Biden Hopeful On Social Bills, Threatens Putin Over Ukraine: Expected Fed Tightening Weighs On Crypto Market
Biden Hopeful On Social Bills, Threatens Putin Over Ukraine: Expected Fed Tightening Weighs On Crypto Market
Biden Hopeful On Social Bills, Threatens Putin Over Ukraine: Expected Fed Tightening Weighs On Crypto Market
* * * * * THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2022 ~ VOL. CCLXXIX NO. 15 HHHH $5.00
DJIA 35028.65 g 339.82 1.0% NASDAQ 14340.26 g 1.1% STOXX 600 480.90 À 0.2% 10-YR. TREAS. À 11/32 , yield 1.826% OIL $86.96 À $1.53 GOLD $1,843.10 À $30.80 EURO $1.1344 YEN 114.33
News Pursues
Business & Finance
To Boost
M icrosoft’s acquisition
of Activision aims to
shake up the game industry
by expanding the software
giant’s library of blockbuster
Its Cloud
videogames and bolstering its Deal for Activision
efforts to entice consumers to
its cloud-gaming service. A1
bolsters its aspiration
The Nasdaq entered cor-
to entice users to a
rection territory, ending Netflix-like platform
the session down 1.1%. The
S&P 500 and Dow industri-
als both dropped 1%. B1
AIG and Chubb are end-
ing coverage for some pricey Microsoft Corp.’s acquisition
homes in California, as in- of Activision Blizzard Inc. aims
surers worry about wildfire to shake up the game industry
exposure and are frustrated by expanding the software gi-
by state regulations. A1 ant’s library of blockbuster
videogames and bolstering its
A booming market for
BORDER: Clockwise from top left, a Ukrainian soldier near the frontline on Wednesday; flight testing for a Russian air efforts to entice consumers to
deals and brisk demand for fi-
force helicopter; and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken meet in Kyiv. A8 its cloud-games service.
nancial advice lifted Morgan
The planned $75 billion deal
Stanley’s fourth-quarter earn-
would be Microsoft’s biggest
ings and helped the firm set
By Alex Leary, nity colleges might not make to $2 trillion and maintain its
Unilever said it wouldn’t
Ken Thomas it into the package, but he said status as one of the world’s top
increase its $68 billion of-
and Andrew Restuccia he would continue pushing to tech companies. The Activision
fer for Glaxo’s consumer-
pass those measures. acquisition positions Microsoft
healthcare business, effec-
predicted Russia will make a Mr. Biden reiterated his in- to use the same tactic on con-
tively walking away from
move against Ukraine, warning tent to unleash sanctions sumers by persuading gamers
the potential acquisition. B1
that Moscow would face “a against Russia should it invade to abandon their expensive
The launch of enhanced 5G dear price” for doing so. Ukraine. President Vladimir Pu- hardware and play on the cloud.
services had a limited impact The president, who took of- tin, Mr. Biden said, faces a “Together with Activision
on U.S. flights after aviation fice a year ago Thursday, de- stark choice and will regret Blizzard, we have an incredible
regulators provided addi- fended his policies and his ad- choosing conflict. Mr. Biden ap- opportunity to invest and inno-
tional guidance for airlines. B3 ministration’s response to President Biden on Wednesday at a news conference marking his peared initially to suggest that vate, to create the best content,
Covid-19 during a nearly two- first year in office, which he said featured ‘enormous progress.’ he thinks Mr. Putin will invade community and cloud for gam-
World-Wide hour news conference Ukraine. “My guess is he will ers to build substantial new
Wednesday. But he also ac- nated in 2021 and passage of a Build Back Better proposal to move in,” he said. “I think he’ll value for our shareholders,”
knowledged that many people nearly $1 trillion infrastruc- try to pass the individual Please turn to page A4 said Microsoft Chief Executive
Biden said he likely will remain frustrated by the dura- ture bill as top accomplish- pieces. The measure has Satya Nadella on an investor
have to break up his stalled tion of the pandemic and that ments. “Still for all this prog- stalled after Sen. Joe Manchin and media call Tuesday.
healthcare, education and
climate agenda in hopes of
his administration should have
moved faster on testing.
ress, I know there’s a lot of
frustration and fatigue in this
(D., W.Va.) rejected the pro-
posal late last year.
Court Setback With more gamers playing
on smartphones rather than
getting his policies through
Congress and predicted Rus-
“It’s been a year of chal-
lenges, but it’s also been a
country. We know why—
“I think we can break the
package up, get as much as we
For Trump pricey game consoles and com-
Please turn to page A6
sia will make a move against year of enormous progress,” Mr. Biden, a Democrat, said can now and come back and Justices clear way for panel
Ukraine, warning that Mos- said Mr. Biden, who cited mil- he probably would have to fight for the rest later,” he to get Jan. 6 records........... A3 Microsoft deal hits Sony
cow would face “a dear lions of people getting vacci- split up the roughly $2 trillion said, adding that he believes stock................................................ B4
price” for doing so. A1, A4
Blinken sought to reassure
Ukraine’s president of uni-
fied support from the West
but warned that Russia could
California Fire Risks Expected Fed Tightening
invade as concerns mounted
over Moscow’s deployment of
troops to Belarus, which shares
Lead Insurers to Pull Weighs on Crypto Market
a border with Ukraine. A8
The Supreme Court denied
Trump’s emergency request
Costly Home Policies BY PAUL VIGNA Change since bitcoin's makes business software but
that sought to block a House BY LESLIE SCISM some policyholders instead record high has invested billions in bitcoin
panel from obtaining White might be eligible for coverage The Federal Reserve is cast- and whose chief executive, Mi-
House records related to the Worried about wildfire ex- through another AIG unit. The ing a shadow over cryptocur- 20% Bitcoin chael Saylor, has become a vo-
attack on the U.S. Capitol. A3 posure and frustrated by state other unit operates alongside rencies. Riot Blockchain cal bitcoin advocate, is down
Democrats failed in their regulations, insurers in Califor- so-called excess-and-surplus Like stocks, cryptocurren- Marathon Digital 15%.
effort to change the Senate’s nia have been cutting back on lines insurers, which have cies have extended a selloff to On Wednesday, bitcoin fell
filibuster procedures in or- their homeowner businesses. more freedom on policy rates start the year because of ex- 1.6% to $41,739. Most observ-
der to muscle through Now, affluent homeowners are and terms than do insurers in pectations that the central Nasdaq ers said the $40,000 level for
blocked elections legislation, feeling more of the pain, as the broader, tightly overseen bank will raise interest rates enters correction bitcoin is a line in the sand for
two of the biggest firms offer- home-insurance market. as early as March. -20 on Wednesday the bulls, and they expect a
dealing a setback to Biden
and party leaders on what ing protection for multimillion- The policies could cost three Bitcoin, the largest crypto- churning trade in this range.
they have termed their top dollar properties end coverage to five times what AIG’s clients currency, is down 9.9% year to “The price action of bitcoin is
domestic policy agenda. A6 for some customers. now pay, with less-generous date, according to CoinDesk, still likely to remain volatile
As early as this month, coverage, brokers said. and the second-largest, ether, as a result of a hawkish Fed,”
The University of Michigan American International Group “AIG is the first high-net- is down 16%. said AvaTrade analyst Naeem
is paying $490 million to set- Inc. plans to begin notifying worth carrier to say ‘we’ve had The direction of bitcoin’s Aslam.
tle allegations that a former about 9,000 customers in its it, we’re divorcing ourselves trading so far this year has -60 Over the past two years,
university physician sexually Private Client Group that their from California’s regulated been almost identical to the Dec. 2021 '22 bitcoin enjoyed a rally and the
abused over 1,000 former stu- home policies won’t be renewed market,’ ” said Jim Tolliver, an moves of the tech-dominated Sources: CoinDesk (crypto currencies);
entire crypto market pushed
dents, athletes and others. A3 this year. The change is part of insurance broker in San Fran- Nasdaq Composite, which is FactSet (stocks, indexes) into the mainstream. Tradi-
The Biden administration a plan by AIG to stop selling cisco with Woodruff Sawyer & down 8.3% year to date and tional investors entered crypto
announced plans to make 400 home policies in California Co., who says he fears others sank into correction territory Inc. is down 13% so far this in droves. While crypto advo-
million N95 masks available through a unit regulated by the will follow suit. on Wednesday. year. Marathon Digital Hold- cates have pined for this “in-
free of charge at pharmacies state’s insurance department. Chubb Ltd., the state’s big- Bitcoin’s decline has spilled ings Inc. is down 24%. Riot stitutional money” for years,
AIG told insurance brokers gest high-end insurer, contin- over to publicly traded crypto Blockchain Inc. is down 22%. the surge has turned out to be
and community health cen-
in an email late last year that Please turn to page A10 companies. Coinbase Global MicroStrategy Inc., which Please turn to page A9
ters across the country. A7
U.K. leader Johnson faced
rising political pressure over
allegations he broke lockdown
rules by attending a drinks
How ‘Bruno’ Became Talked About INSIDE
i i i
party in Downing Street. A8
Hit from Disney’s ‘Encanto’ movie is dubbed in 46 languages
Endemic Covid Still Comes at a Price Investment
The pros- means the system has reached The Covid-19 pandemic has affected how many people sicker and less happy. Ab-
pect that
Covid-19 is
some kind of stable state. En-
demic could mean high levels
of infections.”
can work and how much they expect to earn.
By “endemic,” they mean they estimated it could, in 0.25 45 n the past year, workers A United Nations agency on
Omicron will leave almost its endemic state, result in have reported declining Wednesday said businesses in-
everyone highly immune enough hospitalizations to 0 40 satisfaction with their vested $1.65 trillion outside
through vaccination, prior regularly strain the prov- 2005 ’10 ’15 ’20 2014 ’16 ’18 ’20 wages and a rising “reserva- their countries in 2021, a 77%
infection, or both. Then, they ince’s healthcare system. tion wage,” that is, how increase from $929 billion in
*Based on a nationally representative, internet-based survey of a rotating panel of approximately
reason, Covid-19 will be a Comparisons with flu are 1,300 household heads.
much they would have to be 2020, when foreign direct in-
more predictable, less deadly also incomplete. Suppose the Sources: Labor Department (illness); Federal Reserve Bank of New York (satisfaction) paid to accept a new job, ac- vestment fell sharply in re-
presence, much like flu, and U.S. death rate from Covid-19 cording to the Federal Re- sponse to the disruptions and
the world will return to nor- fell to that of Vermont last higher,” he said. “It depends Western Europe and Latin serve Bank of New York. This uncertainties caused by the
mal. year, the country’s lowest in not just on what the science America showing much big- might reflect inflation, Covid-19 pandemic. That jump
Such optimism needs a re- great part thanks to the says but what your values ger hits than China and changed expectations, or brought FDI flows back above
ality check. This new normal state’s high vaccination rate. are.” With established treat- Japan, where Covid-19’s toll stress due to Covid-19 test- their 2019 level of $1.5 trillion.
won’t be the same as the old That would still be triple the ments for Covid-19, early in- has been much lower. ing, masks and vaccine man- However, figures compiled
normal: Endemic Covid-19 death rate from flu and fection and transmission The U.S. is an exception: dates, or their absence. by the U.N. Conference on
will still take a toll on pneumonia in 2019. And need not pose as many risks Output in the last quarter of For employers, this makes Trade and Development
health, work and mobility; Covid-19 would be circulat- in the future, he said. 2021 was roughly back to its it much harder to attract the showed manufacturing largely
the only question is how big. ing at the same time as flu, But depending on Omi- pre-pandemic trend. But the necessary staff. Nursing missed out on the rebound,
compounding the toll. cron’s long-run effects or the economy, distorted and dis- homes have boosted hourly with the number of new proj-
redictions about the The past few weeks have severity of future variants, rupted by Covid-19, is strug- wages 14% since the start of ects to expand capacity falling
end of the pandemic shown that even without failure to isolate infected gling to sustain this level of the pandemic, yet staffing has slightly from 2020, and remain-
have a dispiriting re- lockdowns, Covid-19 can still workers could still cause se- output, as the surge in infla- plummeted 12%, impairing ing well below their 2019 level.
cord. Hopes that vaccines wreak economic havoc via vere or chronic illness in some tion to 7% demonstrates. their ability to accept new pa- “The good news is that the
would bring herd immunity, widespread absences of in- co-workers, Prof. Colijn noted. Covid-19 might have tients. Such shortages impose global FDI has fully recovered
that more transmissible vari- fected people. A key ques- “These are really hard ques- boosted efficiency in some a cost that doesn’t show up in from the pandemic, the bad
ants would always be less tion, then, is whether, once tions and are going to depend industries by speeding up gross domestic product. news is that new investment
deadly, or that the Delta Covid-19 is endemic, disrup- on things we don’t know yet.” digitization and adoption of To be sure, almost all of flows to manufacturing sectors
wave would be the last, were tive interventions such as Endemic Covid-19 could remote work. Goldman Sachs these things will get less bad remain weak despite strong de-
misplaced. So be wary of isolation will persist. thus become a lasting “sup- economists estimate this de- as the Omicron wave sub- mand,” said James Zhan, direc-
forecasts that Covid-19 is That will depend on the ply shock” that degrades livered a 3% to 4% boost to sides. The U.S. has bounced tor of investment and enter-
about to become endemic. trade-off between the disease how much economies can U.S. productivity. back from wars, disaster and prise at Unctad.
And if it does, “endemic and the economic burden of produce, similar to the surge But some of the shift to disease in the past. It is The U.S. led the rebound in
does not mean really low,” isolation, said Peter Chin- in oil prices in the 1970s. In remote operations is invol- bouncing back from Covid-19, foreign investment, with over-
notes Caroline Colijn, a math- Hong, a professor of medicine October, the International untary, and some of the rise and once the virus becomes seas businesses pumping $323
ematician specializing in in- at the University of Califor- Monetary Fund estimated in productivity might reflect endemic, its burdens will no billion into the world’s largest
fectious disease at Simon Fra- nia, San Francisco. “We could global output this year an overworked workforce. longer be top of mind. economy. That increase of 114%
ser University in British isolate for flu but don’t, be- would still be 3% lower than Indeed, the pandemic has That doesn’t mean they left inflows at their highest
Columbia, Canada. “It just cause the consequences are it had projected in 2019, with left the labor force smaller, will be gone. since 2016, making the U.S. the
leading recipient of foreign in-
largest universities,” Mr. White
by more than 1,000 added.
people who alleged Mr. White said attorneys
representing the accusers will
sexual abuse by doctor receive contingency fees from
the settlement. In Michigan,
BY ALLISON PRANG attorney’s fees in personal in-
AND KRIS MAHER jury cases are capped at one-
third of the amount recov-
The University of Michigan ered.
is paying $490 million to set- The settlement is among
tle allegations that a former the largest involving sexual-
university physician, Robert abuse claims against a univer-
Anderson, sexually abused sity. Earlier this year, the Uni-
more than 1,000 former stu- versity of Southern California
dents, athletes and others. said it would pay a total of
Of the total, $460 million Robert Anderson committed more than $1.1 billion to settle
will go to the approximately sexual misconduct with multiple lawsuits alleging sex-
1,050 accusers and $30 million patients ‘countless times’ ual misconduct by a longtime
will go toward a reserve set during the decades he worked university gynecologist.
aside for additional accusers as a doctor at the school, In 2018, Michigan State Uni-
who come forward, according according to a report by a law versity agreed to a $500 mil-
to the university and attorney firm. A vigil for sexual-abuse lion settlement for over 300
Parker Stinar, who represents survivors last fall in Ann Arbor. people who said they were sex-
about 200 of the accusers and ually abused by former MSU
is one of six attorneys who ne- ment before July 31, 2023, the that Anderson had performed bechler said he was among “Most of our clients had a sports-medicine doctor Larry
gotiated the settlement. university said. unnecessary rectal and hernia those abused by Anderson. strong love for the University Nassar. Nassar is in prison
“We hope this settlement A law firm report that came exams and offered medical Matt Schembechler said the and did not want to see per- serving a 175-year sentence.
will begin the healing process out last year and was commis- services in exchange for sexual doctor had fondled his genitals manent damage, but wanted In 2017, Pennsylvania State
for survivors,” University of sioned by the University of contact. Anderson worked as a and given him an unnecessary accountability. I believe we ac- University said it agreed to
Michigan Board of Regents Michigan found that Anderson team physician in the school’s rectal exam. complished those goals,” said pay $109 million to several
Chair Jordan Acker said had engaged in sexual miscon- athletic department from 1968 A third-party allocator will Jamie White, an attorney who dozen people who said they
Wednesday. The negotiations duct with patients “countless until 2003 and served as di- determine how the money is represents just under 100 of had been sexually abused by
between the university and times” during his 37 years at rector of the university’s divided among the accusers, the accusers. former football coach Jerry
the accusers’ attorneys started the university. health service. He died in Mr. Stinar said. Most of the “It is time for the Michigan Sandusky, who is currently
in October 2020. The report included ac- 2008. accusers are men. Mr. Stinar legislators to look at why two serving a 30-to-60-year sen-
The $30 million is specifi- counts by hundreds of people, Last year, the son of leg- said the accusers had held An- of the largest scandals in the tence.
cally reserved for claimants including former university endary University of Michigan derson and the school ac- history of the country—Larry —Douglas Belkin
who participate in the settle- football players, who alleged football coach Bo Schem- countable. Nassar and Robert Anderson— contributed to this article.
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WA S H I N G T O N — D e m o -
crats failed Wednesday night
in their effort to change the
Senate’s filibuster procedures
Sen. Amy Klobuchar co-sponsored legislation to limit the market in order to muscle through
power of dominant tech platforms. blocked elections legislation,
dealing a setback to President
Antitrust Measure
With Sens. Joe Manchin (D.,
W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D.
Ariz.) siding with all Republi-
cans in the evenly split Senate,
52 lawmakers opposed the
could make all these things rule change, with just 48 in fa-
harder, more expensive, less vor, shy of the majority re-
convenient and less secure.” quired.
