Chapter: Human Reproduction Assignment 1: Male Reproductive System
Chapter: Human Reproduction Assignment 1: Male Reproductive System
Chapter: Human Reproduction Assignment 1: Male Reproductive System
2. Temperature of the scrotum which is necessary for the functioning of testis is always
around ___________ below body temperature.
(a) 2C (b) 4C
(c) 6C (d) 8C
6. Read the following statements about the given diagram carefully and state which of
them are correct?
8. Given below are the three statements each with two blanks. Select the option which
correctly fills up the blank in any two statements.
(A) Each seminiferous tubule is lined on its inside by two types of cells called _(i)_ and _(ii) .
(B) The seminiferous tubules open into the _(i)_ through _(ii) .
(C) The enlarged end of penis called the _(i) is covered by a loose fold of skin called the (ii) .
(a) (A) –(i) spermatogonia , (ii) follicular cells
(B) –(i) vas deferens, (ii) urethral meatus
(b) (B) –(i) vasa efferentia, (ii) rete testis
(C) – (i) glans penis, (ii) Foreskin
(c) (A) – (i) spermatogonia, (ii) Sertoli cells
(C)- (i) Urethral meatus (ii) scrotum
(d) (A) –(i) spermatocytes (ii) oogonia
(B)- (i) rete testis (ii) vasa efferentia
10. A sex gland which secretes fructose that provides energy to spermatozoa for swimming
and prostaglandins that stimulate uterine contractions to aid sperm-ovum interaction is
(a) Cowper’s gland
(b) Prostate gland
(c) Seminal vesicle
(d) preputial gland
13. Spot the odd one out from the following structures with reference to the male
reproductive system.
(a) Rete testis
(b) Epididymis
(c) Vasa efferentia
(d) Isthmus
14.Seminal plasma, the fluid part of semen, is contributed by
(i) seminal vesicle (ii) prostate
(iii) urethra (iv) bulbourethral gland
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iv)
1. B 11. B
2. A 12. C
3. C 13. D
4. C 14. B
5. B 15. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. C