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Dynamics of machinery: Two Marks – Question & Answer.


1. What do you mean by inertia?

The property of matter offering resistance to any change of its state of rest or of uniform motion in a
straight line is known as inertia.

2. Define inertia force?

The inertia force is an imaginary force, which when acts upon a rigid body, brings it in an equilibrium

Inertia force = - Acceleration force = - m. a

3. State D’ Alembert’s principle?

D’ Alembert’s principle states that the inertia forces and torques, and the external forces and torques
acting on a body together result in statically equilibrium.

4. State the principle of superposition?

The principle of superposition states that for linear systems the individual responses to several
disturbances or driving functions can be superposed on each other to obtain the total response of the

5. Define: piston effort?

Piston effort is defined as the net or effective force applied on the piston, along the line of stroke. It is
also known as effective driving force (or) net load on the gudgeon pin.

6. Define crank effort and crank-pin effort?

* Crank effort is the net effort (force) applied at the crank pin perpendicular to the crank, which gives
the required turning moment on the crankshaft.

* The component of force acting along the connecting rod (F Q) perpendicular to the crank is known as
crank-pin effort.

7. What do you mean by correction couple or error in torque?

The error in torque (TC) is given by

TC = ml1 (l − L)

This couple must be applied, when the masses are placed arbitrarily to make the system dynamically

8. What is meant by turning moment diagram or crank effort diagram?

* It is the graphical representation of the turning moment or crank effort for various position of the

* In turning moment diagram, the turning moment is taken as the ordinate (Y-axis) and crank angle as
abscissa (X-axis).
9. Define inertia torque?

The inertia torque is an imaginary torque, which when applied upon the rigid body, brings it in
equilibrium position. It is equal to the acceleration couple in magnitude but opposite in direction.

10. Explain the term maximum fluctuation of energy in flywheel?

The different between the maximum and the minimum energies is known as maximum fluctuation of

∆E = Maximum energy – Minimum energy

11. Define coefficient of fluctuation of energy.

It is the ratio of maximum fluctuation of energy to the work done per cycle.

Maximum fluctuation of energy(∆E)

CE =
Workdone per cycle

12. What is meant by maximum fluctuation of speed?

The difference between the maximum and minimum speeds during a cycle is called maximum
fluctuation of speed.

13. Define coefficient of fluctuation of speed?

The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed is called the coefficient of
fluctuation of speed (CS).

N1 − N 2 2( N1 − N 2 )
CS = =
N ( N1 + N 2 )

Where N1 = Maximum speed

N2 = Minimum speed, and

N1 + N 2
N = Mean speed =

14. Define coefficient of steadiness?

The reciprocal of the coefficient of fluctuation of speed is known as coefficient of steadiness (m)

1 N
m= =
CS N1 − N 2

15. List out few machines in which fly wheel is used?

Fly wheel is used in:

a) Punching machines, b) Shearing machines,

c) Rivetting machines, and d) Crushing machines.

16. Why flywheels are needed in forging and pressing operations?

In both forging and pressing operations, flywheels are required to control the variations in speed
during each cycle of an engine.

17. What is cam dynamics?

Cam dynamics is the study of cam follower system with considering the dynamic forces and torques
developed in it.

18. Define unbalance and spring surge?

Unbalance: A disc cam produces unbalance because its mass is not symmetrical with the axis of

Spring surge: Spring surge means vibration of the retaining spring.

19. Define windup. What is the remedy for camshaft windup?

* Twisting effect produced in the camshaft during the raise of heavy load follower is called as windup

* Camshaft windup can be prevented to a large extend by mounting the flywheel as close as possible
to the cam.

20. What are the effect and causes of windup?

The effect of wind up will produce follower jump or float or impact.

Causes of wind up are:

• When heavy loads are moved by the follower,

• When the follower moves at high speed, and
• When the shaft is flexible.

21. Write the importance of balancing?

If the moving part of a machine are not balanced completely then the inertia forces are set up which
may cause excessive noise, vibration, wear and tear of the system. So balancing of machine is

22. Why rotating masses are to be dynamically balanced?

If the rotating masses are not dynamically balanced, the unbalanced dynamic forces will cause worse
effects such as wear and tear on bearings and excessive vibrations on machines. It is very common in
cam shafts, steam turbine rotors, engine crank shafts, and centrifugal pumps, etc.

