Rental Agreement - Amulraj
Rental Agreement - Amulraj
Rental Agreement - Amulraj
Mr. M.AMULRAJ, S/o Mr. MUNIYANDI RAJAN, ( Aadhar No. 3223 0720
7256 aged about 26 years residing at 7/344, Muthalamman Koil St,
Pallavaram, Chennai 600043. Hereinafter referred to as “THE LESSEE”
(Which expression shall mean and include their successors, legal
representatives, executors, administrators and assigns) of the OTHER
AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed to grant and the LESSEE has
agreed to accept a lease of the Residential premises situated at Ground
Floor, No Old No 32a, New No 82, P.P. AMMAN KOIL STREET,
PALLAVARAM, CHENNAI - 43, (which is morefully and particularly
described in the schedule hereunder referred to as the “SCHEDULED-A”),
subject to terms and conditions hereinafter set out.
The LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR a sum of Rs. 9,000 /- (Rupees Nine
Thousand Only) per month as rent and maintenance.
The monthly rent shall be payable in favour of Mrs. S.Nirmala at full. The
LESSOR shall issue the receipt for the rent and maintenance charges paid
every month.
The LESSEE has this day paid to the LESSOR, a sum of Rs.40,000/-
(Rupees Forty Thousand Only) by NEFT Transfer. The LESSOR hereby
acknowledges the receipt of the said amount and the amount shall be held
by the LESSOR as the Security Deposit during the continuance of the Lease
and / or any extension thereof, and shall be repaid to the LESSEE, free of
interest at the end of the period of the Lease and / or any extension thereof,
or earlier termination.
The LESSEE shall be entitled and permitted to use the scheduled premises
and the said facilities for residential purposes only and shall not use or
permit the use of the scheduled premises for any unlawful purpose.
The LESSEE shall keep the scheduled premises in a fit and proper state
subject to normal wear and tear. PROVIDED THAT the LESSEE shall
permit the LESSOR or their representatives / agent to enter into the
premises for inspection at reasonable hours with prior notice to the
LESSEE. The LESSEE shall carry all necessary repairs like Borewell pump,
Sump Motor and allied plumping & electrical fittings etc., and the LESSEE
shall be in charge of the day maintenance of the demised premises.
The LESSEE shall not be permitted to carry out any alteration to the
structure of the building. However, shall carry out fitting of Air-Conditioners
etc with prior knowledge of the LESSOR.
The LESSEE paying the rents hereby reserved and observing and performing
the terms, conditions and covenants of the Lease herein contained shall be
entitled to quiet possession and peaceful enjoyment of the scheduled
premise without any manner of let, hindrance, interruption or disturbance
by or from the LESSORS, their heirs or by any persons claiming through
under or in trust for the LESSOR or their representatives.
The lease shall be terminable under all or any one of the following
circumstances, namely:
ii. The LESSOR and the LESSEE may terminate this Agreement of
Lease at any time by giving two months written notice or rent in
lieu thereof without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
The LESSOR is bound to return to the LESSEE the interest free deposit
upon the termination of this agreement, subject to such lawful deductions
that the LESSOR may make in respect of the rental arrears or other like
duties of damages made.
The LESSEE shall deliver back the vacant possession of the scheduled
premises to the LESSOR immediately upon the expiry of the said term or
renewed period or on earlier termination if any, upon which the first
LESSOR shall return the Security Deposit free of interest, less any lawful
deduction of damages, painting expenses subject to normal wear and tear
immediately to the LESSEE without any delay.
Ground Floor, Old No 32a, New No 82, P.P. AMMAN KOIL STREET,
PALLAVARAM, CHENNAI - 43, admeasuring 750 Sq Ft Super buildup
area in Ground Floor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their respective hands
and seals and these presents on the day, month and year first hereinafter