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Dry Cooling System

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’s La
L arg
rgeest Power Plant
Plant Dry
Dry Cooling
Cooli ng Syst
Jess ica
a Shi
Shi,, Ph.D.

Sr. Project Manager

Technical Lead of Water Use and Availability
Technology Innovation Program

EPRI Brown Bag Lunch Seminar

Palo Alto, CA
Sep. 3, 2013
• Overview
 –  Water Use and Availability Technology Innovation Program
 –  Power Plant Cooling
 –  South Africa and Eskom

• Dry Cooling at Four Eskom’s Power Stations in

South Africa

• EPRI-NSF Collaboration

• Conclusion
• Overview
 –  Water Use and Availability Technology Innovation Program
 –  Power Plant Cooling
 –  South Africa and Eskom

• Dry Cooling at Four Eskom’s Power Stations in

South Africa

• EPRI-NSF Collaboration

• Conclusion
tryy Specific
Specif ic Needs
ds:: Str
traategic Water Manage
U.S. Freshw ater Wit hdrawal (2005)
• Thermal-e
ic power
power plants
withdraw 40% and consume 3%
of US fresh water.
• 90% of pow
er plant
plant wate
demand is due to cooling

U.S. Freshwater Consumpt ion (1995)

   h 600
   W Fuel processing
  a 500
  g CT injection
  u Inlet air
air cooli ng
  r 400
  a  Ash han dl in g

200 Boiler make-up



Nu c l ear Co al Oi l Ga
Gas Si m p l e Comb. IGCC So l ar So la
lar PV Wi nd
nd Bi of
ofu el
CT Cycle thermal
Source: EPRI Report, “Water Use for Electric Power generation”, No. 1014026, 2008 Source: United States Geological Survey
Water Use and
and Availabili
Availabi lity
ty Techn
vation Pro
am Overv
Overview iew and
and Objective
Objecti ve
• Initiated
Initiated in early
early 2011
• Collected
Collected 168 proposals/w
papers from 3 solicitations
 Feb., 2011
 June, 2012
 May, 2013 (jointly
2013 (jointly with NSF).
• Fund
Fundeded 12 proj
Seek and develop “out of the box”, game changing, early
stage, and high risk cooling and water treatment ideas and
technologies with high potential for water consumption
What Cool
ing Syst
em Options
Opti ons are Cur
yed in the Ind
ater Cooling
Cooli ng Coolin g 1
Dry Coolin Cooli ng 1
Hybrid Cooli
Cooling Tower 1(42% in US)2 Direct Dry
Dry Cooli ng:
 Air Cooled Condenser
(1%Usage in US) 2

Once Through Coolin g1

(43% in US) 2

Dry Coolin g  3 :
Indirect Dry

Increasing demand
demand for d ry coo ling
in w ater scarcity
scarcity regions.

Cooling Pond
(14% in US)2
1. EPRI Report, “Water Use for Electric Power generation”, No. 1014026, 2008.
2. Report of Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, “Estimating Freshwater Needs to Meet Future
Thermoelectric Generation Requirements”, DOE/NETL-400/2008/1339, 2008
3. http://www.globalccsinstitute.com/publications/ev
 Air Cooled Condenser Pros/Cons
Pros: 1% Usage in US
• Dry system
 Zero water consumption and
water supply needed
• Up to 10% less power production
on hot days due to higher steam
condensation temperature
compared to CT and OTC
Click Here for
systems  Animation
• Up to five times more expensive
than cooling tower systems Source:
• Noise, wind effect, and freezing Dry Cooling

in cold days
Challenge: Reduce steam condensatio n temperature >> more pow er product ion

• Overview
 –  Water Use and Availability Technology Innovation Program
 –  Power Plant Cooling
 –  South Africa and Eskom

• Dry Cooling Condensers at Four Eskom’s Power

Stations in South Africa

• EPRI-NSF Collaboration

• Conclusion
Where is South Africa?

