Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) - Computer Applications
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) - Computer Applications
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) - Computer Applications
Faculty of Management
School of Management Studies
Website :
My dear Learners,
I deem it a great privilege to extend a hearty welcome to you to the Under Graduate Programme being offered by
the Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU). I also appreciate your keen interest to know about the curriculum of the
Programme, in which you shall gain an enthralling experience, and pleasurable and beneficial learning.
With passing a specific act in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly (TNLA) in 2002, the TNOU came into existence as a
State Open University (SOU). It has been offering the socially-relevant academic Programmes in diverse disciplines with
due approval of the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Distance Education Bureau (DEB), New Delhi since its
inception. This Undergraduate Programme is one among the approved Programmes.
The Board of Studies, a statutory academic body of the University, consisting of the versatile scholars, eminent teachers
including both internal and external, well- acclaimed industrialists, outstanding alumni, and prospective learners as
members, has designed the robust curriculum of this Programme. The curriculum is overhauled to be more suitable to
the socio-economic and scientific needs in the modern era based on the emerging trends in the discipline at State and
National as well as International level and accordingly, modified to our local context. Moreover, the whole syllabi of this
Programme have special focuses on promoting the learners to the modern learning environment.
With a Credit System / Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), this Programme is offered in semester/ non-semester
pattern. The Self-Learning Materials that are the mainstay of pedagogy in the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) have
been developed incorporating both the traditional and the modern learning tools, like web-resources, multi-media
contents, text books and reference books with a view to providing ample opportunities for sharpening your knowledge
in the discipline.
At this juncture, I wish to place on record my deepest appreciations and congratulations to the Chairperson and the
Members of the Board of Studies concerned for having framed the curriculum of high standard.
I would also like to acknowledge the Director, the Programme Co-Ordinator and the members of staff of the respective
School of Studies for their irrevocable contributions towards designing the curriculum of this Programme.
Last but not least, I register my profuse appreciation to Prof. S. Balasubramanian, Director (i/c), Curriculum Development
Centre (CDC), TNOU, who have compiled this comprehensive Programme Project Report (PPR) that includes the
regulations and syllabi of the Programme, and also facilitated the designing in the form of e-book as well printed book.
I am immensely hopeful that your learning at TNOU shall be stupendous, gratifying, and prosperous.
Wish you all success in your future endeavours!
With warm regards,
Chairperson Dr.K.Maran
Sai Ram Institute of Management,
Professor and Director
Sai Ram Engineering College,
School of Management Studies
West Tambaram, Chennai 600 044.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Chennai 600015.
E-mail Industrial Experts
Faculty Members Dr.M.Ramakrishnan
Senior Vice-President,
Dr.R.Tamilmaran Loyal Textiles Mills Ltd.,
Associate Professor Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai 600 028.
School of Management Studies
Tamil Nadu Open University
Chennai 600015.
Vice-President, Jhonson Lifts Ltd.,
Dr.N.Saranya Devi Anna Nagar West,
Assistant Professor Chennai 600040.
School of Management Studies
Tamil Nadu Open University Alumnus
Chennai 600015.
Dr.P.M.Saravanan Addl. Commissioner of Labour Retired,
Subject Experts DMS Complex,
Dr.S.N.Geetha Tynampet, Chennai 600 018.
Professor and Director
Centre for Distance Education Dr.S.Vimala
Anna University, Chennai 600 025. Assistant Professor, Quide - Milleth College for Women,
Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.
Students on Roll
Department of Management Studies
Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Lenin R S
Pondicherry 605014. Janani Homes, New no.168, old no.49,
Vanniar street, Choolaimedu,
Chennai – 600094.
Dr. J. Khaja Sheriff
Professor, Raman M
Department of Management Studies, Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank Ltd.,
University of Madras, 33, Siva Shanmugam st.,Ground floor,
Chennai 600 005. West Tambaram, Chennai – 600045, E-mail:
the Practical Counselling (if any) will be conducted through the Learners Support Centres of Tamil Nadu Open Uni-
versity. Theevaluation will be carried by Tamil Nadu Open University consists of Continuous Internal Assessment
through Assignment and External Assessment through Term End Examination.
Financial Assistance
Scholarship for SC/ST category available as per the norms of the State Government of Tamil Nadu. Complete Ad-
mission fee waiver for the Physically Challenged/ Differently abled persons.
The Academic Calendar for the Programme will be available for the learners to track down the chronological
events/ happenings. The Counselling schedule will be uploaded in the TNOU website and the same will be intimat-
ed to the students through SMS.
