PEDU 122: Welcome
PEDU 122: Welcome
PEDU 122: Welcome
PEDU 122
Movement Skills Development
through Playing Games
- Explain the importance TGFU in learning Games and Sports.
- Summarize the TGFU model and its implication in learning Games
and Sports.
- Apply the key stages of the TGFU model in learning Games and
- Identify the different Game categories and describe each one.
- Generalize the Levels of tactical complexity so that students will have
a deeper understanding of the game.
The Teaching Games for
TGfU Understanding (TGfU)
approach developed by Bunker
Teaching Games for Understanding and Thorpe in 1982 places a
new emphasis on the more
traditional, technical focused
approach to teaching. TGfU
places the student in a game
situation whereby skills,
tactics, decision-making, and
problem solving are developed
in cohesion (Webb, Pearson, &
Forrest, 2006).
The Teaching Games for
Understanding (TGfU) Model: