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Aelfriccolloquy Translation

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Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 1

Ælfric (author of the Catholic Homilies) wrote the Colloquy on the Occupations as an aid to students
learning Latin. In the schoolroom, the students would presumably take the parts of various agricultural
workers, tradesmen, and so on, and this role-playing would lighten the drudgery of language study while the
students learned useful vocabulary. Ælfric wrote the Colloquy in Latin, but an anonymous teacher (probably
working at Canterbury) supplied this copy of the text with a nearly continuous interlinear gloss, and the
gloss, with its word-order changed from Latin to Old English, appears in Mitchell and Robinson's Guide to
Old English as an aid to modern students learning Old English.

The partial page above shows the beginning of the Colloquy (a section not found in the Guide). Here are the
Latin text, the Old English gloss, and a modern translation:

Nos pueri rogamus te, magister, ut doceas nos loqui latialiter recte, quia idiote sumus & corrupte
loquimur. Quid uultis loqui? Quid curamus quid loquamur, nisi recta locutio sit & utilis, non anilis aut
turpis. Uultis flagellari in discendo? Carius est nobis flagellari pro doctrina quam nescire. Sed scimus te
mansuetum esse et nolle inferre plagas nobis, nisi cogaris a nobis.

We cildra biddaþ þe, eala lareow, þæt þu tæce us sprecan [ . . . ] forþam ungelærede we syndon &
gewæmmodlice we sprecaþ. Hwæt wille ge sprecan? Hwæt rece we hwæt we sprecan, buton hit riht
spræc sy & behefe, næs idel oþþe fracod. Wille beswungen on leornunge? Leofre ys us beon
geswungen for lare þænne hit ne cunnan. Ac we witun þe bilewitne wesan & nellan onbelæden
swincgla us, buton þu bi togenydd fram us.

We children ask you, oh teacher, to teach us to speak Latin correctly, for we are unlearned and
we speak corruptly. What do you wish to talk about? What do we care what we talk about, as
long as the speech is correct and useful, not idle or base. Are you willing to be beaten while
learning? We would rather be beaten for the sake of learning than remain ignorant. But we
know you to be kind, and you do not wish to inflict a beating on us, unless we force you to it.

This text was edited by G.N. Garmonsway, Ælfric's Colloquy, Methuen's Old English Library (London, c. 1938).

From: http://www.engl.virginia.edu/OE/Tour/Manuscript.images/Colloquy.html
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 2

You can listen to the following text read at:


Ælfric's Colloquy
Illustrations by Maija Graham, inspired by various 11th c. Anglo-Saxon sources, including the Bayeux Tapestry
from: http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/eduweb/engl401/texts/frame.html

1 [The teacher:] Hwæt hæfst þu weorkes?

2 [Pupil A:] Ic eom geanwyrde monuc, ond sincge ælce dæg seofon tida mid gebroþrum,
ac þeahhwæþere ic wolde betwenan leornian sprecan on leden gereorde.
3 [The teacher:] Hwæt cunnon þas þine geferan?
4 [Pupil A:] Summe synt yrþlincgas, sume scephyrdas, sume oxanhyrdas, sume eac
swylce huntan, sume fisceras, sume fugleras, sume cypmenn, sume scewyrhtan,
sealteras, bæceras.
5 [The teacher:] Hwæt sægest þu, yrþlingc?
Hu begæst þu weorc þin?
6 [Pupil B:] Eala, leof hlaford, þearle ic deorfe. Ic ga ut on dægræd þywende oxan to
felda, ond iugie hie to syl; nys hit swa stearc winter þæt ic durre lutian æt ham for ege
hlafordes mines, ac geiukodan oxan, ond gefæstnodon sceare ond cultre mid þære syl,
ælce dæg ic sceal erian fulne æcer oþþe mare.
7 [The teacher:] Hæfst þu ænigne geferan?
8 [Pupil B:] Ic hæbbe sumne cnapan þywende oxan mid gadisene,
þe eac swilce nu has is for cylde ond hreame
9 [The teacher:] Hwæt mare dest þu?
10 [Pupil B:] Gewyslice mare ic do. Ic sceal fyllan binne oxena
mid hig, ond wæterian hie, ond scearn hira beran ut. Hig! Hig! [Possibly the teacher's
line:] Micel gedeorf ys hit!
11 [Pupil B:] Ge leof, micel gedeorf hit is, for þam ic neom freoh.
12 [The teacher:] Sceaphyrde, hæfst þu ænig gedeorf?
13 [Pupil C:] Gea, leof, ic hæbbe. On forewerdne morgen ic drife sceap mine to hira læse
ond stande ofer hie on hæte ond on cyle mid hundum, þy læs wulfas forswelgen hie,
ond ic agenlæde hie on hira loca, ond melke hie tweowa on dæg, ond hira loca ic
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 3
hæbbe, ond þærto ge cyse ge buteran ic do, ond ic eom getrywe hlaforde minum.
14 [The teacher:] Eala, oxanhyrde, hwæt wyrcst þu?
15 [Pupil D:] Eala, hlaford min, micel ic gedeorfe. Þænne se yrthlingc unscenþ þa oxan, ic
læde hie to læse, ond ealle niht ic stande ofer hie waciende for þeofum, ond eft on
ærnemergen ic betæce hie þæm yrþlincge wel gefylde ond gewæterode
16 [The teacher:] Is þæs of þinum geferum?
17 [Pupil A:] Gea, he is.
18 [The teacher:] Canst þu ænig þing?
19 [Pupil E:] Ænne cræft ic cann.
20 [The teacher:] Hwylcne?

21 [Pupil E:] Hunta ic eom.

22 [The teacher:] Hwæs?
23 [Pupil E:] Cincges.
24 [The teacher:] Hu begæst þu cræft þinne?
25 [Pupil E:] Ic brede me max ond sette hie on stowe gehæppre, ond getihte hundas mine
þæt wildeor hie ehton, oþþæt hie becuman to þæm nettum unforsceawodlice ond þæt
hie swa beon begrynodo, ond ic ofslea hie on þæm maxum.
26 [The teacher:] Ne canst þu huntian buton mid nettum?
27 [Pupil E:] Gea, butan nettum huntian ic mæg.
28 [The teacher:] Hu?
29 [Pupil E:] Mid swiftum hundum ic betæce wildeor.
30 [The teacher:] Hwilce wildeor swyþost gefehst þu?
31 [Pupil E:] Ic gefeo heortas ond baras ond rann ond rægan ond hwilon haran.
32 [The teacher:] Wære þu todæg on huntnoþe?
33 [Pupil E:] Ic næs, forþam sunnandæg is, ac gyrstandæg ic wæs on huntunge.
34 [The teacher:] Hwæt gelæhtest þu?
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 4
35 [Pupil E:] Twegen heortas ond ænne bar.
36 [The teacher:] Hu gefencge þu hie?
37 [Pupil E:] Heortas ic gefencge on nettum ond bar ic ofsloh.
38 [The teacher:] Hu wære þu dyrstig ofstikian bar?
39 [Pupil E:] Hundas bedrifon hine to me, ond ic þær togeanes standende færlice ofstikode
40 Ne sceal hunta forhtfull wesan, forþam mislice wildeor wuniaþ on wudum.
41 [The teacher:] Hwæt dest þu be þinre huntunge?
42 [Pupil E:] Ic sylle cyncge swa hwæt swa ic gefo, forþam ic eom hunta his.
43 [The teacher:] Hwæt sylþ he þe?
44 [Pupil E:] He scryt me wel ond fett ond hwilon sylþ me hors oþþe beah, þæt þe lustlicor
cræft minne ic begancge.
45 [The teacher:] Hwylcne cræft canst þu?
46 [Pupil F:] Ic eom fiscere.
47 [The teacher:] Hwæt begyst þu of þinum cræfte?
48 [Pupil F:] Bigleofan ond scrud ond feoh.
49 [The teacher:] Hu gefehst þu fixas?
50 [Pupil :] Ic astigie min scyp ond wyrpe max mine on ea, ond, ancgil ic wyrpe ond
spyrtan, ond, swa hwæt swa hig gehæftað ic genime.
51 [The teacher:] Hwæt gif hit unclæne beoþ fixas?
52 [Pupil F:] Ic utwyrpe þa unclænan ut, ond genime me clæne to mete.
53 [The teacher:] Hwær cypst þu fixas þine?
54 [Pupil F:] On ceastre.
55 [The teacher:] Hwa bigþ hi?
56 [Pupil F:] Ceasterwara. Ic ne mæg swa fela gefon swa ic mæg gesyllan.
57 [The teacher:] Hwilce fixas gefehst þu?
58 [Pupil F:] Ælas ond hacodas, mynas ond æleputan, sceotan ond lampredan, ond swa
wylce swa on wætere swymmaþ.
59 [The teacher:] Forhwi ne fixast þu on sæ?
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 5
60 [Pupil F:] Hwilum ic do, ac seldon, forþam micel rewyt me ys to sæ.
61 [The teacher:] Hwæt fehst þu on sæ?
62 [Pupil F:] Hærincgas ond leaxas, mereswyn ond stirian, ostran ond crabban, muslan,
winewinclan, sæcoccas, fagc ond floc ond lopystran ond fela swylces.
63 [The teacher:] Wilt þu fon sumne hwæl?
64 [Pupil F:] Nic.
65 [The teacher:] Forhwi?
66 [Pupil F:] Forþam plyhtlic þingc hit ys gefon hwæl. Gebeorhlicre ys me faran to ea mid
scype mynum, þænne faran mid manegum scypum on huntunge hranes.
67 [The teacher:] Forhwi swa?
68 [Pupil F:] Forþam leofre ys me gefon fisc þæne ic mæg ofslean, þonne fisc , þe na þæt
an me ac eac swylce mine geferan mid anum slege he mæg besencean oþþe
69 [The teacher:] Ond þeah mænige gefoþ hwælas, ond ætberstaþ frecnysse, ond micelne
sceat þanon begytaþ.
70 [Pupil F:] Soþ þu segst, ac ic ne geþristge for modes mines nytenyssæ.
71 [The teacher:] Hwæt sægst þu, fugelere? Hu beswicst þu fugelas?
72 [Pupil G:] On feala wisan ic beswice fugelas: hwilum mid netum, hwilum mid grinum,
hwilum mid lime, hwilum mid hwistlunge, hwilum mid hafoce, hwilum mid treppum.
73 [The teacher:] Hæfst þu hafoc?

