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Medical Engineering and Physics: Nguiadem Clautilde, Raison Maxime, Achiche Sofiane

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Medical Engineering and Physics 94 (2021) 16–25

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Medical Engineering and Physics

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Impact of the choice of upper limb prosthesis mechanism on kinematics and

dynamic quality
Nguiadem Clautilde 1, 2, *, Raison Maxime 1, 2, Achiche Sofiane 1
Department of mechanical engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal, QC, Canada
Technopole in pediatric rehabilitation of Ste-Justine UHC, Montréal, Canada


Keywords: Upper limb prostheses can greatly improve the condition of amputees. However, prosthetic mechanisms have
Multibody modeling different topologies and there is no consensus on the choice of an appropriate mechanism. This paper evaluates
upper limb prosthesis the impact of prosthetic mechanism topology on the prosthesis’ performance during daily tasks. The proposed
multibody model is compared to four open-loop and one closed-loop existing mechanisms according to: (1)
consumed energy, (2) global and local movement reconstruction errors during inverse kinematics, (3) movement
smoothness smoothness, which reflects the dynamic appearance of the prosthesis, also called ‘dynamic cosmesis’. Flex­
dynamic cosmesis ion–extension (FE) and pronation–supination (PS) tasks were studied in 15 healthy subjects. All parameters
identified at least one group difference (p < 0.0001) in both tasks. Most closed-loop mechanisms (50% in FE and
100 % in PS) including the proposed model were among the most energy-efficient mechanisms. Out of all models,
the proposed model was the most energy efficient in FE (2.07 ± 0.69 KJ) and in PS (0.25 ± 0.16 KJ). This model
also reproduced the studied movements with the lowest errors (1.39 ± 0.2 mm in FE and 1.38 ± 0.25 mm in PS),
especially at the forearm level. The results show that the wrist plays a major role in motion smoothness and that
two series mechanisms have exhibited a poor dynamic cosmesis because of their higher jerk cost ((1.73 ± 0.30)
× 1010) in FE and (9.29 ± 17) × 1013 in PS tasks)). Finally, the mechanism topology affects the performance of
upper limb prostheses and represents a novel aspect in the prostheses design which can be applied to exoskeleton

1. Introduction mainly myoelectric control [6]. Thus, both body-powered and

externally-powered prostheses of upper limb have advantages and lim­
The upper limb difference among individuals due to amputations and itations [7] and there is no sufficient evidence to know which of the two
congenital defects can significantly affect their level of autonomy and provides a significantly greater general benefit [5]. Consequently,
the capability of performing tasks associated with daily living [1]. prosthetic choice is based on the patient’s individual and functional
Traditionally, body-powered upper-limb prostheses have been used to needs [8,9]. A very recent review covered passive, body-powered and
replace a missing limb, but the lack of degrees of freedom (DoF), and myoelectric devices, and stated that lack of comfort and function remain
uncomfortable harnesses have resulted in patients abandoning their use persistent reasons for upper limb prosthesis abandonment [10]. Despite
[2,3]. Continuous efforts led to the design and development of technological advances [11,12], commercial prostheses are still far from
externally-powered upper-limb prostheses [4],including myoelectric being as efficient as a natural arm. They are limited by their low number
(controlled through electromyographic signals) and electric (can be of DoFs [13] and the robotic and unrealistic nature of their movements,
controlled by the external buttons) prostheses. Myoelectric prostheses such as a wrist rotation instead of the pronation–supination (PS) of the
are the most typical of these externally powered devices. They are forearm [14]. Humans can be sensitive in observing such kinds of
mostly accepted for light work, improved cosmesis, and phantom-limb movement, in the sense that it simply does not look right. Since the
pain [5]. However, myoelectric prostheses also have shortcomings, acceptance of an object gradually increases as the static and dynamic

Abbreviations: AC, acromioclavicular; CoR(s), center(s) of rotation; DoF(s), degrees of freedom; FE, flexion–extension; GH, glenohumeral; HR, humeroradial; HU,
humeroulnar; PS, pronation–supination; RC, radiocarpal; RU, radioulnar; SC, sternoclavicular; SIP, segmental inertial parameters; TD, terminal device.
* Corresponding author at: CRME – Research Center, Office GR-123, 5200, East Bélanger Street, H1T 1C9, Montréal, QC, Canada.
E-mail address: clautildenguia@gmail.com (N. Clautilde).

