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Kinematics Assignment 2

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Questions Questions
based on
Position, Distance and Displacement based on Acceleration
Q.1 A drunkard walking in a narrow lane takes 5 Q.5 A truck travelling due to North at 20m/s turns
steps forward and 3 steps backward, followed East and travels at the same speed. The
again by 5 steps forward and 3 steps change in its velocity is –
backward, and so on. Each step is 1 m long (A) 20 2m/s North East
and required 1 second to cover. How long the
(B) 202m/s South East
drunkard takes to fall in a pit 13 m away from
the start ? (C) 40 2m/s North East
(A) 9 s (B) 21 s (D) 202m/s North West
(C) 32 s (D) 37 s
Q.6 The displacement s of a particle depends on
Q.2 Mark the wrong statement - time t according to the following relation
(A) Nothing is in the state of absolute rest or 1 3
s = t – t2 + t. The velocity and
state of absolute motion 3
(B) Magnitude of displacement is always displacement of the particle at the instant
equal to the distance travelled when its acceleration is zero, are respectively-
(C) Magnitude of displacement can never be
1 1
greater than the distance travelled (A) 0, (B) ,0
3 3
(D) Magnitude of displacement may be equal
1 1
to the distance travelled (C) , (D) None of the above
3 3

based on Speed and Velocity
Questions Equation of kinematics : Constant
based on acceleration
Q.3 A body moves in a straight line along,
x-axis. Its distances x (in metre) from the
origin is given by x = 8t – 3t2. The average Q.7 A particle starts from rest and moving along a
speed in the interval t = 0 to t = 1 second is - straight line travels 19m in the tenth second.
(A) 5 ms–1 (B) – 4ms–1 The acceleration of the particle is given by -
(C) 6 ms–1 (D) zero (A) 1.9 m/s2 (B) 2 m/s2
(C) 3.8 m/s2 (D) 1 m/s2
Q.4 At an instant t , the coordinates of a particle
are x = at2, y = bt2 and z = 0 , then its velocity Q.8 A body moving with uniform acceleration
at the instant t will be - describes 4m in 3rd second and 12m in the
(A) t a 2  b 2 5th second. The distance described in next
three second is –
(B) 2t a 2  b 2
(A) 100m (B) 80 m
(C) a 2  b2 (C) 60 m (D) 20 m

(D) 2t2 a 2  b 2


Q.9 A body starts from rest with constant Q.14 A stone is released from an elevator going up
acceleration a, its velocity after n second is v. with an acceleration a. The acceleration of
The displacement of body in last two seconds the stone after the release is–
is – (A) a upwards (B) (g – a) upwards
2v(n  1) v(n  1) (C) (g – a) downwards (D) g downwards
(A ) (B)
n n
v(n  1) 2v(n  1) Questions
based on Variable acceleration
(C) (D)
n n

Questions Q.15 The velocity v of a moving particle varies

based on Motion under gravity
with displacement as x = v 1 , the
acceleration of the particle at x = 5 unit will
Q.10 A stone is dropped from the top of the tower
and travels 24.5m in the last second of its
journey. The height of the tower is - (A) 6 unit (B) 24 unit
(A) 44.1m (B) 49m (C) 78.4m (D) 72m (C) 240 unit (D) 25 unit

Q.11 A ball is thrown from the ground with a Q.16 For the motion of a particle, velocity v
velocity of 80 ft/sec. Then the ball will be at a depends on displacement x as v = 20/(3x – 2).
height of 96 feet above the ground after time If at t = 0, x = 0 then at what time t, the
- x = 20 ?
(A) 2 and 3sec (B) only 3 sec (A) 7 sec (B) 14 sec (C) 28 sec (D) 35 sec
(C) only 2sec (D) 1 and 2 sec
based on Graphs
Q.12 A person standing on the floor of an elevator
drops a coin. The coin reaches the floor of the
elevator in a time t1 if the elevator is Q.17 A person walks along an eastwest street, and
a graph of his displacement from home is
stationary and in time t2 if it is moving with
shown in figure. His average velocity for the
constant velocity. Then -
whole time interval is –
(A) t1 = t2 (B) t1 < t2
(C) t1 > t2 B

