Elements of Art and Principles of Design
Elements of Art and Principles of Design
Elements of Art and Principles of Design
What is art?
Unity (harmony) is achieved
when all parts of an artwork
look as though they belong
An artist creates unity by
stressing the similarities of
separate but related parts.
Van Gogh created unity by using a Nevelson created unity in this
assemblage sculpture by using one
consistent texture throughout Starry
color and by incorporating mostly
Night, and by using primarily cool
vertical elements. She kept it from
colors (blues, blue-greens, black).
becoming monotonous or boring, by
Leonardo da Vinci
Asymmetrical or Informal
Balance is evident when
two unlike objects appear
to have equal weight.
When used skillfully, it
can create more
interesting compositions.
Radial Balance in
an artwork occurs
when the elements
or objects are
positioned around
a central point.
Georgia O’Keefe
Contrast in an artwork is created
when the artist makes a difference
in value, color, texture, shape, line,
form, or space.
Patterns and
Pattern (Repetition) is the repeating of
shapes, lines, color, or other art
elements in planned or random order
to create interest or make the artwork
more exciting.
Rhythm in art can be described as
“timed movement through space”
The eye follows a path of a regular
arrangement of motifs.
The “beat” is sensed by the eyes,
rather than the ears.
The presence of rhythm creates
predictability and order in a
Movement in a work of art directs
the viewer through the art piece –
often to the focal area. It also
encourages the
viewer to sense action within the