Statistical Mechanics: Alice Pagano
Statistical Mechanics: Alice Pagano
Statistical Mechanics: Alice Pagano
Edited By
Alice Pagano
The University of Padua
Academic year 2019-2020
Source available:
In this document I have tried to reorder the notes of the statistical mechanics course
held by Professor Enzo Orlandini at the Department of Physics of the University of
Padua during the first semester of the 2019-20 academic year of the master’s degree.
The notes are fully integrated with the material provided by the professor in the
Moodle platform. In addition, I will integrate them, as best as possible, with the
books recommended by the professor.
There may be formatting errors, wrong marks, missing exponents etc. If you find
errors, let me know ( and I will correct them, so that
this document can be a good study support.
Introduction ix
1 Recall of Thermodynamics 1
1.1 A short recap of thermodynamics definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Equilibrium states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Equations of states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Legendre transform and thermodynamic potentials . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Maxwell relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6 Response functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.6.1 Response functions and thermodynamic stability . . . . . . . . 12
9 Non ideal fluids: Mean field theory, Van der Walls, Virial expansion
and Cluster expansion 121
9.1 Mean field theory for fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
9.2 Van der Waals equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
9.2.1 Critical point of Van der Waals equation of state . . . . . . . . 123
9.2.2 Law of corresponding states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
9.2.3 Region of coexistence and Maxwell’s equal area rule . . . . . . 125
9.2.4 Critical exponents of Van der Walls equation . . . . . . . . . . 127
9.3 Theories of weakly interacting fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
9.3.1 Van der Walls and virial expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
9.3.2 Cluster expansion technique for weakly interacting gases . . . . 131
9.3.3 Computation of virial coefficients for some interaction poten-
tials Φ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
9.3.4 Higher order terms in the cluster expansion . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Conclusions 239
Bibliography 241
The introduction of pair interactions between the particles of the ideal gas allows
us to obtain the standard model for simple fluids. Generally speaking, this model
cannot be resolved exactly and is studied by means of perturbation or numerical
techniques. It allows one to describe the behavior of real gases (especially noble
gases), and the liquid–vapor transition (boiling and condensation).
The preceding models are of a classical (nonquantum) nature and can be applied
only when the temperatures are not too low. The quantum effects that follow from
the inability to distinguish particles are very important for phenomenology, and they
can be dealt with at the introductory level if one omits interactions between particles.
In many of the statistical models we will describe, however, the system’s fun-
damental elements will not be “particles,” and the fundamental degrees of freedom
will not be mechanical (position and velocity or impulse). If we want to understand
the origin of ferromagnetism, for example, we should isolate only those degrees of
freedom that are relevant to the phenomenon being examined (the orientation of
the electrons’ magnetic moment) from all those that are otherwise pertinent to the
material in question.
The simplest case is that in which there are only two values—in this fashion, we
obtain a simple model of ferromagnetism, known as the Ising model, which is by far
the most studied model in statistical mechanics. The ferromagnetic solid is therefore
represented as a regular lattice in space, each point of which is associated with a
degree of freedom, called spin, which can assume the values +1 and -1. This model
allows one to describe the paramagnet-ferromagnet transition, as well as other similar
In this course, classical statistical mechanics of system at equilibrium is treated.
The exam is divided into two parts: first, common oral exam (same exercise and
question for everyone, it is a written part), second part, oral.
Outline of the course
1. Brief recap of thermodinamics.
10. Role of dimension and range of interactions in critical phenomena (lower critical
13. Relevance of fluctuations: the Geinzburg criterium and the notion of the upper
critical dimension.
19. The theory of renormalisations group and the origin of universality in critical
Chapter 1
Recall of Thermodynamics
Lecture 1.
1.1 A short recap of thermodynamics definitions Wednesday 9th
October, 2019.
The systems we are considering are Compiled:
Wednesday 5th
1. In equilibrium with an external bath at fixed temperature T. February, 2020.
2 Chapter 1. Recall of Thermodynamics
Suppose that the system changes slow in time, it goes from an equilibrium state
to another one and the transformation is so slow that in each ∆t the system is at
equilibrium. Hence, considering a sequence of equilibrium states, the quasi-static
transformation are described by the 1st Law of Thermodynamic:
dU = δQ − δW (1.1)
The variation of the internal energy of the systems depends by two factors, δw that
is the work done by the system during a quasi-static process (infinitive slow), and δQ
that is the heat absorbed by the system during the process. Remember that we write
dU because it is a differential quantity, while the other quantities with the δ are only
small quantities. Therefore, dU is a function of state, the other are not.
Remark. The convention is δQ > 0 if the heat is absorbed by the system, and δW > 0
if the work is done by the system.
For example, considering a simple fluid with a given pressure ,if we change the
volume, the work done by the systems is δW = P dV . For a magnetized system, we
have δW = −H ~ · d M.
In conclusion, starting from an equilibrium state and removing some constraints
(i.e. wall properties), we want to find the new equilibrium state compatible with the
new constrains.
Suppose a system with adiabatic rigid impermeable constraints. The system on
the left is characterized by V1 , N1 , U1 , the one on the right by V2 , N2 , U2 . There are
many ways for solving this problem. We use the most general way, that is by using
the maximum entropy principle. If exists a function S of the extensive variables of
the system that is defined for all equilibrium states, we call it entropy and the 1st
fundamental relation is
S = S(U, V, N ) (1.2)
The new values taken by the extensive parameters when a constraint has been re-
moved are the ones that maximize S. It means dS = 0 and d2 S < 0, given the
remaining constraint.
The properties of S are:
Therefore, we have ∂S
6= 0 and it can be inverted locally.
∂U V,N
Afterwards, S = S(U, V, N ) inverted in U gives the 2st fundamental relation
U = U (S, V, N ) (1.6)
It means that, we can look or S or U and, when this quantities are known, all the
informations about the system can be obtained.
By taking the differential of the fundamental relation
U = U (S, V, N1 , . . . , Nr )
one gets
∂U ∂U X ∂U
dU = dS + dV + dNj (1.7)
∂S V,Nj ∂V S,Nj ∂Nj S,V
| {z } | {z } | {z }
T −P µj
absolute pressure electrochemical
temperature potential
T = T (S, V, N1 , . . . , Nr ) (1.8a)
P = P (S, V, N1 , . . . , Nr ) (1.8b)
µj = µj (S, V, N1 , . . . , Nr ) (1.8c)
Remark. If all the state equations are known, the fundamental relation is determined
a part from a constant. It means that the coefficients of the differential (1.7) are
Example 1
Let us see some examples of equations of state:
• For an ideal gas:
P V = N Kb T (1.9)
• Van-Der Walls equation of the state:
αN 2
P+ (V − N b) = N kb T (1.10)
• For magnetic systems, another equation of state is the Curie Law :
M= (1.11)
4 Chapter 1. Recall of Thermodynamics
Remark. We compute ∂U
∂M S,N = H.
The equations of state are homogeneous functions of zero degree. For example,
considering the temperature T :
T (λS, λV, λN ) = T (S, V, N )
Now, we keep the S parameter separates from the other that are substituted
by generalized displacements, as (V, N1 , . . . , Nr ) → Xj . The fundamental relation
U = U (S, X1 , . . . , Xr+1 ) (1.12)
and we define:
≡T (1.13a)
≡ Pj (1.13b)
The differential is written as the following:
dU = T dS + Pj dXj (1.14)
dU = 0
one can get a relation between intensive variables in differential form as the Gibbs-
Duhem relation:
S dT + Xj dPj = 0 (1.15)
For a one-component simple fluid system, the equation (1.15) simplifies into
S dT − V dP + N dµ = 0
dµ = −s dT + v dP (1.16)
Xk → Pk ≡ (1.20)
i.e. Pk substitutes Xk as a new independent variable. In mathematics this is called
Legendre transform.
The thermodynamic potentials are extremely useful tools, whose name derives
from an analogy with mechanical potential energy: as we will later see, in certain
circumstances the work obtainable from a macroscopic system is related to the change
of an appropriately defined function, the thermodynamic potential. They are useful
because they allow one to define quantities which are experimentally more easy to
control and to rewrite the fundamental thermodynamic relations in terms of them.
Mathematically, all the thermodynamic potentials are the result of a Legendre
transformation of the internal energy, namely they are a rewriting of the internal
energy so that a variable has been substituted with another.
Example 2: How to calculate thermodynamic potentials
Suppose we want to replace the entropy S with its conjugate derivative
T =
One starts form the fundamental relation
U = U (S, V, N1 , . . . )
and transforms U such that S is replaced by T as a new independent variable.
Let us consider the transformation
A≡U −S = U − TS
By differentiating A we get
dA = dU − T dS − S dT
On the other hand X
dU = T dS + Pj dXj
It implies that
dA = −S dT + Pj dXj
A smooth function is a function that has continuous derivatives up to some desired order over
some domain.
6 Chapter 1. Recall of Thermodynamics
A ≡ U − TS (1.21)
dA = dU − d(T S) = δQ − T dS − S dT − δW
δW = (δQ − T dS) − S dT − dA (1.22)
On the other hand, for a reversible transformation we have
δQ = T dS
which implies
δW = −S dT − dA (1.23)
If the reversible transformation is also isothermal, dT = 0 and we obtain dA = dW .
It is reminiscent of a potential energy.
Remark. For an isothermal but not reversible (spontaneous) process we know the 2nd
Law of Thermodynamics
δQ ≤ T dS
which implies
(δW )irr = δQ − T dS − dA ≤ − dA . (1.24)
Hence, if δW = 0 and dT = 0, we have dA ≤ 0. Therefore, in a spontaneous
(irreversible) process, the thermodynamic system, as a function of T,V,N etc, evolves
towards a minimum of the Helmoltz free energy A = A(T, V, N1 , . . . , Nr ).
In the case of a system with (P, V, T ), we have:
dA = −S dT − P dV + µj dNj (1.25)
−S = (1.26a)
∂T V,Nj
−P = (1.26b)
∂V T,Nj
µj = (1.26c)
∂Nj T,V
~ M,
For a magnetic system (H, ~ T ):
~ · dM
~ +
dA = −S dT + H µj dNj (1.27)
Hα = (1.28)
∂Mα T,{Nj }
1.4. Legendre transform and thermodynamic potentials 7
The Hentalpy is the partial Legendre transform of U that replaces the volume
V with the pressure P as independent variable.
Consider U = U (S, V, N1 , . . . , Nr ) and −P = ∂V
, we define the hentalpy as
H = U + PV (1.29)
Remark. Note that the plus sign in the definition of the hentalpy is just because the
minus of the P.
We have:
dH = dU + P dV + V dP
= T dS −
+ µj dNj +
+ V dP
j (1.30)
= T dS + V dP + µj dNj
Gibbs potential
The Gibss potential is obtained by performing the Legendre transform of U to
replace S and V with T and P.
Consider again U = U (S, V, N1 , . . . , Nr ) and T = ∂U
∂S , −P = ∂V , then we have:
G = U − TS + PV = A + PV (1.31)
For a simple fluid system
dG = dU − T dS − S dT + P dV + V dP
T −
dS PdV
+ µj dNj −
T − S dT +
dS PdV
+ V dP
j (1.32)
= −S dT + V dP + µj dNj
Hence, G = G(T, P, N1 , . . . , Nr ).
For a magnetic system, the Gibbs potential is defined as
~ ·H
G=A−M ~ (1.33)
~ ·H
dG = dA − d M ~ = d(U − T S) − d(−M~ · H)
~ ·H
= dU − T dS − S dT − d M ~ −M ~ · dH
+ ~
H ~ −
· dM T − S dT −
dS ~
dM ~ −M
·H ~ · dH
~ · dH
= −S dT − M ~
~ and also
and finally G = G(T, H)
S=− (1.35a)
∂T H ~
~ = − ∂G
M (1.35b)
~ T
8 Chapter 1. Recall of Thermodynamics
X r
dΩ = dU − S dT − T dS − dµj Nj − µi dNi
ij i=1
r r (1.37)
= (δQ − T dS) − δW − S dT − dµj Nj − µj dNj
j=1 j=1
Instead, the Maxwell relations are relations between the mixed derivatives
of the thermodynamic potentials. They can be obtained from the expressions of
dU , dH , dA , dG and dΩ and from the Schwarz theorem on mixed partial deriva-
Due to Schwarz theorem, if a thermodynamic potential depends on t + 1 variables
there will be t(t+1)
2 independent mixed derivatives.
1.5. Maxwell relations 9
dU = T dS − P dV + µ dN (1.39)
∂U ∂U
T = −P =
∂S V,N ∂V S,N
It implies that
∂2U ∂2U
∂T ∂P
= = =−
∂V ∂S ∂V from
S,N Schwarz ∂S∂V ∂S V,N
All the 3 Maxweel relations obtained by the differential (1.39) with t = 2, for
which we have t + 1 = 3 and t(t+1)
2 = 3 ([S, V, N ]), are
∂T ∂P
(S, V ) : =− (1.40a)
∂V S,N ∂S V,N
∂T ∂µ
(S, N ) : = (1.40b)
∂N V,S ∂S V,N
∂P ∂µ
(V, N ) : − = (1.40c)
∂N S,V ∂V S,N
dA = −S dT − P dV + µ dN (1.41)
In this case the 3 Maxweel relations ([T, V, N ]) are
∂S ∂P
(T, V ) : = (1.42a)
∂V T,N ∂T V,N
∂S ∂µ
(T, N ) : − = (1.42b)
∂N T,V ∂T V,N
∂P ∂µ
(V, N ) : − = (1.42c)
∂N V,T ∂V T,N
dG = −S dT + V dP + µ dN (1.43)
10 Chapter 1. Recall of Thermodynamics
• Adiabatic compressibility.
1 ∂V 1
kS = − = − (1.46)
V ∂P ∂H
S,N V =( ∂P )S,N V ∂P 2 S,N
• Isothermal compressibility.
1 ∂V 1
kT = − = − (1.47)
V ∂P T,N V =( ∂G
∂P )T,N
V ∂P 2 T,N
δQ ∂S
cP = =T = −T (1.48)
dT P,N ∂T P,N −S=( ∂G
∂T )
∂T 2 P,N
~ H
More generals, M, ~ we have
∂ 2 G
∂Mα ∂G
χαβ = , Mα = − ⇒ χαβ = (1.51)
∂Hβ T ∂Hα T ∂Hβ ∂Hα T
Remark. Note that the response functions, when used with the Maxwell relations, al-
low to express observables usually inaccessible to experiments with measurable quan-
Let us illustrate a lemma useful for calculation:
Lemma 1
Let x, y, z be quantities that satisfy the relation f (x, y, z) = 0. If w is a function
of two any variables chosen between x, y, z, then:
1. ∂x = ∂x
∂y ∂z w ∂z ww
∂x 1
2. ∂y z ∂y =
( ∂x )z
∂x ∂y ∂z
3. ∂y ∂z = −1 (concatenation relation or triple product rule).
z x ∂x y
Example 7
The Maxwell relation
∂S ∂V
∂P T,N ∂T P,N
obtained from
dG = −S dT + V dP
((T, P ) equation) used with the response function αP , permits to write
= −V αP (1.52)
∂P T,N | {z }
| {z } measurable
to experiments
Example 8
Let us start with the Maxwell relation
∂S ∂P
∂V T,N ∂T V,N
obtained from ((T, V ) equation)
dA = −S dT − P dV
From some property of multi-variable differential calculus one has the triple
product rule:
∂P ∂V ∂T
= −1
∂T V,N ∂P T,N ∂V P,N
∂P ∂T P,N
= ∂V ∂T
=− ∂V
V,N ∂P T,N ∂V P,N ∂P T,N (1.53)
−V αP αP
= =
−V kT kT
12 Chapter 1. Recall of Thermodynamics
cH ≥ 0, cM ≥ 0, χT ≥ 0 (1.56)
Exercise 1
By using Maxwell relations show that
T V αP2 ∂V 2
cP − cV = = T (1.57a)
kT V kT ∂T P
T ∂M
cH − cM = (1.57b)
χT ∂T H
A consequence is that, since the right hand terms are non negative, it follows
that (
cP ≥ cV ≥ 0
cH ≥ cM ≥ 0
For resuming, we have seen the thermodynamic of a phase, where the equilibrium
state can be described by the maximum of the entropy. If we have a given phase, we
can look for the Gibbs function. If we have more phases, we want to change between
these phases.
14 Chapter 1. Recall of Thermodynamics
Chapter 2
16 Chapter 2. Equilibrium phases and thermodynamics of phase transitions
plane of the intersection between different surfaces, so the coexistence condition is:
gα (T, P ) = gβ (T, P ) (2.2)
g(T, P )
To fix the ideas, let us choose a given value of pressure P = P ∗ and study the
behavior of g(T, P ∗ ) as a function of T when we go from solid to gas, as illustrated
in Figure 2.2.
a b gas
f reezing point
boiling point
T triple Tc T
The existence of a critical point has a very intriguing consequence: since the
liquid-gas coexistence line ends in a point, this means that a liquid can continuously
2.2. First order phase transition and phase coexistence 17
Figure 2.3: (g, T ) projection at a fixed pression P = P ∗ . The red line is the coexistence
line of the two phases α and β.
be transformed in a gas (or viceversa), and in such a way that the coexistence of
liquid and gaseous phases is never encountered.
At the coexistence line, gsolid (Ta , P ∗ ) = gliq (Ta ) and gliq (Tb ) = ggas (Tb , P ∗ ), as
shown in Figure 2.3.
Note also that:
= = −vkT < 0 (2.3)
∂P 2 ∂P T
so, also in this case we had a jump of the first order derivative of the thermodynamic
potential g. It is illustrated in Figure 2.6.
18 Chapter 2. Equilibrium phases and thermodynamics of phase transitions
f ixed P
∆sT = latent
Ta Tb T
P g
f ixed T
b liquid
T triple
Tc T gas liquid solid P
Figure 2.5: Left: (T, P ) projection. Right: (g, P ) projection at a fixed temperature
T = T ∗.
f ixed P
∆s = ∆v = 0
Usually, critical points are end point of first order transition phases. Why there is
no critical point between solid and liquid? The crossover between phases having the
same symmetry define the Landau point. There is a break of symmetry, for instance
we can think about the structure of the bravais lattice. Instead, from gas to liquid
symmetries are not broken.
critical point
1 atm
f reezing point
boiling point
Tc T
T triple
Figure 2.7: Phase diagram of a fluid. All the phase transition are first-order except at
the critical point C. Beyond C it is possible to move continuously from liquid to a gas. The
boundary between the solid and liquid phases is thought to be always first-oder and not to
terminate in a critical point.
phase positive M
T∗ Tc T
Figure 2.8: Phase diagram for a magnetic system in (T, H) space. A line of first-order
transitions at zero field ends in a critical point at a temperature Tc .
<M >
T = T∗ < Tc
g s
Ta Ta
Ta Ta
If we look for example at the specific heat cP in Figure 2.10d, it represent the
transition from superconducting.
22 Chapter 2. Equilibrium phases and thermodynamics of phase transitions
The critical point is special because there is not a jump, so we can go continuously
from gas to liquid. The response function when we plot this point shows that the
specific heat diverges.
The superfluid transition is a transition where the second derivative of the thermo-
dynamic potential diverges. There are many phase transitions that can be classified
in different ways.
Remark. Note that at the coexistence line we increase V, but the pressure remains
constant. At the coexistence line we see bubbles. It is the density that is changing
locally, the bubbles becomes bigger and bigger and at the VG , becomes a liquid.
f ixed T
1 ∂2A
1 ∂V 1 ∂P
kT = − =− = >0 (2.6)
V ∂P T V ∂V T V ∂V 2 T
• wB
α : is the mass fraction of element B in the α phase.
• wB : is the mass fraction of element B in the β phase.
Example 9
Consider Figure 2.12; at all points between A and B the system is a mixture
of gas and liquid. Points D has global density ρD = ρA + ρB and therefore
vD = ρ1D , vA = ρ1A , vB = ρ1B which implies:
vD = vA + vB = xA vA + xB vB
Since xA + xB = 1 we have (xA + xB )vD = xA vA + xB vB and finally by rear-
ranging, one finds the Lever Rule. It shows that the relative concentration of
the liquid-gas mixture changes with V :
xA vB − vD
xB vD − vA
T > Tc
T = Tc
T < Tc
Figure 2.12: (V, P ) projection. In the region between A and B the gas and the liquid
phase coexist by keeping the pressure constant.
T1 = T2 , P1 = P2 , µ1 = µ2 (2.8)
Po + dP
g1 = g2
Tmelt Tm + dT T
Figure 2.13: (T, P ) projection. The coexistence line is represented in red, while in green
the slope between the two points a and b.
−(s2 − s1 ) dT + (v2 − v1 ) dP = 0
(s2 − s1 )
dP ∆s
= = (2.15)
dT coex (v2 − v1 ) ∆v
Remark. Since (dP / dT )coex is finite, the equation explains why a first order tran-
sition is characterised by discontinuous changes in entropy and volume (or density).
∆S gives the latent heat L12 1 :
L12 = T ∆s (2.16)
whence, the Clapeyron equation is
dP L12
= (2.17)
dT T ∆v
Figure 2.14: (T, P ) projection. Region 1: liquid. Region 2: gas. The lines represent the
combinations of pressures and temperatures at which two phases can exist in equilibrium.
and since v2 > v1 , we have s2 > s1 . The gas has more entropy as it should be.
The slope of the phase curve is positive, then an increase in pressure at constant
temperature tends to drive the system to the more dense (solid) phase, and an increase
in temperature tends to drive the system to the more entropic (liquid) phase.
When going from a low-temperature phase to a high-temperature phase entropy
always increases ∆S > 0, because cP ≡ T (∂S/∂T )P > 0.
The sign of ∆V is more uncertain though. To see this point, let us consider the
C-C equation at the solid-liquid (now solid is region 1 and liquid region 2) coexistence
curve. At the melt temperature:
dP δQmelt
= , δQmelt = Qliq − Qsolid > 0
dT coex Tmelt ∆vmelt
In general, ∆vm = vliq − vsolid > 0 which implies (dP / dT )coex > 0. There are
cases, however, where ∆vm = vliq − vsolid < 0 because ρliq > ρsolid (for instance
the H2 0, or also Silicon and Germanium). The paradigmatic example is the freezing
of water where vice > vliq since ice is less dense than liquid water at the coxistence
(0 < T < 4). This implies that dP / dT < 0.
Example 10: Melting point on Everest
Consider T = 237K and P = P0 . If we suppose that
we have
dP δQm 6.01103 J/mol
= = = −1.29 · 104 J/m3 = −1.29bar/K
dT T ∆v 273 · (−1.7cm3 /mol)
∆V = Vg − Vl ≈ Vg =
We have:
dP Lge Lge ρg 2.25 · 103 J/g · 0.593kg/m3 3.6 103 J kg Pa
= = = = 3
= 3.6·103
dT T ∆V T 373K K g m K
Tc T
H=0 T
Variable conjugate to OP
~ →H
• Ferromagnetic system: M ~ (magnetic field).
~ →E
• Ferroelectric: P ~ (electric field).
~ H.
• Liquid crystals: Qαβ → E, ~
• Fluid : V → P (pressure), or ρ → µ.
2. Ones who do not develop latent heat. The entropy changes continuously at the
Remark. There are first order transitions where S is continuous (no latent heat), but
ρ is discontinuous (v = (∂G/∂P )T ).
2.7. Critical exponents 29
Example 13
Second order transition. The specific heat displays a finite jump, see Figure
2.17c in the conductor-superconductor transition.
Another example is a second order transition but with divergence. Consider the
fluid-superfluid transition (or λ transition) of the He4 (Figure 2.17d).
χm cp
(cH )
f lex point
Tc T Tc T
(a) (b) Liquid gas kT = − V1 ∂V
cp C
jump diverges
Ts T Tλ T
(c) 2° order phase transition (d) Superfluid in λ-transition
f lex
defined as:
ln |F (t)|
λ± = lim (2.19)
t→0± ln |t|
We note that it behaves like a power law. One can also write the power law :
F (t) ∼ |t|λ± (2.20)
• Exponent δ : in this case one consider the isotherm T = Tc and look for
the behaviour of M at the critical point at small H (or viceversa). The
result is M ∼ H 1/δ . In Figure 2.19d, H ∼ |M |δ sign(M ).
M χ
Tc T Tc T
(a) Exponent β. (b) Exponent γ± .
cH M
T = Tc
Tc T
(c) Exponent α± . (d) Exponent δ.
Figure 2.19
Table 2.1: Definitions of the most commonly used critical exponents for a magnetic system
Remark. In compiling Table 2.1 and 2.2 we have made the as yet totally unjustified
32 Chapter 2. Equilibrium phases and thermodynamics of phase transitions
Table 2.2: Definitions of the most commonly used critical exponents for a fluid system [4].
assumption that the critical exponent associated with a given thermodynamic variable
is the same as T → Tc from above or below.
Rushbrocke inequality
It follows from the well known thermodynamic relation between the specific heats
at constant field and constant magnetization. Remember the relation between re-
sponse functions:
1 ∂v 2
2 1 ∂v
kT (cp − cv ) = T vα = T v 2 =T
v ∂T P v ∂T P
2.7. Critical exponents 33
(a) N -Polymer.
1 = Tc /Tc T /Tc
Figure 2.20
which implies
T ∂M
cH ≥ (2.22)
χT ∂T H
On the other hand, for T → Tc− (t → 0− ) and H = 0 (zero field) we have
cH ∼ (−t)
χT ∼ (−t)−γ
M ∼ (−t)β
that implies
∼ (−t)β−1
∂T H=0
Since the inequality (2.22) is valid for all temperature T, it follows that can only be
obeyed if
[(Tc − T )β−1 ]2
B(Tc − T )−α ≥ B 0 T
(Tc − T )−γ
with B, B 0 > 0. Take the limit T → Tc− , we have:
lim (Tc − T )2−α−2β−γ ≥ >0
T →Tc− B
Since the left hand side must be strictly greater than zero, we have the RushBrook
α + 2β + γ ≥ 2 (2.23)
34 Chapter 2. Equilibrium phases and thermodynamics of phase transitions
Griffith inequality
The Griffith inequality is obtained from the convexity property (in T and V ) of
the Helmolds free energy and from A ∼ t2−α :
⇒ α + β(1 + δ) ≥ 2 (2.24)
We have introduced two very new ideas, universality and inequalities between the
critical exponents, which appear to hold as equalities (see Sec.12.3.5).
In the intervening chapters, we look at models of systems which undergo phase
transitions and how to calculate their critical exponents and other properties.
Chapter 3
Another way to say is: the system spends the same amount of time in each of the
Ω(E, V, N ) microstates.
Therefore, we call a single configuration of a given microstate C. A configuration
is just when you have the spatial part, because momentum can be obtained by inte-
grating. Let us suppose to compute the probability of a given configuration C, PC ;
because of equal probability we have:
PC = (3.1)
Ω(E, V, N )
Now, let us now consider two subsystem 1 and 2 that can exchange energy, volume
and/or particles. The number of microstates, of the combined system, of total energy
ET = E1 + E2 , total volume VT = V1 + V2 and NT = N1 + N2 is given by:
Ω(ET , VT , NT ) = Ω1 (E1 , V1 , N1 )Ω2 (ET − E1 , VT − V1 , NT − N1 ) (3.2)
E1 ,V1 ,N1
One can show that, in the thermodynamic limit, Ω(ET , VT , NT ) is strongly peaked
around a given point (E1∗ , V1∗ , N1∗ ) and the fluctuations around this value are rare and
small. Writing Ω(ET , VT , NT ) as
S(ET ,VT ,NT ) X 1
Ω(ET , VT , NT ) ∝ e kB
= exp (S1 (E1 , V1 , N1 ) + S2 (E2 , V2 , N2 ))
E1 ,V1 ,N1
36 Chapter 3. Recall of statistical mechanics and theory of ensembles
We next consider these properties to the case in which 1 is the system we want to
study and 2 is a much larger system than 1 (a bath). This setup will bring us to the
canonical ensemble.
Figure 3.1: Isolated system. There are two subsystems, S constituted by red points and
B constituted by the black one.
Let us consider an isolated system made by two subsystems, one S and one much
larger, B, that we call thermal bath (Figure 3.1). The total number of particles is
given by NT = NB + NS with NB NS 1 (they are both large but B is much
larger than S ), where NB are the particles in the thermal bath and NS the particle
of the system.
Let ET be the energy of the composite system. The two subsystems can exchange
energy but the whole system has constant energy ET . Therefore, let the energy to be
free to fluctuate in time at fixed temperature TB (isothermal ensembles). Note that
VS , NS , VB , NB are fixed (no exchange of volume and particles).