Medium-Sized Country:
More than1.221 Mkm 2
 –  2 X of France
(0.675 Mkm2)
 –  2 X of Texas (0.696

Source: Ken Galt, “Reduction of Water Consumption and Increased Water Recycle
and Re0Use to Comply with Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge in Eskom”, Presentation
at EPRI Conference – Water Management Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, March,
South Africa Population Density

Population: 50.8 M
Johannesburg (1.221 Mkm2)
 –  France:85.4 M
(0.675 Mkm2)
 –  Texas:25.7 M
(0.696 Mkm2)

Source: Ken Galt, “Reduction of Water Consumption and Increased Water Recycle
and Re0Use to Comply with Zero Li quid Effluent Discharge in Eskom”, Presentation
at EPRI Conference – Water Management Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, March,
South African Coalfields Locations

• World’s 5th largest
coal producer
• World’s 3rd largest
coal exporter 

Source: Ken Galt, “Reduction of Water Consumption and Increased Water Recycle
and Re0Use to Comply with Zero Li quid Effluent Discharge in Eskom”, Presentation
at EPRI Conference – Water Management Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, March,
Water Stressed South Africa
Eskom Introduction
• State-owned electricity supply utility
• Generation total capacity of 44.145 GW:
 –  95% of electricity used in South Africa
 –  45% of electricity used in Africa
• Generation Fleet:
 –  13 Coal Fired
 –  1 Nuclear
 –  4 Hydro & Pumped Storage
 –  4 Gas Turbines
Eskom Power Stations

Direct Dry Cooling

Indirect Dry Cooling

Source: Ken Galt, “Reduction of Water Consumption and Increased Water Recycle and Re0Use to Comply with Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge in Eskom”, Presentation at
EPRI Conference – Water Management Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, March, 2013.
 Air Cooled Condenser at Matimba Power Station
(6x 665 MWe = 4.11 GWe)
• The largest operating direct dry cooling system in the world
• Cooling system commissioned by GEA in1987

 Air Cooled Condenser

Top View of Air Cooled Condensers
at Matimba Power Station


1 Street

48 Streets
 Air Cooled Condensers at Matimba Power Station

Inside View

Steam Tubes
with Fins
Catwalk Between
 Air Cooled Condenser Fans at Matimba Power
Station – 6 fans/street
 Air Cooled Condensers at Medupi Power Station
(6 X 800 MWe = 4.8 GW )
• Medupi means ‘rain that soaks parched lands, giving economic relief’.
• Contract awarded for in May 2007 (Cooling by GEA)
• Unit 1 to be in operation by end of 2013 and the other units to be
commissioned at approximately 8-month intervals
Major Improvements at Medupi Power Station
- Based on L essons L earned fro m Matimb a
Matimba Medupi

Generation (MWe) 6 X 665 MWe 6 x 794 Mwe

Year Built/Awarded 1987 2007

Cooling Vender GEA GEA

Fan Bottom Height, m 45 54

Street Length, m 72 100

Length Across Steets/Unit, m 82 112

Steam Tube Length, m 9.4 10.4

Number of Streets/Unit 8 8

Number of Fans/Street 6 8

Number of Steam Tube Rows 2 2

Fan Diameter, m 9.144 10.36

Source: Email communication with Dr. Johannes P retorius

of Eskom with permission for unlimited public release
More Improvement at Medupi –
Wind Effects Minimization
• Extended spacing between the air cooled condensers and
turbine hall to minimize wind issue.

Matimba (26 years old) Medupi (under construction)

 Air Cooled
 Air Cooled Turbine Turbine
Condenser Hall Hall

Steam Duct
More improvements - Ease of Fan Maintenance

 Added screens below the fan

• Access & reachability for maintenance
on fans
• Plant & personnel safety – fatigue
failures on fans

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. A ll rights reserved. 21

Beam – Fan Platform Support Difference
Matimba (26 years old) Medupi (Under Construction)

• More columns per unit area

• No more angled metal frames
Unique Steam Duct Splitting Arrangement at
Medupi Power Station

Matimba (26 years old) Medupi

 Air Cooled Condensers at Kusile Power Station
(6 X 800 MWe = 4.8 GWe )
• Contract awarded in May 2008 (Cooling by SPX)
• Unit 1 in operation in 2014 and the other units to be commissioned at approximately
8-month intervals

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. A ll rights reserved. 24

 Air Cooled Condenser Modules at
Kusile Power Station


© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. A ll rights reserved. 25

Steam Pipe being Installed

20 Min.
Fan Casing being Installed
Fan Shape Comparison

Matimba (26 years old)



Matimba Medupi Kusile

Fan Diameter, m 9.144 10.36 10.36

Source: Email communication with Dr. Johannes Pretorius

of Eskom with permission for unlimited public release
Cooling System Comparison

Matimba Medupi Kusile

Generation (MWe) 6 X 665 MWe 6 x 794 MWe 6 x 798 MWe

Year Built/Awarded 1987 2007 2008 (approx.)

