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Child Protection Policy Awareness

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Child Protection Policy Awareness

of Teachers and Responsiveness of
the School: Their Relationship and
Manuscript ID:
EDU-2020-09013384 John Mark R. Asio
Gordon College, Olongapo, Philippines
Volume: 9 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6096-4595

Issue: 1 Shallimar A. Bayucca

Department of Education, Philippines
Month: December https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7601-6653

Year: 2020 Edward C. Jimenez

Department of Education, Philippines
P-ISSN: 2320-2653 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6876-7935

E-ISSN: 2582-1334 Abstract

In every institution in the country, there are countless stories of children being bullied, abused, or
Received: 19.08.2020 maltreated. This can happen inside a school or outside its premises. A child protection policy is a
must to protect these children. This study assesses the child protection policy awareness of teachers
and the responsiveness of the schools. It also wanted to know the relationship and program
Accepted: 20.10.2020 implications. The researchers used a descriptive-correlation research design with the survey as
the primary data-gathering tool. 146 teachers from seven different schools in a city in Bulacan,
Published: 01.12.2020 Philippines took part in the survey. The study also adopted an instrument from Macatimpag (2018).
To analyze the data, the proponents used mean, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson-r. The results showed
that teachers were aware of the Child Protection Policy program of the Department of Education.
However, the responsiveness of the schools is not very high. There were significant differences in
Asio, John Mark R., et al. the results observed in the awareness of teachers and the responsiveness of the schools. In addition,
“Child Protection Policy there is a moderate relationship between the awareness of teachers in the Child Protection policy
Awareness of Teachers with the responsiveness of the school about the program. Based on the aforementioned findings of
and Responsiveness of the the study,the researchers have provided some implications of the study for future references.
Keywords: Child protection policy, Awareness, Responsiveness, Relationship, Implications
School: Their Relationship
and Implications.” Shanlax
International Journal of Introduction
Education, vol. 9, no. 1, The 21st century offered different perspectives and policies that benefit
2020, pp. 1–10. students. Since the context of learning today is student-centered, teachers
become facilitators. Gone are the days that teachers are the center of the
DOI: students’ learning experience. Child protection refers to programs, services,
https://doi.org/10.34293/ procedures and structures intended for prevention and response to abuse,
education.v9i1.3384 neglect, exploitation, discrimination and violence (Department of Education,
2012). Dealing with child protection policies for victims is still a great challenge
(Rahman & Sarip, 2020). This is the same challenge that educational institutions
face. We cannot deny the fact protecting our children is the primary concern
This work is licensed
of everyone. This includes the parents, teachers, community, and government.
under a Creative Commons
A study showed that child protection could be interpreted based on a different
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International License context like family, school, & community (Hermino, 2017). Yet, on a particular
paper, the challenges of child protection became politicized (Parton, 2016).