For resuming, other quantities fixed are the temperature of the bath TB , the
number of the total particles of the system NT , and also the total volume VT . We
have also VT = VB + VS , with VB VS .
The key to the canonical formalism is the determination of the probability dis-
tribution of the system among its microstates. And this problem is solved by the
realization that the system plus the bath constitute a closed system, with fixed tem-
perature, to which the principle of equal probability of microstates applies.
If one assumes that the system and the bath are weakly coupled (neglet interaction
ET = ES + EB = const EB ES
Let C by the microstate of the system S, and G the microstate of the heat bath B.
A given microstate of the isolated composite system B-S is given from a pair (C, G)
3.2. The canonical ensemble 37
From the principle of equal probability for microstates at equilibrium, the proba-
bility of a composed microstate (C ◦ G) is given by:
EC + EG = ET
PC◦G = ΩT (ET )
0 otherwise
ΩB (EG ) = ΩB (ET − EC )
This implies that the probability of a given configuration is related to the number of
microstate of the bath:
ΩB (ET − EC )
⇒ PC = ∝ ΩB (ET − EC ) (3.8)
ΩT (ET )
⇒ kB ln ΩB (ET − EC ) = SB (3.9)
EC2 ∂ 2 SB
kB ln ΩB (EB ) = SB (EB ) = SB (ET ) − EC + 2 + ...
To make explicit the NB dependence, let us consider the molar version
SB → NB sB EB → NB eB
E2 ∂ 2 sB
SB = NB sB = NB sB (ET ) − EC + C
∂eB eB =eT 2NB ∂e2B
38 Chapter 3. Recall of statistical mechanics and theory of ensembles
Let us consider the limit in which the system size is fixed, while the one of the heat
bath is going to ∞:
z }|B {
lim = → eB (3.11a)
lim kB ln ΩB (ET − EC ) → NB sB − EC (3.11b)
NB →∞ deB
On the other hand,
dsB 1 1
≡ =
deB TB T
which implies
PC ∝ ΩB (ET − EC ) = exp = exp −
kB kB kB T
Since the first therm does not depend on C, it can be absorbed in the constant and
what we get by expanding considering the huge number of particles
PC ∝ exp(−EC /kB T ) (3.12)
Remark. Since the energy of the system fluctuates, its microstates are not anywhere
equiprobable, but are visited with probability given by (3.12).
Remark. Since the bath is very large, T is the only property of the bath that affects
the system. The Boltzmann factor is defined as:
β≡ (3.13)
kB T
The normalization consists in dividing by the normalization factor, that is the
sum of all microstates
PC = P −βE (3.14)
that is the free energy describing the isothermal (or canonical) ensemble at fixed T,
volume V and number of particles N.
Remark. X X
Q(T, V, N ) = e−βE(C) = e−βE Ω(E, V, N )
V,N fixed
What we have done is a foliation in energy of the space, that is a sum over the energy
(keeping {V, N } fixed):
Q(T, V, N ) = e−βE Ω(E, V, N ) = e−βE eS/kB = e−β(E−T S)
Q(T, V, N ) = e−βA ⇒ A = −kB T ln Q(T, V, N )
3.2. The canonical ensemble 39
U =− ln Q (3.18)
Remark. Remember that thermodynamic assume that the number of number of free-
dom is related to the number of Avogadro.
On the other hand,
∂Q(T,V,N )
∂β = − ∂ ln Q
hEi = PC EC = EC P −βEC
= −
C C Ce Q ∂β N,V
2 X ∂β 2
E = PC EC2 =
1 ∂2Q 1 ∂Q 2
(δE)2 = (E − hEi)2 =
Q ∂β 2 N,V Q2 ∂β N,V
∂ hEi
∂ ln Q
= =−
∂β 2 N,V ∂β N,V
cV = (3.20)
∂T N,V
we have
(δE)2 = kB T 2 cV (3.21)
ET = E + EB
VT = V + VB
We look for the partition function that describes this isothermal and isobaric ensem-
ble. Similarly to the previous case, one can write
Remark. Now, C is specified both by its volume V and energy E. As before, one
can expand log ΩB both in EB and in VB (around ET and VT ) and take the limit
NB → ∞.
" #
SB (ET , VT ) EC ∂SB VC ∂SB 1
PC ∝ exp − − + term '
Recalling that (
dS P PB → P
= with (3.25)
dV E T TB → T
⇒ PC ∝ exp − − (3.26)
kB T kB T
If we normalize:
e−β(EC +P VC )
PC = (3.27)
∆(T, P, N )
∆(T, P, N ) = e−β(E(C)+P V (C)) (3.28)
Ω(E, V, N ) −β(E+P V )
P (E, V ) = e (3.29)
∆(T, P, N )
3.3. Isothermal and isobaric ensemble 41
∆(T, P, N ) = e−βE−βP V Ω(E, V, N ) = e−βE−βP V +S(E,V,N )/kB (3.30)
| {z }
Laplace transform
−βP V −βH(pN ,rN )
∆(T, P, N ) = dV e d p~1 . . . d p~N e (3.31)
0 h3N N !
which implies
Z ∞
∆(T, P, N ) = dV e−βP V Q(T, V, N ) (3.32)
s = σ + iω
Magnetic system
Since dMB = −H
TB and
dEB = TB :
dS(E ∗ , V ∗ , N ) dS(E ∗ , V ∗ , N )
1 P
= , =
dE V,N T dV E,N T
this implies
−kB T ln ∆(T, P, N ) ' E ∗ + P V ∗ − T S
Hence, we define the Gibbs free energy as:
Θ(T, V, µ) = e−β(EC −µN ) (3.39)
V,N fixed
∂Ω L
(a) Region Ω with boundary ∂Ω. (b) Magnetic system with
characteristic length L.
Figure 4.1
• kn : are the coupling constants. In general, but not always, they are intensive
thermodynamic variables.
44 Chapter 4. Statistical mechanics and phase transitions
To fix the idea, let us consider two classical examples: the magnetic system and the
fluid system.
Θ1 = (4.2a)
S~i · S~j
Θ2 = (4.2b)
We consider the trace operation, that is the sum over all possible values that each
degree of freedom can assume:
Tr ≡ ≡ ··· (4.3)
{C} S~1 S~2 S~N
with β ≡ kB T .
For a generic partition function QΩ (T, {kn }), we can define the finite system free
energy as
FΩ [T, {kn }] = −kB T ln QΩ (T, {kn }) (4.8)
The relation with thermodynamic is trough the theromdynamic limit.
Since the free energy is an extensive function,
FΩ ∝ V (Ω) ∼ Ld
FΩ [T, {kn }] = V (Ω)fb [T, {kn }] + S(Ω)fs [T, {kn }] + O(Ld−2 ) (4.9)
FΩ [T, {kn }]
fb [T, {kn }] ≡ lim (4.10)
V (Ω)→∞ V (Ω)
if the limit exists (to prove for each system) and does not depend on Ω.
N (Ω)
≡ ρ = const
V (Ω)
In general, is not so easy to prove the existence of the limit and it depends on the
range of the particle-particle interactions.
the exponentials are analytic functions everywhere (they converge), hence ZΩ is an-
alytic for Ω finite!
The question is: where do singularities come from? It is only in the thermodynamic
limit that singularities in F and hence points describing phase transitions can arise!
For summarizing, there is no way out of this for producing singularities. The
singularities will develop in the thermodynamic limits. For reaching singularities, we
have to reach so precision in thermodynamic that we are not able to go exactly into
the critical point. How can we relate singularities, geometrically, in the behaviour of
the system?
Remark. The term (−HM ) is the work done by the system against the external field
H to mantain a given magnetization M .
∂ ln ZG 1 h
−β(H(C)−HM (C))
hM i = = Tr M (C)e (4.13)
∂(βH) T ZG
∂ hM i
β h
2 −βH+βHM
i β h h −βH+βHM
χT = = Tr M (C)e − 2 Tr M (C)e
χT = M − hM i2 (4.15)
kB T
The thermodynamic response function χT in statistical mechanics is related to the
variance of the magnetization.
We can relate the above expression with the correlation of the microscopic by
performing a coarse-graining of the system, where the magnetization M (C) can be
computed as an integral Z
M (C) = d3~r m(~r) (4.16)
Hence, Z hD E D Ei
kB T χT = d~r d r~0 m(~r)m(r~0 ) − hm(~r)i m(r~0 ) (4.17)
hm(~r)i = mE
D (4.18)
m(~r)m(r~0 ) ≡ G(~r − r~0 ) two-point correlation function
Instead, let us consider the connected correlation function, i.e. the correlation function
of the fluctuations δm = m − hmi:
m(~r)m(r~0 ) ≡ (m(~r) − hm(~r)i) m(r~0 ) − m(r~0 ) = G(~r − r~0 ) − m2 (4.19)
4.2. Critical point and correlations of fluctuations 47
Given the translational invariance, one can centre the system such that its centre of
mass coincides with the origin
~rCM ⇒ ~r0 ≡ ~0
⇒ d~r d r~0 [G(~r − ~r0 ) − m2 ]
The integration over r~0 gives the volume V (Ω) of the system:
kB T χT = V (Ω) d~r hm(~r)m(~r0 )ic (4.20)
| {z } | {z }
response correlation function
function of the fluctuations
of the local magnetization
meaning that for |~r| > ξ the fluctuations are uncorrelated, where ξ is the correlation
length. The correlation length is related to the correlation function. In general, it is
finite but, if you approach Tc , it diverges. In fact, at the critical point this correlation
will expand in the whole space and reaches the size of all the system, in other words,
it goes to infinity (ξ → ∞). When ξ will diverge, there will not be anymore the
exponential and the integral cannot be keeped finite.
Let g be the value of Gc for |~r| < ξ:
kB T χT ≤ V gξ 3
where there is an inequality because we are understimating the integral (Figure 4.2).
ξ |~r|
t ≡ (T − Tc )/Tc , ξ ∼ ξ0 t−ν
In the next chapters, we will see that ν < 1 and close to 1/2, hence:
We can find the critical point by doing Montecarlo simulation. Supposing a Mon-
tecarlo simulation of a Ising model, for which there is no an analytic solution and
compute the energy. Try to extrapolate for example the position of the peak as N
increases. If we start to see the behaviour as in Figure 4.3, something is happening.
There are two approaches we can use.
The first approach is studying the system by looking for all the details. An example
could be a protein, that interact with other proteins; in this case we can look at all
the electrons (or atoms). Nevertheless, even if we thought at the simple protein that
exists, there would be a lot of degrees of freedom.
For doing a simulation, if we are interested in long time behaviour and in large scale
behaviour, details are not important. What it is important are symmetries, ranges
of interaction. Therefore, we can forget about all the details. We can introduce
the effective potentials as Van der Waals or Lenard Jones potential and studying
collective effects. This is the second approach.
50 Chapter 4. Statistical mechanics and phase transitions
Chapter 5
1. The model must describe the real system in a very detailed way. The maximum
number of details and parameters to be tuned are included. The pro is the closer
to the real specific system (faithfull description). The drawback is that the
model is so complicated that no analytical solution is possible. Moreover, even
numerically, these models can be studied for very short times and small sizes.
An example is the simulation of the folding dynamics that can be performed
for few nanoseconds. On the other hand, the introduction of many details are
often not crucial if one is interested in large scale properties.
2. Try to introduce (coarse-graining approach) the most simple model that satis-
fies few essential properties of the real system such as its symmetries, dimen-
sionality, range of interactions etc. Since most of the microscopic details are
integrated, these models cannot describe the full physics of a specific system but
they can reproduce its main features. Moreover, these models can be studied
numerically and, to some extent, also analytically (exact solution).
It is the latter approach that we shall take here. Let us start by introducing
what is, perhaps, the most paradigmatic model in the statistical mechanics of phase
transition, the Ising model.
52 Chapter 5. Role of the models in statistical mechanics
1X X
HΩ ({Si }) = − Jij Si Sj − Hi Si (5.1)
i,j i=1
where the first term represents a two body interaction that is a quadratic term, while
the second term is a one body interaction. We have put the minus because we want
to minimize the energy, but it depends on the sign of J.
For this model, the sum over all configurations on trace is given by
Tr ≡ ··· ≡
S1 =±1 S2 =±1 SN =±1 {S}
Our problem is to find the partition function with N sites, which depends on T and
in principle depends on the configuration given (it is fixed both for H and J !). Hence,
the canonical partition function is given by
fb (T, {Hi }, {Jij }) = lim FΩ (5.4)
N →∞ N
5.2. The Ising model 53
How do we know that the above limit does exist? It must be proven. The surface
is not important in the bulk limit. Note that we are assuming that the interaction
between the spin is a short range force, it is not as the size of the system.
For this model it is possible to show that the limit exists if
|Jij | < ∞ (5.5)
Remark. In general what determines the existence of the limit of these spin models
are the dimension d and the range of the spins interactions.
For example it is possible to show that, if
ri − r~j |−σ
Jij = A|~ (5.6)
Remark. If the interaction is dipolar, since it decades as 1/r3 , for the case d = 3 the
limit does not exists. However, it is still possible to prove the existence of the limit
for this case if one assumes that not all dipoles are fully aligned.
Assuming that the thermodynamic limit exists, we now look at some additional
rigorous results on the limiting free energy and its derivatives.
N (Ω) N (Ω)
− HΩ ({S}) = J Si Sj + H Si (5.8)
hiji i
where the notation hiji means a double sum over i and j, with the constraint that i
and j are nearest-neighbours.
Since H is uniform, the average magnetization per spin is
N (Ω)
1 X
hmi = hSi i (5.9)
N (Ω)
N N (Ω) N (Ω)
" #
X 1 X 1 X X X
hSi i = Tr Si e−βHΩ ({Si }) = Tr Si expβJ Si Sj + βH Si
i=1 i i hiji i
1 1
fb = lim FΩ = lim (−kB T ln ZN ) (5.12)
N →∞ N N →∞ N
3. The right and left derivatives of fb (T, J, H) exist and are equal almost every-
∂fb 2
5. ∂T is a monotonic non increasing function of T. That is ∂∂Tf2b ≤ 0. This implies
that: 2
∂S ∂ fb
cH = T = −T ≥0
∂T H ∂T 2 H
6. ∂H is a monotonic non increasing function of H. That is
∂ 2 fb
∂H 2
This implies that 2
∂M ∂ fb
χT = =− ≥0
∂H T ∂H 2 T
Remark. The above properties have been postulated in thermodynamics, but here
they have been rigorously proved for the Ising model using statistical mechanics.
1 Tr HΩ e−βHΩ
∂FΩ −βHΩ
− = kB ln (Tr e ) + kB T
∂T kB T 2 Tr(e−βHΩ )
" #
Tr βHΩ e−βHΩ
= kB ln ZΩ + = −kB T Tr(ρΩ ln ρΩ )
ZΩ to do
ρΩ =
5.2. The Ising model 55
All the other properties listed before (except (1)) are consequences of the convexity
property of fb .
Theorem 1
fb (T, J, H) is an upper convex (i.e. concave) function of H.
Proof. The proof is based on the Hölder inequality for two sequences {gk }, {hk }:
Definition 5: Hölder inequality
Given {gk }, {hk } with gk , hk ≥ 0, ∀k and two non negative real numbers α1 , α2
such that α1 + α2 = 1, the following inequality holds
!α1 !α2
α1 α2
(gk ) (hk ) ≤ gk hk (5.13)
k k k
It implies that
( ) !
ZΩ (H1 α1 + H2 α2 ) = Tr exp βα1 H1 Si + βα2 H2 Si G(S)
i i
On the other hand, since α1 + α2 = 1:
G(S) = G(S)α1 G(S)α2
h P P i
ZΩ (H1 α1 + H2 α2 ) = Tr (eβH1 i Si G(S))α1 (eβH2 i Si G(S))α2
If we now apply the Hölder inequality we get
P α1 P α 2
ZΩ (H1 α1 + H2 α2 ) ≤ Tr eβH1 i Si G(S) Tr eβH2 i Si G(S)
= ZΩ (H1 )α1 ZΩ (H2 )α2
If we now take the logs and multiply by −kB T both sides, we have
1 α1 α2
lim − kB T ln ZΩ (H1 α1 + H2 α2 ) ≥ − lim kB T ln ZΩ (H1 )− lim kB T ln ZΩ (H2 )
N →∞ N N →∞ N N →∞ N
It implies
fb (H1 α1 + H2 α2 ) ≥ α1 fb (H1 ) + α2 fb (H2 )
That is a concave function of H 1 .
A real-valued function f on an interval is said to be concave if, for any x and y in the interval
and for any α ∈ [0, 1], f ((1 − α)x + αy) ≥ (1 − α)f (x) + αf (y).
56 Chapter 5. Role of the models in statistical mechanics
H(H, J, {Si }) = HΩ (−H, J, {−Si }) (5.15)
This is a spontaneous broken symmetry.
ZΩ (−H, J, T ) = exp[−βHΩ (−H, J, {Si })] = exp[−βHΩ (−H, J, {−Si })]
{Si =±1} {Si =±1}
= exp[−βHΩ (H, J, {Si })] = ZΩ (H, J, T )
{Si =±1}
Taking −kB T ln, we got:
FΩ (T, J, H) = FΩ (T, J, −H) (5.17)
If we take the thermodynamic limit limN →∞ N,
we have
⇒ fb (T, J, H) = fb (T, J, −H) (5.18)
and it means that the free energy density is an even function of H !
Remark. From the finite-size relation (5.17), one can show that a finite-size Ising
model does not display a transition to a ferromagnetic phase (for all dimension d ).
∂F (H) ∂F (−H) ∂F (−H)
N (Ω)M (H) = − = − = = −N (Ω)M (−H) (5.19)
∂H (5.17) ∂(H) ∂(−H)
M (H) = −M (−H), ∀H (5.20)
If H = 0, we have M (0) = −M (0), that is valid if and only if M (0) = 0!
The magnetization of a finite system is, at H = 0, always zero. This is simply
consequence of the symmetry argument shown above. We have not a phase transition.
Hence, it is only in the thermodynamic limit, where the symmetry is spontaneously
broken, that the model displays a transition.
For resuming, although the Hamiltonian is invariant with respect to the transfor-
mation H → −H, {Si } → {−Si }, the thermodynamic state is not. This situation is
called spontaneous symmetry breaking.
5.3. Lattice gas model 57
We have:
NΩ = ni (5.21)
where Nc is the number of the lattice cells. In particular, Nc > NΩ .
The Hamiltonian of the model is
Nc N
X 1X
HΩ = U1 (i)ni + U2 (i, j)ni nj + O(ni nj nk ) (5.22)
i=1 ij
It implies
1X 1 1 X U2 X 1
U2 (i, j) (1 + Si )(1 + Sj ) = zU2 Si + Si Sj + U2 zNc (5.25)
2 4 4 4 8
ij i hiji
1 z
E0 = − µNc + U2 Nc (5.27a)
2 8
1 z
−H = − µ + U2 (5.27b)
2 4
−J = (5.27c)
and remember that z is the coordination number of neighbours. J is a nearest
neighbour interaction which favours neighbouring sites being occupied.
The last equation implies that, in the gran canonical ensemble, we have:
We have seen that the Ising model is something more general than the magnetization
transition. In the next section, we show how to pass from the partition Z of a fluid,
in the continuum, to the ZLG of the lattice gas model.
⇒ ∼
N =0 N =0
nα = N = dd~r ri − ~r) =
δ(~ dd~r ρ(~r) (5.37)
α Ω i=1 Ω
60 Chapter 5. Role of the models in statistical mechanics
ρ(~r) = ri − ~r)
δ(~ (5.38)
U1 (~
ri ) = ri − ~r) =
d ~r U1 (~r)δ(~ dd~r U1 (~r)ρ(~r) (5.39)
i i Ω Ω
We have U ({~
ri }) → U ({nα }) :
QN ∝ dd r~i →
i=1 {nα }
Indeed, for each configuration specified by the set {nα } there are N ! possible configu-
rations of {~
ri }. This is because the particles can exchange position between occupied
cells. Hence, more precisely,
Z Y 0
d d N
QN ∝ d r~i ' N !(a ) ...
i=1 {nα =0,1}
Remark. The symbol means that
P the sum has the constraint that the total number
of particles is fixed to N, that is α nα = N .
d N
QN ∝ N !(a ) e−βU ({nα }) (5.40)
{nα }
with no restriction.
Remark. In the final sum all the 2N possible microscopic states are inclued (consid-
ering U1 = 0)
Eventually, we have2
X d a X
ZΩGC ∝ exp−β −µ − log nα + βU2 nα nβ + . . . (5.42)
β Λ
{nα } α=0 hαβi
1 2 i i+1 N
Let us consider a Bravais lattice in the one dimensional case, that is just a one
dimensional lattice, as in Figure 6.1.
The canonical partition function of such a system is:
X X X z}|{ NX
ZN (T ) = ··· exp βJ Si Si+1 (6.1)
S1 =±1 S2 =±1 SN =±1 i=1
The two body interaction is the sum in all the neighbours that in that case are (i − 1)
and (i + 1), but we have only to consider the one after, because the one behind is yet
taken by the behind site.
We want to solve this partition function. If we consider free boundary condition,
the N does not have a N+1, almost for the moment. Let us define
K ≡ βJ, h ≡ βH (6.2)
Making explicit the sum in the exponential:
ZN (K) = ··· eK(S1 S2 +S2 S3 +···+SN −1 SN )
S1 =±1 S2 =±1 SN =±1
62 Chapter 6. Some exactly solvable models of phase transitions
What does happen if we just add another spin at the end SN +1 ? Which is the
partition function with that new spin? We obtain:
ZN +1 (K) = ··· eK(S1 S2 +S2 S3 +···+SN −1 SN ) eKSN SN +1
SN +1 =±1 S1 =±1 S2 =±1 SN =±1
where the last equivalence derive from the fact that cosh is an even function and it
does not depend on ±1. Therefore,
ZN (K) = Z1 (2 cosh(K))N −1
Since Z1 = = 2, we have
S1 =±1 1
-2 × 1024
-4 × 1024
-6 × 1024
-8 × 1024
-1 × 1025
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 6.2: Free energy function in thermodynamic limit for the one dimensional Ising
model, for kB = 1.38 × 1023 , J = 1.
Now, let us compute the magnetization (the average over the spin hSj i) for a
generic site j (assume again that Si = ±1). This can be done in many ways. Here,
we choose one that consider another way to compute Z for the 1 − dim Ising model.
This method can be useful for other calculations. It is based on the following identity:
ex + e−x ex − e−x
cosh x = , sinh x =
2 2
ex = cosh x + sinh x
In our case,
where the last step was obtained considering that cosh is an even function, while sinh
is an odd one.
N −1 X NY
" #
ZN (K) = exp K Si Si+1 = [cosh(K)(1 + Si Si+1 tanh(K))]
{S} i=1 {S} i=1
by rearranging,
N −1
ZN (K) = (cosh K) (1 + Si Si+1 tanh K) (6.7)
{S} i=1
(tanh K)M Si1 Si1+1 Si2 Si2+1 . . . SiM SiM +1 = 0 (6.8)
Sie =±1
hSj i = 0 ∀j (6.10)
N 1
Figure 6.3: One dimensional lattice ring: Ising model with periodic boundary conditions.
We want to write the partition function in a form similarly to j Mij Pjk . Note that,
in the previous form ZN can be written as a product of matrices
X X Y h
ZN (h, k) = ··· exp KSi Si+1 + (Si + Si+1 )
S1 =±1 SN =±1 i=1
= ··· hS1 | T |S2 i hS2 | T |S3 i . . . hSN | T |S1 i
S1 =±1 SN =±1
For the Ising model, we have Si = ±1 and nearest neighbour interaction implies
that we have two values and that T is a 2 × 2 matrix whose components are
h+1| T |+1i = exp[K + h] (6.14a)
h+1| T |−1i = h−1| T |+1i = exp[−K] (6.14b)
h−1| T |−1i = exp[K − h] (6.14c)
The explicit representation is
eK+h e−K
T= (6.15)
e−K eK−h
Let us introduce some useful notations and relations using the bra-ket formalism:
E 1 E 0
(+) (−)
Si = Si = (6.16a)
0 i 1 i
(+) (−)
Si = (1∗ , 0)i Si = (0, 1∗ )i (6.16b)
this is exactly the trace of the matrix, which is most usefully expressed in terms of the
eigenvalues. Being T symmetric, we can diagonalize it by an unitary transformation
TD = P−1 TP (6.19)
with PP−1 = 1. Hence,
" #
N −1 −1 −1 −1
Tr T = Tr TTT| {z. . . T} = Tr PP TPP TP . . . P TPP
N −1
Tr TN −1
= Tr PTD P = DP P
ciclyc property
of the trace
= Tr TN
λ+ 0 0
TD = ⇒ TN
D = +
0 λ− 0 λN
with λ± are the eigenvalues with λ+ > λ− .
Remark. P is the similitude matrix whose columns are given by the eigenvectors of
λ± .
We finally have:
ZN (K, h) = Tr TN (6.21)
D = λ+ + λ−
Remark. As mentioned previously the dimension of the transfer matrix T and hence
the number of eigenvalues {λ} depend both on the possible values of Si and on the
number of sites involved in terms of the Hamiltonian (range of interaction).
66 Chapter 6. Some exactly solvable models of phase transitions
Example 15
For example, consider the Ising (Si = ±1) with n. n. and next n. n. interactions.
The Hamiltonian is:
H = k1 Si Si+1 + k2 Si Si+1 Si+2 Si+3
i i
Because of the second term, now there are 24 = 16 possible configurations that
can be described by using a 4 × 4 transfer matrix that we can write formally as
Example 16
For example, suppose Si = +1, 0, −1, therefore the spin can assume three dif-
ferent values. This is a deluted Ising model.
Now, let us consider the transfer matrix formalism in a more general setting.
Example 18
Ising model n + 2 = 2
(1) (1)
1 (1) ∗ 0 (2) ∗ S 0 0 0 S 0
S (1 , 0) + S (0, 1 ) = + =
0 1 0 0 0 S (2) 0 S (2)
Remark. By construction hSi | and |Si i are the eigenvectors related to the eigenvalues
Si = S (1) , S (2) , . . . , S (n+2) .
Similarly. let hti | and |ti i be the eigenvectors related to the (n + 2) eigenvalues of
the transfer matrix T: {λ+ , λ− , λ1 , . . . , λn } , with λ+ > λ− ≥ λ1 ≥ · · · ≥ λn .
T = PTD P−1 = |ti i λi hti | (6.24)
X n+2
T |tj i = |ti i λi hti |tj i = |ti i λi δij = λj |tj i (6.25)
i=1 i=1
Given the set of λ described above, the N particle partition function is given by
ZN = λN
+ + λN
− + λN
i (6.26)
FN = −kB T log ZN
In particular, we are interested in the limit of the bulk free energy. Looking at the
thermodynamic limit N → ∞ we have
" #
1 1 X
fb = lim FN = lim (−kB T ) log λN N
+ + λ− + λN
N →∞ N N →∞ N
by factorizing λ+ , we obtain
" N !#
λ N
−kB T −
X λ i
fb = lim log λN
+ 1+ N +
N →∞ N λ+ λ+
Theorem 2: Perron-Frobenius
Let A be a n × n matrix. If A is finite (n < ∞) and Aij > 0, ∀i, j, (Aij = Aij (~x)),
therefore its largest eigenvalue λ+ has the following properties:
1. λ+ ∈ R+
Remark. Since in our case A ↔ T, λ+ is related to fb from the theorem. This means
that fb is an analytic function!
If the conditions of the Perron-Frobenius theorem are satisfied by T, the model
described by T cannot display a phase transition!
Remark. This is true for T > 0 since for T = 0 some Tij can be either 0 or ∞ violating
the hypothesis of the theorem.
Remark. If T has infinite dimension (see d > 1) the hypothesis of the theorem are
not valid anymore and fb can be non-analytic.
ΓR ∼ exp[−R/ξ]
Term hS1 SR iN
From the definition of average we obtain
1 X
hS1 SR iN = S1 SR exp[−βHN ] (6.30)
Remark. The subscript N denotes that we are again considering a ring of N spins.
ZN is known from equation (6.26).
Writing this expression by using the transfer matrix formalism, one obtains
1 X
hS1 SR iN = S1 hS1 | T |S2 i . . . hSR−1 | T |SR i SR hSR | T |SR+1 i . . . hSN | T |S1 i
6.2. General transfer matrix method 69
we have
T R−1
= |ti i λR−1
i hti | (6.32a)
TN −R+1 = |ti i λN
hti | (6.32b)
hS1 | TR−1 |SR i = hS1 |ti i λR−1
i hti |SR i (6.33a)
hSR | TN −R+1 |S1 i = hSR |tj i λN
htj |S1 i (6.33b)
X X n+2
X n+2
S1 SR e−βHN = S1 hS1 |ti i λiR−1 hti |SR i SR hSR |tj i λN
htj |S1 i
{S} S1 SR i=1 j=1
Since the term htj |S1 i is a scalar, it can be moved at the beginning of the product.
