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Chapter 1
Hi! I’d like to welcome all of you to the international Here’s another one. Americans shake hands firmly
student orientation at Norwalk College. I hope that your when they greet each other because to Americans, a
travels from your home country have been easy and that firm handshake signifies strength and power. But a soft
you all are settling in well. I believe I’ve met everyone, or limp handshake is considered a sign of weakness. In
but just in case, I’m the director for international student some cultures, handshakes are less common, or a gentle,
affairs—the person you can come to if you are having soft handshake is acceptable. So students need to know
problems with your classes, your housing, visas… even if that when shaking hands, it’s important to be firm.
you just want someone to talk to. You are always welcome
In America, a “thumbs up” sign—a thumb raised in
to stop by my office.
the air—is a sign of a good job. Also, a thumb and
We’ll have several short workshops today and will be forefinger together with the other fingers straight
talking about some common issues that international means “okay.” Be careful though. In other countries like
students face. The first one that I want to deal with is Germany, Brazil, or Japan this “okay” symbol can have
about communication, and in particular, non-verbal other meanings. So be aware of who you’re talking to
communication. when you use this gesture.
Now all of you have been studying English for some Here’s another important one. In America, holding
time. You have a good vocabulary, and you probably hands and kissing are reserved for people in love. In fact,
know all about verb tenses and modals, and can ask Americans generally do not touch each other, and they
directions, and order from a menu. But communication like to keep distance between them and the person who
is not only verbal. That is, talking is not the only they’re speaking with. But there are many exceptions.
language we use to communicate. Another way we For instance, friends, especially women, might hug when
communicate is through non-verbal communication, saying goodbye, and small children often hold hands.
or body language.
I’m going to hand out a list of some common examples
The term body language means the movements we of non-verbal communication that are specific to
use and the facial expressions we have (like smiling or American culture. Now, I don’t want you to panic.
frowning), the way we sit or stand, the way we touch or You don’t need to know all of these examples of
look at someone, the distance we stand from another body language. It’s more important just to be aware
person. Some psychologists say that more than 60% of differences in body language between cultures. If
of our communication is actually done through body you’re not sure what a gesture means, it’s okay to ask.
language. We do it without thinking, or without ever
Oh! I forgot an important example of body language. If
having been specifically taught what the gestures or
ever you’re worried about your ability to communicate,
expressions mean. The problem is that body language
there is one gesture that is the same in every country.
is a little bit different in each culture and this can often
Everywhere around the world, people use the smile
cause some problems with communication.
to communicate pleasure and happiness. So smile
Here’s an example. In many places it may be a little as often as you want to, because it is an expression
rude or disrespectful to look at another person understood by everyone!
directly in their eyes as you talk with them, so many
Now, our next speaker is Molly Wilcox. She’s the head
international students will avoid this eye contact. But in
of the ESL department. And she’ll tell you about the
America, we expect it. We think of eye contact as a sign
ESL courses and the placement exam. Thank you very
of honesty and straight-forwardness. American parents
much for your attention.
actually encourage their children to look people in the
eye when speaking. Just imagine a conversation where
an international student was trying to be respectful by
not looking into the eyes of her American classmate. The
American might wonder why her classmate wouldn’t
look directly at her, and the international classmate
would be wondering why she was being stared at. The
end result is an awkward and frustrating interaction.

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Chapter 2
A = Teacher So, let’s take a closer look at Juliet. What did you
B = Student 1 think of her?
C = Student 2
C: I really liked her. I was kind of surprised how
A: By now you should be finished reading all of strongly she loved Romeo. She went against her
Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. So today I whole family so she could be with him.
want to review the play and focus on one of the
A: Exactly! But notice that she doesn’t start off as this
characters: Juliet. I think that Juliet really makes this
strong young woman. Juliet changes in the story.
love story interesting and I want to talk about why.
When we first meet Juliet, she’s a 13 year old girl.
A lot of people think of Shakespeare as an She’s quiet and she usually does what her parents
author who wrote novels that people read. But want her to do. At the beginning of the play she’s a
Shakespeare never actually wrote books; he wrote “good girl.” She wants to please her family. But by
plays meant to be acted. So as we look at Romeo the end of the play, Juliet moves from being this
and Juliet, I want you to imagine that the story is young girl to being an independent, mature young
performed by actors, not read quietly to yourself. woman. Juliet’s independence is almost shocking.
For instance, she tells her parents that she will not
As you know, the story of Romeo and Juliet
marry Paris, the man they’ve chosen for her. She
happens in Verona, Italy and is a very old story.
questions why Romeo must be an enemy to her
Two important families, the Montagues and the
family. Juliet even asks Romeo to marry her! All
Capulets, are enemies. They’re very angry with
of this was very unusual for a girl in the sixteenth
each other. Romeo Montague falls in love with
century. But Juliet knows who she loves; she is even
Juliet Capulet. So from the start, we know that
willing to die for her love of Romeo.
this relationship is going to have some very big
problems. And it does. Here’s another thing. Juliet grows more mature in
the story. She knows the danger of her relationship
Can anyone give me a quick summary of the story?
with Romeo. For instance, Juliet tells Romeo to
B: Well, Romeo and Juliet… they get married… be careful when he is outside her balcony talking
secretly. And only Romeo and Juliet and their of love. Juliet also realizes that their relationship
priest know about the wedding. After the wedding, can never be happy. Several times in the play, she
Romeo gets in a fight and kills Juliet’s cousin and even refers to her own death. It is Juliet’s growing
so he has to leave Verona. Then Juliet’s parents tell maturity and independence that make her such an
her that she has to get married to another man, a interesting character. She’s changing… becoming
guy named Paris. So the priest and Juliet make a stronger each day.
Now Romeo and Juliet is a tragic, horribly sad story.
A: And what is their plan? But it has some universal themes of love and youth.
B: Well, Juliet will pretend she’s dead to avoid the It’s been produced many, many times for stage and
wedding with Paris. But unfortunately, Romeo cinema. And it’s my opinion that the strong and
doesn’t know that she is actually alive, and he beautiful Juliet is the character who makes this love
rushes back to Verona. When Romeo sees Juliet’s story so popular.
body and thinks she’s really dead, he kills himself. Now can anyone tell me…
Then Juliet wakes up, and, when she sees Romeo’s
dead body, she kills herself, too.
A: Good. Very good summary!
Now Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s earlier
plays. It’s really a favorite of many, many people.
Both Romeo and Juliet are very well developed
characters. They have real emotions and personality.
They come alive as we watch or read the play.

