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The Universal Medicine

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Universal Medicine
This short booklet shows you step by step exactly how to make the true Elixir
of Life, which is also the Universal Solvent, able to dissolve all metals down to
their first matter without violence or any chemical explanation, and makes the
Philosopher's Stone from any of the metals. Even the instructions for
multiplication of the Stone are included, and a brief explanation of how to
make the "Powder of Projection" for transmutation.

A single gram of the glowing Philosopher's Stone made from gold is worth
over 16 billion dollars US. This is why nobody has ever revealed it in any

Using nothing more than Morning Dew and sea salt digested in a flask for
many weeks, anyone can make the true Elixir of Life. Hence the reason the
word Rosicrucian means Ros = dew and Crucis = crucible or flask. And they
signed their letters with F.R.C. which most people assumed meant Fratres
Rosi Crucis (Brothers of the Rose Cross) but in fact means Fratres Roris Cocti
(Brothers of the concocted or perfected dew). And the Order of the Golden
Dawn also alludes to dew, as well as the Order of the Morning Star.

With just one dose of 5 drops of this heavenly elixir, your mind is enhanced
and your heart opened. And gradually, the gateway to psychic perception is
also opened until all knowledge is revealed to you like a day dream.

Seems completely impossible that it could be this easy, but you will indeed
have this treasure of treasures.

Welcome to the good life...

Nicholas D. Collette

The Greatest Secret of Alchemy | Nicholas D. Collette


The printed soft cover version of this book can be purchased at Qoop.com

This short booklet is a guide to producing the solvent which is the central secret to the Art of
Alchemy. It has been kept hidden even more thoroughly and completely than the Philosopher’s
Stone made from gold. You will also be shown how this solvent can indeed dissolve gold and all
metals, and make the true Philosopher’s Stone thereby.

This book was made while I was working on the first edition of my large book “Alchemy
Illuminated”. That book will have hundreds of photos and is available for download free of charge
at my website by the same name Alchemy-Illuminated.com and it will also be in printed hard cover
at Qoop.com

1st Edition- November 2008

2nd Edition - January 2009

2 The Unive
T ersal Med

©2008 Nicho olas D. Collettee

All rights resserved. No paart of this publication mayy be
reproduced oro transmitted d in any form or by any meaans,
electronic orr mechanical, including pho otocopy, withhout
express permmission by the author, and your
y name will be
on a list vieewable at th he author’s website
w Alchemy-
This allows the
t public to know who haas plagiarized this
work and rep port them to the author so proper
p action can
be taken.
Reviewers may quote brieff passages.

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Printed in thee United States of America

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I dedicate this book the members of the Illuminated Alchemists Order (I.A.O.)
And to our brothers and sisters of the true and invisible Rosicrucian Order.

4 The Universal Medicine


The Greatest Secret of Alchemy

In March 27, 1662 a very old alchemist by the name of

Actum Leyden was laying on his deathbed and confided in “5 Drops of this water taken
his cousin a secret so powerful, the consequences it could inwardly strengthens the
understanding and memory,
have on the world we know are unspeakable. Never did he and opens to us most wonderful
and sweet things, of which no
dream his letter would get passed around to other alchemists, man hath heard”
and eventually end up in a library that connects across the
globe, using the magic of electricity. A copy of the original “As soon as you have taken it
inwardly, such influence will
letter can be found in the book “Secret Teachings of All happen to thee as if the whole
Ages” which you can read for free at books.google.com heavens and all the stars with
their powers are working in
thee. All knowledge and Secret
The obvious first question people would ask is “Why would Arts will be opened to thee as if
he be dying if he had the Elixir of Life?” Well, the elixir in a dream”

doesn’t make you immortal; it only keeps you young until

your last day. You may live 200 years or more, but most
alchemists died between the ages of 150 and 180.

The main use of this elixir is not to prolong life, but to turn your mind from lead to gold. Most
elixirs in alchemy are made from gold using acids or other corrosives, and the end result is a
powerful medicine, and since it also transmutes the base metals, the alchemists happily assumes he
has found the Philosopher’s Stone and there is no need to search any further. But this elixir made
from morning dew and sea salt is very different. The Alakhest or Universal Solvent that is made
from the simple digestion of dew and salt is a powerful medicine all by itself. The quotes in the box
above explain beautifully just how powerful this Alkahest is.

It is able to do what the elixir from gold can’t; and that is the psychic enhancement of your mind
and an actual physical change in your brain chemistry. You will actually be able to see and
communicate with spirits and a race of beings which lives between the spirit world and our world
called the “elemental spirits”.


So let me now take the time to tell you about

these beings since you will inevitably meet
them once you have your eyes opened by the
Alkahest. The alchemists say “one’s eyes must
be cleansed by the Universal Medicine before
getting to know these beings”. And the
Rosicrucians are so heavily involved with these
beings they even have a college on the astral
plane that was built by these beings. Willy
Schrodter, author of the book “A Rosicrucian
Notebook” did heavy research into their Order and his book contains the most information ever
assembled about the true Rosicrucians (not the false AMORC Rosicrucian order based in
California). Several times in the book he refers to the elementals as ultraviolet beings living in a
higher frequency just beyond our range of sight.

