Aaid Joi D 12 00028
Aaid Joi D 12 00028
Aaid Joi D 12 00028
It has been documented that after every extraction of one or more teeth, the alveolar bone of the respective
region undergoes resorption and atrophy. Therefore, ridge preservation techniques are often employed after
tooth extraction to limit this phenomenon. The benefits of a flapless procedure include maintenance of the
buccal keratinized gingiva, prevention of alterations to the gingival contours, and migration of the mucogingival
junction that are often experienced after raising a flap. The purpose of this article is to review the literature
concerning flapless ridge preservation techniques with the aid of collagen plugs for occlusion of the socket. The
term ‘‘socket-plug’’ technique is introduced to describe these techniques. The basic steps of the ‘‘socket-plug’’
technique consist of atraumatic tooth extraction, placement of the appropriate biomaterials in the extraction
site, preservation of soft tissue architecture employing a flapless technique, and placement and stabilization of
the collagen plug. A case example is presented that illustrates the steps used in this technique.
Key Words: ridge preservation, tooth extraction, dental implants, collagen plug
t is well documented in the literature that
procedure is chronic, and the alveolar bone
following every tooth extraction, resorption of
continues to resorb even 25 years after the
the alveolar bone is triggered in the respective
extractions.6 Resorption rate varies among individ-
region.1,2 Alveolar ridge resorption is a chron-
uals and may even fluctuate for the same individual
ic, irreversible phenomenon, which is estimat- within different periods of time. Additionally, there
ed to lead to a reduction in width ranging between is a marked difference on the resorption patterns
2.6 and 4.6 mm and in height between 0.4 and 3.9 between the maxillary and the mandibular bone,
mm post extraction.3–5 The vast percentage of the with sockets in the mandible being resorbed up to 4
times faster than those in the maxilla.4,6 If no actions
Advanced Education Program in Periodontology, University of are employed for the prevention of this phenom-
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Advanced Education Program in Endodontics, University of
enon, 40%–60% of the total alveolar bone volume is
Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Tex. lost during the first 2–3 years post extraction, and
University of Athens, Athens, Greece this phenomenon continues incessantly with a rate
Hard Tissue Research Laboratory, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minn. of 0.25%–0.5% loss per year7 (Figure 1).
Advanced Education Program in Periodontology, University of The aim of this paper is to review the data from
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
* Corresponding author, e-mail: kotsa001@umn.edu the literature that involves flapless ridge preserva-
DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-12-00028 tion procedures employing the use of collagen
FIGURES 1–5. FIGURE 1. Clinical view of an extraction site that was not treated with a ridge preservation technique (black
arrows pointing at the residual ridge). FIGURE 2. Pre-extraction decision tree. FIGURE 3. A serrated periotome is utilized to
severe the periodontal ligament, thus aiding in the atraumatic extraction. FIGURE 4. The graft is placed up to the level of the
bone crest. FIGURE 5. The collagen plug is used to protect the graft. When the collagen plug is moistened with saline or
blood, it becomes malleable so it can easily adapt in the coronal part of the socket.
plugs and report their efficacy in preserving alveolar for this indication, and as a result, the placement
ridge dimensions. The authors have introduced the of implants in these sites is not favored.
term ‘‘socket-plug’’ technique to include all varia- (2) Medium-term or transitional ridge preservation:
tions of this commonly used technique, which are Slowly resorbable bone graft materials are used
used by many clinicians in everyday practice. in ridge preservation allowing for the preserva-
tion of the alveolar ridge for a protracted period
Review of the literature of time while enabling the placement of an
osseointegrated implant in the site after an
The first attempts to study the alveolar ridge initial healing period, even in the presence of
resorption phenomenon started in the early some unresorbed graft particles. Transitional
1960s,8 whereby the submerged root concept was ridge preservation is indicated in cases where it
introduced as a ridge preservation technique.9,10 is still undetermined whether the patient is
Contemporary socket preservation techniques in- going to restore the edentulism with an
volve the placement of different biomaterials in the implant, or in cases where the patient has
socket.5,11 The choice of biomaterials that will be chosen to have an implant placed but will be
used is correlated to the purpose for which the unable to return and place the implant for a
technique is going to be used (Figure 2). substantial amount of time.
