max® CAD
Scientific Documentation
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Table of contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 IPS e.max range of products – a system for all indications ............................................ 3
1.2 IPS e.max CAD ..................................................................................................................... 4
2. Technical Data .............................................................................................................. 7
3. Materials Science Investigations................................................................................. 9
3.1 Physical properties of IPS e.max CAD............................................................................... 9
4. In-vitro Investigations .................................................................................................10
4.1 Flexural strength of IPS e.max CAD................................................................................. 10
4.2 Fatigue behaviour and reliability of IPS e.max CAD ...................................................... 10
4.3 Luting of IPS e.max CAD ................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Antagonist wear ................................................................................................................. 17
5. Clinical Studies............................................................................................................21
5.1 Clinical studies with IPS e.max CAD MO......................................................................... 21
5.2 Clinical studies with IPS e.max CAD LT, HT ................................................................... 21
5.3 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 23
6. Biocompatibility...........................................................................................................24
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 24
6.2 Chemical stability............................................................................................................... 24
6.3 Cytotoxicity......................................................................................................................... 25
6.4 Sensitization, irritation ...................................................................................................... 26
6.5 Radioactivity....................................................................................................................... 26
6.6 Mutagenicity ....................................................................................................................... 27
6.7 Biological risk to user and patient ................................................................................... 27
6.8 Clinical experience............................................................................................................. 27
6.9 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 27
7. References ...................................................................................................................28
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1. Introduction
1.1 IPS e.max range of products – a system for all indications
IPS e.max is an innovative all-ceramic system which enables you to accomplish virtually all
indications for all-ceramic restorations, ranging from thin veneers to 12-unit bridges.
IPS e.max comprises highly esthetic, high-strength materials for both the press and
CAD/CAM technology. The system includes innovative lithium disilicate glass-ceramic
materials, which are particularly suited for single restorations, and high-stability zirconium
oxide materials for long-span bridges.
Each patient case comes with its own requirements and treatment goals. IPS e.max meets
these requirements, because its product range provides you exactly with the material that
you need:
– A choice of two materials is available for the press technique: the highly esthetic lithium
disilicate glass-ceramic IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max ZirPress, a fluorapatite glass-
ceramic ingot for the rapid and efficient press-on technique on zirconium oxide
– For CAD/CAM applications, you can choose between the innovative IPS e.max CAD
lithium disilicate block and the high-strength IPS e.max ZirCAD zirconium oxide,
depending on the requirements of the specific patient case.
– The IPS e.max range of materials is completed by the IPS e.max Ceram nano-fluorapatite
layering ceramic, which can be used to characterize/veneer all IPS e.max components,
irrespective of whether they are made of glass- or oxide ceramic.
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1.2.1 Overview
IPS e.max CAD is available in three different degrees of translucency: MO, LT and HT.
IPS e.max CAD MO is a tooth-coloured, esthetic framework material, which is veneered with
IPS e.max Ceram.
The IPS e.max CAD LT blocks demonstrate a low translucency. They are available in various
A to D and Bleach shades. This glass-ceramic allows the fabrication of fully anatomical
restorations due to its low translucency and large variety of shades. For highly esthetic
results, the restorations can be partially reduced in the labial area and subsequently
veneered using IPS e.max Ceram.
The IPS e.max CAD HT blocks are an ideal ceramic for inlays and onlays due to its very high
translucency. These ingots exhibit what is known as the chameleon effect, which means that
the ceramic reflects the shade of the surrounding dentition.
1.2.3 Coloration
The colour of the glasses is produced by colouring ions. The polyvalent colouring elements
show a different oxidation state in the intermediate crystalline phase than in the fully
crystallized state. Therefore, the blocks (except for MO 0) exhibit a blue colour (Fig. 3, Fig. 4)
in the partially crystallized state. The material acquires the desired tooth colour and opacity
during tempering, in the course of which the lithium disilicate crystals are formed, and during
the subsequent cooling for a defined period of time (Fig. 5).
Fig. 4: Crown in the partially crystallized state Fig. 5: Crown in the final state
1.2.4 Microstructure
Partially crystallized IPS e.max CAD
(Fig. 6):
The microstructure consists of 40% lithium
metasilicate crystals (Li2SiO3) embedded
in a glassy phase. The grain size of the
platelet-shaped crystals is in the range of
0.2 to 1.0 µm.
The etched-out areas show the lithium
metasilicate crystals.
