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A Lecture On Colligative Properties in An Undergraduate Curriculum

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A Lecture on Colligative Properties in an Undergraduate


Boka W. Hadzija1
School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7360

INTRODUCTION tensive homework with numerous examples of problems

Basic Pharmaceutics at the University of North Carolina is involving calculations.
taught as a two-semester sequence (Phar 52 and Phar 53) Although our students begin their pharmacy education
during the third year of the five-year BS Pharmacy curricu- with five prerequisite chemistry courses, they are exposed
lum. These two courses are three credit hours each with one only briefly to the definitions and concepts of colligative
additional credit hour for the lab components of these properties. Very seldom are they aware of the application,
courses. Although pharmacy as other health professions is and usefulness of these properties in pharmacy practice.
changing almost constantly, there are many physical and These first-year professional students seem very fasci-
chemical concepts that represent the foundation of our nated and interested in all the topics related to the colliga-
profession and these change little in their significance even tive properties of pharmaceutical solutions and they have
though their application may change. performed extremely well in solving problems in written
One topic that I emphasize and enjoy teaching and examinations. At the beginning of the lectures, the students
discussing with the students is the colligative properties of are given a handout with a brief description of the topics that
pharmaceutical solutions and their importance in everyday will be used for explanation (Appendix). Many figures and
practice. This topic is one of my favorite lectures. tables are used in the classroom presentations to graphically
Since the significance of colligative properties is indis- demonstrate and explain some of the basic concepts of
putable in the parenteral, ophthalmic and nasal solutions, it colligative properties. Due to space restriction these are not
is necessary to introduce the students to these concepts as included in this manuscript. The following text is the sum-
part of their pharmacy education. The purpose is to provide mary of two lectures on colligative properties.
students knowledge to avoid problems arising from errone-
ously compounded (and at times wrongly dispensed) formu- COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES
lations where little attention was paid to their tonicity. In the Definition. Those properties that depend on the number of
Basic Pharmaceutics I sequence (Phar 52) two 50-minute particles (molecules or ions) of the solute rather than on
lectures are dedicated to the explanation of principles of their physical and chemical properties are called colligative
colligative properties using many examples of how to calcu- properties.
late the adjustment of tonicity of pharmaceutical solutions Description. The colligative properties of solutions are: (i)
through colligative properties. The students are given ex- vapor pressure lowering; (ii) boiling point elevation; (iii)
Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics.
freezing point depression; and (iv) osmotic pressure.

American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 59, Summer 1995 191