He was personally in communication with friends who were in both the Rosicrucian Order and the
Order of the Golden Dawn which is a group that formed from members who didn’t like the way
things were being carried out in the original Rosicrucian Order. Golden Dawn refers to morning
dew they used to make their Philosopher’s Stone from gold, and Rosicrucian means ROS= dew and
CRUCIS= crucible or flask. There were many Rosicrucians which singed their letters with F.R.C.
which the general public assumed meant Fratres Rosi Crox (Brothers of the Rose Cross) but in
reality the letters stand for Fratres Roris Coctic (Brothers of the concocted dew; perfect dew).
There was also a group called the Order of the Morning Star because the planet Venus appears like
a bright star just before sunrise, when it’s the best time to collect morning dew, however the general
public demonized there name by accusing them of referring to Satan when using the “Morning

Willy Schrodter wrote his book in 1954 but somehow knew these beings lived in the ultraviolet
range of light and he predicted that one day man would invent a telescopic lens that could see
things which hover in the illimitable air. Today NASA cameras have recorded UFOs that only

6 T Unive
The ersal Med

show upp in the ultraaviolet rangee of light, an

nd do not shhow up on the
t infrared cameras, wh hich means
they are not giving off any heaat what-so-eever, and th hat is proof they are at a higher frrequency off
matter. This has bbeen revieweed by top scientists an nd physicists, and th hey all agreee that it is
impossibble for a UFFO to be invisible in th he infrared range
r unlesss they are att a higher frrequency off

IBM hass done plen nty of researcch into the frequency of o matter beecause they are makingg “quantum
computeers” which w work by bringing electrricity up to the frequenncy of matteer itself, andd ‘bumping’
atoms with
w the electtricity, whicch causes a chain
c reactioon like dom
minos, and byy this methood they can
computee at virtuallyy the speedd of light. Th he new com mputers willl be able to solve calcullations in a
split secoond that woould take tooday’s fastedd computerrs literally MILLIONS
M of years. AAnd because
this elecctricity is abble to ‘bumpp’ atoms sinnce it’s at th
he frequencyy of matter itself, it is eessentially a
physical force that could be ussed as a pow werful weappon. It could easily blasst giant holles into the
earth so we couuld build huge h underground cities if the
condittions the surface becomme unlivable..
On Sunday,
S Februaryy 25, 1996, the
Spacee Shuttle Colum
mbia deployed Anywway, the poin nt is we are well
w aware of o the theorries on how
an exxperimental tethher into orbit.
to turrn somethinng invisible by
b simply raaising the frrequency at
The experiment was called the
Tetheered Satellite Systtem (TSS- 1R) whichh the atomss are vibratting, but soo far it hass not been
and the purpose of this was to w would neeed a very strange form
possibble to do thiis because we
mpt to generate electricity by
attem of maatter, and thhat matter isi none oth her than thee very same
utilizzing Earth's magn
netic field.
energyy we use too make ouur Stone. The T materiaals that are
his screen shot below of the
In th possibble to be madde with the use of our Stone
S are lim
mitless, and
actuaal NASA video foootage, a 3 mile no douubt, these beings are usiing the Ston
ne on a masssive scale to
wide UFO can plainlyy be seen to go
make the special metal
m alloy of
o their craft
behinnd the tether, yyet NASA still
ms these giant UF
FOs were only
Thesee UFOs aree miles wide. We know w this becaause of the
tiny pieces
p of debris ffloating in front
of thee camera lens.
famouus NASA tether experim ment, were they
t stretched out a 12
mile loong tether to
t a satellite but the teth
her snappedd and broke
free. As
A it floatedd around in n space, it came close enough to
earth to
t be chargeed by the ionnosphere, which
w made it glow like
a giannt 12 mile long fluorrescent bullb. After seeveral days
ng around, it
i attracted a massive nu umber of UUFOs which
the asstronauts coould not seee with their naked eyee. But the
signal from one ofo the camerras which seees into the ultraviolet


range waas being beaamed back too earth live, so there waas no way for NASA to cover it up since many
other coompanies w were also reeceiving thee signal andd broadcastting it on the news w world-wide.
Groundd control askked the astrronauts if they
t could see
s all the ‘debris’
‘ floaating aroundd, but they
didn’t nootice anythiing strange.

Because the tether w

was 12 miless long, and the w easily seeen to float behind the ccord, it was
t UFOs were
t very leasst, 3 miles
possible to get a minimum meeasurement of their diaameter, andd it was at the
across. You
Y can seee this videeo on my Youtube channel
c in my music video “Daark Secret”.

These crrafts were aalso shown turning

t on a dime evenn though th hey exceed speeds
s of th
housands off
miles peer hour. To make a turrn like that and at thatt speed wouuld instantlyy vaporize an ny physical
object ass we know iit. They alsoo were seen circumnaviigating the globe
g in a matter
m of secconds. And
when seen close up,, they appeaar transparennt and ‘ghost like’, andd have a pulssing energy going from
the centter to the outer edges ofo the disc. When theyy fly into eaarth’s atmossphere, theyy still don’t
make a heat
h signatuure on the in nfrared cameeras.

ndeed an aliien civilizatiion living rigght here on our planet,

So theree you have itt, the “elemeentals” are in
and theyy only showw up in the ultraviolet
u r
range just ass Willy Schrrodter said. So we musst take into
considerration his otther commeents about theset beingss. He said thhey look jusst like humaans, but are
far moree beautiful tthan even th he fairest maidens.
m Andd their race is predomin nated by fem
males, with
very few
w males in ccomparison. Paracelsuss also wrotee the same description
d in his bookks, original
photocoopies of whicch can all bee found at boooks.googlee.com

So bee prepared to
t meet theese beings beecause they
his screen shott from the vid
deo shows
are evverywhere on
o this planeet, and theyy will notice
ozens of UFOs gathering arouund the 12
m long tether in the center.
mile that you can sees them, anda then yyou will be
initiated into th
heir world. And that is why this
Alkaahest made from dew anda salt is kkept hidden
and secret evenn more so than the Ph hilosopher’s
Stonne from goldd.

As you i this bookk, the Elixir of Life can

y will see in
indeeed do everrything peoople though ht it could,
and much morre. Yes, it canc even tuurn lead to
goldd, or any oth
her rare preecious metaal, and you

8 The Universal Medicine

will indeed have total financial freedom. And yes, it will keep you young and cure all disease, and
even resurrect a person who has just died if a little is placed under their tongue.

And there are countless other wonders it can perform which you will have to see to believe. Not
only does it make medicines from every metal, it also makes them glow when multiplied past the 5th
order. Some metals do very peculiar things once they start to glow like this, and handling these
products can be extremely dangerous. A quartz flask has to be used once the Stone is multiplied
past the 5th order, because it will penetrate glass and make an alloy with it which is stronger than
steel. It would be the perfect material to build huge domes on the moon.