(D) t1 < t2 or t1 > t2 depending whether lift is A

going up or down
15 20
Q.13 A pebble is thrown vertically upwards from t(sec)
bridge with an initial velocity of 4.9 m/s. It
strikes the water after 2s. If acceleration due
to gravity is 9.8 m/s2. The height of the (A) 0
bridge & velocity with which the pebble (B) 23 m/s
strike the water will respectively be – (C) 8.4 m/s
(A) 4.9 m, 1.47 m/s (B) 9.8 m, 14.7 m/s (D) None of the above
(C) 49 m, 1.47 m/s (D) 1.47 m, 4.9m/s


Q18 A particle is confined to move along the Q.20 The displacement time graph for a one
x-axis between reflecting walls at x = 0 and dimensional motion of a particle is shown in
x = a. Between these two limits it moves figure. Then the instantaneous velocity at
freely at constant velocity v. If the walls are t = 20 sec is –
perfectly reflecting, then its displacement

Displacement, (m) 
time graph is -

a 1

0 a/v 2a/v 3a/v 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time, sec 
(A) 0.1 m/s (B) – 0.1 m/s

(C) – 0.05 m/s (D) 1.0 m/s

based on Relative motion
0 a/v 2a/v 3a/v
Q.21 Two particles A and B are initially 40 m
apart. A is behind B. Particle A is moving

with uniform velocity of 10 m/s towards B.

(C) Particle B starts moving away from A with
time constant acceleration of 2 m/s2.
uA = 10 ms–1 uB = 0
A B aB = 2 ms–2
40 m

(i) The time at which minimum distance

a between the two occurs is -
(D) (A) 2 s (B) 4 s
(C) 5 s (D) 6 s
0 a/v 2a/v 3a/v
time (ii) The minimum distance between the two is
-(A) 20 m (B) 15 m
Q.19 Figure shows the displacement time graph of
(C) 25 m (D) 30 m
a particle moving on the x-axis -
Q.22 A motor boat covers the distance between
two spots on the river in t1 = 8 hr and
t2 = 12 hr downstream and upstream
t0 t respectively. The time required for the boat to
(A) the particle is continuously going in
positive x direction cover this distance in still water will be-
(B) the particle is at rest (A) 6.9 hr (B) 9.6 hr
(C) the velocity increases up to a time t 0,and (C) 69 sec (D) 96 sec.
then becomes constant
(D) the particle moves at a constant velocity
up to a time t0, and then stops


 True or false type questions
Q.23 (a) A stone thrown vertically up with a speed
u reaches a height 40 m. If the same stone is
thrown upwards with a speed of 2u. It
reaches a height = 80 m.
(b) Two balls of different masses are thrown
vertically upwards with the same speed.
They pass through the point of projection in
their downwards motion with the same speed.

 Fill in the blanks type questions

Q.24 A food packet is released from a helicopter

which is rising steadily is 2 m/s.If g = 10 m/s 2
after 2 sec the velocity of the packet is

Q.25 The initial velocity of a particle is u and the

acceleration at time t later is given by at, then
its velocity is given by.....................


(Only single correct answer type Q.6 A ball is dropped from a height of 20m and
Part-A rebounds with a velocity which is 3/4th of the
velocity with which it hits the ground. What
Q.1 A particle moves along a circular arc of is the time interval between the first and
radius R making an angle of  at centre. The second bounces ? (g = 10m/s2) –
magnitude of displacement is - (A) 3 sec (B) 4 sec
(C) 5 sec (D) 6 sec
(A) 2R sin /2 (B) 2R sin 
 (C) R sin /2 (D) R sin  Q.7 Two bodies are thrown vertically upward,
 with the same initial velocity of 98 metre/sec
Q.2 A particle moves with constant speed v along but 4sec apart. How long after the first one is
a regular hexagon ABCDEF in same order thrown will they meet ?
(i.e. A to B, B to C, C to D, D to E, E to F, F (A) 10 sec (B) 11 sec
to A...). Then magnitude of average velocity (C) 12sec (D) 13sec
for its motion from A to C is -
(A) v (B) v/2 Q.8 A rocket is fired vertically up from the
(C) 3 v/2 (D) None of these ground. It moves upwards with a constant
 acceleration 10m/s2 for 30 seconds after
Q.3 For a particle moving along a straight line, which the fuel is consumed. After what time
the displacement x depends on time t as from the instant of firing, the rocket will
x = t3 + t2 + t + . The ratio of its initial attain the maximum height? Take g = 10 m/s2
acceleration to its initial velocity depends - (A) 30s (B) 45s

