Construction Work Jsa
Construction Work Jsa
Construction Work Jsa
05/01/2024 00 Umar Salim Canter Ziya Khan
Job Safety Analysis
s pvt. ltd
2 Transportation of 1. Unsecured bricks 1. Breakage of bricks 1. Ensure bricks carried are properly secured
bricks to the site 2. Rough and uneven 2. Personnel injury. 2. Defensive driving.
3 Unloading bricks 1. Fall of bricks 1. Personnel injury 1. Safe handling
2. W rong lifting method. 2. Back pain. 2. Education of correct posture.
4 Shifting bricks to the 1. Use of defective 1. Damage to dumper 1. Use serviced dumper
building site by dumper 2. Tilting of dumper. 2. Deploy trained operator
dumper 2. Mis-operation. 3. Operate slowly and carefully on rough
4. Provide trained banksmen.
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1 Concreting 1. Air pollution by cement. 1. May affect Respiratory 1. Wear respirators or cover mouth and nose with
2. Handling of ingradients. System. wet cloth.
3. Protruding reinforced 2. Hands may get injured. 2. Use gloves and other PPE.
rods. 3. Feet may get injured. 3. Use Safety shoes.
4. Earthing of electrical 4. Can cause electrocution/ 4. Provide platform with wooden planking above
mixers, vibrators etc. not asphyxiation. reinforcement for movement of workers.
done. 5. Persons may get injured. 5. Ensure earthing of equipments and proper
5. Falling of materials from 6. Causes tiredness of functioning of electrical circuit before
height. workers and may lead to commencement of work .
6. Continuous pouring of accident. 6. Use hard hats.
by same gang. 7. Parts of body or clothes 7. Remove surplus material immediately from
7. Revolving of concrete may get entrapped. work place.
mixer/ vibrators 8. Ensure lighting arrangement during night
9. Insist on shift pattern .
10. Provide adequate rest to workers between
subsequent pours.
11 .Allow only mixer with hooper.
12. Provide safety cages around moving motors .
13. Ensure proper mechanical locking of vibrator.
2 Super- structure 1. Air pollution by cement. 1. Shuttering /props may 1. Use PPE like goves, shoes, helmets,etc.
2. Handling of ingradients. collapse and prove fatal. 2. Avoid usage of make-shift tools.
3. Protruding reinforced
4. Earthing of electrical
mixers, vibrators etc. not
5. Falling of materials from
6. Continuous pouring of
by same gang.
7. Revolving of concrete
mixer/ vibrators
8. Deflection in props or
shuttering material
3 Access to workplace 1. Passage to work place 1. Improperly tied and 1. Ensure the stability and strength of passage
designed props/planks may before commencement of the work.
collapse. 2. Do not overload or stand under the passage.
1 Deployment of 1. Poor mechanical 1. Failure of equipment. 1. Use good serviced equipment .
concerte pump condition of the equation. 2. Accident /personal injury 2. Deploy only licenced operators.
2. Unauthorised operation 3. Engage banksman.
2 Batching plant. Truck 1.Poor mechanical 1. Failure of equipment. 1. Use good serviceable equipment.
Mixer. Cement bulk condition of the equipment. 2. Accident /personal injury 2. Deploy only licenced operators.
carrier. 2. Unauthorised Operation 3. Engage Banksman.
3 Deployment of 1. Improper placement of 1. Tilting of mixure. 1. Ensure concrete mixer is placed on even
concerte mixture. mixer machine on uneven 2. Damage to concrete surface with proper pegs.
surface . mixer. 2. Check for proper electrical connections and
2. Mis-operation. 3. Electrical shock. 4.Fire insulation.
3. Loose contact with hazard . 3. Keep adequate fire extinguishers.
electric connections. 5. Personnel injury. 4. Proper guards at all rotating parts of
4. Rotating parts of 6. Unwanted movement of machinery.
machine. concrete truck. 5. Position the mixer machine to disperse smoke
5. Unblocked wheels of 7. Mis- operation and injury easily into atmosphere.
concrete mixer. to crew. 6. Clean the mixer machine after the concreting is
6. Improper coordination 8. Breathing problems. over.
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1 Piling Work 1. Failure of pile- driving 1. Can hurt people . 1. Inspect Piling rigs and pulley bricks before the
equipment . 2. Can cause deafness and beginning of each shift.
