Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 1
2. What are you doing when you are monitoring the performance of your team?
Answer in 30-50 words.
Firstly I will Comparing actual performance against planned performance, and then
Correcting differences and applying strategies to get performance what is needed.
Quality culture Ensure staff comprehend, are lined up with and zeroed in
on the association's central goal just as their individual
and group liabilities. Structure groups which include
staff at all levels. Inspire them to recognize and take care
of issues together, constantly further developing work
frameworks, items and administrations. Make solidarity
by spurring staff to help each other accomplish client
support results. Your groups won't just endure yet
flourish under tension.
Quality systems and processes It can be reliably and consistently produce service through
controlling our systems and process.
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SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations Task 1
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SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations Task 1
6. You work for a hospitality business that specialises in running quality outdoor
functions and events. You promote yourself as an environmentally friendly
service provider. What should you look for when examining day-to-day
operations for opportunities to improve the conservation of resources and the
handling of waste? Give three examples.
Frontline manager can value and embrace a diverse workforce an identity and remove
barriers to entry and promotion, such as bias and discrimination. Be fair, ensure rosters are
fair and equitable, pay and conditions of employment are understood and applied uniformly.
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SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations Task 1
10. One responsibility of a manager is to help staff manage their own time. Why is
this an important responsibility? Answer in 30-50 words.
Continuously guarantee that they have the innovation devices to design and sort out their
day and skill to utilize them. Plan and clarify representatives through the time usage
techniques, have representatives keep a log of their workday to recognize where they may
be fooling around.
11. Outline the three steps involved in assessing employee workloads and briefly
describe them.
Step 1 Calculate productivity: ensure positions are clearly defined and has position or job
description. Determine the amount of work expected by an employee on and given shift,
week or month.
Step 2 Calculate employees: the number of employees is required to manage workloads?
Again, use a scientific or quantifiable method to determine your employee numbers.
Step 3 Predict demand: use methods to predict the demand for product and service and
adjust employee numbers, as required.
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SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations Task 1
12. List three examples of productivity and service rates that can be used by
organisations to determine workload.
The examples of productivity and service rates that can be used by organisations to determine workload:
Powerlessness to meet deadlines
A drop in correctness
13. How do employment conditions in awards and enterprise agreements affect how
you manage your work team when dealing with a short-term issue or change in
work arrangements? Answer in 40-60 words.
Grants are essential for the public working environment relations framework and cover the
wages agreements of work for an industry or occupation, for instance, the Hospitality
Industry Award. An undertaking or aggregate understanding is an agreement for
agreements of business haggled between the business and workers and their agents
(associations, whenever mentioned). Arrangements can be explicit to one working
environment, or various organizations inside an organization. For the most part,
undertaking arrangements incorporate explicit adaptability around program courses of
action and working conditions for that organization.
14. Why is delegation an important skill for a manager to have? Answer in 30-50
Delegation is the demonstration of giving a subordinate the position and obligation to finish
a job that would typically be important for your job. Notwithstanding, as the supervisor,
you hold the responsibility for the assignments success. In different words, if the
undertaking wasn't progressed admirably, it's not tied in with accusing the worker, however
considering how you might have worked on the preparation and backing gave.
15. Describe the steps or principles of delegation. Answer in 20-40 words for each.
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Step 2: Decide who to Ponder workers who are gifted and need to find out
delegate to additional. Workers who are exhausted and need new
difficulties are a decent decision. In a perfect world the
individual should be willing and capable, with some
preparation, to do the jobs.
Step 3: Delegate Obviously clarify the explanations behind assigning and
give preparing to chosen staff. Demonstrate what results
you expect as far as quality, principles and
consummation times. Guarantee they know where they
can go for additional help, whenever required.
Step 4: Inform others It is necessary to inform co-workers, other managers and
even departments that an employee has the authority and
responsibility for a delegated task.
Step 5: Monitor results and Don't over-oversee, as it will show an absence of trust. A
give feedback valuable methodology is to set up check-focuses. These
are focuses in time where the representative reports back
to you on their advancement with the goal that you can
give useful input.