Received 19 March 2020; Received in revised form 11 May 2021; Accepted 25 May 2021
Available online 19 June 2021
1350-4533/© 2021 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Clautilde et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 94 (2021) 16–25

appearance increase [15], the appearance of the upper limb prosthesis TD operation. Moreover, myoelectric protheses are the cutting-edge
while it is in motion, known as ‘dynamic cosmesis’, is a desirable trait in prosthetic system [43] and the low number of DoFs is one of limita­
the prosthetics field [16,17]. tion of current devices. An increase in DOFs could limit the battery life of
Several studies have been carried out to improve upper limb pros­ myoelectric prostheses. It was found during a study to optimize the
theses. The design priorities of upper limb prostheses [8,18] include: second and third generations of the Deka Arm (the most advanced sys­
sufficient functionality [19-21], comfort or lightweight [19,20], low tem on the market) that the battery was a point of focus for users and
cost [22-24], appearance [21,25] and strategies control [26-28]. In a clinicians [44]. In this study, the battery life was a particular concern for
larger and more comprehensive survey conducted by Atkins et al., the users, whose devices required more power. For this reason, the battery
users of body-powered and electric prostheses identified similar needs in life of upper limb prostheses must be considered from a clinical
the design of better upper-limb prostheses [29]. As also reported by perspective, and thus, the energy consumption of prostheses will be
Cordella et al. [8], there are common (or similar) needs for both discussed in this work. Since the ability to make the coordinated motions
body-powered and externally-powered (myoelectric and electric) pros­ of the two joints is required in the design of any upper limb prosthesis
theses. These needs highlighted by Cordella et al. [8] are: additional [29], the dynamic appearance is a desirable quality in the prosthetic
wrist movements, better mechanism control that requires less visual field. The movement smoothness (often quantified in terms of ‘jerk’
attention, and the ability to make coordinated motions of the two joints [45]) is usually used in the literature to evaluate the altered or coordi­
[8,29]. In order to address the issues related to user rejection, i.e., nated joint movements [46-50], where the smoothest movement is less
dissatisfaction, it is required for the development of a new prosthesis to altered and, thus, more coordinated or more natural. Unlike a jerky
achieve a balance between optimum engineering input and client movement, a coordinated movement exhibits a dynamic appearance
satisfaction. Improvements in prosthetics function, such as a higher more similar to a natural movement. Consequently, improving the
number of DoFs, easy control of movements, light weight, anthropo­ smoothness in movement leads to better dynamic cosmesis. For this
morphism, and high performance, depend directly on the actuators and reason, the movement smoothness is referred to as dynamic cosmesis in
mechanisms present in the prosthesis. However, maintaining the bal­ this work.
ance between function and weight in a prosthesis is a trade-off, which is While the topology of mechanisms has been neglected in prosthetic
quite challenging. To approach this challenge, researchers used the design, this study evaluates the impact of mechanism topology on
underactuated method for finger and hand prostheses [30,20,31-33]. prosthesis performance during daily tasks. We compared the mecha­
The actuation systems of commercial iLimb, iLimb Pulse, Bebionic and nisms of trans-humeral prostheses with the best upper limb model pro­
Bebionic v2 hands, have also exploited the underactuated method [34, posed by our research group, according to energy consumption,
35], i.e., in the mechanism, the number of actuators used is smaller than biofidelity, and dynamic cosmesis, respectively evaluated by: (1) the
the number of DoFs provided [33]. Because a single motor can only consumed energy, (2) the global and local movement reconstruction
control one DoF, the underactuated systems are not suitable either for errors during inverse kinematics, (3) the movement smoothness, which
trans-humeral prostheses or for the entire arm prostheses (which require is a characteristic defining the continuity of movement and thus reflects
more DoFs). Instead of reducing the number of conventional actuators on its realistic and natural quality.
(such as DC motors, servomotors [36]), another method to reduce Definition of terminology
prosthesis weight is by using nonconventional actuators [36], such as In order to clarify the terminologies used in this paper they are
piezoelectric actuators and ultrasonic motors. As their operating prin­ defined as follows:
ciple is based on phenomena directly associated with the material’s
atomic structure, the advances in actuators include the use of piezo­ (i) Kinematic chain—an assemblage of links and joints inter­
electric materials, special metal alloys, polymers, and new motor ap­ connected in such a way to provide a controlled output motion in
plications [36]. The need for compact lightweight actuators for upper response to a supplied input motion (this refers to the feedback
limb prostheses makes rotatory piezoelectric motors a type of con­ loop).
struction applicable in prostheses [36]. (ii) Open-loop mechanism—each of the links of the kinematic chain
Few studies have been performed regarding energy consumption is connected to only one other link.
[28,20]. Many upper limb prostheses have been proposed in the litera­ (iii) Closed-loop mechanism—some links in the kinematic chain are
ture [6,9,13,35], most studies have proposed open-loop/series mecha­ connected to at least two other links; it may have one or multiple
nisms like commercial prostheses. Since the advances in mechanisms closed loops (a loop is formed when each link is connected to at
include mechanical designs based on the anatomy of the human arm, the least two other links).
humanlike PS motion of bionic prosthetic devices is one of design pri­ (iv) Topology (of a mechanism)—the way in which elements of a
orities for upper limb prostheses in previous works. Some prototypes, kinematic chain are interconnected to each other; it is an
such as ones proposed in [37-40], are based on closed-loop mechanisms arrangement of the kinematic chain.
and focus on the human mimetic forearm mechanism. Instead of the (v) Movement smoothness—a characteristic defining the continuity
wrist rotation offered in series mechanisms [19-21, 25,28,31], those of movement and hence reflects its realistic quality known as
prototypes (based on closed-loop mechanisms) offered humanlike PS ‘dynamic cosmesis’; it is often quantified in terms of ‘jerk’.
motion via the relative movement between human ulnar and radial (vi) Jerk—a change in the acceleration rate of movement; it is the
bones. Considering the state-of-art of upper limb prostheses [6,9,13,14, third derivative of displacement, with the smoothest movement
41], the prostheses available on the market and in the research have having the lowest jerk.
different mechanisms and topologies; to the authors’ knowledge, there is
no consensus on an appropriate mechanism. In addition to the difference 2. Materials and methods
in the kinematic architecture of the forearm, another fundamental dif­
ference in the mechanisms design of upper limb prostheses is at the level 2.1. Classification of trans-humeral upper limb prosthetic mechanisms
of terminal devices (TDs) (i.e., at the wrist and hand) [14,41].
Body-powered TDs come in either a hook or hand configuration and, We have listed prostheses available on the market and currently in
TDs for electrically powered prostheses are broken down into single or development, identified the main features of their kinematic chains, and
multiple degrees of freedom (multi-DoF) and anthropomorphic or non­ grouped them according to their common characteristics. We only
anthropomorphic prehensors [14,41]. Available wrist components, such considered trans-humeral prostheses since the joints of interest in this
as the MC Wrist Rotator, Flexion Wrist, Multi-Flex Wrist and Electric article are the elbow and the wrist.
Flexion Rotator of Motion Control, Inc. [42], create additional DoFs for The trans-humeral prostheses found in the literature are either body-

