Title: Concrete Safety
Title: Concrete Safety
Title: Concrete Safety
7. Distribute concrete i. Awkward body i. Over exertion and i. To get rest, not to
across the foundation position muscle strain continue if exhausted
slab ii. Carry excessive load ii. Back pain and slipped and change worker
iii. Exposure to vibration disc ii. Practice proper way
iv. Repetitive action iii. Hand-arm vibration to handle concrete
v. Heat exposure iv. Heat stroke iii. Access to drinking
water and adequate
frequent drinking
8. Curing work i. Slippery, uneven i. Sprain ankle and fall i. Put a signage
Job step Hazard Effect Control measure
9. Cart away earth or i. Dust exposure i. Lung cancer i. Wear dusk mask
debris ii. Heavy load ii. Back pain and ii. All debris or rebar
slipped disc being stockpiled
shall be remove
away from site
iii. Dump at designated
safe area
iv. Use more then one
person to carry
heavy load
10. Barricade and put i. Dust exposure i. Lung cancer i. Wear dusk mask
safety signage ii. Exposure to heat ii. Dehydration ii. Access to drinking
water and adequate
frequent drinking
11. Clean and keep tools i. Tools scatter on the i. Slips, trip and fall i. Stack the tools
and machinery at the floor neatly
store ii. Keep records (in and
12. Cancel off Permit to
Concrete work involves many activities