of direct and
reflected wave at the receiver-Duct propagation
Ground wave propagation: Attenuation characteristics-calculation of field strength
Text Books:
1. John D Kraus and Ronalatory Marhefka “Antennas” Tata Mc Graw Hill 2002
2. Jordan and Balmain, “Electromagnetic waves and radiating systems”, PHI, 1968, Reprint 2003
Reference Books:
1. R.E. Collins “Antennas and Radio wave propagation” Mc Graw Hill 1987
2. Balanis, C.S “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design” John Wiley & Sons, II Edition 2003.
Course objective:
To learn about theoretical bounds on the rates of digital communication system which deals with the trans-
mission of signals in their baseband form.
To understand various baseband and pass band modulation techniques.
To learn error control coding which encompasses techniques for the encoding and decoding of digital data
streams and the various spread spectrum modulation schemes.
Course Outcome:
At the end of course, student will be able to :
Understand the basics of information theory and source coding techniques to determine the required data
rate for a reliable communication over the channel.
Depict the performance of different baseband modulation techniques.
Acquire Knowledge on inter symbol interference and its solutions.
Design and simulate various passband modulation schemes.
Analyze and resolve various error control coding techniques for the encoding and decoding of digital data
streams for their reliable transmission over noisy channels.
Discern various spreading techniques and its applications.
UNIT I - Information theory and source coding: Basic building blocks of Digital communication - Analog ver-
sus Digital communication - Advantages and disadvantages of digital communication - Sources and Signals - Uncer-
tainty - Information - Entropy - Source Coding Theorem - Source Coding Techniques: Prefix Coding, Huffman
Coding - Channel coding theorem - Channel capacity theorem.
UNIT II - Baseband Modulation and Pulse Transmission: Sampling process: Impulse sampling, Natural sam-
pling - Pulse Code Modulation - Quantization : Uniform Quantization (Midtread, Midriser and Biased Quantization)
- Non Uniform Quantization - Fundamentals of Line coding - Limitation and modification of PCM - DPCM - Delta
modulation - Adaptive delta modulation - Inter Symbol Interference - Nyquist criterion for zero ISI - Ideal Nyquist
channel - Raised cosine channel - Eye pattern.
UNIT III - Digital Modulation Schemes: Introduction - Pass band Transmission model - Generation, Detection,
Signal space diagram, Probability of error and Power spectra of : Binary Phase Shift Keying - Differential PSK -
QPSK - M-ary PSK - Quadrature Amplitude Shift Keying - Binary Frequency Shift Keying - M-ary FSK - Mini-
mum Shift Keying - Comparison between bandwidth efficiency and bit rate - Applications of digital modulation
Unit IV - Error Control Coding: Rationale for Coding- Types of errors and error control codes - Linear Block
Codes : generator matrix, systematic linear block codes, parity check matrix, syndrome testing ,error correction, and
decoder implementation - Cyclic Codes: Systematic and Non-systematic Encoding, Generator matrix, Encoder De-
sign, Error detection - Convolution Codes: Time domain and transform domain approach, graphical representation,
code tree, trellis, state diagram, decoding methods, Essentials of Turbo codes and Low density parity check codes.
Unit V - Spread Spectrum Systems: Pseudo Noise sequences - A notion of spread spectrum - PN sequence gener-
ation and properties - Direct sequence spread spectrum with coherent binary phase shift keying - Signal space Di-
mensionality and processing gain - Rake Receiver - Frequency Hopping Systems - Fast Hopping & Slow Hopping
Techniques - Applications of spread spectrum: CDMA and Multipath Communication.
Text Books:
1. Simon Haykins, “Digital Communication Systems,” John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi, Forth Edition, 2011.
2. H. Taub, D. Schlling, and G. Saha, “Principles of Communication Systems,” Tata McGraw Hill, New Del-
hi, Third Edition, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Bernard Sklar and Ray P. K., “Digital Communication: Fundamentals and applications,” Pearson, Dorling
Kindersley (India), Delhi, Second Edition, 2009..
2. Lathi B P, and Ding Z., “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems,” Oxford University Press,
Forth Edition, 2010.
3. Shu Lin, Daniel J Costello, ”Error control coding” , Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
Course objective:
To understand all basic Microwave and Optical devices and components.
To learn few microwave measurements and analyze parameters.
To understand the principles of fiber optic communications
Course outcome:
The students will be able to
Recognize the limitations of existing vacuum tubes and solid state devices at microwave frequencies
Study the performance of specialized microwave tubes such as klystrons, reflex klystron, magnetron
and Travelling wave tube.
Understand the operation of passive waveguide components.
Analyze microwave circuits using scattering parameters
Identify and characterize different components of an Optical Fiber Communication link.
Analyze optical source, Fiber and Detector operational parameters
Unit I - Microwave Passive Devices: Passive microwave devices: Coaxial Connectors and Adapters - Waveguide
Choke Flanges - Matched Terminations - Short Circuit Plunger - Rectangular to circular Waveguide transition -
Tuning screws - Waveguide Corners - Bends and Twists – Windows-Coaxial line to Waveguide Adapters - Cou-
pling Loops and Coupling Aperture – Attenuators-Phase shifters - Waveguide Tees - E plane Tee - H plane Tee -
Magic Tee - Circulators - Directional couplers - Scattering matrix derivation for all components.
Unit II - Microwave Vaccum Tube Devices: Introduction - Two cavity Klystron Amplifier – Mechanism and
mode of Operation ReflexKlystron Oscillator – Mechanism and mode of Operation TWT amplifier - Principle of
Operation-Magnetron Oscillator - Mechanism of Operation
Unit III - Microwave Solid State Devices and Measurement: Microwave diodes– Gunn diode – Mode of opera-
tion - TRAPAT - IMPATT diodes - Microwave measurement- Power,VSWR,Impedance measurements
Unit IV - Optical Communication: Overview of optical communication - Need for optical communication –
Comparison with the
electrical communication - Optical Fiber light guides theory: Ray theory – Mode theory. Snell’s law – Critical angle
– Acceptance angle – Numerical Aperture. Types of fibers: Step and Graded index fibers. Wave propagation in mul-
ti mode and single mode optical fibers Attenuation – dispersion.
Unit V - Optical Transmitters and Receivers: Optical sources and Transmitters: LEDs - types of LEDs – princi-
ple of operation - Laser Diodes – working principle. Optical Detectors and Receivers: Photo detectors - photodiodes
- pin and Avalanche photo detectors
Text Books:
1. Samuel.Y.Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 3rd Edition, Reprint
2. Keiser.G. "Optical Fiber Communications”, McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2010
3. 3.John Senior “optical communications” Prentice Hall India , Third Edition, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Collin. R.E, “Foundation of Microwave Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, II Edition, 1992.
2. Annapurna Das, Sisir K. Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Co., Ltd., 1st Edition, 1999.
Reprint 2001.
Course Objective:
To understand the characteristics of different microwave components.
To study the performance parameters of optical source and detector.
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
Demonstrate the characteristics of Microwave sources and directional couplers
7. Radiation pattern of Horn Antenna
B. Optical Communication Experiments
1. D.C. Characteristics of LED and PIN Photo Diode.
2. Optical transmission using Analog and Digital Link.
3. Study of Losses and Measurement of Numerical Aperture in Optical Fiber.
4. Study of Time Division Multiplexing and System bandwidth Determination by Intensity Modulation.
5. PI characteristics of LASER diode.
Course Objectives:
To study about the MOS Transistor and its characteristics.
To get familiarized with stick diagrams and Layout design.
To understand the CMOS logic design styles, latches and registers.
Course Outcomes:
students will be able to
recognize the MOS transistor structure and its characteristics.
design CMOS circuit design using the various logic styles.
understand the knowledge on design rules and layout.
differentiate the analysis in combinational and sequential circuits
perform analysis in MOS circuit design processes and circuit concepts
design and develop combinational and sequential circuit design in EDA tools.
Unit I - MOS Transistor Principle: Architectural Design – Logical Design – Physical Design-MOS Transistors:
Enhancement mode transistor-Depletion mode transistor-MOS Transistor Structure-Transistor Operation- Ids Vs
VdsCharacteristics: The Non-Saturated Region- The Saturated Region-MOS Transistor Threshold Voltage- Small
signal AC Characteristics-NMOS Fabrication-CMOS Fabrication: P-well process-N-well process-Twin-tub process
Unit II - Combinational Logic Circuits: MOS Transistor Switches- Combinational Logic Design- NMOS Invert-
er-Pull-up to Pull-down ratio of an NMOS Inverter- CMOS Inverter-Latch up in CMOS Circuits-Pass Transistor-
Transmission gate-CMOS logic styles: Pseudo NMOS Logic-Dynamic CMOS Logic-Domino CMOS Logic-C2
MOS Logic -n-p CMOS Logic.
Unit III - MOS Circuit Design Processes and circuit concepts: Stick Diagrams : NMOS and CMOS Design
style- Design rules and layout : Lamda-based design rules: N-well based CMOS design rules-Sheet resistance :
Sheet resistance concepts applied in MOS transistors and Inverters-Silicides-Area Capacitance of layers- Standard
unit of capacitance-Area Capacitance calculations.
Unit IV - Designing Sequential Logic circuits: Static Latches and Registers: Multiplexer based latches-Master-
Slave edge triggered register-Low voltage static latches-Dynamic Latches and Registers: Dynamic Transmission
gate edge triggered registers-C2MOS -A clock insensitive approach.
Unit V - Designing Arithmetic Building Blocks: Arithmetic Building Blocks: Binary Adder-Full Adder Circuit-
Ripple Carry Adder-Transmission Gate Based Adder-Carry-By Pass Adder-Linear Carry Select Adder-Carry
Lookahead adder-Array Multipliers-Barrel Shifters.
Course objective:
To study the characteristics of NMOS and PMOS transistors
To understand the CMOS logic design styles.
To get familiarized with Design rules and Layout design
Course outcomes:
The students will be able to
recognize the MOS transistor structure and its characteristics.
perform analysis in CMOS inverter and obtain its DC transfer characteristics.
design and simulate pass transistors, transmission gate and static CMOS logic
design and simulate CMOS circuit design using dynamic CMOS logic.
design the layout based on design rules and to perform DRC check.
design and analyze both combinational and sequential design in EDA tools
List of Experiments:
1. Study of the characteristics of NMOS and PMOS transistors
2. Design and Simulation of CMOS inverter and obtaining its transfer characteristics and Noise margin
3. Logic design using pass transistors, transmission gates and static CMOS logic
4. Design and Simulation of dynamic CMOS circuits
5. Design and Simulation of Multiplexer and Counter
6. Layout design of digital logic circuits
Course Objective:
To provide an introduction to the fundamentals of Computer-Aided Design tools for the modelling, design,
analysis, test, and verification of digital systems, Xilinx, LabVIEW, and advanced MATLAB.
To design, code, and test programs that meet requirements expressed by engineers. This includes a basic
understanding of top-down design.
To illustrate the role of computer programming in solving engineering problems.
Course outcome:
Working familiarity with GUI in MATLAB
Learning advanced features in MATLAB
Able to do graphical code that can solve the engineering problems – LabVIEW
Working familiarity with XILINX
Able to programme in all levels of modelling techniques through XILINX
Unit I - NI LabVIEW: Introduction to LabVIEW - Modular Programming – Repetition and Loops – Arrays –
Clusters - Plotting of Data – Structures - String and File I/O - Application Programme – Exercises
Unit II - VHDL Programming: Introduction to VHDL - Data Types & Operators - Programming -Different Styles
of Modelling - Control, Loop, decision statements - User defined functions - Logic level synthesis - Floor-planning
– Routing - VHDL Programming Exercises
Text Book:
1. C. F. Van Loan and K.-Y. D. Fan. , Insight Through Computing: A Matlab Introduction to Computational
Science and Engineering , SIAM Publication, 2009,
Reference Books:
1. Brian R. Hunt,Ronald L. Lipsman,Jonathan M. Rosenberg, A Guide to MATLAB, for Beginners and Expe-
rienced Users
2. G.DeMicheli,” Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits”, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
3. T.R. Padmanaban, “ Design through Verilog HDL”, Wiley Interscience, IEEE Press, 2004.
4. Won.Y.Yang,Yong.S.Cho,Won.G.Jeon.,Jeong.W.Lee,Jong.H.Paik,Jaekwon Kim, Mi-Hyun Lee, Kyu.
I.Lee, Kyung.W.Park, Kyung.S.Woo,” MATLAB/Simulink for Digital Communication,Hongrung Publish-
ing, 2012.
Course Objective:
To expose the students to the basics of signal propagation through optical fibers, fiber impairments, com-
ponents and devices and system design.
To learn the basic elements of optical fiber transmission link, fiber modes configurations and structures.
To understand the different kind of losses, signal distortion in optical wave guides and other signal degra-
dation factors.
To learn the various optical source materials, LED structures, quantum efficiency, Laser diodes.
To learn the fiber optical receivers such as PIN APD diodes, noise performance in photo detector, receiver
operation and configuration.
To provide in-depth knowledge on Optical signal processing and spatial filters.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
Recognize and classify the structures of Optical fiber and types.
Discuss the channel impairments like losses and dispersion.
Analyze various coupling losses.
Classify the Optical sources and detectors and to discuss their principle.
Design various fiber optic systems.
Design as well as conduct experiments in software and hardware; analyze the results to provide valid con-
3. Agrawal G.P., Fiber Optic Communication Systems, 3rd ED.,Wiley, 2002.
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge in advanced microprocessors
To impart knowledge of application development
To train the students towards various architectures of advanced microprocessors
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Acquires knowledge about fundamental concepts of microprocessor architectures
Acquires clear understanding about CISC and RISC architectures
Work with suitable microprocessor for a specific real world applications
Became familiar with importance and applications of advanced microprocessor
Will be able to interface I/O devices with ARM
Text Book:
1. Andrew N.Sloss, Dominic Symes and Chris Wright “ ARM System Developer‟s Guide : Designing and
Optimizing System Software” , First edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. Steve Furber , “ARM System –On –Chip architecture”, Addision Wesley, 2000.
Course Objectives:
To understand the basic concepts of Embedded System.
To acquire Knowledge in Real time Embedded system, programming languages and tools.
To explore the potential areas utilizing embedded processors in real time systems.
Course Outcomes:
Acquire knowledge about the basic functions of embedded systems
Understand the basic structure and concepts of embedded systems
Acquire designing skills in Hardware and software tools of embedded firmware
Understand the applications of embedded systems
Develop good programming skills to develop embedded projects
Apply the acquired knowledge to develop embedded related projects
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Differences between the Desktop PC and typical Embedded System - Applications of
Embedded System – Microprocessor Vs Microcontroller Analysis. Embedded Design Life Cycle: Product Specifica-
tion, Hardware/Software Partitioning, Iteration and Implementation, Detailed Hardware and Software Design,
Hardware Software Integration, Product Testing and Release, Maintenance and Upgrading Existing products.
Memory Mapping – Signal Description – Port Integration Module – Serial Communication Interface: SCI, SPI, I2C,
CAN, Analog to Digital Converter, Pulse Width Modulator – Enhanced Capture Timer – Periodic Interrupt Timer .
Interfacing Concepts: Hardware Initialization, Display Interfacing, Keyboard Interfacing, Concept of Touch Screen.
ADC Interfacing, Serial Communication Interface: RS232, IIC. Real Time Clock (RTC) Intefacing- EEPROM Inter-
facing-Stepper Motor and DC Motor Interfacing Techniques.
Cross-Assemblers, Linker/Locator, Debugger and Simulator - Introduction to Code Warrior Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) – Embedded C Programming using IDE: I/O Port Programming, EEPROM Programming, Tim-
er Programming, Programming ADC, Programming PWM Module, Serial Port Programming and Interrupts Pro-
ting Embedded Software into Target System: In-Circuit Emulators. Debug Kernels: BDM and JTAG.
Unit V - REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS (RTOS): Tasks and Task States, Tasks and Data, Semaphores
and Shared Data, Message Queues, Mailboxes and Pipes, Timer functions, Events, Memory Management, Interrupt
Routines in RTOS Environment. Design of Underground Tank Monitoring System using MUCOS RTOS.
Text Books:
1. Arnold Berger, “Embedded System Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools, and Techniques” CMP
Books, 2006.
2. Han–Way Huang, “The HCS12/9S12: An Introduction to Hardware and Software Interfacing”, Delmar
publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. David E Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Douglas V Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware”, Tata McGraw-Hill Edi-
tion, New Delhi, 2005.
3. Rajkamal, ”Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
Course Objectives:
To impart basic knowledge about architecture of ARM processor.
To get familiarized with the instruction sets in ARM processors
To explore the necessity of ARM processors in real time applications
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
Summarize ARM7TDMI assembly instructions and their formats and usage.
Write ARM7 based assembly level programs.
Describe the architecture of ARM Processors.
Express their knowledge in cache design, virtual memory and memory protection concepts.
Discuss AMBA bus architecture, various HW peripherals.
Apply their understanding and to handle issues in using any processor SW tools chain for embedded soft-
ware solution development.
Unit I - ARM Introduction and Pipeline structures: Types of computer Architectures-ISA's and ARM History-
Embedded System Software and Hardware, stack implementation in ARM- Endianess-condition codes-Processor
core VS CPU core-ARM7TDMI Interface signals-Memory Interface-Bus Cycle types-Register set-Operational
Modes-Instruction Format-ARM Core Data Flow Model-ARM 3 stage Pipeline-ARM family attribute comparison-
ARM 5 stage Pipeline, Pipeline Hazards, Data forwarding - a hardware solution.
Unit II ARM7TDMI assembly instructions and modes: ARM ISA and Processor Variants-Different Types of
Instructions-ARM Instruction set-data processing instructions-Shift Operations-Data processing Instructions-
Addressing modes-Swap Instructions-Swap Register related Instructions-Program Control Flow-Control Flow In-
structions-B & BL instructions-BX instruction-Interrupts and Exceptions-Exception Handlers-Aborts-software Inter-
rupt Instruction-Interrupt Latency-Multiply Instructions-Instruction set examples. Thumb state-Thumb Programmers
model-Thumb Implementation-Thumb Applications-Thumb Instructions-Interrupt processing-Interrupt Handelling
schemes- Examples of Interrupt Handlers.
Unit III Caches: Memory Technologies-Need for memory Hierarchy-Hierarchical Memory Organization-Virtual
Memory-Cache Memory- Mapping Functions-Cache Design-Unified or split cache-multiple level of caches-ARM
cache features.
Unit IV Memory Protection Unit (MMU): Processes-Memory Map-Protected Systems-ARM systems with MPU-
memory Protection Unit (MPU) -Physical Vs Virtual Memory-Paging-Segmentation-MMU Advantage-virtual
memory translation-Multitasking with MMU-MMU organization.
Unit V ARM tools and Peripherals: ARM Development Environment-Arm Procedure Call Standard (APCS)-
Example C program-Embedded software Development-Image structure-linker inputs and outputs-memory map-
AMBA Overview-Typical AMAB Based Microcontroller-AHB bus features-AHB Bus transfers-APB bus transfers-
APB bridge-DMA-Peripherals- Programming Peripherals in ARM.
Text Books:
1. SteveFurber, “ARM System on Chip Architecture”, Addison Wesley Professional, Second Edition, Aug
2. Andrew NSloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, “ARM System Developer’s Guide, Designing and Opti-
mizing System Software”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, 2004.
3. Ricardo Reis, “Design of System on a Chip: Devices and Components”, Springer FirstEdition, July 2004.
4. Jason Andrews, “Co-Verification of Hardware and Software for ARM System on Chip Design (Embedded
Technology)”, Newnes, Aug 2004.
5. Rashinkar P, Paterson and Singh L, “System on a Chip Verification – Methodologies and Techniques”,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Instructor reference material
Course Objectives:
To develop programming skills in Embedded C
To understand interfacing concepts in Embedded C programming
To test a embedded system based on test inputs provided
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Able to write an Embedded C program
Understand what is a microcontroller, microcomputer, embedded system.
ability to design a system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
Able to incorporate interfacing concepts in the Embedded C program
Understand key concepts of embedded systems like IO, timers, interrupts, interaction with peripheral de-
Able to test an embedded system based on the test inputs provided
List of Experiments
1. Activation of Buzzer using Atmega Microcontroller
2. Activation of LED using Atmega Microcontroller
3. Interfacing of IO module using Atmega Microcontroller
4. Generating delay using timer in Normal mode using Atmega Microcontroller
5. Generating delay using timer in CTC mode using Atmega Microcontroller
6. Interfacing timer using interrupt using Atmega Microcontroller
7. Interfacing seven segment display using Atmega Microcontroller
8. Real time clock using Atmega Microcontroller
9. Interfacing ADC – Digital voltmeter using Atmega Microcontroller
10. Keypad scanning using Atmega Microcontroller
11. Interfacing stepper motor using Atmega Microcontroller
12. Serial communication using Atmega Microcontroller
Course Objective:
To introduce the concepts and technologies of modern data communication and computer networks.
To enlighten the students about universal networking protocols and standards.
To introduce IEEE standards employed in computer networking.
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to;
Apply Engineering mathematical concepts in communication networks.
Identify communication errors, formulate methods to solve and correct those errors.
Analyze and interpret data to design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate considerations.
Demonstrate skills to use modern engineering tools, software’s and equipments to analyze problems.
Show the understanding of impact of engineering solutions of different protocols and network components,
on the society and also will be aware of contemporary issues.
Will develop confidence for self education and ability for life-long learning about various IEEE standards.
Text Book:
1. Behrouz A. Foruzan, “Data communication and Networking”, Tata McGraw-Hill,2004.
Reference Books:
1. James .F. Kurouse & W. Rouse, “Computer Networking: A Top down Approach Featuring”, Pearson Edu-
cation, 4th Edition 2008
2. Larry L.Peterson & Peter S. Davie, “Computer Networks”, Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Edition, 2007
2. Andrew S. Tannenbaum, “Computer Networks”, PHI, 4th Edition, 2003.
3. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2000.
3. Prakash C.Gupta,” Data Communication and Computer Networks, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2006
Course objective:
To impart the fundamental functions of a telecom switching office, namely, digital multiplexing, digital
switching and digital subscriber access.
To gain knowledge on the mathematical model for the analysis of telecommunication traffic.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Describe different multiplexing techniques.
Express the concepts of Digital Switching.
Review the performance analysis of network traffic.
Outline the ISDN architecture and Digital Loop Carrier Systems.
Analyze the Characteristics of a network.
Characterize blocking probability holding service time distributions for in speech and data networks.
Text Books :
1. Bellamy John, “Digital Telephony”, John Wily & Sons, Inc. 3rd edn. 2000.
2. Viswanathan. T., “Telecommunication Switching System and Networks”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 1994.
Reference Books :
1. R.A.Thomson, “Telephone Switching Systems”, Artech House Publishers, 2000.
2. W. Stalling, “ Data and Computer Communications” Prentice Hall, .2007
3. T.N.Saadawi, M.H.Ammar, A.E.Hakeem, “Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks”, Wiley
Interscience, 1994.
4. W.D. Reeve, “Subscriber Loop Signaling and Transmission Hand book”, IEEE Press(Telecomm Handbook
Series), 1995.
Course Objective:
To study the state of art techniques in wireless communication
To know the various wireless protocol architectures.
Compare and contrast various generation of cellular system
To study the various multiple accessing methods
To Identify traffic channels for call processing
To Calculate key performance metrics of a cellular system
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
Identify the state of art techniques in wireless communication
Distinguish the various wireless protocol architectures.
Compare and contrast various generation of cellular system
Choose proper multiple accessing methods depending on channel model
Combine traffic channels for call processing
Assess key performance metrics of a cellular system
Text Books:
1. T.S.Rappaport, “Wireless Communications; Principles and Practice”, Prentice Hall, NJ, 2009.
Course Objectives:
To make the student understand the concept of mobile computing paradigm, its applications and limita-
To understand the issues and solutions of various layers of mobile networks, namely MAC layer, Network
Layer & Transport Layer
To understand the ad hoc networks and related concepts.
To understand the platforms and protocols used in mobile environment.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, the students will be able to:
explain the basics of mobile computing and mobile telecommunication system
understand the different wireless MAC issues and solutions
choose the required functionality at each layer for given application
identify solution for each functionality at each layer
acquire knowledge on basics concepts of Ad hoc network
understand the platforms and protocols used in mobile application development.
Unit I - Introduction to Mobile Computing and Wireless Networking: Mobile Computing – Mobile Computing
Vs wireless Networking – Mobile Computing Applications – Characteristics of Mobile computing – Structure of
Mobile Computing Application. GSM: Services - System Architecture, GPRS: Services - System Architecture,
Software Defined Radio.
Unit II - Wireless Medium Access Control: MAC Protocols – Wireless MAC Issues – Fixed Assignment
Schemes – Random Assignment Schemes – Reservation Based Schemes – IEEE 802.11 MAC standard – MAC pro-
tocols for Adhoc Networks – Cognitive Radio Adhoc Network.
Unit III - Mobile Network Layer and Transport Layer: Overview of Mobile IP - Packet Delivery - Features of
Mobile IP – Key Mechanism in Mobile IP – Route Optimization – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol -
Overview of TCP/IP – Architecture of TCP/IP- Adaptation of TCP Window – Improvement in TCP Performance.
Unit IV - Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Ad-Hoc Basic Concepts – Characteristics – Applications – Design Issues –
Routing – Essential of Traditional Routing Protocols –Popular Routing Protocols – Vehicular Ad Hoc networks –
MANET Vs VANET – Security.
Unit V - Protocols and Platforms for Mobile Computing: Mobile Device Operating Systems – Special Con-
strains & Requirements – Commercial Mobile Operating Systems: Palm OS – iOS – Android – BlackBerry - Win-
dows Phone – Mobile Application Development: HDML – WAP - J2ME - Android Application Development.
Text Books:
1. Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Rajib Mall, “Fundamentals of Mobile Computing”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2nd
Edition, 2016.
2. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Addison-Wesley, 2nd Edition, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Raj Kamal, “Mobile Computing”, Oxford University Press, 2 nd Edition, 2012.
2. William C.Y. Lee “Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: Analog And Digital Systems” Tata McGrawHill,
2nd Edition, 1995.
3. Theodore S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice” Pearson Education, 2010.
Course Objectives:
To provide in depth knowledge in the basics, architecture and layering analysis of various protocols in IoT
To comprehend on the various networks and development platforms in IoT
To provide the various IoT applications
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to
Identify and design the new models for market strategic interaction
Design business intelligence and information security
Analyze various protocols for IoT
Design a middleware for IoT
Analyze and design different models for network dynamics
Apply the concepts in the applications of IoT
Unit I - Introduction: Definitions and Functional Requirements –Motivation – Architecture - Web 3.0 View of IoT
Ubiquitous IoT Applications – Four Pillars of IoT – DNA of IoT - The Toolkit Approach for End-user Participation
in the Internet of Things. Middleware for IoT: Overview – Communication middleware for IoT –IoT Information
Unit II - IoT Protocols: Protocol Standardization for IoT – Efforts – M2M and WSN Protocols – SCADA and
RFID Protocols –Issues with IoT Standardization – Unified Data Standards – Protocols – IEEE 802.15.4 – BACNet
Protocol – Modbus – KNX – Zigbee Architecture – Network layer – APS layer – Security
Unit III - Web Of Things: Web of Things versus Internet of Things – Two Pillars of the Web – Architecture Stan-
dardization for WoT– Platform Middleware for WoT – Unified Multitier WoT Architecture – WoT Portals and
Business Intelligence. Cloud of Things: Grid/SOA and Cloud Computing – Cloud Middleware – Cloud Standards –
Cloud Providers and Systems – Mobile Cloud Computing – The Cloud of Things Architecture
Unit IV - Integrated: Integrated Billing Solutions in the Internet of Things - Business Models for the Internet of
Things - Network Dynamics: Population Models – Information Cascades - Network Effects – Network Dynamics:
Structural Models - Cascading Behaviour in Networks - The Small-World Phenomenon
Unit V - Applications: The Role of the Internet of Things for Increased Autonomy and Agility in Collaborative
Production Environments - Resource Management in the Internet of Things: Clustering, Synchronisation and Soft-
ware Agents. Applications – Smart home, Wearables, Health care, Smart retail, and Smart city
Text Books:
1. Internet of Things: Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems, Dr.
Ovidiu Vermesan, Dr. Peter Friess, River Publishers
2. Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP: The Next Internet, Jean-Philippe Vasseur, Adam Dunkels, Morgan
3. Lu Yan, Yan Zhang, Laurence T. Yang, Huansheng Ning, “The Internet of Things: From RFID to the
Next-Generation Pervasive Network”, ed. 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Vijay Madisetti , Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)” , 2014.
2. Adrian McEwen , Hakim Cassimally , “Designing the Internet of Things” , Wiley,2013.
3. 6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet, Zach Shelby, Carsten Bormann, Wiley
4. Data and Computer Communications; By: Stallings, William; Pearson Education Pte.
Ltd., Delhi, 6th Edition
5. F. Adelstein and S.K.S. Gupta, “Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing,”
McGraw Hill, 2009.
6. Computer Networks; By: Tanenbaum, Andrew S; Pearson Education Pte. Ltd., Delhi,
4th Edition
Course Objectives:
Recognize the networking principles
Identify the role of internet protocols
Gain knowledge on high speed wireless networks
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to
Describe basic networking principles
Differentiate between packet and circuit switched networks
Discover the significance of IPv4 and IPv6
Categorize some high speed networks such as SONET/SDH, DSL, and etc.
Summarize the features of ATM networking protocol over IP
Appraise high speed internetwork access
Unit I - INTRODUCTION TO NETORKS: Networking Principles - Future Networks – Packet Switched Net-
works: OSI Model, Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, DQDB, Frame Delay, SMDS
Unit II - TCP/IP NETWORKS: IPv4, Multicast IP, Mobile IP, IPv6, SMTP, TFTP, HTTP, Performance of
TCP/IP Networks
Unit IV - ATM: Features, Addressing, Structure, AAL, Management and Control, BISDN, Internet working with
Unit V - WIRELESS NETWORKS: Link design, Network Design – Optical Networks: Links, WDM, Optical
LAN, Wavelength Routing – Global Multimedia Network: Introduction to Bluetooth, VoIP, WiFi
Text Book:
1. Jean Walrand & Pravin Varaiya, “ High Performance Communication Networks”, Morgan Kauffmann
Publishers, 2nd edition, 2000.
Reference Books:
1. James F. Kurose & Keith W. Ross, “Computer Networks”, Pearson Education, 2 nd edition, 2003.
2. Larry L. Peterson & Bruce S. Davie, “Computer Networks: A Syatems Approach”, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 3rd edition, 2003
3. Rajeev Ramaswami & Kumar Sivarajan, “Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective”, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 2nd edition, 2000.
Course Objectives:
To learn the architecture and protocols of wireless sensor networks.
To understand the design issues in sensor networks.
To introduce the tracking techniques, sensor database, energy management and security
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Recognize technologies and applications of wireless sensor networks
Describe the architecture and protocols of wireless sensor networks.
Choose suitable medium access protocols and radio hardware.
Apply IEEE 802.15.4/ Zigbee/Bluetooth standards for Wireless Sensor Network application
Illustrate tracking techniques and sensor database
Analyze energy management and security in WSN applications.
Unit I - Basics Concepts of Sensor Networks: Introduction – Difference between sensor networks and traditional
networks - sensor node architecture - Functional architecture of sensor networks — Individual components of WSN
-Sensor network node - Applications
based WSNs - Privacy of local information
Text Book:
1. Mohammad Ilyas and Imad Mahgoub, “Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired
Sensing Systems” CRC Press 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Feng Zhao, Leonidas J. Guibas, “Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach” Mor-
gan Kaufmann Publishers 2004.
2. Michel Banatre, Pedro Jose Marron, Anibal Ollero and Adam Wolisz,“Cooperating Embedded Systems and
Wireless Sensor Networks”, ISTE Ltd,2008.
3. Holger Karl and Andreas Willing, “Protocols and Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Wiley,
4. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, Taieb Znati, “Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols and Ap-
plications, WILEY , Second Edition (Indian) , 2014
Course objective:
To design and understand various types of display devices.
Design optoelectronic detection devices and modulators for optical communication
To design optoelectronic integrated circuits and to understand various applications of opto-electronics inte-
grated circuits in the field of electronic/optical communication.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Understand the basic elements of light sources along with its behavior.
Analyze various semiconductor physics and Semiconductor junction device characteristics.
Explore electronic displays with its working principle & characteristics
Design the optical detection devices and its types.
Investigation of Optical switching and logic devices.
Develop various Applications of Optoelectronics Integrated circuits.
Unit I - Introduction to Physics of Light: Wave nature of light, Polarization, Interference, Diffraction, Light
Source, review of Quantum Mechanical concept, Review of Solid State Physics, Review of Semiconductor Physics
and Semiconductor Junction Device.
Unit II - Lasers and Display Devices: Introduction, Photo Luminescence, Cathode Luminescence, Electro Lumi-
nescence, Injection Luminescence, Injection Luminescence, LED, Plasma Display, Liquid Crystal Displays, Numer-
ic Displays, Laser Emission, Absorption, Radiation, Population Inversion, Optical Feedback, Threshold condition,
Laser Modes, Classes of Lasers, Mode Locking, laser applications.
Unit III - Optical Detection Devices: Photo detector, Thermal detector, Photo Devices, Photo Conductors, Photo
diodes, Detector Performance.
Text Book:
1. J.Willson and J.Haukes, “Opto Electronics – An Introduction”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. Bhattacharya, “Semiconductor Opto Electronic Devices”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
2. Jasprit Singh, “ Opto Electronics- An Introduction to materials and Devices”, McGraw Hill International
Edition, 1998
3. J.H. Franz and V.K. Jain, “Optical Communication – Components and Systems”, Narosa Publishing House,
Course Objectives:
To understand the basic elements of satellite communication systems.
To understand the modulation techniques for satellite communication.
To understand launch systems and analyze their effect on satellite and payload design.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Describe the principles, concepts and operation of satellite communication systems
Recognize the concepts of link design, rain fading and link availability and perform interference calcula-
Employ the modulation techniques for satellite communication
Analyze the design requirements and the performance of satellite communication systems
Summarize the orbital determination and launching methods
Interpret orbital mechanics formula and tools to spacecraft mission design.
Unit I - Elements of Satellite Communication: Introduction- frequency band designations- Kepler’s laws and
equations of motion- Satellite systems, Orbital description and Orbital mechanics of LEO, MEO and GSO, Launch-
ing satellites in to orbits, Range to satellite, Satellite – description of different Communication subsystems, Band-
width allocation.
Unit-II: Earth Station: Earth Station Transmitters, Receivers-antenna types – Gain and radiated power – Poynting
loss – Noise temperature – G/T ratio – High power amplifiers – Redundancy configurations – Carrier & power com-
bining – Low noise amplifiers.
Unit III - Transmission, Multiplexing, Modulation, Multiple Access and Coding: Different modulation and
multiplexing schemes, Multiple Access Techniques – Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) Inter-
modulation. Time division Multiple Access (TDMA) Frame structure, Examples. Satellite Switched TDMA
Onboard processing, DAMA, Code Division Multiple access (CDMA),Spread spectrum transmission and reception.
Unit IV - Satellite Link Design: Basic link analysis, Interference analysis, Adjacent channel and inter symbol
Interference-Rain induced attenuation and interference, Ionospheric characteristics, Satellite link design -Link De-
sign with and without frequency reuse.
Unit V - Applications and Services: Very small aperture terminal (VSAT) networks – Technologies & configura-
tions – Mobile satellite (MSAT) networks – Low orbital satellites – space craft system design- Domestic satellite
systems-the INSAT System-International systems-INTELSAT / INMARSAT
Text books:
1. D.Roddy, “Satellite Communication “,(4/e), McGraw- Hill, 2009.
2. B.N.Agrawal, “Design of Geosynchrons Spacecraft”, Prentice- Hall,1986.
Course Objectives:
To introduce biomedical concepts that are fundamental across different applications, and captures the un-
derlying commonalities across applications.
To study about signal processing and physiological signals through the application of signal processing
methods to biomedical problems.
Provide the students with mathematical and computational tools to design their own analysis and interpreta-
tion strategies when facing different biomedical applications.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
Gain knowledge to outline the theoretical and practical aspects of biomedical signals.
Appraise and get familiarized with the bioelectric potentials.
Evaluate various signal processing techniques to extract the characterisitcs of biomedical signals.
Apply the signal processing techniques to remove the interference and artifacts of biomedical signals.
Analyze the given bio medical signal for diagnosis.
Design and develop the processing and analysis strategies for biomedical signal applications.
Unit I - Introduction to biomedical signals: The nature of biomedical signals – Examples of biomedical signals
ECG, EEG, and EMG– Objectives of biomedical signal analysis – Difficulties in biomedical signal analysis – Com-
puter-aided diagnosis – Origin of bioelectric potentials and their Significance – Spectral analysis – Filtering methods
– Correlation and estimation techniques.
Unit II - Analysis of ECG signals: ECG: Pre-processing – Wave form recognition –Morphological analysis –
Rhythm analysis – Automated diagnosis based on decision theory – Evoked potential estimation – QRS detection –
Detection of P-wave – Arrhythmia analysis. Baseline Wandering – Power line interference – Muscle contraction
Interference – Removal of interference – Muscle noise – Removal of Artifacts.
Unit III - Analysis of EEG signals: EEG: EEG rhythms & waveform – Categorization of EEG activity – Record-
ing techniques – Evoked potential estimation. Evoked responses – Average techniques – Pattern recognition of EEG
waves – Sleep stages and disorders – Epilepsy detection – Brain computer interface. Linear and nonlinear modelling
of EEG – Artifacts in EEG – Model based spectral analysis – EEG segmentation – Joint Time-Frequency analysis –
Correlation analysis of EEG channels.
Unit IV - Analysis of EMG signals: The Electromyogram (EMG) – Generation of electrical changes during mus-
cle contraction –Wave pattern studies. Recording Techniques and Applications – Amplitude and Power estimation
of EMG signals – Time delay estimation in EMG signals – Modeling and decomposition of the EMG signal.
Unit V - Application of signal processing techniques: Time frequency representation: Spectrogram – Wigner dis-
tribution – Scalogram –Feature extraction – Wavelet packets.Signal processing techniques: Linear prediction – Lat-
tice - filtering – Adaptive filtering – Wavelets & time frequency models – Data compression and reduction tech-
niques. Applications to heart sounds, faetal ECG & vesicular sound signals.
Text Books:
1. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, "Biomedical Signal Analysis", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2015.
2. D.C.Reddy,“Biomedical Signal Processing: Principles and techniques”,Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. E.N. Bruce, "Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modelling", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons,
2. K. Najarian and R. Splinter, "Biomedical Signal and Image Processing", 2 nd Edition, CRC Press, 2016.
3. Willis J Tompkins, "Biomedical Signal Processing", 2 nd Edition, Prentice -Hall, 1993.
4. Willis J. Tompkins, "Biomedical Digital Signal Processing", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
5. M. Akay,"Time-Frequency and Wavelets in Biomedical signal Processing", Wiley, 1998.
Course Objectives:
The student should be made to:
Learn digital image fundamentals.
Understand the image enhancement, restoration techniques.
Explore image segmentation techniques in practical cases
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Understand the image fundamentals
Perform color image processing
Apply image enhancement and restoration techniques
Relate different image processing algorithms
Analyze the images in spatial and frequency domain
Develop the algorithms for image processing
Unit I - DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS: Elements of digital image processing systems, Vidicon and Dig-
ital Camera working principles, - Elements of visual perception, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, mach band
effect, Color image fundamentals - RGB, HSI models, Image sampling, Quantization, dither, Two- dimensional
mathematical preliminaries,
Unit II IMAGE ENHANCEMENT: Image Enhancement Fundamental steps in Digital Image Processing – Basic
Gray Level Transformations – Point processing, Histograms, Histogram Equalization & Matching –Image Subtrac-
tion & Averaging – Directional Smoothing, Median, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Contraharmonic mean filters
Unit III - COLOR IMAGE ENHANCEMENT: Introduction to Fourier Transform – Filtering InThe Frequency
Domain - Smoothing & Sharpening Frequency Domain filters, Homomorphic filtering. Color image enhancement
Unit IV - IMAGE RESTORATION: Image Restoration - degradation model, Unconstrained and Constrained
restoration, Inverse filtering, Wiener filtering, Geometric transformations-spatial transformations.
Edge detection, Edge linking via Hough transform – Thresholding - Region based segmentation– Region growing –
Region splitting and Merging – Segmentation by morphological watersheds – Hybrid methods
Text Books:
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, , Digital Image Processing‘, Pearson, Education, Inc., Second Edi-
tion, 2004.
2. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing‘, Pearson Education, Inc., 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Kenneth R. Castleman, ―Digital Image Processing‖, Pearson, 2006.
2. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven Eddins, ‖Digital Image Processing using MATLAB‖, Pear-
son Education, Inc., 2004.
3. D,E. Dudgeon and RM. Mersereau, ―Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing‖, Prentice Hall Profes-
sional Technical Reference, 1990.
4. Alan C. Bovik, ―Handbook of image and video processing‖ Elsevier Academic press, 2005
5. S.Sridhar, ― Digital Image processing‖ Oxford University press, Edition 2011
Course Objectives :
To impart knowledge on the fundamentals of neural networks
To gain an understanding about Fuzzy logic
To get familiarized with the different architectures involved in neural networks
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Unit I - Introduction to Neural Networks : Introduction, Humans and Computers, Organization of the Brain, Bio-
logical Neuron, Biological and Artificial Neuron Models, Characteristics of ANN, McCulloch-Pitts Model, Potential
Applications of ANN.
Unit II - Architectures and Training Algorithms: Operations of Artificial Neuron, Types of Neuron Activation
Function, ANN Architectures, Classification Taxonomy of ANN – Connectivity, Neural Dynamics (Activation and
Synaptic), Learning Strategy (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement), Learning Rules.
Unit III - Feed Forward Neural Networks: Introduction, Perceptron Models: Discrete, Continuous and Multi-
Category, Limitations of the Perceptron Model, Hebb network, BPN, Hopfield neural network, Kohonen neural
Unit IV - Classical & Fuzzy Sets : Introduction to classical sets – properties, Operations and relations; Fuzzy sets,
Uncertainty, Operations, properties, fuzzy relations, cardinalities, membership functions.
Unit V - Applications: Neural network applications: Process identification, control, fault diagnosis, Pattern Recog-
nition and load forecasting. Fuzzy logic applications: Fuzzy logic control and Fuzzy classification.
Text Books:
1. Laurene Fausett, “Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications”, Fourth
edition, Pearson Education India, 2006.
2. Timothy J Ross, “Fuzzy logic with engineering applications”, John Wiley & Sons, Third Edition, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. J.S.R.Jang, C.T. Sun and E.Mizutani, “NeuroFuzzy and Soft Computing”, PHI / Pearson Education, Third
edition, 2004.
2. Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks Comprehensive Foundation” Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.
3. Mohamad Hasoun, “Fundamentals of artificial neural networks”, MIT Press, 2003.
Course Objectives:
To understand the characterization of speech and image waveforms.
To learn about the various compression techniques for text data, audio, image and video signals.
To know about the speech and video coding standards
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Understand the basic concepts of multimedia data.
Acquire knowledge about the principles of various coding techniques
Develop hybrid coding techniques
Frame new algorithms for signal processing techniques
Analyze the performances of various compression algorithms
Apply the coding techniques for real time text/audio data
Unit I - Introduction: Special features of Multimedia – Graphics and Image Data Representations -Fundamental
Concepts in Video and Digital Audio – Storage requirements for multimedia applications Need for Compression -
Taxonomy of compression techniques
Unit II - Text Compression: Compaction techniques – Huffmann coding – Arithmetic coding – Shannon Fano
coding – Dictionary techniques – LZW family algorithms.
Unit III - Audio Compression: μ Law and A Law companding - Speech compression - Frequency domain and
filtering – Basic subband coding – Application to speech coding – G.722 –Application to audio coding – MPEG
Text Books:
1. Khalid Sayood, “ Introduction to Data Compression”, Morgan Kauffman Harcourt India, 5th Edition, 2017.
2. David Salomon, “Data Compression – The Complete Reference”, Springer Verlag, 4th Edition, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Yun Q.Shi, Huifang Sun, “Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering - Fundamentals, Al-
gorithms & Standards”, CRC press, 2003.
2. Peter Symes, “Digital Video Compression”, McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Mark S.Drew, Ze-Nian Li, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, PHI, 2003.
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objective:
To understand the concepts of machine learning algorithms
To understand the performance and limitations of various machine learning algorithms
To explore how machine learning algorithms can be applied to image processing applications.
To get familiarized with the use of neural networks in pattern recognition
Course Outcome:
The student will be able to
understand the techniques, mathematical concepts, and algorithms of machine learning
Select the appropriate machine learning algorithm to solve real time problems.
Acquire knowledge about the artificial neural networks.
Compare the data and efficiently execute the algorithm to solve the problem
analyze and compare the results of different machine learning algorithms
Comprehend the statistical techniques to analyze the results
Unit I - Fundamental steps in Image processing- Enhancement- Image analysis procedure – Application of machine
learning - types of learning- supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, classification learning, representations.
Unit II - Hypothesis space, inductive bias, underfitting and over fitting, evaluation of learning algorithm, cross val-
idation, limitations.
Unit III - Linear regression and decision tree, LMS algorithm, Delta rule, Entropy, information gain, splitting rule,
model selection.
Unit IV - Logistic regression, introduction to support vector machine, Dual, maximum margin with noise, non-
linear SVM and kernel function, SMO algorithm.
Unit V - Neural Networks, perceptron, multilayer network, deep learning network, convolution neural network and
recurrent neural network.
Text Books:
1. Ethem Alpaydin, “Introduction to machine learning”, MIT Press, 2010.
2. Robert Schalkoff, “Pattern Recognition-Statistical, Structural and Neural Approaches”, John Wiley &
sons,Inc, New York, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. David Barber, “Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning”, Cambridge University Press, 2012
2. Duda, R. O., Hart, P. E., and Stork, D. G,”Pattern Classification”, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
3. Tou and Gonzales,”Pattern Recognition Principles”, Wesley Publication Company, London, 1974.
Course objectives
To learn the basics of information theory
To calculate channel capacity and other measures
To understand the source coding techniques for text, audio and speech
To know the format of image compression
To know the concept of error control techniques
To understand how to calculate the rate and error probabilities.
Course outcome
The students understand the basics of information theory
The student gain knowledge to calculate channel capacity and other measures
The students understand the source coding techniques for text, audio and speech
The students understand the format of image compression
The students understand the concept of error control techniques
The students analyze and apply specific coding methods calculate the rate and error probabilities.
Unit I - Information Theory: Introduction – Information, Entropy, Information rate, classification of codes, Kraft
McMillam inequality, Source coding theorem, Shannon Fano coding, Huffman coding – algorithm, tree construc-
tion, Efficiency – Joint and Conditional Entropies, Mutual information and its properities – Discrete Memory less
channels – BSC, BEC, Channel capacity – Shannon limit
Unit II - Source Coding: Text, Audio and Speech: Introduction to text coding, Adaptive Huffman coding, Arith-
metic coding, LZW algorithm - Introduction to Audio coding, Perceptual coding, Masking techniques, Psychoacous-
tic model, MPEG audio layers I, II, III – Dolby AC3 – Introduction to Speech Coding, Channel vocoder, Linear
Predictive Coding.
Unit III - Source Coding: Image and Video: Image and Video formats – GIF, TIFF, SIF, CIF and QCIF – Image
compression – READ, JPEG – Video compression – Principles I, B, P frames – Motion estimation – Motion Com-
pensation – H.261 standard, MPEG standard
Unit IV - Error Control Coding: Block Codes: Introduction to error control coding – Definition and Principles –
Hamming weight, Hamming distance, minimum distance decoding – Single parity codes, hamming codes, repetition
codes – Linear block codes – Cyclic codes – Syndrome calculation – Encoder and decoder - CRC
Unit V - Error Control Coding: Convolutional Codes: Introduction to Convolutional codes – Code tree – Trellis
codes – State diagram – Encoding and decoding – Sequential search – Viterbi algorithm – Principle of Turbo coding
Text Book:
1. Andre Neubauer, Jurgen Freudenberger, Volker Kuhn, “Coding theory: Algorithms, Architectures and Ap-
plications” John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Reprint 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Robert. H. Morelos- Zaragoza, “The Art of Error Correcting Coding”, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons
Ltd, Reprint 2013.
2. R. Avudaiammal, “Information Coding Techniques”, 2 nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.,
3. R Bose, “Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography”, TMH 2007
4. Fred Halsall, “Multidedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols and Standards”, Perason
Education Asia, 2002
5. K Sayood, “Introduction to Data Compression” 3/e, Elsevier 2006
6. S Gravano, “Introduction to Error Control Codes”, Oxford University Press 2007
7. Amitabha Bhattacharya, “Digital Communication”, TMH 2006
Course Objective:
Advanced digital system concepts are introduced.
Various PLD’s are discussed
To learn about the different design methodologies involved in PLDs
Course outcome:
To analyze operation and performance of fundamental combinational and sequential circuits
Understanding FSM based circuits.
Knowledge on synchronous and asynchronous circuits
Architectures of various families of PLD’s are learned
To familiarize with basic structures and features of programmable logic devices (PLDs) and PLA
Knowledge on ASM, FSM and their models.
Unit I - Combinational Logic Circuits: Review of Combinational Logic Circuits: Shannon’s expansion theorem -
Boolean Algebra – Basic Theorems and properties – Boolean Functions – Canonical and Standard Forms –
Karnaugh Map Simplification – Two, Three, Four and Five Variables – NAND and NOR Implementation – Don’t
Care Conditions – Quine McCluskey Method.
Unit II - Sequential Logic Circuits: Mealy machine - Moore machine - State diagrams - State table minimization
–State assignments, Introduction, Mealy and Moore models, State machine notation, synchronous sequential circuit
analysis and design. Construction of state Diagrams, Counters Design.
Unit III - Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits: Design of synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic
circuits working in the fundamental mode and pulse mode - Sequential circuits – Latches – Flip-flops – Triggering
of Flip-Flops – Analysis of clocked sequential circuits – State reduction and state assignment – Design procedure of
clocked sequential circuits
Unit IV - Programmable Logic Device Circuits: Programmable Logic Devices-Programmable Logic Element
(PLE), Programmable Logic Array (PLA), Programmable Array Logic (PAL), Basic concepts, Programming Tech-
niques, PROM realization, Structure of standard PLD, Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLD’s.
Unit V - Algorithmic State Machine Circuits: Design of state machines using ASM chart, Minimum logic reali-
zation of ASM chart. Design of state machine using Algorithmic State Machines (ASM) chart as a design tool-
CPLDS - Structure of Complex PLD's (CPLD)-Design of combinational and sequential circuits using CPLD's.
Text Books:
1. Charles H.Roth, “ Digital system Design with VHDL”, Thomson, 1998
Reference Books:
1. James E. Palmer, David E. Perlman, “Introduction to Digital Systems ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1996.
2. Robert Dueck ,” Digital design with CPLD applications and VHDL ”, Thomson ,2004
3. Bob Zeidman , “Designing with CPLDs and FPGAs “, CMP ,2002
4. Neil H. E. Weste,DavidHarrisayan Banerjee “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design : A Systems Perspective”,
Pearson Education India,2nd Edition ,2002.
Course Objectives:
To learn various Verilog Programming Techniques.
To understand different steps involved in Verilog Programming
Knowledge about different types of modeling
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand basic terminologies involved in Verilog HDL
Design Combinational digital circuits and sequential digital circuits
Design gates using switch level modeling
Develop a test bench for digital circuits
Design state machine implementation using Verilog HDL
Unit I - Design Methodology – Module – Ports – Basic concepts – Operators – Number specification – Data types
Unit II - Arrays – Parameters – Gate delays – Operator types – Conditional statements – Multi way branches
Loops - Switch – Modeling elements
Unit III - Implementation of Basic circuit using Dataflow & Behavioral Modeling - Component Assignments –
Switch level modeling
Unit IV - Applications of all dataflow, behavioral and Structural modeling in FPGA – FSM Implementation – Test
Unit V - FPGA – Xilinx XC4000 series – Logic Cell Array (LCA) – Configurable Logic Blocks(CLB) – In-
put/Output Blocks(I/OB) – Programmable Interconnection Points(PIP).
Text Books:
1. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”, Pearson Publication”, II Edition. 2003.
2. M.D. Ciletti, “Advanced Digital Design with the VERILOG HDL” PHI, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. I.Bhaskar, “A VHDL Synthesis Primer”, BS Publications,III edition, 2004.
2. SadiqM.Sait, Habib Youssef, “VLSI Physical Design Automation”, World Scientific Publishing, 1998
3. M. Morris Mano,Micheal ciletti “Digital Design : With an Introduction to Verilog HDL” Pearson, 5th Edi-
tion, 2013.
17EC2048 VHDL
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
To learn various VHDL modeling techniques.
To familiarize with VHDL sub program and packages techniques.
To have an understanding about generics and modeling delays
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand basic terminologies and modeling types used in VHDL
Design combinational circuits and sequential circuits using VHDL
Develop a digital circuit test bench
Develop a VHDL package for digital circuit
Familiarized with FPGA architecture
Implement simple digital circuit application on FPGA using VHDL
Unit I - Design flow process –Software tools – Data objects - Data types – Data operators – Entities and Architec-
Unit II - Data flow, Behavioral Modeling. Structural Modeling Component declaration and instantiation- Concur-
rent signal assignment – concurrent statement-conditional signal assignment - selected signal assignment – Sequen-
tial statement
Unit III - Modeling Delays-Inertial delay, Transport delay- Attributes -Test bench – Functions – Procedures –
Packages – Libraries
Unit IV - Operator Overloading – Generics – Examples – CPU - Shift registers-Counters -State machine- Traffic
light controller.
Unit V - FPGA – Xilinx Virtex II Pro Platform FPGA- Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB) – Input/Output
Blocks(IOB) – Programmable Interconnection Points(PIP).
Text Books:
1. J. Bhaskar, “A VHDL Primer”, PHI Learning, III Edition, 2009.
2. Charles H. Roth, Jr and Lizy Kurian John’s Digital Systems Design Using VHDL Cengage Learning 2nd
edition 2012
Reference Books:
1. Douglas L. Perry, “VHDL Programming by Example”, TATA McGRAW-HILL Edition,2003.
2. Sadiq M.Sait, Habib Youssef, “VLSI Physical Design Automation”, World Scientific Publishing,1998
Course Objective:
To understand the types of ASIC s and design flow.
To acquire knowledge on Programmable ASICs and programmable ASIC logic cells.
To study the concepts of Programmable ASIC Interconnect and Programmable ASIC design software.
To develop algorithms for physical design ASIC s.
Course Outcome:
On successful completion of the Course, students can be able to
Define the types of ASICs, Combinational and Sequential Logic Cells.
Describe the Programmable ASICs and programmable ASIC logic cells.
Demonstrate Programmable ASIC Interconnect and Programmable ASIC design software.
Illustrate the goals and objectives of partitioning, floorplanning and placement.
Develop algorithms for various types of routing.
Explain the concepts of Circuit Extraction and DRC.
Unit I - Introduction to ASICs: Types of ASICs- Design Flow-CMOS Design Rules- Combinational Logic Cells-
Sequential Logic Cells.
Unit II - Programmable ASICs, and programmable ASIC logic cellsThe Antifuse - static RAM -EPROM and
EEPROM Technology - Actel ACT - Xilinx LCA -Altera FLEX - Altera MAX.
Unit III - Programmable ASIC Interconnect and Programmable ASIC design software
Actel ACT- Xilinx LCA- Xilinx EPLD- Altera MAX 5000 and 7000- Altera MAX 9000- Altera FLEX- Design
Systems Logic Synthesis - The Halfgate ASIC.- Schematic Entry.
Unit IV - System Partitioning, floorplanning and placement
System Partitioning- Partitioning Methods- Floorplanning Goals and Objectives- Measurement of Delay in
Floorplanning- Floorplanning Tools - Channel Definition - I/O and Power Planning-
Placement Terms and Definitions - Placement Goals and Objectives - Measurement of Placement Goals and
Objectives - Placement Algorithms.
Unit V - Routing: Global Routing -Goals and Objectives- Measurement of Interconnect Delay- Detailed Routing-
Special Routing- Clock Routing - Power Routing - Circuit Extraction and DRC.
Text Books:
1. Michael John Sebastian Smith “Application specific integrated circuits.” Addison, Wesly Longman Inc.,
2. Farzad Nekoogar and Faranak Nekoogar, “From ASICs to SOCs: A Practical Approach”, Prentice Hall
PTR, 2003.
Reference Book:
1. 1.R. Rajsuman, “System-on-a-Chip Design and Test” Santa Clara, CA: Artech House Publishers, 2000
Course Objective:
To learn about the basic concepts of MOS transistor.
To study about second order effects to analyse MOS transistor.
To learn the concept of designing CMOS inverter and analysing its static and dynamic behaviour.
To illustrate the concept of designing combinational and sequential circuits using different logic styles.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
Understand the basic concepts of MOS transistor.
Illustrate different second order effects of MOS transistor.
Analyse static and dynamic behaviour of CMOS inverter.
Unit I - MOS TRANSISTOR: Physical structure of MOS transistor – threshold voltage – body effect – dc equa-
tions – second order effects – MOSFET regions of operation – MOS as switch - MOS Models – Interconnect param-
eters – capacitance – resistance – inductance – Electrical wire model: ideal wire – lumped model – RC model –
transmission line – switching characteristics : Analytical delay model – empirical delay model - case study: study of
technology development in MOS.
Unit II - CMOS INVERTER: Static CMOS inverter – DC Characteristics – combinational logic gate implementa-
tion – CMOS gate transistor sizing –Static behavior: switching threshold – noise margin – Dynamic behavior: com-
puting capacitance – propagation delay - power dissipation – case study: Technology scaling and its impact on in-
verter metrics.
Unit III - COMBINATIONAL LOGIC CIRCUITS IN CMOS: Static CMOS logic Design : complementary
CMOS – Ratioed logic – pass transistor logic – CPL – transmission gate logic – Dynamic CMOS logic design :
Basic principles – speed and power dissipation - signal integrity issues – domino logic – np CMOS logic – NORA
Unit IV - SEQUENTIAL LOGIC CIRCUITS IN CMOS: Introduction – timing metrics for sequential circuits –
classification of memory elements – static and dynamic latches and registers – C2MOS approach – TSPCR – Pipe-
lining : latch versus register based pipelines – NORA CMOS logic style for pipelined structures.
Unit V - IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES FOR DIGITAL IC: Full custom and semi custom design -
Standard Cell design and cell libraries - FPGA building block architectures - FPGA interconnect routing procedures.
Demo: Complete ASIC flow using Backend tool and fabrication flow - Overall case study: Development of IC in
commercial aspects (design, testing and fab cost)
Text Book:
1. Jan Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, B.Nikolic, ―Digital Integrated circuits: A design perspective‖. Se-
cond Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2003
Reference Books:
1. N.Weste, K.Eshraghian, ―Principles of CMOS VLSI DESIGN‖, A system Perspective, second edition,
Addision Wesley 2004.
2. M.J. Smith, ―Application specific integrated circuits‖, Addisson Wesley, 1997.
3. Charles H.Roth. “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, 6th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2013.
4. A.Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian, ―BASIC VLSI DESIGN‖, Third edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2007
2. 5.R.Jacob Baker, Harry W.LI., David E.Boyee, ―CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, Prentice
Hall of India, 2005.
Course Objective :
To understand basic principles of low power concepts.
To acquire knowledge on circuit and logic level power reduction techniques
To design low power flipflops and SRAM devices.
Course Outcome:
On successful completion of the Course, students can be able to
Describe the basic principles and need for low power VLSI chips.
Define the various low power reduction techniques at circuit level.
Demonstrate the various low power reduction techniques at logic level.
Illustrate the architecture and system level power reduction techniques.
Develop low power SRAM chips
Apply the of energy recovery concepts to design low power circuits and to design low power flipflops.
Unit I - Simulation Power Analysis: Need For Low Power VLSI Chips- Charging And Discharging Capacitance-
Short Circuit Current- Leakage Current- Static Current- Basic Principles of Low Power Design- Gate Level Logic
Simulation- Architectural Level Analysis-
Text Books:
1. Gary Yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, Kluwer academic publishers, 2001.
2. Kaushik Roy, Sharat prasad, “Low Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2000.
Reference Books:
1. Anantha Chadrasekaran and Robert Broderson, “Low Power CMOS Design”, Standard Publishers, 2000.
2. Kiat,Seng Yeo, Samir S.Rofail, Wang,Ling Goh, “CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI Low Voltage, Low Power”,
Pearson edition, Second Indian reprint, 2003.
Course objective:
To design different Nano fabrication structures.
To design memory devices & sensors.
To understand the Nano computer architectures.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Study the overview of basic Nano electronics.
Understand the Nano architectures.
Design different types of Nano fabrication structures
Explore various spintronics devices and its design aspects.
Analyzes different memory devices and sensors
Applications of various Nano electronic devices
Unit I - Introduction to Nano-electronics and Materials: Introduction of Nanoelectronics, Recent past, present
and its challenges, Overview of Nano devices, Nano materials, Nano characterization.
Unit II - Nano-Electronics architecture and circuits: Introduction to Nanocomputers, Nanocomputer Architec-
ture, Quantum DOT cellular Automata (QCA), QCA circuits, Single electron circuits, molecular circuits, Logic
switches – Interface engineering – Properties (Self-organization, Size-dependent) – Limitations.
Unit III - Fabrication and measurement Techniques: Nanofabrication – Crystal Properties and Growth, Diffu-
sion, Oxidation, Nanopatterning of Metallic/Semiconducting nanostructures (e-beam/X-ray, Optical lithography&
Soft-lithography) – Ion Implantation – Thin Flim Deposition and Etching, Nano phase materials – Selfassembled
Inorganic/Organic layers.
Unit IV - Nano-electronics and Spintronics: Overview of Spin Electronics, Spin Injection, spin relaxation and
spin dephasing, Spin Dependent Transport, Spintronic devices and applications, spin filters, spin diodes, spin tran-
Unit V - Properties and Applications of Nano-electronics: Memory devices and sensors – Nano ferroelectrics –
Ferroelectric random access memory –Fe-RAM circuit design –ferroelectric thin film properties and integration –
calorimetric -sensors – electrochemical cells – surface and bulk acoustic devices – gas sensitive FETs – resistive
semiconductor gas sensors –electronic noses – identification of hazardous solvents and gases – semiconductor sen-
sor array
Credits: 3.0.0
Course objective:
Analyze transmission-line circuits at RF frequencies
Use the Smith chart for solving transmission-line problems
Design impedance matching in transmission-line networks
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Acquire basic knowledge of general RF circuits, components and systems.
Interpret resonant circuits.
Implement Smith Chart in RF applications.
Design impedance matching networks and passive RF filters.
Paraphrase two port networks and S parameters.
Implement RF power amplifiers.
Unit I :INTRODUCTION: RF Behavior of Passive Components, Chip components and Circuit board consid-
erations : Chip resistors, chip capacitors, surface mounted inductors.
Unit II - TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS (REVIEW): General Transmission Line Equation,Lossless
Transmission Line Model,Special Termination Conditions,Sourced and Loaded Transmission Lines
Unit III - THE SMITH CHART: Reflection coefficient in Phasor form, Normalized Impedance equation, the
Parametric reflection coefficient equation, graphical representation, Impedance transformation for general load,
Standing wave ratio, Special transformation conditions. Admittance Transformations : Parametric admittance
equation, Additional graphical displays.Parallel and series Connections : Parallel connections of R and L connec-
tions, Parallel connections of R and C connections, Series connections of R and L connections, Series connections
of R and C connections,Example of a T Network
Unit IV - RF FILTER DESIGN: Filter types and parameters, Low pass filter, High pass filter, Bandpass and
Bandstop filter, nsertion Loss. Special Filter Realizations : Butterworth type filter, Chebyshev type filters,
Denormalization of standard low pass design. Filter Implementation : Unit Elements, Kuroda’s Identities and
Examples of Microstrip Filter Design.Coupled Filters : Odd and Even Mode Excitation, Bandpass Filter De-
sign, Cascading bandpass filter elements, Design examples
Unit V - RF AMPLIFIER: Biasing and Setting Operating Points,Power Flow of RF Active and Passive De-
vices,Stability/Constant Gain,One-Stage RF Amplifier Design Example,Mixer/Osc. design examples
Text Book:
1. R. Ludwig, G. Bogdanov, RF Circuit Design: Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall,2009
Reference Books:
1. G. Gonzales, Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.
2. D.M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 4th edition, 2013
To design wave shaping circuits.
To design multivibrator circuits.
To analyze the different types of modulation and demodulation techniques.
Apply engineering mathematical concepts to design basic circuitry and connections.
Express the practical knowledge of various electronic and communication circuits.
Demonstrate skills by using modern tools to analyse problems.
Employ appropriate components by effective applyication of the knowledge gained.
Mathematically analyze and predict appropriate circuits.
Assess on the adverse effect of noise on signals.
1. Design of RC Differentiator and Integrator
2. Design of Attenuator
3. Design of Astable multivibrator using BJT
4. Design of RC coupled Amplifier
5. Design of Single tuned amplifier
6. Amplitude Modulation and demodulation
7. Frequency Modulation
8. Balanced Modulator
9. Design of PLL
10. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis
11. Equalizer
12. IF Amplifier
Credits: 0:0:2
Course Objective:
To demonstrate and understand concepts of line coding, digital modems and wireless transmission in com-
munication systems.
To understand testing and measurement of RF Circuits, Wired/Planar Antennas and Transmission Lines
To implement digital communication techniques, system level and circuit level modeling using various
simulation tools
Course Outcome:
At the end the Laboratory Course, the students will be able to
understand the communication systems in system level and sub-block level design and testing.
develop the ability to work as team in test and measurement of RF Circuits antennas and transmission lines
experimentally test RF circuits and systems through hands-on experience in system development & De-
critically assess the performance of wired and wireless communications systems
to design and implement a digital modems, RF Circuits and antennas to given specifications emphasizing
the use of tools and engineering in practice
ability to write report on the design and implementation of the circuits and systems
List of Experiments:
1. Generation of various Line Coding Formats
2. PAM, PWM & PPM Modulation schemes
3. M-ary Signaling Schemes (ASK, FSK PSK)
4. QPSK and MSK Signaling Scheme Using Matlab
5. Sampling , Quantization Effects & Error Correction Code in Pulse Code Modulation
6. Generation and Detection of Delta Modem (Granular Noise & Overload Noise)
Course Objectives:
To gain knowledge about architecture and programming concepts of 8085 and 8086 Microprocessors.
To understand the concepts on memory and peripheral interfacing chips.
To design microprocessor based systems.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the Course, students can be able to
Define the architecture of 8085 microprocessor.
Describe the architecture of 8086 microprocessor and minimum /maximum modes of operation.
Discuss 8086 assembly language programs for the given applications
Apply the memory and I/O interfacing concepts for any microprocessor design.
Develop microprocessor and Microcontrollers based systems
Select the Microprocessor with proper specifications for various applications
UNIT I - 8085 MICROPROCESSORS: Organization of 8085 microprocessor –Timing and control signals-
Addressing modes –Timing Diagram – Instruction set-– Assembly language programs-Memory interfacing.
UNIT II - 8086 MICROPROCESSORS: Organization of 8086 microprocessor – memory segmentation– Address
formation –Addressing modes in 8086 – Assembly language programming – Minimum mode and maximum mode.
UNIT III - MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING CHIPS: 8255 Programmable Peripheral interface - 8253
programmable interval timer- 8251A Programmable communication interface - 8259A Programmable interrupt con-
UNIT IV - MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING CHIPS: 8257 DMA controller- 8279 Programmable Key-
board/display interface- 8295 Programmable printer controller – 8275 programmable CRT display controller.
UNIT V - APPLICATIONS: LCD and Keyboard Interface- ADC, DAC and Sensor Interface-Stepper motor-DC
motor- Microprocessor based System design.
Text Books
1. Ramesh.S.Gaonkar “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Applications With 8085/8080a” –
Penram International – 2006.
2. Doughlas V.Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware”, Tata McGraw Hill,
Reference Books
1. Krishna Kant, “Microprocessor and Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and System Design using
8085, 8086, 8051 and 8096”, PHI, 2011.
2. Yu.Cheng Liu & Glenn A Gibson,” Microcomputer System, 8086/8088 Family, Architecture, Program-
ming and Design‖”, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2007.
3. Rafiquzzaman.M. "Microprocessor Theory and Applications-Intel and Motorola", PHI, 2007.
4. A.K. Ray, K.M.Bhurchandi, “Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals”, 2nd edition, Tata McGrawHill,
Course Objectives
To gain knowledge about various components of 8085 and 8086 Microprocessors kits.
To acquire the programming skills for 8085 and 8086 Microprocessors kits.
To understand the concepts on memory and peripheral interfacing chips.
To design microprocessor based systems.
Course OutcomeS:
On successful completion of the Course, students can be able to
1. Define simple 8085 microprocessor programs.
2. Describe the Square wave generation using 8255 PPI.
3. Demonstrate 8086 assembly language programs.
4. Apply the memory and I/O interfacing concepts for any microprocessor design.
5. Construct Traffic Light Controller
6. Develop microprocessor based systems.
Using 8085 microprocessor
1. Programs involving Data Transfer and Arithmetic and Logical operations.
2. Square wave generation using 8255
3. Using 8086 microprocessor
4. To find largest/smallest number in an array
5. To arrange numbers in ascending/descending order.
6. Stepper motor Interfacing
7. ADC Interfacing
8. Traffic Light Controller
9. DAC Interfacing
Course Objectives:
To gain knowledge about architecture and programming concepts of 8051 and PIC Microcontrollers.
To understand the concepts on peripheral interfacing of microcontrollers.
To design Microcontrollers based systems.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the Course, students can be able to
Describe the architecture of 8051 microcontroller.
Discuss 8051 assembly language programs for the given applications.
Apply the memory and I/O interfacing concepts for any microcontroller design.
Illustrate the architectures of PIC microcontroller.
Develop Microcontrollers based systems using C.
Select the Microcontroller with proper specifications for various applications.
Course Objectives
To gain knowledge about various components of 8051 Microcontroller kit.
To acquire the programming skills for 8051 and PIC Microcontrollers.
To understand the concepts on memory and peripheral interfacing chips.
To design 8051 and PIC microcontroller based systems.
Course OutcomeS:
On successful completion of the Course, students can be able to
1. Define simple 8051 microcontroller programs.
2. Describe the Serial data communication using 8051.
3. Demonstrate PIC controller programs.
4. Apply the memory and I/O interfacing concepts for any microcontroller design.
5. Construct DC motor interfacing using 8051.
6. Develop microcontroller based systems.
Using 8081 microcontroller
1. Programs involving Data Transfer and Arithmetic and Logical operations.
2. Block transfer
3. To arrange numbers in ascending/descending order.
4. DC Motor Interfacing
5. Serial data communication
6. Keyboard Display Interfacing
Using PIC microcontroller
1. Programs involving Data Transfer and Arithmetic and Logical operations.
2. To find largest/smallest number in an array
Course Objective:
To Know about the physics of Electrostatics
To know about the physics behind semiconductor devices
Toknow about thepractical applications of Semiconductor Devices
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
Formulate new mathematical models for various devices.
Learn the physics behind the semiconductor devices
Deep understanding of PN Junction theory, heterojunctions and Contacts in the devices.
Analyze the BJT device characteristics
Explore the BJT, MOSFET and other semiconductor devices from semiconductor device perspective.
Understand short channel effect and leakage mechanism in MOSFET devices.
Advantages and applications of various SPICE models in the MOS devices.
Unit IV - MOSFET Model: Structures and Characteristics: Basic Concepts Of MOSFET – Capacitance-
Voltage Characteristics – Threshold Voltage of MOS Capacitor – Flat-Band Voltage – Gate Oxide Charges And
Transport Through Gate Oxide– Current-Voltage Relation of Long Channel MOSFETS – Drain Conductance –
Transconductance – Drain Current Saturation – Body Effect – Drift- Diffusion Model – Sub-Threshold Conduction,
Slope And Mobility Models in MOSFETS – Temperature Effect – Equivalent Circuit of MOSFETS- Tailoring of
MOSFET Parameters – Scaling of MOSFETs and Short- Channel Effects – Charge Sharing Model – Narrow Width
Effect – Channel Length Modulation – Hot Carrier Effects. LDD MOSFET – VMOS, FAMOS – MESFET –
Unit V - MOSFET Model: Equations, Boundary conditions and Approximations: Level-1 model of MOSFET
– Level-2 model of MOSFET: Mobility modeling, Sub-threshold current- Channel length modulation- Short channel
effect- Velocity saturation- Narrow width Effect- Gate capacitance- Junction capacitances – Level-3 model of
MOSFET: Slope discontinuity Gate capacitances, BSIM model.
Text Book:
1. S.M. Sze, K. N. Kwok, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
Reference Books
1. S. M. Sze, “Semiconductor Devices: Pioneering Papers”, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2004.
2. D. P. Foty, “MOSFET Modeling with SPICE, Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall PTR, 1997.
3. H. C. deGraff and F. M. Klaassen, “Compact Transistor Modeling for Circuit Design”, Springer-Verlog
Wein, New York, 1990.
4. E. Getreu, “Modeling the Bipolar Transistor”, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1978.
5. Solid State Electronic Devices, Ben G. Streetman, Sanjay Banerjee, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006
6. Compact MOSFET Models for VLSI Design A. B. Bhattacharyya, March 2009, Wiley-IEEE Press
Course Objectives:
Enable the students to
Learn the working principles and operational characteristics of semiconductor devices.
Understand the applications of various electronic devices.
Acquire knowledge on different electronic instruments.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Describe the mechanisms of current flow in semiconductors.
Distinguish the types of diodes and its characteristics.
Apply the knowledge of electronic instrumentation for measurement of electrical quantities.
Analyze the characteristics of transducers.
Design amplifier circuits.
Choose different semiconductor device for real time applications.
lyzer, Distortion analyzer, Spectrum analyzer, Logic analyzer.
Text Books:
1. Millman & Halkias,"Electronic Devices & Circuits",Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition,2015.
2. Robert Boylestad, "Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory", Pearson 11 th Edition 2016.
3. Albert D.Helfrick and William D.Cooper – Modern Electronic Instrumentation and
Measurement Techniques, Pearson / Prentice Hall of India, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. David A. Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits,Oxford University press, 5 th Edition,2015.
2. Shawney A.K—A course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements, Dhanpat Rai & Co,19 th Edition 2011.
3. D.V.S.Murty, Transducers and Instrumentation, PHI, 2 nd Edition, 2009.
Course Objectives:
Enable the student to
Understand different semiconductor devices and its operation.
Learn about the electronic instrument handling and its analysis
Simulate various electronic circuits
Course Outcomes
The students will be able to
Describe the fundamentals of semiconductor devices.
Infer the characteristics of electronic devices.
Operate and analyze the characteristics of transducers
Identify suitable instruments to meet the requirements
Design practical circuits for general applications
Select suitable device for real time applications
1. Characteristics of PN junction diode and Zener diode.
2. Static characteristics of Common Emitter configuration using BJT.
3. Transfer and output characteristics of JFET.
4. Characteristics of Photo-diode.
5. Characteristics of SCR
6. Half wave and Full wave Rectifier
7. Weight Measurement using Strain Gauge
8. Temperature Measurement Using Resistance Temperature Detector.
9. Displacement Measurement Using LVDT
10. Characteristics of Resistive Potentiometer
11. Pressure measurement using piezoelectric transducers.
12. Characteristics of thermocouple
Course objectives:
To understand the basic concepts of MEMS devices and materials for MEMS devices.
To impart knowledge about the fabrication processes in MEMS Design.
To impart knowledge about the different methodologies in MEMS packaging.
To know the essentials of MEMS devices and its applications.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to,
Acquire knowledge on the basic concepts of MEMS Design;
Identify different materials used in MEMS devices;
Acquire knowledge on the rudiments of Micro fabrication techniques;
Develop MEMS structures based on various Micromachining techniques;
Acquire knowledge on the basic concepts in Microsystem packaging;
Apply MEMS devices to disciplines like Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
Unit I - Introduction& Materials For Mems And Microsystems: Historical background of Micro Electro Me-
chanical Systems (MEMS)- Typical MEMS products- –Silicon based MEMS processes – Silicon Compounds- Sili-
con Piezoresistors- Gallium Arsenide-Quartz-Piezoelectric crystals-Polymers.
Unit II - Micro system Fabrication Processes: Photolithography- Ion Implantation- Diffusion- Oxidation- Chemi-
cal Vapor Deposition-Sputtering- Chemical Etching.
Unit III - Micromachining : Silicon Anisotropic Etching – Anisotrophic Wet Etching – Dry Etching of Silicon ––
Deep Reaction Ion Etching (DRIE) – Isotropic Wet Etching – Case studies – Basic surface micro machining pro-
cesses – Structural and Sacrificial Materials – Problems in surface Micromachining – Bulk versus surface microm-
achining-Wafer Bonding- LIGA Process.
Unit IV - Microsystem Packaging: Different levels in Microsystem Packaging- Interfaces in Microsystem Packag-
ing- Packaging Technologies- Three Dimensional Packaging- Assembly of Microsystems- Selection of Packaging
Materials- Signal Mapping and Transduction- Case Study.
Unit V - Sensor & Actuators: Application of Microsystems in Automotive industry – Applications of Microsys-
tems in health care devices- Microsensors: Pressure sensors- Chemical Sensors- Thermal Sensors- Optical Sensors-
Micro actuators: Principle of Microactution-MEMS gyroscopes- Thermocouple- Digital Micro mirror device-
MagMEMS Actuators.