74 [Pupil G:] Ic hæbbe.

75 [The teacher:] Canst þu temian hig?
76 [Pupil G:] Gea, ic cann. Hwæt sceoldon hig me buton ic cuþe temian hig?
77 [The teacher:] Sylle me ænne hafoc.
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 6
78 [Pupil G:] Ic sylle lustlice, gyf þu sylst me ænne swiftne hund. Hwilcne hafoc wilt þu
habban, þone maran hwæþer þe þænne læssan?
79 [The teacher:] Syle me þæne maran.
80 [The teacher:] Hu afest þu hafocas þine?
81 [Pupil G:] Hig fedaþ hig sylfe ond me on wintra, ond on lencgten ic læte hig ætwindan
to wuda, ond genyme me briddas on hærfæste, ond temige hig.
82 [The teacher:] Ond forhwi forlæst þu þa getemedon ætwindan fram þe?
83 [Pupil G:] Forþam ic nelle fedan hig on sumera, forþamþe hig þearle etaþ.
84 [The teacher:] Ond manige fedaþ þa getemodon ofer sumor, þæt eft hig hig habban
85 [Pupil G:] Gea, swa hig doþ, ac ic nelle swa deorfan ofer hig, forþam ic cann oþre, na
þæt ænne, ac eac swilce manige gefon.
86 [The teacher:] Hwæt sægst þu mancgere?
87 [Pupil H:] Ic secge þæt behefe ic eom ge cyngce ond ealdormannum ond weligum ond
eallum follce.
88 [The teacher:] Ond hu?
89 [Pupil H:] Ic astige min scyp mid hlæstum minum, ond rowe ofer sælice dælas, ond
cype mine þingc, ond bicge dyrwyrþe þingc þa on þisum lande ne beoþ acennede ond ic
hit togelæde eow hider mid micclan plihte ofer sæ, ond hwilum forlidenesse ic þolie
mid lyre ealra þinga minra, uneaþe cwic ætberstende.
90 [The teacher:] Hwilce þinc gelædst þu us?
91 [Pupil H:] Pællas ond sidan, deorwyrþe gymmas ond gold, selcuþe reaf ond
wyrtgemangc, win ond ele, ylpesban ond mæstlingc, ær ond tin, swefel ond glæs, on
þylces fela.
92 [The teacher:] Wilt þu syllan þingc þine her eal swa þu hi gebohtest þær?
93 [Pupil H:] Ic nelle. Hwæt þænne me fremode gedeorf min? Ac ic wille hira cypen her
[deoror] þonne gebicge ic hig þær, þæt sum gestreon ic me begyte, þanon ic me afede
ond min wif ond minne sunu.
94 [The teacher:] Þu, sceowyrhta, hwæt wyrcst þu us nytwyrþnessæ ?
95 [Pupil I:] Is, witodlice, cræft min behefe þearle eow ond neodþearf.
96 [The teacher:] Hu?
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 7
97 [Pupil I:] Ic bicge hyda ond fell, ond gearkie hig mid cræfte minon, ond wyrce of him
gescy mistlices cynnes, swyftleras ond sceos, leþerhosa ond butericas, bridelþwancgas
ond geræda, flaxan, pinnan ond higdifatu, spurleþera ond hælftra, pusan ond fætelsas;
ond nan eower nele oferwintran buton minon cræfte.
98 [The teacher:] Sealtere, hwæt us fremaþ cræft þin?
99 [Pupil J:] Þearle fremaþ cræft min eow eallum. Nan eower blisse brycð on gereduncge
oþþe mete, buton cræft min gistliþe him beo.
100 [The teacher:] Hu?
101 [Pupil J:] Hwylc manna þurhwerodum þurhbrycþ mettum buton swæcce sealtes? Hwa
gefylþ cleafan his oþþe hedderna buton cræfte minon? Efne, butergeþweor ælc ond
cysgerunn losaþ eow buton ic hyrde ætwese eow, þe ne furþon þæt an wyrtum eowrum
butan me brucaþ.
102 [The teacher:] Bæcere, hwam fremaþ oþþe hwæþer we butan þe magon lif adreogan?

103 [Pupil K:] Ge magon þurh sum fæc butan na lancge ne to wel: soþlice butan cræfte
minon ælc beod æmtig byþ gesewen, ond buton hlafe ælc mete to wlættan byþ
gehwyrfed. Ic heortan mannes gestrangie, ic mægen wera ond furþon litlincgas nellaþ
forbigean me.
104 [The teacher: Hwæt secge we be þæm cocce? (What do we say about the cook?)]
Hwæþer we beþurfon on ænigon cræfte?