N. Clautilde et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 94 (2021) 16–25

powered or externally-powered. On the market, most of them are connected to at least two other links; it may have one or multiple closed
modular prosthetic elbows such as the mechanical ErgoArm prosthesis. loops (a loop is formed when each link is connected to at least two other
To include this kind of prosthesis in our classification, we considered the links). Closed-loop mechanisms are subject to loop constraints that
terminal devices (TD) that are compatible with each of these prosthetic define or guide the movement. The arrangement of elements of the
elbows. The most common trans-humeral prostheses available on the upper limb prothesis (links, bodies) in an open or closed-loop mecha­
market are given in Table 3. Firstly, prostheses were grouped into two nism is made in such a way that the motion of one causes constrained
main categories depending on the topology of their kinematic chain: and predictable motion in others. A classical closed-loop mechanism is a
open-loop mechanisms and closed-loop mechanisms (see terminology). four-bar mechanism [51], and its topology enables the structure itself to
The topology of a mechanism corresponds to the way in which elements control motion. In a general way, the feedback of the kinematic chain
of kinematic chain are interconnected to each other [51,52]. In the first allows the mechanism itself to regulate complex movements [53].
topology, called ‘open-loop mechanisms’ or ‘serial chains’, one (or Another topology not studied in this work is a tree-like structure; it is not
more) of the links of the kinematic chain is connected to only one other used for upper limbs.
link. In the closed-loop topology, some links of the kinematic chain are After classifying prostheses into two main categories (open-loop

Fig. 1. (a) Kinematic chain of the best biome­

chanical model of upper limb (A) proposed by
our team. Model A is articulated by a moving
base (q1–6), the sternoclavicular joint (SC,
q7–9), the acromioclavicular joint (AC,
q10–12), the glenohumeral joint (GH, q13–15),
the humeroulnar joint (HU, q16–18), the radi­
oulnar joint (RU, q19–20), the virtual CoR
(q21), the humeroradial joint (HR, cut of ball
joint with three kinematic loop-closure con­
straints), and the radiocarpal joint (RC,
q22–23). (b) Schematic of five commonly-used
trans-humeral prostheses mechanisms (D, C2,
C, B, and A2) according to their topology. The
mechanisms D, C2, C, B, A2, and A have
respectively 15 DoFs, 16 DoFs, 16 DoFs, 18
DoFs, and 21 DoFs (= 30 – 9 kinematic loop-
closure constraints). The five mechanisms (D,
C2, C, B, and A2) were modeled with the same
shoulder representation (q1-15) as model A.
The first sixteen DoFs (q1-15) are the same in
all six models (D, C2, C, B, A2, and A). See
Table 4 of Appendix 1 for a detailed description
of the kinematic chains.

