Chem Ail
Chem Ail
Chem Ail
Maharashtra Orissa
The mineral-bearing zones of Maharashtra lie Orissa, situated on the eastern seaboard of India
beyond the area of the basalts in eastern Vidarbha, is one of the gifted parts of the World, where a
southern Kolhapur and the Sindhudurg area. The
gamut of mineral resources exist in bounty.
Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Bhandara and Nagpur The rich mineral wealth of the state is attributed
to its favorable Geological setup. Situated on the
Districts form the main mineral belt, with coal and eastern fringe of the peninsular India, Orissa has
manganese as the major minerals and iron ore and about 72.5%of the area occupied by Precambrian
limestone as potential wealth. The Ratnagiri coast metamorphic rocks (of Achaean and Proterozoic
contains sizeable deposits of illimenite. is the sole age) which hosts the majority of the minerals.
producer of fluorite (graded) & kyanite and the The Gondwanas hosting the coal resources occur
principal producer ofbauxite & manganese ore. over about 8% of the landmass. The tertiary and
quaternary formations, occupying rest of the
Maharashtra is the second largest producer of area, provide avenues for
kyanite and the third largest producer of aluminous/nickeliferous laterite and heavy
manganese ore. minerals (in beach sand).
Base metal production comparison
Maharashtra Orissa
Types of ores :- galena , sphalerite , cessurite Types of ores :-Galena, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite
,etc stringers, Azurite, etc
Found in chandrapur gadchiroli, nagpur {most Found in sargipalli saintala, kermeli, sisakhal
parts of the konkan and gangajal.
Total resources of base metal {mostly copper Total resource of Orissa – 4.98 million tonnes
and zinc }:-15.45 million tonnes ..copper take a Sargipalli deposit – 1.89 million tonnes between
7.7 million tonnes zinc take a 8.27 million 220 m & 60m with 6.73% Pb, 0.33% Cu and 51
tonnes PPM of Ag at 3% cut off.
Base metals are common metals that tarnish, oxidize, or corrode relatively
quickly when exposed to air or moisture. They are widely used in
commercial and industrial applications, such as construction and
manufacturing. Base metals include lead, copper, nickel, and zinc. They are
often more abundant in nature and sometimes easier to mine. That makes
base metals far less expensive for use in manufacturing than precious
metals, such as gold, silver, and platinum.
Maharashtra Orissa
Bauxite and kyanite Bauxite
Found in:- Kolhapur Raigad Satara Found in :-Koraput Rayagada Kalahandi
Ratnagiri Thane Sangli Kandhamal Keonjhar Sundargarh
Total resource:- 135.72 million tonnes , Total resources :- 1797 Million tones with
bauxite consists of 133.1 million tonnes >40% Al2O3 and <0.5% SiO2
and kyanite consists of 2.6 million tonnnes
Bauxite is a mixture of Gibbsite Al(OH)3, Bohemite AlO(OH) and
Diaspore (HAlO2)
Used for production of Alumina and as refractories, abrasives, minor
quantities are used in ceramics, chemicals and ferroalloys industries.
Maharashtra Orissa
Type of ore :-, the coal deposits belong to the Types of Ores :-The Gondwana Coal of
Tertiary period. The coal here carries more Orissa is non coking with grade varying
moisture and has less carbon content. from E to G
Found in :- Nagpur chandrapur yavatmal Found in :- angul dhenkanal , sambalpur
wardha jharsuguda
Total resource :- 5576 million tonnes Total resource :- 65263.34 million tonnes