Truly this special matter which is our beloved Philosopher’s Stone is the future of technology, and
it is the missing key that every top technology development company is searching for; they have hit
a wall, and they cannot move forward until they discover this secret themselves. I write it plainly
here in this book because I know it will never be taken seriously by any reader except those who are
already predestine to become students of the Art.


What could possibly be inside morning dew and sea salt that
could work the kind of miracles we see happening with the The great, transcendentally perfect
Stone of the Wise is none other than a
Elixir of Life? What is it that modern chemists have missed? pure, concentrated and congealed
Why is there no way to measure this strange energy with any heavenly fire.”

electronic sensor equipment? Peter Steiner in Von der Universal-Materie

[The Universal Matter]
I believe the answer to be exactly as the alchemists explained it
in their manuscripts. We assume because they didn’t have
technology, and didn’t understand how the universe works, and didn’t even know about atoms and
molecules, that these people were just foolish and naïve like little children who hadn’t yet learned
how the real world works. But these alchemists were able to obtain answers to any of their
questions because the elixir makes you that incredibly psychic.

So then, what is their grand explanation for what exactly is in this elixir? Energy or light from the
Astral plane, that feeds your astral body. You can prove to yourself that you do indeed have an
astral body by simply learning to leave your body (astral projection – a term actually invented by
the Rosicrucians) and then fly into a electrical power line, and you will be sucked into it and won’t
be able to escape for quite a long time. It will carry you down the line until you reach a place where
the power is grounded out. So electricity is able to control your astral body, and that is proof it is a
real manifestation, not just an image of a body you have created in your mind.

The alchemists said that if you feed this astral body with astral energy, it will become overcharged
and this will allow you to very easily leave your body. If you have ever astral projected, then you
know there is an extreme vibration that happens which allows your astral body to separate from
your physical. Modern new age books tell us this is because your pituitary, pineal, and
hypothalamus glands all vibrate together and produce a standing columnar wave which has greater
energy than the sum of its parts, but that is only a theory with no evidence to back it up.

So their solution is to do meditation exercises that bring energy to these 3 higher glands or chakras.
In other words, they do inner alchemy to try and accomplish what we do with our elixirs. But try as
you might, those methods will never be able to do even one tenth of what these alchemy elixirs can

10 T Unive
The ersal Med

do. Even
n Tibetan m monks drink a powerful alchemy elixxir which is made from morning deew and salt,
and indeeed is identiical with thee one detaileed step by step in the is book.

The alchhemists beliieved the suun does morre than just give visible light – it allso gives invvisible light
which iss the astral llight neededd to charge your astral body. So th
hey looked ini nature foor the place
where suunlight wouuld be conccentrated ass a salt. An nd the obviious answerr was the occean which
m of the eearth and has been sittiing exposedd to the sun for hundreds of millions of years.
covers most
This com
mmon salt w G to hide its real nam
was then callled the Philoosophical Gold me.

They alsso saw the m moon light was the fem male energyy and they
believedd morning ddew came faalling from the heavenss down to
earth eaach day, carrying with it concentrrated moon light and
star lightt. This was ccalled the Ph
hilosophicall Silver.

Besides being
b m and female, King & Queen,
Gold and Silver, male
by combbining the salt and dew d the alcchemists saaw this as
combiniing the heavvens above with
w the eartth below. While
W most
people would
w assum me you woould need somes sort of
o earthly
mineral to represen
nt earth, thee alchemistss knew the world
w was
covered mostly wiith water, and it wass sea salt that t truly
nted the eartthly elementt.

Perhaps it was a psyychic who discovered

d a this in th
all he first placce, because it’s
i just too much of a
coincideence that moorning dew w and sea salt happen too form a perrfect marriaage and prodduce such a
powerfuul elixir. Thiis is somethiing our moddern chemissts have baseed by and arre completelly oblivious
about. Who
W wouldd ever thinkk to combin ne sea salt and mornin ng dew and d wait for m
months for
something to happeen?

I even reemember w when I was a teenager hanging

h outt with friendds all night until sunrise, I would
look at the mornin ng dew and something about it seeemed extreemely speciaal. And wheen I would
swim in the ocean, I felt like itt had an amazing powerr and I had the strangee desire to coollect some
sea wateer and evapoorate it to foorm salt, alth
hough I nevver actually did.
d That waas also durin ng the early
days of learning
l aboout alchemyy before I haad even readd a single proocess about how to makke an elixir.
I still haad no idea th
hat most alcchemy processes were about
a makin ng the Stonee from gold metal, so I
would trry and ask m my spirit guuide every night
n to showw me what it is that I need to gatther for the
‘prime materia’
m to m
make the elixxir with.

10 y

When I was 16, I was introduced to alchemy by a family in my neighborhood who used the white
stone to make a bowl of rain water vaporize and rise up like a cloud, then form a perfect circle disk
in front of the moon and eclipse it. I never met these alchemists, but I witnessed the cloud rising
from their backyard and up to the full moon. All of this is described in my book “Alchemy
Illuminated”. But it wasn’t until several years later that I finally read about that process in the book
“Hyle und Coahyl” which is part of the RAMS collection of rare alchemy manuscripts.

That same summer when I was 16 I had very incredible astral projection experiences, and several
events with spirit communication. Then throughout the next decade I learned a great deal about
how to make many different elixirs, most of which are in my book “Alchemy Illuminated” but
almost every one of them fall short of being the true Elixir of Life because they don’t use any astral
energy in the process.

That is the key difference with this work of using dew and sea salt. There can be absolutely no
chemical explanation of how this Alkahest is able to cure disease, make you psychic, and improve
your mental functioning and creativity to such an extreme degree. And you can actually feel it
charge up your astral body, then when you are drifting off to sleep at night it will jolt through you
like electricity and enable you to leave your body.