The industry ads will run in The Democrats’ gambit was
WASHINGTON—Big tech- Washington at first and later a last-ditch effort to salvage a
nology companies and their in the home states of the sena- sweeping elections bill that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell accused Democrats of trying to take over the elections system.
critics are ramping up lobby- tors on the Judiciary Commit- unified the progressive and
ing efforts in Congress this tee and elsewhere, according moderate wings of the Demo- legislation would weaken senators discussing reforms buster ended, the Senate could
week as a key Senate panel to consultants involved, who cratic Party. Earlier, Republi- steps meant to bolster election now includes about a dozen proceed to a straight up-or-
takes up legislation that seeks said the trade group is pre- cans had blocked the elections integrity. people. down vote on passing the bill.
to blunt the market power of pared to spend several million bill from advancing, with 49 “I certainly hope my col- The elections package that “Our Republican colleagues
dominant tech platforms. dollars on the campaign. votes in support and 51 leagues today will not pass this failed consolidates two bills don’t even acknowledge that
The antitrust legislation, Dozens of smaller tech com- against, short of the 60 federal takeover of election that Republicans blocked last we have a crisis,” said Mr.
set to be considered Thursday panies are urging the Senate needed. Senate Majority laws and will also resist the year: the Freedom to Vote Act Schumer, citing new voting re-
by the Senate Judiciary Com- panel to pass the bill, including Leader Chuck Schumer (D., temptation to change the rules and one named after the late strictions in states like Mon-
mittee, would bar dominant the startup accelerator Y Com- N.Y.) voted “no” in order to of the Senate,” said Sen. Roy civil-rights leader Rep. John tana, Texas and Florida. He
online platforms such as Ama- binator, Yelp Inc. and Sonos Inc. preserve the right to bring the Blunt (R., Mo.), the top Repub- Lewis of Georgia, whose 1965 cited past voter suppression Inc.’s e-commerce Dominant technologies compa- bill back up for a vote. lican on the Rules Committee. beating by Alabama troopers efforts against Black Ameri-
nies’ ability to give themselves Democrats had made the In a statement, Mr. Biden helped spur the passage of the cans, calling the GOP stance
preferential treatment “pre- elections bill and changes to said he was “profoundly disap- original Voting Rights Act. The today “particularly disgrace-
vents companies like us from the filibuster two parts of a pointed that the United States package would expand mail-in ful, particularly abhorrent,
Dozens of smaller competing on the merits,” the single campaign, arguing that Senate has failed to stand up voting nationwide and make particularly obnoxious.”
tech companies are companies said in a letter to Republicans are trampling on for our democracy.” Ahead of other changes designed to cre- Senate Minority Leader
the Senate panel Tuesday. voting rights, particularly for the vote, Mr. Biden had played ate a federal standard for ac- Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) un-
urging the Senate They cited tactics, such as lower-income and minority down hopes for passage, while cess to the polls. leashed a torrent of criticism
panel to pass the bill. steering users away from com- voters, by tolerating restrictive expressing hope that a nar- Under the proposed change at Democrats, saying that they
petitors’ services or using new state laws and then using rower proposal centered on to the filibuster, Democrats were effectively trying to
nonpublic data to benefit the Senate procedures to stop changing the Electoral Count would shift to a so-called talk- mount a takeover of the na-
platform’s own services, that Congress from intervening. Act could draw bipartisan sup- ing filibuster, in which oppo- tion’s elections system. He
site and Alphabet Inc.’s Google “deprive consumers of the in- Urging passage of the bill port. That effort would try to nents could stop the bill from said Mr. Biden had promised
search engine from preferring novative offerings a vibrant and a change to the filibuster firm up the procedures for advancing only by actively to unite the country, but “to-
their own goods and services market would yield.” if needed, Mr. Schumer asked: electing the president. speaking on the floor until an day the president and his
over other companies. “The part of the private “Are we going to let our de- “I think we can get things allotted two speeches had party will try to use fear and
Supporters say the internet sector that is not Google, Ap- mocracy backslide in the 21st done,” Mr. Biden said at a news been used up. panic to smash the Senate.”
dominance by a handful of big ple, Facebook, Amazon is fi- century? Are we going to be conference when asked about That would replace the cur- Others expressed relief that
companies prevents smaller nally starting to—in the face dragged back into the abyss of an effort to change the law. “I rent 60-vote threshold for the Democrats’ push would fail.
technology companies from of potential retaliation—coura- voter suppression?” predict that we’ll get some- ending debate and apply only “This is the biggest relief
gaining market share, stifling geously say, ‘Enough is Republicans say that Demo- thing done on the electoral re- to the elections legislation, I’ve had as a member of the
innovation. enough,’ ” said Luther Lowe, crats are mischaracterizing form side of this,” he said. narrowly tailored in a bid to Senate,” said Sen. Roger
Big technology companies Yelp’s senior vice president for the states’ changes in a bid to Sen. Mitt Romney (R., Utah) win support from Democratic Wicker (R., Miss.). “It is a piv-
counter that the proposed leg- public policy. grab power and say that the has said a bipartisan group of holdouts. After a talking fili- otal day.”
islation would prevent them Lawmakers supporting the
from providing free or low-cost American Innovation and
services to consumers and Choice Online Act say they are For years, videogames took a back seat at Microsoft though
small businesses. responding to concerns by both 2021 Total revenue: $168.1B
In an ad campaign dubbed the public, businesses and
the company has now decided to become more aggressive
about expanding the sector into the cloud. Server Products and Office Products
“Don’t Break What Works,” smaller internet companies that cloud services and cloud services
that began Wednesday, the say tech powerhouses such as
Computer and Communica- Google and Amazon are unfairly
tions Industry Association tar- abusing their market power to Where Microsoft made its money in 2001, 2011 and 2021
gets the anti-tech efforts, in- maintain their dominance. Adjusted for inflation
cluding one sponsored by Sens. They also say the legislation
Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) and won’t force tech platforms to Technology, Windows, cloud services 2011 Total revenue: $84.4B
Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa). The jettison popular services as Consumer Business
Windows Server and Tools
industry group represents long as they compete fairly. Games Other and Windows
companies including Amazon, A new group also launched Live Division
Google, Facebook parent Meta Tuesday to back the Klobuchar-
Platforms Inc., Apple Inc. and Grassley bill as a starting point
other tech firms. in what it hopes will become a
“Americans turned to tech broader crackdown on the larg- 2001 Total revenue: $38.8B Windows LinkedIn Search
products to receive deliveries est tech companies. advertising
for their favorite products, Called the Tech Oversight Consumer software, services and devices
find directions to local busi- Project, its backers include or- Desktop and Enterprise Microsoft Enter-
nesses and to connect with ganizations funded by eBay Inc. Software and Services Business tainment
Division and Device
loved ones,” CCIA says on a founder Pierre Omidyar and Division Enter- Devices Other
website dedicated to quashing Chris Hughes, a co-founder of prise
the legislation. “These bills Meta. services
Microsoft’s revenue from games Consumer Online Services Division
Body balm. in 2021 compared with the
company’s total 2001 revenue
Investments Source: the company Stephanie Stamm/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Mind medicine.
Soul salve.
Microsoft nected device with a screen,
much as they stream videos on
Netflix, Hulu and other plat-
vice,” Microsoft game chief
Phil Spencer said after the Ac-
tivision deal was announced.
seat at Microsoft, where con-
sumer-facing businesses got less
attention, former and current
WASHINGTON cybersecurity protocols, including activities at the cross streets
use of certain cloud technologies where Mr. Cuellar’s campaign is
NSA Gets Bigger and software that can detect se- headquartered.
Cybersecurity Role curity problems on a network. The FBI did not say what
Cybersecurity failures have type of probe was under way, or
President Biden expanded the plagued the U.S. government for if the congressman is the subject
National Security Agency’s role in decades, including thefts of de- of it.
protecting the U.S. government’s tailed personnel records and mil- The congressman’s office re-
most sensitive computer net- itary secrets that have been leased a statement saying he
works, issuing a directive in- blamed on Russia, China and would fully cooperate with any
tended to bolster cybersecurity other adversaries. While national investigation. His office also did
within the Defense Department security agencies are generally not confirm whether he was un-
and intelligence agencies. seen as more secure than their der any investigation.
The memorandum signed by civilian counterparts, they have “He is committed to ensuring
Mr. Biden mandates baseline cy- endured significant breaches, that justice and the law are up-
bersecurity practices and stan- too. held,” the statement said.
dards, such as two-factor au- —Dustin Volz The statement from the FBI
thentication and use of came after an investigative re-
encryption, for so-called national TEXAS porter for the Monitor, a local
security systems, which include newspaper, shared photos on
the Defense Department and in- FBI Probes in Area of Wednesday afternoon of FBI
telligence agencies and the fed- Rep. Cuellar’s Home agents clustered around Mr. Cuel-
eral contractors that support lar’s house and in his driveway.
Russia Deploys Troops to Belarus Macron
Wants EU
U.S. seeks to bolster Military force locations: Russian Russian proxy Ukrainian Belarusian missile and gun battalions also
Ukraine, as Moscow
beefs up its military
Type of force: Mechanized Infantry Airborne Tank Marine Special forces
would be redeployed, he said.
A senior U.S. administration
official told reporters on Tues-
To Craft
presence in the region
Minsk day that “there can be no
doubt about Belarus’s role as
an increasingly destabilizing
The Biden administration’s actor in the region.” The offi-
top diplomat sought to reas- cial noted a series of incidents
sure Ukraine’s president of to demonstrate Belarusian ef-
unified support from the West RUSSIA forts, including the recent mi- PARIS—Russia’s military
but warned that Russia could grant crisis along its border buildup is rekindling tensions
with Poland—which the offi- about whether Europe should
By William Mauldin in cial said was “manufactured” take a bigger role in its own de-
Kyiv, Ukraine, and Ann by Belarus. fense aside from the trans-At-
M. Simmons in Moscow The timing of the Russian lantic alliance with the U.S. that
troop movements “raises con- has underpinned the region’s
invade as concerns mounted UKRAINE cerns that Russia could intend security in the postwar era.
over Moscow’s deployment of to station troops in Belarus
troops to Belarus, which under the guise of joint mili- By Matthew Dalton,
shares a border with Ukraine. Donetsk tary exercises in order poten- Laurence Norman
“We have made very clear tially to attack Ukraine from and Drew Hinshaw
to Moscow that if it chooses to the north,” the senior U.S. ad-
renew aggression against ministration official said. The divisions surfaced
Ukraine, it will be met and it Odesa Russian Deputy Foreign Wednesday as French President
will face very severe conse- Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Emmanuel Macron marked his
quences,” Secretary of State Wednesday that Russia turn at the helm of the Euro-
Antony Blinken said at a meet- CRIMEA doesn’t intend to take any ag- pean Union’s presidency with a
ing with Ukrainian President gressive action against sweeping speech calling on Eu-
Volodymyr Zelensky. Bucharest Ukraine. But Moscow sees a rope to chart its own course.
Later Wednesday, during a threat in Ukraine’s potential “The security of our conti-
White House news conference, Black Sea
membership of NATO, he said. nent demands a strategic rear-
President Biden said he expects On the issue of military ma- mament of Europe as a power of
Russia would make some kind neuvers in Belarus, Mr. Ryab- peace and equilibrium, particu-
of move against Ukraine, and Note: Locations in Belarus show where troops are positioned or are moving to. kov urged officials to focus on larly when it comes to dialogue
would face consequences cali- Source: Dr. Phillip Karber diplomacy rather than the po- with Russia,” he told a session
brated to the degree of aggres- tential for conflict. of the European Parliament.
sion. “My guess is he will move help here,” Mr. Zelensky said. the Russian military with that binds Russia and Belarus “I assure you, there is no The EU, he said, should
in,” he said, referring to Rus- British C-17 cargo planes greater firepower should it opt in various areas ranging from reason to be concerned about spend the coming weeks devel-
sian President Vladimir Putin. have been ferrying antitank to drive toward Kyiv, among the economy to defense. anything in connection with oping a plan to create “a new
Later Mr. Biden walked weapons to the country for other contingencies. Russia The forces would prepare these exercises,” he told the order of security and stability,”
back his comments. “I don’t Ukraine’s forces. has a substantial force east of for “actions not only within Valdai Discussion Club, a Mos- while consulting with the North
think he’s made up his mind The tensions over Ukraine Ukraine and has been support- their boundaries of responsi- cow-based discussion group. Atlantic Treaty Organization.
yet,” he said, suggesting he are part of a larger disagree- ing separatists in the eastern bility,” but also for threats The diplomat also repeated “We must build it between Eu-
might meet face-to-face with ment between Moscow and part of the country. that arise, he said, not specify- Moscow’s view that the U.S. ropeans, then share it with our
Mr. Putin. the North Atlantic Treaty Or- A flotilla of Russian am- ing how many troops would be and NATO are to blame for the allies within the framework of
A U.S. State Department of- ganization about security in phibious-assault ships, mean- involved in the exercises, the precarious security situation NATO. And then offer it for ne-
ficial confirmed that the Biden Eastern Europe, with U.S. offi- while, has left the Baltic Sea first phase of which is set to in Europe. “Washington and gotiation to Russia,” he said.
administration has approved cials this week saying Russian and is heading through the begin Feb. 9. NATO, among other things, His remarks unsettled offi-
$200 million in new defensive troops and weaponry are mov- English Channel, according to Belarusian President Alex- use Ukraine as a lever of pres- cials in the bloc’s Eastern na-
military assistance to Ukraine, ing into Belarus—a shift that photographs on social media ander Lukashenko said Mon- sure on Russia,” he said. tions, who fear the effort could
saying the U.S. “will continue could position them for de- and military analysts. Those day that the joint exercises The Kremlin has demanded weaken the U.S.-backed security
to provide Ukraine the support ployment to Ukraine. That is ships likely are steaming to would be conducted on Be- that NATO pull back from umbrella provided by NATO.
it needs.” in addition to some 100,000 the Black Sea to build up Mos- larus’s western border and on Eastern Europe and forswear Mr. Macron has been push-
That sum includes Javelin Russian troops that U.S. and cow’s formidable military the country’s southern flank, the addition of potential new ing the EU for years to de-
antitank missiles, U.S. officials European officials estimate to presence in and around Cri- where it borders Ukraine. members such as Ukraine. U.S. velop its own capability on de-
said, though the administra- be deployed near Russia’s bor- mea, the analysts said. To ensure a functioning air and NATO officials have re- fense. Such plans, however,
tion has stopped short of pro- der with Ukraine. Russian Deputy Defense defense for the Russian-Belar- jected those demands, but have been greeted with little
viding offensive weapons to Russian forces are moving Minister Alexander Fomin said usian union, 12 Su-35 jets will Washington sought to find enthusiasm by Germany and
Ukraine and said it won’t use to bracket Ukraine on three troops from Belarus and Mos- be relocated to Belarusian ter- some common ground on se- other major European econo-
direct military force to sup- sides. The deployments in Be- cow are conducting exercises ritory, in addition to two divi- lect security issues in meet- mies, which have been happy
port the country. larus expand the Russian mili- and taking actions “to neutral- sions of the S-400 antiaircraft ings last week. to let the U.S. take the lead in
“To take very fast steps to tary’s considerable presence ize threats” to the borders of missile system, Mr. Fomin —Alex Leary in Washington deterring Russian aggression
modernize the army, we need north of Ukraine and provide the Union State, an alliance said. Pantsir-S antiaircraft contributed to this article. on the bloc’s eastern flank.
WE PUT THE ‘W’ Jumps to
IN WINTER High in U.K.
LONDON—Consumer prices
in the U.K. rose at the fastest
annual rate in nearly three de-
Boris Johnson answers questions in the House of Commons. cades last month, strengthen-
ing the case for further in-
adding that he thought it was in their leader to a special com- the chances of the BOE raising
a work event and wasn’t told it mittee to trigger a vote. A ma- interest rates again at its next
was against the rules. jority of Conservative Party meeting in February.
The Conservative Party has lawmakers must then vote to Consumer prices in the U.K.
been sliding in opinion polls, replace him if he is to be re- rose 5.4% in December com-
Cold temps require hot protection from WeatherTech. with surveys showing popular moved. Only Graham Brady, the pared with a year earlier, the
Seat Protector stops melting ice and snow from anger over the incident. chairman of the 1922 Commit- Office for National Statistics
A small group of Tory law- tee that oversees the selection said Wednesday—the biggest
damaging your upholstery after a morning of scraping makers who entered Parlia- of the party’s leaders, knows annual jump since March 1992.
your windows or hauling around kids with wet gear. ment for the first time follow- the true number of no-confi- The pickup in inflation was
ing Mr. Johnson’s landslide dence letters submitted. So far, driven by higher prices across
Plus, this seat cover is machine washable, so cleanup election victory in 2019 are six Conservative lawmakers a range of items including food
leading efforts to potentially have publicly stated they have and certain goods that have
is simple. Find the products you need today – no one oust their leader. Other more submitted no-confidence letters. become harder to obtain be-
does winter like WeatherTech. longstanding members of Par- On Wednesday, Mr. Johnson cause of pandemic-related sup-
liament appeared Wednesday launched a pugnacious defense ply-chain disruptions.
to lose patience with Mr. John- of his government’s record in Services inflation also con-
son. “In the name of God, go,” office as he sought to rally wa- tinued to pick up, driven by
Conservative lawmaker and vering lawmakers. higher transportation and
Auto. Home. Pet. Find Your Fit. 1-800-441-6287
former cabinet minister David
Davis told Mr. Johnson during
Opposition Labour leader
Keir Starmer attacked what he
storage prices, to reach 3.4% in
Made in the USA © 2022 MacNeil IP LLC a House of Commons meeting. said were “absurd and frankly The U.K. is bracing for in-
Mr. Johnson was dealt an- unbelievable” explanations for flation to peak at about 6% in
other blow when one of his the prime minister’s atten- April, when a cap on energy
lawmakers defected to the La- dance at the garden party dur- prices imposed by British reg-
bour Party. In a letter to the ing lockdown. ulators is due to be revised.
human-rights activists, quietly sister said, adding that police quests to comment.
intensifying a crackdown on had been vague about the rea- Asked about the detentions,
dissent weeks before Beijing son for his detention. the International Olympic
hosts the most politicized Win- Xie Yang, a 49-year-old law- Committee said it takes hu-
ter Olympics in recent memory. yer who has taken up politi- man rights seriously but has
Free-speech advocate Yang cally sensitive cases related to “neither the mandate nor the Yang Maodong, left, seen in a detention center in 2014 and Xie Yang outside court in 2019.
Maodong was formally detained religion and land rights, was capability to change the laws
in the southern city of Guang- detained on Jan. 11, also on or the political system of a pics, to protest Mr. Xi’s treat- when he joined in protesting Mr. Xie’s wife, Chen Guiqiu,
zhou on suspicion of inciting subversion charges, and is be- sovereign country.” ment of ethnic minorities and Communist Party efforts to confirmed his most recent de-
subversion on Jan. 12, two days ing held in the southern city Chinese authorities also other alleged human-rights censor Southern Weekly, a tention Tuesday. Ms. Chen,
after his wife died of cancer in of Changsha, his family said. pressured dissidents and activ- abuses. Activist groups have Guangzhou newspaper once who fled China in 2017 and
the U.S., according to his sister. Human-rights advocates ists ahead of the 2008 Summer pressed Olympics sponsors and celebrated by Chinese liberals now lives in Texas with the
Mr. Yang, who writes under linked the detentions to the Olympics in Beijing, though other global brands to distance for its unusually hard-hitting couple’s two daughters, said
the pen name Guo Feixiong, Winter Games, scheduled to space remained for some crit- themselves from the Games. coverage. He spent six years in she suspects the detention is
has been blocked from leaving begin on Feb. 4, which have ics. Under President Xi Jinping, China has rejected criticism prison for disrupting public related to her husband’s trip
China for the past year. Au- been dogged by criticism over China has grown less tolerant of its human-rights record and order and “picking quarrels.” this past Christmas to Yongs-
thorities rejected his pleas, China’s human-rights record. of dissent, tightening controls called it interference in the Mr. Xie, the other activist hun county in southern China’s
and entreaties from friends “You can imagine authori- over the media and the inter- country’s internal affairs. Its in custody, previously was de- Hunan province. He unfurled a
and family, that he be allowed ties all over the country are net, while pursuing a campaign Foreign Ministry has protested tained as part of a sweeping banner near a police station
to be with his wife in her final tightening control pre-emp- of forcible assimilation against what it says are attempts to crackdown on human-rights there calling for the release of
months. Friends said they had tively to strike out any poten- ethnic minorities. politicize the Olympic Games. lawyers in 2015. Charged with a schoolteacher who had ac-
lost contact with the 55-year- tial dissent and criticism,” The U.S., Australia and U.K. Mr. Yang, the free-speech inciting subversion, he was re- cused the government of send-
old in early December, though said Renee Xia, a senior re- have said government officials activist, has been in police leased after two years follow- ing her to a psychiatric facility
it was only on Monday that searcher with Chinese Human won’t attend the 2022 Olym- custody on and off since 2013, ing a guilty plea. against her will.
