Arabic Parts or Lots
Arabic Parts or Lots
Arabic Parts or Lots
I will list all using the Asc. as the 'Personal Point' to start. I will list them in order of their relation
to the Sun...that is from Mercury to Pluto followed by the Sun and then the Moon.
I will give the formula and then any titles to these Parts/Lots that I know to be published. Those
that I don't know to have no known title will remain blank. If any member has knowledge of a
title for any of the blank ones or any other title to the titled ones please contribute. As the
contributions appear I will edit this original list to include them.
As for those that remain blank I hoping we can get a discussion going here as to what they
should be so titled. It will take some time to determine a consensus and it won't happen
overnight. Once I believe we have a resounding consensus I will add that title to the list but in
the colour of purple so as not to confuse them with those that are presently known of and
published. For those Part/Lot's presently unknown that might possibly get a contribution from
'channeled' sources I will will add in the colour of green. For any known title that might possibly
be better described by a synonym that a member thinks is more appropriate, or has reason to
believe that another title of an unrelated influence altogether is correct, I will add that in the
colour of red...but may remove it if there is any outcry and I'm given good reason to disregard
the suggestion.
This will take some time for me to create the entire list so bear with me...if something should
disrupt my membership here I ask the Mods to consider allowing another member to continue
this work and have access to the editing if that is possible or have a member copy all and then
continue the work....whatever's the best in their estimation.
I am posting this in the Degree Symbols forum as I am a Sabian Astrologer...and thus, as I use
Sabian Symbology as a tool of rectification, I feel it is best for all that it be placed I may
want to analyze any new contributions to the unknowns by applying it to well know personages
and deliberating from there...but not without input and consensus from other
members...especially those members versed and studied in Sabian Symbology.
As I believe, and am sure some of you will agree, that sometimes the only known existing title
for a formula may be entirely erroneous and if such a question should arise I will place an
asterisk by the existing name so as to refer to a footnote...and if there is a consensus or
suggestion of another title I will include it in the appropriate color of purple, red or green with an
asterisk and refer to a footnote.
For those of you that adhere to other degree symbol sets please refrain...or start your own
thread on this subject...thanks.
Asc. + Merc. - Sun: Commerce* &, or, Communication, Caduceus, Intellect [which maybe too
close a word to Intelligence which Mars - Merc. has been est. as the Part of Intelligence &{as
applied to a} Skill], Ordinary Intellect [whatever that is? I'm presently inclined towards 'Mental
Endurance' or 'Vitality of the Intellect'], Vitality
Asc. + Venus - Sun: Love*, Appreciation, Beauty, Contentment, Intercourse*[Verbal, Trade, and
for ??female??], Man's Marriage*, Peace, Property Management, Trickery and Deception of
Men & Women*[Highly Dubious]
Asc. + Venus - Mars: Play, Plays[?], Rapid Change and Variety[?], Activity, Pastime [personal
Asc. + Venus - Jupiter: Praise, Praise and Acceptance, Love and Marriage*, Sentiment
Asc. + Venus - Saturn: Man's Marriage*, Fraudulent Marriage[and conditions facilitating it], Sons
In Law, Success in Investment[dubious as, either, Jupiter - Merc, or, Jupiter - Neptune, or, Moon
- Saturn seem to be covering this] Obligations of Love, Devotional Duty
Asc. + Venus - Part of Spirit: Eros [one of the seven Hermetic Lots], Part of Venus, Pars
Veneris, Love & Concord
Asc. + Mars - Sun: Commerce*, Business, Passion, Daring, Destruction, Lost Animal, Passion-
Destructive [or] Sword,
Asc. + Mars - Moon: Trickery*, Trickery and Deception of Men & Women* Intercourse*[Verbal,
Trade, and for ??female??], Woman's Marriage*, Memory, Misconduct by Women, Timidity and
Hiding*, Unchastity of Women,
Asc. + Mars - Saturn: Sickness, Danger, Enmity, Distress, Upset, Necessity and Wish[very
dubious], Ancestors/Relations[day] Secret Enemies*, and the diurnal formulae for the Part of
Substanciae or Point of Substance, and also the, Lot of Accusation
Asc. + Mars - Pluto: Preparation Popularity, War, War, War ["War" It earned all three colours in
less than a week, It could also be titled, more appropriately for natal use, as 'Blind Rage', or
also, for both natal and mundane use, as 'Destructive Action'. For mundane purposes, "War" is
very appropriate.]