A sound bond is formed between the glaze layer and the lithium disilicate glass-ceramic
(LS2). The transition is free of bubbles and cracks (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8: Interface between the IPS e.max CAD Crystall./Glaze instant glaze and
the IPS e.max CAD basic material. (SEM image; polished sample)
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2. Technical Data
Physical properties:
In accordance with:
SiO2 60.0 - 65.0
K2O 15.0 - 19.0
Al2O3 6.0 - 10.5
Other oxides, pigments 5.5 - 30.0
Physical properties:
In accordance with:
ISO 6872 Dental ceramic
ISO 9693 Metal-ceramic dental restorative systems
Glaze Paste
Shade Stains Add-On
Glaze Spray
Chemical solubility µg/cm 10 ± 5 50 ± 10 50 ± 10 10 ± 5
Coefficient of thermal expansion -6 -1
10 K 9.5 ± 0.5 9.5 ± 0.5 9.5 ± 0.5 9.5 ± 0.5
(100 - 400 °C)
Glass transition temperature °C 560 ± 10 560 ± 10 560 ± 10 560 ± 10
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4. In-vitro Investigations
Before IPS e.max CAD was used in clinical applications, its behaviour and performance was
tested in several in vitro tests and compared with other materials. These tests provide
preliminary information about the performance of the material when it is used for the
recommended indications. Although the tests are standardized, they only present a few
selected core features and do not provide a comprehensive picture of the material’s
performance in vivo. The reported values do not represent absolute values; they are only
used as a reference to compare the performance of different materials when they are tested
under the same conditions.
Sawn, ISO Milled & Milled, ISO Milled, Milled,
polished & crystallized polished & manually manually
crystallized crystallized polished & polished,
crystallized glazed &
IPS e.max CAD
Fig. 9: Flexural strength values of IPS e.max CAD when subjected to three-point flexural strength
testing according to ISO 6872 [2].
Fracture load [N]
IPS e.max CAD IPS e.max ZirCAD / Ceram
Conclusion: Fully anatomical IPS e.max CAD crowns have shown to be resistant to
fatigue in cyclic stress/load testing. In comparison, the zirconium oxide
crowns failed at considerably lower forces by developing fractures in
the veneering material.
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Fig. 11: Weibull strength of zirconium oxide (yellow), metal-ceramic (green), IPS e.max CAD 1 mm
(blue) and IPS e.max CAD 2 mm (black) [4, 5].
Shear bond strength [MPa]
without IPS Ceramic Etching Gel
Fig. 12: Influence of conditioning with IPS Ceramic Etching Gel on the shear bond strength of lithium
disilicate ceramic (LS2) and Vivaglass CEM (Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, 2006)
Conclusion: For the above reason, it is necessary to condition the relevant ceramic
surfaces with IPS Ceramic Etching Gel for 20 s for the conventional
cementation of lithium disilicate ceramics (LS2) (IPS e.max Press and
IPS e.max CAD).
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30 light-curing
Shear bond strength [MPa]
MaxCEM Panavia F RelyX Unicem
Fig. 13: Shear bond strength of luting composites between glass-ceramics and dentin (Applied Testing
Center, Ivoclar Vivadent Inc., Amherst, 2006)
Conclusion: For the cementation of IPS e.max CAD, adhesive luting composites,
such as Multilink Automix or Variolink II, are particularly recommended.
Conventional cementation, using for instance the glass-ionomer
cement Vivaglass CEM, is also suitable for crowns that have been
prepared retentively.
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Vita Mark II
IPS Empress CAD
3000 IPS e.max CAD
Fracture load [N]
Multilink Variolink II Rely X Fujicem Panavia 2.0
Implant Unicem
Luting material
Fig. 14: Breaking load of three ceramic materials (Vita Mark II, IPS Empress CAD and IPS e.max
CAD) in conjunction with various luting materials [6].
Conclusion: IPS e.max CAD offers high mechanical stability, irrespective of the type
of cementation used.
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Accurately quantifying wear under clinical conditions in situ is very time-consuming. Wear is
determined via intraoral impressions, which are measured with laser measuring equipment
(initial model and successive models). The accuracy of this measuring method relies on the
quality of the impression.
Obviously, the extent of the vertical loss depends on the forces that come to bear on the
occlusal surfaces and, consequently, is always unique and patient-specific. The results are
affected by the individuals who participate in the study. The masticatory force of men and
younger patients is higher than that of women and older people. Eating habits also play a
significant role. Consequently, it is vital to examine a sufficiently high number of cases to
obtain statistically sound results that can accommodate the variety of individual effects.
In the laboratory, wear is measured in a chewing simulator. The values can only be used for
comparisons or as a series of results gathered in conjunction with various other materials
because these values are only a partial representation of real-life clinical conditions.
Values/samples can only be compared with each other, if they are measured under exactly
the same conditions (the tests are not standardized and, consequently, the results usually
differ from one another).