Osmotic pressure is the most important of the colliga- and propellant B (mol. wt 137.38) has vapor pressure 13.4
tive properties since it is related to the physiological compat- psia respectively the partial vapor pressure for A is:
ibility of parenteral, ophthalmic and nasal solutions. It is
difficult and inconvenient to measure it and therefore other 30
colligative properties (particularly freezing point depres- 0.2481
sion) are determined and are then related to osmotic pres- pa = 84.9 120.93 = 84.9 = 27.80 psia
sure. This is possible because all colligative properties are 30
70 (0.2481 + 0.5095)
interrelated. 120.93 137.38
Vapor Pressure Lowering. The pressure brought by the and
vapor in equilibrium with its liquid is called the vapor
pressure. It increases upon increasing the temperature. The 70
vapor pressure of a pure liquid depends on the rate of escape 127.38 0.5095
of the molecules from the surface. If the liquid is mixed with pb = 13.4 = 13.4 = 9.01 psia
30 ( 0.2481 + 0.5095)
another substance, its concentration is decreased and the 127.38 120.93
rate of escape is lowered(1).
In pharmaceutical solutions, the solute is usually non- The total vapor pressure of propellants in the above aerosol
volatile and it does not contribute directly to the vapor then equals:
pressure of the solution. However, its presence decreases
the concentration of the solvent and its escape tendency, i.e., P = pa + p b = 27.80 + 9.01 = 36.81 psia or,
the vapor pressure of the solution is lower than that of the P = 36.81 - 14.7 = 22.11 psig
pure solvent. The vapor pressure lowering is proportional
to the number of solute molecular particles or ions. The Applying the same principle of Raoult’s law one can
effect of a solute on the vapor pressure may be determined also calculate the volume of two propellants (e.g., propane
in dilute solutions by applying the Raoult’s Law (Eq. 1). and isobutane) required to achieve a certain vapor pressure
suitable for a propellant2.
pa = pa o x a (Eq.1)
Boiling Point Elevation. The boiling point of a liquid is the
where: pa is the partial vapor pressure of the solvent in the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is
solution; pa° is the vapor pressure of the pure solvent; and xa equal to the external pressure of 760 mm Hg. Since the vapor
is the mole fraction of a. pressure of a solvent is lowered when a nonvolatile solute is
Since xa + xb = 1 (xb is the mole fraction of the solute), added, the result is that the solution must be heated to a
the above equation can be rewritten as higher temperature than the pure solvent to reach the same
vapor pressure. The boiling point of a solution is thus
pa = pa o (1 - x b ) or, elevated in comparison to the boiling point of the pure
pa o - pa By using the mathematical relation between vapor pres-
= xb sure and temperature and the Raoult’s Law, an equation is
pa o derived for the boiling point elevation of a solution:
showing that the relative vapor pressure lowering of the
solution is equal to the mole fraction of the solute(2). ∆Tb = Kb m
This concept can be applied to calculate the vapor
pressure for an aerosol propellant since mixtures of lique- where ∆ Tb is the elevation of the boiling point, m is the molality
fied gas propellents can be considered as solutions. Mixtures of the solution and Kb is the proportionality constant, which
of propellants result in reduced concentrations of any one can be also defined as the boiling point elevation for one
propellant in the surface, thus in a reduction in the rate of molal (m) dilute solute solution i.e., Kb = ∆ Tb/m. The values
escape and vapor pressure lowering of each component. of Kb are different for different solvents; for water it is
Example: 0.515°C.(3)
In a two component aerosol propellant system (A and B), From the above equation one can calculate the concen-
the partial vapor pressure of A is: tration of the solute in a solution by measuring the boiling
point elevation and knowing the Kb.
pa = pa o x a or pa = pa o ; Example:
(na + n b ) Calculate the concentration of dextrose (mol. wt 180) in
the partial vapor pressure of B is: 1000 g of water if the boiling point elevation of the solution
nb is 0.284°C:
p b =p bo x b or p b =p b o
(n b + na ) ∆Tb = K b m or 0.284 = 0.512 m
the total vapor pressure (P) is: then
m = 0.555 or 99.84 ( 100)g of dextrose in 1000 g of
P = pa + p b water.
In a blend of two propellants (A/B = 30:70[g]) where pure
propellant A (mol. wt 120.93) has vapor pressure of 84.9 psia 2
Nash, R.A., from classnotes, St. John’s University, Jamaica NY.
192 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 59, Summer 1995
Freezing Point Depression. The freezing point of a liquid is swell, to increase in size and eventually to break, to release
the temperature at which the solid and the liquid phases are hemoglobin. This process is called hemolysis(4).
in equilibrium at one atmosphere. The freezing point of a It is important, therefore, to make sure that the osmotic
solution is the temperature at which the solid phase of the pressure of solutions for injection is about the same as that
solvent and the liquid phase of the solution are in equilib- in the blood. Such solutions are called isotonic solutions.
rium at one atmosphere. Solutions with a higher osmotic pressure are hypertonic and
By using the thermodynamic equations for the effect of those of a lower osmotic pressure are said to be hyptonoic.
the temperature on the vapor pressure of the solid and liquid Also, to reduce or avoid discomfort on administration of
phases and Raoult’s Law, the following equation is ob- solutions to the delicate membranes (e.g., ophthalmic, nasal,
tained: vaginal solutions) it is very important to ensure that the
solutions are isotonic with the tissues.
∆Tf = K f m A 0.9 percent solution of sodium chloride, or a five
percent solution of dextrose, are iso-osmotic and isotonic
where ∆Tf is the lowering of the freezing point of a solvent with our body fluids. However, a 1.9 percent solution of
in a solution, m is the molality of the solute and Kf is the boric acid although iso-osmotic with blood is not isotonic.
molal lowering of the freezing point. The Kf value for water The reason is that boric acid and some other agents (urea,
is 1.858°C. ammonium chloride, alcohol, glycerin, etc.) will penetrate
From ∆Tf equation the concentration of the solute in a through RBC membranes because they are not truly semi-
solution can be calculated by measuring the freezing point permeable ones since they allow the penetration of some
depression of the solution and knowing the Kf of the solvent. small molecules. However, boric acid and the other above
The above two equations are valid only for very dilute mentioned agents give iso-osmotic and isotonic solutions
solutions. for eye and nose treatment and can be freely used for
adjustment of tonicity of solutions for this application.
Calculate the concentration of dextrose (mol. wt 180) in NONELECTROLYTE VERSUS ELECTROLYTE
1000 g of water if the freezing point depression of the SOLUTIONS
solution is 0.52°C.: The osmotic pressure of solutions of different non-electro-
lytes is identical for identical molal concentrations. For
∆Tf = K f m or 0.52 = 1.86 m example aqueous solutions containing 18.02 g of anhydrous
then dextrose, or 18.22 g of mannitol or 9.21 g of glycerin, in 1,000
m = 0.280 or 50.4 (50)g of dextrose in 1000 g of water g of water are all 0.1 molal and they have identical colligative
properties. The reason is that they are nonelectrolytes and
Osmotic Pressure. Diffusion of a solvent through a semiper- are thus not ionized when introduced into water and each
meable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a molecule keeps its identity and remains as an entity. On the
more concentrated solution is called the osmosis. The pres- other hand, electrolytes will ionize and each ion will act as an
sure that must be applied to the side of the concentrated entity. Therefore, equimolal solutions of electrolytes will
solution to prevent the flow of the pure solvent into the have higher osmotic pressures (and all other colligative
solution is called the osmotic pressure of the solution. A properties) than equimolal solutions of nonelectrolytes. A
semipermeable membrane is a membrane which allows the sodium chloride solution (NaCl) will have twice as many
penetration of only the solvent molecules. If any of the entities i.e., Na+ and Cl-, a potassium sulfate solution (K,2SO4)
solute diffuses through a membrane it is not a semiperme- will have three times as many entities i.e., 2K+ and SO42- and
able membrane. Since the measurement of the osmotic a trisodium citrate solution (C6H5O7Na3) will have four
pressure is difficult and the colligative properties are times as many entities, i.e.,3Na+ and C6H5O73- as a dextrose
interconvertable, one can calculate the osmotic pressure solution of equal molality. Therefore the freezing point
from another colligative property as for example freezing depression of a solution of an electrolyte becomes:
point depression(4).
∆Tf = iK f m
where i is the van’t Hoff’s factor, i.e., the number of ionic
Osmotic pressure is important from a biological viewpoint entities (for sodium chloride is 2, for potassium sulfate it is
since the physiological membranes (e.g., red blood cell
membranes) are semipermeable membranes. The effect of 3 and for trisodium citrate it is 4). Although at high dilutions,
osmotic pressure on the red blood cells (RBC) can be the i approaches the numbers of ions into which the electro-
demonstrated by suspending them in a solution of e.g., five lyte molecule ionizes, the value of i decreases as the concen-
percent sodium chloride solution which is of greater osmotic tration of the electrolyte solute increases. This is mainly
pressure than their contents. The water in the RBC’s will because of ionic collision and interionic attraction which
then pass through the semipermeable cell membranes into results in departure from the theoretical values for i. The
the saline solution i.e., from conditions of lower to those of latter can be determined by calculating the ratio of any
higher osmotic pressure. The cells will consequently experi- colligative property measured for a molal solution to that of
ence loss of water, and will shrink and become wrinkled. The an ideal equimolal solution. Therefore, the molal freezing
process is called crenation. Conversely, if the RBC’s are point depression in water of sodium chloride is 3.4 (instead
suspended in a 0.2 percent sodium chloride solution (lower of 3.72), of potassium sulfate is 4.2 (instead of 5.58), and of
osmotic pressure), the water from the solution will pen- trisodium citrate it is 5.2 (instead of 7.44).
etrate through the cell walls into the cells causing them to

American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 59, Summer 1995 193

Calculating Isotonicity sure, freezing point depression (and other colligative prop-
Three methods are frequently used. Students make erties) as one gram of the drug.
their own choice but are expected to know two of these When using this method, the amount of the drug is
methods. The reason is that only then can they check the multiplied by the ENaCl to obtain the amount of sodium
correctness of their calculations and be sure of no error chloride that will produce identical osmotic conditions to
being introduced when preparing isotonic solutions. If car- those of the drug in the solution. This value is then sub-
ried out correctly, the three methods give closely compa- tracted from the amount of sodium chloride needed for an
rable results with little deviation. isotonic solution (0.9 g/100 ml). If the adjusting solute is not
L-Method. In this method the freezing point depression sodium chloride, the amount of calculated sodium chloride
equation is used to calculate the amount of the adjusting is divided by the ENaCl of the adjusting solute. This then
agent that must be added to bring to tonicity a hypotonic represents the weight of the adjusting agent to be added to
solution of a drug(5). Since the freezing point depressions bring the solution to isotonicity. The ENaCl for a large
for solutions of electrolytes are invariably greater than those number of drugs are tabulated in many textbooks (6).
calculated for the equation Tf = Kfm, a new constant L (= Example (using the previous Lidocaine HC1 solution):
iKf) is introduced to account for this deviation. The equation The ENaCl of Lidocaine HCl is 0.22 and therefore the os-
then becomes: motic equivalent of 0.5 g Lidocaine HCl in the solution is:
∆Tf = Lc 0.5 x 0.22 = 0.11 g sodium chloride
where L is the molal freezing point depression of water This means that the 0.5 percent of Lidocaine HCl in the
taking into consideration the ionization of the electrolytes, solution will have an osmotic pressure that is equivalent to
i.e., iKf. The value of c refers to the concentration of the 0.11 percent of sodium chloride in solution. Since an isotonic
solution expressed in molarity. In dilute solutions (as are the saline solution contains 0.9 g of sodium chloride in each 100
pharmaceutical solutions), the molal concentrations are not ml of solution, then the amount of sodium chloride needed
much different from the molar concentrations and are used to be added to the above solution to make it isotonic is:
interchangeably; in fact, the L values are tabulated in many
textbooks as constants. 0.9 - 0.11 = 0.79 g sodium chloride
Example: and for 250 ml it would need:
Calculate how many grams of sodium chloride (mol. wt 58.5)
is required to make 250 ml of 0.5% w/v solution of lidocaine 0.79 x 250/100 = 1.975 g sodium chloride
HCl (mol. wt 270.8) isotonic with blood. Liso for both the
drug and sodium chloride is 3.4. Using the equation DTf = If dextrose was prescribed as the adjusting solute, then 1.975
Lisoc, we calculate the freezing point lowering of the given would be divided by the ENaCl of dextrose which is 0.16.
5 Cryoscopic Method. In this method the quantity of each
∆Tf = 3.4 = 0.063o C. substance required for an isotonic solution can be calculated
270.80 from the freezing point depression values(2). As has been
demonstrated, a solution which is isotonic with blood has a
i.e., the freezing point depression of the solution is 0.063°C. Tf of 0.52°C. and we must therefore adjust the freezing point
Since the freezing point of body fluids is -0.52°C, and of the drug solution to this value. Pharmaceutical textbooks
since the above drug in the concentration of 0.018 M/L usually list the freezing point depression of many com-
reduces the freezing point by 0.063°C., the concentration of pounds and it is then easy to calculate the concentration
sodium chloride to be added to bring the solution to isoto- needed to achieve isotonicity from these values. For ex-
nicity, i.e., to lower the freezing point by another 0.457°C. amples a one percent solution of sodium chloride has freez-
(0.52°C- 0.063°C) (using the same equation) is: ing point depression of 0.576°C. The concentration of so-
dium chloride required to make isotonic saline solution is
0.457 = 3.4 c then:
and c = 0.457/3.4 0.52
x 1.0 = 0.9% w/v
i.e., c = 0.134 M/L 0.576
(where 0.52°C. is the freezing point depression of blood).
Thus the weight of sodium chloride to be added to make 250 With a drug solution it is not possible to adjust tonicity
ml of solution is: by altering the drug concentration and an “adjusting” sub-
stance must be added to achieve tonicity.
0.134 x 58.5 x 250/1000 = 1.96 g The weight (in grams) of adjusting substance can be
calculated. Taken that the drug concentration in 100 ml
Sodium Chloride Equivalent Method. This method uses the solution is x grams, then:
sodium chloride equivalent to calculate the amount of an
adjusting agent needed to be added to a solution to bring it ∆Tf (for drug solution) =
to isotonicity. The sodium chloride equivalent (ENaCl) is the
weight of the sodium chloride (in grams) that will produce x ( ∆Tf of 1 percent drug solution) = a
the same colligative properties as one gram of a drug. For Then, if w are the grams of the adjusting substance to be
example, if the ENaCl of a drug is 0.20 this means that 0.20
added to 100 ml of drug solution to make is isotonic:
grams of sodium chloride will have identical osmotic pres-
194 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 59, Summer 1995
∆Tf (for adjusting solution) = humor, open challenges, questions and discussions in the-
attempt to make a difficult subject both exciting and inter-
w ( ∆Tf of 1 percent adjusting substance) = wb esting.
For an isotonic solution: Am. J. Pharm. Educ.,59, 191-195(1995); received 3/15/95, accepted 5/11/95.

