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Transactions on the Built Environment vol 11, © 1995 WIT Press, www.witpress.

com, ISSN 1743-3509

Feasibility analysis of shaft generators application

for optimum electric power generation at sea in new
built ships
J. Listewnik
Institute ofMarine Propulsion Plants Operation, Maritime University of
Szczecin, 70-500 Szczecin, Poland


The paper reviews and analyses today's applied and practically feasible methods
of electricity production on board ships. Technical, economical and last but not
least ecological aspects are taken into consideration during a pros and cons se-
lection process for the optimum electricity generation installation. A revision of
opinion on the unifuel ship concept is made in the light of expected annex to
Marpol 73/78 (Marine Pollution) which will impose means of reducing air pol-
lution from marine sources.
Finally the paper contains also a very thorough economical appraisal of vari-
ous electrical power generation alternatives. Examples based on realistic data
reveal the normally hidden investment costs as far as it concerns a delivered to
the shipyard classical diesel generator sets (D.G.). If a price comparison is made
between the investment cost of a HFO diesel generator set and a shaft driven
generator of a hydro-mechanical option the price gap normally immensely ex-
aggerated by the HFO D.G. protagonists dwindles away to a figure allowing
recover the additional investment after approximately 3-4 years, this applies for
cases where the required electricity production is in the range 300-600 kW but
for electrical powers exceeding 1000 kW the shaft generator is a cheaper solu-

1 Introduction

Electricity supply on board ships is not just an auxiliary duty. The production of
electrical energy for ship operation purposes requires a certain defined amount
of fuel.
With the continuous increase of fuel prices and at the same time growing
installed electrical power which may constitute from 6% to even 40% of the
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 11, © 1995 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509
408 Marine Technology and Transportation

main engine output on certain type of merchant ships (e.g. container ships with
a large number of refrigerated containers), minimalization of electricity produ-
ction costs has gained in the last decade a vital meaning, hence a steady prog-
ress in electricity production methods on board ships built in shipyards all over
the world.
The traditional ship's power plant system consisting of 3 diesel generators
run on diesel oil is now often replaced by other design solutions, in order to
obtain the best economical results during ship operation.
Other means of electricity production are main engine driven shaft generators
as well as steam driven turbo-generators. The selection of a ship electricity pro-
duction system depends generally on type and size of the ship but particularly
on the magnitude of installed main engine power.
The obtainment of the cheapest electrical energy produced by a turbogenera-
tor is unfortunately limited by the magnitude of the main engine power installed
on board a ship. It is generally accepted that for a 2 stroke slow speed engine
installation the engine power must exceed 20 000 kW and for a 4 stroke me-
dium speed engine 12 000 kW or so, thus only at higher engine outputs turbo-
generators or/and exhaust gas power recovery turbines exploiting surplus of
exhaust gas can be arranged to drive alternators in conjunction with the main
engine or independently. Turbogenerators producing electrical energy from
waste heat are adding to the complexity of the ship's propulsion plant and re-
quire a high initial investment input, as well as higher skills from the engine
crew, therefore shipowners are these days more reluctant to install a turbogen-
erator even if this is feasible.

2 General Selection Criteria of Ship Electrical Power Plant Type

When the selection is limited to ships where the main engine output (2 stroke -
slow speed) is below <20.000 kW or so, then for such ships the following con-
figurations of ship electrical power generation systems are the only possible
alternatives (for propulsion plants with fixed pitch propeller).
1. 3 Diesel Generators burning Marine Diesel Oil (MDO)
2. 3 Diesel Generators burning Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)
3. 2 Diesel Generators burning MDO, 1 Main Engine driven Shaft Generator of
constant frequency type
4. 2 Diesel Generators burning HFO, 1 Main Engine driven Shaft Generator of
constant frequency type as under p.3.
Out of the four mentioned alternatives of electricity production on board, Alter-
native "1" is due to the high marine diesel oil price economically least profit-
able and is therefore generally at present not considered during the design stage
of modern ship machinery plant. So further only Alternatives "2", "3" and "4"
are considered.
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Marine Technology and Transportation 409