So I do believe the alchemist were 100% correct with their theory of the sun emitting astral energy
and not just light waves. After all, the sun is a star, and the stars are the alchemical furnaces which
produce all the elements that make up the universe we see. Today physicists use special equipment
to catch neutrinos which are tiny subatomic particles being emitted from the sun. Perhaps when
our stone is at the glowing stage, neutrinos are being emitted? I know neutrinos don’t shine like
light does, but the light coming from the stone is just an indication that it’s emitting energy, and I
strongly doubt light waves are the only thing coming out of it.

11 y
12 T Unive
The ersal Med


OK, noow that you have reaad enough about the

strange theories
t revvolving arouund this Eliixir of Life,
it’s timee to get too work actually makin ng it. The
process is
i so simplee a child couuld easily caarry it out too completioon all by theemselves. An
nd I would
have given anythingg for someon ne to have handed
h me a book like this
t when I was w a kid! B But I didn’t
get help from any oof the modeern alchemiists or Rosiccrucians. I was w left to figure
f it all out on my
own, but luckily thee old alchem p centuriees weren’t soo selfish aboout keeping the process
mists of the past
a secret, and they foound no satiisfaction is retiring
r to paradise
p with
h their Stonne, and not h helping any
of the otther seekerss on the longg and arduoous journey to find alch hemy’s greatt treasure. AAnd so with
their hearts full of compassion n, many of them
t wrotee plainly in their bookss, openly sh haring their
work. Of
O course, th hey also hadd no idea that just a feww copies of their
t manusscript wouldd turn into
millions of copies an nd be sent all
a over the world
w t magic off the interneet. I’m sure they would
with the
be horriffied to see th
his “secret of
o secrets” beeing spread around
a the globe so eassily.

So now, here you have it, the entire

e processs includingg multiplicattion and traansmutationn, faithfully
detailed by me, stepp by step, in
n words that leave noth hing hiddenn or excluded, so that an
nyone who
has evenn the slighteest inkling of
o curiosity to see if my
m words aree true can simply
s give this simple
process a try. And I promise youu great succcess, and guaarantee you will
w give mee your eternaal gratitude
for writiing this docuument.

In the name of our beautiful Creator,

C I now pass from
m my hands to yours thiis most preccious gift off
all naturral science.

12 y

1 – Using a mortar, grind to a fine powder 1 cup raw sea salt and then dissolve in 1 liter of dew
with 10ml of Holy Water, and shake from time to time. After 4 days, filter all the undissolved salt
out. Don’t ever let the temperature get above 70°F during this time, or the spirit will escape from
the dew and all your work will be in vein. Even 70°F may be a little too warm and some of the spirit
will be lost. This first step is crucial, because for this process to work the water needs to be
completely saturated with salt so that it will let go of the "Alkahest" and precipitate it as a powder
each time you overheat the flask.

2 - Pour this salt water into a flask until its 2/3 full, then seal it and set it into digestion of a Balneo
Mary bath. This means to place the flask in a bowl of water that is heated to around 110° to 120°F.
But instead of using a water bath, this can easily be achieved using a heating pad sold at Walgreens
for only $15. Simply wrap the heating pad around the flask or bottle. The temperature should be
around 130°F, but the water temperature in the flask will be slightly lower due to the glass barrier.
The top of the flask will also be much cooler, allowing the vapors to again condense into droplets of

3 - After 40 days (a Philosophical Month, 6 weeks) there should be a black powder that has
precipitated to the bottom of the flask, not yet a salt, only a powder. Sometimes it may take as
much as 50 days for the powder to become black. Within the first week you will see the powder
forming on the bottom, which will look like floating debris, but it will take the entire 6 weeks for
the powder to become black or at least darker.

13 y
14 The Universal Medicine

4 - Place the flask in a dry sand bath for 2 weeks at 200°F, and the powder on the bottom will
coagulate and become a gray salt, no longer black.

5 - When this happens, makes sure that no more than 2 days pass before you change the flask back
to the low temperature of the Balneo Mary bath. After another 2 weeks pass, the matter will slowly
redissolve into the water and putrefy, then again fall out.

6 - Again put the flask in your sand bath, and it will form itself into a salt, which again will be even
lighter in color than before. Repeat this cycle of placing the flask in the Balneo Mary bath and then
in the sand bath, and on the 5th time, it will be snow white, and if you were to take some of it out
of your flask and place it on a hot silver plate, it would melt like wax.

7 - But keep the flask sealed, and set it back into the Balneo Mary bath to putrefy once more, and
after enough time has again past, a third of the salt will dissolve into the water. Now filter and set
aside the salt which did not dissolve and the salt water is now the Mercury of the Philosopher's and
the Alkahest able to instantly dissolve all metals without violence and bring them to their highest
state of perfection.

8 - This water can be taken at a dose of 5 drops, and it will wonderfully increase
your thinking power and memory, and if administration is continued, it will
sharpen your senses until you can both see and hear the spirit world, and in that
way, you will be invited into the true and invisible Order of the Rosicrucians.
But a word of caution: I do not have enough experience with this Alkahest to
know the dosage. The original manuscript says to take only 5 drops, and does
not say if this is to be a single dose, or if you should continue ingestion. Other alchemy texts say
that if you take a single drop each day in a small glass of wine, after one month you will be able to
see and hear the elemental spirits.

14 y

Since you are now only half way through the process of making the completed Stone, you will have
plenty of time to allow these new changes to happen to your mind while you are waiting for the
digestion of the Alkahest with gold to be completed. It will take another 2 months, and you will be
prepared for it when the work is finally done because the Alkahest will have already increased the
beauty and creativity of your mind to an extraordinary extent.

I will explain more details about the mental effects of taking this elixir in the next chapter.

15 y
16 The Universal Medicine

9 – To make the Philosopher's Stone from this most blessed and holy salt water, all one need do is
dissolve fine gold or silver leaf in the water warmed up to a gentle heat, and it dissolves without
violence, and without release of gasses which proves this is no chemical reaction taking place, and
after four days, filter the solution so the remaining undissolved metal is left behind. And the
solution is now supersaturated with the metal.

