Handout 1 - Meaning, Dimension & Metaphors of Teaching
Handout 1 - Meaning, Dimension & Metaphors of Teaching
Handout 1 - Meaning, Dimension & Metaphors of Teaching
An intimate contact between a more mature personality and a less mature one which is
designed to further the education of the latter (Morrison, 1934)
Teaching is defined as an interactive process, primarily involving classroom talk, which
takes place between the teacher and pupil and occurs during certain definable activities
(Edmund Amidon, 1967)
Teaching is a system of actions involving an agent, an end in view, and a situation,
including two sets of factors - those over which the agent has no control (class size, size
of classroom, physical characteristics of pupils, etc.) and those that he can modify such as
a way of asking questions or ideas gleaned. (Smith, 1969)
Teaching is a task of a teacher which is performed for the development of the child.
(Greens, 1971)
Teaching is the process that facilitates learning. The teacher has an important role to play
because he acts as a catalyst, actively stimulating learning. (Farrant, 1980)
Teaching is a cluster of activities that are noted about teachers such as explaining,
deducing, questioning, motivating, taking attendance, keeping records of works, learners’
progress and background information. (Wells, 1982)
Teaching is both a process and an end. As a process, a procedure is required in undertaking it.
As an end, there is a purpose or reason for conducting it. Teaching as a process implies taking
logical steps in instructing, causing, guiding, and creating positive change in the learners.
Teaching as an end conveys that it is not a pointless undertaking. Rather, it is a purpose driven
profession because it has noble goals to accomplish. Some of the sublime purposes of teaching
include imparting knowledge and wisdom, helping and inspiring learners progress in their
academics, and developing lifelong skills that prepare the learners for life. These purposes are
essential in developing the learners as persons, professionals, and as citizens.