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Xcell CPR-041 v2.1

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CPR-041 Module Description




Fault Relay

10/100 Mbit
Flash and Ethernet

4 Serial

Real Time
Clock Isolating
option DC/DC Converter

Introduction Features
The Cell processor is the core building 32 Bit Processor, 64 MHz
block of the XCell product. It supports up Ethernet Interface
to four I/O modules but can operate as a sales@microsol.com
stand-alone module supporting serial 4 Serial Ports
communication and software applications. 256 physical channel I/O processing
Its functions may include: capability
• I/O Monitoring and Control Designed for substation environment

• IED Interfacing Certified to Power Industry Standards

• Control Applications 1 millisecond time Stamping

Flexible Communications: No part of this
• SCADA Communications
- Remote Communications document should be
• Protocol Conversion - Local Serial Communications (IED’s) reproduced without
- Local Diagnostics the prior approval of
Cell processors may be networked using
the onboard LAN to provide larger and XCell Redundant LAN Interface
more powerful systems.
20-72V DC Operation
CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Communications Interfaces Connector 1 (Port 1)

Pin Function
The CPR-041 Cell Processor Module has excellent communications capabilities. 1
It supports four serial communications ports, each utilizing an industry standard
9-way D-type connector, plus a 10/100 Base-T Ethernet port utilizing a standard 2 RxD
RJ-45 connector. 3 TxD
The four serial ports support the RS-232 standard and port numbers two and
four are software selectable between the RS-232, RS422 and RS-485 standards. 5 GND
NOTE: The A & B markings on RS485 & RS422 may differ on other devices 6 -10V
and you may need to experiment with the polarity (i.e. reverse the wires) to 7 RTS
get the link to operate.
Serial ports 1 and 2 can support bit rates of up to 38,400 baud and serial ports 3 9 +10V
and 4 can support bit rates up to 115,200 bits per second.

Each port supports the standard modem signals, Transmit Data (TxD), Receive Connector 2 (Port 2)
Data (RxD), Request to Send (RTS) and Clear to Send (CTS). Data Carrier RS232 / RS485 / RS422 software selectable
Detected (DCD) is also supported on Ports 3 and 4. Rx and TX LEDs are
Function Function Function
provided for each serial port and located below the port as shown in the diagram Pin Note Note
below. RS232 RS485 RS422
All 4 serial ports can be used for protocol communications; however, port 1 is 2 RxD Rx422A+
usually reserved for diagnostics and configuration. The default usage of each
port is as follows: 3 TxD TRx485B- Tx422B-
Connector 1 Monitor / Flash Download / Workbench Configuration / 5 GND GND GND
Protocol 1
6 -10V -10V -10V
Connector 2 Protocol 2
7 RTS TRx485A+ Tx422A+
Connector 3 Protocol 3
8 CTS Rx422B-
Connector 4 Protocol 4
9 +10V +10V +10V
The diagram below shows the port designations on the CPR-041 front panel. Note: A & B markings may differ on other devices
The connections are summarized in the tables to the right. and connections may need to be swapped.
All 4 ports have an approximate +/-10V supply available for powering external
communications devices such as line drivers or line isolators. All ports combined Connector 3 (Port 3)
can provide a total of 100mA at +10.5V DC and a total of 40mA at -10V DC with
over-current protection. Pin Function
NOTE: As a +/- 10V DC supply is provided on each of the serial ports, particular 1 DCD
care must be taken when making external connections to these pins. 2 RxD
LEDs are provided for the Ethernet interface with the following functionality: 3 TxD
LK Link Connected
Act Rx/Tx Activity LED 5 GND
A 10Mbit / 100Mbit Mode (ON = 100Mbit; OFF = 10Mbit) 6 -10V
B Unused 7 RTS
9 +10V