N. Clautilde et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 94 (2021) 16–25

mechanisms and closed-loop mechanisms), subcategories were created the thorax was set to 0.001 kg and, the moment of inertia for the thorax,
to further group the prostheses according to their number of segments, the clavicle and the scapula was set to 0.000001 kg.m2 in all three
and their number and sequence of DoFs. directions).
We noticed that all prostheses had a single DoF at the elbow allowing
them to perform flexion–extension (FE), and the differences between
2.3. Comparison of different mechanisms
them occurred at the forearm and wrist. If grouped according to their
common characteristics, trans-humeral prostheses can be classified into
In the literature, prosthetic mechanisms of the upper limb have
five categories: D, C2, C, B, and A2 (Fig. 1(b)). A sixth category called ‘A’
different topologies of kinematics chains. We hypothesized that the
which corresponds to the proposed model (Fig. 1(a)) was also added to
mechanism of a prosthesis can affect its kinematics, and its dynamic
our classification. The most important differences in the mechanisms are
quality. In this study, existing mechanisms prior classified into five
the PS and wrist movements. The mechanisms D, C2, C, and B present an
categories (see Section 2.1) were compared to the proposed model
open-loop kinematic chain. Mechanism D had the wrist blocked while
(mechanism A) according to energy consumption, biofidelity, and dy­
mechanisms C2 and C had a single DoF, and mechanism B had two DoFs
namic cosmesis, which were evaluated, respectively, by using: (1)
at wrist. A2 and A are the closed-loop mechanisms and offer prona­
consumed energy, (2) global and local movement reconstruction errors
tion–supination movements in comparison to open-loop models. The
during inverse kinematics, (3) movement smoothness. This smoothness,
detailed description of each category is shown in Table 4 of Appendix 1.
which reflects the realistic quality of the movement, i.e., the dynamic
appearance, is quantified in this study using the jerk cost (more infor­
2.2. Multibody modeling of different upper limb prosthetic mechanisms mation in the next section).
For comparison purposes, multibody modelling was used to assess
Kinematic modeling has been used as a computational tool to five commonly-used prosthetic mechanisms of the upper limb and the
calculate the mechanical performance of mechanisms. In this study, we proposed model during the flexion–extension (FE) and pronation–supi­
used the multibody system (MBS) technique as we were interested in the nation (PS) tasks.
behavior of the entire system as a mechanism [14]. Using the Robotran
software, the equations representing the behavior of the studied system 2.3.1. Calculation of Comparison Parameters
were symbolically generated through a recursive Newton–Euler Assessment of the reconstruction error by inverse kinematics: The
formulation [52]. To this end, we chose relative generalized co­ global movement reconstruction error (Er), which indicates the ability of
ordinates, as they are usually used in biomechanics, and they were also a model to fit experiment kinematic data, was calculated (2) by using
the coordinates available in the Robotran multibody simulation soft­ inverse kinematic optimization. The optimization process summarized
ware. The equation of motion is given by Eq. (4). This equation was then in (1) consists of minimizing the distance between experimental marker
used in Matlab for inverse dynamics and kinematics calculations. coordinates (Xexp, m) and the coordinates predicted (Xmod,m(q)) by the
2.2.1. Prostheses modelling
Kinematic chain description: The proposed multibody model A min f (q) ∑ m n
= ‖ Xmod,m (q) − Xexp,m ‖2 (1)
(Fig. 1(a)) included the shoulder represented by four bodies in series q m=1
(thorax, clavicle, scapula, and humerus) connected by three successive
spherical joints: the sternoclavicular (SC), acromioclavicular (AC), and where q is the desired variable during the optimization, m is the index of
glenohumeral (GH) joints defined as q7-9, q10-12, and q13-15, respectively. the marker (nm = 29). f(q) is the objective function solved independently
The thorax was the moving base of the MBS kinematic chain and had six at each time of frame f and nf indicates the total numbers of frames.
DoFs (q1-6). This was a simplified version of the shoulder girdle in which √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
the scapulothoracic gliding plane was neglected. The humerus of model 1 ∑ nf ∑nm
Er = ‖ Xmod,(m;f) (q) − Xexp,(m;f) ‖2 (2)
A was connected to the elbow, represented by a revolute joint (q16), nf f=1 m=1
followed by the forearm. The forearm consisted of a closed-loop PS
The local errors at the arm (m= [13, …,17]), forearm (m= [18,
mechanism (q17–21) with two bodies allowing for correct representa­
…,25]), and hand (m= [26, …,29]) were also analyzed.
tion of the interaction between the two bones of the forearm. Finally, the
Assessment of the energy consumed by inverse dynamics: Energy (5)
forearm was connected to the hand by a wrist joint modeled by two DoFs
is the integration of power over time and, by convention, positive energy
as the universal joint, which allowed for FE (q22) and ulnar–radial de­
represents energy that has been consumed. Power (3) is the product of
viation (q23) of the hand with respect to the radius. The hand was
the joint torque (Q) and the angular speed (Ω). Q is obtained during
modeled as a rigid body and the forearm axis was located between the
inverse dynamics by Eq. (4). A calculation of power and energy is shown
humeroradial (HR) and radioulnar (RU) joints but was not in a fixed
in Appendix 2.
orientation during motion.
For a good comparison, the existing models were also modeled with P = QΩ (3)
the same shoulder representation (q1–15) as the proposed model. The
first sixteen DoFs (q1–16) were the same for the six models. The D, C2, C, M(q, δ)q̈ + C(q, q̇, δ, frc, trq, g) = Q(q, q̇) + JT λ (4)
B, and A2 mechanisms had respectively 15 DoFs, 16 DoFs, 16 DoFs, 18 ∫
DoFs, and 21 DoFs (= 30 – 9 kinematic loop–closure constraints).
E= |QΩ|dt (5)