Evaluation System
Examination to B.B.A Computer Applications programme is designed to maintain quality of standard. Theory will
be conducted by the University in the identified Examination Centres. For the Assignment students may be permit-
ted to write with the help of books/materials for each Course, which will be evaluated by the Evaluators appointed
by the University.
Theory Examination
Students shall normally be allowed to appear for theoryexamination after completing the Assignments. The Term
-End Examination shall Carry 70 Marks and the Question Paper has three Sections: A, B & C for the duration of 3
10. From Block –V
PART – C (4X10=40 Marks)
Answer any four questions out of seven questions in 500 words
All questions carry equal marks
11. From Block -I
12. From Block -II
13. From Block – III
Passing Minimum
Candidates who have secured 40 per cent of the marks in each course (Both Continuous Internal Assessment and
Term End Examinations) shall be declared to have passed the examination in that course. All other candidates shall
be declared to have failed in that course.
Classification of Successful Candidate
Candidates who pass all the Courses and whosecure 60 per cent and above in the aggregate of marks will be placed
in the First Class. Those securing 50 per cent and above but below 60 per cent in the aggregate will be placed in
the Second Class.
Requirement of laboratory and Library Resources
The Programme will be offered through the Learner Support Centre (LSC) maintained by Tamil Nadu Open Univer-
sity. The LSC has the required infrastructural facilities to conduct the Counselling for the students who wish to clear
their doubts. The courses pertaining to computer/ software application oriented are provided adequate computer
lab facilities and training.
A well equipped Library is available in the University Headquarters and the Regional Centres with required books
and research journals. The Learners Support Centre through which the Degree Programme is to be offered is also
equipped with a full-fledged library having books and journals related to management disciplinefor students ref-
Cost Estimate of the Programme and the Provisions
The cost estimate for development, delivery and maintenance of the B.B.A Computer Applicationsis provided in
the following Table.
curriculum of B.B.A Computer Applications has been designed with a help of academia and industry and approved
by the Board of Studies which includes subject experts from various Universities, Colleges and Industries. To ensure
the quality of the programme curriculum will be updated once in a three year for incorporating new requirements
the subject demands. The well equipped system is evolved to obtain feedback from the learners and the academic
counsellors who are the main stake holders of the B.B.A Computer Applications programme for appraising the
effective delivery of course content of the programme.
As a part of Quality assurance the curriculum for the Programme will be updated once in three years. Necessary
steps will be taken to obtain feedback from the students and the Academic Counsellors who are part of the Pro-
gramme for effective delivery of the Programme.
After completion of the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) Computer Applications Programme, the Learn-
ers will acquire knowledge in Business, Information Technology in Business and Managerial Skills and this will
in-turn help them to get employment or enabling entrepreneurial skill in the field Industry, Business Organization
and Government.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Marks Passing
S Course No. of Exam Max.
Course title Distribution Mini-
No. Code Credits Hrs Marks
First Year
1 BFTM–11 தமிழ் - 1 (Tamil Language - 1) 6 3 30 70 100 40
2 BBAEG Business English 6 3 30 70 100 40
3 BBAC - 10 Principles of Management 6 3 30 70 100 40
4 BBAC - 11 Managerial Economics 6 3 30 70 100 40
5 BBAC – 12 Computer Applications in Business 6 3 30 70 100 40
6 BBAC – P1 LAB 1 – Office Automation Package 4 3 100 - 100 40
Total 34 250 350 600
Second Year
7 BBAC-21 Financial & Management Accounting 6 3 30 70 100 40
8 BBAC-22 Business Statistics 6 3 30 70 100 40
9 BBAC-23 Marketing Management 6 3 30 70 100 40
10 BBAC-24 Human Resource Management 6 3 30 70 100 40
11 BBAC-25 Internet & Web Designing 6 3 30 70 100 40
12 BBAC – P2 LAB – 2 Internet & Web Designing 4 3 100 - 100 40
13 CCE Environmental Studies 4 3 30 70 100 40
Total 38 280 420 700
Third Year
14 BBAC-31 Operation Management 6 3 30 70 100 40
15 BBAC-32 E - Business 6 3 30 70 100 40
16 BBAC-33 Financial Management 6 3 30 70 100 40
17 BBAC-34 Management Information System 6 3 30 70 100 40
18 BBAC-35 Business Accounting Software 6 3 30 70 100 40
19 BBAC – P3 LAB – 3 – Business Accounting Software 4 3 100 - 100 40
Total 34 250 350 600
Grand Total 106 780 1120 1900
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
I Year Syllabus
பாட ந�ோக்கங்கள்
Tamil Nadu Open University
கதீசாவின் ஏமாற்றம் – கதீசாவின் இயல்பு நிலையில் மாற்றம் – ஒப்பனை துறந்த விரக்தி,
பஞ்சணை ப�ொருந்தா நிலை – கதீசாவின் புலம்பல் – விதிவசம் ப�ொருந்தும�ோ எனல், மாதுலன்
வசனம் சிதையும�ோ எனல், கதீசா தேம்புதல். – மெசறாவின் மடல் வருதல் – மைசறா எழுதிய
பத்திரம், சித்திர வரித�ொறும் முத்தமிடுதல், கடலில் தவிப்பார்க்குக் கிடைத்த மரக்கலம்.