Connector 4 (Port 4)
Ethernet LEDs RS232 / RS485 / RS422 software selectable
Function Function Function
Connector 1 Connector 2 Pin Note Note
RS232 RS485 RS422
RX/Tx LEDs 1 DCD /
Ports 1 and 2 RxClk_In
2 RxD Rx422A+
Connector 3 Connector4
3 TxD TRx485B- Tx422B-
RX/Tx LEDs 4 TxClk_In
Ports 3 and 4 5 GND GND GND
6 -10V -10V -10V
7 RTS TRx485A+ Tx422A+
8 CTS Rx422B-
Figure 1 - CPR-
9 +10V +10V +10V
Communications Ports
Note: A & B markings may differ on other devices
Page 2 of 18 and connections may need to be swapped.
CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Communications Interfaces

–10V 6
RxD 2 Connector 1
TxD 3 RS232
4 Male 9-WAY D-TYPE
+10V 9

–10V 6
RxD/Rx422A+ 2 Connector 2
RTS/Tx422A+/TRx485A+ 7
TxD/Tx422B-/TRx485B- 3 RS232 / RS422 / RS485
Ethernet Connection
CTS/Rx422B- 8
RJ45 Standard Male 9-WAY D-TYPE
+10V 9

Port 1 - Connector 1

–10V 6
Port 2 - Connector 2 RxD 2 Connector 3
RS232 / RS422 / RS485 RTS 7
TxD 3 RS232
4 Male 9-WAY D-TYPE
Port 3 - Connector 3 +10V 9
RS232 GND 5

Port 4 - Connector 4
RS232 / RS422 / RS485
DCD/RxClk_In 1
–10V 6
RxD/Rx422A+ 2 Connector 4
RTS/Tx422A+/TRx485A+ 7
TxD/Tx422B-/TRx485B- 3 RS232 / RS422 / RS485
CTS/Rx422B- 8
TxClk_In 4 Male 9-WAY D-TYPE
+10V 9

NOTE 1 : Do NOT apply external voltages to the +10V and -10V pins as these are voltages
supplied by the CPR-041.
CPR-041 Front Panel
NOTE 2 : A & B markings on RS485 & RS422 lines may differ on other devices and the wires
may need to be swapped to get the link to operate.

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Power On Sequence Check

Once the CPR-041 Processor Module has been inserted into the rack it may be switch on using the
ON/OFF switch on the module front panel. When the processor module has been turned on it will
quickly go through it’s Power On Self Test (POST) sequence.
The Power On Self-Test sequence comprises three main segments, all of which MUST be
successfully executed if the processor is to operate correctly.
1. A sequence of three character indications and three digit numbers are displayed on the processor
3-Character display starting with the characters “CPU” and finishing with the number 300. The
following list is indicative of what is displayed. Other numbers may be seen on the display very
briefly during the power up sequence but the following are the main points to be observed:
• LD
• 100
• 105
• 200
• 300
2. The 128 LED Matrix cycles through all of the LED’s, ON and OFF.
3. Lastly a short sequence of 3 digit numbers are displayed finishing with the number 350 and
reverting to the cell network number after a few seconds (the default cell network address is 001).
Please note it is VERY important that the cell processor displays the number 350 before
displaying the unit number. If the number 350 is NOT displayed after the cycling of the LED
matrix the cell has not started correctly.
Following a successful power up the following LED’s on the cell processor front panel should be
Active LED - Flashing while the processor is active
On Line LED - Off if the processor is not communicating with other processors on the
- On if the processor is communicating with other processors on the
network. It will also come on when a Workbench is connected to it.
The 3-Character message display should be displaying the current unit number. Every unit on the
XCell network must have a unique address. This address may be changed using the AUN menu
option available from the Function Button immediately after startup. For further details refer to the
AUN section under Function Menu below.

Operator Interface
A number of important parameters must be set using the processor front panel Function Menu for
correct system operation. The most important of these being the processor address / unit number.
Other operating parameters are configured and downloaded from a PC using Microsol’s Workbench
configuration tools. All front panel configuration options are described under the Function Menu
options below.

XCell Operator Interface

The XCell Front Panel (Figure 2), has a number of different display sections:
• Status LED’s
• 3 Character Display
• 128 LED Matrix
• Function Button
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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Status LED’s
A pair of green status LEDs provides information about the state of
the cell.
Active LED The software toggles this LED in normal operation
to indicate that the processor is functioning.
On-Line LED This LED indicates that the processor is
communicating with other active cells on the FieldNet network.