Text Books:
1. 1.Tai Ran Hsu, “MEMS & Micro systems Design and Manufacture” Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Nitagour Premchand mahalik, “MEMS”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Marc Madou,Fundamentals of Microfabrication by, CRC Press, 1997.Gregory Kovacs, Micromachined
Transducers Sourcebook WCB McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2006.
2. Stephen D Senturia, “Microsystem Design”, Springer Publication, 2000.32.
3. Nadim Maluf,“ An Introduction to Micro Electro Mechanical System Design”, Artech House, 2000.
4. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, editor, “ The MEMS Handbook”, CRC press Baco Raton, 2000.
5. James J.Allen, “Micro Electro Mechanical System Design”, CRC Press Publisher, 2010
6. Thomas M.Adams and Richard A.Layton, “Introduction MEMS, Fabrication and Application,” Springer
Course Objectives:
To enable the students to understand the fundamentals and programming knowledge in MATLAB.
To provide the deeper understanding of the tools and processes that enable students to use MATLAB for
the engineering problems.
To assist the students with computational tools to design their own analysis and interpretation strategies
when facing different engineering applications.
Load and Save –MATLAB File Processing – File Opening and Closing – Comparing Formatted and Binary I/O
Functions – File Positioning and Status Functions – The text scan Function – Function uimport.
Unit III - Programs of Matrices and Polynomials: Vectors and Matrices – Mathematical Operations with Matri-
ces – Polynomial Evaluation – Rots of a Polynomial – Mathematical Operations with Polynomial – Formulation of
Polynomial Equation – Differentiation and Integration – Polynomial Curve Fitting – Evaluation of Polynomials with
Matrix Arguments – Ordinary Differential Equation Solvers – Symbolic Mathematics.
Unit IV - Data Visualization: Data Visualization and Statistics – 2D Graphics: Plot and fplot COMMAND– Plot-
ting Multiple Graphs in the Same Plot –Formatting a Plot. Logarithmic Axes – Error Bars – Special Graphics – His-
tograms – Putting Multiple Plots on the Same Page – Multiple Figure Windows – 3D Graphics: Line Plots – Mesh
and Surface Plots – Examples of MATLAB Application.
UNIT V - Graphical User Interface: Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces in MATLAB – Designing GUI in-
terfaces using MATLAB’s GUIDE interface – MATLAB Handle graphics primitives – Cell-array – Structure of a
Callback Subfunction – Get/Set Interface –Object Properties – Graphical User Interface Components – Additional
Containers:Panels and Button Groups – Dialog Boxes – Menus – Creating Efficient GUI.
Text Books:
1. Stephen J. Chapman,"MATLAB Programming for Engineers", 5 th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2015.
2. Amos Gilat,"MATLAB: An Introduction With Applications", John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. R.K.Bansal, A.K.Goe, M.K.Sharma, "MATLAB and Its Applications in Engineering", Pearson Education
India, 2009.
2. Edward B. Magrab,"An Engineer's Guide to MATLAB: With Applications from Mechanical, Aerospace,
Electrical, Civil, and Biological Systems Engineering",3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
3. Rudra Pratap, "Getting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers", Oxford
University Press, 2010.
4. D. M. Etter, "Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists", Prentice Hall, 1996.
5. William J. Palm III, "Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers", 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Course objective:
Advanced digital system concepts are introduced.
Various PLD’s are discussed
To learn about the Verilog HDL programming
Course outcome:
Students will be able to
Obtain simplified digital circuit
Design digital circuit.
Understand different steps involved in Verilog Programming
Get Knowledge about different PLDs
Design real time circuits using Verilog HDL
Have knowledge on FPGA.
UNIT V - PLD and FPGA: Programmable Logic Devices :PROM-PLA- PAL- FPGAs : Xilinx 3000 series and
4000 series- Altera complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs)- Altera flex 10k series CPLDs.
Text Books
1. MorrisMano,”Digital logic and computer Design”, 3rd edition Prentice Hall of India,2002.
2. Charles. H. Roth, Jr, “Digital System Design using VHDL”, PWS Publishing Company, 2001
3. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”, Pearson Publication”, II Edition. 2003.
Reference Books
1. Jain R.P, “Modern Digital Electronics”, Third edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill,2003
2. Floyd T.L., “Digital Fundamentals ", Prentice Hall, 9th edition, 2006.
Course Objectives :
To impart knowledge on the fundamentals of neural networks
To gain an understanding about training methodologies of neural networks
To get familiarized with the different architectures involved in neural networks
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Summarize the pros and cons of different artificial neural networks.
Discuss the principles of training methodologies of neural networks
Develop novel artificial neural networks
Formulate neural networks based expert systems
Analyze the single layer and multi-layer neural networks
Apply artificial neural networks for solving engineering problems.
Unit I - Introduction to Neural Networks: Humans and Computers - Organization of the Brain - Biological Neu-
ron, Biological and Artificial Neuron Models - Characteristics of ANN - McCulloch-Pitts Model - Historical Devel-
opments - Potential Applications of ANN.
Unit II - Essentials of Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial Neuron Model - Operations of Artificial Neuron -
Types of Neuron Activation Function - ANN Architectures - Classification Taxonomy of ANN – Connectivity -
Learning Strategy (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement) - Learning Rules.
Unit III - Single Layer Feed Forward Neural Networks: Introduction- Perceptron Models: Discrete, Continuous
and Multi-Category- Training Algorithms: Discrete and Continuous Perceptron Networks - Limitations of the Per-
ceptron Model.
Unit IV - Multilayer Feed forward Neural Networks: Generalized Delta Rule, Derivation of Backpropagation
(BP) Training - Summary of Backpropagation Algorithm - Learning Difficulties and Improvements.
Unit V - Associative Memories: Paradigms of Associative Memory - Pattern Mathematics - Hebbian Learning -
General Concepts of Associative Memory - Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) Architecture - BAM Training
Algorithms: Storage and Recall Algorithm - BAM Energy Function. Architecture of Hopfield Network: Discrete and
Continuous versions - Storage and Recall Algorithm - Stability Analysis.
Course Objective:
To familiarize the design of simple circuits using PCB
To improve the knowledge on circuits design
To encourage the students to have innovative ideas of their own
Course outcome:
The student will be able to emulate PCBs for simple electronic circuits.
Knowledge gained through PCB Tools
Improved knowledge on circuit designs
Learning Eleven Lab – tool machine, Eagle software for routing and placement
Learning design rules on PCB design
Confidence to work in core companies
1. Study of Express PCB Design and its Applications.
2. PCB Schematic of Half Wave Rectifier.
3. PCB Schematic of Multiplexer using Digital Ics.
4. PCB Schematic of Demultiplexer using Digital Ics.
5. PCB Schematic of High Pass Filter using IC741.
6. PCB Schematic of Dual Voltage Power Supply.
7. PCB Schematic of Frequency Divider Circuit using IC 555.
8. PCB Schematic of Seven Segment Decoder using IC7447.
9. PCB Schematic of LDR Light Detector Circuit using IC741.
10. PCB Schematic of Adder and Subtractor using IC741.
11. PCB Schematic of Traffic Light Circuit – Project Phase I
12. Project Phase II
Course Objectives:
To impart the basic knowledge about the principle of semiconductor devices.
To understand the basic digital system and electronic instruments.
To get the knowledge about the various analog communication techniques
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
Understand the design concepts of electron device architecture
Select the op-amp ICs based on their characteristics
Comprehend the digital system design
Explain the architecture of Microprocessor
Choose suitable transducers for the applications
Acquire knowledge of analog basic communication systems
Unit-I: Introduction to Semiconductors and electron device architectures: P type Semiconductor – N type Sem-
iconductor – Diodes - PN Junction, Zener – BJT Configurations, FET - JFET, MOSFET, UJT
Text Book:
1. Muthusubramanian R, Salivahanan S, “Basic Electrical Electronics & Computer Engineering, “Tata
Mc.Graw Hill, 2010.
1. Robert Boylestad, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, Tenth Edition, Pearson Education, 2010.
2. A.K.Sawney, “ A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation”, Dhanpat Rai
&Co, 19th Edition, 2011.
3. V.K.Metha.”Principles of Electronics”, Chand Publications,2014 reprint, Edition 2009.
4. Anokh Singh,A.K.Chhabra, “Principles of Communication Engineering” S.Chand Co., 2017
Course Objective:
To introduce the concepts of wireless communication.
To make the students to know about the various propagation methods and Channel models.
To enhance the understanding of various transceivers and its multiple access schemes.
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Students learn the concepts of wireless communication.
Students acquire knowledge about the various propagation methods and Channel models.
Students have an enhanced understanding of various transceivers and its multiple access schemes.
Students gain in understanding the ability of Multichannel Response
Students develop knowledge skills in Wireless Channel Capacity.
Students learn to analyze the design of any wireless system
Unit I - REVIEW OF WIRELESS SYSTEMS: History of Wireless Systems-Wireless Vision- Technical Issues-
Current Wireless Systems-Cellular Telephone systems-Cordless Phones-Wireless LAN-Wide Area WDS-
Broadband Wireless Access-Paging Systems-Satellite Networks-Low Cost-Low power Radio-Bluetooth-Zigbee-
Ultraband Radio.
Unit II - WIRELESS SPECTRUM: Wireless Spectrum: Methods of Allocation-Spectrum Allocation of Wireless
System-Cellular System Fundamentals: Frequency Reuse-Channel Assignment strategies-Handoff Strategies-
Interference and system Capacity-Interference and Capacity-Improving Coverage and Capacity in Cellular system.
Unit III - PATH LOSS AND SHADOWING: Path Loss and Shadowing: Radiowave propagation-transmit and
Receive signal Model-Free Space path loss-Ray Tracing: Two ray Model-Simplified Path loss Model-Shadow Fad-
ing-Combined path loss and shadowing-Outage Probability under path loss and shadowing.
Unit IV - STATISTICAL MULTIPATH CHANNEL: Statistical Multipath Channel Models: Time varying
channel impulse response-Narrow band Fading Models: Level Crossing Rate –Average Fade Duration.
Unit V - WIDEBAND FADING MODELS: Wideband Fading Models: Power Delay Profile-Coherence Band-
width-Doppler Spectrum –Coherence Time-Capacity of Wireless Channel: Capacity of AWGN Channel-Capacity of
Frequency Selective Fading Channels.
Text Book:
1. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge university Press, 2007.
Course objective:
To learn the basic principles, concepts and types of communication systems.
To understand the various design issues in a communication system.
To gain knowledge about various communication channel.
Course outcome:
Acquire the Knowledge and reproduce the importance of modulation
Understand the procedures for various Analog and Digital modulation techniques
Develop the ability to compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of various communication meth-
Employ appropriate modulators and demodulators for transmitters and receivers
Mathematically analyze and predict appropriate modulation technique.
Investigate on the adverse effect of noise on signals.
Text Books:
1. Anokh Singh, A.K.,“Principles of Communication Engineering”, S.Chand Co.,7th Edition, 2013.
2. Simon Haykins, “Communication Systems” John Wiley, 4th Edition, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. Dennis Roddy & John Coolen, “Electronic Communication”, Pearson Education Limited, 4th Edition,
2. G.Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2012.
3. Taub and Schilling , “Principles of Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 2ndEdition, 2003
Course Objectives:
To provide a basic introduction and an understanding of Semiconductor devices.
To design and analyze transistor and FET biasing circuits.
To know the design of amplifier and oscillator circuits.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Describe the basic properties of solid state devices like diode, transistor and FET.
Identify and differentiate rectifiers, amplifiers and oscillators.
Analyze the amplitude and frequency response of general amplifier circuits.
Describe the types of power amplifiers and their transfer characteristics.
Classify the power amplifiers to meet certain specifications.
Distinguish between amplifiers and oscillators.
UNIT I - Theory of Semiconductor: Energy band structure of conductors, insulators and semiconductors – Com-
parison of Germanium, Silicon and gallium arsenide – Electron hole generation and recombination –Intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors – Conductivity – Temperature dependence – Hall effect – drift and diffusion in semicon-
UNIT II - Theory of PN junction and BJT: PN junction -depletion region – barrier potential – diode equation –
Forward and Reverse characteristics – Transition and diffusion capacitance. Static characteristics of transistors.
Analysis of CE, CB and CC circuits – Voltage gain – Current gain – Input impedance.
UNIT III - Special Semiconductor Devices (Qualitative Treatment Only): Zener diodes – Schotky Barrier Diode
– Tunnel diodes – DIAC – TRIAC – Photo diodes-Photo transistors –LCD- LED-Gunn diodes -Varactor diode.
UNIT IV - Design of DC Power Supply: Half wave rectifier – Full wave rectifier – ripple factors – DC and AC
components in rectifiers. Full wave rectifier with Capacitor and inductor filters. Voltage regulators-Transistorized
series pass regulator.
UNIT V - Amplifiers and Oscillators: Single stage- RC coupled amplifiers- Power amplifiers: Class A, AB, B
power amplifiers Push Pull amplifiers- Oscillators – RC Phase shift-Hartley Oscillator-Crystal Oscillator.
Text books:
1. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, 9th Pearson Education
Edition, 2016.
2. Millman &Halkias, "Electronic Devices & Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2013.
1. V.K.Metha,“Principles of Electronics”,Chand Publications,2015.
2. Malvino.A P, “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2016.
3. David .A .Bell, "Electronic Devices & Circuits ", Oxford University Press, 5th Edition 2010.
Course Objectives:
To understand the characteristics semiconductor and special purpose electron devices.
To design rectifiers, amplifiers and regulators.
To understand the basic Network theorems.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Classify the basic properties and characteristics of semiconductor devices.
Identify, differentiate and construct the circuit of rectifiers, amplifiers and regulator.
Construct the experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
Analyze practically the response of various special semiconductor devices.
Explain the basic Network theorems.
Justify and simulate practical circuits using PSPICE software.
Credits: 3:1:0
Course objective:
To develop a fundamental understanding in the concepts of discrete-time signal transforms, digital filter de-
sign, optimal filtering
To understand the methods of Power spectrum estimation, linear estimation and Prediction
To understand the concepts of multi-rate digital signal processing and adaptive filtering applicable in the
areas of signal processing, control and communications.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
identify and state the characteristics random signals
infer the statistical relevance and significance of various theorems.
compute the power spectrum estimation using various methods
analyze and compare different types of estimation and prediction methods
discover the usefulness of adaptive filters in communication systems
explain and develop the need of multirate signal processing applicable to communication systems
1. Monson H. Hayes, "Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling", John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Singa-
pore, Reprint, 2008
Course Objectives:
To explore the special features and representations of different data types.
To analyze different compression techniques for text data and audio signals
To analyze various compression techniques for image and video signals
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Understand the pros and cons of lossy and lossless compression techniques.
Analyze the different types of multimedia data
Develop hybrid coding techniques
Formulate new algorithms for signal processing techniques
Evaluate the performances of various compression algorithms
Apply the coding techniques for real time text/audio data
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Special features of Multimedia -Fundamental Concepts in Video and Digital Audio –
Storage requirements for multimedia applications Need for Compression - Taxonomy of compression techniques -
Overview of source coding, source models, scalar and vector quantization theory – Evaluation techniques – Error
analysis and methodologies
Unit II - TEXT COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES: Dictionary Techniques – Shannon Fano coding techniques -
Huffmann coding – Adaptive Huffmann Coding – Variations of Huffman coding - Arithmetic coding and decod-
ing– LZ77 algorithm – LZ78 algorithm – LZW algorithm.
Unit III - AUDIO COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES: μ Law and A Law companding - Speech compression -
Frequency domain and filtering – Basic subband coding – Application to speech coding – G.722 –Application to
audio coding – MPEG audio, progressive encoding for audio – Silence compression, speech compression techniques
– Channel vocoders - Formant vocoders - CELP Vocoders.
Unit IV - IMAGE COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES: Image formats - Transform Coding – JPEG Standard –
Design of Filter banks – Wavelet based compression: Implementation using filters – EZW, SPIHT coders – JPEG
2000 standards – JBIG, JBIG2 Standards.
Unit V - VIDEO COMPRESSION: Video compression techniques and standards – MPEG Video Coding - Mo-
tion estimation and compensation techniques – H.261 Standard – DVI technology – PLV performance – DVI real
time compression – Packet Video.
Reference Books:
1. Khalid Sayood, “ Introduction to Data Compression”, Morgan Kauffman Harcourt India, 5th Edition, 2017.
2. David Salomon, “Data Compression – The Complete Reference”, Springer Verlag, 4th Edition, 2007.
3. Yun Q.Shi, Huifang Sun, “Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering - Fundamentals, Al-
gorithms & Standards”, CRC press, 2003.
4. Peter Symes, “Digital Video Compression”, McGraw Hill, 2004.
5. Mark S.Drew, Ze-Nian Li, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, PHI, 2003.
Course Objective:
To learn various components of optical networks.
To understand various generation and broadcast optical networks.
To study the importance of Photonic Packet Switching
Unit I - OPTICAL SYSTEM COMPONENTS: Light propagation in optical fibers – Loss & bandwidth, System
limitations, NonLinear effects; Solitons; Optical Network Components – Couplers, Isolators & Circulators, Multi-
plexers & Filters, Optical Amplifiers, Switches, Wavelength Converters
Unit II - OPTICAL NETWORK ARCHITECUTRES: Introduction to Optical Networks; SONET / SDH,
Metropoliton-Area Networks, Layered Architecture ; Broadcast and Select Networks – Topologies for Broadcast
Networks, Media-Access Control Protocols, Testbeds for Broadcast & Select WDM; Wavelength Routing Architec-
Unit III - WAVELENGTH ROUTING NETWORKS: The optical layer, Node Designs, Optical layer cost
tradeoff, Routing and wavelength assignment, Virtual topology design, Wavelength Routing Testbeds, Architectural
Unit IV - PACKET SWITCHING AND ACCESS NETWORKS: Photonic Packet Switching – OTDM, Multi-
plexing and Demultiplexing, Synchronisation, Broadcast OTDM networks, Switch-based networks; Access Net-
works – Network Architecture overview, OTDM networks; Optical Access Network Architectures; Future Access
Unit V - NETWORK DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT: Transmission System Engineering – System model,
Power penalty - transmitter, receiver, Optical amplifiers, crosstalk, dispersion; Wavelength stabilization ; Overall
design considerations; Control and Management – Network management functions, Configuration management,
Performance management, Fault management, Optical safety, Service interface
Reference Bookss :
1. Rajiv Ramaswamy& Kumar N.Sivarajan, "Optical Networks: A practical perspective", Harcourt Asia Pri-
vate Limited, Singapore, 2nd edition 2004.
2. C. Siva Ram Moorthy and Mohan Gurusamy, “WDM Optical Networks : Concept, Design and Algo-
rithms”, Prentice Hall of India, Ist Edition, 2002.
3. D.W.Smith, Ed., “Optical Network Technology”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1995.
4. Biswanath Mukherjee, "Optical Communication Networks", McGraw-Hill, 1997.
5. P.E.Green Jr, “Fiber optic network”, Prentice Hall, NJ 1993.
6. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117101002/27, http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117101002/25 & other relevant materials
from internet
Course Objectives:
Learner will
Understand the baseband signal processing
Compare various band pass high rate data modulation schemes
Gain complete knowledge on modern communication scenario
Course Outcomes:
Learner can
Describe sampling process and ISI free transmission
Explain multi level modulation schemes supporting high rate data
Employ channel coding techniques for error free reception
Model high speed algorithms like trellis coding
Synthesize spread spectrum technology for robust transmission
Predict the right technique for error free high speed communication
Unit I - Baseband data transmission- Nyquist criterion for zero ISI, Correlative level coding, Optimum design of
transmit and receive filters, Equalization.
Unit II - Passband Digital transmission- Digital modulation schemes, Carrier synchronization methods, Symbol
timing estimation methods.
Reference Books:
1. S.Lin & D.J.Costello, Error Control Coding (2/e) Pearson, 2005 .
2. Recent literature in Advanced Digital Communication.
3. J.G.Proakis,” Digital Communication (4/e)”, McGraw- Hill, 2001.
4. S. Haykin, “Communication systems (4/e)”, John Wiley, 2001
5. B.P. Lathi, Zhi Ding, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems (4/e)”, Oxford university
Press, 2010
Course Objectives:
To introduce the concepts of wireless communication.
To make the students to know about the various propagation methods, Channel models, capacity calcula-
tions multiple antennas and multiple user techniques used in the mobile communication.
To enhance the understanding of Wi-fi, 3G systems and 4G networks.
Course Outcomes:
Upon Completion of the course, student will be able to
Recognize the concepts of wireless communication.
Apply knowledge of propagation methods and channel models to improve the system performance.
Learn to model radio signal propagation issues and analyze their impact on communication system perfor-
Understand how the various signal processing and coding techniques combat channel uncertainties
Relate the techniques of radio spectrum allocation in multi-user systems and their impact on networks ca-
Acquire knowledge on various wireless systems and standards and their basic operation cases
Reference Books:
1. Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
2. HARRY R. ANDERSON, “Fixed Broadband Wireless System Design” John Wiley – India, 2003.
3. Andreas.F. Molisch, “Wireless Communications”, John Wiley – India, 2006.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective:
To learn the fundamental parameters of antenna radiation and its significance in antenna design for specific
To study different types of antenna and its design methodology.
To understand various Numerical methods in antenna simulation.
Course outcome:
Upon completion of the course, student will able to
Employ various numerical techniques for analysis of different antennas.
Analyze the radiation system using linear and planar array elements.
Extend the knowledge of aperture concept for efficient antenna design
Evaluate the desired parameters for application specific antenna design.
Design and simulate any type of antenna using simulation software tools. Ex. FEKO.
Perform measurement of antenna parameters for antenna designs
Unit I - ANTENNA FUNDAMENTALS: Basic Antenna Parameters - Concepts of Radiation - Radiation from
dipole, monopole and loop antenna -- The Lorentz gauge condition - Total power radiated and radiation resistance -
Power radiated in the farfield – Reciprocity theorem – Broadband antennas – matching techniques – Numerical
Unit II - ANTENNA ARRAYS: Introduction - linear arrays - Phased arrays. Directivity of Broadside and End fire
arrays - 3D characteristics - Binomial arrays and Dolph-Tchebycheff arrays - Circular array - Antenna Synthesis –
frequency scanned arrays – analog beam forming matrices – digital beam forming – MEMS technology in arrays –
Phased arrays.
Unit III - APERTURE ANTENNAS: Huyghens source - Radiation through an aperture in an absorbing screen -
Fraunhoffer and Fresnel diffraction - Complimentary screens and slot antennas – Horn antenna - E and H plane
sectoral Horns - Pyramidal horns - Conical and corrugated Horns - Multimode horns. – Reflector antenna - Parabol-
ic Reflector antennas – Prime focus and cassegrain reflectors - Equivalent focal length of Cassegrain antennas -
Spillover and taper efficiencies. Optimum illumination – aperture blockage -Design.
Unit IV - MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS: Microstrip antennas – feeding methods. Rectangular patch- Transmission
line model – Cavity Model – Circular patch and ring antennas - input impedance – Microstrip feed and array net-
work - Applications.
Unit V - ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS AND EMC ANTENNA: Simple relationship involving spherical tri-
angles. Linear, Elliptical and circular polarization - Random polarization – Stokes parameters – Log periodic dipole
– Biconical – Ridge guide – Multi turn loop - Antenna measurement and instrumentation – antenna test range de-
Reference Books:
1. J.D. Krauss, “Antennas”, McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Balanis, “Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design”, John Wiley, 1982.
3. R.E. Collin, “Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation”, McGraw Hill, 1985.
4. R.C. Johnson and H. Jasik, “Antenna Engineering Handbook”, McGraw Hill, 1984.
Course Objectives:
Learner will
Understand the basic satellite elements
Identify multiple access techniques used in satellites
Gain knowledge on satellite link design
Course Outcomes:
Learner can
Describe satellite orbits and orbital mechanisms
Explain communication satellite design
Interpret various multiple access schemes used for data transmission
Appraise satellite link power budget
Design OBP or FT type satellite transponder
Select suitable satellite for particular service
Unit I - Elements of orbital mechanics, Equations of motion, Tracking and orbit determination, Orbital correc-
tion/control, Satellite launch systems, Multistage rocket launchers and their performance
Unit II - Elements of communication satellite design, Spacecraft subsystems, Reliability considerations, Spacecraft
Unit III - Multiple access techniques, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Random access techniques, Satellite onboard pro-
Unit IV - Satellite Link Design: Performance requirement and standards. VSAT, Mobile satellite services: GSM,
GPS, DBS, DTH, MATV, CATV, Satellite based personal communication.
Unit V - Earth station design, Configurations, Antenna and tracking systems, Satellite broadcasting,
Reference Books:
1. B.N.Agrawal, “Design of Geosynchrons Spacecraft”, Prentice-Hall,1986.
2. A.K. Maini, V.Agrawal, “Satellite Communications”, Wiley India PvtLtd,1999.
3. Recent literature in Satellite Communication. satellite navigation - recent advances
4. D.Roddy,“Satellite Communication (4/e)”, McGraw-Hill, 2009.
5. T.Pratt&C.W.Bostain, “Satellite Communication”, Wiley 2000.
Course Objectives:
To summarize the vector mathematics in the coding algorithms
To assess various error control codes
To interpret the encoding and decoding techniques of error control codes
To evaluate the error control parameters in communication
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to
summarize the vector mathematics in the coding algorithms
assess Galois field arithmetic
evaluate different types of error control codes
interpret the encoding and decoding of error control codes
compose burst error correcting codes and convolutional codes
describe the performance and applications of turbo codes
Reference Books:
1. Shu Lin & D.J. Costello – “Error Control Coding”, 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2013.
2. Simon Haykin, "Digital Communication", John Wiley and Sons, 2006.
3. Rahashree Raut, “Error control coding for performance improvement”, Lambert publisher, 2012.
4. Bernard Sklar, “Digital Communications, fundamentals and Applications”, Pearson Education, 2009.
Course Objectives:
To learn the key aspects of Artificial Neural Networks
To analyze the various modules of Fuzzy logic and Genetic algorithm
To gain insight on Neuro Fuzzy modeling and support vector machines
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Understand the principles of neural networks and fuzzy logic systems
Develop novel artificial neural networks
Frame fuzzy logic based expert systems
Evaluate the performances of hybrid neuro fuzzy algorithms
Analyze the various evolutionary computation algorithms
Apply artificial neural networks for solving engineering problems.
Unit I - PRINCIPLES OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS: Introduction, Humans and Computers, Or-
ganization of the Brain, Biological Neuron, Biological and Artificial Neuron Models, Characteristics of ANN,
McCulloch-Pitts Model, Potential Applications of ANN. Operations of Artificial Neuron, Types of Neuron Activa-
tion Function, ANN Architectures, Classification Taxonomy of ANN – Connectivity, Neural Dynamics (Activation
and Synaptic), Learning Strategy (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement), Learning Rules.
Unit II - SUPERVISED AND UNSUPERVISED NEURAL NETWORKS: Perceptron, Back Propagation neural
network, Hopfield neural network, Kohonen neural network, Bidirectional Associative Memories, Radial basis func-
tion neural network, Counter propagation neural network, Adaptive Resonance Theory neural networks, Introduc-
tion to deep learning neural networks.
Unit III - PRINCIPLES OF FUZZY LOGIC THEORY: Introduction to classical sets – properties, operations
and relations; Fuzzy sets - Operations, properties and relations, Membership functions, Defuzzification methods,
Extension principle, Approximate Reasoning, Rule based systems, Fuzzy Associative Memories(FAMs), Fuzzy in-
ference systems, Fuzzy decision making, Fuzzy logic control, Fuzzy pattern recognition.
Unit IV - NEURO FUZZY SYSTEMS: ANFIS – Architecture and training algorithm, CANFIS, Rule based struc-
ture identification, Classification and Regression tree algorithm, Fuzzy inference systems, Fuzzy C-means algo-
rithm, k-means algorithm, mountain clustering, subtractive clustering, ANFIS for medical image classification
Unit V - EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION ALGORITHMS: Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimiza-
tion algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, ABC algorithm, Gray Wolf optimization algorithm
Course Objectives:
To study and experiment different signaling techniques in communication system using OTDR and various
mobile communication standards.
To demonstrate modern digital communication techniques.
Course Outcomes:
Upon Completion of the course, student will able to
Distinguish the different signaling techniques in digital communication.
Analyze and apply a systematic design approach to digital communication system.
Eavaluate the chaacteristics of APD and Laser
Reconstruct the RF communication using SDR
Demonstrate the working of Satellite Communication
Develop different network topologies,routing techniquies and analysis the performance of the network in
the simulation envirnment
1. Digital Modulation (BPSK,QPSK,GMSK)
Comparison of M-ary FSK and M-ary QAM Schemes
2. Pulse Amplitude modulation and Pulse Code Modulation
3. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
4. Linear block Codes,Cyclic Codes,Convolutional Codes
5. Optical time Domain Reflectometer
6. Wavelength Division Multiplexing.
7. Study of APD and Laser characteristics.
8. SDR: Study of wireless-telecommunication using Wicomm-T, Wireless digital communication.
9. Satellite Communication.
10. Creating Topology in Wireless using CBR and UDP and
11. Routing – Uni cast and Multicast Routing.
12. Performance Analysis in wireless Networks.
Course Objectives:
To design, simulate and understand different types of antenna using EM Solvers.
Involve students in studies of communication network and its performance through network simulation
Course Outcomes:
Upon Completion of the course, Student will able to
Design and simulate antenna for the given specification.
Construct and analyse communication networks.
Measure various parameters of Microwave and RF components and antennas.
Recognize various application of RF components and antennas.
Employ the network analyser to test RF components and antennas.
Recognize the working of GPS.
11. Dielectric measurement and analysis using Network analyser.
12. Study of GPS.
Course Objective:
To calculate the power spectrum by using Periodogram, Modified Periodogram, Barlett& Welch method.
To design linear predictive system, Whitening filter, Inverse filter &Kalman filter and compression algo-
Course outcome:
Upon completion the student will be able to
Calculate power spectrum and analyze the performance.
Design various digital filters and analyze their performance.
Select filters for various applications.
Compare the characteristics of different compression techniques.
Understand the significance of compression during storage and transmission.
Comprehend the advantages of wavelet filter.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To learn wireless channel conditions
To apply signal processing algorithms to design an optimum wireless reception.
To design an Optimum multiuser detection for wireless environment
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Understand the detection procedures of digital modulation techniques
Develop signal processing algorithms for wireless signal reception.
Frame new algorithms for signal processing techniques
Evaluate mathematical models for optimum detection of wireless signals
Analyze the performances of various error detection algorithms
Apply the wireless reception concepts in real- time applications
Reference Books:
1. John Proakis and Masoud Salehi, “Digital Communications”, Mcgraw Hill, 5 th edition, 2007.
2. Simon Haykin, “Digital Communications”, Wiley & Sons, 2 nd edition, 2013.
3. X.Wang & H.V.Poor, “Wireless Communication Systems”, Pearson Education, 2004.
4. Mohamed Ibnkahla, “Adaptive Signal processing in Wireless Communications”, CRC Press, 2008.
5. A.V.H. Sheikh, “Wireless Communications Theory & Techniques”, Kluwer Academic Publications, 2004
Course Objectives:
Understand basics of detection and estimation theory.
Design and analyze optimum detection schemes.
Study different estimation schemes such as MMSE estimators.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to;
Apply their Engineering mathematical concepts for signal detection and estimation.
Understand different estimation schemes.
Analyze and interpret extracted data of useful information from random observations in communication
through probabilistic framework..
Design optimal estimators for signals with different noise parameters.
Demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities.
Develop confidence for self education and ability for life-long learning about security standards.
Unit I - HYPOTHESIS TESTING: Bayes Risk, Minimum Bayes Risk detector, Minimax and Neyman-Pearson
testing, Receiver operating characteristics, Composite hypothesis testing, Generalized likelihood ratio tests.
Detection of deterministic signals, Matched filter and its performance, Detection of random signals, Energy detector
and its performance, Detection of signals with unknown parameters and Sinusoid detection example, Chernoff and
related performance bounds.
Bayesian formulation, Minimum mean squared error and MAP estimation, Linear MMSE estimation, Orthogonality
principle, Applications to channel estimation problems.
MVUE criterion, finding MVUE, sufficient statistics, Neyman-fisher factorization, Rao-Blackwell theorem, Cramer-
Rao lower bound, Fisher information matrix.
Least squares estimation, Best linear unbiased estimation, Geometric interpretations, Maximum likelihood Estima-
tion, Efficiency and consistency of estimators and asymptotic properties.
Course Objectives:
To study the fundamentals of Programmable DSPs.
To impart knowledge on the operation of ADSP and Analog Processors.
To develop a fundamental understanding in tha advanced DSP architectures and some applications
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
Infer about the control instructions, interrupts, and pipeline operations, memory and buses.
Illustrate the features of on-chip peripheral devices and its interfacing with real time application devices.
Diagnose the design methodologies in hardware and software.
Recognize the trade-offs necessary in algorithm design for real-time DSP implementation
Analyse the procedure for various DSP System Architecture.
Design and implement various signal processing algorithms and applications using DSP processors.
Reference books:
1. B.Venkataramani and M.Bhaskar,” Digital Signal Processor, Architecture, Programming
and Applications”,2nd Edition, McGraw- Hill,2010.
2. S.Srinivasan and Avtar Singh, “Digital Signal Processing, Implementations using DSP
Microprocessors with Examples from TMS320C54X”, Brooks/Cole, 2004
3. Rulph Chassaing, “Digital Signal Processing and applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK”,John
Wiley & sons,2005.
4. S.M.Kuo and Woon-Seng S.Gan, “Digital Signal Processors: Architectures, Implementations,and Applica-
tions”, Printice Hall, 2004.
5. N. Kehtarnavaz and M. Kerama, “DSP System Design using the TMS320C6000”, Printice Hall, 2001.
6. S.M. Kuo and B.H.Lee,”Real-Time Digital Signal Processing, Implementations, Applications and Experi-
ments with the TMS320C55X”, John Wiley, 2001.
Course Objective:
To introduce Global Positioning Systems
To understand types of signals used in the GPS and accuracy limits
Latest versions of GPS and its application
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
develop a strong foundation in the field of Global Positioning Systems.
understand GPS signal characteristics
acquire in-depth knowledge about working of Global positioning receivers.
understand and analyze various errors occurring in GPS
familiarize in latest variant Differential GPS receivers
expose different GPS applications
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: GPS and GLONASS Overview - Satellite Navigation -Time and GPS - User position
and velocity calculations - GPS - Satellite Constellation - Operation Segment - User receiving Equipment - Space
Segment Phased development
Unit II - SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS: GPS signal components - purpose, properties and power level - signal
acquisition and tracking - Navigation information extraction - pseudorange estimation - frequency estimation – GPS
satellite position calculation
Unit III - GPS RECEIVERS & DATA ERRORS: Receiver Architecture - receiver design options - Antenna
design - SA errors - propagation errors- Methods of multipath mitigation - Ephemeris data errors - clock errors
Unit IV - DIFFERENTIAL GPS: Introduction - LADGPS - WADGPS, Wide Area Augmentation systems - GEO
Uplink subsystem - GEO downlink systems - Geo Orbit determination - Geometric analysis – covariance analysis -
GPS /INS Integration Architectures
Unit V - GPS APPLICATIONS: GPS in surveying, Mapping and Navigation - Precision approach Aircraft land-
ing system - Military and Space application - Intelligent transportation system
Reference Books:
1. Mohinder S.Grewal , Lawrence R.Weill, Angus P.Andrews, “Global Positioning Systems - Inertial Navi-
gation and Integration”, John Wiley& sons, 2nd Edition 2007.
2. Elliott D. Kaplan, Christopher J. Hegarty, "Understanding GPS– Principles and Applications", Artech
House, 2nd Edition 2006.
3. G. S. Rao, “Global Navigation Satellite Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill publications, New Delhi, 2010.
4. B. Hoffman – Wellenhof, H. Liehtenegger and J. Collins, "GPS – Theory and Practice”, Springer – Verlag
Wien GmbH, New York ,2001.
5. James Bao – Yen Tsui, ‘Fundamentals of Global Positioning receivers – A software approach’, John Wiley
& Sons, 2nd Edition 2005.
Course Objectives:
Familiarize the basic theory of light propagation, concept of spatial frequency etc.
Learn the transform domain approach of different optical components like slit, lens, free space etc.
Acquire knowledge about various spectral analysis tools, filters and spatial filters.
Get a overall picture about the applications of acoustic-optical devices and heterodyne systems.
Course Outcomes:
Understand basic concepts of light propagation, spatial frequency and Spectral analysis
Develop optical modulators for various applications of light processing.
Design spatial filters to clean up the output of lasers, removing aberrations in the beam due to imperfect,
dirty, or damaged optics, or due to variations in the laser gain medium itself.
Judge the characteristics of optical filters, modulators and detectors, design as well as conduct experiments
in software and hardware, analyze the results to provide valid conclusions.
Unit I - BASICS OF SIGNAL PROCESSING AND OPTICS: Characterization of a General signal, examples of
signals, Spatial signal. Basic laws of geometrical optics, Refractions by mirrors, the lens formulas, General Imaging
conditions, the optical invariant, Optical Aberrations.
Unit II - PHYSICAL OPTICS: The Fresnel Transforms, the Fourier transform, Examples of Fourier transforms,
the inverse Fourier transform, Extended Fourier transform analysis, Maximum information capacity and optimum
packing density, System coherence.
Unit III - SPECTRUM ANALYSIS AND SPATIAL FILTERING: Light sources, spatial light modulators, The
detection process in Fourier domain, System performance parameters, Dynamic range. Some fundamentals of signal
processing, Spatial Filters
Unit IV - BINARY SPATIAL FILTERS: Magnitude Spatial Filters, Phase Spatial Filters, Real valued Spatial
Filters, Interferometric techniques for constructing Spatial Filters. Optical signal processor and filter generator, Ap-
plications for optical signal processing.
Unit V - ACOUSTO-OPTIC CELL SPATIAL LIGHT MODULATORS: Applications of acousto-optic devic-
es. Basic Acousto-optic power spectrum analyzer. Heterodyne systems: Interference between two waves, the optical
References Books:
1. D. Casasent, “Optical data processing-Applications”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
2. H.J. Caulfield, “Handbook of holography”, Academic Press New York 1979
3. P.M. Dufffieux, “The Fourier Transform and its applications to Optics”, John Wiley and sons
4. J. Horner ,”Optical Signal Processing “,Academic Press 1988
5. Joseph W. Goodman,” Introduction to Fourier Optics”, second edition Mc Graw Hill.
6. Francis T. S. Yu, Suganda Jutamulia, ”Optical Signal Processing, Computing, and Neural Networks”,
Krieger Publishing Company; 2nd edition.
7. Anthony Vanderlugt ,”Optical signal processing” ,Wiley-Interscience
8. Hiroshi Ishikawa ,”Ultrafast All-Optical Signal Processing Devices”,Wiley
Course Objectives:
To understand the image fundamentals and mathematical transforms necessary for image processing
To understand how image are analyzed to extract features of interest.
To comprehend the concepts of image registration and image fusion
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, student will be able to
Apply image processing techniques in both the spatial and frequency (Fourier) domains.
Design image analysis techniques in the form of image segmentation and to evaluate the methodologies for
Conduct independent study and analysis of feature extraction techniques.
Analyze the performance of an image processing task for a specific application
Understand the advantages and limitations of various filters for image enhancement.
Apply the knowledge gained for improving the resolution of images
Unit I - IMAGE PROCESSING FUNDAMENTALS: Fundamentals: Definition and Applications , steps in Digi-
tal Image Processing, Visual perception and structure of Human eye, Diigtal Image representation, Spatial and in-
tensity resolution.
Unit II - IMAGE ENHANCEMENT: Image enhancement in spatial domain, Spatial filtering, 2D image trans-
forms :DFT and its property, Cosine and sine transform, Hadamard and Haar transform, Image enhancement in fre-
quency domain.
Unit III - MORPHOLOGICAL PROCESSING: Morphological image processing, Erosion and Dilation, Open-
ing and Closing , Edge detection and model, Active contour, Texture.
Reference Books:
1. John C.Russ, “The Image Processing Handbook”, CRC Press,2007.
2. Mark Nixon, Alberto Aguado, “Feature Extraction and Image Processing”, Academic Press, 2008.
3. ArdeshirGoshtasby, “ 2D and 3D Image registration for Medical, Remote Sensing and Industrial Applica-
tions”,John Wiley and Sons,2005.
4. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, Inc., Second Edi-
tion, 2004.
5. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing', Pearson Education,Inc., 2002.
6. Rick S.Blum, Zheng Liu,“Multisensor image fusion and its Applications“,Taylor& Francis, 2006
Course Objectives:
To study about the technology of microwave IC’s and propagation of signals through microstrip transmis-
sion lines.
To understand how analyzes of fields and microwave circuit design are performed.
To learn coplanar MICs and design of microwave circuits like amplifiers, oscillators and mixers.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
Discriminate various hybrid MIC fabrication technologies (Thick and Thin film technologies).
Distinguish various fabrication processing steps of monolithic MICs.
Apply the knowledge of microstrip transmission lines and their parameters in the design process.
Analyze passive and non-passive reciprocal devices and their design.
Develop various coplanar MICs for different applications.
Design and discriminate various microwave circuits like amplifiers, oscillators and mixers.
Unit I - TECHNOLOGY OF HYBRID MICS & MONOLITHIC MICS: Hybrid MICs: Dielectric substrates –
Thick film technology and materials – Thin film technology and materials – Methods of testing – Encapsulation of
devices for MICs – Mounting of active devices. MMICs: Processes involved in fabrication – Epitaxial growth of
semiconductor layer – Growth of dielectric layer – Diffusion-ion implantation – Electron beam technology.
Unit II - MICROSTRIP TRANSMISSION LINES: Strip lines – Formulas for propagation constant – Character-
istic impedance – Attenuation – An approximate electrostatic solution. Slot Lines and Coplanar waveguides – Static
TEM parameters and design of microstrip – High frequency dispersion effects in microstrip.
Passive reciprocal devices: Methods of analysis of passive reciprocal microwave devices – Even and Odd mode
method – Eigen value method. Applications to microstrip directional couplers – Parallel coupled lines – Coupled
microstrip design – Branch line couplers – Hybrid ring couplers – Wilkinson power dividers/combiners. Passive
Non-Reciprocal Components: Ferromagnetic substrates for non-reciprocal devices – Design of microstrip circulators
– Latching circulators – Isolators – Phase shifters.
Unit IV - COPLANAR MICs: Coplanar waveguides: Transmission properties – Discontinuities. Introduction to
Coplanar MICs – Coplanar transistors – Coplanar switches – Coplanar microwave active filters, Coplanar electronic
circulators – Coplanar frequency doublers.
Unit V - MICROWAVE CIRCUIT DESIGN: Microwave amplifier Design – Two port power gain, stability sin-
gle stage transistor amplifier design, low noise amplifier design, broad band amplifier design, balanced and distrib-
uted amplifiers, design of class A amplifiers. Microwave Oscillator Design, negative resistance oscillator, transistor
oscillators design, dielectric resonator oscillator design, oscillator phase noise, microwave mixer, single ended diode
mixer, FET mixer, balanced mixer, image reject mixer, double balanced mixer.
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objective:
To familiarize with the fundamental of EMI/EMC required for electronics industry
To understand the importance of shielding in cables
To introduce PCB design techniques and testing standards for EMC compliances
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
Design and test electronic products with acceptable radiations and susceptible to EMI
Analyze cabling and grounding problems in high-frequency systems
Analyze and simulate component placements in PCB board design to reduce EMI
Design shielding techniques to prevent ESD and EMI in high-frequency systems
Apply techniques to prevent crosstalk in high-frequency systems.
Interpret EMC lab reports and certificates
Unit I - EMI/EMC CONCEPTS: EMI-EMC Definitions- Units of Parameters- Need for EMC and its importance
in electronic product design - Sources and victim of EMI; Conducted and Radiated EMI Emission and Susceptibil-
ity; Transient EMI, ESD; Radiation Hazards. - Few case studies on EMC
Unit II - EMI COUPLING PRINCIPLES: Conducted, radiated and transient coupling; Common ground imped-
ance coupling; Common mode and ground loop coupling; Differential mode coupling; near field cable to cable cou-
pling, cross talk; Field to cable coupling; Power mains and Power supply coupling
Unit III - EMI CONTROL TECHNIQUES: Shielding-Shielding Material-Shielding integrity at discontinuities,
Filtering-Characteristics of Filters-Impedance and Lumped element filters-Telephone line filter, Power line filter
design, Filter installation and Evaluation, Grounding-Measurement of Ground resistance -system grounding for
EMI/EMC-Cable shielded grounding, Bonding, Isolation transformer, Transient suppressors, Cable routing, Signal
control, EMI gaskets-Conductive Gaskets and Coatings.
Unit IV - EMC DESIGN OF PCB: EMI Suppression Cables-Absorptive, ribbon cables-Devices-Transient protec-
tion hybrid circuits,Component selection and mounting; PCB trace impedance; Routing; Cross talk control-
Electromagnetic Pulse-Noise from relays and switches, Power distribution decoupling; Zoning; Grounding; VIAs
connection; Terminations.
Unit V - EMI MEASUREMENTS AND STANDARDS: Open area test site; TEM cell; EMI test shielded cham-
ber and shielded ferrite lined anechoic chamber; Tx /Rx Antennas, Sensors, Injectors / Couplers, and coupling fac-
tors; EMI Rx and spectrum analyzer; Civilian standards-CISPR, FCC, IEC, EN;
Military Standards‐MIL461E/462 - Frequency assignment - Spectrum conversation, British VDE standards, Euro
norms and standards in Japan‐ comparisons. EN Emission and Susceptibility standards and specifications.
Reference Books:
1. Xingcun Colin Toong, Advanced Materials and Design for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding , 3rd
Edition, CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2009
2. J.L Normal Violette, Dionald R.J White, Michael F. Violette, Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook,
1st Edition Reprint, Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, 2013
3. H. W. Ott, Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering, 2 nd Edition , John Wiley & Sons, 2011
4. C. R. Paul, Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2 nd Edition, Wiley India, 2010
Course Objectives:
To understand the fundamental parameter in RF wireless system transceiver architecture design
To discuss the impedance matching techniques using smith chart for various RF subsystems like amplifiers,
oscillators, mixers etc
To learn RFIC design and implementation of RFICs using simulation tools
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, the students are able to
Distinguish the RF system design parameters for various subsystem blocks level modeling
Interpret Smith chart measurements related to impedance matching techniques
Apply knowledge of basic RF Electronics for realizing RF System design and implementation
Analyze the given specifications defined by wireless system standard in its physical layer
Transform the system specification into the requirements for the RF front-end blocks for creating a new ar-
Design and simulate RF front-end as per given system specification for the required performance using
software tools.
Reference Books:
1. T.Lee, “Design of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits”, Cambridge, Second Edition, 2004.
2. B.Razavi, “RF Microelectronics”, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 1997.
3. Jan Crols, MichielSteyaert, “CMOS Wireless Transceiver Design”, KluwerAcademic Publishers, First Edi-
tion 1997.
4. B.Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, McGraw Hill, 14 th reprint 2008.
5. John M. W. Rogers, John W. M. Rogers, Calvin Plett, “Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design”, Se-
cond Edition, Artech House, 2010
Course Objective:
To learn about the important concepts and issues related to network management.
To manage LAN and wireless networks
To analyze high speed networks and estimate their link performance
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Identify various aspects of Local Area Network management
Recognize wireless network management using monitoring tools
Estimate the link performance
Analyze high speed networks
Apply the network management and SNMP tools
Describe network security aspects and mobility management
Unit I - LAN ADMINISTRATION: Introduction- Console and Agents- Automatic Software Distribution- Moni-
toring File Use- Virus scanning- Printer Management- Storage Management- Reporting Bindery Data- Process
Scheduling- Console Text Viewer- Tracking Network Activity- Integrated Help Desk.
Managing the Wireless Networks– Introduction – Configuration Details- Mobile IP- Spanning Tree Protocol- Per-
formance Monitoring- Applying Filters- Logs- Setting SNMP Traps- Virtual Networks- Managing TDM Systems.
Unit II - MANAGING LINK PERFORMANCE: Introduction- Digital Data Service- CSU Functionality- Carrier
Testing Services- User Controlled Diagnostics- Fractional T1- Integrated Solutions- Integral Protocol Analyzers-
SNMP for Management- Disaster Recovery- Service Level Management.
Unit III - MANAGING HIGH SPEED PACKET NETWORKS: Introduction – Frame Relay- Asynchronous
Transfer Mode- IP Networks.
Unit IV - NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: Introduction- Management System Evolution- Manage-
ment in the Wired World- The Mechanics of SNMP- Graphical SNMP Tools- SNMP on Wireless Networks- Tele-
communications Management Networks- Open Source Management Tools.
Unit V - MANAGING NETWORK SECURITY: Introduction- Threat Assessment- Securing the Workplace-
Securing the Network- Data Encryption- Virus Protection- Firewalls- Intrusion Detection Systems- Remote Access
Security- Policy Based Security- Network Management System Security- Security Personnel- Security Training -
Mobility Management in Wireless Networks.
Reference Books:
1. N J Muller, “LANs to WANs: The Complete Management Guide”, Artech House, 2003.
2. J W Mark & W. Zhuang, “Wireless Communications and Networking”, PHI, 2005.
3. Terplan, “Telecom Network Management”, PHI, 1998
4. Haojin Wang, “Telecommunication Network Management”, Mc Graw Hill, 1999.
5. Mani Subramanian, “Network Management : Principles and Practice”, 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education,
17EC3023 RF MEMS
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objective:
Understand the simple linear and non-linear mechanical, electromagnetic and electromechanical models of
RF MEMS structures..
Identify the limitations of the RF MEMS technology for wireless applications
Describe the working principles of the state-of-the-art RF-MEMS devices
Course Outcome:
The student will be able to
recognize the advantages and limitations of RF-MEMS technology
apply the Fabrication methods for MEMS for specific applications
illustrate the working principles of the state-of-the-art RF-MEMS devices
evaluate the merits and drawbacks of an RF-MEMS design
MEMS- Piezoelectric, Electrostatic, Thermal, Magnetic
parameters. Actuation mechanisms. Bistable relays and micro actuators. Dynamics of switching operation. MEMS
inductors and capacitors. Micromachined inductor. Effect of inductor layout. Modeling and design issues of planar
inductor.Gap tuning and area tuning capacitors, Dielectric tunable capacitors.
Micromachined RF filters. Modeling of mechanical filters. Electrostatic comb drive. Micromechanical filters using
comb drives. Electrostatic coupled beam structures. Micromachined antennas. Microstrip antennas – design parame-
ters. Micromachining to improve performance. Reconfigurable antennas. MEMS phase shifters. Types. Limitations.
Switched delay lines. Micromachined transmission lines. Coplan.ar lines. Micromachined directional coupler and
Unit V - RF MEMS BASED CIRCUIT DESIGN AND CASE STUDIES: Phase shifters - fundamentals, X-Band
RF MEMS Phase shifter for phased array applications, Ka-Band RF MEMS Phase shifter for radar systems applica-
tions, Film bulk acoustic wave filters - FBAR filter fundamentals, FBAR filter for PCS applications, RF MEMS
filters - A Ka-Band millimeter-wave Micromachined tunable filter, A High-Q 8-MHz MEM Resonator filter, RF
MEMS Oscillators - fundamentals, A 14-GHz MEM Oscillator, A Ka - Band Micromachined cavity oscillator, A
2.4 GHz MEMS based voltage controlled oscillator
Reference Books:
1. Vijay K. Varadanetal, RF MEMS and their Applications, Wiley-India, 2011.
2. H.J.D. Santos, RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications, Artech House, 2002.
3. G.M.Rebeiz, RF MEMS Theory, Design, and Technology, Wiley, 2003.
4. Chang Liu, “Foundations of MEMS”, Pearson International Edition, 2006.
5. Charles P.Poole, Frank J.Owens, “Introduction to nanotechnology” John Wiley & sons, 2003.
6. Julian W.Gardner, Vijay K Varadhan, “Microsensors, MEMS and Smart devices”, John Wiley & sons,
7. Vijay Varadan, K. J. Vinoy, K. A. Jose, Wiley, "RF MEMS and Their Applications", 2002.
8. Hector J. De Los Santos, "Introduction to Microelectromechanical Microwave Systems, Second Edition", ,
Artech House, 2004.
Course Objective:
To focus new, unconventional alternatives for conquering RF and microwave design and modelling prob-
lems using neural networks.
To understand optimization using Neural Networks techniques.
To understand Microstrip transmission line model.
Course Outcome:
Upon completion of the course, student will able to
Employ various neural network structures to create microwave models.
Analyze the neural network structures using various training algorithms.
Relate RF and microwave design problems to possible solutions utilizing neural networks
Unit I - NEURAL NETWORK STRUCTURES: Neural network modeling approach – Multilayer perception
(MLP) – MP structure - Activation functions, effect bias – Neural feed forward –Universal approximation theorem –
Back propagation -2D training process –Radial Basis function networks –structure –two step training of PBF net-
works – comparison of MLP and RBF networks –recurrent Neural Network.
Unit II - TRAINING OF NEURAL NETWORKS: Key issues in Neural Model Development –Data Generation
–Data Splitting & scaling –initialization of neural model weight parameters – over learning and under learning –
neural network training –Gradient based methods –Back propagation algorithm –training algorithms using gradient
based optimization techniques.
Algorithms – The schema theorem –effect of crossover, Mutation – Building Block Hypothesis – Walsh Schema
transform, chromosomal representation-fitness function –setting the GA parameters and operators – Normal, Muta-
tion and crossover operations –Avoiding the loss of useful genetic material- Royal Road function –hitch hilling phe-
nomenon –training neural networks.
Unit IV - MODELS FOR RF AND MICROWAVE COMPONENTS: Modeling procedure –selection of input
and outputs –training data generation-error measures –models for mcirstrip transmission lines – microstrip via- to
stripline interconnect –models for CPW transmission line –CPW continuities –CPW opens and short –CPW Sym-
metric T Junctions.
ponent structure –circuit optimization –CPW folded double stub filter –power divider –Multilayer circuit design and
optimization -CPW patch antenna design –yield optimization.
Reference Books:
1. A.J.F. Van Rooji, L.C Jain, R.P. Johnson, “Neural Network Training Using Genetic Algorithms” World
Scientific Pub, 1997.
2. Q.J Zhang, K.C. Gupta, “Neural Networks for RF and Microwave Design” Artech house 2000.
3. Laurene Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications, Prentice
Hall International, Inc., 1994.
Course Objectives:
T o understand the evolution of antenna arrays for dynamic environments in wireless communications
To learn the need for narrowband and broadband signal processing techniques.
To provide in-depth knowledge on performance parameters direction of arrival estimation methods and di-
versity combining techniques combining
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
suggest necessary signal processing techniques for allocated spectrum in dynamic environments.
apply adaptive beamforming algorithm for specific applications
analyse the performance metrics of spatial channel model
interpret the diversity combining techniques at wireless receivers end
evaluate the performance of single user and multi user signal processing techniques using software tools
Unit I - SMART ANTENNAS: Historical development of smart antennas- Antenna gain, Antenna Pattern, An-
tenna bore sight, Phased array antenna, power pattern, beam steered and weighted arrays, beam steered circular ar-
rays, rectangular planar arrays- fixed beam arrays- retro directive arrays, degree of freedom, optimal antenna, adap-
tive antennas, smart antenna -key benefits of smart antenna technology, wide band smart antennas, Digital radio
receiver techniques and software radio for smart antennas.
Unit II - NARROW AND BROAD BAND PROCESSING: Signal model conventional beamformer- null steering
beamformer-optimal beamformer-Optimization using reference signal, beam space processing - Tapped delay line
Unit III - ADAPTIVE PROCESSING: Sample matrix inversion algorithm, unconstrained LMS algorithm, nor-
malized LMS algorithm, Constrained LMS algorithm, Perturbation algorithms, neural network approach, Adaptive
beam space processing - Implementation issues.
Unit IV - DIRECTION OF ARRIVAL ESTIMATION METHODS: Fundamentals of matrix algebra- array cor-
relation matrix- AOA estimation methods- Spectral estimation methods- Bartlett method and Capon method, linear
prediction method, Maximum Entropy method, Maximum Likelihood method, PHD method, Min-norm method,
Eigen Structure methods, Music Algorithm -root Music and cyclic music algorithm, the ESPRIT algorithm
Unit V - DIVERSITY COMBINING: Spatial Diversity selection combiner - Switched diversity combiner – Equal
gain combiner - Maximum ratio combiner - Optical combiner.
Reference Books:
1. T.S.Rappaport & J.C.Liberti, “Smart Antennas for Wireless Communication”, Springer, First Edition,
2. R.Janaswamy, Radio Wave Propagation and Smart Antennas for Wireless Communication, Springer, Se-
cond Edition, 2001.
3. Bronzel, “Smart Antennas”, John Wiley and Sons, First Edition, 2004
4. Lal Chand Godara, "Smart Antennas" CRC press, 2004
5. A. Balanis, "Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design", John Wiley and Sons, 2005
Reference Book:
1. Stallings,W, "Cryptography and Network security", Principles and Practice, 3 rd Edition, Prentice Hall,
2. Baldwin.R and Rivest.R."TheRC5,RC5-CBC,TC5-CBC-PAD and RC5-CT5 Algo-
rithms,RFC2040",October 1996.
Course Objectives:
To review the general routing concepts in circuit switching, packet switching networks and high speed net-
To expose the students to the layered architecture of communication networks and the specific functionality
of the network layer
To enable the student to understand the basic principles of routing algorithms in conventional networks and
evolving routing algorithms
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand general routing concepts in circuit switching, packet switching networks and Mobile Networks
Estimate the performance of routing algorithms in conventional networks .
Identify the type of networks and protocols for a given network scenario.
Design a new algorithm or modify an existing algorithm to satisfy the evolving demands in the network.
Implement different type of applications for mobile devices with latest network strategies.
Conversant with the latest 3G/4G and WiMAX networks and its architecture.
Unit I - CIRCUIT SWITCHED NETWORKS: Basic classifications of routing, Routing in circuit switching
networks - Routing in packet switching networks - Dynamic Non -Hierarchical Routing - Trunk Status Map Rout-
ing-Real Time Network Routing- Dynamic Alternative Routing - Routing strategies - Routing in ATM networks.
Unit II - PACKET SWITCHED NETWORKS: Routing in packet switching networks - Distance Vector Rout-
ing - Routing Information Protocol - Link State Routing - Open Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF) - Interior Gate-
way routing protocols (IGRP) – Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol (EGRP) - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)-
Apple Talk Routing.
Unit III - MOBILE NETWORKS: Routing in Cellular Mobile Radio Communication networks-Mobile Network
Architecture- Mobility management in cellular systems- Mobile IP -Connectionless Data service for cellular sys-
tems- Mobility and Routing in Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) network, Packet Radio Routing-DARPA packet
radio network- Routing algorithms for small, medium and large sized packet radio networks.
Unit IV - MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORKS: Table driven routing protocols and On-demand routing protocols,
Desitination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV)-, Clusterhead Gateway Switch Routing protocol, Wireless Routing
Protocol - Adhoc Ondemand Distance Vector protocol, Dynamic Source Routing protocol - Multicast routing – Link
reversal routing - Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm - Signal Stability Routing protocol .
Unit V - 4G CELLULAR COMMUNICATION: Introduction – 4G vision – 4G features and challenges – LTE
Architecture – 4G Technologies: Multicarrier Modulation, Smart antenna techniques, OFDM-MIMO systems,
Adaptive Modulation and coding with time slot scheduler, Cognitive Radio.
Reference Books:
1. M.C.E. Perkins, "Ad Hoc Networking", Addison - Wesley Publication, Singapore, 2008.
2. S. Keshav, "An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking", Addison Wesley, 1 st Edition, New Del-
hi, 2002.
3. C.K.Toh,” Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007.
4. A.S. Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks", fifth edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2010.
5. Vijay Garg , “Wireless Communications and networking”, First Edition, Elsevier 2007
6. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Pearson Education, 8 th Edition, New Delhi, 2008.
7. SteenStrub, “Routing in Communication Networks”, Prentice Hall International, New York, 1995.
8. Jack L. Burbank, Julia Andrusenko, Jared S. Everett, William T.M. Kasch, “Wireless Networking: Under-
standing Internetworking Challenges”, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2013.
Course Objectives:
To learn the architecture and protocols of wireless sensor networks.
To understand the design issues in sensor networks.
To introduce the tracking techniques, sensor database, energy management and security
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Recognize technologies and applications of wireless sensor networks
Describe the architecture and protocols of wireless sensor networks.
Choose suitable medium access protocols and radio hardware.
Apply IEEE 802.15.4/ Zigbee/Bluetooth standards for Wireless Sensor Network application
Illustrate tracking techniques and sensor database
Analyze energy management and security in WSN applications.
Unit I - BASICS CONCEPTS OF SENSOR NETWORKS: Introduction – Difference between sensor networks
and traditional data networks –Technical challenges in WSN - sensor node architecture - Functional architecture of
sensor networks — Individual components of WSN -Sensor network node - Applications
Unit II - COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS: Time synchronization protocols - Transport Layer protocol -
Network layer protocol - Data link Protocol - medium access control - Requirements and design constraints for
MAC for WSN - The S-MAC protocol – PEDAMACS - IEEE 802.15.4 standard and Zigbee - Error Control
formulation – Sensing model –ToA, TDoA, and AoA Positioning by signal strength - positioning and location track-
ing algorithms –Trilateration -
Multilateration - Pattern matching - Nearest neighbor algorithms, location tracking - network based tracking, RA-
DAR Sensors
Unit IV - SENSOR NETWORK DATA BASES: Sensor data base challenges - Querying the physical environ-
ment - High level data base Organization - Data aggregation - types of aggregation - Packet level aggregation - total
aggregation - Geographic aggregation - selection of the best aggregation points - Problem with high data rate
Unit V - ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND SECURITY: Dynamic Power management:Idle power management -
Active power management - Design challenges in energy efficient medium access control – IEEE 802.11- operation
- power saving mode – merits - drawbacks implications in WSN, Bluetooth – operation - Merits – implications –
Overview of load level energy management and energy efficient communication - Security: Security architecture -
Cell based WSNs - Privacy of local information
Reference Books:
1. Mohammad Ilyas and Imad Mahgoub, “Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired
Sensing Systems” CRC Press 2009.
2. Feng Zhao, Leonidas J. Guibas, “Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach” Mor-
gan Kaufmann Publishers 2004.
3. Michel Banatre, Pedro Jose Marron, Anibal Ollero and Adam Wolisz,“Cooperating
4. Embedded Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks”, ISTE Ltd,2008.
5. Holger Karl and Andreas Willing, “Protocols and Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Wiley,
6. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, Taieb Znati, “Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols and Ap-
plications, WILEY , Second Edition (Indian) , 20144.
Course Objective:
To understand the fundamentals of wireless communication.
To know the essentials of Telecommunication system.
To acquire knowledge on wireless networks and its layers.
Unit II - TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Global System for Mobile communication - System Architec-
ture - Protocols - Connection Establishment – Frequency Allocation - Routing - Handover- Security- General Packet
Radio Service.
Unit Ill: WIRELESS NETWORKS: Wireless LAN - IEEE 802.11 Standards- Architecture- Services- High Per-
formance Radio LAN -Ad hoc Network- Blue-Tooth.
Unit: IV NETWORK LAYER: Mobile IP- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol- Routing- Destination-
Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing- Dynamic Source Routing- Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector- Zone Rout-
ing Protocol - Digital mobile radio
Unit V - TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION LAYERS: TCP over Wireless Networks - Indirect TCP - Snoop-
ing TCP - Mobile TCP – Fast Retransmit / Fast Recovery - Transmission/Timeout Freezing – Selective - Retrans-
mission – Transaction Oriented TCP - Wireless Application Protocol - Wireless Application Protocol Architecture-
Wireless Datagram Protocol - Wireless Transport Layer Security - Web Tools Platform - Wireless Session Protocol
- Wireless Markup Language - Wireless Markup Language Script- Wireless Application Environment.
Reference Books:
1. Jochen Schiller, "Mobile Communications", Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
2. William Stallings, 'Wireless Communications and Networks", Pearson Education, 2002.
3. Kaveh Pahlavan, Prasanth Krishnamoorthy, "Principles of Wireless Networks", First Edition, Pearson Edu-
cation, 2003.
4. Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklons and Thomas Stober, "Principles of Mobile Computing",
Springer, 2003.
5. C.K.Toh, "AdHoc Mobile Wireless Networks", First Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.
6. Burkhardt, "Pervasive Computing", First Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
Course Objectives:
1. To know about the various Architecture styles in VHDL and Verilog.
2. To learn the circuit verification using VHDL and Verilog HDL
3. To get familiar with various Synthesis Techniques.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand basic terminologies and modeling types used in VHDL and Verilog HDL
2. Design and synthesis combinational circuits and sequential circuits using VHDL and Verilog HDL
3. Develop a digital circuit test bench using VHDL and Verilog HDL
4. Develop a VHDL package for digital circuit using VHDL
5. Design gates using Verilog HDL switch level modeling
6. Implement simple digital circuit application on FPGA using VHDL
Unit I - VHDL Overview – FPGA Design flow Process – Software tools - Xilinx Tool Flow – Libraries – Data ob-
jects - Data types – Data operators – Entities – Architectures. Basic Concurrent Statements – Signal assignment
statements – Conditional Signal assignment – Selected signal assignment – Usage of Blocks in Dataflow modeling –
Unit V - VHDL Synthesis: Synthesis basics-modeling a wire- modeling combinational logic- modelling sequential
logic- Modeling Flip-flop-Flip-flop with Synchronous Preset and clear- Flip-flop with Asynchronous Preset and
clear-Modeling a latch. Verilog Synthesis: Synthesis of combinational logic-synthesis of sequential logic with
latches and flip flops- synthesis of explicit and implicit state machines- Synthesis of gated clocks and clock enables
synthesis of Loops.
Reference Books:
1. J. Bhaskar, “A VHDL Primer”, PHI Learning, III Edition, 2009.
2. Bhasker, “A Verilog HDL Primer”, Star Galaxy Publishing, 2010
3. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”, Pearson Education, 2004.
4. Charles H. Roth, Jr and Lizy Kurian John’s Digital Systems Design Using VHDL Cengage Learning 2nd
edition 2012.
5. Douglas L. Perry, “VHDL Programming by Example”, TATA McGRAW-HILL Edition,2003.
6. Michael D. Ciletti, "Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL”, Pearson Education Asia, First India
7. Stephen Brown, "Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design with VHDL", Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Com-
pany Limited, 2nd Edition ,2007.
Course objective:
To design combinational and sequential circuits using CPLDs
To understand the types of ASIC s and design flow.
To acquire knowledge on Programmable ASICs and programmable ASIC logic cells.
To study the concepts of Programmable ASIC Interconnect and Programmable ASIC design software.
Course outcome:
On successful completion of the Course, students can be able to
Define steps to design combinational and sequential circuits.
Describe steps to design combinational and sequential circuits using CPLDs.
Discuss the types of ASICs, Combinational and Sequential Logic Cells.
Demonstrate the Programmable ASICs and programmable ASIC logic cells.
Illustrate Programmable ASIC Interconnect and Programmable ASIC design software.
Apply the concepts of EDIF - CFI design representation.
Unit I - DIGITAL DESIGN: Design of combinational circuits - Adders, subtractors -multiplexers, demultiplexer
decoders, encoders,code converters parity generators, magnitude comparators - Design of static hazard free and dy-
namic hazard free logic circuits - Mealy machine, Moore machine - Design of synchronous sequential logic circuits.
Unit II - DESIGN WITH PLDS: Design of asynchronous sequential logic circuits .Design of combinational cir-
cuits using PLDs- Design of combinational circuits using CPLD's - Design of sequential circuits using PLDs-
Design of sequential circuits using CPLD's -ASM Chart.
References Books:
1. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 3rd edition Prentice Hall Of India, 2002.
2. Palmer, J.E., Perlman, D.E., "Introduction to Digital Systems", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Reprint
3. Nelson, V.P., Nagale, H.T., Carroll, B.D., and Irwin, J.D., "Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design",
PrenticeHall International, Inc., New Jersey, 1995.
4. Robert K Dueck, “Digital Design with CPLD applications and VHDL”, Thomson Asia, 2002.
5. Michael John Sebastian Smith "Application specific integrated circuits." Addison, Wesly Longman Inc.,
6. Kevin Skahill, “VHDL for Programmable Logic”, Pearson Education, First Indian Reprint, 2004.
7. Farzad Nekoogar and Faranak Nekoogar, “From ASICs to SOCs: A Practical Approach”, Prentice Hall
PTR, 2003.
Course Objective:
To develop a fundamental understanding in the design of CMOS VLSI circuits.
To know the essentials of stick diagrams and Layouts.
To impart the knowledge of arithmetic design and to apply the CMOS design concepts with learn the
concepts in data path circuits.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Recognize the MOS transistor theory
Summarize the qualitative analysis of MOSFET
Demonstrate the CMOS design and apply in various combinational logic
Analyze the performance of different types of Inverters
Design Combinational and Sequential logic design
Evaluate and develop the various Arithmetic logic blocks based on CMOS design
Unit I - MOS TRANSISTOR THEORY: MOS Transistor Theory: The Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS)
Structure – The MOS System under External Bias – Structure and Operation of MOS Transistor (MOSFET) –
Threshold Voltage-MOSFET Operation: A Qualitative View- MOSFET Current-Voltage Characteristics-Channel
Length Modulation- Substrate Bias Effect- Measurement of Parameters-MOSFET Scaling and Small-Geometry Ef-
fects-MOSFET Capacitance: Oxide -related Capacitance-Junction Capacitance.
Unit II - CMOS DESIGN: CMOS Design- MOS Transistor Switches - MOS Transistor Switches -Design logic
gates using CMOS devices- Stick Diagram- Layout-The Complementary CMOS inverter - DC Characteristics –
nMOS Inverter- Resistive-load Inverter-The Static Behaviour of CMOS Inverter: Switching Threshold-Noise Mar-
gins-Performance of CMOS inverter: Dynamic behaviour: Computing the capacitance -Propagation delay: First Or-
der Analysis.
Unit III - COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN: Combinational Logic Design: Static CMOS Design: Comple-
mentary CMOS-Ratioed Logic-Pass Transistor Logic- Dynamic CMOS Design : Basic Principles-Speed and Power
Dissipation of Dynamic Logic-Signal Integrity Issues in Dynamic Design-Cascading Dynamic Gates.
Unit IV - SEQUENTIAL LOGIC DESIGN: Sequential Logic Design: Static Latches and Registers –Bi-stability
Principle- Multiplexer based Latches-Master -Slave Edge- Triggered Register-Low -Voltage Static Latches- Dynam-
ic Latches and Registers –Dynamic Transmission Gate Edge-triggered Registers-C2MOS-A clock skew Insensitive
Reference Books:
1. Kang ,Leblebigi “CMOS Digital IC Circuit Analysis & Design”, McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Jan.M.Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits – A Design Perspec-
tive”, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition 2003. ‘
3. Neil H.E. Weste, David Harris, Ayan Banerjee, “A Ciruits and Systems Perspective”,Pearson Education
India, 3rd Edition, 2006.
4. Kamran Eshraghian, Douglas A.Pucknell, Sholeh Eshraghian, “Essentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems”,
Eastern Economy Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2005.
Course Objective:
To develop a fundamental understanding in the concepts of amplifiers
To know the essentials of frequency response of amplifiers and the association of poles and nodes.
To impart the knowledge of feedback analysis, stability and compensation.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
define the single stage amplifiers
understand the knowledge of Differential amplifiers
practice the characteristics of noise in amplifiers
analyze different types of feedback concepts in amplifiers
perform stability analysis
design and develop various analog circuits for various applications
Unit I - SINGLE STAGE AMPLIFIERS: Single stage Amplifiers-Common source Stage: Common Source
(CS)stage with resistive load-CS stage with Diode Connected Load-CS with Current source load- CS with Triode
Load- CS stage with source degeneration-Source follower-Common Stage Stage-Cascode Stage: Folded Cascode-
Choice of Device models.
and Differential Operation- Basic Differential Pair: Qualitative Analysis-Quantitative Analysis-Common mode Re-
sponse-Differential Pair with MOS Loads-Gilbert Cell-Passive and Active Current Mirrors-Basic Current Mirrors-
Cascode Current Mirrors-Active current Mirrors: Large Signal Analysis-Small-Signal Analysis-Common-mode
Unit III: FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF AMPLIFIERS: Frequency response of amplifiers-Miller Effect-
Association of Poles and Nodes-Common source stage-Source Followers-Common-Gate Stage- Cascode Stage-
Differential pair-Noise-Statistical Characteristics of Noise: Noise Spectrum-Amplitude Distribution-Types of Noise:
Thermal Noise ,Flicker Noise-Noise in Single-stage Amplifiers-Common Source Stage-Common-Gate Stage -
Source Followers-Noise in Differential Pairs.
Unit IV - FEEDBACK TOPOLOGIES: Feedback-Properties of Feedback circuits-Types of Amplifiers-
Feedback Topologies: Voltage-Voltage Feedback-Current-Voltage Feedback-Voltage-Current Feedback-Current
Current Feedback-Effect of loading-Two-Port Network models-Loading in Voltage-Voltage Feedback- Loading in
Current-Voltage Feedback - Loading in Voltage- Current Feedback- Loading in Current- Current Feedback - Opera-
tional Amplifiers -One stage op-amps-Two stage Op-amps-Gain boosting -Common-Mode Feedback-Input Range
Limitations-Slew rate-Power supply Rejection.
Unit V - STABILITY AND FREQUENCY COMPENSATION: Stability and Frequency Compensation-
Multipole Systems-Phase Margin-Frequency Compensation-Compensation of Two stage op-amps-Band gap Refer-
ence-temperature independent References: Negative TC Voltage-Positive TC Voltage-Band gap Reference-Phase -
Reference Books:
1. BehzadRazavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
2. Willey M.C. Sansen, “Analog design essentials”, Springer, 2006.
3. Grebene, “Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated circuit design”, John Wiley &sons,Inc., 2003.
4. Phillip E.Allen, DouglasR.Holberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, Second edition, Oxford University
Press, 2002
5. Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis and Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and Design of Analog Inte-
grated Circuits”, Fourth Edition, Wiley Student Edition, 2009.
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
To study the manufacturing concepts of VLSI devices.
To build a chip with the design rules or layout rules.
Fabrication process that allows this technology evolution is the minimum feature size that can be printed on
the chip.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
Understand the VLSI fabrication steps in detail.
Illustrate various techniques followed in the industry for every fabrication process.
Interpret various tools used for fabricating VLSI devices and Predict the design rules for fabrication.
Identify the difficulties while fabricating the device and express the rectification
Select the materials used for fabrication of devices
Examine the application of technology customization for the chip design economically.
Unit I - CRYSTAL GROWTH AND EPITAXY: Introduction to VLSI fabrication, Crystal Growth – Electronic
grade silicon, Czochralski Crystal Growing, Silicon Shaping ,Processing conditions; Epitaxy – Vapor Phase
Epitaxy; Molecular Beam Epitaxy; Silicon on Insulators, epitaxial evaluation Silicon on Insulators, epitaxial evalua-
Unit II - OXIDATION : Kinetics of silicon dioxide growth for thick and thin films;Thin oxides;Oxidation tech-
niques and systems;Oxide properties, Redistribution of dopants at interface;Oxidation of Polysilicon and oxidation
induced effects
Unit III - LITHOGRAPHY, ETCHING & DEPOSITION: Optical lithography-E-Beam lithography-X- Ray
lithography -Ion Lithography-Reactive Plasma Etching-Introduction to Plasma Properties,Feature-size control and
anisotropic etch mechanisms’Specific etch processes, Deposition Processes-Polysilicon Silicon di oxide, silicon
nitride,Plasma assisted depositions,
Unit IV - DIFFUSION & ION IMPLANTATION: Models of Diffusion in solids’ Fick’s One Dimensional Dif-
fusion equations, Atomic diffusion mechanisms, diffusivities of B,P, As and Sb Measurement techniques,iffusion in
Polycrystalline silicon, SiO2 Diffusion enhancements and retardations,Ion implantation equipment,Annealing and
shallow junctions,High energy implantation
Unit V - METALLIZATION AND VLSI PROCESS INTEGRATION: Metallization applications and choic-
es,Physical Vapor deposition,Patterning,Metallization problems, NMOS IC technology CMOS IC technology,MOS
memory IC technology Bipolar IC technology and IC fabrication VLSI Assembly technologies, Package Types,
Packaging Design Considerations.
Reference Books:
1. S.M.Sze, “VLSI Technology”, McGraw Hill Second Edition. 1998.
2. James D Plummer, Michael D. Deal, Peter B. Griffin, “Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice
and Modeling”, Prentice Hall India.2000.
3. Wai Kai Chen, “VLSI Technology” CRC Press, 2003.
4. Rajesh Agarwal and Dr.LaxmanSahoo, “VLSI Technology and Design”,Technical Publications Pune,
Course objective:
To understand the principles of various device modeling
To Know about the physics of solid state device modeling and simulation.
To know about the models and its effects behind semiconductor devices
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Formulate new mathematical models for various devices.
Learn the physics behind the semiconductor devices
Deep understanding of PN Junction theory, heterojunctions and Contacts in the devices.
Analyze the RF based modeling.
Explore MOSFET and other semiconductor devices from semiconductor device perspective.
Understand short channel effect and leakage mechanism in MOSFET devices.