2. Noise pollution. psychological imbalance. 2. Use personal protective equipment like ear plugs,
CANTER ENGINEERS PVT. LTD3. Extruding rods/ casing . 3. Can hurt people. muffs, etc.
4. Working in the vicinity of 4. Can cause electrocution 3. Barricade the area and install sign boards.
Job Safety Analysis 'Live- Electricity ' /Asphyxiation 4. Keep sufficient distance from Live Electricity as per
IS code.
5. Shut off the supply, if possible.
2 Pit Excavation upto 3m 1. Falling into pit. 1. Personal injury. 1. Provide guide rails/ barricade with warning
2. Earth collapse. 2. Suffocation / signal.
3. Contact with buried Breathlessness. 2. Provide atleast two entries/ exits.
electric cables. 3. Buried. 3. Provide escape ladder.
4. Gas / Oil Pipelines 4. Electrocution. 4. Provide suitable size of shoring and strutting if
5. Explosion required .
5. Keep soil heaps away from edge equivalent to
1.5m or depth of pit whichever is more.
6. Don't allow vehicles to operate too close to
excavated areas . Maintain atleast 2m distance
from edge of cut..
7. Maintain sufficient angle of repose. Provide
slope not less than 1:1 and suitable bench of 0.5m
width at every 1.5m depth of excavation in all soils
except hard rock.
8. Battering/Benching the sides.
9. Obtain permission from competent authorities ,
prior to excavation , if required.
10. Locate the position of buried utililty by referring
to plant drawings.
11. Start digging manually to locate the exact
position of buried utility and thereafter use
mechanical means.
3 Pit excavation beyond 1. Falling into pit. 1. Personal injury. 1. Prevent ingress of water
3m. 2. Earth collapse. 2. Suffocation / 2. Provide ring buoys.
3. Contact with buried Breathlessness. 3. Identify and provide suitable dewatering pump or
electric cables. 3. Buried. well point system.
4. Gas / Oil Pipelines 4. Electrocution. 4. Obtain prior approval of excavation method from
3. Flooding due to 5. Explosion local authorities, if required.
excessive rain/ 6. Can cause drowning 5. Use under-pining method .
underground water. situation . 6. Barricade the excavated area with proper lighting
4. Digging in the vicinity of 7. Building / structure may arrangements..
the existing building / collapse . 7. Maintain atleast 2m distance from edge of cut and
structure . 8. Loss of health and use stop bricks to prevent over-run .
5. Movement of vehicles / wealth. 8. Strengthen shoring and strutting.
equipments close to the 9. May cause cave-in or
edge of cut. slides.
10. Persons may get
4 Rock excavation by 1. Improper handling of 1. May prove fatal. 1. Ensure proper storage, handling and carrying of
blasting explosives. 2.. May cause severe explosives by trained personnel.
2. Uncontrolled explosion. injuries or prove fatal. 2. Comply with the applicable explosive acts and
3. Scattering of stone 3. Can hurt people . rules.
pieces in atmosphere. 4. May cause severe 3. Allow only authorized persons to perform
4. Entrapping of animals / injuries blasting operations.
persons . 5. May explode suddenly. 4. Smoking and open flame are to be strictly
5. Misfire prohibited.
5. Use PPEs like gloves, goggles, face mask, etc.
5. Barricade the area with red flags and blow siren
before blasting .
6. Do not return to site for atleast 20min. or
unless announced safe by designated person.
5 Narrow deep 1. Frequent cave-in or 1. May cause cave-in or 1. Battering / benching of sides .
excavations for slides. slides.. 2. Provide escape ladders.
pipelines, etc. 2. Flooding due to 2. Persons may get buried. 3. Bail out accumulated water.
