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Contemporary Arts From Different Regions Week 1

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A. Write E if the statement belongs to the Ethnic Tradition, S if it belongs to Spanish
Tradition, and AC if it belongs to American Colonial and Contemporary Tradition.

E 1. Filipinos developed choreographies by mimicking movements of animals.

AC 2. Technological innovations affected art making resulting to non-conventional artworks.
S 3. Zarzuelas and operas became popular in this period.
AC or S 4. Religion and secularization influenced all art forms.
E 5. Pottery, weaving, wood carving, and metal crafting are the forms of visual arts.

B. Write True if statement below is correct and False if it is incorrect.

FALSE 1. The Spaniards greatly influenced the Filipinos that the arts in the country resulted to
pure Western Art.
TRUE 2. The piano is one of the instruments that Spaniards introduced in the field of Philippine
FALSE 3. Contemporary arts refer to the recent and current practice of art ranging from 1960s
up to the present.
FALSE 4. Folk songs, speeches and narratives were the forms of literature in the Spanish era
with religious and secular contents.
TRUE 5. Modern arts refer to the practice of art in the 1860s-1960s. It was in these years that
the Western world was significantly developing.

C. Identification: Identify the correct answer in the given items.

1. Art is coming from Latin word “Ars” or “Artis” which means “to do” or
2. It is the stage show introduced by the Americans. bodabilor stage show
3. This kind of singers influenced alternative music. Jazz, dance hits, Folksong revival, rock and roll, rap,
4. Another term for Filipino Pop Music. OPM or Original Pinoy Music
5. This tends to analyze Philippine writings. Literary criticism

Activity 1
Let’s think of this!
Direction: Give your thoughts about the questions below. Write your answer in a 1 whole sheet of
1. What does Philippine Arts all about?
Philippine Arts is all about the various forms of the arts that have developed and
accumulated in the Philippines from the beginning of civilization in the country up to the
present era. They reflect the range of artistic influences on the country's culture, including
indigenous forms of the arts, and how these influences have honed the country's arts. These
arts are divided into two distinct branches, namely, traditional arts and non-traditional arts.
 Each branch is further divided into various categories with subcategories.
2. What is the difference between Traditional Arts to Contemporary Arts?
The difference between Traditional and Contemporary art are two distinctly different art era's.
Traditional art aimed to represent reality or realism through narrative. Contemporary art is
much more focused on social/society focused. They usually reflect or comment on modern
society using new techniques and materials, such as videos/technology.

3. What is the difference between Visual Arts to Performance Arts? Cite an example.
Performing arts is a form of art where artists use their voices, and bodies to convey a
message or artistic expression. It is different from visual arts, in which an artist use
paint, canvas and various materials to create art objects.

The visual Arts gives a way to express feeling, emotion, opinion, or taste through visual
means, for instance, photography, painting, sculpting and drawing.

Performing Arts have ways to express an opinion, emotion, feeling, or taste, through
means of performance, like, theatre, public speech, dance, music, and more.

There are other forms of art too; Culinary Art expresses personality, and culture, as well
as, atmosphere through the creation of taste and composition of food on the plate.
Poetry and writing fall in a category of art called written art.
Visual Arts, a Definition:

Visual arts are primarily created for Aesthetic Purposes, and judged for its beauty and
meaningfulness. Visual Arts include painting, sculpture, watercolour, graphics, drawing
and architecture. Also falling in the Visual Arts category is; music, poetry, film,
photography, conceptual art and printmaking. People in this field are termed, artists.

Performing Arts, a Definition:

Performing arts are basically arts or skills that require a performance in front of a public

audience.  Examples are acting, singing and dancing.  Other forms of the Performing Arts

include opera, theatre, magic or illusion performances, mime, spoken word, recitation and

public speaking.  People in this field are termed, performers.

In some ways, all forms of art will have certain aspects that can be found in all of them. 

The force behind art forms might be the same, but, it is the way in which it is relayed, that is

different.  Performing artists use their body or voice to convey the artistic expression needed

to be shown.  Visual Arts can be defined as something that is created through doing

something with your hands.

