Introduction To JAVA
Introduction To JAVA
Introduction To JAVA
Different manufacturer may choose different CPU/Platform.
It was important that the language is independent of CPU architecture.
This project was named as “Green”.
No one was interested to use this for their product
The team spends all 1993 and half 1994 looking for people to buy its
technology. But no one found.
The key to this web is “Browser” that translates the hypertext page to web
Patrick Naughton & Team build a browser known as “HotJava” browser.
3) Distributed
10) Multithreaded
4) Reliable or Robust
6) Architecture Neutral
7) Portable
8) Interpreted
2) Object Oriented: -
Object oriented design is a technique for programming that focuses on
Java applications can open & access objects across the network.
The same Java bytecode can run on any platform by using Java Virtual
Machine (JVM).
Your Java program is same on every platform, and there are no data
incompatibilities across hardware and software architectures.
An int type in java is always of 32 bits,
In C/C++,
It can be 16 bits or 32 bits depends on compiler vendors.
There is an Abstract Window Toolkit Classes and its implementations on
UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh is same.
9) High Performance: -
The Java platform achieves superior performance
The automatic garbage collector runs a low priority background
So that
More memory is available when required leading to better performance.
The Java language provides a class Thread and run-time system provides
monitors and condition lock for different threads running concurrently.
The libraries can freely add new methods and instance variables
without any effect to their clients.
Classes are linked only as needed. New code modules can be linked as
per demand from variety of sources, even from across the network.
The use of the same bytecode for all platforms allows Java to be
described as "compile once, run anywhere“.