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Risk Assessment III

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Faculty of Engineering School of Civil Engineering CIVE3707 Integrated Design Project III

Name: Group 5 Date: November 2012

Risk Assessment
Activity: Steel Beam Lifting Procedure

Likelihood Very Unlikely Unlikely Likely Very Likely Certain Hazard No. 1. 2.

x 1 2 3 4 5

Severity Minor injury, No time off Injury and up to three days off Reportable Condition Major Injury/Long term absence Death Consequence of Hazard Risk (L x S = H, M or L) Risk Rating High =16-25, Medium = 9-15, Low = 1-8

Description of Hazard

Person at Risk

Control Measures

Vehicle movement on site, risk of collision with person or object Crane overturning due to soft ground

Major Injury Death Minor Injury Major Injury Death Major Injury Death Minor Injury Major Injury Death

General Workforce Crane Operator Lifting Crew Crane Operator Lifting Crew Crane Operator Crane Operator Lifting Crew

Vehicle to be guided by banksman in high visibility jackets. Vehicle to not exceed 5mph. Hazard lights to be turned on whilst moving. Ground conditions to be checked before lift. Correct loading capacity of crane checked against load weight. Check that the lifting equipment is rigged and fitted correctly as planned between load and crane hook Check that all power cables have been removed or covered with rubber protectors. Check that the crane is serviced and operates fully before attempting lift. Organise an exclusion zone for the area below and around the lifting locus and erection position Confirm the system of signals to be used and brief the lift team on the plan for the operation Organise an exclusion zone for the area below and around the lifting locus and erection position Check the weather forecast and wind speed on site before lifting. Organise an exclusion zone for the area below and around the lifting locus and erection position Ensure that all erectors are wearing fall arrest equipment and cherry pickers are operating correctly. Ensure that arrangements are complete at the erection position to receive the load Confirm the system of signals to be used and brief the lift team on the plan for the operation

4.5x3=13.5 Medium 4x1=4 Low 4.5x1=4.5 Low 1x2=2 Low 4.5x1=4.5 Low

3. 4.

Lifting point failure Collision with overhead power cables


Power failure of lifting equipment during lifting mode


Collision/impacts of mobile lifting equipment

Major Injury Death

Crane Operator Lifting Crew

4.5x3=13.5 Medium


Strong wind affecting load movement

Major Injury Death Major Injury Death Major Injury Death

Crane Operator Lifting Crew Steel Erector

4.5x3=13.5 Medium 4.5x4=18 High 4.5x3=13.5 Medium


Falling from height (while connecting steelwork)


Caught between steelwork during fitting

Steel Erector Lifting Crew

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