105 [Pupil L:] Gif ge me ut adrifaþ fram eowrum geferscype, ge etaþ wyrta eowre grene,
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 8
ond flæscmettas eowre hreawe, ond furþon fætt broþ ge [ne] magon.
106 [A pupil:] We ne reccaþ ne he us neodþearf ys, forþam we sylfe magon seoþan þa þingc
þe to seoþenne synd, brædan þa þincg þe to brædenne synd.
107 [Pupil L:] Gif ge forþy me fram adryfaþ, þæt ge þus don, þonne beo ge ealle þrælas,
ond nan eower ne biþ hlaford; þeahhwæþere buton [me] ge ne etaþ
108 [The teacher:] Eala, munuc, þe me tospycst, efne, ic hæbbe afandod þe habban gode
geferan ond þearle neodþearfe; ond ic ahsie þa.
109 [Pupil A:] Ic hæbbe smiþas, isene smiþas, goldsmiþ, seoloforsmiþ, arsmiþ,
treowwyrhtan ond manegra oþre mistlicra cræfta biggenceras.
110 [The teacher:] Hæfst ænigne wisne geþeahtan?
111 [Pupil A:] Gewislice ic hæbbe. [Hu meahte (how might)] ure gegaderungc buton
geþeahtynde beon wissod?
112 [The teacher:] Wisa, hwilc cræft þe geþuht betwux þas furþra wesan ?
113 [Pupil M:] Me is geþuht Godes þeowdom betweoh þas cræftas ealdorscype healdan,
swa swa hit geræd on godspelle: "Fyrmest seceað rice Godes ond rihtwisnesse hys, ond
þas þingc ealle beoþ togehyhte eow."
114 [The teacher:] Hwilc þe geþuht betwux woruldcræftas heoldan ealdordom?
115 [Pupil M:] Eorþtilþ, forþam se yrþling us ealle fett.
116 Se smiþ secgð: Hwanon sylan scear oþþe culter, þe na gade hæfþ buton of cræfte
minon? Hwanon fiscere ancgel, oþþe sceowyrhton æl, oþþe seamere nædl? Nis hit of
minon geweorce?
117 Se geþeahtend ondsweraþ: Soþ witodlice sægst, ac eallum us leofre ys wikian mid þe
yrþlincge, þonne mid þe, forþam se yrþling sylð us hlaf ond drenc; þu, hwæt sylst us on
smiþþan þinre buton isenne fyrspearcan ond swegincga beatendra slecgea ond
blawendra byliga?
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 9
118 Se treowwyrhta segð: Hwilc eower ne notaþ cræfte minon, þonne hus ond mistlice fata
ond scypa eow eallum ic wyrce?
119 Se goldsmiþ ondwyrt: Eala, treowwyrhta, forhwi swa sprycst þu, þonne ne furþon an
þyrl þu ne miht don [butan minum cræfte]?
120 Se geþeahtend sægþ: Eala, geferan and gode wyrhtan, uton towurpon hwætlicor þas
geflitu, ond sy sibb ond geþwærnyss betweoh us, ond framige anra gehwylc oþron on
cræfte hys, geðwærian symble mid þam yrþlinge, þær we bigleofan us ond foddor
horsum urum habbaþ. Ond þis geþeaht ic sylle eallum wyrhtum, þæt anra gehwylc
cræft his geornlice begange, forþam se þe cræft his forlæt, he byþ forlæten fram þam
cræfte. Swa hwæðer þu sy, swa mæsseprest, swa munuc, swa ceorl, swa kempa, bega
oþþe behwyrf þe sylfne on þisum, ond beo þæt þu eart; forþam micel hynð ond sceamu
hyt is menn nellan wesan þæt þæt he ys ond þæt he wesan sceal.
121 [The teacher:] Eala, cild, hu eow licaþ þeos spæc?
122 [Pupils:] Wel heo licaþ us, ac þearle deoplice sprycst ond ofer mæþe ure þu forþtyhst
spræce: ac sprec us æfter urum andgyte, þæt we magon understandan þa þingc þe þu
123 [The teacher:] Ic ahsige eow, forhwi swa geornlice leorni ge?
124 [Pupils:] Forþam we nellaþ wesan swa stunte nytenu, þa nan þingc witaþ, buton gærs
ond wæter.
125 [The teacher:] Ond hwæt wille ge?
126 [Pupils:] Wyllaþ wesan wise.
127 [The teacher:] On hwilcon wisdome? Wille ge beon prættige oþþe þusenthiwe on
leasungum, lytige on spræcum, onglæwlice, hindergepe, wel sprecende ond yfele
þencende, swæsum wordum underþeodde, facn wiðinnan tyddriende, swa swa bergyls
metton ofergeweorke, wiþinnan full stence?
128 [Pupils:] We nellaþ swa wesan wise, forþam he nys wis, þe mid dydrunge hyne sylfne
129 [The teacher:] Ac hu wille ge?
130 [Pupils:] We wyllaþ beon bylewite butan licetunge, ond wise þæt we bugon fram yfele
ond don goda. Gyt þeahhwæþere deoplicor mid us þu smeagst, þonne yld ure onfon
mæge; ac sprec us æfter uran gewunon, næs swa deoplice.
131 [The teacher:] Ond ic do æal swa ge biddaþ. Þu, cnapa, hwæt dydest todæg?
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 10
132 [Pupil N:] Manega þingc ic dyde. On þisse niht, þa þa cnyll ic gehyrde, ic aras on
minon bedde ond eode to cyrcean, ond sang uhtsang mid gebroþrum; æfter þa we
sungon be eallum halgum ond dægredlice lofsangas; æfter þysum prim ond seofon
seolmas mid letanian ond capitolmæssan; syþþan undertide, ond dydon mæssan be
dæge; æfter þisum we sungan middæg, ond æton ond druncon ond slepon, ond eft we
arison ond sungan non; ond nu we synd her ætforan þe, gearuwe gehyran hwæt þu us
133 [The teacher:] Hwænne wylle ge singan æfen oþþe nihtsangc?
134 [Pupil N:] Þonne hyt tima byþ.
135 [The teacher:] Wære þu todæg beswuncgen?
136 [Pupil N:] Ic næs, forþam wærlice ic me heold.
137 [The teacher:] Ond hu þine geferan?
138 [Pupil N:] Hwæt me ahsast be þam? Ic ne dear yppan þe digla ure. Anra gehwylc wat
gif he beswuncgen wæs oþþe na.
139 [The teacher:] Hwæt ytst þu on dæg?
140 [Pupil N:] Gyt flæscmettum ic bruce, forðam cild ic eom under gyrda drohtniende.
141 [The teacher:] Hwæt mare ytst þu?
142 [Pupil N:] Wyrta ond æigra, fisc ond cyse, buteran ond beana ond ealle clæne þingc ic
ete mid micelre þancunge.
143 [The teacher:] Swiþe waxgeorn eart þu þonne þu ealle þingc etst þe þe toforan.
144 [Pupil N:] Ic ne eom swa micel swelgere þæt ic ealle cynn metta on anre gereordinge
etan mæge.
145 [The teacher:] Ac hu?
146 [Pupil N:] Ic bruce hwilon þisum mettum, oþrum mid syfernysse, swa swa dafnað
munuce, næs mid oferhropse, forþam ic eom nan gluto.
147 [The teacher:] Ond hwæt drincst þu?
148 [Pupil N:] Ealu, gif ic hæbbe, oþþe wæter gif ic næbbe ealu.
149 [The teacher:] Ne drincst þu win?
150 [Pupil N:] Ic ne eom swa spedig þæt ic mæge bicgean me win; ond win nys drenc cilda
ne dysgra, ac ealdra ond wisra.
151 [The teacher:] Hwær slæpst?
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 11
152 [Pupil N:] On slæpern mid gebroþrum.
153 [The teacher:] Hwa awecþ þe to uhtsancge?
154 [Pupil N:] Hwilon ic gehyre cnyll ond ic arise; hwilon lareow min awecþ me stiþlice
mid gyrde.
155 [The teacher:] Eala, ge cildra ond wynsume leorneras, eow manaþ eower lareow þæt ge
hyrsumian godcundum larum ond þæt ge healdan eow sylfe ænlice on ælcere stowe.
Gaþ þeawlice þonne ge gehyran cyrcean bellan, ond gaþ into cyrcean, ond abugaþ
eadmodlice to halgum wefodum, ond standaþ þeawlice, ond singað anmodlice, ond
gebiddaþ for eowrum synnum, ond gaþ ut butan hygeleaste to claustre oþþe leorninga.

Glossary for Ælfric's Colloquy geanwyrde adj: professed;

geanwyrde monuc a monk who has taken his monastic
abugan str vb: bow; vows ( 2)
abugaþ imper (155)
æcer str m noun: acre ( 6)
ac conj: but ( 2, 6, 33, 60, 68, 70, 85, 93, 117, 122, 129,
130, 145, 150) æfen str m noun: vespers (133)

acennan vb str: produce æfter prep. with dat: according to, after (122, 130,
acennede past participle: produced (89) 132)
æfter þa: after these (132)
adreogan wk vb : to endure (102)
æigra str n noun, gen pl: eggs (142)
adrifan str vb: to drive;
adrifaþ 2nd pers pl pres indic (104, 107) æl str m noun eel
ælas acc pl eel(s) (58)
ær str n noun: brass acc sing (91)
æl str m noun: awl (116)
ærnemergen str m noun: early morning; dawn (15)
ælce adj: each ( 2, 6, 101, 103)
ætwindan vb str: escape (82) æcere dat sing fem (155)

afandian wk vb: to prove; æleputa f noun: burbot, blenny

afandod past participle proven (108) æleputan acc pl burbots, blennies(?) (58)

afedan str vb: feed æmtig adj: empty (103)

afede 1st pers sing pres subj (93)
afest 2nd pers sing pres indic (80) ænig adj: any; (12, 18)
ænigne masc acc sing ( 7, 110)
an adj, pron one, only (68, 119) ænignon dat sing (104)
ænne acc sing masc: a (19, 35, 77, 78)
anum dat sing one, a single (68) ænlice adv: decorously (155)
anre dat sing: (144)
anra gehwilc: each one (120, 138) æt prep w dat: at ( 6)

andgyte str n noun: understanding (122) ætberstan vb wk: escape

ætberstende 1st person sing pres (89)
ætberstaþ 3rd person pl pres (69)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 12
æforan prep w. dat: before, in the prescence of (132) begrynian wk vb: trap, ensnare;
begrynodo past part neut pl (25)
ætwesan anomalous vb: to be present;
ætwese 1st pers sing pres indic (101) begytan vb, str: get, acquire
begyte 1st pers sing pres subj (93)
agenlædan wk vb: lead back; begyst 2nd pers sing pres indic (47)
agenlæde 1st pers sing pres indic (13) begytaþ 3rd pers pl pres(69)
gebohtest 3rd pers sing pret: got, acquired (92)
ahsian wk vb: to ask;
ahsie, ahsige 1st pers sing pres indic (108, 123) behefe adj: useful (87, 95)
ahsast 2nd pers sing pres indic (138)
behwyrfan wk vb: to instruct, exercise (120)
ancgil, ancgel str m noun: hook (50, 116) acc sing
bellan wk f noun, acc pl: bells (155)
anmodlice adv: together, with one accord (155)
beod str m noun: table (103)
arisan str vb: arise;
arise 1st pers sing pres indic (154) béon, wesan vb anomalous: to be (25, 40, 111, 112,
aras 1st pers sing pret indic (132) 120, 124, 126, 127, 128, 130);
arison all pl pret indic (132) beo 1st pers sing pres indic, subj, imper (99, 107, 120)
byþ3rd pers sing pres indic (103, 107, 120, 134)
arsmiþ str m noun: brass, or copper smith (108) beoþ3rd pers pl pres indic are (51, 89, 113)
eart 2nd pers sing pres indic (120, 143)
astigian vb str: proceed, ascend eom 1st pers sing pres indic am (2, 13, 21, 42, 46, 87,
140, 144, 146, 150);
astigie/astige (50, 89) 1st pers sing pres indic board
is 3rd pers sing pres indic is: (8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 33, 94,
113, 120)
aweccan wk vb: awaken; synt, synd 3rd pers pl pres indic: are (4, 106, 132)
awecþ 3rd pers sing pres indic: (153, 154) neom 1st pers sing pres indic (eom) combined with
negative particle ne: am not; (11)
bar str m noun: (wild) boar (31, 35, 37, 38) nys, nis 3rd pers sing pres indic (is) combined with
negative particle (116, 128, 150) ne: is not ( 6)
bæcere str m noun: baker; (102) ys 3rd pers sing pres indic (is) (60, 66, 68, 106);
bæceras ( 4) n pl wære 2nd pers sing pret indic (32, 38);
wæs 1st pers sing pret indic was (33, 139)
be prep: by, about, with, for (41, 132, 138) sy 2nd, 3rd pers sing pres subj (120)
næs 1st pers sing pret indic (wæs) combined with
negative particle ne: was not (33, 130, 136, 146)
beah str m noun: (finger- or arm-) ring (44)
gebeorhlic adj: safe gebeorlicre compar (66)
bean str f noun: bean;
beana gen pl (142)
beran str vb: carry (10)
beatan str vb: to beat;
beatendra pres participle (117) bergyls str m noun: tomb, sepulchre (127)