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Thus, the government is very particular and keen adults disregard these basic rights of children and
on child protection. Cossar, Brandon, and Jordan continue to abuse children. That is why Shewchuk
(2016) also argued that most respondents in their (2016) showed in her review that most school boards
study were least aware of the child protection policy documented their child protection policies and
process. The above-mentioned pieces of literature procedures. However, the amount of information
provided contrasting results, thus prompting provided by each board varies. In relation, Smyth
researchers to do this research to clarify the gap that and Katz (2016) discussed the concept of child
exists in implementing the Child Protection Policy protection which encompassed school-based
to schools and the awareness of teachers towards it. education materials. This includes child sexual abuse
This study assesses the awareness of teachers and the prevention, education, and other forms of abuse and
responsiveness of the schools and their underlying neglect. But the company of Robles (2019) found
relationships and implications. an association between negative school outcomes,
This study deems to be beneficial to teachers, higher ACE scores, and lower PF scores. Burr and
school administrators, and the Department of Fay (2019) also suggested that school-focused child
Education in providing a better implementation of protection programs are often limited or create
the said policy. unexpected outcomes. Another study also showed the
potential scope for reducing absenteeism of students
Review of Literature relative to the type and timing of child protection
Researches in the international arena showed system involvement (Armfield, Gnanamanickam,
interesting perspectives. With child protection policy, Nguyen, Doidge, Brown, Preen & Segal, 2020). But,
there are a variety of relevant results that come up in since there have been remarkable changes in the
the review. For example, Al-Qaysi (2018) showed a school setting, our children are still at risk. At the
significant difference among staff members’ attitudes risk of being abused, bullied, or terrorized. This will
towards adopting the child protection policy. To add, cause too much trauma for the child. Policies and
the group of Drake et al. (2019) focused their study practices relative to children and family engagement
on the significant child protection policy and practice in regular school attendance are necessary. Also,
and related them to the people and places. In an there is a need for strategies to prevent maltreatment
article by Heiman and Gupta (2020), they presented and the disadvantage of children (Maclean, Taylor &
a critical framework for child protection policy and O’Donnell, 2016).
practice. Their article provided a clear, practical, Local literature that substantiates the importance,
and applicable link between critical theories and implementation and perception of all stakeholders
everyday child protection practice. A study about about the Child Protection Policy provided
national reform of child protection practices from contrasting views and results. A study by Segundo
Israel showed little participation from children and Guia (2019) showed that implementing the
having them less- cooperative in implementing the child protection policy was moderate among public
practice (Alfandri, 2017). However, Munger and high schools. However, this perception conflicts
Markstrom (2019) found that professionals in school with Baronia (2020), who reported that the views
lack knowledge of domestic violence (for example, of the two groups of respondents were indifferent.
child abuse). Finally, a research paper concluded that These groups stated an observance of involvement
students and practitioners need to cross the complex in the school’s executive manager’s duties and
relationship between family support and child responsibilities. The research paper by Estremera
protection. (Devaney & Mc Gregor, 2016) (2018) revealed that all child protection committee
For institutional response regarding the Child members are aware of identifying cases involving
Protection Policy, Mustikasari and Rostyaningsih child abuse exploitation, violence, discrimination,
(2020) narrated that implementing child protection and bullying. A similar study by Bayucca (2020)
policy is well but constrained. Every child is born with further emphasized that teachers were aware of the
an innate basic right stipulated by laws. However, child protection policy program of the Department of

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Education and the schools implement the program. Instrument

A literature review by Roche in 2017 also provided The study adopted an instrument from
important details about child maltreatment and Macatimpag (2018). The said instrument has three
child protection arrangements in the Philippines. He (3) portions. The first part of the instrument is the
further recommends further research into policy and demographic profile. Next is the teachers’ awareness
programs focusing on social, cultural, and structural of the Child Protection Policy. And last is the
influences. responsiveness of the school towards implementing
the policy. To validate the instrument, the researchers
Materials and Method used Cronbach Alpha. It yielded an overall coefficient
Research Design of .969. For the teachers’ awareness, it produced a
This study used a descriptive-correlation coefficient of .968. For the school responsiveness,
research design with the survey as the primary it generated a coefficient of .968. All the mentioned
data gathering tool. With a descriptive study, coefficients are higher than the benchmark score of.
researchers try to describe a certain characteristic 70 for the reliability rate.
or phenomena. The correlation design, this intends Statistical Analysis
to discover if a variable has some relationship with In this study, the researchers used Microsoft Excel
another variable(s). This study intends to analyze to tabulate the data. On the other hand, the study used
the relationship between the teachers’ awareness of SPSS 20 to calculate the statistical inferences. The
child protection policy and the responsiveness of the statistics used for this study include weighted mean,
school. Thus, the mentioned design is appropriate for t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson-r. This study also used
this study. a Five-point Likert scale to measure the awareness
Respondents and school responsiveness of the teachers.
148 elementary school teachers took part
in the survey. The sample came from seven Results
(7) different schools in the Division of City of The purpose of this study is to assess the
Meycauayan, Bulacan, Philippines. This study used awareness of teachers and the responsiveness of
a simple random technique to select participants. For the schools and their underlying relationships. The
inclusion, one must be a teacher in each of the seven following tables provided the results of the study.
(7) selected schools for the study.
Table 1: Awareness of Teachers on Child Protection Policy
Statement Mean Interpretation
1) There is a DepEd Order on Protecting Children in School from Abuse,
4.36 Aware
Violence, Exploitation, Discrimination, Bullying, and other forms of abuse.
2) I have read and understood the DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012. 3.40 Moderately Aware
3) According to the 1987 Constitution, the State shall defend the right of children
from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury, and abuse, neglect treatment, 4.03 Aware
maltreatment and exploitation, including sexual abuse.
4) The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) aims to protect children from
all forms of physical or mental violence, injury, and abuse, neglect or negligent 3.49 Moderately Aware
treatment, maltreatment and exploitation, including sexual abuse.
5) This DepEd aims to ensure that all schools are conducive to the education of
4.23 Aware
6) Teachers and learning facilitators especially in learning centers are their
substitute parents and are expected to discharge their functions and duties with this 4.17 Aware
in mind.