Asc. + Jupiter - Sun: Increase & Benefits [I have found to be unquestionably for natal use but
may yet prove to be as well for other type charts] Fame, Recognition, Time for Action*,
Wisdom*, Happiness, Impression*, Operations and Orders Medical Treatment* [In use since
Greco-Roman times] Parents[Traditional]*, Death of Parents, Traditions and Knowledge of
Customs/Affairs [unknown use as to natal or horary] "Fame", "Recognition", "Happiness" and
"Increase & Benefits", e.g. $$$, do seem to go together...yet the overwhelming consensus by
noted use is currently "Increase and Benefits"],
Asc. + Jupiter - Moon: Sons*, Dependence [could they mean dependents as in 'sons'?]
Asc. + Jupiter - Merc.: Benevolence, Assurance, Real Estate Investments
Asc. + Jupiter - Venus: Mothers Family, Marriage for Love or Love and Marriage*, Love*
Asc. + Jupiter - Mars: Discord, Controversy, Loneliness, Waste and Extravagance*, Discord,
Children ( Time, Number & Sexes of) Condition of Males
Asc. + Jupiter - Saturn: Brethren*, Death of Parents, Brothers and Sisters, Children*, Past
Asc. + Jupiter - Neptune: Speculation, Behest, Suicide[for Suicide I believe in the formula: Asc +
Cusp 8th - Neptune, I've analyzed and seen many charts that support this]
Asc. + Jupiter - Part of Fortune: Success, Triumph [According to Al-Biruni and should only be
"cast at revolution of the year and at conjunctions", thus strictly for horary use. I am doubtful of
the formula providing this]
Asc. + Jupiter - Part of Spirit: Victory [one of the seven Hermetic Lots],Part of Jupiter,
Happiness, Pars Iovis
Asc. + Saturn - Sun: Fatality, Fate, Tragedy, Brethren*, Conquest [use Jupiter if Saturn is
combust], Father*, Heaviness [use Jup. if Sat. is combust], Karma , [Jup. if Sat. combust], Love
of Brethren, Parents[Traditional]*, Allegiance
Asc. + Saturn - Merc.: Brethren and Friends, Destruction Occupation Severity[?], Faithfulness,
Asc. + Saturn - Jupiter: Siblings and Family, Brethren*, Children*, Life, Re-Incarnation [I favor
Re-inc. as per my exp. to date] Current Life/Re-incarnation
Asc. + Uranus - Sun: Catastrophe, Bigotry, Lightning Flash[?], Ostracism & Loss,
Asc. + Uranus - Merc.: Messages and Astrology*, Originality, Omens & Signs, Eccentricity
Asc. + Uranus - Mars: Transformation[a most doubtful title for this Part as Pluto is the Planet of
Transformation], Unpreparedness, Intuitive Awareness of Higher Self
Asc. + Neptune - Venus: False Love, Corruptness, Ideal Love, Idealized Love, Ideal Love,
Idealized Love
Asc. + Pluto - Sun: Organization*, Gavel[?], Miracles, Sublimation of the Ego to the Spiritual
Asc. + Sun - Moon: [one of the seven Hermetic Lots] Soul, Spirit [Day Formula], Soul, Spirit,
Fortune [Night Formula], Religion*, Pars Futurorum, Part of Things to Come, Pars Solis, Part of
the Sun, Abundance in the Home
Asc. + Sun - Neptune: Imprisonment and Captivity*, Genius [neither, imho. I'm current inclined
towards the notion of 'Spiritual Resonance'. Or on a mundane level, 'Co-operation']
Asc. + Sun - Part of Fortune: Noble and Illustrious Acquaintances-diurnal, Powerful Friends,
Those That You Deem To Be Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances. [See reverse formula below, it
is those that deem you as such]
Asc. + Moon - Sun: [one of the seven Hermetic Lots] Fortune [Day Formula]Fortune, Spirit, Soul
[Night Formula], Time of Marriage[I assume this is for Horary], Pars Fortunae, Part of the Moon,
Jan. 2014, it has come to light that this part, being the polar opposite of the Part of Soul/Spirit, is
actually about what many would describe to be 'Christ Consciousness' or 'Krishna
Consciousness' as the Part of Soul/Spirit is proving to be a Part that deals with the realization of
ones current dharma in this life... it is a mental concept that when applied to ones own self
identity it reflects back the nature of the very Soul itself as to its present incarnation. I propose
that the Part of Fortune, repeatedly showing itself to be symbolic of that action or attitude one
must actively employ as to give cause for the occurrence of the most 'Fortunate' circumstances
for ones spiritual progress and evolution in the physical world, thus is the positive charged end
of the one end of the Pole and could be said to be the +Son and the Part of Soul being the - given an alternate title for use at times when one finds it to be the
the "Part of the Oversoul" [or] Part of Christ, or Krishna Consciousness, if you prefer.]