becuman str vb: come; besencean vb, str: sink (68)

becuman 3rd pers pl pres indic (25)
beswican vb, str: ensnare, deceive
bedd str n noun: bed; beswicst 2nd pers sing pres: ensnare (71)
bedde dat sing (132) beswice 1st pers sing pres: ensnare (72)
beswicþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (128)
bedrifan str vb: drive;
bedrifon 3rd pers pl pret indic (39) beswincgan str vb: beat, flog;
beswuncgen past participle (135, 138)
began str vb: to go about;
begæst 2nd pers sing pres indic ( 5, 24) ) betæcan wk vb: entrust, deliver;
bega imper sing (120) betæce 1st pers sing pres indic (15, 29)

begangan str vb: go about, pursue; betwenan prep: between, among;

began(c)ge 1st pers sing pres subj (44, 120) ( 2) among (these duties)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 13
betweoh prep. with dat.: among; (113, 120) butan/buton prep, conj except, provided that, unless,
betwux (112, 114) without (26, 27, 76, 97, 99, 101, 102, 103, 107, 111,
116, 117, 124, 130, 155)
beþurfon vb. with gen, 1st pers pl pres indic: to need
(104) butere wk f noun: butter (13)
buteran acc sing (142)
bicgean strong verb buy (150)
bicge 1st pers sing pres (89, 97) butergeþweor str n noun: freshly churned butter-mass
bigþ 3rd pers sing pres buys (55) (101)

gebicgan wk vb: to buy; buteric str m noun: leather bottle;

gebicge 1st pers sing pres indic (93) butericas acc pl (97)

biddan str vb: ask, request; bylewite adj: kind, sincere (130)
biddaþ 2nd pers pl pres indic (131)
gebiddaþ imper: (155) bylig str m noun: bellows;
byliga gen pl (117)
biggenceare str m noun: worker;
biggenceras acc pl (108) capitolmæsse str f noun: chapter-mass;
capitolmæssan dat sing (132)
bigleofa wk m noun: livelihood, sustinence (48)
bigleofan acc sing (120) ceaster f noun city/town
ceastre dat sing (54)
binn str f noun: bin, manger;
binne acc sing ( 10) ceasterware f noun pl city people
caesterwara nom pl
blawan str vb: to blow;
blawendra pres participle (117) ceorl str m noun: freeman, peasant (120)

blisse str f noun: satisfaction (99) cild str n noun: child (140)
(pl) children (121)
brædan str vb: to roast, broil; (106) cild(r)a gen pl (150, 155)
to brædenne inflected infinitive (106)
claustre str n noun, acc sing: cloister (155)
bredan str vb: weave;
brede 1st pers sing pres indic (25) clæne adj: clean (52, 142)

bridd m noun: young bird cleafa wk m noun: cellar;

briddas acc pl: young birds (81) cleafan acc pl (101)

bridelþwancg str m noun rein; cnapa wk m noun: boy, servant ( 8, 131)

bridelþwancgas acc pl (97)
cnyll str m noun: sound of a bell (132, 154)
broþ str n noun: broth (105)
crabba m noun crab
broþor anomalous noun: brother; crabban acc pl: crabs (62)
gebroþrum dat pl: the brothers (i.e. the speaker's
fellow monks) ( 2, 132, 152)
cræft str m noun: craft, skill, occupation (19, 24, 44,
45, 47, 95, 99, 112, 120)
brucan wk vb: to enjoy, to make use of; cræfte dat sing (97, 98, 101,103, 104, 116, 118, 120)
bruce 1st pers sing pres indic (140, 146) cræfta gen pl (108)
brucaþ 3rd pers pl pres indic (101) cræftas acc pl (113)
brycð 3rd pers sing pres indic (99)
culter str m noun: coulter, a detachable iron blade for a
bugan str vb: to depart; plow which made the vertical cut in the soil; (116)
bugon 3rd pers pl pret indic (130) gefæstnodon . . . cultre with the coulter attached ( 6)

cunnan vb pret pres: know; know how to;

hwæt cunnon . . . þine geferan? ( 3) what do your
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 14
companions do?; what trades have your companions deorwyrþe adj: precious, valuable (91)
mastered? dyrwyrþe acc pl masc (89)
cann 1st pers sing pres (19, 75, 85)
canst 2nd pers sing pres (18, 26, 45, 75) digol str n noun: secret;
cuþe 1st pers sing pret: could (76) digla gen pl (138)

cwic adj: alive (89) don str vb: to do, make; (107, 119, 130)
do 1st pers sing pres indic do ( 10, 13, 60, 131);
gecwylman vb, str: destroy, kill (68) doþ 3rd pers pl pres do (84)
dyde 1st pers sing pret indic did (132)
cyld str n noun: chill, cold; dest, dydest 2nd pers sing pres indic dost ( 9, 41, 131)
cylde dat sing ( 8) dydon all pl pret indic (132)

cyle str m noun: cold (13) drenc str m noun: drink (117)

cyning str m noun: king; drifan vb str: drive;

cyncges gen sing (23); cyngce dat sing (to the) king drife 1st pers sing pres indic(13)
(42, 87)
drincan str vb: to drink;
cynn str n noun: kind, sort (144) druncon all pl pret indic (132)
cynnes gen sing (97) drincst 2nd pers sing pres indic (147, 149
drenc 3rd pers sing pret indic (150)
cypan str vb : sell (93)
cype 1st pers sing pres (89) drohtnian wk vb: conduct oneself, behave, live;
cypst 2nd pers sing pres (53) drohtniende pres participle (140)

cypmann i-mut m noun: merchant; durran vb str: to dare, presume;

cypmenn ( 4) nom pl durre, dear 1st pers sing pres indic ( 6, 138)

cyrice wk f noun: church; dydrunge str f noun, dat sing: delusion (128)
cyrcean dat sing (132, 155)
dyrstig adj: daring, brave (38)
cyse m noun: cheese (13, 142)
dysig adj: dizzy, foolish;
cysgerunn str n noun: cheese-curd (101) dysgra noun, gen pl: of the foolish ones (150)

dafnian wk vb: beseem, befit; ea fem noun: river;

dafnað 3rd pers sing pres indic (146) dat sing (50, 66)

dæg str m noun: day ( 2, 6, 13, 139) eac ( 4, 8, 68, 85) adv: also
dæge dat sing (132)
eadmodlice adv: humbly, reverently (155)
dægræd str n noun: dawn ( 6)
eala interj: oh, hey, well (an attention-getting word
dægredlice adj: appropriate for dawn or morning (132) without lexical content) ( 6, 14, 15, 108, 119, 120, 121,
dæl m noun: region
s&alig;lice dælas the high seas (89) eall(e) adj: all (15, 107, 113, 115, 142, 143, 144)
eall adv altogether
deoplice adv: deeply, profoundly (122, 130) æal swa just as, even at the price (92)
ealra gen pl of all (89)
deoplicor (130)
eallum dat pl (to) all (87, 99, 117, 118, 120, 132)
æal swa: just as (131)
gedeorf str n noun: work, labour ( 10, 12, 15, 93)
ealdordom str m noun: pre-eminence (114)
deorfan vb str: work, labour;
(ge)deorfe 1st pers sing pres indic ( 6, 15, 84)
ealdorscype str m noun: supremacy, sovereignty (113)
deoror adv comp: at a higher price (93)
ealdra adj, as noun, gen pl: of the old ones (150)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 15
ealu wk n noun: ale (148) fell str n noun: skin;
fell acc pl (97)
efne interjection: indeed (101, 108)
feoh str n noun: money (48)
eft adv: again, thereafter, afterwards (15, 85, 132)
gefera wk m noun: companion;
ege str masc noun: fear; geferan nom pl ( 3); acc sing ( 7); acc pl (68, 108, 120,
ege dat sing ( 6) 137);
geferum dat pl (16)
ehtan wk vb: pursue, chase;
ehton 3rd pers pl pres indic (25) fisc m noun : fish (142)
fisc acc sing: a fish (68)
fixas (49, 51, 53) acc pl masc
ele m noun: oil acc sing (91)

fiscere str m noun: fisher; (46, 116)

eoldormann m noun: nobleman, ruler
fisceras ( 4) n pl
ealdormannum dat pl (87)