Remembering the notations
S1 = |S1 i S1 hS1 | (6.34a)
SR = |SR i SR hSR | (6.34b)
one gets
S1 SR e−βHN = htj | S1 |ti i λR−1
i hti | SR |tj i λN
{S} ij
Lecture 8.
Since k = ZN for k = +, −, 1, . . . , n, we have
k Wednesday 6th
November, 2019.
htj | S1 |ti i λR−1 hti | SR |tj i λN −R+1
ij i j Compiled:
hS1 SR iN = Pn N Wednesday 5th
k=1 λk
February, 2020.
If we now multiply and divide by λN
+ , we get
htj | S1 |ti i (λi /λ+ )R−1 hti | SR |tj i (λj /λ+ )N −R+1
hS1 SR iN = Pn N
k=1 (λk /λ+ )
X λi
hS1 SR i = lim hS1 SR iN = ht+ | S1 |ti i hti | SR |t+ i
N →∞ λ+
Rembember that λ+ > λ− ≥ λ1 ≥ · · · ≥ λn :
λi R−1
hS1 SR i = ht+ | S1 |t+ i ht+ | SR |t+ i + ht+ | S1 |ti i hti | SR |t+ i
we obtain
X λi R−1
hS1 SR i = hS1 i hSR i + ht+ | S1 |ti i hti | SR |t+ i (6.37)
Remark. ΓR depends only on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the transfer matrix
T and by the values of the spins S1 and SR .
A much simpler formula is obtained for the correlation length (6.29). Taking the
limit R → ∞ the ratio (λ− /λ+ ) dominates the sum and hence
−1 1
ξ = lim − log |hS1 SR i − hS1 i hSR i|
R→∞ R−1
( " #)
1 λ− R−1
= lim − log ht+ | S1 |t− iht− | SR |t+ i
R→∞ R−1 λ+
λ− 1
= − log − lim log ht+ | S1 |t− iht− | SR |t+ i
λ+ R→∞ R − 1
= − log
The important result is
−1 λ−
ξ = − log (6.39)
It means that the correlation length does depend only on the ratio between the two
largest eigenvalues of the transfer matrix T.
6.2. General transfer matrix method 71
−kB T
fb ≡ lim log ZN (K, h)
N →∞ N " N !#
1 λ−
= −kB T lim log λN
+ 1+
N →∞ N λ+
= −kB T log λ+
and inserting the explicit expression of λ+ for the Ising model, we get
K 2K 2 −2K
fb = −kB T log e cosh h + e sinh (h) + e
q (6.41)
= −KkB T − kB T log cosh(h) + sinh2 (h) + e−4K
Exercise 2
Check that if h = 0 we get back the expression found previously with the
iterative method. What is the importance of boundary conditions?
Solution. If h = 0, we obtain
fb = −KkB T − kB T log 1 + 2K = −kB T log eK + log 1 + e−2K
e + e−K
K −K
= −kB T log e + e = −kB T log 2
= −kB T log(2 cosh K) = −kB T log 2 cosh
kB T
Let us now consider the limits T → 0 and T → ∞ by keeping H fixed and J fixed.
72 Chapter 6. Some exactly solvable models of phase transitions
• Case: T → 0 ⇒ K → ∞, h → ∞.
e−4K −→ 0
sinh2 h ∼ sinh(h)
We have
cosh h + sinh h ∼ ' eh
f ∼ −KkB T − kB T log eh ∼ −J − H const (6.43)
Therefore, as T → 0+ , f goes to a constant that depends on J and H.
e−4K ' 1
p √
sinh2 h + e−4K ∼ 1
Since cosh h ∼ 1:
Figure 6.4: Plot of the free energy fb in function of the temperature T . For T → 0, the
free energy becomes constant, while for T → ∞ it goes linearly to zero.
The magnetization
This can be obtained by differentiating the negative of the free energy with respect
to the magnetic field H (or by using equation (6.36)):
∂fb 1 ∂fb ∂
2 −4K
m=− =− = log cosh(h) + sinh (h) + e
∂H kB T ∂h ∂h
The result is
sinh h ∼ h ∼ 0,
cosh h ∼ 1
∂m 1 ∂m
χT ≡ = (6.48)
∂H kB T ∂h
If we consider the case h 1, it is convenient first expand the (6.46) for h → 0 and
take the derivative to get χT .
Since sinh(h) ∼ h + h3 and cosh(h) ∼ 1 + h2 , we have
1 ∂m h1 1 (1 + e2K )
χT = ≈
kB T ∂h kB T (1 + e−2K )
• Case: T → ∞ ⇒ K → 0.
e2K ' e−2K ' 1
The Curie’s Law for paramagnetic systems is:
χT ∼ (6.49)
kB T
• Case: T → 0 ⇒ K → ∞.
e−2K ' 0
The Curie’s Law for paramagnetic systems is:
1 2K 1 2J/kB T
χT ∼ e ∼ e (6.50)
kB T kB T
" p #
cosh h − sinh2 h + e−4K
ξ −1 = − log = − log p (6.51)
λ+ cosh h + sinh2 h + e−4K
For h = 0, we have cosh h → 1, sinh h → 0:
1 − e−2K
−1 1
ξ = − log = − log
1 + e−2K coth K
ξ= , for h = 0 (6.52)
log (coth K)
74 Chapter 6. Some exactly solvable models of phase transitions
• Case: T → 0 ⇒ K → ∞.
eK + e−K K→∞ K→∞
coth K = ' 1 + 2e−2K + . . . −→ 1
eK − e−K
It implies
K1 1 e2K
ξ ∼ ∼
ln (1 + 2e−2K ) 2
1 J/kB T
T →0
ξ ∼
e (6.53)
It diverges exponentially ξ → ∞ as T → 0.
• Case: T → ∞ ⇒ K → 0.
K2 K2 2
eK + e−K K→0 1+K + 2 +1−K + 2 2 + 2 K2 1 + K2
coth K = ' K2 K2
∼ ∼
eK − e−K 1+K + −1+K − 2K K
2 2
K→0 1
ξ −1 = log (coth K) ∼ ln + ln (1 + K 2 ) ∼ +∞
ξ −→ 0
More precisely,
K→0 1 K→0 1
ξ ∼ 2
∼ − (6.54)
ln (1/K) + ln (1 + K ) ln K
S} {~
6.3. Classical Heisenberg model for d=1 75
where D E
~Si T ~Si+1 = eK ~Si ·~Si+1
TD = P−1 TP
The problem is computing the eigenvalues λi of T.
Formally, we should find
h i D E D ED E X
exp K ~S1 · ~S2 = ~S1 T ~S2 = λi ~S1 ti ti ~S2 = λi fi (~S1 )f ∗ (~S2 )
i∈eigenvalues i
~ ~
Remark. We start by noticing that the term eK S1 ·S2 is similar to the plane wave ei~q·~r ,
that in scattering problems is usually expanded in spherical coordinates. Plane wave
can be expanded as a sum of spherical harmonics as
∞ X
X l
ei~q·~r = 4π (i)l jl (qr)Ylm
(q̂)Ylm (r̂)
l=0 m=−l
jl (qr) = − sin(θ)eiqr cos(θ) Pl (cos(θ)) dθ
2 0
are the spherical Bessel functions, while the Pl (cos(θ)) are the Legendre polynomial
of order l.
From a formal comparison we have
i~q · ~r = iqr
~S1 ↔ Ŝ1 , (6.57)
K ~S1 · ~S2 = K ~S1 ~S2 = K
λi = λlm (K) = 4π(i)l jl (−iK) (6.60)
Remark. Note that λi does not depend on m!
If l = 0, the largest eigenvalue is:
sin K
λ+ = λ0 (K) = 4πj0 (−iK) = 4π
cosh K sinh K
λ− = λ1 (K) = 4πij1 (−iK) = 4π −
K K2
76 Chapter 6. Some exactly solvable models of phase transitions
Exercise 3
Given the largest eigenvalue λ+ ,
sin K
λ+ = 4π
find the bulk free energy density of the model and discuss its behaviour in the
limits of low (T → 0) and high (T → ∞) temperatures.
Solution. The bulk free energy is
sin K
fb = −kB T log λ+ = −kB T log 4π
• Case: T → 0 ⇒ K → ∞.
J sin K K→∞ J 1 J
fb = − log 4π ∼ − log = log (K)
fb ∼ 0
• Case: T → ∞ ⇒ K → 0.
sin K ∼ K
⇒ fb = −kB T log 4π = −kB T log(4π)
In this case the free energy fb goes linearly with respect to the temperature.
we shall say that the zipper is open when N − 1 links are open.
We suppose that there are G orientations which each open link can assume: that
is, the open state of a link is G-fold degenerate, corresponding to the rotational
freedom of a link. Hence, once a bond is open it can orient itself in G different ways.
In other words, there is an entropy
S0 = kB log G (6.61)
associated to each open band. In the problem of DNA the empirical value of G may
be of the order of 104 .
Partition function
Let us suppose that the energy required to open the first k links is ε0 . If k links
are open, the degeneracy is Gk , and the contribution of this configuration to the
partition function is
Gk e−kε0 /kB T
By summing over the possible values of k, the partition function is
X −1 N
X −1
k −kε0 /kB T
ZN (T, G, ε0 ) = G e = ek(S0 T −ε0 )/kB T (6.62)
k=0 k=0
Let us call
χ ≡ Ge−ε0 /kB T (6.63)
and simplify the previous expression
N −1
X 1 − χN
ZN = χk = (6.64)
1 − χN
FN = −kB T ln ZN = −kB T ln (6.65)
We can now compute some observables of interest. The correct procedure is to eval-
uate thermodynamic quantities for finite N and then to examine the limit N → ∞.
The function is plotted in Figure 6.7. We examine the behaviour of hkiN in the vicinity
of the point χc = 1 for which the denominators are equal to zero (pole).
Remark. In this model, we consider the average number of open links instead of the
< k >N
0 1 χ
1 − (1 + ε)N
log ZN (χ) = log
1 − (1 + ε)
N (N −1) 2 N (N −1)(N −2) 3
" #
1 − (1 + εN + 2! ε + 3! ε + O(ε4 ))
= log
N (N − 1) N (N − 1)(N − 2) 2
= log N + ε+ ε + ...
2 6
N −1 (N − 1)(N − 2) 2
= log N + log 1 + ε+ ε (6.67)
2 6
N ε N 2 ε2
= log N + log 1 + + + ...
2 6
N ε N 2 ε2 1 N ε N 2 ε2
= log N + + + ... + + + ... + ...
2 6 2 2 6
N ε N 2 ε2
= log N + + + ...
2 24
6.4. Zipper model 79
N χN χ
By doing the same for hkiN = χN −1
− χ−1 , one gets
N ε N 3 ε3
hkiN = 1+ − + ... (6.68)
2 6 360
this is true for N 1, ε 1.
At the transition point χc = 1, where ε = 0:
hkiN '
We can define the variation (slope per site) as a response function (the derivative
with respect to the parameter):
1 d hki N N 3 ε3
' − + ... (6.69)
N dε 12 240
is a maximum at ε = 0, and the slope at the transition point becomes infinite as
N → ∞ (linearly). The response function diverges linearly to N, this is a good signal
that we have a transition.
Transition temperature
The temperature Tc corresponding to the pole χc = 1 is given by
Ge−ε0 /kB Tc = 1
Tc = (6.70)
kB log G
Note that as G → 1, Tc → 0. For G = 1 there is no solution at a finite temperature
and hence the model does not display a phase transition for any finite T ! This is
telling you that if G = 1 what is important it is the energy, you have no entropy as
disorder. At that point everything can happen.
There is a finite transition temperature if G > 1. One might perhaps argue that
the model is now not strictly one-dimensional, for the degeneracy G arises from the
rotational freedom of an open link.
Remark. Despite the model is 1-dim, for G > 1 there is a phase transition. This is
due to two contributions:
1. Existence of forbidden configuration (infinite energy). It is a necessary con-
dition, but not sufficient, for a phase transition in d = 1 with finite range
2. A further requirement may be that the degeneracy of the excited state (G) of
a structural unit must be higher than the degeneracy of the ground state2 .
and to this should be added a term for the state of N open links. This terminal term
for a simple zipper is GN exp(−N ε0 /kB T ).
In the mean-field approximation no transition can occur if the degeneracy of the ground state
is higher than that of the excited state.
80 Chapter 6. Some exactly solvable models of phase transitions
tS,S 0 = e−βε0 (1−δS0 ,0 ) [1 − δS,0 (1 − δS 0 ,0 )] (6.76)
or in matrix form
1 0 ......0
1 a . . . . . . a
.. .. ..
T = . .
. , with a ≡ e−βε0
.. .. ..
. . .
1 a ......a
The first think to notice is that the constraint that the bond Si+1 cannot be open if
bond Si is closed (Si = 0) yields the null entries in the first row of T. This violates
the hypothesis of the Perron-Frobenius theorem!
The matrix T has three different eigenvalues
λ1 = Ga, λ2 = 1, λ3 = 0 (6.77)
6.5. Transfer matrix for 2 − dim Ising 81
Moreover, we have
0 1 − Ga
1 1
λ1 → ~v1 = . , λ2 → ~v2 = .
.. ..
1 1
1 − (Ga)N 1 − (Ge−βε0 )N 1
ZN = = −βε
= (−λN N
1 + λ2 ) (6.80)
1 − Ga 1 − Ge 0 1 − Ge−βε0
Since in the thermodynamic limit only the contribution of the largest eigenvalue
matters for fb we have
fb = −kB T ln max(λ1 , λ2 )
Remark. Given that the λ1 and λ2 are positive, analytic function of T (λ1 = Ga, λ2 =
1). In order to have a phase transition (i.e. non analiticity of fb ) the two eigenvalues
must cross for a given value of T. It is true if and only if:
Gac = 1 ⇔ Ge−βc ε0 = 1 ⇔ Tc = (6.81)
kB ln G
that agree with previous calculation (see Eq.(6.70)).
(n, m)
m=1 2 3 m=M
model on a torus), and we consider only nearest neighbour interactions. The spin in
a site is identified by Ssite = Sm,n .
We consider a set of spin arranged on a square lattice, interacting only with nearest
neighbors and with a magnetic field H 6= 0. The reduced Hamiltonian of the system
will be:
−βHΩ ({S}) = K Si Sj + h Si
hiji i
=K (Sm,n Sm+1,n + Sm,n Sm,n+1 ) + h Sm,n
n=1 m=1 n=1 m=1
E[µm , h] = K Sm,n Sm,n+1 + h Sm,n (6.83a)
n=1 n=1
E[µm , µm+1 , h] = K Sm,n Sm+1,n (6.83b)
the first equation is the one body interaction, while the second equation represents
the interaction between nearest neighbours columns (two body interaction).
Moreover, µ is a m dimensional vector; in particular, each µm represents the set
of N spins along column m:
We can write a transfer matrix between columns, permitting to transfer along the
m. To make it simpler, suppose h = 0 (so the energy does not depend on h):
ZN (K, h) = Tr TN
To find the eigenvalues of T given by (6.85) is highly non trivial. The big problem it
is that in the thermodynamic limit is that the dimension of the transfer matrix goes
to infinity, then it is difficult to be diagonalized. This was first achieved by Onsanger
in 1944, as said, for the case H = 0 and in the N → ∞ limit. Onsanger has shown
that the free energy of the system is given by
kB T 2π
Z q
2 2
fb (T ) = −kB T log (2 cosh(2βJ)) − log 1 + 1 − g sin (Φ) dΦ
2π 0 2
cosh(2βJ) coth(2βJ)
and also that the magnetization is:
( 1/8
1 − sinh−4 (2βJ) T < Tc
m= (6.87)
0 T > Tc
⇒ Tc ' 2, 264J/kB 6= 0
It means that the specific heat displays at the transition a logarithmic divergence (no
power law!).
84 Chapter 6. Some exactly solvable models of phase transitions
Chapter 7
We expect that:
• T 1: entropy should dominates.
Chapter 7. The role of dimension, symmetry and range of interactions in phase
86 transitions
EG = −JN, E ∗ = −J(N − 1) + J ⇒ ∆E = 2J
∆EM = 2M J (7.3)
Now, let us compute the change in entropy. The entropy of the ground state can
be computed immediately: this is zero because it is the logarithm of the number of
configurations, but in this case we have only one configuration, namely SG = ln 1 = 0.
Hence, the difference between the entropy of the ground state and the entropy of the
new state is just the entropy of the new state. Therefore, we want to estimate the
entropy of the states with M domain walls. The number of possible ways to insert
M domains in N positions, namely the number of configurations, is
#= = (7.4)
M xN
We have:
SM = kB log (7.5)
the difference is
∆S = SM − SG = SM = kB ln
Let us calulate
∆F = FM − FG = ∆E − T ∆S
= 2M J − kB T ln
= 2xN J − kB T ln
= N {2xJ + kB T [x ln x + (1 − x) ln (1 − x)]}
ln N ! = N ln N − N
Since the equilibrium states are obtained by the minimum of F, we can minimize
with respect to x. We are interested in the free energy in the bulk, hence, firstly we
normalize and then we derive for finding the minimum
∆FN ∂∆fb
∆fbN = , =0 (7.6)
N ∂x
this gives
{2xJ + kB T [x ln x + (1 − x) ln (1 − x)]} = 2J + kB T [ln x + 1 − ln (1 − x) − 1]
= 2J + kB T [ln x − ln (1 − x)] = 0
7.1. Energy-entropy argument 87
x 2J x
ln =− ⇒ = e−2J/kB T
1−x kB T 1−x
and finally the results is
x= (7.7)
1+ e2J/kB T
It means that ∀T 6= 0 exist a finite concentration x of domain walls. The ground
state is unstable ∀T > 0. Indeed, if you have a finite density of x, no long range order
exist for T > 0. From (7.7), we can see that as T → 0, we have x → 0 as expected.
Now, let us try to do the same for d dimensions.
S ≥ kB ln L (7.9)
where L is the number of ways to place a straight wall within a system of linear size
L. The ∆S is just S because the entropy of the ground state is again zero.
Remark. If we underestimate S, we obtain
∆F = 2JLd−1 − kB T ln L (7.10)
it means that now energy can win if the temperature is different from zero. Therefore,
for d = 2, or greater (d > 1), that long range order can survive thermal fluctuations
and the system could present an ordered phase!
Peierls argument
The Peierls argument [10] is a mathematically rigorous and intuitive method to
show the presence of a non-vanishing spontaneous magnetization in some lattice mod-
els. This argument is typically explained for the d = 2 Ising model in a way which
cannot be easily generalized to higher dimension. The idea is trying to perturb the
system using an external magnetic field as perturbation (it is very small h). In that
way, we are breaking explicitly the symmetry, but then, taking the limit h → 0 and
switching off the magnetic field, we see the stability.
We know that for finite systems, from the Z2 symmetry, it follows
hmiN = 0
A conventional way to uniquely define hmi∞ in the broken phase (where it is called
spontaneous magnetization) is to use an infinitesimal magnetic field:
hmi∞ = lim lim hmiN (7.11)
h→0+ N →∞
where it is crucial to perform the thermodynamical limit before switching off the
magnetic field h → 0+ . The instability manifests itself in that using h → 0− would
change the sign of hmi∞ .
A different approach to expose the instability is the use of appropriate boundary
conditions: we can for example, if we want hmi∞ > 0, impose in all the sites i on the
lattice boundary (i ∈ ∂Ω) the condition Si = +1, as in Figure 7.1.
+ + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + +
Figure 7.1: System with boundary condition with all the spins in the surface up.
In the paramagnetic phase the effect of boundary conditions does not survive the
thermodynamical limit, while in the ferromagnetic phase their effect is analogous to
that of the infinitesimal magnetic field.
This is the boundary condition chosen by Pierls to establish the existence of a
Tc 6= 0 for the d = 2 Ising model. Let us gives just a qualitative presentation of the
(rigorous) result.
Let N+ , N− be the number of spin up and down respectively. Clearly,
N = N+ + N−
On a finite lattice the mean value of the magnetization can be written in the form
hN− i 1
< −ε (7.12)
N 2
with ε > 0 and N -independent. Indeed, if (7.12) holds
hmiN ≥ 2ε ∀N (7.13)
The Peierls argument is a simple geometrical construction that can be used to prove
this bound. The outcome of the Peierls argument for the model in d dimensions is
an estimate of the form
hN− i
≤ fD (x) (7.14)
where x is defined by
x = 9e−4Jβ (7.15)
7.1. Energy-entropy argument 89
lim fD (x) = 0
hN− i 1
< −ε
N 2
which ensures that hmi∞ ≥ 2ε and the Z2 symmetry is spontaneously broken. More
precisely, for d = 2, one has
hN− i x2 2 − x
≤ (7.16)
N 36 (1 − x)2
hN− i x2 2 − x 1
≤ 2
< −ε
N 36 (1 − x) 2
As long as hNN− i < 12 − ε, the system is in the ferromagnetic phase. The critical value
xc ≡ x(βc ) must be outside the interval [0, x1/2 ] where x1/2 is the smallest positive
solution of the equation
x2 2 − x 1
36 (1 − x)2 2
From the solution x1/2 and the condition xc > x1/2 , one has
Jβc ≤ Jβ1/2
where Jβ1/2 = 1
4 log 9/x1/2 . Hence, Tc > T1/2 .
Exercise 4
The following equation gives x1/2 :
x3 + 16x2 − 36x + 18 = 0
Find T1/2 .
Solution. This equation has three real solutions:
J 1 4J
= log 9/x1/2 ⇒ T1/2 =
kB T1/2 4 kB log 9/x1/2
Chapter 7. The role of dimension, symmetry and range of interactions in phase
90 transitions
where σi ∈ {−1, 1}. The symmetry group of this Hamiltonian is Z2 , which has
two elements {1, η}. We have
and its powers η l with l = 0, . . . , q−1. Both models satisfy a discrete global symmetry.
Now, we jump into the case in which we consider continuous symmetries.
Figure 7.2: Spin can assume all values around the circles.
In mathematics, and in particular in group theory, a cyclic permutation (or cycle) is a permu-
tation of the elements of some set X which maps the elements of some subset S of X to each other
in a cyclic fashion, while fixing (that is, mapping to themselves) all other elements ofX. If S has k
elements, the cycle is called a k-cycle. Cycles are often denoted by the list of their elements enclosed
with parentheses, in the order to which they are permuted.
7.3. Continuous symmetries and phase transitions 91
that can assume values on the unit circle ( ~Si = 1). Suppose that spins are
sitting in hyper dimensional and can rotate along circles. They can assume all
the value as in Figure 7.2.
The simplest way to parametrize the Hamiltonian is by the angle. Denoting by
θi the direction angle of spins ~Si , the Hamiltonian can be rewritten as
HXY = − Jij cos(θi − θj ) (7.21)
1 ∗
Zi Zj + Zi Zj∗
where Zj = exp(iθj ).
The model is invariant under the global transformation
Zi → eiα Zi (7.22)
The phase exp(iα) form a group under multiplication known as U (1) that is
equivalent to O(2). Indeed, the interaction term can be written also as
Ω̂i · Ω̂j
Which are the domain walls for continuous symmetries? Which are the implica-
tions for the stability of the ordered phase?
Figure 7.3: For continuous symmetry the domain walls interpolate smoothly between two
ordered regions.
The (7.24) corresponds to the discrete differential operator where θi −θj = ∂x θ, hence
H = E0 + d~r (∇θ)2 (7.26)
| {z }
E≡Stifness energy
where E0 = 2JN is the energy corresponding to the case in which all the spins are
oriented along a given direction.
Definition 6: Stifness energy
The Stifness energy is defined as
E= d~r (∇θ)2 (7.27)
where θ(~r) is the angle of a local rotation around an axis and J is the spin
rigidity. For an ordered phase θ(~r) = θ0 .
Let us now imagine a domain wall where θ(~r) rotates by 2π (or 2πm) by using
the entire length of the system (see again Figure 7.3):
θ(~r) =
The transition from the high-temperature disordered phase with the exponential
correlation to this low-temperature quasi-ordered phase is a Kosterlitz–Thouless
transition. It is a phase transition of infinite order.
In the d = 2 XY model, vortices are topologically stable configurations. It is
found that the high-temperature disordered phase with exponential correlation
decay is a result of the formation of vortices. Vortex generation becomes thermo-
dynamically favorable at the critical temperature TKT of the KT transition. At
temperatures below this, vortex generation has a power law correlation (hence,
there is no long range order for T < TKT ).
Many systems with KT transitions involve the dissociation of bound anti-parallel
vortex pairs, called vortex–antivortex pairs, into unbound vortices rather than
vortex generation. In these systems, thermal generation of vortices produces an
even number of vortices of opposite sign. Bound vortex–antivortex pairs have
lower energies than free vortices, but have lower entropy as well.
In order to minimize free energy, F = E − T S, the system undergoes a tran-
sition at a critical temperature, TKT . Below TKT there are only bound vor-
tex–antivortex pairs. Above TKT , there are free vortices.
In statistical mechanics, the Mermin–Wagner theorem states that continuous symmetries cannot
be spontaneously broken at finite temperature in systems with sufficiently short-range interactions
in dimensions d ≤ 2. Intuitively, this means that long-range fluctuations can be created with little
energy cost and since they increase the entropy they are favored.
Chapter 7. The role of dimension, symmetry and range of interactions in phase
94 transitions
and the thermodynamic limit is ill-defined. To circumvent this problem Mark Kac
suggested to consider a strength
J0 = (7.31)
this is called the kac approximation. Hence,
− HN ({S}) = Si Sj + H Si (7.32)
i,j i
NK 2 NK x 2 Kx2
y + Kxy = −
− y− +
2 2 N 2N
and then shifting the integral to one over z ≡ y − Nx .
Z +∞ r
− NK
(y− x 2
) (a) Kx2 2π
e 2N e 2 N dy = e 2N
−∞ N K
where in (a) we have considered z ≡ y − Nx , dz = dy and the integral
Z +∞ r
−αz 2 π
e dz =
−∞ α
with α ≡ 2 .
exp[(h + Ky)Si ] = (2 cosh(h + Ky))N
Qy = e(h+Ky) i=1 Si
{S} i=1 Si =±1
Remark. y is called auxiliary field and is a fluctuating external field with Gaussian
The partition function becomes
r r
N K +∞ N K +∞
NK 2
ZN (K, h) = dy e− 2 y N
(2 cosh(h + Ky)) = dy eN L(K,h,y)
2π −∞ 2π −∞
L(K, h, y) = ln [2 cosh(h + Ky)] − y 2 (7.39)
Chapter 7. The role of dimension, symmetry and range of interactions in phase
96 transitions
Remark. In the limit N → ∞ the integral can be computed exactly by the saddle
point method. We can replace the medium of the integral with the maximum of the
integrand, we say that all the information is coming only from a bit of information.
Replacing the all integral with the integrand computed where it is maximum is an
approximation and we are loosing information. It also depends on the form of the
function. For example, for a delta function it works better. In general:
Z +∞
f (x) dy → f (x̄)
hence, r
N K N L(K,h,ys )
N 1
ZN (K, h) ≈ e (7.40)
When we are able to compute the ys we can do this approximation and we can
compute the bound free energy as
fb (K, h) = lim (−kB T log ZN ) = −kB T L(K, h, ys ) (7.41)
N →∞ N
∂L sinh(h + Ky)K
= − Ky = 0 ⇒ ys = tanh(h + Kys ) (7.42)
∂y cosh(h + Ky)
The last one is an implicit equation that can be solved graphically as a function
of K and h.
8.1.1 Mean field for the Ising model (Weiss mean field)
Let us start from the generic Ising model
1X X
H[{S}] = − Jij Si Sj − H Si (8.1)
ij i
where the double sum over i and j have no restrictions, while H is homogeneous.
The partition function is
ZN (T, H, {Jij }) = e−βH[{S}] = exp(−βFN (T, H, {Jij })) (8.2)
98 Chapter 8. Mean field theories of phase transitions and variational mean field
and by calling
J̄i ≡ Jij
we get
1 X m X X
HM F [{S}] = m2 J̄i − J̄i Si − H Si
2 2
i i i
Remark. Note the coefficient emphasized in green (1/2) is needed to avoid the double
counting of bonds.