23. Unbalanced effects of shafts in high speed machines are to be closely looked into – Why?

The dynamic forces of centrifugal forces or a result of unbalanced masses are a function the angular
velocity of rotation.

i.e., FC = m 2 r
2 N
 =

24. Write different types of balancing?

a) Balancing of rotating masses

• Static balancing
• Dynamic balancing

b) Balancing of reciprocating masses.

25. State the conditions for complete balance of several masses revolving in different planes of a shaft?

(a) The resultant centrifugal force must be zero, and

(b) The resultant couple must be zero.

26. Whether grinding wheels are balanced or not? If so why?

Yes, the grinding wheels are properly balanced by inserting some low density materials. If not the
required surface finish won’t be attained and the vibration will cause much noise.

27. Whether your watch needles are properly balanced or not?

Yes, my watch needles are properly balanced by providing some extra projection (mass) in the
opposite direction.

28. Why is only a part of the unbalanced force due to reciprocating masses balanced by revolving mass? (Or)

Why complete balancing is not possible in reciprocating engine?

Balancing of reciprocating masses is done by introducing the balancing mass opposite to the crank.
The vertical component of the dynamic force of this balancing mass gives rise to “Hammer blow”. In
order to reduce the Hammer blow, a part of the reciprocating mass is balanced. Hence complete
balancing is not possible in reciprocating engines.

29. Can a single cylinder engine be fully balanced? Why?

• No. A single cylinder engine cannot be fully balanced.

cos 2
• Because the unbalanced forces due to reciprocating masses (i.e., m 2 r cos  & m 2 r )
remains constant in direction but varies in magnitude.

30. Differentiate between the unbalanced force caused due to rotating and reciprocating masses?

• Complete balancing of revolving mass can be possible. But fraction of reciprocating mass only
• The unbalanced force due to reciprocating mass varies in magnitude but constant in direction. But
in the case of revolving masses, the unbalanced force is constant in magnitude but varies in

31. Why are the cranks of a locomotive, with two cylinders, placed 90° to each other?
In order to facilitate the starting of locomotive in any position (i.e., in order to have uniformity in
turning moment) the cranks of a locomotive are generally at 90° to one another.

32. List the effects of partial balancing of locomotives?

• Variation in tractive force along the line of stroke,

• Swaying couple, and
• Hammer blow

33. Define tractive force?

The resultant unbalanced force due to the two cylinders along the line of stroke, is known as tractive

34. Define swaying couple?

The unbalanced force acting at a distance between the line of stroke of two cylinders, constitute a
couple in the horizontal direction. The couple is known as swaying couple.

35. The swaying couple is maximum or minimum when the angle of inclination of the crank to the line of
stroke (Ө) is equal to ………. And ………….?

Ans : 45° and 225°

36. Define hammer blow with respect to locomotives?

The maximum magnitude of the unbalanced force along the perpendicular to the line of stroke is
known as hammer blow.

37. What are the effects of hammer blow and swaying couple?

• The effect of hammer blow is to cause the variation in pressure between the wheel and the rail,
such that vehicle vibrates vigorously.
• The effect of swaying couple is to make the leading wheels sway from side to side.

38. What are the condition to be satisfied for complete balance of in- line engine?

• The algebraic sum of the primary and secondary forces must be zero, and
• The algebraic sum of the couples due to primary and secondary forces must be zero.

39. Why radial engines are preferred?

In radial engines the connecting rods are connected to a common crank and hence the plane of
rotation of the various cranks is same, therefore there are no unbalanced primary or secondary
couples. Hence radial engines are preferred.

40. What are different types of balancing machines?

• Static balancing machines,

• Dynamic balancing machines, and
• Universal balancing machines.
41. What are the different types of vibrations?

• Free vibrations,
• Forced vibrations, and
• Damped vibration

42. State different methods of finding natural frequency of a system?

• Equilibrium (or Newton’s ) method,

• Energy method, and
• Rayleigh method.

43. What is meant by free vibration and forced vibrations?

Free or natural vibrations: When no external force acts on the body, after giving it an initial
displacement, then the body is said to be under free or natural vibrations.

Forced vibrations: When the body vibrates under the influence of external force, then the body is said
to be under forced vibrations.

44. What do you mean by damping and damped vibration?

Damping: The resistance against the vibration is called damping.