(A) only on  and  (B) only on  and  (C) 60s (D) 75s

 (C) only on  and  (D) only on 

 Q.9 A man standing on the edge of a cliff throws
a stone straight up with initial speed u and
Q.4 Which one of the following represents
uniformly accelerated motion ? a and b are then throws another stone straight down with
constants and x is the distance described. the same initial speed and from the same
ta t3  a position. Find the ratio of the speed the stones
(A) x = (B) x = would have attained when they hit the ground
b b
at the base of the cliff -
(C) t = (D) x = t  a (A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 1 : 2
Q.5 The greatest acceleration or deceleration that
a train may have is a. The minimum time in
Q.10 A man in a balloon rising vertically with an
which the train can get from one station to the
acceleration of 4.9 m/sec2, releases a ball 2
next at a distance s is –
seconds after the balloon is let go from the
s 2s ground. The greatest height above the ground
(A) (B)
a a reached by the ball is –
1 s s (A) 14.7 m (B) 19.6 m
(C) (D) 2 (C) 9.8 m (D) 24.5
2 a a
Q.11 The water falls at regular intervals from a tap Q.14 The acceleration versus time graph of a
5 m above the ground. The third drop is particle is as shown in figure. The respective
leaving at instant, the first drop touches the v – t graph of the particle is –
ground. How far above the ground is the
second drop at that instant ?
(A) 1.25 m (B) 2.50 m
(C) 3.75 m (D) 4.00 m

Q.12 A person standing near the edge of the top of O t

a building throws two balls A and B. The v
ball A is thrown vertically upwards and B is (A) (B)
thrown vertically down with same speed. The O t
ball A hits the ground with speed vA and ball
O t
B hits the ground with speed vB, then –
v v
(A) vA > vB
(C) (D)
(B) vA < vB
(C) vA = vB
(D)Information incomplete O t O t

Q.13 The displacement-time graph of a moving

Q.15 Three particles starts their motion from the
particle with constant acceleration is shown in origin at the same time, the first moves with a
the figure. The velocity-time graph is given velocity u1 along the x-axis, the second
by – moves along the y-axis with a velocity u2 and
x (m) the third along the straight line y = x. Then,
the velocity of the third particle so that all the
three always lie on the same line is -
5 u  u2
(A) 1 (B) u 1u 2
u 1u 2 2 u 1u 2
t (s) (C) (D)
O 1 2 u1  u 2 u1  u 2

v (m/s) v (m/s) Q.16 The displacement of a particle as a function

10 10 of time is shown in fig. The fig. indicates
t (s) t (s)
(A) 0 1 2 (B) 0 2 Y
Distance 

–10 –10
v (m/s) v (m/s)
10 10
t (s) t (s) 0 1 2 4 X 3
(C) 0 1 2 (D) 0 1 2 Time 
–10 –10 (A) the particle starts with a certain velocity,
but the motion is retarded and finally the
particle stops
(B) the velocity of particle is constant Q.20 A body starting from rest accelerates
throughout uniformly at the rate of 10 cms–2 and retards
(C) the acceleration of the particle is constant uniformly at the rate of 20 cms–2. The least
throughout time in which it can complete a journey of
(D) the particle starts with a constant velocity, 5 km (if maximum velocity attained during
the motion is accelerated and finally the the journey is 72 kmh–1) is-
particle moves with another constant (A) 200 s (B) 300 s (C) 400 s (D) 500 s
Q.21 The vertical height of P above the ground is
Q.17 A car moves with uniform acceleration along twice that of Q. A particle is projected
downward with a speed of 9.8m/s from P and
a straight line PQR. Its speeds at P and R are
simultaneously another particle is projected
5m/s and 25m/s respectively. If PQ : QR =
upward with the same speed of 9.8m/s from
1 :2, the ratio of the times taken by car to
Q. Both particles reach the ground
travel distance PQ and QR is –
simultaneously . The time taken to reach the
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 :1 ground is –
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 1 : 5 (A) 3 sec (B) 4 sec
(C) 5 sec (D) 6 sec
Q.18 The graph below describes the motion of a
ball rebounding from a horizontal surface Q.22 Two balls are dropped from the top of a high
being released from a point above the surface. tower with a time interval t0 second, where t0
The quantity represented on the y-axis is the is smaller than the time taken by the first ball
ball’s – to reach the floor, which is perfectly inelastic.
Y The distance ‘s’ between the two balls,
plotted against the time lapse ‘t’ from the
instant of dropping the second ball is best
represented by –
O (A) (B)
(A) Displacement (B) Velocity
(C) Acceleration (D) Momentum O t O t