பிரிவு – 4 தேம்பாவணி (காட்சிப் படலம்)
தேம்பாவணி – காப்பிய அமைப்பு, காட்சி படலம், காப்பிய முன்கதைச் சுருக்கம், படலக்
கதைச் சுருக்கம், - க�ோவர் கூட்டம் வந்து காணுதல் – குழந்தை இயேசுவைத் த�ொழுதல்,
முல்லையார் தந்த முல்லை மாலை, பேரின்பத்தால் உயிர் ஊஞ்சலாடல் - க�ோவலர் ப�ோற்றி
வாழ்த்துதல் – நீவிப் ப�ோன ஆட்டை மீட்கவ�ோ உதித்தனை எனல், பிணிக்குலத்தக்கது உதித்த
–நீலச் சேற்றில்…, சேசாலம் – மண்ணின் வெடிப்பை…, வைரமுத்து – அவிழ்ந்த கூந்தலை
அள்ளிமுடிக்க…, ஐக்கூக் கவிதைகள் – அப்துல் ரகுமான் – இரவெல்லாம் …, அமுதபாரதி –
எரியும் பிணங்கள், மித்ரா – பசித்த குழந்தைகள், அறிவுமதி – மரம் வெட்டிய…, கழனியூரன்
பிரெஞ்சு நாடகத் தாக்கம், அமைதியின் சிறப்பு – அமைதி நாடகக் கதைச் சுருக்கம் – அமைதி
– களம் ஒன்று, களம் – இரண்டு , களம் மூன்று, களம் நான்கு, களம் ஐந்து, களம் ஆறு, களம்
ஏழு, அமைதி நாடகத் திறனாய்வு.
பிரிவு – 11 ஜெயகாந்தனின் “நான் இருக்கிறேன்” – சிறுகதை
தமிழ் உரைநடையில் சிறுகதை வளர்ச்சி – தமிழில் கதை இலக்கியத் த�ோற்றம், தமிழ்ச்
சிறுகதைகளின் த�ோற்றமும் வளர்ச்சியும், சிறுகதை இலக்கணம் – தமிழ்ச் சிறுகதைகளில்
ஜெயகாந்தன் – ஜெயகாந்தன் சிறுகுறிப்பு – கதை அரங்கம் அறிமும், நான் இருக்கிறேன் கதைச்
சுருக்கம் – நான் இருக்கிறேன் சிறுகதை – வியாதிக்காரன் அனுபவங்கள், சாகக் கற்றுக்கொடுத்த
ந�ொண்டி, வாழக் கற்றுக்கொடுத்த வியாதிக்காரன், நான் இருக்கிறேன் அம்மா, - நான்
இருக்கிறேன் – சிறுகதைத் திறனாய்வு.
பிரிவு - 12 வா.செ.குழந்தைசாமியின் அறிவியல் தமிழ் ஆக்கம் இற்றை நிலை
அறிவியல் தமிழ் - இயற்றுதல் அறிந்தோம் புனைதல் இல்லை - தமிழில் அறிவியல் இலக்கியம்
படைப்போம் - வா.செ. குழந்தைசாமி - அறிமுகம் - அறிவியல் தமிழ் - எந்தத் துறைகளைக்
குறிக்கும் - அறிவியல் தமிழை உள்ளடக்கியது - த�ோற்றம் - கலைச்சொல்லாக்கப் பணி -
விடுதலைக்குமுன் - விடுதலைக்குப்பின் - பாடநூல் நிறுவனத்தின் பங்கு - பதிப்பகங்களின்
பங்கு - பல்கலைக்கழகங்களின் பங்கு - இதழ்களின் பங்கு - இலங்கைத் தமிழரின் பங்கு -
கருத வேண்டியவை.