Advantages and applications of various SPICE models in the MOS devices.
Unit I - SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE PHYSICS AND OPERATION: Band theory of solids, carrier transport
mechanism, MOS capacitor - surface potential accumulation, depletion, inversion, electrostatic potential and charge
distribution, threshold voltage, polysilicon work function, interface states and oxide traps, drain current model, sub-
threshold characteristics.
Unit II - MOSFET RF MODELLING: Basic modeling, SPICE Level-1, 2 and 3 models, Short channel effects,
Advanced MOSFET modeling, RF modeling of MOS transistors, Equivalent circuit representation of MOS transis-
tor, High frequency behavior of MOS transistor and A.C small signal modeling.
Unit III - NOISE MODELING: Noise sources in MOSFET, Flicker noise modeling, Thermal noise modeling,
model for accurate distortion analysis, nonlinearities in CMOS devices and modeling, calculation of distortion in
analog CMOS circuit.
Unit IV - THE BSIM4 MOSFET MODEL: Gate dielectric model, Enhanced model for effective DC and AC
channel length and width, Threshold voltage model, Channel charge model, Mobility model, Source/drain resistance
model, I-V model, gate tunneling current model, substrate current models, Capacitance models, High speed model,
RF model, Noise model, Junction diode models , Layout-dependent parasitic model.
Unit V - OTHER MOSFET MODELS AND SIMULATION: The EKV model, model features, long channel
drain current model, modeling second order effects of the drain current, modeling of charge storage effects, Non-
quasi-static modeling, Noise model, temperature effects, MOS model 9, MOSAI model, PSP model and its simula-
tions Influence of process variation, Modeling of device mismatch for Analog/RF Applications.
References Books:
1. TrondYtterdal, Yuhua Cheng and Tor A. Fjeldly, Wayne Wolf, “Device Modeling for Analog and RF
CMOS Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, (2003).
2. B. G. Streetman and S. Banarjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, India, (1995).
3. A. B. Bhattacharyya, “Compact MOSFET Models for VLSI Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2009.
Course Objective :
To understand basic principles of low power concepts.
To acquire knowledge on circuit and logic level power reduction techniques
To design low power latches flipflops and SRAM devices.
Course Outcome:
On successful completion of the Course, students can be able to
Describe the basic principles and need for low power VLSI chips.
Define the various low power reduction techniques at circuit and logic level.
Unit I - SIMULATION POWER ANALYSIS: Need For Low Power VLSI Chips- Charging And Discharging
Capacitance- Short Circuit Current- Leakage Current- Static Current- Basic Principles of Low Power Design- Gate
Level Logic Simulation- Architectural Level Analysis- Probability and frequency - Probabilistic Power Analysis
Unit II - CIRCUIT AND LOGIC LEVEL POWER ESTIMATION: Transistor and Gate Sizing- Equivalent Pin
Ordering- Network Reconstructing and Reorganization- Gate Reorganization- Signal Gating - Logic Encoding-
State Machine Encoding- Pre-Computation Logic- Power Reduction in Clock Networks- CMOS Floating Node-
Low Power Bus- Delay Balancing.
agement- Switching Activity Reduction- Parallel Architecture- Flow Graph Transformation. Leakage Current in
Deep Sub-Micrometer Transistors- Deep SubMicrometer Device Design Issues- Low Voltage Circuit Design Tech-
niques- Multiple Supply Voltages.
Unit IV - SRAM ARCHITECTURES: MOS Static RAM- Memory Cell- Banked SRAM- Reducing Voltage
Swing on Bit Lines- Reducing Power in the Write Driver and Sense Amplifier Circuits.
cuit Design - Design with Partially Reversible Logic- Need for Low Power Latches and Flip Flops- Evolution of
Latches and Flip Flops- Quality Measures for Latches and Flip Flops.
Reference Books:
1. Gary Yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, Kluwer academic publishers, 2001.
2. Kaushik Roy, Sharat prasad, “Low Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2000.
3. Anantha Chadrasekaran and Robert Broderson, “Low Power CMOS Design”, Standard Publishers, 2000.
4. Kiat,Seng Yeo, Samir S.Rofail, Wang,Ling Goh, “CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI Low Voltage, Low Power”,
Pearson edition, Second Indian reprint, 2003.
Course Objective:
To design the circuit using Floor planning, Placement and Routing concepts.
To design and implement various algorithms onto FPGA.
To verifySimulation and Synthesis process in the circuit design.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
Understand the basic VLSI design Automation Tools.
Solve the Tractable and Intractable problems.
Verify the VLSI design process through Simulation and Synthesis.
Understand about Floor planning, Placement and Routing.
Verify the Design Rule Check (DRC) in the circuit design.
Implement the various algorithms onto FPGA applications.
Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Introduction to VLSI Methodologies – Types of ASICs – Design flow -VLSI Physical
Design Automation – Fabrication process and its impact on Physical Design.
Unit II - AUTOMATION TOOLS AND GRAPH THEORY: A quick tour of VLSI Design Automation Tools –
Data structures and Basic Algorithms - Algorithmic graph theory and computational complexity – Tractable and
Intractable problems.
Unit III - SIMULATION AND SYNTHESIS: Simulation – Logic synthesis – Combinational Logic Synthesis -
Binary Decision Diagrams - Two Level Logic Synthesis- Verification – High level synthesis – Compac-
tion.Simulation - Gate-level modeling and simulation - Switch-level modeling and simulation
Unit IV - CAD PHYSICAL DESIGN: Partitioning methods – floor planning – placement – global routing –
detailed routing- circuit extraction –DRC.
Reference Books:
1. N.A. Sherwari, “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”, John Wiley, 2003.
2. Sabih H. Gerez,” Algorithms for VLSI design automation”, John Wiley, 2004.
3. M.J.S.Smith, “Application – Specific Integrated Circuits”, Addison, Wesly Longman Inc.,1997.
Course Objective:
To develop a fundamental understanding in the concepts of testing combinational and sequential circuits
To know the essentials of various fault simulation techniques
To understand the difference between DFT and BIST
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
recognize the basic difference between testing and verification
understand the knowledge of modeling of faults
utilize the test generation algorithms for generating test vectors
analyze different types of methods to test sequential circuits
perform modal analysis to fault simulation techniques
design and develop various architectures for DFT and BIST.
Reference Books:
1. Vishwani D. Agarwal,“Essential of Electronic testing for digital, memory and mixed signal circuits”,
Springer, 2000
2. Abramovici .M, Breuer , "Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design", Jaico Publishing House, 2000
3. Robert J. Feugate, Jr. Steven M., "Introduction to VLSI testing", Prentice Hall, Cliffs, 1998.
4. ParagK.Lala, “ Digital circuit Testing and Testability”, Academic press, 1997
5. Abramovici .M, Breuer .M.A. and Friedman .A.D, "Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design", Wiley,
Course Objectives:
To understand the various VLSI architectures for digital signal processing.
To know the techniques of critical path and algorithmic strength reduction in the filter structures.
To study the performance parameters, viz. area, speed and power.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to
Recognize the technologies in VLSI based architectures.
Distinguish path reduction methodologies for architectures.
Solve algorithmic strength reduction methods and Filter Designing
Model pipeline based architectures in the design.
Synthesize area, speed and power in the architectures.
Justify the efficient architectures for various DSP algorithms.
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: 6 Overview of DSP – FPGA Technology – DSP Technology requirements – Design
Unit II - METHODS OF CRITICAL PATH REDUCTION 12 : Binary Adders – Binary Multipliers – Multi-
ply-Accumulator (MAC) and sum of product (SOP) – Pipelining and parallel processing – retiming – unfolding –
systolic architecture design.
Fast convolution-pipelined and parallel processing of recursive and adaptive filters – fast IIR filters design.
Unit IV - DESIGN OF PIPELINED DIGITAL FILTERS: Designing FIR filters – Digital lattice filter structures
– bit level arithmetic architecture – redundant arithmetic – scaling and round-off noise.
strength reduction – synchronous – wave and asynchronous pipelines – low power design – programmable DSPs –
DSP architectural features/alternatives for high performance and low power. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
Reference Books:
1. U. Meyer – Baese, "Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Arrays", Springer, Second Edition,
Indian Reprint, 2007.
2. S.Y.Kuang, H.J. White house, T. Kailath, “VLSI and Modern Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. Keshab K.Parhi, “VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems, Design and Implementation”, John Wiley, Indi-
an Reprint, 2007.
Course Objectives:
To learn various VHDL modeling Verilog HDL modeling.
To familiarize with VHDL sub program and packages technique.
To have an understanding about transistor level modeling
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design for combinational and sequential circuits using VHDL and Verilog HDL
Develop package for digital circuits using VHDL
Develop test bench for digital circuits using VHDL and Verilog HDL
Design gates using transistor level modeling using Verilog HDL
Synthesize the circuits after programming.
Implement circuit on FPGA using VHDL and Verilog HDL.
List of experiments
1. Design and Simulate Combinational circuits in all three modeling .
2. Design and Simulate 4-bit adder in structural and behavioral modeling.
3. Design and Simulate sequential circuits using VHDL.
4. Design and Simulate State machine using VHDL.
5. Design and Simulate Traffic Light Controller using VHDL.
6. Design and simulation of combinational circuit test bench.
7. Design and Simulate ALU using Packages and user defined data type.
8. Design and Simulate Flip-flops using VHDL
9. Design and Simulate Combinational circuits using Verilog HDL
10. Design and Simulate Sequential circuits using Verilog HDL
11. Design and Simulate logic gates using Switch level modeling
12. FPGA implementation of combinational circuit using VHDL and Verilog HDL
Course Objectives:
To design combinational and sequential logic networks.
To learn optimization of power in combinational and sequential logic machines.
To study the design principles of FPGA and PLA.
To learn various floor planning methods for system design.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand Combinational logic function, Switch logic
Do Power optimization, combinational and sequential logic testing
Design system using various floor planning
Develop a test bench for digital circuits
Design gates using transistor level modeling
Write Verilog programs for real time applications.
Reference Books
1. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design – System – on – Chip Design”, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edi tion,2008.
2. Wayne Wolf , “Modern VLSI Design – IP based Design”, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition, 2008
Course Objectives:
To understand the need for reconfigurable computing
To expose the students to various device architectures
To examine the various reconfigurable computing systems
To understand the different types of compute models for programming reconfigurable architectures
To expose the students to HDL programming , familiarize with the development environment and various
placement and routing protocols
To develop applications with FPGAs
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Identify the need for reconfigurable architectures
Discuss the architecture of FPGAs
Point out the salient features of different reconfigurable architectures
Build basic modules using any HDL
Develop applications using any HDL and appropriate tools
Design and build an SoPC for a particular application
Unit I - DEVICE ARCHITECTURE: General Purpose Computing Vs Reconfigurable Computing – Simple Pro-
grammable Logic Devices – Complex Programmable Logic Devices – FPGAs – Device Architecture - Case Studies.
cessing Fabric Architectures – RPF Integration into Traditional Computing Systems – Reconfigurable Computing
Systems – Case Studies – Reconfiguration Management.
plications in HDL – Compiling C for Spatial Computing – Operating System Support for Reconfigurable Compu-
Mapping – FPGA Placement and Routing – Configuration Bitstream Generation – Case Studies with Appropriate
Unit V - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT WITH FPGAS: Studies of FPGA Applications – System on a Pro-
grammable Chip (SoPC) Designs.
Reference Books:
1. Maya B. Gokhale and Paul S. Graham, “Reconfigurable Computing: Accelerating Computation with Field-
Programmable Gate Arrays”, Springer, 2005.
Course Objectives:
To learn about IC manufacturing and fabrication
To analyse the combinational, sequential and subsystem design
To study about different floor planning techniques and architecture design
To have an introduction to IP design security
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand various CMOS technology, IC design techniques , IP based design and Fabrication process.
Obtain standard cell based layout and logic testing
Design static complementary gates and complementary gates
Do subsystem design
Get knowledge floor planning and architecture design
Design security VLSI IP based protection application
Unit I - VLSI AND ITS FABRICATION: Introduction, IC manufacturing, CMOS technology, IC design tech-
niques, IP based design, Fabrication process-Transistors, Wires and Via, Fabrication Theory reliability, Layout De-
sign and tools.
Unit II - COMBINATIONAL LOGIC NETWORKS: Logic Gates: Combinational Logic Functions, Static Com-
plementary Gates, Switch Logic, Alternate Gate circuits, Low power gates, Delay, Yield, Gates as IP, Combination-
al Logic Networks-Standard Cell based Layout, Combinational network delay, Logic and Interconnect design, Pow-
er optimization, Switch logic network, logic testing.
Unit III - SUBSYSTEM DESIGN: Sequential Machine-Latch and Flip flop, System design and Clocking, Per-
formance analysis, power optimization, Design validation and testing; Subsystem Design-Combinational Shifter,
Arithmetic Circuits, High Density memory, Image Sensors, FPGA,PLA, Buses and NoC, Data paths, Subsystems as
Unit IV - FLOOR PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGN: Floor planning-Floor planning methods,
Global Interconnect, Floor plan design, Off-chip Connections Architecture Design- HDL, Register-Transfer Design,
Pipelining, High Level Synthesis, Architecture for Low power, GALS systems, Architecture Testing, IP Compo-
nents, Design Methodologies, Multiprocessor System-on-chip Design
Unit V - DESIGN SECURITY: IP in reuse based design, Constrained based IP protection, Protection of data and
Privacy constrained based watermarking for VLSI IP based protection
Reference Books:
1. Wayne wolf, “Modern VLSI Design:IP-based Design”, Pearson Education,2009.
2. Qu gang, Miodrag potkonjak, “Intellectual Property Protection in VLSI Designs: Theory and Practice”,
kluwer academic publishers,2003.
Course Objective:
To know the guidelines and design challenges in designing semiconductor memories.
To know about the functionality of different types of memories and the methods of testing it.
To understand the effects of radiation and reliability issues while designing application specific memories.
To know about the advanced memory technologies.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
Design the architecture of volatile and non volatile memories.
tures - MOS SRAM cell and Peripheral Circuit Operation - SRAM Technologies – Bipolar, BiCMOS and SOI -
Application Specific SRAMs - DRAM – Technology Development - DRAM cell theory - Advanced Cell structures
- Soft error failures in DRAM - Application Specific DRAMs.
Unit II - NON VOLATILE MEMORIES: Masked Read only Memories (MROM) – Programmable ROM
(PROM) – Erasable (UV) Programmable ROM (EPROM) - Floating Gate EPROM cell - One time Programmable
EPROM (OTPEPROM) - Electrically Erasable PROM (EEPROM) - EEPROM Technology and Architecture - Non
volatile SRAM - Flash memories - Flash Architectures.
Unit III - MEMORY FAULT MODELING AND TESTING: RAM Fault Modeling - RAM Electrical Testing –
DC and AC Parametric Testing - Functional Testing – Pseudo Random Testing - Algorithms - IDDQ Fault Model-
ing and Testing - Application Specific Memory Testing.
ity Issues - RAM Failure Modes and Mechanism - Nonvolatile Memory Reliability - Radiation Effects: Single Event
Phenomenon (SEP) - Radiation Hardening Techniques – Radiation Hardening Process and Design Issues - Radiation
Hardened Memory Characteristics.
Unit V - ADVANCED MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES: Ferroelectric Random Access Memories (FRAMs) - Gal-
lium Arsenide (GaAs) FRAMs – Analog Memories – Magneto resistive Random Access Memories (MRAMs) -
Experimental Memory Devices – case study: Technology developments in semiconductor memories.
Reference Books:
1. Ashok K.Sharma, " Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability ", Wiley-IEEE Press,
August 2002.
2. Ashok K.Sharma, “Advanced semiconductor memories –Architecture,design and applications
3. Wiley, 2002.
4. Santosh K.Kurinec and Krzysztof Iniewski, “Nanoscale Semiconductor Memories Technology and Appli-
cations”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
5. Betty Prince, “ Emerging Memories: Technologies and trends”, Kluwer Academic publishers, 2002.
6. TegzeP.Haraszti, “CMOS Memory Circuits”, Kluwer Academic publishers, 2001.
Course Objective:
To understand the difference between verification and testing.
To know about various verification strategies.
To apply the verification concepts in various digital design.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
differentiate between verification and testing
understand the knowledge of writing test benches to verify circuits.
utilize the verification plan in digital design
analyze different types of verification levels
perform output verification in self checking test benches
perform verification in various digital design circuits
tors-Golden Vectors-Reusable Verification Components:eVC Reuse Requirements-eVC Architecture:DUT and
eVC,BFM and Monitors-Clocks and Events-DUT Signals-Agent Details-Combining eVCs-Typical files in and
eVC- Introduction to System Verilog-Verification of design using System Verilog.
Reference Books:
1. Janick Bergeron, “Writing Test Benches Functional Verification of HDL Models” Springer 2nd Edition
Feb 2003.
2. Andreas Meyer, “Principles of Functional Verification” Elsevier Inc.,2004.
3. Amir Palnitkar, “Design Verification with e” Prentice Hall 1st Edition ,2003.
Course objective:
To develop a fundamental understanding in the concepts of Non clocked and Clocked Logic Styles
To know the essentials of Latching Strategies.
To impart the knowledge in Asynchronous Clocking Techniques
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
Recognize the characteristics of Non-Clocked and Clocked Logic Styles.
Understand the knowledge of pass gate families
Utilize the Domino logic style CMOS design
Analyze different types of Domino logic styles.
Analyze various Domino structures structures.
Design and develop high speed CMOS VLSI design circuits.
Unit I - NON-CLOCKED AND CLOCKED LOGIC STYLES: Non-Clocked and Clocked Logic Styles Static
CMOS Structure – DCVS Logic – Non-Clocked Pass-Gate Families – Single Rail Domino Logic Styles – Alternat-
ing-Polarity Domino Approaches – Dual-Rail Domino Structures – Latched Domino Structures – Clocked Pass-
Gate Logic.
Unit II - CIRCUIT DESIGN MARGIN: Circuit Design Margin- Design Variability- Process Induced Variation –
Design Induced Variation – Application Induced variation – Noise.
Unit III - LATCHING STRATEGIES: Latching Strategies Basic Latch Design – Latching Single-Ended Logic –
Latching Differential Logic – Race Free Latches for Precharged Logic – Asynchronous Latch Techniques.
Unit IV - INTERFACE TECHNIQUES: Interface Techniques Signaling Standards – Chip-to-chip Communica-
tion Networks – ESD Protection – Driver Design Techniques – Receiver Design Techniques.
Unit V - CLOCKING STYLES: Clocking Styles Clock Jitter and Skew – Clock Generation – Clock Distribution
– Single Phase Clocking – Multi Phase Clocking – Asynchronous Techniques.
Reference Books:
1. Kerry Bernstein & et.al, “High Speed CMOS Design Styles”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Course objective:
To develop a fundamental understanding in the concepts of device modeling.
To know the essentials of analog systems including ADC and DAC.
To impart the knowledge of circuit design and modeling and apply in CMOS amplifiers and Compara-
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to:
recognize the characteristics of MOS transistors
understand the knowledge of circuit characteristics through device modeling
utilize the analog design concepts in data converters
analyze different types of amplifiers
perform analysis in CMOS and Output amplifiers
design and develop various CMOS amplifier and comparator and analyze the performance suing various
EDA tools.
Unit I - DESIGN PROCESS FOR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS: Design process for analog Integrated
circuits-Approach to Device Modeling:MOS Models-dc MOSFET Model-Bipolar Models-dc BJT Model-Small
Signal BJT Model-High Frequency BJT Model.
Unit II - ANALOG SYSTEMS: Analog Signal Processing-Digital-to-Analog Converters-Current Scaling D/A
Converters-Voltage Scaling D/A Converters-Charge Scaling D/A Converters-Serial D/A Converter-Analog-to-
Digital Converters-Serial A/D Converters-Successive Approximation A/D Converters-Parallel A/D Converters.
Unit III - CONTINUOUS TIME FILTERS: Continuous Time Filters- Low Pass Filters- High Pass Filters- Band
Pass Filters-Switched Capacitor Circuits-Resistor Emulation-Design of a Parallel switched capacitor resistor emula-
tion-Design of a series parallel capacitor resistor emulation- Sampling Switches: MOSFETs as Switches-Speed Con-
siderations-Switched-Capacitor Amplifiers_ Unity-Gain Sampler/Buffer-Noninverting Amplifier-Switched Capaci-
tor Integrator-Switched Capacitor Common Mode Feedback.
Unit IV - CMOS AMPLIFIERS CMOS Amplifiers: Active load Inverter-Performance of a current sink inverter-
Push pull inverter-Differential Amplifiers: CMOS differential amplifier using a current mirror load- CMOS differen-
tial amplifier using a p-channel MOSFET-Current source load differential amplifier-Design of CMOS Differential
amplifier with a current mirror load- Cascode amplifiers: Simple cascode amplifier-Design of a cascode amplifier-
Current Amplifiers: Single-ended input current amplifier-Differential-input current amplifier.
Unit V - OUTPUT AMPLIFIERS: Output Amplifiers -Class A amplifiers-Design of a simple class A output
stage-Push Pull common source amplifiers-High-Gain Amplifier Architectures: VCCS circuit-CCCS Circuit-CCVS
Circuit-Comparators: Characterization of a comparator-Two stage open-loop comparator performance-Design of a
two stage open-loop comparator-Non inverting autozeroing comparator-Inverting autozeroed comparator.
Reference Books:
1. Philip E. Allen, Douglas R. Halberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edi-
tion, 2003.
2. Randall L.Geiger, Philip E.Allen, Noel K.Strader, “VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Cir-
cuits”, McGraw Hill International Co, 1990.
3. BehzadRazavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
4. YannisTsividis, “Mixed Analog – Digital VLSI Device and Technology” World scientific publishing Co.
Pvt. Ltd., 2002
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge on MOSFET models mixed signal design flow and data convertors.
To analyze CMOS based switched capacitor circuits and CMOS analog circuits.
To provide hands on using VLSI CAD tools to design and analyze mixed signal circuits.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Acquire knowledge on the MOSFET models (nMOS and pMOS transistors)
Design CMOS analog circuits to achieve performance specifications
Analyze CMOS based switched capacitor circuits
Apply VLSI CAD tools for design and analysis of mixed-signal circuits
Synthesis on mixed-signal design flow
Use VLSI circuits in various data convertor architectures .
Unit I - CURRENT SOURCES AND SINKS: The cascade connection, sensitivity and temperature analysis, tran-
sient response, layout of simple current mirror, matching in MOSFET mirrors, Other current Sources/Sinks.
Unit II - AMPLIFIERS: Gate drain connected loads, current sources loads, Noise and distortion.Feedback equa-
tion, properties of negative feedback and amplifer design, feedback topologies, amplifiers employing four types of
feedback, Stability.The source coupled pair, the source cross coupled pair, Wide Swing differential amplifiers.Basic
CMOS OPAMP Design, Operational Trans conductance amplifiers, Differential output op amp.
tive Design, Analog Multipliers.Non idealities in switch capacitor, Switched capacitor architecture, Switched ca-
pacitor applications.
tion ADC, Dual slope ADC, Flash ADC, Pipelined ADC, Hybrid ADC, High resolution ADC, DAC.
PLL, DLL. Mixed signal layout issues, interconnects and data transmission.
Reference Books:
1. CMOS Circuits Design, Layout and Simulation- Baker, Li, Boyce, 3rd edition., 2010, TMH.
2. Analog Integrated Circuit Design – David A. Johnes, Ken Martin, 1997, John & Wilney Sons.
3. Design of Analog CMOS Design- B.Razavi, MGH,2003, TMH
4. Analog MOS IC’s for signal processing – R.Gregorian, Gabor. C. Temes, John Wilney & Sons,1986.
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge on the basics of bio sensing units and implantable devices.
To impart knowledge on the essentials of interface circuits.
To design Interface circuits and CMOS VLSI circuits for bio medical applications.
Course Outcomes: The students will be able to
Acquire knowledge on the basics of various bio sensing units
Identify various implantable devices in bio medical applications
Evaluate error coding techniques for wireless medical applications
Analyze on the essentials of interface circuits
Apply Interface circuits for implantable bio medical devices
Design CMOS VLSI circuits for bio medical applications.
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Circuits for Wireless Biosensing and Body Implants- Wireless Integrated Voltametric
and Amperometric Biosensing.
Implantable Devices. Towards Self-Powered Sensors and Circuits for Biomechanical Implants. RF Circuits for
Wireless Medical Applications. Error-Correcting codes for In-Vivo Wireless Links.
Reference Books:
1. Krzysztof Iniewski, “VLSI Circuits for Biomedical Applications”, Artech House, 2008.
2. Rahul Sarpeshkar, "Ultra Low Power Bioelectronics: Fundamentals, Biomedical Applications, and
Bioinspired Systems", Cambridge University Press, 2010.
3. 3. E. Sanchez-Sinencio and A. G. Andreau “Low-voltage/Low-power Integrated Circuits and Systems “,
Unit I - COMPONENTS AND DEVICES: Classical Channel - Wireless Channel Description - Path Loss - Chan-
nel Model and Envelope Fading - Multipath Fading: Frequency Selective and Fast Fading - Non idealities and De-
sign Parameters - Nonlinearity –Noise - Derivation of Noise Figure.
Integrated inductors, resistors, Low Noise Amplifier Design - Wideband LNA - Design Narrowband LNA - Imped-
ance Matching - Automatic Gain Control Amplifiers – Power Amplifiers.
Unit II - BALANCED MIXERS: Balancing Mixer - Qualitative Description of the Gilbert Mixer - Conversion
Gain – Distortion - Low Frequency Case: Analysis of Gilbert Mixer – Distortion - High-Frequency Case – Noise - A
Complete Active Mixer.
Unit III - SAMPLING MIXERS: Sampling Mixer - Conversion Gain in Single Ended Sampling Mixer - Distor-
tion in Single Ended Sampling Mixer - Intrinsic Noise in Single Ended Sampling Mixer - Extrinsic Noise in Single
Ended Sampling Mixer.
Unit IV - FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZERS Phase Locked Loops - Voltage Controlled Oscillators - Phase Detec-
tor – Analog Phase Detectors – Digital Phase Detectors - Frequency Dividers - LC Oscillators - Ring Oscillators -
Phase Noise - A Complete Synthesizer Design -Example (DECT Application).
nications, adaptive Filters, equalizers and transceivers. VLSI architecture for Multitier Wireless System - Hardware
Design Issues for a Next generation CDMA System- Application Example.
Reference Books:
1. B.Razavi ,”RF Microelectronics” , Prentice-Hall ,1998.
2. Bosco H Leung “VLSI for Wireless Communication”, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. Thomas H.Lee, “The Design of CMOS Radio –Frequency Integrated Circuits’, Cambridge University
Press, 2003.
Course Objective
To learn the various techniques & architectures of D/A Converters.
To learn the various techniques & architectures of A/D Converters.
To study about the S/H circuit and testing of A/D and D/A Converters
Course outcome
The students will be able to:
recognize the characteristics of D/A converters and A/D Converters
understand the knowledge of specifications of Data converters
utilize the basic specifications in high speed data converters
analyze different types of sample-and -hold amplifiers
perform the analysis in delta sigma data converters
design and test various A/D and D/A data converters.
Unit I - BASIC D/A AND A/D CONVERTER FUNCTION: Basic D/A and A/D converter function-
Specifications of converters: Digital data coding-DC specifications: Accuracy-Nonlinearity-Offset-Temperature
dependence-Supply voltage-Dynamic specifications: Signal-to-Noise Ratio-SFDR-ENOBs-Dynamic range-
Required accuracy-Glitches-BER-Maximum sampling-rate-Power supply rejection ratio-Settling time-Acquisition
time-Aperture time-Sample-to-hold step-Noise in sample-and -hold specifications-Figure of Merit.
Unit II - HIGH SPEED A/D CONVERTERS: High Speed A/D Converters : Design problems-Full-flash convert-
er: Comparator input amplifier-Two-step flash converters: Twostep A/D Converter-Two-step capacitive MDAC
A/D converter-Pipeline converter architecture: Single bit per stage sub-converter architecture-Multi bit pipeline
converter-Sharing amplifiers in pipeline converters-High speed D/A converter architecture- Voltage weighting based
architecture: Dual ladder 10-bit D/A converter-Data interleaved D/A converter
Unit III - HIGH RESOLUTION A/D CONVERTERS: High Resolution A/D Converters :Pulse width modula-
tion D/A converters- Integrating D/A converters- Current weighting using ladder networks: R-2R ladder network-
MOS only binary weighted current network-MOS R-2R implementation-Two-step current division network-MOS
ladder network converter system-Weighted capacitor converter system-Monotonic by design operation: Voltage
division operation-Current weighting operation-Current-to-voltage converter.
Unit IV - SAMPLE AND HOLD AMPLIFIERS: Sample and hold amplifiers: Basic Sample –and –Hold Con-
figuration: Signal Bandwidth-Acquisition time-Aperture time accuracy-Differential sample-and-hold circuit-Sample
clock bootstrapping-Integrating S/H Circuit- Switched Capacitor S/H circuit-MOS differential sample-and-hold cir-
conversion - General Filter Architectures: 1-bit Sigma-delta signal examples-Multi-bit Sigma-delta signal examples-
Discussion of Basic Converter Architectures: First-order A/D converter-Second order A/D Converter-Multi Stage
Sigma-Delta Converter (MASH)-DC Testing of D/A Converters: Temperature relations-Supply voltage dependence-
Bit weight noise-Dynamic Testing of A/D Converters: Dynamic integral nonlinearity test-Spurious free dynamic
range-Differential non linearity-Settling time measurement.
Reference Books:
1. Rudy van de Plassche, “CMOS Integrated Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Converters”, Springer
International Edition, Second Edition, 2007.
2. Jacob Baker. R, Harry W. Li, David E. Boyce, “CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation”, IEEE
Press, Fifth Edition, 2003.
3. Randall L.Geiger, Philip E.Allen, Noel K.Strader, “VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Cir-
cuits”, McGraw Hill International Co, 1990.
Course Objective:
To learn the fundamental and importance of signal integrity.
To analyze and minimize cross talk in unbounded conductive media.
To study about the different types of Di-Electric materials.
To learn about differential cross talk and CMOS based transmission line model
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to
implement signal integrity principles in the design of high speed circuits.
analyze about electrostatics
analyze about the different types of Di-Electric materials.
Perform signal modal analysis
implement ESSD protection Circuits.
Design various high speed devices by considering the signal integrity issues suitable for various applica-
Unit I - SIGNAL INTEGRITY: The importance of signal integrity: Compting Power:Past and Future-Basics-A
new realm of bus design- Electromagnetic fundamentals for signal integrity:Maxwell equations - Common vector
operators: Vector-Dot Product-Cross Product-Vector and Scalar Fields-Flux-Gradient-Divergence-Curl-Wave prop-
agations: Wave Equation-Relation between E and H and the Transverse Electromagnetic mode-Time-Harmonic
Fields-Propagation of time harmonic plane Waves-
Unit II - ELECTROSTATICS: Electrostatics: Electrostatic Scalar Potential in Terms of an Electric Field-Energy
in and Electric Field-Capacitance-Energy stored in a Capacitor-Magneto statics:Magnetic Vector Potential-
Inductance- Energy in a Magnetic Field-Power flow and the poynting vector: time Averaged Values-Reflections of
electromagnetic waves: Plane Wave incident on a perfect conductor-Palne wave Incident on a Lossless Dielectric
Unit III - MUTUAL INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITANCE: Mutual inductance and capacitance: Mutual In-
ductance-Mutual Capacitance-Field Solvers-Coupled wave equation: Wave Equation Revisited-Coupled Wave
Equations-Coupled line analysis: Impedance and Velocity-Coupled Noise-Modal analysis: Modal Decomposition-
Modal Impedance and Velocity-Reconstructing the Signal-Modal Analysis-Modal Analysis of Lossy Lines- Cross
talk minimization
Unit IV - SIGNAL PROPAGATION: Signal propagation in unbounded conductive media: Propagation constant
for conductive media=Skin Depth-Classic conductor model for transmission lines: DC Losses in conductors- Fre-
quency-Dependent Resistance in Conductors - Frequency-Dependent Inductance-Power Loss in a Smooth Conduc-
Unit V DI-ELECTRIC MATERIALS: Di-electric materials- Removal of common mode noise-Differential Cross
talk-Virtual reference plane-Propagation of model voltages common terminology-Drawbacks of Differential signal-
ing- Introduction- non ideal return paths-Vias-IO design consideration-Push-pull transmitter-CMOS receivers-ESSD
protection circuits-On chip Termination.
Reference Books:
1. StephenHall,HowardL.Heck,“Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs”,Wiley Publish-
2. JamesEdgar Buchanan, “ Signal and power integrity in digital systems: TTL, CMOS, and
ide– Current-Voltage Relation of Long Channel MOSFETS – Drain Conductance – Transconductance – Drain Cur-
rent Saturation – Body Effect – Drift- Diffusion Model – Sub-Threshold Conduction, Slope And Mobility Models in
MOSFETS – Temperature Effect
Unit III - MOSFET-SCALING: MOS Scaling theory, Issues in scaling MOS transistors, Short- Channel Effects,
– Charge Sharing Model – Narrow Width Effect – Channel Length Modulation – Hot Carrier Effects. Requirements
for Non-classical MOS transistor, MOS capacitor, Role of interface quality and related process techniques, Gate
oxide thickness scaling trend, SiO2 vs High-k gate dielectrics. Integration issues of high-k. Interface states, bulk
charge, band offset, stability, reliability.
Unit IV - SEMICONDUCTOR NANO-DEVICES: Transport in Nano MOSFET, velocity saturation, ballistic
transport, injection velocity, velocity overshoot. SOI - PDSOI and FDSOI, Ultrathin body SOI - double gate transis-
tors. Vertical transistors - FinFET and Surround gate FET, Germanium Nano MOSFETs, Advantages of Germanium
over Silicon, Compound semiconductors - material properties, Compound semiconductors, LDD MOSFET –
VMOS, FAMOS – MESFET – Hetero structure MOSFETs and MODFET.
Unit V - OTHER NANOSTRUCTURES: Carbon Nano-tube, Carbon Molecules, Carbon Clusters, Fabrication,
Structure, Electrical Properties, Vibrational Properties, Mechanical Properties, Applications of Carbon Nanotubes,
Resonant Tunneling Transistor, Single-Electron Transistor (SET), Principle of the Single-Electron Transistor , The
Coulomb Blockade, Performance of the Single-Electron Transistor, Technology, SET Circuit Design, Comparison
Between FET and SET Circuit Designs.
Reference Books:
1. B. G. Streetman and S. Banarjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, India, (1995).
2. Charles p. Poole, Frank J. O “ Introduction to nano technology”Wiley Interscience , 2003.
3. Y. Taur and T. Ning, “Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices”, Cambridge University Press, 1998
4. W. Ranier, ―Nano Electronics and Information Technology‖, Wiley, (2003)
Course objective:
To design the circuit in Nano scale level.
Importance of Nano scale devices & it characteristics.
Course outcome:
The students will be able:
To analyze the effects of leakage current and its control and reduction techniques in CMOS devices.
To know the device technologies for sub 100nm CMOS.
To comprehend the device scaling of single and multigate MOSFETs.
To familiarize the low power design and voltage scaling issues in Nano scale devices.
To gain knowledge on various nanoscale devices.
To design CMOS circuit using non-classical devices.
Unit I - NANO SCALE SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES: Leakage current mechanisms in nanoscale CMOS,
leakage control and reduction techniques, process variations in devices and interconnects. Device technologies for
bon nanotubes and tunnel devices.
Reference Books:
1. Lundstrom, M., “Nanoscale Transport: Device Physics, Modeling, and Simulation”, Springer. 2000
2. Maiti, C.K., Chattopadhyay, S. and Bera, L.K., “Strained-Si and Hetrostructure Field Effect Devices”, Tay-
lor and Francis, 2007
3. Hanson, G.W., “Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics”, Pearson, India., 2008.
4. Wong, B.P., Mittal, A., Cao Y. and Starr, G., “Nano-CMOS Circuit and Physical Design”, Wiley, 2004
5. Lavagno, L., Scheffer, L. and Martin, G., “EDA for IC Implementation Circuit Design and Process Tech-
nology”, Taylor and Francis, 2005
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objective:
To introduce to the students the basic principles of Nanophotonics.
To design and understand various types of photonics devices opertaions.
To Visualize various photonics structures.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
Acquainted with the concepts of Nanophotonics.
Describe the effects of quantization on the optical properties of semiconductors and metals.
Work on plasmonics based structures and its applications.
Understand the importance of Quantum confined materials.
Analyze the new approaches in Nano photonics.
Visualization of photonics structures and its applications.
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Photons and electrons: similarities and differences, freespace propagation. Confine-
ment of photons and electrons. Propagation through a classically forbidden zone: tunneling. Localization under a
periodic potential: Band gap. Cooperative effects for photons and electrons.Nanoscale optical interactions, axial and
lateral nanoscopiclocalization.Nanoscale confinement of electronic interactions: Quantum confinement effects,
nanoscale interaction dynamics, nanoscale electronic energy transfer. Cooperative emissions.
tors, quantum wells, quantum wires, quantum dots, quantum rings. Manifestation of quantum confinement: Optical
properties nonlinear optical properties. Quantum confined stark effect. Dielectric confinement effect,
superlattices.Core-shell quantum dots and quantum-dot-quantum wells. Quantum confined structures as Lasing me-
dia. Organic Quantum-confined structures
Unit III - PLASMONICS AND NANO-PARTICLES: Internal reflection and evanescent waves –plasmons and
surface plasmon resonance –Attenuated Total reflection – Grating SPR coupling –Optical waveguide SPR coupling-
SPR dependencies and materials –plasmonics and nanoparticles.
Unit IV - PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FABRICATION: Important features of photonic crystals-Presence of pho-
tonic band gap-anomalous group velocity dispersionMicrocavity-effects in Photonic Crystals-fabrication of photonic
Reference Books:
1. H. Masuhara, S. Kawata and F. Tokunga, ―NanoBiophotoics”, Elsevier Science, (2007).
2. B. E. A. Saleh and A. C. Teich, “Fundamentals of Photonics”, John Wiley and Sons, NewYork, (1993).
3. P. N. Prasad, ―Introduction to Biophotonics”, John Wiley and Sons, (2003).
4. M. Ohtsu, K. Kobayashi, T. Kawazoe and T. Yatsui, ―Principals of Nanophotonics (Optics and Optoelec-
tronics)” University of Tokyo, Japan, (2003).
5. MotoichiOhtsu, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Tadashi Kawazoe, Takashi Yatsui and Makoto Naruse, Principles of
Nanophotonics. New York, USA: CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2008.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Learn about the peripherals and construct an embedded system hardware
Develop software programs to control embedded system
Validation and testing methodologies for embedded system
Understands the usage of networks in embedded system
Understands the architecture, programming, and interface requirements of a commercially 32-bit micropro-
Acquires clear understanding about CISC and RISC architectures
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
To expose the students the basics of signal propagation through optical fibers, fiber impairments, compo-
nents and devices and system design.
To introduce the students the important areas of communication networks and mainly optical networks.
To enable the students to acquire a solid understanding of foundations of optical networks technologies,
systems, networks issues as well as economic deployment considerations and also photonic switching.
Course Outcomes:
To get a basic understanding of physical properties of optical networks.
To get a profound understanding of optical switching methods and networking techniques, circuit, packet,
hybrid, burst and flow.
To get a basic understanding of optical components and optical node design.
To be able to communicate, reason and creatively think about optical networks.
To be able to design optical networks, taking both physical transmission properties and optical networking
constraints into account.
To be able to evaluate performance of optical packet switched nodes using discrete event simulation meth-
Unit I - OPTICAL SYSTEM COMPONENTS: Light propagation in optical fibers – Loss & bandwidth, System
limitations, Nonlinear effects; Solitons; Optical Network Components – Couplers, Isolators & Circulators, Multi-
plexers & Filters, Optical Amplifiers, Switches, Wavelength Converters.
Unit II - OPTICAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURES: Introduction to Optical Networks; SONET / SDH stand-
ards, Metropoliton Area Networks, Layered Architecture; Broadcast and Select Networks–Topologies for Broadcast
Networks, Media Access Control Protocols, Testbeds for Broadcast & Select WDM; Wavelength Routing Architec-
Unit III - WAVELENGTH ROUTING NETWORKS: The optical layer, Node Designs, Optical layer cost
tradeoff, Routing and wavelength Assignment [RWA], Virtual topology design, Wavelength Routing Testbeds, Ar-
chitectural variations.
Unit IV - PACKET SWITCHING AND ACCESS NETWORKS: Photonic Packet Switching – OTDM, Multi-
plexing and Demultiplexing, Synchronisation, Broadcast OTDM networks, Switchbased networks; Access Networks
– Network Architecture overview, OTDM networks; Optical Access Network Architectures; Future Access Net-
Unit V - NETWORK DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT: Transmission System Engineering – System model,
Power penalty transmitter, receiver, Optical amplifiers, crosstalk, dispersion; Wavelength stabilization ; Overall de-
sign considerations; Control and Management – Network management functions, Configuration management, Per-
formance management, Fault management, Optical safety, Service interface.
Reference Books:
1. C. Siva Ram Moorthy and Mohan Gurusamy, “WDM Optical Networks : Concept, Design and Algo-
rithms”, Prentice Hall of India, Ist Edition, 2002.
2. Biswanath Mukherjee, “Optical Communication Networks”, McGrawHill ©1997, First Edition.
Course Objectives:
Learn to construct CMOS logic circuits
Understand CMOS technology, scaling, and design rules
Characterize and design delay and power constrained CMOS circuits
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to
Define CMOS transistors
Demonstrate CMOS based combinational and sequential logic
Use layout design rules in CAD based circuits
Examine the influence of delay, power, and size in CMOS circuits
Design analog and digital CMOS circuits
Appraise CMOS based ac and dc circuits for power sensitive applications
UNIT I - Introduction to CMOS circuits: MOS transistors, CMOS combinational logic gates, multiplexers, latch-
es and flip-flops, CMOS fabrication and layout, VLSI design flow
UNIT II - MOS transistor theory: Ideal I-V and C-V characteristics, non ideal I-V effects, DC transfer character-
istics, Switch level RC delay models
UNIT III - CMOS technologies: Layout design rules, CMOS process enhancement, Technology related CAD is-
UNIT IV - Circuit characterization and performance estimation: Delay estimation, Logical effort and transistor
sizing, Power dissipation, Interconnect design margin, Reliability, Scaling
UNIT V - Combinational circuit design: Static CMOS, Ratioed circuits, Cascode voltage switch logic, Dynamic
circuits, Pass transistor circuits
Text Books:
1. Neil H. E. Weste, D. Harris, “CMOS VLSI Design (3/e)”, Pearson, 2005
2. J.Rabey, M. Pedram,” Digital Integrated circuits (2/e)”, PHI, 2003
Reference Books:
1. D. Pucknell & K. Eshraghian, “Basic VLSI Design”, (3/e), PHI, 1996
2. Recent literature in Basics of VLSI Design techniques and trends
Course Objectives:
To perform various mathematical and logical operations
To learn interfacing of external circuits with ARM processor/Atmega microcontroller
Expertise in Keil and Atmel studio software.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Able to write Embedded C program for any applications
Understand what is a microcontroller, microcomputer, embedded system.
Understand key concepts of embedded systems like IO, timers, interrupts, interaction with peripheral de-
Able to test an embedded system based on the test inputs provided
Design and implement real time embedded systems using ARM processor and Atmega microcontroller
Using Keil and Atmel Studio software for the project work.
List of Experiments
1. Interfacing LED using ATMEGA16
Course Objectives:
To learn the power spectrum estimation methods by using Periodogram, Modified Periodogram, Barlett &
Welch method.
To study the system design (like filters) to remove the noise.
Course Outcome:
Upon completion the student will be able to
Analyze the power spectrum of the signals.
Design various digital filters for different applictions of signal processing.
Develop algorithms for image processing applictions.
Model a system to recognse the speech signals.
Judge the practical implementation (both in haedware and software) issues
List of Experiments:
1. Power spectrum estimation
2. Multirate /Multistage System
3. Design and Realization of the adaptive filter using LMS/RLS algorithm (solved using steepest descent al-
4. Quadrature mirror filter
5. DSP processor Based FIR filter design
6. DCT image compression technique
UNIT I - PERL Basics and Advanced Topics in PERL: History and Concepts of PERL - Scalar Data - Arrays
and List Data - Control structures – Hashes - Basics I/O - Regular Expressions – Functions - Miscellaneous control
structures - Formats. Directory access - File and Directory manipulation - Process Management - Packages and
UNIT II - TCL Basics and Advanced Topics in TCL - An Overview of TCL and Tk - Tcl Language syntax – Var-
iables – Expressions – Lists - Control flow – procedures - Errors and exceptions - String manipulations. Accessing
files- Processes. Applications - Controlling Tools - Basics of Tk.
UNIT III - System Verilog: Introduction to System Verilog – Literal values-data Types – Arrays - Data Declara-
tions attributes-operators – expressions - procedural statements and control flow. Processes in System Verilog –
Task and functions - assertions.
Reference Books:
1. Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, John Orwant, “Programming PERL”, Oreilly Publications, Fourth Edition,
2. John K. Ousterhout, “Tcl and the Tk Toolkit”, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Second Edition, 2008.
3. Ray Salmei, “The UVM Primer: A Step-by-Step Introduction to the Universal Verification Methodology”
Boston Light Press; First edition, 2013.
4. Brent B. Welch and Ken Jones, “Practical Programming in Tcl and TK”, Pearson Education, Fourth Edition,
5. Randal L, Schwartz Tom Phoenix, “Learning PERL”, Oreilly Publications, Third Edition, 2000.
6. Christian B Spear, “SystemVerilog for Verification: A guide to learning the Testbench language features”,
Springer publications, Third Edition, 2012.
7. SystemVerilog 3.1 Accellera’s Extensions to Verilog®, by Accellera Organization, 2003.
8. Janick Bergeron, “Writing Testbenches using SystemVerilog”, Springer Science, First Edition, 2006.
9. Vanessa R. Copper, “Getting started with UVM: A Beginner’s Guide”, Verilab Publishing, First Edition,
Course Objective:
To have a good understanding of the fundamentals and applications of discrete-time signals and systems,
including sampling, convolution, filtering, and discrete Fourier transforms.
To be able to design digital filters, and perform spectral analysis on real signals using the discrete Fourier
To be familiar with some of the most important advanced signal processing techniques, including multi-rate
signal processing.
Course Outcome:
Acquire the knowledge & concepts of basic and multi-rate digital signal processing algorithms.
Comprehends the discrete, time and frequency domain representation of real signals.
Applies the basic concepts of time and frequency domain analysis for design of filters.
Analyze the system representation in both time and transform domain.
Design algorithms for practical implementation of Decimation, Interpolation and Filter banks.
Evaluate optimal multirate signal processing structures.
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Signals and their origin – Characterization and Classification of continuous time sig-
nals and Discrete time signals, Classification and properties of systems, Time domain characterization of DT system
– Convolution – Difference equation
Unit II - DT SIGNALS IN TRANSFORM DOMAIN: Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT) and its properties,
Power and energy spectral density – Radix 2FFT, Computational advantages of FFT over DFT – Decimation in time
FFT algorithm – Decimation – In Frequency FFT algorithm, Z – Transform and its properties – Inverse Z – trans-
Unit III - DESIGN OF IIR FILTERS: Block diagram Representation of digital filter – Basic IIR digital filter
structures – Structure Realization – Preliminary consideration in digital filter design – Bilinear transformation
Unit IV - DESIGN OF FIR FILTERS: Basic FIR Filter Structure, Structure realization of FIR filter, FIR Filter
design based on windowed Fourier series, Frequency sampling method, Equiripple linear phase FIR filter design,
Window based FIR filter design Least square error FIR filter design
Unit V - MULTI – RATE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING: Mathematical description of change of sampling
rate – Interpolation and Decimation – Direct digital domain approach – Decimation by an integer factor – Interpola-
tion by an integer factor – Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor, Filter implementation for sampling rate
Reference Books
1. John .G.Proakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications”, Addision Wesley,
USA, 2006.
2. Sanjit .K. Mitra “Digital Signal Processing A Computer based approach”, Tata McGraw, New Delhi, 2001.
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Page No.8-58
3. Emmanuel C.Ifeachor “Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach”, Addison– Wesley, California,
4. Simon Haykin, “Signals and Systems”, Wiley-India Edition, 2009 for the Introduction Chapter.
Course Objective:
To introduce the fundamentals of digital image processing
To study the techniques for improving the quality of spoilt images and segmenting image components
To deal with the compression of images to save storage space
Course Outcome:
Describe different modalities and current techniques in image acquisition
Classify how digital images are represented and stored efficiently depending on the desired quality, color
depth, dynamics
Apply the mathematical principles of digital image enhancement (contrast, gradients, noise).
Analyze the concepts of feature detection and contour finding algorithms.
Design and Analyze the constraints in image processing when dealing with larger data sets (efficient stor-
age and compression schemes).
Compare the knowledge primarily obtained by studying examples and cases in the field of biomedical im-
aging to other engineering disciplines.
Reference Books
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods “Digital Image Processing” Third Edition, illustrated, revised Pub-
lished by Prentice Hall, 2007, ISBN 013168728X, 9780131687288
Course Objective:
To study the programming software used in embedded systems.
To study the object oriented analysis and design for real time systems.
To study the development activities of real time system using programming languages.
Course Outcome:
• Define the build process and basic need of embedded programming.
• Summarize the embedded C programming concepts for software design.
• Demonstrate the object oriented concepts for real time system design.
• Illustrate the Real Time system behaviour in UML.
• Outline the different principles for modelling the behaviour of real time systems.
Design an embedded software based real time system for real time applications.
Unit I - LOW LEVEL PROGRAMMING IN C AND ASSEMBLY: C and Assembly - Programming Style -
Declarations and Expressions - Arrays, Qualifiers and Reading Numbers - Decision and Control Statements - Pro-
gramming Process - More Control Statements - Variable Scope and Functions - C Preprocessor - Advanced Types -
Simple Pointers - Debugging and Optimization – In-line Assembly.
to ‘C’ Code, Header files for Project and Port, Examples. Meeting Real-time constraints: Creating hardware delays -
Need for timeout mechanism -Creating loop timeouts - Creating hardware timeouts, Getting embedded software into
a target system.
Unit III - OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS: Introduction to real time system and objects- Model based devel-
opment-Object orientation with UML-UML Diagrams and Notations, Requirement analysis of Real Time system-
Use cases- Filling out details of use cases- Defining object structure- Connecting the Object Model with the Use
Case Model. Key Strategies for Object Identification
Unit IV - UNIFIED MODELING LANGUAGE: Object State Behaviour - UML State charts - Role of Scenarios
in the Definition of Behaviour -Timing Diagrams - Sequence Diagrams - Event Hierarchies - Types and Strategies
of Operations- Architectural Design in UML Concurrency Design - Representing Tasks - System Task Diagram -
Concurrent State Diagrams - Threads. Mechanistic Design - Simple Patterns.
Unit V - APPLICATIONS: Multi threaded applications – assembling embedded applications – polled waiting loop
and interrupt driven I/O – pre emptive kernels and shared resources - system timer-client server computing, Basics
of Python Programming for embedded applications
Text Book:
1. Bruce Powel Douglas, “Real-Time UML, Second Edition: Developing Efficient Objects for Embedded
Systems (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)”, 2 edition (2000),Addison-Wesley.
2. Daniel W. Lewis, “Fundamentals of Embedded Software where C and Assembly meet” PHI 2002.
Reference Book:
1. Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon, “ Object Oriented Analysis, First Indian Reprint 2001
2. Simon Bennett , Steve Mcrobb, Ray Farmer, “Object Oriented Systems Analysis And Design Using Uml,
Second Edition
3. Phillip A. Laplante , “Real Time Systems Design And Analysis, Third Edition Second Reprint 2001.
Course Objective:
To expose the students to the fundamentals of Linux operating system.
To impart the technology in embedded concept.
To introduce the embedded implementation.
Course Outcome:
The student will be able to
Estimate the efficiency of different types of scheduling algorithms and gain in-depth knowledge on the
working of Linux systems
Prioritise the work on Linux system and to locate additional utilities, configurations and maintenance.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of board support package and embedded file system concepts pertaining
to system administration.
Efficiently use of embedded environment.
Select the embedded drivers and port mapping for particular application
Formulate the programming techniques for embedded application.
Unit I - Fundamentals of Operating Systems - Overview of operating systems – Process and threads – Processes
and Programs – Programmer view of processes – OS View of processes – Threads - Scheduling – Non preemptive
and preemptive scheduling – Real Time Scheduling
Unit II - Linux Fundamentals - Introduction to Linux – Basic Linux commands and concepts – Logging in - Shells
- Basic text editing - Linux File System - Processes and threads in Linux - Inter process communication – Linux
System calls
Unit III - Introduction to Embedded Linux - Introduction – Embedded Linux Distributions - Architecture - Linux
kernel architecture - User space – linux startup sequence – GNU cross platform Tool chain.
Unit IV - Board Support Package and Embedded Storage - Inclusion of BSP in kernel build procedure - The
bootloader Interface – Memory Map – Interrupt Management – PCI Subsystem – Timers – UART – Power Man-
agement –Memory Technology Device (MTD) –MTD Architecture - MTD Block and character devices –
Optimizing storage space
Unit V - Embedded Drivers and Application Porting - Linux serial driver – Ethernet driver – I2C subsystem –
USB gadgets – Watchdog timer – Kernel Modules – Application porting roadmap - Programming with pthreads –
Operting System Porting Layer – Kernel API Driver - Case studies - RT Linux – uClinux
Reference Books
1. Dhananjay M. Dhamdhere, “Operating Systems A concept based Approach”, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Del-
hi, 2010.
2. Matthias Kalle Dalheimer, Matt Welsh, “Running Linux”, O’Reilly, U.K, 2005.
3. Mark Mitchell, Jeffrey Oldham and Alex Samuel “Advanced Linux
4. Programming” New Riders, USA, 2001.
5. P. Raghavan ,Amol Lad , Sriram Neelakandan, “Embedded Linux System Design and Development”,
Auerbach Publications. London, 2016.
6. Karim Yaghmour, “Building Embedded Linux Systems”, O'Reilly, UK, 2010.
7. Daniel P.Bovet, Marco Cesati “Understanding the Linux kernel”, Shroff publishers & distributors Pvt Ltd,
Course Objectives:
To expose the students to the fundamentals of Network communication technologies.
To teach the fundamentals of Internet
To study on Java based Networking
To introduce network routing Agents
Course Outcomes:
Acquire the knowledge & concepts of internet
– Java card technology overview – Java card objects – Java card applets – Web Technology for Embedded Systems.
Unit IV - EMBEDDED AGENT: Introduction to the embedded agents – Embedded agent design criteria – Behav-
iour based, Functionality based embedded agents – Agent co-ordination mechanisms and benchmarks embedded-
agent. Case study: Mobile robots.
Unit V - EMBEDDED COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE Synthesis of the information technologies of distribut-
ed embedded systems – analog/digital co-design – optimizing functional distribution in complex system design –
validation and fast prototyping of multiprocessor system-on-chip – a new dynamic scheduling algorithm for real-
time multiprocessor systems.
1. Dietel & Dietel, “JAVA how to program”, Prentice Hall 1999.
2. Sape Mullender, “Distributed Systems”, Addison-Wesley, 1993.
3. George Coulouris and Jean Dollimore, “Distributed Systems – concepts and
4. design”,Addison –Wesley 1988.
5. “Architecture and Design of Distributed Embedded Systems”, edited by Bernd
6. Kleinjohann C-lab, Universitat Paderborn, Germany, Kluwer AcademicPub, Boston, April 2001,
7. 248 pp.
8. Wigglesworth,”Java Programming Advanced Topics,Cengage,2010
9. Mclaughlin,”Java & XML,O’reilly,2006.
Course Objectives:
To expose the students to the fundamentals of wireless communication technologies.
To teach the fundamentals of wireless mobile network protocols
To study on wireless network topologies, network routing protocols
To introduce the basis for classification of commercial family of wireless communication
Course Outcome:
Recognize different wireless transmission
Design simple embedded application using python programming
describe different mobile network architectures
develop an application with mobile network
identify different layers in protocols
apply wireless technology in embedded design
Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Wireless Transmission – signal propagation – Free space and two ray models – spread
spectrum – Satellite Networks – Capacity Allocation – FDMA –TDMA- SDMA – DAMA
Unit II - MOBILE NETWORKS: Cellular Wireless Networks – GSM – Architecture – Protocols – Connection
Establishment – Frequency Allocation – – Handover – Security – GPRA.
Unit III - WIRELESS NETWORKS: Wireless LAN – IEEE 802.11 Standard-Architecture – Services – Hiper
LAN, Bluetooth
1. Jochen Schiller, “ Mobile communications”, PHI/Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2003.
2. Kaveh Pahlavan, Prasanth Krishnamoorthy, “ Principles of Wireless Networks’ PHI/Pearson Education,
3. C. Siva Ram Murthy and B.S. Manoj, AdHoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and protocols, Prentice
Hall PTR, 2004.
4. Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklons and Thomas Stober, “ Principles of Mobile computing”,
Springer, New york, 2003.
5. C.K.Toh, “ AdHoc mobile wireless networks”, Prentice Hall, Inc, 2002.
6. Charles E. Perkins, “ Adhoc Networking”, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
7. William Stallings, “ Wireless communications and Networks”, PHI/Pearson Education, 2002.
Unit I – INTRODUCTION: Open Source Terminologies: Open Source Software, Freeware, Shareware, Proprie-
tary Software - Introduction to Open sources - Need of Open Sources - Advantages of Open Sources - Application
of Open Sources. Open source operating systems: LINUX: Introduction - General Overview – Kernel Mode and
user mode - Process - Advanced Concepts - Scheduling - Personalities- Cloning - Signals -Development with Linux.
Unit II - OPEN SOURCE DATABASE: MySQL: Introduction - Setting up account - Starting, terminating and
writing your own SQL programs - Record selection Technology - Working with strings - Date and Time - Sorting
Query Results -Generating Summary - Working with metadata - Using sequences - MySQL and Web.
Unit III - OPEN SOURCE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: PHP: Introduction - Programming in web envi-
ronment - variables - constants - data types - operators -Statements - Functions - Arrays - OOP - String Manipulation
and regular expression - File handling and data storage - PHP and SQL database - PHP and LDAP - PHP Connectiv-
ity - Sending and receiving E-mails - Debugging and error handling - Security - Templates.
Unit IV – PYTHON: Syntax and Style - Python Objects - Numbers - Sequences - Strings - Lists and Tuples - Dic-
tionaries -Conditionals and Loops - Files - Input and Output - Errors and Exceptions - Functions - Modules -Classes
and OOP - Execution Environment.
- Case Study: Apache Web server - Working with Web Server - Configuring and using Apache Web services - Case
Study: Apache Tomcat - Open Source IDE - Modeling Tools - Mozilla Firefox - Wikipedia - Eclipse.
1. Remy Card, Eric Dumas and Frank Mevel, “The Linux Kernel Book”, Wiley Publications, 2003
2. Steve Suchring, “MySQL Bible”, John Wiley, 2002
3. Rasmus Lerdorf and Levin Tatroe, “Programming PHP”, O’Reilly, 2002
4. Wesley J. Chun, “Core Phython Programming”, Prentice Hall, 2001
Course Objectives:
To expose the students to the fundamentals of product development process.
To teach the fundamentals of system design
To study on electronic packaging, quality in design process
Course Outcome:
Recognize different terminologies in product development process.
Design simple embedded application using python programming
describe concepts in system design
develop an electronic portable product
identify different packaging available for electronic products
apply concept of quality control in embedded design products
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: The basic product development process-product planning-design and engineering-
procurement manufacturing -functionality-performance-user interface-form factor- battery life- cost- time to market
(TTM)- reliability marketing and distribution-service and support.
Unit II - SYSTEM DESIGN: Top down design-product concept-innovation-creativity- validation -communication-
product requirements system architecture development-trade-off analysis-cost modeling-circuit design-physical and
mechanical design-Tolerance
and reliability.
Unit III - ELECTRONIC PACKAGING: IC packaging: Leaded package, TABITCP package-COB, flip-chip,
BGA, CSP-Discrete components-Board to board connectors-substrates-Escape routing-PCA/module design metrics-
Electronic packaging metrics- I/O hardware : buttons, switches, dials and touch screens, speakers , microphones,
antennas, and external connectors.
Unit IV - MECHANICAL DESIGN : Housings-EMI shielding-Thermal management: High level thermal analysis,
thermal issues in notebook computers-mechanical integration-DFMA analysis.
QUALITY IN THE DESIGN PROCESS: Quality control -quality assurance-quality functional deployment-
assignment matrices checklist- quality in the design process-concurrent design-risk analysis-quality in production.
Unit V - PORTABLE ELECTRONICS: Digital and analog processing: microprocessor, logic devices, microcon-
trollers, DSP, analog devices, sensors, wireless communication, system memory and mass storage-Displays: Display
technologies-LCD-micro display-pen input-power sources- Battery technologies: Ni-Cd, alkaline, Ni-MH ,lithium
ion, lithium polymer, photovoltaic cells, fuel cells-product implementation-high level power analysis-Case study:
Cellular phones-portable PCs-Personal digital assistants-digital imaging products.
1. Tony Ward and James Angus, ”Electronic Product Design”, Chapman and Hall publications,1996.
2. Bert Haskell, “ Portable Electronics Product Design and Development: For Cellular Phones, PDAs, Digital
Cameras, Personal Electronics and More”, McGraw-HILL, 2004.
Course Objectives
To expose the students to the fundamentals of CAN bus
To teach the fundamentals of embedded security
To study on protocols for embedded systems
Unit I - THE CAN BUS: Introduction – Concepts of Bus Access and Arbitration – Error Processing and Manage-
ment – Definition of the CAN Protocol ISO 11898-1 – Error Properties, Detection and Processing – Framing.
Introduction – Signal Propagation – Bit Synchronization – Network Speed and Range – High Speed CAN – Low
Speed CAN – CAN Components – Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Protocols - CAN Applications: Application
Layers and Development Tools for CAN
Unit III - USB: Introduction – Types of USB Transfers: Control Transfer – Bulk Transfer – Interrupt Transfer –
Isochronous Transfer – Introduction to the Enumeration Process – Introduction to USB Development Tools
Unit IV - EMBEDDED SECURITY: Introduction – Access Control and Origins of Security Theory – Introduction
to Cryptography, Data Integration and Authentication – Networked Embedded Systems and Resource Constraints –
Embedded Security Design
Unit V - TCP/IP FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: Introduction – Embedded SMTP Client – Embedded SMTP
Server – Case Studies: IP Security Camera – Vending Machine – Internet Radio – Ethernet Gateway
1. Dominique Paret, “Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems”, Wiley, 2007
2. Timothy Stapko, “Practical Embedded Security”, Elsevier, 2008
3. John Hyde, “USB Design by Example”, Intel University Press, 2001
4. Jan, Axelson, “USB Complete”, Lake View Research, 2005
5. Edward Insam, “TCP/IP Embedded Internet Applications”, Elsevier, 2003
6. Tim Jones, “TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems”, Charles River Media, 2002.
Course objectives:
To study the analysis of various M-band filter banks for audio coding
To learn various transform coders for audio coding.
To study the speech processing methods in time and frequency domain
Course outcomes :
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Describe the mechanics of speech and audio
Analyze the quality measurement of speech
Employ filter banks for coders
Familiarize with time and frequency domain in codeing
Distinguish various transform coders in speech
Adopt speech processing methods for practical applications
Unit I - MECHANICS OF SPEECH AND AUDIO: Introduction - Review Of Signal Processing Theory-Speech
production mechanism – Nature of Speech signal – Discrete time modelling of Speech production – Classification of
Speech sounds – Phones – Phonemes – Phonetic and Phonemic alphabets – Articulatory features. Absolute Thresh-
old of Hearing - Critical Bands- Simultaneous Masking, Masking-Asymmetry, and the Spread of Masking- Non
simultaneous Masking - Perceptual Entropy - Basic measuring philosophy -Subjective versus objective perceptual
testing - The perceptual audio quality measure (PAQM) - Cognitive effects in judging audio quality.
Unit II - TIME-FREQUENCY ANALYSIS: Introduction -Analysis-Synthesis Framework for M-band Filter
Banks- Filter Banks for Audio Coding: Design Considerations - Quadrature Mirror and Conjugate Quadrature Fil-
ters- Tree- Structured QMF and CQF M-band Banks - Cosine Modulated “Pseudo QMF” M-band Banks - Cosine
1. Digital Audio Signal Processing, Second Edition, UdoZölzer, A John Wiley& sons Ltd Publications,2008
2. Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Mark Kahrs, Karlheinz Brandenburg,
Kluwer Academic Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London , Moscow,2002
3. Digital Processing of Speech signals – L.R.Rabiner and R.W.Schaffer - Prentice Hall –1978
Course objectives:
To introduce the characteristics of different biosignals
To discuss linear and non-linear filtering techniques to extract desired information
To introduce techniques for automated classification and decision making to aid diagnosis
Course outcomes:
Analyze signals in time series domain & estimate the spectrum
Understand the significance of wavelet detection applied in biosignal processing.
Extract the features using multivariate component analysis.
Apply the classification techniques in biological signals
Relate neural network with bio signals
Describe prediction models for bio signal analysis
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Signal, System and Spectrum Characteristics of dynamic biomedical signals, cross-
spectral density and coherence function.
ing.Linear prediction models, Application in Heart rate variability
and Recognition ,Time frequency representation, spectrogram
UNIT IV - ANALYSIS: Wavelet analysis – Data reduction techniques, Multivariate component analysis,
UNIT V - CLASSIFICATION: Back propagation, neural network based classification.
1. Arnon Cohen, Bio-Medical Signal Processing Vol I and Vol II, CRC Press Inc., Boca Rato, Florida 1999.
2. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, ‘Biomedical Signal Analysis-A case study approach’, Wiley-Interscience/IEEE
Press, 2002
3. Willis J. Tompkins, Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003.
4. Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W.Jervis, ‘Digital Signal processing- A Practical Approach’ Pearson educa-
tion Ltd., 2002
5. Raghuveer M. Rao and AjithS.Bopardikar, Wavelets transform – Introduction to theory and its applica-
tions, Pearson Education, India 2000
To understand 2D and 3D image reconstruction techniques.
To gain sound knowledge about CT, MRI, nuclear and ultrasound imaging.
To realize the factors those affect the quality of medical images.
The students will be able to
analyze the physiological events associated with the human system.
describe the influences of artifacts in image quality
identification of new developments in health care system
employ reconstruction and segmentation algorithms
interpret medical imaging devices
relate the concepts with its practical uses.
Unit I - INTRODUCTION: Acquisition of Images, rectilinear scanner, Emission computed Tomography multiple
crystal scintillation cameras, Image Reconstruction from Projections in Two dimensions, Radon Transform, Projec-
tion Theorem
Unit II - MEDICAL IMAGING DEVICES: Xrays – film, digital, C‐arm, Iso‐Carm, Fluoroscopy, CT, MRI and
protocols, Functional imaging: fMRI, SPECT, PET,Image quality Digital fluoroscopy, cinefluorography.
Unit III - IMAGING RECONSTRUCTION ALGORITHMS: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy-
Fundamentals - tissue contrast in MRI – angiography, spectrography. Ultra sound, Neuro magnetic Imaging, Quality
control, Origin of Doppler shift – Limitations of Doppler systems
Unit IV - SEGMENTATION METHODS: Manual methods, Thresholding and classification - Non‐parametric
optimal thresholding- Parametric optimal thresholding- Minimum distance methods- Maximum likelihood methods-
Edge‐based techniques
Unit V - IMAGE FUSION: Basics of registration - Rigid registration techniques- Deformable registration tech-
1. William R. Hendee, E. Russell Ritenour, “Medical Imaging Physics”:A John Wiley & sons, Inc., Publica-
tion, Fourth Edition 2002.
2. Geoff Dougherty, “Medical Image Processing: Techniques and Applications”, Springer,2011.
3. Z.H. Cho., J-oie, P. Jones and Manbir Singh, “Foundations of Medical Imaging”, John Wiley and
4. Avinash C. Kak, Malcolm Shaney, Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging,IEEE Press,
Course Objectives:
To integrates VLSI architecture theory and algorithms.
To address various architectures at the implementation level, and presents several approaches to analysis,
estimation, and reduction of power consumption.
To explain how to design high-speed, low-area, and low-power VLSI systems for broad range of DSP ap-
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
apply several optimization techniques to improve implementations of DSP algorithms.
optimize design in terms of area, speed and power
incorporate pipeline based architectures in the design.
modify the existing or new DSP architectures suitable for VLSI for high speed networks
Unit I - Iteration Bound & Pipelining / Parallel Processing: Introduction to DSP systems- representations of
DSP Algorithms- loop bound and iteration bound- algorithms for computing iteration bound- iteration bound for
MRDFG- pipelining and parallel processing of FIR filters- pipelining and parallel processing for low power applica-
Unit II - Retiming & Unfolding: Definition and properties of retiming -solving system inequalities- retiming
techniquesalgorithm and properties of unfolding -applications-Algorithmic strength reduction in filters and trans-
forms- parallel FIR filters- fast FIR algorithms.
Unit III - Systolic Array & Fast Convolution Algorithm: Design Methodology- FIR systolic Arrays- Selection of
Scheduling Vector- Cook-Toom Algorithm-Winograd Algorithm- Iterated Convolution – Cyclic Convolution-
Unit IV - Scaling And Round Off Noise: State Variable Description of digital filters- Scaling and roundoff noise
computation- Bit level arithmetic architectures- parallel multipliers- bit serial multipliers- Canonic Signed Digit
Arithmetic- distributed arithmetic
Unit V - Numerical Strength Reducing Techniques: Redundant Arithmetic- Redundant Number Representations-
Carry Free Radix-2 Addition And Subtraction-Hybrid Radix 4 Addition- Data Format Conversion- Redundant To
Nonredundant Converter- Subexpression Elimination- Multiple Constant Multiplication- Subexpression Sharing In
Digital Filters- Additive and Multiplicative Number Splitting- Synchronous Pipeling And Clocking Styles-Wave
Pipelining- Asynchronous Pipeling- Signal Transition Graphs.
1. Keshab K. Parhi, “VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems, Design and implementation”, Wiley,
Interscience, 2007.
2. U. Meyer Baese, “Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays”, Springer, Second Edi-
tion, 2004.
3. Mohammed Isamail and Terri Fiez, “Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing”, McGraw Hill,
4. Jose E. France, YannisTsividis,“Design of Analog-Digital VLSI Circuits for Telecommunication and Sig-
nal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1994.
5. S.Y.Kuang, H.J. White house, T. Kailath, “VLSI and Modern Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall,1995.
Credits 3:0:0
To study about the aspects of clinical engineering
To study about the various aspects of electronics used in hospitals
Know the importance of calibration of medical devices
Course outcomes:
The students will be have the
ability to specify the type of networking facility to be provided in the hospital
capability to identify the electromagnetic effects on medical devices
make the devices electromagnetically compatible
ability to specify the type of optic sensor for physiological measurement
analyze medical standards related to devices
apply the concepts in medicine
Unit I - Medical standards and recalibration: Need for Standardization, Hospital design, Hospital
safetyRegulations, Management and Legal aspects.
Unit II - Network topologies: LAN components,network operating system,planning and installing LAN in hospital
set up-Fibre
Unit III - Sensors in hospital management: Optic Sensors for Measuring Physiological Parameters – Application
of the sensors in measuring pressure, temperature, flow, rotation and chemical activities- principles of smart sensors.
1. Syed Amin Tabish “Hospital and Health services Administration Principles and Practices Oxford Press
New Delhi 2001
2. Jacob Kline, “Handbook of Biomedical Engineering”, Academe press INC ,Sandiego 1981.
3. Bernhard Keiser, “Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility”, Artech House 3rd Edition, 1986.
4. Eric Udd, “Fibre Optic Sensors and Introduction for engineers and scientists”,WileyInterscience Publica-
tion, New Delhi, 1991.
5. SK Basandia, Local Area Network,Golgotia Publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1995
6. R.C.Goyal,’Hospital administration and human resource management’, 4th edition, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi, 2006.
To teach PC hardware and its related interfacing
To understand the basics of computerized data acquisition and programming.
To provide knowledge about biometrics and network security
The students will have knowledge on
Understand hardware behind data acquisition
Analyze the scope of virtual reality in health care
Develop an insight knowledge about the biometrics
apply the features of network security
evaluate computer based medical equipments
compare and contrast with the traditional techniques
Unit I - Computer Architecture overview: Overview of Mother Boards - Processors, Memory, Adapter cards,
Ports, Power supply (BIOS, DOS) interaction, Functional and Architecture Block diagram of a PC, Processors and
Unit II - Processors: 80X86 Processors, Architectures and Memory management,Peripheral Interfacing and Con-
Unit III - Memory: RAM ,SDRAM and RDRAM, Cache memory,ROM and its types, Flash memory, I/O
slots,Serial andParallel ports,USB, FireWire port.
Unit IV - Computerised Data Acquisition: Programming - in C, DSP in Medical applications, CAD In Medical
Instrumentation - FPGA Design Logics, Instrumentation in LAB view, Multisim Simulation with bio amplifiers
Unit V - Applications: Mixed signal SoC applications in biomedical applications
1. RamachandraLele, Computers in Medicine Progress in Medical Informatics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 2005
2. N.Mathivanan, PC Based Instrumentation: Concepts and Practice, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2007.
3. B.Govindarajalu, IBM PC and Clones: Hardware, Trouble shooting and Maintenance, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2005 19
4. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference – JAVA, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,
5. John P Woodward, Biometrics – The Ultimate Reference, Dreamtech Publishers, New Delhi, 2003
6. Ranjan Parekh, Principles of Multimedia, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2006
7. Stephen J Bigelow, Trouble shooting, Maintaining and Repairing of PCs, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 2005
Course Objective
To introduce the basic concepts of Bio signal Processing
To learn about the filtering techniques used in Medical Signal Processing
To understand the Applications of Signal Processing for Diagnosis.
Course Outcome:
Classify the nature of Bio signals and their Electrical Characteristics.
Analyze the Bio Signal Processing Techniques and Pattern Recognition
Illustrate the Techniques for Data Compression
Design Digital Filters for Biomedical Applications
Choose suitable algorithms for Signal Processing and Analysis
Develop systems for Biosignal Acquisition and Analysis
Unit I - Introduction to biomedical signals & processing techniques: Origin, nature and acquisition of bio-
signals Examples of biomedical signals-EEG, EMG,ECG, VMG, VAG, evoked potentials, Event Related Potentials,
Speech Signal, Bioacoustic signals - Sampling and aliasing , Signal reconstruction, Signal conversion systems, con-
volution - Correlation - , FFT -decimation in time algorithm, Decimation in Frequency algorithm
Unit II - Analysis of Biosignals : Cardiological Signal Processing - Methods in Recording ECG , Waves and Inter-
vals of ECG - ECG Data Acquisition , ECG Parameters and Their Estimation - ECG QRS Detection Technique -
Template Matching Technique - Differentiation Based QRS Detection Technique - Simple QRS width Detection
Algorithm - High Speed QRS detection Algorithm - Estimation of R-R Interval - Estimation of ST Segment - Anal-
ysis of PCG signal - Analysis of EMG signal and EEG Signal
Unit III - Filtering and Noise Cancellation: Random Noise, Structured Noise, and Physiological NoiseTime do-
main filtering – Synchronous averaging, Moving average filters, Frequency domain filters – Design of Butterworth
filters- optimal filtering, Adaptive noise cancellation-LMS and RLS algorithms in adaptive filtering – Application:
Motion Artifacts in ECG, Powerline Interference in ECG, Maternal Interference in ECG
Unit IV - Data Reduction Techniques: Data Reduction Techniques - Data Compression , Need for Data Compres-
sion -Direct Data Compression Techniques - Tolerance Comparison Compression - Polynomial Predictors - zero
order predictor, Run Length Coding - First Order Predictor - Zero Order Interpolator - First Order Interpolator - Di-
rect ECG Data compression Techniques by Turning Point Algorithm - Peak Picking Compression and Cycle to Cy-
cle compression
Unit V - Application : Adaptive Segmentation of ECG and PCG signals - Time varying analysis of heart rate varia-
bility - Detection of Coronary Artery Disease - Analysis of Ectopic ECG beats
Reference Books:
1. RangarajM.Rangayyan, Biomedical signal analysis, John Wiley &Sons.Inc. 2002
2. Monson H.Hayes ,Statistical Digital signal processing, John Wiley &Sons.Inc 1996
3. Arnon Cohen, Biomedical Signal Processing Vol I and II, CRC Press Inc., Boca Ralon, Florida, 1988.
4. Biomedical Signal Processing: Principles and Techniques, D.C.Reddy, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, Third
reprint 2007.
5. Sanjit K.Mitra “Digital Signal Processing”, A Computer Based Approach”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
fourth edition 2011.
6. John G. Proakis and Dimitris G.Manolakis, “Digital SignalProcessing, Algorithms and Applications”, PHI
of India Ltd., New Delhi, fourth Edition, 2007.
Course objective:
To define the basics of Script writing and apply them in creative productions.
To construct effective scripts that will comply to the stringent norms of the media industry
To breakdown scripts of productions that have impacted the audience over the years.
