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Simple Telescope

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HELLO.... that are expensive. So here I am trying to make a

simple home made telescope. It uses some PVC
Here winter season starting now. The memories of pipes and Lenses.
winter is that, It is the good period for sky watching. In
this season we will see a lot of stars and planets also My project mission is to explore the infinite universe
the milky way. The milky way is very beautiful( it is to every one, I think that a telescope is the key to
only visible in clear sky). It is seen by naked eye. In explore the wondering universe. Telescope is the
the clear sky I had a hobby, which is that to take the basic tool for study the far objects.
no of artificial satellites seen in the sky, four times i
got the golden chance to see the ISS( international I believe that it is useful for anyone which interested
space station) with naked eye, it is seen like a moving to explore the universe. If any one can doubt about
high intensity light source, seems like Venus. It is an sky, please enter to NASA website, they tell all about
unforgettable moment in my life, that time I think that I sky.
need a telescope. Because if I had a telescope , I see
the planets and stars very closely. But I found that,

Simple TELESCOPE: Page 1

Step 1: Theory

Telescope is used to see far object which is not seen portion. Area of view decreases and focus to a small
by naked eye. The telescope zoom a particular area which results more detailed view.

The main components are a large Objective lens and Here the telescope worked based on the refraction.
a small eyepiece. Objective lens has a high diameter So it is called REFRACTION TELESCOPE . It have
which increase light gathering capacity, more light problem chromatic abrasion, which is causing by the
means more clear and also have a high focal length different color is focused at different points , so bright
which ensure the zooming effect. The eyepiece has a objects seem like a rainbow color. It is decreased in
lower diameter and a lower focal length(to ensure reflecting telescope. There use the mirrors instead of
high zoom). The lenses are convex. The objective lens so refraction not in action. But reflecting
lens Converges the parallel manner light ray from telescope is difficult to build so we try to create
infinity( at far distant) to a single point. The eyepiece refracting telescope. But for beginners it is good.
diverges the converged light because our eye need a Here our telescope not have much more
parallel like rays( Because our eye have a convex magnification. It is a sample project. It is done for
lens). By using this arrangement we get an inverted study purpose, so it have some problems.
image.For seeing sky inverting is not a problem. The
zooming effect (magnification) determined by the I believed that it is helpful for some ones.
given equation,

magnification = focal length (objective lens) / focal

length (eye piece)

Simple TELESCOPE: Page 2

Step 2: Materials & Tools Needed

The whole materials needed only around 1000 Indian rupees. Also needed some tools. These are common tools.
You choose your tool choice. Because it is your comfort.

Convex Lens 8.5 c.m dia. , 27 c.m focal length (objective)

Eye piece of an old binocular 3.5 c.m dia ,5 c.m length, 2 c.m focal length

PVC pipe 4" - 25 c.m

PVC pipe 2" - 8 c.m

PVC reducer 4" to 2" - 1 nos.

PVC 2" end cap - 1 nos.

Screws (as your need)

The tools and materials are given in the figure.

So lets start the project...............

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Step 3: Setting Up of the Material

For the project first we prepare all the material needed. That is the cutting and finishing of the parts. The steps are
given below.

Objective lens part

Cut the 4" PVC at a length of 17.5 c.m using hacksaw blade
Cut the 4" PVC at a length of 2 c.m using hacksaw blade
Cut 3 pieces of 2 c.m long
Clean and finish its edges using a small knife

Eye piece lens part

Take the 8 c.m PVC pipe

Clean and finish its edges using a small knife
Take the 2" end cap and drill a hole at its center using a drilling machine or alternative method
Hole size is 2.8 c.m ( use your eye piece diameter)

For drilling hole I have no suitable drill bit so first I drill a hole using small bit and then it is enlarge by using an old
cutting pliers and drill machine. These all shown in the figure.

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Step 4: Fixing the Objective Lens

First we trying to fix the objective lens in a position. The objective lens is smaller diameter than the PVC pipe. So it
is loose in the PVC pipe. So we place the 2 c.m length PVC inside the pipe to reduce the diameter. The Lens
place a 2 c.m inside to reduce the side lights entering to the telescope.

First cut the small length PVC and remove some portion to fix it inside the PVC pipe (2 c.m inside
from edge)

Then other PVC piece cut and remove some portion to fit inside the first piece placed

Similarly 3rd piece

Ensure that the piece is 2 c.m inside from all position and then fix it by using screws (screws not
penetrate into inside of PVC pipe)

Then place the Lens and fix it by using another small PVC pieces and screws. It is shown if the
images. You fix it in your methods.

Then place the Reducer to it. And use a screw to fix it in the case of loose. Ensure that no screws
penetrate into the PVC

Observe the images if in the case of doubts. The steps are clearly visible in the images.

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Step 5: Fixing the Eye Piece

I use an eye piece from old binocular. Other wise you use a convex lens of 3-4 c.m diameter and about 4 c.m focal
length and fix it like the objective lens fixing method shown in previous step.

Fix the eye piece to the end cap hole by using screws and metal strips

Ensure that no screws penetrate to inside of eyepiece

All are given in the figure

Connect the 2" PVC to the end cap and fix it using a screw

Observe the images in the case of doubt

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Step 6: Assembling of Telescope

It is the final step.

Smooth the 2" PVC surface to ensure that it is freely moving inside of the reducer.

The PVC in and out movement in the coupler used to precise the focus of the telescope.

For fixing the focus observe a far object through the telescope and find the clear image. The clear image point is
the focus point. by using a screw to fix the telescope at its focus point.

See the images for how it look like.

Finally we done the TELESCOPE project !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simple TELESCOPE: Page 10


This is my design. Because I use the lenses which is available at my near city. I am not believed that it is available
at your city. So, you need your design. So I give the tips for the Telescope design in given. You choose the
available lenses in your city but ensure that it is satisfy the given design conditions.

Selection of objective lenses ( convex lenses)

Use larger diameter from 8 c.m to 16 c.m . Larger diameter ensure the high light gathering capacity
which will increase the clarity of the image.

Use high focal length lenses from 30 c.m to 100 c.m. High focal length means high magnification
which means high zooming. Refer the theory step.

Selection of eye piece ( convex lenses)

Use small diameter. about 2 c.m to 4 c.m. Because it is nearer to the eye.

Use small focal length about 2 to 10 c.m. Which ensure high magnification.

Selection of PVC lengths

The objective lens PVC is about 70% of the total focal length.

The Eye piece PVC length is about 40% of the total focal length.

Adjust the lengths by yourself to ensure the clear image. It is a rough calculation.

I believed that it is help you to design yourself. Making of your design is more interesting than the copy of my
design. It is only a sample model. You try your level best.

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Step 8: Conclusion

Are you hurry up to observe the sky. Wait for a clear interesting.
night sky.
I planed to create a stand (tripod) to fix the telescope.
It is work well. I saw a lot of stars by this which is notI publish it soon.
visible by naked eye. It is very interesting. It is my first
experience. I wondered. It is working........ This is my Please ask me to for any doubts.
first TELESCOPE and it is my first telescope watch.
Observe nature......
I believed that you are also wondered like me. Try it
at your home and find the unknowns in the deep sky. Happy Christmas.

My next plan is to hunt the moons of the astern and Bye.....

Jupiter. You tried it yourself. Once you start the sky
watch , you never stop it. Because it is very very

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