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Blackbook CRM

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A Project Report On

Customer Relationship Management at pantaloons fashion and retail LTD.

A Project Submitted to

University of Mumbai for partial completion of the degree of Bachelor of

Management Studies

Under the Faculty of Commerce



T.Y.BMS (Sem VI)

Under the Guidance of


Shri Chinai College of Commerce and Economics

Andheri East, Mumbai - 400 069

April 2020-21

To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are numerous and the depth
is so enormous

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to
do this project.

I would like to thank my in charge Principal ? SIR for providing the necessary
facilities required for completion of this project.

Take this opportunity to thank us for her moral support and guidance. Coordinator

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide Prof.
PADMA LILY ? whose guidance and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference
books and magazines related to my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly and indirectly
helped me in the completion of the project especially my Parents and Peers who
supported me throughout my project.

Andheri-East, Mumbai - 400 069


This is to certify that Mr. SINGH ANIKET BANSHRAJ has worked and duly
completed his project work for the degree of Bachelor of MANAGEMENT
STUDIES under the faculty of Commerce in the subject of Marketing and his
project is entitled, "A Project Report on CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP

I further certify that the entire work has been done by learner under my guidance
and that no part of been submitted previously for any Degree or Diploma of any

It is his own work and facts reported his personal findings and investigations

Prof. ?


I the Undersigned Mr. SINGH ANIKET BANSHRAJ here by, declare that the work
embodied in the project work titled “CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP
own contribution to the research work carried out under the guidance of Prof.
PADMA LILY ? is a result of my own research work and had not been previously
submitted to any other University for any other Degree/Diploma to this or any other

Wherever reference has been made to previous works of others, it has been clearly
indicated as such and included in the bibliography.

I hereby further declare that all information of this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct.


Certified by


Ever since of customer relationship management (CRM) consists of the processes a company use to track
and organize its contacts with its current and prospective customers. CRM software is used to support the
processes, information about customers and customer interaction can be entered, stored and accessed by
employees in different company department. Typical CRM goals are to improve services provided to
customers, and to use customer contact information for targeted marketing and the most important thing
is they are able to attract more customers simply because they meet their customer's relations under one

The project also gives an overview of the customer relationship management at "Pantaloons fashion
retail LTD.". It gives an overview of customer relationship of pantaloons, their range of products, how
they manage, control the situations etc

The project also gives an overview of the concept, meaning and significance of customer relationship
management. Problem and solutions on those problems.


We have been hearing a lot about CRM aka Customer Relationship Management in almost all we come
across in our day-to-day life. Whether it is Newspaper, Outdoor Hoardings or Mailers we receive from
hundreds of places etc. What exactly does this connote to a layman? The simple answer to it is a way of
differentiation between customers to provide greater value to more valuable customers. The meaning of
more valuable would be in terms of the monetary spending received from the customer along with
regency and frequency of visit.

Every retailer today is aiming at an attempt to make a casual customer into a loyal customer who
develops a bond with the retail store he/she visits. Customer relationship management as a transactional
exchange helps the marketer to understand the customer's sentiments and buying habits so that the
customer can be provided with products and services before he starts demanding them.

This project throws light on the role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in enhancing the
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). A successful and effective CRM program results in increase of
Customers Lifetime Value for the store. The importance of the tangible and the intangible offerings are
also discussed. A good CRM Strategy should focus on: Building dynamic relationship with the customer,
making CRM the key element to building customer loyalty to a store brand and to build a significant
competitive advantage.

CRM is a comprehensive strategy & process of acquiring & retaining customers to create superior value
for the company as well as the customers. It consists of the processes a company uses to track and
organize its contacts with its current and prospective customers. To support these processes various
CRM Software like SAP; ORACLE Sales force.com etc. is used. This software record and store
information about customers various customer interactions, their problems etc. which can be accessed by
employees in different departments of the company. This information is used by the organization to
make future plans that can satisfy the customer on a better way and retaining them for a longer period.


Customer relationship management is a broadly recognized, widely-implemented strategy for managing

and nurturing a company’s interactions with clients and sales prospects. It involves using technology to
organize, automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for
marketing, customer services, and technical support. The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new
clients, nurture and retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into the fold, and
reduce the costs of marketing and client service. Once simply a label for a category of software tools,
today, it generally denotes a company-wide business strategy embracing all client-facing departments
and even beyond. When an implementation is effective, people, processes, and technology work in
synergy to increase profitability, and reduce operational costs


The goal of CRM is to provide improved services to the customers, and to use customer contact
information for targeted marketing.


CRM passes through three generations such as 1st generation in 1990, 2nd generation in 1996 and
the 3rd generation in 2003:

 In 1st generation following systems were applied for CRM:-

• Call center management-

It is a web-based CRM technology, the enables users browsing a company’s web site to leave a phone
number where company representative can call back with more information.

• Customer service support-

It is a part of a company’s CRM department that interacts with a customer for their
immediate benefits.

• Sales force automation-

It is software that automates business tasks like inventory control, sales processing, customer
interaction, etc.

• Campaign management-

It is a planning, executing, tracking and analysing of direct marketing campaigns.

 In 2nd generation following improved systems were used for CRM: -

• Integrated customer facing front end-

It is face to face interaction between the customers and sales man. This system is used for
marketing, sales and services.

• ERP integrations-

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. It is a business management system that integrates all
functions of the business.

• Customer’s analytics-

It comprises all the programming that analyses data about an enterprise’s customers for business decision.

• Complete web integration-

It allows end users to have access the data function of a serve hosted application through internet
browser window.
 In 3rd generation the strategic CRM was followed and is continuing-

Strategic CRM updates and expands the original content and combines into one, convenient value
that guides users through the entire CRM implementation process, from strategic planning

• Scope and goals of different generations: -

There is successful increment in the scope of CRM from 1st generation to 3rdgeneration. In 1st
generation the scope consists of service function and sales function, in 2nd generation it includes another
function i.e. marketing function and in 3rd generation it includes entire function of the organization.