2.2.2. Body segment inertial parameters

The segmental inertial parameters (SIPs) are also essential for the where M is the matrix of the generalized system inertia, C is the vector of
design of a prosthesis. Combined with kinematics, SIPs allow the dynamic nonlinear effects containing gyroscopic, centrifugal, gravita­
calculation of dynamic parameters such as strength, power, and joint tional, and external force effects, Q is the vector of generalized forces, J
momentums. To define the SIPs of the arm, the forearm, and the hand, (J= δqδhT ) is the Jacobian matrix of kinematic constraints h (q), λ is the
we used a geometrical model; Yeadon’s model [54]. Otherwise, the SIPs vector of the Lagrange multipliers connected to the kinematic con­
of the thorax, clavicle, and scapula were estimated from the literature, in straints, g is the gravity constant, frc and trq are external forces, and δ is
which these are usually based on measurements obtained using medical the dynamic parameters of the MBS.
imaging devices [55]. Alternatively, if they were not found in the Eq. (4) is subjected to h (q) = 0 (except for the closed loop).
literature, they were set to negligible values (for example, the mass of Assessment of the movement smoothness: Movement smoothness is

N. Clautilde et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 94 (2021) 16–25

a feature of the quality of a movement related to its irregularity. Several shown in Table 2.
parameters are proposed for quantitative measures of movement
smoothness. They are classified into three kinds: velocity-based, accel­ 3.1. Energy consumed
eration-based, and arc-length-based parameters [56]. Only some
acceleration-based parameters, such as the jerk-based measures, are the The analysis of energy showed alternating positive and negative
most appropriate for daily tasks [45,56,57]. Consequently, we opted for values corresponding to the energy being consumed and the energy
jerk cost to evaluate the smoothness of the FE and PS movements in this being restored, respectively. During a cycle of movement of FE (see
study. To measure the smoothness of a trajectory, x1(t), described during Fig. 5(a) of Appendix 3), these results showed that the energy values
the movement of any effector that moves from an initial point at time ti were positive when the arm was raised (flexion) and negative when the
t ṫ
to an arrival point at time tf, the jerk cost is calculated as: x1 (t)2 dt.
∫f arm was lowered (extension). Similarly, during the PS tasks (see Fig. 5
ti (b) of Appendix 3), the energy values were positive during pronation
Subsequently, the trajectories of the different models were compared (palm faces up) and negative during supination (palm faces down). Since
with this index while keeping in mind that the minimum jerk cost cor­ there was no recovery system in the upper limb prostheses, only the
responded to the smoothest trajectory. energy consumed was considered in this study.
The results of the energy consumed by the six mechanisms (Table 2)
2.3.2. Statistical analysis showed that the open-loop model with two DoFs at the wrist (B) had the
The Kruskal–Wallis test with a threshold α = 0.05 was used to lowest energy consumption (2.07 ± 0.69 KJ in FE and 0.254 ± 0.16 KJ in
determine if the differences between the medians were statistically PS). A significant difference (p < 0.0001) was observed between the
significant. Post hoc tests were applied to test significance levels. Then, energy consumption of the mechanisms in FE (Fig. 2(a)) and in PS (Fig. 2
in case of significant results, effect sizes were computed. (b)). During the FE task, significantly differences were observed between
B and the three mechanisms D, C2, and C (effect size d = 3.10, d = 3.09,
d = 3.09, respectively). For the PS task, the noticeable difference was
2.4. Kinematic data acquisition observed between B and four mechanisms (effect size d = 1.28, d = 1.37,
d = 1.34 and d = 1.30, respectively for D, C2, C, and A2).
This study used a database of 15 healthy adults (Table 1) that was Similar results were obtained between mechanism B and the pro­
collected by our team in a previous study [54]. Twenty-nine reflective posed model A in PS and between B and the two closed-loop mechanisms
markers were placed on the dominant upper extremity of each subject: (A and A2) in FE (Fig. 2 (b)). However, there was a significant difference
thorax (4), clavicle (4), scapula (4), humerus (5), ulna (4), and hand (4). between mechanisms B and the three other series models (D, C2, and C)
The set of markers consisted of anatomical markers located on bony in both tasks. No noticeable difference was found between the series
landmarks and the technical markers used to minimize soft tissue arte­ mechanisms D, C2, and C, or between the two closed-loop models in
facts. 3D marker trajectories were recorded by a 12-camera both tasks. The largest difference (d = 3.10) was observed between the B
motion-capture system (T40S, Vicon-Oxford, UK) at 100 Hz. The kine­ and D open-loop mechanisms during FE.
matic data were acquired while pronation–supination (PS) and pure
flexion–extension (FE) movements were performed by each subject. 3.2. Movement Reconstruction Errors
Each task was cyclically performed for five cycles at a controlled
cadence of 0.5 Hz. Acquisition and processing of data were not in the The comparison of the global reconstruction errors (Table 2) showed
scope of this study. From this database, we extracted kinematic data, that model A had the lowest error during the FE (1.39 ± 0.2 mm) and the
anthropometric measurements, and functional and personalized joint PS (1.38 ± 0.25 mm) in both tasks. Model A allowed a reduction in the
parameters (determined using the symmetrical center of rotation esti­ global reconstruction error of up to 49% during FE and more than 100%
mation (SCoRE) and the symmetrical axis of rotation approach (SARA)). during PS compared to the open-loop models (D, C2, and C).
For both tasks, the Kruskal–Wallis test revealed the significant dif­
3. Results ferences (p < 0.0001) between the six models. Pairwise comparisons
using the post hoc test showed the group differences.
The results of the energy consumed, the global reconstruction errors For the FE task, the closed-loop model A was clearly different from all
and the jerk cost for the six mechanisms (D, C2, C, B, A2, and A) are the other models except model B (Fig. 3(a)) with the effect sizes of 2.02,
2.02, 1.81, and 13.37 in comparison to models D, C2, C, and A2,
Table 1 respectively. The large effect size was observed with model A during the
Participants’ characteristics. PS task (Fig. 3(b)): effect size d = 5.61, d = 5.61, d = 5.68, d = 5.44, d =
Female (N = 5) Male (N = 10) 15.03 in comparison to models D, C2, C, B, and A2, respectively.
Otherwise, the two closed-loop models (A2 and A) were signi­
Age (years) 24 ± 2 27 ± 6
Height (m) 1.68 ± 0.07 1.78 ± 0.06 ficatively different in both tasks, and the model A2 was also different
Weight (kg) 57.3 ± 2.9 76.2 ± 8.5 from all open-loop models D, C2, C, B, and A2 with a large effect size (FE:
Carrying angle (◦ ) 10 ± 3 8±2 d = 9.41, d = 9.41, d = 8.18, d = 11.60; PS: d = 9.35, d = 9.35, d = 9.38,
d = 9.53). No significant difference was observed between models D, C2,