*Some people have theorized that dew contains ammonium nitrate and this combined with sodium
chloride will dissolve gold. That is not true because ammonium nitrate reacts with salt to produce
sodium nitrate and ammonium chloride anyway, and acid is not magically made just by digesting
these two together. Besides that, our Alkahest dissolves the metals instantly which there is no
chemically explanation for. The pH of the solution is neutral.

10 - Set it in Balneo Mary to putrefy, and treat it as you did before, doing the same simple process
of the Balneo Mary bath and the coagulations in the dry sand bath. After each digestion in Baleno
Mary then coagulation in the sand bath, the stone is multiplied. And after the 5th cycle, it will
begin to literally glow and emit its own light. The stone from gold will glow like a hot coal, and the
one from silver will shine like a florescent lamp, but since the alchemists of the past didn’t have
florescent lamps, the described it as shinning like the moon. If you attempt to bring it further into

16 y

the 6th multiplication or 7th, it will penetrate the glass, causing a terrible poisonous gas odor. If
your intent is to bring it even further, you must use a quartz flask. (Qglass.com) But many
alchemists have warned of the great danger involved with handling the stone when it’s been
brought passed the 7th multiplications, and they tell of a great catastrophe that could result. It’s
unclear if they mean an explosion, or simply a vaporization of the entire Stone as it converts into
pure light which then kills you.

17 y
18 The Universal Medicine

A word about transmutation:

One gram of the glowing stone of the 5th order is worth over 16 billion dollars US. From a single
milligram of that stone (the size of a grain of salt), you can transmute 1 gram of gold into the
projection powder. And from that you can make 100 kilos of gold which is over 16 million dollars.
So using 1 gram of the stone instead of 1 milligram, you would have 16 million x 1,000 which is 16
billion dollars. (And it can also be made from even rarer metals.)

So now when you are holding the flask that contains your glowing stone, you will understand just
how precious a gem this really is.

But if you had only used the stone of the 1st order, then you would project only 1 part on 5 parts of
gold, and the resulting projection powder would only transmute 10 parts of lead to gold. I know
this doesn’t make since if you do math, because by this logic the stone of the 5th Order should
transmute 50,000 parts of gold to the red glass for projection, but for some reason it’s only 5,000

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The Stone can be ingested as a medicine, but only when it's in
the 1st order. In the 2nd and 3rd multiplications it will 'fire' the
body and bring a very painful death. And the projection
powder must NEVER be ingested, and is only used for

As you have seen, this Alkahest when used on metals makes

first a medicine from them, and when that medicine is then
projected on them, they are changed to whatever metal was
used to make the original stone. This holds true for most of the
metals, but Antimony and Bismuth are very different. If
Antimony is used, it does not change metals into Antimony, but instead into Gold. And if you
make the stone from Bismuth, it is heavier than lead, and gleams like shinning garnet, instead of
glowing like a hot coal the way the Stone from gold does.

You can collect the morning dew by simply placing a bag of ice in a bucket or pitcher around 1am
and bringing back inside around 5am. This will give you at least 50ml per night. Do not collect the
dew by dragging a canvas cloth along the grass, because you can’t distill the dew to purify it; it needs
to be use raw for this process to work. The same holds true for the sea salt. It can be cleansed by
water washes only, and then allowed to sun dry.

Note that in the original book "Secret Teachings of All Ages", the author edits the letter and puts in
the word "[to distill]" when there is actually NO distillation what-so-ever in this process. The flask
is simply sealed, then heated at 2 different temperatures in order to dissolve and coagulate the
stone. The entire work itself is nothing but "solve et coagula" (dissolve and coagulate).

It's truly child's play, and even the solvent that is made which dissolves the metals is harmless to
ingest in small doses, and itself is a medicine which dissolves something in the brain and allows the
doors to psychic perception to swing open. And if you abuse your power, your spirit guide will
abandon you, and you will fall from the loving embrace of the heavens, and be forever miserable.
Look always to the Creator, and be forever grateful this gift has been bestowed upon you.

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20 The Universal Medicine

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First of all I would like to again point out that the Elixir of Life is not
made from the Philosopher’s Stone, but vise versa. So many alchemy
texts exist which don’t explain any mental enhancement from taking
the Elixir of Life because they made it from a tincture of the
Philosopher’s Stone and assumed that was the true Elixir. The tincture
from the stone only cures the physical frame and does very little for mental abilities. This is why so
very little is written about what the real elixir can do.

Only an elixir made from morning dew contains the astral fire needed to enhance your mental
abilities and feed your light body, or astral body. So now when I describe the effects this elixir has,
you will should understand that you can’t compare what I write to those things written down by
alchemists who only had the Philosopher’s Stone made by some other path, and made a tincture
from it, then happily assumed they possessed the true Elixir of Life.

There is an incredible amount of life force concentrated in the elixir, and by its use as a daily
medicine, it strengthens the mind and increases the psychic sensitivity. It also overcharges the
Astral body with an abundance of excess energy, making Astral Projection much easier to achieve,
allowing freedom from the physical body. There are 125 billion galaxies out there to explore.

It rejuvenates the old to an extraordinary degree, and renews the entire body, even making the skin
soft and smooth again and returning hair color. If used by a young person, it appears to completely
halt the aging process, but the body may still be aging in ways that do not show.

The mind is enhanced wonderfully by the elixir and what I call "the quality of thought" is increased
to a point where the thinking process is not only deeper with more clarity and detail, but also

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22 The Universal Medicine

packed with more emotion and insight. States of nirvana, Samadhi,

bliss, or ecstasy become possible. Visions of a psychedelic nature can
be made to last hours when listening to music, with each vision
morphing into the next along a story board which causes the mind "Because the very elixir that
pours a more glorious life into
to understand things in an abstract fashion, enabling far more
the frame, so sharpens the
profound thoughts. But none of the mental effects produced by the senses that those larvae of the
elixir are automatic; you have to develop them through repeated air become to thee audible and
Edward Bulwer (Lord Lytton) a
Dreams become continuous and last throughout the night, and high grade initiate of the
with all 5 senses. Lucid dreams become more and more frequent Hermetic Lodge at Alexandria
until a state of permanent consciousness is achieved, which the
Egyptians thought of as true immortality of the mind, whereas
normally a person's consciousness dies each day when they fall

Another amazing thing that happens is your personality begins to change in ways that step
outside your zodiac sign. You begin to have traits from all the other signs. If you don't believe in
astrology, you just have yet to read the accurate astrology books. Your zodiac sign will perfectly
describe you down to the deepest parts of your personality traits. But taking the elixir unhinges you
from that programmed state and you are free to act in ways that encompass all of the zodiac signs.