Hydrostatic testing 3. May cause severe 4. Maintain adequate ventilation .
injuries or prove fatal.
4. May arise drowning
1 Excavation using 1. Defective machinery 1. Damage to the 1. Adhere to Permit to Work System if applicable.
machinery 2. Mis-operation machinery 2. Check machine thoroughly before starting the
3. Inadvertent operation 2. Damage to underground job.
4. Working near the edge of electrical, telecom cables 3. Use good and serviced machines.
excavation and water services. 4. Look for route markers.
5. Working near utilities. 3. Fall of machinery into the 5. Make trial pits and expose underground cables,
6. Working near overhead pit. if any.
lines. 4. Pipe lines 6. Look for warning tapes, cable covering mats
7. Fall of heavy objects rupture/explosion injury. concrete saddles and padding.
Stone, boulder, soil etc. into 5. Shock/Fatality 7. Use cable detectors.
excavated pit. 6. Fatal injury Page 5in of
8. Adhere strictly to manual excavation 21
8. Fall of persons into the 7. Lung complaints underground cables are present.
pits. 8. Eye injuries. 9. Follow safety procedure.
9. Dust. 9. Hit injuries. 10. Operate machinery, keeping safe distance to
10. Congested work site, 10. Hearing impairment. avoid excavation area landside.
Job Safety Analysis
1 Rock excavation using 1. Jolts to operator. 1. Ill health. 1. Employ trained operator with license.
pneumatic equipment, 2. Obstruction to vision 2. Damage, injury to 2. Avoid applying excessive force to hammer to
rock breaker, between operator and facilities and people avert jolting.
excavators. banksman. 3. Injury/Damage to asset. 3. Banksman to stand in direct view with operator.
3. Flying Projectiles. 4. Hearing impairment. 4. Extreme care to prevent projectiles flying from
4. Noise. 5. Plumonary disorders. hammer point.
5. Dust. 6. Fall of material, 5. Do not operate the hammer if window cabin or
6. Excavated Trench equipment, persons and shield is not in place.
animals 6. Use ear muff / plug.
7. Use dust mask / Balaclava.
8. Barricade the area with warning sign.
9. Ensure overnight safety.
10. Provide ladder for deep pits.
2 Removal of Hydraulic 1. Hydraulic pressure jet 1. Loss of Hydraulic oil. 1. Disconnect Hydraulic hose only after closing
Hammer 2. Environmental impact pressure and return line stop valves.
3 Laying hammer down 1. Fall. 1. Physical injury & back 1. Position the hammer horizontal on wooden
pain. block and remove pins by gentle tapping.
4 W orking near 1. Fall of hammer on 1. Damage to Hammer 1. Employ trained and licensed operator.
overhead lines and nearby facilities. chisel. 2. Careful operation.
pressure lines 2. Overhead lines. 2. Physical injury. 3. Edge of excavation shall be 0.5m away from
3. Hitting, stricking, 3. Damage to assets. heigh-pressure pipelines.
reversing incidents. 4. Shock. 4. Keep 1.5 m away from overlhead LT lines.
5. Fatal injury 5. Strict adherence to conditions stipulated by
excavation work permit.
6. Keep adequate signboards and barricade the
7. Keep work force 5m away from Rock Breaker.
8. Strict adherence to Banks man's instructions.
1 Plastering/ Grouting 1. Inhalation of cement 1. Bronchial disease 1. Wear respiratory protection.
dust. 2. Irritation 2. Wear safety goggles and coverall.
2. Absorption of cement 3. Prolonged exposure 3. Wash hands before taking food 4.Take shower
3. Ingestion. causes dermatitis. after reaching camp.
4. Gastro-intestinal
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1 Gas welding / cutting / 1. Welding radiates invisible 1. Radiation can damage 1. Use specified shielding devices and other PPE
heating. ultraviolet and infrared rays. eyes and skin. of correct specifications.