Goals of the CRM have also changed with better customer service from 1st generation to 3rd generation.
In 1st generation the goals were improve service operation and increase sales efficiency, in 2nd
generation reduce cost of interaction, improve customer experiences, and increasing the customer
interaction; in 3rd generation cost reduction & revenue growth and competitive advantages.


Increasing customer is not the ultimate objective of any organization but to retain customer and t build
long term relationship with them is important. It is only through CRM that a prospect can be turn into
customer and then finally into a client. But to achieve these any organization require proper

But at the same time CRM implementation is a challenging task because it ties together people, process,
and technologies within the organization which are separate from each other.

 In House Development-

This means all the strategies, processes are developed and implemented within the

1. It is tailored made according to organization needs and structure thus is

flexible as compared to others.

2. Avoid dependency on others be it software or outsourcing.

3. It is at the same time expensive and comparatively takes longer time

depending on the organization.

 Buy Licensed CRM Software-

This is purchasing software and Implementing in organization.


1. Usually the maximum chance of success.

2. It just need to install and trained the workforce accordingly.


1. Again it is expensive because of many costs as license cost, renewal cost etc. associated with it.

2. Adding new software with change is a complex task.

 Outsourcing A Managed Service-

This means hiring from outside.


1. Most of the times lower cost.

2. Can adopt “pay- as- you go” approach with visible result.

1. For any new requirement needs to contact the company and pay for the

2. Also there is a risk of losing CRM solution investment if outsourcing company

goes out of business

 Stage wise-

In this CRM software is offered in different, independent modules, according to specific department

Company buys sales automation software and contact management module from different providers.

• Front office operations: - Direct interaction with customers, e.g. face to face meetings, phone
calls, e-mail, online services etc.

• Back office operations: - Operations that ultimately affect the activities of the front office (e.g.,
billing, maintenance, planning, marketing, advertising, finance, manufacturing etc.

 Enterprise Wise CRM Solution-

This is composed of different modules from same providers; it is implemented as a whole by connecting
different modules and existing database.


CRM includes many aspects which relate directly to one another-

Types/Variations of CRM:

Types of CRM can be broadly understood by looking at the two different ways of categorization. These
two types of categorization are as follows:

 Proactive versus Reactive CRM

 Operational, Collaborative and Analytical CRM

 Proactive versus Reactive CRM:

When company responds to the recommendations/suggestions/complaints/requests of the customers,

it is called reactive CRM. Contrary to this, it is called Proactive CRM when a company anticipates and
responds to customers’ need of itself. In constant changing market situations, proactive companies take
stock of their customers’ future needs and provide value to customers through their offerings.

 Operational, Collaborative and Analytical CRM:

 Operational CRM:

There are various ways through which a customer can approach the business. This interaction is direct
with company and its employees. The junction where this interaction happens is called touch point.
Usually transactions like sale, payment, information seeking, queries, suggestions, and complaints
happen at these operational touch points. That is why it is also called front office CRM.

The customer can approach / be approached through the following ways:

1. Face to face: Interacting while selling, serving customers by way of organizing events,
promotions etc.

2. Database driven: In this interaction contacting customers is through

Telephone/Email/Mail/Fax/Loyalty programs/Cards/ATMs/SMS.

3. Mass Media: When the contact is through public broadcasting. The contact is public in nature and
people at large are contacted. For example public advertising and public relations campaigns.

 Collaborative CRM:

Jill Dyce defines Collaborative CRM as a specific functionality that enables a two way communication
between a company and its customers through a variety of channels to facilitate and improve the
quality of customer interaction.
The essence of collaborative CRM is to manage partners of the firm. These could be channels, agents
and other business stakeholders but not direct customers. The focus is on maintaining relations with
partners to facilitate coordination in business.

 Analytical CRM:

Also known as back office or strategic CRM. This type of CRM is characterized by presence of
designations like business analysts. The objective of analytical CRM is to find out various taste,
preferences, and activities of the customers so as to customize solutions for them. The basis of this data
is captured customer interactions at various touch points. Extensive use of MIS and technology is done
in Analytical CRM.

Chart Title

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3


Retailing is one of the largest and fastest growing industries. It accounts for 10% of the country’s
GDP and 8% of the employment. Retailing is a French word means “TO CUT” and is a business
where in the product or service is marketed and efforts are made by the retailer in order to satisfy
its final consumers.


Unorganized Sector
Organized Sector (93%)



Organized retailing includes the activities of trading wherein it involves licensed retailers who are
registered for income and sales tax. These include departmental store, Hypermarket, Supermarket,
Retail Chain and also privately owned large business.

On the other Hand unorganized retail refers to the low cost retailing which includes General store,
Kiruna Shop, hand cart, pavement Vendors and convenience store which consist of traditional
Retailing In India:

The Indian Retail Industry is the fifth largest in the world comprising of organizing and
unorganized sectors, India retail industry is one of the fastest growing industry in India,
especially for last few years. Though initially, the retail industry in India was almost
unorganized, however with change of taste and preference of the customers, the industry is
getting more popular of these days and getting organized as well. With growing market demand,
the industry is expected to grow to a pace of 20- 30% annually. The India retail industry was
expected to grow from 35000 Crore in 2004-05 to 109000 Crore in 2010.

According to the 8th Annual GLOBAL RETAIL DEVELOPMENT INDEX (GRDI), India
retail industry is most promising emerging market for investment. In 2007 the retail trade in
India had a share of 8-10% in the gross domestic product of the country. In 2009 it rose to 12%.
It is expected to reach by 22% in 2010-11.

According to the Report by NORTH BRIDGE per capita the Indian Retail industry is expected
to grow to US$ 700 billion by 2010-11. By the same time the organized retail sector will be
20% of the total market share. It can be mentioned here that, the share of the organized retail
sector in 2007was 7.55 of the total retail market.

As democratic country with the high growth rates consumer spending has risen sharply and
there is significant increase in the disposable income of the people. Consumer spending rose by
75% in the last 7 to 8 years. Organized Retail accounts for 5% of the market, is expected to
grow at a CAGR of 40% from US$ 20 billion in 2007 to US$ 107 billion by 2013.