Unit I - Introduction- questions to ask before writing the script- Visual treatment - Script - Three act structure-
Building your story - Maintaining suspense - Confrontation - Resolution
Unit II - Lyric writing - Music composing - Finding inspiration - Good practices for music production - Listening
Unit III - Adapting for screen - Narration - Dialogues - Character development - Storyboards - Lighting - Color
theory - Props - Sets - Identifying sponsors - Producers
Unit IV - Basic Camera shots - Basic Camera Angles - Basic Camera Movements - Single camera production -
Multi camera production - Indoor production - Outdoor production - Film - Digital technology
Unit V - Legal issues - permissions - Casting - Hiring - Insurance - Safety - Fire hazards - Storage - Scheduling -
Location scouting - Transport -
Text Book
1. Syd Field, “Screenplay- The foundation of screenwriting”, Edition 1, Dell Publishing Company, 1979.
2. David Trottier, “The Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your
Script”, Edition1 , Silman-James Press, 2005.
Reference Books
1. Steven Katz “Film Directing: Cinematic Motion “ Focal Press publishers, 2004.
2. Antony Friedman “Writing for media” ,Focal press, 2006.
3. Blain Brown "Cinematography- Theory and Practice" - Focal Press
4. Paul Wheeler , “Digital Cinematography”, Focal Press, 2001
Course objective:
To understand the basic working of the human perception system and camera parameters to better do com-
To examine the various tools of compositing and choose the right tool for the application.
Help the student visualize and comprehend the current state of the VFX industry.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Make better choices when making technical and creative decisions using the understanding of human per-
ception and camera parameters.
Manipulate image data using mathematical formulae to obtain the required result.
Compare the feature set available in various software and select the optimal set required.
Stabilize and get measureable data from images for use in Post Production.
Separate foreground and background and reconstruct the image using another background.
Compose a realistic image from various 2D and 3D source elements.
Unit I - Introduction: History and Evolution of Compositing, Basics of Human perception, Camera Basics, Digital
representation of visual information - Image Generation, Pixels, Components, Channels, Spatial Resolution, HDRI,
Colour Models, Colour Management.
Unit II - Manipulations: Basic Image Manipulations using single and multi operators, Spatial filters and working,
Geometric transformations, Expression Language, Masks, Pre-multiplied images, Morphing, Motion Blur.
Unit III - Standards: Analog and Digital Film formats – Analog and Digital Television Formats- Aspect Ratio and
Format Conversion Pipeline, UI, Dope Sheet, Curve editor.
Text Book
1. Ron Brinkmann, The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, second edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.
2. Ron Ganbar, “Nuke 101: Professional Compositing and Visual Effects”, First Edition, Peachpit Press,
Reference Books
1. Steve Wright, Digital Compositing for Film and Video, Focal Press, 2006
2. Dough Kelly, Digital Composting in-Depth, Coriolis, 2000.
Unit I - Simple Harmonic Motion and the sine wave, Sound in Media, Wavelength and Frequency, Complex
Waves, Octaves, Spectrum, Electrical, Mechanical and Acoustical Analogs, Sound Levels and the Decibels, Sound
in the Free Field, The Perception of Sound, Signals, Speech, Music and Noise.
Unit II - Microphone Fundamentals, Classification of Microphones, Dynamic Microphones, Condenser Micro-
phones, Special Purpose Microphones, Different Microphones Specifications, Miking Techniques, Application In-
formation/ Accessories, Microphone Selection.
Unit III - Methods of Acoustic Transduction, Low frequency drivers and enclosures, High frequency drivers and
horns, Crossovers, Loudspeaker Specification, Amplifier Power rating, Frequency response and Power bandwidth,
Slew rate, THD and Bridged operation, Considerations in choosing an Amplifier, Matching Amplifier and loud-
Unit IV - Split line and Inline Mixers, Mixing Console, Understanding analog console specification, Signal Proces-
sors: General Discussion, Dynamic range processors, Equalizers and filters, Application – Mixers, Application –
Signal Processors.
Unit V - Analog and Digital Information, Analog to Digital Conversion, Digital to Analog conversion, Basic MIDI
principles, MIDI messages, MIDI control
Text Book
1. F.Alton Everest, Ken C Pohlmann, “Master Handbook of Acoustics”, McGraw Hill, Sixth Edition, 2015.
2. Francis Rumsey, “Desktop Audio Technology”, Elseiver, 1 st edition, 2004.
3. Gary Davis, Ralph Jones, “YAMAHA LSR Handbook”, 2nd Edition, 1990.
Reference Books
1. Stanley R. ALten, Audio in Media, Wadsworth, 2005.
2. Michael Talbot-Smith, Sound Engineering Explained, Focal Press, 2002.
3. IAN R. SINCLAIR, Audio and Hi-Fi Handbook, Newnes, 1998.
4. Zach Price, “Beginners guide to Computer based Music Production”, 2004.
5. Jay Rose, “Audio Post Production for Digital Audio”, 2002.
Course objective:
To learn the skills to rightly handle various audio equipments used in the studio.
To learn the art of recording quality sound using appropriate audio equipments.
To learn how to playback and edit a particular audio recorded using DAW.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Choose the right microphones for a specific type of recording.
Demonstrate skills to handle and use audio equipments in the right way.
Experiment with different miking techniques.
Inspect the signal flow in a studio or Live Sound installations.
Modify the different characteristics of a recorded audio.
Evaluate the quality of a recorded audio.
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/ Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester
Course objective:
To understand the basic working and the technical concepts of the graphical system
To examine the various geometrical transformations
Help the student visualize and comprehend the graphic tools to create two dimensional computer anima-
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Outline the two dimensional graphic production process
Classify the various algorithms for generating graphical components
Demonstrate skills to use industry standard graphical productions.
Experiment with different light sources based on visible surface determination
Setup an graphical production.
Discriminate two and three dimensional graphical production.
Unit I - Basic Principles of Two Dimension Graphics: Raster versus vector graphics- Basic geometric objects-
Geometric transformations-Homogenous coordinates- Applications of transformations-Geometric transformations in
java 2D-Animation and movements based on transformations- Interpolators for continuous changes- implementa-
tions of interpolators in Java 2D-Single or double precision
Unit II - Drawing lines and curves: Lines and pixel graphics-The midpoint algorithm for lines- Structural algo-
rithms-Pixel densities and line styles-Line clipping-Midpoint algorithm for circles- Drawing arbitrary curves- An-
tialiasing- Drawing thick lines-Filling areas-Buffered images in java 2D-Displaying text-Text in java 2D-Grey im-
ages and intensities-Colour Model-Colour Interpolation with java 2D.
Unit III - Basic Principles of Three-Dimensional Graphics: Geometric transformations-The scenegraph- Ele-
mentary geometric objects in java 3D-The scenegraph in java 3DAnimations and moving objects- Projections in
Java 3D-Modelling Three dimensional objects-Three Dimensional objects and their surfaces-Topological notions-
Modelling techniques-Surface Modeling with polygons in java 3D-importing geometric objects in to java3D-
Parametric curves and freedom surfacesnormal vectors for surfaces
Unit IV - Visible Surface Determination: Clipping volumes- Algorithms for visible surface determination- Image
precision techniques-Priority algorithms- Illumination and shading- Light sources- Light sources in java 3D-
Reflection- Shading in java 3D- Shading- Shadows- Transparency- Textures- Textures in java 3D- The radiosity
model- Ray tracing.
Text Book
1. Frank Klawonn, Introduction to Computer Graphics Using Java 2D and 3D, Springer, 2008.
Reference Books
1. Rick Parent, Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann publishers, 2002.
2. F.S.Hill,jr ,Computer graphics using Open GL,Prentice Hall of India,2006.
3. Peter Shirley, et al, Fundaments of Computer Graphics, AK Peters Ltd, 2005.
4. Issac Victor Kerlow, The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects, John Wiley, 2004.
Course objective:
The course provides knowledge on two dimensional graphical animations
This course helps students to analyze the project and use various animation techniques.
The course helps students to upgrade and equip with latest trends in two dimensional animation.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Define basics concepts of two dimensional animation.
Classify the different types of animation.
Demonstrate their understanding of frame by frame and interpolation based animations.
Experiment with the geometrical transformations in two dimension
Reconstruct complex character animation movements
Interpret the pose set into realistic character movements through various interfacing techniques.
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/ Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Unit I - HTML: Introduction – Editors – Basic structure – Elements – Attributes – Headings – Paragraphs – Styles
– Formatting - Comments – Colors – Links – Images – Tables – Lists –Classes – Iframes – Forms
Unit II - HTML 5 & CSS : Introduction – HTML 5 Elements – Semantics – Canvas - HTML Audio – HTML
Video – HTML Media – HTML API – CSS – Backgrounds – Borders – Margins – Padding – Box Model – CSS
responsive – CSS 3
Unit III - BOOTSTRAP: Introduction - Grid Basics- Typography – buttons – pagination – panels – dropdowns –
carousel – popover - Tooltip
Unit IV - JAVASCRIPT: Introduction – keywords – Data types – Variables – Operators – Comments – Arrays –
Expressions – Control Structures – Functions (calling a function, returning values, integrating function & HTML) -
Text Book
1. H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, “Internet & World Wide Web – How to program”, 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall,
2003.Author, “Book”, Publisher, Year of Publishing
2. Thomas A. Powell, “HTML: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill, 2001.
Reference Books
1. Danny Goodman, Michael Morison, Paul Novitski, “Java Script Bible”, Wiley Publication, 7th Edition
Author, “Book”, Publisher, Year of Publishing
2. David Crowder and Rhona Crowder,“Web Design with HTML/Flash/Javascript & Ecommerce BI-
BLE”, Wiley DreamTech India Pvt. Ltd,2001
3. Luke welling and Laura Thomson “PHP and MYSQL web development”, III Edition,, 2005
Credits: 3:0:0
Course objective:
To overview the current and emerging trends in digital television.
To understand the different propagation channels in digital television transmission.
To apply the concepts in design of real-time broadcast television setup.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Observe the principles in digital television systems.
Review the advantages of digital over analogue televisions.
Discover the new advancements in digital television broadcast.
Compare and contrast various types of television standards.
Find a robust prorogation medium for television signals.
Evaluate the performance of the optimum medium.
Unit I - Introduction to Digital Television: Shannon’s Information Theorem - Digitizing a Video Signal - Meas-
uring and Compressing Digital Video Signals - Digital Video Broadcasting -Picture and Sound Quality - MPEG-4:
HDTV Compression
Unit II - Digital TV by Satellite: SatellitePositions and Power - Finding the Satellite - Positioning the Dish - Low
Noise Block Converters (LNBs) - The Satellite Receiver -Modulating Digital Signals -Error Protection and Trans-
mitted Bitrate -Dish Size - Multi-Satellite Antennas -Installing Multi-Focus Antennas -
Optimizing Parabolic Antennas
Unit III - DIGITAL TV BY CABLE: The Headend: The Heart of the Cable TV Network - Channel Capacity -The
MATV (Master Antenna TV) Network - UHF Coaxial Networks - Coaxial Cable TV Networks - Hybrid Fiber Co-
axial Networks (HFC) -Digital Cable Television - SMATV, Satellite MATV Systems - Terrestrial Digital TV Sig-
nals in Coaxial Cable Systems
Unit IV - DIGITAL TV BY TERRESTRIAL TRANSMITTERS: Antennas for Terrestrial TV Reception - Digi-
tal Terrestrial TV - Multi-Directional Antenna Systems -Indoor Antennas -Digital Terrestrial Receivers -DVB-T
Receivers -Terrestrial TV for Mobile Devices; DVB-H
Unit V - DIGITAL TV BY BROADBAND: Broadband IPTV –Internet TV - Software Media Player Options -
Internet Via Satellite - Digital Receivers - Digital TV with Interactive Services - Digital Receiver Firmware - The
Application Interface - The API of the Future - The Media Gateway Dream -The Media Terminal
Text Book
1. Lars-Ingemar Lundstrom,“Understanding Digital Television-An Introduction to DVB Systems with Satel-
lie, Cable, Broadband and Terrestrial TV Distribution, Focal Press; 1 edition (august 30, 2006).
Reference Books
1. Michael Robin, Michael Poulin “Digital Television Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill 2 nd Edition 2000.
2. Gerald W.Collins, “Digital Television Transmission”, John Wiley & Sons 2001
3. Marcelo S. Alencar, “Digital television Systems”, Cambridge University Press 2009.
4. Walter Fisher. “ Digital Video And Audio Broadcasting Technology”, Springer 2 nd Edition 2008.
Experiment various lighting techniques
Develop a plan for architectural modeling
Evaluate the rendering process.
Unit I - Pre Production: Introduction – Principles of Animation - Storyboarding: Preliminary, Presentation and
Production – character and model design - sound design –technical tests –Production scheduling
Unit II - Modeling Basics: Introduction –polygonal modeling –splines and patches –coordinate systems –viewing
windows – Geometric primitives –transformations –common modeling techniques –hierarchies –booleans and trims.
Unit III - Rendering Basics: The camera –Lights –Surface characteristics –shading algorithms –rendering algo-
rithms –background images –Surface texture mapping –solid texture mapping –final rendering.
Unit IV - Animation Basics: Introduction –Key framing –interpolations –parameter curve editing –dope sheet edit-
ing –forward kinematics –inverse kinematics –motion plans –shape deformations –camera animation –animating
lights and surface properties –pose based animation.
Unit V - Retouching and Post Production Techniques: Virtual sculpting –hair and fur –texturing polygons –
Rendering algorithms –cloth dynamics – Facial animation- compositing –Editing.
Text Book
1. Michael O’Rourke, “Principles of Three – Dimensional Computer animation”, 3rd edition,W.W. Norton &
company, 2003.
Reference Books
1. John Vince, “Essential Computer Animation”, Springer UK , FirstEdition 2000.
2. John Edgar Park, “Understanding 3D animation using Maya”, Springer Science & business Media. Inc,
3. Marcia Kuperberg, Martin W. Bowman, “Guide To Computer Animation”, Focal press ,2002.
a small budget studio - Equipments and budget
Text Book
1. Rick Sammons , "Complete Guide to Digital Photography 2.0", W. W. Norton & Company; Pap/Cdr edi-
tion (22 December 2003)
2. Barbara London , "Photography" ,12th Edition, Pearson, 2016
Reference Books
1. David D Busch, "Mastering Digital SLR Photography", Premier Press, 2004
2. Ralph F Jacobson, "The Manual of Photography", 8th edition, Focal Press, 1988
3. Julie Adair King ,"Digital Photo Projects for dummies", Wiley Publishing inc, 2007
Course objective:
To define the basics of photography and apply them in creative productions.
To compose effective frames that will comply to the various rules of composition.
To evaluate the quality of their own photographs and appraise the works of other photographers that have
impacted the audience over the years.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Define basics concepts of photography.
Classify the different types of camera technologies.
Demonstrate their understanding of composition and framing through photographs.
Experiment with the modes of operation of a camera and use lights creatively.
Reconstruct complex lighting set-ups by observing various images and paintings.
Interpret the emotions that are being conveyed through choice of colors, lights and angles.
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/ Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
To experiment with the basic underlying Visual Effects.
Apply rotoscopy or keying techniques to separate images.
To track 2D features, find camera parameters and integrate different footage together.
To use various techniques to remap the timing of the footage.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Understand the basic User Interface and grasp the working of any VFX software.
Apply the various roto and keying techniques to separate the foreground from background.
Analyze the given footage and apply appropriate colour grading and correction on them.
Choose appropriate tracking features and get a good track(2D and 3D) for bringing in camera synced Ele-
Remap the time parameters of the footage to speed up or slow the footage.
Use compositing techniques to seamlessly construct a New Image from other images.
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/ Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To learn creation of web pages, scripting objects, application and special objects.
To understand the usage of databases.
To experiment with interactivity in web pages.
Course Outcomes:
Evaluate a website with a server side scripting
Enable to create a commercial website
Choose the designing language for the web content
Extend the support to front end & back end scripting
Compute the different web designing language
Reproduce the responsive web design page
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/ Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
To understand the principles of design.
To ensure effective usage of principles of design.
To enrich the skill level of graphic design through the topic.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
The students would apply principles of design appropriately.
The study would enrich student’s creative component.
It helps the students to increase their designing skills
The quality of projects will be better owing to a better understanding of the text forms.
The students will be able to visualize and demonstrate an idea and express it
The students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of principles of design and colors and apply
them effectively to various assignments.
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/ Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
This course aims at providing detailed knowledge about various stages involved in game production
Providing an overview on digital video games from production to marketing stage
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Outline the basic concepts of protocols followed in a game industry
Formulate and interpret legal contracts on games
Understand contributions of various teams and units involved in game production
Identify and construct game play mechanics and programming structures
Formulate life cycle of a complete video game and add dynamics to it
illustrate and predict the budget required and marketing strategies involved in game production
Unit I Game and gaming Industry: Platform, game modes, game industry review, game concept basics, pitching a
game to publishers, legal contracts-types and developments
Unit II Game production overview: production cycle, testing, role of- game producer, art director, Asset -
Unit III Game Concept: Motivation- target audience-SWOT analysis, defining concept, game settings, game play
mechanics, I/UX, game programming basics, risk analysis-project kickoff
Unit IV Game requirements and Production cycle: game features, deliverables, tools and pipelining, documenta-
tion, design production cycle, art production cycle, Engineering production cycle
Unit V Localization, Testing and Marketing: Language assets, schedule and budget, testing-plans, cycles, exter-
nal testing, Marketing-packaging, marketing assets,PR
Text Book
1. Heather Maxwell Chandler, Rafael Chandler, Fundamentals of Game Development, Jones & Bartlett
Learning, 2011.
Reference Books
1. Heather Maxwell Chandler, The Game Production Handbook, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2013
2. Erik Bethke, Game Development and Production, Wordware Publishing, Inc., 2003
3. Steven Conway, Jennifer deWinter, Video Game Policy: Production, Distribution, and Consumption,
Routledge, 2015
Course Objectives:
The course provides knowledge on implementing 2d/3d games on Mobile device.
This course helps students to understand the steps involved and dynamics behind developing a game for
mobile environment using their sensors.
Course Outcomes
The students will be able to:
Inherit capability of creating 2d/3d games on mobile interface
Apply their skills on concepts like creating UI elements and make them intractable with the game.
Construct game modalities using specific sensors integrated with smart phone
Formulate the design of suitable game environment using unity3d and flash animate
Estimate and experiment various concepts of gestures and controlling game using them.
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/
Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
The course provides knowledge and understanding about various three dimensional animation process
This course helps students to understand the concepts of modeling, texturing, lighting and animation
The course provides details information about advanced strategies of animating human character.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Relate the various 3D software’s
Identify the efficient modeling techniques
Apply lighting to modeled objects
Experiment various lighting techniques
Develop a plan for architectural modeling
Evaluate the rendering process.
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/
Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
To understand how sound waves travel in free fields and in enclosed places.
To learn how human sound perception and Psychoacoustics affect room design.
To learn how to calculate and predict reflections, reverberation times, and room modes.
To understand the acoustics of auditoriums and concert halls.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Recognize the need for acoustic treatment in a specific environment.
Demonstrate the skills to perform acoustical measurements and site surveys, and choose construction mate-
Employ their theoretical knowledge to design and build effective studios.
Examine the acoustic treatments installed/ done and give their review or comments about the same.
Design, build and install treatment modules to optimize early reflections, reverberations and diffusions.
Text Book
1. F.Alton Everest, Ken C Pohlmann, “Master Handbook of Acoustics”, McGraw Hill, Sixth Edition, 2015.
Reference Books
1. Philip Newell, Recording Studio Design, Focal Press, 2008.
2. Ken Pohlmann, Handbook of Sound Studio Construction: Rooms for Recording and Listening, McGraw
Hill, 2012
3. William M. Hartmann, Principles of Musical Acoustics, Springer, 2013
4. Oswald Leroy & Mack A. Breazeale, Physical Acoustics: Fundamentals and Applications, Springer 2012
Course objective:
To learn in detail about the Media Laws in India
To study the Civil law related to media and to learn the code of ethics to be followed during broadcasting.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
To comprehend the concept of Indian Constitution
To understand the media laws and ethics to be followed while broadcasting
To identify the cyber laws in India
To illustrate how to sustain ethical information in the media field
To relate how to grip civil and criminal law in the field of media
To analyze the journalistic ethics in mass media.
Unit I - Overview of the Indian constitution - Fundamental Rights - Duties of citizens - Directive principles of state
policy - Functions of Executive - Judiciary , Legislative, Powers and Privileges of Parliament - Provisions for de-
claring Emergency - Provision for amending the constitution - Freedom of the press and restrictions – Centre and
state relations.
Unit II - PRB Act 1867 - the press(objectionable matters)Act 1957 - The News Paper (prices and Pages)Act 1956 -
Defense of India Act - Delivery of Books and Newspaper (public libraries)Act - Press Council Act - Cable TV Net-
works (regulations)Act - The Cinematographic Act 1952 - Drugs and magic remedies Act.
Unit III - Laws of Libel and defamation - Contempt of courts Act 1971 and contempt of Legislative - Copy right
Act and IPR - Trade Mark Act and patents Act - Right to Information and Official Secrets Act - Autonomy and
Prasar Bharati Act - Broadcasting Bill.
Unit IV - Recommendations of Press Commission I and II - Mac Bridge Report - Press council guide to Journalistic
ethics - Self regulation and code of ethics - censorship and control of the press - press ownership and monopolies -
various committees of broadcasting - Broadcasting policies Act regarding to working journalists.
Unit V - Nature and scope of cyber laws - The right to Publish and right to privacy - Digital signature Piracy - Do-
main name registration issues - convergences bill - Media council and media ombudsman in the world - New IT
Law IT 2000.
Text Book:
1. Basu, Law of the Press in India, Practice Hall of India.
2. Basu, Introduction to Indian Constitution, Practice hall of India.
3. R.K Ravindran, Press in the Indian Constitution, Indian Publishers.
Course objective:
The course provides knowledge and understanding about installing and working on streaming servers.
This course helps students to understand the concepts of audio and video compression techniques, codecs
required for live streaming
The course provides details information about live streaming, web-casting with digitl rights and their distri-
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Inherit capability of choosing appropriate codecs required for streaming audio and video files
Apply their skills on concepts like creating web based streaming player and their meta-files.
Construct Streaming modalities based on audio/video
Formulate the design of suitable system for live streaming and webcasting
Estimate and experiment various concepts of live streaming techniques and their distribution in the fields
of Education, Entertainment etc
Unit I Streaming Overview: Installing Media Encoder, Encoding audio and video files, streaming media basics,
Streaming media industry, Media Player, Installing new media player.
Unit II Audio and Video Tools: Pre-production planning, Audio-video tools, hardware and software requirements,
fundamentals of audio-video production, Audio-video theory related to streaming media, moving audio-video to
streaming, choosing right codec, Encoding audio-video
Unit III IP networks and Compression Techniques: Network layers, audio compression-analog compression, ear
and psychoacoustics, lossy compression, codecs, video compression-DCT, compression codecs, MPEG compres-
sion. streaming architecture, server architecture, server deployment
Unit IV Streaming media files and Distribution: Editing streaming media files, Embedding events, Streaming
server, Web servers v/s Media servers, meta-files, linking and dynamically creating meta-files, Embedding streams
in web pages-HTML coding, testing embedded player code.
Unit V Live streaming and webcasting: P2P streaming, open source tools, Live webcasting v/s streaming video,
streaming high-definition video, streaming on portable devices, Digital Rights, Case studies- Government, Media
and Entertainment, Broadcasting, Education.
Text Book
1. Joe Follansbee, Hands-on Guide to Streaming Media: An Introduction to Delivering On-demand Media,
Taylor & Francis, 2006.
2. David Austerberry, The Technology of Video and Audio Streaming, Taylor & Francis, 2005.
Reference Books
1. Tobias Künkel, Streaming Media: Technologies, Standards, Applications, Wiley, 2003.
2. Gregory C. Demetriades, Streaming Media: Building and Implementing a Complete Streaming System,
John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
3. Michael Topic, Streaming Media Demystified, McGraw Hill Professional, 2002
Course objective:
The course provides knowledge on storytelling
This course helps students to analyze the project and use various editing techniques
Unit I - Role of Editor, Linear and Non-linear Editing- on-line and off-line editing- in cam edit- Matching actions-
Continuity- Matching Tone- Cut in - Cut away- Jump cut- compression and expansion of time- Cross cutting- Circu-
lar and Non-Linear cutting- Axial cut- Intensity: The Close up- Suspense: The Extreme Long Shot & Point of view
shot. Different types of Transition: Cut, L- cut, Jump Cut, Match Cut, Form Cut, dissolve, wipes, fade in & out.
Unit II - Griffith dramatic emphasis- Kuleshov contribution Juxtaposition- Pudovkin constructive editing- relation-
al editing- Eisenstein Montage theory- The Rule of Six by Walter Murch- Why do cuts work? By Walter Murch-
Editing for Narrative Clarity- Editing for Dramatic Emphasis
Unit III - Time -Rhythm –Pace - Editing for the Genre: Action, Dialog, Comedy, Documentary- Storytelling with
colors- Experiments in editing: Alfred Hitchcock, David Lean, Christopher Nolan- Importance of Sound and Audio
in Editing- Cases studies on Oscars for best film editing.
Unit IV - Logging and capture- batch capture- capture settings- scratch disk- toolbar- Timeline: Layered & Magnet-
ic Timeline - Canvas- Viewer- Safe area- Video and audio layers- Transitions- Video and Audio filters- Keying-
Chroma settings- Export options- EDL- various compression ratios- various Video and Audio formats.
Unit V - Online editing: Grammar of Editing, basic signal flow & Features of Video Switcher - New Technologies
in editing- Proxy media files- Importance of Metadata- Virtual Reality Editing- Collaborating Editing in Real-Time-
different software’s.
Text Book
1. Ken Dancyger, “The Technique of Film and Video Editing: History, Theory, and Practice”, 5 edition, Focal
Press, 2011.
2. Walter Murch, “In the Blink of an Eye: A Perspective on Film Editing”, 2 Edition, Silman-James
Press,U.S., 2001.
3. Karen Pearlman, “Cutting Rhythms: Shaping the Film Edit”, 1 edition, Focal Press, 2009.
Reference Books
1. Karel Reisz & Gavin Millar, The Technique of Film Editing, 2nd Edition, Focal Press, 2010.
2. Roy Thompson & Christopher Bowen, Grammar of the Edit, 2nd Edition, Focal Press, 2009.
3. Morris & Patrick, Nonlinear Editing: Media Mannel, 1 st Edition, Focal Press, 1999
Course objective:
To make the students about the basics of Cinematography.
To impart knowledge to the students on the aesthetics of Cinematography.
To keep the students updated with the techniques in cinematography.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
The students will master the time tested concept of applying cinematography in their production tech-
The students will get trained to industry standards.
The students can able to understand and work in the field of Cinematography.
Students will practice the skills of cinematography
Students can able to review the cinematography techniques used in films
Students can operate the functions in a camera
Text Book
1. Joseph V. Mascelli, “The 5Cs of Cinematography”, Silman-James Press, 2001.
2. Ivan Cury, “Directing & Producing for Television”, Focal Press, 2007.
Reference Books
1. Dan Ablan, “Cinematography and Directing”, New Riders, 2000.
2. “Cinematographer’s Field Guide”, Kodak Entertainment Imaging, 2000.
3. Sonja Schenk & Ben Long, “The Digital Filmmaking Handbook”, Course Technology, 2012.
Credits: 3:0:0
Course objective:
To introduce the students to the advertising world and brief them on various stages involved in the process
of producing & launching digital media advertisements.
To make the students learn the types of advertising and creative strategies to build ad for the existing com-
petitive world.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
To apply the advertising concepts practically.
To criticize the different types of advertisement campaigns.
To illustrate various advertising and marketing strategies with respect to various media industry.
To identify the latest terminologies used in advertising industry.
To summarize the Advertising and PR relations.
To describe the role of advertising in the society.
Unit I Understanding advertising today-The foundations of advertising –Types of Advertising – The advertiser
Agency Partnership-The advertising Environment.
Unit II Audience Definition, Research, and Planning – Audience analysis and buyer behavior – Segmentation, Tar-
geting and Positioning- Advertising Research- Objectives, Strategy and Plans- Intercultural and International Adver-
Unit III The Creative Process – Creativity, Creative Strategy and Copywriting – Art Production – Print Production
– Electronic Production.
Unit IV Media Choice- Media Objectives, strategy and planning –print media – electronic media - direct marketing
and out of home advertising- Putting the campaign together- Sales promotion and supplementary media – public
relations and special communications- local advertising –from plan to results: The complete campaign.
Unit V Public relations – evolution and growth, definition and relevance of PR role – Mass media & PR; PR in
Government, public and private sectors; PR and corporate Communications writing for PR - PR ethics and regula-
Text Book:
1. Fundamentals of Advertising’, Otto Kleppner, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.
2. Courtland L. Bovee , Advertising Excellence : McGraw –Hill Inc. Publications,2001.
Course objective:
To learn analyzing music via mathematical models.
The course provides knowledge on techniques and concepts involved in producing music using algorithms
and system models.
This course is designed to give students a broad-based exposure to musical notes and analyzing musical in-
struments mathematically.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
develop simple algorithms for producing music.
understand the mathematical approaches behind music production.
Explore latest technologies and the tools used in Digital music.
Apply algorithms in music synthesis and acoustic modeling.
Learn various Effects creation process.
Create vsti’s and vste’s.
Unit I - Introduction - Waves and Harmonics - Sound, The human ear, sine waves - Harmonic motion, Vibrating
strings - Fourier’s theory of harmonic analysis .
Unit II - Mathematician’s Guide to the Orchestra - Wave equation for strings, Initial conditions, bowed string,
Wind instruments, The drum, horn, THE BELL, Acoustics: Consonance and dissonance and Scales and tempera-
Unit III - Pythagorean scale, the cycle of fifths, Eitz’s notation
Unit IV - Digital Music: WAV AND MP3 FILES, MIDI Synthesis, the Yamaha DX7 and FM synthesis, C Sound,
Unit V - FM synthesis using CSound, Simple FM instruments.
Text Book
1. Dave Benson, Music: A Mathematical Offering, Cambridge University Press,2006.
2. Emile D Menache “The Desktop Studio: A Guide to Computer-based Audio Production”, Hal Leonard
Corporation, 2002.
Reference Books
1. Miller Puckette, The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2007.
2. John Fauvel , Raymond Flood, Robin Wilson, “Music and Mathematics: From Pythagoras to Fractals”, Ox-
ford University Press, 2006.
3. David Wright, “Mathematics and Music”, Library of Congress Publications, 2009.
Course objective:
The students will appreciate the basics in the functioning of digital audio workstation.
The students will be exposed to the use MIDI and digital audio tools in music production.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Creatively aware of the skills in music production.
Learn the digital tools used in music production.
Explore latest technologies and the digital tools used in music production
Understand the various stages of Music Production.
Unit I - Introduction to DAW: Hardware and software needed, Mac & PC platform for DAW
Unit II - Hardware and software set up
for music production : PCI cards - USB – Fire Wire/ i link - PCMCIA Cards
Unit III - Audio interfaces - MIDI interface types and features – Sound Card Driver installation basics - Surface
controller setup
Unit IV - MIDI - MIDI implementation charts - Creating a new song/MIDI file - Recording types-Common MIDI
Recording Problems and their Solutions - Analog and Digital audio recording
Unit V - Basic track recording - dubbing - Wet vs Dry recording –Virtual MIDI instruments - Preparing tracks for
audio editing-Mixing, Mastering and Archiving
Text Book
1. Zack Price, “Beginner’s guide to computer based music production”, Cherry lane music Company, 2004.
2. Martin Russ, “Sound Synthesis and Sampling”, Third Edition, Focal Press, 2009
Reference Books
1. Francis Rumsey, Tim McCormick, “Sound and Recording: An Introduction”, Fifth edition, Focal Press,
2. Andrea Pejrolo, “Creative sequencing techniques for Music Production”, Focal Press, 2005.
3. Emile D Menache “The Desktop Studio: A Guide to Computer-based Audio Production”, Hal Leonard
Corporation, 2002.
Course objective:
The students will appreciate the basics in the functioning of digital audio workstation.
The students will be exposed to the use MIDI and digital audio tools in music production.
The Students will be exposed to the various Effects creation process.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Creatively aware of the skills in music production.
Learn the digital tools used in music production.
Explore latest technologies and the digital tools used in music production
Understand the various stages of Music Production.
Learn various Effects creation process.
Use vsti’s and vste’s.
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/ Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
The course portrays how indoor & outdoor public address system functions in different environments.
The behavior of sound in varied situations and the techniques for efficiently handling sound to give the best
speech & music performance are discussed.
Details on microphones, audio amplifiers & loudspeakers are provided with minimum amount of technical-
ities that are just sufficient for the students of this course.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
plan and execute a sound reinforcement system for a variety of occasions.
Course objective:
To impart knowledge about the fundamentals of intelligent behavior and decision making games
To cover a wide range of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to design games.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
understand the basic concepts of decision making by machines in games
apply the AI techniques for designing games
Experiment and interpret the behavior of game objects having different types of AI on any Game Engine
identify and investigate a particular game scenario and integrate AI based on specific game genres.
visualize and simulate AI on game engines
integrate AI with decision making capabilities for inspecting behavior of kinematic game objects
Unit I – Introduction: Artificial Intelligence, Model of game AI, The kind of AI in games, speed and memory,AI
engine, using AI in Game Engines, Action combat AI, Motor racing AI
Unit II – Movement: Basics of movement algorithms, Input Axes in Game Engines, Rigid bodies and their proper-
ties , kinetic movement algorithms, steering behaviors.
Unit III – Prediction: Predicting physics, jumping, coordinating jump activity in Game Engines with gravity, coor-
dinated movement, motor control, movement in third dimension, FPC, TPC
Unit IV - Path finding: Implementing sensors, Path finding graph, dijkstra, A*, problem, - Algorithm, pseudo-
code, data structures and interfaces, avoid obstacles, follow player game object, Navigation Mesh, baking.
Unit V - Fuzzy Logic: Introduction to fuzzy logic, Fuzzy logic decision making, fuzzy state machines, creating
state machine behaviors in Unity3D-setting up player- setting up enemy.
Text Book
1. Ian Millington , Artificial Intelligence for Games, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006.
2. Ray Barrera, Aung Sithu Kyaw, Clifford Peters, Unity AI Game Programming, 2nd Edition Packt Pub-
lishing Ltd, 2015
Reference Books
1. Marco Gonzalo, Marco Antonio Gómez-Martín, Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games, Springer Sci-
ence & Business Media, 2011
2. David M. Bourg, Glenn Seemann , AI for Game Developers, O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2004
3. Guy W. Lecky-Thompson, AI and Artificial Life in Video Games, Cengage Learning, 2008
Course objective:
The course provides knowledge on understanding the aesthetics and pre-requisites required for game de-
This course helps students to understand and utilize physics and mathematical concepts required for game
environments and game development.
Unit I – Introduction: Game play and game data, designers and development process, modeling factor, fudge fac-
tor, logic and scripting languages
Unit II - Game mechanics design: scale, graphical interfaces, terrain features, movement rates and algorithms,
regulating movements, game statistics for movements, Items, characters and combat
Unit III - Implementing the design: storytelling, designing playfields, interface design, dialogues, 2d/3d maps,
Unit IV - 2D Game Design: sprite designing, background designing, UI designing, designing and implementing
physics for 2d game objects, collisions, threading , scripting
Unit V - 3D Game design: 3 C's in 3D game designing, designing and importing 3D game object in 3D game en-
gine, designing skyboxes, icon designing, 3D movement, collisions, designing cut scenes, designing for 3D game
menu, introduction to 3d UI element designing.
Text Book
1. Michael Moore, Basics of Game Design, CRC Press, 2016
2. Scott Rogers, “Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design”, John Wiley Publishers, 2010.
Reference Books
1. Jonathan S. Harbour, “Advanced 2D Game Development”, PTR Publishers, 2009.
2. Ernest Adams, “Fundamentals of Game Design”, Pearson Education, 2012.
3. Jesse Schell, “The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses”, Morgan Kauffman Publishers, 2008.
Course objective:
The course provides knowledge on understanding the aesthetics and pre-requisites required for designing
and developing a VR environment.
This course helps students to understand the dynamics behind VR and its implementations
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
inherit capability of creating an VR environment
apply their skills on concepts like creating UI elements and make them intractable with VR camera.
construct VR modalities using specific sensors infer to their integration
formulate the design of suitable VR game environment using unity3d
estimate and experiment various concepts of physics and their interaction with VR camera using unity3d
Unit I - Introduction to Virtual Reality: virtual environment, virtual presence, VR system, human perception,
motor and cognitive systems, basic applications.
Unit II - Dynamics of Virtual Environment: DOF, translational and rotational transformations, pose and dis-
placement, dynamic models of VR- equations of motion, inertia, momentum, collision detection, computation of
body movements.
Unit III - Tracking and Modalities: Pose sensor- mechanical, ultrasonic, optical, video metric, radio frequency
and electromagnetic, motion tracking, physical input devices, Modalities- visual, Audio, Haptic
Unit IV - Interaction with Virtual Environment: Manipulations with virtual environments, navigations in virtual
environments, interaction with other users, interactive computer game, Interactive educational methods
Unit V - VR and Unity3d: Starting Unity project, setting up project files for VR integration, creating UI elements
for VR interaction, gaze based control, move around, jump, using 360 degrees, physics and environment-FPS
Course objective:
The course provides knowledge on understanding the aesthetics and pre-requisites required for game de-
This course helps students to understand and utilize physics and mathematical concepts required for game
environments and game development.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
infer and inherit capability of designing 2D /3Dgames.
apply their skills on concepts like camera movement and dynamics of game designing
design and develop 2D/3D games on various platforms.
identify and construct design game objects and provide them behavioral characteristics to interact in game
formulate the design of suitable game environment and skyboxes
design various 3D menu, cut scenes and UI elements
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/
Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
To experiment with crown simulation techniques.
To construct characters and rig them for animation.
To try simulating pyrotechnic and fluid effects.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Make better models from 2D reference images.
Build complex rigs to animate human and animal character face animation.
Build Fluid simulations to render sea effects and other liquid effects.
Build Complex Walk cycles of Human and animals.
Generate procedural terrain Models.
Generate crowd simulations and test crowd behaviour.
Course Description:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/ Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
Analyze, design and evaluate electronic components and systems using state-of-the-art tools.
Apply modern smart sensor technology to communicate with animation and gaming world.
Analyze and design animatronics prototypes.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Analyze design and behavior of animatronics characters in movies
Classify and identify various kinds of sensors required for controlling an animation.
Interpret and compute the sensor data acquisition and interfacing with specific microcontrollers
Choose and modify appropriate sensors required for controlling an animation.
Estimate the behavior of animated objects using different sensors
Create, design and develop an animatronics prototype on smart phone using mobile sensors
Unit I - Overview: Introduction to Animatronics, Top 7 Animatronics beasties in movies- Jaws, Jurassic Park, Al-
iens, Terminator, Gremlins, King-Kong and Extra-Terrestrial.
Unit II - Sensors and Actuators: Role of sensors and actuators, human sensory systems, Control System Architec-
ture, Instrumentation process, Data Acquisition hardware, Signal Conditioning and filtering.
Unit III - Microcontroller Interfacing: Theoretical Analysis, operating principles, Time to Digital conversion,
direct resistive sensor to microcontroller interfaces, direct capacitive sensor to microcontroller interfaces, Design
issues of Microcontroller interfacing
Unit IV - Sensor Data Processing: General input-output classification, Microcontroller data processing-
Temperature sensor, Pressure Sensors, Flow sensors, potentiometers, electromagnetic sensors, piezo-electric sen-
sors, intelligent sensors, Fiber optics sensors, ultrasonic sensors.
Unit V - Animation using Electronic sensors: Architecture meets Robotics and gaming, Sensors as input devices-
Kinect sensor, Smart phone sensors controlling animation in mobiles- Accelerometer sensor, location sensors, prox-
imity sensors.
Text Books
1. Clarence W. de Silva, Sensors and Actuators: Engineering System Instrumentation, Second Edition, CRC
Press, 2015
2. Gourab Sen Gupta Embedded Microcontroller Interfacing, Springer Science & Business Media, 2010.
3. Ferran Reverter, Ramón Pallás Areny , Direct Sensor-to-microcontroller Interface Circuits: Design and
Characterization, Marcombo, 2005
4. Ram n Pall s-Areny, John G. Webster, Sensors and Signal Conditioning, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
5. Greg Milette, Adam Stroud, Professional Android Sensor Programming, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
6. Francisco R. Ortega, Fatemeh Abyarjoo, Armando Barreto, Naphtali Rishe, Malek Adjouadi, Interaction
Design for 3D User Interfaces, CRC Press, 2016
Reference Books
1. Christian Berger, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Rafael Wisniewski, Cyber Physical Systems. Design, Model-
ing, and Evaluation, Springer, 2017
2. John Vetelino, Aravind Reghu, Introduction to Sensors, Packt Publishing Ltd, 2016.
3. Varun Nagpal, Android Sensor Programming By Example, Packt PublishingLtd, 2016
Credits: 0:0:2
Pre-requisite: 17MT2012- Video Production Lab
Course objective:
To experiment video production on a multiple camera setup.
To set up the equipments according to signal flow.
To broadcast the programme as a live stream .
Credits: 3:0:0
Course objective:
To overview the latest updates in the broadcast technology.
To understand the various mediums in broadcasting.
To apply the concepts in designing a broadcast setup.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Observe the principles in broadcasting systems.
Review the functional requirements in a broadcast house.
Discover the new advancements in broadcasting networks.
Compare and contrast various types of broadcasting systems.
Find a robust broadcast system for media applications.
Evaluate the system based on standard parameters.
Unit I - Introduction to Broadcast Technology: Quantities - Units – Formulas and calculations – Ana-
logue/Digital Circuits – Information systems – Error Correction – Cables and Fibers – TCP/IP Networking – SAN
NAS Technologies – Telco – Color Displays – Colorimetry.
Unit II - Broadcast Systems and Standards: Audio Systems - TV Standards – Color Encoding – Time code –
Sound Sync – VBI data – Interfaces – File Formats – DVB/HDTV standards – ATSC/PSIP - Sound origination –
Optic systems – Camcoders – VTR – Standard Conversion.
Unit III - Studio Production Systems: Television studio – Camera and Mounts – Lighting – Talk back and Com-
munication – Mixers – Visual Effects – Editing – Telecines – Sound Recording – Editing – Mixing – Surround
Sound – Routers and matrices – MAM systems – News Room Systems.
Unit IV - Outside Broadcast Systems: Outside broadcast vehicles – Mobile control rooms – Microwave links for
OB and ENG – Electronic News Gathering and Electronic Field Production – Power generators and Electrical sys-
tems for outdoor Broadcast – Battery Systems.
Unit V - Transmission Systems: RF propagation – Thermionics – Power Grid- Linear Grid Tubes – Transposers –
Terrestrial Planning – Satellite Services – Microwave radio delay – Uplink Terminals – Intercity links – Switching
Centers – Transmitter Power equipment – Towers and antennas.
Text Book
1. E.P.J. Tozer,“ Broadcast Engineer's Reference Book, Focal Press, (2012).
Reference Books
1. Jerry C. Whitaker, “Standard Handbook of Broadcast Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Education, 11-Feb-2005.
2. Skip Pizzi, Graham Jones, “A Broadcast Engineering Tutorial for Non-Engineers”, Focal Press; 4 edition
(March 29, 2014)
3. Edmund A. Williams, “National Association of Broadcasters Engineering Handbook”, Taylor & Francis,
4. Patrick S. Finnegan, “Broadcast engineering & maintenance handbook”, G/L Tab Books, 6 Aug 2011.
Relate the signal processing concepts practically with the help of Audio Filters
Compare and select the processors suitable for a specific application.
Design and develop algorithms for audio signal processing applications.
Unit I - Sampling and Quantization: Sampling: Sampling theorem, Sampling rate conversion: Upsampling and
Anti-imaging Filtering, Downsampling and Anti-aliasing Filtering Contents, Synchronous Conversion, Asynchro-
nous Conversion, Interpolation Methods.
Quantization: Signal Quantization, Dither, Quantization levels, Spectrum shaping of Quantization, Number Repre-
Unit II - A-D/D-A Conversion: Nyquist Sampling, Oversampling, Delta-Sigma Modulation, Digital Signal Pro-
cessors, Digital Audio Interfaces: Single-processor Systems, Multi-processor Systems.
Unit III - Equalizers: Recursive Audio Filters: Parametric Filter Structure, Quantization Effects, Nonrecursive
Audio Filters: Basics of Fast Convolution, Fast Convolution of Long Sequences, Fil-
ter Design by Frequency Sampling , Multi-complementary Filter Bank
Unit IV - Room Simulation: Reverberation, Room Acoustics, Model-based Room Impulse response, Measure-
ment of Room Impulse Response, Simulation of Room Impulse Response, Early Reflections, Subsequent Rever-
beration, Approximation of Room Impulse Response
Unit V - Dynamic Range Control: Basics, Dynamic Behaviour: Level Measurement, Gain Factor Smoothing,
Time Constants
Implementation: Limiter, Compressor, Expander, Noise Gate, Combination System
Realization Aspects: Sampling rate Reduction, Curve Approximation, Stereo Processing
Text Book
1.Udo Zolzer, “Digital Audio Signal Processing”, Second Edition, John Wiley&Sons, Ltd,2008.
Reference Books
1. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing – A Practical
Approach”, Wesley Longman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004.
2. SanjitK.Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing - A Computer Based Approach”, Tata McGraw-Hill,New Delhi,
2nd Edition, 2001
3. Johny R. Johnson, “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”, PHI, 2006
4. S.Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, “Digital Signal Processing”, McGraw Hill
International, 2007
5. Venkatramani B, M. Bhaskar, ‘Digital Signal Processors Architecture, Programming and
Applications’, Tata McGraw– Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2002.
Unit I - Introduction to photography - History & development of photography - Types of camera and usage - Pho-
tographic film - Digital still camera - Types of DSLRs - Working with digital camera - Camera modes and operation
Unit II - Types of lenses and use - Focal Length - Aperture - Depth of Field - Shutter - Shutter speed - ISO - Expo-
sure - Exposure triangle
Unit III - Photo Composition - Techniques of photo composition - Rule of thirds - Angle of view - Types of lights -
Lighting - 3 point lighting - Flash - Flash modes and flash accessories - Tripods - Filters - Color theory - Props - Sets
Unit IV - Portraiture - Inspirational portrait techniques - Architectural photography- Product-Fashion-Travel- Envi-
ronmental- Action - Aerial - Macro - panoramic -Sports - Indoor photography - Outdoor photography
Unit V - Photography project - Photography assignments - Photo power point presentation - Photo documentary -
Photo essay - Designing a small budget studio - Equipments and budget
Text Book
1. Rick Sammons , "Complete Guide to Digital Photography 2.0", W. W. Norton & Company; Pap/Cdr edi-
tion (22 December 2003)
2. Barbara London , "Photography" ,12th Edition, Pearson, 2016
Reference Books
1. David D Busch, "Mastering Digital SLR Photography", Premier Press, 2004
2. Ralph F Jacobson, "The Manual of Photography", 8 th edition, Focal Press, 1988
3. Julie Adair King ,"Digital Photo Projects for dummies", Wiley Publishing inc, 2007
Course objective:
To appraise the students with the elements in media management.
To explore the qualities of a media manager.
To keep the students updated with the latest techniques in media management
Course outcome:
The students will be able to:
Indentify various managerial aspects in making a media house run.
Estimate and plan the expenses of a media broadcast house.
Prepare an action plan for the functioning of various levels in a house.
Analyze on various case studies and implement a robust method.
Develop a new strategy in managing the various levels in a house.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic plans implemented in house.
Unit I - Broadcast station management: Management Defined - Evolution of Management Thought - Manage-
ment Levels - Management Functions - Management Roles - Management Skills - Influences on Management.
Unit II - Financial management: The Accounting Function - Planning Financial Records - Preparing Financial
Statements - Cost Controls - Monitoring Financial Progress.
Unit III - Human resource management: The Functions of Human Resource Management- Human Resource
Management and Trade Unions - Human Resource Management and the Law.
Unit IV - Broadcast programming: The Audience - The Program Department - The Program Manager- Radio
Station Programming - Television Station Programming - Programming the Network Affiliate - Independent Station
- Station Representative - Children and the Community.
Text Book
1. Peter K. Pringle, Michael F. Starr, “Electronic Media Management”, Focal Press, 2006.
Reference Books
1. B. K. Chaturvedi, “Media Management” Global Vision Pub House, 2009
2. Promotion & Marketing for Broadcasting Cable of the web by Eastman, Susantylen
3. Consumer Behavior by Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Prentice Hall India
4. Essentials of Management by Harold Koonz and Heinz Weihrich, Mac Graw Hills, 2001
2017 Electronics and Communication Engineering
8 16EC3006 Medical Image Analysis 3:0:0
9 16EC3007 Applied Signal Processing Lab 0:0:2
10 16EC3008 Flexible Electronics 3:0:0
Sub.Code Version Subject Credits
14EC1001 1.1 Basic Electronics Engineering 3:0:0
14EC2001 1.1 Digital Electronics 3:1:0
14EC2002 1.1 Electron Devices 3:0:0
14EC2003 1.1 Signals and Systems 3:1:0
14EC2004 1.1 Digital Electronics Lab 0:0:2
14EC2005 1.1 ni
Electron Devices and Circuits lab 0:0:2
14EC2006 1.1 Electronic Circuits 3:0:0
14EC2007 1.1 Transmission Lines and Wave guides 3:1:0
14EC2008 1.1 Linear Integrated Circuits 3:0:0
14EC2009 1.1 Microprocessor and Interfacing techniques 3:0:0
14EC2010 1.1 Linear Integrated Circuits Lab 0:0:2
14EC2011 1.1 Microprocessor lab 0:0:1
14EC2044 1.1 Fundamentals of Wireless Communication 3:0:0
14EC2046 1.1 Optoelectronics 3:0:0
14EC2047 1.1 Solid State Microwave Devices 3:0:0
14EC2048 1.1 Fiber Optic Communication 3:0:0
14EC2049 1.1 Radar Communication 3:0:0
14EC2050 1.1 Basics of Satellite Communication 3:0:0
14EC2051 1.1 RF Circuit Design 3:0:0
14EC2052 1.1 Antenna Design Lab 0:0:2
14EC2053 1.1 Advanced Wireless lab 0:0:2
14EC2054 1.1 Bio-Medical Signal Processing 3:0:0
Wavelet Techniques
Adaptive Signal Processing
14EC3001 1.1 Statistical Digital Signal Processing 3:0:0
14EC3002 1.1 Advanced Embedded Systems 3:0:0
14EC3003 1.1 Computational Intelligence and Optimization Techniques 3:0:0
14EC3004 1.1 Hardware Description Languages 3:0:0
14EC3005 1.1 Advanced Digital Image Processing 3:0:0
14EC3007 1.1 Wireless and Optical Networks 3:0:0
14EC3008 1.1 VLSI Design Techniques 3:0:0
14EC3009 1.1 HDL Lab 0:0:1
14EC3010 1.1 Data Compression Techniques 3:0:0
14EC3011 1.1 Optical Networks and Photonic Switching 3:0:0
Modern Digital Communication Techniques
Wireless Communication Networks
14EC3014 1.1 Advanced Radiation Systems 3:0:0
14EC3015 1.1 Satellite Communication 3:0:0
14EC3016 1.1 Error Control Coding 3:0:0
14EC3017 1.1 Communication Lab – I 0:0:2
14EC3018 1.1 Communication Lab – II
14EC3019 1.1 Digital System and ASIC Design 3:0:0
14EC3020 1.1 CMOS VLSI Design
14EC3021 1.1 Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits 3:0:0
14EC3022 1.1 VLSI Technology 3:0:0
14EC3023 1.1 Solid State Device Modeling and Simulation 3:0:0
14EC3047 1.1 Communication Network Routing Algorithms 3:0:0
14EC3049 1.1 Mobile Communication Networks 3:0:0
14EC3050 1.1 System On –Chip Design 3:0:0
14EC3051 1.1 Reconfigurable Computing
14EC3052 1.1 IP Based VLSI Design 3:0:0
14EC3053 1.1 Design of Semiconductor Memories 3:0:0
14EC3054 1.1 Hardware Design Verification Techniques 3:0:0
14EC3055 1.1 High Speed VLSI Design 3:0:0
14EC3056 1.1 Analog VLSI Design 3:0:0
14EC3057 1.1 CMOS Mixed Signal Circuit Design 3:0:0
VLSI Circuits for Bio-Medical Applications
VLSI for Wireless Communication
Data Converters
14EC3061 1.1 Signal Integrity for High Speed Devices 3:0:0
14EC3062 1.1 Nanoscale FET 3:0:0
14EC3063 1.1 Nanoscale Devices and Circuit Design 3:0:0
14EC3064 1.1 Photonics 3:0:0
Course Objective
To understand the concepts of augmented reality.
To be able to select the hardware and software required for the augmented reality application.
To be able to understand the method of interaction between real and virtual world.
Course outcomes
On completion of the course, students will be able to
Analyze the use of the concepts of Augmented reality to various applications.
Illustrate an Augmented Reality system.
Model a simple Augmented reality system.
Course Description
Augmented reality –Visualization techniques – Mobile Projection Interfaces for Augmented Reality Ap-
plications - Interactive volume segmentation and visualization in augmented reality –Sampling and recon-
structing presence in multiple shared spaces – Markerless tracking – Enhancing interactivity – Referenc-
ing patterns – Navigation techniques in Augemented and Mixed reality
1. Borko Furht, ‘Handbook of Augmented Reality’, Springer, 2011.
2. Alan B Craig, “Understanding Augmented Reality: Concepts and Applications”, Morgan Kauff-
man, 2013.
3. Oliver Bimber and Ramesh Raskar, ‘Spatial Augmented Reality’, A K Peters, 2005.
4. Rui Wang, ‘Augmented Reality with Kinect’, PACKT Publishing, 2013.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective:
Course Description:
Electron Devices: Passive components, PN and Zener diodes, Transistors, Special diodes
Digital Systems: Logic gates – Digital Circuits-Combinational and Sequential circuits ,various
storage devices
Embedded systems: Introduction to embedded systems, automotive electronics, health care gadgets
Communication: Communication Technologies 2G-5G, Wi-Fi , Bluetooth, GPS
IoT: Digital India, Smart Buildings, Smart Transport, Smart Health Care.
Reference Books:
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
To learn the fundamental concepts of Image processing techniques
To gain knowledge about the various segmentation algorithms in image processing
To gain an insight on the various compression and morphological techniques in image processing
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Develop Simple Algorithms For Image Processing Using Fundamental Concepts.
Apply The Segmentation Algorithms For Real-Time Applications
Analyze the various compression techniques available for 2-D images
Course Description:
Fundamentals of Image Processing: Fundamental steps and applications of digital image processing -
Spatial & Gray-Level resolution – Introduction to Two dimensional discrete Fourier Transform – Color
Fundamentals - Basic gray level transformations – Point Detection-Line Detection-Edge Detection - Im-
age Compression models – Variable Length Coding: Huffman Coding-Arithmetic coding - LZW Coding -
Morphological Image Processing.
1. Rafael C.Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, PHI 2nd Edition, 2002.
2. Anil K.Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Prentice Hall of India, 9 th Edition, In-
dian Reprint, 2002
3. William, K.Pratt, “Digital Image Processing”, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Edition,2002
4. Wilhelm Burger and Mark J. Burge, “Principles of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental Tech-
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
To provide in depth knowledge in the basics, architecture and layering analysis of various proto-
cols in IoT
To comprehend on the various networks and development platforms in IoT
To provide the various IoT applications
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Have in depth knowledge in the basics, architecture and layering analysis of various protocols in
Course Decription:
IoT Architecture: History of IoT, M2M – Machine to Machine, Web of Things, IoT protocols. Applica-
tions: Remote Monitoring & Sensing, Remote Controlling, performance analysis - architecture The Lay-
ering concepts - IoT Communication Pattern - IoT protocol Architecture.
The IoT Networking Core : Technologies involved in IoT Development: Data transfer referred with OSI
Model, IP Addressing, Data transfer & Network Topologies. Applications: IoT applications – IoT in
homesecurity, industries, IoT electronic equipments.
1. Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan, Dr. Peter Friess, “Internet of Things: Converging Technologies for Smart
Environments and Integrated Ecosystems”, River Publishers 2013.
2. Jean-Philippe Vasseur, Adam Dunkels , “Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP: The Next Inter-
net”, Morgan Kuffmann Publishers, 2010.
3. Lu Yan, Yan Zhang, Laurence T. Yang, Huansheng Ning, “The Internet of Things: From RFID to
the Next-Generation Pervasive Network”, ed. 2008.
4. Vijay Madisetti , Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)” , 2014.
5. Adrian McEwen , Hakim Cassimally , “Designing the Internet of Things” , Wiley,2013.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
To introduce the fundamentals of wireless sensor networks and adhoc networks
To learn the Architecture of IoT
To introduce the basics of Software defined radio and Cognitive radio networks
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Learn about the fundamentals of wireless sensor networks and adhoc networks
Understand the Architecture of IoT
Familiarize with the basics of Software defined radio and Cognitive radio networks
Course Description:
Wireless adhoc and sensor Networks : Introduction to Adhoc/sensor networks - unique constrains and
challenges - MAC protocols - Issues in designing MAC protocols- routing protocols-issues in routing pro-
tocols Internet of things (IoT): IoT vision - conceptual frame work of IoT - Architecture - Role of RFID
in IoT-applications of IoT - Ubiquitous computing- Applications Software defined radio and Cognitive
radio networks : Heterodyne Architecture of SDR - Multichannel modulation - wideband RF processing -
Introduction to Cognitive radio concept-Spectrum sensing-spectrum sharing - Spectrum sharing -
cognitive radio and flexible spectrum usage for health care.
1. Xiang-Yang Li, “Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Theory and Applications”, Cambridge
University press, 2008
2. Markus Dillinger , Kambiz Madani , Nancy Alonistioti, “Software Defined Radio: Architectures,
Systems and Functions” Wiley Series in Software Radio, 2003.
Course Objectives:
To know about various electron devices and their characteristics
To learn about various amplifier circuits
To know the design of oscillator circuits.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the characteristics of various electron devices
Design various amplifier circuits
Gain understanding on design of oscillators
PN Junction diode – Zener diode – BJT – JFET – MOSFET – Biasing of BJT – BJT and MOSFET ampli-
fiers – cascaded amplifier – differential amplifier – tuned amplifier – power amplifiers – oscillators
1. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, 9th Pearson Edu-
cation Edition, 2009.
2. V.K.Metha,“Principles of Electronics”,Chand Publications,2008.
3. Millman &Halkias, "Electronic Devices & Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2010.
4. Malvino.A P, “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2006.
5. David .A .Bell, "Electronic Devices & Circuits ", Oxford University Press, 5th Edition 2010.
Course Objectives:
To design basic circuits using IC741.
To design different multi vibrators and oscillators using IC741 and IC555.
To design combinational and sequential circuits using logic gates
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design basic circuits using IC741.
Design different multi vibrators and oscillators using IC741 and IC555.
Design and implement basic combinational and sequential circuits using logic gates.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To design combinational and sequential circuits using logic circuits
To design and implement multivibrator circuits using BJT
To design and implement clippers and clampers using BJT
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design basic combinational and sequential circuits using logic circuits
Design and implement multivibrator circuits using BJT
Design and implement clippers and clampers using BJT
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits 0:0:1
Co-requisite: 14EC2021 Digital Communication, 14EC2008 Linear Integrated Circuits
Course Objectives:
To design basic circuits using IC741.
To design different multi vibrators and oscillators using IC741 and IC555.
To analyze the performance of different digital modulation techniques.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design basic circuits using IC741.
Design different multi vibrators and oscillators using IC741 and IC555.
Analyze the performance of different digital modulation techniques.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To study about different types of radiations
To learn to analyze the characteristics of microwaves and their interaction with living systems
To learn RF/Microwave radiation exposure standards
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the types of radiations
Learn the various effects of microwaves on various biological systems.
Know the RF/Microwave radiation exposure standards
1. Martino Gandolfo, “Biological Effects and Dosimetry of Nonionizing Radiation”, Springer, re-
print, 2012.
2. Peter Stavroulakis, “Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields”, Springer, 2003.
3. Frank S. Barnes , Ben Greenebaum, “Handbook of Biological effects of Electromagnetic Fields”,
CRC Press, 2006.
4. Ronald Kitchen, “RF and Microwave Radiation Safety”, Newnes, 2nd Edition, 2001.
5. B. Jon Klauenberg, Martino Grandolfo, David N. Erwin, “Radiofrequency Radiation Standards:
Biological Effects, Dosimetry, Epidemiology, and Public Health Policy”, Springer, 1995.
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
To know the SDR concepts and implementation details
To understand the design of SDR for a specific purpose
To know the challenges in SDR
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Conceptualize the SDR and implementation details
Design SDR for a specific application
Identify the challenges in the maintenance of SDR
Course Description:
Introduction to software defined radio – A traditional hardware radio architecture – Signal processing
hardware history – A basic software defined radio architecture – 2G, Hybrid radio architecture - Basic
software defined radio block diagram - RF system design – Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog
Conversion - Digital Frequency up and down converters - Signal processing hardware components - SDR
requirements for processing power - DSP Devices - DSP compilers - Reconfigurable processors - Soft-
ware architecture and components - Major software, Hardware, Specific software architecture - Smart
Antennas using software radio - Phased antenna array theory - Applying software radio principles to an-
tenna systems - Smart antenna architectures.
1. Paul Burns, “Software Defined Radio for 3G”, Artech House, 2002.
2. Tony J Rouphael, “RF and DSP for SDR”, Elsevier Newnes Press, 2008.
3. Jouko Vanakka, “Digital Synthesizers and Transmitter for Software Radio”, Springer, 2005.
4. P Kenington, “RF and Baseband Techniques for Software Defined Radio”, Artech House,
5. Markus Dillinger, “Software Defined Radio,Architecture, Systems and Functions”, Wiley,
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Description:
Access Methods - Pure ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, CSMA,CSMA/CD,CSMA/CA - Routing - Network
layer routing, Least cost path algorithms, Non Least cost path algorithms, Intra domain routing protocols,
Inter domain routing protocols, Congestion control at network layer - Logical Addressing - IPv4 Address-
es, IPv6 Addresses - Internet Protocol - Internetworking, IPv4, IPv6, Transition from IPv4 to IPv6,
Transport and end-to-end protocols, Mobile transport protocols, Performance evaluation of TCP protocol
- Wireless networks and Mobile IP, Infrastructure of wireless networks, Wireless Mesh Networks, Blue-
tooth networks, Wi-Max, and RFID - ATM - Traffic control, Connection admission control, Usage pa-
rameter control -Virtual scheduling algorithm
References: ni
1. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Pearson, 2011.
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communication and Networking”, McGraw-Hill, 2013.
3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall, 2011.
4. James F. Kurose, Keith W.Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the
Internet”, Pearson Education, 2010.
5. S.Keshav, “An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking”, Pearson Education, 2003.
Credits: 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
To manage LAN and wireless networks using monitoring tools
Understand the high speed networks and estimate their link performance.
Course Description:
LAN Administration – Console and Agents - Virus scanning - Printer management - Storage manage-
ment - Managing the wireless networks – Configuration details - Mobile IP - Spanning tree protocol -
Virtual networks - Managing TDM systems, Managing link performance – Digital data service - Carrier
testing services - User controlled diagnostics - Fractional T1 - Integrated solutions - Integral protocol ana-
lyzers - Disaster recovery - Managing high speed packet networks - Network management systems -
Management in the wired world - The mechanics of SNMP - Graphical SNMP tools - SNMP on wireless
1. N J Muller, “LANs to WANs: The Complete Management Guide”, Artech House, 2003.
2. J W Mark & W. Zhuang, “Wireless Communications and Networking”, PHI, 2005.
3. Terplan, “Telecom Network Management”, PHI, 1998.
4. Haojin Wang, “Telecommunications Network Management”, Mc Graw Hill, 1999.
5. Mani Subramanian, “Network Management : Principles and practice”, 2nd Edition, Pearson edu-
cation, 2010.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objectives:
Learn various machine learning techniques.
Solve problems using machine learning algorithms.
Know the applications of machine learning.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Exhibit Knowledge About Machine Learning.
Comprehend And Analyze The Performance Of Machine Learning Algorithms. .
Apply machine learning concepts for real world problems.
Course Description:
Supervised learning – Unsupervised learning– Probabilistic learning: Gaussian mixture models, nearest
neighbor methods – Support vector machines: optimal separation, kernels, SVM algorithm – Learning
with trees: decision trees, CART – Ensemble learning: boosting, bagging, random forests – Graphical
model: Bayesian network, Markov random fields, hidden Markov models – Reinforcement learning: Ex-
ample, Markov decision processes - Optimization and Search: exhaustive search, greedy search, hill
1. Stephen Marsland, “Machine learning: An Algorithmic Perspective”, CRC Press, 2015.
2. M. Mohri, M. Rostamizadeh, A. Talwalkar, “Foundations of Machine Learning”, MIT Press,
3. Kevin P. Murphy, “Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective”, MIT Press, 2012.
6. Jason Bell, “Machine Learning: Hand-On for Developers and Technical Professionals”, Wiley,
Course Objectives:
Understand the principles of medical imaging systems.
Learn the implications of methods in processing medical images.
Know the various fields in medical image processing.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Exhibit knowledge about various medical imaging modalities.
Analyze methods towards solving problemsusing medical images.
Identify the developments in various domains of medical image processing.
Course Description:
Medical imaging fundamentals: system, images and modalities - medical image noise removal: non local
mean, nonlinear anisotropic diffusion filtering, total variation, wavelet denoising and sparse image
denoising - medical image segmentation: region based, deformable models and statistical methods:
GMM, PNP, MLP - medical image registration: feature and voxel based, medical image interpolation.
1. Klaus D. Toennies, “Guide to Medical Image Analysis: Methods and Algorithms”, Springer, 2012
2. A.P. Dhawan, “Medical Image Analysis”, IEEE Press, 2011.
3. Geoff Dougherty, “Medical Image Processing: Techniques and Applications”, Springer, 2011.
4. Isaac N. Bankman, “Handbook of Medical Imaging Processing and Analysis, Academic Press,
5. Meyer-Base, V. Schmid, “Pattern Recognition and Signal Analysis in Medical Imaging”, Academic
Press, 2014
6. J. V. Hanjal, D. J. Hawkes and D. L.G Hill, “Medical Image Registration”, 2001
7. M. A. Haidekker, “Advanced Biomedical Image Analysis”, 2011
8. G. R. Sinha, B.C. Patel, “Medical Image Processing: Concepts and Applications”, PHI Learning,
Course Objectives:
To realizing the importance of flexible materials in electronics.
To gain in depth knowledge of flexible devices in electronics.
To learn various applications of flexible electronics.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the importance of flexible materials
Familiarize various types of flexible devices
Gain knowledge to develop the applications of flexible electronics
Course Description
Overview of flexible electronics – Theory of thin film structures – Low temperature dielectrics - Low
temperature thin films transistors – Amorphous silicon - Flexible backplane and display application-
Flexible transition metal oxide electronics and imprint technology – Materials and novel pattern methods
– sensors and actuators – organic and polymeric TFTs – structural property of flexible materials – carbon
nano tubes for thin film transistors.
1. William.S.Wong, Alberto Salleo, “Flexible Electronics: Materials and Applications”, Springer pub-
lishers, 2009.
2. S.Logothetidis, “Hand Book of Flexible Organic Electronics”, Elsevier, 2015.
3. Mario Caironi,Yong-Young Noh, “Large Area and Flexible Electronics”, Wiley –VCH Verilag, 2015.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
Course Description:
Introduction to passive components and semiconductor- Types of Resistors - Types of capacitors - Types
of inductors - N type & P type semiconductor - PN junction diode - Half wave rectifier, Zener diode - Bi-
polar Junction Transistor - Field Effect Transistors (JFET, MOSFET) - UJT. Number system - Boolean
algebra – logic gates - karnaugh map (4 variables), combinational circuit - Basic block of communication
system - need for modulation - types of analog modulation - AM and FM signal - Block diagram of AM
and FM transmitter - Superhetrodyne receiver - Principle of Television - Satellite communication - Radar
System - Fiber optic communication - ISDN
Credits: 3:1:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn about number systems, binary codes and the basic postulates of Boolean algebra.
To study formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational and sequential circuits
To learn the implementation of digital circuits in programmable logic devices and about different
logic families.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understands number systems, binary codes and the basic postulates of Boolean algebra.
Acquire knowledge to design various combinational and sequential circuits.
Gains better understanding in the implementation of digital circuits in programmable logic devic-
es and about different logic families.
Course Description:
Number Systems - Postulates & Theorems of Boolean Algebra - Canonical Forms - Simplification of
Logic Functions using Karnaugh map - QuineMcclusky method -Combinational Logic Circuits – Imple-
mentation of Logical Functions using Multiplexers -Flipflops - Design of Synchronous sequential circuits
– Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters-Design of Synchronous Counters – Shift Registers – Basic
1. M.Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 4th Edition, Pearson publisher,2011.
2. Thomas Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall, 10th Edition, 2011.
3. Jain R.P, “Modern Digital Electronics”, 4th Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2010
4. Charles.H.Roth,“ Fundamentals of logic design”,4th Edition, Jaico publishing house, 2006.
5. V.K. Puri, “Digital Electronics: Circuits and Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, First Edition, 2006.
Course Objectives:
To understand the mechanisms of current flow in semiconductors.
To familiarize on the principle of operation, capabilities and limitation of fundamental semicon-
ductor devices and its practical application.
To analyze various circuits based on semiconductor devices.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the mechanisms of current flow in semiconductors.
Course Description:
Semiconductor in Equilibrium: Charge carriers in semiconductors, Extrinsic semiconductors - Charge
neutrality, position of Fermi energy level - carrier transport phenomena - Carrier generation and recombi-
nation - Continuity equation - Quasi Fermi energy levels-PN junctions : basic structure, applied bias - PN
junction diode : PN junction current, small signal model of the PN junction - BJT: Bipolar transistor ac-
tion, Ebers-moll model - static characteristics of transistors - JFET : JFET concepts, JFET characteristics
- MOSFET : structure and Characteristics - SCR - DIAC - TRIAC - Zener diode - Tunnel diodes - LED -
plasma display and LCD display.
References :
1. Donald A. Neamen, “Semiconductor Physics and Devices”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2012.
2. Millman &Halkias, "Electronic Devices & Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2010.
3. Malvino.A P, “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2006.
4. David .A .Bell, "Electronic Devices & Circuits ", Oxford University Press, 5th Edition 2010.
5. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory", 11th Pearson
new International Education, 2013.
Credits: 3:1:0
(Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To impart the basic knowledge about discrete and continuous time signals and systems.
To know about the frequency analysis of continuous time signals and systems using CTFT and
Laplace transform.
To understand the sampling process and frequency analysis of discrete time signals and systems
using DTFT and Z transform.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Gain knowledge about discrete and continuous time signals and systems.
Acquire knowledge about the frequency analysis of continuous time signals and systems using
Course Description:
Classification of Continuous-time signals & Discrete-time signals. Properties of Continuous-time sys-
tems and Discrete time systems. Continuous linear time-invariant systems & Discrete linear shift-
invariant systems, impulse response: differential equations and difference equations, convolution integral
and sum. System analysis and frequency response using CT Fourier transform & Laplace transform.
Sampling, System analysis and frequency response using DT Fourier transform and Z transform.
1. Alan V Oppenheim, Alan S Wilsky and Hamid Nawab S, “Signals & Systems”, 2nd Edition,
PHI, New Delhi, Reprint 2009.
Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-Requisite: 14EC2001 Digital Electronics.
Course Objectives:
To learn the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
To design combinational circuits.
To design sequential circuits.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understands the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
Design combinational circuits.
Design sequential circuits.
List of experiments
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To understand the characteristics of diodes, FET and UJT.
To design rectifiers, amplifiers, oscillators and regulators.
To understand the basic Network theorems
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the characteristics of diodes, FET and UJT.
Design rectifiers, amplifiers, oscillators and regulators.
Understand the basic Network theorems.
List of experiments
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To know about the design and analysis of power supplies and transistor biasing networks.
To understand the design and analysis of power amplifiers and feedback amplifiers.
To know about the design and understand the working of oscillators and tuned amplifiers.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand to design and construct simple power supplies and transistor biasing networks.
Familiarized with design and analysis of power amplifier and feedback amplifiers.
Gain better idea about oscillators and tuned amplifiers.
Course Description :
Rectifier - rectifier parameters - Capacitor and inductor filters - series and shunt regulator- Short circuit
and over load protection - Transistor Biasing circuits - small scale modelling of FET - FET biasing cir-
cuits - Single stage Amplifier - RC coupled and Transformer coupled amplifiers - Power amplifiers: Class
A, AB, B and D - Feedback circuits - Differential amplifier - Barkhausen criterion - RC and LC Oscilla-
tors - Crystal Oscillators - Tuned amplifiers - Multivibrators.
1. Millman .J. &Halkias.C , "Electronic Devices And Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition
2. Mathur S.P, Kulshrestha D.C., Chanda P.R., “Electronic Devices Applications and Integrated
Circuits, Umesh Publications, 3rd Edition ,2004.
3. Malvino A.P., “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2005.
4. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory”, PHI, 11th
Pearson new International Education,2013.
5. David.A.Bell, "Electronic Devices & Circuits ", Oxford University Press, 5th Edition 2010.
Course Objectives:
To understand the fundamental concepts of transmission lines and waveguides.
To understand the essentials of impedance matching and to calculate the impedance and admit-
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the characteristics of transmission lines.
Acquire knowledge on impedance matching and also to calculate the impedance and admittance
using the Smith chart.
Acquire knowledge in the propagation modes of waveguides and understand the basic electro-
magnetic concepts with Microwave resonators.
Course Description:
Transmission Line: Fundamentals - Types - General Solution of the transmission line - T and ∏ - sections
equivalent to lines - Waveform distortion - Loading - Matching - The Line at Radio Frequencies: Voltag-
1. J.D. Ryder, “Networks, Lines and Fields”, 2nd Edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2009.
2. R.E. Collin, “Foundations for Microwave Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 2009.
3. David M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, 4th Edition, John Wiley 2013.
4. E.C. Jordan and K.G.Balmain, “Electro Magnetic Waves and Radiating System”, 2nd Edition,
PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2011.
5. David K.Cheng, “Field and Waves in Electromagnetism”, New International edition, Pearson
Education, 2013.
Course Objectives:
To learn IC 741 and its applications.
To learn IC 555 and its applications. ni
To learn about the ICs used in voltage regulators, PLL, ADC, DAC & to get knowledge about IC
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design circuits using IC741.
Acquire knowledge on IC 555 and its applications.
Understand ICs used in voltage regulators, PLL, ADC & DAC & to acquire knowledge on IC
Course Description:
Op-amp Basics - Characteristics of Op-amp - Applications - Comparators - Multivibrators - Oscillators -
Active Filters - 555 Timers (Astable and Monostable operation) - Applications of 555 Timers - Voltage
Regulators using IC723 - PLL - ADC - DAC - IC Fabrication (Diode, BJT, FET)
1. Roy Choudhury.D., Shail Jain, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, New Age International Publications,
4th Edition 2010.
Course Objectives:
To impart the basic concepts of 8085 and 8086 microprocessors.
To impart the basic concepts of Pentium Processors and Embedded C.
To introduce interfacing chips, programmable peripheral chip and applications.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understands the concepts of 8085, 8086 and Pentium processors.
Acquires programming skills in 8085 and 8086.
Understands the interfacing concepts, Memory and I/O Interfacing and design of microprocessor
based system.
Course Description:
Study of 8085 processor and 8086 - Architecture – Instruction set - Addressing Modes - Maximum and
Minimum Mode - Memory and I/O interfacing - Introduction to Pentium Processors and Embedded C -
Case studies (any five applications involving 8085 and 8086) – Microprocessor based System design.
1. Ramesh Gaonkar “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Applications with 8085”,
PENRAM International, 6th Edition, 2013.ni
2. D.V. Hall “Microprocessors and Interfacing” McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 3rd
Edition, 2012.
3. Rafiquzzaman.M."Microprocessor Theory and Applications - Intel and Motorola", PHI, 2007.
4. Walter A. Triebel, Avatar Singh, “The 8088 & 8086 Microprocessor, Program, Interfacing,
Software, Hardware and Applications” Prentice Hall of India, Fourth Edition, 2007.
5. Barry B. Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors Architecture, Programming and Interfacing” 8th Edition,
Pearson Education, 2009.
6. Daniel W. Lewis, “Fundamentals of Embedded Software: Where C and Assembly Meet” Prentice
Hall, 2003.
Course Objectives:
To design basic circuits using IC741.
To design different multi vibrators and oscillators using IC741 and IC555.
List of experiments
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To develop assembly level programming skills.
To design interfacing circuits for various applications.
To develop the programming skills to design microprocessor based applications.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Develop assembly level programming skills.
Design interfacing circuits for various applications.
Design microprocessor based applications.
List of experiments
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To design various linear and non-linear wave shaping circuits.
To design various multivibrators and triggering circuits.
To impart knowledge about the different time based generators and Blocking Oscillators.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand to design various linear and non-linear wave shaping circuits.
Course Description:
High pass and low pass RC circuits - attenuators - clippers - clamper - Bistable Multivibrator - Triggering
methods - Design - Schmitt Trigger - Applications - Monostable Multivibrator - Astable Multi vibrator -
General feature of a time base signal - exponential circuit - Miller and Bootstrap time base generators-
Blocking Oscillators - Sampling gates.
1. Millman&Taub, “Pulse Digital and Switching Waveforms”, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition 2011.
2. Suryaprakash Rao Mothiki, “Pulse and Digital Circuits”, McGraw Hill, 3 rd Edition 2010.
3. Thomas L. Floyd, “Electronic Devices”, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, 2011.
4. David A Bell, “Solid State Pulse Circuits”, PHI, Fourth Edition, 2005.
5. Millman.J&Halkias. C, “ Electronic Devices & Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
Course Objectives:
To impart the basic concepts of communication system, transmitter and receiver.