eorþtilþ str f noun: agriculture (115) fixian vb wk fish

ne fixast 2nd pers sing pres not fish (59)
erian wk vb: plow ( 6)
flæscmete str m noun: meat;
flæscmettas acc pl (105)
etan vb, str: eat (144) flæscmettum dat pl (140)
etaþ 3rd pers pl pres (83, 105, 107)
ete 1st pers sing pres indic (142)
flaxe wk f noun: bottle;
æton all pl pret indic (132)
flaxan acc pl (97)
ytst, etst 2nd pers sing pres indic (139, 141, 143)

fæc n noun: a portion of time (103) geflit str n noun: dispute;

geflitu acc pl (120)
facn str n noun: deceit, guile (127)
floc str n noun: flat fish, flounder acc pl: flat fish(es),
flounder(s) (62)
fagc f noun: plaice (a red and brown European
flounder) acc pl (62)
folc n noun: people follce dat sing (87)
faran vb str: go (66)
fon vb str: catch, seize
fehst 2nd pers sing pres (61, 63)
færlice adv: suddenly, rapidly (39)
gefon vb str.: catch (56, 66, 85);
fæstnian vb wk: fasten; gefeo, gefo 1st pers sing pres indic (31, 42);
gefæstnodon past part as adj fastened ( 6) gefehst (30, 49, 57, 68) 2nd pers sing pres indic
gefoþ 3rd pers pres pl (69);
fæt str n noun: vessel, utensil; gefencge 1st, 2nd pers sing pret indic (36, 37)
fata gen pl (118)
geferscype str m noun: fellowship, society (105)
fætels str m noun: vessel
fætelsas acc pl (97) foddor str n noun: fodder (120)

fætt adj: rich (105) for prep w dat: on account of, because of ( 6, 8, 15, 70)
for þam, forþam because (11, 33, 40, 42, 60, 66, 68,
fedan vb str (to) feed (83); 83, 85, 106, 115, 117, 120, 123, 128, 136, 140, 146)
fett 3rd pers sing pres indic (44, 115); forþamþe because (83)
fedaþ 3rd pers pl pres (84) forhwi interr adv why (59, 65, 67, 82, 119, 123)

fela/feala pron: many (62, 72, 91) forbigean wk vb: to despise, to shun (103)
swa fela ... swa as many ... as (56)
forewerd adj: early (13)
feld masc str n: field;
felda dat sing ( 6) forhtfull adj: timid, frightened (40)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 16
forlætan vb, str: neglect, forsake fyrspearca wk m noun: firespark;
forlæt 3rd pers sing pres indic: (120) fyrspearcan dat sing (117)
forlæten past participle: forsaken (120)
forlæst 2nd pers sing pres indic (82) gan vb str: go;
ga 1st pers sing pres indic ( 6)
forlidenes f noun: shipwreck gaþ imper: (155)
forlidenesse acc sing (89) eode 1st pers sing pret indic (132)

forswelgan vb: swallow up; gærs str n noun: grass (124)

forswelgen 3rd pers pl pres subg (13)
ge conj: and, also
forþtihan str vb: draw forth ge... ge: both... and (13)
forþtyhst 2nd pers sing pres indic: draw forth ge... ond: both... and (87)
(forþtihan spræce: speak) ge pers pron you (pl)
ge nom pl you (103, 105, 107, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131,
forþy conj: therefore (107) 133, 155)
eow dat pl (to) you (89, 95, 99, 101, 113, 118, 121,
fram prep: from (82, 105, 107, 120, 130) 123, 155)
eower gen pl of you/your (97, 99, 107, 118, 155)
eowre acc pl (105)
frecnys f noun: peril, danger
eowrum dat sing (to) you (101, 105, 155)
frecnysse dat sing (69)

fremman wk vb help, benefit; gegaderungc str f noun: community (111)

framige 3rd pers sing pres subj (120)
fremaþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (98, 99, 102) gea interjection: yea, yes (13, 17, 27, 76, 85)
fremode 3rd pers sing pret subj (93)
gearkian wk vb: to prepare;
freoh adj: free (11) gearkie 1st pers sing pres indic (97)

fuglere str m noun: fowler; (71) gearu adj: ready

fugleras ( 4) n pl gearuwe acc pl (84, 132)

fugol str m noun: bird geornlice adv: diligently (120, 123)

fugelas acc pl: birds (71, 72)
gif/gyf conj.: if (51, 78, 105, 107, 138, 148)
ful adj: full, complete;
full masc dat sing (127) gistliþe adj hospitable (99)
fulne masc acc sing ( 6)
glæs str n noun: glass acc sing (91)
full adj: foul (127)
gluto: glutton (146)
furþon adv: even (103, 105, 119)
ne furþon þæt an adv.: not even (101) God str m noun: God;
Godes gen sing (113)
furþra adj. comp: greater, superior (112)
gode adj: good (108, 120)
fyllan wk vb: fill, feed ( 10); goda gen pl (130)
gefylde past part (15)
gefylð 3rd pers sing pres indic (101) godcundum adj, dat pl: sacred, divine (155)

fyrmest adj: first (113) godspell str n noun: gospel

godspelle dat sing (113)
gad str f noun: goad;
gade acc sing (116) gold str m noun: gold acc sing (91)

gadisen str n noun: (iron-tipped) cattle goad; goldsmiþ str m noun: goldsmith (108, 119)
gadisene dat sing ( 8)
grene adj: green, as in raw (105)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 17
grin n noun: snare healdan, heoldan str vb: to hold (113, 114, 155)
grinum dat pl: snares (72) heold 1st pers sing pret sing (136)

gymm str m noun jewel heddern str n noun: storeroom, storehouse;

gymmas acc pl: jewels (91) hedderna acc pl (101)

gyrd str f noun: rod, stick heort str m noun: hart, red deer (31);
gyrda gen pl (140) heortas acc pl (36, 37)
gyrde dat sing (154)
heorte wk f noun: heart;
gyrstandæg str m noun: yesterday (33) heortan acc sing (103)

gyt adv: yet, still (130, 140) her adv: here (92, 93, 132)

habban vb wk 3: (to) have (78, 84, 108) hider adv: here (89)
habbaþ 3rd pers pl pres indic (120)
hæbbe 1st pers sing pres indic ( 8, 13, 72, 74, 108, hie pron: they;
111, 148); hie acc pl them ( 6, 10, 13, 15, 25, 36)
hæfst ( 1, 7, 12, 72, 73, 110) hast (2nd pers sing pres hira gen pl their (10, 13, 93)
indic) hi acc pl them (55, 92)
hæfþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (116) hig acc pl them (50, 75, 76, 81, 83, 84, 85, 97)
næbbe 1st pers sing pres ne + hæbbe : do not have hig nom pl they (76, 81, 84, 85)
(148) hinemasc acc sing him/it (39)

hacod str m noun pike/mullet hig str n noun: hay ( 10)

hacodas acc pl pike(s)/mullet(s) (58)
hig interj: a cry of distress ( 10)
hærfæst m noun: harvest
hærfæste dat sing (81)
higdifæt str n noun: leather-bottle;
higdifætu acc pl (97)
hafoc str m noun hawk acc sing (77, 78) acc pl: hawks
(73) hindergepe adj; wily, deceitful (127)
hafoce dat sing: a hawk (72)
hafocas acc pl: hawks (80)
hit pers pron: it ( 6, 10, 11, 51, 66, 89, 113, 116, 134)
he pers pron: he, it (17, 43, 44, 68, 106, 120, 128,
halig adj: holy;
halgum dat pl (132, 155) heo pers pron fem: she, it (122)
hine acc sing: (39, 128);
hælfter str f noun: halter; him dat sing/pl to him/them (97)
hælftra acc pl (97) his gen sing (42, 113, 120)

ham str masc noun: home; hlaf str m noun: loaf (of bread); (117)
ham dat sing ( 6) hlafe dat sing (103)

hara wk m noun: hare; hlaford str m noun: lord ( 6, 107);

haran acc pl (31) hlaford acc sing (15)
hlafordes gen sing ( 6)
has adj: hoarse ( 8) hlaforde dat sing (13)

gehæftan vb str: imprison/catch hlæst n noun load, cargo, freight

gehæftað 3rd pers pres (50) hlæstum dat pl: loads, cargo, freight (89)

gehæp adj: suitable, convenient hors str n noun: horse (44)

gehæppre fem acc sing (25) horsum dat pl (120)

hærincg str m noun:herring hran str m noun: whale

hærincgas acc pl herring(s) (62) hranes gen sing (66)

hætu str f noun: heat (13) hream str m noun: noise (yelling) ( 8)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 18
hreawe adj: raw, uncooked (105) gehwyrfan wk vb; to turn;
gehwyrfed past participle (103)
hu interrog adv: how (5, 24, 28, 36, 38, 49, 71, 80, 88,
96, 100, 121, 129, 137, 145) hyd str f noun: hide;
hyda acc pl (97)
hund str m noun: dog acc sing (78);
hundas nom, acc pl (25, 39); hygeleaste str f noun, dat sing: jesting, buffoonery
hundum dat pl (13, 29)
hynð str f noun: humiliation, loss (120)
hunta wk m noun: hunter (21, 40, 42);
huntan ( 4) nom pl gehyran wk vb: to hear; (132, 155)
gehyre 1st pers sing pres indic (154)
huntian wk vb: hunt (26, 27) gehyrde 1st pers sing pret indic (132)