2. Improper placement of 2. Explosion may occur. 2. Avoid thoriated tungsten electrodes for GTAW .
oxygen and acetylene 3. May cause fire. 3. Move out any leaking cylinder.
cylinders. 4. Cylinder may burst. 4. Keep trolley for transportation of cylinders and
3. Leakage /cuts in hoses. chain them .
4. Opening - up of cylinder. 5. Use flashback arrestors.
5. Welding of tanks, 6. Purge regulators immediately and then turn off.
container or pipes storing 7. Never use grease or oil on oxygen line
flammable liquids. connections and copper fittings on acetylene lines.
8. Inspect regularly gas carrying hoses.
9. Always use red hose for acetylene and other
fuel gases and blue for oxygen.
10. Always stand back from regulator while
opening the cylinder.
11. Turn valve slowly to avoid bursting.
12. Cover the lug terminals to prevent short
circuiting .
13. Empty & purge them before welding.
14. Never attach the ground cable to tanks,
container or pipe storing flammable liquids.
15. Never use LPG for gas cutting.
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1 W orking at elevated 1. Person can fall down. 1. May sustain sever 1. Provide guard rails/ barricade at the work place.
places. 2. Material can fall down injuries or prove fatal . 2. Use PPE like full body harness, life line,
2. May hit the scrap/ helmets, safety shoes, etc.
material stacked at the 3. Obtain the permit before starting the work at
ground or in between . height above 3m.
3. May hit the workers 4. Fall arrest and safety nets, etc, must be
working at lower levels and installed.
prove fatal. 5. Provide adequate working space (min.0.6m).
6. Tie / weld working platform with fixed support .
7. Use roof top walk ladder while working on a
slopping roofs.
8. Avoid movement on beams.
9. Keep the work place neat and clean.
10. Remove the scrap immediately.
11. Do not throw or drop materials or equipment
from height. i.e. do not bomb materials.
12. All tools to be carried in a tool- kit Bag or on
working uniform.
13. Remove scrap from the planks.
14. Ensure wearing of helmet by the workers
working at lower levels.
2 Loading near live 1. Live facilities etc. 1. Fire 1. Keep Safe distance from Live facilities.
facilities 2. Electric shock.
3. Injury.
4. Property Damage
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2 Operating of PTO 1. Operating levers not in 1. Inadvertent operation of 1. Make sure control levers are all in neutral
neutral position. crane on engagement of position
3 Extending outriggers 1. Outriggers not extended 1. Tilting of the crane. 1. Extend outrigger fully.
fully 2. Retracting of outriggers 2. Lock the outrigger beam.
2. Outrigger not locked. & tilting of the crane
5 Passage under OH 1. High tension electric 1. Electric shock. 1. No movement with raised boom
lines with raised boom current . 2. Fall of load & tilting of 2. Provide Banksman
2. Traveling with load. crane. 3. Do not travel with lifted load.
4 Loading operation 1. Side loading / dragging 1. Tilting of the crane due to 1. Lifting only vertically.
of load. uneven load. 2. No dragging of load.
2. Overload. 2. Damage to crane and 3. No overload.
3. Swinging the load. loss of materials. 4. No swinging of load.
4. Abrupt operation of 3. Instability & tilting of 5. Operate the levers slowly and smoothly.
control levers. crane. 6. Do not keep the load in the elevated position.
5. Keeping the load in the 4. Jerking, fall of load, 7. Do not allow any person to be under the load.
elevated position. hitting person. 8. No movement with raised boom.
6. Persons standing below 5. Fall of load due to 9. Provide Banksman.
the lifted load. mechanical failures. 10. Do not travel with lifted load.
6. Fall of load causing
human injuries.
7. Electric shock.
8. Fall of load & tilting of
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1 Scaffolding erection 1. Improper manual 1. Personal injuries. 1. Train on proper manual lifting procedures.
handling. 2. Material damage. 2. Use only tested and certified equipment & lifting
2. Fall of scaffolding 3. Collapse of scaffolding tackles.
materials. and fall of persons. 3. Erection only by experienced persons under
3. Hitting. supervision of a competent person.
4.Defective lifting 4. Daily inspection and certification by competent
equipment / improper use. person.