Bartee12 proposed 3 categories of ridge preser- (3) Short-term ridge preservation: The objective of
this technique is to maintain the postextraction
vation based on the resorbability pattern of the
alveolar dimensions during the initial healing
graft material that was employed.
phase in order to allow for the placement of an
(1) Long-term ridge preservation: In this case the implant in the shortest possible timeframe.
technique is used either for pontic site devel- As far as the coverage of the graft is concerned,
opment or to improve the stability of removable primary soft tissue coverage with or without a
appliances. Nonresorbable materials are used membrane, sealing of the socket with a free
gingival graft or a connective tissue graft, and of the collagen plug is utilized to cover the graft,
placement of a collagen plug for socket occlusion rather than layering the bulk of it to the level of the
have all been proposed.13–16 Barrier membranes free gingival margin. The horizontal mattress suture
have been employed showing good results in ridge was eliminated, and a fixed or removable interim
preservation in a manner similar to guided bone prosthesis with an ovate pontic was fabricated to
regeneration.17–19 The main drawback associated cover the collagen plug to aid in retention and
with this technique is that it requires primary soft formation of an esthetic soft tissue profile at the
tissue closure. Flap advancement for primary site.26 Recently, the ‘‘allo-plug’’ technique was
closure causes repositioning of the mucogingival introduced, where the authors substituted the use
junction, displacement of the keratinized mucosa of bovine xenograft with a human mineralized bone
towards the crestal region, and increased postop- allograft.27 The rationale behind shifting from one
erative swelling and discomfort.20 Furthermore, if bone graft to the other was the large number of
the membrane undergoes secondary exposure, remaining bovine xenograft particles observed even
there is a risk for infection of the graft, thus after a significant healing period of time.19,27
jeopardizing the outcome of the preservation According to the previous authors’ views, freeze-
procedure.21 The ‘‘socket seal surgery’’ technique dried bone allograft (FDBA) may provide a better
is a ridge preservation procedure that does not potential for osteoconductivity than anorganic
require flap advancement and was introduced to bovine xenograft. In this technique, a cross-mattress
counter these technique-inherent drawbacks.22 This suture was placed over the collagen plug for
minimally invasive ridge preservation procedure stabilization rather than placing cyanoacrylate or
involves bone and soft tissue grafting. The extrac- other tissue adhesive. The term ‘‘socket-plug’’
tion socket is filled with the bone graft of choice, technique is coined by the authors in this paper
and then a soft tissue graft of adequate size is to encompass all variations of this socket preserva-
harvested from the palate and is placed over the tion technique.
graft in order to seal the socket.23 Even though the
‘‘Socket-plug’’ technique
‘‘socket seal surgery’’ technique was novel in
introducing a ridge preservation procedure that The ‘‘socket-plug’’ technique consists of 4 distinct
would not require primary flap closure, it still did steps.11,28
not minimize the postoperative discomfort due to (1) Atraumatic extractions after careful surgical
the soft tissue graft harvesting. preparation of the soft and hard tissues using
The ‘‘BioCol’’ technique was introduced shortly periotomes as illustrated in Figure 3: Several authors
afterwards using the same principles as the ‘‘socket propose that a sulcular incision is done with the aid
seal surgery,’’ but specifically used anorganic bovine of a number 15 or 15c scalpel in order to dissect the
bone mineral as a bone substitute and replaced the crestal fibers.11 Careful curettage and debridement
soft tissue graft with a collagen plug that was of the socket is performed. If residual inflammatory
stabilized with a horizontal mattress suture to tissue is left in the socket, the bone graft may be
occlude the socket. Cyanoacrylate was placed over resorbed because of the low pH environment, and
the collagen to harden the material and decrease the bone regeneration process may be compro-
permeability of this barrier.24 This new concept mised.29 It is important that clinicians do not apply
reduced postoperative discomfort to a minimum, as bicortical pressure on the alveolar ridge after the
there was no need for flap elevation or graft extraction of the tooth.30
harvesting. After the introduction of this technique, (2) Placement of the appropriate biomaterial:
many modifications were proposed in the literature, Autogenous grafts are said to be the ‘‘gold
differing either in the graft that was used (‘‘allo- standard’’ in bone grafting because of their
plug’’ technique, ‘‘Nu-mem’’ technique) or in the osteogenetic characteristics and biocompatibility.31
placement of the collagen plug (‘‘modified BioCol’’ Common intraoral donor sites are the external
technique).25–27 oblique line, mental protuberance, and maxillary
The modified Bio-Col technique suggested an tuberosity. As far as ridge preservation is concerned,
alternative approach to the handling and stabiliza- the autologous graft has not been found to display
tion of the collagen plug. Only the terminal one fifth any osteoinductive or osteogenetic effects.32,33 It is
rapidly resorbed and replaced by vital bone without vital, newly formed bone.38 In an animal study,39
diminishing the resorptive procedure.33 A major vital host bone was found to separate the
disadvantage of autologous bone grafting is patient remaining xenograft particles from the implant
discomfort, and any advantage associated with the surface, and it was suggested that the remaining
use of this type of graft should always be weighed particles may have no negative effect on the
against this disadvantage. osseointegration of implants. It can be concluded
Allografts have also been employed in ridge that xenografts can be used for transitional ridge
preservation procedures, contributing positively in preservation because of their slow resorption rate,
the dimensional stability of the postextraction with remaining particles being found in the socket
socket. Allografts are slowly absorbed in socket even after 4 years.40
preservation applications. Allografts that contain Alloplastic materials are a large and diverse
calcium and phosphorous salts (FDBA) are resorbed group of bone substitutes that include hydroxyap-
more slowly than those that have been demineral- atite, calcium phosphate, bioactive glass, and
ized.34 For the first 3–6 months after the placement calcium sulfate. Each category of alloplastic mate-
of the graft in the socket, particles of the graft are rials has a different resorption pattern ranging from
still found in the socket surrounded by connective the rapidly resorbing calcium sulfate that is used for
tissue and newly formed bone.35 short-term ridge preservation41 to condensed hy-
Xenografts are employed by many clinicians for droxyapatite that is practically nonresorbable and is
ridge preservation. An animal study36 reported that suitable for long-term ridge preservation.42 Recent-
3 months after the use of Bio-Oss in surgically ly, there is an interest in the clinical application of
created jaw defects that resembled postextraction new alloplastic graft materials that have unique
resorption defects, residual graft particles remained distribution characteristics in comparison to the
occupying approximately 30% of the defect post- traditional bone substitutes that come in the form
healing. Moreover, no osseointegration was of particles.43 One such material will be discussed in
achieved for implants placed in the regenerated the case example below (Figure 4).
