Theory of Mind
Theory of Mind
Theory of Mind
Humans are not born with the understanding that people have unique
beliefs and thoughts. This is learnt.
This stage is arrived at through various developmental ladders that children
go through
This includes the notion of attention and intention of others as well as
imitation of other’s mental states
First stage is that of attention
Children learn very early that looking is not just seeing but also a tool to be
selectively used to gather more information
In fact infants have been found to be using this mechanism in their parents
to getting attention to themselves
And knowing that people act on hat catches their attention: goal directed
Children use pretend play. This shows that they have developed the
understand the different mental states attributable to different characters
ToM refers to the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others. The
idea that others have intents, beliefs, pretension, knowledge etc. and that
these can be different from one’s own. In normal population this grows in us
by the time humans are about 5 year old. However, atypical population,
like ADHD, autism spectrum disorder etc. are shown to have delayed
development of this attribute.
It entails,
Others have beliefs, thoughts, intents etc…in short, a mind that may be
different from our own
Mental states cause behavior. This difference may result into different
behavioral outcome hence having a theory of mind helps us predict other
people’s behavior
This is an innate and potential ability that also requires social and other
experiences to fully develop.
This is not only a human behavior but also found in other primates, even
birds and rodents
Research on children in this domain typically concerns children’s understanding
of false belief. The tasks used are different variations of Sally-Anne stories,
requiring answers on changed location and changed content questions. [refer
to Rebecca Saxe videos available online].
Deaf children from sign language environment have early exposure to others’
conversations about people’s beliefs etc. and hence perform on par with
hearing children.
Nor is there any simple correlation between mental states and observable
Hence one valuable way to learn about the elusive content of mind is to
listen how people talk about the mind
Research in developmental psychology suggests the importance of verbal
communication for developing a theory of mind. Language ability seems to
predict success in false belief task, independent of age [Dunn and Brophy
A similar correlation was also found in samples of both healthy children and
children with autism and other developmental disorders