3-Character Display
This 3 x 7-segment display is used to display:
• Unit Number
• Message Codes
• Function Menu options
- Unit Number – In normal operation, the Cell address or unit
number is displayed in this section.
- Message Codes – Message codes are used to convey
operational information to the user. They generally convey system
or operational problems. They are displayed in place of the normal
Cell address and will remain on display for approximately 1 minute
unless canceled or replaced by another message.
- Function Menu – The 3-Character display may also be used in
conjunction with the Function Button to provide a Function Menu
Figure 2 - CPR-
CPR-041 Operator
for a variety of user diagnostics and configuration parameters.
Refer to the section on Function Menu for further details.

LED Matrix
This display, which comprises 128 LED’s, is used for a number of purposes as selected by the
Function Button Menu. These include:
• I/O Display
• Online Units Display
• Debug Display
I/O Display – Generally this LED matrix is used to display the status of the hardwired I/O. Each LED
represents a physical hardware channel within that cell. For digital inputs and outputs the state of the
LED indicates the state of the physical input or output. If the LED is ON, it indicates that the input or
output is ON, and if the LED is OFF the input or output is OFF. For analogue input channels, the
LED’s cycle through each of the channels indicating that the channels are being scanned. The cycle
speed of the LEDs does not always correspond to the scan rate of the particular module. For HSC
Counter modules, the LEDs cycle through the corresponding channel LEDs to indicate that the
channels are present and being processed. The LED cycle on the HSC module is much faster than for
Online Units Display – The LED Matrix can be used to display the active units communicating on the
FieldNet LAN. Each LED represents an XCell Unit address. Note: For display purposes those units
with addresses greater than 128 will have their LEDs overlap with those in the range 1-128.
Debug Display – The matrix can also be used for specific application debug information. Some
protocols update the Debug LEDs to provide user information on the current state of the protocol
operation. Refer to the specific applications for further information on the use of the Debug Display.

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Function Menu

Function Button Operation

The function button drives the function menu. The function button is used to:
• Move through the menus/sub menus
• Select an option
• Increment a value
• Exit an option
• Accept a setting
• Remove a system message
The message display shows the menu options and settings, which can be changed using the function
The function button should be pressed and held pressed for:
A count of less than one (0.5 seconds)
• To remove a system message from the display
• When moving through the menus/sub menus
• When incrementing a value within a menu option e.g. AUN
A count of two (2 seconds)
• When selecting an option from a function menu/sub menu
• When accepting a value while in an menu/sub-menu
• To exit a menu

Removing a Message from the Message Display

Message Codes may be displayed in the 3-character message display on the front panel of the
processor. The Message Code is generally comprised of a three letter code and a three digit numeric
code. The 3-character Display alternates every two seconds, between the alpha and numeric codes.
The three letter alpha code identifies the software application that generated the message and the
three digit numeric code identifies the exact message. Only the most recent message is displayed at
any given time.
To remove a Message Code from the 3-Character Display, either:
• Press the function button and hold for a count of less than one (0.5 seconds) before releasing it
• Or wait for two (2) minutes and it will automatically be removed.

NOTE: Message Codes are also logged to an internal buffer that

can be viewed using Workbench RTU Live option. These
messages are stored in dynamic RAM and are not maintained
during power down or reset unless an NVRAM option CPR-
CPR-041 isis

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Function Menu Options

The following diagram shows the menu functions available for the CPR-041 cell processor and any
limitation that may apply to the individual functions (many options, those inside the large rectangle,
are only available during the first 10 seconds after the cell processor has rebooted).