Asc. + Moon - Merc.: Service, Servants, Spiritual Service, Cooperation, Curiosity, Discernment
and Education, Good Manners and Charm, Information, Knowledge of veracity and/or
falsehood, Servants and Slaves, Slavery and Bondage[highly suspect...a product of the Dark
Ages no doubt...Spiritual Service has been indicated here for every chart I've analyzed]
Asc. + Moon - Saturn: Inheritance & Legacy, Spiritual Inheritance & Legacy- [of this I'm very
convinced], Profession, Real Estate [non investment], Deep Reflection [contemplation?],
Heritage, Magistery and Profession, Mastery, Possessions, Military & of Daring, Militiae et
Asc. + Moon - Neptune: Insincerity [seems very wrong to me... as all Parts with Moon as
significator are benevolent/positive it seems...see Neptune - Moon for comparison], Revelation
[11/15/12 I am now convinced of Rev.]
Asc. + Moon - Pre-natal New or Full Moon [whichever was most recent]: Part of Hyleg*, Life
Asc. + Moon - Ruler Asc.: Daring, Strength, Dominion, Audaciae, Fortitudinis, Dominii,
Asc. + Moon - Ruler 1st: Anareta (taker of life), Killing Planet, Boldness(doubtful. See Asc + Part
of Fortune - Mars)
Asc. + Cusp 3rd - Mercury: Capacity of the Mind, Short Distance Travels
Asc. + Cusp 7th - Venus: Partners, [Al-Biruni used it in horary as a Part of Marriage]
Asc. + Cusp 9th - Uranus: Travel by Air [if Asc. - Mercury is Higher Ed. then surely Uranus
would be the trigger for Higher Self Knowledge or Intuitive Understanding]Wisdom
Asc. + Cusp 12th - Ruler 12th: *Hermetic Lot of Secret Enemies aka Private Enemies
Asc. + Ruler 12th - Neptune: Assassination, Self Undoing [inclined to the former, see my thread
on using Astrological Parts in Predictions]
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Ruler 1st: Sorrow (source; Winstar astr. software)
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Part of Soul: Merchandize, Part of Base Desires/Concerns, see Part of
Basis, Bad Luck
Asc. + Part pf Fortune - Sun: Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances-nocturnal, Powerful Friends [the
reverse of this formula having the Sun and Pof switch places is also given for this Part-
diurnal].Those That Will Deem You As A Noble & Illustrious Acquaintance
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Mercury: Necessity [one of the seven Hermetic Lots], Part of Mercury,
Pars Mercurii, Poverty & Ordinary Intellect
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Mars: Courage [one of the seven Hermetic Lots], Daring, Part of Mars,
Pars Martis
Asc. + Part of Fortune - Saturn: Sudden Advancement*, Nemesis [one of the seven Hermetic
Lots, read also footnote to Sudden Adv.], Part of Saturn, Pars Saturni, Escape from Captivity,
Asc. + Part of Spirit/Soul - Part of Fortune: Basis, [day formula. rev. for nocturnal according to
some]Jan. 2014, we are of the opinion at this time that the above diurnal formula produces a
Part of Spiritual Aspirations and the reverse [or so called, nocturnal] a Part of Base
Desires/Concerns, Constancy
M.C. + Part of Fortune - Moon: Durga i.e. that which dispels the Darkness. (a newly revealed
Part, that was given its interpretation from a proven and trusted channeled source)
__________________________________________________ __________________
Moon + Cusp 4th - Ruler Asc.: Part of Find [Lost object, obviously a Part that's used for Horary
charts, exclusively also, I'd wager.]
