Brint Progress Test 5 JP
Brint Progress Test 5 JP
Brint Progress Test 5 JP
Working with words Later the same day, the person calls again.
Complete this conversation with the missing words.
Complete these sentences with words from the list.
Change the form of the word if necessary. A Hello, I called earlier about the post in customer
service and we arranged an interview for next
guarantee require assist provide serve monitor Thursday afternoon.
care satisfy expect B Oh yes. I remember.
A Well, I’m very sorry, but can we 18___________ it
1 Can you ___________ that the package will arrive forward to the morning?
within 24 hours? B Well, I’m quite busy on Thursday morning. I’d
2 The ___________ was rather slow at that new
___________ the Friday morning.
restaurant, but the food was good when it arrived. A That’s fine. 10 o’clock is 20___________ for me.
3 As part of your fitness check, we attach this B Fine. We’ll see you then …
machine to your chest and it allows us to
___________ your heart. Language at work
4 In a recent survey we found that callers’ levels of
___________ with the call centre were below Confirm a meeting with a customer by email. Write
average. each line of the email using the words below (two
5 With over 300 products in stock, we’re sure you’ll marks per sentence).
find something to meet your ___________ .
6 We not only want to meet the ___________ of our 21 write – confirm – our meeting – Friday 4th
customers, we also want to exceed them.
7 I asked the shop ___________ for help, but she was 22 we – meet – 10 a.m. – my office
very rude to me.
8 Our customer ___________ policy is there to 23 bus to our company – leave – from train station –
ensure your complete satisfaction. every fifteen minutes
9 What kind of after-sales support does your
company ___________ for its customers? 24 please note – our head of sales – also – join – us
Student A Student B
1 You need a venue for your company’s annual Sales 1 You manage a hotel in Dallas which often hosts
convention. Call a hotel in Dallas and find out about conventions for businesses. Answer a call.
location (distance to stations, airports) Hotel location: 30 minutes from airport, ten minutes
number of rooms from train station.
meeting rooms Number of rooms: 200.
relaxation facilities. Meeting rooms: one main room with 300 seat capacity,
twenty seminar rooms.
Arrange a meeting. You are busy on 26th May (p.m.) Relaxation facilities: pool, sauna, fitness gym, and
and 27th May. You are free on 28th May (p.m.) restaurant.
2 You manage a conference centre in Zurich. Answer a Arrange a meeting. You are free on 26th May (p.m.)
call. and 28th May. You are busy on 25th and 27th May.
Hotel location: twelve minutes from airport, fifteen
minutes from train station. 2 You are looking for a conference centre in
Centre facilities: main room has seating for 1,500, Switzerland. Call a centre in Zurich and find out about
twenty lecture rooms (50–200 per room), bars, two location (distance to stations, airports)
restaurants. size / rooms / refreshments
Audio-visual: projectors, audio, and flexible seating. audio-visual facilities.
Arrange a meeting. You are free on 3rd March (p.m.) Arrange a meeting. You are busy on 2nd March (p.m.).
and 5th March (a.m.). You are busy on 1st, 2nd (a.m.), You are free on 1st, 3rd (p.m.), 4th (a.m.), and 5th
and 4th March. March.
Student A Student B
Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this
(0 points) some mistakes very well (0 points) some mistakes very well
(1 point) (2 points) (1 point) (2 points)
make an make an
appointment? appointment?