To understand analog modulation and demodulation techniques.
To analyze the adverse effect of noise on signals.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the basic concepts of communication system, transmitter and receiver.
Acquire knowledge on different modulation and demodulation techniques.
Analyze the influence of noise on communications signals.
Course Description:
Communication system block diagram - Need for modulation, Need for wireless communication - Types
of modulation - Amplitude modulation, Double sideband suppressed carrier system, Single sideband sup-
pressed carrier system, AM power calculation, AM with a complex wave, Low level and High level mod-
ulation - AM generation and detection - Double sideband suppressed carrier - generation and detection -
Vestigial side band - Frequency modulation: FM generation and Detection - Phase modulation - AM
Transmitter, AM Receiver - SSB Transmitter, ISB Transmitter, FM Transmitter, FM Receiver - Noise
and Interference analysis: Signal to Noise Ratio calculation of AM, DSB-SC and SSB-SC, Signal to
Noise Ratio calculation of FM Receiver. ni
1. Anokh Singh, A.K.Chhabra,“Principles of Communication Engineering”, S.Chand Co.,7th Edi-
tion, 2013.
2. Dennis Roddy & John Coolen, “Electronic Communication”, Pearson Education Limited, 4th
Edition, 2012.
3. G.Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2012.
4. Taub and Schilling , “Principles of Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2008.
5. Simon Haykins, Michael Moher, “Communication Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey,
Course Objectives:
To impart basic knowledge about digital signal processing.
To understand Digital (IIR and FIR) filter design procedures.
Course Description:
Circular Convolution and sectioned convolution, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier Trans-
form algorithm. Design of IIR Digital Filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic Approximations-
1. John G Proakis and Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applica-
tions”, Pearson, 4th Edition, 2007.
2. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing – A Practical Approach”,
Wesley Longman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004.
3. Sanjit K.Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing - A Computer Based Approach”, Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2001.
4. Johny R. Johnson, “ Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”, PHI, 2006.
5. S.Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, “Digital Signal Processing”, McGraw Hill Interna-
tional, 2007.
6. Venkatramani B, M. Bhaskar, “Digital Signal Processors Architecture, Programming and Appli-
cations”, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2002.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives: ni
To understand the basic concepts of 8-bit microcontroller (8031&8051) and 8-bit PIC microcon-
To interface the peripheral devices to the microcontrollers.
To write assembly language programs and Embedded C in 8031&8051 and PIC.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the basic concepts of 8-bit microcontroller (8031&8051) and 8-bit PIC microcontrol-
Gain knowledge to interface the peripheral devices to the microcontrollers.
Course Description:
Organization of 8031 and 8051 microcontrollers - I/O ports - External memory - Interrupts - Assembly
language programming - Counter and Timers – Serial data input and output- PIC - Program memory -
CPU Registers - Register file structure - Block diagram of PIC18Fxx - I/O Ports - Timers 0, 1 and 2 fea-
tures - Interrupt Logic - Serial Peripheral Interface - I2C Bus – ADC – UART - PIC family parts. Simple
applications - Keyboard interfacing – ADC - Sensor interfacing and Signal conditioning. (Zigbee Module,
GSM Module, GPS Module- Interfacing with Controller)- Interface with latest chip (RTC)
1. Kenneth J.Ayala, “The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming & Applications”
Penram International publishing,2008.
2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, J.G.Mazidi, R.D.Mckinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems Using Assembly and C” 2nd Edition Prentice Hall-2008.
3. John B Peatman, “Design with PIC Micro Controllers”, Pearson Education India Series, New
Delhi, 2005.
4. 4.Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin McKinlay, Danny cause, “PIC Microcontroller and
5. Embedded Systems”, 1st Edition Pearson India, 2008
Course Objectives:
To provide an introduction to the fundamentals of Computer-Aided Design tools for the model-
ling, design, analysis, test, and verification of digital systems, Xilinx, LabVIEW, MATLAB and
PCB design.
To design, code and test programs that meet requirements expressed by engineers. This includes a
basic understanding of top-down design.
To illustrate the role of computer programming in solving engineering problems.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Working familiarity with GUI and advanced features in MATLAB.
Do graphical code that can solve the engineering problems – LabVIEW & PCB
Have a working familiarity with XILINX
Course Description: ni
XILINX:Introduction- Programming basics (Verilog)- Data types and operators - Different types of mod-
elling - Control statements - loop statements-decision statements - User defined functions - Switch level
modelling – Logic level synthesis in Verilog – Floor Planning – Routing; Introduction to MATLAB:
SIMULINK- Sampling- Analog modulation-Pass band Digital transmission – GUI in MATLAB;
LabVIEW:-Build VI-Create Sub VI- arrays manipulation, loops and case structures; PCB: Design using
eagle-circuit schematic design – PCB layout design - CAD modelling in PCB; Advanced MATLAB:
Classes and Objects – Constructors – Inheritance – Cell arrays & Structure arrays - Sorting and Search-
1. C. F. Van Loan and K.-Y. D. Fan. , “Insight Through Computing: A Matlab Introduction to
Computational Science and Engineering” , SIAM Publication, 2009.
2. Brian R. Hunt,Ronald L. Lipsman,Jonathan M. Rosenberg, “A Guide to MATLAB, for Beginners
and Experienced Users”
Course Objectives:
To design wave shaping circuits.
To design multivibrator circuits.
Experiments: The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the ap-
proval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-Requisite: 14EC2014 Digital Signal Processing
Course Objectives:
To gain knowledge in DSP applications like FIR,IIR filters and FFT
To gain knowledge on ADSP BS533
To gain knowledge on Texas instrument TMS320C6416/6713 DSK.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Apply the knowledge in real time DSP applications like FIR,IIR filters and FFT
Gain practical knowledge on ADSP BS533 and apply in signal processing applications.
Gain practical knowledge on Texas instrument TMS320C6416 /6713 DSK and apply in signal
processing applications.
Experiments: The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the ap-
proval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To understand fundamental parameters in an antenna.
To analyse the radiation pattern of an antenna types
To familiarise on various antenna types and wave propagation.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Acquire knowledge on the basic terminology and parameters in an antenna.
Obtain the field distributions of different kinds of antenna
Design antenna with patterns and concepts of radio wave propagation
Course Description:
Review of antenna theory - dipoles, monopole and loop antennas - linear and planar arrays - array synthe-
sis - phased arrays - helical antennas - radiation from apertures - aperture distribution- horn and parabolic
dish antennas - Yagi - Uda and log-periodic antennas-microstrip antennas and arrays - Dielectric Anten-
nas - Ground Wave - Propagation, Free-space Propagation, Ground Reflection, Surface waves, Diffrac-
tion-Wave propagation in complex environments, Tropospheric Propagation, Tropospheric scatter.
Ionospheric propagation: Structure of ionosphere, Sky waves, skip distance, Virtual height, Critical fre-
quency, MUF, Electrical properties of ionosphere, Effects of earth’s magnetic fields, Faraday rotation,
Whistlers. ni
1. J.D. Karus, “Antennas theory and its application”, McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. E.C.Jordan and Balmain, “Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems”, Pearson Education /
PHI, 2006
3. Balanis, “Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design”, John wiley, 2010(reprint)
4. R.E. Collin, “Antennas and Radiowave Propagation”, McGraw Hill, 1985.
Course Objectives:
To study the process of sampling, quantization and coding that are fundamental to the digital
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand various base band transmission schemes
Analyze the spectral characteristics of band pass signalling schemes.
Acquire knowledge on error control coding and spread spectrum techniques.
Course Description:
Basic building blocks of Digital communication System - Analog versus Digital communication - Sam-
pling - Quantization - PCM - Delta modulation - ISI and Nyquist criterion - Phase shift keying schemes -
Generation, detection, signal space diagram, bit error probability and power spectra - QAM, MSK -
1. Bernard Sklar, “Digital Communications, Fundamentals and Applications” Pearson Education
Asia, 2nd Edition, 2009.
2. Simon Haykins, “Digital Communication” John Wiley, 4th Edition, 2006 (Reprint 2010).
3. Taub& Schilling, “Principles of Digital Communication” Tata McGraw-Hill 28th Reprint, 2003.
4. J.G.Proakis, “Digital Communication”, 5th Edition, Tata MC Graw Hill Company, 2001.
5. B.P.Lathi, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems” 3rd edition, Oxford University
Press 2007.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To understand the various microwave components.
To know about the operation of microwave vacuum tubes and solid state devices.
To get familiarized with the optical transmitter and receiver.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Study the characteristics of various microwave components and to implement various applica-
Analyze the difference between microwave vacuum tube and solid state devices through its oper-
ation and working principles.
Understand various types of optical transmitters and receivers and also understand the concept of
optical fiber and its applications.
Course Description:
Microwave passive devices with scattering matrix - Microwave vacuum tube devices and microwave sol-
id state devices - mechanism of operation and applications - microwave amplifiers: parametric and Trav-
elling Wave Tube Amplifier - Microwave Diodes: GUNN, IMPATT, TRAPATT, BARITT - microwave
power measurements
Optical communication: types of fibers and its effects - types of optical transmitters and receivers with
1. Samuel.Y.Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Edition,
2. Keiser.G., “Optical Fiber Communications”, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, 2000.
3. Annapurna Das, Sisir K. Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill., 3rd Edition, 2001.
4. Gower.J, “Optical Communication Systems”, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 2001.
5. John Senior, “Optical Communications” Prentice Hall India, 3rd Edition, 2009.
Course Objectives:
To determine the radiation pattern of different antenna.
To analyze the characteristics of different transmission lines.
To analyze the performance of different digital modulation techniques.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Determine the radiation pattern of different antenna.
Analyze the characteristics of different transmission lines.
Analyze the performance of different digital modulation techniques.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To learn the characteristics of microwave sources.
To analysis scattering parameters, VSWR, Coupling of microwave signals.
To gain knowledge in optical sources and detectors, transmission of signals through optical fiber.
Course Outcomes:
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To understand protocol architecture for wired and wireless network.
To familiarize with different local area networks.
To understand routing, transport and application layer protocols.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand protocol architecture for wired and wireless network.
Familiarize on different local area networks.
Course Description:
Protocols - OSI model – TCP / IP protocol suite - Transmission media - Switching - Modem -Data link
control - Wired LANS - Wireless LANS – ATM - Logical addressing - Internet Protocols - IPv4 - IP ad-
dressing – Subnetting - IPv6 - Routing protocols - UDP - TCP - SCTP -Congestion Control – Quality of
services - Domain Name System (DNS) – E-mail – SMTP - FTP – WWW – HTTP.
1. Behrouz A. Foruzan,“Data Communication and Networking”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition,
2. Andrew S. Tannenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Pearson Education, 5th Edition, 2011.
3. Wayne Tomasi,“Introduction to Data Communication and Networking”, Pearson Education,
4. William Stallings,“Data and Computer Communication”, Eighth Edition, Pearson Education,
5. Fred Halsall,“Multimedia Communications, Applications Networks Protocols and Standards”,
Pearson Education, Asia 2002.
Credits: 3:0:0 ni (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge in advanced microprocessors
To impart knowledge of multiprocessors
To train the students towards various architectures of advanced microprocessors
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Use the knowledge gained to select suitable microprocessor for practical application
Course Description:
Fundamentals of Computer Design - Instruction-Pipelining - Difficulties In Implementing Pipelines - Ex-
tending the Pipeline to Handle Multicycle Operations - Instruction Set Design And Pipelining - Parallel
Computer Models And Instruction Level Parallelism-Issues in The Memory Hierarchy Design - Multi-
processors-Advanced Processors - CISC Scalar Processors, RISC Scalar Processors, Superscalar Proces-
sors, VLIW Architectures, Vector And Symbolic Processors
1. Kai Hwang, “Advanced computer architecture”, McGraw Hill Education, 2nd Edition, 2010.
2. D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessey, “Computer organization and design,” Morgan Kaufmann
Publication, 5th Edition, 2014.
3. J.P.Hayes, “Computer Architecture and organization”, MGH,1998.
4. Harvey G.Cragon, “Memory System and Pipelined processors”, Narosa Publication,1998.
5. Mano, M M., "Computer system Architecture", Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Edition, 2001.
Course Objectives:
To understand the basic concepts of Embedded System.
To acquire Knowledge in practical embedded system, basic programming languages and tools.
To explore the potential areas utilizing embedded processors in practical systems
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Gain knowledge about the hardware requirements using Embedded System
Do basic programming using Software tools of embedded system
Acquire knowledge to design an embedded project
Course Description:
Introduction to Embedded Systems- Embedded Design Life cycle- Programming embedded systems in C
- Hardware Interfacing Techniques with embedded C programming - Serial Communication, RTC and
EEPROM interface, Relay, Stepper and DC motor; Software Development tools and Programming Tech-
niques – IDE - Timer Programming - Serial port programming - Getting Embedded Software into Target
System Debug Kernels, Real Time Operating System
1. Arnold Berger, “Embedded System Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools, and Tech-
niques”, CMP Books, 2001.
2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems”, Second Edition,
Prentice Hall, Inc.2006.
3. David E Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, Pearson Education Asia, 2006.
4. Rajkamal, “Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill,
5. Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005.
6. Douglas V. Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware”, Second Edi-
tion, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2001.
Course Objectives:
To impart basic knowledge about architecture of ARM processor.
To get familiarized with the instruction sets in ARM processors
Course Description:
CISC AND RISC Architecture– Block diagram-Introduction to ARM7/ARM9 and ARM extensions –
Pipelines – Memory - Architecture – Memory interfacing – Bus architecture Programming in assembly
language (ALP) – The ARM instruction set – Introduction to ARM thumb – Thumb Programmes model –
1. SteveFurber, “ARM System on Chip Architecture”, Addison Wesley Professional, Second Edi-
tion, Aug 2000.
2. Andrew NSloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, “ARM System Developer’s Guide, Designing
and Optimizing System Software”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, 2004.
3. Ricardo Reis, “Design of System on a Chip: Devices and Components”, Springer FirstEdition,
July 2004.
4. Jason Andrews, “Co-Verification of Hardware and Software for ARM System on Chip Design
(Embedded Technology)”, Newnes, Aug 2004.
5. Rashinkar P, Paterson and Singh L, “System on a Chip Verification – Methodologies and Tech-
niques”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
14EC2031 ARM LAB
Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-Requisite: 14EC2030 ARM Processors ni
Course Objectives:
To explore the necessity of ARM Processor in practical applications
To improve the programming skills
To encourage the students to have innovative ideas of their own
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Course Objectives:
To expose students to various techniques of testing for embedded system
To impart knowledge about testing in embedded system.
To explore the potential areas in Embedded system.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Obtain in depth knowledge in various testing techniques of embedded system.
Obtain in depth knowledge in various testing techniques of embedded system.
Understand different types of faults.
1. N. K. Jha and S. Gupta, “Testing of Digital Systems”, Cambridge University Press,2003
2. M. L. Bushnell and V. D. Agrawal, “Essentials of Electronic Testing”, Kluwer Academic Pub-
3. M. Abramovici, M. A. Breuer and A. D. Friedman, “Digital Systems Testing and Testable De-
sign”, Wiley-IEEE Press,1994
4. P. H. Bardell, W. H. McAnney and J. Savir, “Built-in Test for VLSI: Pseudorandom Techniques”,
Wiley Interscience,1987.
5. P. K. Lala, “Fault Tolerant and Fault Testable Hardware Design”, Prentice-Hall,1985.
6. A. Krstic and K-T Cheng, “Delay Fault Testing for VLSI Circuits”, Kluwer Academic Publish-
Credits: 0:0:2
Co-Requisite: 14EC2029 Embedded System Design
(Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To develop programming skills in Embedded C
To understand interfacing concepts in Embedded C programming
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To teach the basic principles, concepts of fault tolerant strategies
To impart knowledge about fault tolerance in distributive system
To provide understanding about different fault tolerant scheduling algorithms
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Gain knowledge about the different evaluation techniques and about fault tolerance in real time
Course Description:
Dependability concepts - dependability measures - classification of faults and failures; Fault tolerant
strategies- Fault detection and recovery; Fault tolerant design techniques-Hardware, software redundancy
and information redundancy Fault tolerance in distributed systems- check pointing and recovery, stable
storage and RAID architectures, and data replication and resiliency. Dependability evaluation techniques
and tools - Fault trees, Markov chains; HIMAP tool. Analysis of fault tolerant hardware and software ar-
chitectures. Fault tolerance in real-time systems - Time-space tradeoff, fault tolerant scheduling algo-
1. Palmer,J.E., Perlman, D.E., “Introduction to Digital Systems”, McGraw Hill Book Company, In-
ternational Student Edition, 1993.
2. Nelson, V.P., Nagale H.T., Carroll, B.D., and Irwin J.D., “Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and De-
sign”, Prentice Hall International, Inc., New Jersey, 1995.
3. John V. Oldfield and Richard C.Dorf, “Field Programmable Gate Arrays: Reconfigurable Logic
for Rapid Prototyping and Implementation of Digital Systems”, John Wiley, 1995.
4. D.K.Pradhan, "Fault Tolerant Computing - Theory and Techniques" Vol.I & II, Prentice Hall,
5. "Programmable Logic Devices Databook and Design Guide" National Semiconductors, 1989
6. Navabi, Z., “VHDL : Analysis and Modelling of Digital Systems”, Prentice Hall Inc., 1989.
7. David Pellerin, Douglas Taylor, "VHDL Made Easy" Prentice Hall Inc., 1997.
Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-Requisite: 14EC2001 Digital Electronics
Course Objectives:
To familiarize the design of simple circuits using PCB
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To understand the fundamentals of a telecom switching office, such as digital multiplexing, digi-
tal switching and digital subscriber access.
To gain knowledge on the mathematical model for the analysis of telecommunication traffic.
To learn ISDN, DSL / ADSL, and fiber optic systems in subscriber loop.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the fundamentals of a telecom switching office, such as digital multiplexing, digital
switching and digital subscriber access.
Acquire knowledge on the mathematical model for the analysis of telecommunication traffic.
Learn ISDN, DSL / ADSL, and fiber optic systems in subscriber loop.
Course Description:
Multiplexing - FDM – TDM - Digital Transmission and Multiplexing - SONET/SDH : SONET Multi-
plexing overview, SONET optical standards - SONET networks – SONET rings. Digital Switching -
Space Division Switching, Time Division Switching - STS Switching, TST Switching, Digital Cross -
Connect Systems - Network Synchronization Control and Management -Timing Recovery - Timing Inac-
curacies - Network Synchronization, Network Control, Network Management. Digital Subscriber Access
- ISDN U Interface, ISDN D Channel Protocol - High-Data - Rate Digital Subscriber Loops - Digital
Loop Carrier Systems -Voice band Modems. Traffic Analysis - Traffic Characterization - Network Block-
ing Probabilities-Delay Systems.
1. J. Bellamy, “Digital Telephony”, John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 2003.
2. R.A.Thomson, “Telephone Switching Systems”, Artech House Publishers, 2000.
3. W. Stalling, “ Data and Computer Communications” Prentice Hall, .2007
5. W.D. Reeve, “Subscriber Loop Signaling and Transmission Hand book”, IEEE Press(Telecomm
Handbook Series), 1995.
6. Viswanathan. T., “Telecommunication Switching System and Networks”, Prentice Hall of India
Ltd., 1994.
Course Objectives:
To understand the state of art techniques in wireless communication.
To learn the fundamental and emerging trends in Mobile Communication, wireless net-
work/protocol architecture and broadcast system.
To analyze the various wireless protocol architecture.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the state of art techniques in wireless communication.
Learn the fundamental and emerging trends in Mobile Communication, wireless network/protocol
architecture and broadcast system.
Analyze the various wireless protocol architectures.
1. William Y. Lee, “Cellular Mobile Communication, Analog And Digital”, Tata Mc GrawHill,
2. Rappaport T.S, “Wireless Communication” Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Addison Wesley Publishers, 2003.
4. Yi-Bing Lin and Imrich Chlamtac, “Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture”,John Wiley and
Sons, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2001.
5. Feher K., “Wireless Digital Communications”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,1999.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives: ni
To familiarize with the basics of various mobile standards and generation.
To understand the basics concepts of 4G Networks
To understand the basic concepts of 4G mobile application development.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the various mobile standards and generation.
Acquire knowledge on basics concepts of 4G Networks
Course Description:
Standards for voice oriented data communication - Standards for data and voice Communication- Mobile
computing architecture - data dissemination - mobility management - Walsh codes - IS-95 CDMA One
System – WCDMA 3G standards - CDMA2000 3G standards -OFDM - packet delivery and handover
management - location management – registration - tunneling and encapsulation - route optimization -
super 3G and Pre-4G-3GPP LTE and Wi Max 802.16e standard - features of 4G - LTE advanced and ad-
vanced Wi Max 802.16m - mobile computing novel applications – limitations - mobile application lan-
guages-XML and JAVA, mobile application development platforms.
1. Raj Kamal, “Mobile Computing”, Oxford University Press, Second edition, 2012.
2. Kumkum Garg, “Mobile Computing- Theory and Practice”, Pearson, 2010.
3. William Y.Lee, “Cellular Mobile Communication, Analog and Digital” Tata McGraw Hill,
4. Rappaport T.S, “Wireless Communication” Pearson Education, 2003.
5. Yi-Bing Lin and Imrich Chlamtac, “Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture”, John Wiley
and Sons, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2001.
Course Objectives:
To gain knowledge on ATM and Frame relay.
To acquire knowledge on the survey of developments in High Speed Networks.
To understand and analyze the techniques involved to support real-time traffic and congestion
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Familiar on ATM and Frame relay.
Understand the developments in High Speed Networks.
Synthesize protocols for quality of service (QoS) to different applications.
Course Description:
Frame relay networks – asynchronous transfer mode – architecture, logical connection – cell and service
categories – High Speed LANs : fast Ethernet and gigabit Ethernet - fiber channel – Wireless LANs: ap-
plications and architecture of 802.11 - queuing analysis - queuing models – Single Server Queues – traffic
management – congestion control in packet switching networks – frame relay congestion control - TCP
flow control – TCP congestion control – retransmission – timer management – exponential RTO back off
– KARN’s Algorithm – performance of TCP over ATM - ABR traffic management – ABR rate control -
RM cell formats - ABR capacity allocations - RSVP – goals, characteristics, data flow, operations, proto-
col mechanisms – Multiprotocol Label Switching – operations, label stacking, protocol details – RTP –
protocol architecture.
1. William Stallings, “High Speed Networks and Internet”, Pearson Education, Second Edition,
2. Warland, Pravin Varaiya, “High Performance Communication Networks”, Second Edition, Jean
1 & 2, 2012.
4. Abhijit S. Pandya, Ercan Sea, “ATM Technology for Broad Band Telecommunication Net-
works”, CRC Press, New York, 2004.
5. William Stallings, “ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM”, Pearson Educa-
Course Objectives:
To provide in depth knowledge on the design of routing algorithm.
To understand and analyze the various topologies based routing algorithms.
To design an efficient routing algorithm for a highly dynamic wireless environment.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Familiar with the design of routing algorithms.
Synthesize the various topologies based routing algorithms.
Design an effective routing algorithm for a highly dynamic wireless environment.
1. Ivan Stojmenovic, “Hand book of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing”, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc, 2003
2. Siva Ram Murthy. C and Manoj. B.S, “Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and pro-
tocols”, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004.
3. Miguel Labrador, Pedro Wightman, “Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks-with
a companion tool for Teaching and Research” Springer Science, 2009.
4. Sudip Misra, Issac Woungang, Subhas Chandra Misra, “Guide to Wireless Ad Hoc Net-
works”, Springer Verlag London Ltd, 2009.
5. Iti Saha Misra, “Wireless Communications and Networks – 3G and Beyond”, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2013.
Course Objective:
To understand basic concepts of coherent and non-coherent receivers
To learn band limited channels.
To understand the performance of various equalizers.
Course Outcomes
Course Description:
Digital Baseband transmission - Coherent receivers - Optimum receivers in WGN - IQ modulation & de-
modulation - Non coherent receivers in random phase channels - MFSK receivers - Partially coherent re-
ceivers - Bandlimited channels and Digital Modulation - Communication Channel properties- baseband
equivalent channel - Subscriber loop channel - line of sight radio channel - mobile radio channel - WLAN
channel - HF Channel - Optical fibre Channel - channel with ISI as a finite state machine - equalizer -
types - adaptive equalization algorithms - equalizers for MIMO systems - PLL for continuous signals -
PLL for sampled signals - Maximum likelihood carrier phase estimation.
1. Krzysztof Wesolowski , “Introduction to Digital Communication Systems”, John Wiley & Sons,
Ltd, 2009 (Reprint 2012).
2. Taub& Schilling, “Principles of Digital Communication”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 28th Reprint, 2003.
3. Bernard Sklar, “Digital Communications, Fundamentals and Applications” Pearson Education
Asia, 2nd Edition, 2009.
Course Objectives:
To introduce the concepts and history of wireless communication
To know about the various propagation methods and channel models
To enhance the understanding of channel models and capacity analysis
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Learn the concepts and history of wireless communication.
Acquire knowledge about the various propagation methods and channel models
Have an enhanced understanding of channel models and capacity analysis
Course Description:
Overview of Wireless systems - History of wireless communications - wireless vision - technical issues -
current wireless systems - wireless spectrum - Methods for spectrum allocation - spectrum allocations for
existing systems - Cellular design fundamentals - path loss and shadowing - free space path loss – Two
ray model - simplified path loss - shadow fading - outage probability - Statistical multipath channel mod-
els - time varying channel impulse - Narrowband fading models - level crossing rate and average fade
duration - Wideband fading models - power delay profile - coherence bandwidth - Doppler power spec-
trum and channel coherence - capacity of wireless channels - selective fading channels
1. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press, 5th Edition, 2015.
2. William C Y Lee, “Mobile Communications Engineering, Theory and Applications”, McGraw
Edition, 2002
4. David Tse and Pramod Viswanath,“Fundamentals of Wireless Communication”, Prentice Hall,
2nd Edition, 2005.
5. Vijay K Garg,” Wireless Communications and Networking”, Elsevier-Morgan Kaufmann Pub-
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To gain knowledge on the basics of solid state physics and understand the nature and characteris-
To gain knowledge on principle of solar cells, optical detection mechanism, modulation tech-
To understand the optical switching and optoelectronic integrated circuits in transmitters and re-
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Acquire fundamental understanding of the basic physics behind optoelectronic devices
Course Description:
Elements of Light and Solid State Physics - Display Devices and Lasers-terminologies and technical con-
cepts - Optical Detection Devices - Photo Conductors – Performance - Solar Cells -Optoelectronic Modu-
lators - Optical Switching and Logic Devices - Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits – transmitters - Receiv-
ers and Guided wave devices
1. J. Wilson and J. Haukes, “Opto Electronics –An Introduction”, Prentice Hall India, Second Edi-
tion, 2003.
2. Pallab Bhattacharya, “Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices”, Prentice Hall India, Second Edi-
tion, 2002.
3. Jasprit Singh, “Opto Electronics – As Introduction to materials and devices”, McGraw Hill Inter-
national Edition, 1998.
4. John Gowar, “Optical Communication System”, Prentice Hall India, Second Edition, 2002.
5. John. M. Senior, “Optical Fibre Communication”, Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2010.
Credits: 3:0:0 ni (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To model and analyze semiconductors operating at microwave frequency
To design and analyze various microwave amplifier and oscillator using circle diagram.
To construct microwave phase shifter, switches and mixers using diode and transistor.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understanding of microwave passive component design using two terminal devices and transis-
Course Description:
Amplifiers - Microwave semiconductor devices and models; Power gain equations, stability, impedance
matching, constant gain and noise figure circles; Small signal, low noise, high-power and broadband am-
plifier designs; Oscillators - One port, two port, YIG dielectric and Gunn-diode oscillators; Two terminal
microwave devices and circuits; PIN diodes and uses as switches, phase shifters and limiters; varactor
diodes, IMPATT and TRAPATT devices, transferred electron devices; Microwave BJTs. GaAs FETs,
low noise and power GaAs FETs and their applications. Microwave mixers.
1. S.Y. Liao, “Microwave Circuit Analysis and Amplifier Design”, Prentice Hall, 1987
2. G.D. Vendelin, A.M. Pavio, U.L. Rohde, “Microwave Circuit Design, Using Linear and Nonlinear
Techniques”, John Wiley, 1990.
3. Y. Konishi, “Microwave Integrated Circuits”, Marcel Dekker, 1991.
4. Samuel.Y.Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Edition, 5th
Reprinting, 2000.
5. Collin. R.E, “Foundation of Microwave Engineering”, McGraw - Hill, II Edition, 1992.
Course Objectives:
To learn optical laws, definitions, optical fiber structures
To gain knowledge on signal degradation, power launching and coupling in optical fibers.
To study the operation of various optical sources and detectors
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Acquire knowledge in optical laws, definitions, optical fiber structures
Gain knowledge on signal degradation, power launching and coupling in optical fibers.
Learn the operation of various optical sources and detectors .
Course Description:
Introduction to vector nature of light, propagation of light through cylindrical dielectric rod, Ray model,
wave model-types of optical fibers - Modal analysis - Signal degradation - dispersion and attenuation.
Fabrication - measurement techniques - OTDR. Sources - LEDs and Lasers - Detectors – pin detectors,
detector responsivity, noise, optical receivers. Optical link design - BER calculation, quantum limit, pow-
er penalties.; Optical switches - coupled mode analysis of directional couplers, electro-optic switches.
Non-linear effects in fiber optic links. Concept of self-phase modulation, group velocity dispersion and
solition based communication. Optical amplifiers - EDFA, Raman amplifier and WDM systems.
1. J.Keiser, “Fiber Optic Communication”, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed. 1992.
2. J.E. Midwinter, “Optical fiber for Transmission”, John Wiley, 1979.
5. G.Agrawal, “Non-linear Fiber Optics”, Academic Press, 2nd Ed. 1994.
6. G. Agrawal, “Fiber Optic Communication Systems”, John Wiley and sons, 1992.
Course Objectives:
To understand the principles of Radar.
To understand the propagation of radio waves
To understand the importance of radar communication in navigation.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the principles of Radar.
Understand the propagation of radio waves
Understand the importance of radar communication in navigation.
1. Merrill I. Skolnik," Introduction to Radar Systems", Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition, 2001.
2. Prof. A.K.Sen and Dr. A.B. Bhattacharya, “Radar Systems and Radio aids to Navigation”,
Khanna Publishers, sixth Edition, 2006.
3. J.C. Toomay, “Principles of Radar”, Prentice Hall of India, third Edition, 2010.
4. N.S.Nagaraja, “Elements of Electronic Navigation Systems”, TMH, 2nd Edition, 2001
5. Peyton Z. Peebles, "Radar Principles", John Wiley, first Edition, 2004.
Credits: 3:0:0 ni (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To understand the function of spacecraft subsystems and its performance.
To learn orbital mechanics formula and tools to spacecraft mission design.
To understand launch systems and their effect on satellite and payload design.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Course Description:
Elements of orbital mechanics - Equations of motion – Tracking and orbit determination-Orbital Correc-
DOMSAT, INSAT, INTELSAT and INMARSAT. Satellite -based personal communication-Earth station
design-Configuration-Antenna and tracking systems-Satellite broadcasting.
1. Dennis Roddy, “Satellite Communication”, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2009.
2. John G. Proakis, Masound Salehi, “Communication System Engineering”, Pearson Education
Asia, Seventh Edition, 2011.
3. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, Wiley, 5th Edition, 2009.
4. Wilbur L. Pritchard, Hendri G. Suyderhoud, Robert A. Nelson, ‘Satellite Communication Sys-
tems Engineering’, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2007.
Course Objectives:
To learn the fundamentals of transmission line analysis and matching networks
To study the RF modeling of diodes and transistors
To study BJT and FET biasing networks
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Acquire knowledge on fundamentals of RF circuit design
Understand RF modeling of diodes and transistors
Understand the importance of biasing networks in RF circuits
Course Description: ni
High frequency Resistors, Capacitor and Inductors –Transmission Line Analysis: Line equation, Micro
strip line -Matching by Discrete Components - Design of two-component matching network, Design of T
and matching network-Matching by micro strip line -Design of matching network - Design of stub
matching - Components: RF Diode, RF Bipolar junction Transistor, RF field effect transistor - Modeling:
Diode model, Transistor model, and FET model - Measurement of AC parameters of BJT and FET -
Classes of operation and efficiency of Amplifiers - BJT biasing network - FET biasing networks.
1. Reinhold Ludwig Pavel Bretchko, “RF Circuit Design” Pearson Education Asia Publication, Se-
5. Ulrich L. Rohde and David P. NewKirk, “RF / Microwave Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons
USA First Edition, 2000
6. Roland E. Best, “Phase -Locked Loops: Design, simulation and applications”, McGraw Hill Pub-
Course Objectives:
To learn the different types of antenna and its parameters.
To develop skills on FEKO software- CAD Modeling.
To understand microstrip lines circuits and MMICs.
Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-Requisite: 14EC2038 Cellular Mobile Communication
Course Objectives:
To simulate and study wireless fading channels and high level modulation schemes.
To implement receiver equalizers and OFDM system.
To implement high speed channel coders for WiMAX environment.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Implement fading channels and M-ary modulation schemes for performance improvement.
Learn all high speed filter algorithms for fast data recovery.
Understand WiMAX infrastructure through implementation.
List of experiments
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To learn the theoretical and practical aspects of Bio-medical signal processing.
To have a better idea about biomedical devices.
To get familiarized with the concept of wavelets and time frequency models.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Learn concepts like prediction techniques and filtering.
Course Description:
Sources of bioelectric potential, resting & action potential, propagation of action potentials in nerves;
ECG: Pre-processing, wave form recognition, automated diagnosis based on decision theory, EEG:
Evoked responses, averaging techniques, Pattern recognition in EEG waves, EMG: Wave pattern studies,
biofeedback. application of signal processing techniques such as linear prediction, lattice -filtering &
adaptive signal processing; Introduction to wavelets & time frequency models and their applications to
heart sounds, Fetal ECG & vesicular sound signals; Signal processing techniques for detection of pathol-
ogies in speech production system.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To know the theoretical and practical aspects of adaptive signal processing and learning algo-
To get the knowledge about the estimation theory and optimum filtering.
To impart knowledge on linear adaptive signal processing, nonlinear adaptive signal processing,
and blind adaptive techniques.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Get an idea about the adaptive signal processing.
Apply their knowledge in radar, sonar, geophysics and communication (spread spectrum tech-
niques) applications.
Apply their knowledge in real time applications.
Course Description:
Linear and non-linear estimation theory - Signal modelling- Optimal estimation- Constrained linear esti-
mation- Adaptive filtering as an extension of the linear optimum filtering - Adaptive algorithms: Steepest
descent algorithm- Stochastic gradient algorithm - Least Mean Square adaptation Algorithm - Normalised
Least Mean Square Algorithm - Blind adaptive filtering- adaptive equalization and echo cancellation -
1. S. Haykin, “Adaptive Filter Theory”, Pearson, 5th edition, 2014.
2. B. Widrow and S.D. Stearns, “Adaptive Signal Processing”, Pearson, 2009.
Course Objectives:
To provide the practical understanding of wavelet transforms.
To understand the properties of wavelet transforms.
To impart the knowledge on the concept of multi resolution transforms.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand where Fourier transform fails and where wavelet transform is preferable.
Identify which wavelet transform is a suitable for a particular application.
Understand wavelet based analysis of multi scale phenomenon.
Course Description:
Continuous wavelets and Short Time Fourier Transform - Designing orthogonal wavelet systems - Dis-
crete wavelets and relation to filter banks - Computing and plotting scaling and wavelet functions -
Biorthogonal wavelets - Designing of wavelets using frequency domain approach - Wavelet packet analy-
sis - M Band wavelets- Multiresolution transforms.
1. K.P.Soman, K.I. Ramachandran and N.G. Resmi,”Insight into Wavelets from theory to practice”,
PHI Learning Private Limited, 2011. ni
2. Rao R.M and Bopardikar A.S., “Wavelet Transforms : Introduction to Theory and Applications”,
Pearson Education Asia, Pvt Ltd. 2008.
3. Strang G. and Nguyen T., “Wavelet Filter Banks”, Wellessley Camebridge Press,1997.
4. Mallet S., “Wavelet Signal Processing”, Academic Press, 1999.
5. I.Daubechies, “Ten lectures on wavelets”, SIAM,1992.
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge on the fundamentals of Neural network .
To gain understanding about Fuzzy logic.
To get familiarized with the different architectures involved in Neural networks
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Apply the concepts of Neural Network and Fuzzy logic in practical applications
Course Description:
Artificial neural network – Applications - architectures- Training - McCulloch-Pitt Neuron-
Backpropogation neural network - Hebb Net - Perceptron - Adaline, Associative neural network – Maxnet
- Mexican hat - Hamming net - Kohonen Self_Organizing Maps, Linear Vector Quantization - Counter
propagation - Adaptive Resonance Theory - Fuzzy logic basics - Defuzzification methods - Rule based
systems - Applications of Fuzzy logic.
Hall of India, 2008.
6. Limin Fu, “Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence”, McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2004.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn the fundamentals of optimization techniques.
To get the knowledge about the linear programming, unconstrained optimization, constrained op-
To know about convergence and line search
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Apply the optimization techniques to solve optimization problems in real-time applications.
Form novel optimization algorithm.
Analyse the pros and cons of existing algorithms.
Course Description:
Matrix factorizations – Sets and sequences. Linear programming and simplex method - Weierstrass' theo-
rem - Karush Kuhn Tucker optimality conditions, algorithms, convergence. Unconstrained optimization -
Line search methods - method of multidimensional search - steepest descent methods. Newton's method -
modifications to Newton's method - trust region methods - conjugate gradient methods - quasi-Newton's
methods. Constrained optimization, penalty and barrier function methods - augmented Lagrangian meth-
ods - polynomial time algorithm for linear programming - successive linear programming - successive
1. R. Fletcher, “Practical Optimization”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2nd Edition, 2013.
Course Objectives:
To understand the characterization of speech and image waveforms.
To learn about the various compression techniques for text data, audio, image and video signals.
To know about the speech and video coding standards.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the compression techniques
Develop efficient algorithms for compression
Use the knowledge gained in real time applications in the media industry
Course Description:
Fundamental concepts in text, digital audio, image, and video - need for compression - information theo-
ry & source models - quantization - vector quantization theory: LGB algorithm – Huffman & Adaptive
Huffmann Coding - Arithmetic coding - Lempel-Ziv coding - Predictive Coding – DPCM - MPEG audio
standard - Transform Coding - Subband coding - JPEG Standard - EZW, SPIHT coders - Video coding
standards: MPEG standard-H.261 Standard.
1. Khalid Sayood, “Introduction to Data Compression”, The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Multime-
dia Information and Systems, 4th Edition,Newnes, 2012.
2. David Solomon, “Data Compression, The Complete Reference”, Springer Verlag, New York
INC, 2nd edition, Springer, 2012.
3. Peter Symes, “Digital Video Compression”, McGraw Hill Pub., 2004.
4. Mark Nelson, “Data compression”, BPB Publishers, New Delhi, 1998.
5. Ze-Nian Li, Mark S.Drew, J.Liu, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, PHI, Springer, 2014.
6. Yun A Shi, Huifang Sun, “Image & Video compression for Multimedia Engineering, Fundamen-
Course Objectives:
To learn about artificial neural networks and Fuzzy systems.
Course Description:
Artificial Neural Networks - Basic concepts - Supervised neural networks Unsupervised neural networks
–Applications -Fuzzy Systems - Fuzzy sets - Fuzzy functions – Fuzzy rules - Fuzzy classification-Fuzzy
control methods -Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling – Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy based inference systems – CART algo-
rithm – Data clustering algorithms - Genetic Algorithm –Fundamentals – crossover operators - reproduc-
tion operators - simulated annealing-Random search-Downhill simplex search-Applications.
6. George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, “Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic –Theory and Applications”, Printice
Hall of India, 2002.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn the fundamental pattern recognition techniques for signal & image processing applica-
To gain understanding on different estimation techniques
To get familiarized with the use of neural networks in pattern recognition.
Course Outcomes: ni
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Apply these techniques to solve recognition problems in real-time applications
Develop novel pattern recognition algorithm.
Analyze the pros and cons of existing algorithms.
Course Description:
Overview of Pattern Recognition-Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition-Parametric &Non Para-
metric Approaches for Pattern Recognition - Maximum Likelihood Estimation -Bayesian Parameter Es-
timation-Nonparametric Estimation – Direct Estimation of Probabilities –Direct Classification using the
Training Set - Nearest Neighbour Rule – NNR Approach-Linear Discriminant Functions – Fisher’s Linear
Discriminant-Linear Separability – Design of Linear Classifiers – Introduction to Support Vector Ma-
chines - Neural Network Structures for Pattern Recognition Applications – Neural Network Based Pattern
Associator – Unsupervised Learning in Neural Pattern Recognition
1. Robert Schalkoff, “Pattern Recognition-Statistical, Structural and Neural Approaches”, John
Wiley & sons, Inc, New York, 2005.
2. Earl Gose, R.Johnsonbaugh and Steve Jost, “Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis”, Prentice
Hall of India Private Limited, 1999.
3. Rojer Jang, T.Sun and E.Mizutani, “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing”, Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited, 2003.
4. Duda, R. O., Hart, P. E., and Stork, D. G, “Pattern Classification”, 2nd edition, John Wiley &
Sons, NewYork,2001.
5. Tou and Gonzales, “Pattern Recognition Principles”, Wesley Publication Company, London,
Course Objectives:
To learn the basics of information theory
To calculate channel capacity of discrete channel
To apply various coding techniques to calculate the bit-rate and error probabilities.
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the basics of information theory
Gain knowledge to calculate channel capacity of discrete channel
Analyze and apply coding techniques and to calculate the bit-rate and error probabilities.
Course Description:
Information - Entropy - Mutual information, entropy for discrete ensembles, Shannon's noiseless coding
theorem, Encoding of discrete sources - Markov sources: Shannon's noisy coding theorem and converse
for discrete channels, Channel capacity and bounds for discrete channels - Algebraic Coding Theory -
Introduction to finite fields - construction of finite fields and its properties - Convolutional code generator
functions - Distance properties and error bounds - soft input output decoding - Convolutional coding in
Mobile applications - Turbo codes - LDPC codes - Product Codes - Concatenated Convolutional Codes -
Space Time Codes-Spatial Channels - Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes - Spatial Multiplexing
1. Andre Neubauer, Jurgen Freudenberger, Volker Kuhn, “Coding theory: Algorithms, Architec-
tures and Applications” John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Reprint 2012.
2. Robert. H. Morelos- Zaragoza, “The Art of Error Correcting Coding”, Second Edition, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd, Reprint 2013.
3. Tom Richardson, Rudiger Urbanke, “Modern Coding Theory” Cambridge University Press, 2009.
4. W. Cary Huffman and Vera Pless, “Fundamentals of Error Correcting Codes”, Cambridge Uni-
Course Objectives:
To learn sequential circuit design.
Course Description:
Review of Combinational Logic Circuits: Shannon’s expansion theorem- Sequential Logic Circuits:
Mealy machine - Moore machine - State diagrams - State table minimization –State assignments - Design
1. Charles H.Roth, “Digital system Design using VHDL”, Nelson Engineering; 2nd Revised edition
, 29 April 2007
2. James E. Palmer, David E. Perlman, “Introduction to Digital Systems ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1996.
3. Robert Dueck , “Digital design with CPLD applications and VHDL ”, Thomson ,2004
4. Bob Zeidman , “Designing with CPLDs and FPGAs “, CMP ,2002
5. Neil H.E. Weste, David Harrisayan Banerjee “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design : A Systems
Perspective”, Pearson Education India,2nd Edition ,2002.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn various Verilog Programming Techniques.
To understand different steps involved in Verilog Programming
Knowledge about different types of modelling
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand basic terminologies involved in Verilog HDL
Write program using Verilog HDL to design digital circuits
Write program for real time applications and using test bench concept
Course Description:
Design Methodology – Module – Ports – Basic concepts – Operators – Number specification – Data types
– Arrays – Parameters – Gate delays – Operator types – Conditional statements – Multi way branches -
Loops - Switch – Modeling elements – Implementation of Basic circuit using Dataflow & Behavioral
Modeling - Component Assignments – Switch level modeling – Applications of all dataflow, behavioral
and Structural modeling in FPGA – FSM Implementation – Test Benches
1. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”, Pearson Publication”, II Edition. 2003.
2. M.D. Ciletti, “Advanced Digital Design with the VERILOG HDL” PHI, 2008.
Course Objectives:
To learn various VHDL modeling techniques.
To familiarize with VHDL sub program and packages techniques.
To have an understanding about generics and modeling delays
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand basic terminologies and modeling types used in VHDL
Write program to design digital circuits
Write program for using test bench and generic concepts
Course Description:
Design flow process –Software tools – Data objects - Data types – Data operators – Entities and Architec-
tures Concurrent signal assignment – conditional signal assignment - selected signal assignment - concur-
rent and sequential statements – Data flow, Behavioral Modeling. Structural Modeling Component decla-
ration and instantiation.– Test bench – Examples – CPU- Traffic light controller Functions – Procedures –
Packages – Libraries – Attributes – Operator Overloading – Generics – Modeling Delays
1. J. Bhaskar, “A VHDL Primer”, PHI Learning, III Edition, 2009.
2. Douglas L. Perry, “VHDL Programming by Example”, TATA McGRAW-HILL Edition,2003.
3. Sadiq M.Sait, Habib Youssef, “VLSI Physical Design Automation”, World Scientific Publish-
4. Stephen Brown, "Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design with VHDL", Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub-
lishing Company Limited, 2nd Edition ,2007.
Course Objectives:
To study about the MOS Transistor and its characteristics.
To get familiarized with stick diagrams and Layout design.
To understand the CMOS logic design styles, latches and registers.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Gain knowledge on MOS Transistor structure and its characteristics.
Gain knowledge on design rules and layout.
Course Description:
VLSI Design Process- MOS Transistor Structure-Transistor Operation- Ids Vs Vds Characteristics-MOS
Transistor Threshold Voltage- Small signal AC Characteristics-NMOS Fabrication-CMOS Fabrication-
NMOS Inverter-Pull-up to Pull-down ratio of an NMOS Inverter-CMOS Inverter-Latch up in CMOS Cir-
cuits- Stick Diagrams-NMOS and CMOS Design style- λ based design rules/NMOS,CMOS Inverters,
NAND,NOR gates- Sheet resistance – Area Capacitance -CMOS logic styles-Static Latches and Regis-
ters-Dynamic Latches and Registers.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To study different types of programmable ASICs
To know about ASIC interconnects
To gain understanding on the Physical design of ASICs.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the complete design flow of ASICs.
Gain knowledge about the internal architecture of ASIC.
Understand different types of programmable ASIC
Course Description:
Types of ASICS - Design Flow - Logical Effort - Programmable ASIC: Antifuse - Static RAM - EPROM
and EEPROM - Programmable ASIC Logic Cells: ACT 1, ACT 2 and ACT 3 -- Xilinx XC 4000 – Altera
MAX 5000/7000 - Xilinx I/O Block - Programmable ASIC Interconnect: Actel ACT – Xilinx LCA – Xil-
inx EPLD – Altera FLEX – Low level design entry: Schematic entry - EDIF – Floor Planning and
Placement – Routing.
1. M.J.S.Smith, “Application Specific Integrated Circuits”, Pearson Education Asia , 2006.
1. S.D. Brown R.J. Francis, J.Rox, Z.G. Urumesic, “Field Programmable Gate Arrays”, Kluwer Ac-
ademic Publishers, 2007.
2. Neil H. E. Weste, David Harrisayan Banerjee, “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design : A Systems
4. G.D.Micheli, “Synthesis and optimization of Digital circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
Course Objectives:
To know the design challenges and guidelines for digital circuit design
To understand the design and implementation of complex digital circuits
To understand control logic implementation of PLA and ROM
Course Description:
Design Strategies - Structured Strategies - Design Methods - Basic of Digital Circuits - Data path Opera-
tions - Binary Adders and Subtractors - Carry Look Ahead - Various Multipliers: Array, Wallace Tree,
Serial multipliers - Parity Generators - Comparators – Clocking Strategies-Two phase and Four phase
clocking - Binary Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters – Shifters - Memory Elements: Memory
Core - Memory Peripheral Circuit – RAM – ROM – CAM - Serial Access Memory - Control: FSM De-
sign Procedure - Control Logic Implementation - PLA, ROM Control Implementation.
1. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design System On Chip” , Pearson Education, 3rd Edition,
2. Jan.M.Rabaey, Anantha Chandra Kasan and Borivoje Nikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits –A De-
sign Perspective”, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, Reprint, 2014.
3. Neil H.E. Weste, Kamran Eshraghian , “Principles of VLSI Design - A Ciruits and Systems Per-
spective”, Pearson Education India, 4th Edition, 2011
4. Kamran Eshraghian, Douglas A.Pucknell, Sholeh Eshraghian, “Essentials of VLSI Circuits and
Systems”, Eastern Economy Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1st Edition, 2006
5. John.P.Uyemura, “Introduction to VLSI Circuit Systems”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2004.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To study the basic concepts of MOS transistor
Course Description:
Physical Structure of MOS Transistors-MOS Transistor Switches - Resistance Estimation- CMOS In-
verter - DC Characteristics - Switching Characteristics: Analytic Delay Models-Empirical Delay Models-
Gate Delays - CMOS Gate Transistor sizing - Static CMOS Design: Complementary CMOS - Ratioed
Logic - Pass - Transistor Logic-Dynamic CMOS Design: Dynamic Logic- Domino Logic-np - CMOS-
Designing Sequential Logic Design :Static Latches and Registers – Dynamic Latches and Registers
1. Kang ,Leblebbici “CMOS Digital IC Circuit Analysis & Design”, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition 2003.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To study the concepts on different levels of power estimation
To learn the fundamentals of optimization techniques
To have an idea about Low voltage circuit design techniques
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Knowledge in low power techniques
Know the fundamentals of optimization techniques.
Understand the problems associated with micrometer device design.
Course Description:
Introduction- Gate Level Logic Simulation- Architectural Level Analysis- Circuit and logic level power
optimization techniques- Special Techniques-Architecture and system- Leakage Current in Deep Sub-
Micrometer Transistors- Deep Sub- Micrometer Device Design Issues - Low Voltage Circuit Design
Techniques - SRAM Architecture- Energy Recovery Circuit Design.
1. Gary yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, Kluwer academic publishers, 2001.
2. Kaushik Roy, Sharatprasad, “Low Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
3. Anantha Chadrakasan and Robert Broderson, “Low Power CMOS Design”, Standard Publishers,
4. Kiat,Seng Yeo, Samir S.Rofail, Wang,Ling Goh, “CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI Low Voltage, Low
Course Objectives:
Knowledge about device fabrication process of BJT and MOSFET.
Knowledge about ECL and I2L circuits.
Familiar with different device technologies.
Course Description:
Introduction to VLSI fabrication - BJT and CMOS Fabrication Process a Brief Overview -Clean Room
and Safety Requirements - Silicon Crystal Growth, Epitaxy - VPE and MBE.Oxidation and Diffu-
sion,Oxidation: Silicon Dioxide Growth for Thick and Thin Films: Solid State Diffusion Modelling and
Technology - Diffusion Systems - Ion Implantation Modeling and Technology – Damage Annealing –
Masking during Implantation.Lithography and Etching: Basic Process Explaining Lithography – Positive
and Negative Resist and their Comparison –Light Sources. Optical Lithography - X-ray Lithography – E-
beam Lithography. Wet Chemical Etching- Dry Etching, Plasma Etching System. Deposition Techniques:
Physical Vapor Deposition – Thermal Evaporation and Sputtering – Metallization, Chemical Vapor Dep-
osition Techniques: CVD Techniques for Deposition of Polysilicon, Silicon Dioxide, Silicon Ni-
tride.Integrated Device Fabrication: BJT fabrication – Isolation techniques; Junction Isolation, LOCOS,
Trench Isolation – Realization of ECL and I2L Circuits. MOSFET Fabrication– CMOS Fabrication –
Latch-up in CMOS – Bi-CMOS Technology – MESFET Technology, VLSI Assembly and Packaging.
1. S. A. Campbell, “The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication” 2nd Edition, Ox-
ford University Press, 2011.
2. G. S. May and S. M. Sze, “ Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication”, John Wiley Inc., 2004.
3. C.Y. Chang and S.M.Sze (Ed), “ULSI Technology”, McGraw Hill Companies Inc, 1996.
4. S.M. Sze (Ed), “VLSI Technology”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1988.
5. S.K. Ghandhi, “VLSI Fabrication Principles”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley Inc., New york reprint
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge about the basic concepts of nano electronic devices.
To recognize the necessity of Carbon nano tubes in electronics.
To know about the applications of nano electronics.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the concepts of nano regime such as coloumb blockade electron tunneling and the ne-
Course Description:
Introduction - CMOS Scaling - limits to scaling - system integration limits (interconnect issues etc.) - The
nanoscale MOSFET - Vertical MOSFETs - Resonant Tunneling Transistors - Single electron transistors -
Optoelectronic and Spintronic devices - Molecular electronics involving single molecules as electronic
devices - transport in molecular structures - molecular systems as alternatives to conventional electronics
- molecular interconnects - Carbon nanotube electronics - bandstructure& transport – devices - applica-
Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-requisite:14EC2068 VHDL
Course Objectives:
To learn various VHDL modeling.
To familiarize with VHDL sub program and packages technique.
To have an understanding about generics and modeling delays
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Write VHDL Program for combinational and sequential circuits.
Write VHDL programs for real time applications
Synthesize the circuits after programming.
List of experiments
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To learn various Verilog programming techniques.
List of experiments
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To study different types of programmable ASICs
To know about ASIC interconnects
To gain understanding on the Physical design of ASICs.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
The student will be able to design a system using CAD tools for ASIC.
Knowledge in the complete design flow of ASICs
Confidence in using ASICs for real time applications
List of experiments
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits: 3:1:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn the basic concepts of 8085 Microprocessor.
To understand the basic concepts of 8051 Microcontroller.
To accumulate the knowledge of interfacing microcontroller to memory and External devices.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Gain knowledge on basic concepts of 8085 Microprocessor and its Programming.
Course Description:
Functional Block of 8085 Microprocessor - Timing and control signals - Instruction set - Assembly lan-
guage programs - Timing Diagram. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller - Instruction cycle - Instruction
fetching and execution - Instruction set and programming - I/O Ports - Timer - Interrupt and serial pro-
gramming - Interrupt priority in 8051 - 8051 interfacing to external memory - 8051 interfacing with dif-
ferent external devices and Motors.
1. Krishna Kant,” Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and System De-
sign 8085, 8086, 8051, 8096”, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1st Edition, 2010.
2. Ramesh Gaonkar “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Applications with 8085”,
PENRAM International, 6th Edition, 2013.
3. Myke Predko,” Programming customizing the 8051 Microcontroller”, Tata McGraw Hill Publica-
tions, New Delhi, 1st Edition 2007.
4. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, J.G.Mazidi, R.D.Mckinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems Using Assembly and C” Second Edition Prentice Hall-2008.
5. Kenneth J. Ayala, “8051 Microcontroller”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2007.
Course Objectives:
Learn the basic principles, concepts and types of communication systems.
Understand the various design issues in a communication system.
Gain knowledge about communication medium and television.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the basic concepts of communication system, transmitter and receiver.
Acquire knowledge on different modulation and demodulation techniques.
Understand various digital and fiber optic communication techniques.
Course Description:
Communication system block diagram - Types of modulation - Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency
Modulation (FM), Phase Modulation (PM) - AM and FM modulators and demodulators - AM and FM
transmitter and receiver - Effects of noise in AM and FM systems - Digital Communication Systems -
PAM, PPM, PDM, PCM, Delta modulation, Digital modulation and demodulation systems - Data Trans-
mission - Twisted pair and coaxial cables, Fiber optics - Sources and detectors - Multiplexing - TDM,
WDM and FDM - Television - Scanning process, Transmitter & Receiver, Introduction to LCD and LED
1. Anokh Singh, A.K.Chhabra, “Principles of Communication Engineering”, S.Chand Co.,7th Edi-
tion, 2013.
2. Wayne Tomasi, “Electronic Communication Systems: Fundamentals Through Advanced”, Pear-
son Education, Arizona, 5th Edition 2012.
3. William Schweber, “Electronic Communication Systems - A Complete Course”, Prentice Hall In-
ternational, New Jersey, 4th Edition, 2002.
5. Simon Haykins, Michael Moher, “Communication Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey,
5th Edition, 2009.
6. Taub and Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education India
Private Limited, 3rd Edition, 2008.
Course Objectives:
To study the different technologies of microwave integrated circuits.
To learn the technologies of microwave integrated circuits.
To analyze the micro strip line.
To design and fabricate different lumped elements and non-reciprocal components.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Familiarize with the technologies of microwave integrated circuits.
Able to analyze the micro strip line.
Able to design and fabricate different lumped elements and nonreciprocal components.
1. Leo Young and H. Sobol, Ed. Advances in Microwaves, Vol.2, Academic Press Inc., 1974.
2. B.Bhatand ,”Stripline-like transmission lines for MICs”, John Wiley, 1989.
3. T.K. Ishii, “Handbook of Microwave Technology”, vol. I, Academic Press, 1995.
4. Annapurna Das, Sisir K. Das,“Microwave Engineering”–Tata McGraw- Hill,2000.
5. Gupta,K.C, and Amarjit singh ,“Microwave Integrated Circuits” –John Wileyand sons –Wiley
Eastern Reprint, 1978.
6. I.Hoffmann, R.K, “Handbook of Microwave Integrated Circuits” –Artec House, 1987.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives: ni
To learn the physics behind the semiconductor devices.
To analyze the BJT, MOSFET from the design perspective through various models.
To be familiarized with MOSFET SPICE models
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Have clear understanding of physics of semiconductor devices will help the students in learning
the advanced semiconductor devices
Course Description:
Semiconductor Physics Semiconductor Materials and Structure - Band Structures – Electron-Hole Statis-
tics – Carrier Mobility and Conductivity– Carrier Diffusion– Avalanche Multiplication - P-N Junction
Theory – Built-In Potential – P-N Electrostatics –Current-Voltage Relation In P-N Junction – Diffusion
Capacitance – Diode Equivalent Circuit – Breakdown Voltage – Junction Curvature Effect – Transient
Behavior BJT Device Analysis - BJT Current- Voltage Relation – Current Gain – Band Gap Narrowing –
Auger Recombination – Early Effect – Punch-Through In BJT – Breakdown Voltage In BJT – Small Sig-
nal Equivalent Circuit – Cut-Off Frequency – Switching Behavior. MOSFET analysis models – large and
small signal characteristics - MOSFET SPICE model.
1. S. M. Sze, “Semiconductor Devices: Pioneering Papers”, World Scientific Publishing Company,
1st edition, 1991.
2. Daniel Foty, “MOSFET Modeling with SPICE, Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall, 1 st edi-
tion, 1997.
3. H. C. de Graff and Francois M. Klaassen, “Compact Transistor Modelling for Circuit Design”,
Springer, 2013.
4. Ian E. Getreu, “Modeling the Bipolar Transistor”, Elsevier Science Ltd, 1978.
Course Objectives:
To understand the difference between verification and testing.
To know about verification tools and plan.
To learn about architecting test benches.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Know the difference between verification and testing
Write test benches to verify circuits.
Do self checking test benches and reusable verification components
Course Description:
Functional Verification Approaches-Testing Versus Verification - Verification and Design Reuse -
Linting Tools-Simulators - Third Party Models - Waveform Viewers - Code Coverage-Issue- Tracking
Metrics - Verification plan-Levels of Verification-Verification Strategies –Specification Features – Test
cases - Test Benches - Simple Stimulus - Output Verification – Self Checking Test Benches Reusable
Verification Components – VHDL and Verilog Implementation.
1. Janick Bergeron, “Writing Test Benches Functional Verification of HDL Models” Springer, 2nd
Edition, 2003.
2. Andreas Meyer, “Principles of Functional Verification” Newnes , Oct 2003.
3. Amu Samir Palnitkar, “Design Verification with e” Prentice Hall 1stEdition,2003.
4. D. P. Foty, “MOSFET Modeling with SPICE, Principles and Practices”, Prentice HallPTR, 1997.
5. N.A. Sherwari, “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”, Springer, 2013.
Course Objectives:
To learn about various types of CMOS amplifiers
To understand the concepts of Filters
To be familiar with Digital to Analog Converters and Analog to Digital Converters.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the concepts of amplifiers and their elements.
Design filters for various circuits
Familiarize with Digital to Analog Converters and Analog to Digital Converters.
Course Description:
Switches- active resistors- current source and sink - Amplifiers: Differential Amplifiers- Cascode Ampli-
fiers - Current Amplifiers-Output Amplifiers- Low pass filters - High pass filters – Band Pass filters –
Analog Systems: Digital-to- Analog Converters- Analog-To Digital Converters.
Course Objectives:
To provide knowledge about CAD Algorithm, placement and routing.
Understanding of simulation based algorithms
To gain knowledge on synthesis and MCMs.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Acquire knowledge of CAD Algorithm, placement, routing,simulation,synthesis and MCMs is
Design VLSI devices using CAD.
Understand the simulation based algorithms
Course Description:
Role of CAD tools in the VLSI Design process - Data Structures - Complexity Issues- Graph algorithms,
Genetic algorithm- Simulated Annealing - Event driven, Switch level and Circuit simulation - CAD algo-
rithms - logic synthesis - Technology independent and dependent logic optimization - Partitioning -KL,
FM algorithms- Placement – Simulation based algorithms-Partitioning based algorithms - Floor planning
- Global routing – Grid routing - detailed routing –over the cell routing.
1. N.A. Sherwari, “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”, Springer, 2013.
2. S.M.Sait, H.Youssef, “VLSI Physical Design Automation”, World scientific, 1999.
3. Sabih. H. Gerez “Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation” Wiley India Private Limited, 2006.
4. G.D.Micheli, “Synthesis and optimization of Digital circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
5. D. P. Foty, “MOSFET Modeling with SPICE, Principles and Practices”, Prentice HallPTR, 1997.
Course Objectives:
To understand the methods of testing combinational and sequential circuits.
To know about various fault simulation techniques.
To understand the difference between DFT and BIST
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Have the knowledge to test any VLSI circuits
Course Description:
Motivation for testing - Fault models - Test generation algorithms for combinational logic circuits - Func-
tional testing – Fault model based testing- Time frame expansion – Fault simulation techniques - Key
testability concepts – Ad Hoc design for Testability – scan based design - Signature analysis - Compres-
sion techniques - Built-in self-test –Architectures.
1. Vishwani D. Agarwal “Essential of Electronic testing for digital, memory and mixed signal cir-
cuits”, Springer,2013.
2. Abramovici .M, Breuer .M.A. and Friedman .A.D, "Digital Systems Testing and Testable De-
sign", Wiley,2001.
3. Robert J. Feugate, Jr. Steven M., "Introduction to VLSI testing", Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
4. Parag.K.Lala, “Digital circuit testing and testability”, Academic press, 1997.
5. S.M. Sze (Ed), “VLSI Technology”, 2ndEdition, McGraw Hill, 2003.
Credits: 3:0:0 ni (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn about the engineering science of MEMS, materials used in MEMS and the concept of
Micro fabrication and Micro machining.
To learn about the various sensors and actuators used in MEMS devices.
To learn about applications of MEMS in various fields.
Course Outcomes:
Course Description:
Historical Background – Engineering Science for Microsystems - Design and Fabrications-Materials for
MEMS: Silicon& its compounds - Quartz, - Microfabrication and Micromachining: Bulk Micromachin-
ing Surface - Micromachining Microsensors: inertial, thermal, optical, chemical and biological
Microactuators: Electrostatic, thermal - 3-D electromagnetic actuators and sensors, RF/ Electronics devic-
es, Optical/ Photonic devices, Medical devices
1. Tai-Ran Hsu, “MEMS & Microsystems Design & Manufacture”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
2. Stephen D. Senturia, "Microsystem Design" by, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
3. Marc Madou, “Fundamentals of Microfabrication”, CRC Press, 1997.
4. Gregory.T.Kovacs, “Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook”, WCB/McGraw-Hill, Boston
5. M.-H. Bao, “Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure Sensors, Accelerometers, and Gyroscopes”,
Elsevier, New York, 2000.
Course Objectives:
To enable the students to understand the programming techniques of Microprocessor.
To enable the students to understand the programming techniques of Microcontrollers.
To design suitable control application using Microcontrollers.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Improve the programming skills in Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
Design hardware and software requirements for an application using Microprocessor.
Design hardware and software requirements for an application using Microcontroller.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To impart the basic knowledge about the principle of semiconductor devices.
To understand the basic digital system and electronic instruments.
Course Description:
Introduction to Semiconductor - semiconductor devices: diode, transistor, FET, MOSFET, UJT- basic op-
amp applications- Integrated circuits - transistor as an amplifier and a switch – oscillator principles - Digi-
tal System – Semiconductor memory – Microprocessor - transducers – signal conditioning unit – teleme-
try circuits – virtual instrumentation– Measuring instruments – communication system - modulation &
demodulation techniques – antenna principle – Introduction to Noise- radio receiver & transmitter Satel-
lite communication – Fibre optics –Micro and Nano electronics.
1. Muthusubramanian R, Salivahanan S, “Basic Electrical Electronics & Computer Engineering
“Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 2005.
2. Robert Boylestad, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, Tenth Edition, Pearson Education,
Course Objectives:
To understand the mechanisms of current flow in semi conductors.
To understand the diode operation and switching characteristics
To know about the measuring and analysis techniques.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Familiarized with the principle of operation, capabilities and limitation of various electronic de-
Design practical circuits and to analyze various components with the instruments.
Give better idea to design own electronics projects for general applications
Course Description:
Intrinsic And Extrinsic Semiconductors - Theory of PN Diodes - Open circuit junction – Forward And
Reverse Characteristics - Diode Equation- Applications: Half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, Bridge
rectifier – Hall Effect - Theory of FET, UJT and Thyristor - Special Semiconductor Devices – LED –
LCD – optocouplers – Gunn diodes - Varactor diode – Transducers - Digital Instruments - Digital Volt-
meters and Multimeters, - Data Display and Recording System - Computer Controlled Test System - Mi-
croprocessor based measurements.
1. Millman & Halkias, "Electronic Devices & Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2007.
2. Malvino A P, “Electronic Principles”, , McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2006.
3. Rangan C.S., "Instrumentation Devices and Systems", Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition, 1998.
4. W.D. Cooper, A.D. Helfrick, “Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”, 3rd
5. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, 9th Pearson Edu-
Course Objectives:
To learn practically about different Electron Devices and its operation.
To learn about the Instrument handling and its analysis
To learn the simulation of various electronics circuits
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the device characteristics and help them to develop experimental skills.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To learn the concepts of signal processing and analyze the statistical properties of signals.
To estimate the spectrum using Parametric and Non Parametric methods.
To design filters and multi-rate systems.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Generate the various special types of random processes in communication receivers.
Estimate / Evaluate the Power Spectrum.
Design digital filters and multi-rate signal processing systems.
Course Description: ni
Discrete Random Processes - Energy- Power Spectral Density - Parseval’s Theorem – Wiener Khintchine
Relation – Periodogram - Sum Decomposition Theorem-Discrete Random Signal Processing using linear
system - Parametric and Non-Parametric Spectrum Estimation Methods -Wiener, Kalman Filtering, Lev-
inson-Durban Algorithms, Least Square Method, Adaptive Filtering, Non-stationary Signal Analysis,
Wigner-Ville Distribution, Multi-rate Signal Processing - Single and multistage realization - Poly phase
realization-Wavelet Analysis.
1. Monson H.Hayes, “Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling”, John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
4. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing – A Practical Approach”,
Wesley Longman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004.
5. Yanwei Wang, Jian Li, Petre Stoica, “Spectral Analysis of Signals: The missing data case”, Mor-
gan and Claypool Publishers, 1st Edition, 2005.
Course Objectives:
To study the overview of embedded system architecture
Focus on distributed embedded architecture and its accessing protocols
Understand about the design methodologies in hardware and software design.
Course Description:
Embedded systems overview - processor technology - Automation-synthesis- Verification. Processing
elements - Single and general purpose processor design - Programme’s view and development environ-
ment – ASIPs -- Memory – types, hierarchy, caches, advanced RAM. Interfacing - I/O addressing, inter-
rupts, DMA - Arbitration- Multilevel bus architectures- protocols- Standard single purpose processor’s
peripherals. Design and development of latest Embedded systems using Embedded C.
1. Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, “Embedded System Design: A unified Hardware/Software In-
troduction”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & sons, 2010
2. Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design”,
Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2008.
3. Jonathan.W.Valvano, “Embedded Microcomputer systems: Real Time Interfacing”, 3rd Edition,
Cengage learning, 2012
4. Santanuchattopadhyay, “Embedded system Design”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2010
5. Steve Heath, “Embedded System Design”, Second Edition, 2003
6. Daniel D. Gajski, Samar. Abdi, Andreas. Gerstlauer, “Embedded system design: Modeling, Syn-
thesis and Verification”, Springer, 2009
7. Raj Kamal, "Embedded Systems: Architecure, Programming and Design", 2nd Edition, TMH
New Delhi, 2008.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To introduce the computational methods inspired by human brain and nature.
To comprehend the applications of computing and optimization techniques.
To gain insight on computing and optimizations in solving real world problems.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the concepts of neural networks, fuzzy systems and optimization algorithms.
Course Description:
Neural Networks: Supervised and Unsupervised neural networks - Fuzzy Logic System: Fuzzy set opera-
tors, Fuzzy if-then rules, fuzzy reasoning, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) - Evolu-
tionary Computation: Basics and applications of Genetic Algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle
Swarm Optimization, Honey Bee Social Foraging Algorithms, Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algo-
6. Kenneth A DeJong, “Evolutionary Computation A Unified Approach”, MIT Press, 2006.
7. Marco Dorigo and Thomas Stutzle, “Ant Colony optimization”, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
8. Andries P. Engelbrecht, “Fundamentals of Computational Swarm Intelligence”, Wiley, 2005
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To know about the various Architecture styles in VHDL and Verilog.
To learn the circuit verification using VHDL and Verilog HDL
To get familiar with various Synthesis Techniques.
Course Outcomes: ni
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Write programs in VHDL and Verilog HDL for modeling digital electronic circuits.
Verify the circuits using Test Bench .
Synthesis the circuits after programming for implementation.
Course Description:
Basic Concepts - Verilog Operators- Data types- Number specification- System tasks and compiler direc-
tives- Modules and ports- Gate-level Modeling, Dataflow Modeling- Behavioral Modeling-example for
each modeling - test bench- Tasks and Functions – examples - Useful modeling techniques - Timing and
delays - Switch level modeling - User defined primitives- Basic Concepts: VHDL-Data Objects- Data
Types, Operators- Concurrent and Sequential Assignment Statements- Different Styles of Modeling-
Simple Examples-test bench- Procedure and functions – Examples - Packages - Generic constants and
statements – Examples -Component and configuration - Introduction to synthesis - Verilog synthesis -
Modeling tips for Verilog logic synthesis- Combinational and Sequential logic synthesis using VHDL -
VHDL modeling restrictions.
Course Objectives:
Understand the advanced concepts in digital image processing
Analyze various 2D and 3D image processing methods
Know the application areas of digital image processing
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Exhibit knowledge about advancement in the field of digital image processing.
Apply analytical skills towards solving digital image processing problems.
Suggest the possible improvements for image processing applications.
Course Description:
Review of image processing fundamentals - 2D Image transforms - Image enhancement: spatial and fre-
quency domain - Morphological image processing - Image segmentation: Edge, Active contour, Texture,
Model-based, Atlas and Wavelets - Feature extraction: shape, boundary, Moments and Texture - Introduc-
tion to image registration and fusion - 3D image visualization and processing - Measurements on 3D im-
1. John C. Russ, F. Brent Neal, “The Image Processing Handbook”, CRC Press, 2015.
2. Mark Nixon, Alberto Aguado, “Feature Extraction and Image Processing”, 3rd Edition, Academic
Press, (2012).
3. A. Ardeshir Goshtasby, “Image Registration: Principles, Tools and Methods”, Springer, 2012.
4. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, Second
Edition, 2010.
5. Anil K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Prentice Hall Inc, 2004.
6. H.B. Mitchell, “Image Fusion: Theories, Techniques and Applications”, Springer-Verlag, 2010
Course Objectives:
To understand the fundamentals of wireless networks.
To learn the concepts of optical networks.
To give adequate exposure to the emerging technologies and their potential impact.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
• Understand the architecture and the functionalities of 3G networks.
• Understand the concepts and different interworking schemes
• Explore the functionalities of Hybrid wireless – optical networks
Course Description:
Access Technologies : Hybrid fiber coax, Cable Modem, WLAN, IEEE 802.11, WiMAX / 802.16, Opti-
cal Access Networks - Overview of 3G, 3GPP Network, 4G technologies - Software defined radio - Cog-
nitive radio - IMS architecture, ABWAS, MVNO, LTE, Internetworking- Session Mobility -
Internetworking architecture for WLAN and GPRS, LMDS, MMDS - PON Architectures - Protocols and
1. KavehPahlavan and Prashant Krishnamurthy, “Principle of Wireless network- A Unified Ap-
proach”, Prentice Hall, 2006.
2. Clint Smith and Daniel Collins, “3G Wireless Networks”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2007.
3. Vijay K. Garg, “Wireless Communication and Networking”, Elsevier, 2007.
4. Moray Rumney, “LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless Design and Measurement Challenges”,
Agilent Technologies, 2009.
5. Leonid G. Kazovsky, Ning Cheng, Wei-Tao Shaw, David Gutierrez, Shing-Wa Wong, “Broad-
band Optical Access Networks”, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2011.
6. Uyless D. Black, “Optical Networks: Third Generation Transport Systems”, Prentice Hall PTR,
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To understand the concepts of MOS transistor and its AC characteristics.
To know the fabrication process of CMOS technology and its layout design rules
To know the concepts of static, dynamic CMOS design and its performance estimation.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
understand the working of MOS transistor
obtain layout of basic CMOS based design
know the performance and characteristics of Static and Dynamic CMOS design and basics of test-
Course Description:
MOS transistor theory - MOS models and small signal AC characteristics - CMOS technologies and Lay-
out design rules- Latch up in CMOS circuits - CMOS process enhancements - CAD issues - Fabrication
and packaging - NMOS and CMOS Inverters - Transmission gates - Static CMOS design - Dynamic
CMOS design - Circuit characterization and performance estimation - VLSI system components - Circuits
and system level physical design - Basics of CMOS testing.
1. Neil H.E. Weste and Kamran Eshraghian, "Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI Design", Pearson Edu-
cation South Asia,2011.
Course Objectives:
To design and analyze the performance of Digital systems
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To explore the special features and representations of different data types.
To analyze different compression techniques for text data and audio signals
To analyze various compression techniques for image and video signals
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Implement the various compression techniques in text and audio.
Apply various compression techniques on image and video data.
To develop efficient compression techniques for multimedia data.
Course Description:
Introduction, Special features of Multimedia - Storage requirements for multimedia applications - Lossy&
Lossless compression techniques - vector quantization - LBZ algorithm - Text Compression -
Compression techniques - Arithmetic coding, Shannon - Fanon coding - LZW family algorithms - Audio
Compression- Audio compression techniques - Wavelet based compression - SPIHT, EZW, Video Com-
pression - Video compression techniques and standards- Motion estimation and compensation techniques.
1. Khalid Sayood, “Introduction to Data Compression”, Morgan Kauffman, 4th Edition, 2012.
2. David Salomon, Giovonni Motta, “Data Compression – The Complete Reference”, Springer
5. Ze-Nian Li, Mark S Drew and J Liu, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, Springer Science & Busi-
ness Media, 2014.
Course Objectives:
To learn various components of optical networks.
To learn various generations of optical networks.
To study the importance of Photonic Packet Switching
Course Description:
Network evolution - Optical Components – First generation networks – Multiplexing techniques - Single
channel and multiple channel protocols – Wavelength routed networks – All optical circuit and packet
switching - Protection and restoration.
1. Biswanth Mukherjee, “Optical Network Series”, Springer, 2006
2. Rajiv Ramaswamy, Kumar N. Sivaranjan and Galen H. Sasaki, "Optical Networks – A practical
perspective",3rd edition, Elsevier, 2010.
3. Mayer & Martin, “Optical Switching Networks”, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
4. Uyless Black, “Optical Networks – Third generation transport systems”,1st edition, Pearson,
5. John M. Senior, “Optical Fiber Communications - Principles and Practice”, Pearson Education,
Credits: 3:0:0
(Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
• To study the design of optimum detectors.
To understand the coherent and non-coherent receivers and its impact on different channel char-
Course Description:
Review of Baseband modulation, Baseband detection - signals and noise - Detection of binary signals in
Gaussian noise – ISI - Equalizers - Review of Band pass modulation - Detection of signals in Gaussian
noise, coherent detection, non-coherent detection - error performance for binary systems - M-ary signal-
ing and performance - Optimum detection and estimation - noise vector in signal space - Optimum M-ary
receiver design - matched filter configuration - OFDM – generation and signal processing.
1. Bernard Sklar, Pabithra Kumar Ray., “Digital Communications - fundamentals and applications”,
AITBS India, 2nd Edition, 2009.
2. John G. Proakis., “Digital Communication”, McGraw Hill Publication, 4th Edition, 2009.
3. Stephen G. Wilson., “Digital Modulation and Coding”, Pearson Education, First Indian Reprint,
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To introduce the concepts of wireless communication.