The ancients were obsessed with astrology and the zodiac signs (watch
the ZeistGiestMovie.com) and this effect of the elixir taking you out of the
zodiac system may be more important than we can imagine. It's very strange
that depending on what month you are born, your entire personality will
tend to be programmed a certain way in accordance with astrological
movements of the planets. Why? And How? And what is it the elixir does to
free you from that influence?

Most likely it is due to the fact your astral body becomes unhinged from your physical, and in a way
this is like a death rebirth. Since your zodiac sign is determined by the time at which you were born
into this world, perhaps each time you leave your body then return to be reborn, you switch zodiac

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Perhaps this is what causes the 'awakening' when you start realizing all the things you didn't see
before. Now instead of seeing everything from one perspective, you see it from all 12 perspectives
on the zodiac. It feels like your mind had a blindfold your whole life, and now your eyes can see
crystal clear.

Even more impressive than the development of psychic powers is the elixir's ability to make your
mind extremely creative and beautiful. The change just simply can't be described, and it won't
happen by itself. But if you put forth even the tiniest effort to try and 'paint' with your emotions in
your mind and just be creative, your mind will open and your skills will improve with ease. And it
feels amazing, thick and through.

Imagine if every thought you had was like a perfect Kodak moment or perfect movie scene with a
perfect way of evoking a certain emotion. That is how your mind begins to think when the elixir
changes you. It would help movie directors wonderfully if they could access this state of mind so

With this elixir from dew, we have the missing key which completes the Elixir -- the magnetical
salts which attract the astral energies and enables them to be transferred to the human electrical
nervous system, so that your nerves will be super sensitive, and during deep meditation you will
even feel a jolt of lightning.

This shock comes from the pituitary gland (center of the nervous system) becoming overcharged.
The reason your visions become ever clearer as you drift deeper down into your meditation is
because you are charging yourself up with the astral energy the elixir has stored in your system. It
waits there to be activated and put to use through the skill of the operator. It will not perform on
its own, but must be guided by the mind, and that is why one man may consume such an elixir and
gain nothing, while the other will have his mind opened to a world beyond this one; the world of
the Spirit.

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24 The Universal Medicine

And if that man be not sufficiently prepared, he will be unable to endure the horror of what his
new eyes will behold. Because while there are so many beautiful celestial beings that live between
our world and that of the bodiless spirits, there are even more that are hideous daemons that
become ever stronger by the fear they insight in man, and will persist to feed on that energy if you
do not know how to regain control of your senses and pull back your fear, to replace it only with
bravery and faith in God. In that moment your entire aura will be lit up with extremely bright
white light which only you can perceive, and those hideous entities will be burned to death by the
light of God. Because though they appear to be spirits, they are in fact alive, but clothed with a body
far less dense and more subtle than our own physical frame.

And this terrifying fact is why the Stone is called the Stone of the Wise and the Philosopher's
Stone. You must have the mind to endure the trials of Nature and all her inhabitants.

And if you think this is just too farfetched of an idea to be true, consider this: The old alchemists
knew that between the realm of the dead and the alive, or the spirit and the world of man, their
lives entities which are in between both worlds. They have some of the powers of the spirit world,
but are bound by the laws of the physical world, and they eventually die like everything else in
nature. And much like the world of men, there are good and there are bad entities in that crowd.
But because they live so much longer than man, their world is filled with billions of more souls than
ours, and their numbers are overwhelming to alchemist who is viewing them for the first time.
These are the elemental spirits described in the previous chapter.

So when you decide to venture into their world, remember what I've warned you about here. It may
all seem so absurd, but so was the idea of making gold, and so was the idea of curing diseases which
paralyze a person from head to toe, and yet both of these have been proven.

And the best was saved for last -- the proof of gaining psychic enhancement through astral energy.
There is an elixir for the physical frame (the one made from gold), and there is an elixir for the
astral frame (the one made from dew). And anyone who has left their body will confirm that the

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astral body is not 100% spiritual, but is bound by certain laws of the physical universe, and the
beings that inhabit the astral plane are not dead, but fully alive and seem to have actually been
created in that world and were never part of our own.

And anyone who has left their body and seen a black-light will tell you that it looks blue when seen
from the astral plane, because the astral plane itself is illuminated by black-light which looks like
bright white star light to the astral eyes, but appears blue and sparkling while you are looking at a
low power black light. The astral sun therefore, would appear to be some kind of ultraviolet light
that pervades all space and is not a sun at all. You cannot look up and see where this light is
shinning from -- it's just there, everywhere.

The reason everything on the astral plane seems to be colors you've never seen before, and every
color appears to be shinning by its own light, is because it's all ultraviolet light. What our astral eyes
see as color, is actually a fine division of ultraviolet light into color, just like how white light in this
world is split up into all the colors. But the ultraviolet color can be broken down further into finer
sections, and that is what our astral eyes interpret as beautiful varying colors, even though
everything would actually appear to be only ultraviolet when viewed from a video camera. Much
like how night vision cameras see everything in green or black monochrome color because the
camera is seeing into the infrared range at the other end of the spectrum. The same type of camera
is used for the other end - the ultraviolet, and it sees everything as monochrome color, when in fact
it is not when viewed through your astral eyes.

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26 The Universal Medicine

In my next edition of this book, or maybe in my larger book “Alchemy Illuminated”, I will describe
even more about what this elixir has done for me.