தமிழில் புதினம் - தமிழில் சிறுகதை - தமிழில் புதுக்கவிதைகள் - தமிழில் உரைநடை
நாடகங்கள் - புதினங்கள் - சிறுகதைகள் - இலக்கியங்கள் - மரபுக் கவிதை இலக்கியங்கள் -
புதுக்கவிதை இலக்கியங்கள் - தமிழில் ஐக்கூக் கவிதைகள்.
த�ொகுதி 5 ம�ொழித்திறன்கள்
பிரிவு - 17 கருத்துப் பரிமாற்ற ம�ொழித்திறன்
கருத்து விளக்கக் கட்டுரைகள் - செய்திக் கட்டுரைகள் - ச�ொற்பொழிவு - குழு விவாதங்கள் -
நண்பர்களுடன் உரையாடும் திறன் - கணினித் தமிழ் - கட்டுரை - பெண்ணியம் - தலைப்பு
- தேர்ந்தெடுக்கும் முறை - தகவல்கள் சேகரிக்கும் முறை - தகவல் திரட்டல் - நகைச்சுவைத்
திறன் - அவை அறிதல் - உச்சரிப்புக் கவனம் - குழு விவாத அமைப்பும் குறிக்கோளும் -
பார்வை நூல்கள்:
»» மு. வரதராசன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, சாகித்ய அக்காதெமி, புதுடெல்லி.
»» மது. ச. விமலானந்தன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
»» தமிழண்ணல், புதிய ந�ோக்கில் தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
»» தமிழண்ணல், இனிய தமிழ்மொழியின் இயல்புகள் 1,2,3- பகுதிகள், மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
»» முத்து – கண்ணப்பன்,தி.. தமிழில் தவறுகளைத் தவிர்ப்போம், பாரிநிலையம், 184, பிராட்வே, சென்னை.
»» கீ. இராமலிங்கனார், தமிழில் எழுதுவ�ோம், கழக வெளியீடு, சென்னை.
»» செ. முத்துவீராசாமி நாயுடு, ஆவணங்களும் பதிவுமுறைகளும், கழக வெளியீடு, சென்னை.
»» டாக்டர் சு. பாலசுப்பிரமணியன், தகவல் த�ொடர்புக் கல்வி, மாநிலப் பள்ளிசாராக் கல்விக் கருவூலம், சென்னை.
»» எஸ். கலைவாணி, இதழியல் உத்திகள், பராசக்தி வெளியீடு, குற்றாலம்.
»» டாக்டர் அ. சாந்தா, டாக்டர் வீ. ம�ோகன், மக்கள் ஊடகத் த�ொடர்பியல் புதிய பரிமாணங்கள், மீடியா பப்ளிகேஷன்ஸ்,
»» பி.எஸ். ஆச்சார்யா, உயர்வுதரும் உரையாடல்கலை, நர்மதா பதிப்பகம், சென்னை.
»» மு. முத்துக்காளத்தி, பேசுவது எப்படி, கண்ணம்மாள் பதிப்பகம், பாரி நிலையம், சென்னை.
இணையத் தளங்கள்/மின்னூலகங்கள்
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To enable the students to know about the principles, objectives and importance of communication
in commerce and trade.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Course Outcome
»» Have good interpersonal communications.
»» Write effective business letter.
»» Draft business circular and layouts.
»» Acquire knowledge on report preparation.
»» Improve ways to approach industry people and customer.
Block 5 E-Communication
Strategic Importance of E-Communication - Email, Text Messaging, Slide or Visual Presentation - Internet - Video
conferencing - Group Discussion – Social Networking.
• Lesikar, R.V. &Flatley, M.E., (2002) Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering Internet Generation,
9th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi.
• PattanShetty C.S & Ramesh M.S., (1999), Effective Business English and correspondence,
R. Chand & Company, New Delhi.
• R S N Pillai,Vbagavathi,(2010), Modern Commercial Correspondence, S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi.
• N.S.Raghunathan&B.Santhanam, (2013), Business Communication, Margham Publications, Chennai.
• Rajendra Pal, J. S. Korlahalli, (2015), Essentials of Business Communication, 13thEdition,Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi.
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To enable the students to have knowledge of the evolution of Management, functions and principles
of management and to learn the application of the principles in an organisation.
»» It is to provide the student with an understanding of basic management concepts, principles and
Tamil Nadu Open University
Course Outcome
»» Understand the basic concepts of management and practices.
»» Understand the proper planning, elements and techniques of planning, recognize and apply the
skills necessary for carrying out effective management decision-making and strategic management
»» Understand the basic concepts of staff process in the human resource management department.
»» Understand the problems and stages in controlling process.
»» Knowing the controlling techniques for attaining goals of business organisation.