Table 2
Energy, global reconstruction errors, and jerk cost for the six mechanisms (D, C2, C, B, A2, and A). The values are given as mean and standard deviation (SD) for the 15
subjects. values are given as mean and standard deviation (SD) for the 15 subjects.
M Energy (KJ) Mean ± SD Global Error (mm) Mean ± SD Jerk cost Mean ± SD
FE PS FE PS FE (x 104) PS (x 103)
D 5.86 ± 1.58 0.74 ± 0.51 2.02 ± 0.39 3.03 ± 0.33 (1.73 ± 0.30) × 10 8.55 ± 12.7
C2 5.90 ± 1.60 0.77 ± 0.50 2.02 ± 0.39 3.03 ± 0.33 2 ± 2.33 8.55 ± 12.7
C 6.00 ± 1.65 0.79 ± 0.53 2.09 ± 0.50 3.04 ± 0.32 2 ± 2.27 8.52 ± 12.7
B 2.07 ± 0.69 0.25 ± 0.16 1.81 ± 0.24 2.98 ± 0.33 2.03 ± 2.32 (9.29 ± 17) × 1010
A2 3.95 ± 2.47 0.63 ± 0.37 5.92 ± 0.43 6.56 ± 0.42 2.72 ± 2.80 8.83 ± 11.5
A 3.08 ± 1.27 0.33 ± 0.26 1.39 ± 0.20 1.38 ± 0.25 1.97 ± 2.12 8.86 ± 13.2

N. Clautilde et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 94 (2021) 16–25

Fig. 2. Comparison of the energy consumed between the six models (D, C2, C, B, A2, and A) during (a) flexion–extension (FE) and (b) pronation–supination (PS). The
values are given as the mean for the 15 subjects and the significant differences are indicated by p-values (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001).

Fig. 3. Local and global reconstruction errors of the six mechanisms (D, C, C2, B, A2, and A) during the two dynamic tasks. Local reconstruction errors of the six
models (D, C2, C, B, A2, and A) at the arm, forearm, and hand during (a) flexion–extension (FE) and (b) pronation–supination (PS) tasks. Global reconstruction errors
of the six models (D, C2, C, B, A2, and A) during FE ((c)) and PS ((d)). The values are given as the mean and standard deviation for the 15 subjects.

and C in either task. Among the four open-loop models, the global The model A had the lowest error during FE (0.72 ± 0.08 mm at the
reconstruction error was lower for model B (1.81 ± 0.24 mm) than the arm, 0.75 ± 0.27 mm at the forearm, and 0.57 ± 0.19 mm at the hand)
three others (2.02 ± 0.39 mm, 2.02 ± 0.39 mm, 2.09 ± 0.5 mm for D, and during PS (0.65 ± 0.1 mm at the arm, 0.81 ± 0.24 mm at the
C2, and C, respectively) during the FE task. The open-loop model A forearm, and 0.6 ± 0.19 mm at the hand) tasks. The differences were not
performed better than all other models, but the open-loop models (D, observed between the same couples compared to the global recon­
C2, C, and B) performed better than the other closed-loop model A2. struction errors, especially during FE task.
The comparison of the local reconstruction errors between the six The proposed closed-loop model A remained different from all the
models (Fig. 3(c) and (d)) at the arm, forearm, and hand presented other models at the arm (d = 1.56, d = 1.56, d = 1.50, d = 1.47, d =
significant differences ((p < 0.0001) in both tasks. 4.31, respectively for D, C2, C, B, and A2 models), forearm (d = 5.10, d

N. Clautilde et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 94 (2021) 16–25

Fig. 4. The smoothness of movement of the six mechanisms D, C, C2, B, A2, and A during ((a)) flexion–extension (FE) and ((b)) pronation–supination (PS) tasks. The
values are given as the mean and standard deviation for the 15 subjects.