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Chapter 3
A = Radio announcer legs. She wrote that there was no skeleton but that
B = Dr. Jennifer White there was a soft, oil-filled tube in its back.
A: Today on The Natural World, we’re profiling the A: What did the professor say?
naturalist, Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, who
B: He was very excited when he got the letter and he
passed away on May 17th, 2004, at the age of 97.
came down to see the fish. And he decided that
Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer was the naturalist
it was in fact a coelacanth. He named it Latimeria
who discovered an extremely rare fish called the
Chalumnae after Marjorie Latimer and Chalumnae
“coelacanth” in 1938 and introduced it to the
because that was the name of the river near where
scientific world. With us is Dr. Jennifer White, a
it was found.
biologist from New Haven, Connecticut. She is going
to talk about Latimer’s discovery. Welcome Jennifer. A: Tell us what a coelacanth is and why it might be
B: Thank you! Well, Ms. Courtenay-Latimer was a
really wonderful woman, and she lived a long B: Well, coelacanth fossils are dated to as much as
and interesting life. She was the curator of a small 400 million years ago. So coelacanth are even
museum in the town of East London in South older than the dinosaurs. They seemed to have
Africa, and during her life, she collected many, disappeared around the same time as dinosaurs…
many kinds of animals. But her discovery of a about 65 million years ago. It’s just incredible that
coelacanth was truly amazing! an animal assumed to be long gone could actually
still be living.
A: Tell us what she found.
The coelacanth is a very strange fish, though.
B: Well, the year was 1938. She had an agreement with a
It’s got some things that are quite different from
local fisherman that she could look through his catch—
modern fish. For instance, it has a jelly-filled organ
that is, the fish that he caught during the day—and if
called a “rostral organ.” This is the only living
the fisherman caught anything interesting, she was
creature with this organ. It also has an incredibly
allowed to take it for her museum.
small brain—smaller than any other animal we
So one day she went down and she looked through know of. I suppose the small brain size hasn’t hurt
the pile of fish and found nothing. Just as she was the fish, since the coelacanth has clearly survived
leaving, she saw an unusual-shaped blue-colored for millions of years.
fin poking out of the pile. She pushed away the rest
A: So do coelacanths only live off the coast of Africa?
of the fish and pulled this large blue fish out. Right
away, she knew that this fish was different. She B: Well, we thought so until not too long ago. In 1998,
asked to take it back to her museum. Apparently an American couple was on their honeymoon
she had a hard time convincing a taxi driver to let in Indonesia when they found a coelacanth at a
her bring this 5-foot dead fish in the car! fish market there. Instead of the blue color, as the
fish around Africa were, this fish was brownish-
A: Did Marjorie know what she had found? Did she
gold colored. Again, it was an amazing discovery.
realize how important her discovery was?
Scientists offered a small reward for coelacanth and
B: Well, she knew it was something special, but she asked to be notified if a fisherman ever caught one.
didn’t know what. When she got back to her lab, Ten months later, they were told of a coelacanth
she couldn’t find anything like it in her books. that was actually still alive. They had a chance to
She wondered if it might be a coelacanth, but the swim next to it before it died.
idea seemed impossible. According to her books,
A: Incredible! Thank you so much for sharing this
the coelacanth no longer existed. They had been
story of an amazing fish and the woman who
extinct for 65 million years! She wrote to Dr. Smith,
first discovered it. I want to let our listeners know
a professor interested in ichthyology—that’s the
that there are now organizations to help save the
study of fish—to see what he thought. She drew a
coelacanth from being killed by fishermen. Instead
little picture and described it as a 127-pound fish
of finding new coelacanths for research, we are
with thick scales and fins that look like arms and
trying to preserve the ones that are alive.

