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A. Metacognition

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1. Cognitive psychologists have studied the distinctions among learners in the manner they
absorb or process information. The most important factor that separated novice and expert
learners is
A. metacognition
b. Meta-memory
c. Metacognitive
d. None of the above
Huitt believes that metacognition includes the ability to ask and answer the
following types of questions. Which question does not manifest metacognition?
a. What do I know about this subject, topic, issue?
b. Do I know what I need to know?
c. Do I know where I can go to get some information, knowledge?
d. Do I have the amount of money needed to learn?
Huitt believes that metacognition includes the ability to ask and answer the
following types of questions. Which question does not manifest metacognition?
a. What do I know about this subject, topic, issue?
b. Do I know what I need to know?
c. Do I know where I can go to get some information, knowledge?
d. Do I have the amount of money needed to learn?

2. Huitt believes that metacognition includes the ability to ask and answer the following types of
questions. Which question does not manifest metacognition?
a. What do I know about this subject, topic, and issue?
b. Do I know what I need to know?
c. Do I know where I can go to get some information, knowledge?
d. Do I have the amount of money needed to learn?

3. Researches have shown that metacognition awareness was evident in children as young as
preschoolers. Children are believed to have the capacity to be aware and reflective of their own.
A. learning
b. skills
c. personality
d. responsibility
4. The term metacognition is attributed to Flavell. It simply means
a. “thinking about thinking” c. “Learning how to learn”
b. “active awareness and control over the d. All of the above
cognitive processes”

4. The term metacognition is attributed to Flavell. It simply means

a. “thinking about thinking”
b. “active awareness and control over the
c. “Learning how to learn”
d. All of the above cognitive processes”

5. The challenge is for future teachers to build among learners the capacity to______ on their
own characteristics as learners (self-knowledge), the tasks they are to do (task knowledge) and
the strategies that they can use to learn (strategic knowledge).
a. reflect
b. grow
c. improve
d. be aware

6. Which of the following metacognitive strategies is used when the teacher asks the following
to students at the end of the lesson? “Give me three things that you learned and one thing that
you still need to learn more,”
a. summarizing
b. reflective thinking
c. wrapper
d. assessment

7. The term metacognition which consists of both metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive
experiences and regulation was coined by _____
a. Edward Lee Thorndike
b. Benjamin Bloom
c. John Flavell
d. Ralph Tyle
8. Metacognitive knowledge is the result of an individual’s metacognitive experiences. It is
divided into three categories:
a. Knowledge of person variables, task variables, strategy variables.
b. Knowledge of person variables, task variables, action variables.
c. Knowledge of personality variables, task variables, strategy variables.
d. Knowledge of person variables, training variables, strategy variables.

9. Metacognitive knowledge refers to acquired knowledge about cognitive processes which is

a. knowledge that can be used to support cognitive processes
b. knowledge that can be used to enhance cognitive processes
c. knowledge that can be used to control cognitive processes
d. knowledge that can be used to control recognition processes

10. The person variables in metacognitive knowledge includes

a. how one views himself as a learner and thinker
b. how human beings learn and process information
c. individual knowledge of one’s own learning processes.
d. All of the above

11. The three variables of metacognition interact when an individual learn and apply
metacognition. Which of the following, according to Omrod does NOT practice metacognition?
a. Knowing the limits of one’s own learning and memory capacities.
b. Knowing what learning tasks one can realistically accomplish within a certain
amount of time.
c. Knowing which learning strategies are effective and which are not.
d. Knowing the persons who can help you in your task.

12. In the strategy variables of metacognitive knowledge, if your strategy to learnis not working
you can involve and employ
a. Meta-attention and Meta-memory
b. Meta-memory and inquiry
c. Meta-attention and Meta-recognition
d. None of the above

13. Being aware that it will take more time for you to read and comprehend a book in
educational philosophy than it would for you to read and comprehend a novel, is an example of
what variables in metacognition.
a. Strategy variables
b. Person variables
c. Task variables
d. All of the above

14. Based on Piaget’s cognitive theory of development, what should a teacher provide for
children in the sensorimotor stage?
a. games and other physical activities to develop motor skills
b. learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering
c. activities of hypothesis formation
d. stimulating environment with ample objects to lay with

15. Lito is very aloof and cold in his relationships with classmates. Which basic goal must have
been attained by Lito during his development year according to Erickson’s theory on
psychological development?
a. autonomy
b. trust
c. initiative
d. generativity

16. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, what is that a child can NOT do?
a. Doing mentally what was done just physically done
b. Reasoning applied to specific example
c. Classifying objects into different sets
d. Imaging the steps necessary to complete an algebraic equation
17. What is the best way to handle a child who cannot seem to stay put in one place?
a. ignore him
b. give him more work than the others
c. find out if he has a learning difficulty
d. tell him to go back to his seat

18. Individuals are born with and develop their own capabilities and talents. The principle of
individual differences requires teachers to
a. give greater attention to gifted children
b. provide for a variety of learning activities
c. treat all learners alike while in the class
d. prepare modules for slow learners in the class

19. The stages of psychosocial development are very relevant, highly regarded and meaningful
theory. The concept of trust vs. mistrust; autonomy vs. shame &doubt and initiative vs. guilt are
most closely related with the works of:
a. Erickson
b. Piaget
c. Freud
d. Bruner.

20. Based on Piaget’s theory on cognitive development, what should a teacher provide for
children in the concrete operational stage?
a. games and other physical activities to develop motor skills
b. learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering
c. activities of hypothesis formation
d. stimulating environment with ample objects to lay with

21. It is the process of creating new schema by modifying an existing or previously created
cognitive structure or schema. It is liken to adding a new file in the filing cabinet.
a. accommodation
b. assimilation
c. acculturation
d. enculturation

22. It is the tendency of a child to only see his point of view and to assume that everyone also
has his same point of view. The child cannot take the perspective of others.
a. Decentering
b. Egocentrism
c. Conservation
d. centration

23. It means a positive response to the world challenges taking on responsibilities, learning new
skills and feeling purposeful during stage three of early childhood. Parents can encourage it by
encouraging children to try out their new ideas.
a. idealistic
b. creative
c. resourceful
d. initiative

24. If we don’t do so well, we may develop maladaptation and malignancies. Which involves too
little of the positive or too much of the negative aspect of the task such as a person who can’t
trust others?
a. Maladaptive
b. Malignancy
c. Virtue
d. Guilt

25. He popularized the theory of moral development. He stressed that the goal of moral
education is to encourage individuals to develop to the next stage of moral reasoning.
a. Piaget
b. B.F. Skinner
c. Lawrence Kohlberg
d. Pavlov
26. The key theme of Vygotsky’s theory is that social interaction plays a very important
role in cognitive development. What is an application of Vygotsky’s idea of scaffolding?
a. Give the learner a task that challenge her ability
b. From the start leave the learner to herself because she has the power forself-learning.
c. Don’t spoil the learner by doing what she ought to do.
d. Give the learner the necessary assistance until she can be on her own.

27. Social exposure to various cultures expands a child’s pool of knowledge. Which statements
go/es with this sentence?
I. The least experiences a child has, the more disciplined he/she becomes.
II. The more experiences a child has, the richer his/her becomes.
III. The more selective parents in the exposure of their child, the more challenged the child
a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
d. III only

28. Freud emphasized three components that make up one’s personality. If you have to
develop in the students a correct sense of right and wrong, with which should you be concerned
according to Freud?
A. Superego
b. Ego
c. Id
d. Superego and ego

29. Vygotsky emphasized that effective learning happens through participation in social
activities. Which is essential in the cognitive development of persons according to Vygotsky?
a. Independent thinking
b. Social interaction
c. Individual mental work
d. Scientific thinking

30. The support or assistance that lets the child accomplish a task s/he cannot accomplish
independently is called scaffolding. Which of the following indicates scaffolding?
a. doing the task for the child while s/he watches
b. doing short cuts for the child
c. father models to his son how to saw wood
d. putting a straw in the child’s juice tetra pack for her/him
31. To learn about the cognitive development of children, Piaget designed specific asks or
Piagetian tasks. On the other hand, Kohlberg presented in his research and asked for
responses using ________ to analyze the individual moral reasoning or development
.a. just reasoning
b. moral dilemmas or Kohlberg dilemma
c. community approach
d. moral reasoning

32. Lawrence Kohlberg believed that children form ways of thinking through their experiences
which include understanding of moral concepts such as
I. justice II. Rights III. Equality IV. Human welfare

a. I only
b. I, II, III, and IV
c. I and II
d. II only

33. Vygotsky believed in the essential role of activities in learning. Children learn do not learn
through mere
a. hands-on activities
b. passive listening
c. learning by doing
d. interaction with knowledgeable adults/peers
34. Stage One of Erickson’s Psychosocial stages starts from infancy to about 18months where
infants develops trust for others. A lack of this will lead to mistrust. Hence, it is implied that
parents should provide the best possible means to
I. meet all the basic needs of the infant
II. Ensure that the place within the infant moves is safe and secured.
III. Provide reliability, care, and protection
IV. enroll the child in a trust fund

a. I, II and IV
b. IV only
c. I, II, and III
d. I only

35. Mrs. Cruzado believes that students need not know the intended learning
outcome of her lesson. She proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them know
what they are supposed to learn for the day. Which principle of learning does Mrs. Cruzado
a. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
b. Learning is an active process.
c. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
d. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