Cooling Vender GEA GEA SPX

Fan Bottom Height, m 45 54 60

Street Length, m 72 100 100.8

Length Across Steets/Unit, m 82 112 112

Steam Tube Length, m 9.4 10.4 11

Number of Streets/Unit 8 8 8

Number of Cells/Street 6 8 8

Number of Steam Tube Rows 2 2 3

Number of Blades/Fan 8 8 8 on perimeter fans, 9 on central fans

Source: Email communication with Dr. Johannes Pretorius of Eskom with permission for unlimited public release
Indirect Dry Cooling System at Kendal Power
Station (6 x 686 MWe)
6 Natural draft dry-cooling
towers (165 meter tall) Kendal

Cooling Type Indirect Dry Cooling

Generation (MWe) 6 X 686 MWe

Year Commissioned 1988
Cooling Tower
Height, m
Cooling Tower Base
Diameter, m
Heat Exchanger
Platform Height
19.7 to 27.3
Relative to the
How Does It Work? Ground Level, m
Vender SPX
Design Conditions
Number of Heat
Exchangers (HXs)
Number of Water
Number of Sectors 11
Number of Water
Tube Rows

Source: http://www.globalccsinstitute.com/publications/evaluation-and-analysis-water-usage-power-plants-co2-capture/online/101181
Pros and Cons of Indirect Dry Cooling

Compared to air cooled condensers (direct dry cooling):

• No fans
• Lower operational costs
• Lower maintenance costs
• Less wind effect
• Possible option for nuclear power plants

• Higher capital costs
• Higher life-cycle costs
Kendal Power Station (6 x 686 MWe)
• Currently largest dry-cooled power station worldwide  A – frame Air Cooler s.

Cooling Tower
Top View
More Air Cooler Views at Kendal Power Station
Bottom Views
Cooler Tubes with Fins
Eskom Dry-Cooling Initial Temperature Difference
(ITD) Variation with Ambient Temperature
Grootvlei 5&6 design
Matimba - Direct Dry Cooled
50 Majuba - Direct Dry Cooled
Kendal - Indirect Dry Cooled
Medupi - Direct Dry Cooled





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
 Amb ien t Temper atu re [ °C]

Source: J.P. Pretorius and A.F. Du Preez, “Eskom Cooling Technologies”, 14th IAHR Conference, 2009
• Overview
 –  Water Use and Availability Technology Innovation Program
 –  Power Plant Cooling
 –  South Africa and Eskom

• Dry Cooling at Four Eskom’s Power Stations in

South Africa

• EPRI-NSF Collaboration

• Conclusion
Sample Project of EPRI: Water Spray Enhanced Air Cooled
Condensers (Collaboration w ith University of Stellenbosch in S. Africa)
Dry/Wet Cooling Addition

Source: http://www.gea-

Key Potential Benefit

Up to 7% more power
production on the hottest
days than air cooled
Hybrid Dry-Wet condensers
Dephlegmator Concept
NSF-EPRI Collaboration
on Advancing Dry Cooling Technologies
• Funding Size
 –  $6 M Collaboration ($3 M comm itment from each of EPRI TI and NSF)
 –  $600 K to $2.1 M for a 3 year project
 –  5 to 10 projects
• Timing
 –  Solicitation released on May 22, 2013
 –  Informational Webcast on 7/24/13 (Slides, Recording) • Leveraged $3M from
 –  Many proposals collected as of August 19, 2013 NSF
 –  Award Notification in Dec., 2013
• Attracted top talents
• Funding Approach
 –  Coordinated but independent funding to power plant
 NSF awards grants. cooling innovation.
 EPRI contracts.
 –  Joint funding for most proposals
 –  Independent funding for a few proposals if needed
Concluding Remarks

• South Africa, with lots of coal and little water, has been the
technological leader in dry cooling for 30 to 40 years. The
US and other water starving countries may be headed
down the same road.
• EPRI’s team is benefited from Eskom’s knowledge about
dry cooling systems.
• Through EPRI’s Water Use and Availability Technology
Innovation Program, EPRI is pushing the envelope to
develop next generation of dry cooling technologies.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

- old English proverb
Thank you so much!