The choice of a constant speed shaft generator is between a shaft generator of

electronic or electric nature - i.e. thyristors and a synchronous condenser or of
rotary type, the other choice is a mechanical - hydraulic type of shaft generator
i.e. an epicyclic (planetary) gear which is a variable gear system equipped with a
hydraulic speed compensation maintaining constant frequency of the alternator
with varying main engine revolutions from 100% down to 70% of its nominal
revolutions. A typical example of that kind of shaft generators are the made by
Renk Tacke in Germany (Augsburg).
The shaft generator with the variable planetary gear drive system having an
efficiency of 88% - 92% (compared with only 76% to 83% of the rotary or
thyristor frequency converter) without a complex set of electrical - electronic
appliances is an excellent alternative to the electrical converter, being generally
as well a 20% or so cheaper investment [1].
The strong points of shaft generators application on board ships are numer-
ous and well known to shipowners it's enough to mention that the shaft genera-
tor is producing electrical energy with a 20% higher efficiency than the tradi-
tional diesel due to lower specific fuel consumption, i.e. 30-40 g/kWh less
when compared with a diesel gen. set (see data in table 2).
The maintenance costs are significantly lower for the shaft generator by a
ratio 1:15 when compared with a HFO diesel generator. Replacing one of the
diesel generators by a shaft generator we safe on costs involved with erecting a
separate foundation for a diesel generator, we safe also on fitting a separate
cooling water system, exhaust gas system and a heating water piping system
from the main engine to the diesel generator for stand by readiness.
When installing HFO diesel generators there is also a need of having a lu-
bricating oil purification system (lub. oil purifier, oil heater, piping, control fit-
tings etc.). The required above mentioned extra items in a HFO diesel generator
system (3 HFO D.G) where a shaft generator is not envisaged are making up the
necessary installation costs thus increasing the total cost of a D.G. set., therefore
when comparing investment costs a shaft generator versus a HFO D.G. set, real-
istic figures should be considered like those quoted in table 2. From table 2 it
becomes obvious that the investment cost difference between alternative "2" the
todays still often favoured choice and alternative "4" is only about 110x10^$
lower if a side mounted on the main engine BW III/RCF type shaft generator is
applied. But if space restrictions are not essential and a free standing connected
to the fore end of the main engine shaft generator of a BW II/RCF type is used
then alternative "4" is a lower investment cost.
Last but not least a shaft generator installed on board ships can also act in a
reverse manner, namely as a shaft mounted electric motor driven by electric
power supplied from conventional diesel generators. This is a very valuable
contribution to the ship's utmost safety giving total redundancy in the event of
main engine failure, in such a case the shaft generator can act as a so-called
"take home" propulsive power for single - engined ships.
Finally it is also worthwhile to mention that in considering various selection
criteria the reliability aspect should be given preference. Shaft generators espe-
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 11, © 1995 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

410 Marine Technology and Transportation

cially these of the mechanical - hydraulic type have a high degree of reliability,
the statistical TBF (time between failures) according to service experience of
Renk Tacke is over 30.000 hours [2] what is more than four years of ship op-

3 Economical Analysis of Feasible Electricity Production Plant

Alternatives for a 12 - 16 000 DWT Bulk Carrier Series

Parameters which influence the economical analysis evaluation in a choice of an

electric power generation plant on-board a ship are as follows: 1) Initial (ca-
pital) investment cost, 2) Machinery installation cost, 3) Fuel and lub. oil con-
sumption cost, 4) Market rate of interest & inflation rate, 5) Overall efficiencies
of power generation set 6) Magnitude and profile of electricity consumption at
sea and in port, 7) Consumable (spare) parts cost, 8) Maintenance time (man-
hours required for maintenance).
The above mentioned parameters can be evaluated quantitatively, other
which are qualitative nature but not less important in everyday operation should
also be taken into account namely such as: 1) level of noise and vibration, 2)
cold start performance (start-up time, preparation time for standby, etc.), 3) dif-
ficulty of operation, 4) assurance of recovery from random failures in minimum
time, 5) recurrent frequency of trouble, 6) technical knowledge and skilled work
required for operation and maintenance, 7) ease of inspection.
The presented economy program comprises all before mentioned quantifiable
data and is exemplified by means of a simple case study in tables 1&2, and
Fig. 1. The quoted case was chosen purposely to make evident contrary to some
prevailing in certain circles of shipowners misapprehension that a shaft genera-
tor (especially if a ship requires a smaller amount of electrial energy < 500kW)
is a very expensive extra investment which cannot be recovered within the ship
20 years or so life. A belief that 3 generator sets run on HFO are the best and
optimum choice in making a unifuel ship has not stood the proof as calculations
based on true and realistic figures indicate. The made analysis leaves no doubts
that even for a relatively small electrical power demand on board the proper
choice is: 2 diesel gen. operating on MDO and a shaft generator using HFO.
The extra investment if any for a shaft generator will be paid back in a relatively
short period depending on the fuel prices difference between MDO and HFO.
The net present value relative to alternative 1 (Fig. 1) shown as function of
years in service after investment, indicate, based on the data given that the shaft
generator is the best one economy - wise, giving the shipowner substantial sav-
ings. Going back to last years trendy fashion to install on ships heavy fuel diesel
generators it can only be said that this is for today a wrong design step. In brief
it can be stated that soon the environmental aspects will impose on ships certain
restrictions concerning the pollution of air by nitric oxides (No%) and sulphur
oxides (SOx).
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) will call for So% reduction of
all new marine diesel engines > 100 kW, the initial goal of a 50% So% reduction
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 11, © 1995 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