= 5.10, d = 5.18, d = 5.07, d = 9.10, respectively for D, C2, C, B, and A2 do so, during FE and PS movements, we compared the mechanisms of
models) and hand (d = 7.06, d = 7.06, d = 7.19, d = 6.66, d=3.5, trans-humeral prostheses with the upper limb model A proposed by our
respectively for D, C2, C, B and A2 models) during the PS task. Contrarily research group [54]. This comparison analyzed: (1) the consumed en­
to the FE task, the difference between model A and the five others was ergy, (2) the global and local movement reconstruction errors during
observed only at the arm (d = 2.14, d = 2.14, d = 2.14, d = 2.44, d = inverse kinematics, (3) the movement smoothness, which is a charac­
4.71 for models D, C2, C, B, and A2, respectively), except for model A2 teristic defining the continuity of movement and thus reflects on its
where the two closed-loop models (A and A2) were clearly different and dynamic appearance, known as dynamic cosmesis.
presented the biggest difference at the arm (d = 4.71), forearm (d =
8.38), and hand (d = 4.44).
The results for closed-loop model A2 presented large differences 4.1. Impact on the energy expended
from the four open-loop models (D, C2, C, and B) at the arm, the fore­
arm, and hand in both tasks; except model C which presented similar Results of energy consumed (Table 2) proved that the energy con­
results to A2 at the hand during the PS task. sumption of upper limb prosthesis does not only depend on the number
However, no notable difference was observed between all the open- of DoFs, but also on the configuration of the mechanism. The closed-loop
loop models (D, C2, C, and B) in both tasks. The results of the open-loop mechanisms were more energy efficient than series mechanisms (except
models remain better than those of the closed-loop model A2. Model A B). The analysis results also confirmed the importance of integrating a
provides the lowest local reconstruction errors and largely reduces the kinematic loop at the forearm level, as reported by Laitenberger et al.
local errors, especially at the forearm (up to 62%) and hand (up to 80%) [54] .
during the PS task. During the two tasks, the difference observed in energy consumption
(p < 0.0001) means that the energy consumed by a trans-humeral
prosthesis depends on the mechanism that is used. This finding is
3.3. Quality of movement: assessment of the smoothness of the trajectory important because it confirms our initial hypothesis.
Furthermore, the results reported in Fig. 2 showed that the series
The results of the jerk cost (Table 2) showed a significant difference mechanism B and the two closed-loop mechanisms (A and A2) provided
between the six models for both tasks (p < 0.0001). The highest jerk cost the lowest energy, except during the PS task where A2 did not have the
was obtained for the series mechanisms with the wrist blocked (D) in FE lowest energy (Fig. 2(b)). This result means that parallel mechanisms
((1.73 ± 0.30) × 1010) and the one with two DoFs (B) in the PS task were more energy efficient than series mechanisms. It is expected that
((9.29 ± 17) × 1013). mechanisms with few DoFs consume less energy, but series mechanisms
For the FE task, the results of jerk cost showed a notable difference (d D, C2, and C consumed the most energy, despite their low DoF number.
= 0.77) between model D and each of the five models (C2, C, B, A2, A, Finally, the biggest difference (effect size d = 3.09) observed be­
and A2) (Fig. 4(a)). In comparison to the FE tasks, a larger difference tween the three series mechanisms and the more energy-efficient
(effect size d = 8.25) was observed between the model B and the five mechanism (B) proved that the energy consumption of upper limb
others (D, C2, C, A2, A, and A2) during the PS task (Fig. 4(b)). prostheses does not depend on the number of DoFs, but on the topology
There was no noticeable difference between the two closed-loop of the mechanism.
models (A2, A) and the two single DoF open-loop models (C2 and C) The analysis of the post hoc test leads to the conclusion that the open-
either in the FE (Fig. 4(a)) or in the PS tasks (Fig. 4(b)). loop model with two DoFs (B) and the two closed-loop mechanisms were
found to be more energy efficient in FE (Fig 2(a)) and in PS (Fig. 2(b)).
4. Discussion To the best of the authors’ knowledge, most studies on the energy
consumption of prostheses have focused on lower limb prostheses.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the choice of Moreover, in these studies (including the few on the upper limb pros­
a mechanism topology on prosthesis performance during daily tasks. To theses), the energy expenditure of the body is usually evaluated rather