In both art niches, you can convey cultural messages.  Visual art can depict historic places

on canvas or through photography, whereas, performing arts can display cultural stories
through dance and also through constructing scenes of long ago on a stage.  Song and Dance

are usually main ingredients in cultural tradition. (Miller,2017)

Activity 2
Background Check!
Directions: Complete the table by writing the sense to which each word appeals in the second column
and another word that appeals to the same sense in the third.
Forms of Arts Traditional Arts Contemporary Arts
Technique/Practices Technique/Practices

 Pottery, Body Adornment and  Figurative, Non Figurative, Art

Painting Ornament Art Sake, Multimedia, mixed
 Folk graphic and plastic arts – media, and trans media
including, but not limited to,  Paris Cubism
calligraphy, tattooing, folk writing,  Abstractionism
folk drawing, and folk painting  Expessionistic Cubism
 realism and experimental
 Surrealism
 social realism
 Magic realism
 Genre painting
 sculpture, pottery, metal crafting  Napoleon Abueva is one of the
and weaving were dominant famous sculptures who used
making use of the available varied materials like variety of
materials around them woods, metals, and stones.
 Wood Carving  he used plastics, jade, brass
 Metal Carving and other materials which
reflects dynamism, freedom of
expression and concern to the
 Sculptors like Ramon Orlina
and Impy Pilapil explored the
use of glass in making
 saints, dances in secular forms are  Dances like buck-and-wing,
valse, fandango, polka, mazurka, tap dancing, clog, skirt dancing
minuet and others performed in  Ballet dance from Europe was
social gatherings and other introduced and ballet dance
functions.  Modern dance became
 In the highlands like in the popular. It is revolutionary in
Cordillera, dance steps were nature and does not conform
imitations of the movements of to the rules of classical ballet.
certain animals like birds while the It is a mixture of a wide range
movement of the people living of dances, Western and Asian
near the sea were mimics of the dances, traditional dances,
movements of the fishes. and other experimental
 Folk dance is still alive until
this period and still perform
especially during fiestas and
festivals like Sinulog, Maskara,
Ati-Atihan, Sayaw sa Obando,
Kadayawan and many other
 In music, tour ancestors have their  America introduced bodabil or
indigenous musical instruments stage show- it was not a form
like bamboo flutes and gongs. of stage play since it was
 Zarzuela and opera were composed mainly of songs,
cultivated with bands and dances and skits. During
orchestra. Japanese regime bodabil
includes melodrama.
 Philippine music is a
combination of classical and
traditional ethnic music.
 Pinoy pop or the Filipino pop
 OPM or the Original Pinoy
 Alternative music
 Psychological realism
 Realism
 Presentational Style
 Documentary Style
 In the field of architecture,  The Philippine architecture
particularly in building their was adopted from the modern
shelters, they used local materials Western architectural style
such as anahaw, bamboo, rattan, while taking into
cogon, cane and other light consideration the physical and
materials. socio-cultural of the country.
 In the field of architecture, they  the neoclassic style
introduced the use of bricks and  “Tsalet” was developed in the
stones in constructing buildings 20th century. It is a type of
such as churches, houses and house on stilts with a front
government offices. The exterior porch made of wood and
and interior of the buildings were concrete.
embellished with wood carvings or  Metropolitan Theater by Juan
metal works with intricate Arellano
decorative designs.  On this period, two-storey
house, Urban housing, multi-
storey tenements,
condominiums and
government housing project
emerged due to increasing
population and decreasing
land availability.
 Marcos era, expressways,
convention centers, hospitals,
hotels, malls, high-rise
buildings, amusement centers,
etc. was constructed. Even
technological advancements
like escalators, elevators, air-
conditioning system and
computers came into reality.

Activity 3
Local Cultural Mapping
Direction: In your respective community, look for at least three (3) local contemporary art forms,
techniques or performance practices. Take a picture/video and put some descriptions on those art

José Joya (1931-1995)

A Filipino pioneer of Abstract expressionism, multi-media

painter José Joya uses bold and vibrant colours with a
variety of painting techniques, layering, loose impasto
strokes and controlled drips. His harmonious colours are
influenced by Philippine landscapes and tropical wildlife.
His mastery lies in gestural paintings, where the paint is
applied spontaneously on canvas, sometimes directly out of
the tube or through the use of broad strokes with brushes.