The Indian Retail market is highly competitive and major players such as Wal-Mart, Tesco
entering the industry is set to grow even further. It is thus important to see how well which
players in the organized retail industry manages to pull consumers in their stores especially in
the retail more focus is on repeated sales and sustaining the customers for long time.
Global Scenario Of Retail Industry:

Retailing is the largest industry globally and is second largest in the United States both in the
number of establishment and in the number of employees. Retailing is the activity which
involves selling of goods directly to the consumer and act as an intermediary between the
producer and the customer. It has played a major role in increasing the productivity and its best
impact is seen on countries such as USA, U.K Mexico, China etc. retailing is the biggest
industry with the sale of 7.2 trillion and it employs more than 22 Americans. Retail generated a
shareholder return of 18%.

 Top retailers worldwide are:

Retailer Home Country

Wal-Mart stores U.S. A

Carrefour group France

The Kroger Co. U. S. A

The Home Depot. Inc. U. S. A

Metro Germany

Wal-Mart is the largest player in the retail industry and is the world’s largest employer with one million
associates. Wal-Mart has become the successful retail brand due to its ability to create market
dominance, leverage Size market clout. Wal-Mart displaced Oil Giant Exxon Mobil as the world’s largest
company when it posted in sales for the fiscal year 2001. According to the Global retail development
Index international retailers are now mere adept to the tackling the individual challenges, which require
different strategies to be successful. There has been huge transformation in the retail industry as the
retailers have gained understanding about the market structure with shifting changes in economic and
political trends.
Growth Of Retail Industry:

Retail industry in India is one of the fastest growing industry which accounts for 10% of
country’s GDP and 8% of the workforce. There has been drastic change in the tastes and
preferences and buying behavior of the consumers. The retail sector is undertaking fast paced
revolution there has been changes in the format of the retail industry. New formats are
developed such as convenience stores super market, hyper market and have made their way in
the market. In India, major chunk of the untapped retail market is attracted by all giant firms
across the globe.

With the advancement of technology, the scope the retail industry has widened attracting
investors across the globe and has high growth potential. There has been remarkable
development in the last decade and has been rapid evolution of the online retail sector. The
online retail is expected to be reaching US$ 70 billion by 2020.

According to the latest update of December 2017: -

 India has high market potential, Moderate political and low Economic risk as it has
occupied a remarkable position in the global retail Index.

 According to the study of the Boston Consulting group India is expected to become
world’s third largest consumer economy by reaching US$400 billion in consumption by

 As the purchasing power of middleclass people increased there was increase in their
disposable income and due that customers spending increased and India was ranked first
in the Global retail Development Index 2017.

 With the GST taking its shape, it has helped the retailers simplify its tax structure.
These will lead to better cash flow, profitability, supply chain structure and pricing.

Aditya Birla Group (Aditya Birla is an Indian Based multinational conglomerate company.
Aditya Birla consists of four main companies and they all are operating in Industrial sector
through its joint Ventures and subsidiary company, namely Aditya Birla Nova Ltd, Hindalco
Industries Ltd, Ultra tech Cement Ltd, Idea Cellular Ltd. Etc. It is offering services to various
sector such as Non-ferrous metal, Cement, carbon Black, Chemicals, wind Power, Insulators,
mining, agribusiness, Ferro Chemicals, branded apparel, Viscose Filament Yarn, staple Viscose
Fiber. In addition to that Group is also engaged in offering Services to various sectors such as
telecommunication, information technology, retail and trading solutions financial services and
BPO. The company is led by Kumar Mangaldas Birla, sons of Aditya Birla. The company is
headquartered in Mumbai, India. It is operating in 27 countries across the world.

Additional information:

Type of Company Public Company

Incorporated 1870

Employees 72000

Sales(2005) $5.79 billion

Stock Exchange India

Ticker Symbol BIR

Aditya Birla Takeover Pantaloons:

Kishore Biyanis -led Future Group said Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd infused Rs. 1,600 crores into its
flagship 'Pantaloons' and acquired a majority stake in the store chain, which will later be
demerged to be listed as a separate entity.

The group's flagship firm, Pantaloons Retail India Ltd (PRIL) currently operates the 'Pantaloons'
chain of fashion apparel and accessories stores.

As a part of the deal between the two companies, the Pantaloons format will be demerged from
PRIL, a listed entity on the BSE and National Stock Exchange.

"The demerged entity, subject to necessary and statutory approvals, will invite an investment
from Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd (ABNL)," PRIL said in a statement.

ABNL will subscribe to debentures amounting to Rs 800 crore issued by PRIL and on
completion of the demerger process; the debentures will convert into equity in the demerged
entity of the Pantaloons format.

The proposed transaction is likely to be completed within eight to 10 months, subject to the
finalization of the Scheme of Arrangement, due diligence and statutory and other requisite
approvals, the statement added.

Launched in 1997, the Pantaloons format is spread in 35 cities with 72 stores and21 factory
outlets covering total retail space of over 2 million square feet.

Future Group continues to operate a number of retail chains including Pantaloons, Central, Big
Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Home Town and E-Zone and also has allied businesses in consumer
finance, life and non-life insurance, logistics infrastructure and supply chain and brand

Review of Literature on CRM:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become one of the most dynamic technology topics of
the millennium. According to Chen and Popovich (2003), CRM is not a concept that is really new but
rather due to current development and advances in information and enterprise software technology, it has
assumed practical importance. The root of CRM is relationship marketing, which has the objective of
improving the long-term profitability of customers by moving away from product-centric marketing.