defects 3 months after the placement of the (3) Flapless design: Many authors have suggest-
xenograft. In another paper by Artzi et al,37 15 ed various flap designs in order to establish primary
sockets were filled with inorganic bovine graft. Nine closure of the socket. There is not adequate
months following the graft placement, satisfactory research data to clearly demonstrate that flapless
ridge dimensions were observed, but histologic socket preservation techniques are superior to
study revealed graft particles in connection with the techniques that involve raising a flap, but an animal
newly formed bone at a constant 30% across the study reported that the detachment of the perios-
socket. Interestingly, the histomorphometric mea- teum from the buccal site of the ridge leads to an
surements revealed that the coronal part of the increase of the resorption rate, resulting in an
socket consisted predominantly of loose connective increase of the ridge resorption of approximately
tissue (52.4%), followed by woven bone (15.9%) and 0.7 mm. 44 Consequently, there seems to be
remaining graft particles (30%). Descending from evidence to promote the idea that the use of
the coronal to the apical third of the socket, there socket preservation techniques that do not require
was a marked shift of the proportion of connective the opening of a flap may be superior to putting
tissue to the newly formed bone, with the bone effort in achieving primary closure of the socket,
being better trabeculized and occupying 63.9% of wherever they are indicated. Moreover, it has been
the socket volume, while connective tissue was shown in the literature that where a connective
decreased to 9.5%.37Throughout the whole socket tissue graft, a collagen sponge, or a collagen
dimension, the percentage of nonabsorbed graft membrane was left to heal without primary closure,
remained constant at about 30%. The use of excellent preservation of the vertical dimension of
osseointegrated implants was predictable at 9 the ridge was achieved or even an increase in
months after socket grafting. On the other hand, height was noted, which could be attributed to an
it has been documented that even though the increase in the soft tissue volume.28,45,46 The use of
graft’s particles remain at the implantation site for a a collagen sponge has particularly been found to
protracted period of time, they are surrounded by not only protect the bone substitute but to present
hemostatic properties as well as to minimize Implant placement was to be scheduled when the
discomfort during the postsurgical period. In patient could financially afford the treatment.
addition to stabilizing the blood clot, collagen At the 6-month appointment, the bone width
plugs act as chemotactic agents for fibroblasts.47 measurement was repeated and revealed a reduc-
(4) Suturing: The collagen plug has a dual tion of 1.1 mm at 5 mm below the reference point
purpose. It is placed to prevent the wash out of and 1.0 mm at the 7-mm point.
the bone graft and to induce blood clot formation Eighteen months post extraction, the measure-
and stabilization of the clot by stimulation of the ment of the bone width at 5 and 7 mm below the
platelet aggregation.27,47 For the collagen plug to be line connecting the CEJ of the 2 neighboring teeth
stabilized over the socket, suturing is done without revealed minimal ridge resorption with measure-
tension in order to secure the plug without distorting ments of 8.1 and 7.7 mm, respectively (Figures 11
the gingival architecture. Preferably, a single hori- and 12).
zontal mattress suture is executed (Figure 5). It appears that the major percentage of the
resorption of the ridge occurred within the first 6
months following the extraction, which is in
CASE PRESENTATION agreement with previously published data.7,17 The
measurements were taken at 5 and 7 mm from the
A 30-year-old nonsmoking male patient presented
reference point because a smaller distance may
with a nonrestorable maxillary left second premolar
have involved the sulcus of the tooth instead of the
due to extensive decay (Figure 6). Extraction and
alveolar bone. Simon et al48 performed similar
ridge preservation were scheduled. The patient was
measurements using a ridge mapper to determine
in good general health and had no contraindica-
the width at 3 and 5 mm apical to the alveolar crest.