Turkey Takes Lifeline
From Old Rival U.A.E.
BY JARED MALSIN dollar last year. The amount
AND CAITLIN OSTROFF exchanged is modest com-
pared with Turkey’s financial
ISTANBUL—The United needs, however.
Arab Emirates and Turkey The U.A.E.’s de facto leader,
agreed to a currency swap Crown Prince Mohammed Bin
equivalent to nearly $5 billion Zayed, visited Ankara in No-
that reinforces an economic vember, meeting President Re-
partnership between two Mid- cep Tayyip Erdogan in a visit
dle Eastern rivals and provides that renewed high-level diplo-
Ankara with a badly needed matic relations while promis-
infusion of foreign funds. ing Turkey investment.
The deal, announced Emirati officials have said
Covid-19 Cases Fall in India’s Biggest Cities, Raising Hopes for Peak
BY VIBHUTI AGARWAL India is still a few weeks oxygen and medical supplies, 80% of hospital beds are empty. shows that all parts of India dents and 87% of Mumbai resi-
AND SHAN LI away from a nationwide peak, leaving many to die at home. A swift decline of cases fol- will peak by Feb. 10. Given the dents have antibodies against
as the virus continues to In New Delhi—India’s sec- lowing a surge is a pattern low rates of testing, the model Covid-19, which could be a re-
NEW DELHI—Covid-19 cases spread in rural areas and ond-biggest city—new cases seen with Omicron in other has assumed that actual infec- sult of prior infections or vac-
in New Delhi and Mumbai have smaller cities, said doctors have dropped for five days countries, epidemiologists say. tions are 15 times higher than cinations, according to govern-
fallen sharply in recent days as and public-health experts, who straight after hitting a high of But they are watching India es- the official tally—although it is ment serological surveys. Both
a surge of the Omicron variant warn that hospitalizations and 28,867 this past Thursday. In pecially closely because of its possible the true count could cities have a higher portion of
peaks in some of India’s big- deaths likely will continue Mumbai, the financial capital large population, its relatively be 20 to 25 times, he said. their population fully vacci-
gest cities, raising hopes that climbing even as cases slow. and most populous city, 6,149 low vaccination rate and the The national positivity rate nated compared with the na-
prior infections will offset a Even so, they say the early new daily infections were re- severity of last year’s wave. fell slightly to 15.13% on tionwide rate of 47.7%.
relatively low vaccination rate signs point to a less severe ported Tuesday, after a peak of Gautam Menon, professor of Wednesday after reaching The Ministry of Health and
and help prevent a repeat of wave than in 2021, when In- 20,971 cases on Jan. 7. Officials physics and biology at Ashoka nearly 20% on Monday. Family Welfare didn’t respond
last year’s catastrophic wave. dia’s hospitals ran out of beds, in both cities say that about University, said his modeling About 97% of Delhi resi- to a request to comment.
Increasingly, sentiment in lion market value in Novem- mon in crypto. Bitcoin is down bulls from saying the market
traditional and crypto markets ber, the entire crypto market’s about 39% from its record of is primed for a turnaround.
can affect each other, analysts value has fallen about 34% to $68,990 hit on Nov. 10, ac- Lucas Outumuro, the head
at the International Monetary $1.97 trillion, according Coin- cording to CoinDesk. While of research at research firm
Fund said. “A sharp decline in MarketCap. that would constitute a signif- IntoTheBlock, said, “The mix
bitcoin prices can increase in- A sign that crypto is in the icant crash for an equities between hope and distress has
vestor risk aversion and lead doldrums is the muted reac- market, it isn’t even bitcoin’s crypto markets split about
Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, is down 9.9% year to date. to a fall in investment in stock tion to a reliable spark: an biggest drop over the past 12 what may come next.”
possess unique superhuman sia, Portuguese (with separate this is said needs to adjust, it there is a note to help clarify: acter-specific, and those are
‘Bruno’ skills. The song explains how
Bruno, an outcast uncle with
Brazilian and European trans-
lations) and more.
should feel like the way it
feels to us in whatever lan-
“gut = someone’s stomach, es-
pecially when it is fat.”
the things that ended up stick-
ing,” says Charise Castro
psychic powers, has ruined lives The multilanguage version guage feels very comfortable.” In reference to another lyric Smith, co-writer and co-direc-
Is Talked with his negative prophecies.
“He told me my fish would
of the song accumulated more
than 12 million views on You-
The process requires trust
across teams, he says.
that goes, “Hey, sis, I want not
a sound out of you,” a note
tor of “Encanto.”
In recent years, Disney has
Trust your
Trust your
© 2022 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ8653
© 2022 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, January 20, 2022 | A11
Accepting our bodies is hard, espe-
so consumers should carefully
ticker shock is becoming a Though it might seem like calculate the price and supply of
regular feature of many con- an obvious pointer, plan- the item.
sumers’ grocery store trips. ning your grocery trips is “I think a lot of people get
Given it is unlikely to dissipate more important than ever caught up in buying in bulk and
anytime soon, consumers should right now—and can make then they just never use the stuff
evaluate changes to their shopping the difference between and it might actually go bad,” she
habits. staying within your bud- said.
The consumer-price index, which get or blowing it up. Plot She also suggests freezing certain
tracks what consumers pay for your meals for the week, foodstuffs to cut down on waste and
goods and services, hit 7% in De- and know whether or not lock in lower prices where possible.
cember, marking its fastest pace what you need to bring She pointed to cheese and bread as
since 1982. The increases were them to life is in your examples of items that keep well in
broad-based with the cost of rent pantry or fridge. the freezer but aren’t a first thought
and a host of other regular budget “If you have a plan for for consumers.
items rising fast. what you buy, you are
Among the largest are refrigera- way more likely to actu- Do the cooking
tor staples including meats, poul- ally use it and then stuff won’t go until you get there. She suggested Alex Hill, a Brooklyn, N.Y.-based rec- If shopping for multiple meals a
try, fish and eggs. Those items to waste,” said using an app like Flipp, which aggre- ipe developer and creator of the week seems daunting, Ms. Moncel
rose 12.5% over the past year as Beth Moncel, gates deals based on your location, food blog Just Add Hot Sauce. For said to start with one meal a week
food distributors and retailers tan-
gle with supply-chain disruptions
and rising labor costs.
creator of the
food blog Bud-
get Bytes and
and then incorporating them into
your meal plan.
example, the ingredients for condi-
ments such as mayonnaise and
other dressings—which likely will
and work your way up from there.
That way, you will start to get a
sense of the regular items you
“Food prices have been increas- increase in author of the Substitute brands and see considerable price increases in should snag on grocery trips, and
ing over the past six months or so prices of staples cookbook of the ingredients 2022—might be sitting unused in you will be less likely to waste
at rates we haven’t seen in de- including meats, same name. Substitution is also key, experts your kitchen. money on products you won’t use.
cades,” said Jayson Lusk, a profes- poultry, fish Ms. Moncel said. This may require some pre- In general, experts agreed that
sor and head of agricultural eco- and eggs over also said it is shopping planning as well. Put your pantry and freezer trying to cook at home more is
nomics at Purdue University. the past year important to For example, since meats are to work likely a good step toward success-
While controlling costs in the pick recipes more expensive right now, you Mix in shelf-stable items that can fully navigating this inflationary
kitchen is new for many consum- that have some might use half the usual amount of be used in a versatile array of period, since eating out is pricier
ers, it is a way of life for chefs, res- flexibility, so you can make substitu- ground beef when making a chili, dishes and aren’t as subject to infla- than usual.
taurant owners and others in the tions easily. Ms. Moncel said, and compensate tion as fresh produce. This includes “You can often pay lower prices
food industry. Here are some strat- Another crucial part of planning by using lentils or other legumes to dried rice and canned goods such as doing old-fashioned things,” Mr.
egies they use—and consumers your grocery shopping is checking achieve a similar heartiness. beans and tomatoes, which chefs Lusk said. “If you’re able and willing
might benefit from—as they navi- store sales and coupons before your You might even be able to make say can be easily given a little flare. to spend more time doing that
gate the rising cost of food. trip, she said, rather than waiting some expensive items at home, said “Depending on where you come cooking and cleaning yourself.”
nsettling memories of ANATOMY OF A SONG | MARC MYERS “I don’t know where we are / I
a near-death car crash, don’t know where we are / I don’t
new one. The car had coverage, we melody and we had a verse. touring. He had me lie on my back that. Then I remembered Jer had the salvage yard. Today, the
didn’t. We checked into a motel and, It sounded so good and propul- on a table while he worked on my sent along a strange chanting framed collage hangs in our din-
the next day, we drove two hours to sive that we saved it for our next ankle. The process activated my audio message. I played the mes- ing room. It reminds us how we
the Grand Canyon and hiked. album. For the movie, we wrote a memory of the car crash. sage again: once cheated death.
‘Billions’ returns for a sixth season, above, while ‘How I Met Your Father’ features Hilary Duff.
entitled billionaire: Michael group of friends navigating
McKean of “This Is Spinal Tinder and New York, and the
Tap” fame, accompanied by creators wanted to shoot the
Fans of the series have a in L.A., said she wasn’t inter-
tendency to see “Billions” ested in a cross-country com-
outside the TV series. When mute.
Reddit’s army of retail trad- “They were, like: ‘Great,
BY CHRIS KORNELIS ers sent GameStop’s stock great, great, we’ll make it
price soaring, the Twitter ac- work in L.A.,’ ” she said in a
ilary Duff is at the cen- counts of “Billions” co-cre- recent Zoom call. “And I was,
ter of “How I Met Your ators Brian Koppelman and like, yes!”
Father.” Plus, “Billions” David Levien were flooded “How I Met Your Father”
returns without Axe. Here’s with viewers wondering (and dropped its first two epi-
where to stream them. insisting) if the ordeal would sodes this week on Hulu.
inspire future episodes The series is being
New Release: ‘Billions’ of the series. marketed as a se-
(Showtime) Whether a quel to the im-
Season six is a turning GameStop-like mensely popular
point for Showtime’s “Bil- plotline will CBS series
lions,” the hit series set in the make its way “How I Met
world of high finance. into the sea- Your Mother”
The new season is the son, however, (also stream-
first that doesn’t star Damian has yet to be ing on Hulu). It
Lewis as hedge-fund man- seen. is narrated by
ager Bobby Axelrod, the pri- But Mr. Kop- Kim Cattrall—
mary nemesis to Chuck pelman says Sophie in 2050—
Rhoades, attorney general of they appreciate the telling her son
New York, played by Paul Gi- thought. about, yes, how she met
amatti. Rhoades’s sparring “It’s rewarding that when his father.
partner in season six is Corey people see things in the cul- Ms. Duff, 34, came to fame
Stoll’s Michael Prince, now at ture, they go, ‘Oh, it’s a ‘Bil- as a teenager in the Disney
the helm of Axelrod’s old lions’ episode come to life,’ ” Channel hit “Lizzie McGuire.”
firm. he says. She says her ability to say
There is still plenty to rec- Season six of “Billions” yes to work that’s right for
ognize in the show that premieres Sunday on Show- both her and her family is
mashes up finance with food, time and the Showtime app. something that she has be-
New York and rock ’n’ roll. come more confident about
In true “Billions” fashion, ‘How I Met Your Father’ in recent years.
the opening minutes of the (Hulu) “I know my worth and I
new season’s first episode in- When Hilary Duff was ap- know my power more than I
clude a large helping of clas- proached about taking the ever have,” she says. “When
sic rock (Buffalo Springfield’s lead role of Sophie in the you’re looking at your kids,
“For What It’s Worth”), a comedy “How I Met Your Fa- it’s really easy to make deci-
cameo that nods to New ther,” she felt it was the right sions, like: Am I gonna be
York’s food scene and an ap- kind of work for her, but the here or am I gonna miss
pearance from a beloved pop- wrong situation for her fam- this?”
Turning a New
her flickering presence behind the
elaborate mask. An earnest sum-
moning of the uncanny distin-
guishes Wearing’s lifelike self-por-
traits from the comedic
exhibition offers a singular opportu- most mundane. Until we learn to L. Burger and Lucy Salazar-Burger. Instead, the show’s all-too-cursory
nity to get a large-scale interpreta- think otherwise. But here it can be taken a bit text seems an afterthought. But
tion of pre-Incan Peruvian cultures. The galleries are organized the- too far, particularly in a gallery de- with less flashy standards, this exhi-
We see fierce, demonic creatures, matically, dealing, for example, with voted to gold ornaments. Manne- bition succeeds. It might be thought
their threat retaining potency after the Andean universe, the meanings which portray aspects of these quins representing warriors or of as a contemporary version of the
two millennia. There are ocher owls of sexual behavior, a mythological realms, are “animated by the flow of priests or rulers are posed, wear- Andean vessel—one that ceremoni-
and winding snakes, decapitated tale of a hero, staged combat and liquids and air through their hollow in- ing, for example, a crown from the ally and theatrically transports us,
heads and ceremonial processions, human sacrifice. And we learn of teriors.” That flow is part of the point. Chimu culture (1100-1470) or from temporarily, from our familiar earthly
contemplative musicians and other- three realms: the Upper World of the The vessels utilize symbols to depict the Chavin culture (inconsistently realm into another, with very differ-
worldly figures engaged in sexual ac- heavens and sun, the Terrestrial movement between worlds. Their use dated here, but lasting about a mil- ent perceptions of the cosmos.
tivity. They appear on ceramic ves- World of agriculture and human life, at ceremonies was also meant to en- lennium after 1200 B.C.) or a gold
sels, almost all under a foot tall. and the Underworld, underfoot and act such passages associated with nose ornament used by shaman-
Sculpted figures form the bodies of underwater, associated with the crucial aspects of human life. chiefs of the Vicus culture (100 Machu Picchu and the Golden
most containers; the surfaces of oth- dead, the night and ancestors. Each One problem is that most arti- B.C.-A.D. 300). Such artifacts are Empires of Peru
ers are baked with imagery. realm is also associated with ani- facts here come from the Moche rare because Spaniards, after con- Boca Raton Museum of Art, through
As we learn, for these cultures mals: birds in the Upper World, cats culture (A.D. 100-800); while there quering the Incan empire beginning March 6
the decorated vessel was a central and feline predators in the Terrestrial are just enough examples to suggest in 1532, melted down as much gold
form of religious and artistic expres- World, and snakes in the Underworld. that other Peruvian cultures shared as they could find. This gallery may Mr. Rothstein is the Journal’s Critic
sion. This can be so startling to The text notes that these vessels, beliefs, this reading of Andean life give some slight hint of “golden em- at Large.
the short term—letting Finney-
Smith shoot was an effective tank-
ing strategy—but it wasn’t exactly
sustainable for his long-term pros-
pects in the league.
“Everybody talks about base and
balance and hand placement,” said
Mavericks shooting coach Peter Pat-
ton. “But it’s really about focusing
on the microdetails.” Those micro-
details include releasing the ball at
the top of his jump, training his
eyes on the back of the rim and po-
sitioning his index finger closer to
the middle of the basketball.
When he found himself in a
slump earlier this season, the Mav-
ericks discovered the arc of his shot
was slightly low. He bumped it
higher. His shooting percentage fol-
But the uptick didn’t happen
overnight and sometimes felt like it
would never come. Finney-Smith
was frustrated one day a few years
ago when Mavericks owner Mark
Cuban approached him and men-
tioned something curious.
The Mavericks like to track the
practice shooting numbers of their
players to quantify progress. A
game can present too many vari-
ne of the many things Stats LLC. He soon got it right.
that makes playing bas- It’s warping his value at a time In the very first year of his new
ketball for a living dif- when the market has never placed contract, Finney-Smith shot 37.6%
ferent from other lines such a premium on someone who from deep. He then shot 39.4% the
of work is the radical can shoot 38% from behind the 3- next season on a higher volume of
pay transparency in pro sports. Sal- point line. His steady improvement threes. His practice numbers had
aries are not secret. NBA players has slowly turned Finney-Smith’s become his game numbers.
come to an office in which col- contract into one of the NBA’s It was convenient timing consid-
leagues, rivals and the fans who re- greatest bargains, placed him in ering something else about his ca-
view their job performance know high demand before the league’s reer was shifting: Most of those 3-
exactly how much money they trade deadline and positioned him pointers were coming off passes
make. to fetch a salary closer to $15 mil- from a new colleague named Luka
So three years ago, when the lion in free agency this summer. Doncic.
Dallas Mavericks signed Dorian That’s because the Mavericks The Mavericks suddenly needed
Finney-Smith to a three-year con- can’t win a title without a guy like to manufacture space on the floor
tract worth $12 million, a cheap Luka Doncic—and he can’t win to maximize Doncic’s remarkable
deal by NBA standards, it wasn’t without a guy like Dorian Finney- gifts, which put them in the market
hard to figure out why he was paid Smith. for complementary players who
less than hundreds of players. The neat demarcation of his ca- would be perfectly content standing
Finney-Smith had attempted reer makes him the kind of player in the corners on offense and
more than 500 threes in his career who reveals the broader forces of launching enough 3-pointers to
and made 30% of them. That meant today’s basketball economy. Finney- corner-three shooting percentage self starting as a rookie. He knows keep the defense honest. Finney-
he wasn’t just a mediocre shooter. Smith was a bad shooter when he (48% this season) have become in- why. “Defense is what got me on Smith was happy to oblige. Every
He was one of the NBA’s worst 3- signed his last contract. He’s a good dispensable parts of championship the court,” says Finney-Smith. season that Doncic has been on the
point shooters. shooter now that he’s almost due rosters. Teams are now willing to But shooting is what could keep Mavericks, Finney-Smith has led the
“I knew that if I wanted to be in for another one. And that simple pay fantastic sums of money to reli- him there. The problem is that he team in corner 3-pointers.
the league for a long time,” he said, fact is likely to be worth a fortune. able shooters who can guard the wasn’t very good at shooting. It wasn’t a surprise when the
“I would have to get my percentage “If I was a better shooter three game’s biggest stars. He quickly learned that his ugly Mavericks handed Doncic more
up.” years ago, I probably would’ve been After Finney-Smith went un- shot was too long and too slow for than $200 million last summer, but
What he couldn’t have possibly paid more,” he says. drafted out of college in 2016, he the highest level of basketball. His what happens with Finney-Smith
known was how much that percent- But he changed as he went from didn’t bounce around the G League, misses were painful. His makes could be. The entire NBA knows by
age would climb. Finney-Smith went undrafted to underpaid. As it turns stamp his passport overseas or take weren’t much prettier. His attempts now that a player like him is hard
from hitting 30% of his first 500 out, so did the league. The players any of the typical detours to the to fix his shot in the middle of his to find—and that means he’s in-
threes to 38% of his next 800 with his size (6-foot-7), versatility NBA. He signed with the Mavericks, rookie season had the opposite of creasingly harder to afford. It will
threes. A few points might seem (he can guard LeBron James, Ste- earned an unlikely roster spot in its intended effect. This would actu- cost his team to keep Finney-Smith.
marginal but is actually massive: phen Curry and Kevin Durant) and training camp and soon found him- ally be helpful to the Mavericks in It might cost more to lose him.
