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Tecquipment - Digital Hydraulic Bench - Data Sheet

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fluid mechanics

H 1F

Dig ita l Hy d r au l i c B e n c h
A mobile, self-contained bench with recirculating water supply. It provides
water at different flow rates direct to experiments and includes digital flow
display for hydraulic and fluid mechanics experiments.

D i gi ta l F l ow D i s p l ay

K ey F e at u res Key spec ificatio ns

• Electronic flowmeter and digital display for accurate • Digital flow display
measurements and quicker experiments
• 0.001 L.s–1 and 0.1 L.min–1 resolution
• Made of lightweight fibreglass for strength, easier transport
• Electronic flowmeter
and long life
• Fibreglass construction
• Lockable wheels for mobility with stability
• 160 litres capacity
• Flat top to hold experiment modules from TecQuipment’s Fluid
Mechanics range
• Self-contained with recirculating water circuit – needs no
external water supply and saves mains water
• Pump includes thermal overload protection

T ec Q u ipment Lt d , B on sa l l Str e e t, l on g e aton , N otti ngha m NG10 2A N, U K

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 1 1 5 97 2 2 6 1 1 sa l es @ te cqui p ment. co m

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H 1F

Dig ita l Hy d r au l i c B e n c h
D es c ri pt i on Four wheels allow the user to move the bench around the
classroom. Two wheels have foot-operated locks to hold
This product supplies a controlled flow of water to a wide
the bench in position.
variety of laboratory experiment modules (available
separately). The body of the bench forms a reservoir or A sight gauge to the lower side of the bench allows the
‘sump tank’ with a submersible pump. Once filled, the user to check the water level inside the tank.
bench needs no external water supply.
An electronic flowmeter measures the outlet flow from the
The top of the bench provides a working surface. This submersible pump. The signals from the flowmeter pass
will hold one of a choice of experiment modules from to the digital display to show the flow rate. The viewing
TecQuipment’s Fluid Mechanics range. Larger experiments angle of the display allows the user to see it clearly from a
usually stand next to the bench. A rim around the top normal standing position.
contains any spilled or excess water. A small recess or
‘Trough’ in the top works with a removeable Drain Valve to Standar d Featu r es
trap a small volume of water. It also catches discharged • Supplied with a comprehensive user guide
water from some experiments in the fluid mechanics
range. • Five-year warranty
A hand-operated control valve adjusts the water flow rate • Manufactured in accordance with the latest European
from the pump. An electrical box on the side of the bench Union directives
includes the pump switch, circuit protection and a digital
• ISO9001 certified manufacturer
display of flow.

‘ Trou g h ’ a nd Dra i n Va lve

780 mm

D ig ita l Fl ow Dis p l ay
950 mm

S i ght Gau ge

1250 mm

T ec Q u ipment Lt d , B on sa l l Str e e t, l on g e aton , N otti ngha m NG10 2A N, U K

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 1 1 5 97 2 2 6 1 1 sa l es @ te cqui p ment. co m

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H 1F

Dig ita l Hy d r au l i c B e n c h
Avai la b le E x p e ri m ent M odul es
Bench - Mo u nt ing :
• Flow Visualisation (FC15)
• Flow Through an Orifice (H4)
• Venturi Meter (H5)
• Discharge Over a Notch (H6)
• Friction Loss in a Pipe (H7)
• Impact of a Jet Apparatus (H8)
• Flow Measurement (H10)
• Vortex Apparatus (H13)
• Francis Turbine (H18)
• Pelton Turbine (H19)
• Hydraulic Ram Pump (H31)
• Jet Trajectory and Orifice Flow (H33)
• Pipework Energy Losses (H34)
• Flow Meter Calibration (H40)
S hown wi t h t he I m pact
F r ee-stand ing o f a jet (H8)
• Losses in Piping Systems (H16)
• 2.5 Metre Flow Channel (FC50-2.5)
• Pipe Surge And Water Hammer (H405)
• Fluid Friction Apparatus (H408)

S hown wi t h t he L o s s es i n p i p i n g syst em s (H1 6)

T ec Q u ipment Lt d , B on sa l l Str e e t, l on g e aton , N otti ngha m NG10 2A N, U K

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 1 1 5 97 2 2 6 1 1 sa l es @ te cqui p ment. co m

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H 1F

Dig ita l Hy d r au l i c B e n c h
D e ta i le d Sp e c i f i cati ons O per ating C o nd itio ns
TecQuipment is committed to a programme of continuous O perat ing enviro nment:
improvement; hence we reserve the right to alter the Laboratory
design and product specification without prior notice.
Sto rage t emperat u re ra nge:
Nett dimens io ns and w e i gh t:
–25°C to +55°C (when packed for transport)
1250 mm long x 780 mm wide x 950 mm high and 50 kg
(no water) O perat ing t emperat u re ra nge:
+5°C to +40°C
Ap proximat e pac ked di m e n s i on s a n d w e i gh t:
1.4 m3 and 120 kg Essential Servic es
Sum p tank capac it y: Single- phase, ea rt hed elect rica l su pply
100 Litres minimum and 160 litres maximum (specify o n o rder) :

M axim u m f l ow: • Single phase, 220 - 240 VAC, 50 Hz, 2.5 Amp o r

With no experiment module fitted: • Single phase, 110 -120 VAC, 60 Hz, 5 Amp or

50 litres/minute (220V) • Single phase, 220 - 240 VAC, 60 Hz, 2.5 Amp

47 litres/minute (110V) Not e: This product may produce small splashes of water
in use, so you must use it at a safe distance from electrical
M axim u m pr es s u r e: supplies. TecQuipment recommends approximately 2.4 m.
450 mbar at working surface height
F lowmet er d is pl ay:
L.s–1 and L.min–1
R esolu t io n:
0.001 L.s–1 and 0.1 L.min–1
Acces s o r ies ( inc lu d e d):
• Water additive and datasheet
• All necessary pipes and pipe clips

T ec Q u ipment Lt d , B on sa l l Str e e t, l on g e aton , N otti ngha m NG10 2A N, U K

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 1 1 5 97 2 2 6 1 1 sa l es @ te cqui p ment. co m

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