tions regarding this treatment plan. After informed
In another study,49 bone width was estimated 4 mm
consent was obtained from the patient, he was
apical to the CEJ of the neighboring teeth as
instructed to rinse with a chlorhexidine 0.12%
measured in cone-beam computerized tomogra-
solution for 1 minute (Chlorhexil, Intermed, Athens,
phy. The authors chose to measure at least 5 mm
Greece). Following administration of local anesthe-
below the line connecting the CEJ of the 2
sia, the width of the alveolar bone was measured at neighboring teeth because of the possibility that
5 and 7 mm below the line connecting the in cases with a slight resorption of the buccal plate,
cementoenamel junction (CEJ) of the 2 neighboring a 3-mm measurement may stop on the cementum
teeth with the aid of a bone caliper. The measure- of the root instead of the buccal plate. Therefore, 2
ment was 9.3 mm and 8.9 mm, respectively. measurements at 5 and 7 mm were taken in order
Subsequently, extraction of the involved tooth to minimize measurement error and verify the
was performed as atraumatically as possible (Fig- validity of the measurements. Additionally, the
ures 7 and 8). Care was given not to raise a flap in exact distance between the site of measurement
order to maintain the vascularization of the socket and the root surface of the nearest tooth was
walls. After thorough debridement of the socket, a recorded to ensure that the follow-up measurement
calcium phosphosilicate (CPS) putty graft was would be standardized and reproducible.50
injected into the socket (NovaBone Dental Putty, At the 18-month recall appointment, the patient
NovaBone Products LLC, Alachua, Fla) (Figure 9). was able to proceed financially with implant
The graft was placed up to the crest of the bone placement, thus we were able to harvest a 3.0 3
and a collagen plug (CollaPlug, Zimmer Dental, 6.0 core and preserve it in (10%) neutral buffered
Carlsbad, Calif) was trimmed and adapted over the formalin. Upon receipt in the Hard Tissue Research
graft in order to occlude the socket (Figure 10). The Laboratory, the core was sectioned in half through
plug was stabilized with a single mattress suture. the area of interest and immediately dehydrated
Effort was made to avoid applying any pressure with a graded series of alcohols for 9 days.
with the suture to preserve the gingival architec- Following dehydration, the specimen was infiltrated
ture. The healing process was uneventful and the with a light-curing embedding resin (Technovit
patient was recalled at 6-month intervals for 7200 VLC, Kulzer, Wehrheim, Germany). Following
prophylaxis and evaluation of the healed site. 20 days of infiltration with constant shaking at
FIGURES 6–13. FIGURE 6. Preoperative view of the nonrestorable upper left second premolar. FIGURE 7. The involved tooth was
extracted without flap reflection. FIGURE 8. Immediate postextraction radiographic view of the socket. FIGURE 9. The socket
was filled with an alloplastic graft that displays putty consistency and is easily injected into the socket, thus saving
important clinical time. FIGURE 10. A collagen plug is trimmed and adapted over the graft in order to occlude the socket.
FIGURE 11. Clinical view of the healed site 18 months post extraction. The dimensional stability of the ridge will allow for the
ideal restoratively driven positioning of an implant. FIGURE 12. Radiographic image of the socket at the 18-month recall
appointment. The trabecularization of the regenerated bone is similar to the native bone. Note the pneumatization of the
sinus. FIGURE 13. Calcium phosphosilicate putty core at 6 months. The red-stained tissue is mineralized, newly regenerated
bone with visible cell nuclei. Some residual graft particles can be seen in all images. New bone formation is quite robust
surrounding particles of bio-active glass. The yellowish-green staining shows osteoid and the newly entrapped osteocytes in
the very immature bone. NB indicates new bone; CPS, calcium phosphosilicate putty; OS, osteoid; and OB, osteoblast.
normal atmospheric pressure, the specimen was using an EXAKT microgrinding system followed by a
embedded and polymerized by 450 nm light with final polish with 0.3-micron alumina polishing paste.
its temperature never exceeding 408C. The speci- The slides were stained with Stevenel’s blue and
men was then prepared by the cutting/grinding Van Gieson’s picrofuchsin and were evaluated.
method of Donath and Breuner.51,52 The specimen Histologic analysis of the core showed trabeculae
was cut to a thickness of 150 lm on an EXAKT of varying thicknesses and good connectivity. New
cutting/grinding system (EXAKT Technologies, Okla- bone that had formed around particles of CPS putty
homa City, Okla). Following this, the core was had formed bridges with other areas of new bone,
polished to a thickness of 45–60 lm using a series resulting in a good cancellous bone pattern (Figure
of polishing sandpaper discs from 800 to 2400 grit 13).
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