To make the students to know the various propagation methods, Channel models, capacity calcu-
lations multiple antennas and multiple user techniques used in Wireless Communication.
To enhance the understanding of Wireless Networks.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the concepts of wireless communication.
Apply knowledge of propagation methods and channel models to improve the system perfor-
mance. ni
Acquire the knowledge on Wireless Networks
Course Description:
Wireless channel propagation and model - Propagation of EM signals in wireless channel – reflection,
diffraction and scattering - small scale fading - channel classification - channel models – distributions -
link power budget analysis - diversity schemes - MIMO Communications -Narrowband MIMO model -
parallel decomposition of the MIMO channel - MIMO channel capacity - MIMO diversity gain –
beamforming – diversity - multiplexing trade-offs - space time modulation and coding spatial multiplex-
ing and blast architectures - SDMA, hybrid techniques, random access: Scheduling, power control, uplink
downlink channel capacity - wireless networks - 3G overview - migration path to UMTS, UMTS basics,
air interface - 3GPP network architecture – 4G features and challenges - technology path - IMS architec-
ture - Introduction to wireless LAN - IEEE 802.11 WLAN - physical layer - MAC sub-layer.
1. W. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
2. Harry R. Anderson, “Fixed Broadband Wireless System Design” John Wiley – India, 2003.
3. Andreas.F. Molisch, “Wireless Communications”, John Wiley – India, 2006.
4. Simon Haykin& Michael Moher, “Modern Wireless Communications”, Pearson Education, 2007.
5. Rappaport. T.S., “Wireless Communications”, Pearson Education, 2003.
6. Clint Smith. P.E., and Daniel Collins, “3G Wireless Networks”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2 nd Edition,
7. Vijay. K. Garg, “Wireless Communication and Networking”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
Course Objectives:
To provide an in depth understanding of basic antenna parameters, modern antenna concepts and
practical antenna design for various applications.
To understand the theory of different types of antennas used in communication systems.
An in-depth study on design and analysis of array antenna.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand antenna concepts and antenna parameters.
Interpret the specifications of antenna and design their parameters accordingly
Choose appropriate antennas for specified applications
Course Description:
Review of antenna theory - dipoles, monopole and loop antennas - linear and planar arrays - array synthe-
sis - phased arrays - helical antennas - radiation from apertures - aperture distribution - horn and parabolic
dish antennas - Yagi - Uda and log-periodic antennas - microstrip antennas and arrays - Dielectric Anten-
nas - Method of Moments.
1. J.D. Krauss, “Antennas”, McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Balanis, “Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design”, John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 2005.
3. R.E. Collin, “Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation”, McGraw Hill, 1985.
4. R.C. Johnson and H. Jasik, “Antenna Engineering Handbook”, McGraw Hill, 1984.
5. Ramesh Garg, I. Bahl, ApisakIttipiboon and P. Bhartia, “Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook”,
Artech house, 2000.
6. Hubregt.J.Visser, “Antenna Theory and applications”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Newyork, 2012.
Course Objectives:
To understand the concepts of satellite systems.
To know about satellite launching, related control and space subsystems.
To understand the fundamentals of space link design, multiple access techniques and different ap-
Course Outcomes:
Course Description:
Orbital parameters – GEO, LEO, MEO, and HEO orbits and Launching methods, Satellite bus and pay-
load - Space craft configuration – Subsystems - Satellite uplink - down link. Power Budget – Noise Prop-
agation factors - Rain and ice effects - Polarization calculations. Modulation and Multiplexing - Spread
spectrum - Earth station parameters – location - propagation effects of ground. INTELSAT Series –
INSAT - VSAT-Application: GSM, GPS, DTH and Video conferencing.
Technology”, John Wiley, 5th Edition, 2010.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To study the vector algebra concepts for the error control coding
To learn about various error control codes.
To analyze the error control parameters in communication.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the vector algebra concepts used for error control coding
Understand different types of error control codes
Analyze the error control
Course Description:
Vector Algebra - Galois Filed Arithmetic - BCH Codes – Decoding - Implementation of error correction
- Binary and Non binary BCH and Reed-Solomon Codes - Burst error correcting codes - Fire code inter-
leaved codes - Phased burst error correcting codes - Interleaved codes - phased burst error correcting
codes - Convolution codes - Decoding of convolution codes - Transfer function - Application of Viterbi
1. Shu Lin & D.J. Costello - "Error Control Coding", 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2013.
5. Peter Sweeney, “Error Control Coding: From theory to Practice”, Wiley, 1st Edition, 2002.
Course Objectives
To study and experiment different coding techniques in communication system.
To Understand Satellite- GSM mobile communication & Software defined radio concepts
To demonstrate modern digital communication techniques.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-Requisite: 14EC3013 Wireless Communication Networks
14EC3014 Advanced Radiation Systems
Course Objectives:
To design, simulate and understand different types of antenna using EM Solvers and MIC hard-
Involve students in studies of communication network and its performance through network simu-
To study GPS.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design and simulate antenna of given specification.
Construct and analyze communication networks through network simulation tools
Know the concepts in GPS
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To know about designing of combinational and sequential circuits.
Course Description:
Design of combinational circuits- Design of static hazard free and dynamic hazard free logic circuits-
Mealy machine, Moore machine-Design of synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic circuits. In-
troduction to PLD – Classification - Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLDs - ASM
Chart -Types of ASICs – Design flow – Programmable ASICs - Programmable ASIC Logic Cells –
Programmable ASIC I/O blocks - Programmable ASIC Interconnect -Design systems – Logic synthesis –
Half gate ASIC – Schematic entry – PLA tools – EDIF – CFI design representation. Complex PLD's
1. Palmer, J.E., Perlman, D.E., "Introduction to Digital Systems", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
Reprint 1996.
2. Morris Mano,”Digital Logic and Computer Design”,3rd edition Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
3. Nelson, V.P., Nagale, H.T., Carroll, B.D., and Irwin, J.D., "Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and
Design", Prentice Hall International, Inc., New Jersey, 1995.
4. Robert K Dueck, “Digital Design with CPLD applications and VHDL”, Thomson Asia, 2002.
5. Charles H Roth,”Digital Systems Design using VHDL”,Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd, 2008.
6. Michael John Sebastian Smith "Application specific integrated circuits." Addison, Wesly Long-
man Inc., 2006.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To know the basics involved in the design of VLSI circuits.
To understand about stick diagrams and Layouts.
To know about various CMOS Design Styles.
Course Outcomes: ni
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand CMOS processing technology, basic CMOS circuits, characteristics and performance.
Draw stick diagram and layout based on the design rules.
Design combinational and sequential circuits in CMOS design styles.
Course Description:
MOS Transistor- MOS Transistor under static conditions-Threshold voltage- -Channel length modulation
- Velocity saturation - Hot carrier effect-Drain current Vs voltage charts - Sub threshold conduction -
MOS structure capacitance - Design logic gates using CMOS devices - Stick Diagram - Static CMOS in-
verter - Evaluating the Robustness of CMOS Inverter - Performance of CMOS inverter: Dynamic behav-
ior - Computing the capacitance propagation delay sizing inverter for performance - complementary
CMOS design- Ratioed logic-DCVSL - Pass transistor logic - Differential pass transistor logic -Sizing of
level restorer - Sizing in pass transistor - Dynamic CMOS design - Basic principles - Domino logic opti-
mization of Domino logic-NPCMOS - logic style selection - Designing logic for reduced supply voltages
- CMOS sequential logic design - CMOS subsystem design.
Course Objectives:
To study single stage amplifier with different loads.
To study the frequency response and noise analysis of amplifiers
To study op-amp stability and its frequency compensation
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Gain knowledge in designing single stage amplifiers and differential pair amplifiers.
Gain knowledge in frequency response, noise and feedback of single stage amplifiers
Apply the concepts of stability and frequency compensation in op-amps.
Course Description:
Single stage Amplifiers: common source stage- source follower-common gate stage- cascode stage-
Differential amplifiers: Single ended and differential operation- Basic differential pair- Differential pair
with MOS loads- Passive and active current mirrors-Frequency response of amplifiers and noise analysis-
Feedback topologies: Effect of loading in feedback networks-Operational amplifiers-Stability and fre-
quency Compensation- Band gap References.
1. BehzadRazavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003
2. Willey M.C. Sansen, “Analog Design Essentials”, The Springer International Series in Engineer-
ing and Computer Science ,First Edition , 2006.
3. Grebene, “Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design”, John Wiley &sons,Inc., 2003.
4. Phillip E.Allen, DouglasR.Holberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, Third edition, Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 2013
5. Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis and Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and Design of
Analog Integrated Circuits”, Fourth Edition, Wiley Student Edition, 2009.
Course Objectives:
To learn about the different techniques involved in the fabrication of VLSI chips
To understand various IC technologies
Course Description:
Crystal growth- Wafer preparation- Epitaxy and Oxidation-Lithography and relative Plasma etching-
Deposition, Diffusion,-Ion implantation and Metallization- oxidation – Epitaxy – Lithography – Etching
and Deposition- NMOS IC Technology – CMOS IC Technology – MOS Memory IC technology - Bipo-
lar IC Technology – IC Fabrication-VLSI assembly technology – Package fabrication technology.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn about the fundamentals of MOSFETs.
To understand device physics and to observe experimentally the device performance characteris-
tics and derive predictable equations and expressions for device performance under various sce-
narios of excitation.
To get a vivid idea about most widely used device models used by the industry including BSIM
and EKV.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the procedures used to construct the complicated MOSFET models using VLSI CAD
Introduce changes in the device models as well as contribute to the development of appropriate
device models.
Design MOSFETs in the nano dimensions .
Course Description:
Fundamentals and characteristics of MOSFET devices - MOS Capacitor - Different MOSFET modeling
and its high frequency behavior - Noise modeling and nonlinearities in CMOS devices-.Advanced
MOSFET models for circuit simulators- Other MOS models for analog/RF applications.
1. TrondYtterdal, Yuhua Cheng and Tor A. Fjeldly, Wayne Wolf, “Device Modeling for Analog
and RF CMOS Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003.
2. B. G. Streetman and S. Banarjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.
5. T. Grasser, “Advanced Device Modeling and Simulation”, World scientific publishing, 2003.
6. Carlos Galup-Montoro and M. C. Schneider, “MOSFET Modeling for Circuit Analysis and De-
sign”, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
Course Objectives:
To study the concepts on different levels of power estimation.
To study the design of low power SRAM circuits and energy recovery circuits.
To study the techniques to reduce power at different levels.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Gain knowledge in low power estimation and optimization at different levels.
Design low power SRAMs and energy recovery circuits.
Apply low power techniques in various circuits.
Course Description:
Introduction- Gate Level Logic Simulation- Architectural Level Analysis- Probabilistic Power Analysis-
Circuit and logic level power optimization techniques- Special Techniques-Architecture and system-
Leakage Current in Deep Sub-Micrometer Transistors- Deep Sub- Micrometer Device Design Issues-Low
Voltage Circuit Design Techniques- SRAM Architecture- Energy Recovery Circuit Design.
1. Gary Yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, Kluwer academic publishers, 2001.
2. Kaushik Roy, Sharatprasad, “Low Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
3. Anantha Chadrasekaran and Robert Broderson, “Low Power CMOS Design”,Standard Publish-
ers, 2000.
4. Kiat,Seng Yeo, Samir S.Rofail, Wang,Ling Goh, “CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI Low Voltage, Low
Power”, Pearson edition, Second Indian reprint, 2003.
5. Abdellatif Bellaouar and Mohamed Elmasry, “Low Power Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and
Systems”, 2012.
Course Objectives:
To study the Physical design cycle of VLSI.
To realizing the importance of various VLSI algorithms in CAD based VLSI Design.
The study of design problems associated with CAD VLSI development.
Course Outcomes:
Course Description:
Introduction to VLSI Methodologies - VLSI Physical Design Automation – Fabrication process and its
impact on Physical Design - A quick tour of VLSI design automation tools – Data structures and basic
Algorithms - Algorithmic graph theory and computational complexity – Tractable and Intractable prob-
lems-Simulation – Logic synthesis – Verification – High level synthesis – Compaction. ASIC Construc-
1. N.A. Sherwani, “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”, John Wiley, 2003.
2. Sabih H. Gerez, “Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation”, John Wiley, 2004.
3. Sadiq M Sait, “VLSI physical Design Automation: Theory and Practices”, World Scientific,
4. Steven Rubin, ”Computer aids for VLSI Design”, 2nd edition,1994.
5. Prithviraj Banerjee, “Parallel Algorithms for VLSI Computer-Aided Design”, Springer, 2004.
6. Sarafzadeh, C.K. Wong, “An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design”, McGraw Hill International
Edition 1996.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To understand the methods of testing the combinational and sequential circuits.
To know about various fault simulation techniques.
To understand the difference between DFT and BIST
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Gain knowledge to test any VLSI circuits
Know different testing and fault simulation methods.
Understand BIST architectures and compression techniques
Course Description:
Motivation for testing - Fault models - Test generation algorithms for combinational and sequential logic
circuits - Functional testing –Fault model based testing- Time frame expansion – Fault simulation tech-
niques - Key testability concepts – Ad Hoc design for Testability – Scan based design - Signature analysis
- Compression techniques - Built-in self-test –Architectures.
1. Vishwani D. Agarwal, “Essential of Electronic testing for digital, memory and mixed signal cir-
cuits”, Springer, 2000
2. Abramovici .M, Breuer, “Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design", Jaico Publishing House,
3. Robert J. Feugate, Jr. Steven M., "Introduction to VLSI testing", Prentice Hall, Cliffs, 1998.
4. Parag K.Lala, “ Digital circuit Testing and Testability”, Academic press, 1997.
Course Objectives:
To study about various VLSI architectures at the implementation level,
To understand various approaches to analysis, estimation, and reduction of power consumption.
To know how to design high speed, low-area, and low-power VLSI systems for broad range of
DSP applications.
Course Description:
Representations of DSP Algorithms-Iteration bound and algorithms for computing iteration bound - Pipe-
lining and parallel processing of FIR filters for high speed/ low power applications - Retiming& Unfold-
ing: Algorithmic strength reduction in filters and transforms - Systolic Array: Design Methodology-FIR
systolic Arrays -Fast Convolution Algorithms- Scaling and roundoff noise computation -Bit level arith-
metic architectures-Canonic Signed Digit Arithmetic-Distributed Arithmetic-Redundant Arithmetic-
Numerical Strength Reduction Techniques
1. Keshab K. Parhi, “VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems, Design and implementation”, Wiley,
Interscience, 2007.
2. U. Meyer Baese, “Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays”, Springer, 2nd
Edition, 2004.
3. Shoab Ahmed Khan, “Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems: A Practical Approach” ,
Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
4. Jose E. France, Yannis Tsividis, “Design of Analog-Digital VLSI Circuits for Telecommunica-
tion and Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1994.
5. S.Y.Kuang, H.J. White house, T. Kailath, “VLSI and Modern Signal Processing”, Prentice
Credits: 0:0:2 (Version 1.1)
Co-requisite: 14EC3004 Hardware Description Languages
Course Objectives:
Design of Digital Circuits for synthesis and simulation using HDL and Schematic Entry.
Design of various steps involved in Physical Design such as Placement, Routing, DRC, Parasitic
Extraction and Layout.
Design and analysis of Analog Circuits
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Exposed to various tools such as Mentor Graphics (Front-end and Back-end ), Tanner EDA and
Cadence EDA tools.
Able to design any Analog or Digital Circuits using the above tools.
Able to use the tools for their projects and research works.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objectives:
To study the basic concepts of speech and audio.
To study the speech processing methods in time and frequency domain
To study the analysis of various M-band filter banks & transform coders for audio coding
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Express the speech and audio signals in terms of its time and frequency domain features.
Understand various transform theory and filter bank theory for speech and audio coding.
Synthesize speech and audio application block diagram and they can develop algorithms that
could be used to implement the application.
Course Description:
Mechanics of speech - Nature of speech signal - Discrete time modelling of speech production - Classifi-
cation of speech sounds - Absolute threshold of hearing - Critical bands- Masking. Machanics of audio -
Perceptual entropy - PAQM - Cognitive effects in judging audio quality - Time - frequency analysis of
audio - filter banks and transforms - Time and frequency domain methods for speech processing -
Homomorphic speech analysis - Linear predictive analysis of speech - Application of LPC parameters -
Formant analysis.
1. UdoZölzer, “Digital Audio Signal Processing”, John Wiley & sons Ltd , 2nd Edition, 2008.
2. Mark Kahrs and Karlheinz Brandenburg, “Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and
Acoustics”, Kluwer Academic Publishers New York,2002.
3. L.R.Rabiner and R.W.Schaffer, “Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, Pearson Education, 4th
4. Andreas Spanias, Ted Painter and Venkatraman Atti, “Audio Signal Processing And Coding”,
Course Objectives:
To introduce the characteristics of different biosignals
To discuss linear and non-linear filtering techniques to extract desired information
To introduce techniques for automated classification and decision making to aid diagnosis
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Analyze signals in time series domain & estimate the spectrum
Understand the significance of detection techniques applied in biosignal processing.
Extract the features using multivariate analysis.
1. Arnon Cohen, “Bio-Medical Signal Processing”,Vol I and Vol II, CRC Press Inc., Boca Rato,
Florida 1999.
2. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, “Biomedical Signal Analysis- A case study approach”, Wiley-
Interscience/IEEE Press, 2nd Edition, 2015.
3. Willis J. Tompkins, “Biomedical Digital Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
4. Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W.Jervis, “Digital Signal processing- A Practical Approach”,
Pearson Education Ltd., 2002.
5. Raghuveer M. Rao and Ajith S.Bopardikar, “Wavelets transform – Introduction to theory and its
applications”, Pearson Education, India 2000.
Course Objectives:
To understand the operation of various imaging modalities
To analyze the outcome of various image processing techniques
To understand the overview of various dimensional imaging methods
Course Outcomes:
Course Description:
Acquisition of Images - rectilinear scanner - Emission computed Tomography multiple crystal scintilla-
tion cameras - Image Reconstruction from Projections in Two dimensions - Radon Transform- Projection
Theorem – Fluoroscopy – CT - Image quality Digital fluoroscopy – cinefluorography - Imaging Recon-
struction algorithms - Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy - Fundamentals - tissue contrast in
MRI – angiography – spectrography - Ultra sound - Neuro magnetic Imaging - Quality control - Origin of
Doppler shift – Limitations of Doppler systems.
1. William R. Hendee, E. Russell Ritenour, “Medical Imaging Physics”, A John Wiley & sons, Inc.,
Publication, 4th Edition 2002.
2. Geoff Dougherty, “Medical Image Processing: Techniques and Applications”, Springer, 2011.
3. Z.H. Cho., J-oie, P. Jones and Manbir Singh, “Foundations of Medical Imaging”, John Wiley and
4. Avinash C. Kak, Malcolm Shaney, “Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging”, IEEE
Press, New York, 1998.
Course Objectives:
To study about the aspects of clinical engineering
Understand the electric shock hazards and safety devices.
Understand the applications of various sensors
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Exhibit knowledge about the recent medical applications of electronics.
Specify the type of sensor for physiological measurement.
Apply the knowledge to conduct test and measurements.
Course Description :
Medical standards and recalibration, Need for Standardization, Hospital design, Hospital safety Regula-
tions, Management and Legal aspects. Network topologies, LAN components, network operating system,
planning and installing LAN in hospital set up-Fibre Optic Sensors for Measuring Physiological Parame-
ters – Application of the sensors in measuring pressure, temperature, flow, rotation and chemical activi-
ties- principles of smart sensors. EMI and EMC Applied to Hospital Equipment’s- Virtual Reality Appli-
cation -Human Factors and Human Perception, Computer graphics principles used in VR, Existing tools
Tracking- Applications of Virtual Reality in Medicine
1. Syed Amin Tabish, “Hospital and Health services Administration Principles and Practices”, Ox-
ford Press, New Delhi, 2001.
2. Jacob Kline, “Handbook of Biomedical Engineering”, Academic Press INC ,Sandiego 1981.
3. Bernhard Keiser, “Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility”, Artech House, 3rd Edition,
4. Eric Udd, “Fibre Optic Sensors and Introduction for Engineers and Scientists”, Wiley
Interscience Publication, New Delhi, 1991.
5. SK Basandia, “Local Area Network”, Golgotia Publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1995.
6. R.C.Goyal, “Hospital Administration and Human Resource Management”, 4th Edition, Prentice
Course Objectives:
Understand the basics of computerized data acquisition and processing
Obtain knowledge about the PC hardware
Understand various design and interfacing logics
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
know the functional units in a PC and their applications
Independently analyze various data acquisition system.
Solve instrumentation tasks using both PC and interfacing methods.
1. Ramachandra Lele, “Computers in Medicine Progress in Medical Informatics”, Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2005
2. N.Mathivanan, “PC Based Instrumentation: Concepts and Practice”, Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 2007.
3. B.Govindarajalu, “IBM PC and Clones: Hardware, Troubleshooting and Maintenance”, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Herbert Schildt, “The Complete Reference – JAVA”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,
New Delhi, 2005
5. John P Woodward, “Biometrics – The Ultimate Reference”, Dream tech Publishers, New Delhi,
6. Ranjan Parekh, “Principles of Multimedia”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,
7. Stephen J Bigelow, “Trouble shooting, Maintaining and Repairing of PCs”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2005
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To understand the basic concepts of digital receivers.
To understand the principles involved in digital communication receivers under different channel
To get exposed to equalization techniques employed in digital receivers.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Course Description:
Review of Digital Communication Techniques - Optimum Multiuser Detection, Correlating and
Decorrelating Detection, Narrowband Interference Suppression, Synchronization techniques - Signal Pro-
cessing for Wireless Reception - Adaptive Equalization - Echo cancellation.
1. X.Wang&H.V.Poor, “Wireless Communication Systems”, Pearson, 2004.
2. R.Janaswamy, “Radio Wave Propagation and Smart Antennas for Wireless Communication”,
Kluwer, 2002
3. Iti Saha Misra, “Wireless Communications and Networks”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
Understand basics of detection and estimation theory.
Design and analyse optimum detection schemes.
Study different estimation schemes such as ML and MMSE estimators.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand different estimation schemes.
Understand the extraction of useful information from random observations in communication
through probabilistic framework.
Design an optimal estimator for signals with different noise parameters.
Course Description:
Binary Hypothesis Testing: Bayes, Minimax and Neyman-Pearson tests. Composite hypothesis testing -
Signal Detection in Discrete Time - Models and detector structures. Coherent detection in independent
noise - Detection in Gaussian noise - Detection of signals with random parameters - Detection of stochas-
tic signals - Bayesian Parameter Estimation: Kalman - Bucy filter - Linear estimation.Orthogonality prin-
ciple - Wiener- Kolmogorov filtering – causal and non-causal filters - Signal Detection in continuos time.
1. Harry .L. Van Trees, Kristine L Bell, ZhiTian, Detection, Estimation and Modulation theory, Part
I, 2nd Edition, Wiley Publications 2013.
2. H.V. Poor, “An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation”, 2nd Edition, Springer, 1994.
3. Mourad Bakat, “Signal Detection and Estimation”, 2nd Edition, Artech House, 2005.
4. Athanasios Papoulis, S Unnikrishna Pillai, “Probabilty, Random Variabes and Stochastic Pro-
Course Objectives:
To study the fundamentals of DSP processors and develop the programming skills.
To learn the third generation DSP architecture.
To expose the advanced DSP architectures and their applications.
Course Description:
Fundamentals of programmable DSPs - Multiplier and Multiplier accumulator - Modified bus structures
and Memory access in PDSPs - Multiple access memory - Multi-port memory -VLIW architecture - Pipe-
lining - Special addressing modes in PDSPs - On chip peripherals. Texas and Analog Devices processors:
Architecture of TMS320C5X processor and TMS320C6X processor - Architecture of ADSP-21XX pro-
cessor and ADSP-210XX processor. Addressing modes and assembly language instructions - Application
programs- Filter design and FFT calculation. Advanced processors architecture of TMS320C54X: Pipe
line operation, Code Composer Studio. Architecture of TMS320C6X- Architecture of Motorola
DSP563XX-Comparison of the features of DSP family processors.
1. B.Venkataramani and M.Bhaskar, “Digital Signal Processors – Architecture, Programming and
Applications” Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi, 2nd Edition 2010.
2. Avtar Singh and S. Srinivasan, “Digital Signal Processing – Implementations using DSP Micro-
processors with examples from TMS320C54XX”, Thomson, 2004.
3. RulphChassaing and Donald Reay, “Digital Signal Processing and applications with the C6713
and C6416 DSK”, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition,2011.
4. RulphChassaing, “DSP applications using C and the TMS320C6X DSK”, John Wiley & Sons,
5. Sen M.Kuo and Woon-Seng S.Gen, "Digital Signal Processors: Architectures, Implementations,
And Applications", Pearson Education India, 2nd Impression,2009.
6. Sen M.Kuo, Bob H.Lee and Wenshun Tian, "Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Fundamen-
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Develop a strong foundation in the field of Global Positioning Systems.
Acquire in-depth knowledge about working of Global positioning receivers.
Understand various errors occurring in GPS and latest variant DGPS receivers and GPS applica-
Course Description:
Introduction: GPS and GLONASS Overview - Satellite Navigation -Time and GPS – User position and
velocity calculations Signal Characteristics: GPS signal components - purpose, properties. GPS Receivers
1. MohinderS.Grewal , Lawrence R.Weill, Angus P.Andrews, “Global Positioning Systems - Iner-
tial Navigation and Integration”, John Wiley& sons , 2002
2. E.D.Kaplan, "Global Positioning Systems – Inertial Navigation and Integration", John wiley &
sons , 2001.
3. G S RAO, “Global Navigation Satellite Systems”, McGraw-Hill publications, New Delhi, 2010
4. B. Hoffman – Wellenhof, H. Liehtenegger and J. Collins, "GPS – Theory and Practice”, Springer
– Wien, New York ,2001.
5. James Ba – Yen Tsui, ‘Fundamentals of GPS receivers – A software approach’, John Wiley &
Sons, 2001.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To study the basic optical signal properties
To understand the working principle of spatial filtering system
To study the working and applications of optical devices
Course Outcomes: ni
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Learn the properties of optical signal
Acquire knowledge on spatial filtering system
Learn the working and application of optical devices
Course Description:
Fundamentals of geometrical and physical optics - Sample function - Geometrical optics - Basic laws -
Refraction by prisms - Lens formula - Imaging condition - Optical invariants - Physical optics - Trans-
forms: Fresnel- Fourier - Inverse Fourier and Extended Fourier - Spatial light modulation - Spatial light
modulators - Detection process - System performance process - dynamic range - Raster format - Spectral
analysis - Types of spatial filters - Optical signal processing and filter generation - Read out module -
Orientation and sequential search - Applications of optical spatial filter – Acousto-optic cells - Spatial
light modulators - Basic spectrum analyzer - aperture weighting - dynamic range and SNR- photo detector
- Geometric considerations – radiometer - Overlapping of waves - optimum photo detector size for 1D
and 2D structure - Optical radio - spatial and temporal frequencies - Distributed and local oscillator - Dy-
namic range comparison of heterodyne and power spectrum analyzers.
1. Vanderlugt, “Optical Signal Processing”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005.
2. Mahlke Gunther, Goessing Peter, “Fiber optic cables: Fundamentals, Cable Engineering, System
planning”, John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 2001.
3. Hiroshi Murata, “Handbook of Optical Fibers and Cables” Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1998.
4. P.K. Das, “Optical Signal Processing Fundamentals”, Narosa Publishing New Delhi, 1991.
5. Bradley G. Boone, “Signal Processing Wing Optics”, Oxford University Press, 1998.
Course Objectives:
To study different technologies of microwave integrated circuits and to study various encapsula-
tion and mounting/bonding techniques of hybrid and monolithic MICs.
To study planar transmission lines such as microstrip and coupled microstrip lines.
To design and fabricate lumped passive elements working at microwave frequencies, design and
analyze various planar microwave circuits.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the structural and constructional features of ICs at microwave range of communica-
Design amplifier, oscillator, filter, attenuator circuits suitable for microwave transmission.
Design application circuits to employ in radar, satellite, and mobile communication systems.
Course Description:
Fabrication process behind Hybrid(thick and thin film) MICs and Monolithic MICs - Methods of encap-
sulation and bonding of chips - Testing of fabricated chips - Numerical method, hybrid mode, and cou-
pled mode analysis of microstrip lines - Even and odd mode analysis of slot lines, coplanar wave guides,
and directional couplers such as branch line couplers - Design and fabrication of microstrip based lumped
elements such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors along with certain non-reciprocal devices such as
circulators, isolators, and phase shifters - Microwave amplifier and oscillator circuit designs and
gain/stability analysis - Analysis of infinite terminated periodic structures such as nth order filters.
1. D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. Robert E.Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engg., 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 2001.
3. Gupta,K.C, and Amarjitsingh , “Microwave Integrated Circuits”, John Wiley and sons, Wiley
Course Objectives:
To explore the EMI/EMC concepts and principles.
To understand the EMI shielding principles and Electromagnetic compatible PCB design.
To learn EMI measurements and standards.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design and test radiation hazard free electronic products not susceptible to EMI
Understand the concepts of EMI Coupling and decide shielding in cables and PCB
Understand commercial and military testing standards
References :
1. V.P.Kodali, “Engineering EMC Principles, Measurements and Technologies”, IEEE Press, New
York, second Edition, 2001.
2. C R Paul, “ Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility”, John Wiley and Sons, 1992.
3. Bemhard Keiser, “Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility”, 3rd Edition, Artech House,
Norwood, 1987
4. Henry W.Ott. “Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems”, A Wiley Inter Science Pub-
lications, John Wiley and Sons, New York, Second Edition, 1988.
5. Donald R. J. White, William G. Duff, “A Handbook Series on Electromagnetic Interference and
Compatibility: Electrical noise and EMI specifications”, Don White Consultants, 1971.
Course Objectives:
To understand the fundamentals of RF system design
To gain knowledge on the behavior and issues of passive and active components in RF applica-
To evaluate the performance of RF system applications using basic analysis techniques
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand RF system design fundamentals.
Realize the issues arises in using passive and active components for RF system design.
Analyze and evaluate the performance of the RF system.
Course Description:
Importance of RF design – behavior of passive components – chip components and circuit board consid-
erations - issues and application. Analysis of Simple circuit in phasor domain - Impedance Transfor-
mation - RF filter design – Configuration – realization and implementation. Active RF components and
applications RF amplifier designs, characteristics and applications Oscillators and Mixers – applications
1. Reinhold Ludwig and Powel Bretchko, “RF Circuit Design –Theory and Applications”, Pearson
Education Asia, 2nd Edition, 2000.
2. Reinhold Ludwig and Gene Bogdanov , “RF Circuit Design –Theory and Applications”, Pearson
Education Asia, 2nd Edition, 2009
4. Joseph. J. Carr,” Secrets of RF Circuit Design”, Mc Graw Hill Publishers, 3rd Edition 2001.
5. Matthew M. Radmanesh,” Radio Frequency & Microwave Electronics”, Pearson Education Asia,
Second Edition, 2002.
6. Chris Bowmick, John Blyer, Cheril Ajluni, RF Circuit Design, Newnes Elsevier Publications, 2nd
Edition, 2011.
Course Objectives:
To study the mechanisms of MEMS relays and switches
To learn the various micro machined passive elements, RF filters and MEMS phase shifters
To understand the parameters of microstrip antennas
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design MEMS relays and switches.
Acquire knowledge in designing passive elements, RF filter, MEMs phase shifter.
Design microstrip antennas
Course Description:
Importance of RF design – RF MEMs relays and switches, MEMs inductors and Capacitors, Micro-
Machined RF filter design – capabilities, limitations and applications, MEMs phase shifter types – design,
fabrications and applications, Microstrip antennas – design parameters – Reliability and thermal issues
References :
1. V.K. Varadan, K.J. Vinoy and K.A. Jose, “RF MEMS and their Applications”, John Wiley &
Sons Inc, 2002.
2. G.M. Rebeiz, “RF MEMS: Theory, Design and Technology”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2003.
3. Hector J. De Santos, “RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications” Artech House,
4. V. Kaajakari, “Practical MEMS,” Small Gear Publishing, 2009.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Acquire knowledge on Neural Networks & CAD tools for solving RF and microwave problems.
Create models with neural networks for RF and Microwave Design.
Course Description:
Neural network modeling approach-Multilayer perception - Back propagation - Radial Basis function -
Initialization of neural model weight parameters – Data Generation, Splitting & scaling – Gradient based
methods-GA for NN: The schema theorem – effect of crossover, Mutation-chromosomal representation -
fitness function – setting the GA parameters and operators. Models for microstrip transmission lines–
microstrip via -to strip line interconnect –models for CPW transmission line – CPW continuities – CPW
opens and short -Optimization of Component structure – circuit optimization – CPW folded double stub
filter – power divider –Multilayer - circuit design and optimization - CPW patch antenna design – yield
5. N.C. Chauhan, M.V. Kartikeyan, A. Mittal, “Soft Computing Methods for Microwave and Mil-
limeter – wave Design Problems”, Springer, 2014.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To impart the fundamentals of smart antenna technologies for wireless communication
To gain an understanding of the operation and application of spatial filtering accomplished by
adaptive array antenna systems.
To evaluate a system requirement for implementation of an appropriate smart antenna implemen-
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the mathematical modeling of smart antenna systems.
Acquire knowledge in narrowband and broadband processing techniques.
Design and integrate smart antenna system for Wireless applications.
Course Description:
Introduction: Antenna gain - Phased array antenna - power pattern - beam steering - degree of freedom -
optimal antenna - adaptive antennas - smart antenna - key benefits of smart antenna technology - wide
band smart antennas - Digital radio receiver techniques and software radio for smart antennas. Narrow
and Broad Band Processing - Adaptive Processing: Direction of Arrival Estimation Methods - Diversity
1. Lal Chand Godara, "Smart Antennas" CRC press, 2004.
2. Joseph C Liberti, Theodore S Rappaport, "Smart Antennas for Wireless Communication: IS-95
Course Objectives:
• To understand the concepts of communication network security and different types of attacks as-
sociated with it.
• To know the different approaches and algorithms to handle security and to maintain data integrity
and authenticity.
• To know the practical aspects of security features design and their implementation in wireless
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
• Design a security system to detect security violations involved in information transmission.
• Acquire knowledge on different approaches to handle security problems in communication net-
work security,
• Understand the security implementation in wireless networking
Course Description:
Conventional encryption model – Stegnography - Symmetric block ciphers - Stream Cipher - Key distri-
bution - Public Key Cryptography - Message authentication and Hash functions - Digital signatures - IP
Security - Authentication Header and Encapsulating Security Payload -Key Management - Web security -
Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security - Secure Electronic Transaction - Malicious Pro-
grams, Firewall design, Antivirus Techniques.
1. Stallings,W, "Cryptography and Network security", Principles and Practice, 5 th Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2011.
2. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, Network Security, Second Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2002.
3. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Cryptography and Network security”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, Special Indian
Edition 2007.
4. William Stallings,”Network Security Essentials”,Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.
5. Charlie Kaufman,”Network Security-Private Communication in public world”,Second Edition,
Course Objectives:
To review the general routing concepts in circuit switching, packet switching networks and high
speed networks
To expose the students to the layered architecture of communication networks and the specific
functionality of the network layer
Course Description:
Routing in circuit switching networks - routing in packet switching networks - routing strategies - routing
in ATM networks - Distance Vector Routing - routing information protocol - Link State Routing - least
resistance routing - open shortest path first protocol - EGP - BGP - IDRP - IDPR - IGRP - routing in cel-
lular networks - routing in small and large sized packet radio networks - table driven and on-demand rout-
ing protocols in adhoc networks
References :
1. M.C.E. Perkins, "Ad Hoc Networking", Addison - Wesley Publication, Singapore, 2008.
2. S. Keshav, "An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking", Addison Wesley, 1 st Edition,
New Delhi, 2002. ni
3. C.K.Toh,” Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007.
4. A.S. Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks", fifth edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2010.
5. William Stallings, "Data and Computer Communications", 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
6. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Pearson Education, 8th Edition, New Delhi, 2008.
Course Objectives:
To understand the operation model of mobile communication networks
To understand the mobile network architecture and acquire background knowledge of wireless
To acquire knowledge on security issues in wireless networks
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand cellular mobile communication technologies and propagation models.
Review about security issues and mobility management for cellular networks.
Understand the protocols in different generations.
Course Description:
Introduction to wireless communication systems - Multiple access techniques - Network Planning -
Network Dimensioning – Mobility Management Procedures, radio resources and power management -
Mobile Radio Propagation and Air Protocols-AMPS, IS-95, IS-136, GSM, WCDMA, cdma2000 Mobile
Data Networks : CDPD, GPRS, Wireless LAN – IEEE 802.11 standard - architecture-access schemes -
Security Issues in Wireless Networks - wireless security protocols
Course Objectives:
To know about SoC Design and Fundamentals.
To provide Knowledge about IP cores and application specific design.
To learn about NoC and its validation
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Learn System-on-chip fundamentals
Have knowledge about the applications and on-chip networking.
Design SoC and NoC
Course Description: ni
SOC fundamentals-Essential issues of SoC design – A SoC for Digital still camera – Multimedia IP de-
velopment : Image and video codecs-SOC software and energy management-SoC embedded software –
Energy management techniques for SoC design-Design methodology for NOC based systems – Mapping
Concurrent application onto architectural platforms. Packet switched network for on-chip communication
– Energy reliability tradeoff for NoC’s – Clocking strategies – Parallel computer as a NoC’s region- MP-
SoC from software to hardware – NoC APIs – multilevel software validation for NoC – Software for net-
work on chip.
Course Objectives:
To understand concepts of Reconfigurability
To learn about FPGA based system design
To provide the knowledge of CORDIC architectures
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design reconfigurable architectures
Course Description:
General Purpose FPGA Architecture - Reconfigurable Computing Devices- Reconfigurable Computing
Systems- Reconfiguration Management- Hardware Description Languages (VHDL)- Compilation for Re-
configurable Computing Machines - Streaming Models- FPGA applications using block diagrams in sim-
ulink- Implementing Applications with FPGAs-Implementing arithmetic in FPGAs- CORDIC Architec-
tures for FPGA computing- CORDIC algorithm- Architecture design-FPGA implementation of CORDIC
Processors -Technology Mapping & FPGA Placement- SPIHT Image Compression- Run-time reconfigu-
ration: Automatic Target Recognition- Implications of Floating Point for FPGAs.
1. Scott Hauck, Andre Dehon, “Reconfigurable Computing”, Elsevier publications, 2011.
2. Marco Lanzagorta, stphenbique, Robert Rosenberg, “Introduction to Reconfigurable
3. Supercomputing”, Morgan &c laypool publisher series, 2010.
4. Pao-Ann Hsiung, Marco D, “Reconfigurable system Design & verification”, CRC press, 2009.
5. Wayne Wolf , “FPGA-Based System Design”, Pearson India, 2004.
6. Christophe Bobda, “Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Algorithms, and
Applications”, Springer,2007.
7. Yoonjin Kim, Rabi N. Mahapatra , “Design of Low-Power Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Archi-
tectures”, CRC Press, 2010. ni
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn about IC manufacturing
To know about IP components at various design levels
Course Description:
IC manufacturing- IC design techniques- IP based design- reliability- Layout Design and tools- Logic
Gates: Combinational Logic Functions, Switch Logic- Low power gates-Delay- Yield-Gates as IP-
Combinational Logic Networks-Standard Cell based Layout- Combinational network delay- Logic and
Interconnect design- Power optimization-Switch logic network, logic testing-Sequential Machine-System
design and Clocking-Performance analysis- Power optimization, Design validation and testing; Image
Sensors, Subsystems as IP-Floor planning methods-Global Interconnect- Floor plan design- Off-chip
Connections- Architecture Design- GALS systems, Architecture Testing- IP Components- Design Meth-
odologies- IP in reuse based design-Constrained based IP protection-Protection of data and Privacy-
constrained based watermarking for VLSI IP based protection.
1. Wayne wolf, “Modern VLSI Design: IP-based Design”, Pearson Education, 2009.
Course Objectives:
• To understand the importance of design and testing of memories.
• To know the functionality of different types of memories and the methods of testing it.
• To know the emerging techniques in design of memories.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
• Gain the knowledge about recent developments in memories
• Design and test semiconductor memories.
• Gain knowledge to optimize the parameters in memory design.
Course Description:
Random Access Memory Technologies – SRAM , DRAM – Non Volatile Memories – MRAM, PROM,
EPROM, EEPROM, Flash memories - RAM Fault Modeling – RAM Electrical Testing - IDDQ Fault
modeling and testing – Application Specific Memory Testing – Volatile and Non Volatile memory Relia-
bility issues – Radiation effects – Radiation Hardening Techniques – Advanced memory technologies –
FRAM-GaAs–FRAM- MRAM-Analog memories – Experimental Memory Devices.
1. Ashok K.Sharma, " Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability ", Wiley-IEEE
Course Objectives:
• To understand the difference between verification and testing.
• To know about verification tools and plan.
Course Description:
Functional Verification Approaches-Testing Versus Verification- Verification and Design Reuse - Linting
Tools-Simulators-Third Party Models-Waveform Viewers-Code Coverage-Issue- Tracking Metrics - Ver-
ification plan-Levels of Verification-Verification Strategies –Specification Features – Test cases -Test
1. Janick Bergeron, “Writing Test Benches Functional Verification of HDL Models”,Springer 2nd
2. Andreas Meyer, “Principles of Functional Verification” Elsevier Inc.,2004 .
3. Amir Palnitkar, “Design Verification with e” Prentice Hall, 1st Edition, 2003.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn in detail about non clocked and clocked logic styles, Latching Strategies and Asynchro-
nous clocking techniques
Will get knowledge about clock jitter skew
Will know about clock generation and clock distribution
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Design any high speed VLSI Circuit.
Understand different logic styles used in VLSI Design.
Design different circuits by considering clock jitter and clock skew.
Course Description:
Clocked Logic Styles-Rail Domino Logic Styles, Dual-Rail Domino Structures, Latched Domino Struc-
tures, and Clocked pass Gate Logic,Non-Clocked logic styles-Circuit Design Margin-Design Variability-
Application Induced Variations, Noise,Latching Strategies-Basic Latch Design, Latching Differential
Logic, Race Free Latches for Pre-charged Logic, Asynchronous Latch Techniques-Interface Techniques-
Signaling Standards, Chip-to-Chip Communication Networks, ESD Protection, Skew Tolerant Design,
Clock Jitter and Skew–Clock Generation–Clock Distribution-Asynchronous clocking Techniques.
1. Kerry Bernstein & et.al, “High Speed CMOS Design Styles”, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
2. Evan Sutherland, Bob Stroll, David Harris, “Logical Efforts, Designing Fast CMOS Circuits”,
4. Masakazu Shoji, “High Speed Digital Circuits”, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1996.
5. Ashok K. Goel, “High-Speed VLSI Interconnections”, 2nd Edition, Wiley-IEEE Press,2007.
Course Objectives:
To learn about device modeling.
To analyze and learn the characteristics and architectures of ADCs and DACs.
To learn about CMOS amplifiers and Comparators.
Course Description:
Device Modeling: MOS Models-Bipolar Models- Analog Signal Processing-Digital-to-Analog Convert-
ers: Current Scaling- Voltage Scaling and Charge Scaling- Analog-To Digital Converters: Serial A/D
Converters- Successive Approximation A/D –Parallel High Performance A/D Converters–Switched Ca-
pacitor Filters-CMOS Amplifiers: Differential Amplifiers- Cascode Amplifiers-Current Amplifiers-
Output Amplifiers-High-Gain Amplifier Architectures-Comparators.
1. Phillip E.Allen, DouglasR.Holberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, 3rd Edition, Oxford Univer-
sity Press, 2013
2. Randall L.Geiger, Philip E.Allen, Noel K.Strader, “VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Dig-
ital Circuits”, McGraw Hill International Co, 1990.
3. YannisTsividis, “Mixed Analog – Digital VLSI Device and Technology” World scientific pub-
lishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2002
4. P. V. Ananda Mohan, “VLSI Analog Filters: Active RC, OTA-C and SC”, Birkhauser 2013.
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To design PLL and Analog Multiplier.
To learn modeling and characteristics of Data Converters.
To learn the steps to implement both analog and digital circuits in a single silicon wafer.
Course Outcomes:
Course Description:
Analog Multiplier Design- PLL-Simple PLL-Charge-pump PLL-Applications of PLL-Data Converter
Modeling-Sampling and Aliasing : A Modeling Approach- Data Converter SNR: Effective Number of
Bits-Clock Jitter-Improving SNR using Averaging-Decimating Filters for ADCs-Interpolating Filters for
DACs-Using Feedback to improve SNR-Submicron CMOS Circuit Design-Submicron CMOS Overview
and Models-Digital Circuit Design-Analog Circuit Design-Op-amp design-Circuit Noise-Implementing
Data Converters:R-2R Topologies for DACs-Topologies without an op-amp-Op-amps in Data Convert-
References :
1. Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, McGraw Hill, 2001.
2. Razavi, “Principles of Data Conversion System Design”, S.Chand and company ltd, 2000.
3. Jacob Baker, “CMOS Mixed-Signal Circuit Design”, Wiley India Private Limited, 2008.
Course Objectives:
To give the essential knowledge and techniques for designing VLSI circuits for biomedical appli-
Students learn about CMOS circuits for wireless medical applications.
Students learn about the Integrated Circuits for Neural Interfacing.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the CMOS circuits for wireless medical applications.
Design low power compact VLSI circuits for biomedical applications.
Design Neuro Mimetic Integrated Circuits.
Course Description:
Neuro chemical sensing- Neuro potential sensing-Telemetry system- -Multimodal electrical and chemical
sensing-Prothesis exterior body Unit and wireless link- Body Implantable Unit- CMOS circuits for im-
plantable devices- CMOS circuits for wireless medical applications- Integrated Circuits for Neural Inter-
facing- Neuro Mimetic Integrated Circuits.
References :
1. Krzyszt of Iniewslei, “VLSI Circuits for Bio Medical Applications”, Artech House Publishers,
2. RahulSarpeshkar, "Ultra Low Power Bioelectronics: Fundamentals, Biomedical Applications, and
tems”, Wiley,1998
Course Objectives:
To study the design concepts of low noise amplifiers.
Course Description:
Integrated inductors- resistors- MOSFET and BJT amplifier design- Low Noise Amplifier Design -
Wideband LNA - Design Narrowband LNA - Impedance Matching - Automatic Gain Control Amplifiers
References :
1. B.Razavi ,”RF Microelectronics” , Prentice-Hall ,2011
2. Bosco H Leung “VLSI for Wireless Communication”, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. Thomas H.Lee, “The Design of CMOS Radio –Frequency Integrated Circuits’, Cambridge Uni-
versity Press ,2003.
4. Emad N Farag and Mohamed I Elmasry, “Mixed Signal VLSI Wireless Design Circuits and Sys-
tems”,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
5. BehzadRazavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits” McGraw-Hill, 2000.
6. J. Crols and M. Steyaert, “CMOS Wireless Transceiver Design,” Boston, Kluwer Academic Pub.,
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To learn the various techniques & architectures of D/A Converters.
To learn the various techniques& architectures of A/D Converters.
To study about the S/H circuit and testing of A/D and D/A Converters.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Develop low power and high speed A/D Converters.
Course Description:
Data Converter Fundamentals & Specifications of Converters- High Speed A/D Converters & D/A Con-
verters: Design problems-Full-flash converters-Two step flash converters--Pipeline converter architec-
ture-High speed D/A converter architecture: Voltage weighting based architecture-High Resolution A/D
Converters- High Resolution D/A converters: Pulse width modulation D/A converters- Integrating D/A
converters- Current weighting using ladder networks- Sample and hold amplifiers: Basic Sample –and –
Hold Configuration-Integrating S/H Circuit-Switched Capacitor S/H circuit- -Sigma-delta A/D conver-
1. Rudy van de Plassche, “CMOS Integrated Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Converters”,
Springer International Edition, 2nd Edition, 2007.
2. Jacob Baker. R, Harry W. Li, David E. Boyce, “CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation”,
IEEE Press, 3rd Edition, 2010.
3. Randall L.Geiger, Philip E.Allen, Noel K.Strader, “VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Dig-
ital Circuits”, McGraw Hill International Co, 1990.
Course Objectives:
To learn the fundamentals and importance of signal integrity.
To study about the different types of Di-Electric materials.
To learn about differential cross talk and CMOS based transmission line model
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Implement signal integrity principles in the design of high speed circuits.
Analyze about the different types of Di-Electric materials.
Implement ESD protection techniques.
Course Description:
The importance of signal integrity-New realm of bus design-Electromagnetic fundamentals for signal in-
tegrity Maxwell equations-common vector operators-Wave propagations-Electrostatics-Magneto statics-
Power flow and the pointing vector-Reflections of electromagnetic waves- Introduction -Mutual induct-
ance and capacitance, Coupled wave equation-coupled line analysis-Modal analysis-Cross talk minimiza-
tion signal propagation in unbounded conductive media-Classic conductor model for transmission model-
Di-electric materials-Removal of common mode noise-Differential Cross talk-Virtual reference plane-
Propagation of model voltages common terminology-Drawbacks of Differential signaling- Introduction-
non ideal return paths-Via-IO design consideration-Push-pull transmitter-CMOS receivers-ESD protec-
tion circuits-On chip Termination.
1. StephenHall, HowardL.Heck, “Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs”,Wiley
Publishers, 2009.
2. James Edgar Buchanan, “Signal and power integrity in digital systems: TTL, CMOS, and
BiCMOS”, McGraw-Hill, 1996
4. Francescaromana Maradei , Spartaco Caniggia, “Signal Integrity and Radiated Emission of High-
Speed Digital Systems”, 2008.
Course Objectives:
To understand the necessary of scaling of MOS transistor and to introduce the concepts of
nanoscale MOS transistor concepts.
To study various device performance and its characteristics.
To study the various types of nano scaled MOS transistors.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Get an in-depth knowledge about different MOSFETs, its characteristics and the scaling methods.
design the Nanoscale devices for low power VLSI applications and Microwave applications.
Develop circuit level designs using different FETs in analog and digital applications.
1. J P Colinge, “FINFETs and other multi-gate transistors”, Springer – Series on Integrated Circuits
and Systems, 2008
2. Mark Lundstrom Jing Guo, “Nanoscale Transistors: Device Physics, Modeling and Simulation”,
Springer, 2006.
3. David Esseni, Palestri, Selmi “Nanoscale MOS Transistors: Semi-Classical Transport and Appli-
cations”, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
4. Gary Wiederrecht, “Handbook of Nanoscale Optics and Electronics”
5. M S Lundstorm, “Fundamentals of Carrier Transport”, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press,
6. Saraju P. Mohanty, NagarajanRanganathan, Elias Kougianos, PriyardarsanPatra, “Low-Power
High-Level Synthesis for Nanoscale CMOS Circuits”, Springer, 2008.
7. Amit Chaudhry, “Fundamentals of Nanoscaled Field Effect Transistors”, Springer, 2013.
Course Objectives:
To understand the device technologies for sub 100nm CMOS and device scaling of single and
Multigate MOSFETs.
To familiarize the characteristics of various Nano scale devices.
Design of Nanoscale circuits using non-classical devices.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the current trend in the Nanotechnology based on Electronics.
Course Description:
CMOS scaling challenges in Nano Scale regimes and emerging CMOS technologies. Device scaling ,
ballistic MOSFET and different scattering mechanisms. Emerging Nanoscale devices such as
heterostructure nano wire MOS- CNT MOSFET – SET – RTD. Nanoscale CMOS design and perfor-
mance optimization for data paths-Nanoscale circuits- Statistical circuit design and CMOS Circuit design
using non classical devices.
1. Lundstrom, M., “Nanoscale Transport: Device Physics, Modeling, and Simulation”, Springer.
2. Maiti, C.K., Chattopadhyay, S. and Bera, L.K., “Strained-Si and Hetrostructure Field Effect De-
vices”, Taylor and Francis, 2007
3. Hanson, G.W., “Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics”, Pearson India, 2008.
4. Wong, B.P., Mittal, A., Cao Y. and Starr, G., “Nano-CMOS Circuit and Physical Design”, Wiley,
Credits: 3:0:0 (Version 1.1)
Course Objectives:
To understand deeply about photonics along with Plasmonics.
To understand about Nanophotonics, Biophotonics and photonic crystals.
To understand the importance of applications using Photonics.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Gain deep knowledge on photonics along with Plasmonics.
Gain knowledge on Nanophotonics, Biophotonics and Photonic crystals.
Develop new applications using Photonics.
Course Description: ni
Quantum confined materials - Plasmonics based on surface plasmonics resonance - new approaches in
Nanophotonics- Near-field scanning optical microscopy - Biophotonics - DNA protein interactions and
Photonic crystals - Photonic Crystal Laser - PC based LEDs- Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs).
1. H.Masuhara, S.Kawata and F.Tokunaga, “ NanoBiophotonics”, Elsevier Science, 1st Edition
2. V.M. Shalaev and S.Kawata, “Nanophotonics with Surface Plasmons (Advances in Nano-Optics
and Nano-Photonics)”, Elsevier Science & Technology,2007.
3. B.E.A. Saleh and A.C.Teich, “Fundamentals of Photonics”, John-Wiley& Sons, New York, 2nd
Edition, 2007.
4. M.Ohtsu, K.Kobayashi, T.Kawazoe, and T.Yatsui, “Principles of Nanophotonics (Optics and Op-
toelectronics)”, CRC Press, 2008.
5. P.N. Prasad “Introduction to Biophotonics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
Course Objectives:
To perform various mathematical and logical operations
To learn interfacing of external circuits with ARM processor
Expertise in Keil software.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
Understand the basic functionality of embedded system
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester
Course Objective
1. To provide in-depth knowledge in the area of VLSI circuits verification and verification
2. To understand the test plan and tools used.
3. To provide knowledge to carry out an effective functional verification of a design.
Course Outcome
Ability to perform functional verification of hardware design.
Knowledge about verification methodologies and verification tools used.
Ability to architect test benches and test cases.
Reconvergence Model - Human Factor- Formal Verification – Equivalence checking - Functional Verification
Approaches - Testing Versus Verification- Verification and Design Reuse- cost of verification.
Text Book
1. Janick Bergeron, “Writing Test Benches Functional Verification of HDL Models” Springer 2 nd
1. Andreas Meyer, “Principles of Functional Verification” Newnes, 2003.
2. Samir Palnitkar, “Design Verification with e”, Prentice Hall, 2003.
3. Thomas Kropf “Introduction to Formal Hardware Verification”, Springer Verlag, 1999.
4. M Kerrel Iran and Robert P Kustbern, “Verification of Digital and Hybrid Systems”, springer-verlag, 2000
Course Objective:
Understand basics of detection and estimation theory.
Design and analyze optimum detection schemes.
Study different estimation schemes such as ML and MMSE estimators.
Course Outcome:
Knowledge on signal detection in the presence of noise.
Apply probability and signal processing techniques for detection of signals and parameters from available
data in continuous and discrete form.
Identify the optimal estimator/detector.
Text Books:
1. Harry .L. Van Trees, Kristine L Bell, Zhi Tian, Detection, Estimation and Modulation theory, Part I,
Second Edition, Wiley Publications 2013.
2. H.V. Poor, An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation, Second Edition, Springer, 1994.
Reference Books:
1. Mourad Bakat, Signal Detection and Estimation, Second Edition, Artech House, 2005.
2. Athanasios Papoulis, S Unnikrishna Pillai, Probabilty, Random Variabes and Stochastic Processes, ISBN
0073660116, Fourth Edition, Mc Graw Hill, 2002
3. S. M. Kay, "Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Detection Theory", Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.
4. Mandyam D. Srinath, P.K. Rajasekaran and R. Viswanathan, Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing
with Applications, Prentice Hall, 1996.
5. S. M. Kay, "Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation Theory", Prentice Hall PTR, 1993
6. J.C.Hancock & P.A. Wintz, Signal Detection Theory, Mc-Graw Hill, 1966.
To impart the basic knowledge about the passive components.
To know about the fundamentals of electronics and some electronic devices.
To get the knowledge about the various analog communication techniques.
Student get an overview about the basics of electronics.
Able to get an idea about communication and some applications in communication.
Course Contents:
Introduction to passive components and semiconductor- Types of Resistors – Types of capacitors – Types of
inductors – N type & P type semiconductor – PN junction diode –Half wave rectifier, Zener diode -Bipolar Junction
Transistor - Field Effect Transistors (JFET, MOSFET) - UJT. Number system – Boolean algebra – logic gates –
karnaugh map (4 variables), combinational circuit -Basic block of communication system – need for modulation –
types of analog modulation - AM and FM signal-Block diagram of AM and FM transmitter - Superhetrodyne
receiver-Principle of Television - Satellite communication – Radar System - Fiber optic communication- ISDN
Reference Books.
1. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, 9th Pearson
Education Edition, 2009.
2. Muthusubramanian ,R, Salivahanan S, Muraleedharan K.A, “Basic Electrical Electronics &
Computer Engineering “Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 2009
3. Anokh Singh, “Principles of Communication Engineering” S.Chand Co., 2001
4. V.K.Metha.”Principles of Electronics”,Chand Publications,2008.
Course objective:
To learn about number systems, binary codes and the basic postulates of Boolean algebra.
To study formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational and sequential circuits
To learn the implementation of digital circuits in programmable logic devices and about different logic
Course outcome
The student understands number systems, binary codes and the basic postulates of Boolean algebra.
The students acquire knowledge to design various combinational and sequential circuits.
The student gains better understanding in the implementation of digital circuits in programmable logic
devices and about different logic families.
Course Contents
Number Systems- Postulates & Theorems of Boolean Algebra – Canonical Forms – Simplification of Logic
Functions using Karnaugh map - QuineMcclusky method-Combinational Logic Circuits- Implementation of Logical
Functions using Multiplexers-Flipflops-Design of Synchronous sequential circuits-Synchronous and Asynchronous
Counters-Design of Synchronous Counters-Shift Registers-Basic Structure of PLDs-Logic Families(CMOS-TTL-
Reference Books
1. MorrisMano,”Digital logic and computer Design”, 3rd edition Prentice Hall of India,2002.
2. A. Anand Kumar, “Fundamental of Digital Circuits”, PHI, 2nd Edition 2009.
Course objective:
To understand the mechanisms of current flow in semi-conductors.
To familiarize on the principle of operation, capabilities and limitation of various advanced semiconductor
devices and its practical application.
To design practical circuits and to analyze various components.
Course outcome
The students understand the mechanisms of current flow in semiconductors.
The students are familiarized with the principle of operation, capabilities and limitation of various
advanced semiconductor devices and its practical application.
The students design practical circuits and do the necessary analysis.
Course Contents
Semiconductor in Equilibrium: Charge carriers in semiconductors, Extrinsic semiconductors-Charge neutrality,
position of Fermi energy level-carrier transport phenomena-Carrier generation and recombination-Continuity
equation –Quasi Fermi energy levels-PN junctions : basic structure, applied bias- PN junction diode : PN junction
current, small signal model of the PN junction-BJT:Bipolar transistor action, Ebers moll model- static characteristics
of transistors – JFET : JFET concepts, JFET characteristics – MOSFET : structure and Characteristics – UJT –SCR -
DIAC – TRIAC-Zener diode – Tunnel diodes– LED.
Reference Books
1. Donald A. Neamen, “ Semiconductor physics and Devices “,Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2007
2. Millman&Halkias, "Electronic Devices & Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2007.
3. Malvino A P, “Electronic Principles”, , McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2006.
4. David.A.Bell, "Electronic Devices & Circuits ", Oxford University Press, 5th Edition 2008.
5. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory", 9th Pearson Education
Edition, 2009.
Course objective:
To impart the basic knowledge about discrete and continuous time signals and systems.
To know about the frequency of continuous time signals and systems using CTFT and Laplace transform.
To understand the sampling process and frequency analysis of discrete time signals and systems using
DTFT and Z transform.
Course outcome
Students gain knowledge about discrete and continuous time signals and systems.
Students acquire knowledge about the frequency of continuous time signals and systems using CTFT and
Laplace transforms.
Course Contents
Classification of Continuous-time signals & Discrete-time signals. Properties of Continuous-time systems and
Discrete time systems. Continuous linear time-invariant systems &Discrete linear shift-invariant systems, impulse
response: differential equations and difference equations, convolution integral and sum. System analysis and
frequency response using CT Fourier transform & Laplace transform. Sampling, System analysis and frequency
response using DT Fourier transform and Z transform.
Reference Books
1. Alan V Oppenheim, Alan S Wilsky and Hamid Nawab S, “Signals & Systems”, 2 nd Edition, PHI, New
Delhi, Reprint 2009.
2. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, “Signals & Systems”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2005
3. Samir S Solimon and Srinath M.D., “Continuous and Discrete Signals and Systems”, 2nd Edition, PHI,
4. Rodger E Zaimer and William H Tranter, “Signals & Systems – Continuous and Discrete”, McMillan
Publishing Company, 4th Edition, III Reprint, 2002.
5. B.P. Lathi, Signal Processing and Linear Systems,Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2009.
6. Steven T. Karris , “Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling ”, Orchard
Publications, 4th Edition 2008
Course Objective
To learn the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
To design combinational circuits.
To design sequential circuits.
Course Outcome
The student understands the basic characteristics of all logic gates.
The student is able to design combinational circuits.
The student is able to design sequential circuits.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
The students understand the characteristics of diodes, FET and UJT.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
To know about the analysis and design of power supplies and Amplifier circuits.
To understand about the analysis and design of feedback amplifiers
To know about the analysis and design oscillators and tuned amplifiers
Course outcome
Students understand to design simple power supplies and Amplifier circuits.
Students are familiarized with the analysis and design of feedback amplifiers.
Students gain better idea about oscillators and tuned amplifiers
Course Contents
Rectifier – rectifier parameters - Capacitor and inductor filters –series and shunt regulator- Short circuit and over
load protection. - Transistor Biasing circuits –small scale modelling of FET– FET biasing circuits- Single stage
Amplifier - RC coupled and Transformer coupled amplifiers- Power amplifiers: Class A, AB, B and D – Feedback
circuits – Differential amplifier - Barkhausen criterion – RC and LC – Crystal oscillators– Tuned amplifiers-
Reference Books
1. Millman .J. &Halkias.C , "Electronic Devices And Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. Mathur S.P, Kulshrestha D.C., Chanda P.R., “Electronic Devices Applications and Integrated Circuits,
Umesh Publications, 2004.
3. Malvino A.P., “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill International, 2005.
4. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory”, PHI, 8th Edition,
5. Allen Moltershed,”Electronic Devices & Circuits”,PHI,1998.
Course objective:
To understand the fundamental concepts of transmission lines and waveguides.
To understand the essentials of impedance matching and calculates the impedance and admittance using the
Smith chart.
To apply basic electromagnetic concepts with Microwave resonators.
Course outcome
Students understand the characteristics of transmission lines.
Students acquire knowledge on impedance matching and also to calculate the impedance and admittance
using the Smith chart.
Course Contents
Transmission Line: Fundamentals- General Solution of the transmission line – the Line at Radio Frequencies: One
eighth wave line – the Quarter wave line -the Half wave line -Circle diagram - The Smith Chart – Single stub
matching and double stub matching. Waves between parallel planes of perfect conductors – Rectangular
Waveguides –Circular Wave Guides and Resonators-Microstripline, Stripline, Slot lines, Coplanar Waveguide and
Fin line.
Reference Books
1. J.D. Ryder, “Networks, Lines and Fields”, PHI, New Delhi, 2003
2. R.E. Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering (2/e), McGraw-Hill, 2002.
3. David M. Pozar “Microwave Engineering”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley 2004.
4. E.C. Jordan and K.G.Balmain “Electro Magnetic Waves and Radiating System, PHI Learning, New Delhi,
5. David K.Cheng, “Field and Waves in Electromagnetism”, Pearson Education, 1989.
Course objective:
To learn about IC 741 and its applications.
To learn about IC 555 and its applications.
To get knowledge about IC fabrication.
Course outcome
The students acquire knowledge on IC 741 and its applications.
The students acquire knowledge on IC 555 and its applications.
The students acquire knowledge on IC fabrication.
Course Contents
Characteristics of Op-amp-Applications-Comparators-Multivibrators-Oscillators-Voltage Regulators using IC723-
Active Filters-555 Timers (Astable and Monostable operation)-Applications of 555 Timers-PLL-ADC-DAC-IC
Fabrication (Diode,BJT,FET)
Reference Books
1. Roy Choudhury.D., Shail Jain, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, New Age International Publications, 3rd
2. Gayakwad.A.R., ”Op-Amps & Linear IC’s”, PHI, 4th Edition,2004
3. Robert F. Coughlin, Frederick F. Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers & LinearIntegrated Circuits”, PHI 6th
Edition, 2001.
4. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifier and Analog Integrated Circuits”,TMH, 3rd Edition,
5. Millman & Halkias,” Integrated Electronics”, Mac Graw Hill, 1991.
Course objective:
To impart basic concepts of microprocessor 8 bit (8085).
To impart basic concepts of microprocessor 16 bit (8086).
Course outcome
The student acquires programming skills in 8085.
The student acquires programming skills in 8086.
The student understands the interfacing devices, programmable peripheral devices and applications.
Course Contents
Study of 8085 processor- 8088/86 Architecture- Memory and I/O interfacing- Introduction to Pentium Processor-
Case studies – Microprocessor based System design.
Reference Books
1. Ramesh.S.Gaonkar “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Applications With 8085/8080a”,
Penram International, 2006.
2. Rafiquzzaman.M. "Microprocessor Theory and Applications-Intel and Motorola",PHI, 2007.
3. D.V. Hall “Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming and Hardware”, McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, 2nd Edition, 1990.
4. Liu, Gibson, “Microcomputer System: 8086/8088 family architecture, programming and design”, Prentice
Hall PTR, 2nd Edition 1986.
5. Ajit Pal,”Microprocessor Principles & Application”,TataMcGraw Hill Publishing Company,1 st Reprint
6. Walter A. Triebel, Avatar Singh, The 8088 & 8086 Microprocessor, program, Interfacing, Software,
Hardware and Applications, Prentice Hall of India, Fourth Edition, 2007. ISBN 81-297-0298-3
7. Krishna Kant, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and System Design,
2007, PHI Learning Private Limited. ISBN 978-81-203-3191-4
8. Barry B. Brey, The Intel Microprocessors Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, Eighth Edition,
2009, Pearson Education, ISBN 978-81-317-2622-8
To design basic circuits using IC741.
To design different multi vibrators and oscillators using IC741 and IC555.
The students design basic circuits using IC741.
The students design different multi vibrators and oscillators using IC741 and IC555.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
To develop assembly level programming skills.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and
notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
To design various linear and non-linear wave shaping circuits.
To design various multi vibrators, blocking oscillators and time based generators
To impart knowledge about the different analog circuits in practical applications.
Course outcome
Students understand to design various linear and non-linear wave shaping circuits.
Students understand to design various multi vibrators, blocking oscillators and time based generators
Students gain knowledge about the different analog circuits in practical applications.
Course Contents
High pass and low pass RC circuits – attenuators- clippers – clamper - Bi stable Multi vibrator - Triggering
methods – Design - Schmitt Trigger –Applications – Mono stable Multi vibrator- Astable Multi vibrator - General
feature of a time base signal- exponential circuit - Miller and Bootstrap time base generators- Blocking Oscillators –
Sampling gates.
Reference Books
1. Millman&Taub “Pulse Digital and Switching Waveforms”, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition 2007.
2. Suryaprakash Rao Mothiki, “Pulse and Digital Circuits”, McGraw Hill, 2nd Reprint 2009.
3. Ronald Tocci, “Fundamentals of Pulse and Digital Circuits”, Merrill Publishing Company, 3rd Edition,
4. David A Bell, “Solid State Pulse Circuits”, PHI, Fourth Edition, 2005.
5. Millman.J & Halkias.C, “ Electronic Devices & Circuits”,Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
Pre requisite:14EC2003 Signals & Systems and 14EC2007 Transmission Lines & Wave Guides
Course objective:
To impart the basic concepts of communication systems, transmitter and receiver.
To understand analog modulation and demodulation techniques.
To analyze the adverse effect of noise on signals.
Course outcome
The students understand basic concepts of communication systems, transmitter and receiver.
The students understand analog modulation and demodulation techniques.
The student acquires knowledge to analyze the adverse effect of noise on signals.
Reference Books
1. Anokh Singh, A.K.Chhabra,“Principles of Communication Engineering”, S.Chand Co.,7 th Edition, 2013.
2. Dennis Roddy & John Coolen, “Electronic Communication”, Pearson Education Limited, 4 th Edition, 2012.
3. G.Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 5 th Edition, 2012.
4. Taub and Schilling , “Principles of Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 2ndEdition, 2003.
5. Simon Haykins, “Communication Systems” John Wiley, 4th Edition, 2004.
Course objective:
To impart basic knowledge about digital signal processing
To understand Digital (IIR and FIR) filter design procedures.
To know about the finite word length effects and PDSPs.
Course outcome
The students gain basic knowledge about digital signal processing.
The students understand Digital (IIR and FIR) filter design procedures.
The students acquire knowledge on finite word length effects and PDSPs.
Course Contents
Circular Convolution and sectioned convolution, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier Transform
algorithm. Design of IIR Digital Filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic Approximations-Impulse Invariant and
Bilinear Transformation. Design of FIR Digital filters: Window method, frequency sampling Method. Effect of
finite register length in DSP. Adaptive Filter: Basics of Wiener and LMS – PDSPs.
Reference Books
1. John G Proakis and Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications”,
Pearson, Fourth Edition, 2007.
2. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing – A Practical Approach”, Wesley
Longman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004
3. SanjitK.Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing - A Computer Based Approach”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
2nd Edition, 2001Johny R. Johnson, “ Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”, PHI, 2006
4. S.Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, “Digital Signal Processing”, McGraw Hill International, 2007
5. Venkatramani B, M. Bhaskar, ‘Digital Signal Processors Architecture, Programming and Applications’,
Tata McGraw– Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2002.
Course objective:
To understand the basic concepts of 8-bit microcontroller (8031&8051) and 8-bit PIC microcontroller.
To interface the peripheral devices to the microcontrollers.
To write assembly language programs in 8031 and PIC.
Course outcome
The students understand the basic concepts of 8-bit microcontroller (8031&8051) and 8-bit PIC
The students gain knowledge to interface the peripheral devices to the microcontrollers.
The students acquire programming skills in 8031 and PIC.
Course Contents
Organization of 8031 and 8051 microcontrollers, I/O ports, External memory, Interrupts, Assembly language
programming, Counter and Timers – Serial data input and output, PIC- Program memory ,CPU Registers, Register
file structure, Block diagram of PIC16C74 ,I/O Ports, Timers 0,1 and 2 features, Interrupt Logic ,Serial Peripheral
Interface ,I2C Bus. ADC, UART, PIC family parts - Simple applications - Keyboard interfacing, ADC, Sensor
interfacing and Signal conditioning
Reference Books
1. Kenneth J.Ayala “The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming & Applications” –Penram
International Publishing –2008.
2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, J.G.Mazidi, R.D.Mckinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems”
Second Edition Prentice Hall-2007.
3. John B Peatman, “Design with PIC Micro Controllers”, Pearson Education IndiaSeries, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Rafiquzzaman.M. "Microprocessor Theory and Applications-Intel and Motorola",PHI, 2007.Intel
Pre requisite: 14EC2003 Signals and Systems and 14EC2006 Electronic Circuits.
Course Objective:
To provide an introduction to the fundamentals of Computer-Aided Design tools for the modelling, design,
analysis, test, and verification of digital systems, Labview, Matlab and PCB design.
To design, code, and test small MATLAB programs that meet requirements expressed by engineers. This
includes a basic understanding of top-down design.
To illustrate the role of computer programming in solving engineering problems.
Course outcome
Have a working familiarity with graphics tools in MATLAB.
Able to write solution programs that can solve the engineering problems.
Have a working familiarity with XILINX
Course Contents
Introduction- Programming basics- Control statements-loop statements-decision statements- User-defined functions-
plot- Logic-level synthesis and optimization of combinational and sequential circuits-XILINX - Physical design
automation (placement, floor-planning, routing), Lab-View, Introduction to MATLAB, SIMULINK- DTFT-
Sampling- Analog modulation-Pass band Digital transmission-PCB Design-Characters and strings- Cell arrays- Cell
arrays, working with numeric/text data (file I/O)- Structures and structure arrays- Objects and Classes- Array of
objects, constructor that handles variable number of args- Inheritance, Recursion- Sorting and Searching- Divide and
The students design wave shaping circuits.
The students design multi vibrator circuits.
The students analyze the different types of modulation and demodulation techniques.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits: 0:0:2
To apply the knowledge in real time DSP applications like FIR,IIR filters and FFT
To gain knowledge on ADSP BS533 & Texas instrument TMS320C6416/6713 DSK.
The students apply the knowledge in real time DSP applications like FIR,IIR filters and FFT
The students gain knowledge on ADSP BS533 & Texas instrument TMS320C6416/6713 DSK.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits 0:0:1
To impart knowledge about programming using micro controllers and it’s applications
To improve the programming skills
To encourage the students to have innovative ideas of their own
The student will be able to perform assembly level programming.
Improved programming skills
Confidence to work in core companies
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and
notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
To understand basic terminology in an antenna.
To understand the field distribution due to antenna elements.
To familiarise on various antenna types and wave propagation.
Course outcome
The students acquire knowledge on the basic terminology in an antenna.
The students understand the field distribution due to antenna elements.
The students acquire knowledge on various antenna types and wave propagation.
Course Contents
Review of antenna theory- dipoles, monopole and loop antennas- linear and planar arrays- array synthesis- phased
arrays- helical antennas- radiation from apertures- aperture distribution- horn and parabolic dish antennas- Yagi -
Uda and log-periodic antennas-microstrip antennas and arrays- Dielectric Antennas-Ground Wave-Propagation,
Free-space Propagation, Ground Reflection, Surface waves, Diffraction-Wave propagation in complex
environments, Tropospheric Propagation, Tropospheric scatter. Ionospheric propagation: Structure of ionosphere,
Sky waves, skip distance, Virtual height, Critical frequency, MUF, Electrical properties of ionosphere, Effects of
earth’s magnetic fields, Faraday rotation, Whistlers.
Reference Books
1. J.D. Karus, Antennas, McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. E.C.Jordan and Balmain, “Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems”, Pearson Education / PHI, 2006
3. A.R.Harish, M.Sachidanada, “Antennas and Wave propagation”, Oxford University Press, 2007.
4. Balanis, Antenna Theory - Analysis and design, John wiley, 2007.
5. R.E. Collin, Antennas and radiowave propagation, McGraw Hill, 1985.
6. R.C. Johnson and H. Jasik, Antenna Engineering Handbook, McGraw Hill, 1984.
7. I.J. Bahl and P. Bhartia, Microstrip antennas, Artech house,1980.
Course objective:
To study the process of sampling, quantization and coding that are fundamental to the digital transmission
of analog signals.
To learn baseband pulse transmission and pass band pulse transmission.
To learn error control coding and spread spectrum modulation schemes.
Course outcome
The students understand sampling, quantization and coding that are fundamental to the digital transmission
of analog signals.
The students gain knowledge on baseband pulse transmission and pass band pulse transmission.
The students acquire knowledge on error control coding and spread spectrum communication
Course Contents
Basic building blocks of Digital communication System, Analog versus Digital communication, Advantages and
disadvantages of digital communications. Sampling and Quantization process, PCM- types Delta Modulation and
types, baseband pulse transmission, ISI and Nyquist criterion, Generation, Detection, Signal space diagram, bit
error probability and Power spectra of M-ary Signaling Schemes MSK- Digital modulation tradeoffs, Optimum
receiver for both baseband and passband.-Source Coding- Shannon’s Theorem- linear ,cyclic and convolutional
codes generation, spread spectrum techniques.
Reference Books
1. Simon Haykins, “Communication Systems” John Wiley, 4th Edition, 2004
2. John G.Proakis, “Digital Communication” McGraw Hill 3rd Edition, 2008
3. Sam K.Shanmugam “Analog & Digital Communication” John Wiley.2006
4. Taub& Schilling, “Principles of Digital Communication “ Tata McGraw-Hill” 28th Reprint, 2003.
5. Bernard Sklar, “Digital Communication, Fundamental and Application” Pearson Education Asia, 2nd
Edition, 2001.
Course Objective:
To understand the basic building blocks of Microwave Communication system.
To understand the basic building blocks of Optical Communication system
To get familiarised with the various generators and receivers in Microwave and Optical links.
Course outcome
The students understand the basic building blocks of Microwave Communication system.
The students understand the basic building blocks of Optical Communication system
The students are familiarised with the various generators and receivers in Microwave and Optical links.
Course Contents
Review of Electromagnetics- All types of microwave passive devices with Scattering matrix. Mechanism of
operation and its applications of Microwave vacuum tube devices and Microwave solid state devices. Optical
Reference Books
1. Samuel.Y.Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 3rd Edition, 5th
Reprinting, 2000
2. Keiser.G. "Optical Fibre Communications”, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, 2000
3. Collin. R.E, “Foundation of Microwave Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, II Edition, 1992.
4. Annapurna Das, Sisir K. Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Co.,Ltd., 1st Edition, 1999.
Reprint 2001.
5. Gower.J "Optical Communication Systems”, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 5th Reprint, 2001. John Senior
“optical communications” Prentice Hall India.
Credits 0:0:2
To determine the radiation pattern of different antennae.
To analyze the characteristics of different transmission lines.
