The Impact of Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices On Organizational Effectiveness: A Review
The Impact of Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices On Organizational Effectiveness: A Review
The Impact of Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices On Organizational Effectiveness: A Review
This paper attempted to review theoretically the HRD and its matrix and revealed to show the
positive relationship between HRD and organizational effectiveness. In HRD shows the different
variables (outcomes) such as HRD instruments, HRD processes & climate variables and
organizational dimensions. HRD affects the organizational goals which may result from higher
productivity, cost reduction, more profits, better image and more satisfied customers and stake
holders considered as organization dimensions HRD activities, as such, do not reduce costs, improve
quality or quantity, or benefit the enterprise in any way. It is the on-the- job applications of learning
that ultimately can reduce costs, improve quality, and so forth. In the organizational context,
therefore, HRD means a process which helps employees of an organization to improve their
functional capabilities for their present and future roles, to develop their general capabilities, to
harness their inner potentialities both for their self and organizational development and, to develop
organizational culture to sustain harmonious superior-subordinate relationships, teamwork,
motivation, quality and a sense of belongingness. The study also analyses the Kliman Model of HRM
to show the path of mechanisms which could lead to competitive advantage. Today’s fast changing
environment modern organizations are more careful to sustain in the competitive advantage relating
to HRD our study has been developed to help the management students, academicians, and
professionals to understand the subject properly and enhance their knowledge about HRD network
within the organization for its effectiveness.
to make confident them with sensitivity. They emphasized as well as for development purposes keeping in
HRs to cope with the changes. Sharmaand and Purang mind futuristic requirement of the organization.
(2000) surveyed of 27 middle level managers in the Counseling: HRD supports to give critical feedback
engineering sector, manufacturing primarily power sector and discusses them how they can improve themselves.
equipment with a view to understanding relationship Career Planning: Career planning involves identifying
between value institutionalization and HRD climate. The the right potential well in time, for development to take
study highlights that there exists positive relationship over higher responsibilities. HRD tries to establish a
between value institutionalization and HRD climate. promotional policy for people.
From the above citations of the literature regarding the Succession Planning: HRD makes succession planning
application of HRD along with HRD Matrix in job of the for those who are fit/ right for the next position so that
business organizations our study tries to show how it organization cannot trap in operations.
ultimately can reduce costs, improve quality, Training: Training comprises an integral part of
productivity and higher profits which may result HRD process. To increase employees’ efficiency and
organizational effectiveness (outcome). effectiveness on the job, HRD tries to improve the
capabilities of HRs through arranging the different
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY types of training programs.
Job Evaluation: How much should be paid for a job
The main objective of the study is to organize long-term which ensures by HRD through job analysis
organizational effectiveness (outcome) through HRD. In regarding the responsibilities of the job.
the study, keeping in view aforesaid discussion above,
Transfer, Promotion & Demotion: A transfer may
the following objectives have been laid down:
result in changes in duties and responsibilities,
To develop capabilities of all individuals working in an supervisory and working conditions, but not
organization about their present and future roles; necessarily salary. On the other hand, promotion is
To develop HRD mechanisms lead to the desired the advance position of an employee from one job to
outcomes; a higher level one, with increase salary. Whereas,
To ensure efficiency through HRD instruments; demotion is the opposite of promotion that creates
To link HRD with organizational strategy; the downward position. HRD manager ensures
To find out the inadequacies in the HRD practices and those who are the right person for the right position
provide broad guidelines to keeping pace with the in an organization.
technological changes and suggestions for enhancing Role Analysis: For the requirement of effective role
organizational effectiveness. HRD elaborates the processes, standards, and critical
attributes namely knowledge, attitude, skills habits
DISCUSSION (KASH) which in turn in the context of its works
Functions/ Activities of HRD system.
