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Dome Radius 3.00

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Dome Radius:


Stru Length t A B C D E F
0.759 0.885 0.883 0.938 0.974 0.895

Dom Spher e e 30 30 60 70 30 30 20 6 65 60 60 120 120 60 60 0 12 150

4-way connectors 5-way connectors 6-way connectors

The Theory

Platonic And Archimedian Solids

Face Variations

Projection Variations

Truncations Variations

Why Choose Geodesic?

A geodesic is a line joining two points on the surface of the earth. A geodesic structure is one that follows the surface geometry of a sphere. But there are many kinds of dome structures that do this. What defines a dome as a geodesic structure? Geodesics

Unlimited follows the lead of the Surrey University Space Structures Research Centre, which, in our view, is the worlds leading authority on the configuration of space frame structures, of which the geodesic dome is one. So here below are the main varieties of domes, their names, and their defining features. Schwedler Dome

This has ribs extending down from the crown of the dome, rings extending horizontally around the dome, and diagonals extending from intersections between ribs and rings on one horizontal ring to those on the next .

Ribbed Dome

This has ribs extending down from the crown of the dome and rings extending horizontally around the dome.

Lamella Dome

This has diagonals extending from the crown down towards the equator of the dome, in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions, and may or may not have horizontal rings, but has no meridional ribs. Diamatic Dome

This has what may be described as pieshaped sectors repeated radially around the crown. Here, the apex of each sector has a width of zero and, at its base, a sector is 360 degrees divided by the number of sectors . Great Circle Dome

This is a dome not defined by the Space

Structures Research Centre. We call it the Great Circle Dome as all of its elements follow more or less great circular paths over the surface of the dome.

Geodesic Dome

This dome is rather different in its origins. It is derived from one of the platonic or Archimedean solids, or from a prism or antiprism - see Platonic and Archimedean Solids, and below.

Take for example the Icosahedron, which is a platonic solid with 20 regular triangular faces.

We take any face of this solid and subdivide it in any way we choose, for example as in the drawing on the left.

We then take this pattern, and project each intersection in the pattern outwards onto the surface of the sphere on which all the vertices of the original icosahedron sit.

We then replicate this around the whole of the icosahedron, as left. We also have the options of using a different base solid, a different projection, a different face pattern, and a different portion of the sphere. These possibilities are explored in the following pages

Platonic And Archimedian Solids

The Platonic and Archimedian solids (see the pictures below) are polyhedra, 3D shapes, that are either completely regular in all respects, as are the platonic, or semi-regular, as are the archimedian. The platonic solids have regular length edges, are regular in size and shape of faces, and have regular angles throughout. There are five of these. The archimedian solids are variants of the platonic solids and have regular length edges, but have two or three different faces. The angles are regular within a face, but vary from face to face. The choice between polyhedra as a starting point for a design depends upon the function and desired aesthetics of the final structure. For example, a dome that wants to sit as a conservatory in a corner between two wings of an existing building would be best as a quarter of a polyhedron with fourfold symmetry, such as the octahedron, but a free standing greenhouse could be based purely on desired aesthetics and any of the polyhedra could be used as a starting point. The drawing below shows the five platonic polyhedra and how the archimedian polyhedra are derived from them.

Face Variations

Whichever polyhedron is the basis of our geodesic, we must decide upon a pattern to map on to those of its faces we are going to use in our final structure. We may map any pattern at all onto a face, and choose as many different patterns as there are faces, or indeed map more than one pattern on to a face, or create layers of patterns on to faces to create double or treble layer grid domes. Here we will use the icosahedron as the base polyhedron and have a look at just a few possible face patterns we could choose.

2 Frequency Triangulation

This is the simplest version, where we simply divide each edge of the triangle in two and join each created mid-point to the next.

3 Frequency Triangulation

This is exactly as above except that we divide each edge into three.

6 Frequency Triangulation

Again a simple pattern, this time dividing each edge into six.

Projected 6 Frequency Pattern

Here the pattern from the image immediately above has been projected to create the geodesic triangle from the now patterned icosahedral one.

Geodesic projection of another single layer face pattern

This time a greater variation in final triangle size results from a variation in triangle size in the pattern mapped on to the original icosahedral triangle.

Geodesic projection of a star onto a dodecahedral pentagon This time a pentagon has been used since a star does not fit on to a triangular face. The dodecahedron is a suitable base polyhedron for this.

Geodesic projection of another pattern mapped on to an icosahedral face.

Another more complex pattern is used here. The resulting dome is dimpled.

A double layer of hexagons

Here we have a double layer grid that sits within a triangle.

Geodesic projection of above hexagonal double layer grid

The double layer grid now curves around the surface of our sphere.

Geodesic projection of above double layer grid created from the top five triangles of an icosahedron
Projection Variations

Following our choice of base polyhedron, in this case the icosahedron, the portion of it, in this case the upper half, and the face pattern, in this case a pattern of 16 triangles to each face, we then have a variety of projection variations to choose from. Projection refers to the way in which our choice of now-patterned polyhedron is projected on to a

surface, and also to the choice of surface. Here we shall be using projection outwards in all directions away from a chosen point, but we will be looking at projection on to a variety of different surfaces.

Projection on to a Sphere from the centre of the Icosahedron

Here our half icosahedron becomes a hemisphere and all our triangles are projected evenly. The point of projection is the centre of the original icosahedron.

Projection on to a Sphere from above the centre of the Icosahedron

Here our half-icosahedron becomes more than a hemisphere, and the triangles are projected unevenly, because the point of projection is now closer to the top of the original icosahedron

Projection on to a Sphere from above the centre of the Icosahedron, and to one side

Here our dome again becomes more than a hemisphere and the triangles are all biased towards the point of projection.

Projection on to an Ellipsoid

Here the original sphere onto which the Icosahedron has been projected has been elongated both horizontally and vertically. The projection is central.

Projection on to an Ellipsoid

This is another version of a central projection on to an ellipsoid

Projection onto a Paraboloid This time the surface onto which we are projecting is a paraboloid.

Projection onto an Elliptical Paraboloid

Now our surface is an elliptical paraboloid. This is again a central projection.

Projection onto a Hyperboic Paraboloid

Now our surface is a hyperbolic paraboloid.

Projection onto a Cone

Here our surface is a cone.

Projection onto an Elliptical Cone Now our surface is a cone that is stretched both vertically and horizontally.
Truncations Variations

Following our choice of base polyhedron, in this case the icosahedron, the portion of it, in this case the upper half, and the face pattern, in this case a pattern of 16 triangles to each face, we then have a variety of projection variations to choose from. Projection refers to the way in which our choice of now-patterned polyhedron is projected on to a surface, and also to the choice of surface. Here we shall be using projection outwards in all directions away from a chosen point, but we will be looking at projection on to a variety of different surfaces.

Full Sphere

Three Twelfths

One Third

Five Twelfths


Seven Twelfths

Two Thirds

Nine Twelfths

Ten Twelfths
Why Choose Geodesic?

The Advantages of Using a Geodesic Design 1. Geodesics offer the strongest form of architecture known (because geodesic forms follow a doubly curved surface and because the base is always a polyhedron which already begins to approximate a sphere. The example of the strength of the shell of an egg confirms the strength of a spherically based structure).

2. A geodesic form creates the largest volume of space covered by the least amount of material (the most efficient use of material to cover a given volume of space). 3. The largest unobstructed spans can be created using geodesic geometry. 4. Geodesic structures provide the most efficient form for the purposes of heating. 5. Spheres are aesthetically highly pleasing. 6. Spheres generate and embody potent energy fields.

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