a + (wb) = 0.52 or References

(1) Parrott, E.L., Pharmaceutical Technology, Burgess Publishing Com-
0.52 - a pany, Minneapolis MN (1971) pp. 154-155.
w= (2) Florence, A.T., and Atwood, D., Physicochemical Principles of Phar-
b macy, 2nd Ed. MacMillan, London (1994) pp. 7 and 62.
Example (using the previous Lidocaine HCl solution): (3) Burlage, H.M., Lee, C.D., and Rising, L.W., Physical and Technical
Calculate the amount of sodium chloride to be added to 250 Pharmacy, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York NY (1963)
ml of a 0.5% w/v Lidocaine HC1 solution to make it isotonic p. 281.
(4) Hitchcock, D.I., Physical Chemistry for Students of Biology and
with blood. Medicine, Little, Brown and Co. Boston MA (1953) pp. 41-44.
From reference lists, the b for sodium chloride is 0.576°C. (5) Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th Ed., Mack Publishing
and for Lidocaine HCl it is 0.130°C, then: Company, Easton PA (1995) pp. 1491 - 1497.
(6) Martin, A.N., Physical Pharmacy, 4th Ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadel-
phia PA (1993) pp. 129,137.
0.52 - (0.52 x 0.130) 0.52 - 0.065
w= = = 0.790 g
1. Read Chapter 5 of Martin’s book (4th Ed.), pp. 110-122;
Therefore the weight of sodium chloride to be added to 250 2. Solve the problems/calculations 5-14, 5-16, 5-18, 5-22, 5-25,5-
ml of solution is: 27 and 5-28 at the end of the same Chapter (p. 123-124);
3. Solve the calculation assignments (1)-(9) from your handouts;
4. After Lectures 6-8 you will be able to:
250 a. Define and understand the significance of colligative
0.790 = 1.97 g properties of solutions;
b. Define “isotonicity”, “hypertonicity” and
The above calculations demonstrate that any of the three “hypotonicity”;
c. Know and discuss differences between the colligative
methods can be used equally well to calculate the adjust- properties of nonelectrolyte-and electrolyte solutions;
ment of tonicity of the pharmaceutical solutions. d. Apply equations for the specific colligative properties of drug
SUMMARY e. Use three different methods to determine the tonicity of
To avoid crenation or hemolysis of RBC’s, to avoid pain and pharmaceutical ophthalmic and parenteral solutions and
discomfort if solutions are injected or introduced into the calculate the amount of adjusting agent to be used.
eyes and nose, solutions should be made isotonic. This is true • Definition
for either manufactured or extemporaneously prepared a. lowering of vapor pressure
b. elevation of boiling point
solutions. By using the appropriate calculations based on c. depression of freezing point
colligative properties of solutions, it is easy to determine the d. osmotic pressure
amount of adjusting agents to be added and in so doing to • Application of Colligative Properties to Pharmaceutical
circumvent side effects from administering less or more than Solutions
isotonic solutions. • Isotonic solutions have the same osmotic pressure as the body
The material that I cover in the two lectures is not new fluids (0.9% sodium chloride; 5% dextrose).
and can be found in standard pharmaceutical textbooks. Hypertonic solutions have osmotic pressure higher and
However, I try to make the students aware of some of the hypotonic solutions have osmotic pressure lower than
physicochemical properties of the pharmaceutical formula- body fluids.
tions, to instill interest to the many aspects of pharmaceutics Hypertonic solutions produce crenation of erythrocytes;
and to motivate them into thinking and understanding the hypotonic solutions produce hemolysis of erythrocytes
• Adjustment of Tonicity - Calculations
course topics rather than simply accepting the facts, and a. Liso-Method
then memorizing and remembering them mainly to pass b. Sodium Chloride Equivalent (ENaCl) Method
examinations. In the majority of cases I succeed, and stu- c. Cryoscopic Method
dents show interest and enthusiasm for the lectures. I try to
adjust my lectures to the mood/climate of the students using

American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 59, Summer 1995 195

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