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Tendernotice 1

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T6r{rq VIRFT
flffi sTfq"idr +*q,,rqiffi
TrrdqfTfi qtvorq Cf+qdl tqr+m, .'nrrg{

qrw*: 1os11) R\qo\ai qiIT : qitrsrc {ge, ei,v.vfrsr, cirrfir di.aq/q'

q|f{I, ITIIT{-YVo ooq
c____!_ ---l-
t-*e: elnagpur.ee@mahapwd.com
EfT.ifi .iFTemifirkcrll & o 2/ Q oqa k{is ,-1at S! lt"r,c

qrRf,l q q;Riqt, qdrciqwrflsrcT,
E+ qfqqmq, skfrT E{taT,
fir€le dd-T, Tr-q{t.

fEqq :- q,fi-fir qrinrra Tf,qrrd qsTRTd q;t'qFrrqa'

f-ftFd{r Vfir mqio,' \ rl=T ?oqr-tq
strr{urrc{ ffitr s{uqkT tA *1, dqd qis#r qrk{Td srdi€ wro} gaqiTd e'sTiqTil srrqid

1) 5d qiq q qf,r 6rffi o{F+if,t, qttrT*. qiqstq fu{d h*Tn,

rfiT{ s{t*fi m. o\eq,R/ ?qqozqq
R) qrfld-ttd q-drrftTd q-rorTr* rffi fqi6 R?/oxl?oqa
mrtor 3ifrq drtrq.
?) r*Tfrrd q.qnql+ Kt fqrcTwrfflrTrfrqwi /{fRfRR (virsq fruiqT$R)

v; q{ftaa srq+mT fu-€r irlTi

q) qrffi Ffi-dT qnqflTn qcr& I indr
('nq lcE +i)
q) qriaTd t++. qtulq qrq{ wr{qd stffi s{Fr{jdT, €TffiTfi Eit;flq'fuqf, fuq-'r,
(qtq _-.:_ qTqT{ m'. outR/ Q\Qoz\Q
itq. $wff
\e) qTldrtd fi-fi qf,qfld ffi +dr _qcn qcol'
) ,,
q*lfrId q-{T-fr.

c) {qffi*. qTfrdl uin gnwxn t-w{m

sl-qri eTRffiI{ rTdf,tfl.
Traqtr - qrkrrd r{flrqr rtr. q'ffi grfrTriilT,

urffi+o Eirrfirq (tqd) fur+r't,

rfi - qr. ge erfrziar (kqd), qr.er.flqsnrr, t{€ fi qfa-ffiat qk;rq qrc{.
ud - srqlqrfi erFrrim, qTq$ qTifrm fq-{d ris-d, qlrtT{ fi qia-ffiar qk{q {r<.
Public Works (Electrical) Division, Nagpur
e-Tender Notice No. 5'-018-19
(Online) E-Tender from appropriate Class Registered Contractor for following works
in B-1 Format are invited by Executive Engineer, Public Works (Electrical) Division, Nagpur
(Tel.ph.0712-2560856) for the following works (Serial No 01 To 3) from the Bidder who satisfy the
qualifying Criteria. The tender documents should be downloaded from the Government website
http://mahatenders.gov.in. The competent authority reserves the right to reject/accept any or all the
tenders. Conditional tenders will not be accepted.

Sr. Name of Work Estt. No. Tender

No. Amount

Prov. Water Heaters For Newly Constructed R.M.O' Hostel in the 1881/NGP/
I 64387s/-
Premises of IGGMC, At NagPur. 2017-L8
Prov. Split Type Air Conditioners for Lecture Hall & Server Room, HOD 1882/NGP/
2 Chamber for Forensic Department in the Premises of IGGMC, At 46o4s2l-
Prov. Renovation to E.l. of API Lecture Hall at Government Medical 38/NGP/
3 s588s8/-
College & Hospital, Nagpur. 2018-19

Tender Available From Dt. 23/041201'8 To Dt' 10/05/2018

All information relating to this e-Tender is available in the following website:

1. http://mahatenders.gov.in (NlC portal)
(Any Corrigendum will be published in the website)
2. Notice Board of office of the Executive Engineer, Public Works (Electrical) Division, Nagpur.
3. contractor are required to quote their rates for tender after considering the liabilities of G.S'T. as per GST Act -
2ot7 '
Execuiive Engineer,
Public Works Electrical Division,
rr6rq flRFr
vtffi{fi EitrfiTq (k{d) frs{rq, ;nrrT{
f-FTFfir g.fir mqis' \ rFT Rota-RR
q,rffi , nrffi+o qt?rfirq 0+qdy frrnr, qitrq,,rq rign, fiRa1d dr$F$, il-rrT{
(grq-tr m. "\et?-R\Qoa\Q) q-6r-{E ytRFil-aTI utffii-+. qitrdnlq futrlTrf,g qtq GT q,ltrf,td
trrtn +rreqTir*-q{ rgrdtf, (m. t t t) smrsdnT E-q q{qrfrf, frhqT t- f{t{T qq-rdilt
(effiT) q-q-qd e{riif. frfuqT s'fffl* {*n erar-q< htp://mahatenders.sov.in ntfl grw-rltg
*-{rqid qd. ilAq frfuEr fu*r-ruqrqr oTe{fl qFFRuqrqT qftrfiR sffi slFrtif,T , qrffi+-
qisffirq (kqf,) fu"TFr, rTqT{ vi* qq }q-mT eG. era crstrt frfqqT fr+sTrdr q"TR qIEl.

Sr. Name of Work Estt. No. Tender

No. Amount
Prov. Water Heaters For Newly Constructed R.M.O. Hostel in the Premises of 1881/NG P/
n 64387s/-
IGGMC, At Nagpur. 2017-L8
Prov. Split Type Air Conditioners for Lecture Hall & Server Room, HOD 1882/NGP/
2 4604s2/-
Chamber for Forensic Department in the Premises of IGGMC, At Nagpur. 2017-L8
Prov. Renovation to E.l. Of API Lecture Hall at Government Medical College & 38/NGP/
3 ss88s8/-
Hospital, Nagpur. 2018-19

frfuqT sqe|er srdTq$ :- m€ Rl/ox/Role i qo/oq/Rote

qriftd i-FTfuqrql q-d qlEtfr sqf,dT qTt.

l.www.mahatenders.com (NlC portal)
(qqr frfu+qd *re} q-{d 6}6 elqww qne ffi m-afqoqrd t{a I
t.mrffi GF+iil, qrffiq-*-qitrfiq (ie-{d) fu*Tn, ilrT{ s-fqtdqnld {q{r strdn.
a. tffifi qi.q€.21. q,FKT RoRtg WR ffiqT fi-{rall drqfqT iq-qm sdlq
friqq FI-{t s-{r-dlr-d.

*,,rffi eTF{df,t,
qtffiTfi elqfiq (kqd) fq*r-'r,

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by ARUN WAGHUJI
Date: 2018.04.19 13:53:22 IST
Location: Maharashtra

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