5.Faulty erection. 5. PTW in place.
2 W orking on scaffolding 1. Defective scaffolding. 1. Injury due to fall. 1. Daily inspection & certification by competent
2. Improper use. person.
3. Faulty access to 2. Training & supervision.
platform. 3. Provide access (Ladders or Stairs_ as per
4. Inadequate size of specification.
platform. 4. Adequate size as per job requirement.
5. Overloading. 5. No overloading permitted.
6. Faulty / unguarded 5. Only minimum number of persons allowed to
access ladder/stairs work at a time.
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1 Moving in the work 1. Timbering bricks, wooden 1. Bodily injury due to fall of 1. Remove all timber bricks, planks, pipe pieces etc
area. planks, steel rod bits. persons , fall of heavy immediately after use to the designated place.
2. Pipe pieces. objects, tools etc. 2. Do not keep objects / tools etc at heights without safe
3. Protruding bolts on 2. Hitting on overhead containment against fall.
concrete foundations of pipe projections. 3. Provide barricading with warning tags.
supports. 4. Provide plastic/soft material cap to projecting pipes
4. Paint tins, polythene and warning tags to caution the workers.
papers, electric cable/wire 5. Maintain good house keeping by frequent appraisals,
insulations, steel wire supervision, inspection, audit and follow up.q1
insulations, steel wire cuttings,
tools & tool boxes.
5. Overhead projection of
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1 Laying out electrical 1. Unstable Cable drum. 1. Fatality / service injury 1. Cable shall be handled by experienced
cables (Cable drum 2. W rong position of jack. due to fall of cable drum or persons.
handling) 3. Inadequate jack / jack. 2. Adopt proper procedure.
spindle. 2. Injury by hitting / caught 3. Use only tested and certified jack and spindle.
4. Defective jack / spindle. in. 4. Keep fingers away from nip points.
5. Rotating parts. 3. Finger injury due to 5. Use hand gloves.
6. Drum rollers. trapping between drum / 6. Tool box meeting.
7. Pulling in wrong posture. rollers. 7. Proper position.
8. Open trench. 4. Serious injury due to slip 8. Trained person.
9. Theft. & fall of cable. 9. Use cable roller.
5. Loss of cable. 10. Planning
11. Keep cable-laid trenches backfilled before
leaving site.
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3 Speed driving 1. Crossing the speed 1. Personnel injury 1. Obey speed limits and traffic rules strictly.
limits (Rash driving) 2. Always expect the unexpected and be a
defensive driver.
3. Use seat belts/ helmets.
4. Blow horn at intersections and during
overtaking operations.
5. Maintain the vehicle in good condition.
6. Do not overtake on curves , bridges and slopes.
4 Driving in adverse 1. Adverse weather 1. Personnel injury. 1. Read the road ahead and drive to the left.
condition condition. 2. May prove fatal 2. Keep the wind screen and lights clean .
2. Falling objects/ 3. Do not turn at speed.
Mechanical failure 4. Recognize the hazard, understand the defense
and act correctly in time.
5. Ensure effective braking system, adequate
visibility for the drivers, reverse horn.
6. Proper maintenance of the vehicle as per
manufacturer's instructions.
5 Drunken Driving 1. Consuming alcohol 1. Accident 1. Alcohol and driving do not mix well. Either
before and during the 2. Personal injury choose alcohol or driving.
driving operation 2. If you have a choice between hitting a fixed
object or an on-coming vehicle ,hit the fixed object.
3. Quit the steering at once and become a
passenger. Otherwise take sufficient rest and then
4. Do not force the driver to drive fast and round
the clock.
5. Do not day dream while driving.
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1 Operation of Power 1. Inadvertent movement 1. Accidents. 1. Make sure PTO levers are in neutral position
Take Off (PTO) of crane 2. Damage.
2 Positioning outrigger. 1.Outriggers can sink in 1. Lifting of vehicle. 1. Crane must be set on firm ground. On soft
soft ground. 2. Tilting of vehicle. ground place strong wooden bricks or steel plates
2. Improper extinction of 3. Physical injury. on ground and set outriggers on them.
the outriggers. 4. Equipment damage.