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Chapter 4
A = Student 1 A: Wow. That’s crazy! I can’t even imagine what that
B = Student 2 must be like for her.
A: Hi! are you busy? B: Well, she was only in her 20s when he got sick.
They’d just been married for around a year! I
B: No, I just finished watching this really interesting
would’ve thought that she’d leave him, but actually
documentary on TV about a guy named Clive Wearing.
they’re still very close.
He’s a man from England with terrible amnesia.
A: That’s amazing that they are still together. I don’t
A: You mean he forgets things?
know if I would be able to do that.
B: Right. He lost his memory. He had encephalitis—
B: I think she spent a lot of time with him for the first
this virus that destroyed the part of his brain that
10 years or so. She organized charities and tried
controls memory. It happened over 20 years ago.
to get good treatment for him. Once she got him
Since then, he can’t remember anything further
into the new center, she decided she had to move
back than about 7 seconds.
on. She moved to the U.S. and got divorced from
A: Really?! He can only remember things for seven him. I think she dated other people but she was
seconds? Does he know his name? never able to get Clive out of her head. I guess she
B: Yeah, He knows his name and he knows who his finally accepted how much she loves him and how
wife, Deborah, is. I think he knows that he has kids she can’t be with him and can’t be away from him
from his first marriage, but he doesn’t recognize either. She moved back to England. A few years ago
them or know their names. He lives at a center for they got married again. Now she visits him all the
people with brain injuries. It was really amazing, time. He always asks when she’s coming and asks
though. He has signs around his room reminding her to “Please get here at dawn. Get here at the
him where he is. And he can’t really leave the speed of light.” They’re still so in love.
center because he might get lost or hurt. He has to A: That’s so sweet. What about his kids? How do they
have someone to care for him all the time. deal with their father?
A: That’s so strange, and it’s so sad too. Does he know B: Well his kids are adults now. They said that it’s
what happened to him? hard to visit him. He enjoys their company when
B: Kind of. He knows that he was sick, but to him they visit, but he can’t actually remember who
—since his memory pretty much erases every seven they are. And, of course, he doesn’t remember that
seconds—every moment feels like his first moment they ever came. So in a way, it doesn’t matter much
following the illness. So, like, he wakes up in the whether or not they do visit.
morning and is excited to be alive. He writes in his A: Wow. What does he do all day?
journal: “7:30, I’m awake for the first time.” Then
B: Well, he doesn’t read books because he has trouble
a few minutes later, he has forgotten his previous
remembering the sentence before. It’s the same with
waking and now has a new feeling of being awake.
television programs or movies. He can’t follow a story
So he crosses out the earlier sentence and writes
line. But he does like to watch sports since he can enjoy
something like, “7:38, hooray! I’m really awake now.”
it without remembering the previous events.
And then he’ll cross that out and write, “7:45, now is
when I’m truly awake.” And over and over. One other really interesting thing. He was a
brilliant musician before he got sick. Amazingly,
In this program, he saw the cameraman and the
after the encephalitis destroyed his memory, he
producer and said, “You’re the first people I’ve seen
still had his musical skills. For some reason, he can
in 20 years.” And then his wife came in and he was
still play the piano. He spends a lot of his day at
excited because he thought he hadn’t seen her in
the piano. It’s actually music that gives him a lot of
20 years either. They hugged and kissed as if it was
comfort and satisfaction in his life.
a 20 year reunion. But really, she’d been there just a
few minutes before. A: That’s an amazing story! I hope I can see the
program sometime.

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Chapter 5
A = Professor Although it was unusual for young women in
B = Daniel the 1920s to travel alone, Margaret convinced her
professor, Frank Boas, to let her study cultures
A: Thank you. That was a very interesting presentation
in the south Pacific islands of Pago Pago, Samoa,
on Louis Leakey. Just give your report to me at the
and Papua New Guinea. During her trips to these
end of class. Okay, Daniel Acosta will be giving
islands, she observed everything. She learned
our final presentation of the day. Who will you be
the language, took notes, and interviewed many
presenting on?
people. This way of studying and describing a
B: I’d like to present the famous anthropologist, culture is called “ethnography.”
Margaret Mead, to our class.
Margaret Mead found the Samoan culture
A: Excellent! Take it away! particularly interesting. She studied girls in Samoa,
B: Margaret Mead is well-known as one of the world’s and learned that the girls there had a less stressful
most famous anthropologists. She brought cultural life than American girls. In many ways, the Samoan
anthropology to the American public. She helped girls had more freedom. She found that becoming
us to understand the importance of culture and I a woman was different in Samoa than in the U.S.
think she’s truly worth learning about. because the cultures had different ideas about what
girls and women should be like. She found that
Margaret Mead was born in 1901 in Philadelphia, culture affects and changes our personalities. Mead
and she was the child of well-educated parents. published a book in 1928 entitled Coming of Age
Margaret didn’t attend elementary school but was in Samoa. Usually ethnographies like this are only
educated at home. For instance, her mother and read by other anthropologists, but Mead’s book
grandmother would ask her to observe nature to was a bestseller. She became very popular after this
learn about science or to record the behavior of book was published.
her sisters to learn about psychology. This early
education set her on a path towards the social Mead became a professor of anthropology, and
sciences. Later, she entered Barnard College and she also worked for many years in the American
began studying psychology. She earned her PhD in Museum of Natural History in New York City. She
anthropology from Columbia University in 1929. At was the head of several important anthropology
Columbia University, Margaret met Frank Boas and and science organizations, and she published over
Ruth Benedict, two very famous anthropologists. Dr. 20 books. She was very popular in her time and is
Boas and Dr. Benedict saw that Margaret was very still well-known as an important anthropologist.
intelligent and interested in anthropology, and they After she died in 1978, President Carter awarded
encouraged her to become an anthropologist too. her the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

During the early 1900s, there was an American and One thing that makes me really like Margaret
European idea that Western civilization was better Mead is that she was very progressive. She was in
than other civilizations. Many western people favor of freedom and tolerance of all people. She
believed that American or European culture was supported civil rights and believed that humans
advanced and that other cultures were very basic, could do really good things if they work together.
primitive, and immature. The other cultures weren’t She thought that ideas of racism or war were
valued or respected by westerners. Margaret Mead cultural and that people could learn better ways to
did not feel this way; she was a cultural relativist. live. Most importantly, she strongly believed that
That is, she believed that anthropology should be modern Americans could learn from other cultures.
scientific, and that anthropologists should observe In 1928 she wrote, “As the traveler who has once
cultures neutrally. That means anthropologists been from home is wiser than he who has never
should study other people and other cultures left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other
without judgment, without the idea that they culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize
weren’t as good as western culture. She believed more steadily, to appreciate lovingly, our own.”
that all cultures were valuable. Thank you.

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Chapter 6
A = Financial Advisor about 4 percent. It’s always changing though. I’ve seen
B = Stacey Lloyd it as low as 1 percent and as high as 8 percent. CDs are
not very exciting, but they’re a good, safe place to keep
A: Good afternoon! How can I help you?
your money.You invest in CDs for a certain amount of
B: Hi. My name is Stacey Lloyd, I’ve been a member time—6 months, a year, two years. The problem is that
of this bank for about five years. I’m interested in you can’t take your money out until the time is done.
opening an investment account here, but I don’t
B: So I can’t write checks from it. What if I need the
know much about investing.
money sooner?
A: Okay, well I’m the right person to come to. I’m a
A: No, if you want an account where you can easily
financial advisor and I help people start investing
get to your money and use it, I’d suggest a money
in stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds…
market checking account. That’s an investment
B: I don’t even know what half those things are! account that you can use like a checking account.
A: That’s okay. That’s what I’m here for. Tell me a little The problem is that the rate isn’t usually as high.
bit about your goals. Then I can tell you about some Right now, it’s around 1 or 2 percent.
of the options. B: OK. What else is there that is safe, but earns well?
B: Well, I just got a raise and I want to start saving A: Good question. You could also consider a U.S.
some money. I want a better place to keep my Treasury bill, or note. Those are investments you
money than my savings account. make in the U.S. Treasury. Some can have pretty good
A: OK. So you already know that your money in your interest rates. And again, you need to be able to leave
savings account doesn’t earn you very much interest. your money there for a length of time, just like a CD.
It’s very safe, but it’s not a good place to grow your B: What about stocks? I heard you can earn a lot of
money. What are you saving your money for? money fast with stocks.
B: Well, I know it’s a long way off, but I’d like to buy a A: Well, it’s possible, but you can also lose a lot of
house one day—maybe in five or ten years. money fast. Stocks are a great choice when you want
A: Okay! Now’s actually a very good time to begin to invest for a longer time. But if you hope to buy
saving for a big expense like a house. Before we a house in a few years, you really need something
talk about that, do you have any debt—credit cards safer. The stock market can be a big risk—you could
or loans? Money that you owe? win or you could lose very quickly. However, you
could definitely consider investing in some stocks or
B: Yeah, I used to spend a lot of money with my credit mutual funds as part of a retirement account.
card. I’m still working on paying it off.
B: Retirement! I’m only 25 years old. I’m too young to
A: That might be the best place to start, then. Almost think about that.
always, people with credit card debt should pay it
off before investing their money in other ways. The A: Well, you’re not actually. If you want to retire with
interest, that’s the amount of money you pay your a good income, now is the perfect time to get a
credit card company for the use of their money, is retirement account started. Some people like to have a
very high—often 10 or even 20 percent. You really part of their paycheck directly put into their retirement
can’t invest your money in stocks or bonds and expect account so they don’t have to worry about it.
to do better than just paying off your credit card. B: Okay. That’s good to know. So, you recommend I
B: Really? I never thought about it like that. But that pay off my credit card debt first, and then invest in
makes sense. a CD, and maybe get a retirement account started?

A: After you pay off your credit card debt, look for A: Right. I know there’s a lot to think about, but you
accounts that will keep your money safe while it grows. don’t need to make a decision today. I’m here every
If you are planning to use the money in less than 5 day if you have any other questions or if you want to
years, I recommend a Certificate of Deposit—a CD. get started on any of the investments I’ve suggested.
You can get a CD at any bank. Right now you’ll earn B: Excellent. I’ll do that. Thank you so much!
A: No problem. It was pleasure talking to you.