Damped vibration: When there is a reduction in amplitude over every cycle of vibration, then the
motion is said to be damped vibration.

45. Define resonance?

When the frequency of external force is equal to the natural frequency of a vibrating body, the
amplitude of vibration becomes excessively large. This phenomenon is known as resonance.

46. What are the various types of damping?

(a) Viscous damping (b) coulomb or dry friction damping

(c) Solid or structural damping, and (d) slip or interfacial damping.

47. What is the limit beyond which damping is detrimental and why?

When damping factor  > 1, the aperiodic motion is resulted. That is, aperiodic motion means the
system cannot vibrate due to over damping. Once the system is disturbed, it will take infinite time to
come back to equilibrium position.

48. When do you say a vibration system in under-damped?

The equation of motion of a free damped vibration is given by

d 2 x c dx s
+ + x=0
dt 2 m dt m
s  c 
If >  , then radical becomes negative. The two roots k1 and k2are known as complex
m  2m 
conjugate. Then the vibration system is known as under-damping.

49. What is meant by critical damping?

The system is said to be critically damped when the damping factor Ϛ = 1. If the system is critically
damped, the mass moves back very quickly to its equilibrium position within no time.

50. Explain the Dunkerley’s method used in natural transverse vibration?

The natural frequency of transverse vibration for a shaft carrying a number of point loads and
uniformly distributed load is obtained by Dunkerley’s formula.

Dunkerley’s formula:

1 1 1 1 1
= + + + ............ +
( f n1 ) ( f n 2 ) ( f n3 ) ( f ns )
2 2 2 2 2

f n1 , f n 2 , f n 3 , etc. = Natural frequency of transverse vibration at each point loads, and

f ns = Natural frequency of transverse vibration of the UDL.

51. Define critical or whirling or whipping speed of a shaft?

The speed at which resonance occurs is called critical speed of the shaft. In other words, the speed at
which the shaft runs so that the additional deflection of the shaft from the axis of rotation becomes
infinite is known as critical speed.

52. What are the factors that affect the critical speed of a shaft?

The critical speed essentially depends on:

• The eccentricity of the C.G of the rotating masses from the axis of rotation of the shaft,
• Diameter of the disc,
• Span of the shaft, and
• Type of supports connections at its ends.

53. Critical speed of shaft is the same as the natural frequency of transverse vibration. Justify?

We know that critical or whirling speed, cr = n

s g
cr = n = = Hz
m 

If NC is the critical speed in rps, then

g 1 g 0.4985
2 N cr = ⇒ N cr = = rps
 2  

Hence proved.

54. What are the causes of critical speed? (Or) Why is critical speed encountered?

The critical speed may occur due to one or more of the following reasons:

• Eccentric mountings like gears, flywheels, pulleys, etc.,

• Bending of the shaft due to self-weight,
• Non-uniform distribution of rotor material, etc.

55. Define torsional vibration?

When the particles of a shaft or disc move in a circle about the axis of the shaft, then the vibrations
are known as torsional vibrations.

56. Differentiate between transverse and torsional vibration?

• In transverse vibrations, the particles of the shaft move approximately perpendicular to the axis of
the shaft. But in torsional vibrations, the particles of the shaft move in a circle about the axis of
the shaft.
• Due to transverse vibrations, tensile and compressive stresses are induced.
• Due to torsional vibrations, torsional shear stresses are induced in the shaft.

57. Define torsional equivalent shaft?

A shaft having diameter for different lengths can be theoretically replaced by an equivalent shaft of
uniform diameter such that they have the same total angle of twist when equal opposing torques are
applied at their ends. Such a theoretically replaced shaft is known as torsion ally equivalent shaft.

58. State natural frequency of torsional vibration of a simple system?

1 CJ
Natural frequency of torsional vibration, f n =
2 Il

Where C = Rigidity modulus of shaft,

I = Mass M.I. of rotor,

J = polar M.I of shaft, and

l = Length of node from rotor.

59. What are the conditions to be satisfied for an equivalent system to that of geared system in torsional

Two conditions are:

• The kinetic energy of the equivalent system must be equal to the kinetic energy of the original
• The strain energy of the equivalent system must be equal to the strain energy of the original

60. What is meant by degrees of freedom in a vibrating system?

The number of independent coordinates required to completely define the motion of a system is known as
degree of freedom of the system.