Progressive to Uyghurs: Drop Dead BOOKSHELF | By Diane Cole
nority owner this week against Mr. Pali- By Peter Longerich
Chamath Pali- hapitiya’s “no one cares” was Translated by Lesley Sharpe and Jeremy Noakes
hapitiya for largely moral, but that won’t (Oxford, 176 pages, $25.95)
hitting all of us over the head last. Without apologizing, Mr.
with a 2-by-4. As he put it in a Palihapitiya took to Twitter to single meeting can distill the essence of evil. Eighty
now-famous podcast: “Nobody Russian troops drilled last month near the border with Ukraine. clarify his remarks: “I recog- years ago, on Jan. 20, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, the
cares about what’s happening nize that I come across as lack- head of the SS intelligence service and security police,
to the Uyghurs, OK? You bring Mostly through the past (primarily Russia, China and ing empathy.” presided over a high-level meeting with 14 Nazi colleagues
it up because you really care, century, the idea of demoting North Korea) shut down the Progressive isolationism, as at the elegant Wannsee villa near Berlin. The agenda: to
and I think it’s nice that you re- the world’s problems while at- Colonial Pipeline in the eastern with the Warriors owner, is discuss “the final solution of the Jewish question in Europe.”
ally care. The rest of us don’t tending to “our own backyard” U.S. and JBS Foods. antiseptic. It wants no entan- At the gathering’s conclusion, the event’s invitation noted,
care.” has been associated with Re- Ransomware attacks on glements or acknowledgment breakfast would be served.
A mountain of high dudgeon publicans and the right, nota- small U.S. companies, local of threats that would let the This jarring disconnect between atrocity and humanity is
has fallen on Mr. Palihapitiya, bly of late with President Don- governments, schools and hos- conservative opposition argue reflected in the meeting’s minutes, which contain no hint of
who looks sufficiently case- ald Trump. pitals are commonplace and for increases in spending on anyone even hiccupping at the specifics of genocide. On the
hardened not to lose sleep Set aside for now whether unpublicized and often end national security or defense. It contrary, an eager appetite for ethnic cleansing could not
over it. But don’t get dis- Mr. Trump was a classic Re- with the authorities telling the wants that spending repro- have been more apparent.
tracted. Push deeper into the publican isolationist. What targets to pay. grammed into uncapped do- This is the chilling point at which Nazism’s increasingly
interview, and this fellow from can’t be denied is that sub- It borders on amusing that mestic spending like Build savage anti-Jewish policy had arrived by 1942, writes the
the NBA’s courtside seats says stantial numbers of Americans an issue this week is whether Back Better. historian Peter Longerich in his detailed, scholarly account,
something that is at the center always have struggled between U.S. Winter Olympic athletes in Mr. Palihapitiya’s crude pro- “Wannsee: The Road to the Final Solution.” The Reich’s
of the debate over America’s going it alone or going over Beijing will be in such danger gressive realpolitik goes far to- ever-accelerating murder machine was already in motion,
role in the world right now. there when we’re needed. from Communist Party surveil- ward explaining the Biden with massacres across occupied Europe responsible for the
Like much else, such as the lance that they should substi- presidency’s ad hoc stabs at slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jews. But there was as
origin of the global virus pan- tute “burner” phones (more foreign policy, starting with yet no single command coordinating the escalating butchery.
The left’s isolationism demic, the argument over iso- commonly used by drug deal- the pullout from Afghanistan. Heydrich’s goal was to present an orderly, consolidated plan
lationism has been overtaken ers) for their personal cell- With the world rattled by the for the horrific path forward.
is about protecting by events. The world as it is in phones. The idea that this possibility of a Putin invasion, Herein lies the significance of the Wannsee Conference. It is
domestic spending, front of our faces makes clear would be avoidable if we with- the Biden White House will re- this plan, as reported in the conference minutes, that provides
that isolationism from the left drew from the Olympics is be- sist doing much more than decisive evidence and allows
not U.S. security. or right is an absurdity. Like it yond irrelevant. sticking U.S. thumbs in any of no place for the perpetrators—
or not, we’re in it up to our Vladimir Putin seems al- the globe’s leaking dikes be- at all levels and branches of the
frazzled neurons. most old-school in his deci- fore the midterm elections. For Nazi hierarchy—to deny their
Mr. Palihapitiya elaborated: North Korea, which pos- sion to mass 100,000 Russian Mr. Biden and the Democrats, participation in or hide their
“If you’re asking me, Do I care sesses nuclear bombs, has troops on Ukraine’s border. it’s protecting domestic spend- responsibility for the Holocaust.
about a segment of a class of spent the past weeks launch- This brinkmanship will be just ing über alles. So intent were the Nazi
people in another country? ing four ballistic missiles another day at the office for Fortress America? That’s leaders on leaving behind no
Not until we can take care of from its mainland. North Ko- Mr. Putin if it ends with ap- history. This is a moment of evidence of their culpability, Mr.
ourselves will I prioritize them rea’s Hwasong-15 missile, proval this year of the Nord the sort Reagan identified in Longerich explains, that most of
over us.” He added that we test-fired in November 2017, Stream 2 pipeline and West- the early 1980s. Today we need the arrangements for slaughter
should “take care of our own has a theoretical range that ern Europe permanently de- a coherent, proactive foreign were agreed upon orally. As for
backyard.” would reach somewhere in pendent on Russian energy policy to build a credible the documents that were not
That is the voice of isola- the U.S. mainland. supplies. multifront deterrent. The destroyed, they seldom revealed
tionism. More precisely, it is Both China and Russia the These multiple, often novel, world’s bad actors are engag- the full scope of the annihilation,
the voice of progressive, left- past year tested maneuverable threats exist because our ad- ing us everywhere—from cap- using indirect wording to mask
wing isolationism, a newer, hypersonic missiles, somehow versaries are on offense 24/7 turing the network behind the their intent. That makes the single
less-noticed strain of America- catching the U.S. intelligence against the U.S.’s interests. screen you’re looking at to fill- remaining copy of the minutes—Heydrich had distributed
first ideology. The idea of community by surprise. There is no longer any such ing the skies with weapons we 30—as important as it is rare: It is the clearest, most
global human rights that Dem- China’s push into the Pacific is thing as the relative calm of an can’t stop yet. What we need is comprehensive surviving blueprint for the Holocaust,
ocrat Jimmy Carter elevated is no surprise but continues. interwar period. the opposite of Joe Biden’s drafted by the Nazi leadership itself. Moreover, Mr.
now being off-loaded from Cyberattacks on the U.S. Still, there is that pertinent Build Back Better. Longerich points out, the inclusion at the conference of
party concerns. mainland by foreign entities question: Who cares about the Write attendees from across the broadest swath of Nazi govern-
ment—the Reich Chancellery, the Ministry of Justice, the
Interior Ministry, the Foreign Ministry, the armaments
Midterms Are a No-Win for Democrats sector, the Nazi Party itself—attests to the active partici-
pation and joint complicity of one and all.
Well-known for authoritative biographies of Adolf Hitler,
By Karl Rove Democratic senators than Ba- pump much faster than their number of Americans to won- Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels, as well as his
rack Obama did with 57” and paychecks. And a federal take- der why. comprehensive history “Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and
nyone who’s served on a hailed as “an aspiring modern- over of elections is not as high This compounds the admin- Murder of the Jews,” Mr. Longerich places the meeting’s
White House staff, Demo- day FDR or LBJ who will lead a priority as jobs and wages. istration’s mistake of dismiss- minutes, 15 pages long, at the center of his analysis. (A
crat or Republican, has the country out of crisis.” Mr. That dissonance drove ing inflation as transitory, reproduction, in full, of the German original, as well as a
some sympathy for what Presi- Biden liked being seen as more down Mr. Biden’s numbers on which undermines public con- complete English translation, is included.) Although the
dent Biden and his team are transformational than Presi- handling the economy from fidence. Many Americans un- bookitself is relatively brief, the grisly subject and the density
going through. Crisis after cri- dent Obama, “seeking a much 53% approve, 34% disapprove derstand that Mr. Biden’s mas- of its argument necessitate periodic breaks for air. Yet Mr.
sis at home and abroad, a more dramatic sea change.” in Politico’s survey after his in- sive federal spending has been Longerich’s in-depth deconstruction yields unparalleled insight
stalled legislative agenda, lousy Caught up in the hype, Mr. Bi- augural to 40% approve, 54% a big contributor to inflation, into the Nazi regime’s blood-soaked goals.
polls, a divided party, plenty of den threw his weight behind disapprove this January. flooding the market with too The minutes, which were kept by Adolf Eichmann—whom
critics—including usually the proposed Build Back Bet- On Covid, Mr. Biden over- much money chasing too few Heydrich had appointed as overseer of the death-bound
friendly voices—and internal ter Act to transform funda- promised by predicting its end goods. deportations of Jews to occupied Poland—indicate that the
backbiting spilling into public mentally America’s economy by July 4 and underdelivered Further, when the president final solution would increasingly feature the deployment to
view: Team Biden is beset by and climate policy, and joined when Omicron spiked this heralds historic job gains, “the East” of ever-larger numbers of Jews condemned to
all this and more. the push for a federal takeover winter. Not surprisingly, the Americans know that’s balo- slave labor. As a result, the minutes project, “the majority
For beleaguered West Wing of local elections. ney, and that the snap-back will doubtless succumb to natural wastage.” As for those
denizens, there’s some good The problem is that Ameri- happened as businesses re- who do not, or are deemed “unfit for work,” another method
news. Things will probably get cans are generally not fond of Even a dramatic opened and people began liv- of liquidation was being readied, one for which “practical
better. The bad news? Not transformation, except for a ing with Covid’s presence. It experience” was being gathered. The indirect wording, Mr.
much better, and it won’t be few exceptional moments in Biden administration had nothing to do with govern- Longerich explains, is nothing less than code for death by
enough. Democrats will still our history. This isn’t one of reset wouldn’t prevent ment spending. Then there are gassing, which the Nazis had introduced to kill the mentally
suffer a whooping this fall. them. Most times, Americans the millions who dropped out ill as early as 1939 and had expanded since to murder Jews.
It’s a distant memory now, like changes to be incremental them from losing big. of the workforce. That’s not Even prior to the Wannsee Conference, gas chambers were
but 2020 unfolded well for Mr. and, if they’re really signifi- good, yet Mr. Biden seems being built at the planned extermination camp in Bełżec, Poland.
Biden as he executed his un- cant, approved by command- strangely unaware of its rami-
orthodox but brilliant cam- ing congressional margins and president’s numbers on han- fications for America. Maybe
paign strategy—hide out in his strong bipartisan support. Mr. dling Covid went from 69% ap- that’s why 64% think the coun- The clearest, most comprehensive surviving
Delaware basement while Biden had neither. prove, 31% disapprove a year try is headed in the wrong di- blueprint for the Holocaust—as damning as
President Trump bollixed The more he pushed for ago to 45% approve, 48% dis- rection and only 28% believe
Covid and wore out his wel- transformational change while approve now in the Five- it’s on the right track in the it is rare—was drafted by the Nazi leadership.
come with voters. Mr. Biden holding a razor-thin House ThirtyEight average. RealClearPolitics average.
made a few promises: He’d margin and a 50-50 Senate, the One mistake was not ap- Presidents can recover from
handle Covid better, bring more negative public opinion pointing a spending watchdog difficult moments like this, but Given that the Holocaust was already under way, Mr.
America together, and just be grew. The president’s job ap- as FDR had with his budget there’s no easy way back. Even Longerich posits that Heydrich’s real purpose in convening
normal. proval fell from 56% approve, chief, Lewis Douglas, who cut a dramatic reset, shuffling Mr. the conference was to establish his authority for all future
But after striking these 36% disapprove at the start of waste and sought efficiencies Biden’s staff and upgrading his operations. And what carnage he envisioned: “Europe will
notes in his inaugural and his presidency to 41% approve, during Roosevelt’s famed first lackluster cabinet all seem un- be combed from West to East,” the minutes promise, and
scoring initial political suc- 53% disapprove now in the 100 days. Instead, the Commit- likely to make a difference for “around 11 million Jews will be involved.” His calculation
cesses with reversing Trump RealClearPolitics average. tee for a Responsible Federal the president. For now, Team went beyond Germany and German-occupied territory to
regulations and passing a $1.9 This happened in part be- Budget’s Covid spending Biden is stuck riding it out. It’s include countries not yet conquered but that Nazi leaders
trillion Covid relief bill, he be- cause he hasn’t focused on tracker says $5.6 trillion has their own damned fault. presumed soon would be: the United Kingdom, Portugal,
came more ambitious. The problems that ordinary Ameri- been spent or distributed to Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey and the Soviet Union.
bigger his proposals and the cans face. He wanted a smor- deal with the virus—while an- Mr. Rove helped organize All this speaks to Heydrich’s—and the Nazis’—desire “to
more he moved left, the more gasbord of new welfare bene- other $1 trillion of appropri- the political-action committee cleanse German living space of Jews,” as the minutes put it, and
praise he drew from the main- fits in Build Back Better, few of ated money hasn’t been de- American Crossroads and is ensure that no Jews would remain alive lest they release “the
stream media and liberal intel- which would help voters wor- ployed. Despite this, Congress author of “The Triumph of Wil- germ cell for a new Jewish regeneration.” Only this obsession
ligentsia. He was applauded ried that prices were growing is talking about appropriating liam McKinley” (Simon & can explain the lengthy discussion at Wannsee devoted to the
for having “done more with 50 at the grocery store and gas more money, leaving a growing Schuster, 2015). status of mixed-marriage offspring. The Nuremberg racial laws
of 1935 defined as a Jew anyone with three Jewish
grandparents, while those with only one or two Jewish
An Anthem Answer for Jon Stewart grandparents were classed as Mischling, or “mongrel” (first or
second degree), to be partially protected from discrimination.
Heydrich wanted to “ride roughshod” over the laws, according
By Fay Vincent Red Sox third baseman what had happened. When the Patriotism isn’t a political to Mr. Longerich, to bypass delays that might be caused by
Fred Thomas, who was on a series moved to Boston, the policy; a government isn’t a time-consuming judgments about who is Jewish.
he other day Jon Stew- brief furlough from the Navy, Red Sox also had the anthem nation. Is it possible Mr. Soon enough, the war ran roughshod over Heydrich himself.
art questioned why fans immediately snapped to atten- played, and thus tied the knot Stewart is ignoring the es- Resistance fighters attacked him in Prague on May 27, 1942;
at sports events stand tion and saluted. The crowd between the national pastime sence of solid citizenship by he died of his wounds a week later. “The fact that in Heydrich
for the national anthem. noticed and began to stand and patriotic emotions. In confusing patriotic gestures a key figure in the plan to exterminate the Jews had been
“Does anyone know when that time, the anthem was moved and symbols with political killed gave the SS a welcome excuse to exact ‘revenge,’” Mr.
started?” he asked. “It’s such to the start of games, and the messages? Longerich writes. Led by Himmler, the extermination of the
a weird ritual.“ Why do fans stand? live band has given way to Standing is a luxury I no Jews proceeded with ferocious speed. From then until war’s
The custom has its roots in some lovely and some cacoph- longer have. But to honor my end, “the murder of the Jews,” Mr. Longerich writes, “became
the 1918 World Series be- The tradition dates onous performances. country, I doff my cap and sit the linchpin of German war, occupation and alliance policy.”
tween the Boston Red Sox and back to the 1918 One reason the tradition quietly in my wheelchair Mr. Longerich traces with clarity and precision Nazism’s
the Chicago Cubs. There was has lasted is that most of us while thinking of those who monstrous progression from anti-Jewish ideology to the
reduced interest in baseball, World Series. find rituals to be rich and re- made this into the noblest of policy of mass murder that resulted in the annihilation of
so the Cubs were interested in warding. My father always nations, in which Mr. Stewart six million Jews. Only Lucy Dawidowicz, in “The War Against
tying the opening game to stood when a woman entered is free to ask his irreverent the Jews 1933-1945” (1975), has documented that grotesque
wartime patriotism. Accord- and sing. When the band fin- the room, and his Victorian question. trajectory so thoroughly. Both books are indispensable.
ingly, during the seventh-in- ished, there was an enthusias- manners and respect have led
ning stretch, a band began to tic roar, and the Cubs man- me to believe in the symbol- Mr. Vincent was commis- Ms. Cole is the author of the memoir “After Great Pain:
play the national anthem. agement was quick to realize ism of the standing gesture. sioner of baseball, 1989-92. A New Life Emerges.”
How the West Is Losing Ukraine Hillary Clinton for President? Not That Again
ecretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting tin to invade. But restraint hasn’t deterred Mr. Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein have any influence to peddle.)
Europe this week in a frantic effort to de- Putin, and sending more equipment after an in- posit that a midterm loss for the Dem- A more likely scenario: The Demo-
ocrats will set the stage for Hillary crats get walloped in the midterms,
ter a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and we vasion begins could be too late.
Clinton to make a run for the party’s the party power brokers push Mr. Bi-
hope he succeeds. But the Ad- Also depressing is the U.S. presidential nomination in 2024 (“Hil- den aside, and they run Kamala Har-
ministration is also signaling Biden suggests a ‘minor and European disarray on eco- lary Clinton’s 2024 Comeback,” op-ed, ris for re-election as the incumbent.
that an invasion is likely, and if incursion’ might divide nomic sanctions. Germany is Jan. 12). But their analysis omits the Anyone who criticizes her gets
so it’s worth explaining why de- the heart of this problem. Pres- near certainty that Republican control branded in the media as racist. Or
terrence will have failed. Europe and the U.S. ident Biden made a priority of of the Senate or House will result in a misogynist. Probably both.
The fault lies mainly with courting lame-duck Chancellor thorough investigation of the role of Most likely of all, the party is not
Vladimir Putin and his desire Angela Merkel as a counter- Mrs. Clinton and her campaign in the going to deny its nomination to a sit-
to restore Greater Russia. But this ambition has point to Donald Trump and in the name of trans- Steele dossier, FISA court warrants ting president running for re-election,
been known at least since his annexation of Cri- Atlantic unity. This has been one of Mr. Biden’s and the Russian collusion allegations no matter how unpopular he is. See:
mea in 2014, so why has he moved again now? biggest strategic miscalculations. during Donald Trump’s presidency. Jimmy Carter vs. Ted Kennedy, 1980.
That investigation should end any MIKE FISHER
And why have Washington and Berlin failed to Mrs. Merkel has been replaced with a coali-
thoughts of a Clinton candidacy. Worcester, Mass.
convince him that the costs of another invasion tion led by a Social Democratic Party (SPD) that PATRICK CHASSAING
will exceed the benefits? is even softer on Russia. Mr. Biden reversed Warson Woods, Mo. On Election Day 2024, Mrs. Clinton
Mr. Biden didn’t help deterrence at his press U.S. opposition to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, will be 77 years old. The writers tout-
conference Wednesday by suggesting that a “mi- which would give Russia more energy leverage Messrs. Schoen and Stein’s op-ed ing her candidacy point out that she’s
nor incursion” by Russia might not trigger a over Europe. This month the White House lob- is delusional. Most Americans outside younger than President Biden, but so
united response from the West. “It's one thing bied to defeat a Nord Stream 2 sanctions bill Manhattan and Georgetown do not are more than 300 million other
if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up hav- in the Senate. want to see the Clintons anywhere Americans. Don’t the Democrats have
ing to fight about what to do and not do,” Mr. Bi- Influential SPD officials have said the pipe- near the White House. (With the ob- any viable candidates who were born
den said. Pressed on the point, he didn’t provide line’s fate shouldn’t be tied to Ukraine’s, and new vious exception of the Clintons them- during a presidential administration
selves. Surely, they are eager to get later than Harry Truman’s?
any clarity on what would be “minor,” and Mr. Chancellor Olaf Scholz has only vaguely allowed
their hands back on the spigots of JOHN BRENAN
Putin may think he now has leave to take at least that “everything will have to be discussed” after power, since they do not currently Corvallis, Ore.
some territory. an invasion. The backdrop is Berlin and Wash-
i i i ington’s war on their own domestic energy pro-
This response fits the pattern that goes back duction, which makes them more vulnerable to
to the weak Western responses to Russia’s previ- Russian blackmail.
ous aggression. In 2009, after Russia’s invasion The toughest economic sanction would be
Where Are the Covid Therapies, Mr. President?
of Georgia the previous year, Barack Obama cutting off Moscow from the Swift international Regarding your editorial “Biden’s dent Trump is a businessman. He was
called for a “reset” with the Kremlin and banking system and access to U.S. dollars. A Ger- Operation Snail Speed” (Jan. 13): I am no stranger to identifying risk and
achieved little. In 2014 Mr. Obama and Europe man newspaper recently reported that the West the medical director of several nursing opportunity early and putting in
imposed sanctions on Russia, but they were too had ruled out such a move, though the U.S. re- homes in the Denver area. Residents place mitigation and contingency
(patients) are dying because we can’t plans. This is how all successful com-
weak to make much difference. sponded that “no option is off the table.” Mr. Pu-
get any Paxlovid. The institutional panies operate.
The Biden Administration is now promising tin can read the papers and knows many in Eu- pharmacies that supply medicines to President Biden, on the other
“massive consequences” if Russia invades again, rope will fight any Swift sanctions, especially if the nursing homes tell me that they hand, is the five-decade poster boy
but why should Mr. Putin believe it? The U.S. has Russia threatens to retaliate by withholding en- don’t expect to receive any for the for government execution: reacting to
ruled out any direct U.S. military defense of ergy from Europe in winter. foreseeable future. It is not always polls and crises only when they be-
Ukraine, so Mr. Putin knows he needn’t worry i i i feasible to transfer elderly residents come political liabilities. His adminis-
about that. But the U.S. has also failed to raise Beyond policy divisions is the message that to hospitals, which have their own tration has failed to anticipate any
the costs of a Russian invasion by adequately Mr. Biden sent to the world’s rogues with his challenges at the moment and may number of Covid dominoes falling:
arming Kyiv. chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Mr. Putin not have any Paxlovid anyway. supply-chain issues, labor-participa-
Late last year a Ukrainian defense official told has since moved his troops toward Ukraine, and I cannot help but contrast this tion-rate depression and new Covid
us the country needed “anti-aircraft, anti-ship, that may be no coincidence. He watched a new abysmal situation with the one a year variants, all of which were known and
ago, following Operation Warp Speed. discussed openly long before they be-
and anti-missile defense (including Patriot anti- U.S. President abandon allies in a 20-year con-
By January 2021, my nursing homes gan to affect store inventory, labor
aircraft and missile defense systems), electronic flict with the argument that domestic issues are all had access to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vac- supply and Omicron infections.
and anti-drone weaponry,” as well as “artillery paramount. He saw a U.S. President retreating cine. I understand that a large order The difference between the tail-
and mortar systems, reconnaissance and medi- from the world. for Paxlovid was placed only recently wind Mr. Biden received from Opera-
cal equipment, ships and boats.” If Mr. Putin does invade Ukraine, he will be and that we may not have adequate tion Warp Speed and the headwind
On Wednesday a senior U.S. official boasted betting he can shore up his nationalist standing supplies until July. This is mind bog- he now feels is reflective of the myo-
about approving a mere $200 million in addi- at home, snatch a neighbor’s territory, and gling, and no, I am not a Republican. pia that afflicts politicians. It stands
tional military assistance last month but didn’t spread further division in the Western alliance. MALCOLM FRASER, M.D. in stark contrast to the risk-taking
say what was being sent. The White House has The tragedy is that the West hasn’t done nearly Boulder, Colo. and mitigation that is part of the
feared too much military aid would cause Mr. Pu- enough to persuade him otherwise. DNA of a businessman.
Your editorial gets the effect right DON RODRIGUES
but perhaps misses the cause: Presi- Mansfield, Texas
was steered to trade school because Likewise, paper-product companies
he economic recovery has state govern- These moves will help the Hawkeye State create more renewable bioenergy
ments rolling in tax revenue, and most keep up amid intensifying Midwest tax compe- than any other industrial sector, us-
are spending the windfall, on pace to tition. To the west, Nebraska cut its top corpo- Regulations and the Unseen ing leftover materials such as bark
spend an average of 9.3% more than in 2021. rate tax rate to 7.25% from 7.81% last year, and that otherwise would go to waste.
In his Jan. 7 letter regarding EPA
Iowa’s Kim Reynolds is among a handful of gov- to the east, Wisconsin’s Democratic Gov. Tony This prevents about 181 million met-
mileage standards, David Melvin cor-
ernors returning money to taxpayers to sustain Evers signed the GOP Legislature’s bill cutting ric tons of carbon-dioxide emissions
rectly argues that stricter regulation
from entering the atmosphere each
the economic rebound. the tax rate on middle incomes to 5.3% from of cars resulted in technological ad-
year—roughly equal to removing 35
Gov. Reynolds is proposing a bold tax reform 6.27%. Illinois voters defeated a referendum vances. But some of these develop-
million cars from the road. That’s
that would increase the incentives to work and in 2020 that would have killed that state’s ments have been negative. For exam-
more good news on paper and sus-
invest in the Hawkeye State. Her proposal un- 4.95% flat tax. ple, lighter cars have led to reduced
tainability in a story that already fea-
veiled last week would reshape the state income Iowa closed 2021 with a $1.24 billion budget safety of drivers and passengers.
tures plenty of it.
He also overlooks, as many do,
tax, gradually consolidating brackets en route to surplus, notwithstanding Gov. Reynolds’s previ- MARY ANNE HANSAN
what economist Frédéric Bastiat
a flat 4% rate by 2026. “When the bill’s fully im- ous income-tax cuts in 2018. Democrats in Des called the unseen. Requiring auto
President, Paper & Packaging Board
plemented,” she said, “an average Iowa family Moines call the cuts fiscally irresponsible, but McLean, Va.
manufacturers to focus on fuel effi-
will pay more than $1,300 less in taxes.” recent budgets say the opposite. Gov. Reyn- ciency no doubt caused them to ne-
The flat 4% levy would drop the state’s top olds’s staff estimates that revenues have in- glect other features that consumers
rate by more than a third. Under current law Io- creased by about 4% annually in recent years preferred. Without the fuel-efficiency
Pepper ...
wans are set to pay 6.5% on earnings above while spending has grown by 2% a year, accord- standards, automobiles would have And Salt
about $80,000, a threshold that catches much ing to the Des Moines Register. Business growth continued to improve in the direction
of the middle class. That and three other in- and cuts to state agencies have powered this of consumer demand—as they did
come-tax brackets would be swept away by Gov. fiscal progress. from the early 19th century to 1975,
Reynolds’s reform. Gov. Reynolds also wants to exempt retire- when the standards were passed. We
don’t know what cars would look like
The plan would also slash the state’s corpo- ment income, such as from 401(k)s, from state
today in the absence of the regula-
rate tax, which is even more punishing. Iowa- tax. Her budget would let owners or employees tions, but we can be assured that in-
based companies pay 9.8% of their earnings of local businesses avoid the state capital-gains novation would have persisted.
above $250,000 in state tax. Ms. Reynolds’s re- tax for a one-time sale. Both provisions are JEREMY NIGHOHOSSIAN
form would gradually reduce the top rate to meant to reduce the financial incentive for older Arlington, Va.
5.5%, capping corporate-tax revenue at $700 Iowans to decamp to lower-tax states.
million a year and using excess revenue to off- Gov. Reynolds made the crucial point in her
Letters intended for publication should
set annual rate cuts. An immediate rate cut Condition of the State speech last week, saying be emailed to Please
would be better economically, providing more forgone tax dollars will be “spent every single include your city, state and telephone
clarity for corporate investment decisions. But day on main streets.” That thinking has helped number. All letters are subject to
the revenue target should be met if the econ- Iowa’s economy and competitiveness, and the editing, and unpublished letters cannot “You know, I just want to find a guy
be acknowledged.
omy continues to grow. state is setting a good example for others. who stares at things that matter.”
There was no teleprompter; Reagan
fter Joe Biden bitterly at-
tacked Donald Trump only
simply looked up from his text to
face the audience and, mythically,
Of Covid
days before the inaugura- into Gorbachev’s eyes. That was his
tion, I urged the presi-
dent-elect on these pages
trait on the campaign trail; even
with the most heated of rhetoric, he
to follow Ronald Reagan’s model by didn’t wave or swing his arms. The
rising above intemperate remarks. rare gesture he used was for a the- By Tomas J. Philipson
Mr. Biden could “be the one who atric purpose for which he was well-
isn’t petty, small and spiteful. He can trained, which Mr. Biden is not. s President Biden’s first year
stay out of squabbles, be a states- It would reward the president to of handling the pandemic
man, show honor, demonstrate how dial back his body movements along comes to a close, many of his
someone truly worthy of the office with his overheated language. He most ardent critics are pointing to
behaves.” will find that calm and reason will the ugly numbers: More Americans
A year later, he has failed to meet get him further than he thinks, and have died from Covid-19 under the
that standard. Worse, President Bi- even further than some of us Repub- current president than under the
den appears bizarrely determined— licans would like. While current ad- previous one, despite the prevalence
as he did in Georgia last week—to vice, from both left and right, seems of vaccines and the development of
rupture goodwill among his fellow to be that the president needs to be other medical innovations. But as the
citizens by descending to lower lev- “out there more”—interviews, con- pandemic’s progression has made
els of anger and deceit. He appar- The president in Atlanta Jan. 11 ferences and speeches—it is actually clear, public-health officials should
ently doesn’t see that his embrace of overexposure that has damaged Mr. aim to do more than merely mini-
rancor and division has contributed said: “To the Congress of the United to raise your voice, Mr. President. Biden. It would be to his advantage mize the spread of disease. They
to the 30-point collapse in his ap- States, I extend my hand in cooper- It’s time to slam your hand down.” If to get off the stage and put to good should seek to reduce the total harm
proval ratings. ation, and I believe we can go for- the honest ghost of Joe Biden spoke use the time between now and the caused by both infection and heavy-
ward in a bipartisan manner.” And: to President Biden, he would say, March 1 State of the Union address handed attempts to prevent it.
“I don’t want it to be simply the “C’mon man!” to create something that truly brings
The opposite, in both style plan of my administration. I’m here Mr. Biden desperately needs to America together.
and substance, of Reagan’s tonight to ask you to join me in sell his policies better, starting with Americans are asking themselves: The costs of prevention
making it our plan.” Mr. Biden occasionally dumping the telepromp- Are we better off than we were a
calmly and confidently could richly benefit from these wor- ter. With his head bobbing back and year ago? Mr. Biden should ask him- efforts have outweighed
delivered message of unity. thy examples. forth at outdoor events, or looking self: How is it possible that the Dem- those from the direct
The Atlanta speech’s baiting of glazed into the camera, he’s conspic- ocratic Party, which offered the New
Republican senators as aspiring Bull uously reading scripts from the Deal, the Fair Deal, the New Frontier effects of the virus itself.
Connors was not only a perversion prompter. In these staged settings, and the Great Society, can’t come up
When Reagan presented policy of American rhetoric. Mr. Biden’s the president can’t help himself— with anything less dopey than Build
initiatives weeks after taking office stage theatrics magnified the nega- chopping his arms to make his Back Better? A president who has Reducing the incidence of disease
in 1981, there was plenty of blame to tive effects of his message and mud- points, or raising them in a scolding barely 4 out of 10 Americans approv- isn’t necessarily desirable if exces-
lay on Jimmy Carter for what Rea- dled his mission. His staff won’t tell fashion. These contrived and exag- ing his job performance, and hovers sive prevention, in the form of lock-
gan called “the worst economic mess him, nor will his media sycophants, gerated hand and arm gestures, on the brink of the collapse of his downs or school closures, is more
since the Great Depression.” But in but it’s obvious that when the presi- along with his pitched voice, exhibit congressional support, should give costly to society than the damage
two major economic addresses—on dent pounds on the lectern and flails faux passion. Each moment is more all of the above serious thought. done by an illness. We don’t close
nationwide television and before a his arms, the overstated drama de- cringeworthy than the next and dis- highways to minimize accidental
joint session of Congress—not once prives his communication of any au- tracts from his core message. Mr. Khachigian was chief speech- deaths, despite the existence of dan-
did Reagan refer to his predecessor. thenticity. It seems as if there are a When Reagan shouted, “Mr. Gor- writer for Ronald Reagan and prac- gerous drivers. Yet this is exactly
Instead, in a spirit of unity, he director’s cues in his text: “It’s time bachev, tear down this wall,” it tices law in California. what we’re doing when the govern-
ment intervenes to limit the spread
of communicable diseases by, for in-
Inflation Gives Biden an Incentive for a Bad Iran Deal stance, mandating vaccines that
don’t prevent transmission.
The public-health community has
By Ilan Berman the year compared with $42/b in potential clients, Iran’s energy trade ing current U.S. sanctions against proved incapable of quantitatively
2020.” Today, the price for crude on could resume business compara- Iran—which the Biden administra- assessing trade-offs between the
hat a difference a year can the world market is even higher, tively quickly. tion could do. harms of prevention and the harms
make. Last January the Bi- nearly $85 a barrel. The Iranian regime has massive That’s the calculus now con- of disease. This has hindered the de-
den administration came to This surge has been a significant quantities of oil, which could be fronting the White House. Any deal velopment of policies that could have
power pledging to revive the 2015 driver of the president’s plummeting brought to market almost immedi- with Iran, no matter how flimsy, minimized the total harm to society
Iran nuclear deal that his predecessor popularity. Administration officials ately. These reserves, kept in Iran or would provide sufficient justifica- from Covid-19. Economic epidemiolo-
had abrogated. That, however, was are desperate to find a way to lower offshore, are estimated to total tion for the Biden administration to gists, by contrast, have for decades
supposed to be just the beginning. prices and reduce what Americans around 120 million barrels—equiva- begin rolling back sanctions, espe- used quantitative methods to evalu-
Incoming national security adviser are paying at the pump. Iran could lent to more than a day’s worth of oil cially on Iran’s oil industry. If that ate these harms by looking at them
Jake Sullivan insisted that doing so provide part of the solution they are consumed by the entire planet. happens, Iranian crude would flood the same way they look at taxes.
would be a prelude to a “longer and seeking. Analysts also predict that the Is- the market, available supply would The burden of a tax doesn’t fall
stronger” deal with Tehran. Fast for- lamic Republic could increase its oil go up, and the marginal price of oil solely on those who pay it directly. A
ward 12 months, and the likeliest out- output in short order. Iranian offi- (and consequently refined products $1 million tax on airplane tickets
come of the Biden administration’s Easing sanctions would cials have already announced plans to like gasoline) would go down. And would generate no revenue because
diplomatic outreach is a compromise scale up production to the pre-sanc- that, in turn, will ease at least no one would ever fly again. The
pact far less comprehensive and ro- reduce energy prices— tions level of four million barrels some of the inflationary and eco- mass migration to other forms of
bust than the original. never mind its effect on daily by as early as this spring. nomic pressure confronting Presi- travel would impose huge costs on
Experts have warned against the Such a surge could make a real dent Biden at home. the rest of the transportation indus-
dangers of such a “less for more” U.S. national security. difference in today’s market. Global All of which gives the Biden ad- try. Similarly, case counts don’t cap-
deal, which would impose fewer re- demand for energy is currently out- ministration, which once promised a ture the total burden of a disease.
strictions on Iran’s stubborn nuclear pacing supply, and producers are robust effort to contain and deter The costs of efforts at avoiding the
effort while providing Tehran with While the Islamic Republic ranks struggling to keep up. As the New Tehran, the incentive to reach an ac- disease must be quantified and tal-
more-lavish concessions and sanc- as a bona fide energy superpower, York Times reports, despite pledges commodation with Iran’s ayatollahs, lied as well.
tions relief than before. Yet the polit- the “maximum pressure” policy of to boost their output, members of no matter the particulars. And it In early 2020, University of Chi-
ical reality is that, for the Biden ad- the Trump administration pro- the OPEC+ cartel “are routinely fall- helps explain why, despite Iran’s cago economists estimated that
ministration struggling in the polls foundly crippled Iran’s global oil ing well short of their rising continued intransigence and regional about 80% of the total damage from
domestically, even a bad bargain with trade. By 2020 its output had de- monthly production targets.” As a troublemaking, the White House Covid came from prevention efforts
Iran could be a lifeline. clined to a historic low of less than result, the addition of Iranian sup- seems desperate to conclude such a that hindered economic activity, and
The reason has to do with oil. As two million barrels a day as U.S. plies would significantly boost the deal by any means necessary. only 20% from the direct effects of
the U.S. Energy Administration has sanctions kept the Iranian regime amount of available crude, and could the disease itself. This analysis moti-
noted, “oil prices rose during much from selling crude abroad. This, consequently lower global oil prices Mr. Berman is senior vice presi- vated me and others to recommend
of 2021, with Brent crude oil spot however, is only a temporary condi- by as much as 10%. dent of the American Foreign Policy that initial efforts to stop the spread
prices averaging $71 [a barrel] for tion. Without persistent pressure on That scenario depends on loosen- Council. should focus on older people, who
are at higher risk of severe illness
and not as active in the economy as
What Does a Library’s ‘Diversity Auditor’ Do? younger people. This would allow
younger people to keep the economy
going while limiting the spread of
By Faith Bottum arrive at are certain to be limited to “the process of decanonizing the content and carried negative stereo- the disease among those most at risk
what can be easily determined about stacks”—academic jargon for break- types,” with 30 burned in a public from it. Some in the public-health
he celebrated postmodern ar- the authors’ heritage, sex, faith and ing the connection to the past. A fol- “flame purification” ceremony. In community, like the signers of the
chitect Robert Venturi added physical disabilities. low-up from the staff seemed to sug- 2021 state Rep. Matt Krause de- Great Barrington Declaration, even-
an extension to Bard College’s That, at least, has been the pat- gest that the eventual aim is a major manded that every Texas school ad- tually saw the light.