Available for 10
CO1 seconds after boot




These objects are only used if
the IEC-60870-5-101 Master
or Slave protocol named
RTU blocks are loaded into the
processor firmware


These options are only
displayed when there is an
IOServer loaded into the





Figure 3 - CPR-
CPR-041 Menu Option Tree

AUN – Adjust Unit Number

This option is used to set the processor node address for FieldNet network communications. All units
in a system must have unique numbers in order to communicate on the network. This is displayed by
default on the 3-character display on the front of the processor.
The AUN option is only available from the function menu for 10 seconds after boot up. After this time
the option is automatically removed from the menu.
On an XCell network, units can be numbered from 1 to 250. Unit numbers 251-254 are reserved for
the Workbench configuration system and 255 is a broadcast address and must not be used.

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

To change the unit number:

• Select the AUN, (Alter Unit Number), option from the function menu.
• Each of the 3 digits in the unit number must be changed separately starting on the right
hand side.
• Increment each digit in the message display until the desired value is displayed. Hold
the function button to accept the required digit and then proceed to set the next digit.
The unit number must be between 1 and 250, numbers 0 and 251-255 are reserved for
system purposes.
• Accepting the value on the third digit will save the new Unit Number and proceed to
reboot the processor with the new network address accepted.

NET – Default Configuration of the TCP/IP stack

This option provides a way to enter a default TCP/IP configuration via the front panel without having to
download a configuration table. Once a TCP/IP configuration table has been downloaded to a unit
then the default configuration is no longer used.
There are two sections to the NET configuration. These are:
• BootP
• Default IP Address
BootP can either be turned ON or OFF, if it is turned ON, the units IP address is obtained from a
Bootp/DHCP server automatically when the unit starts up. If BootP is turned OFF, then a default Class
C IP address can be entered via the front panel.


CPR-041 expects to receive a permanent lease on
the IP address from the BOOTP/DHCP server if BOOTP is
configured, as while running, it will not renew the lease on the IP
address. When configuring the DHCP server, ensure the IP
addresses that will be allocated to the CPR-
CPR-041s are permanent
allocations with no expiration.

The default IP address is split into 4 parameters:

• IP1 - The first IP byte address
• IP2 - The second IP byte address
• IP3 - The third IP byte address
• IP4 - The fourth IP byte address
The configured default IP address, needs to be a valid Class C IP address, as the netmask is set
internally by the processor to

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

CO1 – Configure Serial Port 1 Default Baudrate

The CO1 option allows the user to change the default baudrate for serial port 1 on the CPR-041. The
default baudrate for XCell View and Workbench is 38400, but in certain circumstances, this baudrate
might be required to be different.
The different baudrate settings are:
• 384 - 38400 baud
• 96 - 9600 baud
• 48 - 4800 baud
• 24 - 2400 baud
• 12 - 1200 baud

NOTE: These are only the default baudrates. If a protocol is

configured to use serial port 1, the protocol baudrate will
override the default set baudrate.

CO2 – Configure Serial Port 2 Physical Interface

The CO2 option allows the user to set the physical interface for serial port 2 on the CPR-041.
There are three options available:
• 232 - RS232 Interface
• 485 - 2 Wire RS485 Interface
• 422 - 4 Wire RS485 or RS422

NOTE: Even when the serial port is configured for RS422 or

RS485, the RTS line
line MUST be made active before packets can
be sent out of the serial port. The protocol implementation must
support RTS control.

CO4 – Configure Serial Port 4 Physical Interface

The CO4 option allows the user to set the physical interface for serial port 4 on the CPR-041.
There are three options available:
• 232 - RS232 Interface
• 485 - 2 Wire RS485 Interface
• 422 - 4 Wire RS485 or RS422

NOTE: Even when the serial port is configured for RS422 or

RS485, the RTS line MUST be made active before packets can
be sent out of the serial port. The protocol implementation must
support RTS control.

NOTE: Serial port 4 also supports Transmit and Receive clock

inputs when in RS-
RS-232 mode. This will need to be configured
from the protocol that is using these clocks as if th e RxClk is
configured, the DCD signal will no longer be present as they use
a shared pin.

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

21 – CPR-021 Compatibility Mode

The 21 option allows the user to configure the CPR-041 in CPR-021 compatibility mode. In this
mode, the CPR-041 will assume the time-base of the CPR-021. It will also disable any non CPR-021
There are two options available:
• OFF - CPR-041 is operating normally, with complete functionality.
• ON - CPR-041 is operating in CPR-021 compatibility mode.