Q.19 A particle is projected vertically upwards S S

from a point X on the ground. It takes a time (C) (D)
t1 to reach a point A at a height h above the
ground, it continues to move and takes a
O t O t
further time t2 to reach the ground. The
Q.23 The acceleration of a particle as a function of
velocity of the particle at half the maximum
time is given by a = 1.5t – 0.15 t2 (m/s2). The
height is –
particle starts motion from rest at time t = 0
2 2 g sec. Then the maximum velocity in the
(A) (t1 + t2) (B) (t1 + t2)
g 2 2 forward direction is –
2 2g ( t1  t 2 ) (A) 10 m/s (B) 25 m/s
(C) (D)
( t1  t 2 ) 2 2g (C) 50 m/s (D) none of the above


Q.24 A particle has a velocity u towards east at Q.28 The position of particle travelling along x-
t = 0. Its acceleration is towards west and is axis is given by xt = t3 – 9t2 + 6t where xt is in
constant. Let xA and xB be the magnitude of cm and t is in second. Then–
displacements in the first 10 sec and next 10 (A) the body comes to rest firstly at (3 – 7)s
seconds. Then –
and then at (3 + 7) s
(A) xA < xB
(B) the total displacement of the particle in
(B) xA = xB
travelling from the first zero of velocity to
(C) xA > xB the second zero of velocity is zero
(D) Information incomplete (C) the total displacement of the particle in
travelling from the first zero of the
Q.25 A police inspector in a jeep is chasing a pick
velocity to the second zero of velocity is
pocket on a straight road. The jeep is going
–74 cm
at its maximum speed v (uniform). When the
(D) the particle reverses its velocity at
jeep is d distance behind the pickpocket who
(3 – 7) s and then at (3 + 7)s and has a
is on motor-cycle starts from rest at
negative velocity for (3 – 7)s < t < (3 + 7)s
acceleration a. Find the condition of
pickpocket to be get caught – Q.29 Equation of a particle moving along the x axis
(A) v > 2ad (B) v > 2 ad is :
(C) v > 3ad (D) v > ad x = u (t – 2) + a (t – 2)2
(A) the initial velocity of the particle is u
(B) the acceleration of the particle is a
One or more than one correct
Part-B (C) the acceleration of the particle is 2a
answer type questions
(D) at t = 2 particle is at origin
Q.26 Which of the following graph(s) is / are not
possible ? Q.30 An object may have–
(A) varying speed without having varying

(A) (B) (B) varying velocity without having varying

O O (C) non-zero acceleration without having
Time Time
varying velocity
(D) non-zero acceleration without having


varying speed
(C) (D)
Q.31 The velocity of a particle is zero at t = 0,
O t1 Time O Time then-
(A) the acceleration at t = 0 must be zero
(B) the acceleration at t = 0 may be zero
Q.27 If the velocity of a body is constant - (C) if the acceleration is zero from t = 0 to t = 10
(A) |Velocity| = speed s. the speed is also zero in this interval.
(B) |Average velocity| = speed (D) if the speed is zero from t = 0 to t = 10
(C) Velocity = average velocity sec, then the acceleration is also zero in
(D) Speed = average speed the interval