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7) This policy aims to provide special protection to children who are gravely
threatened or endangered by circumstances that affect their normal development
4.01 Aware
and over which they have control and to assist the concerned agencies in their
8) DepEd aims to ensure such special protection from all forms of abuse and
4.04 Aware
exploitation and care as is necessary for the child’s well-being.
9) This DepEd Order has a zero-tolerance policy for any act of child abuse,
3.90 Aware
exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying, and other forms of abuse.
10) There are different forms of bullying. 4.23 Aware
11) Bullying is committed when a student commits an act or a series of acts
directed towards another or several students in a school setting, which results in 4.23 Aware
physical and mental abuse, harassment, intimidation, or humiliation.
12) Corporal punishment is a penalty imposed for an alleged or actual offense,
which is carried out, for discipline, training by a teacher, school administrator,
4.03 Aware
an adult, or any other child who has been given or has assumed authority for
punishment or discipline.
13) Positive and Non-violent discipline of children is a way of thinking and a
holistic, constructive, and pro-active approach to teaching that helps children
4.12 Aware
develop appropriate thinking and behavior in the short and long-term and foster
14) This DepEd Order aims to prevent violence against children in schools and
4.01 Aware
make these available to all schools.
15) Violence against children committed in schools is an act or series of acts
committed by school administrators, academic and non-academic personnel against 4.00 Aware
a child.
Average Weighted Mean 4.02 Aware

Legend: 1.00-1.49 = Not Aware; 1.50-2.49 = Slightly Aware; 2.50-3.49 = Moderately Aware;
3.50-4.49 = Aware; 4.50-5.00 = Very Aware

Table 1 displays the awareness of teachers in The overall weighted mean pegged at 4.02, which
the child protection policy. As seen, statement 1 matches to “aware” the scale. The table further
got the highest mean score. The score corresponds shows that teachers are familiar with such a policy.
to “aware” in the Likert Scale. However, statement This is to protect them from untoward incidents that
2 got the lowest mean score. This is parallel to the may arise related to this context.
Likert Scale interpretation of “moderately aware”.
Table 2: The Responsiveness of the School towards Child Protection Policy
Statement Mean Interpretation
1) The school adopts a child protection policy. 4.34 Implemented
2) Ensures all pupils, school personnel, parents, guardians, or custodians, and
4.21 Implemented
visitors are made aware of child protection policy.
3) Organize and convene the Child Protection Committee for the School. 4.12 Implemented
4) Conduct disciplinary proceedings in cases of offenses committed by pupils. 3.39 Moderately Implemented
5) Conduct the appropriate training and capability building activities on child
3.48 Moderately Implemented
protection measures and protocols.

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6) Information-dissemination activities and in-service training for teachers