16. Describe three formal methods you can use to monitor and assess workflow
against agreed objectives.
Step 1: Calculate productivity Ensure positions are clearly defined and have position or job
descriptions. Analyse jobs using statistical, quantifiable methods to determine the amount
of work expected by an employee on a given shift, week or month, according to whatever
productivity and/or service rates you use, as outlined on the previous screen.
Step 2: Calculate employees How many employees are required to manage workloads?
Again, use a ‘scientific’ or quantifiable method to determine your employee numbers.
Step 3: Predict demand Use methods to predict the demand for your products and services
and adjust employee numbers, as required.
17. What are two examples of information you might need to provide to
management when discussing your staffing needs?
Solicitation changes to the work financial plan should you believe it's anything but a
reasonable impression of your staffing needs.
Solicitation new representatives. This generally requires a proper course of finishing
'another representative demand' structure and having it supported by senior administration.
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As a forefront director, it is a significant piece of the assignment on the grounds that there
are frequently lawful and monetary reasons why records should be kept, and senior
administration should be stayed up with the latest on progress inside your space. They are
additionally confirmation of work finished and observing exercises embraced.
19. What type of workplace records could you be required to keep? Identify at least
Ans: The following types of workplace records are required to keep in the firm.
● Receipt of goods
20. List four common workplace problems you might have to deal with as a frontline
The four common workplace problems that might have to deal with as a frontline manager.
Failure to deliver promised service situations Equipment breakdown or technical
Poor staff performance
Delays and time difficulties
21. Briefly outline the five steps you could take to resolve a complex problem.
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22. Why is it important to define a problem and determine its root cause? Answer in
40-60 words.
Dissect issues for their underlying driver and long haul effect and character the distinction
between a manifestation and an issue. Typically in business, you need to address the
indications quickly and afterward set aside the effort to examine the issue inside and out.
23. What tools or strategies can you use to define a problem and determine its root
cause? Answer in 30-50 words.
Mind maps: place the main problem or idea in the middle of the paper. Imagine this as the
trunk of a tree.
Fishbone: identity the problem and work out the major factors involved
24. If you want your team to support a decision, what decision-making process
would you use? Choose from the following: voting, consensus and unilateral
decisions. Explain your answer. Answer in 40-50 words.
I will pick agreement since everybody has a chance to communicate their thoughts and
conclusions in an open, agreeable discussion. It includes a great deal of conversation thus
can be exceptionally tedious to accomplish. It requires viable correspondence and initiative
abilities from the supervisor to work with the conversation and keep it on target.
Agreement is critical to accomplish when arrangements should be completely upheld by
the group. Not every person needs to concur 100%, but rather everybody should have the
option to say, 'I can see it should be done thus I will uphold it.'
25. You are a frontline duty manager in a medium-sized hotel with three bars, a
bistro, function room and drive-through bottle shop. There have been issues
lately with inadequate staffing levels during busy periods and you are re-
evaluating next month’s staff rosters to try and resolve the problem. Many of
your employees are casual and part-time staff. Two staff have minor back
injuries and one is on light duties while recovering from a workplace accident.
How do the following areas affect any decisions you make about where and when
staff are rostered and the duties they are allocated?
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Industrial awards and the Four days of eight hours and one of six hours
hours and conditions of work
Four days of nine and a half hours per day
contained in them
Five days of seven hours and 36 minutes per day
152 hours per each four-week period with a minimum of
eight days off per each four- week period
160 hours per each four-week period with a minimum of
eight days off per each four-week period plus a rostered
day off
Workplace health and safety protecting workers and other persons from harm by
requirements requiring duty holders to eliminate or minimise risk
providing for fair and effective representation,
consultation and cooperation
encouraging unions and employer organisations to take a
constructive role in promoting improvements in WHS
promoting the provision of advice, information, education
and training for WHS
securing compliance with the Act through effective and
appropriate compliance and enforcement measures
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