To analyze the performance of different digital modulation techniques.
The students determine the radiation pattern of different antennae.
The students analyze the characteristics of different transmission lines.
The students analyze the performance of different digital modulation techniques.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
To analyze the characteristics of different microwave and optical devices.
To analyze the performance of various microwave and optical links.
The students analyze the characteristics of different microwave and optical devices.
The students analyze the performance of various microwave and optical links.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
To understand protocol architecture for wired and wireless network.
To familiarise with different local area networks.
To understand routing, transport and application layer protocols.
Course outcome
The students understand protocol architecture for wired and wireless network.
The students are familiarised to different local area networks.
The students understand routing, transport and application layer protocols.
Course Contents
Protocols-OSI model – TCP / IP protocol suite –Transmission media-Switching- Modem-Data link control-Wired
LANS -Wireless LANS – ATM-Logical addressing-Internet Protocols-IPv4-IP addressing-Subnetting-IPv6-Routing
protocols- UDP – TCP –SCTP- Congestion Control – Quality of services- Domain Name System (DNS) – E-mail –
Reference Books
1. 1.Behrouz A. Foruzan, “Data Communication and Networking”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fourth Edition:
2. Andrew S. Tannenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Pearson Education, Fourth Edition, 2003:
3. Wayne Tomasi, “Introduction to Data Communication and Networking”, Pearson Education.
4. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Eighth Edition, Pearson Education.
5. Fred Halsall, “Multimedia Communications, Applications Networks Protocols and Standards”, Pearson
Education, Asia 2002;
Course objective:
To impart knowledge in advanced microprocessor
To train the students towards various architectures of advanced microprocessors
To expose the students towards the recent trends in the microprocessor field
Course outcome:
The student can employ their knowledge in Embedded field
Gained confidence to incorporate microprocessors in real time applications
Utilize the knowledge gained in microprocessors to design projects
Course Contents
Fundamentals Of Computer Design-Instruction- Pipelining-Difficulties In Implementing Pipelines, Extending The
Pipeline To Handle Multicycle Operations, Instruction Set Design And Pipelining-Parallel Computer Models And
Instruction Level Parallelism-Issues in The Memory Hierarchy Design- Multiprocessors-Advanced Processors-CISC
Scalar Processors, RISC Scalar Processors,Superscalar Processors, VLIW Architectures, Vector And Symbolic
Reference Books
1. Kai Hwang, “Advanced computer architecture”, TMH,1993
2. D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessey, “Computer organization and design,” Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd
Course objective:
To impart knowledge regarding the architecture and applications of advanced microcontrollers
To give exposure to microcontrollers which are used in industries.
To equip them with adequate programming skills
Course outcome
The students gain knowledge about the various higher end microcontrollers
Gained confidence to incorporate microcontrollers in real time applications
Utilize the knowledge gained in microcontrollers to design projects
Course Contents
MCS51 FAMILY FEATURES: 8051 Interrupt Structure – Timer modules – Serial Features
– Port Structure – Power Saving Modes -Comparison of 8031, 8051 and 8751. MOTOROLA 68HC11: 68HC11
features – Different modes of operation and memory map– Functions of I/O ports in single chip and expanded
multiplexed mode – Timer system of 68HC11 – Input capture, output compare and pulsed accumulator features of
68HC11.PIC MICROCONTROLLER: CPU architecture – Timer – Interrupts – I/O port expansion– I2C bus –
A/D converter – Instruction set. Typical applications: Stepper motor control –DC motor control – AC power control
using any microcontroller mentioned above.
Reference Books
1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice GillispieMazidi, “8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems” Prentice
Hall, 1999.
2. Kenneth J. Ayala, “The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and Applications”, Penram
International, 2nd Edition, 2004
3. John B Peatman “Design with PIC Microcontrollers”, Pearson Education Asia, Singapore, 8th Edition,
4. “8-bit Embedded controllers”, Intel corporation,1990.
5. Mano, M M., "Computer system Architecture", Prentice Hall of India, 3 rd Edition, 1993
To impart knowledge about programming using micro controllers and it’s applications
To improve the programming skills
To encourage the students to have innovative ideas of their own
The student will be able to perform assembly level programming.
Improved programming skills
Confidence to work in core companies
Course Objective:
To understand the basic concepts of Embedded System
To acquire Knowledge in Real time Embedded system, programming languages and tools.
To explore the potential areas utilizing embedded processors in real time systems
Course Outcome:
The students
Acquire designing skills in Hardware
Good Programming skills using Software Tools of Embedded System
Acquired knowledge to do embedded projects
Course Contents
Introduction to Embedded Systems, Embedded Design Life cycle, Hardware Interfacing Techniques- Serial
Communication ,RTC and EEPROM interface, Relay, Stepper and DC motor; Software Development tools and
Programming Techniques-IDE-Timer Programming, Serial port programming, Getting Embedded Software into
Target System Debug Kernels; Real Time Operating Systems.
Reference Books:
1. Arnold Berger, ―Embedded System Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools, and Techniques CMP
2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, ―The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems , Second Edition, Prentice -
Hall, Inc.2006
3. David E Simon, ―An Embedded Software Primer Pearson Education Asia, 2006.
4. Rajkamal, Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, Tata McGraw -Hill,2003.
5. Wayne Wolf, ―Computers as Components Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005.
6. Douglas V. Hall, ―Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware, Second Edition, Tata
McGraw-HillEdition, 2001.
Course objective:
To impart basic knowledge about architecture of ARM processor
To get familiarized with the instruction sets in ARM Processors
To explore the necessity of ARM processors in DSP
Course outcome:
Design systems using ARM processors
Good understanding about the different registers in ARM
Use ARM processors for a variety of real time applications
Course Contents:
CISC AND RISC Architecture– Block diagram-Introduction to ARM7/ARM9 and ARM extensions – Pipelines –
Memory - Architecture – Memory interfacing – Bus architecture Programming in assembly language (ALP) – The
ARM instruction set – Introduction to ARM thumb – Thumb Programmes model – ARM/Thumb inter working-
Data Types- Abstraction in software Design–Expressions – Loops – Functions and Procedures – Conditional
Reference Books
1. SteveFurber, ―ARM System on Chip Architecture Addison- Wesley Professional Second Edition, Aug
2. Andrew NSloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright,ARM System Developer‘s Guide , Designing and
Optimizing System Software, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, 2004.
3. Ricardo Reis, Design of System on a Chip: Devices and Components Springer FirstEdition, July 2004.
4. Jason Andrews, Co-Verification of Hardware and Software for ARM System on Chip Design
(EmbeddedTechnology) Newnes, BK and CD-ROM (Aug 2004).
5. Rashinkar P, Paterson and Singh L, System on a Chip Verification –Methodologies and Techniques,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001
To explore the necessity of ARM Processor in DSP
To improve the programming skills
To encourage the students to have innovative ideas of their own
The student are able to use ARM processor for real time applications.
Improved programming skills
Confidence to work in core companies
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objective
To expose students to various techniques of testing for embedded system
To impart knowledge about testing in embedded systems
To explore the potential areas in Embedded systems
Course outcome
The students obtain in depth knowledge in various testing techniques of embedded system
Apply testing schemes for embedded projects
Debug the embedded projects
Course Contents
Physical faults and their modeling. Fault equivalence and dominance; fault collapsing. Fault simulation: parallel,
deductive and concurrent techniques; critical path tracing. Test generation for combinational circuits: Boolean
difference, D-algorithm, Podem, etc. Exhaustive, random and weighted test pattern generation; aliasing and its effect
on fault coverage. PLA testing: cross-point fault model, test generation, easily testable designs. Memory testing:
permanent, intermittent and pattern-sensitive faults; test generation. Delay faults and hazards; test generation
Reference Books
1. N. K. Jha and S. Gupta, Testing of Digital Systems, Cambridge University Press,2003
2. M. L. Bushnell and V. D. Agrawal, Essentials of Electronic Testing, Kluwer Academic Publishers,2000
3. M. Abramovici, M. A. Breuer and A. D. Friedman, Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design, Wiley-
IEEE Press,1994
4. P. H. Bardell, W. H. McAnney and J. Savir, Built-in Test for VLSI: Pseudorandom Techniques, Wiley
5. P. K. Lala, Fault Tolerant and Fault Testable Hardware Design, Prentice-Hall,1985.
6. A. Krstic and K-T Cheng, Delay Fault Testing for VLSI Circuits, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1998.
To gain knowledge about RTOS using Embedded C
To improve the programming skills
To encourage the students to have innovative ideas of their own
The student will be able to write programs for RTOS using Embedded C language.
Improved programming skills
Confidence to work in core companies
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective:
To teach the basic principles, concepts of fault tolerant strategies
To impart knowledge about fault tolerance in distributive system
To provide understanding about different fault tolerant scheduling algorithms
Course outcome
Good understanding about fault tolerant strategies
Knowledge about the different evaluation techniques and about fault tolerance in real time systems
Ability to use different tools like HIMAP for analysing evaluation techniques
Course Contents
Dependability concepts-dependability measures-classification of faults and failures;
Fault tolerant strategies- Fault detection and recovery;Fault tolerant design techniques-Hardware, software
redundancy and information redundancy Fault tolerance in distributed systems- check pointing and recovery, stable
storage and RAID architectures, and data replication and resiliency. Dependability evaluation techniques and tools-
Fault trees, Markov chains; HIMAP tool. Analysis of fault tolerant hardware and software architectures.Fault
tolerance in real-time systems-Time-space tradeoff, fault tolerant scheduling algorithms
To familiarize the design of simple circuits using PCB
To improve the knowledge on circuits design
To encourage the students to have innovative ideas of their own
The student will be able to emulate PCBs for simple electronic circuits.
Improved knowledge on circuits
Confidence to work in core companies
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objective :
To understand the fundamentals of a telecom switching office, such as digital multiplexing, digital
switching and digital subscriber access.
To gain knowledge on the mathematical model for the analysis of telecommunication traffic.
To learn ISDN, DSL / ADSL, and fibre optic systems in subscriber loop.
Course outcome:
The students understand the fundamentals of a telecom switching office, such as digital
multiplexing, digital switching and digital subscriber access.
The students acquire knowledge on the mathematical model for the analysis of telecommunication
The students learn ISDN, DSL / ADSL, and fibre optic systems in subscriber loop.
Course Contents
Multiplexing - FDM – TDM - Digital Transmission and Multiplexing- SONET/SDH: SONET Multiplexing
overview, SONET optical standards, SONET networks – SONET rings. Digital Switching - Space Division
1. J. Bellamy, “Digital Telephony”, John Wiley, 2003, 3 rd Edition.
2. R.A.Thomson, “Telephone switching Systems”, Artech House Publishers, 2000.
3. W. Stalling, “ Data and Computer Communications” Prentice Hall, 1993.
4. T.N.Saadawi, M.H.Ammar, A.E.Hakeem, “Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks”, Wiley
Interscience, 1994.
5. W.D. Reeve, “Subscriber Loop Signaling and Transmission Hand book”, IEEE Press(Telecomm Handbook
Series), 1995.
6. Viswanathan. T., “Telecommunication Switching System and Networks”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 1994.
Course Objective:
To understand the state of art techniques in wireless communication
To learn the fundamental and emerging trends in Mobile Communication, wireless
network/protocol architecture and broadcast systems.
To analyze the various wireless protocol architectures.
Course Outcome:
The students understand the state of art techniques in wireless communication
The students learn the fundamental and emerging trends in Mobile Communication, wireless
network/protocol architecture and broadcast systems
The students analyze the various wireless protocol architectures.
Course Contents:
Wireless Transmission-Signal Propagation-Multiplexing and Modulation-Cellular Systems-Multiple Access
Techniques. Evolution of mobile communication and radio systems – cellular concept – frequency reuse – channel
assignment – co-channel interference – hand off –interference & system capacity. Telecommunication and basics of
Satellite Systems. Broadcast Systems and Radio transmission concepts. Wireless ATM services and functions –
Routing Protocols
Reference Books:
1. William Y.Lee “Cellular Mobile Communication, Analog And Digital” Tata McGrawHill, 1998.
2. Rappaport T.S “Wireless Communication” Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Addison Wesley Publishers, 2000.
4. Yi-Bing Lin and ImrichChlamtac, “Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture”,John Wiley and Sons, New
Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2001.
5. Feher K., “Wireless Digital Communications”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,1995.
Course objective:
To familiarise with various mobile standards and generation.
Course outcome:
The students are familiar with various mobile standards and generation.
The students acquire knowledge on basics concepts of 4G Networks
The students understand the basic concepts of 4G mobile application development.
Course Contents
Standards for Voice oriented Data Communication - Standards for Data and Voice Communication- Mobile
Computing Architecture- Data dissimination- Mobility management-Walsh Codes-IS-95 CDMA One System-
WCDMA 3G standards- CDMA2000 3G standards-OFDM-packet delivery and handover management-location
management-registration-tunnelling and encapsulation-route optimization-Super 3G and Pre-4G-3GPP LTE and
WiMax 802.16e standard-Features of 4G-LTE Advanced and Advanced WiMax 802.16m-Mobile Computing-Novel
Applications-Limitations- Mobile application languages-XML and JAVA, mobile application development
1. Raj Kamal”Mobile Computing”Oxford University Press, Second edition,2012.
2. KumkumGarg” Mobile Computing- Theory and Practice”, Pearson,2010.
3. William Y.Lee “Cellular Mobile Communication, Analog And Digital” Tata McGrawHill, 1998.
4. Rappaport T.S “Wireless Communication” Pearson Education, 2003.
5. Yi-Bing Lin and ImrichChlamtac, “Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture”, John Wiley and Sons,
New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2001.
Course Objective:
To gain knowledge on ATM and Frame relay.
To acquire knowledge on the survey of developments in High Speed Networks.
To understand the techniques involved to support real-time traffic and congestion control.
Course Outcome:
The students gain knowledge on ATM and Frame relay.
The students acquire knowledge on the survey of developments in High Speed Networks.
The students understand the techniques involved to support real-time traffic and congestion control.
Course Contents:
Frame Relay Networks – Asynchronous transfer mode –Architecture, logical Connection, cell, service categories –
High Speed LANs:Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel – Wireless LANs: applications, Architecture of
802.11- Queuing Analysis- Queuing Models – Single Server Queues –Traffic Management – Congestion Control in
Packet Switching Networks – Frame Relay Congestion Control- TCP Flow control – TCP Congestion Control –
Retransmission – Timer Management – Exponential RTO backoff – KARN’s Algorithm –Performance of TCP over
ATM– ABR traffic Management – ABR rate control, RM cell formats, ABR Capacity allocations - RSVP – goals,
characteristics, data Flow, operations, Protocol Mechanisms – Multiprotocol Label Switching – Operations, Label
Stacking, Protocol details – RTP – Protocol Architecture.
1. William Stallings, “High Speed Networks And Internet”, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2002.
2. Warland, PravinVaraiya, “High performance communication networks”, Second Edition , Jean Harcourt
Asia Pvt. Ltd., , 2001.
3. IrvanPepelnjk, Jim Guichard, Jeff Apcar, “MPLS and VPN architecture”, Cisco Press, Volume 1 and 2,
Course objective:
To understand the importance of routing algorithms.
To analyze the various topology based routing algorithms.
To design an efficient routing algorithm for a highly dynamic mobile environment.
Course outcome:
The students understand the importance of routing algorithms.
The students analyze the various topology based routing algorithms.
The students design an efficient routing algorithm for a highly dynamic mobile environment.
Course Contents:
Introduction to routing in mobile networks- Routing strategies- Choices- types- Power aware routing metrices-
Dominating set based routing- Geometric routing- Delaunay triangulation-Self organized routing-Tree based
multicast routing protocol-Mesh based multicast routing protocol- Energy efficient multicasting-Routing in Hybrid
Wireless Networks-Preferred ring based routing schemes for load balancing-Clustering-Performance metrics and
analysis- Graphs-Subgraphs-topology- Planar graph- Directed graph- Critical transmission range- transmission
range based topology-RNG-LMST- DLEDSR
1. Ivan Stojmenovic”Hand book of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing”, John Wiley &
Sons,Inc.ISBN0-471-41902(Paper);0-471-22456-1(Electronic), 2002
2. Siva Ram Murthy. C and Manoj. B.S, “AdHoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and protocols”, Prentice
Hall PTR, 2004
3. Miguel Labrador, Pedro Wightman“Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks-with a companion tool
for teaching and research” Springer Science,ISBN:978-1-4020-9584-9.
4. SudipMisra, Issac Woungang, Subhas Chandra Misra”Guide to Wireless AdHoc Networks”,Springer
Verlag London ltd,2009.
5. Iti Saha Misra, “Wireless Communications and Networks – 3G and Beyond”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
Course Objective:
To understand the optimal synchronous receiver for different types of signals with error
To acquire knowledge on the various types of channels.
To analyze the performance of various equalizers.
Course Outcomes
The students understand the optimal synchronous receiver for different types of signals with error
The students acquire knowledge on the various types of channels.
The students analyze the performance of various equalizers.
Reference Books:
1. Krzysztof Wesolowski , “Introduction to Digital Communication Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,
2009(Reprint 2012).
2. Taub& Schilling, “Principles of Digital Communication”, Tata McGraw-Hill” 28thReprint, 2003.
3. Bernard Sklar, “Digital Communication, Fundamental and Application” Pearson Education Asia, 2nd
4. Upmanynu Madhow,” Fundamentals of Digital Communication”, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
5. John.B.Anderson, “Digital Transmission Engineering”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2012.
Course objective
To introduce the concepts of wireless communication.
To make the students to know about the various propagation methods and Channel models.
To enhance the understanding of various transceivers and its multiple access schemes.
Course outcome
The students learn the concepts of wireless communication.
The students acquire knowledge about the various propagation methods and Channel models.
The students have an enhanced understanding of various transceivers and its multiple access schemes.
Course Contents
Review Of Wireless Systems: History Of Wireless Communications, Wireless Vision, Technical Issues, Current
Wireless Systems, The Wireless Spectrum, Methods For Spectrum Allocation, Spectrum Allocations For Existing
Systems, The Cellular Design Fundamentals. Path Loss, Shadowing And Capacity Of Wireless Channels: Free-
Space Path Loss, Two-Ray Model, Simplified Path Loss, Shadow Fading, Path Loss And Shadowing, Outage
Probability. Statistical Multipath Channel Models: Time-Varying Channel Impulse, Narrowband Fading
Models,Level Crossing Rate And Average Fade Duration, Wideband Fading Models, Power Delay Profile,
Coherence Bandwidth, Doppler Power Spectrum And Channel Coherence, Capacity Of Wireless Channels-Selective
Fading Channels.
Reference Books
1. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
2. William C Y Lee, “Mobile Communications Engineering, Theory and Applications”, Second Edition,
McGraw Hill International editions, 1998.
3. Theodore S Rappaport, “Wireless Communications”, Pearson Education, Asia , New Delhi, Second
Edition, 2002
4. David Tse and PramodViswanath, “Fundamentals of Wireless Communication”, Prentice Hall, 2003.
5. Vijay.K.Garg,” Wireless Communications and Networking”, Elsevier-Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
Reprint 2013.
Course objectives
To learn the various spread spectrum generation techniques and its synchronization.
To generate various spreading sequences.
To learn various spread spectrum systems.
Course outcome
The students learn the various spread spectrum generation techniques and its synchronization.
The students gain knowledge on the generation of various spreading sequence.
The students learn various spread spectrum systems.
Course Contents
Equalization of digital data transmission system - Realization imperfections – Degradation- presence of pulse noise
jamming - Low probability detection scheme - Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) - Frequency Hop Spread
Spectrum Systems - examples -DSSS methods employing BPSK, QPSK and MSK - FHSS methods - Coherent
SFHSS- Non coherent SFHSS and FFHSS techniques - Hybrid DS/FH spread spectrum - Complex envelope
representation- PN sequence- Maximal length sequences - Gold codes - Rapid Acquisition systems - Non-linear
code- Optimal tracking of wideband signals - Early-late tracking loops - Code tracking loops for FHSS - Optimum
synchronization techniques - Multiple dwell and sequential detectors - Synchronization using a matched filter -
Synchronization by estimating the received spreading code.
Reference books
1. Ziemer R E and Peterson R L, "Digital Communication and Spread Spectrum Systems", Macmillan
Publishing Co., 1985.
2. Dixon R C, "Spread Spectrum Systems", Wiley Interscience, 1976.
3. Holms J K, "Coherent Spread Spectrum Systems", Wiley Interscience, 1982.
4. Upmanynu Madhow,” Fundamentals of Digital Communication”, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
5. John.B.Anderson, “Digital Transmission Engineering”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2012.
Credits 3:0:0
Course objectives
To gain knowledge on the basics of solid state physics and understand the nature and characteristics.
To gain knowledge on principle of optical detection mechanism, modulation techniques.
To understand the optical switching and optoelectronic integrated circuits in transmitters and receivers.
Course outcome
The students gain knowledge on the basics of solid state physics and understand the nature and
The students gain knowledge on principle of optical detection mechanism, modulation techniques.
The students understand the optical switching and optoelectronic integrated circuits in transmitters and
Course Contents
Elements of Light and Solid State Physics-Display Devices and Lasers-terminologies and technical concepts-Optical
Detection Devices- Photo Conductors – Performance-Optoelectronic Modulators-Optical Switching and Logic
Devices-Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits- transmitters-Receivers and Guided wave devices.
Course objectives
To gain knowledge to apply EM wave equations to microwave systems and components.
To design waveguide and micro strip transmission lines with given characteristics.
To understand the operation principles of basic passive and active microwave devices.
Course outcome
The students gained knowledge to apply EM wave equations to microwave systems and
The students design waveguide and micro strip transmission lines with given characteristics.
The students understand the operation principles of basic passive and active microwave devices.
Course Contents
Amplifiers - Microwave semiconductor devices and models; Power gain equations, stability, impedance
matching, constant gain and noise figure circles; Small signal, low noise, high-power and broadband amplifier
designs; Oscillators - One port, two port, YIG dielectric and Gunn-diode oscillators; Two terminal microwave
devices and circuits;PIN diodes and uses as switches, phase shifters and limiters; Varactor diodes, IMPATT and
TRAPATT devices, transferred electron devices; Microwave BJTs. GaAs FETs, low noise and power GaAs
FETs and their applications. Microwave Mixers.
Reference books
1. S.Y. Liao, “Microwave Circuit Analysis and Amplifier Design”, Prentice Hall, 1987
2. G.D. Vendelin, A.M. Pavio, U.L. Rohde, “Microwave Circuit Design, Using Linear and Nonlinear
Techniques Techniques”, John Wiley, 1990.
3. Y. Konishi, “Microwave Integrated Circuits”, Marcel Dekker, 1991.
4. Samuel.Y.Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 3rd Edition, 5th
Reprinting, 2000.
5. Collin. R.E, “Foundation of Microwave Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, II Edition, 1992.
6. Annapurna Das, Sisir K. Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Co.,Ltd., 1st Edition, 1999.
Reprint 2001.
Course objectives
To learn optical laws, definitions, optical fibre structures and fabrication.
To gain knowledge on signal degradation, power launching and coupling in optical fibres.
To analyze on the various optical transmitters, receivers and optical links.
Course outcome
The students acquire knowledge optical laws, definitions, optical fibre structures and fabrication.
Course Contents
Introduction to vector nature of light, propagation of light through cylindrical dielectric rod, Ray model, wave
model-types of optical fibres-Modal analysis-Signal degradation - dispersion and attenuation. Fabrication -
measurement techniques-OTDR.Sources - LEDs and Lasers-Detectors - pindetectors, detector responsivity, noise,
optical receivers.;Optical link design - BER calculation, quantum limit, power panelities.;Optical switches - coupled
mode analysis of directional couplers, electro-optic switches.;Nonlinear effects in fibre optic links. Concept of self-
phase modulation, group velocity dispersion and solition based communication. Optical amplifiers - EDFA, Raman
amplifier, and WDM systems.
Reference Books
1. J.Keiser, Fibre Optic Communication McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed. 1992.
2. J.E. Midwinter, Optical fibres for transmission, John Wiley, 1979.
3. T. Tamir, Integrated optics, (Topics in Applied Physics Vol.7), Springer-Verlag, 1975.
4. S.E. Miller and A.G. Chynoweth, eds., Optical fibres telecommunications, Academic Press, 1979.
5. G.Agrawal, Nonlinear fibre optics, Academic Press, 2nd Ed. 1994.
6. G. Agrawal, Fibre optic Communication Systems, John Wiley and sons, 1992.
Course objectives
To understand the principles and techniques in Radar.
To understand about the propagation of radio waves
To understand the importance of radar communication in navigation.
Course outcome
Students will understand the principles and techniques in Radar.
Students will understand about the propagation of radio waves
Students will understand the importance of radar communication in navigation.
Course Contents:
Basic Radar –Applications- Radar equation- Detection of Signals in Noise- Receiver Noise-Signal-to-Noise Ratio-
Probability Density Functions- Probabilities of Detection and False Alarm- Integration of Radar Pulses- Radar Cross
Section of Targets- Fluctuations- Transmitter Power-Pulse Repetition Frequency- Antenna Parameters- System
losses – Doppler and MTI Radar- Delay –Line Cancellers- Staggered Pulse Repetition Frequencies –Doppler Filter
Banks - Digital MTI Processing - Moving Target Detector - Limitations- MTI from a Moving Platform (AMIT) –
Pulse Doppler Radar –Tracking –Types-Detection of Signals in Noise –Propagation -Refraction -Propagation -
Nonstandard Propagation - The Radar Antennas –Types-Radar Transmitters –types-Radar Receivers - types-
Navigation methods -Radio Direction Finding – types –Radio Ranges-Hyperbolic Systems of Navigation (Loran and
Reference books
1. Prof. A.K.Sen and Dr. A.B. Bhattacharya, “Radar Systems and Radio Aids To Navigation”, Khanna
Publishers, 1992
2. J.C. Toomay, “ Principles Of Radar”, Prentice Hall Of India-2004.
3. Merrill I. Skolnik ," Introduction to Radar Systems", Tata McGraw-Hill (3rd Edition)2003.
4. N.S.Nagaraja, Elements of Electronic Navigation Systems, 2nd Edition, TMH, 2000.
5. Peyton Z. Peebles:, "Radar Principles", John Wiley, 2004
Course objectives
To understand the function of spacecraft subsystems and its performance.
To apply orbital mechanics formula and tools to spacecraft mission design.
To understand launch systems and analyze their effect on satellite and payload design.
Course outcome
The students understand the function of spacecraft subsystems and its performance.
The students acquire knowledge to apply orbital mechanics formula and tools to spacecraft mission design.
The students understand launch systems and analyze their effect on satellite and payload design.
Course Contents
Elements of orbital mechanics-Equations of motion- Tracking and orbit determination- Orbital correction/control-
Satellite launch systems- Multistage rocket launchers and their performance- Elements of communication satellite
design- Spacecraft subsystems-Reliability considerations-Spacecraft integration Multiple access techniques-
FDMA,TDMA,CDMA- Random access techniques- Satellite on-board processing- Satellite link design:
Performance requirements and standards- Design of satellite links – DOMSAT, INSAT, INTELSAT and
INMARSAT. Satellite - based personal communication- Earth station design- Configuration- Antenna and tracking
systems- Satellite broadcasting.
Reference books
1. D.Roddy, “Satellite Communication “,(4/e), McGraw- Hill, 2009.
2. T.Pratt&C.W.Bostain, “Satellite Communication”, Wiley 2000.
3. Proakis, John, and MasoudSalehi, “ Communication Systems Engineering”,PHI, 2001..
4. Haykin, Simon. Communication Systems. 5th ed. New York, NY: Wiley, 2009.
5. B.N.Agrawal, “Design of Geosynchrons Spacecraft”, Prentice- Hall,1986.
Course objectives
To design RF filters and amplifiers.
To understand the configuration of high frequency oscillator.
To analyze high frequency mixers and PLL.
Course outcome
The students gain knowledge to design RF filters and amplifiers.
The students understand the configuration of high frequency oscillator.
The students understand and analyze high frequency mixers and PLL.
Course Contents
High frequency Resistors, Capacitor and Inductors – Transmission Line Analysis: Line equation, Micro strip line-
Matching by Discrete Components - Design of two-component matching network, Design of T and matching
network- Matching by micro strip line - Design of matching network - Design of stub matching-: Components: RF
Diode, RF Bipolar junction Transistor, RF field effect transistor - Modelling: Diode model, Transistor model, and
FET model - Measurement of AC parameters of BJT and FET - Classes of operation and efficiency of Amplifiers -
BJT biasing network - FET biasing networks.- Basic oscillator model - Design of fixed frequency oscillator -
Dielectric resonator oscillator - voltage controlled oscillator - Gun element oscillator - Basic concepts - Design of
single ended mixer- Double ended mixer.
Reference books
To design and analyze the characteristics of different antennae.
To design and analyze micro strip lines.
To understand and analyze the different types of MMICs.
The students design and analyze the characteristics of different antennae.
The students design and analyze micro strip lines.
The students understand and analyze the different types of MMICs.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
To design various filters used in wireless communication
To simulate various wireless environments and analyze its characteristics.
The students understand and design filters used in wireless communication
The students simulate various wireless environments and analyze its characteristics.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objectives
To know the theoretical and practical aspects of Bio-medical signal processing
To have a better idea about biomedical devices
Course outcome
Able to learn concepts like prediction techniques and filtering
Able to understand adaptive signal processing and wavelets
Apply their knowledge for ECG, EEG and EMG signal processing applications
Course Contents
Sources of bioelectric potential, resting & action potential, propagation of action potentials in nerves; ECG: Pre-
processing, wave form recognition, automated diagnosis based on decision theory, EEG: Evoked responses,
averaging techniques, pattern recognition in EEG waves, EMG: Wave pattern studies, biofeedback. application of
signal processing techniques such as linear prediction, lattice - filtering & adaptive signal processing; introduction to
wavelets & time frequency models and their applications to heart sounds, faetal ECG & vesicular sound signals;
signal processing techniques for detection of pathologies in speech production system
Reference books
1. E.N. Bruce, Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modelling, John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
2. W. J. Tompkins, Biomedical Signal Processing; Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. M. Akay,Wavelets and Time frequency methods for Biomedical signal Processing; IEEE Press, 1995.
4. L. Rabinar, Digital Processing of speech signals; Prentice Hall, 1978.
5. A. C. Guyton,Human Physiology; Prism International, 1991.
Course Objective:
To know the theoretical and practical aspects of adaptive signal processing and learning algorithms
To get the knowledge about the estimation theory, optimum filtering.
To impart knowledge on linear adaptive signal processing, nonlinear adaptive signal processing, and Blind
adaptive techniques.
Course Outcome:
Able to get an idea about the Adaptive signal processing
Apply their knowledge in radar, sonar, geophysics and communication (spread spectrum techniques)
Apply their knowledge in real time applications.
Course Contents
Linear and non-linear estimation theory. Signal modelling. Optimal filtering, Adaptive filtering as an extension of
the optimal least mean square error case. Adaptive algorithms: Orthogonalized adaptive filters, Least squares
adaptive filters, Blind adaptive filtering, adaptive equalization and echo cancellation, adaptive lattice filters.
Reference Books
1. S. Haykin, Adaptive filter theory, Prentice Hall, 2005.
2. B. Widrow and S.D. Stearns, Adaptive signal processing, Prentice Hall, 1984.
3. Ali H. Sayed, Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering, John Wiley, 2003.
4. D. Manolakis, V. Ingle, S. Kogan, Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing: Spectral Estimation, Signal
Modeling, Adaptive Filtering and Array Processing,McGraw Hill, 1999.
5. J. Triechler, C. Johnson, M. Larimore, Theory and Design of Adaptive Filters, Prentice-Hall, 1995.
6. P. Diniz, Kluwer, Adaptive Filtering: Algorithms and Practical Implementation, 1997.
Course objectives
This course provide student a practical understanding of wavelet transforms
The properties of wavelet transforms are well dealt with.
Knowledge on the concept of multi resolution transforms are imparted
Course outcome
Students can understand where Fourier transform fails and where Wavelet transform is preferable .
Students can identify which wavelet transform is a suitable for a particular application.
Students understand wavelet based analysis of multi scale phenomenon.
Course Contents
Continuous wavelets and short time Fourier Transform- Designing orthogonal wavelet systems- Discrete wavelets
and relation to filter banks- Computing and plotting scaling and wavelet functions- Biorthogonal wavelets-
Designing of wavelets using frequency domain approach- Wavelet packet analysis- M Band wavelets- Multi
resolution transforms.
Reference books
1. K.P.Soman, K.I. Ramachandran and N.G. Resmi , “Insight Into Wavelets From Theory to Practice”, PHI
Learning Private Limited, 2011
2. Rao R.M and Bopardikar A.S., “Wavelet transforms : Introduction to theory and Applications”, Pearson
Education Asia, Pvt Ltd. 2000
3. Strang G. and Nguyen T., “Wavelet Filter Banks”, WellessleyCamebridge Press, 1996
4. Mallet S., “Wavelet Signal Processing”, Academic Press, 1999.
5. D. Manolakis, V. Ingle, S. Kogan, “Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing: Spectral Estimation,
Signal Modeling, Adaptive Filtering and Array Processing”,McGraw Hill, 1999.
Course objectives
To impart knowledge on the fundamentals of Neural network
To gain understanding about Fuzzy logic
To get familiarized with the different architectures involved in neural networks
Course outcome
Apply the concepts of neural network and fuzzy logic in practical applications
Confidence to use the concept of neural networks in medical field.
Ability to work in imaging based companies
Course Contents
Artificial neural network – Applications, architectures, Training, McCulloch-Pitt Neuron,Backpropogation neural
network. Hebb Net, Perceptron, Adaline, Associative neural network. Maxnet, Mexican hat, Hamming net,
KohonenSelf_Organizing Maps, Linear Vector Quantization, Counter propagation, Adaptive Resonance Theory.
Fuzzy logic basics, Defuzzification methods, Rule based systems, Applications of Fuzzy logic
Reference books
1. Laurence Fausett, “Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Architecture, Algorithm and Applications”,
Prentice-Hall, Inc, 2004.
2. Timothy J.Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, Mc.Graw Hill International Editions, 1997.
3. Phillip D. Wasserman, “Neural Computing theory and practice, Van Nostrand Reinhold”, New York, 1989.
Course Objective:
To learn the fundamental Optimization techniques
To get the knowledge about the convex optimization, Linear programming, unconstrained optimization and
constrained optimization.
To know about convergence, Line search
Course Outcome:
Able to apply these techniques to solve optimization problems in real-time applications.
Able to form novel Optimization algorithm.
Able to analyse the pros and cons of existing algorithms.
Course Contents
Motivation. mathematical review , matrix factorizations, sets and sequences, convex sets and functions, linear
programming and simplex method, Weierstrass' theorem, Karush Kuhn Tucker optimality conditions, algorithms,
convergence, unconstrained optimization, Line search methods, method of multidimensional search, steepest descent
methods, Newton's method, modifications to Newton's method , trust region methods, conjugate gradient methods,
quasi-Newton's methods. constrained optimization, penalty and barrier function methods, augmented Lagrangian
methods, polynomial time algorithm for linear programming, successive linear programming, successive quadratic
programming- Ant colony & PSO techniques- Contourlet transforms
Reference Books:
1. R. Fletcher Practical Optimization (2nd Edition) John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987.
2. M.S.Bazaraa ,H.D.Sherali and C.Shetty , Nonlinear Programming, Theory and Algorithms, John Wiley and
Sons, New York, 1993.
3. S.S Rao.. Optimization: Theory and Practices, New Age Int. (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Chong, E.K.P.and Zak, S. H.. An Introduction to Optimization, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y.
5. Peressimi A.L., Sullivan F.E., Vhl, “J.J.Mathematics of Non-linear Programming”, Springer Verlag
Course Objective:
To understand the characterization of speech and image waveforms.
To learn about the various compression techniques for text data, audio, image and video signals.
To know about the speech and video coding standards.
Course Outcome:
Understand the compression techniques
Motivated to develop efficient algorithms for compression
Able to use the knowledge gained in real time applications in the media industry
Reference Books:
1. Khalid Sayood, “Introduction to Data Compression”, Morgan Kauffman Harcourt India, 2nd Edition, 2000.
2. David Solomon, “Data Compression, The complete reference”, Springer Verlag New York INC, 2nd
edition 2001.
3. Peter Symes, “Digital Video Compression”, McGraw Hill Pub., 2004.
4. Mark Nelson, “Data compression”, BPB Publishers, New Delhi,1998.
5. Mark S.Drew, Ze-Nian Li, “Fundamentals of Multimedia” PHI, 1st Edition, 2003
6. Yun A Shi, Huifang Sun, “Image & Video compression for Multimedia Engineering, Fundamentals,
Algorithms & Standards”, CRC Press, 2003
Course Objective:
To learn about Artificial neural networks and Fuzzy sytems.
To impart knowledge on Neuro Fuzzy modeling
Gaining understanding about Genetic Algorithm
Course Outcome:
Knowledge on concepts of soft computational techniques.
Able to apply soft computational techniques to solve various problems.
Motivated to solve research oriented problems.
Course Contents:
Artificial Neural Networks-Basic concepts- Supervised neural networks – Unsupervised neural networks –
Applications - Fuzzy Systems - Fuzzy sets-Fuzzy functions – Fuzzy rules - Fuzzy classification-Fuzzy control
methods - Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling - Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy based inference systems – CART algorithm – Data
clustering algorithms - Genetic Algorithm –Fundamentals – crossover operators - reproduction operators -
simulated annealing- Random search- Downhill simplex search- Applications.
Reference Books:
1. Laurene Fausett,”Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications”, Pearson
Education India, 2006.
2. Timothy J Ross, “Fuzzy logic with Engineering Applications”, John Wiley and Sons, 2009.
3. S.Rajasekaran and G A VijayalakshmiPai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
Algorithm: Synthesis and Applications”, Prentice Hall India, 2003.
4. Jang J.S.R., Sun C.T and Mizutani E, “Neuro Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach to
Learning Machine Intelligence”, Prentice Hall, 1997.
5. Jacek M. Zurada, “Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks”, Jaico Publishing House, 1997.
6. George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, ‘Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic – Theory and Applications’, Printice Hall of
India, 2002.
Course Objective:
To learn the fundamental pattern recognition techniques for signal & image processing applications
To gain understanding on different estimation techniques
To get familiarized with the use of neural networks in pattern recognition.
Course outcome
Students are
able to apply these techniques to solve recognition problems in real-time applications
able to form novel pattern recognition algorithm.
able to analyse the pros and cons of existing algorithms.
Course Contents
Overview of Pattern Recognition- Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition- Parametric &Non Parametric
Approaches for Pattern Recognition- Maximum Likelihood Estimation- Bayesian Parameter Estimation-
Nonparametric Estimation – Direct Estimation of Probabilities – Direct Classification using the Training Set–
Nearest Neighbour Rule – NNR Approach- Linear Discriminant Functions – Fisher’s Linear Discriminant- Linear
Separability – Design of Linear Classifiers-Introduction to Support Vector Machines- Neural Network Structures for
Pattern Recognition Applications – Neural Network Based Pattern Associator – Unsupervised Learning in Neural
Pattern Recognition
Reference Books
1. Robert Schalkoff, “Pattern Recognition-Statistical, Structural and Neural Approaches”, John Wiley & sons,
Inc, New York, 2005.
2. Earl Gose, R.Johnsonbaugh and Steve Jost, “Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis”, Prentice Hall of
India Private Limited, 1999.
3. Rojer Jang, T.Sun and E.Mizutani, “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing”, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, 2003.
4. Duda, R. O., Hart, P. E., and Stork, D. G,”Pattern Classification”, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
5. Tou and Gonzales,”Pattern Recognition Principles”, Wesley Publication Company,London,1974.
To impart knowledge on the different algorithms used for the compression of images.
To learn about the techniques used to enhance the quality of images
To improve MATLAB programming skills
Ability to analyze various compression and image processing techniques.
Confidence to work in multi media companies
Expected to use the knowledge gained in real time applications.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
To learn about the various kinds of optimization techniques.
To improve the knowledge on necessity of equalization and different techniques involved.
Programming for digital systems
The students will analyze various optimization techniques and equalization techniques.
Better programming skills
Motivated to work in core companies
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objectives
To learn the basics of information theory
To calculate channel capacity and other measures
To apply the control specific coding methods to calculate the rate and error probabilities.
Course outcome
The students understand the basics of information theory
The student gain knowledge to calculate channel capacity and other measures
The students analyze and apply specific coding methods calculate the rate and error probabilities.
Course Contents
Information-Entropy-Mutual information, entropy for discrete ensembles, Shannon's noiseless coding theorem,
Encoding of discrete sources-.Markov sources; Shannon's noisy coding theorem and converse for discrete channels,
Channel capacity and bounds for discrete channels- Algebraic Coding Theory-Fundamentals- Introduction to finite
fields- construction of finite fields and its properties-Convolutional code generator functions-Distance properties and
error bounds-soft input output decoding- Convolutional coding in Mobile applications-Turbo codes-LDPC codes-
Product Codes-Concatenated Convolutional Codes- Space Time Codes-Spatial Channels-Orthogonal Space Time
Block Codes-Spatial Multiplexing
Reference books
1. Andre Neubauer, Jurgen Freudenberger, Volker Kuhn, “Coding theory: Algorithms, Architectures and
Applications” John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Reprint 2012.
2. Robert. H. Morelos- Zaragoza, “The Art of Error Correcting Coding”, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons
Ltd, Reprint 2013.
3. Tom Richardson, Rudiger Urbanke, “Modern Coding Theory” Cambridge University Press, 2009.
4. W. Cary Huffman and Vera Pless, “Fundamentals of Error Correcting Codes”, Cambridge University Press,
Reprint 2007
5. Simon Haykins, “Digital Communications”, John Wiley, 1st edition, Reprinted, 2004.
6. N. Abramson, Information and Coding, McGraw Hill, 1963.
Course objective:
Advanced digital system concepts are introduced.
Various PLD’s are discussed
To learn about the different design methodologies involved in PLDs
Course outcome
Good knowledge to design digital circuit.
Architectures of various families of PLD’s are learned
Knowledge about different design tools involved in PLDs
Course Contents
Review of Combinational Logic Circuits: Shannon’s expansion theorem- Sequential Logic Circuits: Mealy machine
- Moore machine - State diagrams - State table minimization –State assignments - Design of synchronous and
asynchronous sequential logic circuits working in the fundamental mode and pulse mode- Programmable Logic
Devices-Programmable Logic Element (PLE),Programmable Logic Array (PLA), Programmable Array Logic
(PAL), Design of state machine using Algorithmic State Machines (ASM) chart as a design tool- CPLDS - Structure
of Complex PLD's (CPLD)-Design of combinational and sequential circuits using CPLD's.
Reference Books
1. Charles H.Roth, “ Digital system Design with VHDL”, Thomson, 1998
2. James E. Palmer, David E. Perlman, “Introduction to Digital Systems ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1996.
3. Robert Dueck ,” Digital design with CPLD applications and VHDL ”, Thomson ,2004
4. Bob Zeidman , “Designing with CPLDs and FPGAs “, CMP ,2002
5. Neil H. E. Weste,DavidHarrisayan Banerjee “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design : A Systems Perspective”,
Pearson Education India,2nd Edition ,2002.
Course objective:
To learn various Verilog Programming Techniques.
To understand different steps involved in Verilog Programming
Knowledge about different types of modelling
Course outcome:
Students will be able to write program using Verilog HDL
Programming for combinational and sequential circuits
Able to write program for real time applications
Course Contents
Design Methodology – Module – Ports – Basic concepts – Operators – Number specification –
Data types – Arrays – Parameters – Gate delays – Operator types – Conditional statements – Multi way branches -
Loops - Switch – Modeling elements – Implementation of Basic circuit using
Dataflow & Behavioral Modeling- Component Assignments – Switch level modeling – Applications of all dataflow,
behavioral and Structural modeling in FPGA – FSM Implementation – Test Benches
Reference Books
1. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”, Pearson Publication”, II Edition. 2003.
2. M.D. Ciletti, “Advanced Digital Design with the VERILOG HDL” PHI.2008
14EC2068 VHDL
Course objective:
To learn various VHDL modeling
To familiarize with operator overloading
To have an understanding about generics and modelling delays
Course outcome:
Students will be able to write program using VHDL
Programming for combinational and sequential circuits
Able to write program for real time applications
Course Contents
Design flow process –Software tools – Data objects - Data types – Data operators – Entities and Architectures
Concurrent signal assignment – conditional signal assignment - selected signal assignment - concurrent and
sequential statements – Data flow, Behavioral Modeling. Structural Modeling Component declaration and
instantiation.– Test bench – Examples – CPU- Traffic light controller Functions – Procedures – Packages – Libraries
– Attributes – Operator Overloading – Generics – Modeling Delays
Reference Books
1. J. Bhaskar, “A VHDL Synthesis Primer”, BS Publications, III Edition, 2008.
2. Douglas Perry, “VHDL”, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill 2001.
3. K. Eshraghian Kamran ,Essentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems, PHI of India Ltd.,2008
4. Neil H. E. Weste,DavidHarrisayan Banerjee ,Principles of CMOS VLSI Design :A Systems Perspective,
,Pearson Education India,2nd Edition ,2002.
5. SadiqM.Sait, Habib Youssef, “VLSI Physical Design Automation”, World Scientific Publishing,1998
Course objective:
The purpose of this course is to give an exposure to VLSI Design Process.
To get familiarized with Layout Design and stick diagrams.
To understand the CMOS logic Design styles
Course outcome
Understand the MOS Transistor under static condition.
Design various CMOS logic Styles.
Use the knowledge gained in designing for practical applications
Course Contents
VLSI Design Process- Layout Styles – Full Custom Design-Semi Custom
Approaches: Gate array design style-Standard cell design style-Overview of wafer fabrication (NMOS,CMOS)-
MOS Transistor Structure-MOS Transistor under static condition and Second order Effects-Small signal AC
Characteristics-Stick Diagrams - Design Rules & layout (NMOS ,CMOS) – CMOS logic styles.
Course objective:
To study different types of programmable ASICs
To know about ASIC interconnects
To gain understanding on then Physical design of ASICs.
Course outcome
Knowledge in the complete design flow of ASICs
Ability to appreciate the necessity of ASICs
Confidence in using ASICs for real time applications
Course Contents
Types of ASICS-Design Flow - Logical Effort-Programmable ASIC: Antifuse-Static RAM-EPROM and EEPROM-
Programmable ASIC Logic Cells: Actel 123-Xilinx XC 4000 –Altera MAX 5000/7000- Xilinx I/O Block-
Programmable ASIC Interconnect: Actel ACT – Xilinx LCA – Xilinx EPLD –Altera FLEX-EDIF – Logic synthesis
– Half gate ASIC – Schematic entry.
Reference Books
1. M.J.S.Smith, “Application Specific Integrated Circuits”, Addison, Wesly Longman Inc., 2006.
2. S.D. Brown R.J. Francis, J.Rox, Z.G. Urumesic, “Field Programmable Gate Arrays”,Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2007
3. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design : A Systems Perspective, Neil H. E. Weste,David Harrisayan Banerjee,
Pearson Education India,2nd Edition ,2002.
4. SadiqM.Sait, Habib Youssef, “VLSI Physical Design Automation”, World Scientific Publishing,1998
5. G.D.Micheli, “Synthesis and optimization of Digital circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
Course objective:
To know the design challenges and guidelines for digital circuit design
To understand the design of complex digital circuits.
To understand control logic implementation of PLA and ROM
Course outcome
Have the knowledge of Circuit and System view together
Design complex and high performance, low power digital circuits.
Familiar with structured and clocking strategies
Reference Books
1. Wayne Wolf,”Modern VLSI Design System On Chip” Pearson Education,2002.
2. Jan.M.Rabaey, AnanthaChandraKasan and BorivojeNikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits – A Design
Perspective”, Pearson Education, 2007.
3. Neil H.E. Weste, KamranEshraghian , “Principles of VLSI Design -A Ciruits and Systems Perspective”,
Pearson Education India, 2nd Edition, 2002.
4. Kamran Eshraghian, Douglas A.Pucknell, SholehEshraghian, “Essentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems”,
Eastern Economy Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2005.
5. John.P.Uyemura,”Introduction to VLSI Circuit Systems”,John Wiley & Sons Inc.2002.
Course objective:
To study the basic concepts of MOS transistor
To study about the different delay models
To know various circuit design processes and design any Combinational Logic Circuits or Sequential
Logic Circuits.
Course outcome
To design circuits using different CMOS styles
To do analysis on CMOS structures.
Understand the characteristics of CMOS devices
Course Contents
Physical Structure of MOS Transistors-MOS Transistor Switches- Resistance Estimation- CMOS Inverter-DC
Characteristics- Switching Characteristics: Analytic Delay Models-Empirical Delay Models-Gate Delays-CMOS
Gate Transistor sizing-Static CMOS Design: Complementary CMOS-Ratioed Logic-Pass-Transistor Logic-Dynamic
CMOS Design: Dynamic Logic-Domino Logic-np-CMOS- Designing Sequential Logic Design :Static Latches and
Registers –Dynamic Latches and Registers
Reference Books
1. Kang ,Leblebigi “CMOS Digital IC Circuit Analysis & Design”, McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Jan.M.Rabaey, AnanthaChandrakasan, BorivojeNikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits – A Design
Perspective”, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition 2003.
3. Neil H E West and Kamran Eshranghian, “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design : A System Perspective”,
Addison Wesley, 2nd edition, 2002
4. AnanthaChadrasekaran and Robert Broderson, “Low Power CMOS Design”, Standard Publishers, 2000.
5. Kiat,Seng Yeo, Samir S.Rofail, Wang,Ling Goh, “CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI Low Voltage, Low Power”,
Pearson edition, Second Indian reprint, 2003
Course objective:
To study the concepts on different levels of power estimation
To learn the fundamentals of optimization techniques
To have an idea about Low Voltage Circuit Design Techniques
Course outcome
Knowledge in low power techniques
To design chips with less power consumption and high performance circuits.
To understand the problems associated with micrometer device design
Course Contents
Introduction- Gate Level Logic Simulation- Architectural Level Analysis- Circuit and logic level power
optimization techniques- Special Techniques-Architecture and system- Leakage Current in Deep Sub-Micrometer
Transistors- Deep Sub- Micrometer Device Design Issues-Low Voltage Circuit Design Techniques-- SRAM
Architecture- Energy Recovery Circuit Design.
Reference Books
1. Gary yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, Kluwer academic publishers, 2001.
2. Kaushik Roy, Sharatprasad, “Low Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2000.
3. AnanthaChadrasekaran and Robert Broderson, “Low Power CMOS Design”, Standard Publishers, 2000.
4. Kiat,Seng Yeo, Samir S.Rofail, Wang,Ling Goh, “CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI Low Voltage, Low Power”,
Pearson edition, Second Indian reprint, 2003
5. Kang ,Leblebigi “CMOS Digital IC Circuit Analysis & Design”, McGraw Hill, 2003.
6. Jan.M.Rabaey, AnanthaChandrakasan, BorivojeNikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits – A Design
Perspective”, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition 2003.
Course objective:
Knowledge about device fabrication process of BJT and MOSFET along with their different device
Knowledge about ECL and I2L circuits
Familiar with BiCMOS technology
Course outcome
Students are expected to design VLSI circuits following technological constraints
Expected to solve problems associated with etching and diffusion
Gain confidence to work with cutting edge technologies like that of MESFET
Course Contents
Introduction :Introduction to VLSI fabrication-BJT and CMOS Fabrication Process a Brief Overview -Clean Room
and Safety Requirements- Silicon CrystalGrowth, Epitaxy – VPE and MBE.Oxidation and
Diffusion:Oxidation:Silicon Dioxide Growth for Thick and Thin Films: Solid State Diffusion Modelling and
Technology - Diffusion Systems - Ion Implantation Modeling and Technology – Damage Annealing – Masking
during Implantation.Lithography and Etching: Basic Process Explaining Lithography – Positive and Negative Resist
and their Comparison –Light Sources. Optical Lithography- X-ray Lithography – E-beam Lithography. Wet
Chemical Etching- Dry Etching, Plasma Etching System. Deposition Techniques: Physical Vapor Deposition –
Thermal Evaporation and Sputtering – Metallization, Chemical Vapor Deposition Techniques: CVD Techniques for
Deposition of Polysilicon, Silicon Dioxide, Silicon Nitride.Integrated Device Fabrication: BJT fabrication –
Isolation techniques; Junction Isolation, LOCOS, Trench Isolation – Realization of ECL and I2L Circuits. MOSFET
Reference Books
1. S. A. Campbell, “The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication” 2nd Edition, Oxford
University Press, 2001.
2. G. S. May and S. M. Sze, “ Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication”, John Wiley Inc., 2004.
3. C.Y. Chang and S.M.Sze (Ed), “ULSI Technology”, McGraw Hill Companies Inc, 1996.
4. S.M. Sze (Ed), “VLSI Technology”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1988.
5. S.K. Ghandhi, “VLSI Fabrication Principles”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley Inc., Newyork reprint 2004.
Course objective
To impart knowledge about the basic concepts of Nano electronic devices
To recognize the necessity of Carbon Nanotubes in electronics
Course outcome
The students will understand the concepts of nano regime such as coloumb blockade , electron tunnelling
and the necessity of Nanodevices
They will know the domains in which nanodevices play a major role and are inevitable
They would be able to widen their knowledge about spintronic devices
Course Contents
Introduction, CMOS Scaling, limits to scaling, system integration limits (interconnect issues etc.), The nanoscale
MOSFET, Vertical MOSFETs, Resonant Tunneling Transistors, Single electron transistors, Optoelectronic, and
Spintronic devices, Molecular electronics involving single molecules as electronic devices, transport in molecular
structures, molecular systems as alternatives to conventional electronics, molecular interconnects, Carbon nanotube
electronics, bandstructure& transport, devices, applications.
Reference Books
1. Karl Goser, Peter Glosekotter, Jan Dienstuhl., “Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems” , Springer, 2004
2. C.P. Poole Jr., F.J. Owens ,”Introduction to Nanotechnology,” ,Wiley (2003).
3. Waser Ranier,”Nanoelectronics and Information Technology (Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel
Devices), WaserRanier,Wiley-VCH (2003).
4. K.E. Drexler ,Nanosystems, , Wiley (1992)
5. John H. Davies,The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
To learn various VHDL modeling
To familiarize with operator overloading
To have an understanding about generics and modelling delays
Able to write VHDL Program for combinational and sequential circuits.
Ability to write VHDL programs for real time applications
Confidence to design real time projects
To learn various Verilog Programming Techniques.
To understand different steps involved in Verilog Programming
Knowledge about different types of modelling
The student will be able to write Verilog Program for combinational and sequential circuits.
Ability to write Verilog programs for real time applications
Confidence to work in core companies
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
To study different types of programmable ASICs
To know about ASIC interconnects
To gain understanding on the Physical design of ASICs.
The student will be able to design a system using CAD tools for ASIC.
Knowledge in the complete design flow of ASICs
Confidence in using ASICs for real time applications
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objective:
• To learn the basic 8085 Microprocessor architecture, working and programming.
• To understand the operation of 8051 Microcontroller.
• To accumulate the knowledge about PIC Microcontroller.
Course Outcome
• Knowledge about the processing of microcontroller and microprocessor.
• Able to use it for real time applications.
Course Contents
Functional Block of 8085 Microprocessor – Timing and control signals- Instruction set –Assembly language
programs –Timing Diagram – Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller – Instruction cycle- Instruction fetching and
execution. Instruction set and programming. I/O, Timer, Interrupt and serial programming– Interrupt priority in
8051 - 8051 interfacing to external memory – 8051 interfacing with different external devices and Motors.
Reference Books
1. Krishna Kant,” Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and System Design
8085, 8086, 8051, 8096”, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1 st Edition, 2010.
2. Myke Predko,” Programming customizing the 8051 Microcontroller”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications,
New Delhi, 1st Edition 2007.
3. Crisp, “Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers”, Elsevier/ Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2009.
4. Kenneth J. Ayala, “8051 Microcontroller”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2004.
5. Mazidi and D.MacKinlay, “8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using Assembly and C”, Pearson
Education Low Price Edition, New Delhi, 2006.
Course Objective
• Learn the basic principles, concepts and types of communication systems.
• Understand the various design issues in a communication system.
• Gain knowledge about communication medium and television.
Course Outcome
• Analyze and design basic communication systems, particularly with application to noise free analog and
digital communications.
• Apply concepts and techniques from circuit analysis to communication systems.
• Develop the ability to compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of various communication
Course Contents
Analog Modulation - Principle of Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency Modulation (FM) and Phase
Modulation (PM), AM and FM transmitters and receivers, AM and FM modulators and demodulators , Effects of
noise in AM and FM systems.Digital Communication Systems - PAM, PPM, PDM, PCM, Delta modulation, Digital
modulation and demodulation systems, Modem functions. Data Transmission - Twisted pair and coaxial cables,
Fiber optics, Sources and detectors, Error detection and correction, Multiplexing, TDM and FDM, Applications of
communication systems . Scanning process – Television Transmitter & Receiver – Camera – Introduction to LCD
and LED televisions.
Reference books
1. Anokh Singh, “Principles of Communication Engineering”, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi, 5 th Edition,
2. Wayne Tomasi, “Electronic Communication Systems: Fundamentals Through Advanced”, Pearson
Education, Arizona, 5th Edition 2012.
3. William Schweber, “Electronic Communication Systems - A Complete Course”, Prentice
Hall International, New Jersey, 4th Edition, 2002.
4. Kennedy G, “Electronic Communication Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education India
Private Limited, New Delhi, 4th Edition, 2011.
5. Simon Haykins, “Communication Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 5 th Edition, 2009.
6. Bruce Carlson. A, “Communication Systems”, Tata McGraw- Hill Education India Private Limited, New
Delhi, 5th Edition, 2009.
Course objectives
To study the different technologies of microwave integrated circuits.
To analyze the micro strip line.
To design and fabricate different lumped elements and non-reciprocal components.
Course outcome
To study the different technologies of microwave integrated circuits.
To analyze the micro strip line.
To design and fabricate different lumped elements and nonreciprocal components.
Course Contents
Introduction to microwave integrated circuits: Active and passive components. Analysis of microstrip lines:
variational method, conformal transformation, numerical analysis; losses in microstrip lines; Slot line and Coupled
lines; Design of power dividers and combiners, directional couplers, hybrid couplers, filters.;Microstrip lines on
ferrite and garnet substrates; Isolators and circulators; Lumped elements in MICs.;Technology of MICs: Monolithic
and hybrid substrates; thin and thick film technologies, computer aided design.
Reference books
1. Leo Young and H. Sobol, Ed. Advances in Microwaves, Vol.2, Academic Press Inc., 1974.
2. B.Bhatand ,”Stripline-like transmission lines for MICs”, John Wiley, 1989.
3. T.K. Ishii, “Handbook of Microwave Technology”, vol. I, Academic Press, 1995.
4. Annapurna Das, Sisir K. Das-“Microwave Engineering”– Tata McGraw-Hill,2000.
5. Gupta,K.C, and Amarjit singh – “Microwave Integrated Circuits” – John Wileyand sons – Wiley Eastern
Reprint, 1978.
6. I. Hoffmann, R.K – “Handbook of Microwave Integrated Circuits” – Artec House, 1987.
Course objective:
To learn the physics behind the semiconductor devices and study the various models.
To understand the BJT, MOSFET and other semiconductor devices from the device perspective.
To be familiarized with MOSFET analysis models
Course outcome:
Clear understanding of semiconductor devices helps the students in learning the advanced semiconductor
The students are able to analyse various device designs
Able to understand the blockheads while modelling nano scale devices
Course Contents
Semiconductor Physics Semiconductor Materials and Structures- Band Structures – Electron-Hole Statistics –
Carrier Mobility and Conductivity– Carrier Diffusion– Avalanche Multiplication - P-N Junction Theory – Built-In
Potential – P-N Electrostatics –Current-Voltage Relation In P-N Junction – Diffusion Capacitance – Diode
Equivalent Circuit – Breakdown Voltage – Junction Curvature Effect – Transient Behavior BJT Device Analysis -
BJT Current- Voltage Relation – Current Gain – Band Gap Narrowing – Auger Recombination – Early Effect –
Punch-Through In BJT – Breakdown Voltage In BJT – Small Signal Equivalent Circuit – Cut-Off Frequency –
Switching Behavior. MOSFET analysis models – large and small signal characteristics - MOSFET SPICE model
level 1,2,3 and 4.
Course objective:
To understand the difference between verification and testing.
To know about verification tools and plan.
To learn about architecting test benches.
Course outcome
Students are able to know the difference between verification and testing
Students are capable of writing test benches to verify circuits.
The students have an idea about self checking test benches and reusable verification components
Course Contents
Functional Verification Approaches-Testing Versus Verification- Verification and Design Reuse - Linting Tools-
Simulators-Third Party Models-Waveform Viewers-Code Coverage-Issue- Tracking Metrics - Verification plan-
Levels of Verification-Verification Strategies –Specification Features – Test cases -Test Benches - Simple Stimulus-
Output Verification –Self Checking Test Benches Reusable Verification Components – VHDL and Verilog
Reference Books
1. Janick Bergeron, “Writing Test Benches Functional Verification of HDL Models” Springer 2nd Edition
Feb 2003.
2. Andreas Meyer, “Principles of Functional Verification” Newnes , Oct 2003.
3. Amir Palnitkar, “Design Verification with e” Prentice Hall 1st Edition ,2003.
4. D. P. Foty, “MOSFET Modeling with SPICE, Principles and Practices”, Prentice HallPTR, 1997
5. N.A. Sherwari, “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”, John Wiley, 2003.
Course objective:
To learn about various types of analog systems-
To understand the concepts of CMOS amplifiers and Filters
To be familiar with Digital to Analog Converters and Analog to Digital Converters.
Course outcome
Students will be able to understand the concepts of analog design.
Able to design various analog systems
Understand the drawbacks of analog systems
Course Contents
Switches- active resistors- current source and sink - Amplifiers: Differential Amplifiers- Cascode Amplifiers-
Current Amplifiers-Output Amplifiers- Low pass filters - High pass filters – Band Pass filters – Analog Systems:
Digital-to- Analog Converters- Analog-To Digital Converters.
Course objective:
To provide knowledge about CAD Algorithm, placement and routing.
Understanding of simulation based algorithms
To gain knowledge on synthesis and MCMs.
Course outcome:
Acquire knowledge of CAD Algorithm, placement, routing ,simulation ,synthesis and MCMs is expected.
Design VLSI devices using CAD.
Understand the simulation based algorithms
Course Contents
Role of CAD tools in the VLSI Design process - Data Structures-Complexity Issues- Graph algorithms, Genetic
algorithm- Simulated Annealing - Event driven, Switch level and Circuit simulation - CAD algorithms - logic
synthesis - Technology independent and dependent logic optimization - Partitioning -KL, FM algorithms-
Placement – Simulation based algorithms-Partitioning based algorithms - Floor planning - Global routing – Grid
routing - detailed routing –over the cell routing.
Reference Books
1. N.A. Sherwari, “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”, John Wiley, 2003.
2. S.MSait,H.Youssef, “VLSI Physical Design Automation”,World scientific, 1999.
3. Sabih. H. Gerez “Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation” John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
4. G.D.Micheli, “Synthesis and optimization of Digital circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
5. D. P. Foty, “MOSFET Modeling with SPICE, Principles and Practices”, Prentice HallPTR, 1997
Course objective:
To understand the methods of testing combinational and sequential circuits.
To know about various fault simulation techniques.
To understand the difference between DFT and BIST
Course outcome
Students have the knowledge to test any VLSI circuits
Students are able to decide which testing method to be applied for a given circuit to be tested.
They gain confidence to work in the testing sector of core companies
Reference Books
1. Vishwani D. Agarwal “Essential of Electronic testing for digital, memory and mixed signal circuits”,
Springer, 2000
2. Abramovici .M, Breuer .M.A. and Friedman .A.D, "Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design", Wiley,
3. Robert J. Feugate, Jr. Steven M., "Introduction to VLSI testing", Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1998.
4. ParagK.Lala, “Digital circuit testing and testability”, Academic press, 1997.
5. S.M. Sze (Ed), “VLSI Technology”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1988
Course objective
To create awareness about the concepts of MEMS and Microsystems .
To highlight the necessity of Micro fabrication and Micro machining.
To provide an insight into the operation of cutting edge MEMS devices.
Course outcome
The students will understand the necessity of MEMS in thrust areas like sensors&actuators
They will know the Materials used in Microsystems and the devices in nano electronics.
Course Contents
Historical Background –Engineering Science for Microsystems -Design and Fabrications-Materials for MEMS:
Silicon& its compounds, Quartz, -Microfabrication and Micromachining: Bulk Micromachining Surface -
Micromachining Microsensors: inertial, thermal, optical, chemical and biological Microactuators:Electrostatic,
thermal - 3-D electromagnetic actuators and sensors, RF/ Electronics devices, Optical/ Photonic devices, Medical
Reference Books
1. Tai-Ran Hsu, “MEMS & Microsystems Design & Manufacture”, Tata McGraw Hill,2002
2. Stephen D. Senturia, "Microsystem Design" by, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
3. Marc Madou,Fundamentals of Microfabrication by, CRC Press, 1997.Gregory Kovacs, Micromachined
Transducers Sourcebook WCB McGraw-Hill, Boston, 1998.
4. M.-H. Bao, Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure sensors, accelrometers, and gyroscopes by Elsevier,
New York, 2000
5. John H. Davies, “The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Cambridge University Press, 1998
Course Objective
Will enable the students to understand the programming techniques of Microprocessor and
Able to design suitable control application using microcontrollers.
Course Outcome
Student will be able to design hardware and software requirements for an application using
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
To impart the basic knowledge about the passive components.
To know about the fundamentals of electronics and some electronic devices.
To get the knowledge about the various analog communication techniques.
Students get an overview about the basics of electronics,
Student get an overview about the semiconductor, integrated circuits
Able to get an idea about the communication and some applications in communication
Course Description:
Introduction to Semiconductor - semiconductor devices: diode, transistor, FET, MOSFET, UJT- basic op-amp
applications- Integrated circuits - transistor as an amplifier and a switch – oscillator principles - Digital System –
Semiconductor memory – Microprocessor - transducers – signal conditioning unit – telemetry circuits – virtual
instrumentation– Measuring instruments – communication system - Introduction to Noise – modulation &
demodulation techniques – antenna principle – radio receiver & transmitter Satellite communication – Fibre optics –
Micro and Nano electronics.
Reference Books:
1. Robert Boylestad, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, Sixth Edition, PHI, 1998
2. Albert Paul Malvino, Donald P Leach, “Digital Principles and Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill, IV
Edition, 1991.
3. Roody & Coolen, “Electronic Communication”, PHI, 1995
4. W.D. Cooper, A.D. Helfrick, “Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”, 3rd Edition.
5. V.K.Metha.”Principles of Electronics”,Chand Publications,2008.
6. Anokh Singh, “Principles of Communication Engineering” S.Chand Co., 2001
7. Muthusubramanian R, Salivahanan S, Muraleedharan Ka , “Basic Electrical Electronics & Computer
Engineering “Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 2005.
8. Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: From transistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices by K. Goser
(Edition, 2004), Springer. London.
To understand the mechanisms of current flow in semi-conductors.
To understand the diode operation and switching characteristics
To know about the measuring and analysis techniques.
Course Description:
Intrinsic And Extrinsic Semiconductors - Theory of PN Diodes - Open circuit junction – Forward And Reverse
Characteristics - Diode Equation- Applications: Half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier - Hall
Effect - Theory of FET, UJT and Thyristor - Special Semiconductor Devices – LED – LCD – optocouplers – Gunn
diodes - Varactor diode – Transducers - Digital Instruments - Digital Voltmeters and Multimeters, - Data Display
and Recording System - Computer Controlled Test System - Microprocessor based measurements.
Reference Books:
1. Millman & Halkias, "Electronic Devices & Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2007.
2. Malvino A P, “Electronic Principles”, , McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2006
3. Rangan C.S., "Instrumentation Devices and Systems", Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition, 1998.
4. W.D. Cooper, A.D. Helfrick, “Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”, 3rd Edition.
5. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, 9th Pearson Education
Edition, 2009
6. Muthusubramanian R, Salivahanan S, Muraleedharan Ka , “Basic Electrical Electronics & Computer
Engineering “Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 2005
• To learn practically about different Electron Devices and its operation.
• To learn about the Instrument handling and its analysis
• To learn the simulation of various electronics circuits
• Students will be able to understand the device characteristics and help them to develop experimental skills.
• Students will be able to do various analyses with electronic instrumentations.
• They can able to simulate and analysis the various circuit by using PSPICE
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objective:
• To learn the concepts of signal processing and analyze the statistical properties of signals.
• To estimate the spectrum using Parametric and Non Parametric methods.
• To design filter / Linear Predictor for Communication Systems.
Course outcome
Upon completion of the course, student will be able to
Generate the various special types of random processes in communication receivers.
Estimate / Evaluate the Power Spectrum.
Course Contents
Discrete Random Processes- Energy- Power Spectral Density - Parseval’s Theorem –Wiener Khintchine Relation-–
Periodogram-Sum Decomposition Theorem-Discrete Random Signal Processing using linear system-Parametric and
Non-Parametric Spectrum Estimation Methods -Wiener, Kalman Filtering, Levinson-Durban Algorithms Least
Square Method, Adaptive Filtering, Non-stationary Signal Analysis, Wigner-Ville Distribution, Multirate Signal
Processing- Single and multistage realization - Poly phase realization-Wavelet Analysis
1. Monson H.Hayes, “Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New
York, Reprint, 2008.
2. John G.Proakis, DimitrisG.Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall of India, 4th Edition,
3. P.P Vaithyanathan, “Multirate systems and filter Banks”, Prentice Hall of India, 1993.
4. Emmanuel C. Ifeacher and Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing – A Practical Approach”, Wesley
Longman Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2004
5. PetreStoica and Randolph Moses, ``Spectral Analysis of Signals``, Prentice Hall, 2005.
6. S. Haykin, Adaptive filter theory, Prentice Hall, 2005
7. B. Widrow and S.D. Stearns, Adaptive signal processing, Prentice Hall, 1984.
Course Objective:
To study the overview of Embedded System Architecture
To focus on distributed Embedded Architecture and its accessing protocols
To understand about the design methodologies in hardware and software design.
Course Outcome:
Upon completion of the course, student will be able to
Construct embedded system hardware
Develop software programs to control embedded system
Outline validation and testing methodologies for embedded system
Course Contents:
Embedded systems overview- processor technology -automation-synthesis-verification. Processing elements - single
and general purpose processor design, Programme’s view and development environment – ASIPs -- Memory –
types, hierarchy, caches, advanced RAM. Interfacing - I/O addressing, interrupts, DMA-Arbitration- multilevel bus
architectures- protocols- Standard single purpose processor’s peripherals. Design and development of latest
Embedded systems using Embedded C.
1. Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, Embedded system design: A unified hardware/Software Introduction,
Third edition, John Wiley & sons, 2010
2. Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Morgan
Kaufman Publishers, 2008.
3. Jonathan.W.Valvano, Embedded Microcomputer systems: Real Time Interfacing, Third edition, cengage
learning, 2012
4. Santanuchattopadhyay, Embedded system Design, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2010
5. Steave Heath, Embedded system Design, Second edition, 2003
6. Daniel D. Gajski, Samar. Abdi, Andreas. Gerstlauer Embedded system design: Modeling, synthesis and
verification”, Springer, 2009
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective:
To learn the key aspects of Neural networks
To know the components of Fuzzy logic and Genetic algorithm
To gain insight on Neuro Fuzzy modeling and support vector machines
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to:
Implement machine learning through Neural networks and support vector machines
Develop a Fuzzy expert system.
Use Genetic Algorithm to solve the optimization problem
Course contents:
Evolution of Computing - Genetic algorithm – basics, optimization problems, Applications.Supervised Learning
Neural Networks –Unsupervised Learning Neural Networks – Adaptive Resonance Architectures – Advances in
NeuralNetworks.Fuzzy logic basics - Fuzzy Inference Systems –Fuzzy Decision Making. Neuro-fuzzy modeling-
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems –Classification and Regression Trees – Data Clustering Algorithms –
Rule base Structure Identification –Case Studies
1. Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, Chuen-Tsai Sun, EijiMizutani, “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing”, Prentice-
Hall of India, 2003.
2. George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, “fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic-theory and applications”, prentice
3. James A. Freeman and David M. Skapura, “Neural networks algorithms, applications,
andprogramming techniques”, Pearson Edn., 2003.
4. David E.goldberg, “Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine learning”, Addison
Wesley, 2007.
5. Mitchell Melanie, “An introduction to genetic algorithm”, Prentice Hall, 1998.
6. S.N.Sivanandam, S.N.Deepa, “Introduction To Genetic Algorithms”, Springer, 2007.
7. E. Sanchez, T. Shibata, and l. A. Zadeh, Eds., "Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy logic systems:
Softcomputing perspectives, advances in fuzzy systems - applications and theory", vol. 7, River
edge,World scientific, 1997.
Course Objective
HDL programming is fundamental for VLSI design and hence this course is given.
To know about the various modeling techniques in VHDL and Verilog.
To learn the advanced programming techniques and transistor level modeling in VHDL and Verilog HDL
To get familiar with various synthesis Techniques.
Course Outcome
The student will be able to
Write programs in VHDL and Verilog HDL for modeling digital electronic circuits.
Will be able to verify the circuit using Test bench .
Will be able to synthesis the circuit after programming for implementation .
Knowledge in synthesizing circuits using HDL
1. Samir Palnitkar,”Verilog HDL”, Pearson education, 2004.
2. Peter J.Ashenden, ”The designer guide to VHDL”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers In; 3rd Revised edition
edition , 2006
3. Douglas L. Perry, “VHDL Programming by Example”, TATA McGRAW-HILL Edition, 2002.
4. Joseph Cavanagh, “Verilog HDL, Digital Design and Modeling”, 2007.
5. Thomas &Moorby’s, “The Verilog Hardware Description Language, Fifth Edition”, 2008.
6. Bhasker, “A Verilog HDL primer”, Star Galaxy Publishing, 2005.
To understand the image fundamentals and mathematical transforms necessary for image processing
To understand how image are analyzed to extract features of interest.
To introduce the concepts of image registration and image fusion.
Upon completion of the course, student will be able
To apply image processing techniques in both the spatial and frequency (Fourier) domains.
To design image analysis techniques in the form of image segmentation and to evaluate the methodologies
for segmentation.
To conduct independent study and analysis of feature extraction techniques.
Course Content:
Fundamentals, 2D image transforms, Image enhancement in spatial and frequency domain, Morphological image
processing. Edge, Active contour, Texture, Model, Atlas and Wavelet based Segmentation. Localized feature
extraction, shape, boundary, Moments and Texture descriptors. Registration – basics, Transformation functions-
resampling. Image fusion – pixel, Multiresolution and region based fusion.3D image visualization - 3D Data sets,
Volumetric display, Stereo Viewing, Ray tracing, Image processing in 3D, Measurements on 3D images.
1. John C.Russ, “The Image Processing Handbook”, CRC Press,2007.
2. Mark Nixon, Alberto Aguado, “Feature Extraction and Image Processing”, Academic Press, 2008.
3. ArdeshirGoshtasby, “ 2D and 3D Image registration for Medical, Remote Sensing and Industrial
Applications”,John Wiley and Sons,2005.
4. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, Inc., Second
Edition, 2004.
5. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing', Pearson Education,Inc., 2002.
6. Rick S.Blum, Zheng Liu,“Multisensor image fusion and its Applications“,Taylor& Francis,2006.
Course Objectives:
To understand the fundamentals of wireless networks.
To learn the concepts of optical networks.
To give adequate exposure to the emerging technologies and their potential impact.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, student will be able to
Design the 4G and LTE networks.
Design broadband fiber optic networks.
Design Hybrid wireless – optical networks
Course Contents:
Access Technologies : Hybrid fiber coax, Cable Modem, WLAN, IEEE 802.11, WiMAX / 802.16, Optical Access
Networks,Overview of 3G, 3GPP Network, 4G technologies, Software defined radio, Cognitive radio, IMS
architecture, ABWAS, MVNO, LTE, Internetworking. Session Mobility, Internetworking architecture for WLAN
and GPRS, LMDS, MMDS. PON Architectures- Protocols and Scheduling Algorithms, Hybrid Optical–Wireless
Access Network Architecture, Radio Over fiber architectures.
1. KavehPahlavan and Prashant Krishnamurthy, “Principle of Wireless network- A Unified Approach”,
Prentice Hall, 2006.
2. Clint Smith and Daniel Collins, “3G Wireless Networks”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2 nd Edition, 2007.
3. Vijay K. Garg, “Wireless Communication and Networking”, Elsevier, 2007.
4. Moray Rumney, “LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless Design and Measurement Challenges”, Agilent
Technologies, 2009.
5. Leonid G. Kazovsky, Ning Cheng, Wei-Tao Shaw, David Gutierrez, Shing-Wa Wong, “Broadband Optical
Access Networks”, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2011.
6. Uyless D. Black,” Optical Networks: Third Generation Transport Systems”, Prentice Hall PTR, 2007.
To understand the concepts of MOS transistors operations and their AC, DC characteristics.
To know the fabrication process of CMOS technology and its layout design rules
To know the concepts of power estimation and delay calculations in CMOS circuits.