Stevenson Library in 1993. His poly- tern of other such library audits. In deaccessioning (to use a librarians’ mit whether its library contained My Chicago colleague Casey B.
chrome brick building—with a mask- 2018 Loyola Marymount University term: litotes for getting rid of books). any book from a list of nearly 850 Mulligan has found that total
ing façade of yellow, orange, purple in Los Angeles undertook a similar suspect titles, with the aim of forc- monthly Covid-related harms fell
and olive panels—was intended to project, concluding that the school’s ing the schools to remove the books. from 2020 to 2021, even as the num-
blend with the original library: an William H. Hannon Library had an Bard College says it aims Schools’ assigning of Toni Morri- ber of deaths rose. In tax terms, this
1893 Greek-revival re-creation of the insufficient number of works in “the son’s 1987 novel “Beloved” became a is an effect not unlike that of the
Parthenon. categories of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, at ‘decanonizing the contentious topic in the final weeks Laffer curve—a lower rate may in-
There’s less effort today to blend and Transgender LGBTQ+, Women’s stacks’ but that doesn’t of Virginia’s 2021 gubernatorial race. crease revenue because of growth in
old and new on the campus in An- Studies, and Disability.” In 2020 the No one seems to be asking the tax base. Similarly, vaccines and
nandale-on-Hudson, N.Y. Bard re- University of California Irvine au- mean removing books. whether the questioned books are treatments reduced the costs associ-
cently announced that three under- dited nearly a decade of orders, by good or not. ated with getting sick—call it the
graduates, funded by the Office of the school’s Langson Library and Founded in 1860, Bard sits mid- “disease tax”—but also increased so-
Inclusive Excellence, are working other collections on campus, for new A representative of the library, way between Albany and Pough- cial and economic activity, allowing
their way through Stevenson Library, scripts of plays. The audit concluded however, later said in an email that keepsie. The school prides itself on the infection to spread. Even if the
“evaluating each book for represen- that the school needed its purchases was forwarded to me that the proj- being a liberal-arts center, claiming disease tax is paid by more people,
tations of race/ethnicity, gender, reli- to shift “to reflect the increased de- ect was designed “to increase our “a reputation for scholarly excel- the costs are outpaced by the overall
gion, and ability.” mand for diverse playwrights.” understanding of our collection, not lence, a focus on the arts, and civic benefit derived from the subsequent
It’s unlikely that the students will The point of the audit at Bard to remove books.” engagement.” It is, its official de- tsunami of economic activity.
actually read every book in Bard’s originally appeared to be picking This leaves unspecified the reason scription says, “committed to enrich- Joe Biden accused President
400,000-volume collection during the books to remove. The announcement the information is being gathered in ing culture, public life, and demo- Trump during the campaign of get-
year scheduled for the project. The in Notes, the library’s newsletter, de- the first place, but the librarian cratic discourse by training ting Americans killed by refusing to
“representations” of each book they scribed the project as a first step in waved away the students funded by tomorrow’s thought leaders.” It was clamp down completely on all eco-
the Office of Inclusive Excellence, awarded a library grant last year nomic activity. But the evidence
stating that actual librarians will de- from the National Endowment for shows that the U.S. experienced
cide about the library’s collections, the Arts. lower total harm in 2020 than did
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY not student workers. But what are we to make of Bard’s the nations of the European Union.
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson And perhaps this audit is merely descent into auditing its library? The Now that he’s been president for a
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp a sop to activist students and diver- worry here should be that the past year and presided over so many
Matt Murray Almar Latour sity administrators. But it does seem won’t survive the passions of the Covid deaths himself, Mr. Biden
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
at least a surrender to the idea that present, even among librarians and surely understands how difficult it is
Neal Lipschutz Karen Miller Pensiero DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: content is determined by the extra- others whose task is to preserve lit- to contain the spread of a highly
Deputy Editor in Chief Managing Editor Daniel Bernard, Chief Experience Officer;
Jason Anders, Chief News Editor
literary characteristics of the author. erary achievement and blend it with contagious respiratory disease. He
Mae M. Cheng, SVP, Barron’s Group; David Cho,
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, Coverage; Barron’s Editor in Chief; Jason P. Conti, General
And if the audit does include con- the present. The philosopher Hannah should make the reduction in total
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Anthony Galloway, Video & Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo, tent, the result could be a straight- Arendt’s personal library is stored at harm his administration’s objective
Audio; Brent Jones, Culture, Training & Outreach; Chief People Officer; Frank Filippo, EVP, Business forward Index of Prohibited Books— Bard College. One wonders what she now—and that includes the harm
Alex Martin, Print & Writing; Michael W. Miller,
Features & Weekend; Emma Moody, Standards;
Information & Services; Robert Hayes, Chief even if, as seems unlikely, the would think of the new audit of the done by lockdowns, school closings
Business Officer, New Ventures; librarians aren’t pressured eventu- library’s collections. One wonders and unproductive restrictions on
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Matthew Rose,
Aaron Kissel, EVP & General Manager, WSJ;
Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi, Investigations
Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & Chief Revenue Officer,
ally to act on the information that what the auditors will make of the economic activity.
Paul A. Gigot WSJ | Barron’s Group; Jennifer Thurman, Chief the students catalog. woman who observed: “There are no
Editor of the Editorial Page Communications Officer There’s been much agitation in re- dangerous thoughts; thinking itself Mr. Philipson is an economist at
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page;
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
cent years about libraries. In 2019 is dangerous.” the University of Chicago. He was a
more than 4,700 children’s books member of the president’s Council of
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 from across Quebec’s schools were Ms. Bottum is the Journal’s Jo- Economic Advisers, 2017-20, and its
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES purged because they “had outdated seph Rago Memorial Fellow. acting chairman, 2019-20.
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DJ TRANS g 0.44%
Rising Tide
Comparable sales,
change from a year earlier
Segment sales and pricing, change from a year earlier
Comparable sales Price
Three-month share
and index performance
Nasdaq Hits
Fabric/Home care
Procter &
Baby, Feminine, Family care
S&P 500 Territory
S&P 500 and Dow market in anticipation of rising
Total interest rates.
0 0 lose 1% as investors Investors have stepped up
FY2020 ’21 ’22 2% 4% 6% 8% Nov. 2021 2022 adjust portfolios for bets that the Federal Reserve
and other major central banks
Note: Comparable sales exclude currency fluctuations, acquisitions and asset sales; fiscal quarter ended Dec. 31 Sources: the company (sales, pricing); FactSet (performance) higher interest rates will tighten monetary policy in
the coming months, withdraw-
continue throughout 2022, and stretch for major indexes, with ment,” he said.
predicted higher profitability stocks paring their earlier Government-bond prices
and improved margins in com- gains and closing near session edged up Wednesday, pushing
ing quarters even as labor, lows. In the first weeks of Jan- down yields. Yields on bench-
freight and raw-materials uary, many investors have mark 10-year Treasury notes
costs continue to balloon due started dumping shares of slipped to 1.826% from 1.866%
to the global supply-chain tur- technology companies and pil- Tuesday, which was their high-
moil. Price increases accounted for half of the company’s revenue growth in the latest quarter. ing into other corners of the Please turn to page B11
“The consumer is very re-
silient and very focused on cades, as pandemic supply- Higher volumes accounted for P&G’s core earnings per
these categories of clean home
and health and hygiene,” P&G
finance chief Andre Schulten
and-demand imbalances
pushed up prices on every-
thing from used cars to house-
hold staples.
the other half. P&G reported
revenue of $21 billion for the
The added revenue helped
share rose 1%, to $1.66, from
the same period a year earlier.
Margins fell despite the added
revenues and cost cutting. The
Deals Propel Profit
P&G shares gained more
than 3% Wednesday to close
at $162.
Pricing on average rose 3%
in the latest quarter, P&G said,
and price increases accounted
offset soaring prices for raw
materials, labor and transpor-
tation of goods, as supply-
company has spent big to keep
factories running and products
in stock as much as possible,
At Morgan Stanley
U.S. inflation in 2021 hit its for half of the company’s reve- chain woes continue to weigh said Chief Executive Jon
fastest pace in nearly four de- nue growth in the period. on almost every industry. Please turn to page B2 BY CHARLEY GRANT Morgan Stanley’s quarterly
earnings per share
A booming market for deals
Shakes Up Glaxo Consumer Health Unit and helped the Wall Street
firm set a full-year profit re-
cord. 2.00
lion offer for GlaxoSmithKline stock partially rebounded after Glaxo also detailed the just short of expectations.
BY WILL FEUER PLC’s consumer-healthcare the statement Wednesday, growth prospects of the unit, Morgan Stanley capped off 1.70
business, effectively walking with its American depositary which is 32% owned by Pfizer a mixed quarter for the na-
Walt Disney Co. said it is away from a potential deal receipts rising 7.7%. The state- Inc. and sells products includ- tion’s biggest banks. Windfall
shaking up its streaming man- that would have added a raft ment came at the end of the ing Aquafresh toothpaste and trading revenues across Wall
agement and forming a new of drugstore staples to its trading day in London. Advil painkillers. Glaxo said it Street are slowing down as 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
2020 2021
hub for international content portfolio. Glaxo said Saturday that thought the business could de- market volatility subsides.
creation as the company Wednesday’s announcement Unilever had made three pro- liver organic sales growth—a Banks are offering bigger pay- Sources: the company; FactSet (forecast)
searches for further growth from the maker of Ben & posals for its consumer unit measure that strips out cur- days to attract and keep em-
amid intense competition. Jerry’s ice cream and Dove late last year—which Glaxo re- rency effects, acquisitions and ployees in a tight labor mar- Morgan Stanley, Bank of
The company on Wednesday soap came after days of criti- jected because, in its view, disposals—of 4% to 6% over ket. Goldman Sachs Group America Corp. and Wells
named Michael Paull to the cism from analysts and inves- they undervalued the business the medium term. Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. Fargo & Co. saw profits rise.
newly created role of president tors about the price and stra- and its future prospects. The On Wednesday, Unilever and Citigroup Inc. all reported Morgan Stanley shares
of Disney Streaming, in which tegic fit of the proposed latest proposal, received Dec. said it took those figures into lower fourth-quarter profits, closed up 1.8% on Wednesday.
he will oversee Disney+, Hulu, transaction. 20, valued the business at £50 Please turn to page B2 ending a streak of big gains. Please turn to page B11
ESPN+, and Star+ globally for
the company’s media and en-
tertainment distribution divi-
sion. Mr. Paull, who previously
oversaw Disney+ and ESPN+,
INSIDE Chinese Tech Companies Warned
will report to Kareem Daniel,
chairman of the media and en-
tertainment distribution unit.
Rebecca Campbell will over-
Of Tighter Rules on Investments
see Disney’s new international BY KEITH ZHAI told some companies that it The move to establish new
content hub and report directly would establish a new mecha- requirements comes after a
to Chief Executive Bob Chapek, SINGAPORE—China has no- nism that requires internet year of clampdowns on the
the company said. tified some companies of new companies to obtain formal ap- country’s internet sector and
The executive reshuffling rules that would require the proval for investment deals if could lead to increased regula-
puts in place the leaders country’s biggest internet they have 100 million users or tory scrutiny into such deals
charged with Disney’s highest firms to seek approval for in- more or have posted revenue and even block internet com-
priority—streaming—and is vestment deals, a mechanism in the previous year of at least panies from making certain in-
among the first major person- that is likely to curb domestic 10 billion yuan, equivalent to vestments, the people said.
nel moves made by Mr. Chapek BUSINESS NEWS GAMING technology giants from grow- $1.57 billion, the people said. The new rules being
since he became the sole leader Flight disruptions in Sony shares fall ing even bigger through acqui- The regulator notified some planned would affect China’s
of Disney. Mr. Chapek was sitions, according to people fa- companies of the rules this biggest technology companies,
named CEO in February 2020,
the U.S. ease as new sharply on news of miliar with the issue. week, some of the people said. including Tencent Holdings
but just this month started 5G wireless service Microsoft deal for The country’s top internet The rules are still under re- Ltd., Alibaba Group Holding
running the operation on his goes live. B3 Activision Blizzard. B4 regulator, the Cyberspace Ad- view and could change, people Ltd. and ByteDance Ltd., each
Please turn to page B2 ministration of China, recently familiar with the matter said. Please turn to page B4
Activision Blizzard Genting Hong Kong....B5 Riot Blockchain...........A1
........................A1,B4,B12 GlaxoSmithKline.........B1 S
Alibaba........................B1 Goldman Sachs....B1,B11
Alphabet......................A6 J Square Enix...............B12 Starbucks....................B2
American International
JPMorgan Chase . A2,B11
Group ........................ A1 T
Apple...........................A6 K
Take-Two Interactive
AT&T............................B3 KB Home...................B12 Software.................B12
B L Tencent........................B1
Bank of America LVMH Moët Hennessy U
................ A2,B1,B11,B12 Louis Vuitton..........B12
Unilever..................B1,B2 .................. B2 M UnitedHealth Group....B3
BlackRock....................A2 Marathon Digital........A1
ByteDance...................B1 V
Meta Platforms.....A6,B4
C Microsoft........A1,B4,B12 Verizon Communications
Capcom......................B12 MicroStrategy.............A1 .....................................B3
INDEX TO PEOPLE The coffee chain said it will ask baristas to isolate with pay if they have had a Covid-19 exposure, regardless of vaccination status.
Continued from page B1 which was viewed by The Wall dent and a chief of human re- Mr. Garg apologized again communicating more effec-
own after previous CEO and Street Journal, the online mort- sources. Tuesday in a separate letter to tively going forward.”
Executive Chairman Robert gage lender’s board of directors In December, Mr. Garg laid employees, saying that he is He added: “Better has
Iger left the company. said Mr. Garg had reflected on off 900 employees, or 9% of sorry for the distraction and evolved. And, as a leader, I
After seeing torrential his leadership while on break the company’s total workforce, embarrassment his actions need to evolve too.”
growth in sign-ups following since last month and worked on Zoom. A video of the call caused. He said he would be The company, backed by
its November 2019 debut, Dis- with an executive coach. was posted online and viewed more conscious of the impact SoftBank Group Corp., was
ney’s flagship streaming ser- “We are confident in Vishal by millions. He later apolo- his words have on people. founded in 2016. It offers mort-
vice ran into issues related to Michael Paull and in the changes he is com- gized, saying that he owned “As many know, I am direct gages, insurance and other ser-
Covid-19 production shutdowns mitted to making to provide the the decision for the layoffs but in my communications but too vices for home buyers.
that slowed the flow of pro- to replace Mr. Paull.
gramming. During 2020, the The management changes
company moved would-be the- and the focus on international end products, such as trading
atrical releases like “Soul” and
“Hamilton” to the service to
growth come after the com-
pany reported a major slow-
Higher liquid laundry detergent for
costlier single-dose pods.
Bright. Clear. Healthy Light.
boost subscriptions, a strategy down in Disney+ subscriber A broad range of consumer- Often imitated. Never equaled.
it has continued to employ as
the Omicron variant depresses
sign-ups for its fiscal fourth
quarter as new cases of the
Prices products companies, including
P&G rivals Unilever PLC and
moviegoing. coronavirus dropped in early
In a New Year’s letter to em-
ployees, Mr. Chapek empha-
autumn and more people left
their homes. The changes also
Boost P&G Kimberly-Clark Corp., have im-
plemented price increases to
offset higher costs amid snags Since 1995.
sized that Disney would focus come amid intense competition in the global supply chain.
heavily on its streaming busi- from rivals that include Netflix Continued from page B1 The recent rise in Covid-19
ness in 2022. “Right now, (cus- Inc. and AT&T Inc.’s HBO Max. Moeller, who took over the cases due to the fast-spreading
tomer) behavior tells us and Along with the new interna- company in November. Omicron variant didn’t spur
our industry that the way they tional hub, Disney said On Wednesday, executives the kind of hoarding behavior
want to experience entertain- Wednesday it is investing in said there is no relief in sight that led to shortages of toilet
ment is changing—and chang- the creation of original local from higher costs for labor, paper, cleaners and other
ing fast thanks to technology and regional streaming content transportation of goods and products during previous lamp. Nothing has
"I love my new lamp
and the pandemic,” he wrote. internationally, with more than raw materials such as fuel, surges, he said. ever given me the excellent
e light this
The company has touted a 340 titles already in various resin and pulp. “The flexibility Sales jumped for products
slate of new movies and TV stages of development and pro- that we’ve talked about that to treat respiratory issues, lamp provides." - Anne G.
shows, many of which are duction. The focus on interna- our supply people have gener- driving a 20% revenue increase
scheduled to be released in the tional content development ated doesn’t come for free,” for P&G’s personal-health unit,
latter half of this year. Disney comes after rival Netflix found said Mr. Schulten, the CFO. which includes Vicks and Ny- Our hybrid technology
said in November it had added
just over two million new sub-
huge success in foreign hits like
South Korea’s “Squid Game.”
“When we need to shift to al-
ternate materials, when we
Quil brands.
P&G now expects organic
delivers over 8K lumens of
scribers to Disney+ in the quar- “I am thrilled to have the need to shift to alternate sup- sales, which strips out deals crisp, clear, healthy light.
ter ended Oct. 2, far below ana- opportunity to work even more pliers, all our sources of mate- and currency moves, to grow
lyst expectations. closely with the talented cre- rials geographically, that 4% to 5% for the fiscal year, up Eliminates fatigue, tension,
Ms. Campbell, a longtime ators in our international mar- comes at a premium.” from the previous forecast for
Disney executive, previously kets who are producing new P&G, which has posted more growth of 2% to 4%. eye strain, headaches, and
served as president of Disney- stories with local relevance to consistent sales gains than ri- bleary eyes.
land Resort. She also played a delight our audiences around vals throughout the pandemic, STATE OF SÃO PAULO - SECRETARIAT OF
role in securing the first major the globe,” Ms. Campbell said. raised its revenue forecast for INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT
UL Certified.
The Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment
distribution deal for Disney+ Disney has previously said it the fiscal year ending June 30, announces that the date of the public session
in the Europe, Middle East, expects to have between 230 even as the company said regarding of the International Bidding
No.02/2021, the highest value of the fixed grant, for
and Africa region, according to million and 260 million paid costs will be higher than previ- the Concession of Use of Public Asset for the
Disney also named Joe Ear-
Disney+ subscribers globally by
the end of fiscal 2024. With
ously projected.
P&G said it expects to com-
realization of investments, conservation, operation,
maintenance and economic exploitation of Dr.
Fernando Costa-Água Branca, Cândido Portinari and
SAVE 25%
ley, the former executive vice slowing numbers in the U.S., mit $2.8 billion more to com- Villa-Lobos Urban Parks, including the elaboration of
projects, the execution and investments, the Promo Code WS
president of marketing and op- some streaming platforms have modity, freight and foreign-ex- provision of services and exploration economic
activities of environmental education, recreation,
erations for Disney+, to the been relying more on interna- change costs this fiscal year. culture, leisure, sport, culture and tourism, with
role of Hulu president, report- tional markets for both sub- The figure is about $500 mil- associated services, according of the publication on
ing to Mr. Paull. Mr. Earley suc- scriber growth and content lion more than it forecast last 12/29/2021, initially established for April 07, 2022,
is changed to March 31, 2022, at 2:00 pm, at Rua
ceeds Kelly Campbell who left production, particularly as quarter. Its earnings estimates XV de Novembro, 275, at B3 headquarters, in Sao
Paulo-SP. Those interested can consult the notice at
as head of Hulu last year to viewers in the U.S., U.K., Aus- remained unchanged.
oversee NBCUniversal’s rival tralia and Europe warm to non- Mr. Schulten said that in Further clarifications can be requested by e-mail: or forwarded to
streaming service, Peacock. English-language content. addition to absorbing higher the Bidding and Contracts Center, at Av. Prof.