huntnoþ str m noun: hunting, the hunt (32) hyrde str m noun: custodian, keeper (101)

huntung f noun: the hunt, what is hunted, the product hyrsumian wk vb: be obedient to (155)
of the hunt
huntunge dat sing (33, 41, 66) ic, þu, etc. personal pronoun: I, you (sing), etc.;
ic ( 2, 6, 8, 10, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 33, 37, 39, 42, 44,
hus str n noun: house (118) 46, 50, 52, 56, 68, 70, 72, 73, 76, 78, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89,
93, 97, 101, 103, 108, 109, 111, 118, 120, 123, 131,
hwá interrogative and indefinite pronoun: who?, 132, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 154 ) I
what?, someone, something; (54, 101, 153) (nom);
hwam (to) whom (102) me(25, 39, 44, 52, 60, 66, 68, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 93,
hwæt ( 1, 3, 5, 9, 14, 34, 41, 43, 47, 51, 61, 71, 75, 86, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 113, 136, 138, 150, 154) me
93, 94, 98, 117, 125, 131, 132, 138, 139, 141, 147) (dat);
what; þu ( 1) you (nom sing);
hwæs? gen sing: whose? (22) þine ( 3) your (gen sing)
þine (92) your (acc pl)
hwanon adv: (from) whence (116)
into prep: into (155
hwæl str m noun: whale (63, 66)
hwælas acc pl whales (69) isene adj: iron (108)
isenne dat sing (117)
hwænne adv: when? (133)
iugian, iucian vb wk: join, yoke;
iugie 1st pers sing pres indic ( 6);
hwær adv.: where (53, 151)
geiukodan past part as adj: yoked (6)
hwæþer conj: (marks a question):
hwæþer we . . . magon? can we?; kempa wk m noun: warrior (120)
hwæþer we beþurfon? do we need? (102, 104)
hwæþer þe conj: or (78) lamprede f noun lamprey
lampredan acc pl lamprey(s) (58)
hwætlice adv: quickly;
hwætlicor (120) lancge adv: long (103)

hwil f noun time land n noun: land, country

hwilum, hwilon dat pl sometimes (31, 44, 60, 72, 89, lande dat sing (89)
146, 154)
lareow str m noun: teacher, master (154, 155)
hwilc interr pron,, adj which, what kind of (101, 112,
114 larum str f noun, dat pl: teachings (155)
hwilce acc pl what kinds of (30, 57, 90, 118)
hwilcne, hwylcne acc sing masc which (20, 45, 78) gelæccan wk vb: catch;
hwilcon dat sing (127) gelæhtest 2nd pers sing pret indic (34)

hwistlung f noun: whistling

hwistlunge dat sing (72)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 19
(ge)lædan vb str: bring lopystre f noun: lobster
læde 1st pers sing pres; (15) lopystran acc pl (62)
gelædst 2nd pers sing pres (90)
losian wk vb: to perish, to go bad;
læs str f noun: pasture (13, 15) losaþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (101)

lætan vb str: let, allow luflice adv: lovely, dear;

læte 1st pers sing pres (81) luflicor (93)

leasung str f noun: deceit, artifice; lustlice adv: willingly (78)

leasungum dat pl (127) lustlicor (44

leax str m noun: salmon lutian vb wk: hide, lurk ( 6)

leaxas acc pl (62)
lyre m noun: loss dat sing (89)
leden str n noun: Latin ( 2)
lyt, læs adv, adj: little
lencgten str m noun: spring dat sing (81) læssan comp: smaller (78)

leof adj: dear ( 6) lytige adj: crafty (127)

as a noun: (dear) Sir ( 13);
leofre compar preferable (68) mæsseprest str m noun: mass-priest (120)
leofre is me I would rather (68)
leofre is us we would rather (117)
mæstlingc str n noun: brass acc sing (91)
geleof! Sir! (although possibly this represents "gea
leof" (yes, sir) as in 12)(11)
magan, magon strong verb: be able, can, be competent
(102, 103, 105, 106)
leornian vb wk 2: learn ( 2) mæg 1st pers sing pres am able to, can (27, 56, 58,
leornie 3rd pers pl pres indic (123
mæge 1st pers sing pres subj (130, 144, 150)
leorninga str f noun, dat sing: to learning, study, magon 2nd pers pl pres indic (122)
meditation (155) miht 2nd pers sing pres indic (119)
ne mæg 1st pers sing pres am unable to, cannot (50)
leorneras str m noun, nom pl: scholars (155)
mægen str n noun: strength, power (103)
letanian wk m noun, dat sing: litany (132)
mancgere m noun: merchant, trader (86)
leþerhosu str f noun: leathern gaiter;
leþerhosa acc pl (97) manian wk vb: remind, exhort;
manaþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (155)
licetung str f noun: deceit, hypocrisy (130)
manig adj: many
lician wk impersonal vb: please; manegum dat pl (66)
licaþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (121, 122) manega acc pl (132)
manegra gen pl (108)
lif str n noun: life ( 102) mænige/manige nom pl (69, 84) acc pl (85)

lim str m noun: bird-lime mara comp adj: more;

lime dat sing (72) mare acc pl ( 6);
mare acc n sing ( 9, 10, 141)
maran comparative (of micel) acc sing masc: greater,
litlincg str m noun: child;
larger (78, 79)
litlincgas nom sing (103)

loc str n noun: fold; max str n noun: net;

loca acc pl (13) (25) acc pl; (50) acc sing;
maxum dat pl (25)
lofsangas str m noun, acc pl: songs of praise, Lauds
mæsse wk f noun: mass;
mæssan acc sing (132)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 20
mæþ str f noun: measure, ability; na adv, conj: not (103, 116, 138)
mæþe dat sing (122) nan: none, not one (97, 99, 107, 124, 146)
na þæt an: not only, (68)
melkan vb: milk; na þæt anne: not only one (85
melke 1st pers sing pres indic (13)
non str n noun: nones (132)
mereswyn str n noun: dolphin, porpoise acc pl:
dolphin(s) porpoise(s) (62) nædl str f noun: needle (116)

metan str vb: to paint; ne adv, conj: not, nor (26, 40, 89, 101, 103, 106, 107,
metton 3rd pers pl pret indic (127) 118, 119, 138, 144, 149, 150)

mete m noun : food dat sing (52, 99, 103) nellan vb, anom: be unwilling (120)
metta gen pl (144) nelle 1st pers sing pres indic: am unwilling (83, 85, 93)
mettum dat pl (101, 146) nele 3rd pers sing pres indic (97)
nellaþ 3rd pers pl pres indic (103, 124, 128)
micel adj much, great nom sing masc (10, 11, 15, 60,
120, 144) neodþearf adj: necessary (95, 106, 108)
micelne acc singmuch (69)
micelre dat sing fem (142) nett n noun: net
micclan dat sing much (89) netum, nettum dat pl: nets (25, 26, 27, 37, 72)

mid prep w dat: with ( 2, 6, 8, 10, 13, 26, 27, 66, 68, nic adv: not I, no (64)
72 , 89, 97, 117, 120, 128, 130, 132, 142, 146, 152,
niht str f noun: night (15, 132)

middæg str m noun: sext (132)

nihtsangc str m noun: compline (133)

min poss adj: my; (93, 95, 99, 154)

geniman vb str: take/keep
mines masc gen sing ( 6) neut gen sing (70)
genime/genyme 1st pers pres (50, 52, 81)
minne acc sing masc (93)
mine masc acc pl (13, 44, 50, 68, 89)
minra gen pl (89) notian wk vb: use, enjoy;
mynum, minum, minon dat sing (13, 66, 89, 97, 101, notaþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (118)
103, 116, 118, 132)
nu adv: now ( 8, 132)
mistlic adj: various; plentiful;
mistlice nom pl (40, 118) nytenu str n noun: beast, cattle (124)
mistlices gen sing (97)
mistlicra gen pl (108) nytenys f noun: cowardice
nytenyssæ dat sing (70,)
mod str n noun: heart
modes gen sing heart's/ of heart (70) nytwyrþnes wk f noun usefulness, utility:
nytwyrþnessæ gen sing (94)
mon str m noun: man;
manna gen pl: of men (101) of prep w dat: of, from (16, 47, 97, 116)
mannes gen sing of a man (103)
menn nom pl (120) ofer prep: over, past, beyond (13, 84, 85, 89, 122)

morgen str m noun: morning (13) ofergeweorke str n noun: superstructure, sepulchral
monument (127)
monuc str m noun: monk ( 2, 108, 120)
munuce dat sing (146) oferhropse str f noun, dat sing: voracity (146)

musle f noun: mussel oferwintran wk vb: to get through the winter; (97)
muslan acc pl: mussels (62)
ofslean vb, wk: slay (68);
myne m noun minnow ofslea 1st pers sing pres indic (25);
mynas acc pl minnows (58) ofsloh 1st pers sing pret indic (37
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 21
ofstikian wk vb: stab (to death); kill by stabbing (38); gerædan wk vb: read;
ofstikode past part (39) geræd 3rd pers sing pres indic (113)