2. Extend the outrigger beam fully as far as
3. Improper locking of 5. Material damage.
outriggers. possible during operation.
3. Be sure to lock the outrigger beams with lock
3 Locking operation. 1. Side loading or dragging 1. Cause serious damage 1. Avoid side looking or dragging loads.
of loads will exert extra load to equipment . 2. Strict adherence to SWL.
on crane. 2. Crane becomes unstable 3. Ensure crane is installed with safety limits.
2. Excess load. & causes accident. 4. Move the levers in a slow manner.
3. Abrupt load. 3. Electrocution 5. Attention on operation.
4. Careless 6. Do not allow workers to stand within the
working radius.
4 Inspection of winch 1. Damaged or less turns 1. Cause serious accidents 1. Inspect rope for any damage or twist and
rope. of winch rope. replace in case of any damage.
6 Signals 1. Improper signs 1.Leads to confusion and 1. Competent banksman to be detailed for
accidents. signals.
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1 Starting by pulling up 1. Inadvertant contact with 1. Injury. 1. Pull the string gently avoiding contact or hit
with string vibrator. 2. Contact with body. against vibtator or nearby personnel.
2. Rotating parts. Kick 3. Damage. 2. Guarding.
back of hose. 4. Burn hazard. 3. Hold the hose firm while vibration is in use.
3. Cement splash. 4. Keep in safe place.
4. Fall of vibrator into 5. Keep away from naked flames.
excavation concreting 6. Keep DCP Fire Extinguisher ready.
5. Fire hazard
1 Handling and lifting 1. Failure of load lifting and 1. Can cause accident and 1. Avoid standing under the lifted load and within the
equipments moving equipment. prove fatal. operating radius of cranes.
2. Overloading of lifting 2. Can cause electrocution 2. Check periodically oil, brakes, gears, horns and tyre
equipments. and fire pressureS.
3. Overloading electrical 3. Check size and condition of all chain pulley bricks,
wires slings, U-clamps, D- shackles, wire ropes etc.
4. Allow crane to move only on hard, firm and levelled
ground .
5. Allow lifting slings as short as possible and check
gunny packing's at the friction points.
6. Do not allow crane to lift its boom while moving.
7. Install Safe Load Indicator.
8. Ensure load test certification by competent
9. Safe lifting capacity of winches written on them
shall be followed.
10. The max. safe working load shall be marked on all
the lifting equipments.
11. Check the weight of columns and other heavy
items painted on them and accordingly decide about the
crane capacity, boom and angle of erection .
12. Allow only trained operators and riggers during
crane operation.
13. Do not allow the boom or other parts of crane to
come within 3m reach of overhead HT cables.
14. Hook and load being lifted shall preferably remain
in full visibility of Riggers and Operators.
2 Loading/Operating of 1. Generation of dust. 1.Ill health. 1. Provide proper PPE to workmen working
hopper 2. Injury due to bursting of arround.
the flange coupling. 2. Barricat the total area by providing curtain
arround the booth opening.
3. Health check up to be done periodically to
monitor the health.
4.Work to be done by the trained operator only.
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1 Grinding and grinding 1. Absence of tool rest on 1. Eye / face injury 1. Use proper PPE. ( Face shield )
wheel replacing. bench grinder. 2. Hand injury 2. Mount the tool rest on both sides.
2. More gap between the 3. Gap more than 3mm is unsafe.
wheel and tool rest of 4. Use grinding wheel of correct size.
bench grinder. 5. Training & instruction.
3. Improper/wrong size 6. Provide fire extinguisher.
grinding wheel. 7. Proper tightening of wheel.
4. Excess pressure on 8. Use of correct size spacer washers.
5. Breakage of wheel.
2 W orking with portable 1. Damaged cable . 1. Electric shock. 1. Daily check up before start.
electric tools 2. Defective tool. 2. Spark/shock. 2. Replace defective tools.