Q.32 The velocity-time plot for a particle moving Part-C Column matching type questions
on a straight line is shown in figure.
Q.35 The equation of one dimensional motion of
particle is described in column I. At t = 0,
particle is at origin and at rest. Match the
v column I with the statements in column II.
10 20 Column-I Column-II
0 2
(A) x = (3t + 2)m (P) velocity of particle at
t = 1 s is 8 m/s
(B) v = 8t m/s (Q) particle moves with
(A) the particle has constant acceleration uniform acceleration
(B) the particle has never turned around (C) a = 16 t (R) particle moves with
(C) the particle has zero displacement variable acceleration
(D) the average speed in the interval 0 to 10 (D) v = 6t – 3t 2
(S) particle will change its
sec is same as the average speed in the direction some time
interval 10 sec to 20 sec
Q.36 For the velocity-time graph shown in figure,
in a time interval from t = 0 to t = 6 s, match
Q.33 A train accelerates from rest for time t 1, at a
the following :
constant acceleration  for distance x. Then
it decelerates to rest at constant retardation 
in time t2 for distance y. Then - 2 4 6
x   t1
(A) = (B) =
y   t2
x t
(C) = 1 (D) x = y
y t2
Column-I Column-II
(A) Change in velocity (P) –5/3 SI unit
Q.34 In the figure is shown the position of a
(B) Average acceleration (Q) –20 SI unit
particle moving on the x-axis as a function of
(C) Total displacement (R) –10 SI unit
time. Then -
(D) Acceleration at t = 3 s (S) – 5 SI unit
20 Part-D Assertion-Reason type questions
The following questions consists of two
statements each, printed as Assertion and
Reason. While answering these questions you
2 4 6
t are to choose any one of the following four
(A) the particle has come to rest for 6 times responses.
(B) the maximum speed is at t = 6 s (A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and
(C) the velocity remain positive for t = 0 to the Reason is correct explanation of the
t = 6s. Assertion.
(D) the average velocity for the total period (B) If both Assertion and Reason are true but
shown is negative Reason is not explanation of the Assertion.
(C) If Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
(D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true


Q.37 Assertion : The displacement time graph of a Q.39 Assertion : When velocity of a particle is
body moving with uniform acceleration is a zero then acceleration of particle is zero.
straight line. Reason : Acceleration is equal to rate of
1 change of velocity.
Reason : This follows from s = ut + at2,
where symbols have their usual meaning. Q.40 Assertion : A body will decelerate if 'a' & 'v'
have opposite sign.
Q.38 Assertion : Displacement of a body may be Reason : Negative acceleration means
zero, even when distance travelled by it is not retardation.
Reason : The displacement is the shortest


the curve is there any interval over which the
Part-A Subjective Type Questions acceleration is obviously not constant ?
Q.1 (A) A train moving at an essentially constant (Ignore the behavior at the end points of the
speed of 60 mile/h moves eastward for intervals.)
40 min, then in a direction 45º east of x x D
north for 20 min, and finally westward for B C
50 min. What is the average velocity of
the train during this run ?
0 t 0 t
(B) A point traversed half a circle of radius
(a) (b)
R = 160 cm during time interval  = 10.0
s. Calculate the following quantities Q.6 A particle moves along a straight line such
averaged over that time : that its displacement x from a fixed point on
(a) the mean speed v, the line at time t is given by
(b) the modulus of the mean velocity vector x2 = at2 + 2bt + c
|v|, Find acceleration as a function of displacement x.

Q.2 The IIT-JEE lecture hall of Career Point, a Q.7 The acceleration of a cart started at t = 0,
pioneer institute for IIT-JEE in India, is varies with time as shown in fig. Find the
25 ft wide and has a door at a corner. distance travelled in 30 second and draw the
Professor, Pramod Maheshwari enters at 7.30 position-time graph.
a. m. through the door and makes 10 rounds 5.0

along the 25 ft wall back and forth during the

in ft./s2

period and finally leaves the hall at 9 a. m. 10 20 30 time in second

through the same door. Calculate his average –5
speed and average velocity.