Marine Technology and Transportation 411

by the year 2000 will be required for designated "special areas" like harbours,
coastline areas etc. Having these developments in mind there is no good reason
for a shipowner to buy 30% or so more expensive HFO diesel generators to
burn in ports MDO therefore proposed alternative "3" is the optimum solution.
For ships with higher electricity demand like larger container ships, installa-
tion of a shaft generator is a straightforward solution, as price comparisons for
shaft generators (Renk Tacke) and diesel generator sets (MAN -B&W - A/S
Alpha Diesel) show that if the required electrical powers are in exess of 1000
kW then the free standing diesel generator sets are becoming more expensive
then shaft generators of comparable power output e.g. a Renk Tacke 1400 kW
shaft generator cost is about 1.200.000 DM wheras a Alpha Diesel Holeby gen-
erator set cost (inclusive 30% installation costs) amounts to 1.300.000 DM.

4 Summary
This paper illustrates that there is a quite comprehensive techno-economic me-
thod to assist in making an optimum choice when selecting various technically
possible alternatives for a ship's electrical power plant. As demonstrated it is
possible to obtain by taking into detailed consideration all various quantifiable
and un-quantifiable factors of technical-economical and environmental nature
an optimum electrical power plant configuration. With the optimum choice for
all ship's engine room systems and optimum operation can the shipowner ex-
pect to get the best return on his investment.

[1] Prof. G. Grossman - "Evaluation of Electric Power Generation Systems for
Container Ships with High Cooling Capacity" - ICMES'87
[2] R.Peter - "Development of Mechanical Superposition Systems for Current
Generation Aboard Vessels", ISME Kobe'90, Kobe October 1990.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 11, © 1995 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

Table 1. Alternative prime movers for electricity generation on board a 17.000 DWT bulk carrier
with a maximum electrical power consumption 350 kW.
Specific: Fuel Oil Consiimption
Type of Maker Type No. of Output MCR Revs. Price'* Fuel
Alternator cyl. (kW) r/min g/kW (g/BHP h)
SxlOf O
Drive 100% MCE 3"
100% MCR Wd = 40000 50% MCR O
Wd = 42700 kJ/kg Wd = 40000
kJ/kg a*
Diesel Eng. Sulzer A20 6 570 900 206 151.5 177.5 MDO H
Diesel Eng. Sulzer S20 4 580 900 194 (143) 207 (152) 218 (160.3) 288 HFO
Diesel Eng. Wartsila R22 4 560 750 192 (141) 205 (151) 216 (159.3) 292 HFO o
Diesel Eng. MAN-B&W L23/30E 5 550 750 193 (142) 206 (151.5) 222 (163.3) 325 HFO £
Shaft Gen. RENK BW - 41l-> 1800 175» (126) 187 (137.4) 184^ (135.3) 540 HFO a'
Shaft Gen. RENK BW - 411-> 1800 175') (128.7) 187 (137.4) 184') (135.3) 400 HFO

Prices valid for mid 1995 quoted by Szczecin Shipyard (Poland) based on offers from particular producers of equipment in question. Prices
do not include installation cost.
Max. power taken by the shaft generator of installed power 450 kW from the M.E. at shaft generator overall efficiency r|s G = 0,90 shall be:
Specific fuel oil consumption of M.E. (MAN B&W) L50 MC at MCR.
Specific fuel oil consumption of M.E. at service load 85%.
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Marine Technology and Transportation 413

Table 2. Electricity Production on Board Ships,

Investment and Operating Costs Calculations.