Block 3 Organisation
Organising – Features, importance – Principles of organisations – types – Organisation structure – Delegation –
Span of Management – Line and staff relationship – Use of staff units and committees
Block 5 Controlling & Coordination
Controlling – Significance and limitations of Control – Control process –Types of Control - Requirements of a good
Control System - Budgetary and non- budgetary control- Coordination- Needs and Importance - Types and tech-
niques requisites for excellence of Coordination
• DinkarPagare, (2015), Principles of Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
• Gupta, C.B., (2014), Management Theory and Practice, Fourteenth Edition, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» Understand the fundamental concept of managerial economics.
»» Understand the responsibilities of managerial economist.
Tamil Nadu Open University
»» To learn about law of demand, supply and competition prevails in the market.
»» To learn about production function, supply and cost analysis in a firm.
»» Understand the internal and external decisions to be made by managers.
Course Outcome
»» Analyse the demand and supply conditions and assess the position of a company.
»» Design competition strategies including costing, pricing, product differentiation and market environment
according to the nature of products and the structure of the market.
»» Analyse the real-world business problems with a systematic theoretical framework.
»» Make optimal business decisions.
• K KDewett& M H Navalur,(2006), Modern Economic Theory, S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi.
• P L Mehta, (2016), Managerial Economics .Analysis , Problems and Cases, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi .
• V Mote, Samuel Paul , G. Gupta, (2017),Managerial Economics : Concepts & Cases, Tata McGraw-Hill Publish-
ing Company limited, New Delhi.
• Dr.S.Sankaran, (2012), Business Economics, 3rd Edition, Margham Publications, Chennai.
• R.L. Varshney, K.L. Maheshwari, (2014), Managerial Economics, 19th Edition Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Course Objective
»» To familiarise the students with the innovations of information in computer applications in business.
»» It helps to understand the basic computer knowledge.
»» To give appreciate the practical details of computer.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Course Outcome
»» Work with advanced features of MS Word, MS Excel & MS PowerPoint.
»» Create power point presentations.
»» Be aware of mathematical calculations in MS Excel.
»» Able to use basic social networking tools
Block 2 MS Word
MS Word – Introduction to Word – Creating Word Document – Formatting – Spell Check – Grammar Check – Work-
ing with Tables – Saving, Opening and Closing Document – Mail Merge.
Block 4 MS Excel
MS Excel – Introduction – Spread Sheet – Entering data in Working sheets – Editing and Formatting Work sheets –
Charts – Functions like Saving, Opening and Closing Work book.
• GiniCourter & Annette Marquis, (1999),Mastering Microsoft Office 2000 Professional Edition,Sybex, US.
• Joan Lambert and Joyce Cox, (2013), Microsoft Word 2013Step by Step, Microsoft Press, Washington.
• Dr.R. Parameswaran, (2010), Computer Application in Business, S Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi.
• Ravi Taxali, (2017), Pc Software for Windows 98 Made Simple, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Education, New
• Stephen L. Nelson, (1999), Office 2000: The Complete Reference, McGraw Hill Professional,US.
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» Crafting professional word documents excel spread sheets, power point presentations using the
Microsoft office.
»» To familiarise the preparation of documents and presentations with office automation tools.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Course Outcome
»» Apply theoretical knowledge with examples.
»» Hands on knowledge on word, Excel and PowerPoint.
• Preparing a neat aligned, error free document, add header and footer, also perform find replace operation
and define bookmarks.
• Preparing documents with special effects and adding new Symbols and frames.
• Preparing documents with inserts pictures objects and database.
• Preparing tables
• Preparing the document in newspaper column layout
• Perform mail merger operation and preparing labels.
• Type the text, change the font size at 20, Align the text to left, right and justify & centre and underline the text.
• Prepare a job application letter enclosing your bio-data
• Demonstrate OLE concept by linking an excel worksheet into a work document
• Type the text, check spelling and grammar, bullets and numbering list items.
• Entering and printing worksheet
• Worksheet Using formulas
• Worksheet Manipulation for electricity bill preparation
• Drawing graphs to illustrate class performance
• An excel worksheet contains monthly Sales Details of five companies.
• Prepare a power point presentation with at least three slides for department inaugural function.
• Draw an organization chart with minimum three hierarchical levels.
• Design an advertisement campaign with minimum three slides
• Insert an excel chart into a power point slide.
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To understand the basic concepts of financial accounting,cost accounting and managementaccounting.
»» To know various tools from accounting and costaccounting. This would facilitate the decisionmaking.
»» To develop analytical abilities to face the businesssituations.
Course Outcome
»» Identify the underlying principles, characteristics and objectives of a set of financial statements.