Bose (2002) noted that CRM was invented because the customers differ in their preferences and
purchasing habits. If all customers were alike, there will be little need for CRM. As a result,
understanding customer drivers and customer profitability, firms can better tailor their offerings to
maximize the overall value of their customer portfolio. The attention CRM is currently receiving across
businesses is due to the fact that the marketing environment of today is highly saturated and more
competitive. CRM generally is an enterprise-focused endeavours encompassing all departments in a
business. He further explains that, in addition to customer service, CRM would also include,
manufacturing, product testing, assembling as well as purchasing, and billing, and human resource,
marketing, sales and engineering. Chen and Popovich argued that CRM is a complicated application
which mines customer data, which has been retrieved from all the touch points of the customer, which
then creates and enable the organization to have complete view of the customers. The result is that
firms are able to uncover and determine the right type of customers and predicting trend of their
future purchases. CRM is also defined as an all-embracing approach that seamlessly integrates sales,
customer service, marketing, field support and other functions that touch customers. They further
stated that CRM is a notion regarding how an organization can keep their most profitable customers
and at the same time reduce cost, increase in values of interaction which then leads to high profit

According to Swift (2001), companies can gain many benefits from CRM implementation. He states that
the benefits are commonly found in one of these areas:

i) Lower cost of recruiting Customers

ii) No need to acquire so many customers to preserve a steady volume of business

iii) Reduced cost of sales

iv) Higher Customer Profitability

v) Increased Customer retention & Loyalty

vi) Evaluation of customers Profitability


Greenberg emphasized that CRM can increase the true economic worth of business by improving the
total lifetime value of the customer, adding that successful CRM strategies encourage customers to buy
more products, stay loyal for longer periods and communicate effectively with a company. CRM can also
ensure customer satisfaction through allocation, scheduling and dispatching the right people, with the
right parts, at the right time.


CRM systems assists companies evaluate customer loyalty and profitability based on repeat purchases,
the amount spent, and longevity. Bull added CRM makes it practicable for companies to find
unprofitable customers that other companies have abandoned. This position is supported by Galbreath
and Rogers (1999) that CRM helps a business organization to fully understand which customers are
worthwhile to acquire, which to keep, which have untapped potential, which are strategic, which are
important, profitable and which should be abandoned.




There are some companies that adopt CRM systems just because it is the most advanced technology and
they think they should have it since their competitors have it (Chou et al, 2002), Some statistics that
motivate this behaviour are resumed as follows:

By Pareto’s principle, it is assumed that 20% of a company’s customers generate 80% of its profits.

In industrial sales, it takes an average of 8 to 10 physical calls in person to sell to a new customer, 2 to 3
calls to an existing customer.

It is 5 to 10 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than obtain repeat business from existing

A typical dissatisfied customer tells 8 to 10 people about his or her experience source. Getting to “know”
each customer through data mining techniques and a customer-centric business strategy helps the
organization to proactively and consistently offer and sell more products and services for improved
customer retention and loyalty over long periods of time. Peppers and Rogers (1999) refer to this as
maximizing “lifetime customer share”, resulting in customer

The company was incorporated as Peter England Fashions and retail Ltd on April 19,
2007 and obtained the certificate of commencement of the business on May 14, 2007. The
name of the company was changed to “PANTALOONS FASHION AND RETAIL LTD”
on 23 April, 2013.Headquartered in Mumbai, the company has over 1,000 stores across 73
cities in India and employs over 35,000 people, and as of 2010, it was the country's largest
listed retailer by market capitalization and revenue.
Pantaloons Fashion and Retail Limited, is a large Indian retailer, was a part of the Future Group
(now a part of ADITYA Birla), and operates in multiple retail formats in both, value and
lifestyle, segments of the Indian consumer market.

The Company's Products are being marketed under the brand name "PANTALOON" and
"BARE NECESSITIES" through a network of over 300 dealers spanning the Metro and Class l
cities in the country.

The Company is promoted by Shri Kishore Biyani’s friends and associates.

 1992 - The Company has successfully launched the "Pantaloons" Trousers, Shirts,
Denims, Sleep Suits and other ready-made garments.

 1997 - The Company has launched women's wear, children's wear and household
products in the last few months.

 2001 - Retail major Pantaloons has forged an alliance with Arvind Mills for the supply
of fabric and apparel for its in-house brands.

 2012 - Kishore Biryanis’ Pantaloons Retail to be re-named as ‘Future Retail India Ltd’
post demerger.

 With the chain of 71 fashion store in 35 cities and towns, pantaloons are constantly
extending its footprints into the rest of the modern
Organization Structure:







At Pantaloons, Empowerment is what you acquire and Freedom at Work is what you get.
We believe our most valuable assets are our People. Young in spirit, adventurous in action,
with an average age of 27 years, our skilled & qualified professionals work in an
environment where change is the only constant.

Powered by the desire to create path-breaking practices and held together by values, work in
this people intensive industry is driven by softer issues. In our world, making a difference to
Customers’ lives is a Passion and performance is the key that makes it possible. Out of the
Box thinking has become a way of life at Pantaloons and living with the change, a habit.

Leadership is a value that is followed by one and all at Pantaloons. Leadership is the
quality that motivates us to never stop learning, stretching to reach the next challenge,
knowing that we will be rewarded along the way. In the quest of creating an Indian model of
retailing, Pantaloons has taken initiatives to launch many retail formats that have come to
serve as a benchmark in the industry. Believing in leadership has given us the optimism to
change and be successful at it. We do not predict the future, but create it.

At Pantaloons you will get an opportunity to handle multiple responsibilities, and therein,
the grooming to play a larger role in the future. Work is a unique mix of preserving our core
Indian values and yet providing customers with a service, on par with international

Over the years, the company has accelerated growth through its ability to lead change. A number of its
pioneering concepts have now emerged as industry standards. For instance, the company integrated
backwards into garment manufacturing even as it expanded its retail presence at the front end, well
before any other Indian retail company attempted this. It was the first to introduce the concept of the
retail departmental store for the entire family through Pantaloons in 1997.

The company was the first to launch a hypermarket in India with Big Bazaar, a large discount store that
it commissioned in Kolkata in October 2001. And the company introduced the country to the Food
Bazaar, a unique 'bazaar' within a hypermarket, which was launched in July 2002 in Mumbai.
Embracing our leadership value, the company.
launched all in July 2005 in Mumbai, making us the first retailer in India to open a fashion
store for plus size men and women.

The way we work is distinctly "Pantaloons". Our courage to dream and to turn our dreams
into reality – that change people’s lives, is our biggest advantage. A pantaloons is an
invitation to join a place where there are no boundaries to what you can achieve. It means
never having to stop asking questions; it means never having to stop raising the bar. It is an
opportunity to take risks, and it is this passion that makes our dreams a reality.