on the protection of children in school from abuse, violence, exploitation, 4.08 Implemented
discrimination, bullying or peer abuse, and other related cases.
7) Ensure that the school adopts a Student Code of Conduct to be followed by
every pupil while on school grounds, or when traveling to and from school,
4.02 Implemented
or during a school-sponsored activity and during lunch period, whether on or
8) Coordinate with the Department of Social Welfare and Development or the
appropriate government agencies or non-government organizations on a Child
4.02 Implemented
Protection Hotline for reporting abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination,
bullying, and other similar acts and counseling.
9) The school administrator, teachers, academic and non-academic and other
personnel practice positive and non-violent discipline as may be required
4.10 Implemented
under the circumstances; provided that in no case shall corporal punishment
be inflicted upon them.
10) The school child protection committee initiates information dissemination
programs and organizes activities for the protection of children from abuse, 4.05 Implemented
exploitation, violence, discrimination, and bullying or peer abuse.
11) Training modules that include positive and non-violent discipline in
classroom management, anger and stress management, and gender sensitivity 3.32 Moderately Implemented
are used.
12) Employ means which enhance the skills and pedagogy in integrating and
3.42 Moderately Implemented
teaching children’s rights in the classroom.
13) Any incidents of bullying are filed and reported immediately to the School
3.47 Moderately Implemented
14) The school child protection committee has a system for identifying
students who may be suffering from significant harm based on any physical, 3.37 Moderately Implemented
emotional, or behavioral signs.
15) The school child protection committee coordinate closely with the
Women and Child Protection Desks of the Philippine National Police
3.43 Moderately Implemented
(PNP) the Local Social Welfare and Development Office (LSWDO) other
government agencies, and non-governmental organizations.
Average Weighted Mean 3.79 Implemented
Legend: 1.00-1.49 = Not Implemented; 1.51-2.50 = Slightly Implemented; 2.51-3.50 = Moderately Implemented;
3.51-4.50 = Implemented; 4.51-5.00 = Highly Implemented.

Table 2 shows the responsiveness of the school mean is 3.79, which corresponds to “implemented”
towards implementing the child protection policy. on the Likert scale. The table also showed that
We deduced that statement 1 got the highest mean there is an implementation of the child protection
score, which comprises “implemented” on the Likert policy. However, we also observe that almost half
scale. But statement 11 got the lowest mean score of the statements were “moderate” in response. This
with an equivalent interpretation of “moderately could mean that some features of the policy are less
implemented” in the scale. The average weighted prominent.

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Table 3: Significant Differences in the Responses of the Teachers

Awareness of Teachers Responsiveness of the School
Demographic Profiles n
M(SD) Computed Values M(SD) Computed Values
School A 20 3.82 (0.71) 3.79 (0.72)
School B 26 4.12 (0.72) 4.16 (0.82)
School C 26 4.10 (0.60) 0.641 3.64(0.44) 2.951*
School D 26 4.09 (0.68) (.697) 3.73 (0.55) (.010)
School E 10 4.03 (0.69) 3.87 (0.48)
School F 15 3.88 (0.54) 3.88 (0.38)
School G 25 3.97 (0.48) 3.53 (0.50)
Male 10 3.91 (0.48) -0.539 3.77 (0.72) -0.106
Female 138 4.02 (0.64) (.591) 3.79 (0.61) (.916)
20-29 years old 12 4.08 (0.66) 3.86 (0.62)
30-39 years old 58 4.02 (0.64) 1.670 3.78 (0.62) 1.760
40-49 years old 47 4.02 (0.63) (.160) 3.82 (0.61) (.140)
50-59 years old 26 4.02 (0.63) 3.79 (0.62)
60 years old above 5 4.02 (0.66) 3.85 (0.63)
Years in Service
1-10 years 90 4.02 (0.63) 3.79 (0.62)
3.557* 5.668*
11-20 years 29 4.01 (0.63) 3.79 (0.62)
(.016) (.001)
21-30 years 22 4.03 (0.63) 3.80 (0.62)
31-40 years 7 4.02 (0.64) 3.82 (0.61)
*p< .05
Table 3 displays the significant differences in the terms of the responsiveness of the school, we
responses of the teachers when grouped according observed significant differences in years of service
to profile variables. As seen, there is a significant and school. The variables involved produced the
difference in the awareness of teachers when grouped following results: F(3, 144)=5.668, p=.001 for years
according to years in service. Since F(3, 144)=3.557, in service, and F(6, 141)=2.951, p=.010 for school.
p=.016, the p-value is lower than the Alpha .05 Both of their probability values are lower than the
significance level. The rest of the profile variables alpha significance .05 levels. Again, the rest of the
did not yield significant results, which account variables did not produce a substantial result for a
for a difference in the opinion of the teachers. In significant difference.
Table 4: Correlation Matrix between the awareness of Teachers and
Responsiveness of the School on Child Protection Policy
1 2 3 4 5 6
1) School 1
2) Sex .073 (.380) 1
3) Age .024 (.774) .081 (.330) 1
4) Years in Service 010 (.907) .010 (.899) .693* (.000) 1
5) Awareness of Teachers -.013 (.872) .045 (.591) .014 (.863) -.040 (.626) 1
6) Responsiveness of the School -.174* (.035) .009 (.916) -.045 (.583) -.087 (.294) .535* (.000) 1
Note: N=148; *p< .05