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Chapter 7
A = Reporter, B = Doctor, C = Jerome A: Is that unusual for a bright student like him?
A: Tonight’s topic—stress in the schoolyard. America’s B: Unfortunately, no. When a young person has a lot of
teenagers are getting unhealthy, and not from fast stress from many different sources—school, sports,
food, but from a fast pace of life. We investigate parents, friends—he can easily get depressed.
why. I’m standing outside the Benjamin Franklin
A: Why is that?
High School in downtown Philadelphia. Franklin
High is a good school. The students here work hard, B: At this age, it’s difficult for most teenagers to
get good grades, and go on to good colleges and set priorities—that is, they don’t always know
universities. But behind the success lies a growing what’s important and what’s less important. So,
problem. Here’s Dr. Jane Carson of Philadelphia sometimes, everything in their lives becomes really
Children’s Hospital. important. You know, the brain has limits, too. If
you’re thinking about too many things, you can’t
B: I see a lot of patients from Franklin High, and
concentrate on immediate needs.
I believe that high school can be an unhealthy
environment for teenagers. A: So, that was Jerome’s problem. His chronic stress
made him unable to do his schoolwork. And
A: Really? Are you talking about weight problems or
because his grades were low, he couldn’t play on
lack of exercise?
the basketball team. And because of that, he didn’t
B: Sometimes. But the biggest danger is stress. see his friends on the team as much.
A: I see. B: That’s exactly right.
B: Stress is everywhere in high schools—in the A: But, how common is this problem, Dr. Carson? Does
classroom, on the sports field, and in the it only exist at top high schools and in top students?
schoolyard. And it’s having a seriously detrimental
B: No, not at all. I was at a conference last month
effect on the health of our children.
with doctors from all round the U.S. and Canada—
A: I’d like you to meet Jerome. He’s 17 years old and Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Toronto. Everyone
he’s a student at Franklin High. Jerome was a had similar stories about stressed and depressed
straight-A student. He played basketball, and had teenagers. This is more than just a local problem, and
lots of friends. Then, last year, everything changed. it’s affecting students from all different backgrounds.
Jerome, would you tell us what was going on?
A: So, what’s the solution?
C: I was just really stressed at school. The classes
B: There’s no easy cure for depression! But, I believe
were really hard, and my parents and teachers
that we need to change the social environment
were always talking about choosing a college. And
first. So, I talk to the parents and encourage them
I knew that if my grades went down, I wouldn’t be
to put less pressure on their child. It’s good to
able to get into a good university.
ask about grades, but not to emphasize them
A: So, what happened? too much. I talk to teachers and coaches to help
them understand their students. If they know that
C: Well, the stress was really bad. I couldn’t
a student is depressed, they can help a lot. For
concentrate anymore because I was always so
example, a teacher can give a little more time for
worried about the future. I started getting Ds and
an assignment. Finally, I encourage the student
Fs in my classes. And that meant I was dropped
to schedule some time for relaxation—to listen to
from the basketball team. I loved basketball.
music, or go to the movies, or just talk with friends.
Playing sports helped reduce my stress! So, the
situation just got worse. A: Back here at Franklin High, Jerome is feeling better,
thanks to Dr. Carson’s help. Jerome’s story has a
A: So bad, in fact, that Jerome’s parents took him to
happy ending. He’s applying to colleges, and his
see a doctor. Dr. Carson, what did you think about
parents, teachers, and friends are supporting him, not
Jerome when you first met him?
pressuring him. But the problem of stress isn’t going
B: When I first saw Jerome, he was depressed. away. For more information on stress and our young
people, visit our Website at…

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Chapter 8
A = Susan had a stronger community. Everyone went to the
B = Adam Independence Day parade, and it was so much
C = Helen fun! When I was a teenager, I volunteered at the
parade—I collected money for local charities.
A: Adam! Come and sit with us!
B: The world’s a bigger place now, Helen. look at the
B: Hey, Susan. Hi, Helen. What’s going on?
modern world—the Internet, international airline
C: Not much. We were talking about the local travel, 24-hour news channels. The local community
elections today. You know, the elections for the city isn’t just your small town anymore. Who cares about
council. I just came back from the voting station, a dumb Independence Day Parade when there are
and Susan here is still deciding who to vote for. Did wars and famines? I vote in the general election
you vote yet, Adam? because the president has power in the international
B: I didn’t know there were any elections today. scene. The city council can’t do anything important.
Anyway, I don’t think I’m going to vote. I don’t They’re only interested in silly parades.
usually vote in local elections. I don’t know what C: I’m not saying the international scene isn’t
I’m voting for! I don’t know the people or the important, Adam. Come on—you know I’m
issues. I mean, who cares about the city council? I majoring in international relations. But I believe
don’t even know what they do. that the global community starts with local
C: Well, I have to disagree with you, Adam. I think it’s communities. And you have to vote to have a voice
important to vote in every election. in your local community. I know the world has
changed since I was a kid, but what worries me
B: Yeah, well, I vote in some elections. I voted for the is that you young people aren’t trying to improve
president, but this is just a local election. It’s not the community. You can’t just say that local politics
important. What do you think, Susan? Do you think aren’t important any more.
local elections really matter?
B: And you think that voting today will make the
A: Well, I agree with you to a point, Adam. A local world a better place, Helen?
election is less important than the general
election—we’re not choosing a president—but it’s C: Yes, I do.
the idea of voting that’s important to me. You know A: Well, I do too. I’m going to vote, and I won’t vote
women couldn’t vote at all a century ago. I feel I for canceling the parade. Adam, want to come with
have to vote. I have to use my right. me to the voting station?
C: Exactly, Susan. But I think you’re both wrong B: Nope. I still say it’s a waste of time, and besides, I
about local elections—they are important. The city have class now.
council has a lot of control over this city. They make
C: What class are you going to?
decisions that can affect all of us. For example,
do you know that one of the candidates wants to B: Social studies…
cancel the Independence Day parade this year?
A: Really? That’s terrible.
B: I thought you hated parades.
A: Yeah, I do. But it’s a tradition. You can’t just cancel
the Independence Day parade!
B: I don’t see why not. Nobody goes to it anyway.
C: That’s exactly the problem, Adam—and you
too, Susan. People in your generation just aren’t
involved in the community. That’s why you’re not
interested in voting in the local elections. When
I was a girl, I grew up in a small town, and we

