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Legalizing Marijuana

The drug Marijuana came from the plant Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica that originated in Central
Asia. The plant used as a recreational drug, many person specially Americans uses marijuana for their own
pleasure, it changes the mindset and perception of a person; it can make you relaxed and feel euphoria or the
feeling of being ‘high’ that they called. Marijuana has been used for medical purposes, it was believed to reduce
anxiety, nausea from cancer chemotherapy and chronic illness such as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).
Although marijuana has bad effects on our health like hallucination and paranoia there are countries that allow
the use of marijuana. Colorado became the first state that permits the selling of marijuana for recreational use
on 2004, and other country like Canada will fully legalize the recreational use of marijuana country.

Allowing marijuana won’t be helpful to humans also for the country’s health and educational status,
currently it is the leading cause of substance dependency in U.S, mostly of the users are young adult which have
negative effect on their physical, emotional and mental health, and can increase the rate of accidents and crimes
in a certain country

Any person should not legally use marijuana because it is addictive, based on the research 9 to 30 percent
of marijuana users may develop marijuana use disorder in which a person can’t stop to use it even though it
causing health problems, however there are people that continue to use marijuana because it helps them to
reduce the feeling of anxiety and depression, otherwise there is no cure for marijuana use disorder because a
person is dependent on using the drug and using it has many bad effects such as breathing problems, weakens
immune system and increase heart rate that can cause death.

Legalizing marijuana will increase the use of stronger illicit drugs, according to the research of drug
policy.com the average of americans that currently smoking marijuana rise to 63 to 70 million. If the people
uses marijuana legally there are possibilities that they’ll demand to legalized stronger drugs. Nevertheless
legalizing marijuana can be used as medical instrument to treat people with illness specially, cancer, based on
the Western Government the plant has cannabinoids that can kill cancer cells. Despite of being a medical
instrument approving use of marijuana will only open the mind of public in approving other illegal drugs in a
certain country.

Electricity usage of marijuana growing could be massive, a 2012 study from scientist Evan Mills,
Ph.D.,founds that legal marijuana farm indoor uses 1% of nation’s electricity usage, total of $6 billion a year.
However legalizing marijuana is said to be a new source of revenue or job according the data from New
Frontier Data, year 2020 the cannabis industry will likely to create an estimated 283,422 jobs, for example in
Colorado the collected tax revenue on 2016 was nearly $200 million, but the amount that is used in electricity
for marijuana farm is bigger. Yes it will make job for jobless persons but legalizing marijuana will only increase
the rate of drugs users.

In conclusion, legalizing the prohibition of marijuana will only destroy lives of people. Legally using
marijuana will cause dependency on the substance and may develop addiction or marijuana use disorder that is
believe to have no cure, also legalizing marijuana will increase the use of stronger illicit drugs and the public
may demand to legalize it. Although marijuana is believed to be helpful in terms of medical remedies still it has
compound that contains toxins which is not good for the health of human being and it can also affect the social
status and relationship of a person. Government should not tolerate people’s demand even so the rate of people
that favors the legalization of weed or marijuana is 6 out of 10, health of people should be the priority not their

Marijuana is not the only thing that can make you ‘high’ or to feel happiness, there are a lot of it, warmth
of the family, friends care, appreciation of other people and specially the love of the Almighty. Legalizing
marijuana isn’t really needed when it comes to medical use there are many alternative medicines that can also
cure diseases or illnesses that they think marijuana can mend, let’s not set aside the fact that marijuana has bad
effects on our health and still it is a kind of drugs that is a destroyer’s of one’s life and dreams. Marijuana can
cause accident and crimes it is a drug that can turn a person into something that is not good, what will be the
world’s future if everybody is addict. Legalizing marijuana is like legalizing crime.

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