Introduction and History of Ms Word
Introduction and History of Ms Word
Introduction and History of Ms Word
Home: This has options like font colour, font size, font style, alignment, bullets, line
spacing, etc. All the basic elements which one may need to edit their document is available
under the Home option.
Insert: Tables, shapes, images, charts, graphs, header, footer, page number, etc. can all
be entered in the document. They are included in the “Insert” category.
DESIGN: The template or the design in which you want your document to be created
can be selected under the Design tab. Choosing an appropriate tab will enhance the
appearance of your document.
PAGE LAYOUT: Under the Page Layout tab comes options like margins, orientation,
columns, lines, indentation, spacing, etc.
REFERENCE: This tab is the most useful for those who are creating a thesis or writing
books or lengthy documents. Options like citation, footnote, table of contents, caption,
bibliography, etc. can be found under this tab.
REVIEW: Spell check, grammar, Thesaurus, word count, language, translation,
comments, etc. can all be tracked under the review tab. This acts as an advantage for those
who get their documents reviewed on MS Word.
CLIPBOARD BOARD:This has the mandatory copy and pastes
commands. The paste command has additional options to paste
formatted/ unformatted text/pictures. Also, spend time with
Office Word’s special command, “Format Painter,” which allows
you to paste formatting across text blocks.
LINE SPACING: This is the space between lines and is a single line spaced
by default.
LINE AND PAGE BREAKS : This determines how a style spawns across
pages. For instance, if you check the “widow/orphan control” option, then
when text with a heading style falls towards the end of a page, it will
CLIP ART: Toggles the display of the Clip Art task pane to let you
insert drawings, movies, sounds, photos etc.
page at the center and view it much like how it would appear
In this view, you can further use the “Zoom” command (group)
the Escape key will bring you back to the (default) Print Layout