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Chapter 9
A = Lynne A: One million?!
B = Nathan
B: That’s right. It’s an amazing place. I visited a few
A: Welcome back to Round the World. It’s been small towns and villages, and the people were very
raining here on the East Coast all week, and I’d love friendly.
to get away to somewhere warm and dry. And, well,
A: How do they survive without water?
my next guest happens to have just returned from
the driest place on earth. Nathan Simms, welcome B: Well, they do have some water. There are some
to Round the World. water sources, and water trucks bring in more water
from outside the region. And, of course, the people
B: Thanks, Lynne. It’s good to be here. And believe
in the Atacama have become really good at saving
me—I’ve been enjoying the rain this week!
water, because there isn’t much of it around. They’ve
A: I’m sure! So, tell me, Nathan—where is the driest even learned a way to make water out of fog.
place in the world? Africa? Siberia?
A: Water out of fog? How is that done?
B: No and no. I’ll give you another guess.
B: Well, it’s very clever! Think about a fishing net—
A: Well, it has to be a desert, right—a hot, dry place you know, to catch fish? But a very fine net with
with very little rain. So, where is the driest desert? very small holes between the threads. Well, they
put up very large nets and when the fog touches
B: Well, Lynne, the driest place in the world is in
the nets, water forms. The people then collect the
South America. The country of Chile, in fact.
water. They can do this every morning near the
A: Really? Is there a desert in Chile? coast because there’s almost always morning fog.
B: Yes, there is. It’s called the Atacama Desert. It’s in A: Is that a Chilean invention? A traditional skill?
the north of Chile and stretches between the coast
B: No, actually, the idea came from Canada. The
and the Andes Mountains.
Canadian government gave money to set up the
A: The Atacama? That’s probably new to most of our first fog catching project in the 1990s.
listeners. Could you spell it for us?
A: That’s an amazing idea—simple, but effective.
B: Certainly. It’s A-T-A-C-A-M-A. Atacama.
B: Absolutely. They use the water for growing plants,
A: So, how dry is the driest place on earth? for washing clothes, and even for taking showers.
B: Well, Lynne, it almost never rains there. Officially, A: They must have to collect a lot of water.
the driest place is the very center of the desert. At
B: Well, in one village, the fog-catchers produce 10,000
the center of the desert, there are a few millimeters
liters of water a day.
of rain per decade—that is, a few drops of rain
every 10 years! A: How much?!
A: How interesting! Is it possible for anyone to live there? B: 10,000 liters.
B: Oh no. In fact, almost nothing lives there—no A: Wow. That’s a lot of water.
plants, no animals, no people. Maybe there are
B: Not really. According to the United Nations, the
some really tiny living creatures in the soil, but
minimum amount of water a person needs is 50
scientists haven’t found any yet. In fact, I didn’t
liters a day. That is, to live comfortably, you need
actually go to the very center of the desert. It’s very
access to about 50 liters of water. So, those 10,000
difficult to reach, and the temperatures make it
liters can only support 200 people.
very dangerous.
A: Well, Nathan, thanks so much for joining us to
A: So where do people live in the Atacama Desert?
share this fascinating story. Next week…
B: Well, remember that the Atacama Desert reaches to
the sea. There are towns along the coast and about
one million people live in them.