1 2 3 4
Elect. Consumption
Max.: (kW) 370 370 370 370
Average: (kW)
in port 200 200 200 200
at sea 300 300 300 ]oo
Investment Cost 966.0^ 1270.0^
xlO^S 639.0') 1160.0-' 826.0^ 1130^
Difference in Investment 4-327.0^) +631.0^
Costs 0 +521.0
xlO^S 4-187.0^ +491.0^)
Engine SFOC (g/kWhf
in port 230^ 235^ 230D.G** 230 D.G^
at sea 180 216 184 S.G 184 S.G
Fuel Consumption
^ port 1.22 1.25 1.22 1.25
(j/aayj 1.47
at sea 1.74 T/73 147
Fuel Use /year assumed- 110 days in iort, 250 days at sea
in port 1342 137.5 134.2 137.5
at sea 435.0 432.5 367.5 367.5
Total: 569.2 570.0 501.7 505.0
Fuel Cost/year 88.22*) 57.00*) 57.55 *) 50.50*)
xlO^S 79.68?) 42.75?) 46.35 ?) 37.87?)
Cost Difference Reference -77.1')
-77.1?) 0 ?>
inP°i\S,, ,, -140.0 — 11 <OJV.4
A i rQ A
at sea Base
Yearly Fuel Cost
difference -8476.0?) 0 ?> -8476.0 ?'
*nP°rt _ , , Reference -28462.0 -33337.0 -33337.0
at sea Base
-37208 -33337 -41813
Maintenance costs
($/year) 4560,0*) 8400.0*) 1705.0*) 2878.0*)
Total yearly operational 92786*) 60840*) 60406*) 52182*)
costs $/year 84248?) 46590?) 49205?) 39557?)
Total yearly savings Reference 31946*) 32380*) 40604*)
$/year Base 37658?) 35043?) 44691?'
Net Present Value (NPV) Reference -91.6*) +248.3 "> +54.9 "
xlO^$ Base -14.9 *> +284.0 ?} 4-108.8 ^
after n= 20 years
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 11, © 1995 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

414 Marine Technology and Transportation

Remarks: relevant to table 2:

1. 3 Diesel Gen. Sets with 6 cyl. Sulzer A20 engines at price 177,5 x 10* $ each, to
total investment costs added are installation costs ~ 20% of one Diesel Gen. Set
price. The system does not require a separate lub. oil purification system. Price of
1 Diesel Gen. Set with installation is then 177,5 • 10^ + 0,2 x 177,5 • 10* $ = 213 •
2. 3 Diesel Gen. Sets with 4 cyl. Wartsila R22 engines at price 292 x 10* $ each, to
total investment costs added are installation costs: ~ 25% of one Diesel Gen. Set
price + 65 • 10^ $ for the l.o. purification system (lub. oil purifier, heater etc.)
serving the three Diesel Gen. Sets.
3. The RENK TACKE type B III L 50/RCF 450 shaft generator cost is a) 540 •!<)*$
or as an alternative a BW II/L 50/RCF 450 shaft generator cost is b) 400 $ 10\
4. Specific fuel oil Consumption at part load of Diesel Gen., (50-60%) at sea and
35% in harbour.
5. Specific fuel oil consumption - for D.G. at harbour and S.G. at sea.
6. Fuel prices April-May'95 spot Rotterdam were: MDO-155 $/t, IFO 380 - 100 $.
7. Average fuel prices in year '94 at Rotterdam, Singapore, New Orleans, MDO -
Alternative 1 - 3 Diesel Gen. Sets operating on MDO
Alternative 2-3 Diesel Gen. Sets operating on HFO
Alternative 3-2 Diesel Gen. Sets (MDO) + 1 Shaft Generator
Alternative 4-2 Diesel Gen. Sets (HFO) + 1 Shaft Generator
8. To all specific fuel oil consumption figures the l.o consumption of the auxiliary
engines was added i.e. lOg/kWh of fuel consumption represents the difference
between 2.0 g/kWh of l.o. consumption of medium speed engines (average value
for Sulzer S20) and 1.4 g/kWh of L.O. consumption by the main engine driving
the shaft generator, thus there was not a correction made of fuel consumption for
the M.E. L.O. consumption.
9. Assumed maintenance and spare parts costs (MAN - B&W) data):
DG run on HFO - 15 $/kW/year
DG run on MDO - 8 $/kW/year
SG run on HFO - 1 $/kW/year
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 11, © 1995 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509

Marine Technology and Transportation 415


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