CLO – Clock Drift

The CLO option allows the user to configure the CPR-041 in clock drift correction mode. With this
option enabled:

When the processor’s time accuracy does not meet project requirements due to the crystal oscillator,
it may be possible to use software compensation. The software compensation functionality uses a
number of time synchronisations to determine a crystal’s error in the intervening periods. For each
synchronisation with an external time, the correction to the processor’s current time is recorded and
used to calculate an average. This average correction is then applied as the time is maintained to
increase its accuracy.
The compensation functionality is appropriate for systems that require accurate time in the following
1. There are periodic external time synchronisations.
2. The synchronisation process has an error less than half the drift error for the period between
The valid settings for the CLO option are:
• OFF - Clock Drift Correction is not enabled.
• ON - Clock Drift Correction is enabled.

TBL – Tables
This menu option and the RTU option below are used by processors with IEC-60870-5-101 Master or
Slave protocol firmware installed. The TBL option allows the default IEC-60870-5-101 link
configuration to be set from the front panel without downloading tables from Workbench. Refer to the
IEC Master/Slave configuration Guide for further details.

RTU – RTU Number

This menu option and the TBL option above are used by processors with IEC-60870-5-101 Master or
Slave protocol firmware installed. The RTU option allows the default Slave link-address to be set from
the front panel. Refer to the IEC Master/Slave configuration Guide for further details.

SHC – Show Hardware Configuration

The SHC option in the function menu allows the operator to view and save the type of I/O associated
with the processor. The SHC option will only be displayed if there is an IOServer name block loaded
into the processor. Each processor module supports 4 Plant Interface modules located to the right of
the processor. Some of these modules support two sub modules (daughter modules mounted on the
main module). Therefore, the processor maintains 8 configuration definitions, one for each of the 8
possible hardware modules. The eight possible locations are shown in the following diagram. As most
modules occupy two slot positions the same module type will be displayed for both locations.

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

The SHC option displays the current hardware modules installed in

the cell and the previously saved configuration. The processor
S S S S operates with the saved configuration and assumes that this is the
L L L L required configuration. If there is a mismatch between the saved
configuration and the currently installed module it is assumed that
the module is faulty and will report all associated channels as
T T T T failed. It will also set a pseudo point indicating that the module is
1 3 5 7 faulty and this can be transmitted to a Control Center. It is
therefore very important to save the required configuration (using
the SAV option at the end of the SHC display) before using the
S S S S system. The required configuration should be saved for each cell
L L L L as part of the initial system setup.
O O O O The SHC option in the function menu identifies the hardware in
T T T T each half-card position (8 per cell) as shown above. These
positions are referred to by their slot positions in the 3-character
2 4 6 8
display panel (001 – 008). The majority of cards occupy a full card
position and will therefore display the same module type for both
I/O Slots in a cell
half-card positions.
When the SHC option is selected the 3-character display shows the hardware installed in the first Slot
position. It does this by toggling the display between the slot number “001” and the module type
installed in that slot. For example it may toggle between “001” and “DI6” to indicate that a 64 channel
Digital Input module is present in slot position 1 (the top half card of the first board). Refer to the
following table for abbreviations used for the various module types.

Type Description
UNC Unknown module or No module present in slot
DI6 High Density Digital Input module
DO4 High Density Digital Output module
AI3 High Density Analogue Input module
HSC High Speed Counter module
HA5 High Density Analogue Input Card (HAI-050)
AOI Isolated Analogue Output module
AOT Analogue Output Card

NOTE: This option is timed and it automatically exits if there is

no button pressed for 30 seconds.

Using the function button the user can move through all 8 possible slot positions. If the cell hardware
does not match the saved configuration then the SHC option will first display the current hardware for
a particular slot followed by the saved configuration for the slot. The display of the current hardware
will toggle between the hardware type and the slot number prefixed by the letter ’C’. For example if
the current hardware in slot 1 is an interrupting Digital Input module then the display will toggle
between “C01” and “DI6”. The saved hardware display is similar except that the letter ‘S’ prefixes the
slot number.

