Therapeutic Benefi Ts of Lemongrass and Tea Tree: Nida Tabassum Khan
Therapeutic Benefi Ts of Lemongrass and Tea Tree: Nida Tabassum Khan
Therapeutic Benefi Ts of Lemongrass and Tea Tree: Nida Tabassum Khan
DOI: 10.29328/journal.acee.1001022
Lemongrass is a culinary herb with a lemony is mostly cultivated in Southeast Asia,
Copyright: © 2020 Khan NT. This is an open
Sri Lanka, Indonesia and India. It is conventionally used for relieving anxiety, stress and pain.
access article distributed under the Creative
Because of the presence of limonene and citral, lemongrass extracts exhibits antimicrobial,
Commons Attribution License, which permits
antidandruff and anti-inflammatory effects. However Tea tree extracts are mostly employed in the
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
treatment of dermal, inflammatory and microbial infections.
in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Bioactive constituents
• Anticancer properties: Presence of bioactive citral in
Lemongrass is an enriched source of iber, carbohydrates, Lemongrass helps ight cancer either by apoptosis or
Vitamin A, B and C that strengthens body immune system, boosting immune system [12].
repairs tissue damage and promotes cell division respectively
[3,4], magnesium that is required for protein synthesis, • Promotes healthy digestion: Lemongrass tea is
glycolysis and muscle activity [5], selenium for cognitive reported to treat stomach discomforts, indigestion and
function and fertility [6], phosphorus for DNA/RNA and cell gastric ulcers by protecting stomach lining [13].
membrane synthesis [7], zinc required for wound healing,
• Reduce high cholesterol: Lemongrass extract assisted
normal growth and development [8].
in lowering high cholesterol levels in humans [14].
Health benefits of lemongrass Treats obesity: Lemongrass tea helps in losing excess
of weight in obese patients [15].
Lemongrass offers numerous health bene its which are as
follows: • Skin treatment: Research indicated that lemongrass
essential oil is used as a therapeutic agent for the
• Antioxidant properties: Lemongrass possess
treatment of in lammatory skin conditions [16].
numerous antioxidants such as isoorientin, chlorogenic
acid and swertiajaponin which aids in hunting free • Repellent: Lemongrass extract is used in the
radicals that may cause disease [9]. Antimicrobial preparation of insect repellents due to the presence of
properties: Lemongrass extracts exhibits antimicrobial compounds citral and geraniol [17].
potency against Streptococcus mutans and thus used to
prevent tooth decay [10]. • Controls dandruff: Lemongrass oil is used in hair
tonics to reduce dandruff through its antimicrobial
• Antiinϐlammatory properties: Antiin lammatory and anti-in lammatory properties [18]. It also inhibits
property of Lemongrass is attributed to the presence the growth of fungi M. furfur that is associated with
of compounds citral and geranial which helps in
dandruff [19].
preventing the release of certain in lammation-causing
markers in our body [11]. • Prevents anemia: Research reported that since
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Side effects of lemongrass
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