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Chapter 10
A = Narrator, B = Dr. Higgins, C = Dr. Rooks from the same place, and that the Hawaiian people
came from another Polynesian island. We don’t
A: Today, the islands of Hawaii are a popular tourist
know exactly where, but one idea is that they came
destination. Visitors from the United States,
from Tahiti. Of course, there’s only one problem
Europe, and all over the world come here for the
with that theory: Tahiti is 2000 miles from Hawaii,
beautiful weather, the perfect beaches, and the
by sea!
fascinating culture. Americans come to Hawaii for
honeymoons and exotic destinations. But many A: The story of the settlement of Hawaii is truly
people forget that Hawaii is part of the United remarkable. According to some experts, the
States. It became the 50th state in 1959. first immigrants to Hawaii from Tahiti and other
islands arrived around the year 400. That’s 1300
However, Hawaii doesn’t look or feel like part of
years before the first known European contact
the United States. The people, language, stories,
with Hawaii. Those first Polynesian fisherman and
and culture of Hawaii reveal a mysterious history of
explorers built canoes—simple boats—with the
immigration and settlement. We’ll investigate this
most basic materials. To find out more about these
history tonight.
people, we spoke with John Rooks, the director of
The first stop on our trip is at the University the Hawaiian History Museum.
of Hawaii. Dr. Emily Higgins is an expert on
C: The Polynesians probably built their boats from tree
immigration to Hawaii. So, Dr. Higgins, who are the
trunks. We think that they would chop down a tree
native people of these islands?
and then cut a canoe from the center of the tree. Then,
B: The one thing we know about native Hawaiians is they used coconut fibers and tree sap to fill holes.
that they’re not really native to Hawaii. They came The brilliant part of the construction was the idea to
from somewhere else. tie two trees together to form a double canoe—again,
A: Where did they come from? with wood and coconuts. This made the boats more
stable so that they could travel these huge distances.
B: That’s an interesting question. The first European to
find Hawaii was the famous English explorer, Captain A: But how did these earlier migrants navigate? How did
James Cook. He arrived in Hawaii in 1778, and he they find their way to Hawaii without getting lost?
noticed that the native people were similar to other C: These explorers had amazing knowledge of
people he’d seen in the other islands of Polynesia. navigation. They used the sun, the stars, and the
A: And Polynesia refers to a number of islands in the winds. They memorized distances and directions.
South Pacific Ocean. They sailed across thousands of miles of empty sea.
It’s an amazing achievement.
B: Right, including the islands of Hawaii, as well as
New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, and the Cook A: There is another source of information about the first
Islands… which were named after Captain Cook. people of Hawaii: the stories, myths, and legends
of the Hawaiian people themselves. According to
A: So, what do Hawaiians have in common with other Hawaiian tradition, the father of the Hawaiian Islands
Polynesians? was a man called Hawai’i Loa. He was born on an
B: Well, one way to find the origins of an immigrant island far from what we now know as Hawaii. But
group is to look at their language. Languages exist in Hawai’i Loa was a famous fisherman, and he traveled
families—just like people. So, if you find two languages far across the sea. One day, he discovered an island
that are related—brother and sister, for example—you with many trees, fruits, and vegetables. He gave the
can guess that they have the same parent. island his name—Hawaii—and brought his wife and
children to live with him. To this day some of the
Although most Hawaiians today speak English,
other islands in the Hawaiian group of islands carry
there is a native Hawaiian language. Cook noticed,
the names of Hawai’i Loa’s family members.
and modern linguists have confirmed, that the
Hawaiian language is related to other Polynesian Coming up on Mass Migrations, we’ll look at some
languages. This suggests that the languages come research that may lead to new theories of how the
Hawaiian Islands were populated.

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Chapter 11
A = Museum Docent, B = Visitor 1, C = Visitor 2 A: No, actually they didn’t. The BBC was… and still
is… in the business of making television and radio
A: OK, everyone, if you’d like to come over here to
programs, not computers. So they wanted to find a
our next exhibit. OK, so we’re continuing to learn
computer company that could make the computer
about the history of the home computer. Now, does
and put the BBC’s name on it. In Cambridge,
anyone recognize this amazing machine? No? Well,
England—home to the famous, old university—a
anyone who grew up in Britain in the 1980s would
small company called Acorn heard about the project.
immediately recognize this. It’s the famous BBC
It just so happened that Acorn was already making
Microcomputer. You’ve all heard of the BBC, right?
its first computer, but it wasn’t quite finished yet.
B: Of course, it’s the television company in England. The Acorn employees worked through the night and
A: Right, the British Broadcasting Corporation, or BBC finished that first computer. It was called the Proton.
is Britain’s national, state-run television and radio They showed their brand new creation to the BBC
network. and won the contract. It’s really an amazing story of a
small company beating all the bigger corporations.
C: So why did a TV station make a computer?
The first BBC computer—they called it the model
A: That’s a really interesting story. It starts in the A—came out in 1981, and the model B came out not
early 1980s. BBC television showed a program too long afterward. And that’s the computer you
called “The Mighty Micro” in which a professor, can see here—the BBC Model B Microcomputer.
his name was Dr. Christopher Evans, he predicted
the importance of the microcomputer—what The computer was an immediate success, mainly
we today just call the computer or the personal because schools in Britain bought many of them to
computer. Now, you have to remember that in 1980, teach computer skills to students.
there were no computers in homes, in schools, B: Excuse me, what could you do with a computer like
in libraries. Computers were big and expensive, this? I mean, what was it capable of?
so they still weren’t something that a family or
A: Well, the Beeb—that’s the nickname for the BBC
a student would go out and buy. But Dr. Evans
Model B Microcomputer—was an amazing computer
made a prediction—a guess about the future. He
for its time. You could write programs, draw pictures
predicted that computers were going to get smaller.
in 8 colors, write music. The computer could even
Technology was making it possible to build a whole
speak words in English! And you could play games.
computer in a box that could fit on your desk.
Today you would find them very simple, but they
That’s why the first home computers were called
were pretty cool in the early 80s.
“microcomputers”—“micro” meaning “small.”
There was also a lot of educational software—
OK, so Evans argued that the microcomputer was
programs that taught children English, math,
going to change everything, and that Britain’s
science, and history. Math teachers loved the BBC
children needed to learn how to use a computer in
Buggy—a robot that you could control using a
order to be prepared for the future.
BBC computer. And of course you could use the
Now, it just so happened that a lot of important computer for word-processing. It was really new for
people watched that program, and Evan’s predictions most kids to type their essays and then print them.
caught the attention of many people in Britain. In fact, It was very exciting.
even the British Parliament—the government—ended
B: Was the BBC computer used in elementary schools?
up discussing the program and Evan’s predictions.
A: Eventually, yes, but not at first. I have British
So the BBC decided to start a new project: to
friends who first used this computer when they
build a computer that was affordable, but that had
were in middle or high school.
lots of functions—text, graphics, sound, music,
programming, even artificial intelligence. The BBC Things have certainly changed, right? I mean
planned to sell its microcomputer to homes and nowadays some children are using computers even
especially schools around the country. before they go to elementary school!
C: So the BBC made the actual computer? Ok, any more questions before we move on to the
next exhibit?