Fig. 16: Ceramic crown seated in the test chamber of the Willytec simulator and enamel antagonist
cemented onto the sample holder with composite
Conclusion: Neither the hardness nor the strength of a material have a decisive effect on
abrasion or wear.
e.max CAD HT after e.max CAD HT after the e.max Press non- e.max Press after finishing
the milling process milling process + finishing finished with diamonds
with diamonds
Fig. 17: Three-dimensional images of the occlusal surfaces of crowns made of IPS e.max CAD HT
and IPS e.max Press after manufacturing (non-finished) and after having been finished with fine
diamonds (FRT MicroProf, sample rate of 300Hz, horizontal resolution of 1 µm, vertical resolution of
20 nm). (Ivoclar Vivadent)
Fig. 18: Surface roughness of milled ceramic materials before reworking (on the left) and after reworking
(on the right) with the OptraFine system. (Top row: VITA Mark II; bottom row: IPS e.max CAD). SEM
images. (Ivoclar Vivadent)
The surface roughness plays a particularly important role in the abrasion of antagonists. As
can be seen in Fig. 19, antagonist abrasion is significantly higher in IPS e.max CAD surfaces
that have not been reworked (UB) and are therefore rougher than in surfaces that have been
reworked (B) and therefore exhibit less roughness. After finishing, antagonist abrasion is
comparable to that of IPS e.max Press, which demonstrates a relatively low surface
roughness and therefore low (antagonist) abrasion.
Abrasion [µm]
Fig. 19: Effect of ceramic surface roughness on antagonist abrasion. Ceramic and antagonist wear of
unworked (UB) and reworked (B) crown surfaces (IPS e.max CAD and IPS e.max Press) using fine
grain diamonds (25 µm). (Ivoclar Vivadent)
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Conclusion: The initial surface roughness that ceramic objects exhibit after CAM processing
does not depend on the ceramic material used. This roughness depends on the milling
process and the milling tools used to machine the object. Finishing the ceramic surfaces is
essential to minimize antagonist abrasion, particularly in conjunction with milled restorations.
To reduce the wear of enamel antagonists, ceramic surfaces should be finished according to
the manufacturer’s directions even if the crown will be glazed later on. Glazing alone is not
always an equivalent substitute for reworking the surfaces with fine diamonds or polishing of
the basic material, because the underlying material will increasingly work on the antagonist
either from the beginning or after some (“wear”) time.
5. Clinical Studies
5.1 Clinical studies with IPS e.max CAD MO
Objective/Experimental: Thirty posterior crowns made of IPS e.max CAD frameworks and
veneered with IPS e.max Ceram were incorporated. The
restorations were cemented using Multilink Automix.
Experimental: Thirty-seven crowns were fabricated and placed (15 of which were
placed adhesively and 22 conventionally). In addition, 71
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5.3 Conclusion
60 Intact crowns
Number of crowns
12 24 months 36 months 45
months months
Abb. 20: Intact crowns and fractured crowns reported in clinical studies of up to 45 months to
evaluate IPS e.max CAD.
Dr Zimmerli, University of Bern (CH); Dr Bindl, University of Zurich (CH); Dr Sörensen, Pacific Dental
Institute, Oregon (USA); Dr Beuer, Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik, Munich (D); Dr Reich,
Universität Leipzig (D); Dr Fasbinder, University of Michigan (USA); Prof. Nathanson, Boston
University (USA); Dr Peschke, Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan (FL).
6. Biocompatibility
6.1 Introduction
The ceramic materials used in dentistry are considered to be exceptionally “biocompatible”
[11-13]. Biocompatibility is generally regarded as a material’s quality of being compatible with
the biological environment (tissues) [14], i.e. the material’s ability to interact with the tissues
of the body without causing any, or only very limited biological reactions. A dental material is
considered to be “biocompatible” if its function and properties match the biological
environment of the body and do not cause any unwanted response [15].
Ceramic materials have enjoyed a good reputation as a biocompatible material [10; 16] and
this reputation has steadily grown in the past 40 years. This trend can certainly be attributed
to the distinctive properties of these materials. The melting and sintering processes involved
in the production and manufacture of these materials eliminate all volatile substances. In
addition, the following properties are responsible for the excellent biocompatibility of dental
According to Anusavice [11], ceramics are considered to be the most durable of all the dental
Furthermore, an analysis of the ions solved from IPS e.max CAD samples in artificial saliva
and acetic acid revealed only a limited amount of detectable ions. The values are
comparable to those of other dental materials. Consequently, it is seen as unlikely that
soluble components of the ceramic could have any adverse effects, e.g. cause cytotoxicity.
6.3 Cytotoxicity
Cytotoxicity tests provide an indication of the reactivity and tolerance of individual cells
(mostly murine fibroblasts) when they are exposed to the soluble compounds of a dental
material. Cytotoxicity is the easiest to measure of the biological properties. However,
cytotoxicity on its own has only limited validity to appraise the biocompatibility of a dental
material. Numerous researchers have been publishing toxicology data on dental materials.