61. Define damping ratio or damping factor?

It is defined as the ratio of actual damping coefficient (c) to the critical damping coefficient (C C)

c c
Mathematically, Damping ratio,  = =
cc 2mn

62. Define logarithmic decrement?

Logarithmic decrement is defined as the natural logarithm of the amplitude reduction factor. The
amplitude reduction factor is the ratio of any two successive amplitudes on the same side of the mean

63. Give the equation for damping factor  and damped frequency ωd ?

c c
(i)Damping factor,  = =
cc 2mn

(ii) Damped frequency, d = f d = 1 −  2 × n

Where c = Damping coefficient,

CC = Critical damping coefficient, and

n = Natural or Undamped frequency.

64. What is meant by harmonic forcing?

The term harmonic refers to a spring-mass system with viscous damping, excited by a sinusoidal
harmonic force.

F = F0sinω t

65. What is the relationship between frequencies of undamped and damped vibrations?

 d 
f d  2  d
= = = 1−  2
f n  n  n
 
 2 

66. What is meant by dynamic magnifier or magnification factor? What are the factors on which it depend?
• It is the ratio of maximum displacement of the forced vibration (Xmax) to the deflection due to the
static force F (x0)

xmax 1 1
D= = =
(1 − r ) + ( 2 r )
2 2 2
   2   2 2
1 −    +  2 
  n    n 

It depends on: (i) the ratio of circular frequencies( ), and

(ii)the damping factor(  )

67. Define transmissibility?

When a machine is supported by a spring, the spring transmits the force applied on the machine to
the fixed support or foundation. This is called transmissibility.

68. Define transmissibility ratio or isolation factor?

The ratio of force transmitted (FT) to the force applied (F) is known astransmissibility ratio

1 + ( 2 r )
= T =
(1 − r ) + ( 2 r )
2 2 2

Where r = Frequency ratio = ( )

69. Briefly explain elastic suspension?

When machine components are suspended from elastic members, the vibrational force produced by
the machine components will not be transmitted to the foundation. This is called elastic suspension.

70. Specify any two industrial application where the transmissibility effects of vibration are important?

(a) All machine tools, and (b) All turbo machines.

71. What is vibration isolation?

The term vibration isolation refers to the prevention or minimisation of vibrations and their
transmission due to the unbalanced machines.

72. Specify the importance of vibration isolation?

When an unbalanced machine is installed on the foundation, it produces vibration in the foundation.
So, in order to prevent these vibrations or to minimize the transmission of forces to the foundation,
vibration isolation is important.

73. What are the methods of isolating the vibration?

• High speed engines/machines mounted on foundation and supports cause vibrations of excessive
amplitude because of the unbalanced forces. It can be minimized by providing “spring-damper” ,
• The materials used for vibration isolation are rubber, felt cork, etc. These are placed between the
foundation and vibrating body.

74. Give Examples of forced vibrations.

• Ringing of electrical bell

• The vibrations of air compressors, internal combustion engines, machine tools and various other

75. What are the types of external excitation?

• Periodic forces
• Impulsive forces and
• Random forces.

76. Give the governing equation of damped forced vibrations.

d 2 x c dx s F 
+ + x =  0  sin t
dt m dt m

77. What are isolating materials?

• Rubber
• Felt
• Cork
• Metallic Springs

78. Define vibration isolation.

The process of reducing the vibrations of machines and hence reducing the transmitted force to the
foundation using vibration isolating materials is called vibration isolation.

79. What are the types of isolation?

• Isolation of force
• Isolation of motion.

80. Define Amplitude Transmissibility.

Amplitude transmissibility is defined as the ratio of absolute amplitude of the mass ( xmax ) to the base
excitation amplitude(y).


81. What is the function of Governor?

The function of a governor is to maintain the speed of an engine within specified limits whenever
there is a variation of load. Governors control the throttle valve and hence the fuel supply to cater the
load variation on engines.

82. How governors are classified?

(a). Centrifugal governors.

• Pendulum type: Example: Watt governor.

• Gravity controlled type: Example: Porter and Proell governors.
• Spring controlled type: Example: Hartnell and Hartung governors.

(b). Inertia governors.