Together…Shaping the Future of Electricity

Opportunities for Power Plant Water Use Reduction

Innovation Prio riti es: Advancing c oolin g technologies, and applyi ng novel water
treatment and waste heat concepts t o im prove effici ency and reduce water use
Effect of Reducing Condensing Temperature on
Steam Turbine Rankine Cycle Efficiency

T-S Rankine Cyc le Di agram f or Steam

   ) 500
Coal-Fired Power Plant
   r 400 a
   r T-S Diagram for
   e 300
   p Pure Water
   T 200

2 Nuclear Power
1 4
0 2 4 6 8 10

Entropy (kJ/kgK)

Potential for 5% (1st  Order Estimate) more power production or $11M more annual
inc ome ($0.05/kWh) for a 500 MW power plant due to r educed steam co ndensation
temperature from 50 °C to 35 °C.
Once Through Cooling Pros/Cons

• Pros:
43% Usage in US
• Most cost effective
• Lowest steam condensate temp.

• Cons:
• Facing tightened EPA rules to
minimize once through cooling
(OTC) system entrance and
discharge disturbance to water
eco systems.
• Forced to or increasing pressure
to retrofit OTC systems to
cooling tower or dry cooling
systems (19 power plans already
affected by CA retrofitting
Cooling Tower Cooling System Pros/Cons
• Pros:
• Most effective cooling system due to 42% Usage in US
evaporative cooling-95% less water
withdrawal than once through
cooling systems
• Cons:
• Significant vapor loss and makeup
water needs
• Shut down in drought seasons
• Twice as expensive as once through
cooling systems
• Less power production on hot days
due to higher steam condensation
temperatures compared to once
through systems
• Water treatment cost
Challenges: Vapor Capture and Cooler Steam
Hybrid Cooling Pros/Cons

• Pros: 8 Installations in US

• Full power output 1 Installation in Argentina

even on hot days 8 in Parallel
due to full operation 1 in Series in US
of cooling tower
• Potential for more
than 50% less vapor
loss compared to
cooling tower

Challenge: • Cooling tower shut down in drought
Develop alternative more
•  As expensive as air cooled condensers
cost effective hybrid sys.
• Dual cooling components
 Air Cooled Condenser Dimensions and Air Flow Rate

Evapco ’s Steam
Fins Tube wi th Fins
 Air Flo w
1 – 1.5 M
per Fan

Vfin Vfin Vfin Vfin Vfin Vfin

Vtotal[m/s] 2–3
Vfin [m/s] 3.5 – 5
 AIR Heat Flux Heat Flux [W/m 2] 350-400
Sample Data1,2,3 for Air Cooled Condensers
 Ambient Air at 40°C and RH50%  A Street of ACC
 ACC Design Parameter s with 6 Fans/Cells
Cooling Capacity [MW]/Cell 10 – 22
Tube Bundles per cell 8 – 10
Tubes per bundle 40 – 57
Spacing between Tubes [mm] 57
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2K] 35 – 50
Fan Static Pressure [Pa] 120 – 190
Fan Power per cell [kW] 125 – 190
Fan Diameter [m] 9 – 10
Parameter  Air Side Steam Side
Hydraulic Diameter [mm] 19 – 20 Cost : $1.5 Million/ ACC cell
44 – 65
(Footprint size: 12x12 m2/ACC cell)
Flow Rate [kg/s] 540 – 750 5–9
Reynold’s Number 4000 – 6000 NA* Sources:

Temperature [°C] 40 60 – 85 1. Heyns, J, A, “Performance Characteristics Of An Air

2 Cooled Steam Condenser Incorporating A Hybrid
 Area [m ] 40,000 930 (Dry/Wet) Dephlegmator”, Thesis, 2008.
HTC [W/m2K] 45 – 50 15,000 - 18,000 2. Maulbetsch,J,S, “Water Conserving Cooling Systems
-  Air - Cooled Condensers”, DOE ARPA-E Workshop,
Pressure Drop [Pa] 75 – 100 125 – 250 Presentation, 2012.
* Dependent on flow rate, steam condensation temperature and quality etc. 3. Evapco BLCT Dry Cooling
What do you do when it is hot?