Q.8 A ball is dropped from a height of 19.6 m

Q.3 A tennis ball is dropped onto the floor from a
above the ground. It rebounds from the
height of 4.0 ft. It rebounds to a height of 3.0
ground and raises itself up to the same height.
ft. If the ball was in contact with the floor for
Take the starting point as the origin and
0.010 s, what was its average acceleration
vertically downward as the positive X-axis.
during contact ?
Draw approximate plots of x versus t, v
versus t and a versus t. Neglect the small
Q.4 A particle starts from rest with zero initial
interval during which the ball was in contact
acceleration. The acceleration increases
with the ground.
uniformly with time. Find the time average
and distance average of velocity upto a
Q.9 A train travelling at 72 km/h is checked by
certain instant when the velocity becomes v.
track repairs. It retards uniformly for 200 m
covering the next 400 m at constant speed and
Q.5 The graph of x versus t (see fig.) is for a
accelerates uniformly to 72 km/h in a further
particle in straight line motion. State for each
600 m. If the time at constant lower speed is
interval whether the velocity vx is +, –, or 0,
equal to the sum of the times taken in
and whether the acceleration ax is +, –, or 0.
retarding and accelerating. Find the total time
The intervals are OA, AB, BC and CD. From taken.
Q.10 A point traversed half the distance with a (b) the mean velocity of the particle averaged
velocity v0. The remaining part of the over the time that the particle takes to
distance was covered with velocity v1 for half cover the first s metre of the path.
the time, and with velocity v2 for the other
half of the time. Find the mean velocity of the Q.15 A boy standing on a long railroad car throws
point averaged over the whole time of a ball straight upwards. The car is moving on
motion. the horizontal road with an acceleration of
1m/s2 and the projection velocity in the
Q.11 A person sitting on the top of a tall building is
vertical direction is 9.8 m/s. How far behind
dropping balls at regular intervals of one
the boy will the ball fall on the car ?
second. Find the positions of the 3rd, 4th and
5th ball when the 6th ball is being dropped.
Q.16 A point mass starts moving in a straight line
with a constant acceleration a. At a time t1
Q.12 A stone is dropped from a balloon going up
after the beginning of motion, the
with a uniform velocity of 5.0 m/s. If the
acceleration changes sign, remaining the
balloon was 50 m high when the stone was
same in magnitude. Determine the time t from
dropped, find its height when the stone hits the beginning of motion in which the point
the ground. Take g = 10 m/s2. mass returns to the initial position.

Q.13 The position of a particle moving along the 1


x-axis depends on the time according to the Q.17 For   of the distance between two
equation x = at2 – bt3, where x is in feet and t stations, a train is uniformly accelerated and
in second. For the following, let the th
numerical values of a and b be 3.0 and 1.0, for   of the distance, it is uniformly
retarded. It starts from rest at one station and
(a) At what time does the particle reach its
comes to rest at another. Find the ratio of its
maximum positive x-position ? maximum velocity to its average velocity.
(b) What total length of path does the particle
cover in the first 4.0 s ? Q.18 A person walks up a stalled escalator in 90 s.
(c) What is its displacement during the first When standing on the same escalator, now
4.0 s ? moving, he is carried up in 60 s. How much
(d) What is the particle’s speed at the end of time would it take him to walk up the moving
each of the first four seconds ? escalator?
(e) What is the particle’s acceleration at the
end of each of the first four seconds ? Q.19 Two trains of lengths 180 m are moving on
parallel tracks. If they move in the same
direction then they cross each other in 15 s,
Q.14 The velocity of a particle moving in the
and if they move in opposite directions then
positive direction of the x axis varies as v =
they cross in 7 s, then calculate their
 x , where  is a positive constant. 2
Assuming that at the moment t = 0 the velocities.
particle was located at the point x = 0, find :
Q.20 An ant runs from an ant-hill in a straight line
(a) the time dependence of the velocity and
so that its velocity is inversely proportional to
the acceleration of the particle.
the distance from the centre of the ant-hill. A spaceship launched vertically up from Mars has
When the ant is at point A at a distance 1 = 1 reached a height of 320 m and a velocity of 80
m from the centre of the ant-hill, its velocity m/s at time t = 0. At this instant its controls are
switched off. It continues to move up under the
v1 = 2 cm/s, what time will it take ant to run
influence of Martian gravity (i.e. 3.72 m/s 2). At
from point A to point B, which is at a
the same instant another spaceship at height 1500
distance 2 = 2 m from the centre of the ant- m is moving downward at 25 m/s and slowing
hill ? down at rate of 0.8 m/s2.

Q.24 The two space ships will be at same height of

Q.21 Distance between two points A and B is 33
other time t = ?
m. A particle P starts from B with a velocity
(A) 19 sec
of 1 m/s along AB with an acceleration of 2
(B) 27.4 sec
m/s2. Simultaneously another particle Q starts
(C) 50 sec
from A with a velocity of 9 m/s in the (D) will reach at same height only once
direction AB and has an acceleration 1 m/s 2
in the direction AB. Find whether Q will be Q.25 How high above the planet surface will the
able to catch P. first meeting take place ?
(A) 3 km (B) 18 km
(C) 1.14 km (D) 5.14 km
Q.22 At the instant the traffic light turns green, an
automobile starts with a constant acceleration Q.26 Which of the graph best explains the motion ?
ax of 6.0 ft/s2. At the same instant a truck, y y
travelling with a constant speed of 30 ft/s, 1500 1500

overtakes and passes the automobile.