__________________________________________________ ________________
Part of Victory + Moon - Mars: Battle [Al Biruni horary., {The Part of Victory: Asc. + Lord of the
7th House, i.e. Lord of the Sign and degree the cusp of the 7th House, i.e., the Descendant, are
found to be within. Not to be confused with the Hermetic Lot of Victory } The Part of Battle and
the Part of Victory came with the additional instruction; "These Parts are cast at revolution of the
year and at conjunctions"]
__________________________________________________ ________________
* Astrology / both Merc. - Uranus & Uranus - Merc. are listed for Astrology
* Benevolence / for Jupiter - Pluto is the Higher Octave of Mars & as Jupiter - Mars =
Discord, this seems erroneous.
* Captivity / three listed for this Part, Two are supposedly only used depending if birth is
nocturnal or Diurnal
* Children / Both Asc + Jupiter - Saturn and Asc. + Saturn - Jupiter are given for this Part ...but I
don't believe in either formula for a Part so named.
* Commerce / both Merc. - Sun and Mars - Sun are given for this but I am partial to Mars - Sun
as according to Ursula Lewis
* Disappointment / two different formulae, Mars - Venus, & Mars - Neptune, As to the former it is
also titled Fulfillment and I believe "Disappointment" is in error as Mars - Venus would have
Venus...the Love principle and that of beauty, art, music etc. ... triggering Mars into action. I
have said that it could be about obligations as Mars being obligatory in action to that triggering.
Mars - Neptune could very well be a sort of disappointment as Venus - Neptune is about deceit,
self deceit most likely, then Neptune could be seen as giving a false impression to Mars for
which it goes into action and what will result is then "disappointment". 'Wrong Action from Self
Deception' may be the most appropriate title I can presently think of.
* Divorce / There are two formulae given for divorce Asc. + Venus - Cusp 7th and Asc. + Cusp
7th - Saturn)
* Harmony / seems very debatable as it is the opp. formula for the Part of Love, Appreciation
* Imprisonment / 4 {or 5?} different formulae are given for this; Asc. + Sun - Neptune, [and] Asc.
+ Ruler Suns Sign - Sun [Day], [and] + Ruler Moons Sign - Moon [Night], [and] Asc.+ Lord
House of Saturn - Saturn, [and, lastly] Asc. + Part of Fortune - Neptune, of which I have strong
evidence to support: see my thread on Part of Imprisonment.
* Individuality, Intellectualality / I'm doubtful of either. As this formula is the opposite of the Part
of Catastrophe I am of the opinion that it surely is about making certain one doesn't occur and
hence why "Surety" has been added in red.
* Intercourse / both Venus - Sun and Mars - Moon given for this
* Love / both Venus - Sun and Jupiter - Venus given for this Part [trad, is Venus, I concur]
* Love and Marriage / both Venus - Jupiter and Jupiter - Venus given for this
* Mans Marriage / both Venus - Sun and Venus - Saturn given for this
* Occultism / both Uranus - Neptune & Neptune - Uranus are given for this
* Organization / both Pluto - Sun & Pluto - Saturn are given this...for a few years, until very
recently in 2013, I thought I it to be sure that it is a Part of Organization and that the Asc. + Pluto
- Sun was the one of the two, without a doubt. Now presently {Nov. '13} I'm not sure of
either. ...see my post on Hillary Clinton` as her Part of Org. is conj. her M.C. in the 5th degree of
Virgo and transiting Saturn was conj the 5th deg. of Virgo three times between Oct. 6, 2007 and
July 6th, 2008 and this was the period of time that many were saying Her campaign lost the lead
and virtually died due to her campaign organization falling apart.