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Chapter 12
A = Attorney B: Exactly. Here we are several months later, and it
B = Mr. Brenton turns out that water is leaking through the bathroom
floor and into our kitchen directly downstairs.
A: Good afternoon, Mr. Brenton. Welcome to our offices.
I’m glad you could come in and talk in person. A: Not good.
B: How are you? Yeah, I took the morning off to come B: Yeah, it looks like we have serious water damage
in and speak with you. now in our bathroom floor and in our kitchen
ceiling. I mean, part of the ceiling looks like it’s
A: Good. So I read the email you sent me, but maybe
going to drop any second.
we should just review the situation. Why don’t you
tell me what’s going on. A: OK. Let me ask you a few questions. Did you or
your wife sign a contract with this company…
B: Sure. Here’s the situation. Around ten months ago,
before they started working? I mean, did you sign a
we—my wife and I—we hired a company… a small
written agreement with them?
construction company to remodel our bathroom.
You know, they put in a new floor, new walls, a new B: Yes, we did. I have it here, with me.
shower. Basically, they made our old bathroom look
A: Good, and did you pay them already, in full for the
brand new.
remodeling work.
A: OK.
B: Yeah. We paid them as soon as it looked like the
B: So, we were happy with the work, at first. But once work was done, before we found out about the leak.
our family started using the shower, we noticed
A: OK. And did they give you a receipt for the payment.
that it was leaking water. Water was coming out
onto the floor. B: Yes, they did. I have that here too.

A: So did you call the company back in to repair it? A: Alright, now I’m assuming that you don’t want this
same company to come back in and try to fix the
B: Sure. Of course. They came back in and fixed it… or
problem again.
so we thought. They did some work on it, but it still
continued to leak. So… B: No way. I mean, we’ve given them plenty of
chances to fix it already, and they couldn’t do it.
A: One second. What’s the name of this construction
We’d like to get someone else in to fix it. But I don’t
think I should have to pay for that. I mean, we paid
B: Advanced Builders. Advanced Builders, this company to do the work to begin with.
Incorporated. The owner is a man by the name of
A: Right. Here’s the process we need to follow. First
Steven Collins.
of all, Advanced Builders is responsible for the
A: OK. Sorry to interrupt you. Go on. So what did you problem. They’re liable. And you’re right—you
do at that point? shouldn’t have to pay for the repairs.
B: Well, we called these guys back in. In fact, we went The first thing you need to do is call another
through this three times. They’d come back in, work construction company. Call someone else and ask
on the bathroom, and we thought it was fine. But him to inspect the damage in your bathroom and
then a couple of days later the problem would start have him give you an estimate for the work—a
again. Water all over the bathroom floor. written statement of how much the job will cost.
How much he would charge you to make the
A: Hm.
repairs. And please fax that estimate to me.
B: Finally, the last time they came, they really seemed
Once I receive it, I’ll write a letter to Mr. Collins, the
to have fixed it. I mean, it seemed like the problem
owner of Advanced Builders, explaining that you
was gone. And we were thrilled.
plan to have your bathroom repaired, it will cost this
A: But let me guess: you weren’t thrilled for very long. much, and you expect him—Mr. Collins—to pay for
it. OK? So just make sure you leave his address with
me. I’ll send you a copy of the letter as well.
continues on next page

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Now, if Mr. Collins agrees to pay for the repairs,
then it’s all very simple. We’ll receive a check from
him, and you can hire someone to do the work.
But if Collins refuses to pay the estimated amount
for the repairs, then you’ll have to go to court.
B: Oh great. The last thing I want to do is go to court. I
just want the problem fixed.
A: I understand that. And I’m hoping to avoid court
altogether. But it all depends on their response. For
now, get me the information I need, and I’ll write
the letter.
B: Alright. I’ll do that. Thanks very much.
A: No problem, Mr. Brenton. We’ll get this all worked

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