(a) How far beyond the starting point will the (A) 320 (B) 320
automobile overtake the truck ?
t t
(b) How fast will the automobile be travelling
y y
at that instant ? (It is instructive to plot a 1500 1500
qualitative graph of x versus t for each
(C) 320 (D) 320

Q.23 Two bodies move in a straight line towards t t

each other at initial velocities v1 and v2 and
Passage 2 (Q.27 to Q.29)
with constant accelerations a1 and a2 directed A spaceship ferrying walks to Moon base. It takes
against the corresponding velocities at the a straight line path from the earth to the moon, a
initial instant. distance of 384,000 km. Suppose it accelerates at
What must be the maximum initial separation 20 m/s2 for the first 15 min of the trip. Then
max between the bodies for which they meet travels with same speed until the last 15 min,
during the motion ? Motion in which the when it decelerates at 20 m/s2 just coming to rest
point mass returns to the initial position. as it reaches the moon.

Q.27 What distance does it travel while

Part-B Passage based objective questions decelerating?
(A) 6.1 × 103 km (B) 5.1 × 103 km
Passage 1 (Q.24 to Q.26) (C) 3.1 × 103 km (D) 8.1 × 103 km
Passage 4 (Q.33 to Q.34)
Q.28 What fraction of the total distance it travelled Two cars A & B travel in a straight line from
at constant speed ? same point. The distance of A from the starting
(A) 0.95 (B) 0.23 point is given by xA = t + t2 where  = 2.6 m/s
(C) 0.40 (D) 0.52 and  = 1.2 m/s2. The distance B from the starting
point is xB = t2 – t3; where  = 2.8 m/s2 and  =
Q.29 What total time is required for the trip ?
0.2 m/s3.
(A) 170 min (B) 270 min
(C) 370 min (D) 470 min
Q.33 Which car is ahead just after they leave the
starting point ?
Passage 3 (Q.30 to Q.32)
(A) A
An auto-mobile and a truck starts from rest at the
(B) B
same instant, with the automobile initially at
(C) both are with same velocity
some distance behind the truck. The truck has a
(D) cannot be determined
constant acceleration of 2.1 m/s 2 and the
automobile has acceleration 3.4 m/s 2. The auto-
mobile overtakes the truck after the truck has
Q.34 At what times are the car at same point ?
moved 40 m.
(A) 2.7 sec
(B) 2.27 sec & 5.73 sec
Q.30 How far was the automobile behind the truck
(C) 5.73 sec & 2.6 sec
initially ?
(D) 0, 2.27 sec & 5.73 sec
(A) 24.8 m (B) 30 m
(C) 50 m (D) 60 m
Q.35 At what times is the distance from A to B
Q.31 The distance moved by automobile before it
neither increasing nor decreasing ?
overtakes the truck–
(A) 1.66 sec (B) 4.33 sec
(A) 54.8 m (B) 64.8 m
(C) 1.66 sec & 1 sec (D) 1 sec & 4.3 sec
(C) 74.8 m (D) 68.8 m

Q.32 Which is the best possible graph ?

x x
truck truck
(A) (B)
t t
automobile automobile

x truck x

(C) t (D)
automobile t


Q.3 If graph of velocity Vs distance is as shown
 Old IIT-JEE Objective type questions
Q.1 A block is released from rest at t = 0 on a
frictionless inclined plane. The distance
travelled by the block in tn–1 sec to tn sec is V
represented by Sn. Then is –
Sn 1 x x0
[IIT - 2004] The graph of acceleration Vs distance is
2n  1 2n  1 represented by [IIT - 2005]
(A) (B)
2n  1 2n  1
2n 2n x
(C) (D) (A) (B)
2n  1 (2n  1) a a
Q.2 At t = 0, particle is at rest. Then the maximum
speed achieved by particle is –
[IIT - 2004]
(C) a (D) a
(A) 110 m/s (B) 650 m/s
(C) 55 m/s (D) 550 m/s