The company is also search- —Erich Schwartzel prices, consumers also are Frederico Hermann Júnior, 345, building 1, 6th floor,
Alto de Pinheiros, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05459-010
ing for a new head of Disney+ contributed to this article. switching to pricier, higher-
Disruptions United
Ease as 5G Flight
Goes Live
BY ALISON SIDER strictions, we’re pleased the
A multi-gemstone
Compare at $1,395
Sony Group Corp.’s shares BY OMAR ABDEL-BAQUI
fell nearly 13% in Tokyo on
Wednesday on concerns about Tabloid journalism and
new competition for its video- public radio in the Midwest
game business from the com- are poised to join forces.
bination of Microsoft Corp. The board of Chicago Pub-
and Activision Blizzard Inc. 10 lic Media, the nonprofit that
The $75 billion deal, which operates the city’s public ra-
needs regulatory approval, dio station WBEZ, voted to
would unite Microsoft’s Xbox 0 acquire the Chicago Sun-
platform with the publisher of 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21
Times, a legacy Midwestern
top game franchises including daily tabloid.
“Call of Duty” and “World of Activision supplies some of the most popular games for Sony’s console, such as the ‘Call of Duty’ series. Source: the company The deal, expected to close
Warcraft.” by the end of the month,
That is a potential threat to [are] only going to get from strong demand. proved popular, and Sony’s PlayStation, such as the “Call would create one of the larg-
Sony, whose PlayStation con- tougher,” Mr. Anvarzadeh said. “Games is surely one of its only problem has been making of Duty” series. Whether that est nonprofit local news or-
sole competes with the Xbox. Still, some analysts said the main businesses, but they’ve enough of them to meet de- relationship will continue is ganizations in the nation.
The two companies also clash stock-price drop was over- also got electronics, chips, mand during the global semi- one of the big questions of the “This is an important step
head-on in subscription video- blown because the videogame movies etc.,” said Naoki Fuji- conductor shortage. Microsoft deal. to grow and strengthen local
game services that offer game business accounted for only a wara, a fund manager at The videogame business Antitrust regulators in the journalism in Chicago,” Matt
libraries, with Sony’s Play- little more than a quarter of Shinkin Asset Management. helped make Sony shares one U.S. and abroad are likely to Moog, chief executive officer
Station Plus going against Mi- Sony’s operating profit in the Sony’s PlayStation Plus ser- of the pandemic’s stock-mar- look at the Microsoft acquisi- of Chicago Public Media, said
crosoft’s Game Pass. most recent half-year. vice, which costs $5 to $10 a ket winners. They rose 92% tion, including whether its in a statement on Tuesday. “A
The Activision acquisition The Tokyo-based company’s month, had 47.2 million sub- between the beginning of ownership of Activision would vibrant local news ecosystem
shows the U.S. software giant movie and television business scribers as of Sept. 30, 2021, 2020 and last week. give it an unfair edge in com- is fundamental to a healthy
intends to escalate the fight is doing well, helped by its lat- giving it an edge over Micro- But as the pandemic effect petition. Microsoft’s Phil Spen- democracy, informed citizens,
for videogame dominance, and est Spider-Man blockbuster, soft, which said Tuesday that faded, Sony saw little growth cer said the transaction would and engaged communities.”
rivals could see Microsoft re- “Spider-Man: No Way Home.” Game Pass has 25 million sub- in PlayStation Plus in the first help his company offset mo- The news comes after the
serve popular games for its Another Sony business less scribers. three quarters of 2021, and bile platforms’ control over organizations said in Septem-
own offerings, Asymmetric visible to consumers—its sup- Sony’s PlayStation 5 con- now it faces a competitor videogame distribution. ber that they had signed a
Advisors strategist Amir An- ply of image-sensing semicon- sole, introduced in late 2020 bulking up. nonbinding letter of intent
varzadeh said in a note. ductors to customers such as around the same time as Mi- Activision supplies some of Heard on the Street: Sony for Chicago Public Media to
“The headwinds for Sony Apple Inc.—also is benefiting crosoft’s latest Xbox, has the most popular games for investors watch Microsoft....B12 acquire the tabloid newspa-
The Sun-Times and WBEZ
BY ANNE STEELE horizon for music invest- catalog? Those songs are trading at
ments. Edited excerpts follow: MS. MATSUURA: We’ll look higher price points for a sync
As investors rush to buy at each revenue stream his- license opportunity. Music
megastars’ music catalogs, WSJ: How has the client pool torically because history is has really rediscovered its
Barry Massarsky and his expanded in recent years? the best predictor of the fu- past in a commercial way.
firm are in the middle valu- MR. MASSARSKY: There ture, and we’ll look at the
ing most of the deals. are all these new funds, prin- long-term historical growth WSJ: Is there a bubble?
He pioneered the econom- cipally backed by private eq- or decline, as the case may MS. MATSUURA: If you’ve
ics of royalty cash flows in uity. We’re seeing everybody be, and then the most recent got strong industry growth,
the early 1990s and together from BlackRock to Black- year. We’ll have a long view and we have that in stream-
with his business partner, stone to TPG to Carlyle to and a short view. Based on ing and in new license op-
Nari Matsuura, developed a Apollo to KKR. that, we’ll be able to apply portunities. It’s based on
model to guide banks lend- MS. MATSUURA: It’s not just growth-rate scenarios. real organic growth: 26% in
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NGLEngyPfdC NGLpC 18.15 0.2 AllstateDeb ALLpB 25.37 0.1 BreezeHldgsWt BREZW 0.30 -10.7 DelcathSystems DCTH 6.44 0.1 ForgeRock FORG 14.28 -2.6 Humanigen HGEN 2.64 -1.5
NSTS Bancorp NSTS 12.90 25.9 AlphaPtrsWt APTMW 0.48 -13.1 BridgetownWt BTWNW 0.76 -2.3 DesktopMetal DM 3.96 -1.0 FormaTherap FMTX 10.75 -0.7 Hydrofarm HYFM 20.80 -2.4
NationalGrid NGG 74.35 0.4 AlphaTeknova TKNO 14.95 -4.0 BrightHealth BHG 2.80 -2.4 DiamedicaTherap DMAC 2.78 -1.3 ForteBiosci FBRX 1.50 -0.6 Hyliion HYLN 4.74 -2.4
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AMPL 38.67 -2.3 C4 Therap
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24.59 -2.7
1.98 -11.2
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21.33 -3.5 FuelTech
1.37 -3.5 FuelCell
25.33 -3.9 FusionFuelGreen HTOO
PioneerNatRscs PXD
RigelResource RRAC.U
AntelopeEnterprise AEHL
Appian APPN
1.25 -9.8 CompassPath
51.22 2.6 CRISPR Therap CRSP
CMPS 16.60 -3.6
63.86 -1.3
Duolingo DUOL 85.00 1.6 FutureFinTech FTFT 0.91 -5.4 iHuman IH 2.60 -5.0
1.25 -7.1 AppliedGenetic AGTC 1.65 -4.0 AI 26.48 -0.6
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0.96 -3.9 G1Therapeutics GTHX
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1.85 -8.4 CalitheraBiosci
2.40 -2.0 CallawayGolf
0.49 -1.8
24.00 0.2
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SunLifeFinancial SLF 58.16 -1.4 Aptorum APM 1.19 -3.9 CambiumNtwks CMBM 21.34 -0.5 ESM Acqn Wt ESM.WS 0.55 -3.4 GainTherap GANX 4.47 -0.6 InovioPharma INO 4.17 -2.0
Synalloy SYNL 17.86 3.3 AquaMetals AQMS 0.96 -3.9 CanadaGoose GOOS 31.25 -1.9 E2open ETWO 7.85 -1.4 GardinerHlthcrWt GDNRW 0.29 -12.1 Inseego INSG 4.65 -2.3
TelekmIndonesia TLK
TECK 35.37
AquaBountyTech AQB
ArborRaphaCapBioI ARCKW
1.78 -1.1 CanadianSolar
0.45 -7.2 CanoHealthWt
26.38 -3.3
1.25 -7.9
EVI Industries EVI 23.05 -5.9 Gelesis GLS 5.32 -7.2 InstilBio TIL 12.27 0.6 !" # $$%&' ((
EzgoTech EZGO 1.15 -6.5 GelesisWt GLS.WS 0.26 -41.4 Intapp INTA 20.09 -0.8
TotalEnergies TTE 58.83 1.2 ArcherAviationWt ACHR.WS
Arcimoto FUV
0.50 -7.5 CanoHealth
6.81 -0.9 CanopyGrowth
5.91 -4.6
7.61 -1.8
EastmanKodak KODK 4.21 -0.7 GeminiTherap GMTX 1.96 1.5 IntegratedWellWt WEL.WS 0.33 -18.7 !"#$%
US Oil Fund USO 61.90 0.1
USBrentOilFd BNO 23.90 0.1 AresAcqnWt AAC.WS 0.72 8.3 CardiffOncology CRDF 4.45 -25.9
EditasMedicine EDIT 19.62 -0.2 GeoVaxLabs GOVX 2.61 -0.8 Intellicheck IDN 4.32 -8.7
USComdtyIndxFd USCI 47.18 0.8 AridisPharm ARDS 1.35 -2.8 CareDx CDNA 37.32 -3.9
USGasolineFd UGA 45.67 -0.1 ArrayTech ARRY 11.43 -3.4 CaribouBio CRBU 10.52 4.2
)*!+*- )- /!!35
US12moOilFd USL 31.50 0.2 Arrival
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ARVL 5.78 -3.8 CarMax KMX
53.64 -0.6 CarneyTechII Wt CTAQW
107.58 -2.5
0.60 -1.6
IPO Scorecard 66678:;8 <7
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0.44 -1.8 CascadeAcqnWt CAS.WS
13.22 -8.1 CassInfoSys CASS
0.41 -6.6
38.84 -1.4
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Atlantic Coastal Acquisition II 10.00 ... ... 10X Capital Venture Acquisition III 10.05 0.5 –0.4
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APAcqnUn APCA.U 10.03 -0.4 AutolusTherap AUTL 4.11 -1.9 CheckmatePharm CMPI 2.29 4.4 Consilium Acquisition I 10.03 0.3 ... Industrial Acquisitions II 10.01 0.1 –0.3 +(
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35028.65 t 339.82, or 0.96% Trailing P/E ratio 21.51 29.54 4532.76 t 44.35, or 0.97% Trailing P/E ratio * 28.55 40.98 14340.26 t 166.64, or 1.15% Trailing P/E ratio *† 37.85 39.98
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.59 25.45 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 21.10 24.15 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 27.62 30.48
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.97 1.93 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.30 1.56 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.66 0.75
All-time high 36799.65, 01/04/22 All-time high 4796.56, 01/03/22 All-time high: 16057.44, 11/19/21
Session high
65-day moving average DOWN UP 34500 4500 65-day moving average 14800
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t target rate
0.00 CFG Community Bank 1.00% 0.00 –14 Macau pataca .1246 8.0265 –0.1 Egypt pound .0636 15.7118 0.01
Malaysia ringgit .2385 4.1930 0.6 Israel shekel .3189 3.1356 0.9
Baltimore, MD 888-205-8388 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2021 2022
–0.25 New Zealand dollar .6785 1.4738 0.8 Kuwait dinar 3.3071 .3024 –0.1
Colorado Federal Savings Bank 1.07% month(s) years
FMAM J J A S ON D J Pakistan rupee .00567 176.295 0.1 Oman sul rial 2.5974 .3850 ...
Greenwood Village, CO 877-484-2372 maturity Philippines peso .0194 51.471 0.9 Qatar rial .2747 3.641 –0.04
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Singapore dollar .7420 1.3477 –0.1 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7515 –0.1
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Korea won .0008416 1188.21 –0.1 South Africa rand .0652 15.3359 –3.8
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0049298 202.85 –0.03
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 0.00 l 0.25 -2.25 Taiwan dollar .03618 27.638 –0.3
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Thailand baht .03038 32.920 –0.9 WSJ Dollar Index 89.43 –0.17–0.19 –0.13
Prime rate* 3.25 3.25 3.25 l 3.25 -2.25 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
Libor, 3-month 0.26 0.24 0.11 l 0.26 -2.51 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2347.330 1.560 1.450 1.590 0.620 –3.433 3.486
Money market, annual yield 0.07 0.07 0.07 l 0.10 -0.52
Five-year CD, annual yield 0.43 0.42 0.41 l 0.48 -1.64 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 4271.090 2.180 2.110 2.400 1.660 –6.186 7.393 Commodities
30-year mortgage, fixed† 3.58 3.54 2.83 l 3.58 -0.93 Aggregate, Bloomberg 2203.630 2.120 1.980 2.130 1.150 –3.058 4.027 Wednesday 52-Week YTD
Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 2.93 2.84 2.28 l 2.93 -0.95 Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 2166.400 2.390 2.220 2.390 1.180 –2.796 2.416
Jumbo mortgages, $647,200-plus† 3.60 3.57 2.85 l 3.60 -1.03 DJ Commodity 1003.88 13.46 1.36 1003.88 750.18 31.69 6.09
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3432.868 4.192 3.991 4.587 3.162 2.695 5.640 Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 249.93 2.87 1.16 249.93 172.85 42.70 7.56
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 2.84 2.82 2.82 l 3.43 -1.49
Muni Master, ICE BofA 595.362 1.163 1.092 1.163 0.687 –0.127 3.891 Crude oil, $ per barrel 86.96 1.53 1.79 86.96 52.20 63.34 15.62
New-car loan, 48-month 3.51 3.51 3.41 l 4.12 -1.14 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 889.873 5.382 5.199 5.423 4.429 –3.309 3.961 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 4.031 -0.252 -5.88 6.312 2.446 58.76 8.07
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services
Gold, $ per troy oz. 1843.10 30.80 1.70 1907.50 1677.70 -1.22 0.85
Metal & Petroleum Futures May 600.00 614.50 s 600.00 611.00 11.00 289,393 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 35.25 35.60 35.25 35.60 .45 1,656 Feb .7996 .8031 s .7984 .8007 .0011 322
Contract Open
March 648.00 666.25 644.75 655.50 8.75 2,497 May 35.85 36.10 35.85 36.10 .35 2,264 March .7993 .8032 s .7982 .8006 .0011 134,523
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest
May 618.25 632.00 618.25 624.50 6.75 482 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 121.09 124.78 s 120.91 123.95 2.87 107,914 Feb 1.3594 1.3647 1.3588 1.3625 .0029 1,204
Jan 4.4760 4.4760 4.4760 4.4625 0.0865 1,759
March 1363.50 1392.50 1363.50 1391.25 30.00 285,847 May 117.73 121.11 s 117.62 120.45 2.74 59,111 March 1.3593 1.3645 1.3584 1.3622 .0029 178,688
March 4.4035 4.4885 4.3920 4.4700 0.0875 115,863
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. May 1372.75 1401.75 1372.75 1400.75 29.75 127,644 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
Jan 1817.40 1838.50 s 1817.40 1843.10 30.80 1,738
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. March 150.00 156.20 150.00 155.40 5.20 9,712 March 1.0919 1.0951 1.0912 1.0942 .0022 39,703
March 391.90 400.10 391.10 398.30 8.20 178,592 May 143.70 147.20 s 143.70 146.55 3.20 1,738 June 1.0972 1.0983 1.0951 1.0977 .0022 123
Feb 1812.90 1843.90 s 1809.00 1843.20 30.80 185,969
May 390.50 397.80 389.70 395.90 7.20 105,791 Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
March 1814.00 1845.10 s 1811.20 1844.70 30.60 2,317
April 1816.40 1846.10 s 1811.60 1845.50 30.60 258,552 Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Interest Rate Futures Feb .7187 .7239 .7178 .7226 .0040 224
June 1818.70 1848.20 s 1815.10 1847.80 30.60 48,438 March 59.08 60.87 s 59.08 60.76 1.68 142,582 March .7186 .7240 .7178 .7226 .0040 180,313
May 59.08 60.88 s 59.08 60.75 1.67 84,156 Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
Aug 1821.50 1850.40 s 1818.00 1850.10 30.60 18,077
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. March 185-260 187-250 184-300 187-230 1-22.0 1,274,407
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Feb .04884 .04894 .04856 .04867 –.00012 107
March 14.51 14.67 14.44 14.66 .14 6,825 June 188-220 1-26.0 51
Jan 2004.40 103.80 2 March .04854 .04873 .04827 .04842 –.00012 151,644
March 1904.50 2042.50 s 1878.00 2008.40 103.80 9,110 May 14.71 14.86 14.67 14.85 .14 260 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 153-210 154-190 153-070 154-180 28.0 1,217,724
Feb 1.1332 1.1363 1.1326 1.1358 .0025 3,846
Jan 1027.10 1027.70 s 1026.80 1028.20 48.90 22 March 772.00 797.25 s 769.50 796.50 27.50 174,163 June 156-060 29.0 1,632
March 1.1342 1.1370 1.1332 1.1364 .0025 679,643
April 979.00 1035.50 s 970.10 1028.40 48.90 53,731 July 764.75 788.25 s 759.75 787.25 27.75 75,309 Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 127-095 127-235 127-020 127-215 9.5 3,883,699
127-045 127-180 126-285 127-155 9.5 6,338
Index Futures
Jan 24.226 0.739 522 March 775.00 800.50 775.00 800.00 27.25 96,881 June
March 23.505 24.265 s 23.430 24.231 0.739 115,268 July 780.00 806.25 780.00 805.50 28.50 45,626 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March 118-305 119-077 118-252 119-065 6.0 3,826,114 March 35301 t 34883
35430 34910 –349 94,286
Feb 86.61 87.92 s 85.77 86.96 1.53 69,245 Jan 161.150 161.975 160.825 161.400 –.050 2,451 June 118-197 –.7 1 June 35220 t 34802
35334 34821 –351 415
March 85.89 86.79 s 84.99 85.80 0.97 407,498 March 164.850 166.925 164.650 165.625 .200 20,699 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
April 84.85 85.62 s 83.98 84.79 0.93 201,334 Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March 108-152 108-181 108-133 108-168 1.4 2,107,849 March 4577.75 4603.00 t 4517.25 4524.25 –47.00 2,249,608
June 82.86 83.49 s 82.05 82.82 0.82 187,691 Feb 138.150 139.150 137.850 138.550 .875 54,820 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. June 4571.25 4595.25 t 4510.75 4516.75 –47.00 51,870
Dec 77.64 78.14 s 76.88 77.57 0.54 222,680 April 142.200 143.775 142.000 143.350 1.500 131,297 Jan 99.9200 99.9200 99.9175 99.9175 146,631 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Dec'23 70.59 70.98 s 69.94 70.48 0.31 114,839 Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. April 99.6500 99.6600 t 99.6350 99.6450 –.0050 243,166 March 2721.80 2735.60 t 2676.00 2679.40 –36.50 44,042
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Feb 81.575 82.550 81.200 82.300 .700 32,713 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% June … 2689.40 –36.50 n.a.
