Mable's 100th
Mable's 100th
Mable's 100th
for Mable...
By JAKE HOOSON She has grand-children
and great-grandchildren
THERE has been an- all over the world, from
other Royal celebra- Blackpool to the USA and
tion this week – but all the way to Australia
not quite as big as the – some of who travelled for
more than 24 hours.
recent wedding! Jeanette Jacobs, Ma-
Mable Barnes, from ble’s daughter, said “It was
Alexandra Nursing lovely to see my mum at
Home, Poulton, has a hundred, enjoying her
proudly received her party surrounded by
birthday card from the her family and life long
Queen after turning a friends.
100 years old. “All my mum wanted
She was over-the-moon for her birthday was to
with her achievement and receive her birthday card
said: “I thoroughly en- from the queen.”
joyed my birthday party Carer Lynsey Calves-
and was glad to see some bert, from the nursing
of my old friends. home, said “Mable is an
“Although I’m 100, some- inspiration to the younger
times I feel ancient but generation, she is a beauti-
other times I feel young. ful lady out and in.
“My life has been a hap- “Working with Mable is
py one, with lots of lovely a complete pleasure. She
memories.” touches the hearts of every
With a quarter of young- person she meets, making
sters now expected to be- them smile and laugh.
come centenarians – ac- “I have to say it’s great
cording to recent figures to see some one of Mable’s
– 100th birthday celebra- age still able to enjoy life to
tions may become a com- the full.”
mon occurrence in time. “Everyone who work’s
Mable has lived through with Mable would agree
two world wars, seen she is a sweet lady a total
countless scientific break- inspiration.”
throughs and experienced julia.bennett@ CELEBRATION: Mable Barnes with her
many changes in society. card from The Queen
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