(A)  cannot remain positive for all t in the
 Old IIT-JEE questions interval 0 < t < 1
Q.1 A particle moves in a circle of radius R. In (B) || cannot exceed 2 at any point or
half revolution, its displacement is ............. points in its path
and the distance is ............... (C) || must be > 4 at some point or in its
[IIT - 1983] path
(D)  must change sign during the motion,
Q.2 Four persons K, L, M, N are initially at the but no other assertion can be made with
four corners of a square of side d. Each the information given
person now moves with a uniform speed v in
such a way that K always moves directly Q.6 In 1.0 s, a particle goes from point A to point
towards L, L directly towards M, M directly B, moving in a semicircle of radius 1.0 m (see
towards N, and N directly towards K. The fig.). The magnitude of the average velocity
four persons will meet at a time of the particle is – [IIT- 1995]
………………… [IIT - 1984] A

Q.3 A body falling freely from a given height H

1.0 m
hits an inclined plane in its path at a height h.
As a result of this impact the direction of the
velocity of the body becomes horizontal. For
what value of (h/H) the body will take B
(A) 3.14 m/s (B) 2.0 m/s
maximum time to reach the ground ?
(C) 1.0 m/s (D) zero
[IIT - 1986]

Q.4 The driver of a train moving at a speed v1, Q.7 A ball is dropped vertically from a height d
sights another train at a distance d ahead of above the ground. It hits the ground and
him, moving in the same direction with a bounces up vertically to a height d/2.
slower speed v2. He applies the brakes and Neglecting subsequent motion and air
gives a constant retardation a to his train. resistance, its velocity v varies with the height
Show that there will be no collision if h above the ground as – [IIT - 2000]
v v
( v1  v 2 ) 2
d > [IIT - 1987]
2a h h
(A) (B) d
Q.5 A particle of mass m moves on the x-axis as
follows : it starts from rest at t = 0 from the point
x = 0, and comes to rest at t = 1 at the point x = 1. v v
No other information is available about its
d h h
motion at intermediate times (0 < t < 1). If  (C) (D) d
denotes the instantaneous acceleration of the
particle, then - [IIT- 1993]
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. D B A B B A B C A A A A B D C
Q.No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ans. C A A D A C,B B

23. (a) False (b) True

1 2
24. – 18 m/s 25. u + at


Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. A C B C D A C C C A C C A A D A C A B C
Q.No. 21 22 23 24 25
Ans. D D B D A

Q.No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Ans. A,C ALL A,C,D C,D B,D B,C,D A,D A,B,C A


35. A  Q ; B  P,Q ; C  P,R ; D  R,S

36. A  R ; B  P ; C  R ; D  S

37. (D) 38. (B) 39. (D) 40. (C)


1. (A) 8 mile/h at an angle 16.5º east of north. (B) (a) v = 50 cm/sec. (b) v = 32 cm/sec

2. 5.5 ft/min, vav = 0 3. Approximately, 3000 ft/s2 (in the upward direction)
4. <v>time = v/3
5. Fig. (a) vx + + 0 – ; Fig. (b) vx + + + + ; In fig. (a), acc. is not const. over path AB & CD
ax 0 – 0 + ax – 0 + 0 ; In fig. (b), acc. is not const. over path OA & BC

ac  b 2 2v 0 ( v1  v 2 )
6. 7. 1000 ft 9. 2 min 10. 11. 45 m, 20 m, 5 m
x3 v1  v 2  2v 0
12. 68.5 m
13. (a) t = 2 s (b) 24 ft (c) –16 ft (d) 3 ft/s, 0, – 9 ft/s , –24 ft/s (e) 0, – 6 ft(s2), – 12ft/s2, – 18 ft/s2
2t 2   S
14. (a) v = ,a= (b) v = 15. 2 m 16. t = t1 (2 + 2 )
2 2 2
 1 1
17. 1    : 1 18. 36 s.
 m n
19. 36 m/s, 12 m/s 20. t = 75 s 21. (a) Q can not catch P 22. (a) 300 ft (b) 60 ft/s
( v1  v 2 ) 2
23. max =
2(a 1  a 2 )

Q.No. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Ans. B C C B A C A B A A D D

Q.No. 1 2 3
Ans. B C B

1. 2R, R 2. d/v
3. Just midways between A and B, 3.53 second
Q.No. 5 6 7
Ans. A,D B A


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