»» Understand the Assets & liabilities of the business firms.
»» On successful completion of this course, the student will gain knowledge in the practical applications
of financial and management accounting.
»» On successful completion of this course the students will gain knowledge in the accounting practice.
Block 5 Marginal Cost and Budget
Introduction - Concept of Marginal Costing -Characteristics of Marginal Costing , Difference between Absorption
Costing and Marginal Costing -Cost-volume-Profit (CVP) relationship – Break-even analysis.
Budget and budgetary control – advantages and limitations – Essential features of Budgetary Control- Steps in
budgetary Control -Classification and preparation of budgets
• Finney,H.A.; Miller,Herbert E., (1953), Principles of Accounting, Introductory, 5th Edition Prentice-Hall., New
• S.P Jain & K.L. Narang ,(2016), Advanced Accountancy Principles of Accounting, Kalyani Publishers / Lyall Bk
Depot, New Delhi.
• Dr.S.N.Maheswari,(2016),Management Accounting and Financial Control, Sultan Chand & Sons Pvt. Ltd., New
• Shashi K. Gupta & R.K. Sharma, (2016), Management Accounting Principles & Practice, 13th Revised Edition,
Kalyani Publishers / LyallBk Depot, New Delhi.
• M C Shukla, S C Gupta & T S Grewal, (2016) Advanced Accounts Volume I,19th Edition, S. Chand Publishing,
New Delhi.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To inculcate the knowledge of Statistics and its application in the field of Business.
»» To enable the students to apply the statistical tools in analysis and interpretation of data.
»» To provide basic knowledge about averages and Measures of Dispersion.
Course Outcome
»» The students will acquire knowledge about averages to be used in Business Research.
»» The students will gain knowledge about the application of Correlation and Regression.
»» Gain knowledge in statistical tools and their application in Business and Research.
• Gupta, B.N., (2015), Business Statistics, First Revised Edition, SBPD, New Delhi.
• S. P. Gupta, (2012), Statistical Methods, 42nd Revised EditionSultan Chand & Sons Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
• Pillai, R.S.N. &Bagavathi, V., (2012), Statistics – Theory & Practice, 5th Revised Edition, S.Chand& Co., New
• Sinha, V.C. & Gupta, A., ( 2015), Business Statistics, First Edition, SBPD, New Delhi.
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Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To develop an overview about concepts underlying in the marketing management process.
»» To learn about market, product, consumer behaviour, distribution, promotion and pricing decisions.
Course Outcome
»» Developed understanding of various facets of marketingmanagement.
»» The ability to take decisions and plan, develop, execute and control marketingstrategies
»» Attainment of organisational marketinggoals.
Block 1 Introduction
Nature and Scope of Marketing – Concepts of Marketing – Marketing Management – Functions of Marketing –
Types of Markets - Difference between Marketing and Selling -Various Environmental Factors affecting Marketing
Physical distribution – Channels of distribution – Types of Channel – Channel Policy – Wholesalers, Retailers and
Middle men and their functions.
• Gupta C.B. Nair N. Rajan, ( 2020 ), Marketing Management - Text & Cases,19th edition, Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi .
• Philip Kotler &Kevin Lane Keller, (2016), Marketing Management, 15th Edition, Pearson Education India,
• V S Ramaswamy& S Namakumari, (2010), Marketing Management, 4th Edition, Om Books Internation-
al, New Delhi.
• Rustom S. Davar, (1993), Modern Marketing Management, UBS Publishers’ Distributors Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.
• S.A. Sherlekar& R. Krishnamoorthy (2015), Principles of Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,-
Tamil Nadu Open University
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To understand various facets of Human Resource Management.
»» To develop the ability to make decisions and plan, execute and control Human Resource Management
strategies towards attainment of organisational goals.
»» To understand functions and qualities of Human Resource Manager.
»» To learn about Recruitment and Selection Process.
»» To acquire knowledge on training and development, performance appraisal, trade union, grievances.
Course Outcome
»» Develop understanding of various facets of Human Resourcemanagement.
»» The ability to make decisions and plan, develop, execute and control Human Resource strategies.
Block 5 Compensation and Maintenance
Compensation - Concept and policies- wage and Salary administration -Methods of wage payments and incentive
plans - Fringe benefits - Performance linked compensation - Employee health, welfare and safety social security -
Employer-Employee relations- grievance handling and redressal.
• K.Aswathappa, (2013), Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill Educa-
tion, New Delhi.
• Gupta, C.B., (2013), Human Resource Management, Fourteenth Edition, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
• Khanka, S.S., (2007), Human Resource Management- Text and Cases, First Reprint Edition, S. Chand& Co.,
Ltd., New Delhi.
