ARCI - The New Player
ARCI - The New Player
ARCI - The New Player
oz). However, the company has plans down the road to further increase its 760 5.0
reserves, with an estimated reserve standing at a range of 5.3mn-13mn oz. While 750
no specific details have been given regarding the exploration date, Archi has the 730 (2.5)
potential to possess the largest gold reserves out of all its peers. If we were to 720 (5.0)
710 (7.5)
use EV/reserves as a comparison metrics, Archi’s valuation is standing at 700 (10.0)
USD323/oz, higher compared to UNTR (EV adjusted to reflect the gold segment
solely). However, if we take into account the probable average increase in gold ARCI IJ (LHS) Rel. to JCI performance (RHS)
reserves (~9mn oz), Archi’s valuation would be very attractive standing at 400
Vol (mn)
USD97/oz (lower compared to the regional mean of USD128.2/oz). 200
Production comparison: the biggest? Jun-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Jul-21 Jul-21 Jul-21
Production volume-wise, Archi has the second largest production volume Source: Bloomberg
compared to its peers standing at 207k oz. In addition to increasing its reserves,
the company has plans to further increase its production capacity down the road MARKET DATA
up to 450k oz by 2026 (implying a 5-year CAGR at 117%), making the company the 2W price range (IDR) : 705-755
largest gold producer in Indonesia in the years to come. Using current EV/EBITDA 2W PE range (x) : 9.8-10.5
Outstanding shares (mn) : 24,835
as a comparison, Archi’s valuation stands at 10.6x (lower compared to regional
Market cap (IDRbn)/(USDmn) : 17,881 / 1,252
mean at 21.3x), a bit premium compared to UNTR but has the potential to go
Avg daily turn. (IDRbn/USDmn) : 4.1 / 0.3
down as the company increases its production capacity. Source: Bloomberg
by ANTM, however, the company is considering building its own refinery down Public : 15.0%
Source: Bloomberg
the road which we expect should allow the company to lower its cash cost going
forward (current cash cost standing around USD505/oz). As of current valuation,
if we were to use EV/Reserves (taking account the possible spike in reserves) at
the regional mean, share prices could increase up to an average of IDR947 (~+31%
upside from current price). Noting the importance of gold during times of crisis,
Archi should prove to be a good addition as a hedge against market volatility.
(k oz)
4,500 4,300
1,000 702 668
150 80
100 40
- (20)
500.00 459.00
323.22 30.00
100.00 10.00
- -
Balance sheet
Year–end 31 Dec (IDRbn) 2018 2019 2020
Cash and cash equivalents 227.2 699.3 580.5
Receivables, net 2,006.2 1,529.6 311.2
Inventory 1,713.3 1,547.1 1,736.7
Fixed assets 2,010.4 1,971.5 2,066.2
Other assets 3,224.0 3,111.7 3,974.4
Total assets 9,181.1 8,859.2 8,669.0
S-T liabilities 737.5 847.9 1,023.7
Other S-T liabilities 629.5 681.3 796.0
L-T liabilities 4,809.9 4,057.7 4,714.2
Other L-T liabilities 755.8 762.0 772.5
Total liabilities 6,932.7 6,348.9 7,306.4
Minority interest 0.0 0.4 0.3
Total equities 2,248.4 2,510.3 1,362.6
Total liabilities & equities 9,181.1 8,859.2 8,669.0
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