The Store is divided into 6 sections:

 Men’s Wear:

The Men's department has been further classified into Formal Wear and Casual Wear. In the formal wear
section they have brands like John Miller shirts, pantaloons brand of trousers. In the casual wear section
they have Pantaloons Cotton Trousers, Bare Casual Shirts and bare brand of jeans. These entire brands
are exclusively available at Pantaloons Stores. The pricing has also been done taking into consideration
the various segments of our customers.

 Ladies Wear:

The Ladies Department has been further sub divided into Western Wear and Ethnic Wear. The
Ladies western wear consists of ladies formal wear, skirts and tops, capris and jeans while the
ethnic wear consists of an exclusive collection of Salwar kurta Mix and Match. They also have
a variety of lingerie’s of ladies.

 Kids Wear:

The Kids Department has an interesting range of garments for both Girls and Boys. They have
a variety of T-shirts, Shirts, Jeans, Cargos, and Trousers for kids.

 Accessories:

In the Accessories department Pantaloons has a classic collection of John Miller ties, Belts,
Sleep suits, Caps and Hankies.
 Jewellery:

Pantaloons have a variety of jewelry in both gold and imitation jewelry. A

pantaloons is exclusive retailer of Cygnus, Nirvana Irish brands of jewellery in the
Pantaloons store, Noida. They also have the Ola brand of silver jewellery in the imitation
jewellery category.

 Cosmetics:

Pantaloons have almost all the major brands present in their store. They have a range of
products in L’Oréal, Revlon, Maybelline, Maxfactor, Chamber in cosmetic and CK, Nina
Ricci, Davidoff, Dior, Hugo Boss and Versace brands in perfumes and deodorants.


Customer relationship activities have the most impact on customer retention. Every customer
service encounter has the potential to gain repeat business or have the opposite effect. The
expectation of personalized, relevant offers and service is becoming a primary driver of customer
satisfaction and retention in financial services.

 What Exactly Is CRM?

The first thing you find when looking into the world of Customer Relationship
Management is the number of different definitions in use today.

Here is the one I have chosen for this Project:

 "CRM is the business strategy that aims to understand, anticipate, manage and
personalize the needs of an organization's current and potential customers" --
PWC Consulting.

 CRM is a business strategy, one that puts the customer at the heart of the

 “That’s nothing new” I hear you say, and you would be right. Good business
people have always understood the relationship between happy customers that
come back again and again and creating long term, sustainable profitability.
Pantaloons has realized this and applied this to effect.

One just needs to think of the local shop owner who knew every one of his customer’s names,
birthdays and particular ailments to prove that point. What is new is that there now exists the
“Come to PANTALOONS -I’m in love with FASHION”

It is said that a successful CRM implementation will allow your Customer Service, Sales and Marketing
people (and anyone else in your organization) to have a holistic view of each and every one of your
customers. In theory this will enable them to make quick, informed decisions, create cross selling and
up selling opportunities, measure marketing effectiveness and deliver personalized Customer Care.
Sound’s great doesn’t it!!!

 The Right Technology:

It is estimated that the global market for CRM services and solutions is currently worth $148 billion.
That means a lot of choice when selecting your technology - from web-based solutions aimed at small
businesses with less than 10 employees to solutions suitable for multi-national enterprises with millions
of customers.

 The Future:

CRM has already made a big impact in the world of Customer Service and will continue to do so. As
more and more companies become customer-centric those that fail to do so will lose competitive
advantage. As technology increases to develop at a startling rate the key emphasis will be how we can
fully utilize it within our business.

However, let's not lose sight of the fact that Customer Relationship Management is about people first
and technology second. That’s where the real value of CRM lies, harnessing the potential of people to
create a greater customer experience, using the technology of CRM as the enabler.

 Advantages of CRM for Pantaloons:

Using CRM, a management of Pantaloons can:

• Provide better customer service

• Increase customer revenues

• Discover new customers

• Cross sell/Up Sell products more effectively

• Help sales staff close deals faster

• Make call centers more efficient

• Simplify marketing and sales processes

 Challenges for Pantaloons in CRM implementation:

• Difficulty in acquiring new customers can be a result of any one, or combination, of the following

• Inaccurate and Slow Quoting Organizations may be unable to accurately estimate and quickly
deliver successful proposals, often leading to missed opportunities, bad profit margins and upset

• Lack of Product Knowledge within their Sales Force.

• Problems can arise when products were sold that didn’t fit company's profitability strategy such
as selling a customer one product when another would be better for the customer and more
profitable for you.

• Difficulty and Delay in Updating Pricing and Product Information.

• When the sales force is relies on incomplete product, pricing and customer information, and then
they're probably not selling the most profitable products you offer.

• Role of CRM at pantaloons:

Expectations of customer is increasing, he asks for more and more value for the same price, and whoever
provides him increasing value for money, he buys products from that marketer. Every retailer today is
aiming at an attempt to make a casual customer into a loyal customer who develops a bond with the retail
store he/she visits.

The entire concept of CRM today has also evolved over a period of time. Customer relationship
management is ahead of the transactional exchange and facilitates the marketer to understand the
customer's sentiments and buying habits so that the customer can be provided with products and services
before he starts demanding. This is possible through the integration of four important components i.e.
people, process, technology and data.

Today the term CRM has become a buzzword in the Indian Retail world. There are a host of reasons
which can be attributed to the changing consumer paradigm and the role played by the organized retailers
in making CRM a happening phenomenon. Every retailer in India today is looking at some or the other
form of CRM or its prime constituent loyalty-based program.

In the retail milieu, where generating and retaining footfalls is the greatest impediment to success, the
challenge lies in constantly innovating methods of attracting new customers and keeping their interests
alive. Loyalty programmers as part of CRM based activity are one of the ways of overcoming this
 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Customer Lifetime Value (CLV):

The variety of activities together play an important role in bringing repeat customers and in
turn generating positive word of mouth to also increase new footfalls into the store. This leads
to the development of an enthusiastic set of customers who can be approached to convey all
new developments, events and promotions. Data mining activities through CRM also provides
insights and knowledge about the retailers most valuable customers who result in maximum
sales. We also understand the Pareto's Principle which talks about generating 80% of sales
from 20% of the customers. This can only happen if the retailer has the 20% as its most
profitable customers and not just normal customers. This completely depends upon the kind of
business the retailer is into and there is nothing sacrosanct about this understanding.

