Career Anchors
Career Anchors
Career Anchors
Edgar Schein, widely acclaimed as one of the founders of the field of modern organizational
psychology, suggests that every one of us has a particular orientation towards work and that
we all approach our work with a certain set of priority and values. He calls this concept our
‘Career Anchors’.
Often, people select a career for all the wrong reasons, and find their responses to the
workplace are incompatible with their true values. This situation results in feelings of unrest
and discontent and in lost productivity.
To help people avoid these problems, Career Anchors help people uncover their real values
and use them to make better career choices.
Career Anchors – include talents, motives, values and attitudes which give stability and
direction to a person’s career – it is the ‘motivator’ or ‘driver’ of that person.
A career anchor is the one element in your self-concept that you will not give up, even in the
face of difficult choices.
If your key Career Anchor is strongly placed in some technical or functional area, what you
would not give up is the opportunity to apply your skills in that area and to continue to
develop those skills to an every higher level. You derive your sense of identity from the
exercise of your skills and are most happy when your work permits you to be challenged in
those areas. You may be willing to manage others in your technical or functional area, but
you are not interested in management for its own sake and would avoid general management
because you would have to leave your own area of expertise.
General Managerial
If your key Career Anchor is general managerial, what you would not give up is the
opportunity to climb to a level high enough in an organisation to enable you to integrate the
efforts of others across functions and to be responsible for the output of a particular unit of
the organisation. You want to be responsible and accountable for total results and you
identify your own work with the success of the organisation for which you work. If you are
presently in a technical or functional area, you view that as a necessary learning experience;
however, your ambition is to get to a generalist job as soon as possible. Being at a high
managerial level in a function does not interest you.
If your key Career Anchor is autonomy/independence, what you would not give up is the
opportunity to define your own work in your own way. If you are in an organisation, you
want to remain in jobs that allow you flexibility regarding when and how to work. If you
cannot stand organisational rules and restrictions to any degree, you seek occupations in
which you will have the freedom you seek, such as teaching or consulting. You turn down
opportunities for promotion or advancement in order to retain autonomy. You may even seek
to have a business of your own in order to achieve a sense of autonomy; however, this motive
is not the same as the entrepreneurial creativity described later.
If your key Career Anchor is security/stability, what you would not give up is employment
security or tenure in a job or organisation. You main concern is to achieve a sense of having
succeeded so that you can relax. The value is illustrated by a concern for financial security
(such as pension and retirement plans) or employment security. Such stability may involve
trading your loyalty and willingness to do whatever the employer wants from you for some
promise of job tenure. You are less concerned with the content of your work and the rank
you achieve in the organisation, although you may achieve a high level if your talents permit.
As with autonomy, everyone has certain needs for security and stability, especially at times
when financial burdens may be heavy or when one is facing retirement. People biased in this
way, however, are always concerned with these issues and build their entire self-images
around the management of security and stability.
Entrepreneurial Creativity
If your key Career Anchor is entrepreneurial creativity, what you would not give up is the
opportunity to create an organisation or enterprise of your own, built on your own abilities
and your willingness to take risks and to overcome obstacles. You want to prove to the world
that you can create an enterprise that is the result of your own effort. You may be working
for others in an organisation while you are learning and assessing future opportunities, but
you will go out on your own as soon as you feel you can manage it. You want your
enterprise to be financially successful as proof of your abilities.
Service/Dedication to a Cause
If your key Career Anchor is service/dedication to a cause, what you would not give up is the
opportunity to pursue work that achieves something of value, such as making the world a
better place to live, solving environmental problems, improving harmony among people,
helping others, improving people’s safety, curing diseases through new products and so on.
You pursue such opportunities even if it means changing organisations, and you do not
accept transfers or promotions that would take you out of work that fulfils those values.
Pure Challenge
If your key Career Anchor is pure challenge, what you would not give up is the opportunity
to work on solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems, to succeed over tough opponents, or
to overcome difficult obstacles. For you, the only meaningful reason for pursuing a job or
career is that it permits you to succeed in the fact of the impossible. Some people find such
pure challenge in intellectual kinds of work, such as the engineer who is only interested in
impossibly difficult designs; some find the challenge in complex, multi-faceted situations,
such as the strategy consultant who is only interested in clients who are about to go bankrupt
and have exhausted all other resources; some find it in interpersonal competition, such as the
professional athlete or the salesperson who defines every sale as either a win or a loss.
Novelty, variety and difficulty become ends in themselves, and if something is easy, it
becomes immediately boring.
If your key Career Anchor is lifestyle, what you would not give up is a situation that permits
you to balance and integrate your personal needs, your family needs, and the requirements of
your career. You want to make all of the major sectors of your life work together toward an
integrated whole, and you therefore need a career situation that provides enough flexibility to
achieve such integration. You may have to sacrifice some aspects of the career (for example,
a geographical move that would be a promotion but would upset your total life situation), and
you define success in terms broader than just career success. You feel that your identity is
more tied up with how you live your total life, where you settle, how you deal with your
family situation, and how you develop yourself than with any particular job or organisation.
Career management policies help define the opportunities for employees to develop the skills
and knowledge required to take on more responsibilities, move into management or obtain a
new role. By specifying what resources are provided, establishing accountability and keeping
records, human resource professionals create a fair and equitable environment for all
o By establishing a career management policy, human resources personnel
define the roles and responsibilities of the employee, the manager and the
company. Typically, employees take personal responsibility for managing
their careers, seeking feedback, assessing their own strengths and weaknesses
and taking advantage of training available to them. Managers usually commit
to hiring the best personnel for the job and ensuring that employees have the
right skills and materials to complete their jobs. Managers communicate the
company's strategic goals and performance measurement criteria at the
beginning of each year, so employees know how their performance will be
measured. Additionally, the company is responsible for providing a safe
environment for employees to work in.
o Human resources personnel document policies related to job opportunities to
adhere to legal requirements, such as Equal Employment Opportunity laws,
and promote employee job satisfaction and morale. By hiring, training and
retaining a diverse workforce, companies typically maintain a competitive
edge. Usually, employers commit to providing career advancement
opportunities within the company and mandate the employees look within the
company for their own growth and development. For example, employees who
maintain an up-to-date resume on file with human resources can qualify for
promotions or transfers, after at least two years in their current role. In the
event that the company lacks possibilities or the employee is not eligible for
the position according to the job description, most employers require at least
two weeks' notice as a professional courtesy if the employee plans to pursue
opportunities elsewhere.
o Human resources departments typically use complex software systems and
comprehensive databases to manage personnel records. By stating that they
make every effort to protect staff information, such as Social Security
numbers, exam scores and other personal data, they help ensure privacy.
Employees commit to maintaining security by regularly taking their own
actions, such as changing passwords and signing off on shared computers.