N. Clautilde et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 94 (2021) 16–25

Fig. 5. Energy results of the six models (D, C, C2, B, A2, and A) from a cycle during (a) flexion–extension (FE) and (b) pronation–supination (PS) tasks. The values are
given as the mean for the 15 subjects. The energy sign is given according to the phases of the FEand PS tasks.

than the energy consumption of the device [58,59,60]. mechanism A and all the series mechanisms (p < 0.0001), and (b) the
largest difference (FE: d = 13.3, PS: d = 15.03) observed between the
two closed-loop mechanisms A and A2. This difference between the two
4.2. Impact on the motion reconstruction errors
closed-loop mechanisms can be explained by the fact that, unlike
mechanism A2, the proposed model A distinguishes the axis of rotation
The reported movement reconstruction errors (Table 2) confirm that
of the arm (axis of FE) from that of the forearm (axis of PS). This result
the ability to reconstruct movement is different depending on the to­
confirms the importance of distinguishing the rotation axis of the arm
pology of the mechanism used (p < 0.0001). The main result reported
from that of the forearm, in addition to representing the forearm with
was that the proposed model (A) provides fewer movement recon­
two bodies. This finding is important because it confirms the results of
struction errors, especially during PS tasks, as well as a lot of compen­
recent studies; Laitenberger and colleagues [54] reported that the
sation at the forearm (up to 62%) and hand (up to 80%) in comparison to
integration of a free carrying angle between the FE and PS axis leads to
five other models. This result shows the relevance of the kinematic loop
better reconstruction of the FE and PS tasks and Dkhar and co-workers
at the forearm and its role in PS movement. Furthermore, the results
[61] concluded that the carrying angle of the elbow should be
reported in Fig. 3 showed (a) the significant difference between

N. Clautilde et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 94 (2021) 16–25

considered in the design of the elbow. loop mechanisms were better than the open-loop mechanisms, except
In conclusion, because of its specific kinematic chain, which better for the reconstruction error, which was higher with mechanism A2.
mimics the anatomical joints of the forearm, the proposed model (A) However, this mechanism could be interesting for prostheses of bilateral
displays a better biofidelity than the five other models; because it better amputees. This study emphasizes the importance of representing the
reconstructs movement with more compensation at the forearm and forearm with two bodies as well as the role of the wrist in the design of
hand than any other model. realistic and energy-efficient upper limb prostheses. It also proves that
With respect to the method as proposed by Laitenberger and co- the location of the centers and axes of rotation are relevant aspects for
workers [54] to evaluate the reconstruction of movement, the present the quality of a mechanism and its crude approximation can affect the
study added another parameter to evaluate the realism of movement. kinematics. Moreover, the current study reveals that the wrist plays a
This parameter, discussed in the next section, allowed evaluation of the major role in motion smoothness and thus, in dynamic cosmesis. It is
smoothness of the movement. Because the prostheses are robotic sys­ also necessary to evaluate jerk when designing prostheses, because
tems, it is relevant to see if the movement of a mechanism is smooth or excessive jerk has a destructive effect on the motion of a mechanism and
robotic. can cause discomfort to users.
Overall, the proposed mechanism A is the best of all the mechanisms
4.3. Impact on the movement smoothness compared in this study because it is energy efficient, displays biofidelity,
and presents a good dynamic cosmesis. In the future, we plan to inves­
The main finding was that the smoothness of movement is strongly tigate the production of this mechanism by examining cost and
dependent on the topology of mechanism. This relationship was found manufacturing difficulties. The perspectives of this future study will
for the two dynamic tasks (FE and PS). All closed-loop mechanisms were include the design of an upper limb prosthesis inspired by mechanism A
realistic compared to two out of five open-loop mechanisms. and will exploit the conclusions of this work in future designs. Moreover,
In addition, the results reported in Fig. 4 showed significant differ­ the methodology used here could also be applied to the design of
ences (p < 0.0001) between the six models during both tasks, proving exoskeletons.
that the modeled mechanism has an impact on the movement smooth­
ness. Moreover, the reported jerk cost showed that the closed-loop Funding
models (A, A2), as well as the models C and C2, provided the lowest
jerk cost (about 2.104). These results (Table 2) are in accordance with None.
the jerk cost results obtained in a previous study, which were in the
order of 104 [62]. The smoothest movement is the one with the lowest Ethical approval
jerk cost, and these findings suggest that the two closed-loop mecha­
nisms (A and A2), as well as open-loop mechanisms with a single DoF at Not required.
the wrist (C2, C) exhibit the best quality of movement or best dynamic
cosmesis by offering realistic/life-like movements in both FE and PS
tasks. Declaration of Competing Interest
Finally, the D and B mechanisms provided higher jerk cost values,
respectively, in FE and PS tasks. The excessive jerk cost obtained with D None declared.
((1.73 ± 0.30) × 1010) and B ((9.29 ± 17) × 1013) mechanisms, which
respectively demonstrated the blocked wrist and a wrist rotation, References
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