Benedicto Cabrera (1942-present)

Fondly known as ‘BenCab’ in the Philippines, Cabrera is

the best-selling commercial painter of his generation and
a prominent head of the local contemporary art scene.
He studied under José Joya at the University of the
Philippines and received his degree in Fine Arts in 1963.

Ang Kiukok (1935-2005)

Born to Chinese immigrants, Ang Kiukok is the pioneer of

Philippine modern figurative expressionism. Rewarded as
the country’s National Artist in 2001, he was one of the
most successful commercial figures on the local art scene
from the 1960s until his death from cancer in 2005.
Activity 4
A. Direction: Express what you have learned in this lesson by completing the sentences below

1. Art is defined as a medium of expression because through arts we express ideas,

feelings, and emotions without using words. Also, it is a creative activity which involves
skills or expertness in handling materials and organizing them into new one.
2. Modern art is refers to the practice of arts in the 1860s-1960s. While Contemporary Art
is Refers to the recent and current practice of art ranging from 1970s up to present.
3. Contemporary Art is refers to current and very recent practice. It also refers to works of
art made by living artists. Tends to be assessed thematically and subjectively, drawing
on an expanded range of theoretical and practical disciplines while Contemporary
Performance is It is hybrid work that integrates text, dance, objects, music, costumes,
lighting, image, sound, sets, and vocal expression into complex interactive systems.

B. Direction:
Enumerate the different Contemporary Philippine Art forms and give at least three (3)
examples of well-known Filipino Artist with their craft. Copy and follow the format
Art Forms Artist Craft
1. Visual Arts 1. Vicente Manansala 1. Paris
Cubism(Madonna of the
2. Galo Ocampo Slums )
2. Social Realism("Moro
3. Constantino Bernardo Dancer")
ric and color-field paintings)
2. Literature 1. Rolando Tinio 1. Valedicton sa Hillcrest

2. Amado V. Hernandez 2. Ang Bayang Malaya

3. Edith Tiempo 3. Abide in Joshua and
Other Stories .
3. Music 1. Freddie Aguilar 1. Anak
2. Herber Bartolome 2. Tayo’y mga Pinoy
3. Folrante De Leon 3. Ako’y Pinoy
4. Dance 1. Leonor Orosa 1.  The Elements 
2. Remedios de Oteyza 2. neoclassical ballets
3. Francisca Reyes-
Aquino 3. Philippine Folk Dances
5. Architecture 1. Juan Arellano 1. Metropolitan Theater
2. Carlos Barreto 2. Carnival Gate
3. Antonio Toledo 3. Manila City Hall
6. Film 1. Jose Nepomuceno 1. Dalagang Bukid
2. Gerardo De Leon 2. Ifugao
3. Lamberto Avellana 3. Anak Dalita

A. Write E if the statement belongs to the Ethnic Tradition, S if it belongs to Spanish

Tradition, and AC if it belongs to American Colonial and Contemporary Tradition.

AC 1. Painting and sculpture were the most popular forms of visual arts.
AC 2. Filipinos studied abroad and later on introduced new ideas in art making.
AC 3. Avant-garde artworks entered the scene.
S 4. Bricks and stones were predominantly used in constructing buildings.
E 5. The geographical location and experiences of the Filipinos were the main factors in
art production.

B. Write True if statement below is correct and False if it is incorrect.

FALSE 1. Modern art is totally the same with contemporary art since modern and
contemporary are synonymous to each other.
TRUE 2. Valse, fandango, polka, and minuet are examples of theatrical performances in
the Spanish period.
TRUE 3. Before Colonization, the Philippines already has its indigenous arts.
TRUE 4. Modern art continuously develops even after WWII, which led to the
contemporary way of art making today.
FALSE 5. Artists used wood carvings and metal works with intricate decorative designs as
embellishments for buildings in the pre-colonial period.
C. Identification: Identify the correct answer in the given items.
1. He wrote the Valediction sa Hillcrest. Ronaldo Tinio
2. This kind of poetry uses colloquial language. Bagay Movement
3. It is a style in painting showing minute details of subject highlighting their texture and
color. Magic Realism
4. He is the Father of Philippine Movies. Jose Nepomuceno
5. This dance does not conform to the rules of classical ballet. Modern Dance

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