on prep w d or a: in, on, into, onto ( 2, 6, 13, 15, 25, geræde str n noun: trappings;
32, 33, 37, 40, 50, 54, 59, 66, 72, 81, 83, 89, 99, 104, geræda acc pl (97)
113, 117, 120, 127, 132, 139, 144, 152, 155)
ræge wk f noun: female roe deer;
ond conj: and rægan acc pl (31)

ondswerian wk vb: to answer; reaf str n noun: garment acc pl (91)

ondsweraþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (117 )
reccan wk vb: to care for;
ondwyrdan str vb: to answer; reccaþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (106)
ondwyrt 3rd pers sing pres indic (119)
gereord str n noun: voice, speech, language
onfon str vb: to take, receive (130) gereorde dat sing ( 2)

onglæwlice adj: artful (127) gereording str f noun: meal

gereordin(c)ge dat sing (99, 144)
ostre f noun: oyster
ostran acc pl: oysters (62) rewyt n noun n sing rowing (60)

oþer pron, adj: other rice str n noun: kingdom (113)

oþre acc pl: others (85, 108)
oþron, oþrum dat pl (120, 146) rihtwisnes str f noun: righteousness;
rihtwisnesse dat sing (113)
oþþe conj: or ( 6, 44, 68, 99, 101, 102, 116, 120, 127,
133, 138, 148, 155) rowan vb str: row
rowe 1st pers sing pres (89)
oþþæt conj: until (25)
sæ m/f noun sea dat sing (59, 60, 61, 89)
oxa wk m noun: ox;
oxan acc pl ( 6, 8, 15); sæcocc str m noun: cockle, shellfish
oxan dat pl: geiukodan oxan with the oxen yoked ( 6); sæcoccas acc pl cockles, shellfish (62)
oxena gen pl of the oxen ( 10)
sælic adj: of the sea, marine
oxanhyrde str m noun: oxherd (14); sælice acc masc pl (89)
oxanhyrdas ( 4) n pl
scear str m noun: (plow)share, a detachable iron blade
pæll str m noun: purple garment for a plow which made a horizontal cut in the soil and
pællas acc pl: purple garments (91) turned the furrow; (116)
gefæstnodon sceare with the plowshare attached ( 6)
pinne wk f noun: flask, bottle;
pinnan acc pl (97) scearn str n noun: manure, muck ( 10)

pliht str m noun: danger, risk sceatt str m noun: money, profit
plihte dat sing (89) sceat acc sing (69)

plyhtlic adj: dangerous (64) sceota str m noun trout

sceotan acc pl trout(s) (58)
prættige adj: sly, cunning (127)
sceamu str f noun: shame (120)
prim str n noun: prime (132)
sceap str n noun: sheep (13)
pusa wk m noun: bag, scrip;
pusan acc pl (97) sceoh str m noun: shoe;
sceos acc pl (97)
ra wk m noun: roe deer;
rann acc pl (31)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 22
scephyrd, sceaphyrde str m noun: shepherd ( 12; seofon num: seven ( 2, 132)
scephyrdas ( 4) n pl
seolm str m noun: psalm;
sce(o)wyrhta wk m noun: shoemaker; (94) seolmas acc pl (132)
scewyrhtan, 116 ( 4) nom pl
seoloforsmiþ str m noun: silversmith (108)
scrud str n noun: clothing (48)
seoþan str vb: to boil (106)
sculan str vb: must, shall, ought to; to seoþenne inflected infinitive (106)
sceal 1st, 3rd pers sing indic pres must ( 6, 10, 40,
120) settan wk vb: set;
sceoldon 3rd pers pl pret subj (76) sette 1st pers sing pres indic (25)
hwæt sceoldon hig me: what use would they be to me?
(76) geseon str vb: to see;
gesewen past participle (103)
gescy str n noun shoes (97) pl
sibb str f noun: peace, concord (120)
scyp n noun: ship/boat acc sing (50, 89)
scypa acc pl (118) side f noun: silk
scype dat sing nom (66)
sidan acc pl: silks (91)
scypumdat pl: ships (66)
singan vb wk 3e: to sing; (133)
scrydan wk vb: clothe, dress; sincge 1st sing pres indic
scryt 3rd pers sing pres indic (44) sang 1st pers sing pret indic (132)
sungon 2nd pers pl pret indic (132)
se demonstrative pron : the, that (115, 116, 117, 118, singaþ imper (155)
119, 120 )
þa acc pl(15, 52, 82, 84, 89, 106, 108, 122, 124) slæpan str vb: to sleep;
þænneacc sing masc (68, 78)
slæpst 2nd pers sing pres indic (151)
þæneacc sing masc(79)
slepon all pl pret indic (132)
þone acc sing masc (78);
þæm dat sing masc neut (15, 120)
þæm dat pl (25, 138 slæpern str n noun: dormitory (152)
þæt acc sing masc (120)
þe inst sing (117) slege m noun: blow dat sing (68)

sealtere str m noun: salter; (98) slecg str f noun: sledge hammer;
sealteras ( 4) n pl slecgea gen pl (117)

sealt str n noun: salt smeagan wk vb: to deliberate, examine;

sealtes gen sing (101) smeagst 2nd pers sing pres indic (130)

seamere str m noun: tailor (116) smiþ str m noun: smith, blacksmith (116)
smiþas acc pl (108)
secean wk vb: to seek;
seceað imperative pres (113) smiþþe wk f noun: smithy (building where a
blacksmith works)
secgan str vb: to say; smiþþan dat sing (117)
secge 1st pers sing pres indic (87, 132)
sægest/sægst 2nd pers sing pres indic sayest, (you) say soþ str n noun: truth (70, 117)
( 5, 70, 71, 86, 117) soþlice adv: truly (103)
se(c)gð, sægþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (116, 118, 120)
sp(r)æc str f noun: conversation (121)
selcuþ adj: rare, various spræce dat sing (122)
selcuþe acc pl (91) spræcum dat pl (127)

seldon adv: seldom (60) spedig adj: wealthy, rich (150)

seo demonst pron fem sing: the; sprecan vb str 5: to speak ( 2)

þære dat ( 6, 135) sprec imper sing (122, 130)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 23
sprecende pres participle (127) swæcce str m noun dat sing: taste, flavour (101)
sprycst, specst 2nd pers sing pres indic (119, 122)
forþtyhst spræce: speak (122) swæsum adj: bland, suave (127)

spurleþer str n noun: spur-strap; swefel str m noun: sulphur acc sing (91)
spurleþera acc pl (97)
swegincg str f noun: sound, clang, roar;
spyrte wk f noun: basket, eel basket swegincga gen pl (117)
spyrtan(50) acc sing
swelgere str m noun: glutton (144)
standan vb: stand;
stande 1st pers sing pres indic (13, 15);
swift adj: fast, swift;
standende pres part (39)
swiftum dat pl (29);
standaþ imper (155) swiftne acc sing masc (78)

stearc adj: hard, rough ( 6)

swyftlere str m noun: slipper;
swyfleras acc pl (97)
stence str m noun: stench dat sing: (127)
swiþe adv: very, exceedingly (143)
stiria wk m noun: sturgeon
stirian acc pl (62)
swiþost adv comp: most (30)

stiþlice adv: sternly, forcibly (154) swylce, swilce ( 4, 8, 68, 85) adv: likewise
swylce pron:such;
gestrangian wk vb: to strengthen; swylces gen sing (62)
gestrangie 1st pers sing pres indic (103)
symble adv: always (120)
gestreon str n noun: profit;
gestreon acc sing (93)
swymman vb wk: swim
swymmaþ 3r pers pl pres (58)
stow str f noun: place;
stowe dat sing (155)
syfernysse str f noun, dat sing: moderation (146)
stowe acc sing (25)
syla wk m noun: ploughman;
stunte adj: foolish (124) sylan: (116)

sulh str fem noun: plough;

sylfe pron: self
syl dat sing ( 6)
sylfe acc pl: selves (81, 106, 155)
sylfne acc sing (120, 128)
sum indef pron and adj: a certain; certain, some; (93,
syllan vb, str: sell, give (92)
sum(m)e ( 4) nom pl;
sylle, syle imperative (77, 79); 1st pers sing pres (42,
sumne m acc sing ( 8, 63)
78, 120)
sylst 2nd pers sing pres indic (78, 117);
sumor m noun: summer acc sing (84) sylþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (43, 44, 117)
sumera dat sing (83)
gesyllan strong verb sell (56)
sunnandæg str m noun: Sunday (33)
synnum str f noun, dat pl: sins (155)
sunu str m noun: son
sunu acc sing (93)
syþþan conj: after that (132)

swa adv and conj: so, to that extent, such a ( 6, 25, 56, temian/teman vb, str: tame (75, 76)
66, 85, 119, 123, 124, 128, 130, 144, 150) temige 1st pers sing pres (81)
swa swa: just as (113, 127, 146)
swa hwæt swa: whatsoever (42, 50);
swa hwæðer... swa... swa...: whichever... whether... or getemedon/getemodon adj: tamed (82, 84)
swa wylce swa: whatsoever (57) þær adv: there (39, 92)
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 24
þærto adv: in addition (13) þanon adv: thence, whence (69, 93)