• Prasad, L.M., (2014), Human Resource Management, Third Edition, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
• V.S.P. Rao, (2016),Human Resource Management,Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
• SubbaRao, P., (2011), Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relation, Second Edition
Reprint, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
• Tripathi, P.C., (2010), Human Resource Management, Sixth Edition, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To develop skills in analysing the usability of Internet and E-Mail.
»» To understand how to plan and develop web design.
»» Learn the language of the web: HTML and DHTML.
Course Outcome
»» Familiar with search engines and browsing.
»» Access modem, use mail, send mail with attachment, signature.
»» Use HTML and create documents using attractive graphics.
»» Use DHTML with various attributes and cascading.
Block 2 E-Mail
Working with E-mail- Running on email program - Sending, reading, replying deleting and exiting mail - Sending
files via email Attaching a signature - Managing an address book.
Block 5 DHTML
Introduction to DHTML - Cascading style - Color and background attributes - Text attributes - Border attributes -
Marginal related attributes - List attributes – Class, External style sheet.
• Ivan Bayross , (2009), Web enabled commercial application development using HTML, DHTML, Java script,
Perl CGI, 4th Revised Edition, BPB Publications, Chennai.
• Maureen Adams, Sherry Bonelli, (1998), Internet complete, BPB publications, Chennai.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To analyse the requirements for and create and implement the principles of web page development.
»» To understand the importance of the web as an effective medium of communication.
»» To develop basic skills in analysing the usability of a web site.
Course Outcome
»» Develop HTML page with various specifications.
»» Gain exposure to apply theoretical knowledge practically.
»» Access modem, use mail, send mail with attachment, signature.
The following programs based on databases:
• Develop a HTML page to input student information.
• Develop a HTML page to display student results for a given roll number.
• Develop a DHTML page to display product information for a given product id.
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Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To provide a dynamic window onto the changing natural and social environments that comprises
our world.
»» To engage directly with key contemporary issues - such as globalisation, climate change,
environmental management and cultural transformation - whilst also developing valuable analytical
and communication skills.
»» To find flexibility to tailor your module choices to your academic interests.
Course Outcome
»» Acquiring wide knowledge on natural processes and resources that sustain life and govern economy.
»» Appreciate the consequences of human actions on the web of life, global economy, and quality of
human life.
»» Develop critical thinking for shaping strategies (scientific, social, economic, administrative, and legal)
for environmental protection, conservation of biodiversity, environmental equity, and sustainable
»» Inculcate values and attitudes towards understanding complex environmental economic- social
challenges, and active participation in solving current environmental problems and preventing the
future ones.
»» Adopt sustainability as a practice in life, society, and industry.
a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their
effects on forest and tribal people.
b) Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water,
dams-benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case
d) Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agricul-
ture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies.
e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy
sources. Case studies.
f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification.
• Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
• Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
• Wasteland reclamation.
• Consumerism and waste products.
• Environment Protection Act.
• Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
• Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act
• Public awareness.
• Case Studies.
• Brusseau, M.L., Pepper, I.L., and Gerba, C.P. (2019). Environmental and Pollution Science, 3rd Edition. Aca-
demic Press, USA. (pp. 1-520).
• Divan, S. and Rosencranz, A. (2002). Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases, Material & Statutes, 2nd
Edition. Oxford University Press, India. (pp. 1-837).
• Gadgil, M., and Guha, R. (1993). This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India. University of California
Press, Berkeley, USA. (pp. 1-245).
• Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y., and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 8th Edition. Wiley
Publishing, USA. (pp. 1-472).
• Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P., and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and Conservation. S. Chand
Publishing, New Delhi. (pp.1-842)
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
III Year Syllabus
Course Objective
»» To sensitize the students about fundamental concepts of Production and OperationManagement
Tamil Nadu Open University
»» To learn about production methods and importance of production planning.
»» To know about method analysis and work measurement.
»» Possess knowledge on quality control.
Course Outcome
»» Understanding of the Production concepts.
»» Acquire knowledge in production methods and importance of production planning
»» The ability to make decisions and plan, develop, execute and control Operationsstrategies
• Chary, S.N., (2012), Production and Operations Management, Fifth Edition, McGraw- Hill Education, New
• Chunawalla, S. A., (2012), Production and Operations Management, Fourth Edition, Himalaya Publishing
House, New Delhi.
• Elwood S. Buffa&Rakesh K. Sarin, (1994),Modern Production/Operations Management, 8th Revised Edition,
John Wiley & Sons Inc; Hoboken.