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A copy of the original letter written by Actum Leyden in 1662:

Note that I have only transcribed the original letter here. If you look it up in the book “Secret
Teachings of All Ages” you will see several paragraphs that were added in-between sections of the
letter by the author of that book. I omitted those sections because he only confuses things with his
incorrect input and theories (like green crystals from dew for example). So here is the letter by
itself, without the nonsense added by the ignorant author of that book.

So much I value and treasure this letter, I had it printed as two large 3 by 4 foot pages and framed in
two nice expensive frames. Truly this is the only alchemy treatise you ever need own to have all you
ever wished for. Of all the Rosicrucians that have spoken plainly about the secrets of their Order,
none explained so completely and fully the use of dew as Actum Leyden did because he intended
this letter to be read only by his cousin.


philosopher of Leyden, as attested upon his deathbed with his own Blood, Anno Domini 1662. To
my Loving Cousin and Son, the True Hermetic Philosopher ---

“Dear Loving Cousin and Son:

Although I had resolved never to give in writing to any person the secret of the Ancient Sages, yet
not withstanding out of peculiar affection and love to you, I have taken it upon me, to which the
nearness of our relation obliges me, and especially because this temporal life is short, and Art is very
dark and you may therefore not attain the wished for end; --- but my Son because so precious a
jewel belongs not to swine; and also this so great a gift of God may be treated carefully and
Christianlike, in consideration thereof I do so largely declare myself to thee.

I conjure thee with hand and mouth sacredly;

1st That most especially thou faithfully keep the same from all wicked, lustful and criminal persons.

2nd That thou exalt not thyself in any way.

3rd That thou seek to advance the honor of thy Creator of all things and the good of thy neighbor,
preserve it sacredly that thy Lord may not have cause to complain of thee at the last day. I have
written here in this treatise such a part of the Kingdom of Heaven, just as I myself worked this

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28 The Universal Medicine

treasure and finished it with my fingers, therefore I have subscribed all this work with my blood,
lying on my deathbed in Leyden.

THE PROCESS --- In the Name of God, take of the purest and cleanest salt, sea salt, so as it is
made by the sun itself, such as is brought by shipping from Spain, let it be dried in a warm stove,
grind it in a stone mortar, as fine as possible to a powder, that is may be so much the easier dissolved
and taken up by our Dew-water, which is thus to be had in the months of May or June: When the
Moon is at the full, observe when the dew falls with an East or South East wind. Then you must
have sticks about one half feet high about the ground when driven in the Earth. Upon two or three
such sticks, lay some four square plates of glass, and as the dew falls it easily fastens on the glass like
a vapour, then have glass Vessels in readiness, let the dew drain from the sides of the glasses into
your vessel. Do this until you have enough. The full of the Moon is a good season, afterwards it will
be hard.

Now when you have enough of your dew close your glasses exactly, and keep it till you use it, that
none of its spirits may evaporate, which may easily happen. Set it therefore in a cool place, that no
warmth may come to it, or else the subtle spirit will rise and be gone; which will not so happen if
after you have filled your glasses with Dew quite full, you close them very well with wax.

Now in the Name of God, take of this Dew-water as much as thou wilt, put in a clean dissolving
glass, then cast a little of your forementioned powdered salt into it to be dissolved, and continue to
put it in till your Dew-water will dissolve no more or till the salt lies in it four days without being
dissolved, then it has enough, and unto your Dew is given its proper powder. Of this compounded
water, take as much as thou wilt, I took about a pound and a half (24 oz), and put it into a round
vial with a short neck, fill it with our water and lute it with good lute (note that here he says to just
fill the bottle, but later in the letter he says to fill the bottle 2/3 full as you did before), a cover and
stopple that fits well, and the subtle and living spirit of the dew may not fume away, for if they
should the soul of the salt shall never be stirred up, nor the work ever brought to a right end. Let
the lute dry very well of itself, and set it in the furnace of B.M. (Balneo Mary) to putrefy. Make a
slow fire and let it digest for forty days or fifty, and that the fume of the water be continually round
about it, and you will see your matter grow black, which is a token of it’s putrefaction.

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As soon as you have taken it out, have your dry furnace ready. Set your glass with the matter into an
inner globe to coagulate, give it a slow degree of fire, continue it equally for twelve or fifteen days,
and your matter will begin to coagulate and to fasten round about your glass like gray salt, which as
soon as you see and before it be two days, slacken the fire that I may cool leisurely. Then have in
readiness your putrefying furnace as before. Let it stand twelve days, and again you will see the
matter resolve and open as before, and open itself, but you must every time see that the lute and
your glass is not hurt. When you set your glass in the putrefying furnace, take care the neck of your
glass is covered with a wooden or glass stopper that fits it exactly, that the moisture of the water
may not come at it.

When you see it black set your glass as before to coagulate and when it begins to be of a grayish
color and whitish, set it in a third time to putrefy, and coagulate to the fifth time, until you see that
your water in its dissolution be clean, pellucid and clear, and that it appears in its Calcination of a
fine white like Snow. Then it is prepared and becomes a Salt fixed which will melt on hot Silver
plate like wax; but before you set this your Salt out, set it again then furnace of putrefaction that it
may dissolve of itself, then let it cool, open your Glass and you will find your Matter lessened a
third part. But instead of your former Salt Water you will have a fine Sweet very penetrating Water
which the Philosophers have hid under very wonderful Names --- It is the Mercury of all true
Philosophers, the Water out of which comes Gold and Silver, for they say its Father is Gold and its
Mother is Silver. Thus hast thou the strength of both Luminaries conjoined in this Water, most
true, in its right Pondus.

