Tape Script
Tape Script
Tape Script
During the early 1900s, there was an American and One thing that makes me really like Margaret
European idea that Western civilization was better Mead is that she was very progressive. She was in
than other civilizations. Many western people favor of freedom and tolerance of all people. She
believed that American or European culture was supported civil rights and believed that humans
advanced and that other cultures were very basic, could do really good things if they work together.
primitive, and immature. The other cultures weren’t She thought that ideas of racism or war were
valued or respected by westerners. Margaret Mead cultural and that people could learn better ways to
did not feel this way; she was a cultural relativist. live. Most importantly, she strongly believed that
That is, she believed that anthropology should be modern Americans could learn from other cultures.
scientific, and that anthropologists should observe In 1928 she wrote, “As the traveler who has once
cultures neutrally. That means anthropologists been from home is wiser than he who has never
should study other people and other cultures left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other
without judgment, without the idea that they culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize
weren’t as good as western culture. She believed more steadily, to appreciate lovingly, our own.”
that all cultures were valuable. Thank you.
A: After you pay off your credit card debt, look for A: Right. I know there’s a lot to think about, but you
accounts that will keep your money safe while it grows. don’t need to make a decision today. I’m here every
If you are planning to use the money in less than 5 day if you have any other questions or if you want to
years, I recommend a Certificate of Deposit—a CD. get started on any of the investments I’ve suggested.
You can get a CD at any bank. Right now you’ll earn B: Excellent. I’ll do that. Thank you so much!
A: No problem. It was pleasure talking to you.
A: So did you call the company back in to repair it? A: Alright, now I’m assuming that you don’t want this
same company to come back in and try to fix the
B: Sure. Of course. They came back in and fixed it… or
problem again.
so we thought. They did some work on it, but it still
continued to leak. So… B: No way. I mean, we’ve given them plenty of
chances to fix it already, and they couldn’t do it.
A: One second. What’s the name of this construction
We’d like to get someone else in to fix it. But I don’t
think I should have to pay for that. I mean, we paid
B: Advanced Builders. Advanced Builders, this company to do the work to begin with.
Incorporated. The owner is a man by the name of
A: Right. Here’s the process we need to follow. First
Steven Collins.
of all, Advanced Builders is responsible for the
A: OK. Sorry to interrupt you. Go on. So what did you problem. They’re liable. And you’re right—you
do at that point? shouldn’t have to pay for the repairs.
B: Well, we called these guys back in. In fact, we went The first thing you need to do is call another
through this three times. They’d come back in, work construction company. Call someone else and ask
on the bathroom, and we thought it was fine. But him to inspect the damage in your bathroom and
then a couple of days later the problem would start have him give you an estimate for the work—a
again. Water all over the bathroom floor. written statement of how much the job will cost.
How much he would charge you to make the
A: Hm.
repairs. And please fax that estimate to me.
B: Finally, the last time they came, they really seemed
Once I receive it, I’ll write a letter to Mr. Collins, the
to have fixed it. I mean, it seemed like the problem
owner of Advanced Builders, explaining that you
was gone. And we were thrilled.
plan to have your bathroom repaired, it will cost this
A: But let me guess: you weren’t thrilled for very long. much, and you expect him—Mr. Collins—to pay for
it. OK? So just make sure you leave his address with
me. I’ll send you a copy of the letter as well.
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