Communication Policies: HR Department stresses a
HRD covers all HRM functions. To attain the
lot of communication aspects to be developed that
aforementioned objectives HRD unit performs the
do pave the way for effectiveness and efficiency.
following functions by applying the HRD instruments or
Rewards: Rewards are the positive reinforcements
given by the organization which act as effective
Human Resource Planning (HRP): By jobs demand motivators and help people to increase productivity
HRD unit tries to establish HRP by which HRD the and efficiency such as promotion, reviewed salary,
manager needs to be able to forecast what the fringe benefits, etc.
organization’s future HR requirements will be and Organizational Development (OD) Exercises: OD
from where the HR will be obtained. If HR is surplus, exercises help organization in the development and
the manager gives an attention retrenchment strategies growth with their activities of an organizational
or stopping recruitment so that organizations minimize diagnosis, team building, task force, other structural
their costs. If shortage, manager starts recruiting and and process interventions like role development, job
accelerating training and development. enrichment, job re-designing, etc.
Recruitment and selection: HRD attracts HR from
HRM functions are the best tools to achieve the same
internal and external sources and selects the qualified
which result organizational outcomes may act as creation
candidates from a huge number of applicants.
of image, more profits, higher productivity, more
Performance and Potential Appraisal: Performance
competent people, more team work and finally ensures
appraisal means an evaluation of individual doing.
better utilization of human resources (see fig- 4).
They are well known to what should be done by
themselves if needed. HRD manager helps At this stage, for better appreciation, we would mention
employees in self-appraisal or peers or 360-degree the HRD objectives of two leading companies:
feedback. Potential appraisal is done for placement
EXHIBIT-1 are concerned with HRD. These are: - (i) person; (ii) role;
(iii) dyad; (iv) team; (v) inter-team & (vi) organization.
HRD Objectives of Siemens Limited
The effectiveness of one unit (foci) will contribute to the
Main objectives of Siemens are: effectiveness of others. The holders of a variety of
Development of employees is the primary task of the positions in the sub-departments report to top person
company; (head of HR Department). Those reporting to the head of
It is the policy of Siemens to recruit, train, develop and the HR Department typically include:
advance employees within the company;
Manager of employment (responsible for HR
To achieve these objectives Siemens have laid down their planning, recruitment, selection and performance
policies as under: appraisal).
Recruitment of quality manpower and their retention; Manager of compensation (responsible for
Plan and monitor career development staff to perform compensation, incentives and benefits
effectively in their present jobs; groom potential administration)
managers for higher responsibilities; Manager of training and development Responsible
To introduce and sustain an objective system of for Orientation, Training, Development and career
evaluation of performance based on result;
Performance as the sole criterion for increments and
Manager of health and safety (responsible for
occupational health and safety administration).
Use of training as the strategic factor for competitive
To nurture a spirit of entrepreneurship among
employees; Different organizations have different types of
Work in close collaboration for fostering the spirit of organizational plan which really depends on the size,
openness; nature, functions and vision of an organization. Rao,
To ensure transparency in decision making: Raju, and Yadav (2001) surveyed HRD practices in 12
-Self-motivated employee Indian organizations covering financial services,
-Employee commitment consumer products, electronics, cement, tyres and
-Commitment of results. automobiles which shows that employees perceived as
EXHIBIT-2 favorable the value of autonomy. Here precise HRD
structure has been shown hypothetically of different
HRD Objectives of W.S. Industries India Limited types of organization as follows.
To plan and induct appropriate manpower regarding of Fig. 1: Organization Chart No. 1- For a Large Company
knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA);
To provide opportunities for growth to employees Education
regarding of remuneration, career and skill and Development
To practice equity and fairness in all its dealing with Manager
To continuously enhance knowledge, skill of employees Vice President/
for the performance of their present and future tasks Training
Fig. 4: A Schematic Presentation of Linkage between HRD Instruments, Processes, Outcomes and Organizational
Here, the main issue is that HR mechanism should be path where the mechanisms lead to outcomes (employee-
developed since it leads to the desired outcomes. Only a centered and organizational centered), which in turn, can
HR mechanism can fulfill the basic philosophy of HRM. lead to competitive advantage. The path taken is as
This could be understandable in Lawrence Kleiman follows:
Model. He states that the influence process follows a
Source: Beer, et. al., Human Resource Management: A General Manager’s Perspective, The Free Press, New York, 1985, p. 17.
