M1 - Lab 1 CS
M1 - Lab 1 CS
M1 - Lab 1 CS
• Become familiar with the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
• Understand how to compile and run applications from within an IDE
• Explore how C# applications work and understand the main method.
• Have a basic understanding of I/O – or Input/Ouput. This means printing things to the screen and
reading input from the user.
• Understand how to submit labs in Gradescope
• Understand the basics of the “autograder” in Gradescope, which auto-assigns a grade based on the
output of your programs.
For each lab program you develop, make sure to include the following “header” - replace the dots with
your section #, semester, your full name, your instructor’s name, and lab #:
Class: CSE 1321L
Section: ...
Term: ...
Instructor: ...
Name: ...
Lab#: ...
Note: putting *anything* between a /* and */ (“slash star and star slash”) in most languages makes it a
“comment” – which is ignored by the computer. For all your future labs and assignments, you are required
to put the header so we know who submitted the file. Thank you ahead of time!
What is an IDE?
An Integrated Development Environment, or IDE, is basically an application that programmers use to make
their lives easier when writing and testing code. You can think of it as Word (or Pages if you use a Mac),
but instead of using English or some other Human language, it allows programmers to efficiently enter/edit
code and run it. More formally, it’s an application that provides almost everything needed by computer
programmers for software development. At the core of it is a “compiler” which is responsible for taking
(human-readable) source code and converting it into binary code (1s and 0s) to be executed. An IDE
normally consists of at least a source code editor, build automation tools (like compilers), and a debugger.
You can see a larger overview on Wikipedia:
Realize that, technically, an IDE is not needed. You could work directly with the compiler from the
command line if you wanted to. This is something you should explore later on, because some companies,
like Apple, ask these things in job interviews.
IDEs simplify the whole process, allowing programmers to write and test code quicker and with less errors
than using the compiler directly. On top of that, many modern IDEs enable multiple developers coordinate
their work and also provide fast and intelligent error catching systems. So, all of this together makes any
IDE a one-stop place to write, compile, run, and fix code.
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What is Gradescope and the Autograder?
Gradescope is where you’re going to submit your labs and assignments. For some of your labs (including
this one), you’ll submit your source code (which will end in .java for Java, .cs for C-Sharp, or .cpp for C++).
When you do that, the autograder in Gradescope will take your source code, compile it, and run some test
cases through it to see if you did what you were supposed to do. It then automatically assigns a grade.
However (and pay attention) – it’s picky. For example, if the lab requires you to print “Hello, World!” and
you print “Hello”, you won’t receive points for that part of the lab. The same thing would happen if you
forgot the “!” at the end – so it’s important to have a critical eye! The autograder will point out these errors
when you submit. Second, if the lab or assignment says “The filename must be called X”, you must do
that and the case must match. For example, if you must call your file “Lab1A.java” and you called it
“lab1a.java”, the autograder may or may not recognize it depending on the mood it is in that day.
No worries – if it’s not working for you, the autograder tries to give you feedback about what it’s seeing
based on input and output. Also, don’t forget you have a lab instructor and lab assistants who are here to
1) If you are working from home and have not installed Visual Studio, please visit “Integrated
Development Environments” at https://ccse.kennesaw.edu/fye/resources.php
2) Open Visual Studio 2019 on your computer. It will prompt you with the following dialog box. Click
“Create a new Project”
3) Next, it will want to know what kind of project to create. You will want to create a Console App, but
specifically for C# (there are other options that look similar, so be careful).
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4) Next, you will name the project/solution. In this case, call it Lab1A. Please make sure you capitalize
correctly, because languages are case-sensitive (e.g. don’t call it “lab1a”).
7) Note where it says “class Program”. For the labs below, you will need to change this to “class Lab1A”,
“class Lab1B” and “class Lab1C”
8) Note the “Console.WriteLine”. This is how you print to the screen. Also note that it’s WriteLine, not
Writeline or writeline. That is, C# is a case-sensitive language.
9) Remember you must save and recompiled the code every time you change it before being able to run
For this lab, you’re going to work with your IDE to compile and run some programs we have provided you.
By the end of this lab, you will have three files that you need to submit to the autograder at the same time
– Lab1A.cs, Lab1B.cs and Lab1C.cs. Note: For each one of these, you will create a New Project in Visual
Studio, then create a new .cs file within that project. Don’t forget to change the name of the classes.
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Before you begin the next part of this lab, you might start feeling overwhelmed when you first look at the
source code below. There’s a lot of strange symbols there! You’ll get comfortable with these, but here’s a
quick explanation:
• “main” is the starting point of the program. The program execution then goes line by line.
• Semicolons ; are used at the end of a single statement. It’s similar to a period at the end of a
sentence. See below for examples.
• Opening and closing curly braces { } contain zero or more single statements inside of them. They
technically mean “begin” and “end” a block of code that should be consider as “one thing”. That’s a
sloppy definition, but it will make more sense later.
• Comments are denoted one of a few ways. The /* and */ have comments in between. This is good
when you have multiple lines of comments. However, if you have only one or two lines of
comments, you can use the double-slash // notation. You can see this below as well.
When creating the files for the programs below, they must be called Lab1A, Lab1B, and Lab1C (and have
the appropriate .java, .cs or .cpp file extension).
Fix, compile and run the programs below, then submit them in Gradescope.
// Program Lab1A.cs
// Demonstrate the difference between Write and WriteLine methods.
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==================================== Program Lab1B.cs ======================================
using System;
// Program Lab1B.cs
// Demonstrate reading a string from the user.
// Program Lab1C.cs
public class Lab1C
// Calculates fuel efficiency based on values entered by the user.
public static void Main (String[] args)
int miles;
double gallons, mpg;
Console.Write ("Enter the number of miles: ");
miles = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Save all programs in one folder (call it Lab1) for future reference. You may also save this on a USB
device or OneDrive.
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