To design CMOS based circuits
To design layout for CMOS fabrication
To design and simulate a VLSI system
Course Contents:
MOS transistor theory, MOS models and small signal AC characteristics. CMOS technologie and Layout design
rules, Latch up in CMOS circuits, CMOS process enhancements, CAD issues, Fabrication and packaging. NMOS
and CMOS Inverters, Transmission gates, Static CMOS design, dynamic CMOS design. Circuit characterization and
performance estimation. VLSI system components - circuits and system level physical design, Basics of CMOS
Credits 0:0:1
Course Objective
To design and analyze the performance of Digital systems
To be able to design any digital circuit using Verilog and VHDL
To know about the Xilinx software tools.
Course Outcome
Upon completion of the course, student will able to
To design and analyze the performance of Digital systems
To design any digital circuit using Verilog and VHDL
Have expertise in the Xilinx software tools.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director and
notify it at the beginning of each semester.
To explore the special features and representations of different data types.
To analyze different compression techniques for text data and audio signals
To analyze various compression techniques for image and video signals
Identify the various compression techniques in text and audio.
The ability to apply various compression techniques in image and video compression.
The ability to apply above knowledge and skills to compression techniques.
Course Content :
Introduction Special features of Multimedia, Storage requirements for multimedia applications, Lossy& Lossless
compression techniques, vector quantization, LBZ algorithm, Text Compression Compression techniques,
Arithmetic coding, Shannon- Fanon coding - LZW family algorithms, Audio Compression Audio compression
techniques, Wavelet based compression, Video Compression Video compression techniques and standards, Motion
estimation and compensation techniques.
1. Khalid Sayood, Introduction to Data Compression, Morgan Kauffman Harcourt India, 2005.
2. David Salomon, Data Compression – The Complete Reference, Springer Verlang, 2006.
3. Yun Q.Shi and Huifang Sun, Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering –Fundamentals,
Algorithms & Standards, CRC press, 2003.
Course Objective
To learn various components of optical networks.
To understand various generation and broadcast optical networks.
To study the importance of Photonic Packet Switching
Course outcome
Upon completion of the course, student will able to
Understand the components of optical networks
Know various generation of broadcast optical Networks.
Acquire knowledge on Photonic Packet Swiching
Course Contents
Network evolution and optical system components Optical network architecture – SONET/SDH, MAN layered,
Broadcast and select network – MAC protocol – test beds. Wavelength routing network – test beds Photonic packet
switching and access network Network design, control and management.
1. Rajiv Ramaswamy& Kumar N.Sivarajan, "Optical Networks: A practical perspective", Harcourt Asia
Private Limited, Singapore, 2nd edition 2004.
2. D.W.Smith, Ed., “Optical Network Technology”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1995.
3. Biswanath Mukherjee, "Optical Communication Networks", McGraw-Hill, 1997.
4. P.E.Green Jr, “Fiber optic network”, Prentice Hall, NJ 1993.
Course Objective
To understand the basics of signal-space analysis.
To understand the coherent and non-coherent receivers and its impact on different channel characteristics.
To understand the equalization techniques and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.
Course outcome
After completion of the course, the students are able to
Understand the concepts of signal space analysis.
Understand coherent and non-coherent receivers
Appreciate different equalization techniques and comprehend the generation of OFDM signals and
processing the signals
Course Contents
Review of Baseband modulation, Baseband detection – signals and noise, Detection of binary signals in Gaussian
noise, ISI, Equalization, Review of Bandpass modulation, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, coherent
detection, non-coherent detection, error performance for binary systems, M-arysignaling and performance,
Optimum detection and estimation, noise vector in signal space, optimum M-ary receiver design, matched filter
configuration, OFDM – generation and signal processing.
Course Objective
To introduce the concepts of wireless communication.
To make the students to know the various propagation methods, Channel models, capacity calculations
multiple antennas and multiple user techniques used in Wireless Communciation.
To enhance the understanding of Wireless Networks.
Course outcome
Upon Completion of the course, student will able to
Understand the concepts of wireless communication.
Apply knowledge of propagation methods and channel models to improve the system performance.
Acquire the knowledge on Wireless Networks
Course Contents
Wireless channel propagation and model , Propagation of EM signals in wireless channel – reflection, diffraction
and scattering-small scale fading- channel classification- channel models –distributions, link power budget analysis,
diversity schemes, MIMO Communications-Narrowband MIMO model, parallel decomposition of the MIMO
channel, MIMO channel capacity, MIMO diversity gain:beamforming, diversity-multiplexing trade-offs, space time
modulation and coding spatial multiplexing and blast architectures. SDMA, hybrid techniques, random access:
Scheduling, power control, uplink downlink channel capacity, wireless networks 3G overview, migration path to
UMTS, UMTS basics, air interface, 3GPP network architecture,4g features and challenges, technology path,
IMSarchitecture - introduction to wireless LAN - IEEE 802.11 WLAN - physical layer- MAC sublayer.
1. W. Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
2. Harry R. Anderson, “Fixed Broadband Wireless System Design” John Wiley – India, 2003.
3. Andreas.F. Molisch, “Wireless Communications”, John Wiley – India, 2006.
4. Simon Haykin& Michael Moher, “Modern Wireless Communications”, Pearson Education, 2007.
5. Rappaport. T.S., “Wireless communications”, Pearson Education, 2003.
6. Clint Smith. P.E., and Daniel Collins, “3G Wireless Networks”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,2007.
7. Vijay. K. Garg, “Wireless Communication and Networking”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007
Course Objective
To learn the fundamental parameters of antenna radiation and its significance in antenna design for specific
To study different types of antenna and its design methodology.
To understand various Numerical methods in antenna simulation.
Course Contents
Review of antenna theory, dipoles, monopole and loop antennas, linear and planar arrays, array synthesis, phased
arrays, helical antennas, radiation from apertures, aperture distribution, horn and parabolic dish antennas, Yagi - Uda
and log-periodic antennas, microstrip antennas and arrays, Dielectric Antennas-Method of Moments.
1. J.D. Krauss, “Antennas”, McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Balanis, “Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design”, John Wiley, 1982.
3. R.E. Collin, “Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation”, McGraw Hill, 1985.
4. R.C. Johnson and H. Jasik, “Antenna Engineering Handbook”, McGraw Hill, 1984.
5. Ramesh Garg, I. Bahl, Apisak Ittipiboon and P. Bhartia, “Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook”, Artech
6. Hubregt.J.Visser, “Antenna Theory and applications”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Newyork, 2012.
Course Objective
To learn about the science and parameters behind the orbiting satellites.
To study various multiplexing schemes and earth station parameters used for satellite communication.
To understand the orbital concepts in navigational systems.
Course outcome
Upon completion of the course, the students are able to
Analyse different navigational services
Apply various remote sensing concepts for Safety of Life Services
Evaluate the performance of any satellite networks.
Course Contents
Orbital parameters-GEO, LEO & MEO orbits. Frequency selection-Attitude and orientation control- Spin
stabilisation techniques-Space craft configuration-Subsystems-Satellite uplink -down link. Power Budget- - Noise-
Propagation factors- Rain and ice effects- Polarization calculations. Modulation and Multiplexing-Spread spectrum-
Earth station parameters-location- propagation effects of ground. INTELSAT Series-INSAT- VSAT-Application:
GSM, GPS, DTH and Video conferencing.
1. Dennis Rody," Satellite Communication", McGraw Hill, 2006.
2. Bruce R. Elbert, "The Satellite Communication Applications Hand Book” Artech House Boston,1997
3. Louis. J. Ippolito Jr." Satellite Communication Systems Engineering", John Wiley Publications, 2008.
4. Tri T.Ha,"Digital Satellite Communication",2nd Edition, McGraw Hill,New york.1990.
5. K.Feher,”Digital Communication Satellite / Earth Station Engineering”, Prentice Hall Inc, New
Course Objective
To know the mathematics behind the coding algorithms.
To learn about various error control codes.
To study the error control parameters in communication.
Course outcome
Upon completion of the course, the students are able to
Understand the vector mathematics behind the error control coding techniques.
Understand different types of error control code like life cyclic redundancy codes and convolution codes.
Analyze the error control parameters and evolve new methods for specific application to improve
Course Contents
Vector Algebra - Galois Filed Arithmetic- BCH Codes- Decoding- implementation of error correction-Binary and
Non binary BCH and Reed-Solomon Codes- Burst error correcting codes- Fire code interleaved codes- phased burst
error correcting codes interleaved codes- phased burst error correcting codes- Convolutional codes-Decoding of
convolutional- Application of Viterbi decoding-Turbo codes.
1. Shu Lin & D.J. Costello - "Error Control Coding", 2nd edition ,PHI, 2004.
2. Shu Lin "Application of error control", 1974
3. Simon Haykin, "Digital Communication", John Wiley and Sons, 1988
4. Bernard Sklar, Digital Communications, fundamentals and Applications, Pearson Education, 2001
Course Objective
To study and experiment different signaling techniques in communication system using OTDR and
various mobile communication standards.
To demonstrate modern digital communication techniques.
Course outcome
Upon Completion of the course, student will able to
Understand the different signaling techniques in communication concepts and use it appropriately.
Analyze and apply a systematic design approach to communication projects and also have good research
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objective
To design, simulate and understand different types of antenna using EM Solvers.
Involve students in studies of communication network and its performance through network simulation
Course outcome
Upon Completion of the course, student will able to
Design and simulate antenna of given specification.
Construct and analyze communication networks through network simulation tools
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objective
To know about designing of combinational and sequential circuits.
To Know about architecture of different FPGAs and PLDs.
To know about different ASIC design techniques .
Course outcome
Students will be able to design digital circuits.
Will get familiarized with different ASIC design Techniques.
Will get knowledge of different FPGA Architectures
Course Contents
Design of combinational circuits, Design of static hazard free and dynamic hazard free logic circuits, Mealy
machine, Moore machine, Design of synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic circuits. Basic concepts,
Programming technologies, Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLDs, ASM Chart.Types of
ASICs – Design flow – Programmable ASICs - Programmable ASIC Logic Cells –Programmable ASIC I/O blocks
- Programmble ASIC Interconnect -Design systems – Logic synthesis – Half gate ASIC – Schematic entry – PLA
tools – EDIF – CFI design representation. Structure Complex PLD's (CPLD). Design of combinational and
sequential circuits using CPLD's, , Introduction to Field Programmable Gate Arrays - Introduction to Actel ACT2
family, Xilinx SPARTAN, VIRTEX FPGA.
1. Palmer, J.E., Perlman, D.E., "Introduction to Digital Systems",Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Reprint
2. Nelson, V.P., Nagale, H.T., Carroll, B.D., and Irwin, J.D., "Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design",
PrenticeHall International, Inc., New Jersey, 1995.
3. Robert K Dueck, “Digital Design with CPLD applications and VHDL”, Thomson Asia, 2002.
4. Michael John Sebastian Smith "Application specific integrated circuits." Addison, Wesly Longman Inc.,
Course Objective
To study the basics involved in the design of VLSI circuits.
To learn about stick diagrams and Layouts.
To learn the concepts in CMOS Design Styles.
Course outcome
Students will be able to understand CMOS processing technology, basic CMOS circuits, characteristics and
Students will be able to draw stick diagram and layout based on the design rules.
Designing of combinational and sequential circuits in CMOS.
Course Contents
MOS Transistor- MOS Transistor under static conditions-Threshold voltage- Resistive operation-saturation region -
Channel length modulation-velocity saturation-Hot carrier effect-drain current Vs voltage charts - sub threshold
conduction - equivalent resistance-MOS structure capacitance-Design logic gates using CMOS devices-Stick
Diagram. Static CMOS inverter-Evaluating the Robustness of CMOS Inverter. Performance of CMOS inverter:
Dynamic behavior-Computing the capacitance propagation delay sizing inverter for performance- Static CMOS
design-Complementary CMOS - static properties- complementary CMOS design- Ratioed logic-DC VSL - Pass
transistor logic - Differential pass transistor logic -Sizing of level restorer-Sizing in pass transistor-Dynamic CMOS
design-Basic principles - Domino logic optimization of Domino logic-NPCMOS-logic style selection -Designing
logic for reduced supply voltages-CMOS sequential logic design- CMOS subsystem design.
1. Jan.M.Rabaey.,AnithaChandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, "Digital Integrated Circuits", Second Edition,
2. Neil H.E Weste and Kamran Eshraghian, "Principles of CMOS VLSI Design", 2nd Edition, Addition
Wesley, 1998.
3. Sung-Mo Kang, Yusuf Leblebici, “CMOS Digital IC- Analysis and Design”, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill publication, 2003.
4. Kiran Kumar V. G, Nagesh H. R, “Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI Design”, Pearson, 2011.
5. Neil H. E. Weste, David Harris, Ayan Banerjee, “CMOS VLSI Design, A circuit and systems Perspective”,
3rd Edition, 2011.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective:
To study single stage amplifier with different loads.
To study the frequency response and noise analysis
To study OP-amn, stability and its frequency compensation
Course outcome :
Students will gain knowledge in designing of single stage amplifiers and differential pair amplifiers.
Students will apply the concepts of stability and frequency compensation in op-amps.
Students will be able to design various analog circuits.
1. BehzadRazavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
2. Willey M.C. Sansen, “Analog design essentials”, Springer, 2006.
3. Grebene, “Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated circuit design”, John Wiley &sons,Inc., 2003.
4. Phillip E.Allen, DouglasR.Holberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, Second edition, Oxford University
Press, 2002
5. Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis and Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and Design of Analog
Integrated Circuits”, Fourth Edition, Wiley Student Edition, 2009.
Course Objective
To study the manufacturing concepts of VLSI devices.
To build a chip with the design rules or layout rules.
Fabrication process that allows this technology evolution is the minimum feature size that can be printed on
the chip
Course outcome
The students will know about various technologies used for fabricating VLSI devices and design rules.
To learn about the technology customization for the chip design economically
A popular nanotechnology application MEMS structures will be learnt.
Course Contents
Crystal growth- Wafer preparation- Epitaxy and Oxidation-Lithography and relative Plasma etching- Deposition,
Diffusion,-Ion implantation and Metallization- oxidation – Epitaxy – Lithography – Etching and Deposition- NMOS
IC Technology – CMOS IC Technology – MOS Memory IC technology - Bipolar IC Technology – IC Fabrication-
VLSI assembly technology – Package fabrication technology.
1. S.M.Sze, “VLSI Technology”, McGraw Hill Second Edition. 1998.
2. James D Plummer, Michael D. Deal, Peter B. Griffin, “Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice
and Modeling”, Prentice Hall India.2000.
3. Wai Kai Chen, “VLSI Technology” CRC Press, 2003.
4. Rajesh Agarwal and Dr.LaxmanSahoo, “VLSI Technology and Design”,Technical Publications Pune,
5. YasuoTarui, “VLSI Technology: Fundamentals and Applications”, 2011
Course Objective
This course introduces the principles of device modelling.
To understand device physics and to observe experimentally the device performance characteristics
combined so as to lead to predictable equations and expressions for device performance under various
scenarios of excitation.
The most widely used device models used by the industry including BSIM and EKV models discussed.
Course Contents
Fundamental and characteristics of MOSFET devices such as surface and electrostatic potential, Accumulation,
Depletion and Inversion etc.Different MOSFET modeling and its high frequency behavior - Noise modeling and
nonlinearities in CMOS devices- Different BSIM4 MOSFET modeling with characteristics- Other MOS models for
analog/RF applications.
1. TrondYtterdal, Yuhua Cheng and Tor A. Fjeldly, Wayne Wolf, “Device Modeling for Analog and RF
CMOS Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003.
2. B. G. Streetman and S. Banarjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, India, 2010.
3. B. Bhattacharyya, “Compact MOSFET Models for VLSI Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2009.
4. Narain Arora, “MOSFET Modeling for VLSI Simulation, Theory and practice”, 2007.
5. T. Grasser, “Advanced Device Modeling and Simulation”, World scientific publishing, 2003.
6. P. Godse and U. A. Bakshi, “Solid state Devices and circuits”, First Edition, 2009
Course Objective
To study the concepts on different levels of power estimation.
To study the techniques to reduce power at different levels.
To study the design of energy recovery circuits.
Course outcome
Students will get knowledge in low power techniques.
To design low power SRAMs.
To design chips with low power consumption and high performance circuits.
Course Contents
Introduction- Gate Level Logic Simulation- Architectural Level Analysis- Probabilistic Power Analysis-Circuit and
logic level power optimization techniques- Special Techniques-Architecture and system- Leakage Current in Deep
Sub-Micrometer Transistors- Deep Sub- Micrometer Device Design Issues-Low Voltage Circuit Design
Techniques- SRAM Architecture- Energy Recovery Circuit Design.
1. Gary yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, Kluwer academic publishers, 2001.
2. Kaushik Roy, Sharatprasad, “Low Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2000.
3. AnanthaChadrasekaran and Robert Broderson, “Low Power CMOS Design”,Standard Publishers, 2000.
4. Kiat,Seng Yeo, Samir S.Rofail, Wang,Ling Goh, “CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI Low Voltage, Low Power”,
Pearson edition, Second Indian reprint, 2003.
5. Abdellatif Bellaouar and Mohamed Elmasry, “Low Power Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and Systems”,
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To study the Physical design cycle of VLSI
Due to continuous scaling of semiconductor technology, most of the VLSI designs employ millions of
transistors and circuits of this size can only be carried out with the aid of CAD VLSI design tools.
The design flow organization for VLSI, the standard cell based synthesis methodologies for digital VLSI,
floor planning and placement principles and related topics will all be covered.
Course outcome
To understand how VLSI tools are developed and the constraints and limitation under which they can be
operated successfully.
In the VLSI industry, the both user and the developer of the VLSI tools must have a firm understanding of
how these tools are developed and the constraints and limitation under which they can be operated
Students are expected to have completed one of the important prerequisites for professionals in the area of
VLSI design. .
Course Contents
Introduction to VLSI Methodologies –VLSI Physical Design Automation – Fabrication process and its impact on
Physical Design-A quick tour of VLSI design automation tools – Data structures and basic Algorithms - Algorithmic
graph theory and computational complexity – Tractable and Intractable problems-Simulation – Logic synthesis –
Verification – High level synthesis – Compaction. ASIC Construction-Partitioning methods – Floor planning –
Placement – Global routing –Detailed routing- circuit extraction –DRC - Physical Design Automation of FPGAs
1. N.A. Sherwani, “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”, John Wiley, 2003.
2. Sabih H. Gerez,” Algorithms for VLSI design automation”, John Wiley, 2004.
3. M.J.S.Smith, “Application – Specific Integrated Circuits”, Addison, Wesly Longman Inc.,1997.
4. StevenRubin,”Computer aids for VLSI Design”, 2nd edition,1994.
5. Prithviraj Banerjee, “Parallel Algorithms for VLSI Computer-Aided Design”, Springer, 2004.
Course Objective
To understand the methods of testing combinational and sequential circuits.
To know about various fault simulation techniques.
To understand the difference between DFT and BIST
Course outcome
Students will have the knowledge to test any VLSI circuits
Students will be able to decide which testing method to be applied for a given circuit to be tested.
Course Contents
Motivation for testing - Fault models - Test generation algorithms for combinational logic circuits - Functional
testing –Fault model based testing- Time frame expansion – Fault simulation techniques - Key testability concepts –
Ad Hoc design for Testability – scan based design - Signature analysis - Compression techniques-Built-in self-test –
Course Objective
This paper integrates VLSI architecture theory and algorithms.
It addresses various architectures at the implementation level, and presents several approaches to analysis,
estimation, and reduction of power consumption.
Explains how to design high-speed, low-area, and low-power VLSI systems for broad range of DSP
Course outcome
The students will be able to apply several optimization techniques to improve implementations of DSP
To be able to optimize design in terms of area, speed and power and also to be able to incorporate pipeline
based architectures in the design.
Students will have the ability to modify the existing or new DSP architectures suitable for VLSI for high
speed and low area applications
Course Contents
Iteration Bound & Pipelining / Parallel Processing: Representations of DSP Algorithms- Iteration bound and
algorithms for computing iteration bound - Pipelining and parallel processing of FIR filters for high speed low
power applications.Retiming& Unfolding: Solving system inequalities for retiming techniques- Algorithm and
properties of unfolding-Applications-Algorithmic strength reduction in filters and transforms Systolic Array: Design
Methodology- FIR systolic Arrays-Selection of Scheduling Vector- Fast Convolution Algorithms Scaling and
Round Off Noise: Scaling and roundoff noise computation- Bit level arithmetic architectures- Canonic Signed Digit
Arithmetic- Distributed Arithmetic- Redundant Arithmetic-Numerical Strength Reducing Techniques:
Subexpression Elimination- Multiple Constant Multiplication- Subexpression Sharing in Digital Filters Additive and
Multiplicative Number Splitting.
1. Keshab K. Parhi, “VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems, Design and implementation”, Wiley,
Interscience, 2007.
2. U. Meyer Baese, “Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays”, Springer, Second
Edition, 2004.
3. Mohammed Isamail and Terri Fiez, “Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing”, McGraw Hill,
4. Jose E. France, YannisTsividis,“Design of Analog-Digital VLSI Circuits for Telecommunication and
Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1994.
5. S.Y.Kuang, H.J. White house, T. Kailath, “VLSI and Modern Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall,1995.
Course Objective
Design of Digital Circuits for Synthesis and Simulation using HDL and Schematic Entry.
Design of various steps involved in Physical Design such as Placement, Routing, DRC, Parasitic
Extraction and Layout.
Design and analysis of Analog Circuits
Course outcome
Students are exposed to various tools such as Mentor Graphics (Front-end and Back-end ) and Tanner
EDA tools and Cadence EDA tools.
Students can design any analog or digital circuits using the above tools.
Students can use the tools for their Projects and Research works.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course objectives:
To study the analysis of various M-band filter banks for audio coding
To learn various transform coders for audio coding.
To study the speech processing methods in time and frequency domain
Course outcomes :
To design CMOS based circuits
To design layout for CMOS fabrication
To design and simulate a VLSI system
Mechanics of speech and audio - Nature of Speech signal – Discrete time modelling of Speech production –
Classification of Speech sounds – Absolute Threshold of Hearing - Critical Bands- Masking, Perceptual Entropy -
PAQM - Cognitive effects in judging audio quality. Time-frequency analysis - filter banks and transforms.Audio
coding and transform coders.Time and frequency domain methods for speech processing, Homomorphic speech
analysis.Linear predictive analysis of speech, Application of LPC parameters. Formant analysis
1. Digital Audio Signal Processing, Second Edition, UdoZölzer, A John Wiley& sons Ltd
2. Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Mark Kahrs, Karlheinz
Brandenburg, Kluwer Academic Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London , Moscow,2002
3. Digital Processing of Speech signals – L.R.Rabiner and R.W.Schaffer - Prentice Hall –1978
To introduce the characteristics of different biosignals
To discuss linear and non-linear filtering techniques to extract desired information
To introduce techniques for automated classification and decision making to aid diagnosis
To analyze signals in time series domain & estimate the spectrum
To understand the significance of wavelet detection applied in Biosignal processing.
To extract the features using multivariate component analysis.
Signal, System and Spectrum Characteristics of dynamic biomedical signals, cross-spectral density and coherence
function, cepstrum and homomorphism filtering. Time Series Analysis and Spectral Estimation – linear prediction
models, Application in Heart rate variability, PCG signals, Biosignal Classification and Recognition, Time
Frequency And Multivariate Analysis Time frequency representation, spectrogram, wavelet analysis – Data
reduction techniques, Multivariate component analysis, Back propagation neural network based classification.
1. Arnon Cohen, Bio-Medical Signal Processing Vol I and Vol II, CRC Press Inc., Boca Rato, Florida 1999.
2. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, ‘Biomedical Signal Analysis-A case study approach’, Wiley-Interscience/IEEE
Press, 2002
3. Willis J. Tompkins, Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003.
4. Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W.Jervis, ‘Digital Signal processing- A Practical Approach’ Pearson
education Ltd., 2002
5. Raghuveer M. Rao and AjithS.Bopardikar, Wavelets transform – Introduction to theory and its
applications, Pearson Education, India 2000
To understand 2D and 3D image reconstruction techniques.
To gain sound knowledge about CT, MRI, nuclear and ultrasound imaging.
To realize the factors those affect the quality of medical images.
The students will be able to
analyze the physiological events associated with the human system.
describe the influences of artifacts in image quality
identification of new developments in health care system
Course contents:
Acquisition of Images, rectilinear scanner, Emission computed Tomography multiple crystal scintillation cameras,
Image Reconstruction from Projections in Two dimensions, Radon Transform, Projection Theorem, Fluoroscopy,
CT, Image quality Digital fluoroscopy, cinefluorography. Imaging Reconstruction algorithms, Magnetic Resonance
Imaging and Spectroscopy- Fundamentals - tissue contrast in MRI – angiography, spectrography. Ultra sound,
Neuro magnetic Imaging, Quality control, Origin of Doppler shift – Limitations of Doppler systems
1. William R. Hendee, E. Russell Ritenour, “Medical Imaging Physics”:A John Wiley & sons, Inc.,
Publication, Fourth Edition 2002.
Course Objective:
To learn recent trends in advanced microcontroller applications.
To learn microcontroller implementation for control applications
To understand programming with 8 and 32 bit microcontrollers.
Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
program microcontrollers for embedded applications.
illustrate architecture differences and to show common characteristics.
design the microcontroller for real time projects.
8 bit processor: 8051 architecture, Programming examples with stepper motor, dc motor, interfacing timer with
control applications, CPU Architecture of PIC microcontroller –temperature, flow process interfacing , A/D
converter, UART , 16 bit processor/32 bit processor: Introduction to 16/32 bit processor, ARM architecture, The
ARM instruction set, The thumb instruction set , programming examples with control applications
1. Raj Kamal – “Microcontrollers – Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design”, Pearson
Education, USA, 2005.
2. SteaveFurber,” ARM system–on–chip architecture” Addison Wesley, New Delhi, 2000.
3. John.B.Peatman, “Design with PIC Micro Controller”, Pearson Education, USA, 2003.
4. Mohammad Ali Mazide, Janice GillispicMazidi, RolinD.Mckinlay, “ The 8051 micro controller and
embedded systems using assembly and C”, prentice Hall of India, Hyderabad, 2006.
5. Kenneth Ayala ,”The 8051 Microcontroller”, Thomson Delmar Learning , New Jersey, 2004.
Credits 3:0:0
To study about the aspects of clinical engineering
To study about the various aspects of electronics used in hospitals
Know the importance of calibration of medical devices
Course outcomes:
The students will be have the
ability to specify the type of networking facility to be provided in the hospital
capability to identify the electromagnetic effects on medical devices and to make the devices
electromagnetically compatible
ability to specify the type of optic sensor for physiological measurement
Medical standards and recalibration,Need for Standardization, Hospital design, Hospital safetyRegulations,
Management and Legal aspects. Network topologies, LAN components,network operating system,planning and
1. Syed Amin Tabish “Hospital and Health services Administration Principles and Practices Oxford Press
New Delhi 2001
2. Jacob Kline, “Handbook of Biomedical Engineering”, Academe press INC ,Sandiego 1981.
3. Bernhard Keiser, “Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility”, Artech House 3rd Edition, 1986.
4. Eric Udd, “Fibre Optic Sensors and Introduction for engineers and scientists”,WileyInterscience
Publication, New Delhi, 1991.
5. SK Basandia, Local Area Network,Golgotia Publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1995
6. R.C.Goyal,’Hospital administration and human resource management’, 4th edition, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi, 2006.
To teach PC hardware and its related interfacing
To understand the basics of computerized data acquisition and programming.
To provide knowledge about biometrics and network security
The students will have knowledge on
Hardware behind data acquisition
Scope of virtual reality in health care
Develop an insight knowledge about the biometrics and network security
Course contents:
Overview of Mother Boards - Processors, Memory, Adapter cards, Ports, Power supply (BIOS, DOS)
interaction,Functional and Architecture Block diagram of a PC, Processors and Memory - 80X86 Processors,
Architectures and Memory management,Peripheral Interfacing and Controllers – RAM ,SDRAM and RDRAM,
Cache memory,ROM and its types, Flash memory, I/O slots,Serial andParallel ports,USB, FireWire
port.Computerised Data Acquisition and Programming - in C - DSP in Medical applications. CAD In Medical
Instrumentation - FPGA Design Logics, Instrumentation in LAB view,Multisim Simulation with bio
amplifiers,Mixed signal SoC applications in biomedical applications
1. RamachandraLele, Computers in Medicine Progress in Medical Informatics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 2005
2. N.Mathivanan, PC Based Instrumentation: Concepts and Practice, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2007.
3. B.Govindarajalu, IBM PC and Clones: Hardware, Trouble shooting and Maintenance, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2005 19
4. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference – JAVA, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,
5. John P Woodward, Biometrics – The Ultimate Reference, Dreamtech Publishers, New Delhi, 2003
6. Ranjan Parekh, Principles of Multimedia, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2006
7. Stephen J Bigelow, Trouble shooting, Maintaining and Repairing of PCs, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 2005
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To learn wireless channel conditions
To apply signal processing algorithms to design an optimum wireless reception.
To design an Optimum multiuser detection for wireless environment
Course outcome
Students are able to
evaluate the performance of wireless signaling environment
apply mathematical formulation to find Optimum detection of wireless signal
develop signal processing algorithms for wireless signal reception.
Course Contents
Review of Digital Communication Techniques-Optimum Multiuser Detection,Correlating and Decorrelating
Detection, Narrowband Interference Suppression, Synchronization techniques-Signal Processing For Wireless
Reception-Adaptive Equalization-Echo cancellation.
1. X.Wang&H.V.Poor, Wireless Communication Systems, Pearson, 2004.
2. R.Janaswamy, Radio Wave Propagation and Smart Antennas for WirelessCommunication, Kluwer, 2002
3. ItiSahaMisra,”Wireless Communications and Networks,”Tata McGraw Hill,2009.
4. Mohamed Ibnkahla, Adaptive Signal processing in Wireless Communications, CRC Press, 2008.
5. A.V.H. Sheikh, Wireless Communications Theory & Techniques, Kluwer Academic Publications, 2004
6. A.Paulrajetal, Introduction to Space-time Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2003
Course Objective
Understand basics of detection and estimation theory.
Design and analyze optimum detection schemes.
Study different estimation schemes such as ML and MMSE estimators.
Course outcome
Students are able to
effectively use the probability and signal processing techniques to estimate signals and parameters and
detect events from data in discrete time and continuous time signal.
understand different estimation schemes.
design an optimal estimator/detector for specific application.
Course Contents
Binary Hypothesis Testing: Bayes, Minimax and Neyman-Pearson tests. Composite hypothesis testing. Signal
Detection In Discrete Time: Models and detector structures. Coherent detection in independent noise.Detection in
Gaussian noise.Detection of signals with random parameters.Detection of stochastic signals-Bayesian Parameter
Estimation: Kalman- Bucy filter. Linear estimation.Orthogonality principle. Wiener- Kolmogorov filtering – causal
and non-causal filters. Signal Detection in Continuos Time.
Course Objective
Fundamentals of DSP Processors and Programming Skills
Third generation DSP Architecture and programming skills
Advanced DSP architectures and some applications.
Course outcome
Students are able to
identify the basic architectural elements of DSP hardware;
gain an appreciation for the trade-offs necessary in algorithm design for real-time DSP implementation;
acquire an appreciation of the importance of real-time DSP for a broad class of engineering applications.
Course Contents
Fundamentals Of Programmable DSP -Multiplier and Multiplier accumulator – Modified Bus Structures and
Memory access in PDSPs –Multiple access memory – Multi-port memory – VLIW architecture- Pipelining –
Special Addressing modes in P-DSPs – On chip Peripherals. TMS320C5X PROCESSOR -TMS320C6X
PROCESSOR -ADSP PROCESSORS -Architecture of ADSP-21XX and ADSP-210XX series of DSP processors-
Addressing modes and assembly language instructions – Application programs – Filter design, FFT calculation -
ADVANCED PROCESSORS Architecture of TMS320C54X: Pipe line operation, Code Composer studio –
Architecture of TMS320C6X - Architecture of Motorola DSP563XX – Comparison of the features of DSP family
1. B.Venkataramani and M.Bhaskar, “Digital Signal Processors – Architecture, Programming and
Applications” – Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi, 2003.
2. Avtar Singh and S. Srinivasan, “Digital Signal Processing – Implementations using DSP Microprocessors
with examples from TMS320C54XX”, cengage Learning India Private Limited, Delhi 2012
3. User guides Texas Instrumentation, Analog Devices, motorola.
4. RulphChassaing, “Digital Signal Processing and applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK”, a John
Wiley& sons, inc., publication, 2005
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To introduce Global Positioning Systems
Course outcome
Student will able to
develop a strong foundation in the field of Global Positioning Systems.
acquire in-depth knowledge about working of Global positioning receivers.
understand various errors occurring in GPS and latest variant DGPS receivers and GPS applications
Course Contents
Introduction:GPS and GLONASS Overview - Satellite Navigation -Time and GPS – User position and velocity
calculations Signal Characteristics: GPS signal components - purpose, properties. GPS Receivers & Data Errors: SA
errors - propagation errors Differential GPS: LADGPS – WADGPS GPS Applications: GPS in surveying, Mapping
and Navigation.
1. MohinderS.Grewal , Lawrence R.Weill, Angus P.Andrews, "Global positioning systems - Inertial
Navigation and Integration", John wiley& sons , 2002
2. E.D.Kaplan, "Global positioning systems – Inertial Navigation and Integration", John wiley&sons , 2001.
3. G S RAO, Global Navigation Satellite Systems, McGraw-Hill publications, New Delhi, 2010
4. B. Hoffman – Wellenhof, H. Liehtenegger and J. Collins, ‘GPS – Theory and Practice’, Springer – Wien,
New York ,2001.
5. James Ba – Yen Tsui, ‘Fundamentals of GPS receivers – A software approach’, John Wiley & Sons,2001.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To study the basic optical signal properties.
To understand the working principle of spatial filtering system.
To study the working and applications of acousto-optic devices..
Course outcome
Students are able to
handle acoustic-Optic Devices
apply signal processing algorithm to improve quality of optical signal.
acquire knowledge in the operation of homodyne and heterodyne spectrum analyzers
Course Contents
Fundamentals of geometrical and physical optics - Sample function - geometrical optics - basic laws - Refraction by
prisms- lens formula- imaging condition- optical invariants- physical optics-Transforms: Fresnel- Fourier- Inverse
Fourier and Extended Fourier- Spatial light modulation- spatial light modulators- detection process- system
performance process- dynamic range- raster format- spectral analysis- Types of spatial filters- optical signal
processing and filter generation- read out module- orientation and sequential search- applications of optical spatial
filter- Acousto-optic cells- spatial light modulators-basic spectrum analyzer - aperture weighting- dynamic range and
SNR- photo detector- geometric considerations – radiometer- Overlapping of waves- optimum photo detector size
for 1D and 2D structure- Optical radio- spatial and temporal frequencies- Distributed and local oscillator - Dynamic
range comparison of heterodyne and power spectrum analyzers.
1. Vanderlught, “Optical Signal Processing”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005
Course Objective
To study different technologies of microwave integrated circuits and to study various encapsulation and
mounting/bonding techniques of hybrid and monolithic MICs.
To study planar transmission lines such as microstrip and coupled microstrip lines.
To design and fabricate lumped passive elements working at microwave frequencies, design and analyze
various planar microwave circuits.
Course outcome
Students are able to
understand the structural and constructional features of ICs at microwave range of communication
design amplifier, oscillator, filter, attenuator circuits which suits at microwave transmission
develop application circuits to employ in radar, satellite, and mobile communication systems
Course Contents
Fabrication process behind Hybrid (thick and thin film) MICs and Monolithic MICs.Methods of encapsulation and
bonding of chips. Testing of fabricated chips. Numerical method, hybrid mode, and coupled mode analysis of
microstrip lines. Even and odd mode analysis of slot lines, coplanar wave guides, and directional couplers such as
branch line couplers. Design and fabrication of microstrip based lumped elements such as resistors, inductors, and
capacitors along with certain non-reciprocal devices such as circulators, isolators, and phase shifters.Microwave
amplifier and oscillator circuit designs and gain/stability analysis. Analysis of infinite terminated periodic structures
such as nth order filters.
1. D. M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. Robert E.Collin, “Foundations for Microwave Engg”., 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 2001
3. Gupta,K.C, and Amarjitsingh , “Microwave Integrated Circuits”, John Wiley and sons, Wiley Eastern
Reprint, 1978.
4. Samuel Y. Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.
5. Hoffmann, R.K , “Handbook of Microwave Integrated Circuits”, Artec House, 1987.
6. Kneppo I, Fabian J, Pavel M ,”Microwave Integrated Cicuits”, Kluwer academic publishers 2000.
Course Objective
To formulate the new adaptable procedures for EMI and EMC principles.
To design the Electromagnetic compatible PCB.
To understand shielding in cables
Course outcome
Students are able to
design and test electronic products with radiation hazard free and susceptible to EMI
apply the concepts of EMI Coupling and shielding in cables and other equipments
analyze the testing requirements of electronics products.
1. V.P.Kodali, “Engineering EMC Principles, Measurements and Technologies”, IEEE Press, New York
second Edition 2001.
2. C R Paul, “Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility”, John Wiley and Sons 1992.
3. Bemhard Keiser, “Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility”, 3rd Ed, Artechhourse, Norwood, 1987
4. Henry W.Ott. “Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems”, A Wiley Inter Science Publications,
John Wiley and Sons, New York, Second Edition, 1988.
5. Donald R. J. White, William G. Duff, “A Handbook Series on Electromagnetic Interference and
Compatibility: Electrical noise and EMI specifications”, Don White Consultants, 1971.
Course Objective
To study the importance of RF design, behavior and issues.
To learn the design of RF filters, configuration, realizations and implementation.
To study the design of active RF components and applications.
To discuss about the various RF amplifier designs, oscillators and applications.
Course outcome
Students are able to have
knowledge in RF filter design and RF amplifier design.
knowledge in high frequency oscillator configuration, mixers and phase locked loops.
Course Contents
Importance of RF design – behavior – considerations – issues and application. RF filter design – configuration –
realization and implementation. Active RF components and applications RF amplifier designs, characteristics and
applications Oscillators and Mixers - applications
1. Reinhold Ludwig and Powel Bretchko, “RF Circuit Design – Theory and Applications”, Pearson Education
Asia, Mc Graw Hill Publishers 5th edition, 2003.
2. Joseph. J. Carr,” Secrets of RF Circuit Design”, Mc Graw Hill Publishers, Third Edition 2000.
3. Matthew M. Radmanesh,” Radio Frequency & Microwave Electronics”, Pearson Education Asia, Second
Edition, 2002.
14EC3043 RF MEMS
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To study the importance of RF design, behavior and issues.
To know about various electronic components of which moving sub-millimeter-sized parts provide RF
Understand parameters of Microstrip antennas – reliability and thermal issues
Course outcome
Students are able to
identify the main characteristics of each MEMs
Course Contents
Importance of RF design – RF MEMs relays and switches, MEMs inductors and Capacitors, Micro-Machined RF
filter design – capabilities, limitations and applications, MEMs phase shifter types – design, fabrications and
applications, Microstrip antennas – design parameters – Reliability and thermal issues
1. V.K. Varadan, K.J. Vinoy and K.A. Jose, “RF MEMS and their Applications”, John Wiley & Sons Inc,
2. G.M. Rebeiz, “RF MEMS: Theory, Design and Technology”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2003.
3. Hector J. De Santos, “RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications” Artech House, 2002.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To focus new, unconventional alternatives for conquering RF and microwave design and modelling
problems using neural networks.
To understand optimization using Neural Networks techniques.
To understand Microstrip transmission line model.
Course outcome
Students are able to
create models with neural networks for RF and Microwave Design.
understand Neural Network model evaluation for RF and Microwave Design
acquire knowledge on Neural Networks for conquering the toughest RF and microwave CAD problems.
Course Contents
Neural network modelling approach-Multilayer perception-Back propagation-Radial Basis function-Initialization of
neural model weight parameters – Data Generation, Splitting & scaling –Gradient based methods-GA for NN: The
schema theorem –effect of crossover, Mutation-chromosomal representation-fitness function –setting the GA
parameters and operators. Models for microstrip transmission lines–microstrip via- to stripline interconnect –models
for CPW transmission line –CPW continuities –CPW opens and short-Optimization of Component structure –circuit
optimization –CPW folded double stub filter –power divider –Multilayer-circuit design and optimization -CPW
patch antenna design –yield optimization.
1. Q.J Zhang, K.C. Gupta, “Neural Networks for RF and Microwave Design” Artech house 2000.
2. A.J.F. Van Rooji, L.C Jain, R.P. Johnson, “Neural Network Training Using Genetic Algorithms” World
Scientific Pub, 1997.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
• To introduce the Smart antenna concepts for wireless communications.
Course outcome
Students are able to
• understand the mathematical modeling of smart antenna systems.
• acquire knowledge in narrowband and broadband processing techniques.
• design and integrate smart antenna system for Wireless applications.
Course Contents
Introduction: Antenna gain- Phased array antenna- power pattern- beam steering- degree of freedom- optimal
antenna- adaptive antennas- smart antenna -key benefits of smart antenna technology- wide band smart antennas-
Digital radio receiver techniques and software radio for smart antennas. Narrow and Broad Band Processing:
Adaptive Processing: Direction of Arrival Estimation Methods: Diversity Combining.
1. Lal Chand Godara, "Smart Antennas" CRC press, 2004
2. Balanis, "Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design", John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
3. Joseph C Liberti, Theodore S Rappaport, "Smart Antennas for Wireless Communication: IS-95 and Third
Generation CDMA Applications", Prentice Hall 1999
Course Objective
• To make the student understand the importance and goals of communication network and information
security and introduce him to the different types of attacks.
• To expose the student to the different approaches to handling security and the algorithms in use for
maintaining data integrity and authenticity.
• To enable the student to appreciate the practical aspects of security features design and their
implementation in wired and wireless internetworking domain
Course outcome
Students are able to
• design a better internet security system to detect and correct security violations that involve in the
transmission of information.
• acquire knowledge on different approaches to handle security problems in communication network
• design a better internet security system to detect and correct security violations that involve in the
transmission of information.
Course Contents
Conventional encryption model, Stegnography, Symmetric block ciphers, Stream Cipher, Key distribution. Public
Key Cryptography, Message authentication and Hash functions, Digital signatures. IP Security - Authentication
Header and Encapsulating Security Payload, Key Management. Web security - secure sockets layer and transport
layer security, secure electronic Transaction. Malicious Programs, firewall design, antivirus techniques.
1. Stallings,W, "Cryptography and Network security", Principles and Practice, 3rdEdition, Prentice Hall,
2. Baldwin.R and Rivest.R."TheRC5,RC5-CBC,TC5-CBC-PAD and RC5-CT5 Algorithms, RFC2040",
October 1996.
3. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, “Network Security”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall,
Course Objective
• To review the routing concept in circuit switching & packet switching networks in general and high speed
networks in particular.
• To expose the students to the layered architecture for communication networks and the specific
functionality of the network layer.
• To enable the student to understand the basic principles of routing and the manner this is implemented in
conventional networks and the evolving routing algorithms based on Internetworking requirements, optical
backbone and the wireless access part of the network.
Course outcome
Student will able to
• understand the layered architecture for communication networks and the specific functionality of the
network layer.
• understand the different routing algorithms existing and their performance characteristic
• explore the functionalities of routing algorithms of Wired and Wireless Networks.
Course Contents
Routing in circuit switching networks, Routing in packet switching networks, Routing strategies, Routing in ATM
networks. Distance Vector Routing, Routing Information Protocol, Link State Routing, Open Shortest Path First
Protocol, EGP, BGP and IDRP Protocols. Routing in cellular networks, Routing in small and large sized packet
radio networks, Table driven and On-demand routing protocols in Adhoc Network.
1. M C.E. Perkins, "AdHoc Networking", Addison - Wesley Publication, Singapore, 2001.
2. S. Keshav, "An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking", Addison - Wesley, New Delhi, 2001.
3. Steen Strub, "Routing in Communication Networks", Prentice Hall International, New York, 1995.
4. A.S. Tanenbaum, " Computer Networks", PHI, New Delhi, 2003.
5. William Stallings, "Data and Computer Communications", 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.
Course Objective
• To introduce the basic concepts of Sensor Networks
• To introduce the overview of communication Protocols of wireless sensor networks
• To introduce the tracking techniques, sensor database and energy management
Course outcome
Students are able to
• understand the concepts of sensor networks, different types of protocols and techniques used in WSN
• acquire knowledge in IEEE 802.15.4 standards for Wireless Sensor Networks.
• understand different tracking techniques, sensor database and energy management in WSN.
Course Contents
Introduction, difference with traditional networks, architecture, components, Time synchronization protocols,
Transport Layer protocol, Network layer protocol, Data link protocol, S-MAC protocol, IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee.
Tracking scenario, ToA, TDoA, and AoA, Positioning by signal strength-tracking algorithms-Trilateration-
Multilateration-Pattern matching-Nearest neighbor algorithms, network based tracking. Sensor Network Data
Bases, Data aggregation, power management, IEEE 802.11 and Blue tooth, their implications in WSN
Course Objective
• To understand the operation model of MobileCommunciation Networks
• To understand the mobile network architecture and also acquire background knowledge of Wireless
• To acquire knowledge on security issues in Wireless networks.
Course outcome
Students are able to
• understand about cellular mobile communication technologies and propagation models.
• review about packet networks and mobility management for wireless communication networks.
• apply knowledge for solving Wireless channel issues and impairments like interference, channel capacity
and QoSetc
Course Contents
Operation of Mobile Communication Networks-Channel Division techniques-Network Planning and Resource
allocation-Network Dimensioning –Mobility Management Procedures, Radio Propagation Models and Air
Protocols-AMPS, IS-95, IS-136, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, cdma2000, Mobile Network Architecture,
Wireless LAN –IEEE 802.11 standard-Basic DCF access scheme- DCF Access Scheme with Handshaking, PCF
Access Scheme, Security Issues in Wireless Networks-Secure Routing-security in Group Communciation –Denial of
Service attacks
1. W. Stallings, "Wireless Communications and Networks", Prentice Hall,Second Edition, 2005.
2. T.S. Rappaport, "Wireless Communications: Principles & Practice", Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
3. J. Schiller,”Mobile Communications", Addison Wesley, 2nd Edition ,2004.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To know about SoC Design and Fundamentals.
To know about IP cores and application specific design.
To know about NoC and its validation
Course outcome
Students will learn System-on-chip fundamentals
Students will have knowledge about the applications and On-chip networking.
Students will gain confidence to design SoC and NoC .
1. Axel Jantsch, HannuTenhunen, “Network on chips”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
2. Youn-Long, Steve Lin, “Essential Issues of SoC Design: Designing Complex Systems-On-Chip”, Springer,
3. A. Jerraya and W. Wolf, eds., Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To understand what is reconfigurability
To learn about reconfigurable computing.
To know about systems with technology mapping and placement
Course outcome
Students will get knowledge of reconfigurable computing
Students will be able to do any FPGA based system design.
Students will be capable of designing reconfigurable architectures
Course Contents
GeneralPurpose FPGA Architecture - Reconfigurable Computing Devices- Reconfigurable Computing Systems-
Reconfiguration Management- Hardware Description Languages (VHDL)- Compilation for Reconfigurable
Computing Machines -Streaming Models- FPGA applications using block diagrams in simulink- Implementing
Applications with FPGAs-Implementing arithmetic in FPGAs- CORDIC Architectures for FPGA computing-
CORDIC algorithm- Architecture design-FPGA implementation of CORDIC Processors -Technology Mapping &
FPGA Placement- SPIHT Image Compression- Run-time reconfiguration: Automatic Target Recognition-
Implications of Floating Point for FPGAs.
1. Scott Hauck, Andre Dehon, “Reconfigurable Computing”, Elsevier publications, 2011.
2. Marco Lanzagorta, stphenbique, Robert Rosenberg, “Introduction to Reconfigurable supercomputing”,
Morgan &claypool publisher series, 2010.
3. Pao-Ann Hsiung, Marco D, “Reconfigurable system Design & verification”, CRC press, 2009.
Course Objective
To learn about IC manufacturing
To analyse the combinational, sequential and subsystem design and to study about different floor planning
techniques and architecture design
To know about IP components at various design levels
To have an introduction to IP design security
Course outcome
Students will be aware of IP based components.
Students will be able to design and analyse various combinational and sequential circuits and each IP
component attach with it
They will know about IP based protection techniques
Course Contents
IC manufacturing- IC design techniques- IP based design- reliability- Layout Design and tools- Logic Gates:
Combinational Logic Functions, Switch Logic- Low power gates-Delay- Yield-Gates as IP-Combinational Logic
Networks-Standard Cell based Layout- Combinational network delay- Logic and Interconnect design- Power
optimization-Switch logic network, logic testing-Sequential Machine-System design and Clocking-Performance
analysis- Power optimization, Design validation and testing; Image Sensors, Subsystems as IP-Floor planning
methods-Global Interconnect- Floor plan design- Off-chip Connections- Architecture Design- GALS systems,
Architecture Testing- IP Components- Design Methodologies- IP in reuse based design-Constrained based IP
protection-Protection of data and Privacy-constrained based watermarking for VLSI IP based protection.
1. Wayne wolf, “Modern VLSI Design: IP-based Design”, Pearson Education, 2009.
2. Qu gang, Miodragpotkonjak, “Intellectual Property Protection in VLSI Designs: Theory and Practice”,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
3. W. Wolf, "Modern VLSI Design: IP-Based Design," Prentice Hall, 4th Ed., 2008.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
• To understand the importance of design and testing of memories.
• To know about the functionality of different types of memories and the methods of testing it.
• To know about the emerging techniques in design of memories.
Course outcome
• Students will have the knowledge about recent developments in memories
• Students will be capable of designing and testing semiconductor memories.
• Students will have the knowledge to optimize the parameters in memory design.
1. Ashok K.Sharma, " Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability ", Wiley-IEEE Press,
August 2002.
2. TegzeP.Haraszti, “CMOS Memory Circuits”, Kluwer Academic publishers, 2001.
3. Betty Prince, “ Emerging Memories: Technologies and rends”, Kluwer Academic publishers, 2002.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
• To understand the difference between verification and testing.
• To know about verification tools and plan.
• To learn about architecting test benches.
Course outcome
• Students will know the difference between verification and testing
• Students will be capable of writing test benches to verify circuits.
• Students will be capable of doing self checking of circuits.
Course Contents
Functional Verification Approaches-Testing Versus Verification- Verification and Design Reuse - Linting Tools-
Simulators-Third Party Models-Waveform Viewers-Code Coverage-Issue- Tracking Metrics - Verification plan-
Levels of Verification-Verification Strategies –Specification Features – Test cases -Test Benches - Simple Stimulus-
Output Verification –Self Checking Test Benches -Reusable Verification Components – VHDL and Verilog
1. Janick Bergeron, “Writing Test Benches Functional Verification of HDL Models” Springer 2nd Edition
Feb 2003.
2. Andreas Meyer, “Principles of Functional Verification” Elsevier Inc.,2004 .
3. Amir Palnitkar, “Design Verification with e” Prentice Hall 1st Edition ,2003.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
• To learn in detail about non clocked and clocked logic styles, Latching Strategies and Asynchronous
Clocking Techniques
• Will get knowledge about clock jitter skew
• Will know about clock generation and clock distribution
Course Contents
Non-Clocked logic styles- Clocked Logic Styles - Circuit Design Margin-Design Variability- Latching Strategies-
Asynchronous Latch Techniques-Interface Techniques- Clock Jitter and Skew – Clock Generation – Clock
Distribution – Single Phase Clocking – Multi-Phase Clocking- Asynchronous Techniques.
1. Kerry Bernstein & et.al, “High Speed CMOS Design Styles”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
2. Evan Sutherland, Bob Stroll, David Harris, “Logical Efforts, Designing Fast CMOS Circuits”, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1999.
3. Howard Johnson and Martin Graham, "High Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic”,3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall Modern Semiconductor Design Series, 2006
4. Masakazu Shoji; High Speed Digital Circuits, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1996
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To learn about device modeling.
To analyze and learn about various types of analog systems including ADC and DAC.
To learn about CMOS amplifiers and Comparators..
Course outcome
Students will gain knowledge in device modeling.
Students will be able to understand the concepts of analog design.
They will be able to design various analog systems including DAC,ADC and Comparators.
Course Contents
Device Modeling: MOS Models-Bipolar Models- Analog Signal Processing-Digital-to-Analog Converters: Current
Scaling- Voltage Scaling and Charge Scaling- Analog to Digital Converters: Serial A/D Converters- Successive
Approximation A/D –Parallel High Performance A/D Converters –Continuous Time Filters: Low Pass Filters- High
Pass Filters- Band Pass Filters.-Switched Capacitor Filters-CMOS Amplifiers: Differential Amplifiers- Cascode
Amplifiers-Current Amplifiers-Output Amplifiers-High-Gain Amplifier Architectures-Comparators.
1. Philip E. Allen, Douglas R. Halberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, Oxford University Press, 2nd
Edition, 2003.
2. Randall L.Geiger, Philip E.Allen, Noel K.Strader, “VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Digital
Circuits”, McGraw Hill International Co, 1990.
3. YannisTsividis, “Mixed Analog – Digital VLSI Device and Technology” World scientific publishing Co.
Pvt. Ltd., 2002
4. P. V. Ananda Mohan, “VLSI Analog Filters: Active RC, OTA-C and SC”, Birkhauser 2012.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
This course aims to introduce the problems in implementing both analog and digital circuits in a single
silicon wafer.
Students will learn about PLL and analog multiplier.
Students will learn about the modeling approach of ADC and DAC.
Course outcome
• Students will gain knowledge in PLL and analog multiplier.
• Students will be able to design Data Converters.
• Students will be designing Op-amps used in Data Converters.
Course Contents
Analog Multiplier Design- PLL-Simple PLL-Charge-pump PLL-Applications of PLL-Data Converter Modeling-
Sampling and Aliasing : A Modeling Approach- Data Converter SNR: Effective Number of Bits-Clock Jitter-
Improving SNR using Averaging-Decimating Filters for ADCs-Interpolating Filters for DACs-Using Feedback to
improve SNR-Submicron CMOS Circuit Design-Submicron CMOS Overview and Models-Digital Circuit Design-
Analog Circuit Design-Op-amp design-Circuit Noise-Implementing Data Converters:R-2R Topologies for DACs-
Topologies without an op-amp-Op-amps in Data Converters.
1. Razavi, “Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits”, McGraw Hill, 2001.
2. Razavi, “Principles of data conversion system design”, S.Chand and company ltd, 2000.
3. Jacob Baker, “CMOS Mixed-Signal circuit design”, IEEE Press, 2002.
4. Gregorian, Temes, “Analog MOS Integrated Circuits for signal processing”, John Wiley & Sons,1986.
5. Baker, Li, Boyce, “CMOS : Circuit Design, layout and Simulation”, PHI, 2000.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
• To give the essential knowledge and techniques for designing VLSI circuits for biomedical applications.
• Students learn about CMOS circuits for wireless medical applications.
• Students learn about the Integrated Circuits for Neural Interfacing.
Course outcome
• Students will be able to understand the CMOS circuits for wireless medical applications.
• Students will be able to design low power compact VLSI circuits for biomedical applications.
• Students will be able to design Neuro Mimetic Integrated Circuits.
Course Contents
Neuro chemical sensing- Neuro potential sensing-Telemetry system- -Multimodal electrical and chemical sensing-
Prothesis exterior body Unit and wireless link- Body implantable unit- CMOS circuits for implantable devices-
CMOS circuits for wireless medical applications- Integrated circuits for Neural Interfacing- Neuro Mimetic
Integrated Circuits.
Course Objective
To study the design concepts of low noise amplifiers.
To study the various types of mixers designed for wireless communication.
To understand the concepts of CDMA in wireless communication
Course outcome
• Students will be able to design any VLSI circuits for wireless applications.
• Students will be able to design LNA and mixers.
• Students will be able to design CDMA in wireless communication.
Course Contents
Integrated inductors- resistors- MOSFET and BJT amplifier design- Low Noise Amplifier Design - Wideband
LNA - Design Narrowband LNA - Impedance Matching - Automatic Gain Control Amplifiers – Power
Amplifiers-Balancing Mixer - Qualitative Description of the Gilbert Mixer - Conversion Gain – Distortion - Low
Frequency Case: Analysis of Gilbert Mixer – Distortion - High-Frequency Case – Noise - A Complete Active
Mixer- Switching Mixer - Distortion in Unbalanced Switching Mixer - Conversion Gain in Unbalanced Switching
Mixer- Phase Locked Loops - Voltage Controlled Oscillators - Phase Detector – Analog Phase Detectors – Digital
Phase Detectors - Frequency Dividers - LC Oscillators - Ring Oscillators - Phase Noise - A Complete Synthesizer
Design Example- Data converters in communications, Adaptive Filters-Equalizers and transceivers-
Implementations of CDMA System .
1. B.Razavi ,”RF Microelectronics” , Prentice-Hall ,1998.
2. Bosco H Leung “VLSI for Wireless Communication”, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. Thomas H.Lee, “The Design of CMOS Radio –Frequency Integrated Circuits’, Cambridge University
Press ,2003.
4. Emad N Farag and Mohamed I Elmasry, “Mixed Signal VLSI Wireless Design Circuits and
Systems”,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
5. BehzadRazavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits” McGraw-Hill, 1999.
6. J. Crols and M. Steyaert, “CMOS Wireless Transceiver Design,” Boston,Kluwer Academic Pub., 1997.
Course Objective
• To learn the various techniques& architectures of D/A Converters.
• To learn the various techniques& architectures of A/D Converters.
• To study about the S/H circuit and testing of A/D and D/A Converters.
Course Contents
Data Converter - Fundamentals & Specifications of Converters- High Speed A/D Converters & D/A Converters:
Design problems-Full-flash converters-Twostep flash converters--Pipeline converter architecture-High speed D/A
converter architecture- Voltage weighting based architecture-High Resolution A/D Converters- High Resolution
D/A converters: Pulse width modulation D/A converters- Integrating D/A converters- Current weighting using
ladder networks- Sample and hold amplifiers: Basic Sample –and –Hold Configuration-Integrating S/H Circuit-
Switched Capacitor S/H circuit- Sigma-delta A/D conversion - General Filter Architectures-Discussion of Basic
Converter Architectures-Multi Stage Sigma-Delta Converter (MASH)-DC Testing of D/A Converters-Dynamic
Testing of A/D Converters.
1. Rudy van de Plassche, “CMOS Integrated Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Converters”, Springer
International Edition, Second Edition, 2007.
2. Jacob Baker. R, Harry W. Li, David E. Boyce, “CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation”, IEEE
Press, Fifth Edition, 2003.
3. Randall L.Geiger, Philip E.Allen, Noel K.Strader, “VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Digital
Circuits”, McGraw Hill International Co, 1990.
Course Objective
• To learn the fundamental and importance of signal integrity.
• To analyze and minimize cross talk in unbounded conductive media.
• To study about the different types of Di-Electric materials.
• To learn about differential cross talk and CMOS based transmission line model
Course outcome
• Students will be able to implement signal integrity principles in the design of high speed circuits.
• To analyze about the different types of Di-Electric materials.
• To implement ESSD protection Circuits.
Course Contents
The importance of signal integrity-New realm of bus design-Electromagnetic fundamentals for signal integrity-
Maxwell equations - common vector operators-Wave propagations-Electrostatics-Magneto statics-Power flow and
the poynting vector-Reflections of electromagnetic waves- Introduction -Mutual inductance and capacitance-
Coupled wave equation-coupled line analysis-Modal analysis-Cross talk minimization signal propagation in
unbounded conductive media-Classic conductor model for transmission model- Di-electric materials- Removal of
common mode noise-Differential Cross talk-Virtual reference plane-Propagation of model voltages common
terminology-Drawbacks of Differential signaling- Introduction- non ideal return paths-Vias-IO design
consideration-Push-pull transmitter-CMOS receivers-ESSD protection circuits-On chip Termination.
1. StephenHall,HowardL.Heck,“Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs” ,Wiley
2. JamesEdgar Buchanan, “ Signal and power integrity in digital systems: TTL, CMOS, and
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
To understand the necessary of scaling of MOS transistor and to introduce the concepts of nanoscale MOS
transistor concepts.
To study their performance characteristics.
To study the various nano scaled MOS transistors.
Course outcome
Students will get an in-depth knowledge about different MOSFETs, its characteristics and the scaling
Students can design the new Nanoscale devices for high frequency and low power VLSI circuits and
Microwave applications .
They will get good base on circuit level performance of different FETs in analog and digital applications
Course Contents
Introduction to novel MOSFETs and different scaling methods-Physics of Multigate MOS system, MOSFET IV
characteristics, and other effects of FETs-Nanowire FETs and transistors at the molecular Scale- Radiation effects in
SOI MOSFETs along with scaling effects-Circuit design using Multigate devices- Analog and digital Circuits and its
1. J P Colinge, FINFETs and other multi-gate transistors, Springer – Series on integrated circuits and systems,
2. Mark Lundstrom Jing Guo, Nanoscale Transistors: Device Physics, Modeling and Simulation, Springer,
3. David Esseni, Palestri, Selmi “Nanoscale MOS Transistors: Semi-Classical Transport and Applications”,
Cambridge University Press 2011.
4. Gary Wiederrecht, “Handbook of Nanoscale Optics and Electronics”
5. M S Lundstorm, Fundamentals of Carrier Transport, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK,
6. “Low-Power High-Level Synthesis for Nanoscale CMOS Circuits”, Saraju P. Mohanty,
NagarajanRanganathan, Elias Kougianos, PriyardarsanPatra, Springer, 2008.
7. J.P. Colinge “FinFETs and Other Multi-Gate Transistors”, Springer, 2007
Course Objective
• To learn about leakage current and its control and reduction techniques in CMOS devices.
• To understand the device technologies for sub 100nm CMOS and device scaling of single and Multigate
• To familiarize the low power design and voltage scaling issues in Nano scale devices.
• Study about various NANO-scale devices and design CMOS circuit using non-classical devices.
Course outcome
• Students can understand the current trend in the Nanotechnology in the Electronics.
Course Contents
CMOS scaling challenges in Nano Scale regimes and emerging CMOS technologies. Device scaling and ballistic
MOSFET and different scattering mechanisms. Emerging Nanoscale devices such as silicon and heterostructurenano
wire MOS, CNT MOSFET, SET, RTD etc. Nanoscale CMOS design and performance optimization for data paths-
Nanoscale circuits- Statistical circuit design and CMOS Circuit design using non classical devices.
1. Lundstrom, M., “Nanoscale Transport: Device Physics, Modeling, and Simulation”, Springer. 2000
2. Maiti, C.K., Chattopadhyay, S. and Bera, L.K., “Strained-Si and Hetrostructure Field Effect Devices”,
Taylor and Francis, 2007
3. Hanson, G.W., “Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics”, Pearson, India., 2008.
4. Wong, B.P., Mittal, A., Cao Y. and Starr, G., “Nano-CMOS Circuit and Physical Design”, Wiley, 2004
5. Lavagno, L., Scheffer, L. and Martin, G., “EDA for IC Implementation Circuit Design and Process
Technology”, Taylor and Francis, 2005.
6. SandipKundu, AswinSreedhar, McGraw Hill Professional, “Nanoscale CMOS VLSI Circuits: Design for
Manufacturability”, 2010.
7. Niraj K. Jha, Deming Chen Springer, “Nanoelectronic Circuit Design” 2010.
Credits 3:0:0
Course Objective
• To understand deeply about photonics along with Plasmonics.
• To understand about Nanophotonics, Biophotonics and photonic crystals.
Course outcome
• The students will deeply get knowledge on photonics along with Plasmonics.
• They will get knowledge on Nanophotonics, Piophotonics and Photonic crystals.
Course Contents
Quantum confined materials-Plasmonics based on surface plasmon resonance new approaches in Nanophotonics-
Near-field scanning optical microscopy-Biophotonic- DNA protein interactions and Photonic crystals- Photonic
Crystal Laser- PC based LEDs- Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs).
1. H.Masuhara, S.Kawata and F.Tokunaga, “ NanoBiophotonics”, Elsevier Science, 2007.
2. V.M. Shalaev and S.Kawata, “Nanophotonics with Surface Plasmons (Advances in Nano-Optics and Nano-
Photonics)”, 2007.
3. B.E.A. Saleh and A.C.Teich, “Fundamentals of Photonics”, John-Weiley& Sons, New York, 2nd
4. M.Ohtsu, K.Kobayashi, T.Kawazoe, and T.Yatsui, “ Principles of Nanophotonics(Optics and
Optoelectronics)”, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2003.
5. P.N. Prasad, “ Introduction to Biophotonics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
6. J.D.Joannopoulos,Steven G.Johnson, R.D.Meade and J.N.Winn, “ Photonic Crystals”, Princeton University
Press, 2nd edition,2008.
To learn switching, signalling and traffic in the context of telecommunication network.
To explore the evolution of switching systems from manual and electromechanical systems to stored-
program-controlled digital systems.
The student will be able to
• learn about the various switching techniques in the telecommunication network.
• understand the concepts of telecommunication traffic.
Course Contents
Introduction: The development and basic of telecommunications-multiplexing schemes - evolution of switching
systems and telecommunications traffic: switching techniques- switching system evolution-traffic - mathematical
model-lost call systems-queuing systems-simulation-switching networks: link systems-grades of service- graph
theory systems- switching networks-control of switching systems: call processing functions-stored program control -
signaling-packet switching: statistical multiplexing- networks-routing-network management.
1. V.S.Bagad, Telecommunications Switching Systems and Networks, Technical publication pune, 2009, First
edition .
2. ThiagarajanViswanathan, Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks, Prentice Hall of India,
Twenty sixth printing, 2006.
3. Robert G.Winch, Telecommunication Transmission System, Second Edition, Tata Mcgraw-hill Education
Private Ltd, 2004.
4. Wayne Tomasi, Advanced Electronics Communication System, Sixth edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
5. J.E.Flood, Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks, Pearson Education, 1999, Second
Impression 2007.
Course Objectives:
To impart depth knowledge on the basic concepts of modern data communications systems and networks
To provide better understanding of optical fibre transmission, satellite and microwave radio
Course Outcome:
The student will be able to
get in-depth knowledge about digital modulation techniques and systems
get knowledge about components, architecture, protocols and topology of data communications
understand the working principles of optic fiber and satellite communication
Course Contents
Information capacity-Digital modulation techniques- Trellis Code Modulation-Pulse Modulation- PCM, DPCM,
DM - Vocoders-Pulse Transmission - Data Communications – Network Architecture- Open System Interconnection
- Serial and Parallel Data Transmission-Codes- Character Synchronization-Data communication hardware –
Modems - Protocol Functions - Data link protocols-PSDN-CCITT X.25 User to Network Interface Protocol-ISDN-
ATM-LAN-Ethernet - TDM–Statistical TDM – FDM–WDM - EM spectrum - Optical fiber communications system
–Fiber types- Configurations -Classifications-Losses - Sources and Detectors-Lasers – Microwave radio
communications – Satellite communication – Spacing and Frequency Allocation–Radiation Patterns – Link Models.
Credits 0:0:1
Course Objectives
To perform various mathematical and logical operations
To learn interfacing of external circuits with ARM processor
Expertise in Keil software.
Course outcome
Upon completion of the course, student will able to
Understand the basic functionality of embedded system
Design and implement real time embedded systems using ARM processor
Using Keil software for the project work.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director and
notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Credits 0:0:1
Course Objectives
Better understanding on image processing fundamentals
To implement various image processing algorithms
To learn basics of MATLAB/ Image processing tool box
Course outcome
Student will able to
design and test image processing algorithms
take up real time projects in image processing area
expertise in MATLAB/Image processing tool box.
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director and
notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objective
To find the power spectrum by using Periodogram, Modified Periodogram, Barlett& Welch method.
To design linear predictive system, Whitening filter, Inverse filter &Kalman filter and compression
Course outcome
Find power spectrum and analyze the performance.
Design various digital filters and analyze their performance.
Experiments : The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 6 experiments and get the approval of
HOD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objective:
To learn about the various aspects of nanoelectronics.
The objective of this course is to make the students familiar with the properties behaviour and applications
and implementation microelectronic technology into integrated circuits.
To understand the integrated electronics with its advanced technologies methods.
Course Outcome:
Student will be familiarized with the principle of operation, capabilities and applications and
implementation of electronic technology into integrated circuits.
Students will understand the concepts behind ICs with advanced techniques
Students will have indepth knowledge on MOS technology
Course Contents:
Semiconductor Physics - digital electronics - capabilities of nanoelectronics, Quantum electron devices - short
channel MOS transistor – split gate transistor - Principles of Single Electron Transistor (SET) – SET circuit design
– Replacement Technologies – Physical limits - electronic noses - semiconductor sensor array - Logic Devices,
Electron Devices for Logic Applications - Introduction to MOS Technology - electrical properties of MOS circuits
– CMOS Inverter - Layout Design - Tools for VLSI Design - CMOS Design Projects & Fast VLSI Circuits –
Lithography process - Final objectives of integrated chip and systems.
Reference Books:
1. K. Goser ,Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: From transistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices by
(Edition, 2004), Springer. London.
2. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff Smith, Michelle Simmons, Burkhard Raguse ,Nanotechnology:
basic science and emerging technologies –, Overseas Press (2005)
3. Rainer Waser (ed) ., Nanoelectronics and information technology : Advanced electronic materials and
novel devices (2nd edition) Wiley VCH Verlag Weiheim (2005)
4. Ramon Pallas-Areny, John G. Webster John, Sensors and signal conditioning, 2nd edition, Wiley & Sons
5. Geiger R.L., Allen P.H., & Starder N.R., “VLSI Design Techniques For Analog & Digital Circuits”,
McGraw Hill International Edition, 1990.
6. Douglas A. Pucknell and Kamran Eshraghian, Basic VLSI Design Systems and Circuits, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., 2003
Course objective
• To introduce the fundamentals of digital image processing
• To study the techniques for improving the quality of spoilt images and segmenting image components
• To deal with the compression of images to save storage space
Course outcome
• Confidence to perform an image processing task for a specific application
• Ability to utilize the knowledge gained in the field of Bio medical imaging
• Ability to use the knowledge gained for improving the resolution of images
Course Contents
Review of image processing, 2D transforms - DFT, DCT, KLT-Basic gray level transformation, Histogram
processing, Enhancement using arithmetic/logic operations, Smoothing and Sharpening - spatial and frequency
domain filters, Homomorphic filtering, Color transformations-Image Degradation/Restoration model, Noise
probability density functions, Mean and order statistics filters, Linear, position-invariant degradations, Estimating
the degradation function, Inverse, Wiener and Constrained Least Squares filtering, Geometric transformations.-
Morphological operators, Morphological algorithms, Edge detection, Edge linking and boundary detection,
Thresholding–global and adaptive, Region based segmentation, Watershed segmentation, Use of motion in
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education Inc., Second Edition,
2. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing’, Pearson Education Inc., 2002.
3. Kenneth R. Castleman, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson, 2006.
4. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins, ”Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, 2
Edition”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
5. S. Jayaraman, S. Esakkirajan, T. Veerakumar, “Digital Image Processing”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
6. S.Sridhar, “Digital Image processing” Oxford University Press, 2011
Course Objective:
To introduce the fundamental concepts of signals, systems and signal processing.
To impart knowledge on the concepts of Fourier Transforms
To cover the types of digital filters that is fundamental to a wide variety of application areas.
Course Outcome:
Perform operations on signals and determine the characteristics of a system.
Obtain the spectrum of a signal using Fourier Transforms
Design digital filters for practical applications
Course Contents:
Signals and systems classifications- system concepts- Types- system model representation-convolution-
controllability - Discrete Time Signals in Transform Domain - Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform,
Z Transform-Digital Filters: Design and Realization of Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) and Finite Impulse Response
(FIR) digital filters.-Multirate Signal Processing - Interpolation and Decimation, Polyphase filter structures,
Course Objective:
To introduce the Hardware Description Languages.
To learn the Programmable Logic Devices.
To deal with design of combinational & sequential logic circuits in FPGA.
Course Outcome:
Design the different programmable logic devices.
Write the program in VHDL.
Implement digital systems in FPGA
Course Contents:
Programmable logic devices - Types of ASICs, Type of FPGA, Introduction to VHDL, Basic concepts, Identifiers,
Data operators, Data types, data objects, Behavioral modeling, Data flow modeling, Structural modeling, VHDL
code for controlling level, temperature, and flow process.
1. Stephen Brown and Zvonk Vranesic “Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Deisgn” Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi 2007.
2. Charles H. Roth Jr. “Fundamentals of Logic design” Jaico Publishing House Mumbai, 2004.
3. Parag K Lala, “Digital System design using PLD” BS Publications, Hyderabad,2003
4. J. Bhaskar, “A VHDL Synthesis Primer”, BS Publications, Hyderabad, 2004.
5. M.J.S .Smith, "Application Specific Integrated Circuits”, Addison Wesley LongmanInc., New Delhi, 2006.
Credit: 0:0:2
Course Objective:
To illustrate theoretical concepts and to give the students the opportunity to build and test the digital
To learn the use of the Xilinx 9.2 ISE tool for designing and implementing digital systems on FGPA.
To allow one to capture designs, simulate, implement and test circuits for control applications.
Course Outcome:
Apply theoretical concepts to build digital systems.
Design combinational and sequential digital systems.
Analyze the various control process and implement the same in FPGA
The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HOD/Director
and notify it at the beginning of each semester.
Course Objective:
To understand physiological parameters
To discuss data reduction and techniques
To introduce matlab programming
Course Outcome:
Identify the method to interface biosignals in medical applications
Interface image processing signals with embedded systems
Analyze bio signals
Course Contents:
Introduction to Bio-Medical Signals - The nature of Bio-Medical Signals, objectives of Bio-Medical signal analysis,
Cardiological Signal Processing: ECG signal and its characteristics - Review of Wiener filtering problem, principle
of adaptive filter, adaptive noise canceller, cancellation of 60Hz interference in ECG, cancellation of ECG signal
from the EMG of chest muscle, cancellation of maternal ECG in fetal ECG, cancellation of high frequency noise in
electro surgery, Data Reduction Techniques, special effects and applications in Bio-Medical signal processing, filter
design and applications in Bio-Medical signal processing.
1. Biomedical Signal Processing: Principles and Techniques, D.C.Reddy, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2005
Course Objective:
To introduce the basic concepts of embedded systems and applications to biomedical instrument design
To study various software tools for embedded Systems with real time examples.
To learn the concepts of interfacing issues with real time signals.
Course Outcome:
Design and Analyze the systems for disease diagnosis and treatment methods
Apply real time models and languages in medical image processing applications
Analyze interface issues related to embedded systems.
Course Contents:
Definitions - Software tools for designing an embedded systems, Design process in embedded system, Interface
issues related to embedded systems, Embedded software development process and tools, Host and target machine,
Simulation and Emulation of embedded systems, Java based embedded system design, embedded implementation of
patient motoring system, body sensor networks, wireless technology for biomedical applications Case studies in
medical signal and image processing, embedded system development for classifying and diagnosis of diseases.
1. RajKamal, “Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design”, Tata McGrawHill, Second
Edition, 2008.
2. Tammy Noergaard, “Embedded Systems Architecture”, Elsevier, 2005.
3. Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, “Embedded Systems Design”, Wiley India, 2006
4. Tim Wilhurst, “An Introduction to the Design of Small Scale Embedded Systems, Palgrave, 2004.
5. Webster J.G, “Medical Instrumentation application and design”, John Wiley and sons, New York 3rd
edition, 1999.
6. Kavyan Najarian and Robert Splerstor, “Biomedical signals and Image processing”, CRC press, Taylor and
Francis, New York, 2006.
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on Serial and parallel communication protocols
To understand the USB and CAN bus for PIC microcontrollers
To understand the Embedded Ethernet for Rabbit processors.
Course outcome:
Build application projects using USB and CAN bus
Develop applications using Embedded Ethernet for Rabbit processors.
Apply the networking concepts to real time projects.
Course Contents:
Embedded Networking- Introduction, Serial communication, Synchronous Serial Protocols, Inter Integrated
Circuits, USB AND CAN BUS, Data flow types, Enumeration, Descriptors, PIC 18 Microcontroller, Types of
errors, Nominal Bit Timing, Building a Network: Hardware options, Cables, Connections and network speed,
Ethernet Controllers, Exchanging messages using UDP and TCP .
1. Frank Vahid, Givargis ‘Embedded Systems Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction’, Wiley
2. Jan Axelson, ‘Parallel Port Complete’ , Penram publications, 2010
3. Dogan Ibrahim, ‘Advanced PIC microcontroller projects in C’, Elsevier 2008
4. Jan Axelson ‘Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete’, Penram publications, 2007
5. Bhaskar Krishnamachari, ‘Networking Wireless Sensors’, Cambridge press 2005
Course Objective:
To introduce the basic concepts of Embedded Systems and interface issues.
To understand the various techniques used for Embedded Systems with real time examples .
To learn the real time models, languages and operating systems.
Course Outcome:
Classify the different techniques in embedded systems.
Analyze real time examples.
Design embedded systems for real world applications
Course Contents:
System Design- Definitions, Overview of microprocessors, Controllers and DSPs, Architecture and typical
applications, Interface issues related to embedded systems- relays, dc motor, stepper motor- techniques for
embedded systems: state machine and state tables in embedded design, event based, process based and graph based
models, high level language descriptions of software for embedded system, java based embedded system design,
real time models, language and operating systems: real time languages, real time kernel, os tasks, task states, task
scheduling, interrupt processing, clocking communication and synchronization, control blocks, memory
requirements and control, kernel services, micro c/os – II Real Time Operating System: study of micro c/os. II
RTOS, RTOS system level functions, task service functions, time delay functions, memory allocation related
functions, semaphore related functions, mailbox related functions, queue related functions
1. RajKamal, “Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design”, Tata McGrawHill , Second
Edition, 2008.