83. Differentiate between governor and flywheel?

SL. Governor Flywheel


1 The function of a governor is to regulate The function of a flywheel is to reduce the fluctuations
the mean speed of an engine, when there of speed caused by the engine turning moment during
are variations in the load. each cycle of operation.
2 It is provided or, prime movers such as It is provided on engine and fabricating machines viz.,
engines and turbines. rolling mills, punching machines, shear machines,
presses, etc.
3 It works intermittently, i.e., only when It works continuously from cycle to cycle.
there is change in load.
4 It has no influence over cyclic speed It has no influence on mean speed of the prime mover

84. What do you mean by governor effort?

The mean force acting on the sleeve for a given percentage change of speed for lift of the sleeve is
known as the governor effort.

85. Define power of a governor?

The power of a governor is the work done at the sleeve for a given percentage change of speed. It is
the product of the mean value of the effort and the distance through which the sleeve moves.

Power = Mean effort x Lift of sleeve.

86. What is meant by sensitiveness of a governor?

• The sensitiveness is defined as the ratio of the mean speed to the difference between the
maximum and minimum speeds.
• A governor is said to be sensitive, when it really responds to a small change of speed.

87. Define coefficient of sensitiveness?

It is the ratio between range of speed and mean speed

N1 − N 2
coefficient of sensitiveness =

88. What is meant by hunting?

The phenomenon of continuous fluctuation of the engine speed above and below the mean speed is
termed as hunting. This occurs in over-sensitive governors.

89. Explain the term stability of governor?

A governor is said to be stable if there is only one radius of rotation for all equilibrium speeds of the
balls within the working range. If the equilibrium speed increases the radius of governor ball must also

90. What is meant by isochronous condition in governors?

A governor with zero range of speed is known as an isochronous governor. Actually the isochronism is
the stage of infinite sensitivity. i.e., when the equilibrium speed is constant for all radii of rotation of
rotation of the balls within the working range, the governor is said to be in isochronism.

91. Can a Porter governor be isochronous?

For a Porter governor, Maximum speed (N1)and minimum speed N2 are given by

m 895
( N1 ) = m+ (1 + q ) ×

2 h1
m 895
( N2 ) = m+ (1 + q ) ×

2 h2

For isochronism, range of speed = ∞

i.e., N1-N2 =0 ⇒ h1 = h2

which is highly impossible. Hence Porter governor cannot be isochronous.

92. Give the application of gyroscopic principle?

It is used:

• In instrument or troy known as gyroscope,

• In ships in order to minimize the rolling and pitching effects of waves, and
• In aeroplane, monorail cars, gyrocompasses, etc.

93. What is gyroscopic torque?

Whenever a rotating body changes its axis of rotation, a torque is applied on the rotating body. This
torque is known as gyroscopic torque.

94. Define steering, pitching and rolling?

• Steering is the turning of a complete ship in a curve towards left or right, while it moves forward.
• Pitching is the movement of a complete ship up and down in a vertical plane about transverse
• Rolling is the movement of a ship in a linear fashion.

95. What is the effect of gyroscopic couple on rolling of ship? Why?

We know that, for the effect of gyroscopic couple to occur, the axis of precession should always be
perpendicular to the axis of spin. In case of rolling of a ship, the axis of precession is always parallel to
the axis of spin for all positions. Hence there is no effect of the gyroscopic couple acting on the body
of the ship during rolling.

96. The left hand and the right hand sides of the ship when viewed from the stern are called _________ and

________ respectively?

Ans: port ; star-board.

97. Discuss the effect of the gyroscopic couple on a two wheeled vehicle when taking a turn?

The gyroscopic couple will act over the vehicle outwards. The tendency of this couple is to overturn
the vehicle in outward direction.

98. The engine of an aeroplane rotates in clockwise direction when seen from the tail end and the

aeroplane takes a turn to the left. What will be the effect of the gyroscopiccouple on the aeroplane?

The effect of gyroscopic couple will be to raise the nose and dip the tail.

99. Define gyroscopic couple?

If a body having moment of inertia I and rotating about its own axis at ω rad/sec is also caused to turn
at ωPrad/sec about an axis perpendicular to axis of spin, then it experiences a gyroscopic couple of
magnitude (I ω ωP) in an axis which is perpendicular to both the axis of spin and axis of precession.

100. Write the expression for gyroscopic couple?

Gyroscopic couple, C = I • ω • ωP

Where I = Moment of inertia of the disc,

ω = Angular velocity of the engine, and

ωP= Angular velocity of precession.

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