Moreover, if we suppose that
J̄i → J¯
we have
1 m X
HM F [{S}] = m2 N J¯ − J¯ + H Si (8.5)
2 2
Jij = z Jˆi
j∈n.n. of i
where z is the coordination number of the underlying lattice (for the hypercubic
lattice z = 2d). By assuming Jˆi = Jˆ and inserting the 1/2 to avoid double counting,
we have that equation (8.3) becomes
1 X
Jij Si = 2m z Jˆ
2m Si (8.6)
hiji i=1
8.1. Mean field theories 99
ˆz 2
= e−N β J 2 m exp β Jzm + H Si
{S} i=1 (8.8)
ˆz 2
= e−N β J 2 m exp β Jzm +H S
h iN
−N β Jˆ z2 m2 ˆ
=e 2 cosh β Jzm +H
Remark. We are replacing the interaction of the J with a field close to the Si . We
called Jzm = Hef f , the mean field!
The free energy per spin is
FN (T, H, J) 1
= ˆ
−kB T ln ZN (T, H, J)
N N (8.9)
1ˆ 2 h
= Jzm − kB T ln cosh β(Jzm + H) − kB T ln 2
Sometimes it is useful to use the dimensionless variables defined as
f¯ ≡ , θ≡ , H̄ ≡ (8.10)
N z Jˆ z Jˆ z Jˆ
f¯(m, H̄, θ) = m2 − θ ln 2 cosh θ−1 (m + H̄) (8.11)
In order to be a self-consistent, the last equation has to satisfy the thermodynamic
m=− ⇒ m = tanh β(Jzm + H)
∂H T
Remark. The results of m is similar to the Ising with infinite range (Jz ˆ ↔ J).
Now, let us consider the H = 0 case, we have
m = tanh β(Jzm) (8.12)
and the graphical solution is shown in Figure 8.1 (hyperbolic function). We can
distinguish three cases:
ˆ > 1: there are three solutions, one at m = 0 and two symmetric at
• Case β Jz
m = ±m0 . Magnetization is 6= 0 (= |m0 |) for H = 0 (ordered phase). The two
solution are symmetric because they are related by the Z2 symmetry.
ˆ < 1: single solution at m = 0 (disordered or paramagnetic phase).
• Case β Jz
• Case β Jzˆ = 1: the three solutions coincide at m = 0 (critical point). The
critical temperature Tc is given by
ˆ ˆ
ˆ = 1 ⇒ z J = 1 ⇒ Tc = z J 6= 0!
βc Jz
kB Tc kB
Remark. Tc depends on z and hence on d !
100 Chapter 8. Mean field theories of phase transitions and variational mean field
ˆ >1
ˆ =1
ˆ <1
Figure 8.1: Graphical solution of equation m = tanh β(Jzm) (case H = 0).
ˆ = 1 Jzm
h i
f (m, 0, T, J) ˆ 2 − kB T ln cosh β Jzm
ˆ (8.13)
Define x ≡ β Jzm ' 0 and by expanding in Taylor series
x2 x4
cosh(x) ' 1 + + +...
|2 {z 4!}
log (1 + t) ' t − t2
x2 x4 1 x4 x2 x4
log (cosh x) ' + − + O(x6 ) = − + O(x6 )
2 4! 2 4 2 12
This gives the result
Remark. Note that in the computations we have just made we have never imposed a
particular value for the dimensionality of the system. This means that the results of
this approximation should be valid also for d = 1, but we know that in one dimension
the Ising model does not exhibit a phase transition. This is an expression of the
fact that in the one-dimensional case mean field theory is not a good approximation
(again, the dimensionality of the system is still too low).
−m0 m0
ˆ > 1 ⇒ A < 0.
Figure 8.2: Plot of the free energy: case β Jz
ˆ < 1 ⇒ A > 0.
Figure 8.3: Plot of the free energy: case β Jz
ˆ = 1 ⇒ A = 0.
Figure 8.4: Plot of the free energy: case β Jz
with B > 0, so we do not need more term to find the minima of the solution. This
is called stabilization. What is most important is the coefficient A = Jz(1 ˆ
− β Jz),
that means that A can change sign.
β exponent
which implies
∂f 3
ˆ ˆ 2
= Am0 + Bm 0 = Jz(1 − β Jz) + Bm 0 m0 = 0
∂m m=m0
Since at the critical point we have Tc = Jz
kB :
kB Tc
0= (T − Tc )m0 + Bm30
The solution are m0 = 0 and
m0 ' (Tc − T )1/2 (8.16)
δ exponent
Now, let us concentrate in the δ exponent. We are in the only case in which we
are in T = Tc and we want to see how the magnetization decrease: H ∼ mδ .
Starting from the self-consistent equation, we have
m = tanh β(Jzmˆ + H) (8.17)
Inverting it
β(Jzm + H) = tanh−1 m
m3 m5
tanh−1 m ' m + + + ...
3 5
Therefore, by substituting
m3 3
ˆ m + kB T m + . . .
H = kB T m + + ... ˆ
− Jzm = kB T − Jz
3 3
kB T 3
' kB (T − Tc )m + m
At T = Tc = kB ,
we have
H ∼ kB Tc (8.18)
The mean field value is δ = 3.
8.1. Mean field theories 103
α exponent
Consider the α exponent, for H = 0, cH ∼ t−α and t = (T − Tc )/Tc . Compute
the specific heat at H = 0. Consider first T > Tc , where m0 = 0,
ˆ 2
Jzm 1
f (m, H) = ˆ
− ln 2 cosh β(Jzm + H) − kB T ln 2
2 β
If m = 0, cosh 0 = 1 and
f = −kB T ln 2
it is called paramagnetic phase. Indeed,
cH = −T =0 (8.19)
∂T 2
γ exponent
Now we consider the γ exponent, for H = 0, χ ∼ t−γ . Starting again from
equation (8.17):
m = tanh β(Jzm + H)
Since ∂H
∂m ' kB (T − Tc ) + KB T m2 , as m → 0
χ ∼ (T − Tc )−1 (8.20)
The mean field critical exponents are
β= , γ = 1, δ = 3, α=0 (8.21)
We can immediately note that these exponents are different from those found by
Onsager for the Ising model in two dimensions, so the mean field theory is giving us
wrong predictions. This is because mean field theories are good approximations only
if the system has a high enough dimensionality (and d = 2 is still too low for the
Ising model, see Coarse graining procedure for the Ising model).
Remark. In the mean field critical exponents the dimension d does not appear. Tc
instead depends on the number of z of neirest neighbours and hence on the embedding
lattice (on the dimension)!
104 Chapter 8. Mean field theories of phase transitions and variational mean field
Remark. (lesson) The ν exponent define the divergence of the correlation lengths. In
order to do that, in principle we should compute the correlation function, but which
are the correlation we are talking about? The correlation or the fluctuation with to
respect the average? In the ferromagnetic we have infinite correlation lengths, but it
is not true, because instead of that we consider the variation correlated! Which is the
problem here? In mean field we were neglecting correlation between fluctuation. We
thought: let us compute neglecting correlation. How we can compute the correlation
function within the mean field theory with thermal fluctuations? We look at the
response of the system. Experimentally what can we do? It is a magnetic field, but
we cannot use homogeneous magnetic field. Another way to compute the correlation
function without looking at thermal fluctuation it is by considering a non homoge-
neous magnetic field. If we make a variation in Hi in the system, what happened in
the Hj ? This is an important point.
8.2. Mean field variational method 105
2. The second inequality refers to the free energy. Let ρ(Φ) be a probability
distribution, i.e. such that
e−βFN = ZN = Tr{Φ} e−βH[{Φ}] = Tr{Φ} ρe−βH−ln ρ = e−βH−ln ρ
Whenever we are able to write the last equation by using a ρ, then we will
minimize it. This is the variational approach of statistical mechanics. The
question is: which is the ρ that minimizes?
The functional Fρ will reach its minimum value with respect to the variation of
ρ with the constraint Tr(ρ) = 1, when
1 −βH
ρ̄ = ρeq = e (8.28)
So far so good but not very useful, since we are back to the known result that the
distribution that best approximately the free energy of the canonical ensemble
is given by the Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution. To compute ρeq , we need some
ρ = ρ(Φ1 , . . . , ΦN )
Example 26
Let us consider the spin model on a lattice; what is the Φα ? We have:
Φα → Si
With Eq.(8.29) and the condition Tr(ρα ) = 1, we compute the two averages in the
Eq.(8.27) given the field. We have:
to do
Tr{Φ} (ρ ln ρ) = Tr ρα ln ρα = Tr(α) (ρα ln ρα ) (8.30)
α α α
where Tr(α) means sum over all possible values of the random variable Φα (with α
fixed and Tr(α) ρα = 1).
We end up that
FρM F = hHiρM F + kB T Tr(α) (ρα ln ρα ) (8.31)
This means that there are two constraints in the minimization procedure:
It means that
Φα → Si = ±1
and that the variational parameter becomes the order parameter
hΦα i → hSi i ≡ mi
8.2. Mean field variational method 107
Remark. Note that this time H → Hi (non-uniform), hence mi depends on the site
We have to define a 1−particle probability density distribution ρi ≡ ρ(1) (Si ) such
that (
(1) Tr ρi = 1
ρi ≡ ρ (Si ) → (8.33)
Tr ρi Si = mi
Since we have to satisfy these two constraints, we need two free parameters. A linear
functional form is sufficient. Denoting by:
The simplest function form with two parameters is the linear function, namely
b = 1+m
1 − mi 1 + mi
ρi = (1 − δSi ,1 ) + δSi ,1 (8.35)
2 2
that in matrix form can be expressed as
(mi +1)
ρi = 2
(1−mi ) (8.36)
0 2
hSi iρM F = mi
Remark. This has the form of the original Hamiltonian where Si had been replaced
by their statistical averages.
The entropy term is:
hln ρiρM F = Tr(ρ ln ρ) = Tr(i) (ρi ln ρi )
X 1 + mi 1 + mi 1 − mi 1 − mi
= ln + ln
2 2 2 2
We now look for the values mi = m̄i , that minimizes FρM F (equilibrium phases):
∂FρM F
∂mi mi =m̄i
This gives:
X kB T 1 + m̄i
0 = −J m̄j − Hi + ln
2 1 − m̄i
j∈ n.n. of i
which implies
m̄i = tanh (kB T )−1 J m̄j + Hi
j∈ n.n. of i
8.2. Mean field variational method 109
We have again found the self-consistency equation for the magnetization that we have
already encountered in the Weiss mean field theory for the Ising model! This is again
a confirmation that all mean field theories are equivalent. Defining
z m̄i ≡ m̄j
j∈ n.n. of i
we get
m̄i = tanh [β(Jz m̄i + Hi )] (8.41)
this is the Bragg-William approximation.
Note the + sign before J, this means that the interactions are anti-ferromagnetic.
Let us consider two cases:
If the lattice is bipartite and Jij is non zero only when i and j belong to
different sublattices (they do not have to be only n.n.!), one can redefine
the spins such that (
+Sj j ∈ A
Sj0 =
−Sj j ∈ B
Clearly, Si0 Sj0 = −Si Sj . It is like if the Jij have changed sign and we are
formally back to ferromagnetic model for the two sublattices:
H∗ = − J Si0 Sj0 (8.43)
Remark. Note that, being H uniform, hSi i = m, i.e. does not depend on
(1) (1)
i. Same for the 1−particle distribution functions ρA (S) and ρB (S).
hln ρiρM F = Tr(i) (ρi ln ρi )
as before, but remembering to partition the procedure into the two sub-
lattices A and B, one can show that the variational free energy is given
F (mA , mB ) z Jˆ 1 1 1
= mA mB − H(mA + mB ) − kB T s(mA ) − kB T s(mB )
N 2 2 2 2
where the entropy term is
1−m 1−m
1+m 1+m
s(m) = ln + ln
2 2 2 2
As before, since
1 1+x
tanh−1 (x) = ln
2 1−x
these self-consistent equations can be written as
mA = tanh β H − z Jm ˆ B
mB = tanh β H − z Jm ˆ A
ˆ B from the B
The sites ∈ A experience an internal field HA,M F = −z Jm
neighbours and vice versa for the sites ∈ B.
λ − shape melting
λ − line
1 2.17 T
(a) Plot of the specific heat c(T ). It has the
shape of a λ. (b) (P, T ) phase diagram.
Figure 8.6
The BEG model is used to describe what happens when we add some He3 to
the system constituted by He4 ; it does not consider quantum effects, but only the
"messing up" due to the He3 impurities.
Remark. He3 is a non-radioactive isotope with 2 protons and 1 neutron. From a
quantum statistical point of view is a fermion.
Experimentally when He3 is added to He4 the temperature of the fluid-superfluid
transition decreases. More specifically, if inserted in a system of He4 it will "dilute"
112 Chapter 8. Mean field theories of phase transitions and variational mean field
its bosonic property. Then, one expects that Tλ decreases, as observed. Denoting by
x the concentration of He3 , one observes
Tλ = Tλ (x)
BEG Model
As we have anticipated, the BEG Model is a lattice gas model and so it is based
on an Ising-like Hamiltonian. In particular, it is the model of a diluted ferromagnetic
system. On the sites of this lattice we define a variable Si which can assume the
values −1,0 and +1: we decide that when an He4 atom is present in a lattice site
then Si = ±1, while when Si = 0 it means that the site is occupied by an He3 atom.
We then define our order parameter to be
hSi i = mi
x ≡ 1 − Si2
∆ ∝ µHe3 − µHe4
to be the difference of the chemical potentials of He3 and He4 ; since this parameter
is related to the number of He3 and He4 atoms, we expect that when
• x → 0 (namely, there is only He4 ), we have ∆ → −∞.
• x → 1 (namely, there is only He3 ), we have ∆ → +∞.
and the order parameter for the λ−transition becomes
0 T > Tλ
hSi i =
m T < Tλ
Remark. N is the total number of lattice sites The ∆N term is a typical term for a
gas in gran canonical ensemble.
8.2. Mean field variational method 113
and since hSi Sj i = hSi i hSj i (it’s the fundamental hypothesis of mean field theories)
we get
hHiρM F ' −J hSi i hSj i + ∆ Si2 − N ∆
hiji i
We have also
hSi i = hSj i ≡ m
Therefore, the free energy of the system is:
G(T, J, ∆)M F = − N Jz(TrSi (ρi Si ))2 + N ∆ TrSi (ρi Si2 ) − N ∆ + N kB T TrSi (ρi ln ρi )
where z is the coordination number of the lattice.
We now must minimize this expression with respect to ρi , with the constraint
TrSi (ρi ) = 1:
Let us consider each term
(Tr(ρi Si ))2 = 2(Tr(ρi Si ))Si = 2 hSi i Si = 2mSi
Tr ρi Si2 = Si2
(Tr(ρi ln ρi )) = ln ρi + 1
= −JN zmSi + N ∆Si2 + N kB T ln ρi + N kB T = 0
Dividing by N kB T ,
ln ρi ≡ ln ρ(1) (Si ) = βJzmSi − β∆Si2 − 1
which leads to
1 β(zJmSi −∆S 2 )
ρ(1) (Si ) = e i (8.52)
where we have reabsorbed e−1 into the normalization constant A. The constant A
can be found by imposing the constraint TrSi ρ(1) (Si ) = 1, we find
1 β(zJm(+1)−∆(+1)2 ) 2 2
1= e + eβ(zJm(−1)−∆(−1) ) + eβ(zJm(0)−∆(0) )
Hence, by rearranging
1 −β∆
1= 2e cosh (βzJm) + 1 ⇒ A = 1 + 2e−β∆ cosh(βzJm)
t2 t4 t2
cosh(t) = 1 + + , ln (1 + t) = t −
2 24 2
we get
c(T, ∆) 6
G(T, ∆, J, m) = a0 (T, ∆) + a(T, ∆)m2 + b(T, ∆)m4 + m (8.55)
−β∆ − ∆
a0 (T, ∆) = −k B T ln 1 + 2e
a(T, ∆) = zJ 1 − zJ
2 δkB T
b(T, ∆) = zJ2 (βzJ)3 1 − δ
8δ 3
c(T, ∆) > 0
Therefore, in the disordered phase (both He3 and He4 are present) we have m = 0
and the concentration of He3 becomes:
1 1
x(T, ∆, J) = −β∆
=1− (8.58)
1 + 2e δ
8.2. Mean field variational method 115
This way we can determine how the temperature of the λ-transition depends on x;
in fact, the critical temperature will be the one that makes a change sign, so we can
determine it from the condition a = 0:
zJ zJ zJ
a(Tc (∆)) = 1− = 0 ⇒ Tc =
2 δkB Tc kB δ
Since as we have just seen 1/δ = 1 − x, we have
where Tc (0) = zJ/kB . The other transition (from the continuous λ to the discontinu-
ous one) will occur when the quartic term b changes sign, and so we can determine the
critical value of xc at which it occurs from the condition b = 0. Hence, the tricritical
point is the one that satisfies the conditions
( (
a(Tt , ∆t ) = 0 δt = kBzJTt
b(Tt , ∆t ) = 0 δt = 3
x ≡ βzJm, B ≡ 2e−β∆
x2 x4
Since cosh x ' 1 + 2 + 24 , we can expans A as
x2 x4
A = 1 + B cosh x ' 1 + B 1 + +
2 24
Bx2 Bx4
ln A = ln 1 + B + +
2 24
B 2 B 4
' ln (1 + B) 1 + x + x
2(1 + B) 24(1 + B)
= ln (1 + B) + ln (1 + t)
t≡ x2 + x4
2(1 + B) 24(1 + B)
Let us first consider the term
B 2e−β∆ 2 1
= −β∆
= β∆
1+B 1 + 2e 2+e δ
116 Chapter 8. Mean field theories of phase transitions and variational mean field
Since ln (1 + t) = t − 2, we have
1 1 1 6
⇒ ln A = ln (1 + B) + + − 2 x4 − x
2δ 24δ 4δ 24δ 2
βz 2 J 2
ln A z 2 z
− + Jm − ∆ 'a0 (T, ∆) + J− m2
β 2 2 2δ
1 1 1 5 6 6 6
+ − β 3 z 4 J 4 m4 + β z J m
8δ 24δ 24δ 2
zJ βzJ
a(T, ∆) = 1−
2 δ
3 4 4 β3z4J 4
β z J 1 1 δ
b(T, ∆) = − = 1−
8δ δ 3 8δ 2 3
β z J6 6
c(T, ∆) = >0
24δ 2
We have to choose a family of distribution. If one assumes that the family of trial
distribution is of the Gibbs-Boltzmann form
e−βHT R
ρT R = (8.63)
ZT R = e−βFT R = e−βHT R ({Φi }) (8.64)
{Φi }
then, since
ln ρT R = −βHT R − ln ZT R
we have
kB T hln ρT R iρT R = kB T + kB T h− ln ZT R i
kB T | {z }
By rearranging,
kB T hln ρT R iρT R = h−HT R i + FT R
Hence, the variational free energy becomes
Clearly, F ≤ Fvar and one has to look for the minima of Fvar by varying ρT R . Within
this approach, the mean field approximation is still given by
ρM F
T R (Φ1 , . . . , ΦN ) = ρT R (Φi )
and X P
ZT R = e−β i bi Φi (8.67)
If we consider again the Ising model (remind that it means Φi → Si = ±1), the
Hamiltonian is X X
H = −J Si Sj − H Si
hiji i
Fvar = hH − HT R iρT R + FT R
* !+
= FT R + −J Si Sj − H Si − − bi Si
hiji i i
ρT R
* +
= FT R + −J Si Sj + (bi − H)Si
hiji i
ρT R
= FT R − J hSi Sj iρT R + (bi − H) hSi iρT R
hiji i
Since ρT R = i=1 ρi , we have
Fvar = FT R − J hSi iρT R hSj iρT R + (bi − H) hSi iρT R
hiji i
Si eβSk bk
1 X β
k Sk bk
k S
hSi iρT R = Si e = Q Pk
βSk bk
ZT R k Sk e
βSi bi
S =±1 Si e sinh(βbi )
= Pi βS b
= = tanh(βbi )
Si =±1 e cosh(βbi )
i i
Remark. The main step to understand is how to derive Fvar from a ρT R . This is nice
to see a variation with respect to the real hamiltonian. Consider a bunch of data,
for instance a million of configuration, which is the distribution of the configuration?
Usually, we build up a model with a distribution that depends on parameters and
what we want to do is statistical inference. Starting from the model and the data we
have to obtain the real distribution.
Exercise 6
Consider again the antiferromagnetic Ising model
H[{S}] = −J S(~rA )S(~rB ) − H S(~rA ) + H S(~rB )
h~rA~rB i ~rA ~rB
In particular:
• show that Fvar has the following expression:
hSA iρT R ≡ mA + n
hSB iρT R ≡ mB − n
8.2. Mean field variational method 119
with m = mA + mB , and
mA = tanh(βH − 4βJmB )
mB = tanh(βH − 4βJmA )
where ψext is a one body external potential, but we do not consider it because is not
the aim of our problem. In general,
Φ({~ri }) = U2 (~ri ,~rj ) + U3 (~ri ,~rj ,~rµ ) + . . .
i6=j i6=j6=µ
QN (T ) = d~ri e−β i6=j U2 (|~ri −~rj |)
V i=1
Now, we replace all this story with just a field, it is a sort of average of the interactions.
Doing the mean field assumption for U2 , we obtain
U2 (|~ri − ~rj |) → ΦM F (~ri )
i,j>1 i
Chapter 9. Non ideal fluids: Mean field theory, Van der Walls, Virial expansion and
122 Cluster expansion
Generally ψext does not pose great problems while it is Φ that makes QN impos-
sible to compute exactly, forcing us to resort to approximations. In the framework of
mean field theories, we substitute the interaction potential Φ with an effective single-
particle potential that acts on every particle in the same way. Hence, the mean field
approximation consists in substituting the multi-body interaction potential Φ({~ri })
with an effective one body potential Φ(~r) withing which all the particles move:
Φ({~ri }) = ΦM F (~ri ) (9.2)
As said, for simplicity consider ψext = 0, hence mean field theories allow us to compute
QN as
MF D −βΦM F (~r)
QN (T ) ' d ~r e (9.3)
Remark. The integral depends on the form of ΦM F (~r). Of course, every particular
mean field theory will provide a different form of ΦM F (~r) which will lead to different
If one assumes spatial isotropy, what it is important is not anymore the vector but
only the distance; hence, it is important just the integral over the modulus:
0 r0
where Vex ' r03 is the volume not accessible by the particle. Finally, the result is
h iN
(T ) = (V − V ex )e −βu
N kB T ∂u
PNM F =− = −N (9.7)
∂V T V − Vex ∂V T
Remark. In general, the deep u can go up and down depending on the V : u = u(V ).
This is because u is the attractive well of the mean field potential and, for r ≥ r0
must be proportional to the fluid density
u ∼ −N/V
where the minus sign means attraction. On the other hand, also Vex , the volume not
accessible, must be proportional to N .
Hence, we have
u = −a , Vex = bN
where b is the volume of a single particle. Inserting the last term in (9.7), we obtain
the Van der Walls equation of state:
N kB T N
PNM F (V, T ) = −a (9.8)
V − bN V
P f lex P
Pc T > Tc
T = Tc
T < Tc
vL vG v
(a) Van der Waals isotherms are represented
in red in (v, P ) diagram for different values of (b) Real isotherm in (v, P ) diagram for T <
T. Tc .
Figure 9.2
• First of all, from the representation of the isotherms we can see that the critical
point is a flex for the critical isotherm (i.e. the one with T = Tc ); in other
words, we can determine the critical point from the equations:
∂P ∂2P
= 0, =0
∂v ∂v 2
The second in particular means that there is a flex point. Let us pay attention
to it, indeed it is a standard way to find critical points. We obtain
a 8a
vc = 3b, Pc = , kB Tc =
27b2 27b
• Another way to find the critical point consists in noticing that at T = Tc , the
3 solutions coincide. In fact, we can note that the equation P (v) = P = const
is cubic in v. Let us rewrite the Van der Waals equation
v 2 kB T − a(v − b)
P =
v 2 (v − b)
3 kB T a ab
v − b+ v2 + v − =0 (9.10)
For T > Tc this equation has one real solution and two imaginary ones, and
for T < Tc three distinct real solutions; when T = Tc the three solutions of
the equation coincide. This means that at the critical point T = Tc this last
equation Eq.(9.10) must be written in the form:
(v − vc )3 = 0 ⇒ v 3 − 3v 2 vc + 3vvc2 − vc3 = 0
Pc vc 3
= ≈ 0.375
kB Tc 8
We have found another very interesting result: when rescaled by their critical ther-
modynamic properties (by Pc , vc and Tc ), all fluids obey the same state equation.
This is the law of corresponding states: this is a form of universality. The law of
corresponding states applies everywhere on the phase diagram. It can even be shown
that this law is a consequence of dimensional analysis, and is more general than what
might seem: experimentally the law of corresponding states is well satisfied also by
fluids which do not obey Van der Waals equation.
dG = −S dT + V dP + µ dN
Chapter 9. Non ideal fluids: Mean field theory, Van der Walls, Virial expansion and
126 Cluster expansion
∂π non physical
∂v >0
vL vG v
dµ = 0
is the physical condition. Recall that for Van der Wall dP 6= 0! Hence, the physical
coexistence condition implies
2 PL
V an der W alls
0= dµ = µ(2) − µ(1) = dP V
1 N PG
Looking also at the Figure 9.4, we see that this means that the horizontal segment of
the isotherm must be drawn so that the two regions have the same area (from which
the name of the method). The integral can be partitioned in two parts
0= V dP ⇒ V dP = − dP V
Hence, the equal area condition gives the value of Px of the coexistence line!
9.2. Van der Waals equation 127
vL vx vG v
Figure 9.4: Maxwell’s equal area rule: Van der Walls isotherm for T < Tc .
β exponent
Let us recall that the equation of state is
π + 2 (3ν − 1) = 8τ
P v T
π= , ν= , τ=
Pc vc Tc
Let us consider (
t ≡ τ − 1 = T −T c
Tc (9.14)
Φ = ν − 1 = v−vvc
indeed we want to analyze the deviation from the critical point. Close to the critical
point we have τ ∼ ν ∼ 1 and t ∼ Φ ∼ 0.
We now expand the equation of state with respect to t and Φ in the neighbourhood
of the critical point:
π+ (3(Φ + 1) − 1) = 8(t + 1)
(1 + Φ)2
By rearranging,
8(t + 1) 3
⇒π= −
2(Φ + 1) − 1 (1 + Φ)2
Expanding for Φ ∼ 0, since we have
α(α − 1) 2 α(α − 1)(α − 2) 3
(1 + Φ)α ' 1 + αΦ + Φ + Φ
2! 3!
we obtain
27 3
π ' (1 + t) 4 − 6Φ + 9Φ − Φ + · · · − (3 − 6Φ + 9Φ2 − 12Φ3 + · · · )
3 27
∼ 1 + 4t − 6Φt + 9Φ2 t − Φ3 − Φ3 t + · · ·
2 2
Chapter 9. Non ideal fluids: Mean field theory, Van der Walls, Virial expansion and
128 Cluster expansion
π ' 1 + 4t − 6tΦ − Φ3 + O(tΦ2 , Φ4 ) (9.15)
where the terms we have neglected are justified a posteriori (i.e. we will see that
Φ ∼ t1/2 ; we could have not neglected them, but the result of the computation
doesn’t change).
The strategy we want to apply is the following: since we want to determine how
Φ changes with t, we can determine the relation between the densities Φg and Φl
in the gaseous and liquid phase from Maxwell’s equal area rule. This way, from the
expression of π we can determine the pressures in the two phases and express them
in terms of Φg or Φl , and since πl = πg at the coexistence we can obtain from this
equation the behaviour of Φ in terms of t.
Hence, as said, in order to get the values of vG (P ) and vL (P ) at coexistence, we
use the Maxwell construction Z PL
v dP = 0
Let us consider T < Tc fixed (it is true if and only if t < 0, but small), hence
π = π(v) = π(Φ)
hence, " #
Φ2g Φ2l
−3Φ2g t+ 2
+ 3Φl t + =0
g g
Remembering that:
vg − vc vl − vc
Φg = , Φl =
vc vc
we see that the only acceptable solution is
Φg = −Φl (9.18)
9.3. Theories of weakly interacting fluids 129
(since the volume of a gas is larger than that of a liquid). Therefore, substituting Φg
and ρl = −ρg into the expression of π (Eq. (9.15)), we get
Φg → πg = 1 + 4t − 6tΦg − Φ3g
3 3
Φl → πl = 1 + 4t + 6tΦg + Φg
The two expression of π must be equal πg = πl since we are at the coexistence.
Solving with respect to Φg we get
which implies
β= (9.21)
⇒ U ({~r}) = Φ(|~ri − ~rj |) (9.22)
ZΩ (N, V, T ) = QN (V, T ) (9.24)
N !Λ3N
where Z Z Z
QN (V, T ) = d~r1 d~r2 · · · d~rN exp[−βU ({~r})] (9.25)
QN (V, T ) = V N ideal
→ ZN =
N !Λ3N
Now, suppose U 6= 0, but small! If we consider also the interaction terms we must
insert a correction χ in the configurational contribution to the partition function.