Inlet air cooling with s prays

Testing at Crockett Co Gen pl ant
Current Cooling System Data Comparison
500 MW Coal Fired Steam Power Plant with Heat Load of 2500 Mbtu/hr and
Steam Flow Rate of 2.5 Mlb/hr.
System Cost Evaporative Loss Coolant Flow Rate
Cooling System Cost Ratio Relative to Wet Condensation
($MM) (kgal/MWh) (gpm)
Tem erature* °F
Wet Cooling Tower and
20. - 25. 1.00 0.5 - 0.7 116 100,000 - 250,000
Dry Direct 60 - 100 2.5 - 5 0.00 155 0
Once Through Cooling 10. - 15. 0.4 - .75 0.2 - 0.3 100 150,000 - 350,000
Hybrid 40 -75 2-4 0.1 - 0.5 116 50,000 - 150,000

* Steam Condensation Temperatures Based on T DB of 100° F and T WB of 78° F.

Steam Condenser Tower/ACC

Cooling Heat Transfer Tube Dia. # of Tube Cost No. of Cell Dimensions Tower/ACC Cost
2 2
System Area (ft ) (in) Tubes Length (ft) (MM$) Cells (ft x ft) Footprint (ft ) (MM$)
Wet Cooling
175,000 - 17,000 -
Tower and 1.125 - 1.25 30 - 40 1. - 2.5 15 - 20 48 x 48 to 60 x 60 50,000 - 80,000 7. - 10.
350,000 35,000
Dry Direct n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 40 - 72 40 x 40 64,000 - 120,000 60. - 100.
Once Through 175,000 - 17,000 -
1.125 - 1.25 30 - 40 1. - 2.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Cooling 350,000 35,000
10,000 - 4 - 10/ 48 x 48 to 60 x 60/ 10,000 - 36,000/
Hybrid 50,000 - 350,000 1.125 - 1.25 30 - 40 0.4 - 2.5 30. - 80.
350,000 15- 30 40 x 40 24,000 - 48,000
Eskom’s Future Directions

• Two new supercritical coal fired stations: Medupi and Kusile

 –  Dry cooling
 –  Dry ashing
 –  FGD to be equipped in Medupi

• Nuclear generation expansion

 –  Increase current 2 x 970 MWe PWRs to 9600 MWe by 2030
 –  Cooled by once-through seawater cooling with desalination for
portable and demin.

• More nuclear and gas generation mix

• Renewables Initiation
 –  12% renewables (wind and concentrating solar) by 2030
 –  Little capacity for expansion of hydro and/or pumped storage
Eskom Power Station Cooling Technologies

Year  Power station Unit si ze [MW] Cooling technology

Komati 1-5 5 x 100
1962 onwards Komati 6-9 4 x 125 Wet-cooled
1967 Camden 8 x 200 Wet-cooled
1969 Grootvlei 1-4 4 x 200 Wet-cooled
1970 Hendrina 10 x 200 Wet-cooled
1971 Arnot 6 x 350 Wet-cooled
1971, 1977 Grootvlei 5-6 2 x 200 Indirect dry-cooled
1976 Kriel 6 x 500 Wet-cooled
1979 Matla 6 x 600 Wet-cooled
1980 Duvha 6 x 600 Wet-cooled
1981 Koeberg 2 x 965 Once-through (ocean)
1985 Lethabo 6 x 618 Wet-cooled
1985 Tutuka 6 x 609 Wet-cooled
1987 Matimba 6 x 665 Direct dry-cooled
1988 Kendal 6 x 686 Indirect dry-cooled
1991 Majuba 1-3 3 x 657 Direct dry-cooled
1998 Majuba 4-6 3 x 712 Wet-cooled
More improvements at Medupi - Ease of

Matimba Side Walk next to Air Cooled

Condenser Rooms
• No more steps onto
fan bridge

• Sliding door rather

than hinged doors

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