Job Hazard Analysis: Basic Job Steps Potential Hazards Recommended Actions or Procedure
Job Hazard Analysis: Basic Job Steps Potential Hazards Recommended Actions or Procedure
Job Hazard Analysis: Basic Job Steps Potential Hazards Recommended Actions or Procedure
2. Lifting by use of Gin wheel - Un-authorized entry a. Provide proper barricade and
- Slip trip and fall lifting signages to stop
- Personell struck by falling load unauthorized entry.
- Poor maintenance of equipment b. Removed all
- Ground stability unsused/unwanted materials and
- Exceeding safe working load tools from site.
- Work without work permit c. Make sure that the area is level
- Crossing under suspended load and compacted.
d. Never allow anybody to cross
under the suspended load.
e. Practice ergonomics/manual
lifting safety.
f. Provide work permit and
supervisor shall review
responsibiliy and the area before
start of lifting.
Hot Works Activity
1. Welding works - Prolong exposure of heat from a. buddy sytem at work force to
welding prolong exposure of heat and
-fatigue fatigue
-burns and bruises b. personal protective equipment
-Potential gas accumulation is advising at all hot work activity
Spark production (could ignite e. clean and clear the area for
other materials) potential fire may crop up.
-fire f. fire extinguisher must present
-breathing welding fumes at fabrication areas.
g.use enough forced ventilation
or local exhaust on fabrication to
remove fumes.
h. Welders with NCII certificate
and standby fire wathman
2. Welding Works at High Areas - Prolong exposure of sun heat, a. Buddy sytem force upon
possible rain (weather condition) working at hieghts, toolbox
- Fall from hieghts upon welding orientation before proceeding
works any activities, considering
- Burns and bruises weather conditions report.
- Welding flux burn b. FBH and welding positions are
observed, good temporary
working flatforms for every
welding works on heigh areas.
c. Personal Protective Equipment
in all welding work activities
d. Fire blanket under the welding
area of activity and prevention
from flux accumulation and
causes of fire hazard and burn to
other workers in the area.
e. Clean and clear all combustible
materials to prevent the reaction
of chemical purifying agent that
may cause fire.
f. Signage of Hot work activity
3. Welding on Confine Space - Hazardous Atmosphere a. Gas Detection ( H2S, CO,O and
(ex: oxygen deficiency, LEL) of confine space is prior
flammable, explosive etc.) before start of work.
- Suffocation b. Confine Space Permit before
start of work.
c. Monitor blood pressure of
d. Provide exhaust blower
e. Alternation of entrants going
to confine space is 30mins.