Feb 2.7101 2.7271 s 2.6650 2.6923 .0183 68,187 April 89.325 91.400 s 89.025 91.350 2.075 88,387 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
March 98-085 14.0 76,699
March 2.6534 2.6662 s 2.6105 2.6364 .0164 94,460 Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. March 15238.75 15372.00 t 15011.25 15033.50 –172.50 234,099
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100%
March 1295.30 1311.50 1233.70 1233.70 –45.00 1,993 Feb 99.6475 99.6650 t 99.6400 99.6550 .0100 186,534 June 15240.75 15369.25 t 15007.50 15032.50 –172.75 1,655
Feb 2.4592 2.4786 s 2.4318 2.4570 .0252 68,830 May 1214.80 1214.80 1132.20 1132.20 –45.00 373 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
March 2.4667 2.4835 s 2.4379 2.4615 .0228 103,978 June 99.1800 99.2400 t 99.1750 99.2150 .0300 1,026,589
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. March 2095.90 2108.40 t 2054.20 2059.20 –32.90 467,331
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Dec 98.6350 98.7050 t 98.6100 98.6850 .0350 1,249,578
Jan 20.21 20.26 20.21 20.23 … 4,137 Dec'23 97.9800 98.0500 t 97.9450 98.0400 .0400 1,133,841
Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Feb 4.327 4.385 4.010 4.031 –.252 55,088 March 2536.00 2543.00 t 2498.30 2498.70 –28.00 16,127
Feb 21.62 21.85 21.25 21.31 –.31 5,016
March 4.071 4.119 3.834 3.845 –.203 284,250
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
April 4.003 4.044 3.815 3.826 –.157 85,162
March 2,624 2,680 2,607 2,657 26 86,303
Currency Futures March 95.72 95.78 95.47 95.50 –.22 52,077
May 4.049 4.066 3.854 3.865 –.143 112,977
July 4.150 4.162 3.963 3.977 –.136 62,033
May 2,675 2,722 2,656 2,702 23 53,969 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ June 95.69 95.72 95.43 95.44 –.22 1,121
Oct 4.184 4.184 3.990 4.004 –.128 84,259
Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. Feb .8727 .8758 .8714 .8755 .0028 797
March 238.40 245.00 s 238.35 244.45 4.85 110,150 March .8731 .8760 .8716 .8757 .0029 199,579 Source: FactSet
May 238.40 245.00 s 238.25 244.45 4.95 56,735
Agriculture Futures Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 18.75 19.15 s 18.70 19.07 .41 325,598
March 600.00 614.50 s 600.00 610.50 11.00 627,596 May 18.50 18.83 s 18.45 18.78 .36 163,685 Bonds |
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Cash Prices | Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace— highs and lows for different types of bonds
Total Total
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
months. close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Broad Market Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 130.2 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 8.1400
Energy 2166.40 -1.8 Mortgage-Backed 2.390 1.180 2.390
Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m n.a. Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 8.2150 2203.63 -2.2 U.S. Aggregate 2.120 1.150 2.130
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 86.550 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 1400 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 10.7250 U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 2109.96 -1.6 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 2.460 0.990 2.460
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 28.050 Battery/EV metals
Food 3322.43 -2.9 U.S. Corporate 2.690 1.830 2.720 1280.02 -1.8 Fannie mae (FNMA) 2.370 1.230 2.370
Metals BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,k 47500
BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,k 38850 Beef,carcass equiv. index 3030.21 -1.6 Intermediate 2.220 1.150 2.240 1963.69 -1.9 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 2.380 1.210 2.380
Gold, per troy oz BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,m 15151 -1.1
choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 239.74 4884.08 -4.8 Long term 3.450 2.900 3.580 595.36 Muni Master 1.163 0.687 1.163
Engelhard industrial 1824.00 BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 5417 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 228.84
Handy & Harman base 1826.95 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 650 666.99 -3.1 Double-A-rated 2.370 1.510 2.390 419.86 -1.3 7-12 year 1.198 0.687 1.198
Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.3421
Handy & Harman fabricated 2027.92 Fibers and Textiles Butter,AA Chicago 2.8825 891.31 -2.9 Triple-B-rated 2.920 2.070 2.940 485.36 -1.3 12-22 year 1.443 1.000 1.524
LBMA Gold Price AM *1810.80 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 190.50
LBMA Gold Price PM *1817.25 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.8225 High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 477.78 -1.6 22-plus year 1.958 1.443 2.125
Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 184.50
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 1917.45 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 1.2370 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 185.00 516.09 -1.1 High Yield Constrained 4.691 3.796 4.834 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
Maple Leaf-e 1935.89 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *133.10 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 2.3653 502.12 -0.3 Triple-C-rated 8.059 6.304 8.242 590.91 -1.5 Global Government 1.170 0.610 1.180
American Eagle-e 1935.89 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u 38.000 Coffee,Colombian, NY 2.9692
Mexican peso-e 2230.95 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. 3432.87 -1.2 High Yield 100 4.192 3.162 4.587 817.87 -2.5 Canada 1.870 0.950 1.890
Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 1.1050
Austria crown-e 1810.19 Grains and Feeds Flour,hard winter KC 23.00 454.28 -1.3 Global High Yield Constrained 4.953 3.968 5.138 402.08 -0.9 EMU§ 0.605 0.095 0.605
Austria phil-e 1935.89 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 0.47
Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. 347.78 -0.4 Europe High Yield Constrained 3.005 2.304 3.161 753.40 -0.9 France 0.480 -0.080 0.480
Silver, troy oz. Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 76.66
Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 168 U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 531.70 -1.0 Germany -0.030 -0.450 -0.010
Engelhard industrial 23.8000 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a.
Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 5.9700
Handy & Harman base 24.1150 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 0.9664 1818.52 -1.2 U.S Agency 1.460 0.500 1.480 293.56 -0.3 Japan 0.380 0.260 0.420
Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 192.3
Handy & Harman fabricated 30.1440 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u 137.00
Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 617.9 1589.81 -1.0 10-20 years 1.370 0.380 1.390 588.66 -1.2 Netherlands 0.150 -0.370 0.150
LBMA spot price *£16.8500 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 179.00
Cottonseed meal-u,w 315
(U.S.$ equivalent) *22.9150
Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 165
4055.34 -3.6 20-plus years 2.460 1.670 2.490 1003.75 -3.3 U.K. 1.300 0.620 1.340
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 19816 Fats and Oils
Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 230 2826.38 -2.3 Yankee 2.360 1.440 2.380 889.87 -3.2 Emerging Markets ** 5.382 4.429 5.423
Other metals Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 7.0950 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w 57.8600
*Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
LBMA Platinum Price PM *982.0 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 27.75 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.6300
** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 1017.0 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a. Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 1982.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 407.60 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.6808
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *3006.0 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 13.6400 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.7000 Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Copper,Comex spot 4.4625 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 11.3975 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark Mineral Intelligence; Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
W=weekly; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 1/18 Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
Source: Dow Jones Market Data
0.750 U.S. 2 1.022 t l 1.038 0.640 0.131
1.375 10 1.826 t l 1.866 1.401 1.092
2.750 Australia 2 0.876 s 0.840 0.274 0.048
Exchange-Traded Portfolios | 1.000 10 1.991 s
l 1.943 1.597 1.067
Closing Chg YTD
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) 0.000 France 2 -0.645 t l -0.631 -0.672 -0.601 -166.3 -167.8 -74.2
SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 350.35 –0.99 –3.6 0.000 10 0.380 s l 0.368 -0.022 -0.305 -145.2 -150.8 -139.9
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Closing Chg YTD
Closing Chg YTD ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 489.25 –1.34 –5.5 0.000 Germany 2 -0.578 t l -0.567 -0.719 -0.705 -159.6 -161.3 -84.6
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SPDR S&P 500 SPY 451.75 –1.04 –4.9
iShMSCI EAFE EFA 77.77 –0.09 –1.2 0.000 10 -0.009 s l -0.017 -0.378 -0.524 -184.1 -189.3 -161.9
SPDR S&P Div SDY 128.16 –0.74 –0.7
ARKInnovationETF ARKK 75.75 –1.51 –19.9 iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 70.77 –0.17 –3.2
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 189.32 –1.80 –7.4 iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 49.43 0.43 1.2 TechSelectSector XLK 159.52 –1.40 –8.3 0.000 Italy 2 -0.075 s l -0.077 -0.250 -0.340 -109.3 -112.3 -48.1
VangdInfoTech VGT 416.52 –1.39 –9.1
DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 27.66 –1.07 –4.5 iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 52.67 –0.25 4.5 0.950 10 1.346 s l 1.324 0.912 0.588 -48.6 -55.3 -50.7
iShNatlMuniBd 114.93 0.10 –1.2 VangdSC Val VBR 174.61 –1.49 –2.4
EnSelectSectorSPDR XLE 64.30 –0.73 15.9 MUB
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 39.25 –1.68 0.5 iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 53.36 ... –1.0 VangdExtMkt VXF 166.17 –1.14 –9.1 0.005 Japan 2 -0.079 t l -0.067 -0.110 -0.127 -109.7 -111.4 -26.8
GSActiveBetaUSLC GSLC 89.82 –0.92 –5.6 iShPfd&Incm PFF 38.30 –0.05 –2.9 VangdSC Grwth VBK 247.12 –1.05 –12.3 0.100 10 0.137 t l 0.152 0.050 0.047 -169.5 -172.5 -104.8
HealthCareSelSect XLV 131.65 –0.41 –6.6 iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 278.59 –1.08 –8.8 VangdDivApp VIG 163.22 –0.62 –5.0
VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 50.47 –0.02 –1.2 0.000 Spain 2 -0.543 s l -0.547 -0.604 -0.511 -156.1 -159.4 -65.2
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 103.46 –1.12 –2.2 iShRussell1000 IWB 250.44 –0.96 –5.3
InvscQQQI QQQ 366.48 –1.10 –7.9 iShRussell1000Val IWD 165.59 –0.88 –1.4 VangdFTSE EM VWO 50.14 0.40 1.4 0.500 10 0.693 s l 0.670 0.350 0.068 -113.9 -120.6 -102.7
InvscS&P500EW 157.36 –1.04 –3.3 iShRussell2000 IWM 204.45 –1.63 –8.1 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 67.50 0.28 –1.1
VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 61.15 0.08 –0.2
0.125 U.K. 2 0.910 s l 0.869 0.509 -0.121 -10.8 -17.8 -26.2
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 53.98 –0.86 –2.9 iShRussell2000Val IWN 159.93 –1.61 –3.7
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 73.53 –0.16 –1.5 iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 77.60 –1.10 –6.5 VangdGrowth VUG 291.19 –0.94 –9.3 4.750 10 1.258 s l 1.224 0.761 0.291 -57.3 -65.3 -80.4
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 60.43 0.47 1.0 iShRussellMCValue IWS 118.57 –1.20 –3.1 VangdHlthCr VHT 245.42 –0.43 –7.9
Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 70.47 0.04 –0.7 iShS&P500Growth IVW 76.65 –1.22 –8.4 VangdHiDiv VYM 112.20 –0.81 0.1
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 453.76 –1.03 –4.9 iShS&P500Value IVE 155.20 –0.86 –0.9 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 90.51 0.12 –2.4 Corporate Debt
VangdLC VV 208.60 –1.00 –5.6
iShCoreS&P MC IJH 267.58 –1.38 –5.5 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 125.05 –0.21 –3.2 Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 108.60 –1.76 –5.2 iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 85.08 0.05 –0.5 VangdMC VO 236.34 –1.10 –7.2
VangdMC Val VOE 147.91 –1.42 –1.6
iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 101.09 –1.06 –5.5 iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 112.00 0.24 –2.6
iShCoreTotalUSDBd IUSB 51.80 0.23 –2.1 iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 141.07 0.69 –4.8 VangdMBS VMBS 52.01 0.48 –1.6 Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 111.73 0.22 –2.1 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 100.67 –0.75 –12.6 VangdRealEst VNQ 106.86 –1.35 –7.9 Spread*, in basis points
25.92 0.35 –2.8 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 415.33 –1.05 –4.9 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
iShSelectDividend DVY 125.05 –1.06 2.0 iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT
101.83 –5.6 50.45 0.02 –0.1 VangdST Bond BSV 80.12 0.06 –0.9 –10
iShESGAwareUSA ESGU –1.09 JPM UltShtIncm JPST Georgia–Pacific … 0.625 1.51 May 15, ’24 48 44
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 76.69 –0.12 –5.2 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 64.37 –3.48 –22.6 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 80.47 ... –1.0
Citigroup C 4.450 2.63 Sept. 29, ’27 102 –7 107
iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM 165.77 –1.14 –8.8 SPDR Gold GLD 172.08 1.59 0.7 VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 50.93 –0.06 –0.9
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 135.18 –0.92 –7.1 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 66.39 –1.13 –8.4 VangdSC VB 211.27 –1.40 –6.5 Ovintiv OVV 6.625 4.17 Aug. 15, ’37 233 –7 241
iShEdgeMSCIUSAVal VLUE 110.36 –2.06 0.8 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 38.54 –0.08 –0.8 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 54.26 ... –1.2 Macquarie Bank MQGAU 3.900 2.06 Jan. 15, ’26 44 –6 n.a.
iShGoldTr IAU 35.05 1.59 0.7 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 106.78 –1.03 –5.5 VangdTotalBd BND 82.99 0.24 –2.1
128.13 –3.3 79.83 –1.15 –1.2 VangdTotIntlBd 54.50 ... –1.2 Toyota Motor Credit TOYOTA 1.450 1.53 Jan. 13, ’25 20 –6 28
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 0.16 SchwabUS Div SCHD BNDX
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 85.59 –0.09 –1.6 SchwabUS LC SCHX 107.76 –1.04 –5.3 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 63.18 0.08 –0.6 CSX CSX 6.800 2.64 Dec. 1, ’28 102 –5 108
iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 104.66 0.67 –4.0 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 148.79 –0.85 –9.1 VangdTotalStk VTI 228.03 –1.05 –5.6 Comcast CMCSA 4.250 2.82 Jan. 15, ’33 97 –4 n.a.
iShMBSETF MBB 105.63 0.33 –1.7 SchwabUS SC SCHA 94.88 –1.55 –7.3 VangdTotlWrld VT 103.71 –0.57 –3.5
Cenovus Energy CVECN 6.750 4.21 Nov. 15, ’39 197 –4 198
iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 102.04 –0.60 –3.5 Schwab US TIPs SCHP 60.92 –0.16 –3.1 VangdValue VTV 146.48 –0.88 –0.4
From Fee
Correction 14500
Nasdaq Composite
Continued from page B1 14000 BY JUSTIN BAER
est level since January 2020. Dec. 2021 Jan. ’22
Yields on interest rate-sensitive State Street Corp. said
Nasdaq Composite’s performance
$25 billion
Net income
For much of the last two
years, banks have struggled to
expand their loan books. Con-
from a year earlier. The unit’s vestment-banking revenue and totaled $22.06 billion, up 10% sumers and businesses awash in
Continued from page B1 net interest income, a mea- recovering appetite for bor- from a year ago. That missed cash had little need for lending.
Deal making remains a sure of its lending profitabil- rowing from businesses and the $22.18 billion expected by 20 Those reserves have started to
bright spot. Morgan Stanley’s ity, grew 16%. That growth consumers. analysts. dwindle, and banks report in-
investment banking revenue could continue in the year The second-largest U.S. bank Bank of America and its creased demand from busi-
rose 6% in the fourth quarter. ahead, as the Federal Reserve earned $7.01 billion, up from peers are paying the tab for 15 nesses and individual custom-
Goldman, JPMorgan and Citi- has signaled that several in- $5.47 billion a year earlier. Per- their pandemic deal-making ers. At Bank of America,
group also reported gains in
investment banking.
terest-rate increases are likely
in 2022.
share earnings of 82 cents
topped the 77 cents that ana-
spree, when they hired new em-
ployees and paid more to keep 10
s28% commercial loans grew by 9%
from a year ago, while con-
The year is off to a good The number of retail-trad- lysts polled by FactSet had ex- their current ones. Bank of sumer loans edged up 2%.
start, with a healthy pipeline ing clients at Morgan Stanley pected. America’s 2021 compensation Noninterest income, which
for new deals, Morgan Stanley was 7.4 million, in line with Higher interest income and expenses rose 10% from a year 5
includes fees, rose 8% from a
Chief Financial Officer Sharon the third quarter total. The record investment-banking reve- earlier to $36.14 billion. year earlier to $10.65 billion.
Yeshaya said on a conference nue pushed Bank of America to Chief Executive Officer Brian The bank last week said it
call with analysts. “That said, higher earnings. The bank also Moynihan said in December that would lower overdraft fees to
a lot will depend on monetary
and fiscal policy and its im-
Morgan Stanley’s reported an earnings slowdown
a year ago, making this year’s
the bank’s expenses would in-
crease by a few hundred million 4Q 1Q 2Q 2Q 4Q
$10 from $35. Overdraft fees de-
livered about 1.3% of Bank of
2020 ’21
pact on sentiment,” she investment banking comparisons easier. dollars in the final three months America’s revenue in 2020.
Stock and bond trading rev-
revenue rose 6% in Outstanding loans and leases
totaled $979.12 billion in the
of the year.
The bank said Wednesday
Source: the company The bank released $851 mil-
lion it had set aside to cover
enue fell 6% in the fourth the fourth quarter. fourth quarter, up 6% from both that its noninterest expenses in Bank of America has a large pandemic loan losses. Big re-
quarter. Trading revenue also the third quarter and a year ear- 2022 would remain roughly the base of U.S. deposits, making it serve releases padded profit in
fell at Goldman, JPMorgan lier. same as in 2021. particularly sensitive to changes 2021, though Bank of America
and Citigroup. “We feel good about loan “What’s going to come out in U.S. interest rates. The Fed- and its peers are nearing the
Full-year compensation ex- average daily number of retail growth, better than we would in [of expenses] over time is some eral Reserve signaled this end of that cycle.
penses at Morgan Stanley rose trades the company handled a normal year,” Alastair Borth- of the stubborn Covid costs,” month that it could raise rates Investment-banking fees in-
18% to $24.6 billion. Banks in- for the quarter topped one wick, Bank of America’s finance Mr. Borthwick said. “It costs as soon as March. creased 25% from a year earlier
creased salaries for junior million but was down 6% from chief, said on a call with report- more to run our financial cen- Expectations for higher inter- to $2.38 billion. Adjusted trad-
bankers across Wall Street in a year ago. ers. ters right now just with the est rates put banks in a good ing revenue was $2.93 billion,
2021, and firms are also pay- Investment management Bank of America shares pandemic environment.” position to make more from down 4% from a year earlier.
ing up to keep senior execu- revenue rose 59% from a year closed less than 1% higher. Fourth-quarter net interest lending. When rates are higher, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citi-
tives. earlier. That rate was boosted Other large banks saw their income, which includes money banks can charge more on loans. group Inc. and Goldman Sachs
“We feel good that we’ve by Morgan Stanley’s acquisi- profits decline in the fourth the bank makes on loans, rose A surplus of deposits at retail Group Inc. also reported gains
paid for performance,” Ms. Ye- tion of Eaton Vance, which quarter. Some of the business 11% from a year earlier to $11.41 banks means lenders can take in investment banking but de-
shaya said in an interview. closed last March. lines that powered banks over billion. their time increasing the clines in trading revenue.