tid str f noun: time, occasion; þe rel pron: who, which ( 8, 44, 68, 101, 102, 106,
tida times; (services at the) canonical hours ( 2) 108, 116, 120, 122, 128, 143)

getihtan wk vb: induce, egg on; þeah conj, adv yet; though (69)
getihte 1st pers sing pres indic (25)
geþeaht str n noun: counsel, advice (120)
tima wk m noun: time (134)
geþeahta wk m noun: counsellor;
tin str n noun: tin acc sing (91) geþeahtan acc sing (110)
geþeahtend nom sing (117, 120)
to prep: to ( 6, 25, 39, 52, 60, 66, 103, 106, 132, 153, geþeahtynde dat sing (111)
to adv: too (103) þeahhwæþere conjunctive adv: nevertheless, moreover
( 2, 107, 130)
todæg adv: today (32, 131, 135)
þearle adv: hard, very much, excessively ( 6, 83, 95,
toforan prep w. dat: before (143) 99, 108, 122)

togeanes adv: opposite; in the way (39) þeawlice adv: obediently, at attention (155)

togelædan vb, str: bring, transport þencan str vb: to think;

togelæde 1st pers sing pres (89) þencende pres participle (127)

togeycan wk vb: to add; þeof str m noun: thief;

togehyhte past participle, pl: added (113) þeofum dat pl (15)

tospecan str vb: to address; þeowdom str m noun: service (113)

tospycst 3rd pers sing pres indic (108)
þes, þis, þæs etc. demonstr pron: this, these; (112, 120,
towurpon str vb: to dismiss, to stop (120) 121)
þisse dat sing fem (132)
þisum dat sing: this (89, 120, 132)
treppe f noun trap
treppum dat pl: traps (72) þas þine geferan ( 3) these companions of yours

þolian vb, wk: suffer

treowwyrhta wk m noun: carpenter;
þolie 1st pers sing pres (89)
treowwyrhtan acc sing (108, 118, 119)

þingc, þing str n noun: thing (18, 106);

getrywe adj: true, faithful (13)
þingc acc pl: things (66, 89, 90, 92, 113, 122, 124, 132,
142, 143)
twegen num: two (35) þinga gen pl (89)

tweowa adv: twice (13) þonne conj w compar: than; (93, 117)
þænne (66)
tyddrian wk vb: to abound in, to cherish;
tyddriende pres participle (127) þænne conj: when, then (15, 93, 107, 118, 119, 130,
134, 143, 155)
þa þa conj: when (132)
þræl str m noun: thrall, slave;
þancung str f noun: thanks ; þrælas nom pl (107)
þancunge dat sing (142)
geþristian vb, wk: dare
þær adv: there (93, 120) ne geþristge: 1st pers sing pres w/neg particle do not
dare, dare not (70)
þæt conj: that ( 6, 25, 44, 68, 84, 87, 93, 107, 120, 122,
130, 144, 150, 155) þu pers pron 2nd pers sing: thou, you (sing) ( 5, 7, 9,
12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 41, 45, 47, 49, 53, 54,
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 25
57, 59, 63, 68, 71, 72, 75, 78, 80, 82, 86, 90, 92, 94, unscennan wk vb: unyoke;
117, 119, 120, 122, 130, 131, 132, 135, 139, 141, 143, unscenþ 3rd pers sing pres indic (15)
147, 149);
þe dat sing (43, 82, 112, 114, 117, 120, 132, 138, 153) us pers pron 1st pers pl dat (to) us (90, 94, 97, 106,
þin gen: your ( 5, 98) 115, 117, 120, 122, 130, 132)
þinne acc sing mascyour (24, 41) we 1st pers pl nom (102, 104, 106, 120, 122, 124, 128,
þine acc pl masc your (53, 80, 137); 130, 132)
þinre dat sing fem (41, 117) ure 1st pers pl gen (111, 122, 130, 138)
þinum dat sing/pl masc (16, 47) uran 1st pers pl acc (130)
urum 1st pers pl dat (120, 122)
þurh prep: through, by, by means of (103
ut adv: out ( 6, 10, 52, 105, 155)
þurhbrucan wk vb: to enjoy to the full;
þurhbrycð 3rd pers sing pres indic (101) utwyrpe str vb: throw away 1st pers pres (52)

þurhwerod adj: very sweet wacian wk vb: wake, remain awake;

þurhwerodum dat pl (101) waciende pres part (15)

þus adv: thus (107) waxgeorn adj: greedy (143)

þusenthiwe adj: shifty (127) wærlice adv: warily, circumspectly (136)

geþwærian wk vb: to agree (120) wæter str n noun: water (124, 148)
wætere dat sing (58)
geþwærnyss str f noun: peace (120)
wæterian wk vb: water; bring water to ( 10);
þy læs conj phrase: lest (13); gewæterode past part (15)
þe lustlicor adv phrase: so much the more willingly
(44) wefodum str m noun, dat pl to the altars (155)

þylc pron: such þylces acc pl (91) wel adv: well (15, 44, 103, 122, 127)

geþyncan impersonal vb: to seem; welig adj: rich

geþuht: seems (112, 113, 114) weligum dat pl (to the) rich (87)

þyrl str n noun: hole (119) weorc str n noun: work, labor;
weorc ( 5) nom sing;
þywan vb str: to drive; weorkes ( 1) gen sing of work; Hwæt hæfst þu
þewende, þywende pres part driving ( 6, 8) weorkes? What kind of work do you have? What do
you have, for work?
uhtsang str m noun: matins (132)
uhtsancge dat sing (153) geweorc str n noun: work;
geweorce dat sing (116)
unclæne adj.: unclean nom pl masc (51)
unclænan acc pl masc (52) wer str m noun: man;
wera gen pl (103)
under prep w. dat: under (140)
wif str n noun: wife, woman;
understandan str vb: understand (122) wif acc sing (93)

undertide str f noun: tierce (132) wikian wk vb: to dwell (117)

underþeodan wk vb: subject, addicted to; wildeor str n noun: wild animal;
underþeodde 3rd pers sing pret indic (127) wildeor nom, acc pl (25, 29, 30, 40)

uneaþe adv: not easily, hardly (89) willan vb anomalous: to want to (do something), wish,
unforsceawodlice adv: unawares, unexpectedly (25) wille1st pers sing pres indic /pl (93, 125, 127, 129,
Old English - Ælfric’s Colloquy on the Occupations 26
wolde 2nd pers sing pret subj would wish to wyrcan wk vb: do, make;
willaþ 3rd pers pl pres indic (126, 130) wyrce 1st pers sing pres indic (97, 118)
wylt/wilt 3rd pers sing pret indic/subj (63, 78, 92) wyrcst 2nd pers sing pres indic (14, 94)

win str n noun: wine acc sing (91, 149, 150) wyrhta wk m noun: workman;
wyrhtan nom pl: (120)
winewinclan f noun: periwinkle acc pl (62) wyrhtum dat pl (120)

winter str m noun: winter ( 6) wintra dat sing (81) wyrpan vb str : throw
wyrpe(50) 1st pers sing pres
wisdom str m noun: wisdom;
wisdome dat sing (127) wyrtgemangc str n noun: mixture of herbs, spices, and
perfume acc pl (91)
wise f noun: way
wisan gen pl: ways (72) wyrt str f noun: vegetable
wyrtum dat pl (101)
wyrta acc pl (105, 142)
wis adj: wise; (128)
wise nom pl (126, 128, 130)
wisne acc m sing (110) gewyslice adv: certainly, indeed, of course ( 10)
wisa noun nom sing wise man (112)
wisra noun gen pl of the wise ones (150) yfel str n noun: evil;
yfele dat sing (130)
gewislice adv.: certainly (111)
yfele adv: evilly (127)
wissian wk vb: to guide, instruct;
wissod past participle (to be) guided, instructed (111) yld str f noun: age (130)

witan str vb: to go; ylpesban str n noun: ivory acc sing (91)
wat 3rd pers sing pres indic: (138)
uton 1st pers pl pres subj: let us (120) yppan wk vb: to reveal, betray (138)

witan str vb: to know; yrþlincg, yrþlingc str m noun: a farmer, ploughman;
witaþ 3rd pers pl pres indic (124) yrþling (115, 117)
yrþlingc (5) nom sing;
witodlice adv: truly, verily; (95, 117) yrþlincge dat sing (15, 117, 120)
yrþlincgas ( 4) nom pl
wiþinnan adv: within (127)

wlætta wk m noun: a nauseating substance (103)

word str n noun: word;

wordum dat pl (127)

woruldcræft str m noun: secular occupation;

woruldcræftas acc pl (114)

wudu m noun: wood

wuda dat sing (81);
wudum dat pl (40)

wulf str m noun: wolf (13)

gewuna wk m noun: custom, practice;

gewunon acc pl (130)

wunian wk vb: dwell, live;

wuniaþ 3rd pers pl pres indic (40)

wynsume adj: winsome (155)

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