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Following is an example of a saved configuration, which does not match the current hardware.

Current Saved Front Panel Front Panel

Hardware Hardware Displayed Displayed
DI6 HDO Slot 1 C01 DI6 S01 HDO
Slot 2 C02 DI6 S02 HDO
HDO HAI Slot 3 C03 HDO S03 AI3
Slot 4 C04 HDO S04 AI3
HAI DI6 Slot 5 C05 AI3 S05 DI6
Slot 6 C06 AI3 S06 DI6
DI6 DI6 Slot 7 007 DI6 007 DI6
Slot 8 008 DI6 008 DI6
Table 1 - Sample Hardware Configuration

To exit the SHC option or any other option, hold the Function Button for a count of five (5) or greater.
Exiting the SHC option will present the SAV option and at this point the user may save the hardware
configuration by holding the Function button or simply scroll back to the default display by briefly
pressing the Function button.
The SAV (Save Hardware Configuration) option saves the current hardware modules as the required
configuration. If one of these modules is subsequently removed then a fault will be generated. The cell
will automatically reboot after the SAV option has been accepted.

NOTE: A Cell Processor can only interrogate slots within its own

While the hardware configuration must be saved through the front panel on each processor
individually before use, it can be viewed through Workbench for all processors.

NOTE: Workbench can be used to view the hardware

configuration on all processors.

NOTE: This option is timed and it automatically exits if there is

no button presses for 30 seconds.

LED – LED Matrix Display Operations

This option (LED) allows the operator to select the 128 LED matrix on the front panel of the processor
module for displaying the status of the I/O channels associated with the processor. The options are
detailed in the following sections.
GPA (Group A)
If GPA is selected, the LED matrix will represent the first 128 I/O channels (channels 0-127) on the
cell. I/O channel 0 will be displayed using the top left LED of the matrix (1a) with the sequential
channel numbers incrementing down and to the right (e.g. column a will display channels 0-15,
column b, channels 16-31 etc).

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1
GPB (Group B)
If GPB is selected, the LED matrix will represent the second 128 I/O channels (channels 128-255) on
the cell. I/O channel 128 will be displayed using the top left LED of the matrix with the sequential
channel numbers incrementing down and to the right (e.g. column a will display channels 128-143,
column b, channels 144-159 etc).

FSD – Field Service Data

The Field Service Data options (FSD) allows the operator to select the 128 LED matrix on the front
panel of the processor module for displaying diagnostic information. The Field Service Data options
are detailed in the following sections.
OLU - On Line Units
If OLU is selected, the LED matrix will represent all units that can be seen on the FieldNet network.
The LED corresponding to each unit number is illuminated if that unit is communicating on the
network. As the LED matrix is limited to 128 LEDs, the unit numbers wrap around on the LED matrix
at unit 129. The top left hand LED (LED [1a] in the matrix) is turned on by units 1, or 129.
DBG - Debug
If DBG is selected the cell processor uses the LED matrix to display internal status information for a
variety of software modules that may be loaded into the firmware. A mnemonic representing the
module concerned is displayed on the message display and the individual LED’s in the matrix show
specific status indicators for the module.
FFS – Flash File System
If FFS is selected the current contents, sector by sector, of the flash file system on the cell processor
is displayed on the LED matrix. This is a map of the currently used flash memory area and includes
both active and inactive files or data. Each sector (indicator LED) of the flash file system is 64k bytes
in size.

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Monitor Port
The CPR-041 has a realtime monitor program running on Port 1. This provides customers and field
service personnel access to basic diagnostic information through a terminal interface. Detailed user
instructions are contained in the ‘XCell View Users guide’. Further diagnostic functionality is
available through the Workbench PC Application. Refer to the ‘Workbench User Manual’ for more

Connecting to the Monitor/Workbench Serial Port

Connect to the XCell serial Port 1 using the following connections.