36. Susan Morse stressed that “The classroom can provide more than just theory given by a
teacher in a lecture. With student diversity the classroom becomes a public ‘place’ where
community is practiced.” Which statement best summarize the above quotation?
a. Student diversity contributes to cognitive development.
b. Student diversity can promote harmony.
c. Student diversity prepares learners for their role as responsible members of society.
d. Student’s self-awareness is balanced by diversity

37. A reflective teacher may see a diverse classroom as an exciting place to learn not just for
her students, but for herself, as well. On the other hand, a ____teacher may choose to respect
and celebrate diversity.
a. intelligent
b. wise
c. disciplinarian
d. considerate

38. The 14 Learner-Centered psychological principles are divided along the following
areas except ___.
a. physical and psychomotor
b. cognitive and metacognitive
c. developmental and social
d. individual differences

39. The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and
reasoning strategies to achieve complex learning goals. Which of the following is NOT a
characteristic of a strategic thinker?
a. does not easily give up even in difficult situations
b. uses knowledge in different ways to solve problems and address concerns and issues
c. uses experiments and trial-and-error methods to find the best solution to a problem
d. asks others for possible solutions to problems before thinking of his or her solution

40. Teachers and parents’ encouragements, praises, and rewards can boost the learner’s
confidence. However, person’s inner drive to do something without necessarily being forced by
someone is referred to as
a. encouragement
b. motivation
c. emotional state
d. affective domain

41. Assessment should be an ongoing process. Which of the following is the best purpose of
a. School leaders use assessment results as basis for the rehiring of teachers
b. Assessment result improve students’ learning and teachers’ teaching
strategies and techniques
c. Assessment result help determine the number of student to be retained and promoted
d. Assessment result are used for school planning and teacher support systems

42. Who among the students is a novice learner?

a. Rose tries out a strategy then revises it when it does not fit the problem
b. Jose reads through the difficult problem and solves it right away
c. Edna tries to recall information and procedures related to the problem
d. Dexter recalls the procedure he used previously in a similar problem

43. Metacognition is one’s awareness of his or her thinking and the ability to
control it while processing a task. It involves metacognitive knowledge, which comprises three
components. Which of the following is not component knowledge of cognition?
a. declarative knowledge or knowledge about things
b. procedural knowledge or knowledge of processes
c. conditional knowledge or knowledge of what is appropriate for the context or situation
d. stock knowledge or stored knowledge

44. Simply stated, metacognition is thinking about thinking. Which of following statements
best fits the concept of metacognition?
a. Knowing how to solve problems presented in novel ways.
b. The awareness of what is known and how to use it appropriately.
c. The ability to manipulate knowledge to arrive at the correct answer.
d. Sufficient knowledge about facts, procedures, and conditions to use them.

45. Procedural knowledge involves the knowledge of how to do things and how skills or
competencies are executed. Procedural knowledge is also known as_______.
a. person knowledge
b. task knowledge
c. strategic knowledge
d. conditional knowledge
46. Metacognitive knowledge refers to acquired knowledge about cognitive processes.
Which of the following metacognitive knowledge operates when the learner has his/her own way
of learning information?
a. procedural knowledge
b. declarative knowledge
c. conditional knowledge
d. specific knowledge
47. A Grade 6 pupil follows school rules and regulations for fear of being punished. The child is
on what level of the Moral Development theory?
a. pre conventional
b. post conventional
c. conventional
d. conventional and post conventional

48. Which of the following is referred to by Freud as the component of human personality that is
concerned with the idea of good or bad?
a. superego
b. Superego and ego
c. id
d. ego

49. The best known moral dilemma created by Kohlberg is the “Heinz” dilemma, which
discusses the idea of obeying the law versus saving life. This level in the Moral Development
theory of Kohlberg refers to the person’s ability to conform to uphold law and order.
a. post conventional
b. preconvention
c. conventional and post conventional
d. conventional

50. When we motivate our students to learn we make use of situations that they can feel closely
associated with so that arousing of interest can become strong, why?
a. learning is both intellectual and active
b. learning is meaningful when used in everyday life
c. learning involves the psychological nature of the learner
d. learning and retention can be enhanced by the power of emotion

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