* Part of Hyleg / It recently was observed, and subsequently demonstrated, to propose there to
be of a high percentage probability, that it is not only the New Moon or Full Moon prior to birth to
be utilized but that of the post natal New Moon and the Full Moon that occurs post natally, as
well. Whereas the prenatal New or Full Moon may quite well be the Astrological Part that is "the
root" from which, as the name "Hyleg" does truly mean, gives life to all the other Parts in ones
natal chart, as they can be perceived to be as like the "shoots" that spring from a root and as
such need that root to sustain their existence. Yet the Pars Hyleg doesn't need the other Parts
in order for it to exist., as the author, Robert Zoller stated in his book, "The Arabic Parts In
Astrology". As astrologer, Dane Rudhyar, wrote an extensive piece on the New Moon cycle and
how the Full Moon within it make the cycle a 'triad' of symbology within the entire
transformational cycle of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac we are currently investigating the
matter, as to how this might relate to the Part of Hyleg, and while the "traditional" definition of
the Part of Hyleg may just turn out to be entirely, and exclusively, true. We are quite confident
that the other two moons in the cycle produce very influential valid 'Parts', or at the least, 'Parts'
that, while they are not the root, or a co-part of that root, they very much reveal precepts of
influences that develop from the root, r.e. the Part of Hyleg.
* Parents / [traditional] both Saturn - Sun and Jupiter - Sun are given for this [I don't concur with
* Popularity / there are 3 ... Merc. - Pluto & Venus - Pluto & Mars - Neptune are all titled this
* Religion / both Sun - Moon and Mercury - Moon are given for this [I don't concur with either as
Religion is a man-made concept and not a Divine Precept]
* Secret Enemies / Both Asc + Mars - Saturn and Asc + C12 - R12 are given for this and,
according to Bonatti, both should be used
* Sons / both Jupiter - Moon and Moon - Jupiter are given for this, but what about Mars - Moon
as it seems more in line with Venus - Moon as part of Daughters?
* Surgery / Asc + Jupiter - Sun is given for "Operations and Orders Medical Treatment" and I
don't know if that contests with the Part of Surgery or is of a more general implication
* Sudden Advancement [one of the seven Hermetic Lots] aka Hermetic Part of Nemesis / ...this
is controversial...At present we are of the opinion that what the Part represents is a very
substantial task to be accomplished that by doing so will bestow upon the individual a great
progress towards completing their life dharma. As to whether it is a a Part of Sudden
Advancement or a Part of Nemesis can truly only be determined at the end of the individuals
life. If the task was attempted and the individual succeeded it certainly was that which provided
a "Sudden Advancement". If they attempted and failed (and possibly if they never even
attempted it at all) then it can then be said it was that persons' "Nemesis".
* Time for Action / As to "Time for Action" and "Impression", I say, and with a high degree of
confidence, assuredly not for natal use.
* Timidity / is given for Saturn - Neptune, Mercury - Moon and Mars - Moon given for "Timidity
and Hiding" [I have given this a little study and if it is any of those I have to favor the
Sat./Neptune formula.]
* Trickery and Deception of /... both Venus - Sun and Mars - Moon are given for this, there is
evidence that the latter formula is about Trickery and Deception.
* Waste-Wastefulness / both Jupiter - Mars [Ursula Lewis] and Uranus - Venus are given for
these two near identical titles{?}
* Wisdom / As for Jupiter - Sun, it seems unlikely as Asc + Mars - Merc. has overwhelmingly
been regarded over time, and repeatedly proven, as indication of this principle although it may
be questioned as to whether "Intelligence & Skill" [i.e. the skillful application of intelligence],
means the same as "Wisdom" in regards. Although Mars - Mercury is also given the title of
"Wisdom" by some sources.
* Woman's Marriage / both Mars - Moon and Saturn - Venus are given for this
That's all of them, presently. I am continuously adding any other Parts/Lots that I encounter that
use something other than the Asc. as the "Personal point" or something other than a Planet or a
Luminary as the "Significator" or "Trigger", which have also been recognized and been granted
a 'title'.
If anyone knows of any alternative 'titles' to any of the Parts/Lots, listed above, that I haven't
included...let me know and please cite whereupon it originated from.
Any submissions which are personal opinions, personally derived conclusions ...etc...please
post within this thread and allow it to be given examination and critique by the forum members.
Or you can post it outside this thread in the Astrological Parts sub-forum or in the Research and
Development forum but please make some note of it available to me within this thread. Thanks.
Awaitingly, ptv