XCell Port 1 PC Com Port
2 - Rx 3 – Tx
3 - Tx 2 - Rx
Comm 1 - 5 – Signal Gnd 5 – Signal Gnd

XCell DB-9 PC DB-9

1 1
6 6
2 2
7 7
3 3
8 8
4 4
9 9
5 5

Figure 4 - Monitor Figure 5 – PC–

PC–XCell Cable
Communications Port

XCell Ethernet Communications

All cells are capable of Ethernet communications through the 100/10BaseTx Ethernet port on the front
panel of the CPR-041.
TCP/IP is used as the transport mechanism for the Ethernet communications. To configure the
TCP/IP some address information is required. As a minimum the unit’s IP address must be assigned
including a netmask.
To this end, there are two ways to configure an IP address for the Ethernet port. Either a
configuration table in Workbench can be configured with the TCP/IP parameters, or a default IP
address can be configured via the NET option on the front panel of the cell.
The Workbench Configuration will always take precedent over the default IP address, so if there is a
TCP/IP Workbench Configuration downloaded, it will contain the IP address. If there is no TCP/IP
configuration downloaded, the default settings (from the front panel) will be used.

For information on the Front Panel Default configuration, please refer to Section “NET – Default
Configuration of the TCP/IP Stack” described previously
For information on the Workbench TCP/IP Configuration Table, please refer to the Microsol
Workbench Configuration Manual.
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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Physical Connection
The CPR-041 provides a RJ-45 connection on the front panel of the unit. This is to accommodate a
10/100BaseT/Tx connection to a hub/switch. If it is connected to a switch, a straight through cable is
The pin-out for a straight through connection is:
RJ-45 Pin # Wire Colour 10Base-T/100Base-Tx Signal
1 White / Orange Transmit+
2 Orange Transmit-
3 White / Green Receive+
4 Blue Unused
5 White / Blue Unused
6 Green Receive-
7 White / Brown Unused
8 Brown Unused

If the port is going to be directly connected to another computer, which can only be done for point to
point connections, a cross over cable must be used.
The pinout for a cross over connection is:
RJ-45 Pin # Wire Colour RJ-45 Pin # Wire Colour
(End1) (End2)
1 White / Orange 1 White / Green
2 Orange 2 Green
3 White / Green 3 White / Orange
4 Blue 4 White / Brown
5 White / Blue 5 Brown
6 Green 6 Orange
7 White / Brown 7 Blue
8 Brown 8 White / Blue

Basic IP Addressing
The format of an IP address is a 32-bit numeric address written as four numbers separated by
periods. Each number can be zero to 255. For example, could be an IP address.
Within an isolated network, you can assign IP addresses at random as long as each one is unique.
However, connecting a private network to the Internet requires using registered IP addresses (called
Internet addresses) to avoid duplicates.

The four numbers in an IP address are used in different ways to identify a particular network and a
host on that network. These four numbers can create an Internet address from the following three
• Class A - supports 16 million hosts on each of 126 networks
• Class B - supports 65,000 hosts on each of 16,000 networks
• Class C - supports 254 hosts on each of 2 million networks

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

The IP numbers were originally setup for use in the Internet, but there are some addresses that can
be used for local addressing and should not be used on the Internet. These are assigned specifically
for private networks. In most cases these are the IP address ranges that our equipment would
normally work in.
• - (10/8 prefix) Class A
• - (172.16/12 prefix) Class B
• - (192.168/16 prefix) Class C
The most common one is the Class C address of 192.168.1.x where x is the unique identifier of the
unit on the local network. This allows 253 unique devices to be connected together on a local network
and is usually more than adequate for the job.

Every IP address must have an associated Netmask to determine what is the local network that the
device is connected to. There is generally a netmask set up for each of the IP address classes.
• For Class A networks, the netmask is:
• For Class B networks, the netmask is:
• For Class C networks, the netmask is:
From the last section, if the address 192.168.1.x is used, this is a class C address and as such would
generally have a netmask of
For more detailed information on IP addressing and Netmasks, please refer to a Network Specialist as
particular circumstances may very from system to system.