3. Loose components 3. Physical injury. 3. Proper maintenance.
(wheel, switch) 4. Training on proper use & care.
4. Excess pressure on tool. 5. Inspection and corrective action to follow
5. Improper handling. correct handling procedures.
6. Non use of PPE. 6. Use adequate PPE (Face shield/goggles,
3 Gas welding / cutting / 1. Backfiring. 1. Fatality / burn injury, 1. Work only after wearing PPE.
heating. 2. Splashing splinters. fire / explosion. 2. Fit flash back arrestor and NRV on both
3. Gas leakage. 2. Gas leakage due to fall cylinder outlets.
4. W rong positioning of of cylinder and damage of 3. Use face shield and fire proof gloves.
cylinders. valves. 4. Daily check up before start of work.
5. Presence of flammable 5. Keep cylinders in trolleys or chain to some firm
gases. structure to prevent fall.
6. Gas testing before start of work.
7. Employ competent and trained welder.
8. Provide windshield.
4 Arc welding 1. Radiation harmful to 1. Welder's cataract. 1.Use welding shield / goggles.
naked eyes. 2. Burn injury. 2. Fireproof apron / gloves / screen.
2. Splinters / slag. 3.Toxic 3. Lung ailments 3. Ventilation (local or exhaust if possible)
flames. 4. Electric shock. 4. Full-sleeved coverall and gloves.
4. Loose connections / 5. Fire / explosion. 5. Proper clamping system / material handling
Loss of insulation. 6. Asphyxiation. techniques.
5. Flammable gases. 6. Use shock proof boots and hand gloves.
6. Poor ventilation 7. Provide earthing to the plant.
8. Periodical gas testing.
9. Keep fire extinguisher (DCP/CO ) standby.
10. Adequate ventilation.
11. Training & instructions.
5 Material handling 1. Lack of co-ordination in 1. Back pain,sprain,etc. 1. Training & instructions.
(manual) group effort. 2. Body Injury 2. Use hand gloves/ packing materials.
2. W rong body posture. 3. Remove protruding nails before handling.
3. Lifting error. 4. Use proper lifting devices for good grip.
4. Sharp 5. Fasten the item properly or use suitable
edges/corners/projecting packing
parts/protruding nails. / container.
5. Slippery materials.
6. Loose materials.
6 Material handling with 1. Lack of knowledge / 1. Body injury. 1. Only trained and approved operator shall be
forklift / crane etc. skills. 2. Material losses. deployed for equipment operations.
2. Defective equipment. 3. Tilting of jacks / boom. 2. Equipment to be tested and certified by
3. Defective lifting jacks. competent person before deployment.
4. Overloading. 3. No overloading allowed.
4. Follow procedures.
5. Training and assistance of banksmen / rigger.
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2 Use of VDUs 1.Glaring from screen 1. Eye injury. 1. Maintain safe distance & height from the
2.Body stress due to bad 2. Bach ach. screen at the time of working.
ergonomic 3. Electricutation 2. Install a screen guard to filter the unwanted
3.Electrical shock due to rays.
loose electrical connection 3. Provision of furniture e.g. working table ,chair
etc suitable for comfertable working.
3 Illumination at all 1. Inadequqte illumination. 1.Eye strain. 1.Provide proper PPE to workmen working
working stations. 2. Headach. arround.
2. Barricating the total by providing curtain
3. Adequate reflector to be provided at all light
fitting as a antiglaring arrangement to improve the
comfert. 4.Work to be
done by the trained operator only.
4 Ventilation 1.Inadequate ventilation. 1. Physical strain. 1. Maitain adequate level of ventilation with
2.Electrical hazard. 2. Mental strain. proper temprature.
3. Fire. 2. Adherance to perioddical maintenance
schedule. 3.Ensure to switch off the ventilation as
& when it is not required.
4 Mental work load. 1.Mental 1.Mentally effected. 1.Allow person to take break to releive the mental
depression stresses at differant interval of time.
2.Pre employment heath check to be conducted
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