The conditions in which the tests are conducted can be selected in such a way that the
results vary enormously. This is the reason why cytotoxicity may be detected in some tests
but not in others. If the tests show a positive cytotoxic effect, additional, more elaborate tests
have to be carried out in order to be able to evaluate the material’s biocompatibility.
However, in the end, only the clinical experience gathered with the material allows a
conclusive and meaningful assessment of its biocompatibility.
The in vitro toxicity was assessed at NIOM, Scandinavian Institute of Dental Material,
Haslum (N), by means of direct cell contact. The test was conducted according to ISO
10993-5: Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity.
This study did not reveal any statistical difference between the individual ceramics (21). The
viability of the cells ranged from over 80% to 100% in all tests carried out on ceramics; i.e.
the cells showed the same behaviour as untreated control cells. However, if composite was
used, a clear difference was detected: the viability of the cells was decreased by approx.
20%, which means that composite is far more toxic than ceramic [18].
Cellular viability [%]
Composite Z 100
IPS Empress 2
Fig. 21: Cytotoxicity test – Comparison of different ceramics and composites (direct cell contact test
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Additionally, an agar diffusion test was carried out on IPS e.max CAD LT A1. This
cytotoxicity test assesses the response of murine fibroblasts to chemical compounds which
dissolve from the test material, diffuse through an agar gel medium and may possibly
adversely affect the viability of the cells.
The test showed that e.max CAD LT A1 did not have an adverse effect on the cells after an
exposure time of 48 hours [19].
Under the selected test conditions, no cytotoxic potential could be detected for IPS
e.max CAD.
In an animal test, hamsters wore IPS e.max CAD LT samples in their pouches for at least 5
minutes per hour during an overall period of 4 hours. Absolutely no irritation of the mucous
membrane could be detected [22].
Since direct irritation of the mucous membrane cells through direct contact with ceramics can
virtually be ruled out, possible irritation is generally attributable to mechanical stimulus.
Normally, such reactions can be prevented by observing the IPS e.max CAD Instructions for
Compared with other dental materials, ceramics show a lower potential to cause
irritation or sensitization, if any at all.
6.5 Radioactivity
Concerns have been raised regarding the possible radioactivity of dental ceramics. The
origin of these concerns date back to the seventies, when small amounts of radioactive
fluorescent substances were employed in various metal-ceramic systems [25-27]. The
possible radiation levels were measured in relation to the ceramic materials in the oral cavity
[28]. Several alternatives to attain fluorescence in dental materials without using radioactive
additives have become available since the eighties. We may therefore assume that all the
major manufacturers stopped using radioactive ingredients in their materials from that time
Nonetheless, possible sources of radioactivity cannot be so easily ruled out. Minute
impurities of uranium or thorium in raw materials, which are sometimes used in their natural
state, or in pigments are difficult to remove [25]. Consequently, the standards for ceramic
materials (EN ISO 6872; EN ISO 9693; ISO 13356) prohibit the use of radioactive additives
and stipulate the maximum level of radioactivity permissible in ceramic materials.
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The following levels of radioactivity were measured for IPS e.max CAD by means of γ-
238 232
U [Bq/g] Th [Bq/g]
The radioactivity of IPS e.max CAD is far below the limit value specified in the
relevant standard. (By comparison, the activity of the earth's crust is in the range of
0.03 Bq/g for 238U and 232Th.)
6.6 Mutagenicity
Any mutagenic potential of a material and its soluble components should be ruled out as
much as possible to prevent the development of cancer. This is particularly important for
dental materials, which remain in the oral cavity of the patient for many years.
The AMES test is a biological assay to detect DNA damage and provides important
information on the mutagenicity of chemical compounds. The AMES test did not reveal a
mutagenic potential for IPS e.max CAD LT A1 [29].
The risk that IPS e.max CAD may cause tumours is extremely low.
6.9 Conclusion
Lithium disilicate ceramics have been tested for any type of toxicological potential in view of
their use as medicinal device. A clinical track record of more than 10 years and the
cytotoxicity and in-vivo test results of several accredited test institutes provide more
meaningful information than individual publications on in-vitro toxicity. This overview shows
that dental ceramics generally involve a very low hazard, while they offer a high level of
biocompatibility. From this perspective, ceramic materials should be preferred for dental
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In view of the present data and today’s level of knowledge, it can be stated that IPS e.max
CAD does not feature any toxic potential. A health risk for patients, dental technicians and
dentists can be excluded, provided IPS e.max CAD is used according to the instructions of
the manufacturer.
7. References
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