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Technical Characteristics
Data Acquisition and Processing
No. of physical channels • 256
Time stamping • 1 ms
Timer functions • Real Time Clock, Calendar Clock (Battery backed up optional)
Internal Clock Drift • 8.64 s / day
Internal Clock Drift with optional TCXO • 0.173 s / day
Fieldnet Network • 5 Mbit / s
Module Related Data
Processor • 32 bit, 64 MHz Motorola processor
FLASH • Up-to 16 Mbyte (standard 4 Mbytes)
SRAM • 32 MByte
Battery backed up Expansion RAM • 32 Kbytes (internal to RTC)
Power Supply
Nominal Input Voltages • 24 V, 48 V, 60 V DC
Supply Voltage Range • 20 to 72V DC
Output Power for entire cell • 20 W @ 25° C
CPR Power Consumption • 5W
Supply type • Positive or negative earth systems
Isolation (supply to cell electronics) • 2.5 kV
Indications, Controls and Diagnostics
Single LEDs • Active (green), On Line (green)
Seven segment displays (3) • Cell Number, Cell Diagnostics
128 LED Matrix • Status of associated Inputs and Outputs
RS232 LEDs • RX & Tx
Ethernet LEDs • 3 LEDs used - Link connected, Activity, 10/100MB operation
On/Off Switch • Power On/ Off to Cell
Function Push Button • Interrogate cell to determine status
Watchdog / Fault Indication Output • Contact opens on Fault, 150mA / 72 VDC
Electrical Noise Immunity
Electrostatic Discharge • IEC 61000-4-2 15 kV
RFI Susceptibility • IEC 61000-4-3, CISPR 22 10 volts/m 50 kHz to 1000 MHz
EMC Compliance • IEC 60255-22-3, EN50082-2
Fast Transient disturbance • IEC 61000-4-4 Class 4 and C.37.90.1
High Frequency disturbance • IEC 60255-22-1 Class 3 and C.37.90.1
UK National Grid Company NGTS 2.13 • Class Z
Environmental Conditions
Temperature • IEC 60068-2-1 & IEC 60068-2-2
• Continuous Operation • -10° to +60° C
• Transportation and storage • -40° to +70 ° C
Relative Humidity • 0 to 95% Non condensing in accordance with IEC 60068-2-3 &
IEC 60068-2-30
Vibration • IEC 60068-2-6
Drop & Topple • IEC 60068-2-31

MTBF for continuous operation at average • 127,998 hrs
temperature of 40°C
Dimensions and Mass
Dimensions (W * H * D) • 8 hp x 6U (1.6 x 10.5 x 6.7 inches) / (40.6 x 266.7 x 170 mm)
Weight • Approx. 0.55 lbs / 250 grams
Speed • 10 / 100 Mbit Ethernet
Physical Interface • 100 Base Tx (RJ-45)
Serial Ports
Number of Ports • 4
Speed • Up to 115200
Physical Interface • 2 x RS 232 only and 2 selectable RS 232/RS 422/RS 485
Signals Supported • TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, (DCD on last 2 serial ports only)
Field-net Connection
Number of Ports • 2 (Redundant Channels)
Physical Interface • RS-485

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CPR-041 Module Description Rev 2.1

Real Time Clock

Expected Battery Life • 10 years in the absence of power
Accuracy • + 1 minute per month @ 25 degrees Celsius Note 1
Battery backed SRAM • 32 KBytes
TCXO (optional)
Accuracy • +2 ppm over –10 to 60 degrees Celsius
Note 1
This clock is not used during normal operation; the RTC is only used on startup for the startup time (only to 1 second
resolution), after this time is maintained via software and regularly updated into the RTC

Ordering Information

Model Description Part Number

CPR-041 CPR-041 with a battery backed real CPR-041
time clock & NVRAM
CPR-041-X A CPR-041 with a TCXO CPR-041-X

Email: sales@microsol.com Web: www.microsol.com

© Microsol Ltd. 2005, 2006 the information in this document is subject to change
without prior notice. Microsol does not assume responsibility for any errors in fact or
design in this publication. The publication is provided for general information only and
shall not form part of any contract.

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