We can say that our QN (V, T ) it would be the on of the ideal version times a new
QN (V, T ) ' V N χ(N, V, T ) (9.26)
which (depending on the possible presence of attractive terms in the interaction po-
tential Φ can in general be also a function of the temperature T ; furthermore the
correction depends strongly on the gas density: if it is low the particles will not "per-
ceive" the presence of the other ones and the ideal gas approximation is a good one,
while for high densities the particles will be closer to each other and corrections to
QN are necessary.
Remark. If Φ is only repulsive, χ does not depend on T .
Let us note that inserting the correction χ, the free energy of the system will be:
FN = FNideal − kB T ln χ (9.27)
This suggests that the equation of state of a weakly interacting gas can be expanded
formally in powers of ρ. This is known as virial expansion.
In particular, for the ideal gas:
kB T
For a non ideal gas, let us add the other terms of the expansion
→ = ρ + B2 (T )ρ2 + B3 (T )ρ3 + · · · + O(ρn ) (9.29)
kB T
this is a virial expansion and it is one of the most used. The coefficient B are
called the virial coefficients. The Eq.(9.29) was first introduced as a formula to fit
experimental data. Indeed, making a fit, you will obtain the virial coefficients. This is
what physicist have done for years. Then, mapping the coefficient with the real world
experiments, we can find some macroscopical parameters. The formula (9.29) can be
also obtained rigorously from a perturbation approach to the partition function (as
we will see later). Now, the question is: which is the virial expansion of a Van der
Walls (i.e. mean field) gas?
P N aN 2
= −
kB T V − bN kB T V 2
Let us factorize the term (N/V ),
−1 2
P N N a N
= 1−b −
kB T V V kB T V
9.3. Theories of weakly interacting fluids 131
N 2
3 4
P N a N 2 N
⇒ = + b− + b + b3 + . . .
kB T V V kB T V V
=ρ+ b− ρ2 + b2 ρ3 + b3 ρ4 + . . .
kB T
where in B2 (T )V dW the first term is repulsive on excluded volume and the second
one is the attraction term. We note also that B3V dW is always positive.
Boyle’s temperature TB
The Boyle’s temperature is the T at which the second coefficient is zero:
B2V dW (TB ) = 0
so we have removed the most important coefficient. The competiting effects of repul-
sion and attraction are cancelled out. In this case, the Van der Walls temperature
TBV dW is
TBV dW =
to be compared with the critical temperature TcV dW that is
TcV dW =
We notice that TcV dW TBV dW . It is clear that the Boyle’s temperature must be
much greater than the critical one.
Remark. Consider a polymer, the transition point called the θ point is when the
second coefficient is zero, as the case described above, but it is interesting in polymer
kind of system (lesson).
The idea is to find a "small quantity" in terms of which we can expand QN ; this
quantity is the so called Mayer function.
Definition 8: Mayer function
The Mayer f-function is an auxiliary function that often appears in the series ex-
pansion of thermodynamic quantities related to classical many-particle systems.
Chapter 9. Non ideal fluids: Mean field theory, Van der Walls, Virial expansion and
132 Cluster expansion
It is defined as
f (|~r|) ≡ e−βΦ(|~r|) − 1 (9.31)
Remark. Note: if βΦ(r) 1, we have f (r) 1.
In fact, when the gas is ideal f (~r) = 0, and if the particles interact weakly Φ is
small, and so is f (~r). In particular, this expansion will work well for low densities
(namely |~ri − ~rj | is large and so Φ(|~ri − ~rj |) → 0) or high temperatures (namely
β → 0): in both cases, in fact, e−βΦ(|~ri −~rj |) → 1 and f (|~ri −~rj |) → 0. Using the short
notations Φij ≡ Φ(|~ri − ~rj |) and fij ≡ f (|~ri − ~rj |) we have
⇒ e−β i j>i Φij =
(1 + fij )
i j>i
fij ≡ e−βΦij − 1
Higher order terms contain products of 3, 4, . . . fij terms. For simplicity, let us con-
sider first only linear terms. Hence, the solution is given by considering only the
Lecture 15. linear term. This is the cluster expansion.
Wednesday 4th As said, this first approximation is reasonable if either
December, 2019.
Compiled: 1. ρ is small enough. It implies that |~ri − ~rj | 1 and hence Φij 1.
Wednesday 5th
February, 2020. 2. Sufficiently high T such that Φ(|~ri − ~rj |)/kB T 1. What is important it is
the ration between β and Φij .
In either cases we have exp(−βΦij ) → 1 and fij → 0. By keeping only linear terms,
the configurational contribution to the partition function will be
QN (V, T ) = d~r1 . . . d~rN 1 + fij + . . . = V + d~r1 · · · d~rN fij
V i,j>i i,j>i V V
= V N + V N −2 d~ri d~rj fij + . . .
i,j>i V
We are summing up over all configurations ij. Let us try to compute the double
integral, with the definition of a new variable ~r = ~ri − ~rj :
d~ri d~rj fij (|~ri − ~rj |) = d~ri d~r f (~r) = V d~r f (|~r|) ≡ −2B2 V
V V translational V V V
B2 ≡ − d~r f (|~r|) (9.32)
2 V
From this we see precisely how the virial coefficient, which as we have already stated
can be experimentally measured, is related to the microscopic properties of the in-
teraction between the particles, represented by the Mayer function f . It can also be
9.3. Theories of weakly interacting fluids 133
shown that all the virial coefficients can be expressed in terms of integrals of products
of Mayer functions: higher order coefficients involve the computation of increasingly
difficult integrals, which can however be visualized in terms of graphs.
What we have seen now is how the cluster expansion works in general. Let us
now apply it in order to find the virial expansion for real gases. From what we have
found, the configurational partition function of the system becomes:
QN (V, T ) = V N − V N −1 B2 (T ) 1 + ...
The remaining sum is equal toN (N − 1): in fact, for any of the N values that i can
assume, j can have N − 1 values. These are all the possible connections (bonds)
between pairs of particles (i, j) with j > i. Hence,
QN (V, T ) = V N − V N −1 B2 (T )N (N − 1) + . . . (9.33)
and, considering that N − 1 ≈ N for large N , the complete partition function of the
system will be:
ZN (V, T ) = 1− B2 (T ) + . . . (9.34)
N !Λ3N V
FN = FNideal − kB T ln 1 − B2 (T ) + . . . (9.35)
! !
V B2 1− V B2 + V B2
∂FN N kB T N kB T
PN =− = 1+ 2 = 2
∂V T,N V 1 − NV B2 V 1 − NV B2
PV 1
≈ 1 + ρB2 + · · · '
N kB T 1 − B2 ρ
Chapter 9. Non ideal fluids: Mean field theory, Van der Walls, Virial expansion and
134 Cluster expansion
and now re-expand (1 − B2 ρ)−1 , so that we can express all the virial coefficients in
terms of the first one:
' 1 + B2 ρ + (B2 )2 ρ2 + (B2 )3 ρ3 + . . .
1 − B2 ρ
= ρ + B2 ρ2 + (B2 )2 ρ3 + (B2 )3 ρ4 + . . .
kB T
Identifying the coefficients for each power we get, in the end:
(the difference with what we have seen in Van der Waals equation is that now the
potential is purely repulsive, and has no attractive component).
σ r
In this case, (
−βΦ(r) −1 r < σ
f (~r) = e −1= (9.38)
0 r≥σ
9.3. Theories of weakly interacting fluids 135
This can be seen as a hard sphere potential where the spheres have an attractive shell
of thickness δ. We thus have:
|~r| < r0
f (~r) = e − 1 r0 < |~r| < r0 + δ (9.42)
0 |~r| > r0 + δ
so that:
1 1
B2 = − f (|~r|)d~r = − 4πr2 f (r)dr =
2 2
Z r0 Z r0 +δ
2 βε 2
= −2π (−r )dr + e − 1 r dr =
0 r0
eβε − 1
r0 3 3 2
= B2h.s. − π eβε − 1 (r0 + δ)3 − r03
= −2π − + (r0 + δ) − r0
3 3 3
where B2HS is the first virial coefficient of the hard sphere potential we have previously
seen. Now, if the temperature is sufficiently high, namely βε 1, we can approximate
eβε − 1 ≈ βε, so that:
" #
δ 3
HS 2 3
B2 = B2 − πβεr0 1+ −1 (9.43)
3 r0
Lennard-Jones potential
This potential is a quite realistic representation of the interatomic interactions. It
is defined as:
σ 12 σ 6
Φ = 4ε − (9.45)
r r
which contains a long-range attractive term (the one proportional to 1/r6 , which
can be justified in terms of electric dipole fluctuations) and a short-range repulsive
one (proportional to 1/r12 , which comes from the overlap of the electron orbitals,
i.e.Pauli excluded principle). This potential is plotted in Figure 9.6. The minimum
is in rmin = 21/σ . We can play with the range of attraction by changing σ or by
changing the ε.
σ rmin
2 3 4 ∞ 2 12
∗ − τ4 112 − 16
B2 (T ) = πσ x − e x x dx
3 τ 0 x12 x6
Z ∞
12 6
− τ4 112 − 16
=A − e x x dx
0 x16 x4
Now, we can expand the exponential and integrate term by term; this gives an ex-
pression of B2 as a power series of 1/τ :
∞ 2n+1
2n − 1
X 10 1 4
B2 (τ ) = −2A Γ (9.46)
4n! 4 τ
where Γ is the Euler function and A0 is a constant. Note that the attractive part of
the Lennard-Jones potential has introduced in B2 a dependence on the temperature.
9.3. Theories of weakly interacting fluids 137
The problem with this expansion is that it groups terms quite different from one
another. Fro example the terms f12 f23 and f12 f34 . Indeed the first term correspond
to a diagram as in Figure 9.7a, while the second to two disconnected diagrams as in
Figure 9.7b.
2 2 4
1 3 1 3
Figure 9.7
Another problem of the above expansion is that it does not recognize identical
clusters formed by different particles. For example the terms f12 f23 and f12 f14 con-
tribute in the same way to the partition function. It is then convenient to follow a
diagrammatic approach similar to the Feymann approach in the reciprocal space.
For the linear term fij the only diagram is given by Figure
9.8. As we have seen this has multeplicity
N (N − 1)
and the integral is of the form
Z Z 1
f12 d~r1 d~r2 = V f (~r) d~r = −2V B2
Figure 9.8
For the term fij fkl we can have the case as in Figure 9.9,
that has molteplicity
N (N − 1) (N − 1)(N − 3) 1
2 2 2 j l
and the integral is of the form
f12 f34 d~r1 d~r2 d~r3 d~r4
i k
i.e. involving 4-particles
Figure 9.9
f (|~r1 − ~r2 |)f (|~r3 − ~r4 |) d~r1 d~r2 d~r3 d~r4 =
Z 2
=V f (~r) d~r = 4V 2 B22
Chapter 9. Non ideal fluids: Mean field theory, Van der Walls, Virial expansion and
138 Cluster expansion
N (N − 1)(N − 2)
×3 j=k
The integral is of the form
Z Z 2
f12 f23 d~r1 d~r2 d~r3 ' V dr f (r) = i l
= f (|~r1 − ~r2 |)f (|~r2 − ~r3 |) d~r1 d~r2 d~r3 = (9.47) Figure 9.10
Z 2
=V f (~r) d~r = 4V B22
f (|~r12 |)f (|~r23 |)f (|~r31 |) d~r21 d~r23 d~r2 = f (|~r12 |)f (|~r23 |)f (|~r23 − ~r21 |) d~r21 d~r23 d~r2
The configurational partition function with the terms in Eq.9.47 and Eq.9.48 becomes
N (N − 1) N (N − 1)(N − 2)(N − 3) N (N − 1)(N − 2) 2
QN (V, T ) =V N − V N B2 + V N 2
(4B22 ) + V N 4B2
V 8V 2V 2
N (N − 1) N (N − 1)(N − 2)(N − 3) 2 N (N − 1)(N − 3)
=VN 1+ B2 + B2 + B3
V 2V 2 V2
Let us now face the problem in a slightly different ways. Let us remind that
QN (V, T ) = fkl d3N r (9.50)
diagrams kl
where the sum is over all possible diagrams, i.e. all possible ways in which ones can
draw edges between pairs of points (k, l). For each such diagrams I have to product
between all edge and then integrate over the configurational space (N points).
9.3. Theories of weakly interacting fluids 139
1 2
3 or or ...
Let us now consider only connected diagrams for i sites. In other words given i
points (i particles) from a system of N points and I consider all the possible ways I
can connect these i points (an example isQ shown in Figure 9.12).
For each diagram we take the product kl fkl and then integrate over the position
of the i points (i particles). For a fixed diagram:
fkl d~r1 . . . d~ri
kl∈ diagram
and so on.
fkl d~r1 . . . d~ri
connected lk∈ diagram
the results is what we call (i!V Bi ) and defines Bi . Let us analyze what happens for
different values of i points:
• case i = 1: clearly B1 = 1;
• case i = 2: just one edge, hence we have just one connected diagram. The
integral becomes:
f12 d~r1 d~r2 = −2V B2
2 2 2 2
+ + +
1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
fkl d~r1 d~r2 d~r3 =
connected diagrams kl∈ diagram
of i = 3 points
= f12 f23 d~r1 d~r2 d~r3 + f12 f13 d~r1 d~r2 d~r3 + f13 f23 d~r1 d~r2 d~r3
| {z }
3V ( f (~r)d~r)
+ f12 f23 f13 d~r1 d~r2 d~r3
| {z }
3!V (B3 −2B22 )
fkl d~r1 d~r2 d~r3 = 3V (−2B2 )2 + 6V (B3 − 2B2 )
connected diagrams kl∈ diagram
of i = 3 points
= 6V B3 = 3!V B3
Eventually, for the partition function we have to sum over all possible clusters.
One possible procedure is:
1. given the N points we can partition them into connected clusters. For all i
points we can make mi clusters of that size i.
imi = N
For each cluster of size i we have a term (i!V Bi ). If there are mi of them we
have a weight (i!V Bi )mi .
2. Now, we have to count in how many ways we can make the partition of N in a
set of {mi } clusters. Clearly if we permute the label of the N vertices we have
possible different clusters. In principle, this degenerancy is proportional to N !
On the other hand, if one changes the order of the labels within a cluster (in i!
ways) this does not change the cluster and since there are mi clusters of size i
we have to divide by (i!)mi .
Moreover, since there are mi clusters one can swap them (in mi ! ways). The
degenerancy is mi !(i!)
mi . Therefore,
(i!V Bi )mi
QN (V, T ) = (9.51)
mi !(i!)mi
{mi } i
9.3. Theories of weakly interacting fluids 141
1 1
9 9
(a) Description (b) Description
Figure 9.14
Exercise 7: N = 9 points
Consider the N = 9 points in Figure 9.14a.
4. The equilibrium states of the system are the global minima of L with respect
to η.
We also assume that the thermodynamic properties of the system can be obtained
by differentiating L, just like we can do with thermodynamic potentials2 .
Note also that the general formulation of the Landau theory does not depend on
the dimensionality of the system (although we will see that once a system has been
chosen some details can depend on it).
Remark. Since L is analytic it can be formally expanded in power of η, for η ∼ 0.
L(η) ≈ a0 + a1 η + a2 η 2 + a3 η 3 + . . . (10.1)
To be more precise, L is the Landau free energy density; the "real" Landau free energy should
be L = V L.
Strictly speaking, Landau free energy is not really a thermodynamic potential: the correct
interpretation of L is that it is a coarse grained free energy (not the exact one).
144 Chapter 10. Landau theory of phase transition for homogeneous systems
10.2.1 Costruction of L
First of all, since the equilibrium configurations of the system must be minima of
= a1 + 2a2 η + 3a3 η 2 + · · · = 0
where we have chosen to stop the expansion at the three order. Now, since this
equation must hold for all T and for T > T̄ 3 we have η = 0, we see that a1 = 0.
Considering now the constraint on the symmetries of the system, in absence of
phase transitions for finite systems we have seen that the Ising model is invariant
under parity (Z2 symmetry), i.e. its Hamiltonian is simultaneously even in H and
{Si }:
H(H, {Si }) = H(−H, {−Si })
Thus, in absence of external fields (H = 0) the Hamiltonian of the Ising model is
even; this means that also L must be invariant under parity, namely an even function
of η:
L(−η) = L(η)
Therefore all the odd terms of the expansion are null:
a2k+1 = 0 ∀k ∈ N
Finally, since we have assumed that L is an analytic function of η then its expan-
sion cannot contain terms proportional to |η|.
In conclusion, the minimal expression for L(η) that describes the equilibrium phase
diagram of an Ising-like system is:
L(η = 0) = a0
and so for simplicity we can set a0 = 0 (it’s just a constant shift in the energy, what
matters is the free-energy difference).
Moreover, in order to have η = η̄ 6= 0 < ∞ for T < T̄ (thermodynamic stability)
we should impose that the coefficient of the highest power of η is always positive. In
this case:
a4 (J, T ) > 0
Indeed if this condition is violated L reaches it s absolute minimum for η → ±∞,
which makes no sense physically! The Landau free energy results
T − T̄ a b
a2 ∼ a02 + + ..., a4 ∼ + ...
T̄ 2 4
in the expansion of a4 we have neglected any explicit dependence on T − T̄ because
as we will see it will not dominate the behaviour of the thermodynamics near T̄ .
Moreover, by choosing a02 = 0 the sign of a2 is determined by the one of t. In
particular, at T = T̄ , one has a2 = 0.
We finally have that the form of the Landau free energy for the Ising model is
given by:
a 2 b 4
L= tη + η + O(η 6 ) (10.4)
2 4
Remark. Does not matter the coefficient in green in front, so in the next part of the
course we will change it. If it is written in this way we have always a > 0. We have
also b > 0.
Note that, in presence of an external magnetic field h, one should consider the
Legendre transform of L obtaining its Gibbs version:
a 2 b 4
LG = tη + η − hη (10.5)
2 4
we have inserted a field coupled with the order parameter.
• Case t > 0 (T > T̄ ): the only global minimum of L is the solution η̄ = 0. The
second derivative of L with respect to η is
= at + 3bη 2
∂η 2
∂ 2 L
= at < 0 ⇒ η̄ = 0 local maxima (no equilibrium)
∂η 2 η̄=0
146 Chapter 10. Landau theory of phase transition for homogeneous systems
∂ 2 L
= at + 3b − = −2at
∂η 2 η̄=±√− at b
since t < 0, we have −2at > 0 and hence η̄ = ± − at b are two minima!
r !
at a2 t2 a2 t2 a2 t2
L η̄ = ± − =− + =− <0
b 2b 4b 4b
Hence, the two minima have the same valueare related by the group symmetry
Z2 (η̄ → −η̄).
T >T
(a) Landau free energy L for t > 0 with (b) Landau free energy L for t < 0 with
h = 0. h = 0.
Figure 10.1
Exponent β
This is immediately determined from what we have just seen: in fact, η ∼ tβ for
h = 0, t → 0− . Since t < 0, the minima of L are
at 1
η̄ = ± − ⇒β=
b 2
as expected.
Exponent α
∂ L 2
The specific heat at zero field of the system is CH = −T ∂T 2 . In particular, we
have CH ∼ t for h = 0, |t| → 0. As we have seen:
• if t > 0: L(η̄ = 0) = 0.
q 2 2
• if t < 0: Lmin = L η̄ = ± − at
b = − a4bt .
Hence, (
0 t>0
Lmin = 2 2
− a4bt t<0
10.3. Critical exponents in Landau’s theory 147
∂2L ∂2 a2
cH = −T = −T − (T − T̄ )
∂T 2 ∂T 2 4bT̄ 2
We have
a2 a2
∂ 2
− (T − T̄ ) = − (T − T̄ )
∂T 4bT̄ 2 2bT̄ 2
∂2 a2 a2
= − (T − T̄ ) = −
∂T 2 ∂T 2bT̄ 2 2bT̄ 2
Hence, the specific heat at zero field results
0 T > T̄
cH = a2
2bT̄ 2
T T < T̄
We have t → 0− if and only if T → T̄ − , which implies cH → 2bT̄
that is constant.
Hence, in both cases:
Exponent δ
= atη + bη 3 − h = 0
h = atη + bη 3 (10.8)
This tells us that, for fixed h, the extreme points of L are given by the values of η
that satisfies Eq.(10.8) (see Figure 10.2).
Figure 10.2: Plot of the Landau free energy for t < 0 with an external field h > 0.
148 Chapter 10. Landau theory of phase transition for homogeneous systems
Exponent γ
Let us remind that χT ∼ t−γ for h = 0, |t| → 0. If we now differentiate the state
equation (10.8) with respect to h we get:
∂η ∂η
at + 3bη 2 =1
∂h ∂h
Since χ = ∂h , we have
at + 3bη 2
If we now set h = 0, then for:
• t < 0: we will have η̄ = ± − at
b and thus χT = − 2at
γ = γ0 = 1
In summary, the Landau theory for the Ising model gives the following (mean
field) values of the critical exponents
β= , α = 0, δ = 3, γ=1 (10.9)
which, as we expected, are identical to those we have found within Weiss mean field
theory. Moreover, Landau theory does not depend on the system dimension d (as
expected since is a mean field theory) but only on its symmetries.
Remark. For a O(n) (vector) model the order parameter η becomes a vector field ~η
with n compnents and
a b
LG (~η ) = t~η · ~η + (~η · ~η )2 − ~h · ~η + O (~η · ~η )3 (10.10)
2 4
L(η, t, h) = atη 2 − wη 3 + η 4 − hη (10.11)
10.4. First-order phase transitions in Landau theory 149
where t ≡ T −T
2 and w is an additional parameter that we fix to be positive, w > 0; as
in the previous case, we must have b > 0 so that η has finite values in the equilibrium
configurations. In addiction,
a > 0 if T > T ∗
at = (T − T ∗ )
2 < 0 if T < T ∗
Remark. For w < 0 the results are the same, but in the η < 0 diagram.
The temperature T ∗ is the one at which we have the continuous transition if
w = 0, but as we will see it doesn’t have great significance now. The equilibrium
configurations of the system, will be given by:
=0 ⇒ h = 2atη − 3wη 2 + bη 3
disordered phase
η̄ = 0
√ (10.12)
η¯± = 1
2b 3w ± 9w2 − 8abt ordered phases
2at T − T∗ c2 b T ∗∗ − T ∗
η̄± ∈ R ⇐⇒ c2 − > 0 ⇐⇒ t = < ≡ t∗∗ ≡
b 2 2a 2
Hence, we have
c2 b
T ∗∗ = T ∗ + = T ∗ + 2t∗∗
so, since t∗∗ is positive, this will occur at temperatures higher than T ∗ . Let us consider
different cases:
• If t > t∗∗ (T > T ∗∗ ), then the system will be in the disordered phase and we
have η̄± ∈/ R. The only real solution is η̄ = 0 that is also the absolute minimum
of L. The plot is shown in Figure 10.3.
• If t ≤ t∗∗ (T ≤ T ∗∗ ), we have η̄± = c± c2 − at b ∈ R are both possible solutions.
One will be a local maximum and the other a local minimum.
T > T ∗∗
Figure 10.3: Landau free energy for t > t∗∗ (T > T ∗∗ ). The point η̄ = 0 is the absolute
T = T ∗∗
η− = η+ η
Figure 10.4: Landau free energy for t ≤ t∗∗ (T = T ∗∗ ). The point η̄− = η̄+ is a flex one.
Tt < T < T ∗∗
η− η+ η
Figure 10.5: Landau free energy for t ≤ t∗∗ (Tt < T ≤ T ∗∗ ). The point η̄+ is a local
L(η̄+ ) = L(0)
that is the coexistence between the disordered and ordered phases. In fact,
in the plot of Figure 10.6 we see that there are two minima in the same
line, this is a first order transition.
– Finally for T ∗ < T < Tt , η̄+ becomes negative and so now η = η̄+ is the
global minimum of L: the ordered phase becomes stable and the disordered
10.4. First-order phase transitions in Landau theory 151
T = Tt
0 η− η+ η
Figure 10.6: Landau free energy for t ≤ t∗∗ (T = Tt ). The point η̄+ is a minimum. The
ordered and disordered phase coexist.
Figure 10.7: Landau free energy for t ≤ t∗∗ (T ∗ < T < Tt ). The point η̄+ is the global
– If now T < T ∗ , L develops a new minimum for η < 0, but it is only a local
minimum (the asymmetry introduced by −wη 3 ensures that η̄+ is always
the global minimum). This means that also for T < T ∗ the disordered
phase with η̄+ continues to be the stable one, and so no phase transition
occurs at T ∗ any more; this is what we meant when we said that T ∗ is not
a relevant temperature any more.
Therefore, we have seen that lowering the temperature of the system, the value
of η for which L has a global minimum changes discontinuously from η = 0 to
η̄+ : this is a first-order transition. All the results obtained are shown in Figure
(a) First-order transition. (b) Same transition for lower values of the
Figure 10.8: The notation in this plot is different from the one used previously. Here
T̄ ≡ T ∗ , T ∗ ≡ T ∗∗ and T ∗∗ ≡ Tt .
Therefore, for η 6= 0: (
2at − 3wη + bη 2 = 0
at − wη + 4b η 2 = 0
Solving with respect to η and t, we get
η̄t = + 2w
b >0
tt = ab
Since by the definition t = (T − T ∗ )/2, we have:
Tt = T ∗ + (10.14)
Remark. Let us note that Tt > T ∗ .
Since at T = Tt there is a first order transition does the system display latent
a 2w 2
∂L 1 2
s= − = − aη̄t = −
∂T ηt 2 2 b
Hence, there is an entropy jump. The latent heat absorbed to go from the ordered
to the disordered phase is
a 2w
q = −Tt s = Tt (10.15)
2 b
The result is
χT = (10.16)
2at − 6wη + 3bη 2
We now make use of equation (10.16) to compute the limit of stability of the phases
we have found.
10.5. Multicritical points in Landau theory 153
10.4.2 Computation of T ∗∗
As said, T = T ∗∗ is the value below which the ordered phase becomes a metastable
state (local minima). In particular, since for T = T ∗∗ the point η̄− = η̄+ is a flex
point, we have the condition
∂η 2
∂ ∂h
2atη − 6wη 2 + bη 3 = h = 0 ⇒ 2at − 6wη + 3bη 2 = = χ−1 = 0
∂η ∂η
Remember that at T = T ∗∗ the two solutions η̄± coincide, hence from Eq.(10.13) we
2at 3w
c2 − = 0 ⇒ η̄± = η2 =
b 2b
Inserting in the expression with χ−1 = 0, we have
9w2 1
⇐⇒ t∗∗ = = (T ∗∗ − T ∗ ) (10.17)
8ab 2
Remind that for Tt < T < T ∗∗ the ordered phase η̄+ is metastable.
10.4.3 Computation of T ∗
The instability of the disordered phase η = 0 is when L presents a flex point at
η = 0. Therefore, from the condition
∂ 2 L
∂η 2 η̄=0
we have
χ−1 = 2at − 6wη + 3bη 2 = =0 ⇒ 2at = 0 ⇒ t = 0
Hence, we have
⇒ T = T∗ (10.18)
thus no phase transition occurs at T ∗ any more. The plot of the Landau free energy
in the case T = T ∗ is shown in Figure 10.9.
T = T∗
Figure 10.9: Landau free energy for t ≤ t∗∗ (T = T ∗ ). The point η̄+ is the global minimum,
while the point η̄ = 0 is a flex point.
even when the system is invariant under parity, like in the case of the Ising model.
In fact in that situation we required the coefficient of η 4 to be always positive, but if
this is not true then L will be:
a(t, ∆) 2 b(t, ∆) 4 c 6
L(T, ∆, η) = η + η + η − hη (10.19)
2 4 6
where a, b and c are functions of two parameteres (T, ∆) and c > 0 positive for
the stability of the system (otherwise, like in the case previously considered, the
minimization of L leads η to infinity); ∆ is the disordered field (in the BEG model
∆ was the % He3 atoms).
Remark. To allow the coefficient of η 4 to change sign, we need the η 6 term.
Let us study the phenomenology of ∆ (∆c is a critical value):
If a changes sign and b is kept positive (which can be done varying the values
of T and ∆ in a way such that a goes to zero faster than b, depending of course
on their explicit expressions) then a critical transition occurs since in this case
η = 0 becomes a local maximum for L, and it develops two new global minima.
Therefore, the solution of the equation a(T, ∆) = 0 will give a line of critical
points in (T, ∆) plane.
the difference that now the situation is perfectly symmetric since L is even) and
they will become the new global minima as L(η̄± ) = 0, which happens when
b changes sign: this way the equilibrium value of the order parameter change
discontinuously from zero to a non-zero quantity so a first-order transition has
indeed happened.