A successful and effective CRM program results in increase of Customers Lifetime Value for
the store.


1. Today these and similar kinds of programmer are being run all across India by local as
well as national retailers. Let's understand the kind of CRM program offered by the
Pantaloons having a national presence to lure its customers:

Pantaloons known as the Green Card it is divided hierarchically into one star, three star, five star and
seven star. Criteria for star generation are:

On Purchase of Rs.2500/-
1 Star Members get
Gift Voucher worth R.s 150 on

On Purchase of Rs.7500/-
3 Star Members get
5% discount on every purchase
On Purchase of Rs.40000/-
7 Star Members get
A whopping 10% discount on every

Green Card is just like passport to a whole new world of exclusive benefits and privileges.

• Instant discounts* for every time you shop at Pantaloons.

• Exclusive shopping days to get hold of latest merchandise.

• Regular updates on collections and promos via catalogues, SMS and email. Special
invites to the most happening events.

• Extended exchange periods and complimentary drops for alterations.

• Exclusive billing counters and much more.

Categories valid for Green Card Discounts:

Apparel, perfumes & cosmetics, toys, Blue-sky, all Depot, Planet Sports & accessories. Valid on
categories within Pantaloons only. Also valid at standalone, Blue sky and all stores.

How Green Card Works:

• Present the card for the swipe every time one makes a purchase at Pantaloons.

• Membership & 12 month Purchase-based Upgrading System.

• Three Star Card –Upgrade to a 3 star status by shopping for Rs. 7500/- immediately
preceding 12 months of current shopping date.
• Five Star Card - Upgrade to a 5-star status by shopping for Rs. 15000/- immediately
preceding 12 months of current shopping date.

• Seven Star Card - Upgrade to a 7-star status by shopping for Rs. 40000/- immediately
preceding 12 months of current shopping date.

• 12-month Purchase-based Upgrading System Shop at Pantaloons and total purchase

(including that day) in the previous 12 months totals to the criteria value of the next tier, you
upgrade to the next status.

 Membership Validity:

• 1Star card is valid for a period of 2 years from the date of enrolment.

• 3-, 5- and 7-star cards are valid for a period of one year from the date of upgrade.

 Membership Renewal:

• Purchase worth Rs. 7500 within 2 years of card issue date and retain a 1-star status.

• Purchase worth Rs. 7500 within 1 year of card issue date and retain a 3-star status.

• Purchase worth Rs. 15000 within 1 year of card issue date and retain a 5-star status.

• Purchase worth Rs. 40000 within 1 year of card issue date and retain a 7-star status.

 Green Card Benefit:

• Green-Add-on-Cards:

Green Card benefits can now be shared with members of Green card members’ family.
Family of Green card members also be entitled to direct discount and other privileges that we
have to offer. A 1- and 3-star member is entitled to have 1 add-on card. However, a 5- and 7-
star member is entitled to have 2 add-on cards.

• Green-Days:

Exclusive Green Card shopping day gives a preview of End of Season Sale, so that Green card
members are first to get hold of the latest merchandise.

Our special billing counter is open to all Green Card members during End of Season sale.
Now Green card members can avoid the rush at the regular billing counter.

• Green-Offers Promotions:

These are exclusive shopping offers sent to Green card members on a regular basis. Flash
Green Card and claim the special offers and promotions. At times, offers open to all
customers are further enhanced for our esteemed Green Card members.

• Green-Service-Desk:

For all queries, information and services, contact the Green Service Desk at any Pantaloons

• Green-Exchange:

Now Green card members can exchange their products within 60 days of purchase. (90 days
for Seven Star members)

• Green-Drop:

Busy schedule of Green card members may not permit them to collect their alterations or purchases.
Green card members can ask for the Green Drop Service and purchases will be home-delivered to them.
This service is exclusively available to the 7 stars

members all around the year and also to the 5 star members except for end of season sale

• Reserved Car Parking

Offering them space for car parking is like inviting people with arms wide open. The reason
for this is the increasing inconvenience customers face to shop on weekends due to non-
availability of parking when the stores are huge crowd pullers.

• Birthday and Anniversary Greetings:

To make the Green card members feel special the stores send greetings and special
customized offers to Green card members.

• Special movie shows

 Customer Satisfaction in Pantaloons:

“The degree of customer satisfaction you deliver determines the level of long-term success you will
achieve in business.” - --- Training Mantra for Sales Force Customer Satisfaction their Top Priority
doesn’t just make sales. Create customers - satisfied customers. In addition to the immediate profit,
they provide on the first sale, satisfied customers help you build your business in 2 other important

1. They become a reservoir of repeat buyers. For some businesses that means repeat buyers for
more of the same product or service. For every business, it means buyers for additional
products and services.

2. They automatically refer more business to you from their friends and business contacts. This is
highly profitable business for you because it doesn't cost you any time or money to get it.

 Whatever they Promise more, they deliver:

Never make any promises you can't (or won't) keep. Nothing alienates customers faster than getting
something less than they expect from a business transaction. They won't do business with you again.
And they will tell everybody they know about their unhappy experience - causing you to lose future

 Always Give Customers More Than They Expect:

"Over deliver" on quality and service. Always exceed your customers' expectations. You will win their
long-term loyalty. It also makes it difficult for competitors to steal customers from you- even if they
have lower prices. Customers will not risk an uncertain experience with a competitor when they know
they will get more than they expect from you.

 Customers know how much they value them:

Let your customers know you are always thinking about them. Communicate with them regularly. For
example, create some special deals just for your existing customers. And announce new products or
services to them before you announce them to the general market.

Research methodology is to discover answer to question through the Application

of scientific procedures the main aim of research is to find out the truth which is
hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. Marketing research is the careful
analysis of a business situation by scientifically analyzing it and using various
statistical applications to the subject of study.