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Table 5 shows the correlation matrix between with requirements about child protection policy.
the profile variables, awareness of teachers, and From the study of Bunting et al. (2017) there was an
responsiveness of the school on child protection increase in the orientation towards child protection
policy. We deduce that only the school has a low as evidenced by rising rates of investigation and
indirect relationship with responsiveness, since children subjected to child protection planning.
r= -.174, p=.035. Other profile variables might have a Finally, Baginsky, Driscoll, Manthorpe& Purcell
relationship also in the study, but not to a significant (2019) identified key factors in safeguarding and
extent. Also, we observed a moderate direct child protection and increasing school autonomy.
relationship between the awareness of teachers and There were significant differences observed in
the responsiveness of the school. The study produced the opinion of the teachers. This includes differences
a result of r=.535, p=.000 which shows a moderate in the school and years in service of the teachers
relationship between the two variables. involved. Although the Department of Education
promotes and emphasizes the policy to all schools,
Discussion differences in the implementation are noticeable.
This study aimed to describe the awareness of Parallel to the study result, Al Qaysi (2018) divulged
teachers and responsiveness of the school to the Child that a significant difference in the staff members’
Protection Policy of the Department of Education. perceptions in terms of their positions. To add, Jalal,
It also delved into discovering any relationship O’Reilly, Bhakta, and Vostanis (2019) stated that
between the two variables. implementing child protection training programs can
Based on the study results, the teachers responded be influenced by a range of societal, policy, service,
affirmatively in the awareness of the Child Protection and practice-related factors.
Policy by the Department of Education. This is There is a moderate and direct relationship
important since they also want to be protected to between the awareness of teachers and the
some extent. If an untoward event happens and responsiveness of the school to a child protection
it involves a child, they reprimand the teacher. policy. The result is obvious since the Department
However, a review of Shewchuk (2016) revealed that promotes such a program to all schools. This means
some school board procedures need to be updated. that since the teacher is aware of such a policy,
Munger and Markstrom (2019) also pointed out a the school complies. However, Baronia (2020)
gap between the school and child protection service contradicted the result of the current study and
domains and found confidentiality as an obstacle to shared that there was no shared agreement between
collaborating. On the other hand, Treacy and Nohilly the head of the school and teachers about the school
(2020) mentioned an over-reliance on online child manager’s roles and responsibilities in enforcing
protection training for primary school teachers. child protection policy. An in depth-analysis from
In the school’s responsiveness to implementing China on related legislation provided findings for
the Child Protection Policy, their responses are impact on child protection Zhao, Hamalanen, and
unexpected. Since almost half of the item got a Chen (2017) offered a general in depth-analysis of
“moderately implemented” response from the related legislation that has had an impact on child
teachers. This means that some salient features of protection and other issues. One major finding
the Child Protection Policy program lack active was that Confucianism highly influence policies
observation from the institutions. Relative to the concerning child protection.
study, Segundo and Guia (2019) showed different
perceptions in implementing the child protection Conclusion
policy in public high schools. Also, Mustikasari and Based on the gathered data & result of statistical
Rostyaningsih (2020) mentioned some constraints analysis of the study, the researchers concluded that:
to handle implementing child protection policy. 1. The teachers are aware of the Child Protection
Besides, Treacy and Nohilly (2020) suggest a Policy as mandated by the Department of
compliance culture in which schools strive to comply Education.

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vol. 9, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-15. pp. 329-339.

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International Journal of Education

Author Details
John Mark R. Asio, Gordon College, Olongapo, Philippines, Email ID: asio.johnmark@gmail.com

Shallimar A. Bayucca, Department of Education, Philippines, Email ID: shallimar.bayucca@deped.gov.ph

Edward C. Jimenez, Department of Education, Philippines, Email ID: edward.jimenez@deped.gov.ph

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