In this case, we have
L = aη 2 + cη 6 , a>0
The equilibrium states are
= 2aη + 6cη 5 = 0
Figure 10.10: Landau free energy for ∆ > ∆c . There is coexistence between three phases,
in fact there are 3 global minima.
=0 ⇒ h = 6cη 5
of the other "disarranging" parameter ∆, which we now neglect). The Landau free
energy is again
a b c
L = η 2 + η 4 + η 6 − hη
2 4 6
We now want to show that we can understand how the phase diagram of the
system is in (a, b) space, i.e. that we can draw where the phase transition lines are
and so we are able to visually represents where the various phases of the system are
in (a, b) plane.
First of all, we can note that when a, b > 0 the only minimum of L is η̄ = 0, so
the system is in the paramagnetic phase. Furthermore if a < 0 and b > 0 the system
is in the magnetic phase, and a second order transition has occurred; therefore we
can surely say that the half-line a = 0, b > 0 is a second order transition line.
We must thus determine where the first order transition line lies in (a, b) space.
In order to do so, we first note that the extrema of L are given by:
∂L 2 4 2 −b ± b2 − 4ac
0= = η(a + bη + cη ) ⇒ η̄± =
∂η 2c
(and of course they exist only when the temperature is such that b2 − 4ac > 0) and
∂2L 2
= ±η ± · 2 b2 − 4ac
∂η 2 |η±
we have that ±η̄+ are maxima while ±η̄− are minima. The first order transition
happens when L(±η̄± ) = L(0) = 0, so:
a 2 b c a b 2 c
η̄ + η̄ 4 + η̄ 6 = 0 ⇒ + η̄ + η̄ 4 = 0
2 + 4 + 6 + 2 4 + 6 +
Now, from the condition ∂L/∂η = 0 we can express η̄+
4 as a function of η̄ 2 , and we
get η̄+
4 = −(a + bη̄ 2 )/c. Substituting we get:
2 a
η̄+ = −4
and substituting again in η̄+ = (−b + b − 4ac)/(2c) in the end we get:
2 2
b = −4
so the first order transition line is a parabola in (a, b) plane (in particular it will lie
in the fourth quadrant). In the end the situation is as in Figure 10.12. As we can see
the tricritical point of the system, being the point that divides the first-order from
the second-order transition line, is the origin (0, 0) of the parameter space.
10.6. Liquid crystals 157
Furthermore, it seems that the groups located at the extremities of a molecule are
not relevant for the formation of phases.
The vast majority of the interesting phenomenology of liquid crystals concerns
the geometry and dynamics of the preferred axis of orientation n(~r), called director.
This is a ’two arrow vector’ that gives the local average alignment of the elementary
constituents. In this description the amplitude of n(~r) is irrelevant and one takes
↔ ↔
n(~r) such that is unitary (i.e. n(~r) = 1). Since there is no head-tail symmetry
↔ ↔ ↔ ↔
(apolar order), n = − n (i.e. + n(~r) and − n(~r) are physically equivalent).
There is a plethora of possible liquid crystal phases; the most common are:
Figure 10.13: Graphical representation of the nematic, smectic and cholesteric phases of
a liquid crystal.
From optical point of view the Nematic phase is birifrangent, i.e. they exhibit
two different refractive indexes: one parallel to the director n (called ordinary
refractive index) and one orthogonal to it (special refractive index). These
optical properties of the nematic phase are used to build devices like LCDs.
• Smectic: also in this phase the molecules are aligned along a preferred direc-
tion, but contrarily to the nematic one this phase has also a spatial periodic
order: the molecules are organised in layers. Furthermore, differently from ne-
matic phases, smectic liquid crystals have non-uniform density and are generally
more viscous.
Figure 10.14
Macroscopic approach
From a macroscopic point of view we have already stated that an important dif-
ference between the disordered and nematic phases consists in the response functions
when the liquid crystal is subjected to magnetic or electrical fields. Hence, a macro-
scopic definition of an order parameter for LC phase is based on the system response
when subject to fields. For instance, supposing that we have a liquid crystal sub-
~ the diamagnetic response of the system will be
ject to an external magnetic field H,
measurable in terms of its magnetization M,~ and in particular:
~ = χ̄
M ¯H ~ (10.20)
where χ̄
¯ is the response function matrix, namely the magnetic susceptibility of the
system. In components we have:
Mα = χαβ Hβ (10.21)
χαβ = χβα
χαβ = χδαβ
The advantage of this definition of the order parameter (which is the one we will use
in the following) is that it also takes into account the degree of orientation and the
mean direction. By definition Q is symmetric and traceless4 , so in general way we
can write it as:
q1 q2 q3
Q = q2 q4 q5 (10.25)
q3 q5 −q1 − q4
In reality this expression, and in particular the quartic term, can be simplified: in
fact it is a property (which we will not prove) of any n × n symmetric matrix that
¯ s with s > n can be expressed as a polynomial of Tr Q̄
Tr Q̄ ¯ p with p < n, so in our
case any Tr Q̄¯ s with s ≥ 4 can be expressed in terms of Tr Q̄ ¯ 2 and Tr Q̄
¯ 3 (we are
automatically neglecting Tr Q̄ since in our case it vanishes, but in general it must be
considered). Therefore, we can write the Landau free energy as:
1 ¯ 2 + 1 B(T ) Tr Q̄
¯ 3 + 1 C(T ) Tr Q̄
¯2 2
L = L0 + A(T ) Tr Q̄ (10.26)
2 3 4
or, in components:
1 1 1
L = L0 + A(T )Qαβ Qβα + B(T )Qαβ Qβγ Qγα + C(T )(Qαβ Qβα )2 (10.27)
2 3 4
Remark. Since each 3 × 3 matrix satisfies the relation
¯ 4 = 1 Tr Q̄¯2 2
Tr Q̄
¯ 4.
the term proportional to C(T ) can be written as 21 C(T ) Tr Q̄
A matrix whose trace is zero is said to be traceless.
10.6. Liquid crystals 161
Let us note that since our order parameter is a tensor its invariance under rotations
does not exclude the possible existence of terms with odd powers of Q in L, in
particular the cubic one.
For the most general case of a biaxial nematic phase Q̄ ¯ can be diagonalized giving
3S 0 0
Qαβ = 0 − 31 (S + η) 0 (10.28)
0 0 − 3 (S − η)
where we remind that S is the degree of local order. If η = 0 we have the standard
uniaxial nematic phase and the order parameter becomes
3S 0 0
Qαβ = 0 − 13 S 0 (10.29)
0 0 − 13 S
Now, from the expression of Q in the case of a uniaxial nematic liquid crystal
(Eq.(10.29)) we have:
¯ 2 = 2 S2, ¯ 3 = 2 S3, 4
Tr Q̄ Tr Q̄ ¯2
Tr Q̄ = S4
3 9 9
Hence, for uniaxial nematic liquid crystal the Landau free energy becomes
A(T ) 2 2 C(T ) 4
L = L0 + S + B(T )S 3 + S (10.30)
3 27 9
so that, supposing that B and C do not depend on the temperature (i.e. B(T ) = B
and C(T ) = C), while A(T ) ' A(T − T ∗ ), we have:
A 2 C
L = L0 + (T − T ∗ )S 2 + BS 3 + S 4 (10.31)
3 27 9
This Landau free energy has exactly the same form of the one we studied in first-order
phase transitions in Landau theory (Eq.(10.11)), with the substitutions:
2 2 4
a = A, w=− B, b= C
3 27 9
Applying the results we have already found (Eq.(10.14)), we will have that the first-
order transitions between the isotropic and nematic phases occurs at the temperature:
4w2 2B 2
Tn−i = T ∗ + = T∗ + (10.32)
ba 27AC
162 Chapter 10. Landau theory of phase transition for homogeneous systems
Chapter 11
What we would now like to do is to include these fluctuations in a mean field theo-
retical framework; this will lead to the so called Ginzburg-Landau theory.
Overall, mean field is not a very good approximation in proximity of the critical
point, and the question is: how bad is the mean field approximation in proximity of
it? As a first approach we can try to estimate how big is the error we make in mean
field theories neglecting the fluctuations of the order parameter near a critical point,
so that we can understand under which conditions mean field theories are actually a
good approximations.
To make things explicit, let us use the Ising model as a base for our considerations.
We have seen in Weiss mean field theory for the Ising model that the Weiss mean
field theory for the Ising model is based on the assumption that
hSi Sj i −→ hSi i hSj i
i.e. that the spins are statistically independent; therefore, a possible estimate of the
error dor each pair of spin (Si , Sj ) made with this assumption can be:
|hSi Sj i − hSi i hSj i|
Eij = (11.1)
hSi i hSj i
The numerator of Eij is, by definition, the two-point connected correlation function:
Gc (i, j) ≡ hSi Sj i − hSi i hSj i = h(Si − hSi i)(Sj − hSj i)i (11.2)
Chapter 11. Role of fluctuations in critical phenomena: Ginzburg criterium,
164 Coarse-graining and Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions
1 P P 1 ∂ZN
Si eβJ hiji Si Sj +H i Si =
M= hSi i = Tr{S}
Z βZN ∂H
i i
Similarly, we have
X 1 ∂ 2 ZN
hSi Sj i =
β 2 ZN ∂H 2
Recall that
1 1
F = − kB T ln Z
Hence, the magnetic supsceptibility is:
∂m ∂ 1 ∂F ∂ 1 ∂ ln Z
χT = = − = kB T
∂H ∂H N ∂H ∂H N ∂H
" #
1 ∂Z 2
1 ∂2Z
1 ∂ ln Z 1
= kB T = kB T −
N ∂H 2 N Z ∂H 2 Z 2 ∂H
1 2 X X
= β hSi Sj i − β 2 hSi i
ij i
β X β X
= Gc (i, j) = Gc (~ri − ~rj )
ij ij
=β Gc (x~i )
11.1.2 Computation of ET OT
Let us now try to understand when the error Eij done in mean field theories is
negligible. Now, in general terms if we formulate a mean field theory for a system we
will make the error Eij in the region where correlations are relevant, namely if |~r| is
the distance between two points of the system the error is made for |~r| ≤ ξ, with ξ
the correlation length. The total relative error is the ER (r) integrated over the region
of radius |~r| ≤ ξ, i.e. where correlations are not negligible:
|~r|≤ξ Gc (r) d ~
ET OT = R dr
|~r|≤ξ hSi i hSj i d ~
where we have called d the dimensionality of our system. Supposing T < Tc , so that
the order parameter η is non null, i.e. η(r) = η 6= 0, we have:
hSi i hSj i ≈ η 2
is uniform in the region |~r| < ξ. Hence, our mean field theory will be a good approx-
imation if ET OT 1:
r) dD~r
|~r|≤ξ Gc (~
2 Dr
1 (11.10)
|~r|≤ξ η d ~
known as Ginzburg criterion. If it is satisfied, then the mean field theory is a valid
11.1.3 Estimation of ET OT as t → 0−
In order to express Eq.(11.10) in a useful fashion, let us write it in terms of critical
exponents; using also the version we have just found of the fluctuation-dissipation
theorem (Eq.(11.8)) we get (supposing our system is continuous) that the numerator
of Eq.(11.10) can be approximated as
Z fluctuation
d dissipation
Gc (r) d r ∼ kB Tc χT ∼ t−γ
γ + 2β
d> ≡ dc (11.11)
This means that Ginzburg criterion allows us to determine the upper critical dimen-
sion dc of a system, namely the dimension above which mean field theories are good
approximations. Let us consider three different cases:
• Case d < dc : fluctuations are relevant and mean field is no a good approxima-
• Case d > dc : fluctuations are less important and mean field describes properly
the critical point.
11.2. Functional partition function and coarse graining 167
1 2
β= , γ=1 ⇒ dc =
2 ν
In order to compute dc we need to compute ν withing the mean field approxi-
mation. Let us note that since it depends on the critical exponents, the upper
critical dimension dc ultimately depends on the universality class of the system
considered; furthermore, in order to actually be able to compute dc we must
generalize Landau theory to systems with spatial inhomogeneities so that we
are able to compute the critical exponent ν.
Remark. Remind that within the mean field theory the ν exponent it is not
defined. In fact, the ν exponent define the divergence of the correlation length,
but in the mean field we neglet correlation between fluctuations.
We have νM F = 1/2, hence the upper critical dimension for the mean field is
d > 4.
Z = Tr{S} e−βH[{S}] = D[m(~r)] e −βH[{S}]]
compatible with the
profile m(~r)
where we traced over all the possible microscopic configurations {S} compatible with
the order parameter profile m(~r). Let us define the effective Hamiltonian Hef f :
e−βH[{S}] = e−βHef f (m(~r)) (11.13)
compatible with the
profile m(~r)
How, in pratice, can we perform the coarse graining procedure and obtain Hef f ?
We therefore must understand how to determine m(~r); the idea of coarse graining
procedures is the following: for a given microscopic configuration {S} we average the
order parameter m(~r) over sufficiently wide "blocks", i.e. portions of the system with
linear dimension l much greater than its microscopic scale, which we call a (in the
case of the Ising model, for example, a can be taken as the lattice constant), but still
microscopic and in particular much smaller than the correlation length ξ, so that the
Chapter 11. Role of fluctuations in critical phenomena: Ginzburg criterium,
168 Coarse-graining and Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions
order parameter is uniform in every block. In other words, coarse graining a system
means dividing it into cells of linear dimension l, with l such that:
a l ξ(T ) < L (11.14)
(L being the linear dimension of our system) and averaging the order parameter m(~r).
This way we can obtain an expression for m(~r) (since l is anyway microscopic with
respect to the size of the system, so we can regard ~r as a continuous variable).
Remark. Hence, we partition the configurations according to the magnetization pro-
file. For example, if we have a configuration with half spin up and half down, we
obtain a profile with 1 and -1.
Figure 11.1: Two dimensional system divided into cells with a huge number of spins.
If we call mi = hSi i the local magnetization at the i-th and d the dimensionality
of the system, once we have choosen the linear dimension l, every "block" will have
volume ld ; we replace what it is inside every block of the system centered in ~r, with
the coarse grained magnetization:
1 X
ml (~r) = Si (11.15)
• Bulk component: suppose that every block of volume ld is separate from the
rest of the system; inside every one of them the magnetization is uniform (since
the linear dimension of the blocks is much smaller than the correlation length
l ξ), so we can use Landau theory for uniform systems. In the case of the
Ising model, it led to the free energy:
L = atm2 + m4
The total bulk energy is thus obtained summing over all the blocks:
X b̄
βHef f [m] = ātm2 (~r) + m4 (~r) (11.17)
Hence, the probability that the sistem displays a configuration with a profile
ml (~r) is proportional to
bulk (m(~
ātm2 (~r)+ 2b̄ m4 (~r)
P cell (ml (~r)) ' e−βHef f r))
= e− ~
r (11.18)
• Interaction component: we now must take into account the fact that ad-
jacent blocks do interact. In particular, since as we have stated m does not
vary much on microscopic scales, the interaction between the blocks must be
such that strong variations of magnetization between neighbouring blocks is
energetically unfavourable. If we call µ
~ a vector of magnitude l (|~
µ| = l) that
Chapter 11. Role of fluctuations in critical phenomena: Ginzburg criterium,
170 Coarse-graining and Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions
points from one block to a neighbouring one (see Figure 11.2), the most simple
analytic expression that we can guess for such a term can be a harmonic one:
X X k̄ 2
− βHef f = ~ ) − m(~r)
m(~r + µ ~ ) − m(~r))4 (11.19)
+ O (m(~r + µ
~r µ
(the factor 1/2 multiplying k̄, just like the numeric factors multiplying ā and b̄,
have been inserted for future convenience). We can also think of this as a first
approximation of a general interaction between the blocks, namely as the first
terms of a Taylor expansion of the real interaction energy.
Figure 11.2: Two dimensional system divided into block. The vector µ
~ points from one
block to a neighbouring one.
The total energy is thus obtained by summing the two terms. Now, since the
linear dimension of the blocks l is much smaller than the characteristic length L of
the system we can treat ~r as a continuous variable and thus substitute the sum over
~r with an integral:
X Ll 1 1 Z
−→ d dd~r
• Bulk component:
bulk 1 b̄ 4
βHef f [m] = d ātm (~r) + m (~r) dd~r
l 2
ā b̄
a≡ , b≡
ld ld
we will have: Z
bulk b
βHef f [m] = atm2 (~r) + m4 (~r) dd~r
• Interaction component:
1 k̄
− βHef f = d ~ ) − m(~r) dd~r
m(~r + µ (11.21)
l 2
11.3. Coarse graining procedure for the Ising model 171
∂m 2 d
= d−2 d ~r
2l ∂χµ
a l
k ~ 2 d
L 1
−→ ∇m d ~r
where we have called χµ the components of µ ~ and we have rescaled the elastic
constant by ld−2 :
k ≡ d−2
In this way the result is indipendent on l.
• Total energy:
Z 2
2 b 4 k~
βHef f [m] = atm (~r) + m (~r) + ∇m(~r) dd~r (11.22)
2 2
Therefore, the (functional) partition function of the system will be as in Eq.(11.16):
R h 2
Z Z i
−βHef f [m(~r)] − ~
atm2 (~r)+ 2b m4 (~r)+ k2 (∇m(~
r)) dd~r
ZGL = D[m(~r)]e = D[m(~r)]e
Let us now make a couple of considerations:
• If m(~r) = m (uniform system) the energy of the system has the same structure
of the one used in Landau theory.
• The term proportional to (∇m(~~ r))2 is completely new but we could have in-
troduced it intuitively to a Landau-like mean field functional, since the intro-
duction of spatial variations in the order parameter has an energetic cost which
must depend on how it varies in space, i.e. it depends on the gradient of m.
This term can be also added directly to the Landau theory by simply assuming
that, whe m → m(~r) (one has to consider an additioned energy cost due to
small variation of m).
Why we take (∇m) ~ 2 and not something else? The choise is first of all a con-
sequence of the isotropy of the system (all directions are equivalent). Since
the system is isotropic and Z2 -invariant, we must use combinations of deriva-
tives that are invariant under rotations and parity, and, among all the possible
combinations, (∇m(~ r))2 is the simplest one.
Remark. Let us consider the cases in which m → m
~ (O(n) models); we have:
n X
X d
~ =
(∇m) ∂α mi ∂α mi
i=1 α=1
Higher order terms are:
n X
d X
2 X
∇2 m
~ = (∂α ∂α mi )(∂β ∂β mi )
i=1 α=1 β=1
n X
n X
~ (∇m)
m ~ = mi mi ∂α mj ∂α mj
i=1 j=1 α=1
In most cases it is sufficient to consider only the lowest order term.
Chapter 11. Role of fluctuations in critical phenomena: Ginzburg criterium,
172 Coarse-graining and Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions
which is a functional of m(~r) and ~h(~r). As usual, all the thermodynamics of the
system can be obtained from ZGL , provided that now we take functional derivatives
instead of usual derivatives. Moreover, the free energy functional is defined as
b k ~
F [m, h] = dd~r atm2 (~r) + m4 (~r) + (∇m(~ r))2 − h(~r)m(~r) (11.25)
2 2
Like the derivative of a function, the functional derivative satisfies the following
properties, where F [h] and G[h] are functionals:
• Linearity:
δ(λF + µG)[h] δF [h] δG[h]
=λ +µ
δh(x) δh(x) δh(x)
where λ, µ are constants.
11.4. Saddle point approximation: Landau theory for non-homogeneous systems173
• Product rule:
δ(F G)[h] δF [h] δG[h]
= G[ρ] + F [h]
δh(x) δh(x) δh(x)
Since the integrand does not depend on derivatives of f , the functional derivative
of f (~r) is,
δf (~r) δF ∂ h 0 d 0
≡ = f (~
r )δ (~
r − ~
r ) = δ d (~r − ~r0 ) (11.27)
δf (~r0 ) δf (~r0 ) ∂f (~r0 )
δF δ ln Z[h]
hm(~r)i = − =− (11.29)
δh(~r) δh(~r)
δ2F 2
−1 δ ln Z[h]
χ(~r,~r0 ) = = β
δh(~r)δh(~r0 ) δh(~r)δh(~r0 ) (11.30)
= β −1 m(~r)m(~r0 ) − hm(~r)i m(~r0 ) = β −1 Gc (~r,~r0 )
The problem is again try to approximate this term as much as we can. Let us do it.
so also to determine the critical exponents η and ν. Let us recall the results previously
obtained: Z
~ ~ r)dd~r
ZGL = D[m(~r)]e−βHef f [m(~r)]+ h(~r)·m(~
Therefore we approximate Z with the leading term of the integral, i.e. we must
determine the function m0 that maximizes the exponent, namely minimizes:
b k 2
L(m, ∇m, h) = βHef f − ~h · m d
~ d ~r = 2
atm + m + 4 ~
∇m − ~h · m
~ dd~r
2 2
Let m0 (~r) be the profile for which L(m0 (~r), h(~r)) is minimum, then compute ZGL as
ZGL [h] ' ZGL [h] = e−L[m0 (~r)] (11.32)
In order to find the minimum m0 (~r), one has to impose the stationarity condition of
the functional L:
δL = 0 (11.33)
Now, let us define h the integrand of βHef f :
b k ~
h = atm2 + m4 + (∇m)2
2 2
By considering δL with respect to the variations δm and δ(∇m), one gets the equation
of state " ! #
~ ∂h ∂h
h(~r) = − ∇ − (11.34)
∂(∇m) ∂m
this is the mean field solution of the Gibbs-Landau. It is more general than the one
~ Let us note that:
found before, indeed it has the additional term ∇.
h = 2atm0 + 2bm30
Remark. Moreover, note that a mean field theory of systems with spatial disomogene-
ity can start directly by considering the free energy functional defined in Eq.(11.25):
b 4 k
F [m, h] = atm (~r) + m (~r) + (∇m) − h(~r)m(~r) dd~r
2 2
2 2
11.5. Correlation function in the saddle point approximation for non-homogeneous
systems 175
Supposing h = 0 and looking for the variation of L with respect to the variations
of m, δm, and the variation of ∇m, ~
δ(∇m), we have:
δL[m, ∇m, 0] = ~ + δ(∇m))
L(m + δm, ∇m ~ dd~r − ~
L(m, ∇m) dd~r
Z h i
= ~ + δ(∇m))
L(m + δm, ∇m ~ ~
− L(m, ∇m) dd~r
∂L ∂L
= d ~r
∂m δm + ∂(∇m) δ(∇m)
~ g0
Z " # Z
∂L ~ ∂L d ∂L
δL = δm − ∇ δm d ~r + δm dd~r
∂m ~
∂(∇m) ~
∂ ∇m
Z " #
∂L ∂L ∂L
= ~
δm − ∇ d
δm d r + ~
∇ δm dd~r
∂m ~
∂(∇m) V ~
∂ ∇m
where for the blue term we have used the divergence theorem ∂Ω F = V ∇F ~ .
Moreover, the blue term vanishes at the boundary of the integration. Hence, we
have " #
∂L ∂L
δL = δm −∇ ~ dd~r
∂m ~
The stationarity condition δL = 0 (Eq.(11.33)) is true ∀δm 6= 0 if and only if
the integrand is zero, thus we obtain the Euler-Lagrange equation:
∂L ~ ∂L
−∇ =0
∂m ~
Note that this means that the correlation function Gc (~r − ~r0 ) can be interpreted as
the Green’s function of the operator D written between the square brackets:
~ 2 + 2at + 6bm2
D ≡ −k ∇
the equation (11.38) is also known as Fundamental Equation and Gc (~r − ~r0 ) as Fun-
damental Solution, or Green’s function of the differential operator D.
As said, in case of translationally invariant (i.e. uniform) systems, m is constant
and equal to the equilibrium values given by the Landau theory for the Ising model;
in particular, depending on the sign of t there are two possible situations:
• Case t > 0 (T > Tc ): in this case the mean field solution is m(~r) = m0 = 0, so
the last equation becomes:
−k∇2 + 2at Gc (~r − ~r0 ) = kB T δ(~r − ~r0 ) (11.39)
ξ> (t) ≡
this can be rewritten as:
kB T
−∇2 + ξ>
(t) Gc (~r − ~r0 ) = δ(~r − ~r0 )
• Case t < 0 (T < Tc ): in this case the magnetization is:
at 1/2
m0 = ± −
so the differential equation for Gc becomes:
−k∇2 − 4at Gc (~r − ~r0 ) = kB T δ(~r − ~r0 ) (11.40)
ξ< (t) ≡ −
this can be written as
kB T
−∇2 + ξ<
(t) Gc (~r − ~r0 ) = δ(~r − ~r0 )
11.5. Correlation function in the saddle point approximation for non-homogeneous
systems 177
We will shortly see that ξ> and ξ< are the expressions of the correlation length
for T > Tc and T < Tc , respectively. We can therefore see that in both cases we get:
ξ ∼ t−1/2 ⇒ν= (11.41)
that is the mean field value of ν!
Remark. Since ν = 1/2, the upper critical dimension of a critical point belonging to
the Ising universality class is
dc = = 4
as previously anticipated.
We have seen that for both the cases, t > 0 and t < 0, the correlation function
can be obtained by solving the differential equation:
kB T
−∇2 + ξ −2 Gc (~r − ~r0 ) = δ(~r − ~r0 ) (11.42)
which can be can be solved with the Fourier transform and by using spherical coor-
kB T kB T 1
q 2 + ξ −2 G(q) (11.43)
e = ⇒ G(q)
e =
k k q + ξ −2
where q = |~q|. From this last equation we can also see that when T = Tc , since
ξ → ∞ we have G(q)
e ' q12 and so performing the inverse Fourier transform one gets
Gc (|~x|) = |~x|2−d
from which we have that the critical exponent η is null (we will see that explicitly
once we have computed G). In fact, at T = Tc we have previously defined
G(r) ∼ |~x|2−d−η
hence, in this case we have η = 0. Therefore, reminding that ~x ≡ ~r − ~r0 we can now
determine G(~x) with the Fourier antitransform:
dd~q ei~q·~x
G(~x) = (11.44)
(2π)d q 2 + ξ −2
This integral is a bit tedious to compute, and in general its result depends strongly
on the dimensionality d of the system; the general approach used to solve it is to
shift to spherical coordinates in Rd and then complex integration for the remaining
Chapter 11. Role of fluctuations in critical phenomena: Ginzburg criterium,
178 Coarse-graining and Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions
part, which involves |~q|. In order to do some explicit computations, let us consider
the case d = 3; we will then have:
spherical Z ∞ Z +1 Z 2π
d3~q ei~q·~x coordinates 1 q2
x| cos θ
G(~x) = = = dq e d(cos θ) dϕ
(2π)3 q 2 + ξ −2 (2π)3 0 q 2 + ξ −2 −1 0
Z ∞ " #1 Z ∞
z≡cos(θ) 2π q2 eiq|~x|z 1 q sin(q|~x|)
= dq = dq
(2π)3 0 q 2 + ξ −2 iq|~x| (2π)2 |~x| 0 q 2 + ξ −2
This last integral can be computed, using the residue theorem, extending it to the
complex plane:
Z ∞
q sin(q|~x|) 1 +∞ q sin(q|~x|) 1 zeiz|~x|
I= dq = dq = Im dz
0 q 2 + ξ −2 2 −∞ q 2 + ξ −2 2 (z 2 + ξ −2 )
There are two poles at zP = ±iξ −1 ; we choose as the contour of integration γ which
contains only the pole at +iξ −1 (see Figure 11.3) and so using the residue theorem
we will have:
1 zeiz|~x| theorem 1
Im 2πiRes(iξ −1 )
I = Im −1 −1
dz =
2 γ (z + iξ )(z − iξ ) 2
−1 |~
iξ −1 e−ξ x| e−|~x|/ξ
Res(iξ −1 ) = =
2iξ −1 2
we obtain
1 π
Im 2πiRes(iξ −1 ) = e−|~x|/ξ (11.45)
2 2
Therefore, in the end we have:
1 e−|~x|/ξ
G(|~x|) = (11.46)
8π |~x|
We see now clearly that the correlation function has indeed an exponential behaviour
(as we have stated also in long range correlations) and that ξ is really the correlation
length; furthermore, G(~x) ∼ 1/|~x| and from the definition of the exponent η we have
G(~x) ∼ 1/|~x|d−2+η , so since d = 3 we indeed have η = 0.
One can also solve the equation for G(~r − ~r0 ) by using the spherical coordinates
and use the Bessel functions.
Im z
Re z
Figure 11.3: Positive integration contour γ in the complex plane for the integral I. It
contains only the pole at +iξ −1 .