Research is the process of finding a solution through the use of scientific tools and
techniques. Marketing research is a methodical and purposeful study conducted to
obtain solution for specific marketing problem.

As far as method is concerned, I preferred personal interview or face to face meeting

to ensure accurate information and encourage frank response to questions. At the
same time telephone or mail survey was not possible.

While framing the questionnaire, I tried to list a series of question, which could elicit
the needed information for proposed study. Questions, which were of no particular
value for the study objectives, were not included. I also tried to keep in mind the
respondents’ understanding capacity, ability to recall the information and his
experience limits. I didn’t include those Questions in the questionnaire, which
could have raised misconception and promoted non- cooperation on their part.

However, in the questionnaire, I used simple words, which were easy to understand,
and beyond any doubt. In the same way ambiguous questions were not included and
questions were arranged in a logical order.


The research instruments generally used to collect primary data are

questionnaires and mechanical instrument. Some of these are;

Questionnaire: -

Questionnaire are formal sets of questions, prepare to collect the require information. this is
one of the most effective and popular technique used in survey. Questionnaire is a tool which
provide right information.
Sampling: -

Proper sampling design is essential in marketing research so the sample has to be collecting in such a way
that it represents the entire population. My project is based on consumer awareness so I am taking sample
of those people who shop regularly.

Sample unit:

The portion of the population that researcher need to target and that represent the entire population is
known as a sample unit. So, I am targeting those customers who shop regular and visit store regularly.

Sample size: -
The size of the sample is an important element in the research process so I am taking the 100 people.

Collection of data: -

In dealing with customers, it is often found that data, at hand are inadequate, and hence it
became necessary to collect data that are appropriate and adequate.

There are two way of collecting the appropriate data: -

By observation:

This method implies the collection of information by investigator’s own observation, without
interviewing the respondents. In survey many times I observed that this customer is interested
to fill up the questionnaire or is really interested in the services, variety and brands provided by

Personal interview:

I have also collected my data through Personal interview. I made a well-structured

questionnaire and asked them their awareness about brands, products.
Secondary data:

Secondary data is collected from the company internal and external resources. While the
internal resources include the company literature, sales report, broachers, pamphlets etc. and
the external sources could be included magazines, newspaper etc.

Research type: -

My project based on consumer awareness so I am taking descriptive and informative research.

The main advantages of this research that I have no control over the variable. I have done my
survey in Pantaloons Store.

Sampling method: -

In my research I have used deliberate sampling. This sampling method involves purposive or
deliberate selection of a particular unit of the universe. It can also be known as convenience


• To study about the HR DEPARTMENT functions of PANTALOONS • To know about the


 To understand the organizational structure

 To know the functioning of the various departments

• To know the quality standards

 To observe the activities


• To study the overall management of PANTALOONS RETAIL IND LTD To give valuable
suggestion towards PANTALOONS RETAIL IND LTD

• Understand customer needs better

• Maintain long term customer relationships

• Be able to pursue a strategy of Relationship Marketing

• Identify individual customers’ needs

• Develop relationships that stretch over several transactions

• Manage that relationship to the benefit of the customer and the company

• To enable the sales team to promote sales effectively through maintaining customer relation

The scope of the study is to identify the customer relationship management towards Pantaloons Fashion
Retail. Ltd. Primary data was collected from customers. Secondary data was collected from company
manuals, magazines and websites. It is aimed at enlightening the company about different steps to be
taken up to increase the value of Pantaloons Fashion Retail Ltd. with regard other competitors and also
make the company to provide better consumer services. The sample size for this study is 100. The
methodology used for analysis is percentage method


The CRM (customer relationship management) is an integrated effort to strengthen the network of
relationship for the mutual benefits of the both parties. The biggest management challenge in the new
millennium of liberalization and globalization for a business is to maintain good relationship with the
king- the customer. This study is of great significance because

 A 5%increae in the customer retention will increase the profit upto125%.

 It costs even times more to attract a new customer than to serve an old one

 20% of the company’s loyal customer’s account for the 80%of its revenue.


1. The data collected and findings shown in the project in not full-fledged and therefore cannot be
used straight away used in decision making.

2. The sample taken was very small and compared to the total population. The response received
may not be free from bias.

3. The study was limited to the capabilities and willingness of the respondents in approximately
answering the question.



• Pantaloons captures the large market share and is pioneering in the industry

• Pantaloons have good reputation in the market for value of money and have wide range of
products available all in one store.

• Pantaloons Fashion Retail Ltd is financially sound and can deal with any kind of problem
and can give competition to the rivals.

• Pantaloons do not function internationally, which has an effect on success, as they do

not reach consumers in overseas markets.

• Since Pantaloons Retail India Ltd. Sell products across many sectors, it may not have
the flexibility of some of its more focused competitors.


• Opportunity exists for PRIL to continue with current strategy of large, super centers.

• Population of country is growing where the scope of market is kept on increasing for
retail store.


• Being number one means that you are the target of competition. (extra competition and
new competitors entering the market could unsteady Pantaloons Fashion Retail Ltd)

• A slow economy or financial slowdown could have a major impact on Pantaloons Retail
India business and profits.
1. Gender: -

Particulars No. of Respondents

Male 45

Female 55


From the above data we can say that female Customers visiting pantaloons is 55% and
male Customers visiting pantaloons is 45%
2. Are you aware of the pantaloons Brand?

Particulars Respondents
Yes 97
No 03


From the above chart we can say that most of the Customers visiting pantaloons are aware
about the pantaloons brands and products i.e., 97% customers are aware about the brand at
3. Through which media do you get awareness about End of Season sale (EOSS)?

Particulars No. of Respondents

Newspaper 10
Hoardings 09
Friends & relatives 32
Calling 17
SMS 32


From the above depicted Chart we can see that the major source of awareness for customers at
pantaloons is Friends and relatives and SMS service provided by the pantaloons i.e. 32% so it
should try and focus more on it by sending timely messages to the Customers, followed by
17% by Callings, 10% by hoardings and so on...
4. What comes to your mind when you mean about Pantaloons?