• B S Goel, (2011),Production Operations Management,PragatiPrakashan, Meerut.
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To enable the students gain introductory knowledge on e-business.
»» To enable the students to gain application knowledge on e-business.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Course Outcome
»» Acquire the knowledge of recent trends in e-business.
»» Analyse the impact of E-commerce on business.
»» Able to use money on net.
»» Use online advertising search engines, electronic cash.
• Alexi Leon and Mathews Leon, (2004), Introduction to Information Systems, McGraw-Hill Education (India)
Pvt Limited, New Delhi.
• P.T. JOSEPH, S.J. (2015) E-Commerce: An Indian Perspective, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall India Pvt., Limited,
New Delhi
• Peter G W Keen, (1994), Every Manager’s Guide to Information Technology, 2nd Edition, Harvard Business
School Press, Boston.
• Rajesh Chakrabarti and VikasKardile, (2002),The Asian Manager’s Handbook of E-Commerce (paperback
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To familiarise the students with the concepts, tools and practices of financial management.
»» To learn about the decision making process of financial management in a business firm.
»» To determine the working capital and cash management of the firm.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Course Outcome
»» To know the basic concepts of financial management, time value of money and cost of capital.
»» Understand the principles of capital structure.
»» Have idea on concept of financial management and its function.
»» Comprehend the characteristics of budgetary control.
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To develop conceptual understanding about latest developments inthe field of Information Technology
and the impact of I.T. in managing a business.
»» To learn to use Information Technology to gain competitive advantage in business.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Course Outcome
»» Manage information systems and data in organisation.
»» Understand DSS (Decision Support Systems), ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning),
»» Work with hardware and software related to data management.
• D.P.Goyal, (2014), Management Information System, 4th Edition, Macmillan, New Delhi
• Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laundon,(2020) , Management Information System, 16th Edition, Pearson,
New Delhi
• Murdic, R G and Ross J E, (1971), Information System for Modern Management, PHI , New Delhi
• Dr. S.P. Rajagopalan, (1998), Management Information Systems and EDP, MarghamPublications , Chennai .
• Sadagopan, (2014), Management Information Systems, 2nd Edition, Prentice- Hall of India, New Delhi.
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To introduce the students to the basic of accounts and the usage of Tally for accounting purpose.
»» To create company, enter accounting voucher entries including advance voucher entries, do
Tamil Nadu Open University
reconciliation of bank statement, do accrual adjustments, and also print financial statements, etc. in
Course Outcome
»» Use Tally for maintain ledger, cash books and various company data.
»» Prepare bills using Tally.
»» Develop knowledge in VAT, and prepare TDS report.
»» Maintain inventory record in Tally.
Introduction to VAT – VAT activation and classification – Creating of ledger – Stationary ledger – Display the created
ledger – concepts of voucher – Creation of receipt voucher – Payment voucher – Credit note – Remove the voucher
– Print the voucher – Accounting input credit on opening stock – Accounting of inter-state branch transfer – VAT
computation – VAT Form – CST introduction – Ledger Creation – Creating vouchers – CST reports
TDS Introduction – Configuration of Tally for TDS - Creation of balance sheets – concept of trial balance in tally –
balance sheet – sales registers – Purchase registers – Sales vouchers – concept of ageing – receivable ageing – re
ceivable ageing – TDS Report – Configuring Tally for Service Tax – Master Creation – Service Tax Reports
BLOCK 5 Tally in GST
Activating Tally in GST - Setting Up GST (Company Level, Ledger Level or Inventory Level) - GST Taxes & Invoices -
SGST, CGST & IGST - Creating GST Masters in Tally, Purchase Voucher with GST: Updating GST Number for Suppliers
-Intra-State Purchase Entry in GST (SGST + CGST) - Inter-State Purchase Entry in GST (IGST) - Printing GST Sales
Invoice from Tally ERP9 Software, GST Reports and Returns: GSTR 1 in Tally - GSTR 1 Return Filing
• Nadhani A K, (2016), Implementing Tally, BPB Publications, New Delhi.
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Management Studies
Chennai – 15
Course Objective
»» To introduce the students to the basic of accounts and the usage of Tally for accounting purpose.
»» To create company, enter accounting voucher entries including advance voucher entries, do reconcile
bank statement, do accrual adjustments, and also print financial statements, etc. in Tally.
Tamil Nadu Open University
Course Outcome
»» Gain exposure to apply theoretical knowledge practically.
»» Hands on experience in Bill preparation, TDS Report, Ledger, Inventory record.
• Create Ledger with your own entries from the books already available
• Print the Voucher you have created with all necessary entries
Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
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