Prescription. 5 Drops of this Water taken inwardly strengthens the understanding and memory,
and opens to us most wonderful and sweet things, of which no man hath heard, and of which I dare
not further write, because of the Oath I made God to the contrary. Time and the holy use of this
blessed Water will teach us, as soon you have taken it inwardly such influence will happen to thee as
if the whole heavens and all the stars with their powers are working in thee. All Knowledge and
secret Arts will be opened to thee as in a dream, but the most excellent of all is, you will perfectly
learn rightly to know all creatures in their Nature, and by means thereof, the true understanding of
God, the Creator of us, Heaven and Earth, like David and Moses and all the Saints of God, for the
wisdom of our fountain of living Water will instruct thee as it did Solomon and the Brethren of
our fraternity.

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30 The Universal Medicine

Would you now proceed further with our blessed Water to the forementioned intention of
preparing a Tincture of Metals, hearken my Son---

“Take in the NAME of the Lord, of thy Paradisiacal Water, of heavenly Water of Mercury, as
much as thou wilt, put it into a Glass to dissolve, and set it in a slow heat of Ashes, that is may just
feel the warmth, then have ready well purified Gold for the Red, or Silver for the White Elixir, for
in both the Processes are the same. Let your Gold or Silver be beaten as thin as leaf Gold, cast it by
degrees into your dissolving Glass, that contains your blessed Water, as you did in the beginning
with your Salt, and it will melt like ice in Warm Water, and continue so to do till your Gold or
Silver be lie therein four days without dissolving, then it has received it due Pondus. Then put this
dissolution as before into a round Glass, fill it two thirds parts full, seal it hermetically as before, let
your Sigillum be well dried. Set it in the furnace of Balneum Vaopri, make a fire and let it remain
forty days, as before, then will the Gold or Silver be dissolved radically and will turn of the deepest
black in the world, which as soon as you see, have your other drying furnace in readiness.

Philosophers say there is no true solution of the body without a proceeding coagulation of the spirit
for they are interchangeably mixed in due proportion, whereby the bodily essence becomes of a
spiritual penetrating nature. On the other hand the incomprehensible spiritual essential virtue is
also made corporeal by the fire, because there is made between them so near a relation or friendship,
like as the heavens operate to the very Depth of Earth and producing from thence all the treasures
and riches of the whole World.

Admirandum Naturae Operationem in Archidoxes Cognitam.

With this Powder --- You may as follows project on metals. Take five parts of fine Gold or Silver
according as you work, and melt it in a Crucible. Wrap up your Medicine in Wax, cast it therein,
and give a strong fire for an hour, then take the Crucible out, as it were, calcined, then cast one part
on ten parts of imperfect metals, be it what it will, and the same will be immediately changed into
purer Metal, than what is brought out of the Mines and produced by Melting; and when you
augment it in strength and virtue by resolving and coagulating, the fifth time it will resolve itself in
three days and be coagulated in twenty-four hours time, to an incredible and most highly pellucid
Stone or Red Shinning burning Coal. For the white work it will become like a white stream of

Of this last coagulation take one part, cast it upon five thousand of melted Gold or Silver as before.
It changes the same into perfect Medicine (only for metals), one part thereof will tinge one

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hundred thousand parts of melted imperfect Metals into the very finest Gold or Silver. So far I have
brought and further I would not come, for as I would set in the matter six times in twelve hours, it
subtilized so highly that the most part (like somewhat most wonderful to behold) past through the
Glass causing an inexpressible odoriferous Smell. Take heed that is happens not to you.

Many more wonders of this holy Art might be added, namely how to prepare therewith all sorts of
precious Stones, and other most admirable things, but it would require too great a book to express
the whole as it ought to be, especially as the Art is endless and not to be apprehended with one
view, and my purpose has been, Loving Cousin and Son, devoutly to lead thee into the Mysteries of
Nature and this holy Science, and I have faithfully performed it.

Go thou to work as I have done before thee, fear God, Love thy neighbor from the bottom of thy
Soul sincerely. So will in the Manual operation, everything to thee, and when thou art at work
therein many of our brethren will reveal themselves to thee, of our holy order, privately; For I have
on my part by the Eternal God wrote the truth which I found out by prayer and searching into
Nature, which work I have seen with my eyes, and with my hands extracted. Therefore also I have
subscribed this Testament with my own blood, the last day of my Life on my deathbed. Actum
Leyden, 27 March 1662.”

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32 The Universal Medicine

So now after reading the stern warnings in the original letter, you probably are wondering
why I have chosen to publish this book and share it with the world. Isn’t this “throwing
pearls before swine” and haven’t I violated the sacred secrecy of the Order? Well in one
sense it certainly is, especially since I have a link to this book right on Youtube.com like a
TV commercial. But I feel that I have been allowed to do this because coincidences will
prevent the people who don’t deserve this from ever finding this book, and even if they do,
they will fail to produce the Stone.

I’ve also never been contacted by any secret society who wanted to warm me of the
consequences of sharing this with the public. And yet as you have read, when I was 16 they
introduced me to alchemy by using the White Stone to make rain water rise up to the full
moon like a perfect circular cloud, which proved to me that alchemy was indeed real and you
can use the Stone in the way it’s written in the old texts. And those people knew my name
even though I didn’t know them, so I assume if they didn’t want me publishing this book,
they would have at least sent a telepathic warning, because after all the Rosicrucians are
masters of telepathy, and I myself have learned to use it in many different ways. So it’s very
easy for them to send a message if they wanted to.

But what it all comes down to is this: Because I was shown at a very early age alchemy is
indeed real and the Stone does indeed exist as something you can make in the laboratory, I
was sort of ‘teased’ and tortured for over a decade before I finally found true paths to the
Stone. And all that time I so strongly wished that someone would just give me a book that
explains everything.

So because nobody every wrote that book, and not one single person ever helped me with a
single alchemy process, and because every alchemy forum on the web was useless, I have now
written this book to give to all you seekers who so badly want to behold the glory of the
glowing Philosopher’s Stone for yourselves.

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And because all the nonsense with ORMUS or monatomic elements and Laurence
Gardner’s books have led so many people astray, it’s time for the world (or at least the
alchemy community) to see the TRUTH about how to make the true Elixir of Life and
Stone of the Wise.

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34 The Universal Medicine

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We’ll see you when you get here…

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