Product quality 50

Store Appearance and atmosphere 05

Discounts & Offers 38

Price and terms of Payment 05

Other 2


From the above chart it is clear that most of the customer are quality conscious so Pantaloons
should focus more on quality. It is clear from the chart that 50% of the respondents chose
quality out of the 100 respondents, whereas 32% think about discounts and offers, 5% are
interested in Price and terms of payment
5.Brand and Product availability at Pantaloons Is?


Excellent 41

Good 46

Average 10

Poor 03


From the above pie chart, it is clear that Brand and product availability at Pantaloons is up to
the mark. As out of 100 respondents 41 of them liked the excellent option and 46 of them
viewed it as good. It means the brand and Product availability at Pantaloons is good,
6. Which section you like the most with respect to quality, price and variety?


Women’s 51

Men’s 41

Kids 08

Accessories 0


From the gender interpretation we came to know that 55% customers visiting Pantaloons are females
therefore form the above data is clear that the most preferred section is women’s i.e. 51%, Followed by
Men’s, Kids and accessories
7.Are you satisfied with the service facility provided by the Service Staff?


Highly satisfied 29

Satisfied 62

Dissatisfied 05

Highly Dissatisfied 00

Neutral 04


From the depicted Chart it is clear that Service provided by Staff members is good, they are performing
their Duties well as 62% of the customers are satisfied with the Service Staff facility and 29% of the
Respondents are highly satisfied
8. How do you find Pantaloons brand compared to another Competitor?


Excellent 28

Good 59

Average 12

Poor 00

Very Poor 01


As the availability of the Brand and product at pantaloons is up to mark and Qualitative,
Customers find the brand Qualitative, and good as compared to Competitors as 59
respondents out of 100 have liked Good option, and 28 % respondent viewed it as excellent.
9.What kind of Change do you expect in which of the below given you expect to


Quality 34

Green card 23

Staff service 17

other 26


From the above data it is clear that 23% respondents expect change in green card facility and
10.Are you satisfied with pantaloons service department (exchange, alteration,
credit Note?)


Excellent 40

Good 52

Average 07

Poor 01

Very Poor 00


From the above data awe can say that 52 Respondents out of 100 are satisfied with service
11. Does the Price of the product effect on your shopping?


yes 69

No 16

Partially yes 15


From the above pie Chart, we can say that 69% of the respondents are affected by the Price
so pantaloons should focus on Price and provide a product with the Price that is reasonable to
the customers as they are Price sensitive, 15% of them say partially yes.

The findings of the study are:

 Most of the Customers visiting the Pantaloons Fashion & Retail Ltd. are females

 Pantaloons is a point of attraction to Customers due to discounts offered and schemes

provided by the store but the Customers did not find it Promising or satisfactory and
wanted enhancement in the Discounts.

 From the research it finds that customers expect changes in green card facility.

 Old records can be maintained

 High competition between pantaloons and Lifestyle.

 Creating new strategies to CONTINUE no, I in Retail market.

 Good rapport with all the employees

 Good fun zone.

 Free tea snacks for staff.

 EDC offer card to employees

 As welfare measure birth day celebration held in the back office.


 Convert your customers into publicity agents. Develop an incentive for them to tell associates
and friends about the value of your products or services. An endorsement from them is more
effective than any amount of advertising - and it is much cheaper.

 Surprise your customers with unexpected value. If you sell products, include an
"unadvertised bonus" with every order. If you sell services, get into the habit of doing
something extra for every customer or client without charging for it.

 Number of billing counters should be increased during the sales and some special
occasions in order to fasten the billing Process and a greater number of computers
should be installed

 In order to strengthen the customer loyalty, the staff members should be trained so that
they can make customers aware about the green card membership and can get the

 Before implementing or offering any scheme or offer it should be analyzed before

generating it to the customers and if possible, more lucrative discounts should be given
to attract more customers.

From this study it can be concluded that the customer relationship management in company is satisfactory

The company is using various practices like customization of product, green card membership facility,
maintaining interaction with customers regularly and providing good products etc. customer

Customer relationship management has a certain impact on the profitability of the company.

Average sale per customer has increased 15%over the last two years.

Customer response rate toward marketing activities is also improving. there are various factors affecting
the customer relationship management like working environment of the company, support from top
management and coordination among the departments of the company. Information technology is not
used as much as it should be.

The customers prefer cash discount. There after they want variety in the store. Customers generally
satisfied with schemes running in store. Communication through mail, e-mail and phone with royal
customers may strengthen the sale.

Q1. Which retail store is more comfortable for your shopping?

(b) Central
(c) Reliance Trend
(d) Globus
(e) Westside

Q2. Which store products/merchandise collection available is more trendy or latest?

(b) Central
(c) Reliance Trend
(d) Globus
(e) Westside

Q3. Which retail store's coordination of staff members at more comfortable you?

(b) Central
(c) Reliance Trend
(d) Globus
(e) Westside

Q 4. From where you heard about the sale available at pantaloons store?

(a) TV
(b) Radio
(c) Newspapers
Q.5 Are you happy with the available offers at the store -

(b) Highly Satisfied
(c) Dissatisfy

Q.6 you prefer to shopping with us due to

(a) Attractive offers

(b) High Quality
(c) Variety
(d) Better Assistant

Q.7 on which time you prefer for shopping apparels?

(a) During offers

(b) fresh stock
(c) on festivals
(d) anytime

Q.8 which store is having the best ambience in Mumbai?

(b) Central
(c) Reliance trend
(d) Globus

Q9. How often you visit Pantaloon in a month?

(a).1-3 Times
(b). 3-6 times
(c). 6-9 times
Q.10. what is your casual preference while buying products from organized retail outlets?

a) pantaloons

b) Bhavan man

c) central

d) westside

e) big bazaar

11). Which of the following point you want improvement?

a) Service should be faster

b) Staffs could be friendlier

c) Staff should communicate all the points to the consumer

d) Others

12). Availability of staff in a timely manner.

a) Excellent

b) good

c) average

Websites and search engines

 www.pantaloons.com

 www.economywatch.com

 www.wikipedia.com

Books and magazines

 Business world

 Business &economy

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