Therefore, we have seen that for the Ising model ν = 1/2. If we also consider the
values of the other critical exponents we see that the upper critical dimension for this
model is d = 4. In other words, mean field theories are actually good approximations
for the Ising model if d ≥ 4. We will later see some other confirmations of this fact.
11.6. Including fluctuations at the Gaussian level (non interacting fields) 179
The Gaussian approximation consists in neglecting the quartic term (δm)4 , hence we
finally obtain:
k ~ 2
G,T >Tc d 2
βHef f (δm) ' d ~r ∇δm + at(δm) (11.49)
Remark. It is important to understand that these are fluctuations with respect to the
solution m0 .
In order to compute this integral it is more convenient to shift to Fourier space.
in the Fourier space. Let us make some remarks on what happens when we apply
Fourier transformations in this case. If our system is enclosed in a cubic box of volume
V = Ld (with periodic boundary conditions), we can define the Fourier components
of the magnetization as: Z
δm~k = δm(~r)e−ik·~r dd~r (11.51)
where ~k = k1 , . . . , kd = 2π~
L with kα = L nα and nα = 0, ±1, . . .. We can therefore
n 2π
1 X i~k·~r
δm(~r) = e (δm~k ) (11.52)
~ ~0 ~ ~0
ei(k−k )·~r dd~r = δ~k,~k0 ⇒ ei(k−k )·~r dd~r = V δ~k,~k0
Let us now make an observations; since δm(~r) ∈ R (is real) we have that
δm~∗k = δm−~k
Useful relations
→ (11.53)
(2π)d Rd
11.6. Including fluctuations at the Gaussian level (non interacting fields) 181
1 X i~k(~r−~r0 ) 1 V
~ 0
e → d
dd~k eik(~r−~r ) = δ(~r − ~r0 )
V V (2π) RD
1 X i~k(~r−~r0 )
e → δ(~r − ~r0 ) (11.54)
1 X i~k0~r
m(~r) = e m~k , m~k = m(~r)e−ik·~r dd~r
one gets
~ ~0
ei(k−k )·~r dd~r = V δ~k~k0 (11.55)
• Finally, since
~ ~0 V →∞
ei(k−k )·~r dd~r = V δ~k~k0 −→ (2π)d δ(~k − ~k0 )
V →∞
V δ~k~k0 −→ (2π)d δ(~k − ~k0 ) (11.56)
Remark. Our coarse graining procedure is based on the construction of blocks which
have a linear dimension that cannot be smaller than a, the characteristic microscopic
length of the system; this means that not all the ~k are allowed, and in particular we
must have π
k ≤ = Λ
It is the ultraviolet cut-off!
Z h i
G,T >Tc
βHef f [ϕ] = (∇ϕ)2 + atϕ2 dd~r (11.57)
1 X i~k·~r
ϕ(~r) = e ϕ~k , ϕ~k ∈ C
Now, thinking Rabout the functional integral form of the partition function, what
does the measure D[ϕ] become in Fourier space?
Since ϕ(~r) is expressed in terms of the Fourier modes ϕ~k , which are in general
1 X ~
ϕ(~r) = ϕ~k eik·~r , ϕ~k ∈ C
the measure of the integral becomes:
Z Z +∞ Y
D[ϕ(~r)] → (11.61)
d(Re ϕ~k ) d(Im ϕ~k )
However, since ϕ(~r) is real (i.e. ϕ~∗ = ϕ−~k ) the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier
modes are not independent, because we have:
n o
Re ϕ~ = Re ϕ ~
k n−k o
Im ϕ~ = − Im ϕ ~
k −k
This means that if we use the measure we have written above (Eq.(11.61)) we would
integrate twice on the complex plane; we must therefore change the measure so as
11.6. Including fluctuations at the Gaussian level (non interacting fields) 183
to avoid this double counting. We can for example simply divide everything by 2, or
restrict the integration on the region where for example the last coordinate of ~k, let
us call it kz , is positive. Therefore:
Z Z +∞ Y
Tr ≡ D[ϕ(~r)] =
d Re ϕ~k d Im ϕ~k
kz >0 (11.62)
+∞ Y
= d Re ϕ~k d Im ϕ~k
2 −∞
For sake of brevity, we define:
Z +∞ Y 0 0
Tr ≡ dϕ~k , dϕ~k ≡ d Re ϕ~k d Im ϕ~k
−∞ ~ ~
k k |~k|<Λ
kz >0
where 2
G,T >Tc 1 X 2
− β Hef f [ϕ~k ] = − 2at + c~k ϕ~k (11.65)
kz >0
Since ϕ~k = Re2 ϕ~k + Im2 ϕ~k , changing variables to:
x ≡ Re ϕ~k , y ≡ Im ϕ~k
Thus, we have
2at + c~k
2 +y 2 )
dx dy e−A(x = , A≡
−∞ A 2V
T >Tc T >Tc Y 2πV 1 X 2πV
ZeG = e−β FG = 2 = exp log
~ 2 ~
|~k|<Λ 2at + ck |~k|<Λ 2at + ck
kz >0
∂ 2 FGL
V = −T
∂T 2 V
The derivatives are straightforward, and in the end we get:
A X 1 B X 1
V = 2 − 2
2 ~
|k|<Λ 2at + c~k
~ ~
|k|<Λ 2at + ck
| {z }
| {z } 2st
and so we see that in the Gaussian approximation the inclusion of the fluctuations
has changed the behaviour of cV at the transition point; in particular, has changed
the value of the critical exponent α (cV ∼ t−α ) to:
G(~r,~r0 ) = ϕ(~r)ϕ(~r0 )
11.6. Including fluctuations at the Gaussian level (non interacting fields) 185
cV cV
d>4 d<4
f luctuations
mean f ield mean f ield
0 t 0 t
Figure 11.4: Behaviour of the specific heat cV as a function of the rescaled temperature
t. In blue it is represented its behaviour in the mean field theory, while in red the one with
Gaussian approximations. We see that in the case d < 4 with Gaussian approximations the
specific heat diverges near t ∼ 0.
where, as we said,
1 X 2
βHef = V A0 + 2at + c~k ϕ~k
It is clear that in ϕ~k ϕ~k0 G all the integrals factorize since the Fourier modes are all
independent (they are decoupled); therefore, all the integrals in the numerator that
don’t involve ~k or ~k0 simplify with the same integrals in the denominator. Taking
this into account, it is possible to show
ϕ~k ϕ~k0 G
= 2 δ~k,−~k0
2at + c~k
V →∞ (2π)d
2 δ(~k + ~k0 ) (11.70)
ϕ~k ϕ~k0 G
2at + c~k
e ϕ~k ϕ~k0 G = 2 e 2 δ~k,−~k0
2at + c~k
k0 ~
~ 0
1 X eik·(~r−~r )
= 2
V ~
k 2at + ck
we get
~ 0
1 X 1 eik·(~r−~r ) 1 X i~k·~x ~
ϕ(~r)ϕ(~r0 ) G = (11.71)
2 = e Ĝ(k)
V c ~ −2 V
k k + ξ ~
this correlation function acquires the same form of the one computed in mean field
theory. This means that the critical exponents ν and η now have the same values
predicted by mean field theory (see Sec.(11.5) and Sec.(11.5.1)), namely:
νG = 21
⇒ (11.73)
ηG = 0
hence, there are no changes with Gaussian fluctuations! Interactions between ϕ~k are
Chapter 12
|t| β
t < 0
t> 0
| h |
|t| ∆
188 Chapter 12. Widom’s scaling theory. Block-spin Kadanoff’s transformation
Figure 12.2: Scaled magnetic field h is plotted against scaled magnetization m for the
insulating ferromagnet CrBr3 , using data from seven supercritical (T > Tc ) and from eleven
subcritical T < Tc isotherms. Here σ ≡ M/M0 . (1969) [4]
where g is, for the moment, an unspecified function (we will shortly see that it
has a precise form).
f (r) = Br2
in fact
f (λr) = B(λr)2 = λ2 f (r)
and so in this case g(λ) = λ2 .
g(λ) = λp (12.3)
∂ ∂
[g(λµ)] = [g(λ)g(µ)] ⇒ λg 0 (λµ) = g(λ)g 0 (µ)
∂µ ∂µ
Actually g(λ) continuous is sufficient, but proof becomes more complicated.
190 Chapter 12. Widom’s scaling theory. Block-spin Kadanoff’s transformation
g 0 (λ) p
λg 0 (λ) = g(λ)p ⇒ =
g(λ) λ
which yields:
d p
(ln g(λ)) = ⇒ ln g(λ) = p ln λ + c ⇒ g(λ) = ec λp
dλ λ
Now, g 0 (λ) = pec λp−1 , so since g 0 (1) = p by definition we have p = pec and thus
c = 0. Therefore:
g(λ) = λp
A homogeneous function such that g(λ) = λp is said to be homogeneous of degree
f (λa x, λb y) = λp f (x, y)
and choosing a0 = a/p and b0 = b/p we are back to (12.4). Hence, it is the most
general form an homogeneous function can have.
Remark. Since λ is arbitrary, we can choose λ = y −1/b , thus we get
1/b x
f (x, y) = y f a/b , 1
Example 34
The function f (x, y) = x3 + y 7 is an homogeneous one. Indeed, we have:
is called the gap exponent.
deriving both sides of Widom’s assumption with respect to h2 we get:
∂fs p1 p2 ∂fs
λp2 (λ t, λ h) = λ
∂h ∂h
and thus:
λp2 Ms (λp1 t, λp2 h) = λMs (t, h)
On the other hand, we know that, for h = 0 and t → 0− , Ms (t) ∼ (−t)β . Hence, in
order to determine β, we set h = 0 so that this becomes
1 − p2
β= (12.6)
12.3.2 Exponent δ
Let us consider again the relation
Now, using again the same property of generalized homogeneous functions we set
λp2 h = 1 ⇒ λ = h−1/p2
and we get:
Ms (0, h) = h(1−p2 )/p2 Ms (0, 1)
Since Ms ∼ h1/δ , we have:
δ= (12.7)
1 − p2
Now we can also express p1 and p2 in terms of β and δ from the two relations
Eq.(12.6) and Eq.(12.7). The result is:
1 δ
p1 = , p2 = (12.8)
β(δ + 1) δ+1
12.3.3 Exponent γ
In order to obtain the magnetic susceptibility, we derive twice the expression of
Widom’s assumption with respect to h, to get:
α + β(δ + 1) = 2 (12.12)
This is the Griffiths equality, which we have already encountered in inequalities be-
tween critical exponents as an inequality (see Sec.2.7.4).
On the other hand, Rushbrooke’s equality is obtained by combining Griffith equal-
ity with the relation γ = β(δ − 1):
α + 2β + γ = 2 (12.13)
We therefore see, as anticipated in Sec.2.7.4, that the static scaling hypothesis allows
to show that they are indeed exact equalities.
Hence, we can define the scaled magnetization and scaled magnetic field as
F± (h̄) ≡ Ms (±1, h̄) (12.17)
where +1 corresponds to t > 0 (namely T > Tc ) and −1 to t < 0 (i.e. T < Tc ). Using
these definitions, Eq.(12.15) becomes
m̄ = F± (h̄) (12.18)
The meaning of this equation is that if we measure M and h and rescale them as we
have just seen, all the experimental data should fall on the same curve independently
of the temperature T ; there are of course two possible curves (not necessarily equal),
one for T > Tc and one for T < Tc (which correspond to M (1, h) and M (−1, h)).
These predictions are in perfect agreement with experimental results shown in Figure
12.2, and are one of the greatest successes of Widom’s static scaling theory.
but gives no physical interpretation of it; in other words, it does not tell anything
about the physical origin of scaling laws. Furthermore, as we have noticed Widom’s
theory does not involve correlation lengths, so it tells nothing about the critical
exponents ν and η.
We know that one of the characteristic traits of critical phenomena is the diver-
gence of the correlation length ξ, which becomes the only physically relevant length
near a critical point. However, by now we are unable to tell if and how this is related
to Widom’s scaling hypothesis; everything will become more clear within the frame-
work of the Renormalization Group, in which we will see that Widom’s assumption
is a consequence of the divergence of correlation length.
Nonetheless, before the introduction of the Renormalization Group, Kadanoff
(1966) proposed a plausibility argument for his assumption applied to the Ising model,
which we are now going to analyse. We will see that Kadanoff’s argument, which
is based upon the intuition that the divergence of ξ implies a relation between the
coupling constants of an effective Hamiltonian Hef f and the length on which the or-
der parameter m is defined, is correct in principle but not in detail because these
relations are in reality more complex than what predicted by Kadanoff; furthermore,
Kadanoff’s argument does not allow an explicit computation of critical exponents.
We will have to wait for the Renormalization Group in order to solve these problems.
a la ξ(t)
The spins contained in this regions of linear dimension la will behave, statistically, as
a single unit. We can therefore imagine to carry out, similarly to what we have seen
for the Ginzburg-Landau theory, a coarse graining procedure were we substitute the
spins σi inside a "block" of linear dimension la (which will therefore contain ld spins)
with a single block spin (or superspin) SI ; the total number of blocks will of course
Nl = d
Considering the I-th block, we can define the block spin SI as:
1 1 X
SI ≡ σi (12.20)
|ml | ld
Remark. The division by |ml | in equation (12.20) is crucial because it rescales the
new variables SI to assume only the values ±1, just like the original ones (rescaling
of the fields).
In the end we are left with a system of block spins on a hypercubic lattice with
lattice constant la. We can therefore rescale the spatial distances between the degrees
of freedom of our system:
~rl =
In other words, since la is now the characteristic length of the system we are measuring
the distances in units of la (just like in the original one we measured distances in units
of a). The coarse graining procedure we have just seen is described by Figure 12.3
for a two-dimensional Ising model.
new system Hl is equal in form to HΩ , the original one, of course provided that the
spins, coupling constants and external fields are redefined. If we call Kl and hl these
new constants, the new effective Hamiltonian is:
X Nb
− βHl = Kl SI SJ + hl SI (12.22)
hIJi I=1
tl > t
Similarly, in the coarse grained system the magnetic field hl will be rescaled to an
effective one:
h σi = h σi = h |ml |ld SI = h|ml |ld SI = hl SI
| {z }
i I i∈I I hl I I
which implies that there is a relation between the new magnetic field and the mean
hl = h|ml |ld
Since the Hamiltonian of the block spin system Hl has the same form of the
original one HΩ , the same will be true also for the partition function Zl and the free
energy, provided that h, K and N are substituted with hl , Kl and N/ld ; in particular,
considering the singular part fs of the free energy density we will have:
Nl fs (tl , hl ) = fs (tl , hl ) = N fs (t, h)
and so
⇒ fs (tl , hl ) = ld fs (t, h)
Remark. Note that the homogeneity condition is recovered with λ ≡ ld .
where the yt , yh are called scaling exponents and are for now unspecified, apart from
the fact that they must be positive (so that the coarse grained system is indeed farther
from the critical point with respect to the original one).
The justification of this assumption lies in the fact that we are trying to under-
stand the scaling properties of our system near a critical point, and these are the
simplest possible relations between (t, h) and (tl , hl ) that satisfy the following sym-
metry requirements:
198 Chapter 12. Widom’s scaling theory. Block-spin Kadanoff’s transformation
• when t = h = 0, then tl = hl = 0.
If we use this assumption in the free energy equation
fs (tl , hl ) = ld fs (t, h)
we get:
fs (t, h) = l−d fs (tlyt , hlyh ) (12.24)
This is very similar to Widom’s scaling hypothesis (Eq.(12.5)), but with the parameter
λ that is the inverse of the block volume ld . Since l has no specified value, we can
choose the one we want and again we use the properties of generalized homogeneous
functions to eliminate one of the arguments of fs . In particular, setting
l = |t|−1/yt
we get:
fs (t, h) = |t|d/yt fs (1, h|t|−yh /yt ) (12.25)
where the gap exponent is now
∆= (12.26)
comparing this equation with the alternative expression of the scaling hypothesis
(Eq.(12.14)) we have:
2−α= (12.27)
where ~rl is the vector of the relative distance between the centers of the I-th and
J-th block (measured in units of la, as stated before). We want now to see how this
correlation length is related to the one of the original system G(~r, t). Since from the
first assumption we have
hl l−d
hl = h|ml |ld ⇒ |ml | =
Using the second assumption, for which hl = hlyh , we obtain:
|ml | = lyh −d
1 1 X
SI = σi
|ml | lD
the two-point correlation function becomes
1 XX
GIJ (~rl , tl ) = hSI SJ i − hSI i hSJ i = hσi σj i − hσi i hσj i
l2(yh −d) l2d i∈I j∈J
| {z }
ld ld
= [hσi σj i − hσi i hσj i]
l2(yh −d) l2d
12.4. Kadanoff’s block spin and scaling of the correlation function 199
where in the last step we have made the assumption that, since la ξ, Gij inside
a block is fairly constant, we can bring it outside the sum. Hence, the sum over i, j
becomes l2d . Hence, we have:
Now, ~r scales with l as all the lengths of our system, and since we have set l = t−1/yt
we have
|~r|t1/yt = 1 ⇒ t = |~r|−yt
Therefore, inserting in (12.31):
G(~r, t, h) = |~r|−2(d−yh ) FG ht−yh /yt (12.32)
Let us remember that the power law behaviour of G in proximity of the critical point
G ∼ |~r|2−d−η
we get
2(d − yh ) = d − 2 + η (12.34)
With the choice l = t−1/yt we further have that the correlation length scales as:
ξ = lξl = ξl t−1/yt
ξ ∼ t−ν
we also have:
ν= (12.35)
The Eq.(12.35) together with Eq.(12.27) leads to the hyperscaling relation:
⇒ 2 − α = νd (12.36)
Hyperscaling relations are known to be less robust than the normal scaling relations
between critical exponents (for example, for Hamiltonians with long-ranged power
law interactions hyperscaling relations don’t hold).
200 Chapter 12. Widom’s scaling theory. Block-spin Kadanoff’s transformation
Chapter 13
1. 1st assumption:
Hl = HΩ
2. 2nd assumption:
tl = tlyt
hl = hlyh
However, as we have seen, the Kadanoff’s theory is unable to predict the values of
the scaling exponents yt and yh (and thus ultimately of the critical exponents), nor
can it explain why universality occurs.
Remark. Open problems are: how an iterative procedure of coarse-graining can pro-
duce the 2nd assumption? How this can gives rise to the singular behaviour of fs ?
How can we explain universality of the critical points?
We will see that these problems are solved with the introduction of the Renormal-
ization Group (done by K. G. Wilson at the beginning of the ’70s), which we will call
simply "RG" from now on for the sake of simplicity. The RG is based upon the cor-
rect "intuition" of Kadanoff’s argument that the coupling constants of a Hamiltonian
change if we coarse-grain the system (or in other words we "look" at it on different
spatial scales); however, this "intuition" strictly speaking is not correct since we have
seen that in Kadanoff’s procedure we assume that after the coarse-graining procedure
the Hamiltonian of the system has exactly the same form: as we will see, this is not
true in general because new terms can appear after we coarse-grain the system.
202 Chapter 13. Renormalization group theory. Universality
Properties of Rl
We suppose that the function Rl satisfy the following properties:
Remark. Note that it is a semigroup and not a group, since in general does not
exist the inverse transformation; in fact, we should have always l > 1.
13.1. Renormalization group theory (RG) 203
3. The new hamiltonian Hl [K 0 ] can be (and in general it is) different from the
previous one H[K] (this is the main difference with the Kadanoff’s theory), but
the effective Hamiltonian Hl [K 0 ] must have the same symmetry properties of
the original one!
This means (and this is the great improvement with respect to Kadanoff’s
argument) that the decimation can make some new terms appear in the coarse-
grained Hamiltonian, as long as they respect the same symmetries of the original
system. In other words, if Km = 0 in HN but its relative term is allowed by
the symmetry group of HN itself, then we can have Km 0 6= 0 in H0 .
For example, if we start from
HN = N K0 + K2 Si Sj
ZN 0 [K 0 ] = ZN [K] (13.3)
ξ[K 0 ] = ≡ ξl
Therefore for a fixed point we have:
ξ[K ∗ ]
ξ[K ∗ ] = (13.6)
which implies two cases: (
∗ 0 trivial
ξ[K ] = (13.7)
∞ critical
A fixed point with ξ = ∞ is called critical, while if ξ = 0 trivial. Clearly, every fixed
point [K ∗ ] can have its own basin of attraction, i.e. a set of points {[K]} that
under the action of the flux of trajectories tend to [K ∗ ]:
(n) n→∞
Rl [K] −→ [K ∗ ] (13.8)
An important result concerning the basin of attraction of critical fixed points is the
13.1. Renormalization group theory (RG) 205
Theorem 4
All the points [K] belonging to a basin of attraction of a critical fixed point have
the correlation length ξ = ∞.
Proof. Call [K] the initial set of coupling constants, after n iterations of the RG the
correlation length of the system will be such that:
If we now take the limit n → ∞ the right hand side diverges if K (n) → K ∗ , i.e. if
[K] belongs to the basin of attraction of [K ∗ ]. Hence, ξ[K ∗ ] = ∞, implies
⇒ ξ[K] = ln ξ[K ∗ ] = ∞
The set of [K] that forms the basin of attraction of a critical fixed point is also
called critical manifold.
All the critical models that belong to the critical manifold, have the same critical
behaviour of the corresponding critical fixed point. Hence, we want to study the
behaviour of Rl close to the fixed points.
We can argue that the fact that all the points of a critical manifold flow towards
the same fixed point (i.e. the same Hamiltonian) is the basic mechanism on which
universality is based upon, but this is by no means a complete explanation, since
universality involves the behaviour of systems near a critical point and we still have
said nothing about that. We can however note the following fact: starting from any
point in Hamiltonian space, iterating the RG transformation and identifying the fixed
point towards which the system flows, the phase of the original point in Hamiltonian
space (i.e. in the phase diagram) will be described by this fixed point. Therefore,
every phase of the system is "represented" by a fixed point of the flux of trajectories.
As we will later see, critical fixed points describe the singular critical behaviour
while trivial fixed points are related to the bulk phases of the system: therefore, the
knowledge of the location and nature of the fixed points of the flux of trajectories can
give us hints on the structure of the phase diagram of the system, and the behaviour
of the flow near critical fixed points allows us to calculate the values of the critical
~ =K
K ~ ∗ + δK
~ (13.9)
Neglecting all the terms beyond the linear ones, we can write the action of the lin-
~ and δ K
earised RG transformation in terms of the displacements δ K ~ 0 as:
~ 0 = π̄δ K
δK ~ (13.10)
(π̄)ij = (13.11)
∂Ki K ~∗
Of course π̄ is a square matrix, but:
1. π̄ is in general not symmetric, one has to distinguish between left and right
2. π̄ it is not always diagonalizable or sometimes its eigenvalues can be complex.
For most of the physical system, however, π̄ can be diagonalized and the eigen-
values are real.
However, we suppose π̄ to be symmetric (which, as before, is almost always the case)
so that it can be diagonalized. If we call λl and ~e(σ) the σ-th eigenvalue and relative
eigenvector of π̄ (where we are explicitly writing the length scale of the decimation),
~ = ~
δK a(σ)~e(σ) , a(σ) = ~e(σ) · δ K (13.15)
where in the last step we have defined the components a0(σ) which is the projection
~ 0 along ~e(σ) .
of δ K
13.2. The origins of scaling and critical behaviour 207
K1 → K1 (T ) = T, K2 → K2 (H) = H
where T is the temperature and H is the external field. We suppose that T and H
are transformed under the RG such that:
where RTl and RH l are analytic functions given by the coarse graining procedure. The
fixed points K = (T ∗ , H ∗ ) of the flux of trajectories will be given by the solutions
of: (
T ∗ = RTl (T ∗ , H ∗ )
H ∗ = RH ∗
l (T , H )
208 Chapter 13. Renormalization group theory. Universality
with the correlation length that diverges, i.e. ξ(T ∗ , H ∗ ) = ∞. Linearising the trans-
formation around the fixed point (T ∗ , H ∗ ), in terms of the reduced variables (for
standard magnetic systems H ∗ = 0 )
(T − T ∗ ) (H − H ∗ )
t= , h=
T∗ H∗
we have: 0
t t
0 = π̄ (13.17)
h h
∂RTl /∂T ∂RTl /∂H
π̄ = (13.18)
l /∂T ∂RH
l /∂H T ∗ ,H ∗
~ = (t, h).
Remark. In this case δ K
In general the eigenvectors ~e(σ) are linear combinations of t and h. When π̄ can be
diagonalized, t and h are not "mixed-up" by the transformation. Hence, as previously
stated, we suppose π̄ to be diagonalizable. We therefore write its eigenvalues as:
(t) (h)
λ l = l yt , λl = lyh (13.19)
ξ(t, h)
ξ 0 ≡ ξ(t0 , h0 ) =
after n iterations we have
This is the scaling law of the correlation length. From this we can determine the
critical exponent ν. In fact, setting h = 0 (H = H ∗ ) for simplicity, we have
ξ(t, 0) = ln ξ(lnyt t, 0)
ν= (13.23)
13.3. Real space renormalization group (RSRG) 209
This is an extremely important result! In fact, we see that once the RG transformation
R is known, yt is straightforward to compute as:
log λl
yt =
log l
and so we are actually able to calculate ν and predict its value! We can do even
something more (including giving yh a meaning) from the scaling law of the free
energy density. After n iterations of the RG we have:
fs (t, h) = l−d fs (t0 , h0 ) = l−nd fs (t(n) , h(n) ) = l−nd fs (lnyt t, lnyh h) (13.24)
and choosing again l so that lnyt t = byt , then:
d/yt −d yt b h
fs (t, h) = t b fs b , y /y
th t
Comparing this to what we have seen in Eq.(12.14) we get:
2 − α = dν = ydt
yh (13.25)
∆= yt
σi−1 σi σi+1
X PN/2 0 0 0
ZN (g, h, k) = e i=1 w (σi ,σi+1 ) (13.30)
{σi0 }1
It has a similar form as the original one (Eq.(13.29)) but with N/2 spins. Supposing
that also w0 (σi0 , σi+1
0 ) can be written as
h0 0
g0 + 0
(σ + σi+1 ) + K 0 σi0 σi+1
z i
we have
ZN (g, h, K) = ZN/2 (g 0 , h0 , K 0 ) (13.31)
as requested by the renormalization group. In order to find g 0 , h0 , K 0 as a function of
g, h, K, we should satisfy the relation
w(σi0 ,Si ) w(Si ,σi+1 )
z }|
}| { { z
h 0 h
0 h0 0 0 0 0 0 X g + (σi + Si ) + Kσi0 Si + g + (Si + σi+1
0 0
) + KSi σi+1
eg + 2 (σi +σi+1 )+K σi σi+1 = e 2 2
Si =±1
for all values of the pair (σi0 , σi+1
0 ).
Si =±1
Let us consider all the cases for different values of σi0 and σi+1
0 , we obtain three
2 x2 y + x−2 y −1
y0 = y2
x−2 y + x2 y −1
Let us note that g and g 0 are constant factors of the partition function Z and can
be absorbed by a shift in the free energies. Moreover g (i.e. z ≡ eg ) does not enter in
the expression of h0 and K 0 ; the two relevant renormalization equations are the ones
for x0 and y 0 :
2 −2 −1
y 0 2 = y 2 x−2y+x 2 y−1
x y+x y
x0 4 = (x y+x y )(−1 x−2 y+x2 y −1 )
2 −2 −1
(y+y )2
Hence, we have obtained the renormalization group transformation
(h0 , K 0 ) → Rl (h, K)
Now, let us look for fixed points (h∗ , K ∗ ); then will we linearized around (h∗ , K ∗ )
and we will find the relevant eigenvalues.
Let us consider for simplicity h = 0, so that y ≡ eh = 1. The equations (13.37)
simplify to
( 2 x2 +x−2
y 0 = x−2 +x2
(x2 +x−2 )(x−2 +x2 )
x0 4 = 4
212 Chapter 13. Renormalization group theory. Universality
Hence, we have:
y 0 = 1
2 (13.38)
x0 4 = (x +x )
2 −2
Therefore, we have that K is the only variable left because we have obtained h0 = 0.
By substituting x0 ≡ eK , we have:
2 2
x2 + x−2
04 4K 0 e + e−2K
x = ⇒e = = cosh2 (2K)
4 2
In conclusion we obtain the RG equation:
K0 = log (cosh(2K)) (13.39)
By rearranging we have:
0 0
e2K = cosh(2K) = 2 cosh2 (K) − 1 ⇒ e2K − 1 = 2 cosh2 (K) − 1 = 2 sinh2 (K)
e2K + 1 = 2 cosh2 (K)
e2K − 1
= tanh K 0 = tanh2 (K)
2K 0
e +1
Thus we can rewrite the RG equation (13.39) as:
y∗ = y∗2
whose solutions are y ∗ = 1 and y ∗ = 0. Let us consider the two cases separately:
As expected for the one-dimensional Ising model, no critical fixed point for T 6= 0
is found (see the flux of trajectories in Figure 13.2). Moreover, note that the fact that
the flow converges towards T = ∞ means that on large spatial scales the system is
well described by a Hamiltonian with a high effective temperature, and so the system
will always be in the paramagnetic phase (a part when T = 0).