Here the employee centered outcomes refer to the communicate a good image of the company. This level
competence level of each employee, employee’s willingness, outcome will give competitive advantage to the company
and employee’s attitudes such as job satisfaction level, through the generation of its good will in the market.
commitment, and citizenship behavior which result from
the right kind and right combinations of the instruments. On KEY FACTORS INFLUENCING HRM POLICIES
the other hand, the organizational outcomes are
There are certain key factors that have a strong influence on
productivity level (in terms of quantity and quality of the
HRM policies and are in turn influenced by them (Ali, 2009).
product and the USP of the product), image of the company,
These factors must be taken into account while designing
legal compliances etc which are result of the employee level
HRM policies. These factors are put into two major
outcomes. Naturally, for example if the employees of a firm
considerations: situational factors and stakeholders interests
are highly satisfied and committed then they will
as depicted in the following figure:
The figure shows that HRM policies are not only collaboration, autonomy, respect, management of
influenced by the factors stated above, but affect certain mistake, management of conflicts, etc.
immediate organizational outcomes and have certain Focus on learning contextual factors from different
long-term consequences. professional bodies like NIPA, BPATC, NAEM, IBA,
BIBM, BIM, ISTD, HRD Network etc. These
ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS professional bodies, through their publications,
Organizational Effectiveness is the concept of how seminars and workshops, share the experiences of
effective of an organization is in achieving the outcomes the corporate world.
of the organization intends to produce. In Organization Focus on periodic reviewing of the HRD system
Effectiveness through HRD, human resource executives which may call for redesigning performance
can share their explored experiences in developing appraisal, job rotation, reward systems, career
people. There is a positive relationship between human planning, promotion, selection, induction, training
resource development and organization effectiveness. and development, etc.
Joseph and Singh (2000) attempted to describe in their Focus on integrating HRD with other corporate
study that asserts competing, performing, stretching, functions like production, marketing, finance,
service organizations also need to review, reflect, material, corporate planning etc.
redirect, reorient, renew human resources in the Focus on diffusion of HRD function involving line
organization through a continuous process of individual managers in various HRD aspects like training of
and collective development initiatives. TV Rao, HRD and subordinates, performance appraisal, promotion,
Organizational Effectiveness (1990) writes that other placement, selection, career planning, etc. line
things being the same; an organization that has people, by virtue of their rich experiences, may
competent, satisfied, committed and dynamic people is effectively contribute to these HRD areas.
likely to do better than an organization that scores low Focus on working with unions by taking them into
on HRD outcome variables. In the same way, an confidence and collaborating with them. That unions
organization that has better HRD climate and processes can also play a positive role in furthering the
is likely to be more effective than an organization that organization is evident from a number of examples.
does not have them. It is stressed that HRD outcome
In Bangladesh, some large private sector organizations
variables are step closer to organization effectiveness.
have commenced establishing separate units known as
Organizational Effectiveness, within the Office of Human
human resource divisions/ department. But
Resources, serves as a gateway to training, development,
unfortunately, these divisions are mostly manned by
and consulting resources that build organizational
generalists. In the public sector and autonomous
capacity, increase individual capabilities, and promote a
organizations, the situation is more deplorable though
culture of excellence through strong leadership.
they are trying to rescue from the situation.
Organizational Effectiveness offers a variety of programs
and services designed to build job skills and enhance SUGGESTIONS
professional development providing workshops,
seminars, classes, and consulting services each year. The Therefore, to design HRD policies, all the likely
HRD tools if effectively used can create a conducive constraints due to inadequacies affecting the HR policies
HRD culture and HRD learning processes. HRD and the HR outcomes as well as organizational outcomes
processes are intermediate variables and affect the HRD and long-term consequences must be attentive seriously
outcomes. They are less easily observable and are softer in the areas of decreasing organizational outcomes that
dimension that indicates the effectiveness of HRD tools. should be:
When HRD at a higher level in the organizational properly and enhance their knowledge about HRD
hierarchy does not entrust the responsibility network within the organization for its effectiveness.
establish credibility for the HRD functions.
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