Remark. For a generic scaling parameter l one can see that
Hence, we have
y0 = yl l≥2
Therefore, the analysis for a scaling parameter l ≥ 2 is similar to the l = 2 case.
13.3. Real space renormalization group (RSRG) 213
P aramagnetic point
T =0 T →∞
y=1 y=0
K=∞ K = 0+
Figure 13.2: One-dimensional flux of trajectories for Ising model for the recursion relation
tanh(K 0 ) = tanh2 (K).
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
Figure 13.3: One-dimensional lattice for the d = 1 Ising model. We group spins in block
of three.
In order to define the new block spin we could use the majority rule, but we further
simplify the problem requiring that the new block spin SI0 coincides with the central
spin S2+3i of the block. In other words, for every block we set:
(for example for the first block we have P (S10 ; S1 , S2 , S3 ) = δS10 ,S2 ). We will see later
in Sec.13.4 the meaning of the projector P .
Therefore, the coarse-graining procedure consists in summing over the spins at the
boundaries of the blocks and leaving untouched the central ones . In Figure 13.3 we
represent the situation, where the spins over which we sum are indicated by a cross
empty circle and the ones leaved untouched by a full red circle. We obtain a new
lattice as represented in Figure 13.4.
Figure 13.4: The lattice after the sum of the spins represented by an empty circle.
Now, using the notation that will be introduced later in Sec.13.4 for the general
214 Chapter 13. Renormalization group theory. Universality
theory, we have:
e−βH = Tr{Si } P (SI0 , Si )e−βH = T r{Si } δSI0 ,S2+3i eK j Sj Sj+1
KS1 S2 KS2 S3 KS3 S4 KS4 S5
= δS10 ,S2 δS20 ,S5 · · · e e e e ··· (13.42)
{Si =±1}
0 0 0
= eKS1 S1 eKS1 S3 eKS3 S4 eKS4 S2 · · ·
{Si =±1}
Let us see how it works for the two blocks [S1 , S2 , S3 ] and [S4 , S5 , S6 ]. First of all, we
S2 ≡ S10 , S5 = S20 fixed
Hence, we have:
0 0
eKS1 S3 +kS3 S4 +kS4 S2
S3 =±1 S4 =±1
x ≡ tanh K
so that the sum over S3 and S4 becomes:
S3 ,S4
Expanding the product and keeping in mind that Si2 = +1, we get:
and clearly all the terms containing S3 or S4 (or both) vanish when we perform the
sum S3 ,S4 =±1 . Therefore, the result of the partial sum for the first two blocks is:
22 (cosh K)3 (1 + x3 S10 S20 )
where the term 22 comes from the fact that the constant terms 1 and x3 S10 S20 must
be summed 22 times, two for the possible values of S3 and two for S4 . Therefore, the
partition function of the block spin system will be:
h i
0 0 2N 0 3N 0 3 0
ZN 0 (K ) = Tr 0
{SI } 2 (cosh K) 1 + x S S
I I+1 (13.44)
where N 0 = N/3 is the new number of spin variables. This must have the same form
of ZN (K). We know that in general
0 −βH
ZN 0 = Tr{S 0 } e
, −βH0 ({SI0 }) = N 0 g(K, K 0 ) + K 0 SI0 SI+1
cosh K 0
22 (cosh K)3 (1 + x3 SI0 SI+1
) = 22 0
(cosh K)3 (1 + x3 SI0 SI+10
cosh K
(a) 2 (cosh K) 0
(1 + x0 SI0 SI+1
=2 cosh K )
cosh k 0
(b) 2 (cosh K) 0 0 0
=2 exp K S I S I+1
coshK 0
(cosh K)3
2 ln 2+ln cosh K 0
+K 0 SI0 SI+1
where in (a) we have defined x3 ≡ x0 , so that (tanh K)3 = tanh K 0 , and where in (b)
we have used the relation Eq.(13.43). Hence, we have:
(cosh K)3
g(K, K ) = 2 ln 2 + ln (13.45)
cosh K 0
The new effective Hamiltonian has therefore the same form of the original one with the
redefined coupling constant K 0 , and exhibits also a new term (g(K, K 0 )) independent
of the block spins.
Let us note that (tanh K)3 = tanh K 0 is the recursion relation we are looking for:
x∗ = x∗ 3
Since tanh K < 1∀K ∈ R, starting from any initial point x0 < 1 the recursion relation
x0 = x3 makes x smaller every time, moving it towards the fixed point x∗ = 0. We
can thus conclude that x∗ = 1 is an unstable fixed point while x∗ = 0 is stable, as
graphically represented in Figure 13.5.
x=1 x = 0+
k=∞ k = 0+
T =0 T =∞
Figure 13.5: RG flux of trajectories for the recursion relation (tanh K)3 = tanh K 0 .
Note that the fact that the flow converges towards T = ∞ means that on large
spatial scales the system is well described by a Hamiltonian with a high effective
temperature, and so the system will always be in the paramagnetic phase (a part
when T = 0).
Let us now see how the correlation length transforms. We know that in general,
if the decimation reduces the number of spins by a factor l (in the case we were
considering above, l = 3) we have to rescale distances accordingly, and in particular:
ξ(x0 ) =
216 Chapter 13. Renormalization group theory. Universality
H → H0 = H0 (K 0 , K20 )
Figure 13.6: Introduction of a
new effective interaction.
This unfortunately occurs at each iteration.
Therefore, we understand that the iteration of the RG will introduce increasingly com-
plicated couplings: this is the so called proliferation of interactions. In order to solve
it, approximations are necessary.
13.3. Real space renormalization group (RSRG) 217
(a) Square lattice. We sum over the red (b) New interactions introduced.
cross spins.
Let us therefore see to which conclusions does this lead. The fixed points are
given by:
K ∗ = ln cosh 4K ∗
and the non-trivial (K 6= 0) numerical solution of this equation is Kc =
δK 0 = λt δK = lyt δK
dK 0
λt =
dK K=Kc
Therefore, since also l = 2, we get:
dK 0
ln λt 1
yt = = √ ln
ln l ln 2 dK K=Kc
1 d 3
= √ ln ln (cosh 4K) = 1.070 . . .
ln 2 dK 8
K∗ = 0 K ∗ = Kc K∗ = ∞
Figure 13.8: RG flux of trajectories of the recursion relation K ∗ = 8 ln cosh 4K ∗ .
Figure 13.9: Square lattice for the 2-dimensional Ising model with l = 2. The red cross
are the spins to sum.
Figure 13.10: Migdal-Kadanoff for the Ising model on the square lattice with l = 2.
After we have done this, the sum over x spins is similar to the Ising d = 1 with
l = 2 and gives:
K 0 = ln cosh(2 · 2K)
where the crucial difference is the factor 2 in the cosh(2 · 2K). The fixed point are
given by:
K ∗ = ln cosh(4K ∗ )
Again we find K = 0 and K = ∞ fixed points:
• For K 1 (T → 0): unlike the d = 1 we have K 0 ≈ 1
2 ln e4K ≈ 2K and hence
the low temperature fixed point is also stable.
• For K 1 (T → ∞): we have K 0 ≈ 12 ln 1 + 16K 2 ≈ 8K 2 so the high
Hence, in between we must have another unstable fixed point, which is given by:
∗ ∗
∗ e4K + e−4K
e2K = ⇒ K ∗ = 0.305
Moreover, we have:
dK 0
l = ⇒ yt = 0.75
dK K=K ∗
(remind that l = 2) while the exact solution is yt = 1.
Comparing to the previous approximation, the Migdal-Kadanoff approximation
gives a result further away from the true answer of Kc = 0.441. On the other hand, it
is in a sense a more straightforward as the procedure did not generate any additional
This procedure is very easy to generalize in d-dimensions. For instance, if we
consider an Ising cubic lattice (d = 3), we have three bonds to move, hence the
coupling constant transforms as K → 4K. Generally, in d-dimensions, the coupling
constant becomes:
K → 2d−1 K
K0 =
ln cosh 2d−1 · 2K (13.49)
In conclusion, for a generic scaling factor l, we have:
Kl0 = ln cosh ld−1 · 2K (13.50)
In higher dimensions the approximations worsens.
Hence, after the renormalization procedure the transfer matrix transforms as:
Kx Jx
Ky Jy
Kx Kx
Figure 13.11: Anysotropic Ising model on a square lattice, with coupling constants Kx
and Ky .
1. Firstly, we move the vertical bonds and double the ones that will survive, as in
Figure 13.12a. The vertical bonds weight becomes:
Ky0 = 2Ky
Ky0 Ky0
Ky0 Ky0
Kx0 Kx0
Kx Kx
Ky0 Ky0
Ky0 Ky0 Kx0 Kx0
Kx Kx
Ky0 Ky0
Ky0 Ky0 Kx0
Kx Kx
Ky0 Ky0
Ky0 Ky0 Kx0
Kx Kx
Figure 13.12
We can now perform the sum of the spins, represented as a red cross in Fig.13.12a,
along the x direction as for the case d = 1. This gives
Kx0 = ln cosh(2Kx )
The lattice after this step is shown in Figure 13.12b.
222 Chapter 13. Renormalization group theory. Universality
2. We now perform the moving of the renormalized bonds Kx0 . The bonds along
x that survive will have weight
Kx00 Kx00
Kx00 Kx00
Figure 13.13: The lattice after the renormalized horizontal bonds Kx0 moving step.
3. We finally perform the sum of the spins along the y direction as for the case
d = 1. We obtain:
1 1
Ky00 = ln cosh 2Ky0 = cosh(4Ky )
2 2
The lattice after this step is shown in Figure 13.14.
Kx00 Kx00
Kx00 Kx00
Kx00 Kx00
Figure 13.14: The lattice after the sum of the spin along y.
Let us consider the case Kx = 2Ky . The couplings Kx and Ky at the fixed point are
related by
Kx∗ = 2Ky∗ (13.55)
= 2 tanh 2Kx∗ = 2yt
∂Kx Kx =Kx∗
= 2 tanh 4Ky∗ = 2 tanh(2Kx∗ ) = 2yt
∂Ky Ky =Ky∗
This gives yt = 0.75. Let us note that yt is the same as the one for the symmetric
Kx = 2Ky
surf ace
0.62 Kx
Figure 13.15: (Kx , Ky ) plane. The critical surface is represented in red, while the line
Kx = 2Ky in black. The intersection point is the critical point K ∗ = (0.62, 0.31).
Let us consider the plot in Figure 13.15. We note that all points on the critical
surface are critical with a given choice of Kx /Ky . All these Tc (Kx /Ky ) flow to the
Ising model fixed point (same universality class).
eHN 0 {[K ],SI } = Tr0{Si } eHN {[K],Si } = Tr{Si } P (Si , SI0 )eHN {[K],Si }
0 0 0
where Tr0 is the constrained trace, while P (Si , SI0 ) is the projection operator, which
"incorporates" the constraints and allows us to write an unconstrained trace. This
operator must satisfy the following properties:
1. It must be built such that SI0 have the same range of values of Si (i.e. if Si = ±1,
we should have SI0 = ±1).
ZN 0 [K 0 ] = ZN [K]
ZN 0 [K 0 ] = Tr{SI0 } eHN 0 {[K ],SI } = Tr{SI0 } Tr{Si } P (Si , SI0 )eHN { [K],Si }
0 0 0
h i
= Tr{Si } Tr{SI0 } P (Si , SI0 ) eHN { [K],Si } = Tr{Si } eHN { [K],Si }
= ZN [K]
In general this operator must be built "by hand". Let us see some examples.
Example 36: Block-Kadanoff transformation for l = 2
For example, in the case of Kadanoff’s block transformation we can assign the
block spins SI0 their values with the "majority rule", i.e. we build (hyper)cubic
blocks of side (2l + 1)a (so that each one contains an odd number of spins) and
set: !
SI = sign Si = ±1
13.4.1 Variational RG
In this scheme the projection operator P (Si , SI0 ) depends on a set of parameters
{λ} and the RG transformation is formally
After choosing a certain form of P (Si , SI0 , {λ}), one can minimize, over the space of
{λ}, the expression:
log Tr{Si } eHN {[K],Si } − log Tr{SI0 } eHN 0 {[K ],{λ},SI }
0 0 0
| {z } | {z }
∝FN ∝FN 0
∆F = FN − FN 0
226 Chapter 13. Renormalization group theory. Universality
Chapter 14
The second term, i Hi Si , breaks the Z2 symmetry satisfied by the first alone.
In all the above examples, one says that the symmetry is broken explicitly.
Definition 11: Spontaneous symmetry breaking
The Hamiltonian maintains the original symmetry but the variables used to
describe the system become asymmetric.
228 Chapter 14. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
(a) Plot of the potential V (Φ) in the case (b) Plot of the potential V (Φ) in the case
r0 > 0, i.e. T > Tc . r0 < 0, i.e. T < Tc .
Figure 14.1
• Superfluid: Φ is the
2macroscopic wave function of the Bose condensate (density
of superfluid n = Φ ).
1 r0 u0
L(Φ) = − ∂µ Φ∂ µ Φ∗ − ΦΦ∗ − (ΦΦ∗ )2 (14.4)
2 2 4
The Lagrangian L(Φ) describes a scalar complex (i.e. charged) muonic field with
mass m ≡ r0 ; we note that, if L(Φ) describes a muonic field, we should have r0 > 0
to have the mass m well defined. Moreover, the term (ΦΦ∗ )2 means self-interaction
with strenght λ ≡ u0 .
In all cases (r0 > 0 or r0 < 0), the original symmetry is U (1); it means that
both the Hamiltonian H and the Lagrangian L are invariant with respect to the
Φ → eiθ Φ, Φ∗ → e−iθ Φ∗ (14.5)
where the phase θ does not depend on ~x (global symmetry). In components the
transformation becomes
Φ1 → Φ1 cos θ − Φ2 sin θ
0 0 cos θ − sin θ Φ1
⇒ (Φ1 , Φ2 ) =
Φ2 → Φ2 cos θ + Φ1 sin θ sin θ cos θ Φ2
Now, let us focus first on the statistical mechanics model and to the most inter-
esting case of r0 < 0. In components, H can be expressed as
Z h i Z
βH = dd~x (∇Φ1 )2 + (∇Φ2 )2 + dd~x V (Φ1 , Φ2 ) (14.6)
230 Chapter 14. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
V (Φ)
Figure 14.2: Case r0 < 0. The potential V (Φ) is a mexican hat potential.
In the uniform case we have (∇Φ1 = ∇Φ2 = 0). Let us define S = Φ21 + Φ22 ,
In the uniform case, the solution is given by the minima of the potential V (S); hence,
in order to find the extrema points, we derive the potential with respect to S and we
impose the condition V 0 = 0:
dV (S)
= r0 S + u0 S 3 = 0
It could be represented in the 2d plane (Φ1 , Φ2 ), where the minimum lies on a circle
of radius r
v= −
as show in Figure 14.3. The spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs when the system
"chooses" one of the infinite available minima. In our example, let us suppose that
the chosen minimum is r
Φ1 = v = − , Φ2 = 0 (14.8)
14.2. Spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetries and the onset of Goldstone
particles 231
(v, 0)
Figure 14.3: Plane (Φ1 , Φ2 ). The minimum lies on a circle of radius v = − ur00 .
Now, let us give a physical interpretation of the results previously obtained and
of the considerations we have done in order to obtain them. In particular:
2. The minimum has the lowest energy and therefore it must correspond to the
empty state. In this case, however, there is an infinite number of empty states!
where we omit the factor 1/ 2 for simplicity. Let us note that
δΦ1 = Φ1 − v
⇒ hδΦ1 iΦ0 = hδΦ2 iΦ0 = 0
δΦ2 = Φ2
indeed, as expected, the expectation value of the empty state is back to be zero.
Now, for the quantum relativistic Lagrangian L, let us define
r0 → m2 , u0 → λ, v2 = −
(recall that we are still in the case r0 < 0!). Hence, the Lagrangian Eq.(14.4) becomes
232 Chapter 14. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
L = − ∂µ (v + δΦ1 + iδΦ2 )∂ µ (v + δΦ1 − iδΦ2 )
− (v + δΦ1 + iδΦ2 )(v + δΦ1 − iδΦ2 )
− [(v + δΦ1 + iδΦ2 )(v + δΦ1 − iδΦ2 )]2
1 1
= − (∂µ δΦ1 ∂ µ δΦ1 ) − (∂µ δΦ2 ∂ µ δΦ2 )
2 2
m2 2
v + 2vδΦ1 + δΦ21 + δΦ22
λ 2 2
− v + 2vδΦ1 + δΦ21 + δΦ22
Since we have defined m2 = −v 2 λ, we can rewrite it as
1 1 λv 2 2
L = − (∂µ δΦ1 ∂ µ δΦ1 ) − (∂µ δΦ2 ∂ µ δΦ2 ) + v +
1 δΦ X2X
1 + δΦ
X 2
2 2 2 X
λ 2 hh 2
v 4 + 4v 2 δΦ21 + δΦ1 + δΦ21 + δΦ22 + 2v 2 h
3 2 2 2
− 4v δΦh1 h
h2h + 4vδΦ1 δΦ1 + δΦ2
Neglecting the constant terms in v (in green), finally we obtain
1 1
L(δΦ1 , δΦ2 ) = − (∂µ δΦ1 )2 − (∂µ δΦ2 )2
2 2
− λv 2 δΦ21 − vλδΦ1 (δΦ1 )2 + (δΦ2 )2 (14.9)
λ 2
− (δΦ1 )2 + (δΦ2 )2
Comparing it with Eq.(14.4), we note that the yellow term −λv 2 δΦ21 indicates that the
field δΦ1 (related to the transversal fluctuations) has a null empty state (hδΦ1 i = 0)
and a mass M such that (recall that m2 = −λv 2 = r0 ):
Therefore, it represents a real, massive, mesonic scalar field that is physically ac-
cettable (indeed we have r0 < 0!). However, L is not any more invariant under the
transformation δΦ1 → −δΦ1 , as we wanted to show! The symmetry is broken.
Remark. Note that the field δΦ2 has no mass (there is not a term ∝ δΦ22 )! Indeed,
it describes the fluctuations along the circle where the potential V is in its minimum
which imples no dynamical inertia, that implies no mass!
In summary, starting with one complex scalar field √Φ(~x) having mass m, when
m2 < 0 one gets a real scalar field δΦ1 with mass M = −2m2 and a second scalar
field δΦ2 that is massless. This is called the Goldstone boson. Hence, we have the
following theorem:
Theorem 5: Goldstone’s theorem
If a continuous symmetry is spontaneously broken and there are no long range
interactions, exists an elementary excitation with zero momentum, or particle
of zero mass, called Goldstone boson.
More generally, let P be a subgroup of G (P ⊂ G). If G has N independent
generators and P has M independent generators, hence, if P is the new (lower)
symmetry, therefore N − M Goldstone bosons exist.
14.3. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge symmetries 233
In the previous case the symmetry group was G = U (1), hence G has N = 1
indipendent generators, whereas we have M = 0 (we have chosen a specific minimum).
Therefore, we have only one Goldstone boson.
Example 40: XY model
Let us consider the XY model in statistical mechanics. We have that
Remark. In particle physics the presence of Goldstone bosons brings a serious problem
in field theory since the corresponding particles are not observed! The resolution
of this problem is given by Higgs-Englert-Brout (1964). In particular, the Higgs
mechanism gives back the mass to the Goldstone particles, because the Goldstone
theorem, that works well for a continuous global symmetry, can fail for local gauge
~ =H
B ~ +M
Lphoton = − Fµν (~x)F µν (~x), Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ
In abstract algebra, an abelian group, also called a commutative group, is a group in which the
result of applying the group operation to two group elements does not depend on the order in which
they are written.
234 Chapter 14. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
That is, Lphoton is invariant under the transformation: Aµ (~x) → Aµ (~x) − ∂ν α(~x) for
any α and x. If we naively add a mass term for the photon to the Lagrangian, we
1 1
Lphoton = − Fµν (~x)F µν (~x) + m2A Aµ Aµ
4 2
the mass term violates the local gauge symmetry; hence, the U (1) gauge symmetry
requires the photon to be massless.
Now extend the model by introducing a complex scalar field, with charge q, that
couples both to itself and to the photon. In this case, because of the presence of Aµ (~x),
we should consider a theory that satisfies symmetry U (1) locally! The Lagrangian of
this model is:
L = − Fµν (~x)F µν (~x) + (Dµ Φ(~x))∗ (Dµ Φ(~x)) − V (Φ, Φ∗ ) (14.11)
Dµ Φ = (∂µ + iqAµ )Φ gauge-covariant derivative
Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ Field strength tensor
m2 λ
V (Φ, Φ∗ ) = ΦΦ∗ + (ΦΦ∗ )2 Potential
2 4
The complex scalar field we are considering is defined again as:
1 1
Φ = √ (Φ1 + iΦ2 ), Φ∗ = √ (Φ1 − iΦ2 )
2 2
Hence, it is easily discerned that this Lagrangian is invariant under the gauge trans-
Φ(~x) → eiα(~x) Φ(~x), Φ∗ (~x) → e−iα(~x) Φ(~x)
Aµ (~x) → Aµ (~x) − ∂ν α(~x)
Let us consider again two different cases:
• If m2 > 0: the state of minimum energy will be that with Φ = 0 and the
potential will preserve the symmetries of the Lagrangian. Then the theory is
simply QED with a massless photon and a charged scalar field Φ with mass m.
• If m2 < 0: the field Φ will acquire a vacuum
q expectation value. The state of
minimum energy will be that with Φ = − mλ ≡ v (circle of radius |Φ| = v)
and the global U (1) gauge symmetry will be spontaneously broken.
Now, let us focus on the case m2 < 0. In particular, it is convenient to parametrize
Φ by choosing
Φ̄1 = v, Φ¯2 = 0
Hence, we have:
Φ(x) = (v + δΦ1 ) + iδΦ2
where Φ1 is referred to as the Higgs boson and Φ2 as the Goldstone boson. As said,
they are real scalar fields which have no vacuum expecation value (hΦ1 iΦ0 = hΦ2 iΦ0 =
0). By inserting it in the Lagrangian and by keeping in mind that m2 = −v 2 λ, the
Lagrangian transforms as
1 1 1
L = − Fµν F µν + (∂µ δΦ1 )2 + (∂µ δΦ2 )2
4 2 2
2 2 2
− λv δΦ1 + q 2 v 2 Aµ Aµ − qvAµ ∂µ δΦ2 + higher order terms
Let us give a physical interpretation of the emphasized terms:
14.3. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge symmetries 235
• λv 2 δΦ21 means that the field δΦ1 is massive with mass M = v 2λ (Higgs boson).
• q 2 v 2 Aµ Aµ means that the gauge boson Aµ , the photon, has got a mass
MA2 = 2q 2 v 2
Note that since now Aµ is massive, it has three indipendent polarization states.
• qvAµ ∂µ δΦ2 means that the field δΦ2 is not massive (indeed there is no term
∝ δΦ22 ) and that it is mixed with Aµ (Goldstone boson). Dynamically, this
means that a propagating photon can transform itself into a field δΦ2 (the
photon becomes a Goldstone boson).
Summarizing, √this Lagrangian now describes a√ theory with a Higgs boson δΦ1
with mass M = v 2λ, a photon of mass MA = qv 2 and a massless Goldstone δΦ2 .
Moreover, since δΦ2 does not seem to be a physical field it should be eliminated
by a gauge transformation. Hence, the strange δΦ2 Aµ mixing can be removed by
making the following gauge transformation:
Aµ (~x) → Aµ (~x) − ∂µ α(~x)
Aµ (~x) → Aµ (~x) + ∂µ δΦ2 (~x)
and the gauge choice with the transformation above is called the unitary gauge. By
inserting it in the Lagrangian Eq.(14.14), we eliminate the mixed term qvAµ ∂µ δΦ2 ,
in red, and the term 21 (∂µ δΦ2 )2 . Thus we obtain:
1 1
L = − Fµν F µν + (∂µ δΦ1 )2 − λv 2 δΦ21 + q 2 v 2 Aµ Aµ + higher order terms (14.15)
4 2
The Goldstone δΦ2 will then completely disappear from the theory and one says
that the Goldstone has been "eaten" to give the photon mass. Therefore, the new
Lagrangian in Eq.(14.15) contains two fields: one is a massive photon with spin 1 and
the second field δΦ1 is massive too, but has spin 0 (scalar). The mechanics trough
which the gauge boson becomes massive is the so called Higgs mechanism.
It is instructive to count the degrees of freedom (dof) before and after spontaneous
symmetry broken has occurred. In particular, we have:
• For a global U (1) symmetry, we have 2 massive scalar fields, hence there are
1 + 1 degrees of freedom.
After symmetry breaking, we have 1 scalar field massive and 1 scalar field not
massive. Hence, there are again 1 + 1 degrees of freedom.
• For a local gauge U (1) symmetry, we have 2 massive scalar fields and one
massless photon. Hence, there are 2+2 degrees of freedom (the massless photon
has 2 polarizations).
After symmetry breaking, we have 1 massive scalar field and 1 massive photon.
Hence, there are 1 + 3 degrees of freedom (the massive photon has 3 polariza-
Remark. Let us note that in Eq.(14.15) among the higher order terms we have ne-
glected, there are
236 Chapter 14. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
Aµ Aµ
Aν Aν
(a) Feyman diagram of the term ∝ (b) Feyman diagram of the term ∝
δΦ1 Aµ Aµ . δΦ21 Aµ Aµ .
Figure 14.4
Remark. Note that the presence of the massive photon MA2 = 2q 2 v 2 , with q = 2l in
superconductivity, gives rise to the exponential drop
B(x) = B(0)e−x/l
Because of the groups SU (2) and SU (3) the symmetries above ar not abelian
(for example in SU (2) two matrices U (α) and U (β) do not commute in general).
where ~τ are Pauli matrices, α0 , α1 , α2 , α3 are four real functions (4 vectorial mesons).
In particular,
α0 (~x) → Bµ (~x)
~ (~x) → Wµa (~x) = Wµ(1) (~x), Wµ(2) (~x), Wµ(3) (~x)
where α0 is the scalar gauge field and Bµ is a linear combination of Aµ and Wµ .
The Lagrangian is given by
1 1
L = (Dµ Φ)† (Dµ Φ) − µ2 Φ∗ Φ − λ(Φ∗ Φ)2 − bµν bµν − faµν fµν
4 4
1 i
Dµ → ∂µ igτ a Wµa + g 0 Bµ
2 2
fµν = ∂µ Wν − ∂ν Wµ − gεabc Wµb Wνa
a a a
bµν = ∂µ Bν − ∂ν Bµ
Wµa → Wµa − εabc αb (~x)Wµc (~x) + ∂µ αa (~x)
1 ∂α0
Bµ → Bµ + 0
g ∂xµ
Just as in the abelian example, the scalar field develops a nonzero vacuum expecation
value for µ2 < 0, which spontaneously breaks the symmetry. There is an infinite
number of degenerate states with minimum energy satisfying ν ≡ Φ21 +Φ22 +Φ23 +Φ24 =
v 2 . After we have chosen the direction on the sphere in R4 , we note that 3 symmetries
are broken; hence, we have 3 Goldstone bosons.
Higgs mechanism
The W and Z gauge masses can now be generated in the same manner as the
Higgs mechanism generated the photon mass in the abelian example. Let us consider
a Higgs scalar field +
δΦ =
238 Chapter 14. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
such that
h0| Φ |0i =
Thus, the Lagrangian becomes:
1 µ 1 2
⇒ LHiggs = (gv)2 Wµ+ W − + v 2 gWµ(3) − g 0 Bµ (14.21)
2 2
Wµ(1) = √ Wµ+ + Wµ−
Wµ = √ Wµ+ − Wµ−
tan θW =
It is again instructive to count the degrees of freedom before and after the Higgs
mechanism. At the outset we had a complex doublet Φ with four degrees of freedom,
one massless B with two degrees of freedom and three massless W i gauge fields
with six, for a total number of 12 degrees of freedom. At the end of the day, after
spontaneous symmetry breaking, we have a real scalar Higgs field h with one degree
of freedom, three massive weak bosons, W ± and Z 0 , with nine, and one massless
photon with two degrees of freedom, yielding again a total of 12. One says that
the scalar degrees of freedom have been eaten to give the W ± and Z 0 bosons their
longitudinal components.
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